1957 Edition of the Owl Is Dedicated to Our Retiring Headmaster, Father Meredith B

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1957 Edition of the Owl Is Dedicated to Our Retiring Headmaster, Father Meredith B The 1957 edition of the Owl is dedicated to our retiring Headmaster, Father Meredith B. Wood, who has led the school gently but firmly in the ways of the Right for these past sixteen years. He has faced, and overcome. obstaclEs too numerous to list. His guidance has, of course. been oriented to a large measure by his wonderful Chnstlan Sp1rit and Fortitude. He ha·s taught many of our students. past and present. how to govern their lives m the \\'ays of Christianit~ and truth. He has worked long hours aiding his students in grasping the concepts important to them in the furtherance of their education. He has done the school and Its students Immeas­ urable material as well as spiritual good. He overcame tremendous obstacles to moYe the school from its old buildings into its present establishment at Tibbits Hall. He has built ~p lasting friendships for the school. He has worked con­ stantly to enlarge the school in scope as well as enrollment. He has. in brief, created the unique atmosphere of Hoosac­ an atmosphere impossible to capture in words but which fills one with a sense of happiness and confidence.• Realizing that he will be with Hoosac in heart always to return only as a visitor, friend, and adviser, we sa~ goodbye to Fr. Wood. At the same time, let us also extend a gracious welcome to Dr Roger Cooley. our new headmaster. To lead the school onward to new advances is now his responsibility. That much is expected of him lS true, but we are confident that he has the determination and will power equal to the challenge of Hoosac's future. As the Book of Job teaches us .... The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. [lH' 1farultu ~ ..... ) tic): B.l>. (I pi,copal )Lhool) Ttll Rt \ . ~11 IU Ill Ill Bt '" \\ ()\lfl, \. B Thcolo~ic.ll Rrc!m 1/nulma,/rr rd. ~1. (ll.tn.ml) \!atbcmatin. \at red \tuclirs T111 Rl\ J.."<llt \\' . Dl' S""-IHII,, Ph. B. (Brown), 'dB (Gcncnl Thcolo~ical Enxlt~h. \at u )tudir~. )cmtn.H\ I l.dnarwn \\·,._, Tl H (. \\ oon, B . \. (Univa,it\· of \'crmont): 1 d. \1 (ll.lrnrd) )nrncc Dtrrt"lor n{ )tudirs /li1/nr), )atrc I \tudir1, l.n ,~lish .1•"'' I R\'-.< 1\ l oc "'. \.B. (Tuft\); 1\1. ;\. (H.uv.trd) 1-'rmch, Latin ( tu l<.tnos- Dtt ( 1 \R"-1. A. B.. Ph. B. (Univcr'>ity of Chica.~o) Mathrmatin l !ARR' I lot 1 o' ,\frcha111t'al /)rau ing [Ia' ~taff ' Rook kcr prr ,;\ I I ( I \ ) PI \ K llull\t'lllnlhcr, \unc J) " (' \1.\ R A II".\ IU \' [hr (Lrustrrs ' LA'>< 11 1 T' F. c;. OR<.I L\\ ..... o (Chatr/11011) A. Gr·tmh Enc.AR \\·. HATJnTn \1R'>. l I \1 1 PARk. '1< ( t 1 r ouc.H H.-r. Rtv. DA\'IIl L RHII\Rm II \RRt'>O' Jmm 'iOJ Tttl RT\. ;\h· Rti>ITII B. \\oon J.\\U'> A. Br,Tll'\ \\'nTt\\1 PtTT ;\1.\~o,, JR. .Jot 1 Ec.t RT. R \\II I L\~1 H. ARt '>0'- \1R'>. I''( 01 ..... I 1\\\ ORTII I. )A'-IH R\0, ( U\11\1\'-. f"dllor-m-( 'llft'j KF:-.JT KI\G I clilon-111-1 tll'\;1 .JOHi\ ALLF:-. SCOTT :\TADDUX JAMES KEENA:\ RA Yl\lOi\D ASPL 'T\D lttllh \\.. rtlcn 1\lALCOLl\1 BlISS HERBERT SCH\VARTZ LORE~ DOWD \\'ILLIAM B. PARSHALL Sut ,,tf \\' rt I 1 I ' .-\LDEX THO ?S ':\ HA Y.:\10;-JD ASPLl'I\D TEHHY LOFTCS "fwr" \\ rtlt 1, ROBERT TA VLOH \\"ILLIAl\1 \\ ATKL 'SO:\ CAREY \VEBER MR. ARTHUR L. HO\\• ARD -I - I -IL - -I Ext t·a-curricu Jar acti \·it ies: Senior Prefect VI. ''H" \', VI. Social Committee VI. Choir Vl, Pantry Bo~· V. Graftonian V, Graftonian Captain VI. Sigma Omega Delta VI, Coup D'Etat V. VL Bible Header VI. Literary Club VI. President of Rifle Club VI, H0acl Beli­ Hinger VI. Soccer Y. VI. Baseball V Bonr's Head an 1 Yule Log: l\Iummers' PJn~r V . .J C'Sj f'f VI. Sobriquets: "Rebel'', "Reb". Ambition: To shoot a game warden. Interests. Hunting, money, marriage. School 1\Iemorv: Parties in the woods. Bequc-;;t: The 'casino" to Hoby. Pet Peeve: People who never wise-up in poker. Rav,.. better known as "Rebel". came to Hoosac last .vear. and has em- blazoned his name on the walls of Hoosac forever. Aside from his ever- present smile and genio.l personality, Ray has pro\·en to be a stand-out in the sports that he has participated m. His fa\·orite sport is soccer. and it is also the sport in which he exceL~ to the greatest degree. A great hunter also is our boy "Rebel" l\1any are the mornings he has spent with Jus "blood-brother", Hob:'> Schwartz, hunting for wild game. Ducks, geese, woodchucks, ''tv.. ·eety birds", all ha\·e fallen under the ready rifle of our illustrious senior prefect. Ray has done a good job in preparing for his future also. The college of his choice is Franklin and Marshall. He plans to major in the busmess course offered there. In view of his past record, it should be no trouble for him to succeed there. :Kxtra-c·un·icular Aeti\'itit>-;: Head Diningronr'l SwPC'}K'I' III. Head Dishwasher IV. Head of tlw Dining Roqm Committee V, Council Hc•presf'ntati\'C~ II. III. C()uncil ~1cmber IV. \', VI. Junior Prefect VI. Sigma Omega Delta n·. \', VI. Literary Society VI. Owl Board I\'. \'. VI. Hod and Gun Club IV. Antunian I. II. III. IV. Y. VI. Social Committee VI. Choir 1\'. \'. VI. Gras·shuppcr Basketball I, II. J. V. Basketball III. Varsity Basketball V. VI. J. V. Sdccer III, IV. Varsity V. VI. Boar's Head and Yule Log: King's Page II. Eastern Torch Bearer III. Elizabethan IV. \'. \'I. St. George II, III, Doctor IV. V, VI. Sobriquets: "1-Ial". ''Malcolm". Fa\'orite Saving: "Ok. You Guy.:i''. Ahvays Found: Dn\'ing the truck. Ambition: To be a doctor. Interests: Playing bridge. School Memory: Bequests: Pet Pee\'e: Mal. our renowned Junior Prefect. has worked laboriouslv this vear to keep the school in line. However. it is a hard task to get .Mr.' Howard to keep his room clean. Mal reigns as king when it comes to the number of vear · at Hoosac. He has far outdistanced any other Hoc,sac boy in this categ.or;.r. Mal can usualh be seen with a contented expression on his "cherub"­ like face. as he guides the school truck around the ground.:;. His willing­ ness and devotion to the school has made Mal a popular fi.gurc in the e~·es of his fellow students. He has labored continuouslv to keep the school grounds in top condition. Everv afternoon Mal suoen·ised the under­ formers in their work on the roads. and fields about the school. Mal, we arc all certain that vou will be a great succe-::;s, and wish you the best of e\·erything in college. · Extra-curncular ActiYities: Field House Pre­ fect YL Dormitory Prefect VI, Owl Board VL Dramatics V. VI, Kitchen Committee V, VI. ' H" Club V. VI. Honor Roll V. VI, Public Speaking YI. Antonian V. VI. Soccer VI. Tacomc League All-Star Team Honorable Mention VI. J. V. Basketball V. VI. Baseball V, VT. Boar's Head and Yule Log: Beefeater VI. Sobriquets: "Gentleman Jim", "Jim". Ambition: To become a pharmacist. Interests: Spending money on clothes. School Memory: Going home on weekends. Bequests: Position a.s goalie on the soccer team to John Allen. ' Pet Pee\'e: The lack cf radios at Hoosac. ''Gentleman Jim'' came to Hoosac in his fifth form year, to become a member of the Cla·ss of 1957. He immediately became connected with many of the school's acti\'Ities. Jim excels in baseball and soccer. His fine exhibition as goalie for the 1956-1957 soccer season, and his fine ability on the baseball mound ha\'e earned him a place among Hoosac's finest athletes. Because of his fine study habits and easy mastery of problems which confront him. Jim's name is a steady one on the Honor Roll. Jim's conscientious attitude has been respected by all of us, and we w1sh him the yery best of luck at the Albany Colle,ge of Pharmacy this Fall. Extra-curncular Actl\'lties: Dormitory Pre­ fEct \'. VI. Liturgical Chmr IV. V, YI. L1tNary Club \'I. Head Dishwasher V. Owl Bo:1rd IV. V, VI, The Counts V. VI. Sigma Onwga Delta V. VI. Ari·stocrac:v VI. Graf­ toman VI. Soccer IV. V (Captain). VI. Base­ ball \'. VI. l\1anager Basketball V. VI. Boar'::; Head and Yule Log· Chorus IV \' VI. King IV. V. VI. Sword Dance IV. V \I. Sobriquets. "Jim''. Favorite Saying: "Oh". Always Found· Listening to Harry Belafonte. Ambition: V1.sit the North Pole. Interests: None'? School Memory: Last Thursday night of ·school. Bequest: A wheelbarrow to go only with Mal's shovel. Pet Pee\·e: ''He's Basically good". Jim, l'vlr. Howard's exceeding!~· ctricient right hand man, entered Hoosac as a Sophomore in 195-±. He claims to be a native of Albany, the home of Cal's. but hi·s study hall costume suggests that he is from Green­ \\'ich Vlllaf,e. J. K.'s main attributes arc that he knows the .school roster by heart and that he always has a new joke for the boy·s at the "Butt Pit". For the first half of his senior year Jim trapped, but after seeing the results of his mid-year exams.
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