www.wste.edu.pl Guide for staff

Program is co-financed with resources of the European Social Fund in frames of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled Raising of competences of academic staff and institutional potential in receiving people from abroad – Welcome to implemented in frames of action specified in application for financing project number POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18. Contents

4 About the university

4 Global Network University

7  The headquarters in Sucha Beskidzka 7  Faculty of Tourism and Recreation in Krakow

8 What does UCTE offer?

10 Research and educational potential

38 Faculty of Computer Science 16 Scientifical potential in Poland

20 Potential for the development of staff in IT department 40 Specialisations in first degree studies 24 Possibilities of the scientifical development 40  Speciality: Computer electronics 41  Speciality: Software engineering 28 Specialisations 42  Speciality: Database systems 43  Speciality: Multimedia technologies and computer graphics 44  28 Faculty of Tourism and Recreation Speciality: Internet technologies

Department of Tourism and Recreation 46 Faculty of Political Sciences

30 Specialisations in first degree studies Department of Social Sciences 30  Speciality: Hotel and catering management  31 Speciality: E-business in tourism 48 Specialisations in first degree studies  32 Speciality: Recreation coach 48  Speciality: E-business and social media  33 Speciality: Management of sustainable tourism 49  Speciality: Internal security

34 Specialisations in second degree studies 50 Education offer regarding the post-graduate studies 34  Speciality: Tourism Manager 35  Speciality: International tourist business 51 Accommodation 36  Speciality: Health tourism manager 37  Speciality: Hotel and catering management 53 Practical information

2 3 About University College

Global Network University

University College of Tourism and Ecology is a renowned brand on the educational market of Europe. Numerous awards, certifications and accreditations confirm high quality of education. Mission of the University is to guarantee a complex education to their graduate that is based on the specialist knowledge and experience conveyed to students by the appreciated staff and business professionals.

reativity and innovation are the qu- Thanks to the long term cooperation with the uni- C alities that distinguish us regarding the versities from many countries such as USA, England, processes of curriculum creation that Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Slo- include needs of the dynamically developing socie- vakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia ty and economy. UCTaE cooperates with the leading and Belarus the university realizes joint international efficiently boosting the level of the didactic process University College of Tourism and Ecology, in order educational centers in Poland and abroad. We cre- projects, research undertakings, educational ex- and decide about the level of education of acade- to address the expectations of the labor market, ef- ate and implement novel solutions for the contem- change programmes, conferences, monographic mic staff.Organizing conferences during which re- ficiently implements the Study & Work programme porary issues from the tourism, IT and political indu- lectures, publications and staff/students exchanges. sults of the conducted research is presented is one within which students have the opportunity to work stry. Small Wawel – a renaissance castle – is a seat of the possible ways of reflecting our research. professionally during their studies. That exceptional of the university and within its historical interiors one Another characteristic point of UCTaE is scientifical programme guarantees that the graduates of the can find modern lecture halls and computer labo- activity which constitutes – next to didactics – an Similarly to the best universities in the world UCTaE university will receive not only the European diploma ratories. important area for university and is realised in many leads an innovative project called Business Acade- but also the essential experience. Programme is built forms. Scientific research and projects led by the my with the aim to combine the huge potential of the on the basis of strongly developed cooperation A strategical element in operations of University Col- academic staff of the particular departments are university with the needs of the market. The key ele- between university and the world of business. Un- lege of Tourism and Ecology is internationalization parts of that area. A unique methodology of research ment of the programme is to develop cooperation der that cooperation students can take advantage that covers versatile cooperation with the leading has received an approval of the Ministry of Sport and with the business in order to directly transfer the of the attractive offers of business scholarship and educational centers, governmental institutions and Tourism and also of the Polish Tourism Organization. knowledge and results received from the research to the guarantee of employment during and after European/Worldwide associations. Contents and results of the scientific research are the commercial market. completing studies.

4 5 About University College

Main seat in Sucha Beskidzka

Main seat of the university is located in Sucha Be- skidzka – picturesque town in Beskidy, south of Poland, rich in natural attractions, located near the popular tourist and pilgrim routes and also near the big cities like Krakow or Zakopane.You can admire one of the biggest historical complexes in the Lesser Poland with the renaissance castle and the monasterial-cathe- dral complex. Outstanding natural qualities present the possibility to perform many different forms of to- urism and the very city offers an attractive work in the tourism and IT industry. Sucha Beskidzka is a place where was born – favourite director of Ma- rilyn Monroe.


Department of Tourism and Recreation in Krakow

Branch department of UCTaE is located in Krakow – one of the most beautiful cities in Poland with over 3000 years of history. With its unique atmosphere Sucha Beskidzka and unique collection of monuments – more than 6000 objects – it attracts tourists from all over the world. As a very active academic center and very quickly developing cultural and business center it presents a spectrum of possibilities for professio- nal development to young people – combined with a rich cultural life.

6 What does UCTE offer? What does UCTE offer?

 Individual approach to each of the students  Academic staff consisting of specialists from  One of the most attractive in Poland offer  A possibility to combine work and studies at the and direct contact with the lecturers. many leading academic centers in Europe. of professional practices in the country and same time– original Study & Work programme abroad, in the biggest hotel chains. guaranteeing the possibilities to start work at  Modern system of education based on the Eu-  Attractive workshops starting from the very  Acquisition of the ability to act independen- prestigious partnered companies cooperating ropean standards and innovative interesting first year of studies. tly, to appropriately evaluate the situation and with UCTaE (weekend work for students of full- education programmes. make correct decisions. -time studies and full-time work for students  Modern laboratories and workshops. of part-time studies).  Wide range of the specialist theoretical and  Classes in small groups.  A possibility to continue with the process practical knowledge increasing the chances of education on the level of post-graduate of the graduates on the labor market.  An opportunity to realize part of the studies on studies under the frame of Polish-American renowned foreign Universities – cooperation MBA programme.  An opportunity to study in English – Tourism with the leading academic centers under the department in Krakow. Erasmus+ programme.

8 9 Research and educational potential Research of Polish scientifical competences is not commonly construction, chemistry, life science, transport-logi- and educational potential recognized. stics, medicine, renewable sources of energy. New research directions of the B+R+I market (ba- There are 453 higher education facilities in Poland, dania + rozwój + innowacje – research + deve- including 19 universities, 25 academies of technical lopment + innovation) are directed at industries profile, 7 academies of agricultural profile, 76 acade- Three factours have become the main conditions for included in the so called National Intelligent Spe- mies of economic profile, 17 academies of pedago- the development in the XXI century: globalization, cializations. For Poland among them areareas re- gical profile, 9 academies of medical profile, 2 aca- lated to health, bioeconomy, eco-energetics, waste demies of maritime profile, 6 academies of physical competitiveness and innovation. Those three are linked with management and innovative technologies. Those education profile, 26 academies of art profile, 15 aca- each other and they all determine each other. preferential fields should ensure the increase of the demies of theological profile, 7 academies remaining added value of economy and its competitiveness under the administration of the national defense and on the foreign markets. Intelligent specializations resort of internal affairs and 247 other academies. should add in to the transformation of the natio- From the overallnumber – 321 academies are priva- nal economy through its modernization, structural te higher education institutions.Creation of the new onstant development and popula- spective of 2-3 years around 1500 of start-ups sho- transformation, diversification of goods and servi- degrees, combining the already pre-existing ones, C rization of the new IT and commu- uld be created. A high level of qualifications of Polish ces and creation of the innovative social-eco- leading the interdisciplinary programmes are all na- nicationtechnologies are becoming graduates is also a reason to locate numerous glo- nomical solutions which are also supporting the tural processes because the universities try to ad- even more essential factours revolutionizing model bal logic and outsourcing centers in Poland, inclu- transformation in the direction of the economy ef- just their educational offer to the requirements of the of business in P2P formula.New management ideas ding Lesser Poland. The synergy between business fectively utilizing resources including natural reso- labor market.That is inherently linked with bringing are appearing – starting with the idea of „good go- and science is commonly indicated as a factour urces. The process of identification of the intelligent the measurable benefits to the candidates that can vernance” and agile management or change ma- adding to the development of economies. In Poland specialization is dynamic; it engages economic and choose the degree that is aligned with their intere- nagement. Science is developing dynamically in all that particular cooperation is signed by the abbre- scientific partners and also the civil society in order sts and expectations.All academies combined edu- disciplines, answering with greater intensity the de- viation “B+R” (badania i rozwój – research and deve- to make it possible to discover those fields within cate around 1 469 386 students from which 359 178 mand of economy and entrepreneurs. lopment). Scientific research and innovations have which the country has a chance to be distinguished (24,4%) is being taught by private facilities.They em- immense influence not only on the increase of for on the international market. Decisions regarding in- ploy around 93.000 academic teachers. Aside from The most significant trait of the contemporary ti- example competitiveness but also on visible enhan- telligent specialization are not made at the higher the academies there are also research institutions mes is „thought globalism” and the so called “global cement of life’s quality which can be observed by the levels but are effects of the in-depth analyses in the that work as national organization units which lead education” (planetary) – the loudest future educa- economic indicators of the richest countries. Innova- fields of endogenous economic advantages and scientific research and development work directed tion challenge triumphing over the more traditional tiveness is becoming a parameter of the state of the the cooperation with the social-economic partners. at their implementation and factual utilization. To national perspective for the sake of joint peaceful development of countries.Scientific analysis of the the range of their activities belong: leading scientific coexistence of humanity in the international and in- achievements in Poland, 2017 and the ways of their Among the national intelligent specializations we can research and development works, adjusting results tercontinental perspective. development indicates few phenomena. Outstan- indicate those that are linked with the competen- of the scientific research and development works to ding achievements in the field of biologic-medical ces of the University College of Tourism and Ecology the practical needs and implementations of the re- Scientific potential of Poland is significant and if we sciences can be observed. Moreover the exemplary in Sucha Beskidzka. Those are: healthy society (pro- sults of research and development. Research insti- were to measure it by the level of expenditures made test of the ILR-33 „Bursztyn” rocket indicates that Po- -health and medical tourism), closed-circuit eco- tutes lead scientifical research works and also offer on this particular objective we would see that it cu- land have the personnel and technological backgro- nomy, intelligent information networks, ICT services services of research and analyses.They also lead the rrently exceeds 1% of Polish GDP; ultimately in 2022 und to utilize cosmic space in the upstream segment or tourism and health (utilizing natural resources and standardization, certification and approval proces- as per the Polish Strategy for the Responsible Deve- and aside from the work conducted on the construc- cultural heritage).Partnership between the science ses and the activities in the field of scientific, tech- lopment and the plan assuming the increase in tho- tion of the satellites or participation in the scientific and economy manifests through the creation of clu- nical and economic information. Thus they serve an se expenditures the number should rise to 3%. In the projects of ESA, participate also in the works related sters of different stakeholders. Currently 16 clusters important role in the process of the development same document it isalso forecasted that in the per- to the rocket technologies. That particular segment in Poland hold the status of the National Key Cluster of innovativeness simultaneously supporting entre- in the following industries: IT, aviation, metalworking, preneurships in that particular regard.

10 11 Research and educational potential

A consequence of the changes happening in the operation translates into higher quality of conduc- Image of the higher schools is defined by the sum of unt is the potential of the institution, educational ef- economy is among others creation of the com- ted research.In case of Masovian and Lesser Poland the images created within many areas. Those are: ficiency, innovativeness, prestige and internationali- petitive prevalence on the educational field by the Voivodeship the share of articles created as an ef- zation. Institutions of higher education in Poland are use of innovation – and we can recognize as one, fect of the international cooperation is the highest a quality of education, which covers in its ran- numerous and proudly possess a high level of au- in relations to the educational process, for exam- among all Polish regions – almost half of the publi- ge: — qualifications and achievements of the tonomy. That in turn allows them to independently ple e-learning as a process of „distance education”. cations was created in cooperation with the foreign teaching staff, — attractive and compliant decide about their engagement in the global edu- Many of the leading academic institutions possess scientific centers. It should be however remembered with the requirements of the contemporary cation. There is no universal approach to the syste- their own profiles on the social media and audio- that Polish Voivodeship are internally diverse. War- teaching programmes, — visible and effecti- matic implementation of the global education into -visual websites sharing the entirety of the courses saw is responsible for the significant part of the re- ve teaching methods, — offered diplomas and the universities – rather it is possible to talk about in the forms of films, digital materials or electronic search and development potential of the region. certificates, — received accreditations and reappearing particular initiatives that can with time documents completely free of charge and simulta- certifications; grow in power, force and experience and ultimately neously offering a direct means of communication For the institutions of higher education cooperation b seat of the university: — geographical locali- lead to the creation of network, processes of know- (for example through chat) with the best lecturers. on the regional and also global is crucial – it can zation, — transport accessibility and attracti- ledge sharing and indication of the way leading to Thus in the last few years we can observe a dynamic strengthen the particular scientific center, ensure veness of the location, — building and cam- the more efficient coordination in future. expansion of the leading universities into the Inter- that scientific unit will become a stronger “market pus, — equipment net. When reflecting upon own competitive position player” on the educational market.Indicated are- c academic ethos: — respecting and relating to Currently only on three universities there are stu- Polish universities more often perceive their environ- as of cooperation show the possibilities to combi- the academic traditions, — realization of the dies available that are directly related to the global ment and possess the awareness of acting within ne activities and create wider offer of cooperation science research and acquiring valuable re- education: Institute of Regional and Global Studies the globalized and competitive market of educa- between the universities. Within Polish educational sults, — positive relations within the university at University of Warsaw possess in their offer po- tional services. That particular system answers also market different forms of partnerships exist between and cooperation between all its cells; st-diploma development studies, three faculties the needs of the contemporary „digital” youth. interested scientifical units. Well-constructed and d position in the market environment: — po- of University of Warsaw offer joint post-diploma stu- developed cooperation can have a significant me- sitions in the rankings, — developing relations dies in the field of humanitarian aid and also Tisch- Polish research institutions related to the educatio- aning for each of the particular universities. and cooperation with the national and foreign ner European University in Krakowthat offers Peace nal units belong to the most active in regards to the units, — cooperation with the city authorities, and Development Studies(conflict solving and glo- number of realization of the international research Cooperation can lead most of all to: economic subjects and media, — size of the bal development). Small-scale initiatives can also projects, the so called Framework Programmes. Fra-  Information exchange, research skills enhance- university and number of the students; be sometimes spotted – for example some of the mework Programmes are science financing instru- ment for the employees, realization of the joint e economic conditions of studying: — payments higher school institutions engaged in the more sub- ments under the frame of European Union.Partici- undertakings, for studying, — available scholarship sys- stantial projects that were created in order to sup- pation in the projects of that kind means that the  Increase in the prestige of the particular univer- tem (types of the available scholarships, size, port global education in schools. particular institution participates in the main stre- sity, amount, awards); f am of scientifical research, that it operates in the  Creation of the units with strong core values, communication with the environment: — visual Utilizing global education as an umbrella under network of the international cooperation and that competitive both on the national market and the identification system, — communication acti- which training in the field of intercultural education it possesses the appropriate reporting and finan- international market, vities directed at the target group, — presence and education for the sake of sustainable deve- cial apparatus required in this type of projects. Uni- in media lopment will be focused might be an idea that will  Access to the international partnership on high versities from the Lesser Poland and Masovian Vo- g student life: — among otherssocial academic gather the interest of other countries.Simultaneously level projects where experience is very impor- ivodeship are leaders in this field. activities (associations, academic clubs, initia- one should note the challenges related to the need tant, creation of the high quality and compe- tives), access to the sport equipment, realization of experiences sharing with other autonomous uni- titive university offer ensuring influx of potential One of the primary issues is the intensity of the scien- and offer of the student practices and so on. versities and educational centers for teachers and students. tific cooperation with the foreign centers. As it turns with the need to ensure that all future teachers will out the wider international cooperation allows for Cooperation of the university translates into the po- receive wider access to the global education. All of these, in consequence, translate into the ima- a wider range of publications and then number sition of the higher education facility in the university ge of the university formed in the heads of the po- of citations which are essential factour of evalu- rankings both in Poland and abroad.In the national In that particular context noteworthy is fact that re- tential and current students and scientific/business ation of the quality of didactic-scientific staff.It can ranking, for example Perspektywy ranking and also gional development is determined by many fac- partners. be thus assumed that the bigger international co- in the international ranking what is taken into acco- tours both of internal nature – features and assets

12 13 Research and educational potential

possessed by the region and external nature – often generation of citizens of Lesser Poland. mainly treated about: the Pedagogical Faculty of the Catholic Univerzity reaching far out of the local area. On the educatio-  Spatial-temporal tourism traffic in the region v Ružomberku and realized research regarding the nal map of Poland there are more and more of the Activities of the University constitute a manifesta- of Kasprowy Wierch increase of the social-economic and ecological at- strong educational subjects realizing interesting re- tion of the social economy in the field of teaching  Relations between national parks and social-e- tractiveness of the Polish-Slovakian border areas. search and educational programmes. – it is based on the spontaneous sharing of know- conomic environment That was the continuation of the research related to ledge with specialists from different industries. Uni-  Tourism traffic in Krakow and Lesser Poland the development of the sustainable tourism reali- In all of the areas of life we experience change. The versity with its programme is a part of an innovative sed in 2011 during the realization of the project Ra-  Tourism attractiveness of the selected regions same can be said for education. Not only is the pro- system of knowledge acquisition. Both theorists and zem (“Together”) for the sustainable tourism. Com- of the Visegrad countries (V4) gramme changing but also the method of content the best professionals in Poland take part in that parative research of the phenomena of the tourism  Sustainable tourism of the Euroregion „Beskidy” conveying and acquisition.Modern education strives system. University offers a specialist education on traffic on the Polish-Slovakian border areas. The  Tourism traffic in Łódź to enrich the process of teaching with new techno- every level. Licentiate with an attractive for the mar- next realized project in cooperation with partners  Fellowship initiative Leader+ - UCTaE and natural logies and practical competences. ket specializations and profiled practices all over was Together for the sustainable tourism.During the Regional Park of Lorraine in France the world. Master studies adjusted to the market ne- lifetime of the project Together for the sustainable   University College of Tourism and Ecology in Su- eds with the option to go on practices in the coun- Environment protection – Babia Góra and the tourism UCTaE together with the Pedagogical Facul- cha Beskidzka is a non-public higher education in- try or abroad. Students acquire during the studies sustainable use of biological diversity ty of Catholic Univerzity v Ružomberku conducted stitution with the seat located in the suski castle not only the theoretical knowledge but also prac-  Tourism traffic/Tourism activity and its influen- research regarding the social-economic and eco- called Small Wawel. It was established in 2001 and tical by participating in the projects realized under ce on the nature of the central area and buffer logical attractiveness of the Polish-Slovakian bor- it conducts studies within three departments – To- the frame of Business Academy of UCTaE. University area of Biosphere Reserve in the project GEF Ba- der areas through the development of the susta- urism and Recreation, IT and Social Sciences, both leads the integrated system of teaching in the field bia Góra, 2008 inable tourism.The University cooperates also with in full-time and part-time mode.Alma Mater loca- of tourism. In their offer it has specialist degrees for  Marketing strategy for the so called “Carp Valley” the region of Lorraine under the project Fellowship ted in Sucha Beskidzka since years has been among the postgraduate studies. In Krakow it has launched  Brand strategy for Polish Prestige Hotels, initiative Leader+ - UCTaE and natural Regional Park the leaders of Polish academies educating staff for post-diploma studies – Hotel Manager – answering  Strategy of sustainable development of tourism of Lorraine in France. Under the frame of this par- the tourism industry. High level of provided educa- the needs of labor market. These studies prepare in the municipalities laying on the historical rail- ticular project research was conducted regarding tion, well-balanced distribution of accents between specialists for the task of hotel management and way route Chabówka-Nowy Sącz. the joint activities for the sake of sustainable deve- professional and academic teaching, involvement the educational staff is constituted by the best pro- lopment of rural areas of Europe. Research partners in the overall development with the support provi- fessionals representing the industry. From 2016 research called Spatial-temporal tourism were:Higher School of Engineering in Szolnok (Hun- ded the implementation of students into the labor traffic in the region of Kasprowy Wierch is also con- gary), RED Association from France working for the market – those are the assets that were often ap- Scientifical activity constitutes next to the didactics an ducted and from 2003 a team of scientists from the European Commission and AGRYA Association from preciated by the jury of Wiadomości Turystyczne(the important field of activities for the University College University College of Tourism and Ecology in Sucha Hungary. most recent achievement is the first place in the of Tourism and Ecology and is realized in many forms. Beskidzka, University of Economics in Krakow and ranking of the tourism universities with the industry To these belong scientific research and research pro- Academy of Physical Education in Krakow conducts UCTaE prepares with their partners projects from the profile in 2019), Pespektywy and Rzeczpospolita. Uni- jects led by the academic staff of the particularfacul- yearly research of tourism traffic in Krakow and Les- field of tourism marketing. A team of scientists pre- versity defeated better known universities, specialist ties, compliant with their profiles. Contents and results ser Poland. The University is also active in the area pared a marketing strategy for the areas of the so higher schools and University of Physical Education. of the scientific research efficiently fuel the didactic of international cooperation. Specificity and tourism called Carp Valley and also • Strategy of sustainable As the only higher school in 2014 University College process and decide about the level of education for attractiveness of the selected regions of Visegrad development of tourism in the municipalities laying of Tourism and Ecology became the laureate of the the academic staff. Measures of quality for UCTaE are countries is researched. Project was realised in years on the historical railway route Chabówka-Nowy Sącz SapereAusoTeaching Quality Award. It was awar- research and analyses commissioned by the Mini- 2012-2015 under the frame of grant received by the for the years 2006-2013. A team of scientists con- ded by the Lesser Poland Scholarship Foundation stry of Science and Higher Education or private sec- University from the International Visegrad Fund. Pro- ducted research regarding the tourism on the Cha- established by the Lesser Poland Province Assem- tor.Scientific activity isalso reflected in the organized ject was realised with cooperation of UCTaE, Catho- bówka-Nowy Sącz route. All of these activities are bly. That prestigious award was a way of recogni- conferences of which many were organized in last few lic University of Ružomberk (Slovakia), Technical Uni- compliant with the mission and vision of the Univer- zing of the University which possesses outstanding years in accordance to the idea of cooperation and versity of Liberec (Czech Republic) and KárolyRóbert sity – “Closer to the student, closer to the economy, achievements regarding the work conducted with knowledge sharing. Universityin Gyöngyös (Hungary).An essential area closer to the world”. Results of the indicated activities the youth and significant number of pedagogical of activity is Sustainable tourism of the Euroregion are publications prepared by the staff of the univer- achievements regarding the formation of the young The topic of the research work and conferences Beskidy. In the frame of the project University Colle- sity that takes part in the projects and is published ge of Tourism and Ecology was in partnership with among others in the Scientifical Journals of UCTaE.

14 15 Scientific potential in Poland Scientific potential in Poland

One of the characteristic features of the contemporary economy is the fact that we put higher emphasis on its reorientation which relies on progressive transitioning from the material-intensive economy to economy based on knowledge and modern technologies.

nnovations constitute a basis desi- tionalization is a chance for increasing the quality I gnated by the Lisbon Strategy in 2000. of education and linking it with the practical dimen- Lisbon Strategy required undertaking sion (economy) but also for increasing the quality thoughtful and consistent activities on many fields, of education and promoting results of the realized among them: education, scientifical research, pu- research work (and thus – Polish academies) con- tries). In conclusion the growing awareness of the of the possibilities to finance arrival and departure blic finances or information society creation.Thus ducted abroad.A derivative of that process is cre- scientifical and academic environment regarding mobility of the academic staff. In the frame of the the power horse for the EU economy should be ation of the system of clear and coherent but also the process of internationalization should be taken available programmes Polish centers can apply for scientifical and research potential. socially controlled evaluation criteria for the achie- into account.A visible change in the approach to the assets for the realization of the short-term in- vements of academics. That in turn supports the that particular issue has been observed. ternational exchanges of their staff, resulting in in- Science and higher education was and still rema- creation of the modern management systems on crease of their competences related to the didactic ins a strongly internationalized area of human ac- academies.Moreover it isalso a chance for the ra- Already in 2007, in the OECD Report, as the most or research activity and also allows for the creation tivity. Possibilities to widely popularize educational tionalization of the expenditures on education – fo- important challenge that higher education is fa- of the international scientifical contacts. During this achievements, free movement of persons and also cusing them in the place where there is the highest cing in Poland organizing the strategy of interna- type of programmes participation in conferences, access to the foreign educational services effects chance of realization of the effective research work; tionalization was indicated. Many programmes and practices, study visits or trainings is encouraged. in that national education and higher education and also acquiring additional assets for the activity organizations function today, for example „Ready, function not only in the conditions of global com- of the academy from the international sources. This Study, Go! Poland” (also in the regional variants, for A number of study programmes led in foreign lan- petitiveness regarding scientifical discoveries and process is also supporting a necessary reorientation example „Study in Lublin”, Educational Foundation guages increases in Poland – universities possess talents but most of all in the world of global coope- of the Polish higher education institutions – forced “Perspektywy 13”.A number of scientists that achie- wider contacts with the foreign institutions. Wan- ration. by the demographic decline – from institutions fo- ve international successes is growing in Poland and ting to support the current international activity cused mainly on education into facilities focused on some of the scientifical centers is recognized on the of Polish centers, there are programmes on Polish Internationalization makes it possible to exchange scientifical-research activities and their implemen- whole world in their particular disciplines. market that make it possible to create and realize knowledge, experience and discoveries, it allows tation. Noteworthy is however the fact that scientifi- studies in partnership with the foreign centers and utilizing scientifical potential of researchers and in- cal networks can also support policy of the country Many capable scientists lead research in the fore- also finance scholarships for the foreign postgra- frastructure on many levels and it also influences in other areas, including for example diplomacy (for ign centers. Internationalization of the Polish aca- duates. Leading wide cooperation and international the quality of didactics. The process of interna- example relations with the Eastern European coun- demies and scientifical units requires widening exchange by the universities and scientifical units

16 17 Scientific potential in Poland

requires appropriate organizational preparation cess, serves the exchange of the scientifical-didac- of institutions working for the sake of development promotes membership approach to the develop- and promotion. Special programmes support Polish tic experiences and serves as a promotion of the of rural areas, popularizing important ideas outsi- ment that is integrating in the defined areas: econo- centers in ensuring appropriate level of service for region and Poland in the international scale. de the European continent. APURE participates also mic, social, cultural and environmental. the foreign students and employees and also finan- in the most important seminaries and programmes ce activities serving the creation of the pro-quality The most important partner of the university organized by the Union. Under the international cooperation UCTaE welcomed system of promotion. An important element of the is among others European Parliament; by coopera- the delegation of the Ministry of Tourism from Geor- activities is supporting the popularization of the re- tion between the authorities of the University College The most important international meetings un- gia in order to create tools of cooperation in the fields sults of research in the international circulation, so of Tourism and Ecology and its educational staff with der the patronage of APURE with the participation of educating staff for tourism, good practices exchan- the works conducted in Poland could have a chance different European institutions students of the uni- of UCTaE are: ge and the transfer of know-how based on the long- to co-create worldwide scientifical progress. versity have the opportunity to experience practices -term experience of the University as the leader of the in the European Parliament. Perfecting the language,  Traditions and values of the rural areas as an non-public tourism academies in Poland. University- A large part of Polish public and non-public acade- discovering the rules of operations of the Europar- inspiration for the development of the regions in Eu- College of Tourism and Ecology in partnership with the mies offer a high level of education and become re- liament and acquiring first experiences in the place rope”, APURE conference in Sucha Beskidzka; Foundation of Economic Education from Warsaw par- cognizable on the worldwide market of higher edu- that will make it easier to develop their future career  „Dialogue between the countries of west and ticipated in the realization of the project ,,REGNET 2010 cation. Simultaneously low (in comparison to other constitutes the addition to the education process for east regarding the future of European village”, APURE Regional Development Network – multiplicator of Po- countries of EU) costs of maintenance and high level the students. University cooperates also with the U.S. conference, Hungary; lish experiences for the sake of development of the of security cause Poland to be an attractive country consulate located in Poland. A consequence of the  „Let’s sustainably stand on the Earth”, APURE con- regions of Georgia”. Project was confinanced under for studying. Attractiveness is enhanced by the sys- cooperation is the organization of the professional ference ,Reunion Island; the frame of the programme of Poland’s foreign as- tem of scholarships for the most talented youth that practices for students of UCTaE in the Rocky Moun-  „Significance of the activation of small towns and sistance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2010 and would like to work in Poland. In 2020 a scholarship tain National Park and scientifical cooperation of the villages for the future of united Europe”, APURE con- realized in tight cooperation with the Ministry of Regio- programme will be launched – it will be open for academic employees of university. ference,Poland; nal Development and Infrastructure. The undertakings the youth from countries all over the world.Intergo- of the project helped in implementation of the offi-  Session of the University of Rural Areas APURE vernmental deals and treaties between two or more Starting from 2006, UCTaE cooperates with the Eu- cial governmental Strategy of Regional Development coorganised by UCTaE, combined with the 20 years sides will be realized in the field of scientifical and ropean University of Rural Areas Development and of Georgia from 2010. The success of creation of the anniversary of establishment of that organization, academic cooperation, including the CEEPUS pro- is one of the representatives of that organization REGNET network grouping the competent specialists Sucha Beskidzka. gramme – scholarship programme for the Polish in the area of the country. Renowned in EU APU- and activists from the field of local and regional deve- youth living abroad. Polish youth living abroad (Po- RE University includes members from 15 countries lopment became a fundament on which new efficient UCTaE actively cooperates with the Association lonia) can study in Polish universities without the of the Fellowship and Canada and popularizes the undertaking were built for the sake of enhancing the of Agrarian and RuralYouthCircles of Jász-Nagykun- need to pay any charges or fees. However for many principles of the sustainable development of the local social and economic state in the whole country. -Szolnok County on the level of activity for the sake of them covering the costs of living is a serious and European rural areas. It is a modern, non-govern- The essence of the further stage of development of the of rural areas not only on the area of home countries important barrier preventing them from participa- mental organization that practices the exchange REGNET network was preparing and launching “Small – Poland and Hungary, but also the whole Europe. ting in education abroad. Thanks to the scholarship of knowledge and experiences and also takes care Grants Programme”. Its objective was to activate the AGRARIA conducts the training activity and shares programme youth will be able to receive financial of preservation of the cultural diversity of our con- local societies and also small and bigger organizations good practices with the youth living on the rural are- support for the period of studying and thus receive tinent, enhances the access to employment, sup- working locally or regionally and also the local admi- as through the organization of national and interna- suitable education enhancing the potential of Polish ports professional activity of citizens and institutions nistration or convincing them to work in cooperation. tional exchanges.UCTaE together with the Hungarian staff. acting for the sake of professional activation and non-governmental organization efficiently imple- University College of Tourism and Ecology in Sucha social integration of rural areas. APURE coopera- UCTaE lecturers led interactive workshops for 120 mented many joint projects realized under the frame Beskidzkais active in the indicated area. A strate- tes also with the European Commission on the field members of the REGNET network in Tbilisi and tra- of European Union. In turn cooperation with Rurality- gic element of the operations of University is in fact of evaluation and recommending activities realized inings for 240 trainers of different level of advan- -Environment-Development effected in the joint un- internationalization which covers versatile coope- on the rural areas of Europe and as an international cement from 8 different topics. Trained specialists dertaking aiming to increase the recognizability and ration with the leading academic centers, govern- association it prides itself with many achievements under the frame of the project are the multiplicators development of the rural areas. R.E.D is a dynami- mental institutions and associations in the Europe – among them is organizing outside sessions of Eu- of good practices and impart substantive and or- cally developing association thanks to the network and from the whole world. This activity influences ropean University in member countries, supporting ganizational support for the local fellowships, orga- of members and partners from the area of whole the increase in the quality of the educational pro- international undertakings and creating the network nizations and institutions implementing small deve- Europe.It concerns itself with the development of the lopment projects under the frame of the prepared European network of development of rural areas and Small Grants Programme.

18 19 Potential for the development of staff in Lesser Poland

crease in private investments for the research-de- velopment and innovative activity. In the national dimension, Lesser Poland with its capital, Krakow, Lesser Poland is a very large area on which a huge belongs to the leading regions regarding the potential of the emphasis is being put on culture, economy and de- in Nowy Targ. The number of students learning on velopment of education. A large number of aca- science sector. Thanks to the high investments in recent years the the level of higher education in the academic year demies (31) both national and non-public seem to basic needs were covered in the field of didactic infrastructure 2017/2018 amounted to 157.3 thousands. On the first confirm that fact. Undeniable winner of all universi- year of studies (full time, 5 years course) 40.8 tho- of the higher education. Simultaneously, in the region ty rankings is Jagiellonian University which placed usand people started their education. Among all first in Poland for many, many times. It is the oldest there are still significant needs identified in the fields students of universities 82.2% was constituted by university of our country and it is really prestigio- of research infrastructure of science sector. people in age of 19-24 years old (129.3 thousand pe- us. There are also few other universities in Krakow ople), and that is the group of people that nominally and they cannot complain about the lack of interest is assigned to this level of education. Their parti- from the potential candidates for studies offered by cipation in the number of citizens of the Voivode- them. Noteworthy are all technical universities and ship that also belong to this particular age group polytechnic schools who constantly try to mainta- ew technological companies are dy- in business and entrepreneurship is Małopolski Fe- equals 53,9%. Among the total number of students in the high level of didactics and the offered stan- namically developing in Lesser Poland stiwal Innowacji (Innovation Festival of Lesser Po- a decisive majority was constituted by the students N dards of education resemble European universities. and they are being created on the ba- land) which covers a cycle of events directed toward of public universities (85,3%). In universities of this Lesser Poland Voivodeship is exceptionally perspec- sis of innovative ideas transformed into innovative entrepreneurs, educational staff, post-graduates, particular form of ownership 80,4% of students were tive area for those who dream about the scientifical goods and services.Success on the market of these graduates and students. A high activity of office learning on the level of full-time studies while in the career and also about the attractive work that this types of companies is determined by the access to can be also spotted in the area of promotion ba- non-public academies 57,3% of students chose the particular region of Poland can guarantee. the professional and individualized offer of services sed in a large part on the tourism potential of Lesser part-time mode of education. performed by the innovation centers. With regard Poland, directed at markets: national and foreign. Lesser Poland Voivodeship is the second in regards to that selective support is required to support the A priority is to enhance scientifical research, tech- Academies in Lesser Poland find their place on the to the number of students (right after the Masovian activities of the centers such as technological parks nological development and innovation. The ran- top places in the national rankings among which Voivodeship with Warsaw) academic center in Po- or research-development centers which by focusing ge of intervention under the frame of priority axis the broadest one is prepared by the Educational land. In the 2017/2018 academic year (taking into on the pro-innovative services help in development constitutes an answer for the challenge related to Foundation Perspektywy. Jagiellonian University account the factual localization of the universities of the new companies in the conditions of free trans- the necessity to enhance the conditions of leading opens up the ranking ex aequo with the Universi- and their branch units) 157.7 thousand people stu- fer of knowledge that encourages open innovations. and financing the research-development activities, ty of Warsaw. Experts noted that the university from died here (total number including foreigners), inc- especially by the private subjects and also techno- Krakow can pride itself on the highest scientifical luding 1.2 thousand people in branch organizational Administration office of Lesser Poland for few years logy transfers in a way so innovative ideas would potential and prestige and also consider itself as units of 4 higher education academies from other now has been progressively increasing its activity transform into new goods and services which com- a leader in education in the field of 14 different de- Voivodeships. The biggest academic center in the in building and promotion of the regional brand inc- mercialization would add in to the economic incre- grees. JU is the best in Poland in regards to educa- Voivodeship is Krakow, where on the level of higher luding economic promotion. Among the most im- ase and creation of new workplaces which is com- ting future lawyers, chemists, biologists, biotechno- education 143.6 thousand people were studying. portant initiatives we should mention the creation pliant with the priority areas of the EU Strategy for logists, dentists, pharmacists and nurses. Collegium The numberof students in other cities (emphasis put of the Business Centrum in Lesser Poland. An im- the Region of Baltic Sea. Financial assets allocated Medicum JU once again has been recognized and on the highest numbers) were: 5.2 thousands in Tar- portant event, directed at the innovation promotion under the frame of priority axis were directed at in- took the first place in the category of medical uni- now, 4.5 thousands in Nowy Sącz, 2.0 thousands versities. That is a natural consequence of posses-

20 21 Potential for the development of staff in Lesser Poland

sing the wonderful academic staff that often re- among the schools on the list of NVHS were schools assets will be separated designated to be used to support of the programmes of development belon- aches out for new education techniques appropriate from Tarnów, Nowy Targ, Nowy Sącz and Oświęcim. support undertakings in areas of other nature than ging to the knowledge transfer centers is also inten- for the XXI century and conducts scientific research those that were defined in the currently applying re- ded. Support will be designated for the development on the highest level. Among the technical universities In comparison to other regions in Lesser Poland there gional innovation strategy. This type of experimenta- of the so called third generation technologies transfer AGH took the second place, only conceding to the was a noticeable increase in recent years regarding tion mechanic implemented under the frame of the centers within which transfer of knowledge is combi- Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw Polytechnic).Qu- the active participation of companies from the sector investment priority will ensure the support for the ned with the realization of the scientifical research. The ality of education on 8 different degrees regarded of services and simultaneously there was a decre- process of identification of new areas of economic role of the centers that are conducting their activities as the best in Poland decided about the place and ase in corresponding indicator regarding the sector specialization of Lesser Poland. in the areas of the regional specialization is to initia- those are: automation and robotics, electronics and of industrial entrepreneurships. Companies working te and support the cooperation of the scientifical units telecommunication, electrotechnics, mining and in the region in the sector of services also quite more Lesser Poland additionally leads a programme of ac- and economic subjects in the field of research, innova- geology, biomedical engineering, mechanics and often than the industrial entrepreneurships underto- tivities called „Youth on its way” in the fields concer- tion and scientifical activities, in particular through the machine construction, mechatronics and manage- ok cooperation in the field of innovativeness. Con- ned with ensuring the appropriate level of investments services of specialized counsel and serving the func- ment and product engineering. Perspektywy ranking nections of the academy from Lesser Poland with the in the education system and trainings, enhancing tion of the regional innovation brokers. is constantly published and it started in 2000. Cri- economic sector stem from the strategical intelligent results of the education processes by including the teria used for the evaluation of the education offe- specializations of the region which are: life sciences, key competences and striving to limit the number Within the intelligent specialization of „creative indu- red by the universities are divided into seven groups: sustainable energy, IT and communication tech- of people prematurely finishing their school education, stries also dealing with the free time” competences prestige, graduates on the labor market, research nologies, chemistry, metalworking, electrotechnics, combining in a better way the results of the educatio- of the University College of Tourism and Ecology find and scientifical potential, scientifical efficiency,- in mechanical engineering and industries dealing with nal process with the demand of the labor market and its place. Definition of the „creative industriesalso de- novativeness and internationalization. The creators creativeness and free time. making it easier for the youth to join the market thro- aling with the free time” covers the activities which of the summary check among others the efficiency ugh the integrated activities covering information sha- has their source in the individual creation, abilities in which schools gather assets for research, number Developing the intelligent specialization requires ring, advising, counseling and practices. Interventions and talents constituting the potential to create the of employees with the academic titles and foreign a system of incentives for increasing the innovative- undertaken will serve the realization of the Partnership prosperity and workplaces through the production students. In the summary that total 94 best higher ness of the entrepreneurships, widening their coope- Deal in the field of enhancing the scientifical-research and exploitation of the intellectual property. It covers education schools 10 universities from Lesser Poland ration with the science sector and professionaliza- and innovation infrastructure in the sector of science technologies from 4 disciplines: creative industries, were put.Next to JU and AGH, universities such as Po- tion of the business environment. The main objective and entrepreneurship and also improving the pro- graphic design and industrial design, computer ga- litechnika Krakowska (Krakow Polytechnic), Uniwer- of the priority axis is to increase innovativeness of the cesses of knowledge and technology transfer into the mes and software – Interactive Leisure Software and sytet Rolniczy (University of Agriculture), Uniwersytet regional economy expressed mainly in the increase economy.Support is directed at investments done by free time industry in which the main role is being Ekonomiczny (University of Economics) i Uniwersytet of expenditures incurred on scientifical and research the entrepreneurships and should help in increasing played by tourism. Tourism industry is getting more Papieski (Papal University), Uniwersytet Pedagogicz- activity. In the frame of priority axis interventions that the level of research and development work results im- closely connected to the science (life sciences in the ny (Pedagogical University), Akademia Wychowania help in strengthening scientifical research and the plementation. Supporting these undertakings will help frame of health tourism, tourism management), so- Fizycznego (Academy of Physical Education) and- development of technology and innovation will be in the realization of the more detailed objective through cial politics and labor market (development of the Krakowska Akademia (Academy of Cracow) with supported. With maintenance of the complemen- the widening of the access to the modern research in- silver economy in the tourism sector) and also cre- Akademia Ignatianum (Ignatianum Academy) were tarity regarding the activities realized through the frastructure. As a consequence knowledge obtained ative industries (cultural and business tourism). placed. Additionally Pedagogical University was re- national and group instruments, intervention will be in the educational centers will be more useful regar- cognized as a leader in the category of the peda- directed at increasing research activity of the entre- ding the possibilities to achieve economic benefits. Lesser Poland is a region within which the participa- gogical academies and the Academy of Physical preneurships and preparing research to be commer- tion in culture is one of the most intensive in the scale Education from Krakow as a leader in the category cialized in the areas of the regional specialization. The potential beneficiaries and target groups of these of the whole country; relatively numerous are cultu- of those offering physical education. Educational Fo- activities are as follows: 1. Scientifical units, 2. Acade- ral institutions contributing to the development of the undation Perspektywy, aside from the ranking, ha- Bases for the verification of the areas of intelligent mies, 3. Scientifical consortiums. On the other hand the creative industries. Lesser Poland is a Voivodeship salso prepared the summary of the best non-public specialization are endogenic analyses in science main target groups of the interventions in the frame that attracts the highest number of tourists; 2018 was schools and National Vocational Higher Schools. In and economy (supply) and the need indicated by of investment priority are: entrepreneurships, scienti- closed with the record level – it was visited by 16.7 the first category there were placed schools like: the economic environment (demand). In order to re- fical and research teams, academic employees, po- million people – exactly 800 thousands more than Krakowska Akademia im. Frycza, University Colle- search the needs of entrepreneurships from the very st-graduates and students taking part in the scientifi- the year before that – including 13.3 million foreign ge of Tourism and Ecology in Sucha Beskidzka and bottom and with regards to competitiveness, in fra- cal research. In order to increase the transfer of results tourists. In total tourists from the country and from Lesser Poland Higher School of Economics.In turn me of the priority axis of the regional programme of the research into the economic activity a regional abroad left in the region more than 14 billion PLN.

22 23 Possibilities of the scientifical development

Global students constitute a real phenomenon of our times in which the costs of transport and communication are getting radically and quickly lower, „knowledge economy” is being dynamically developed and the labor market exceeds the borders of particular countries and searches for the highly qualified, international professionals.

Trends of the global education

he Horizon Report – in development staff and administrational directors). This process T since 2004 by The New Media Consor- is a key process for teaching and learning but it has tium and Educause Learning Initiative to be supported by the changes in the educational is an important expert voice on the topic of changes policy, cooperation of the participants of the pro- happening in education under the influence of new cess and interdisciplinary approach to the work. A to develop teaching programmes and the metho- Horizon Report lists the following meta-trends technologies. It indicates the way in which we can pressure is being put on the higher education by dology to evaluate them which will not be based only which will have significance in coming years: utilize new solutions to enrich and develop the pro- the people who are learning and academic so- on the written work but will also allow and encourage   cess of teaching, learning and how to awaken the cieties to deliver educational content through the the development of the competences through other The progressing evolution in the way of how com- creativity. Research is led on the international sca- mobile devices and media. Mobile devices are be- forms of communication such as digital video files, munication between people and machines look le. Hundreds of organizations, universities and in- coming educational tools but they are also enter- blogs and photographical reports. like;   stitutions dealing with education participate in the tainment and public security tools. Even the aca- Mutual sharing and creation of knowledge – works.Its creators indicate three challenges which demic environment can benefit from this process In the contemporary higher education one can in- meta trend which is the most visible in education will have a significant influence on teaching, lear- by acquiring the access to the knowledge assets dicate particular trends that are influencing and since many years will be still getting deeper and ning and creativity in all educational organizations in any place or at any time. changing teaching, learning and expressing metho- deeper. As a results we can already see among and also indicate seven meta-trends in the global dology. Utilizing Web 2.0 and net societies receive other – knowledge websites co-created by many education. Last one of the challenges indicates the expecta- even bigger attention which in combination with the internet users;   tions toward higher education facilities – they sho- intelligence of the societies that are learning and Three-dimensional computer applications – The first challenge stems from the significant chan- uld offer help and explanation regarding the skills possess more of an amateur approach to science more educational institutions will utilize 3D plat- ges in the scientifical approach, methods of rese- of using information, visual materials and modern – unavoidably transforms the nature of studies. This forms not only as tools of direct communication arch realization, creative ways of expressing oneself technologies. Higher education must redefine these particular way of studying is changing together with and education (as for example Second Life) and teaching which lead to creation of innova- skills and also introduce new methods of teaching how the borders of cooperation and communication but they will be also used in the research acti- tions and initiatives on all levels of academic ac- and evaluation of the skills on all levels of education. are becoming more fluid thanks to the globalization vity in which perfected visualization tools used tivity (from students to whole faculties, academic In that particular process the most important will be processes. to research data in order to create new frames

24 25 Possibilities of the scientifical development

of education and knowledge deepening; a trustworthy source. educational assets. Thanks to such activities science  Placing the person in centrum of the policy;  People bonding through the internet network – A contemporary world requires a new set of skills will be even more attractive to students who will be  Efficient investing in learning. meta-trend about creating internet societies. from the students thanks to which they will be able more motivated to learn and to act. This trend will be getting more dominant becau- to fully use the possibilities of the knowledge society Answers for the challenges of future are educational, se of the development of the IT – new tools will that is currently being developed. American Partner- It isalso a school and university which transfer the research and scientifical programmes realized on be developed which will not only recognize our ship for the sake of Skills and Abilities of XXI centu- practical knowledge, it should teach the skills to se- many Polish academies. Not only in those perceived bonds in a better way but also will deliver infor- ry took upon themselves the task to prepare maps arch and process the information into knowledge, as the most prestigious as Jagiellonian University. On mation in a completely new way, adding in to the of competences which will hint in which way inte- it should also teach planning, cooperating, commu- the educational map of Poland a significant role is be- creation of richer and more flexible networks; grate today teaching and learning, how to develop nicating, and using different tools for the educatio- ing played by the local, actively working non-public  Games as a pedagogic platforms – even wi- key abilities in the everyday reality of education. This nal objectives. School and university must also share universities. Exactly that can be said about the UCTaE. der utilization of games in the processes of aca- map possess a catalogue of social skills that will re- its knowledge. It is placed in the defined local socie- demic education, also based on the principle cognized as essential to fully function in the society ty and it should answer the needs of that society. It Students constitute the most important link in the of co-creation of the educational application by of XXI century. The following areas of competences isalso an environment in which all participants of the academic society for UCTaE, compliant with the motto students and academic staff; were covered in the map: educational process should take an active participa- that decides about the direction of its development.  Shifting the process of the creation of educatio- tion and learn from each other. The University is interested in development of the per- nal content to its users – far larger engagement New abilities sonality of students, creation of the ability to indepen- of people who are learning in the process of le- Programme of dynamizing the economic and so- dently acquire knowledge and to think critically. No- arning and further transfer of the responsibility  Creativity and innovativeness, cial development of the countries of EU, undertaken wadays academies cannot work in separation from for the results of learning. This meta-trend will be  Critical thinking and problem solving, in 2000 in the frame of Lisbon Strategy and conti- the modern trends and issues of economy; they have visible especially in the field of creation of audio  Communicating, nued compliant with the assumptions of the Europa to react to the signals flowing in from the labor mar- and video assets by students;  Collaboration – cooperation in the frame of gro- 2020 strategy, covers among others promotion of the ket and tightly cooperate with them.To that principle,  Platform evolution – quick development of the up/society, changes in the educational systems and trainings UCTaE undertakes many adjusting activities among technology will encourage the creation of new  Information literacy (ability to search, analyse in the direction of systems easing and supporting li- which of are those related to processes of combining equipment and modernization of the alrea- and manage the information), fe-wide life-long learning (LLL). In process of develop- the overall theoretical education on a high scientifical dy existing ones, which will allow accessing the  Media literacy (ability to use digital media), ment of the idea of life-wide life-long learning in the level with the practical education.Making it practical knowledge at any time and in any place.  Proficiency in using ICT tools, EU the general principles of the LLL policy were agreed obviously does not mean that the process will become  Flexibility and adaptiveness (ability to adjust to upon on different levels of administration in the mem- more shallow but mostly that the process of equip- A present student wants to be active and responsi- the ever changing conditions), ber countries (central, regional and local) and for the ping students will be enriched with giving them ac- ble participant of the learning process (in an awa-  Initiative and self dependency regarding own life, different organizations of education (education and curate practical knowledge and wide practical skills. re way), not only a listener; games and experiences  Ability to function in the diverse and multicultural trainings) – in frame of the educational system and That means that UCTaE will transform into academy derived possess greater significance for the deve- environment, outside of those systems (organizators of the non-for- of third generation. The main idea of such a universi- lopment of people accepted into universities and  Productiveness, mal education). ty is to combine the scientifical sphere with business also for those undertaking jobs. Popularity of games  Leadership and responsible skills, and all institutions working in the environment, initia- – thank to the participation and interactions be-  New technologies in schools. To these principles we can include: ting entrepreneurship and supporting local develop- tween players – should encourage to wider utiliza- ment. These are the priorities which stems from the tion of them in different processes and educational What should be then the school/university of XXI  Recognition and appreciation of learning in dif- mission of the university. In the context of abovemen- environment.A huge significance has the visualiza- century?First and foremost it should be open to in- ferent forms and in different places (lifewide le- tioned considerations one should mention the fact tion tools that add deeper sense to the information novations – not only in the world of technology but arning); that “…when it was calculated which American univer- and make understanding more intuitive. A basic also in reference to the processes of education and  Recognition and appreciation of learning on every sities were graduated by the laureates of the Noble skill in XXI century will be the ability to understand learning. Contemporary education should not stand stage of life R(lifelong learning); Prize it turned out that proportionally to the number images: movies, graphics, and photos of all kinds; in opposition to the digital world in which students  Commonness – policy of LLL should be related to of students the highest places are taken by the good it will not be enough simply to be able to write and live on a daily basis. It should wisely use – in all sub- all age groups; universities but less known”(Malcolm Gladwell, „New read. The amount of content in the network grows jects – the assets presented by new technologies  Evaluation and confirmation of the effects of lear- Yorker” publicist). in a pace making it difficult to filter data and find and add in to the process of enlarging the virtual ning independent of the place where it took place;  Developing partnership for the sake of LLL;

26 27 Tourism is a constantly developing area of the economy. Majors and specializations in UCTE Currently, over 100 million people work in the industry. This trend has been maintained for many years around the world. Quality and modern management guarantee success in the tourism industry. Faculty of Tourism and Recreation There are over 400 hotels in Poland with 4 and 5 star categories, for which UCTE has given qualifications to more than 100 managers.

28 29 Department of Tourism and Recreation Faculty of Tourism and Recreation Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION Hotel and catering management SPECIALISATION E-business in tourism

Ever-growing number of travellers and to- Topics: Tourism, as one of the most dynamically de- urists means that hospitality and gastrono- veloping branch of the world industries, always my industry flourishes. Both newly developed transcended borders. Towards the challenges hospitality objects and those already existing of the modern industry 4.0 tourism has also  Hotel management; require excellently prepared staff: creative, entered a new dimension of customer service  Hospitality and gastronomy market innovative, ready to fulfill expectations of the analysis; transferring significant part of its marketing and contemporary tourist.  Quality management of accommodation sales activitiesto the internet. and gastronomy objects;  Customer service;  Utilizing the newest solutions in the fields Topics: of company management, for example e-commerce or price management;  Evaluation of new projects and their im-  Subjects of tourism e-market; plementation;  Moving within the virtual tourism market;  Tourism economy;  Security of information within e-business;  New offer creation.  Operations of the electronic travel agen- cies;  Utilizing applications in the real business conditions;  Managing the e-relations with tourists and hotel guests.

30 31 Department of Tourism and Recreation Faculty of Tourism and Recreation Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION Recreation coach SPECIALISATION Management of sustainable tourism

Freetime industry presents numerous possi- Topics: Tourism is an industry influencing immensely bilities of realization of the most interesting the environment. Appropriate planning of its ideas and market with each year needs more development and tourism traffic management young and competent, creative employees is a basis of maintaining the balance between  Practical utilization of knowledge from the that would create recreational products. field of physical activity; environment and society. Sustainable tourism –  Communication in relations to the other by combining the popularization of healthy life- person; style in harmony with environment and planning  Recreational entrepreneurship manage- of tourists rest with simultaneous care about ment; conservation of the cultural and natural poten-  Designing and realization of the recreatio- tialof tourism destination – is a key to develop nal events; the industry and conserve the beauty of nature.  Group management;  Marketing 4.0 in relations to promotion and sale of recreational services; Topics:  Programming the physical activity of customers of different age;  Recreational product.  Trends prevailing in the tourism industry;  Creation and implementation of the strategy of sustainable tourism;  Utilizing the tools of sustainable development;  Creation of the pro-ecological solutions and their use;  Principles of conducting tourism on protected areas;  Threats towards the natural and cultural environment;  Planning and monitoring the sustainable tourism.

32 33 Department of Tourism and Recreation Faculty of Tourism and Recreation Specialisations in second degree studies

SPECIALISATION International tourist business SPECIALISATION Tourism Manager

Tourism is a global phenomenon that immen- Topics: In face of the world that is always changing sely influences the economy of the whole world. and global megatrends – tourism undergo- Its characteristic feature is the ability to create es a significant metamorphosis. In accor- and function on the convergence point of inter-  International tourism organization; dance to the data of World Tourism Organi- national networks and business dependencies  Entrepreneurship management in the to- zation the foreseen number of international which – by using global megatrends – make urism sector with the international reach; arrivals in 2030 will reach around 1.8 billion it possible for companies to produce, promote  Markets analyses; people. This will in turn translate into cre- and sell new products and solutions.  Influence of clusters and entrepreneurship ation of new challenges on the fields of sales networks on the global economy. of tourism services, tourism traffic manage-  Organization of the foreign tourism trips. ment or modern management of tourism entrepreneurship.


 management;  global tourism market operations;  skills essential to work in the public and private sector;  marketing 4.0;  the newest trends defining tourism market;  leading and working with the team;  techniques of creation and sale of tourism products;  the newest solutions in management;  tourism economy;  principles regarding offer creation.

34 35 Department of Tourism and Recreation Faculty of Tourism and Recreation Specialisations in second degree studies

SPECIALISATION Health tourism manager SPECIALISATION Event manager

Contemporary civilization enforces the necessi- Topics: Event organization has become an impor- ty to possess a higher level of care for the state tant branch of the meetings industry that of our health from the very early years of our li- has a large share in the profits received from ves. Awareness of that fact translates into a high  Health services adjusted to the tourism tourism. The growing need for different kind level of participation of societies in activities like industry; of events generates the need to hire creative, wellness and spa, using fitness clubs and pro-  Law in health tourism; efficient and well qualified managers. fessional treatment and rehabilitation. Health  Markets analyses; tourism becomes one of the leading world-  Combining tourism sector with medical wide trends and each day the number of pe- services; ople who links their leisure plans with different  Marketing of the services of health tourism; Topics: kinds of treatments of health and beauty nature  Sales management; grows. Advantage of this type of tourism is the  Companies operations on the market  Meetings industry market; fact that it combines the activities focusing on of health tourism.  Event organization on a different scale: health (and its improvement) with the opportu-  Utilizing the newest solutions in company  Event projects management; nity to meet and discover new attractive places. management, for example e-commerce,  revenue management; Event formulas and adjusting them to the  Quality management; needs of the customer;   Mechanisms and dependencies between Event realization. different branches of tourism market.

36 37 Information technology is the fastest growing branch of knowledge Majors and specializations in UCTE and economy of the 21st century. The job market offers a wide range of employment and development opportunities. The IT industry is constantly recruiting, which guarantees a very good earnings with Faculty of Social Sciences a further growth perspective. The average remuneration in the industry is currently around PLN 11,400 (according to Sedlak & Sedlak for 2018).

38 39 IT Department Faculty of Computer Science Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION Computer electronics SPECIALISATION Software engineering

Computing electronics is an interdisciplinary Topics: Software engineer is someone more than a pro- specialization combining the issues of elec- grammer. They possess IT knowledge but also tronics, IT and automation. These studies technical knowledge that allows them to face prepare specialists to work in the widely un- the professional challenges in an innovative  Driver, microcontroller and electronic sys- derstood IT sector and IT related industries. tems programming; way.When working at a new IT project one should During classes students will acquire know-  Mechanisms of combining, operating and include many elements such as: requirements ledge about electrotechnics and the circuit building of the components of electronics analysis, modeling or bugs finding/eliminating. theory, they will become proficient in the and automation; Realization of each of these stages can be con- basics of optoelectronics, they will discover  Testing and simulating the operating cir- ducted in many ways thus the more complex analog settings, digital settings, microcon- cuits; knowledge of the programmer the bigger are trollersand embedded systems and also will  Basics of the robotics, automation and his chances of acquiring interesting projects. receive training in the fields of automation, mechatronics. robotics and mechatronics. Topics:

 Programming languages;  Programming techniques;  Computer software and equipment;  Operating systems;  Projects of the operating systems;  Component technologies;  IT project management.

40 41 IT Department Faculty of Computer Science Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION Database systems SPECIALISATION Multimedia technologies and computer graphics

During studies students learn to create da- Topics: Programme of the specialization puts emphasis tabases used in many different IT systems. on learning practical skills in the field of multi- They acquire knowledge about databases media materials creation. Graduates will pos- and data warehouses but also about the sess knowledge regarding computer graphics  Database and data warehouse creation; construction of systems supporting mana- on a level allowing them to implement the pre-  Relations between databases; gement and administration of those.They sentation layer in different environments. Fi-  Access interface programming; find out how to independently prepare the nishing studies they will be able to effectively  Data base integration with other software software to cooperate with the database and and applications; use the available software to create and edit how to search through it, integrate it and co-  Systems working with databases. raster and vector graphic, computer animation, nvert it depending on the needs of the cu- modeling and 3D animation, but also efficiently stomer. record, montage and add special effects to the audio and video materials and prepare them for publication.


 Graphic and multimedia technologies;  Designing, programming, implementing, launching and maintaining the multimedia applications;  Creation of the complex graphic and mul- timedia systems;  Realization and working with sound.

42 43 IT Department Faculty of Computer Science Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION Internet technologies

Choosing this specialization will ensure you Topics: will have the specialist preparation in the fields of widely understood internet techno- logies. Together with the lecturers (who are  Analysis, design, programming and imple- professionals) you will explore the secrets mentation; of design, programming, implementation,  Launching IT systems on a small and me- launching and maintenance of the network dium size and their administration; and internet servers. With the diploma stu-  Design, programming, implementation, dents receive also comprehensive education launching and maintenance of the network and preparation into website and internet and internet servers; portals creation, particularly with inclusion  Websites and portals creation for the ne- of the user interaction and wide arrays eds of e-commerce; of services.  Interaction with (among others) databases services.

44 45 Political science is a social science whose basic category Majors and specializations in UCTE is the state. The interdisciplinary nature of this science means that in both the United States and Europe it is one of the most popular fields of study. These are studies for those who are interested in politics and business and want to decide Faculty of social sciences on the future of themselves and their environment.

46 47 Department of Social Sciences Faculty of Political Sciences Specialisations in first degree studies

SPECIALISATION E-business and social media SPECIALISATION Internal security

XXI century changes the face of every indu- Topics: From day to day the number of new challenges stry – including business. Dynamically deve- and global threats felt by the citizens of all co- loping market of modern technologies and untries increases. The need to feel secure, which social media is a fascinating phenomenon is a natural need for human beings, must be  Economic and social side of business, which can become a source of well-paid job. thus actively supported by the national servi-  Political systems (in the context of leading An opportunity to be hired in the industry one’s own company), ces. Open borders and free transfer of people that allows combining passion, career and  Social psychology (in the range allowing causes the necessity to possess expert know- that provides perspectives for further deve- for efficient business management), ledge about threat prevention and fighting aga- lopment is a dream for many young people.  Management, marketing, law, accounting, inst them which seems to be essential in work, How to realize that dream? By choosing stu- economy, tax optimization, administration, law services and any modern, dies that will teach the skills of implemen-  Internet business tools and e-business aware company. tation of modern business forms, effective undertakings management. promotions and novel methods of relations building with the customer. Topics:

 Global issues (for example terrorism or cy- ber terrorism) and methods of counterac- ting them.  Negotiating;  Psychology of human behavior in difficult situations (during crisis)  Manifestations of social pathologies, social security including local societies.

48 49 Education offer regarding the post-graduate studies

MBA studies: Post-graduate excellence studies:

 MBA in Tourism  Hotel Manager  Advanced MBA – real estate investments  Event Manager  Medical Tourism Manager  IT and reservation systems in the tourism industry  Agrotourism – brand manager Post-graduate qualification  Religious tourism studies:  Ecological management  Databases  Professional and personal counseling  Internet application creation  Tourism and hospitality for teachers  Software engineering  Gastronomy and human nutrition for  Computer networks – design and mana- teachers gement  IT with the elements of computer  Advertisement and company image ma- graphics and multimedia for teachers nager  Advertisement and public relations for  E-business– internet advertisement cam- teachers paigns    Management in education Creation of the political image Accommodation  Pedagogical preparation  Social media –Social Media Specialist  Utilizing IT tools in teacher’s work niversity College of Tourism and Eco- jects in frame of UCTaE partnerships, a special offer  Education and rehabilitation for people logy cooperates on a daily basis with of accommodation has been prepared in the Con- with intellectual disabilities (oligophreno- U hospitality objects located in the re- ference Center of Monttis Hotel. pedagogy) and therapy for children with gion. For the members of academic staff commu- The object guarantees rooms of high standard and an autism spectrum disorder ting to Sucha Beskidzka in order to realize different the facilities essential for different types of meetings types of scientifical, research and development pro- and conferences.

50 51 Practical information

niversity College of Tourism and Ecolo- skidzka, on the other hand Department of Tourism U gy leads education on the area of two is located in Krakow. cities – Sucha Beskidzka and Krakow. Main seat of the University is located in Sucha Be- The distance between two cities is about 60 km.

Sucha Beskidzka Krakow

The town is located in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, renaissance castle from XVI century which acts as Krakow is a second in regards to size city in Poland red to be the bestin Poland. Its historic nature and on the borders of Beskid Makowski, Beskid Żywiecki a seat of UCTaE, legendary, historic “Rzym” Inn, mo- and the most popular tourism destination. It pos- large collection of monuments in the tight center and Beskid Mały and its history reaches back to XIV nasterial-church complex of Visitation of the Virgin sesses rights of the district (Powiat) while simulta- of the citycaused its historic districts – Old Town, century. The town is a seat of authorities of Suski Po- Mary and others. There aremany tourist routes le- neously being the capital of the Lesser Poland Vo- Stradom and Kazimierz – to be entered on the UNE- wiat. Convenient localization on the main commu- ading out of the city into near Beskidy. ivodeship. It is located on the point converging few SCO World Cultural Heritage list. nication routes connecting Sucha Beskidzka, Krakow, geographical regions – Kotlina Sandomierska, Pod- Żywiec and Zakopane and also numerous tourism On the area of the city there are many important for górze Zachodniobeskidzkie and Wyżyna Krakowsko- City is excellently communicated – Main Rail and and cultural features encourage a fast growth of the the region institutions located, among them: District -Częstochowska. History of Krakow reaches back to Bus Station are located in the center and they ensu- city. On the area of the town one can find beautiful Police Headquarters, District Fire Department He- VII century, although it received town privileges per re the access to communication routes with whole adquarters, District Court, District Prosecutor’s Offi- the Magdeburg rights in 1257. The most important Poland and many foreign directions. John Paul II In- ce, District Employment Office, District Sanitary and trade routes which went through Krakow influenced ternational Airport Kraków-Balice is located not far Epidemiological Station, Forest District, ZUS and KRUS the dynamic development of the town and its for- away from the city center – a quick transport from and District Hospital which is one of the biggest and mation as one of the most important urban centers city to airport is ensured by the well-developed ne- most modern hospitals operating in the region. of this part of Europe. twork of roads and fast railway route serviced by the Lesser Poland Railways. Railway connections are Sucha Beskidzka is one of the safest and friendliest Krakow is one of the most modern cities guaran- available 7 days in a week and the time of transport towns, it belongs to the group of places with the teeing the access to the best quality of education is about 17 minutes. lowest percentage of crime in the region – there and many interesting tourism attractions conside- is monitoring functioning on the main streets. Stu- dents can use everything needed for their daily life. They willingly and readily integrate with local society and appreciate all advantages of the place of their studies which is a clean and peaceful place far from the noise of the big city.

52 53 www.wste.edu.pl

Program is co-financed with resources of the European Social Fund in frames of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled Raising of competences of academic staff and institutional potential in receiving people from abroad – Welcome to Poland implemented in frames of action specified in application for financing project number POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.