A healthy diet is the basic foundation of youth. Fruits and vegetables provide beneficial nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and water. An easy and simple way to increase intake of fruit and vegetables is making yourself a green smoothie, herbal soup or multi-grain .

Multi-Functional Pulverizing Blender - delivering healthy eating ideas FEATURES

Fruit & Vegetable Juice Provides antioxidants, fiber and many other nutrients. Benefits include clearer skin, increased energy, mental clarity and focus.

Sb w Vitality Drinks Such as Barley Grass or Wheatgrass provide chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Nuts and Whole Grain Drinks & Congee A diet rich in whole grains helps reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The unit's heating element lets you easily make nut milk and multi-grain congee.

Ierbal Tea The essence of is now at the touch of a button.

Sich and Nutritious Bisque Make healthy and delicious bisque in minutes.


ӅHealth Informationӆ///////////////////4

ӅFruit & Vegetable Juiceӆ!///////////////22

ӅNut & Grain Milkӆ//////////////////////26





ӅIce Creamӆ///////////////////////////51


ӅIerbal Teaӆ//////////////////////////55

3 Introduction on bacis ingredients Health Information

ӅVegetables ӆ Name Nutrient Health Benefits

Carbohydrates, calcium, Cancer prevention, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B2, anti-inflammatory, digestive tract Cabbage C, E, K and a small amount of support, cardiovascular support sulfur, chlorine and iodine and aids with weight loss

Iron -! calcium, !magnesium, ! Combat free radicals, reduce heart Tomatoe potassium, !vitamin A, B, C, P, disease, rich in phytonutrients, nicotine acide, amino acid improves digestion

Ceta carotene, protein, Slows down aging of cells, Carrot carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, improves vision and brain malic acid health, liver protection

Water, carbohydrates, fibre, Prevents cold, reduce build up Radish calcium, phosphorus of phlegm

Cucumber Sugar, phosphorus, vitamins a, Hydration, diuresis, flushes out B1, B2, c and niacin toxins

Fiber, iron, vitamin B, oxalic Promotes blood circulation, Spinach acid, improves blood glucose control, Green pigment lowers blood pressure, improves bone health

Calcium, phosphorus, iron, Weight management, eye health, Bell Pepper vitamins a, B1, B2, C, Nicotinic prevents anemia, increase acid, chlorophyll immunity

Lotus Starch, sugar, fibre, tannic acid Lowers blood pressure, heart health, relieves cough and phlegm

calcium, phosphorus, iron, Maintains skin elasticity, supports Sweet Potato vitamins A, B6, and C, healthy immune system, niacin, starch anti-stress,

Carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, Prevents migraines, eye health, Winter Melon vitamins b and c digestive health, heart health, reduce stroke

4 Name Nutrient Health Benefits Hydration, induces sleep, lowers Lettuce Water, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins a, B1, B6, c, niacin cholesterol, controls anxiety, antioxidant Vitamin B9, C, copper, iron, Prevents asthma, strong Nappa manganese, bones and teeth, treats arthritis

Alfafa Protein, calcium, phosphorus, Qrevents cancer, builds stamina, Sprouts iron, potassium, vitamin A, B1, muscle function B2, C, D, E, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, chlorophyll

Chinese Calcium, phosphorus, enzymes, Ieals skin disease, improves Yam vitamins B1, B2, c, k cognitive ability

Vitamin C, B6, B2, B9, Manganese, weight loss, cardiovascular health, Zucchin Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, prevents stroke, brain health, Iron, Magnesium, enhance mood

Vitamin C, B9, Zinc, Potassium, Fights diabetes, prevents breast Bitter Melon Figer cancer, fungal infections, hemorrhoid relief, immune system health, blood pressure

Celery vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, Extremely alkalizing, reduces folic acid, retinoids, carotenoids, inflammation, prevents cancer, lipids, amino acids, calcium, iron, stimulates immune system, lowers magnesium, zinc, potassium blood pressure and cholesterol Barley beta carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, Lowers cholesterol, improves gut Grass B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, iron, health, antioxidant, fights free potassium, calcium, phosphorus, radicals magnesium, chlorophyll, amino acids, protein, fiber, and enzymes. Vitamin B6, B5, B3, C, B1, Copper, Cancer prevention, brain function, Potato Carbohydrate, Potassium, skin care, kidney stones, digestion, Tryptophan, Manganese, diarrhea, rheumatism

Sword Leaf Chlorophyll, vitamins B1, B2, C, Improves appetize, relieves Lettuce niacin, Iron, calcium, phosphorus depression, builds strength, diuretic Burdock Vitamin B6, Carbohydrate, copper, Prevents birth defects, treats back Phosphorus, Manganese pain and cramps, brain health, prevents arthritis and osteoarthritis, hormonal balance, detoxify

Asparagus Vitamin K, B9, B1, copper, iron Assist digestion, reduce diabetes, cure hangovers, vision health, reduce arthritis

Weight management, increase Mushroom Proteins, fats, amino acids, minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and h vitamin D levels, boost immune system, reduce cholesterol

5 Name Nutrient Health Benefits Cancer prevention, bone health, Croccoli Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, A, calcium, iron, potassium eye care, skin care, wound healing

Vitamin B6, B9, C, carbohydrate, Cancer prevention, treatment of Onion manganese, fiber, calcium, zinc, anemia, oral health, urinary disorder, carotene boosts sexual drive, blood sugar regulation, immune system

Cancer prevention, brain health, Pumpkin Vitamin A, C, B2, B5, C, E, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, enhance immunity, enhance mood, manganese prevents neurodegenerative disease, prevents migraines, cramps, anemia

Vitamin B6, C, copper, selenium, Treats urinary tract infections, manganese, copper, potassium, iron prevents common cold, antioxidant, eliminate contaminants,reduce blood pressure

Prevents anaemia and fatigue, bone Green peas Vitamin A5, B1, C, K, copper, iron health, fights diabetes, prevents sign of aging, reduce depression, heart health, enhances learning

Corn Vitaming B1, B3, B5, carbohydrate, Controls diabetes and hypertension, phosphorus lowers LDL cholesterol, treats diarrhea, edema, dyspepsia

Reduce inflammation, treats sore Green Onion Vitamin A, C, E, K, folates, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, fiber, iron, calcium, throat and nasal congestion, arthritis carotene-ß, lutein-zeaxanthin prevention, eye health, cancer prevention, antiviral, promotes heart health, decrease high cholesterol

Oyster Vitamin D, B3, B2, B5, B1, B9, iron, Maintains blood sugar level, brain Mushroom copper, phosphorus, tryptophan health, immunity system, provides energy, maintains mood

Fights infection, protects against Vitamin B6, C, copper, carbohydrate, manganese, magnesium, potassium, Alzheimer's disease, treats chronic iron, dietary fiber, choline indigestion, reduces menstrual pain, cancer prevention

Taro Vitamin B1, B6, E, carbohydrate, Cancer prevention, blood pressure, copper, manganese, potassium, heart health, immune system, boosts dietery fiber, magnesium vision, digestive health, dental health

Chilli Vitamin c, beta carotene, folic acid, Relieves joint and muscle pain, Pepper magnesium, potassium prevents allergies, weight loss, anti-fungal, helps digestion


Name Nutrient Health Benefits Persimmon Vitamin A, C, C, dietary fiber, Liver detox, fights common cold and calcium, iron constipation, diuretic, energizer Skin care, eye health, prevents heart Papaya Calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, niacin, potassium, Vitamin A, C, zinc disease, improves digestion, cancer prevention, relieves nausea Water, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, Prevents cold, strengthens bones, Pineapple Vitamin C, E, potassium, zinc gum health, improves digestion Vitamin B2, B5, C, dietary fiber, iron, Strong bones, immune system, Kumquat carbohydrate, copper, calcium cancer prevention, skin health

Apple Vitamin A, B, C, tannic acid, pectin, Eye, teeth and heart health, protects potassium, iron, calcium against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, cancer prevention, diabetes, treats diarrhea and constipation, prevents gallstones, weight control, cataracts

Banana Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, Bowel health, bone health, lowers folate, potassium, iron, magnesium, blood pressure,cancer and HIV choline, manganese, phosphorous prevention, morning sickness

Lemon Vitamin C, B6, B5, B1, B9, iron, Digestive health, hair and skin care, dietary fiber, carbohydrate, copper, controls weight, reduce cancer risk, potassium prevent kidney stones,

Orange Vitamin A, B6, C, E calcium, Treats arteriosclerosis, cancer magnesium, potassium, zinc, folate prevention, lowers cholesterol, antioxidant, heart health, skin care Grapefruit Vitamin C, A, B1, B5, B6, B9, dietary Cures fatigue, loss of appetite, treats fiber, lycopene, copper, carbohydrate fever, diabetes, urinary ailments Vitamin B6, B9, C, K, dietary fiber, Assists digestion, prevents heart Pear carbohydrate, copper, manganese, ailments, weight loss, digestive potassium, magnesium ailments, treats cough Vitamin A, B1, B5, B6, C, lycopene, Relieves muscle soreness, lowers Watermelon carbohydrate, copper, iron blood pressure, prostate health Vitamin A, C, K, folate, dietary fiber, Healthy skin, combats infections, Cantaloupe potassium, phosphorus eye, teeth and gum health Vitamin c, b1, B2, B6, K, fluoride, Bone health, longevity, migraine, Grape copper, carbohydrate, iron, potassium heart disease, constipation, brain function, Alzheimer's disease Vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin, potassium, Liver function, detox, skin care, Houseleek phosphorus, iron, chlorophyll, fiber prevents cardiovascular disease Carbohydrate, iron, calcium, Wound healing, diabetes, fights cold, Sugar cane protein, potassium, magnesium, organ strength, rehydration Peach Carotene-ß, Vitamin A, C, E, K, iron, Low in calories, anti-oxidant, bone folates, niacin, copper, magnesium and teeth health,


Name Nutrient Health Benefits Heart health, breast and prostate Soy bean Vitamin, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, iron, tryptophan, isoleucine, threonine, cancer prevention, sleep disorder, valine, phosphorus, protein, leucine, metabolic activity, circulation and calcium, copper, potassium, dietary oxygenation, alleviate menopausal fiber, zinc, carbohydrate symptoms, bone health, diabetes Glutinous Carbohydrates, B complex, calcium, Suitable for winter consumption, rice phosphorus, iron, potassium warms limbs, strengthen lung Brain, bone and heart health, strong Almond Unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin A, B, C, E, calcium, phosporus, iron, nails, regulates cholestrol, boost magnesium immune system, anti-inflammation Black Unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, Nourishes the liver and kidney, treats phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin E hair loss and grey hair, skin care White Vitamin e, lecithin, calcium, dietary Maintains blood pressure, prevents sesame fiber, magnesium, iron cancer, healthy bones, disgestion Brown Fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, Diabetes, antioxidant, fights obesity, rice potassium, proteins, Vitamin B prevents constipation, aid digestion Isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, iron, Millet Prevents Alzheimer's disease, stroke threonine, lysine, vitamin B1, B3 and muscle weakness, brain health Cashew Copper, total fat, phosphorus, iron, Anti-diabetic, formation of red blood manganese, magnesium, tryptophan cells, heart, nerve and muscle health Oats Vitamin B complex, E, folic acid, iron, Improves immune system, helps calcium, zinc, linseed oil, phosphorus weight loss, prevent constipation Black Vitamin B1, B2, C, protein, calcium, Lowers cholesterol, aids digestive bean phosphorus, folate, fiber tract, regulated blood sugar Barley Vitamin b1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, Colon and intestine health, weight iron, slenium, protein, magnesium loss, arthritis, skin care, supports immune system, cancer prevention Mung Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, K, iron, Cancer prevention, lowers blood bean copper, manganese, zinc, isoleucine, pessure, immunity, help weight loss, tryptophan, dietary fiber rehydration, assist digestion Red bean Protein, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, Diuretic, alleviate edema, reduces vitamin B complex, phosphorus, iron swelling and eliminates toxins Black rice Vitamin C, zinc, copper, manganese, Antioxidant, lowers blood pressure, chlorophyll, carotenoids, cancer prevention, detox Lotus Vitamin B2, E, calcium, phosphorus, Maintain healthy pregnancy, detox, seed iron, protein, dietary fiber increases energy, anti-aging

Peanut Vitam B1, B3, E, copper, manganese, Heart health, antioxidant, protect molybdenum, folate, biotin, protein against cancer, degenerative nerve disease, heart disease, Alzheimer's

Tremellales Vitamin B complex, protein, amino Beautifies skin, lowers cholesterol, acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, improves immune system polysaccharides, resin, dietary fiber

8 Name Nutrient Health Benefits Purple Vitamin B1, B2, dietary fiber, calcium, Promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, rice potaassium, folic acid, zinc, iron aid digestion, lowers blood pressure Walnut Vitamin B6, total fat, copper, valine, Colon health, relieves stress, cancer manganese, phosphorus, tryptophan, prevention, treats diabetes, brain isoleucine, magnesium health, anti-inflammatory


Name Nutrient Health Benefits

Jujube Vitamin B2, B3, B6, potassium, iron, Skin health, cancer treatment, weight carbohydrate, copper, phosphorus control, digestion, immune system Citrus Vitamin B1, C, volatile oils, nobiletin, Regulates chi, aids digestion, peel hesperidin, neohesperidin, tangeridin reduces phlegm, increase appetite Ginseng Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, calcium, iron, Increases energy, blood circulation, magnesium, potassium, germanium immune system, mind calming

Astragalus Saponins, isoflavone, free-form amino Boosts immunity, lowers cortisol, acids, fatty acids, polysaccharides cardiovascular health, fights tumor Rehmannia Carbohydrates, amino acids, protein Treats kidney disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma

Goji berry Vitamin B1, B2, C, calcium, betaine, Prevents Alzheimer's, eliminates beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, iron, free radicals, protects cardiovascular linoleic acid, phosphorus system, eye and liver health Chuan Volatile oils, alkaloids and phenolic Invigorates blood and chi, relieves Xiong constituents, lactones, ferulic acid menstrual pain, headaches Knotweed Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, calcium, iron, Rejuvenate body, brain and nerves, zinc, niacin, stilbene glyscosides treats Alzheimer's, strengthen bones, antioxidant, laxative property Vitamin A, B6, C, E, K, copper, folate, Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, betaine, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, thiamin, calcium, potassium, zinc, fights cancer, food poisoning, odor phosphorus, magnesium, manganese neutralizer, anti-fungal, brain function Angelica Oil, phytosterols, polysaccharides, Treats hot flashes, menstrual cramps, (dong quai) ligustilit, b-butyl phtalit, flavonoids liver tonic, improve sleep quality Longan Vitamin A, C, magnesium, potassium, Blood and chi tonic, heart health, phosphorus, carbohydrate promotes calmness Monkey Steroidal saponins, carotenoids, Treats chronic bronchitis, morning grass mucilage, stigmasterol sickness, improve immune function Black date Vitamin B complex, carotene, calcium, Nourish chi and blood, fights stress, iron, potassium, manganese improves insomnia, odor fighting Korean Ginsenoside, Ra, Rf, Rg3, Rh2 Improves mental alertness, enhance ginseng memory

9 Name Nutrient Health Benefits Camomile Vitamin A, phenolics, glycine, folate, Treats cuts and wounds, antibacterial, carbohydrate, calcium, magnesium, calms muscle spasms, aids sleep, potassium, fluoride, folate relieves PMS, anti-inflammatory Licorice Vitamin B1, B2, C, E, niacin, calcium, Treats sore throat, ulcers, fatigue, root potassium, phosphorus, magnesium leak gut and food poisoning Blighted Starch, protein, carbohydrates, fiber Stops excessive sweating, nourishes wheat heart and calms mind Leguminosae Vitamin C, saponins, tannins Soothes the chi, promotes blood flow fu Shen Sugar, poria acid, protein, lecithin Calms heart, promotes urination Bai Zi Ren Vitamin A, niacin, rion, copper, zinc Anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, saponin laxative, antiperspirant Magnolia Vitamin C, E, citric acid, chlorophyll, Treats palpitations, insomnia, night vine fruit tannin, resin sweat, prolonged coughing Thorowax Fatty acids, glycosides, oleic acid, Anti-inflammatory, mild sedative, palmitic acid, quercetin, narcissin reduces fever St. John's Naphthodianthrones, quercetin, Treats depression, antiviral, treats Wort flavones, xanthoids Parkinson's, hormonal balance Fritillaria Steroidal alkaloids, Treats lung-related conditons, lymphatic decongestant Honeysuckle Chlorogenic acid, flavones, Fights infection of respiratory system, flower essential oils anti-inflammatory Prunella Triterpenoids oleanolic acid, ursolic Enhance eyesight, cleanse the liver, acid, flavonoids, camphor, tanshinone reduce swelling Mulberry Sterols, flavonoids, volatile oils, Treats fever, dry coughing, sweating, leaf coumarins, alkaloids chest pain, blurred vision, dizziness Balloon Saponins, betulin, volatile oils, sterols, Astringent, anti-inflammatory, flower glucose treats cough, excessive mucus, sore (Platycodon) throat, common cold, bronchitis Mint Mint L-carvone, limonene, essential Treats allergies, respiratory disorders, oil, menthol, flavonoids, caffeic acid coughs, digestion, headache, asthma Lily bulbs Alkaloids, steroidal saponins, phenols Moistens the lungs, relieves coughs, dispel phlegm, calms heart Hibiscus Organic acids, anthocyanins, pectin, Manages blood pressure, anti-cancer, phytosterols, flavonoids, mucilage anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol

Cassia seed Chrysophanol, physcion, emodin, Sharpens eye sight, promotes bowel aloeemodin, rhein, sterols movements, lubricates intestines Hawthorn Organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, Treats indigestion, anorexia, diarrhea, fruit amino acids, vitamin C abdominal pain Wu mei N-hexanal, linalool, teradecanoic acid, Relieves constipation, protects the (dark plum) A-terpineol, geranio, benzaldehyde stomach, purifies blood Rose powder Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, D, A, E, Skin care, reducesfatigue, relieves precipitin, lipolytic enzymes depression, menstrual pain

: ӅVITAMIN SOURCES AND BENEFITS ӆ Major Deficiency Vitamin Function Effects Food Sources Notes A Vision, immunity, Night blindness, dry skin, Milk, eggs, leafy darkgreen, (Beta Carotene) cell reproduction stunted growth yellow/orange vegetables

B1 Energy metabolism, Lack of concentration , Lean pork, legumes, banana, (Thiamine) maintain nervous loss of appetite, fatigue nuts and seeds, potatoes system

B2 Skin, nails and hair Inflammation of mouth Eggs, fish, shellfish, dairy (Riboflavin) growth, prevent sores and skin products, kiwi, poultry cell regeneration

B3 Energy metabolism, Depression, indigestion, Whole grain products, (Niacin) aids digestive system fatigue, skin eruption, salmon, mushroom inflammation

B5 Protein, fat and Rare Avocadoes, broccoli, (Pantothenic carbohydrate meats Acid) metabolism

B6 Protein and fat Anemia, convulsions, Protein rich foods (Pyridoxine) metabolism scaly dermatitis

B7 Hair, skin and nails Rare Egg yolk, liver, peanuts, also (Biotin) health produced by gut bacteria

B9 Helps produce and Anemia, birth defects Fortified grain products, (Folate, maintain red blood vegetables, legumes Folic acid) cells, maintain normal brain functions

B12 Protects nerve cells, Anemia, nerve damage Meat, fish, eggs, poultry (Cobalamin) make DNA for new and paralysis milk products cells, activates folate

C Antioxidant, collagen Scurvy, inflamed gums, Fruits and vegetables (Ascorbic acid) synthesis, immune loose teeth, poo r wound function healing

D Bone growth and Rickets, osteomalacia Sunlight, fortified milk, (Cholecalciferol) maintenance, calcium fatty fish, eggs, liver absoprtion

E Antioxidant, protects Red blood cell breakage, Vegetable and seed, nut (Tocopherol) cell membranes nerve damage oil, wheat germ, whole grains

H To metabolize Hair loss, loss of Egg yolk, sardines, nuts, (Biotin) carbohydrates appetite, fatigue soybeans

K Blood clotting, Hemorrhage Dark leafy greens, cabbage (Phylloquinone) bone health family, broccoli

21 Fresh Ingredients and Natural Nutrients Vitality Juice

Notice: Do not fill beyond the 56 oz mark. Approximate run time 70 seconds.

ӅSkin Radiance Juice ӆ

3 stalks "A veggie" Add all ingredients except lemon juice and honey into 1/2 apple blender and run the Juice function. Add lemon juice 200g pineapple and honey to taste. 1/2 carrot 150 cc water Rich in vitamin c, carotene and calcium. Lemon juice (to taste) Improves anemia, dry and rough skin. Honey (to taste)

ӅLettuce Melon Juice ӆ

250g lettuce Add all ingredients except lemon juice and honey 400g watermelon into blender and run the Juice function. Add lemon 150 cc water juice and honey to taste. Lemon juice (to taste) Helps digestion and prevents Honey (to taste) atherrosclerosis,high blood pressure, diuretic, swelling and fatigue

ӅGrapefruit Apple Juice ӆ

1 grapefruit Wash all ingredients. Peel and cube the grapefruit. Cut 1/2 pineapple apple into cubes. Peel, core and cube the pineapple. Juice 1 apple the lemon. Add all ingredients except honey into blender 1/2 lemon and run the Juice function. Add honey to taste 150 cc water Honey (to taste) High in vitamin B, C, E, protein, malic acid, citric acid, calcium, iron and other minerals. Whitens skin and beneficial for after sun care.

22 ӅTomato Energy Drink ӆ

2 tomatoes Peel and dice the oranges. Peel, core and cube the 2 asparagus pineapple. Wash all other ingredients, cut into large 1 orange pieces. Add all ingredients into blender and select 1 stalk Juice function. Add ice cubes. 200g pineapples 150 cc water Antioxidant function of carotenoids help fight ice cubes free radicals.

ӅC eauty Drink ӆ

1/4 cabbage Peel and dice the oranges. Peel, core and cube the 1/2 apple pineapple. Wash all other ingredients, cut into large 200g pineapple pieces. Add all ingredients into blender and select 1 orange Juice function. Add ice cubes and lemon juice to taste. 150 cc water Lemon juice (to taste) Vitamins B, C, K, along with calcium and amino acids beautifies and clears the skin.

ӅTurnip Juice ӆ

1 white turnip Wash ingredients, peel and dice the turnip. Add to 10 green onion white ends blender with the water and select Juice function. 150 cc water Add honey to taste. Honey (to taste) Helps with indigestion.

ӅCarrot Bpple Milk ӆ

1/2 carrot Wash the carrot and apple, cube and place in 1 apple blender. Add milk and honey to taste. Select 350 cc milk Juice function. Honey (to taste) Helps build strong bones and protects teeth.

22 ӅC ell Pepper Veggie Juice ӆ

1 green bell pepper Prepare and wash ingregients. Add to blender in order: 75g lettuce bell pepper, lettuce, tomato, pineapple, apple and 1 tomato water. Select Juice function. Add lemon juice and 200g pineapple honey to taste. 1 apple 150 cc water Suitable for those with chronic illness and poor Lemon (to taste) immunity. Improves vision and skin radiance; Honey (to taste) strengthen hair and nails.

ӅB pple Banana Juice ӆ

1 Apple Cut apple into large pieces. Peel banana and cut into 1 Banana large pieces. Add water, apple and banana into blender. 200cc Water Select Juice function. Add honey to taste Honey (to taste) Aids intestine health and bowel .movement

ӅParsley Cantaloupe Drink ӆ 150g Peel and remove seed of cantaloupe, cut into large 1 Cantaloupe pieces. Add cantaloupe, tomato, parsley and water to 1/2 Tomato blender. Select Juice function. Add honey to taste. 150cc Water Honey (to taste) Calms the mind and aids with sleep quality.

ӅThe Chi Drink ӆ

1/4 Cabbage Clean and prepare ingredients, cut into large 1/2 Apple pieces. Add to blender and select Juice function. 200g Pineapple Add ice and enjoy. 1 Orange Lemon (to taste) Rich in vitamin B, C, K, calcium and amino 150cc Water acids. Aids in the flow of chi.

24 ӅGrapefruit Soda ӆ

2 Grapefruits Peel grapefruits and cut into large pieces. Add grapefruit, 50cc Club Soda water and club soda to blender. Select Juice function. 150cc Water Add ice and honey to taste. Honey (to taste) Ice Grapefruit helps reduce fatigue, increase metabolism and antioxidant effect.

ӅQ eachy Milk ӆ 1 Peach Wash and cut the peach into large cubes, seed 300cc Milk removed. Add peach, milk and lemon juice to Lemon juice (to taste) blender. Select Juice function. Add honey to taste. Honey (to taste) Ice Peach provides dietary fiber to help regulate bowel function.

ӅBurdock Veggie Juice ӆ 200g Burdock Wash and prepare ingredients, cut into large pieces. 200g Pineapple Add all ingredients except honey to blender and 1 Apple select Juice function. Add honey to taste. 150cc Water Lemon juice (to taste) Help in prevention of cancer, stroke and the Honey (to taste) common cold and flu. Facilitates kidney function.

25 Multi-grains provide vitamins, protein and fiber Plant-Based Milk Notice: DO NOT fill beyond the 48 oz mark. Straining can be done based on personal preference.

ӅSoymilkӆ Wash and drain soybeans. Add to blender with water.Select Soy Milk function. Strain if desired. Add sugar to taste. 1 measuring cup Soybean * Soybean can be dried or soaked. If soaking, 1000cc Water please soak in 2-3 cups of water for a minimum of 4 Sugar (to taste) hours. High in fatty acid, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals

ӅAlmond Brown Rice Milkӆ

75g Brown Rice Wash and drain the brown rice and millet. Toast the 65g Almond white sesame in a small pan over medium-low heat, 20g White until lightly brown (2~3 minutes). Add all ingredients Sesame except sugar to blender and select Soy Milk function. 55g Millet Strain if desired. Add sugar to taste. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) Brown rice lowers cholesterol while almond reduces blood sugar.

ӅBrown Rice Milkӆ

75g Brown Rice Wash and drain the brown rice and millet. Toast the 50g Peanuts white sesame in a small pan over medium-low heat, 25g White Sesame until lightly brown (2~3 minutes). Add all ingredients 25g Millet except sugar to blender and select Soy Milk function. 25g Cashew Strain if desired. Add sugar to taste. 1000cc water Sugar (to taste) Antioxidant and cancer fighting.

25 ӅBlack Bean Energy Milk ӆ

20g Black Bean Wash and drain black bean, millet, purple and brown rice. 20g Cashew Add all ingredients except sugar to blender and select 20g Oats Soymilk function. Strain if desiredd. Add sugar to taste. 20g Black Sesame 20g Millet An energizing and age preventive drink. 20g Barley 20g Walnut 20g Purple Rice 20g Rolled Oats 20g Brown Rice 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste)

ӅBlack Soybean Milk ӆ

1 measuring cup Black Soybean Wash and drain soybean. Add soybean and 1000cc Water water to blender. Select Soymilk function. Sugar (to taste) Drain if desired, add sugar to taste. Rich in antioxidants, reduce cardiovascular risks.

ӅMung Bean Barley Drink ӆ

85g Mung Bean Wash and drain the mung bean and barley. 45g Barley Add to blender with milk and water. Select 200cc Milk Soymilk function. Strain if desired. Add sugar 1000ccn Water to taste. Sugar (to taste) Diuretic and reduces edema.

ӅMung Bean Cashew Milk ӆ

110g Mung Bean Wash and drain mung bean and lotus seed. Add 30g Lotus Seed all ingredients except sugar to blender. Select 50g Cashew Soymilk function. Strain if desired and add sugar Chenpi (small pc) to taste. 1000cc Water Detoxify and diuretic. Sugar (to taste)

27 ӅMung Bean Brown Rice Drink ӆ

30g Mung Bean Rinse and drain ingredients, add to blender with water. 30g Peanuts Select Soymilk function. Strain if desired and add sugar 40g Millet to taste. 60g Brown Rice 20g Soybean 15g Cashew Anti-aging and lowers inflammation. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste)

ӅTremella and Lotus Drink ӆ

20g Tremella Wash and drain ingredients. Add to blender with 40g Lotus Seed water. Select Soymilk function. Strain if desired. 60g Barley Add sugar to taste 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) Tremella clears the lung and lotus seed beautifies.

ӅRed Bean Cashew Milk ӆ

110g Red Bean Wash and drain ingredients. Add to blender with water. 30g Lotus Seed Select Soymilk function. Strain if desired. Add sugar 50g Cashew to taste. Chenpi (small pc) 1000cc Water Promotes blood circulation. Sugar (to taste)

ӅMulti-Grain Soymilk ӆ

20g Red Bean Wash and drain ingredients. Add with water to blender. 20g Mung Bean Select Soymilk function. Strain if desired. Add sugar to 20g Millet taste. 20g Barley 20g Purple Rice Anti-aging and cancer fighting. 20g Cashew 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste)

28 ӅRed Bean & Tremella Drinkӆ

60g Brown Rice Wash and drain brown rice, purple rice and red 20g White Sesame bean. Add all ingredients except sugar to blender 60g Purple Rice and select Soymilk function. Strain if 25g Roasted Peanuts desired. Add sugar to taste. 50g Red Bean 10g Tremella 1000cc Water Detox and improves the flow of chi. Sugar (to taste)

ӅMung Bean & Oats Milkӆ

100g Mung Bean Wash and drain mung bean. Add all 20g White Sesame ingredients except sugar to blender and 30g Oats select Soymilk function. Strain if desired. 30g Peanuts Add sugar to taste. 20g Cashew 1000cc Water For younger and healthier skin. Sugar (to taste)

ӅSesame & Oats Milkӆ

140g Oats Add all ingredients except sugar to blender and 25g White Sesame select Soymilk function. Strain if desired. Add 25g Black Sesame sugar to taste. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

ӅOats Milkӆ

65g Oats Add all ingredients except sugar to blender and 25g Roasted Almond select Soy Milk function. Strain if desired. Add sugar 15g Soybean to taste. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) Lowers cholesterol.

29 ӅOats & Barley Soupӆ

30g Rolled Oats Wash and drain red bean and millet. Add all ingredients 30g Barley except sugar to blender. Select Soymilk function. Strain 30g Red Bean if desired ad add sugar to taste. 30g Cashew 30g Millet 1000cc Water Help maintain regularity and intestinal protection. Sugar (to taste)

ӅWalnut & Jujube Drinkӆ

60g Walnut Wash and drain brown rice. Add all ingredients except 60g Jujube (pitted) sugar to blender. Select Soymilk function. Strain if 60g Brown Rice desired and add sugar to taste. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) Help regulates chi and blood circulation.

ӅCashew Jujube Rice Drinkӆ

130g Cashew Wash and drain brown rice. Add all ingredients except 75g Brown Rice sugar to blender. Select Soymilk function. Strain if 65g Jujube desired and add sugar to taste. (pitted)1000cc Water Aids digestion and regulates chi. Sugar (to taste)

ӅSesame Rice Milkӆ

40g Black Sesame Wash and drain rice. Add all ingredients except 40g Roasted Peanut sugar to blender. Select Soymilk function. Strain if 60g Black Rice desired and add sugar to taste. 65g Brown Rice 1000cc Water Rich in vitamin E for anti-aging. Sugar (to taste)

ӅBlack Sesame Cashew Rice Milkӆ 40g Black Sesame Wash and drain rice. Add all ingredients except 75g Cashew sugar to blender. Select Soymilk function. Strain if 40g Brown Rice desired and add sugar to taste. 1000cc Water Sugar (to taste) For healthy hair, bones, heart and nerves.

2: Easy cooking yet healthy and delightful. DELICIOUS BISQUE

NOTE: DO NOT fill beyond the 48 oz mark.

ӅMushroom Bisqueӆ 150g Mushroom Add all ingredients to blender and select 40g Potato (peeled, cubed) Bisque function. 10g Celery Season with and pepper. 15g Broccoli 25g Onion (sliced) Mushroom lowers cholesterol and risk of 10g Butter cardiovascular disease. 100cc Milk 250cc Water 100cc Broth (or water) Salt & Pepper to taste

ӅPumpkn Bisqueӆ

350g Pumpkin Add all ingredients to blender and select (cubed with skin and seed removed) Bisque function. 10g Parsley Season with salt and pepper. 40g Carrot (cut) 25g Onion (sliced) Help lower blood sugar and blood 10g Butter pressures. 300cc Water 100cc Milk 100cc Broth (or water) Salt & Pepper to taste

ӅGarlic Potato Bisqueӆ 6 Garlic Add all ingredients to blender and select 150g Potato (peeled, cubed) Bisque function. 20g Green Onion (chopped) Season with salt and pepper. 20g Broccoli 10g Parsley Reduce fatigue and aid digestion. 350cc Water 100cc Broth 10g Butter Salt & Pepper to taste

31 ӅCreamy Potato Bisqueӆ

250g Potato (peeled, cubed) Add all ingredients to blender and select 100g Onion (sliced) Bisque function. 20g Broccoli Season with salt and pepper. 350cc Water 10g Butter Help reduce indigestion and anti-aging. 100cc Milk Salt & Pepper to taste

ӅPumpkin Seafood Bisqueӆ

200g Pumpkin Add all ingredients to blender and select (cubed with skin and seed removed) Bisque function. 70g Oats Season with salt and pepper. 1/2 Apple 3 Shrimp (peeled) Lower risk of diabetes. Protects 700cc Water liver and kidney. Salt & Pepper

ӅCreamy Spinach Bisqueӆ

200g Spinach Add all ingredients to blender and select 25g Onion (sliced) Bisque function. 10g Parsley Season with salt and pepper. 100g Potato (peeled & cubed) 5 cloves Garlic 20g Butter Large amounts of dietary fiber in 350cc Water spinach aids digestion and 100cc Broth bowel movement. Salt & Pepper

ӅGreen Pea Bisqueӆ

100g Green Pea Add all ingredients to blender and select 15g Onion (sliced) Bisque function. 25g Potato (peeled & cubed) Season with salt and pepper. 10g Parsley 350cc Water 100cc Broth Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. 20g Butter Salt & Pepper

32 ӅCream of Parsleyӆ

250g Parsley Add all ingredients to blender and select 20g Onion (sliced) 100g Potato (peeled & cubed) Bisque function. 50g Shrimp (peeled) Season with salt and pepper. 350cc Water 100cc Broth Reduces edema. Prevents high 20g Butter blood pressure and colon cancer. Sale & Pepper

ӅHealthy Carrot Bisqueӆ

250g Carrot (chopped) Add all ingredients to blender and select 20g Onion (sliced) Bisque function. 10g Potato (peeled & cubed) Season with salt and pepper. 20g Parsley 350cc Water 100cc Broth Improves digestive system and 1 Tbsp Butter anti-aging. Lower risk of cancer. 10g Whipping Cream Salt & Pepper

ӅCreamy Tomato Bisqueӆ

150g Tomato (cubed) Add all ingredients except the diced tomato 20g Onion (sliced) to blender and select Bisque function. Season 10g Broccoli with sale & pepper and garnish with the diced 20g Parsley tomatoes. 350cc Water 100cc Broth 1 Tbsp Butter Help prevent cardiovascular diseases. 1 Tbsp Ketchup 80g Tomato (diced)

ӅCream of Cornӆ

150g Corn Kernels Add all ingredients to blender and select 80g Potato (peeled & cubed) Bisque function. 50g Carrot (chopped) Season with salt and pepper. 50g Ham (diced) 350cc Water 100cc Broth Antioxidant to protect from cancer and heart disease. 20g Butter Salt & Pepper

33 Simple cooking - healthier lifestyle. Nutritious Porridge & Congee

NOTE: DO NOT fill beyond the 48 oz mark.

ӅOyster Mushroom Tofu Congeeӆ

20g Cooked Rice Add all ingredients to blender and select Porridge 20g Tofu function. 10g Oyster Mushroom 10g Leafy Vegetable Improves the immune system. Cancer 150cc Broth prevention. 500cc Water

ӅSesame Walnut Porridgeӆ

15g Cooked Rice Add all ingredients to blender and select Porridge 10g White Sesame function. 10g Walnut 120cc Milk Prevents diabetes and lower blood 500cc Water pressure.

ӅSeafood Congeeӆ

50g Uncooked Rice Add all ingredients to blender and select Porridge 30g White Fish meat function. 20g Leafy Vegetable 10g Kelp Sprout Rich in protein and minerals. 800cc Broth

34 ӅPumpkin Congee ӆ

50g Uncooked Rice Add all ingredients to blender and select Porridge 30g Kabocha function. 20g Broccoli 15g Pepitas Controls high blood pressure and 800cc Broth prevents gingivitis

ӅPreserved Egg & Corn Congee ӆ

90g Cooked Brown Rice Add all ingredients to blender and select Porridge 100g Corn Kernels function. 1 Preserved Egg 700cc Water Stimulates digestive system, promotes Salt (to taste) appetite and aid digestion.

35 Healthy new twist Full of flavor Sauce

ӅGinger Puree ӆ

500g Ginger Clean and cut ginger into large pieces. Add to blender and select Sauce function.

ӅChili Sauce ӆ

500g Red Place in blender and select Sauce function.

ӅPeanut Butter ӆ

500g Roasted Peanut Place in blender and select Sauce function.

ӅWhite Sesame Sauce ӆ

200g White Sesame (toasted) Place in blender and select Sauce function. 36g Coconut or Olive Oil Salt (to taste)

ӅCashew Nut Butter ӆ

100g Peanut Place i ngredients i n blender and select Sauce function. 100g Cashew 100g White Sesame

36 ӅThai Salsa ӆ

100g Onion (peeled and sliced) Add all ingredients to blender and 1 Tomato select Sauce function. 40g Sugar 20g Lemon Juice Cilantro Fish Sauce (to taste)

ӅTartar Sauce ӆ

3 Tbsp Mayonnaise Add all ingredients to blender and 1 Tbsp Onion (peeled & diced) select Sauce function. 1 Tbsp Dried Parsley 1 Tbsp Pickle (chopped) Juice of 1 Lemon 1 Hard Boiled Egg (peeld)

ӅMayonnaise ӆ 1~3 Egg Yolk (room temp) Add all ingredients to blender and 200g Neutral Flavored Oil select Sauce function. 1/3 tsp Salt 4 Tbsp Sugar 2~3 Tbsp White Vinegar

ӅPesto Sauce ӆ

400g Leaves Add all ingredients to blender and 3 Cloves Garlic select Sauce function. 100m Olive Oil 1/4 tsp Seasalt 4 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese Juice of 1/4 to taste

ӅStrawberry Compote ӆ

500g Strawberry (stem removed) Add strawberry to blender and select Sauce Sweetener (to taste) function. Add sweetener to taste. Drizzle over dessert or dilute in water for refreshing drink.

37 ӅKumquat Compoteӆ

500g Kumquat Add kumquat to blender and select Sauce Sweetener (to taste) function. Add sweetener to taste. Drizzle over dessert or dilute in water for refreshing drink.

ӅBlack Sesame Sauceӆ

200g Toasted Black Sesame Add all ingredients to blender and 50g Coconut or Olive Oil select Sauce function.


500g Tomato (diced) Add all ingredients to blender and 100g Onion (peeled & sliced) select Sauce function. 2 Cloves Garlic 70g Sugar 20g Salt Dash of Lemon Juice Dash of Olive Oil to taste


ӅBanana-Pineapple Smoothieӆ

1 8-ounce can crushed In a blender, combine crushed pineapple with juice, pineapple in juice banana, yogurt, and ice cubes. Push “Smoothie” 1 banana button for 20 seconds until smooth. Sprinkle with 1 6-ounce container plain grated and serve. nonfat yogurt 1/2 cup ice cubes Grated nutmeg

ӅOrange-Pineapple Smoothieӆ

2 cups frozen pineapple In a blender, combine frozen pineapple chunks, chunks orange juice, yogurt and sweetener. Push 1 cup orange juice “Smoothie” button for 20 seconds until smooth. 1 cup vanilla yogurt Stopping to scrape down sides. Garnish, if desired; 3/4 cup milk serve immediately. 1/4 cup SPLENDA No Calorie Sweetener, granular Garnish: orange wedges

ӅApple and pineapple smoothieӆ

Half an apple Chop the apple, pineapple and dates into medium 2 slices of pineapple size pieces. Add all chopped fruits and ice into a 2 dates blender, push “smoothie” button until it forms a 3-4 cubes of ice smooth consistency. Garnish with finely chopped apples and pineapple. Serve chilled.

ӅTomato Smoothieӆ

225g low-fat plain yogurt In a blender, whiz yogurt, tomatoes, basil and salt 2 large ripe plum or round until very smooth, 2 minutes. Serve over ice and tomatoes, peeled, seeded garnish with cherry tomatoes, if you like. and chopped ½ teaspoon dried basil ½ teaspoon salt cherry tomatoes and ice, to serve (optional)

28 ӅMango Smoothieӆ

1cup chopped ripe mango Place the mango, milk, ice, yogurt, and honey in a 1/2cup low-fat milk blender. Push “smoothie” button until smooth and 1/2cup ice frothy. 1/4cup plain low-fat yogurt 1tablespoon honey

ӅMango Watermelon Smoothieӆ

5 cups cubed seeded Blend watermelon, mango, water, and sugar watermelon together in a blender until smooth. Place ice into 1 mango - peeled, seeded, glasses and pour smoothie over ice. and diced 1/2 cup water 1 tablespoon white sugar ice cubes (optional)

ӅTaro Smoothieӆ

1 cube of taro root, cooked Cook Taro Root for about 10 minutes or until done 1/4 - 1/3 cup of milk (soft). 1/4 cup of filtered water Let the cooked Taro cool completely. If you do 1 cup of ice cubes not wish to wait, place them in a bath of ice water 1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp. Organic for 10 minutes until chilled/cooled before blending. cane sugar 1/2 Tbsp. non-dairy creamer (powdered)

ӅPapaya and Milk Smoothieӆ

1 ripe papaya Peel the papaya, then cut it in half lengthwise and 1/2 cup milk remove the seeds. Coarsely chop the flesh. Place 3 tablespoons lime juice the papaya chunks and everything except the 1/2 teaspoon lime rind, lime wedges into an electric blender. Push freshly grated “smoothie” button for 20 to 30 seconds until the 1/4 cup sugar mixture is smooth and thick. Pour the smoothie 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract into tall frosted glasses. Garnish with lime 1/2 cup crushed ice wedges, and serve at once. Lime wedges for garnish (optional)

29 ӅLemon Smoothieӆ

1 cup Low Fat French Vanilla Yogurt In blender, combine all ingredients; push 1 cup Ice Cubes “smoothie” button until smooth. Serve 2 tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice immediately. 2 tablespoons Honey 1 tablespoon Grated Fresh Ginger 2 teaspoons Grated Lemon 1/8 teaspoon Ground

ӅGrapefruit Smoothieӆ

1 grapefruit, peeled, seeds removed Add all ingredients to a blender (reserve juice) (including reserved grapefruit juice) and 1 large sweet apple, cored and skin push “smoothie” button until creamy and removed (I prefer honeycrisp) smooth. Add more liquid if too thick, ice 2 cups spinach (I like to freeze mine to to thicken, and banana or apple to keep it extra fresh) sweeten. Serves 2. 1 large ripe banana, previously sliced and frozen 2-3 ice cubes Unsweetened almond milk, water or orange juice to thin (~1/2 cup) OPTIONAL: 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

ӅOrange Smoothieӆ

4 fresh oranges, peeled Combine all ingredients in a blender, and 2 cups ice push “smoothie” button until smooth. 1/3 cup milk (your preference - regular, Add more ice if you would like. soy, coconut, etc.) 1-2 tablespoons honey (or agave or your desired sweetener), if needed 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, store-bought or homemade ӅPear and Yogurt Smoothieӆ

2 pears, quartered and cores removed Place the pears, banana, milk, yogurt, 1 banana, cut in chunks cinnamon, and nutmeg into a blender. 1 cup milk Cover, and push “smoothie” button until 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt smooth. Pour into glasses to serve. 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch ground nutmeg


ӅBanana Strawberry Ice Creamӆ

2 bananas, frozen 1. Place the frozen bananas and 8-10 frozen strawberries, frozen strawberries in the blender. Push “Ice 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Cream” button for about 4-5 minutes until creamy. It might take a little bit to get to creamy consistency, but be patient. 2. Stir in pure vanilla extract, if desired. Serve soft right away, or freeze for couple hours to firm up.

ӅRed Bean Ice Creamӆ

4 cups plus 2 tablespoons half-and- Combine all ingredients in the blender and half push “ice cream” button for 50 seconds 1/2 cup granulated sugar and stir until smooth. 2 cups of ice 2 cups red bean paste

ӅMango Banana Ice Creamӆ

3 cups frozen mango chunks Place all ingredients in the blender. Push ½ cup canned coconut milk (full-fat “Ice Cream” button for 50 seconds until recommended) you get a smooth and creamy mixture and ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract there are no more mango chunks. Do not 2-4 tablespoons agave nectar (or over process or it will begin to melt. You liquid sweetener of choice such as will need to use your tamper stick to stir a honey or maple syrup), to taste Pinch of salt (optional) little.

31 ӅGrape Ice Creamӆ

Frozen Grapes 600g Dissolve sugar in lemon juice. Combine 2 1/2 cups sugar grapes, cream, evaporated milk and milk. 1/2cup fresh lemon juice Pour mixture into blender and push “ice 1 (12-ounce) can evaporated milk cream” button for 50 seconds and use your 1pint light cream, or half-and-half tamper stick to stir until smooth. 2cups milk

ӅPineapple Ice Creamӆ

1cup sour cream Combine sour cream and sweetened 1(15 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk; add milk and pineapple. condensed milk Pour into blender and push “ice cream” 2cups milk button for 50 seconds and use your tamper 1 1⁄4cups crushed pineapple, stick to stir smooth. undrained

32 POWDER ӅCoffee Groundӆ

Coffee Beans 60g Set your blender to “powder” setting. Throw coffee into the blender and place lid on top. Grind for 60 seconds or a desired consistency. ӅBread Crumbsӆ

Toasted Bread 2pcs If you're using fresh bread, place slices on a baking sheet and dry out slightly in a 300-degree-Fahrenheit oven for 15 minutes. Cool and prepare as directed. To make the breadcrumbs, place chunks of bread into the blender and push “powder” for 60 seconds.

ӅAlmond Powderӆ

Almonds 1 cup Place almonds into blender. Secure the blender lid and place tamper inside blender (use tamper if necessary to get almonds moving). Push “Powder” button for 60 seconds.

ӅBrown Rice Flourӆ

Brown Rice 200g Place the brown rice in the blender. Secure the blender lid and push “Powder” button for 60 seconds. Allow the blender to process the rice into flour.

ӅPeanut Powderӆ

Roasted Peanut 300g Place the roasted peanut in the blender. Secure the blender lid and push “Powder” button for 60 seconds. Allow the blender to process the peanut into powder.

ӅBarley Flourӆ

Barley Seeds 200g Place the barley seeds in the blender. Secure the blender lid and push “Powder” button for 60 seconds. Allow the blender to process the barley seed into flour.

33 Herbal Soup and Tea

ӅSiwu Soupӆ

Chuan Xiong 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Angelica 9g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start White Peony Root 24g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Rehmannia 24g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Goji Berry 12g minutes. Red Dates 6pcs Water 1000ml

ӅGastrodia Soupӆ

Gastrodia 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Goji Berry 9g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Ginseng 12g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Huang 24g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Water 1000ml minutes.

ӅSeng Qi Soupӆ

Ginseng 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Huang Qi 15g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Rehmannia 9g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Goji Berry 18g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Chuan Xiang 6g minutes. Cinnamon 6g Water 1000ml

34 ӅPolygonum Multiflorum Ginseng Soupӆ

Polygonum 50g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the American Ginseng blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start 50g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Huang Qi 15g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Angelica 12g minutes. Ginger 6pcs Ophiopogon 15g Water 1000ml

ӅLongan Ginseng Soupӆ

Ginseng 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Longan 24g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Ginger 6pcs cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Red Dates 6pcs between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Water 800ml minutes. Little pinch of salt

ӅCinnamon Ginseng Soupӆ

Korean Ginseng 6g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Cinnamon 6g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Huang Qi 12g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Goji Berry 50g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Black Dates 50g minutes. Water 1000ml

ӅYellow Croaker Soupӆ

Yellow Croaker 1pc Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Garlic 10g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Ginger 10g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Angelica 1pc between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Water 1000ml minutes. Little pinch of Salt

35 ӅNerves Soothing Soupӆ

Sour Dates 18g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Chamomile Flowers 6g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Chuan Xiong 6g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches American Ginseng 9g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your soup after 30 Licorice 3g minutes. Water 1000ml

ӅPressure Relieving Teaӆ

INGREDIENTS Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Red Dates 6g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Floating Wheat 6g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Longan 9g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Licorice 6g minutes. Water 1000ml Add a little crystal sugar

ӅAnxiety Calming Teaӆ

Acacia Skin 18g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Sour Dates 9g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Bozi Ren 9g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Schisandra 3g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Water 1000ml minutes. Add a little crystal sugar

ӅOphiopogon Teaӆ

Ophiopogon 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Chrysanthemum 9g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start American Ginseng 12g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Goji Berry 15g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Water 1000ml minutes.

36 ӅHealth Boosting Teaӆ

Ginseng 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Huang Qi 12g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Polygonatum 12g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Goji 9g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Red Dates 50g minutes. Water 1000ml

ӅRejurenation Teaӆ

American Ginseng 12g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Huang Qi 50g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Schisandra 3g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Ophiopogon 9g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Red Dates 50g minutes. Water 1000ml

ӅPolygala Chrysanthemum Teaӆ

Polygala 6g Place all ingredients in the blender. Secure the Chrysanthemum 6g blender lid and push “Herbal Tea” button to start Goji 12g cooking. It will cook until temperature reaches Licorice 3g between 208F~212F. Enjoy your tea after 30 Water 1000ml minutes. Add a little crystal sugar