To Visual Structure in Film and Digital Media Collusion with the Russians? Collusion Collusion Collusion
THE ORIGINS OF AND AN INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL STRUCTURE IN FILM AND DIGITAL MEDIA COLLUSION WITH THE RUSSIANS? COLLUSION COLLUSION COLLUSION YES! ABSOLUTELY. But it’s not what you think… Chapter 1 - Origins SOME FOUNDING FATHERS OF VISUAL STRUCTURE SOVIET FILMMAKERS & THEORISTS Forging the Foundations of Visual Structure Lev Kuleshov b. January 13,1899, Tambov, Tsarist Russia d. March 29, 1970, Moscow, USSR For Luck (1917) - Director Na kranson fronte (On the Red Front), (1920) - Director The Death Ray (1925) - Director Contributions to Film Theory & Filmmaking Pavlovian Physiology (the Kuleshov Effect) Creative Geography Instructor, The Moscow Film School (1st one) Cinema as an Artform – Montage is the key The Kuleshov Effect 1920 This video clip does not play in PDF format. SOVIET FILMMAKERS & THEORISTS Forging the Foundations of Visual Structure Sergei Eisenstein b. January 23,1898, Riga, Latvia d. February 11, 1948, Moscow, USSR Strike! (1924) - Director Battleship Potemkin (1925) - Director Alexander Nevsky (1938) - Director Contributions to Film Theory & Filmmaking Montage : Metric, Rhythmic, Tonal, Overtonal, Intellectual Dialectics by means of Cinema Editing Techniques based on Biomechanics Cinema as Vehicle for Struggle SOVIET FILMMAKERS & THEORISTS Forging the Foundations of Visual Structure Vsevolod Pudovkin b. February 16, 1893, Penza, Russia d. June 30, 1953, Jurmala, Latvia Chess Fever (1925) - Director Mother (1926) – Director (His Masterpiece) Storm Over Asia (1928) - Director Contributions to Film Theory & Filmmaking His Book: Film Technique and Film Acting, 1954. Plastic Synthesis – Editing over Acting, & Typage 5 editing techniques: Contrast, Parallelism, Symbolism, Simultaneity, and Leit Motif (a short, constantly recurring musical phrase) The Kuleshov Effect 2011 Shame – Dir. Steve McQueen, Editor – Joe Walker SOVIET FILMMAKERS & THEORISTS Forging the Foundations of Visual Structure Alexander Dovzhenko (Ukraine) b.
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