Australian Capital Territory Police ANNUAL REPORT 1974 ~Nntjal-~'PO,~1J~Hf , I G~S't~ALI!,N.CAPIT at TERRITORY
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at Australian Capital Territory Police ANNUAL REPORT 1974 ~NNtJAL-~'PO,~1J~Hf , I G~S'T~ALI!,N.CAPIT At TERRITORY . ! POLICE. -- flt~ l'Ju A L ~-'-t'-'''''''"''' '-------~ ~, .. ",/,-. ~ For the year ended 30 June 1974 I f Ii AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING SERVICE CANBERRA 1974 CONTENTS Page GENERAL 1 No.1 (HEADQUARTERS) DIVIS[ON 7 N.D. 2 (WODEN) DIVISION .10 TRAFFIC DIVISION · 12 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION · 16 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION · 19 , RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION · 23 c' ". APPENDICES 25-40 INDEX 41-42 . ' Printed by McClintock Bros. Sydney The Attorney-General, Senator the Honourable Lionel Murphy Q.c., Parliament House, CANBERRA AC.T. I submit the Annual Report of the AustraEan Capital Territory Police Force for the year 1973-1974. The year has seen the largest recruit intake in the Force's history. 127 recruits were accepted into the Recruitment Training Division, and at the time of this Report, 71 are still engaged in their 28 week initial training. The stimulus to recruiting was given by the Attorney-General early in 1973 to meet ever increasing demands on the Force in terms of traffic law enforcement and necessary security measures arising from a greater influx of visiting State, Government and Trade Missions from overseas, and because of incidents abroad. A disturbing feature, however, has been the effect on personnel of sickness and injury on duty during the year. There was an increased loss of 804 days due to illness alone, which could be partly due to the constant maintenance of security at foreign embassies and excessive overtime demands made on members.
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