Violations committed by ١,١٩١ the Regime and its Russian ally of the ceasefire truce ٢٠٢٠ November ١٦ Control Parties ;٢٠٢٠ March ٥ After the Turkish and Russian Presidents reached the ceasefire truce agreement in Idleb Governorate on the warplanes of the regime and its Russian ally didn’t bomb North Western Syria ever since; yet the regime continued Russian warplanes have ;٢٠٢٠ June ٢ targeting the cities and towns there with heavy artillery and rocket launchers; on again bombed northwestern Syria, along with the regime which continued targeting NW Syria with heavy artillery and ١,١٩١ rocket launchers. Through its network of enumerators, the Assistance Coordination Unit ACU documented violations of the truce committed by the regime and its Russian ally as of the date of this report.

There has been no change in the control map over the past week; No joint Turkish-Russian military patrols were carried the Turkish army began evacuating two ,٢٠٢٠ November ١٠ On .٢٠٢٠ November ١٠-١٦ out during the period between observation points located in the areas recently controlled by the regime. The first observation point is located between the towns of Qabtan Eljabal and Sheikh Aqil in the western countryside of wheile the second observation point is located near the town of Maar Hattat in the southern countryside of Idleb. In return, the Turkish forces established a new Regime the regime forces Opposition group ,٢٠٢٠ November ١٤ observation point near the town of Bara in the central area of Idleb governorate. On bombed with heavy artillery the vicinity of the Turkish observation post near the town of Ehsem in Idleb governorate. Opposition group affiliated by Turkey Syrian democratic forces (SDF) The enumerators of the Information Management Unit (IMU) of the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) documented in Clash areas- Clash lines violations of the truce in Idleb governorate and adjacent countrysides of ٣٤ m;٢٠٢٠ November ١٦ - ١٠ the period between Aleppo; Lattakia and Hama governorates.

a drone bombed a vehicle ,٢٠٢٠ November ١١ in the central area of Idleb governorate, , the Russian warplanes targeted with several airstrikes the towns of Banin and Shinan. On ,٢٠٢٠ November ١٠ On the opposition ,٢٠٢٠ ,in the southern countryside of Idleb ,١٢ van) in the town of ; it was not clear whether there were any casualties due to the car being completely destroyed. On November) the Russian warplanes bombed the outskirts of the towns of Bara and Abdita ,١٣, ٢٠٢٠ forces were able to repel an infiltration attempt by the regime forces on the axis of the town . On November ١٦, ٢٠٢٠ with several airstrikes. The Russian long-range missile battleships in the Mediterranean sea, bombed the outskirts of the city of Idleb (Arab Saeed area) near the central prison. On November the opposition forces managed to repel an infiltration attempt by the regime forces on the axis of the town of Ruwaiha.

in the northern countryside of Aleppo, Al-Komandous (Free Police) checkpoint was bombed at Al Marwaha roundabout in the city of Al Bab with by an unidentified missile. The ,١٢, ٢٠٢٠ On November incident took place in the middle of the night and did not result in any casualties. It is likely that the source of the missile was the Russian forces or a Russian warplane. An explosive device exploded a sniper of the so-called SDF shotand killed a woman near the ,٢٠٢٠ November ١٥ civilians. On ٣ in the outskirts of Afrin city in concurrence with the passage of a Turkish military convoy, wounding town of Maraanaz while she was harvesting olives.

Violations committed by regime In the northern Truce Violations Areas of the ceasefire truce ٢٠٢٠ November ١٦ - ١٠ countryside of Governorate Community Type of violation Aleppo; a tent in 10 Idleb Banin Russian airstrikes&artillery shelling Ziyarat Hanan Idleb Shinan Russian airstrikes camp near the Idleb Artillery shelling North West Syria town of Kafr Janna Idleb Artillery shelling was burned due to 6 6 Idleb Artillery shelling 5 an electrical fire. Idleb Bara Russian airstrikes&artillery shelling The fire resulted in 3 3 Idleb Maarbalit An unidentified aircraft bombed a car burning a Idleb Ftireh An infiltration attempt & Artillery shelling one-and-a-half-ye 1 Idleb Artillery shelling ١٦ ١٥ ١٤ ١٣ ١٢ ١١ ١٠ .Lattakia Kabani Artillery shelling ar-old girl Idleb Abdita Russian airstrikes&artillery shelling Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Idleb Idleb Russian missile attacks Prominent Incidents Idleb Ehsem Artillery shelling Governorate Community Incidents Idleb Deir Artillery shelling Aleppo Al Bab An explosive device went off Idleb Ruwaiha An infiltration attempt & Artillery shelling Aleppo Afrin An explosive device exploded causing injuries to the civilians Idleb Afs Artillery shelling Aleppo Maraanaz SDF sniper Shot a woman who was harvesting olives Violate truce- shelling Idleb Artillery shelling Aleppo Kafr Janna A tent for IDPs burnt killing a child Idleb Artillery shelling Incidents Aleppo Menbij SDF killed a civilian Hama Ziyara Artillery shelling Idleb Hamama An explosive device exploded, injuring civilians in the northeastern countryside of ١٦, ٢٠٢٠ On November Prominent Incidents Aleppo, the so-called SDF killed a civilian in the city of Governorate Community Incidents Menbij who was trying to prevent SDF forces from Deir-ez-Zor Sosa SDF carried out a campaign of arrests shooting at a group of children and women trying to Hawayej Northern East Syria Deir-ez-Zor Bumasaa SDF fired at civilian protesters cross from SDF held areas to areas controlled by the Al-Hasakeh Hole SDF handed over children with Russian nationality to their government opposition (the national army); the young victim tried to Al-Hasakeh Hole Unidentified assailants shot an Iraqi refugee in Hole camp prevent SDF by standing in front of the women and families left Hole camp children; but SDF members intentionally shot the young ١٢٠ Al-Hasakeh Hole man, killing him. Watad Petroleum Company (affiliated with the Salvation Government) announced a reduction in fuel prices in northwestern Syria twice within a Turkish liras. It announced the availability ٤٫٥٥ Turkish liras; the price of imported diesel was ٤٫٦٥ week; where the price of imported gasoline was ٣٫٦٥ Turkish liras, while the price of the second type was ٣٫٩٠ of two types of diesel refined using primitive methods: The price of the first type was Turkish liras. The company justified the reduction in fuel prices due to the low exchange rate of ٦٩ Turkish liras. The price of one gas cylinder was the dollar against the Turkish lira. On November 11, 2020, in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, SDF implemented a campaign of arrests in the city of Susat. The campaign result- ed in the arrest of 2 civilians. SDF dispersed a demonstration in Hawayej Bumasaa, by shooting fire at the demonstrators. The civilians protested against corruption in SDF institutions within the deteriorating living conditions. children with Russian nationality from ISIS families to a Russian ٣٠ In Hole camp, in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakeh, SDF handed over ١٠٠ delegation. The children were detained in Hole camp prior to their handover which took place in the city of Quamishli. SDF prevented more than attempts by refugees to escape from Hole camp within two weeks. An unidentified assailants shot an Iraqi refugee inside the camp, resulting in a severe injury to him in the back. Meanwhile, 120 Syrian IDP families consisting of 515 individuals left the camp towards their cities and towns in the countryside of Deir-ez-Zor.