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(Periodicals postage paid in Seattle, WA) TIME-DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT DELAY Taste of Norway Heritage ‘Tis the season Become a kid in « Jeg er ingen god mottager, jeg for gravlax synes det er deiligere å gi. » a candy store Read more on page 22 – Wenche Foss Read more on page 21 Norwegian American Weekly Vol. 126 No. 42 November 20, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Bewildered by holiday shopping? Fear not! Delight everyone on your list, including: • language learners • world travelers • foodies (& drinkies) • outdoorsy types • kids • and the Norwegian who has everything Plus: wearable gifts, must-have holiday foods, and decorations to make the season bright What’s inside? News 2-3 Thanksgiving traditions in Norway Business 4 Obituaries & Religion 5 M. MICHAEL BRADY Thanksgiving Feast.” But its roots are older In 1770, Mikkelsmess was abolished as a Opinion 6-7 Asker, Norway and reflect both religious and secular tradi public church holiday in Denmark and Nor tion. way. In 1918 Mikkelsmess was reinstated in Barneblad 8 Thanksgiving, originally the day of The religious roots of Høsttakkefest pre the Norwegian liturgical calendar, and from Holiday Gift Guide 9-17 giving thanks for the harvest, is celebrated date the adoption of Christianity in Norway. 1999 on, its celebration is optional in the In Your Neighborhood 18- 19 in various ways on differing days round the In the ancient city of Chonae, on September Church of Norway. Today Norwegian calen Norwegian Heritage 20-21 world, reflecting the diversity of cultural and 29, 380 AD, according to the western litur dars annotate September 29 as Mikkelsmess.
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