Idleb Governorate, Ariha District April 2018

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Idleb Governorate, Ariha District April 2018 Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Sub-district Factsheets Idleb GovernorateGovernorate, Ariha District JanuaryApril 2018 Introduction This multi-sectoral needs assessment is part of a monthly data collection exercise which aims to gather information about needs and the humanitarian situation inside Syria. The factsheets present information collected in MayFebruary 2018, 2018, referring referring to the to situation the situation in April in ALEPPO January2018. 2018. These factsheets present information at the community level for 21three sub-districts sub-districts in in Idleb Ariha governorate.district in Idleb Selected governorate. key indicatorsSelected keyfor IDLEB theindicators following for sectorsthe following are included sectors inare the included factsheets: in the displacement, factsheets: shelter,displacement, non-food shelter, items non-food(NFIs), health, items food(NFIs), security, health, water food sanitation security, andwater hygiene sanitation (WASH) and hygiene and education. (WASH) The and factsheets education. do The not factsheets cover the Mhambal Ariha entiredo not rangecover theof indicators entire range gathered of indicators in the gathered questionnaire. in the questionnaire. Ehsem For full visualisation of all indicators collected, please see the SIMAWG Needs Identification Dynamic Reporting Tool, available here: LATTAKIA Methodology and limitations HAMA These findings areare basedbased onon datadata collected collected both directly directly (in andTurkey) remotely from (inKey Turkey) Informants from (KIs)Key Informants residing in residing the communities in the communities assessed. assessed. Information waswas collectedcollected from from KIs Key in 60Informants communities in 143 in 3communities sub districts inof 21Idleb sub-districts governorate. of IdlebFor eachgovernorate. question Forasked, each confidence question asked, levels confidencewere assigned levels based were on assignedthe KIs area based of expertiseon the Key and Informant’s knowledge area of Remote data collection ofthe expertise sector-specific and knowledge situation. of the sector-specific situation. Direct data collection For a full description of the methodology, please see the Terms of Mixed data collection PDF: click on a sub-district Reference, available on the REACH Resource Centre. name to directly access the Not assessed relevant factsheet *Admin 1 = governorate; admin 2 = district; admin 3 = sub-district; admin 4 = populated places Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Sub-district Factsheets Sub-district P-Code: SY070500 Ariha 1/5, Idleb Governorate April 2018 Displacement 21/28 communities assessed (16 communities are shown on the next NFIs four factsheets): Al Mokbelah, Ariha, Bab Ellah, Banin, Bazabur Al Mokbelah Al Mokbelah Banin % of pre-conflict Most common population remaining 76-100% 51-75% 1-25% electricity source % of population that Yes No No B 6700 SYP 1550 SYP B 7000 SYP 1550 SYP Main network are female ! % of female-headed Ariha Thaheriya C 30 SYP 4000 SYP C 35 SYP 4000 SYP Generator households ! Korin ! Al Mokbelah 225 SYP No source 76-100% 51-75% 1-25% Bab Ellah ! ! D 125 SYP D 225 SYP 125 SYP IDPs living in village ! ! Nahliya Yes Yes Yes ! Mseibin F 40000 SYP 30000 SYP F 45000 SYP 35000 SYP Solar alternative ! Majdaliya New IDP arrivals Kafr Najd ! Batteries ! Bab Ellah Ariha Ariha Bazabur Returnees Motaram ! Maarbalit No information 51-75% 51-75% 1-25% ! ! Kafraziba ! Orm Eljoz ! Fuel Prices (SYP)* Yes No No ! ! ! B 6700 SYP 1550 SYP B 7000 SYP 1600 SYP ! Bazabur Moataf B Butane (cannister) Kafr Shalaya Nahleh ! ! ! Banin ! ! C 30 SYP 4000 SYP C 35 SYP 4000 SYP ! Sarja C Coal (1kg) 76-100% 26-50% 1-25% ! D 210 SYP 125 SYP D 225 SYP 125 SYP D Diesel (1 litre) Shinan Ruwaiha Yes Yes No ! ! F 45000 SYP 25000 SYP F 45000 SYP 30000 SYP F Firewood (1 tonne) Bazabur Banin NFI Prices (SYP)* ! Bab Ellah 76-100% 26-50% 1-25% Cement (50kg) Yes No No Floor mat B 7000 SYP 1550 SYP (3*4m) Plastic tarpaulin C 30 SYP 4000 SYP Shelter Livelihoods (1m2) Al Mokbelah Banin D 225 SYP 125 SYP Tent (5 persons) Most common shelter Most common Most common strategies used to cope with lack Independent NDPs IDPs NDPs IDPs sources of income F 40000 SYP 30000 SYP NA: not available for apartment or house of income / resources purchase Shared apartment or house Daily employment Borrowing from family/friends Al Mokbelah 1500 - 1700 SYP 2500 - 2700 SYP Farm owning Skipping meals Most common Unfinished apartment Al Mokbelah Sale of humanitarian aid Reducing meal size No lack of fuel strategies used or house to cope with a Tent Ariha Bazabur Daily employment Borrowing from family/friends lack of fuel Private space not for NDPs IDPs NDPs IDPs Ariha Business/trade Selling household assets shelter Sale of humanitarian aid Skipping meals Ariha Banin Cave/natural shelter Daily employment Borrowing from family/friends 5000 - 7000 SYP No info No lack of fuel No lack of fuel Collective public Bab Ellah Skipping meals space not for shelter Reducing meal size No IDPs Bab Ellah Daily employment Borrowing from family/friends Banin Reducing meal size No information NDPs IDPs Bab Ellah Bazabur Min - Max: rent paid per No lack of fuel No lack of fuel room (where known) Daily employment Borrowing from family/friends No info Bazabur Farm owning Reducing meal size * *1 1USD USD = =434 434 SYP SYP (UN (UN operational operational rates rates of of exchange exchange as as of of 1 1March June 2018) Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Sub-district Factsheets Sub-district P-Code: SY070500 Ariha 1/5, Idleb Governorate April 2018 WASH 21/28 communities assessed (16 communities are shown on the next Food Security four factsheets): Al Mokbelah, Ariha, Bab Ellah, Banin, Bazabur Al Mokbelah Al Mokbelah Most common water Main challenges to Water trucking source Shops obtaining food Status of water source Left in street / public area Bread: no info Rice: 250 SYP No challenges Water is safe to drink ! Ariha Thaheriya Lentils: 250 SYP No difficulties reported Some foods ! Korin Water tastes/smells bad Water trucking ! Al Mokbelah Sugar: 300 SYP unavailable Bab Ellah ! ! Cooking oil: 450 SYP Local production ! Nahliya People sick after drinking Public free collection ! ! Mseibin Private bakeries unavailable decreased ! Majdaliya Lack of access to No information Kafr Najd ! ! markets Bab Ellah Ariha Ariha Motaram ! Maarbalit Some foods Water trucking ! Sufficiency of available water ! Public bakeries expensive Kafraziba ! to meet household needs Orm Eljoz ! Lack of resources Public free collection ! ! ! Bread: 150 SYP to buy food Sufficient ! Bazabur Moataf Rice: 250 SYP Lack of access Kafr Shalaya Nahleh ! ! ! Banin ! ! Lentils: 250 SYP No difficulties reported to fuel Insufficient ! Sarja Network ! Sugar: 300 SYP Cooking fuel Cooking oil: 450 SYP unavailable No information Shinan Ruwaiha Buried / burned ! ! 0 No information Most common method of Bread (public): 1 pack garbage disposal Bazabur Banin Bab Ellah Water trucking ! Rice: 1kg Shops Lentils: 1 kg Public free collection Bread: no info Sugar: 1kg Rice: 250 SYP Cooking oil: 1 litre Education Health Lentils: 250 SYP No difficulties reported Sugar: 300 SYP Access to bread Cooking oil: 450 SYP Most common Status of primary schools Bab Ellah Most common health Most common barriers source of bread problems to accessing healthcare Private bakeries unavailable in village Most children accessed education Most common Functioning Skin diseases No facilities in the area Banin Al Mokbelah Maternal health issues barriers to Not functioning Severe diseases affecting those Shops accessing bread aged less than 5 Bread: no info Number of days, Not available Banin Maternal health issues No difficulties reported Rice: 250 SYP per month, where Ariha Acute respiratory infections bread from private No information Most children accessed education Lentils: 250 SYP No difficulties reported bakeries was Severe diseases affecting those Sugar: 300 SYP Barriers to accessing unavailable aged less than 5 Cooking oil: 500 SYP education services Maternal health issues No facilities in the area Private bakeries unavailable Al Mokbelah Bazabur Bab Ellah Acute respiratory infections Severe diseases affecting those Bazabur Most children accessed education Most children accessed education aged less than 5 Maternal health issues No facilities in the area Shops Banin Severe diseases affecting those Bread: no info aged less than 5 Rice: 250 SYP Ariha Lentils: 250 SYP No difficulties reported Maternal health issues No facilities in the area Most children accessed education Sugar: 300 SYP Bazabur Acute respiratory infections Cooking oil: 450 SYP Severe diseases affecting those aged less than 5 Private bakeries unavailable * *1 1USD USD = =434 434 SYP SYP (UN (UN operational operational rates rates of of exchange exchange as as of of 1 1March June 2018) Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Sub-district Factsheets Sub-district P-Code: SY070500 Ariha 2/5, Idleb Governorate April 2018 Displacement 21/28 communities assessed (5 communities are shown on the previous NFIs factsheet, 12 communities are shown on the next three factsheets): Kafr Kafr Najd Kafr Najd Korin % of pre-conflict Najd, Kafr Shalaya, Kafraziba, Korin Most common population remaining 76-100% 51-75% 1-25% electricity source % of population that Yes Yes No B 7000 SYP 1600 SYP B 6700 SYP 1550 SYP Main network are female ! % of female-headed Kafr
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