C222-ATK-CV-DPP-020-000012-FPD P01 Rev Description Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App
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@ 1:10000 Rev P01 METRES For Acceptance 0 103+000 100 Description 200 500 25/02/16 Drawn HMG 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0 190.0 200.0 80.0 90.0 R=40000.0 32 L=280.0 For Continuation Refer To Sheet Checked 26/02/16 -10.7 159.7 170.4 102+400 RP -9.8 159.5 169.3 102+300 102-L1 Greatworth Green Tunnel 170 Con App 26/02/16 GREATWORTH 360km/h AAR . 0 m Tunnel -8.1 159.3 167.4 102+200 Green Greatworth North Cutting 101-L2 Greatworth HS2 App -4.2 159.1 163.3 102+100 102-S2 Helmdon Road 1000 Realignment Realignment Helmdon Road Road Helmdon 102+000 -3.9 158.9 162.8 102+000 Scale withcaution asdistortioncanoccur. may beusedforlegalorotherofficial purposes. Only anofficialcopyofatitleplan orregisterobtainedfromtheLandRegistry sold orpublishedwithouttheformal permissionofLandRegistry. This materialwaslastupdatedon 2015andmaynotbecopied,distributed, Registry underdelegatedauthority fromtheControllerofHMSO. © CrownCopyrightmaterialisreproduced withthepermissionofLand Ordnance SurveyLicencenumber100049190 © CrownCopyrightanddatabaseright2015.Allrightsreserved. or ifitisissuedinpartincompletelyanyway. the reproductionofthisdocumentafteralteration,amendmentorabbreviation HS2 acceptsnoresponsibilityforanycircumstanceswhicharisefrom 160 @ 1:1000 METRES .0 m -4.6 158.7 163.3 101+900 101-S3 Greatworth ATS 0 -2.4 158.5 160.9 101+800 B4525 Welsh Road Welsh B4525 10 +1.0 158.3 157.3 101+700 101-S2 Greathworth Hall Station Auto-transformer Greatworth 20 +3.2 158.1 154.9 101+600 Culvert Embankment 101-L1 GreatworthNorth G L = = 0 1833 -2.2 157.9 160.1 . 101+500 200 . % -6.8 157.7 164.5 1 101+400 50 -10.0 157.5 167.5 101+300 -10.2 157.3 167.5 101+200 -8.6 157.1 165.7 101+100 101-S1 Bridleway AN14 Accommodation 101+000 -4.7 156.9 161.6 101+000 Overbridge Legends/Notes: Overbridge Accommodation Accommodation Bridleway AN14 Bridleway -2.6 156.7 159.3 100+900 100-S4 Greatworth Dry Valley Drop Inlet Culvert Electricity substation Ecological mitigationpond Depot, station,headhouse Land drainagearea Balancing pond or portalbuilding Tunnel portal 100 -5.8 156.5 162.3 100+800 -8.5 156.3 164.8 100+700 099-L2 GreatworthSouthCutting -8.4 156.1 164.5 100+600 R=56000.0 L=168.0 -7.0 155.9 162.9 100+500 100-S1 Bridleway AN37 Overbridge Accommodation -6.3 155.5 161.8 100+400 Accommodation AN37 Bridleway Overbridge L=5242.2 Replacement floodplainstorage Landscape mitigationplanting (scrub /woodland) Grassland habitatcreation Grassed areas Sustainable placement Wetland habitatcreation Woodland habitatcreation -7.0 155.0 162.0 100+300 160 . 0 -7.8 154.5 162.3 100+200 m -7.4 154.0 161.4 100+100 100+000 -7.3 153.5 160.8 100+000 -6.7 153.0 159.7 99+900 -5.2 152.5 157.7 99+800 -2.4 152.0 154.4 99+700 Engineering earthworks Rail alignmentformation Public realm Landscape earthworks Borough /Districtboundary development use Returned tosuitable County boundary +0.5 151.5 151.0 99+600 099-S2 Footpath AN22 Overbridge Accommodation Footpath AN22 Footpath Accommodation G G L +0.2 151.0 150.8 L 99+500 Overbridge = = = = 0 0 1946 1946 . 500 +2.4 150.5 148.1 500 99+400 099-S1 Helmdon Culvert . % % 8 8 Embankment 099-L1 GreatworthSouth Scale H1:10000V1:1000 -1.0 150.0 151.0 99+300 Scale 1:10000 Profile -5.4 149.5 154.9 99+200 Plan -7.5 149.0 156.5 99+100 Hedgerow habitatcreation Existing watercourse Existing publicrightofway Ditches -new PRoW New, divertedorrealigned Main utilityworks (PRoW) Community forumboundary Watercourse diversion 400km/h 99+000 -6.8 148.5 155.3 99+000 HS2 Alignment -3.8 148.0 151.8 98+900 098-L1 BrackleyNorthCutting Overbridge Accommodation Bridleway AX18 Bridleway -4.1 147.5 151.6 98+800 -6.0 147.0 153.0 98+700 Overbridge Radstone Road Road Radstone m 0 -6.3 146.5 152.8 98+600 . 0 10+000 15 -6.3 146.0 152.3 98+500 Stopped-up PRoW HS2 Accessroad Noise fencebarrier Rail alignment (e.g. 10+000) Chainage Tunnels externalextent -5.9 145.5 151.4 98+400 R=40000.0 098-S3 Bridleway AX18 RADSTONE L=300.0 Accommodation Overbridge -5.4 144.8 150.2 98+300 -3.5 143.8 147.3 98+200 -1.2 142.6 143.8 98+100 098-S1 Radstone Road Overbridge Creator/Originator 98+000 +0.3 141.4 141.1 98+000 L L m 0 Green Overbridge Green . Footpath AX15 Footpath 0 = = 14 375 +3.6 140.1 136.5 375 97+900 097-S4 Brackley Culvert Embankment 097-L1 Brackley . 0 -1.6 138.9 140.5 0 97+800 -4.2 137.6 141.8 97+700 Atkins -3.7 136.4 140.1 97+600 G G L -6.1 135.1 141.2 L 97+500 = = London, E145AB One CanadaSquare, Registered office: Registration No.06791686 Registered inEngland = = 1 1 1441 1441 m 0 . 250 250 140 -3.6 133.9 137.5 97+400 097-S3 Footpath AX15 Green Overbridge . % % 8 8 -13.7 132.6 146.3 97+300 096-L1 BrackleySouthCutting -16.0 131.4 147.4 97+200 -17.6 130.1 147.7 97+100 Drawing Title Design Stage 97 Zone +000 .0m 140 097-S1 Bridleway AX16 -17.9 128.9 146.8 97+000 BRACKLEY Accommodation Overbridge R=-8250.0 L=3773.2 Overbridge Accommodation Bridleway AX16 Bridleway FINAL PRELIMINARYDESIGN -15.4 127.6 143.0 96+900 Chainage 96+000 to102+400 -13.2 126.4 139.6 96+800 .0m 40 Road 1 Oxford A43 Country South 130.0m Main Line -9.3 125.1 134.4 96+700 R=-56000.0 Sheet 31 L=224.0 Fit forAcceptance -8.3 123.9 .2 96+600 132 96+600 Accepted -7.1 122.9 130.0 96+500 130 .0m 096-S2 A43 Oxford Road Overbridge -5.2 122.1 127.3 96+400 G G - 120 = = L L Overbridge -0.9 121.2 122.1 96+300 Road Oxford A43 Station Auto-transformer Whitfield 0 0 = = . 0 . 9 9 m 095-L3 Helmdon 850 850 62 62 20.0m Embankment 1 . % % 5 +2.0 120.4 118.4 5 96+200 096-S3 W hitfield ATS 96+000 +2.7 119.5 116.8 96+100 Date Drawn Drawing No. Discipline/Function Project/Contract C222-ATK-CV-DPP-020-000012-FPD 1 26/02/2016 +1.2 118.7 117.5 96+000 Fo RouteElementID r Con DesignSpeed CutandFill ProposedLevel ExistingLevel VerticalAlignment HorizontalAlignment Chainage 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0 190.0 200.0 tinua TB tion Refer To Sheet 30 Country SouthDesign 110.0m Checked Scale AS SHOWN Civil RP 110 . 0 m Approved Size 120 . 0 m AAR A1 Rev. 95 Code P01 +000.