


FLEET INFORMATION (vessels >20m LOA) Shallow sets Deep sets Both set types combined (<15 HPB/HBF1 or <100m max hook depth) (≥15 HPB/HBF or ≥100m max hook depth) From To From To From To

Period covered Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year

Date range 1 JAN 2020 31 DEC 2020 1 JAN 2020 31 DEC 2020 1 JAN 2020 31 DEC 2020 Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Longitude 122 0 W 150 0 W 127 0 W 150 0 W 122 0 W 150 0 W Area fished Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Latitude 17 0 N 38 0 N 32 0 N 38 0 N 17 0 N 38 0 N Total Fleet Observed % observed Total Fleet Observed % observed Total Fleet Observed % observed No. of vessels that fished 121 39 32 6 6 100 121 34 28 No. of trips 426 65 15 23 23 100 403 42 10 No. of effective days fishing 4074 No. of sets 4386 721 16 312 312 100 4074 409 10 No. of hooks (in thousands) 104261700 16 433 433 100 9993 1268 13 (If unknown, approx. no. of hooks/set, using a *) Predominant2 hook type/size (IATTC (IATTC code) C‐22 C‐22 C‐02 C‐02 C‐22 C‐22 Predominant bait type3 FF FF F F 1 Hooks per basket / Hooks between floats 2 "Predominant" means most common, i.e., >50%. Click here for IATTC hook codes. 3 Bait code: SQ – ; F – (e.g. Scomber spp.); A – artificial lure (e.g. plastic jig)

Add additional comments below For hook type/size, submissions in prior year(s) were expressed as hook type and size, not IATTC code. This year the IATTC code is used. "Observed" figures are sourced from observer data, "total fleet" figures are sourced from logbook data. NON‐RETAINED (vessels >20m LOA) No. of individuals observed Shallow sets Deep sets Both set types combined (<15 HPB/HBF1 or <100m max hook depth) (≥15 HPB/HBF or ≥100m max hook depth) Released Released Released Species Condition Condition Condition Species Alive Dead AliveDead Alive Dead code unknown unknown unknown Sea turtles TTL Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) 1 1 DKK Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) 1 1 Click to add a sea turtle species Click to add a sea turtle species Click to add a sea turtle species Click to add a sea turtle species Click to add a sea turtle species and Rays SSQ (Scymnodon squamulosus) 10 2 10 2 BTH (Alopias superciliosus) 97 16 8 4 89 12 BSH (Prionace glauca) 6504 1143 4368 1036 2141 117 ALV (Alopias vulpinus) 4 2 2 2 ISB Cookie cutter shark ( brasiliensis) 2 2 PSK shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai) 3 3 LMA ( paucus) 3 3 2 3 1 OCS (Carcharhinus longimanus) 2 2 PTH shark (Alopias pelagicus) 3 1 31 LMD ( ditropis) 11 SMA Short fin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) 852 391 733 353 119 38 FAL Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) 3 6 36 SPZ Smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) 1 1 MAK Mako shark, nei (Isurus spp.) 2 1 1 THR Thresher shark, nei (Alopias spp.) 16 2 5 1 11 1 SKH Various sharks nei (Euselachii) 33 4 28 4 5 PLS Pelagic (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) 358 25 283 5 75 20 Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species Click to add a shark or ray species For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below

Marine mammals RTD Roughtoothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) 1 1 SGF Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi) 7 7 SXX Seals and sea lions nei (Otariidae, Phocidae) 2 2 Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species Click to add a marine mammal species For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below

Seabirds DKN Black‐footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) 5 7 5 7 DIZ Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) 23 1 23 1 Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species Click to add a seabird species For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below

Billfishes BUM Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) 7 3 3 1 4 2 MLS Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) 20 37 15 7 5 30 BXQ Marlin, nei (Makaira spp.) 1 1 SFA Indo‐Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) 1 1 11 SSP Shortbill spearfish (Tetrapturus angustirostris) 5 32 2 3 3 29

Add additional comments below Beaked Whale, Unidentified: Deep‐set, released alive ‐ 1 Fulmar, Northern: Shallow‐set, released alive ‐ 1 : Deep‐set, released alive ‐ 16, released dead ‐ 53; Shallow‐set, released alive ‐ 89, released dead ‐ 83 , Unidentified: Deep‐set, released alive ‐ 0, released dead ‐ 7; Shallow‐set, released alive ‐ 1, released dead ‐ 1

*"Released Alive" figures also include those that were released injured, which is not an IATTC code in this template **These figures are sourced solely from observer data. INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISSION SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ELEVENTH MEETING San Diego, California (USA) 2020*

DOCUMENT SAC-11 INF-A(e) (Corr.)


*Postponed until a later date to be determined 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE SERVICE West Coast Region Sustainable Fisheries Division 501 West Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200 Long Beach, California 90802

May 18, 2020

Dr. Guillermo Compeán, Director Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive La Jolla, California 92037-1508

Subject: Complete Longline Observer Data Submission under Resolution C-19-08

Dear Dr. Compeán:

The United States is submitting this follow up letter pursuant to IATTC Resolution C-19-08, Resolution on Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels. Attached is a Microsoft Excel workbook that contains complete observer data and fishing effort information for 2019, per Annex A of the Resolution. The Annex A fleet data section included in the prior submission, sent to the IATTC on March 31, 2020, did not include unobserved trips, as we did not yet have access to that data. The Annex A species data and Annex B operational data sections were not affected by the addition of the new data, and thus remain unchanged from the original submission. Please contact William Stahnke at (562) 980-4088 or [email protected] with any questions.


Lyle Enriquez Highly Migratory Species Branch Chief

cc: Barry Thom, U.S. Commissioner to the IATTC Andrew Lawler, Alternate U.S. Commissioner to the IATTC David Hogan, U.S. Department of State William Fox, Jr., U.S. Commissioner to the IATTC Mike Thompson, Alternate U.S. Commissioner to the IATTC John Zuanich, Alternate U.S. Commissioner to the IATTC Kristen Koch, NMFS, Southwest Fisheries Science Center Bob Harman, NMFS, Pacific Islands Regional Office Administrative File: 150413WCR2014SF00073:WJS


CPC United States (USA)

FLEET INFORMATION (vessels >20m LOA) Shallow sets Deep sets Both set types combined (<15 HPB/HBF1 or <100m max hook depth) (≥15 HPB/HBF or ≥100m max hook depth) From To From To From To Period covered Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year Date range 1 JAN 2019 31 DEC 2019 1 JAN 2019 31 DEC 2019 1 JAN 2019 31 DEC 2019 Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Longitude 122 0 W 150 0 W 137 0 W 150 0 W 122 0 W 150 0 W Area fished Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Deg. Min. Hem. Latitude 11 0 N 33 0 N 27 0 N 33 0 N 11 0 N 33 0 N Total Fleet Observed % observed Total Fleet Observed % observed Total Fleet Observed % observed No. of vessels that fished 126 53 42 6 6 100 126 52 41 No. of trips 450 90 20 18 18 100 432 72 17 No. of effective days fishing 4397 1027 23 165 165 100 4232 862 20 No. of sets 4397 1027 23 165 165 100 4232 862 20 No. of hooks (in thousands) 12489 2781 22 190 190 100 12299 2591 21 (If unknown, approx. no. of hooks/set, using a *) Predominant2 hook type/size (IATTC (IATTC code) C15 C15 C18 C18 C15 C15 Predominant bait type3 FF FF F F 1 Hooks per basket / Hooks between floats 2 "Predominant" means most common, i.e., >50%. Click here for IATTC hook codes. 3 Bait code: SQ – squid; F – fishes (e.g. Scomber spp.); A – artificial lure (e.g. plastic jig)

Add additional comments below Area fished coordinates represent the outer bounds of location of effort and are approximate NON‐RETAINED SPECIES (vessels >20m LOA) No. of individuals observed Shallow sets Deep sets Both set types combined (<15 HPB/HBF1 or <100m max hook depth) (≥15 HPB/HBF or ≥100m max hook depth) Released Released Released Species Condition Condition Condition Species Alive Dead AliveDead Alive Dead code unknown unknown unknown Sea turtles LKV Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) 2 2 TTL Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) 5 4 1 Click to add a sea turtle species Sharks and Rays ODH Bigeye sand ( noronhai) 2 0 0 0 2 0 SSQ Velvet dogfish (Scymnodon squamulosus) 7 0 0 0 7 0 BTH Bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) 182 30 2 0 180 29 BSH Blue shark (Prionace glauca) 8702 586 4782 413 3920 173 ALV Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) 11 6 10 5 1 1 ISB Cookie cutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis) 1 1 0 0 1 1 PSK (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai) 15 2 0 0 15 2 LMA Longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus) 8 4 0 0 8 4 OCS Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) 2 1 0 0 2 1 PTH Pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) 1 0 0 0 1 0 LMD Salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) 2 0 2 0 0 0 SMA Short fin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) 1015 144 654 54 361 90 FAL Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) 4 0 0 0 4 0 SPZ Smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) 2 1 0 0 2 1 MAK Mako shark, nei (Isurus spp.) 9 1 0 0 9 1 THR Thresher shark, nei (Alopias spp.) 20 4 1 0 19 4 SKH Various sharks nei (Euselachii) 30 5 9 0 2 21 MNT Manta rays (Manta spp.) 1 1 RMV , nei (Mobula spp.) 4 4 PLS Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) 311 34 43 8 268 26 For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below

Marine mammals FAW False (Pseudorca crassidens) 1 3 SXX Seals and sea lions nei (Otariidae, Phocidae) 3 3 For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below

Seabirds DKN Black‐footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) 1 21 1 21 PRX Petrels or shearwaters nei (Procellariidae) 1 1 For additional species caught, enter species code and species in rows below Brown Booby 1 1

Billfishes SWO Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) 63 71 38 49 25 22 MLS Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) 106 152 2 0 104 155 BUM Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) 1 7 0 0 1 7 SSP Shortbill spearfish (Tetrapturus angustirostris) 13 120 1 0 12 120 BLM Black marlin (Istiompax indica) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Add additional comments below Sailfish: Combined Alive‐2, Combined Dead‐14, Shallow Alive ‐0, Shallow Dead‐0, Deep Alive‐2, Deep Dead ‐ 14. Unidentified Billfish: Combined Alive ‐8, Combined Dead ‐28, Shallow Alive ‐0, Shallow Dead‐ 0, Deep Alive ‐ 8, Deep Dead‐ 28. CINOTMERIS-IÓAMNE IRNITCEARNA MTREORPICI ACANLA T DUENL AA TCÚONM TMRIOSSPIIOCANL SCIECNOTMIFICTÉ A CDIVENTISOÍFRIYC OC AOSMESMOIRTT EE TDÉCIMAENTH M REEUENTIÓINNG SSanan DDiegoiego ,, Calliiforniia (UEES.AU)U .) 13-1173 -de17 m Maayyo 2 de01 209 19



United States Summary of 2018 Observer Data per Resolution C-11-08, Resolution on Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels

This summary is submitted pursuant to Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Resolution C-11-08, Resolution on Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels. Scientific observers are required on 100 percent of all shallow-set longline trips targeting swordfish and at least 20 percent of all deep-set longline trips targeting bigeye tuna, regardless of vessel size. The observer data in this report contain only data from longline vessels based in , which comprise over 99 percent of the U.S. pelagic longline fleet. The tables below are summaries of observer data for sets that occurred on vessels greater than 20 meters (m) in length in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018, based on begin-set position and haul date.

Sets (i.e., fishing days1) A total of 267 shallow sets by vessels >20m in length were observed in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018. One-hundred percent of shallow sets (fishing days) in the IATTC Convention Area were observed. A total of 735 deep sets by vessels >20m in length were observed in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018. The percent of deep sets (fishing days) in the IATTC Convention Area by vessels >20m are not available at this time but will be updated upon receipt.

Sea Turtle Release United States regulations require fishermen to release all sea turtles, alive or dead. There is no record of fishermen not complying with these regulations in 2018.

Hook Type and Quantity Both the shallow-set and deep-set longline fisheries used the following hook types:

1. Offset round circle: a hook with either the point or point and barb that curves towards the shank, but is also bent so that the point and shank do not lay in the same plane. The hook has no flat edges along its shank. In 2018, these hooks were only used by the observed deep set longline vessels >20m - sizes 15/0-16/0.

2. Offset flat circle: a hook with either the point or point and barb that curves towards the shank, but is also bent so that the point and shank do not lay in the same plane. The hook will have, at least, some portion of its shank flattened. In 2018, these hooks were used in observed shallow and deep sets by longline vessels >20m. Shallow sets used size 18/0 hooks and deep sets used sizes 14/0-16/0.

In 2018, the number of hooks per set in the shallow-set longline fishery ranged in quantity from 429 to 1,590. The number of hooks per set in the deep-set longline fishery ranged from 211 to 3,836; however, the minimum number may be an outlier, with a more representative minimum being 936.

1 Each set is effectively one fishing day with a single set typically completed within 24 hours of starting.

Catch Species Composition Below are tables summarizing the species composition of observed caught in shallow-set and deep-set longline sets by vessels >20m in 2018 (Tables 1 to 6).

Table 1. Number of individual , except sharks, billfish, and rays, observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet of vessels >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species No. of Indiv. Dolphinfish 70 Escolar 75 , Longnose 586 Mola, Common 34 Oilfish 89 Opah 174 Pomfret, Brama spp. 70 Pomfret, Sickle 4 Snake 8 Tuna, Albacore 17 Tuna, Bigeye 961 Tuna, Bluefin 1 Tuna, Skipjack 10 Tuna, Unidentified 5 Tuna, Yellowfin 346 TOTAL 2,450

Table 2. Number of individual fish, except sharks, billfish, and rays, observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet of vessels >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Bony Fish, Other Identified 3 Bony Fish, Unidentified 10 Cigarfishes 5 Crestfish 5 Dolphinfish 1,876 Dolphinfish, Pompano 42 Escolar 2,285 Escolar, Longfin 112 Escolar, Roudi’s 1 Fanfishes 4 Gemfish, Black 5 Hammerjaw 6 Lancetfish, Longnose 12,068 Lancetfish, Shortnose 2 Mola, Common 2 Mola, Sharptail 2 Mola, Slender 15 Oilfish 55 Opah 3,453 Pomfret, Brama spp. 129 Pomfret, Dagger 330 Pomfret, Lustrous 2 Pomfret, Rough 55 Pomfret, Sickle 2,148 Pomfret, Unidentified 5 Puffer, Pelagic 2 Puffer, Unidentified 1 , Tapertail 13 Scabbardfish, Razorback 2 Snake Mackerel 4,159 Snake Mackerel, Unidentified 2 Swallowers 8 Tuna, Albacore 89 Tuna, Bigeye 9,463 Tuna, Skipjack 1,078 Tuna, Unidentified 104 Tuna, Yellowfin 1,551 Wahoo 1,372 TOTAL 40,464

Table 3. Number of individual sharks, rays, and billfish observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet of vessels >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Sharks Shark, Bigeye Thresher 1 Shark, Blue 2,440 Shark, Cookie Cutter 1 Shark, Salmon 1 Shark, Shortfin Mako 384 Shark, Oceanic White-Tip 1 Shark, Unidentified 7 Shark, Unid. Thresher 1 TOTAL 2,836 Rays Stingray, Pelagic 380 TOTAL 380 Billfish Billfish, Unidentified 1 Marlin, Blue 5 Marlin, Striped 51 Spearfish, Shortbill 7 Swordfish 3,343 TOTAL 3,407

Table 4. Number of individual sharks, rays, and billfish observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Sharks Bigeye 1 Dogfish, Velvet 52 Shark, Bigeye Thresher 87 Shark, Blue 3.087 Shark, Cookie Cutter 1 Shark, Crocodiel 25 Shark, Longfin Mako 8 Shark, Oceanic White-Tip 1 Shark, Other Identified 1 Shark, Pelagic Thresher 17 Shark, Shortfin Mako 383 Shark, Silky 2 Shark, Smooth Hammerhead 1 Shark, Unidentified 38 Shark, Unid. Mako 4 Shark, Unid. Thresher 19 TOTAL 3,727 Rays Stingray, Pelagic 121 TOTAL 121 Billfish Billfish, Unidentified 9 Marlin, Black 1 Marlin, Blue 51 Marlin, Striped 564 Sailfish 6 Spearfish, Shortbill 377 Swordfish 285 TOTAL 1,293

Table 5. Number of individual marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Marine Mammals Dolphin, Bottlenose 1 TOTAL 1 Seabirds Albatross, Laysan 1 Albatross, Black-footed 1 TOTAL 2 Sea Turtles Turtle, Loggerhead 16 Turtle, Leatherback 4 TOTAL 20

Table 6. Number of individual marine mammals and seabirds, and sea turtles observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet >20m in the IATTC Convention Area in 2018.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Marine Mammals Unidentified Whale, Dolphin, or Porpoise 1 Whale, False Killer 3 TOTAL 4 Seabirds Albatross, Black-footed 15 Booby, Brown 1 Shearwater, Unidentified 1 TOTAL 17 Sea Turtles Turtle, Green/Black 2 Turtle, Olive Ridley 1 TOTAL 3


United States Summary of 2017 Observer Data per Resolution C-11-08, Resolution on Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels1 This summary is submitted pursuant to Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Resolution C-11-08, Resolution on Scientific Observers for Longline Vessels. Through an amendment to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, scientific observers are required on 100 percent of all shallow-set longline trips targeting swordfish and at least 20 percent of all deep-set longline trips targeting bigeye tuna. The observer data in this report contain only data from longline vessels based in Hawaii, which comprise over 99 percent of the U.S. pelagic longline fleet. The tables below are summaries of observer data for sets that occurred in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017, based on begin-set position and haul date. Sets (i.e., fishing days) A total of 409 shallow sets occurred in the IATTC Convention Area. Each set is effectively one fishing day with a single set typically completed within 24 hours of starting. One-hundred percent of shallow sets (fishing days) in the IATTC Convention Area were observed. The total number of deep sets and the percent of deep sets observed are not available at this time but will be updated upon receipt. Sea Turtle Release United States regulations require fishermen to release all sea turtles, alive or dead. There is no record of fishermen not complying with these regulations in 2017. Hook Type and Quantity Both the shallow-set and deep-set longline fisheries used the following hook types: 1. Offset round circle: a hook with either the point or point and barb that curves towards the shank, but is also bent so that the point and shank do not lay in the same plane. The hook has no flat edges along its shank. 2. Offset flat circle: a hook with either the point or point and barb that curves towards the shank, but is also bent so that the point and shank do not lay in the same plane. The hook will have, at least, some portion of its shank flattened.

In 2017, the number of hooks per set in the shallow-set longline fishery ranged in quantity from 97 to 1,628; however, the minimum number may be an outlier, with a more representative minimum being 423. The number of hooks per set in the deep-set longline fishery ranged from 520 to 3,642; however, the minimum number may be an outlier, with a more representative minimum being 1,207.

1In its letter dated 23 April 2018, the United States stressed that this “report that summarizes observer data and provides information on effort (i.e., fishing days); these data are preliminary and subject to change. The enclosed report does not include the total and percent observed effort in deep-set longline fleet because those data have not yet been summarized for 2017. When they are complete, the National Fisheries Service will submit an update to the report. The raw data (set-level) for 2013-2016, and for 2017, were submitted in January and March, respectively, as agreed by the parties at the 8th meeting of the SAC and 92nd meeting of the IATTC.”

Catch Species Composition Below are tables summarizing the species composition of animals caught in shallow-set and deep-set longline fisheries (Tables 1 to 6). A total of 13,870 and 30,887 individual fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds were observed caught in 2016 in the shallow-set and deep-set longline fisheries, respectively.

Table 1. Number of individual fish, except sharks, billfish, and rays, observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Cigarfishes 2 Dolphinfish 527 Escolar 239 Fanfishes 1 Lancetfish, Longnose 1,035 Mola, Common 40 Mola, Slender 1 Oilfish 287 Opah 515 Pomfret, Brama spp. 80 Pomfret, Sickle 3 Pomfret, Unidentified 2 Ribbonfish, Tapertail 1 Snake Mackerel 47 Snake Mackerel, Unid. 3 Tuna, Albacore 100 Tuna, Bigeye 1,007 Tuna, Skipjack 37 Tuna, Unidentified 7 Tuna, Yellowfin 758 Wahoo 19 TOTAL 4,711

Table 2. Number of individual fish, except sharks, billfish, and rays, observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Barracuda, Great 1 Bony Fish, Other Identified 1 Bony Fish, Unidentified 1 Cigarfishes 1 Crestfish 7 Dolphinfish 2,918 Dolphinfish, Pompano 37 Escolar 1,422 Escolar, Longfin 76 Escolar, Roudi’s 1 Fanfishes 3 Gemfish, Black 3 Hammerjaw 5 Lancetfish, Longnose 10,186 Mola, Common 6 Mola, Sharptail 2 Oilfish 50 Opah 1,989 Pomfret, Brama spp. 100 Pomfret, Dagger 352 Pomfret, Lustrous 20 Pomfret, Rough 19 Pomfret, Sickle 2,233 Pomfret, Unidentified 3 Puffer, Pelagic 3 Rainbow Runner 1 Remora/Suckerfish 1 Ribbonfish, Scalloped 1 Ribbonfish, Tapertail 7 Snake Mackerel 8,492 Swallowers 5 Tuna, Albacore 8 Tuna, Bigeye 10,989 Tuna, Skipjack 699 Tuna, Unidentified 220 Tuna, Yellowfin 2,392 Wahoo 1,074 TOTAL 43,328

Table 3. Number of individual sharks, rays, and billfish observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Sharks Shark, Bigeye Thresher 20 Shark, Blue 5,515 Shark, 4 Shark, Cookie Cutter 3 Shark, Crocodile 1 Shark, Longfin Mako 2 Shark, Salmon 2 Shark, Shortfin Mako 809 Shark, Unidentified 14 Shark, Unid. Thresher 4 TOTAL 6,374 Rays Stingray, Pelagic 353 TOTAL 353 Billfish Billfish, Unidentified 2 Marlin, Blue 7 Marlin, Striped 65 Spearfish, Shortbill 39 Swordfish 5,722 TOTAL 5,835

Table 4. Number of individual sharks, rays, and billfish observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Sharks Dogfish, Velvet 32 Shark, Bigeye Thresher 210 Shark, Blue 4,174 Shark, Cookie Cutter 14 Shark, Longfin Mako 5 Shark, Oceanic White-Tip 12 Shark, Pelagic Thresher 4 Shark, Shortfin Mako 371 Shark, Silky 19 Shark, Smooth Hammerhead 7 Shark, Unidentified 33 Shark, Unid. Hammerhead 1 Shark, Unid. Mako 3 Shark, Unid. Thresher 14 TOTAL 4,899 Rays Mobula (Devil Ray) 3 Stingray, Pelagic 132 TOTAL 135 Billfish Billfish, Unidentified 8 Marlin, Black 3 Marlin, Blue 93 Marlin, Striped 429 Sailfish 47 Spearfish, Shortbill 677 Swordfish 429 TOTAL 1,686

Table 5. Number of individual marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles observed caught by the U.S. shallow-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Marine Mammals Dolphin, Risso’s 1 Fur Seal, Guadalupe 3 TOTAL 4 Seabirds Albatross, Laysan 1 Albatross, Black-footed 10 TOTAL 11 Sea Turtles Turtle, Loggerhead 10 Turtle, Olive Ridley 1 Turtle, Leatherback 3 TOTAL 14

Table 6. Number of individual marine mammals and seabirds, and sea turtles observed caught by the U.S. deep-set longline fleet in the IATTC Convention Area in 2017.

Species Common Name No. of Indiv. Marine Mammals Unidentified Whale, Dolphin, or Porpoise 2 TOTAL 2 Seabirds Albatross, Black-footed 12 TOTAL 12 Sea Turtles Turtle, Olive Ridley 4 TOTAL 4