the Inside this issue: Norwegian Cinnamon buns with the “koselig” touch american story on page 13 Volume 127, #27 • September 23, 2016 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD A Viking island paradise Exploring the stunning , ’s cousins to the west

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 Sommeren er omme. Elizabeth Beyer « Business Og når sommeren er omme 4-5 Vancouver, B.C. kommer en tid da luften blir Opinion 6-7 Sports 8-9 “Where are the Faroe Islands?” This was the first guide and driver, was the son of the company’s owner rødgyllen, klar som vin. » question that popped into my head when I read through and spoke near perfect English. – Axel Jensen Research & Science 10 the Voyage of the cruise itinerary, having never When booking tours, always try to go with a local Arts & Entertainment 11 heard of the tiny nation before. A quick Google search provider because they know the lay of the land best. Taste of Norway 12-13 revealed the Faroe Islands to be an archipelago com- The local drivers will sometimes make extra stops at Norway near you 14-15 prising 18 small islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, places you wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to see. between and Norway. We zoomed out of Tórshavn in the taxi and Travel 16-17 I didn’t have any preconceived notions on what stopped just a few minutes outside of town at a popu- Norwegian Heritage 18-19 to expect, apart from hoping that there would be abun- lar viewpoint. Here we could see one of the smaller Norsk Språk 20-21 dant nature and a peacefulness that I was desperately islands, whose tip was topped off by some roaming Roots & Connections 22 craving after visiting the bustling European continent. clouds. Our ship docked in the capital city Tórshavn, It was after we left this viewpoint that we got our Puzzles 23 which is located on the largest and most populated is- first real glimpse of the landscape of the Faroe Islands. Bulletin Board 24 land of the archipelago, Streymoy. Characterized by high mountains, low valleys, green After we docked, a free shuttle from the cruise grassy slopes, countless tall skinny , and an $1 = NOK 8.287 ship pier dropped us off next to the tourist info cen- abundance of sheep, the breathtaking scenery stretched updated 09/19/2016 ter. It was quickly decided amongst my family that we out as we drove along the winding road. wanted to see more than just Tórshavn, and so we ap- I gazed out the car window, mesmerized by the In comparison proached a local taxi company about possible tours. 08/19/2016 8.2147 We decided to go with Taxi Bil. Hávarður, our See > faroe islands page 17 03/19/2016 8.3785 09/19/2015 8.1634 The Witch and the Giant can be seen to the left, having failed to pull the islands to Iceland. Photo: Elisabeth Beyer 2 • September 23, 2016 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Kan forkaste Utøya minnesmerke Av 55 land vil kun Norge og Tyrkia tillate dumping av gruveavfall i sjøen Regjeringen prøver I vedtaket fra Verdens naturvernunion går å komme Sørbråten- et overveldende flertall inn for å holde kyst og havområder fri for gruveavfall. naboene i møte ved å — Norge er i verstingklassen, og den skrinlegge Jonas Dahl- overveldende støtten dette forslaget har fått, viser at vi står svært alene. Store bergs omstridte forslag gruvenasjoner som , Kina og Can- til 22. juli-minnested ada støttet alle forslaget som vil forby dumping av gruveavfall i sjø, sier fun- Gaute Zakariassen, Nicolay Woldsdal gerende leder i Naturvernforbundet, Silje & Johanna Hauge Ask Lundberg. Verdens naturvernunion NRK (IUCN) ble grunnlagt i 1948, og samler 111 statlige forvaltningsorganer og over I juni kom nyheten om at beboere på 800 ikkestatlige organisasjoner. De har Sørbråten saksøker staten for å få stanset den som mål å ta vare på naturen og det bi- planlagte utbyggingen av 22. juli-minnes- ologiske mangfoldet. 55 land stemte over merket der. forslaget. De tre forvaltningsorganene Kunstverket ble utformet av svenske som stemte mot var det norske Klima- og Jonas Dahlberg, og kunngjort som vinner av Illustrasjon: KORO / VG miljødepartementet, det norske Miljø­ konkurransen i februar 2014. Det planlagte minnesmerket på Sørbråten har ikke blitt like godt mottatt av alle. direktoratet og det tyrkiske Departement- Nå bekrefter kommunalminister Jan et for skog- og vannforvaltning. Tore Sanner overfor NRK at regjeringen (Bjørn Haugan, VG) har tilbudt å forkaste Dahlbergs omstridte ere naboene i utvelgelsen av et nytt minnes­ en kommentar fra kunstner Jonas Dahlberg. vinner­utkast for å komme naboene i møte. merke. Advokat Harald Stabell, som represen- Sogn og Fjordane, Rogaland og — Vi ønsker å unngå en opprivende Sanner sier imidlertid kategorisk nei til terer naboene på Sørbråten, bekrefter over- blir ett fylke rettssak som vil være svært belastende for en omkamp om plasseringen på Sørbråten. for NRK at han var i møte med advokater Delegasjonene fra de tre fylkene har nå mange. Det er bakgrunnen for at vi har bedt — Beslutningen er tatt for flere år siden. fra regjeringsadvokatens kontor om et mulig klart å bli enige om en intensjonsavtale. regjeringsadvokaten om å se på muligheten Vi har allerede utsatt etableringen av minnes­ forlik, men at partene ikke kom til enighet. Stridsspørsmålet i denne siste runden for en forliksforhandling. I og med at nabo­ merket med to år, og det er fordi vi ønsket å med forhandlinger har vært hvor de enes reaksjon var knyttet til minnesmer- finne en løsning som kunne samle. Nå har Se > minnesmerke, side 21 ulike funksjonene skal ligge. Partene har ket, har vi åpnet for at vi kan finne et annet vi åpnet for et forlik med naboene hvor vi godtatt at skal bli det formelle minnes­merke enn det som opprinnelig var holder fast ved minnestedet, men åpner for English Synopsis: In June, Sørbråten residents took regions­senteret, men både Rogaland og tenkt, sier Sanner til NRK. å finne et annet minnesmerke, og vi ønsker the government to court over the planned develop- Sogn og Fjordane har krevd at betydelige Tilbudet til saksøkerne gikk ut på å også å involvere alle berørte videre. ment of the Utøya memorial. The government has now offered to reject Dahlberg’s disputed winning design. deler av administrasjon og oppgaver skal skrinlegge Dahlbers prosjekt, og å involv- Det har så langt ikke lyktes NRK å få plasseres der. Alle ansatte i de tre fylkes- kommunene får et stillingsvern i fem år etter at det nye fylket er opprettet, altså til 2025, dersom planen blir fulgt. Dersom noen blir overflødige der de job- Brev fra Snus-rapport stoppet ber nå, vil de få tilbud om nytt, relevant arbeid i fylket. Fylkene har også blitt Helseminister Høie enige om at det skal utarbeides en fordel- ing av verdier og fond som skal sikre Facebook likte ikke resultatene at de til en viss grad blir værende i om- i forskningsstudien rådene der verdiene er bygget opp. Målet Statsministeren mottok er å bli enige om en intensjonsplan som et takkebrev fra daglig Eirik Mosveen & Gunn Kari Hegvik kan danne grunnlag for en ny Vestlands­ VG region. Men planen skal opp til politisk leder i nettgiganten behandling i de tre fylkestingene, først i oktober, og deretter i revidert utgave i Julie Berg Melfald I fjor bestilte statsråd Bent Høie (H) en desember. Både i Rogaland og Sogn og Aftenposten forskningsstudie om effekten av å innføre Fjordane har flere politikere uttrykt skep- nøytralt utseende snusbokser. Men ifølge en sis til å gi fra seg førersetet til Bergen. 9. september slettet Facebook statsmin- forskningsleder og forskeren selv likte ikke (Pål Andreas Mæland, Aftenposten) ister Erna Solbergs (H) innlegg om den departementet resultatene. såkalte «napalmjenta», og Aftenpostens sjef­ Funnene i studien gir ikke grunnlag for kan bli nominert både i redaktør Espen Egil Hansens åpne brev til å hevde at nøytrale snusbokser er mindre og i Rogaland Mark Zuckerberg gikk verden rundt. attraktive­ enn originale snusbokser. Foto: Mattis Sandblad / VG Begge sakene fikk stor oppmerksomhet Dermed ga ikke studien vitenskapelig Forskerne forsøkte om slike pakninger vil gjøre Ap-nestleder Hadia Tajik har sagt ja til å i Europa og USA. støtte til et viktig punkt i en av helseminister at færre kjøper produktet. være kandidat i nominasjonsprosessene Etter først å ha forsvart avgjørelsen Høies største prestisjesaker i denne fireårs­ både i Rogaland og i Oslo. Tajik er fra Ro- bak å sensurere bildene av -jenta, perioden: Å få Stortinget til å vedta verdens galand, men bor i Oslo og har vært valgt ­ snudde Facebook og valgte å gjenopprette strengeste tobakkskadelov, gjennom inn­ fikk høre at representanter for departementet inn på Stortinget fra hovedstaden siden bildene av Kim Phuc. føring av en standardisering av emballasjen ønsket å utsette offentliggjøringen av re- 2009. Nå har nominasjonskomiteene beg- Natt til 11. september mottok Solberg et på tobakks­produkter, også snus. sultatene. Og departementet fikk viljen sin. ge steder fått til svar at hun ønsker å være personlig brev fra daglig leder i Facebook, Kun uker før lovproposisjonen ble frem- Ledelsen ved FHI har i denne og flere andre med i nominasjonsprosessene. I Rogaland Sheryl Sandberg, ifølge TV2. met fra regjeringen den 10. juni, ble hele saker tilsynelatende vist ettergivenhet for er Tajik ønsket på førsteplass av Der takker hun blant annet statsminis- under­søkelsen holdt unna offentligheten. føringene fra HOD, der man kunne forvente Ap. Rogaland Ap har i dag tre represent- teren for å ha hjulpet nettgiganten med «å Innholdet ble heller ikke tatt inn i det at de isteden ville ha vernet om forskernes anter på Stortinget. Nominasjonskomiteen gjøre det rette». historiske lovforslaget som skal behandles uavhengighet og eiendomsrett over egne re- i Oslo fikk beskjed fra Tajik i helgen om — Jeg mottok et brev fra Sheryl Sand- av Stortinget i høst. sultater, sier Lund til VG. at hun ønsker å stille til gjenvalg. Samme berg på bakgrunn av dette, der hun takket — Det var tydelig at Helsedepartementet ­ Helseminister Bent Høie avviser i beskjed har partileder Jonas Gahr Støre, for engasjementet og viste til at de kunne bli (HOD) ikke var fornøyd med resultatene i et intervju med VG at hans departement Marianne Marthinsen og Jan Bøhler gitt. bedre, sier Solberg til TV2. det vi sendte som en foreløpig rapport, sier har forsøkt å hindre offentliggjøringen av Oslo Ap har i dag seks representanter på Solberg forteller at hun har møtt Sand- forskeren som utførte undersøkelsen, Torleif snusstudien. Stortinget. Begge nominasjonskomiteene Halkjelsvik, til VG. er, etter det NTB får opplyst, kjent med facebook, side 21 Se > rapport, side 21 Se > Forskeren får støtte av leder for tobakks- at Tajik har sagt ja til å være med i den forskning ved Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), videre prosessen begge steder. English Synopsis: Following a debate on Facebook’s English Synopsis: The Minister of Health requested Karl Erik Lund. (Bjørn Grimen, NRK) censorship practices leading to ’s post be- a study on the effects of neutral-looking snuff boxes, ing removed, the company restored the post and sent — Rapporten passet dårlig i den poli- but the publication of the report was stopped because the prime minister a letter to thank her. tiske agendaen til helseministeren, og vi the department did not like the results. theNorwegianamerican News September 23, 2016 • 3 Nansen Award 2016 NRK to air This week in brief Smoking, oral tobacco dangers alike Efi Latsoudi and the Healthy men who use snus—a moist to- Afterlife TV bacco powder product—stand the same Hellenic Rescue Team risk of developing cardiovascular disease Norwegian program as smokers do, a study finds. win for their work with For the study, scientists measured refugees in aims to connect the blood vessel function in 1,592 self-re- living with the dead ported healthy men from Nord-Trøndelag County. They found that flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was lower in snuff users Marit Fosse Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson than those who didn’t use it. FMD was Geneva, The Foreigner used as a measurement regarding endo- thelial function. Aerobic fitness was mea- UN for Refugees In a sealed envelope in a locked safe are sured by peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak). (UNHCR) Filippo Grandi announced earlier the secret words of former resi- FMD amongst snus users and smok- this month the winner of the annual Nansen dent Rolf Erik Eikemo, who died of terminal ers was found to be equally poor. Award. This year’s award winners are a Greek cancer in May last year, aged 40. He is sur- “Recommending snus as a safe alter- human rights activist and a Greek volunteer vived by his wife and two children. native to tobacco smoking can no longer rescue team—Efi Latsoudi and the Hellenic Before his death, he promised NRK that Photo: © UNHCR / Gordon Welters be regarded as well-founded,” Eli-Anne Rescue Team (HRT). They have been award- Efi Latsoudi, one of the winners of UNHCR’s he will reveal what is on the sheet in the en- Skaug, researcher at the Department of ed this year’s Nansen for their efforts to aid Nansen Award 2016, stands amid a vast mountain velope if someone manages to get in touch Circulation and Medical Imaging (ISB), refugees arriving in Greece during 2015. of life preservers, a haunting reminder of the dan- with him. Norwegian University of Science and “Hundreds of thousands of people flee- gers faced by refugees. Not one living person knows what is Technology, told ing conflict and persecution last year made written. The only way to find out its contents (Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson / the desperate bid to reach in search is by contacting the dead, the broadcaster re- The Foreigner) of safety, many risking their lives in unsea- the Nansen Refugee Award,” Grandi added. ports about its own initiative. worthy boats and dinghies, in a journey which “Their efforts characterize the massive pub- NRK writes that Eikemo, who was re- Norway runs first deficit in 25 years all too often proved insurmountable,” the UN lic response to the refugee and migrant emer- corded on video just weeks before his death, The last figures from Statistics Norway High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo gency in Greece and across Europe, in which gave two reasons why he wanted to partici- (SSB) shows that central government’s Grandi, said in a news release on the win. thousands of people stood in solidarity with pate in the experiment. total revenue in the second quarter of this “Both the Hellenic Rescue Team and Efi those forced to flee, and the humanity and “He was open to the possibility that he year was 328 billion, which is 2.3 percent Latsoudi refused to stand by as they witnessed generosity of communities around the world could be wrong, and if that was the case, he less than in the same quarter last year. the dramatic humanitarian situation unfold- The main reason for this is lower ing on their shores and are fully deserving of See > refugees, page 7 See > afterlife TV, page 7 revenues from petroleum activities. Low- er tax income and withdrawals from the State’s Direct Financial Interest explains the decline in total revenues, SSB writes. Draken calls pilotage “unfair” Tax revenue from petroleum has more than halved compared to 2015. Total tax revenue in government accounts fell by Ambiguity in the law 8.3 percent, writes SSB. In combination caused confusion for with the lower income, the total govern- ment expenditure has increased sharply, the visiting Viking ship which has led to a loss of about 5 billion during the first four months of 2016. (Norway Post / SSB) Steven Dahlman North Loop News Lowest number of asylum seekers since 1997 The Draken Harald Hårfagre has paid its By the end of August, a total of 2,248 asy- pilotage fees but the Viking ship’s new expe- lum seekers had been registered in Nor- dition manager says such fees will keep them way this year, a decrease of 73% com- and other foreign vessels on similar goodwill pared with last year. missions from returning to the . “2015 was without doubt an extraor- The largest Viking ship built in modern dinary year. So it is not surprising that the times left Norway on April 26 on a route that fall in numbers has been so big this year. took it to Iceland, , , and However, the change we are seeing can- the United States, but not to its ultimate des- not just be attributed to the last two years. tination, Duluth, Minnesota, where one of Photo: Nancy Andersen Not since 1997 have so few people sought every six residents is Norwegian. In July, as The Draken Harald Hårfagre in . The issue of fees was a distraction on its Great Lakes visit. asylum in Norway,” said Minister of Im- the ship was about to enter the Great Lakes, migration and Integration . its crew learned they would have a local pi- In August this year, 281 asylum lot on board to help with navigation and they last November from a Draken crew member expedition manager after the previous man- seekers came to Norway. According to would pay him $400 per hour. to the Coast Guard acknowledged that pilot- ager had to leave due to a serious illness. figures from the Directorate of Immigra- Whether it would cost $430,000 as the age was mandatory on the Great Lakes. When they realized they would have to tion (UDI), the figure for August has not captain of the Draken first calculated—or While the Draken was in Canada, how- pay, Draken captain Björn Ahlander first esti- been lower since 1997, when 199 asylum $145,000 as figured by one of the organiza- ever, its crew was told they did not need a mated the cost at well over $400,000 because seekers were registered. The pattern is the tions providing pilotage services—the fees, pilot because their 115-foot-long by 26-foot- the plan was to sail across the Great Lakes. same for the period January to August. though not a complete surprise, were at the wide ship was too small. Whether this ap- The journey would be slower than if the ship “There are several reasons why there very least a disappointment and a distraction. plied to Canadian waters only or all of the used its engines and it would cover a larger are fewer asylum seekers coming to Nor- Pilots and crew agree a price quote for Great Lakes was not made clear to the ex- area because sailing ships, at the mercy of the way. The closure of borders in a number pilotage was sent to the Draken expedition pedition, according to Luke Snyder, who of countries has had a major impact on before it arrived in the U.S. An email sent stepped up from expedition coordinator to See > pilotage, page 6 the number of arrivals in northern Eu- rope. However, we are also seeing that This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: the number of arrivals is even lower in Norway than in and ... We believe that the measures we have implemented have had an impact on the number of asylum seekers coming to Norway,” Listhaug said. & (Ministry of Justice and Public Security) 4 • September 23, 2016 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Norway home sales at highest level in for Statoil in a short- and long-term per- Oslo Innovation Week nearly 30 years spective, and having the high beams on Home sales in Norway have reached their means looking many years ahead and be- Norway’s capital celebrates innovators of all highest point since 1988, the Norwegian yond current business. Geothermal energy kinds as it focuses on innovation in action Home Builders’ Association (Boligpro- is a renewable resource where we see a dusentenes Forening) said on Sept. 14. potential for leveraging on several of our There were 29 percent more new core competencies from oil and gas such homes sold in August 2016 than in the as subsurface, drilling and well, and HSE,” same month last year. The head of the Nor- says Elisabeth B. Kvalheim, Statoil’s Chief wegian Home Builders’ Association, Per Technology Officer. Jæger, said that the 33,444 new homes sold The concept of the research well at over the past 12 months mark the “highest Reykjanes is to explore the opportunity to sales level since the 1980s.” extract renewable energy by drilling wells Jæger said in a press release that home into reservoirs with high-temperature water sales through the first eight months of 2016 heated by the earth’s magma. have outpaced the same period last year by The well will be the world’s hottest 14 percent. Sales of flats led the way, in- geothermal production well. The drilling creasing by 27 percent. involves deepening of an existing geother- “Oslo continues to be the primary mal well down to 5 km depth at the Reyk- problem in Norway’s housing market. janes site. At this depth superheated steam Therefore it is urgent to implement mea- can be brought to the surface at 400-500°C sures to increase housing construction and and used for efficient electricity production reduce housing prices in the capital re- in steam turbines. gion,” Jæger said. Head of Renewable Research Tech- (The Local) nology in Statoil, Hanne Wigum, explains: “Put more simply, you can compare it to Statoil and Icelandic partners drill the the Earth’s radiator system, and geother- world’s hottest geothermal well mal energy is a global resource. Iceland is a world leader in electricity production from Photo: Oslo Innovation Week / Gorm K. Gaare Statoil and partners in the Iceland Deep geothermal energy, and working close to- Håkon enters OIW 2015. Drilling Project have just started to drill a gether with our partners is of great value to geothermal research well on Iceland. The Statoil. Further research will be determined goal is to explore if high-temperature water after this project.” Rasmus Falck can be extracted from deep reservoirs for The drilling operation is expected to Oslo, Norway power production. be completed by the end of 2016 at which In a long-term perspective, geother- point the project will enter into a two and mal energy could be a renewable energy Oslo is Europe’s fastest growing capital startup scene. Innovation, particularly radical a half year test period, where the objective and is the key to a more robust, diversified, innovation, happens when connecting previ- source with potential; Statoil therefore has is to confirm reservoir performance, well research ongoing to test the technological and sustainable future economy for Norway. ously unconnected bodies of knowledge. Oslo integrity, and power production potential. We don’t know yet what kind of industries wants to create meeting places where startups and economic viability of this resource. (Statoil) “Research and technology is crucial will define us, but we do know that innova- and corporations and people representing tion and entrepreneurship are the answers. different fields of innovation, science, and With the rapid resurgence of incubators, research can meet and grow; therefore, the accelerator programs, and local successful theme this year is “Powercouples.” startup role models growing internationally, The opening takes place at the Astrup the time for Oslo to become an international Fearnley Museum of Modern Art. The mu- startup hub is now! seum is a privately owned contemporary art Oslo Innovation Week is a five-day se- gallery. The collection’s main focus is the ries of events held each year in October, this American appropriation artists from 1980s. Sealift Inc. year from October 17 to 21. From seminars A few years ago, the museum moved to two and talks to pitching, contests, and work- new buildings designed by Renzo Piano on shops, events will take place all over the city. Tjuvholmen by the Oslofjord, quite an at- • Ship Owners • Over 90 different groups, such as corpora- traction itself. The museum created a stir in tions, startups, accelerators, and organiza- the international art world in 2002 when it tions, will organize these events. Last year, purchased the American artist Jeff Koon’s • Ship & Cargo Brokers • Oslo Innovation Week brought together monumental gilt porcelain sculpture of Mi- 9,500 visitors. chael Jackson with Bubbles, the pop star’s You can attend an innovation confer- favorite chimpanzee, for USD 5.1 million. • Steamship Agents • ence every single day, year round, all over Subjects that will be covered during the the world. So why should you choose Oslo week, in the official language of English, in- Innovation Week? Oslo believes in not only clude EdTech, FinTech, MedTech, and Cre- talking about change but also changing the ative Industries. world we live in. Here you will find speakers, experts, entrepreneurs, investors, startups, Rasmus Falck is a strong and innovators together who are challenged innovation and entrepre- to solve problems, collaborate, and move neurship advocate. The au- forward. No more endless talks on what has thor of “What do the best been done before. No more wishing, hoping, do better” and “The board or speculating on how things should be. The of directors as a resource innovation week brings forward new voices in SME,” he received his and innovation in action. masters degree from the The global economy needs a bridge be- University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently tween large, established companies and the lives in Oslo, Norway.

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Sept. 19, 2016) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 8.2872 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.6655 Techstep 4.50 11.94% Oceanteam 2.49 -14.14% 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Siem Offshore 2.00 10.50% Polaris Media 19.10 -10.33% Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 Svensk Kr. 8.5589 BW LPG 21.18 9.23% Bionor Pharma 0.21 -8.70% Islandsk Kr. 115.13 Biotec Pharmacon 11.75 7.80% Seadrill 17.69 -5.90% E-mail: [email protected] Canadian $ 1.3197 Odfjell Drilling 8.24 7.71% Sevan Drilling 2.01 -4.74% Euro 0.8947 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit theNorwegianamerican Business September 23, 2016 • 5 A twist on WhatsApp and Snapchat Norwegian startup DeeMe wants to be your favorite app for beautiful instant messaging

Eva Fogdell Nordic Startup Bits

We spend more time messaging on our phones than ever before. What would the most amazing visual messaging service look like? That was the question Norwegian com- pany DeeMe, founded in 2014, started from. “This question became the DeeMe proj- ect, and today our vision is still the same. The world of social media is in constant change, and we keep on developing DeeMe to be the most amazing social messaging ser- vice out there,” explains cofounder Kenneth Rasmus Greve. The team behind the social messaging app consists of three Norwegian friends: Greve, Morten Strid, and Frode Alver Nilsen, Photo courtesy of DeeMe who all share a background in design, cre- This new app wants to be the most amazing visual messaging service. ative marketing, PR, communications, and programming. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that novation Norway, a governmental institution sound of people getting a new message on DeeMe aims to combine the absolute best providing support for upcoming startups. DeeMe,” says Greve. features in messaging. The app is a collection When it comes to the future plans of the of the top characteristics of WhatsApp and Differentiation and passion are key Norwegian company, there are some “cool Snapchat, while adding its own twist to it, en- “Most people are affected by stories in secrets” on the roadmap still to be unlocked. sults,” Greve gladly states. abling users to send messages in image form. the media, which can lead to them aiming But before those dreams can be realized, the The future will show whether Greve The whole service is topped with beautiful for the wrong purpose—to build a company, team is aiming to close the biggest funding will hear the notifications of DeeMe beeping Scandinavian design, enabling the user to put sell it, and get rich. But for us this is truly round in its history. on the streets of Tokyo. together amazingly stylish messages. a passion. We want to build DeeMe into a “We don’t want to lose the momen- In 2015, DeeMe won the Slush IBM favorite tool for people all around the world tum. I hope and believe that we will close This article was originally published on Nor- Cloud Startup Award, and Mashable has to stay in touch with. So my biggest dream this round quite soon. Some of the investors dic Startup Bits at www.nordicstartupbits. listed it as one of the five can’t-miss apps. would be to take the subway in New York or we’ve discussed with have been in constant com/2016/06/17/deeme-instant-messaging- The company has got big support from In- walk around in Tokyo and hear the distinct contact and are now happy to see our re- beautifully.

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Christmas Card with a Norwegian Greeting

Lofoten Village .. et flott sted å bo! NAGC & NL 2014 Olive J. Nordby (1915 - 2014) hand-colored woodblock print adapted as a Christmas or note card Available exclusively through NAGC & NL Packaged with 20 cards and envelopes in a 5” x 7” format Áegis of Shoreline Printed greeting inside Christmas card - God Jul og godt nyttår 14900 1st Avenue NE Mer ry Christmas & Happy New Year NAGC Members $25/package; Non-Members $30/package Shoreline, WA 98152 Postage & Handling: add $8 for 1 to 2 packages; add $15 for 3 or more packages 206-367-6700 To order, vist our E-Store at, email, call, or fax and indicate whether you would like cards with or without greeting. 6 • September 23, 2016 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

< pilotage From page 3 wind, do not travel in a straight line. steep, the plan was to end the ex- While the engines are needed pedition in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, On the EDGE for safety reasons, the Viking ship skipping stops in Michigan, Wis- An opinion column about current issues in never intended to use them as its consin, Minnesota, and Chicago. Norway and the United States—Join the conversation! main means of propulsion. “The only reason we contin- “The pilots don’t see the ship ued the expedition was because as a sailing vessel,” says Snyder. people started raising funds for us. “They look at it moving as fast as And we thought, okay, the people What is a troll? it can possibly go in the straightest want to see the ship and we can’t line between one port and next. If let them down and we’re going to you look at that, you can reduce the try to make it as far as we can with cost of pilotage, but that isn’t what the funds that are raised.” David Moe the expedition is about.” A fundraising campaign by Sun City, Calif. Sons of Norway, a financial services U.S. law ambiguous, unfair, says and international cultural organiza- expedition manager tion, quickly raised $139,000, but What is a troll? The motto of a troll is: “To Though he emphasizes they the expedition decided it still was myself alone be enough.” I also refer to the distort- are not “anti-pilot,” Snyder says not enough to get to Duluth, at least ed Boy Scout motto: “On my honor I do my best, the requirement, which has cost not as the sailing vessel. After visit- to help myself and cheat the rest.” A troll is self- the expedition about $117,000, is ing Chicago, the Draken made it as centered, they want to call attention to themselves, unfair in their case. “The thing that far west as Green Bay, Wisconsin. and they surround themselves with people who will we still can’t quite figure out is why admire them and tell them things they want to hear. we’re required to carry a pilot.” Fees paid late due to illness A troll is a trickster who has a need for mis- He has looked at the legisla- Snyder says he took over as chief. They want to thumb their noses at authority tion, which dates back to the 1960s, expedition manager when the pre- and be individuals, self-made individuals, who be- and while it says any foreign ves- vious manager, Lisa Johansson, lieve they are the only ones who tell the truth. If sel entering the Great Lakes must was diagnosed with a brain tumor. they are questioned or found to be telling an un- have a pilot, Snyder says the law It took some time to find an truth, they will respond, “Don’t you have a sense applies only to commercial ves- agent in the U.S. to whom pilotage of humor?” sels—which the Draken is not. invoices, mistakenly sent to their According to Norwegian legend, a troll does “When I look in the Coast Canadian agent, could be sent for not have a soul. The only way they have any hope Guard regulations and their [Code payment. Eventually all of the pi- of gaining a soul is to marry a Christian. That is why of Federal Regulations] and their lots were paid but those fees, says trolls love to attend Christian weddings and steal [Navigation and Vessel Inspection Snyder, have been a distraction. the bride, with a hope of gaining a soul. Brides, his- Circulars] that they send out to their “I feel... we have just been torically, wear lots of silver to protect themselves inspectors, I see something com- fighting this entire time and we from the trolls. pletely different, where it says that haven’t even been able to tell our In the August 29 issue of Time magazine, Joel a foreign flag vessel that is operat- stories.” Stein has written an article entitled, “Why we’re ing a certificate of inspection, more He says something has to be losing the internet to the culture of hate.” It seems as an attractions vessel, is not con- done so that the Draken and other the trolls have taken over the internet. These are ba- sidered to be engaged in commerce such vessels, with more of an edu- sically cowards, with no morals or accountability, or in state-to-state as long as cational purpose than commercial, who use their right of free speech to degrade and Photo: Dianne Enger Snell there’s no materials or cargo being can reach destinations on the Great humiliate other people. For example, Stein writes Beware of trolls! Sign from Trollstigen, Norway. shipped from port to port and that Lakes affordably. of one database called “fatpeoplehate,” a site that there are no paying passengers com- Millions of dollars, he says, reveals photos of overweight people looking happy, almost all women, and adding mean captions. Do ing on board at one of our stops.” have been spent to build and operate David Moe was born in Minneso- There is “ambiguity,” says Sny- the ship, with no plans to ever see you think these things affect our society? ta and graduated from the Univer- der. “I think that it’s really unfair for that money again. “Wooden ships My daughter has a boss who posted a photo- sity of Minnesota, Morris in 1964 a vessel of this size and a vessel that are never an investment. They are a graph of one of his female employees on all of the and received his M.A. degree from was here doing something with a hole in the ground. They’re a money garbage cans in the area. Why did he do this? Where San Francisco State University in goodwill voyage, to be ... expected pit. It doesn’t matter if the boat is 15 did he get the idea to do this? These are the things 1975. He spent four years in the to pay the same rate as a container feet or 115 feet, you’re going to put trolls do to make themselves feel more important. Navy and 32 years in the insur- vessel carrying cars or steel or money into it all the time.” We are living in a time when trolls want to rule ance business. He is married to goods worth millions of dollars.” Any money earned giv- the world. They are down on what they are not up his wife, Thordis, and they have two daughters and ing tours or selling merchandise on and they want to elevate themselves by putting four grandchildren. They now live in Sun City, Cali- Draken had planned to end “wouldn’t even begin” to recover others down. Where do we go from here? fornia. expedition in July the cost, says Snyder. The opinions expressed in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and publication of those views According to Snyder, when “You could do this for 20 years is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. they saw that the cost would be and never make a profit.”

Name: Subscribe now! Phone: 26 yearly issues filled with news from Norway, business, Address: sports, opinion, food, travel, language, and more! City/State/Zip: $ one year: 70 Email: the Card #: Norwegian Expiration: CVV: Amount/issues: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. You can also pay by phone or mail a check to: american The Norwegian American, 7713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155. theNorwegianamerican Opinion September 23, 2016 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, < afterlife tv < refugees Sports, Travel From page 3 From page 3 Molly Jones [email protected] Opinion Editor wanted to convey that we can expect more from the start.” who open their hearts and homes to refugees.” Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] after this life has ended, even if he did not “It was his decision alone to partici- Since 2007 Greece has been challenged Taste of Norway Editor have much belief in life after death,” said pate, and the family supported him. We’ve by the arrival of a large number of refugees, Daytona Strong [email protected] Lasse Nederhoed of Teddy TV, the company had a close and good dialogue with his but in 2015 sea arrivals escalated to an emer- Advertising that produces the program for NRK. wife after his passing. She has seen and gency. On the island of Lesvos alone, numbers Ryan Pearson [email protected] “There are many who claim they can talk approved the finished program.” topped 500,000 last year. In October 2015, ar- Subscriptions with the dead, quite a number who are doing “If no one reaches Rolf Erik, that’s rivals peaked at more than 10,000 per day, as [email protected] it commercially, and a few whose alleged not evidence of anything in itself, but it conflicts in , , and con- abilities have made them rather wealthy. We gives those who claim to have these abili- tinued to uproot people from their homes. Contributors thought it would be interesting to test if those ties a hard case to argue. If it is possible to “For many refugees, the heroic humani- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. who claim they have these abilities in fact talk with the dead, and according to many tarian efforts of Greek volunteers in 2015 Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway do, and Rolf Erik gave us the opportunity,” it is even ‘easy,’ then why hasn’t anyone went well beyond pulling survivors from the Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. he explained. been able to make contact with an eager seas, they helped them to take the first steps Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. The idea of reuniting with loved ones conversation partner such as Rolf Erik towards a normal life,” UNHCR noted in a Nevada Berg Rollag, Norway Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska from beyond the grave is a comforting when so many have had the opportunity to news release. M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway thought for many. Others would prefer evi- try?” asks Nederhoed. “During 2015 the HRT conducted Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. dence before believing. The program, which forms part of round-the-clock operations to save refugees Daughters of Norway Members Various Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. In 2012, 48 percent of said NRK’s series called “Folkeopplysningen” and migrants in distress at sea and Latsoudi Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway there was no existence after death and a mere (The Public Enlightenment), airs on Octo- showed compassion and care for the most Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. 5% thought that “some come to a good place, ber 5 this year. vulnerable refugees arriving on the island of Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. whilst others cease to exist.” People who either think that they Lesvos through her work at PIKPA village,” Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Norway’s Princess Martha Louise has can make contact with the late Eikemo, the UN agency added. Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. said she has psychic powers and is able to or know someone who might be able to The Nansen Refugee Award recognizes Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. teach others to communicate with angels, do so are encouraged to fill out the form outstanding service to the cause of refugees Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. announcing online plans for an alternative at and displaced people and was first handed Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y therapy center. but-he-would-like-to-get-in-touch-with- out in 1954. It is named after Fridtjof Nan- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. According to Nederhoed, Rolf Erik you-1.13101164. It may only be complet- sen, the Norwegian explorer, scientist, dip- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Eikemo “was enthusiastic about the project ed once. Responses must be submitted by lomat, humanitarian, and Nobel Peace Prize Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. September 25. laureate who served as the first High Com- Lexi Seattle, Wash. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. missioner for Refugees at the League of Na- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. tions, the predecessor of the . Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. Gladys K. Stenberg McLeod MT 2. oktober David Nikel , Norway Hanna Svardal Seattle WA Heidi Dragston Barcia Reno NV Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Susan Gaw Scottsdale AZ John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. 27. september Reidar Hammer Marysville WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Mrs. Don Bradley Helena MT Ingrid D. Nass Portland OR Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Bodie Lunn Bellingham WA Joan Rodican Reno NV Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Yvonne Natvig Pennock MN Elizabeth Tharaldsen Samuelsen The Norwegian American strives to make Karen Olaussen Mound MN Ft. Detrick MD its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Claire Olsen Palm Coast FL Inger Strand Belmont CA question or comment about news coverage call 23. september John Olson Bellingham WA (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- serves the right to edit any and all submissions for Bernice Omholt Dolin Mt. Vernon WA Ingeborg (Rye) Paulson Harrisburg SD 3. oktober style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Kim Dyrvik Bedford NH Anne Petersen Bugge Staten Island NY right not to print submissions deemed libelous, Bernice Hovland Hardy Bethesda MD 28. september Carl H. Christensen Santa Monica CA in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this Mrs. Albert Hendrickson DeLand FL Carol Belland Atwell Lakeland FL Margit Erlenmeyer Thief River Falls newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Hansine Jorgenson Harvey ND Gerhard A. Bekkevold MN of The Norwegian American, and our publication Nilmar L. Molvik Maple Valley WA Scarborough ON Canada Alf G. Nelson Redlands CA of those views is not an endorsement of them. Frances Tellefsen Clarksville TN Randi Dyrvik Lynbrook NY Ralph Norland Duluth MN Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Helge L. Nelson Torrance CA should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- 24. september Lillian R. Scott Sun City CA 4. oktober wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- Arvid Gundersen Brandon FL Olav S. Stenberg McLeod MT John Holmes Stanwood WA 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Chelsea Klocke Decorah IA Erik Josef Zaretzka Castro Valley CA Arne Lorentzen Staten Island NY Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Ruth Peterson Tacoma WA Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. 29. september 5. oktober • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes 25. september Erik Gilje Lynnwood WA Drew Gardner Seattle WA to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Odd Andersen Norwood NJ Kenneth L. Johnson Sun City AZ Leif Kenneth Halverson Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Lois Haug Outlook SK Canada MN $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

Dana Hubbard New Milford NJ 30. september JoAnne Jorud Alexandria MN SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Anne Lise Lorentzen Staten Island NY Bernice Barron Lake Forest Park WA Adelaide Lyng San Diego CA John Ness Cottonwood WA Kyle Gehsmann Morristown NJ Kristin Sundt Minneapolis MN Norwegian American Weekly Martin G. Paulson Medford OR Sam Herheim Long Beach CA Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Western Viking & Washington Posten Eric Vangsnes Rockford MI Sverre C. Strøm San Jose CA 6. oktober Marie Johnson Bothell WA Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota 26. september 1. oktober Marie Erstad Johnson Seattle WA Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Jean Dalthorp Bennett Kathleen Egidi Deer Park NY Darlene Nordos Minneapolis MN Mountlake Terrace WA Ena Klæboe Seattle WA Mona Olsen McLean VA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Maiken Gehsmann Morristown NJ Tone Olsen McLean VA Susie Schroeder-Knudsen Paul Holum Desoto TX Marie (Hoines) Simonseth Snohomish WA Simi Valley CA David R. Somdalen Vancouver WA

Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • September 23, 2016 Sports theNorwegianamerican Tippeligaen Ada Hegerberg Norway’s Premier League named Europe’s best results Standings Norway’s star striker is awarded UEFA Best 9/9 Start 1 – 4 Aalesund Teams PLD PTS Women’s Player in Europe for 2015/16 9/10 Vålerenga 1 – 1 Strømsgodset 1. Rosenborg 24 59 2. Brann 24 41 9/10 Brann 0 – 0 Viking 3. Odd 24 41 9/11 Tromsø 2 – 0 Sogndal 4. 24 40 5. 24 38 9/11 Lillestrøm 2 – 4 Odd 6. Viking 24 36 9/11 08 1 – 2 Bodø/Glimt 7. Sarpsborg 08 24 36 9/11 Stabæk 0 – 2 Rosenborg 8. Strømsgodset 24 35 9. Sogndal 24 31 9/11 Molde 0 – 0 Haugesund 10. Vålerenga 24 30 9/16 Haugesund 1 – 1 Vålerenga 11. Tromsø 24 30 9/17 Tromsø 2 – 1 Lillestrøm 12. Bodø/Glimt 24 27 13. Aalesund 24 26 9/17 Viking 1 – 0 Molde 14. Stabæk 24 24 9/18 Sogndal 3 – 0 Sarpsborg 08 15. Lillestrøm 24 23 9/18 Bodø/Glimt 1 – 3 Brann 16. Start 24 9

9/18 Odd 0 – 1 Stabæk

9/18 Aalesund 4 – 2 Strømsgodset Photo: Jostein Magnussen / VG 9/18 Rosenborg 2 – 0 Start Ada Hegerberg shown with coach Even Pellerud in 2015.

To read more about football in Norway, visit Molly Jones The Norwegian American Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Following an extraordinary season with teammate Dzsenifer Marozsán. the French club Olympique Lyonnais and The French midfielder Henry played with (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] the Norwegian national team, 21-year-old Hegerberg at Lyon last season before moving striker Ada Hegerberg has made a name for to the Portland Thorns, and Marozsán, a Ger- herself not just in Norway, or in , but man footballer of Hungarian descent, started throughout all of Europe. with the French club this summer after several the With 54 goals in 34 games, the Norwe- years with FFC Frankfurt. gian played an integral role in Lyon’s success The Norwegian was the clear win- Hearthstone this season, helping the club to take all three ner, taking 13 out of 20 . Henry came trophies in the French league, the French in second with four votes and Marozsán in cup, and Champions League. She became third with three. Cristiano Ronaldo, forward the top scorer of the Champions League with for Real Madrid and the Portuguese national 13 goals throughout the competition. team, took the award on the men’s side for In January, Hegerberg rightfully earned the second time with Antoine Griezmann of Gullballen, the award for the year’s best Nor- France and Gareth Bale of Wales in second wegian footballer, becoming the first woman and third, respectively. to receive the prize since Hege Riise in 1995. “I am humbled and proud to receive this But being the best in Norway wasn’t enough award. A big thanks to my parents and my sis- for the star striker; on August 25, the Norwe- ter Andrine. The same for all my teammates gian also won the title of UEFA Best Wom- in club and on the national team. It’s a great en’s Player in Europe for 2015/16 during the inspiration to continue what I love so much, 2016/17 UEFA Champions League group playing soccer,” Hegerberg told stage draw at the Grimaldi Forum in . “I also hope that it is an inspiration to all “The most important moment of my ca- soccer girls at home in Norway,” she added. Welcome to the Neighborhood! reer so far has been the Champions League Previously the award has gone to Ger- victory last season. We had the ambition to mans Nadine Angerer, Nadine Keßler, and go for every trophy, and we did it. It was a Célia Šašić. Hegerberg was the first non-Ger- great team effort, and standing here today man footballer to win the prestigious award. with this trophy is a true honor. I’m really “This is a big, proud moment for Nor- happy; it’s an amazing feeling,” said Heger- way. I’m very glad that Ada is Norwegian berg when she accepted the award on stage. and that she plays for Norway,” said Nor- The UEFA Best Women’s Player in way’s national team manager, Roger Finjord. Europe award was introduced in 2013, two “She deserves this. She is a player who years after the prize was first created for the throughout her entire career has sought out top male footballers. competition and development. She is always The European Sports Media Group se- on the hunt to be better—she has worked lected a jury of 20 journalists committed to hard for this,” he added. women’s soccer from the UEFA’s 55 member Even though she can now officially countries. The jury originally voted on a list of claim to be the best footballer in Europe, He- the female footballers compiled by the coaches of gerberg is committed to using the award as Hearthstone the 12 top-ranked teams and the eight teams motivation to continue her development and that participated in the Champions League become even better throughout the future Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N quarterfinals last season. In the second round, years of her soccer career. Seattle, WA 98103 they voted on a shortlist of ten athletes, and in “This is only the beginning,” she said at Seattle’s Green Lake the third and final round of voting, the list was about the award. “I am eager to improve, and (206) 517-2213 reduced to three: Ada Hegerberg, her former I’ll work with the details to get better every teammate Amandine Henry, and her current day and every season.” theNorwegianamerican Sports September 23, 2016 • 9 Sailing tall: Statsraad Lehmkuhl wins Races given for the first time. The record was ear- lier held by the Japanese ship Kaiwo Maru, Cathrine Løvaas which traveled 1394 nautical miles in 1995. Bergen, Norway The homecoming Statsraad Lehmkuhl is a three-masted On August 12, an award and ending cer- steel barque built by Johann C. Tecklenborg emony was held in Coruña. After the ceremo- AG in Bremerhaven Geestemünde in 1914 nies, the ship continued on an expedition to as a training ship for the German merchant Dublin on August 15 and returned to Norway fleet under the name Grossherzog Friedrich on the 21st. She entered Bergen harbor with August. During most of the First World War, singing sailors in the masts on August 26. the ship was used as a stationary training On the day of the homecoming, it rained ship in before it was seized by the like it tends to do in Bergen, and raincoat- British. clad people with umbrellas welcomed the At the initiative of former minister ship home. With singing sailors in the masts, Kristoffer Lehmkuhl, the Norwegian Ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl came gliding in to the Owners’ Association bought the ship for harbor, where the mayor of Bergen Marte approximately 300,000 kroner in 1923. As Mjøs Pedersen celebrated the champions. an expression of acknowledgment towards The mayor herself sailed with the ship on Lehmkuhl’s work promoting the training the last leg from Dublin to Bergen and even ship and its case in Norway, as well as his joined the sailors in the mast when the ship efforts in establishing Norwegian inde- docked in Bergen. pendence in 1905, the ship was renamed “The first stage was enough. I’m not that Statsraad Lehmkuhl. tough,” she said. “It was an amazing experi- ence, a great crew. I’ve been scrubbing tires Tall ship race Photo: Cathrine Løvaas and stood at the helm. I’ve had a blast.” This summer the ship participated in After two months at sea, the tall ship returned to Bergen with the mayor of the city, Marte Mjøs Peder- the Tall Ship Races, an international sail re- sen, hanging from the mast, singing and celebrating the victory. gatta hosted by Sail Training International. Statsraad Lehmkuhl won the first leg from Antwerp to Lisbon and the second leg from of 38 years, Captain Hiort has been a captain Several trophies Cathrine Løvaas (41) is a Norwegian freelancer Lisbon to Cádiz. In the third leg from Cádiz to on the Christian Radich ship since 2011 and The tall ship has previously won several from Bergen, Norway. Coruña, she came in as number three in a very was earlier a seaman on Statsraad Lehmkuhl. regattas and has received the Boston Tea Pot She has a BA in History He is highly respected in the international Trophy, which is awarded to the ship that demanding leg. All together she won the race. from Nord Universitet and It was the ship’s two captains—Marcus sailing community. travels the most nautical miles within a 124- writes about history, cul- Seidl and Jens Joachim Hiort—and their The ship is considered a floating ambas- hour period in a given year. In the period be- ture, sports, health, safety crew that took her all the way to victory. sador for the city of Bergen and for Norway tween November 27 and December 3, 2009, and environment, cats, and Marcus Seidl has been a captain on as a whole. Worldwide she’s the training ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl traveled a distance of contract law. She runs a company that takes the ship for over twenty years, while Jens that gives the highest number of young people 1450 nautical miles, between Halifax and care of pets, and she loves weightlifting, pho- Joachim Hiort came in as co-captain in the opportunity to improve their sailing skills Belfast, which is the longest distance regis- tography, and literature. Meet her at www.nor- March of this year. In spite of his young age and give them a sense of empowerment. tered since the Boston Tea Pot Trophy was and

Sports News & Notes Football: Sogndal finally out of slump on the first goal 4:15 minutes into the game. Sogndal took their first three-pointer since The team is composed of players from eight GET MORE OUT OF LIFE July 31 when they beat Sarpsborg 3-0 at European nations. With life insurance that goes the distance Fosshaugane­ on Sept. 18. Martin Ramsland, (NRK) Life insurance isn’t just about protecting your Ole Amund Sveen, and Gilbert Koomson family after you’re gone. It’s about helping you live were the heroes for the home team. Cycling: Boasson Hagen in fourth place the way you want, retire the way you imagined, and (NRK) Edvald Boasson Hagen and Alexander Krist- give in ways that are important to you. off were both at the forefront in the sprint in It’s time to take a closer look at life insurance. Football: Viking’s first win since August Contact a local Thrivent Financial representative Stage 1 of the Eneco Tour in the or visit to help Danish Patrick Pedersen became the match and . Boasson Hagen finished fourth you uncover the possibilities. winner when he scored after just nine min- with Kristoff in the position behind. utes when Viking beat Molde 1-0 in Tippe- (NRK) ligaen on Sept. 17. This was Viking’s first victory since their 2-1 win over Sogndal on Marathon: Marius Vedvik wins Oslo August 7. Marathon (NRK) Long-distance runner Marius Vedvik (Gular IL) became the Norwegian champion in the Football: Tromsø beats LSK after marathon when he won the Oslo marathon keeper error on Sept. 17. He completed the race with a Tromsø won 2-1 against the struggling Lille­ time of 2:21.50. Frew Zenebe Brkineh came strøm on Sept. 17. LSK goalkeeper Arnold in second place, 7:03 minutes behind. The This is a solicitation for insurance. A Thrivent Financial representative may contact you. Insurance products Origi Otieno made an error when he let female class was won by Marthe Kathrine issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. through an easy shot from Thomas Lehne Myhre (Gjøvik Friidrettsklubb) in 2:43.31. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance Olsen in the 90th minute of play. The goal- Hilde Aders secured second place, 7:32 be- agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit keeper was left lying on the grass in frustra- hind. Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • • 800-847-4836 • 29166AA N5-16 tion after the game. (NRK) (NRK) Triathlon: Blummenfelt 14th in Hockey: Zuccarello assist in Europe win Kristian Blummenfelt finished number 14 in Vesterheim Team Europe surprised many with a 3-0 vic- the year’s final world cup round in the tri- the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center tory over the U.S. in the first match of the athlon. The Norwegian improved by several • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world World Cup in hockey on Sept. 17. Zuccarello positions during the running stage. • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa was not on the list of scorers but had an assist (NRK) 10 • September 23, 2016 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Profiles of Norwegian science: How should we memorialize disasters? expertise includes history, architecture, cul- ture heritage, and memorialization. Ilan Kelman They demonstrate the contributions sci- , Norway ence, art, design, and humanities can and should provide to and for disaster memory. How should we commemorate the hor- As per the project’s title, memory does need ror of disaster? It is never easy, nor should it to be negotiated, as does memorialization. be. Disaster science can contribute to serv- Research can assist, not being the final ing those affected by doing our best to under- word, but providing one input among many. stand the sensitivities and feelings involved. While common sense dictates that those af- Despite being relatively safe, Nor- fected by a disaster must be intimately in- way has had its share of disasters, nearby volved in any memorialization and com- and overseas. Many are well beyond living memoration of it, social scientists can indicate memory, leading us to ask: When does me- methods, techniques, and spaces for doing so. morialization become history and a tourist Time is important in addition to space. attraction? Too often, the rush to remember pains those Tromsø sports a tall monument amongst involved because emotions are too raw. the woods for the crew of the airship Ita- While recognizing the difficulties in lia and Roald Amundsen’s rescue attempt pleasing everyone, no one’s thoughts should in 1928. Even further back, along Vardø’s be dismissed. Taking the time to listen, con- coastline, sits the Steilneset Memorial to the sult, develop, redevelop, revise, and work 91 people burned at the stake as witches in through and with varying viewpoints is es- the mid-17th century. Photo: Ilan Kelman sential. More recent disasters still cause un- The Oslo memorial to the Scandinavian Star ship fire. Even if some of those affected remain imaginable pain. Whether death involves na- unhappy with the final , they must have ture’s extremes or comes from savage human had the opportunity and option to provide action, how does anyone begin to heal from versy dog the proposals for remembering terpiece is the van’s remains, surrounded by their suggestions and to voice their disagree- the suddenness and permanence? Utøya as a “wounded landscape.” other displays of possessions collected from ment. Nothing can be forced. In 1990, arson aboard the ship the Scan- Meanwhile in Oslo, the 22nd July Cen- Utøya. There is never one approach and “suc- dinavian Star killed 159 people. A memorial ter is a museum, memorial, and experience The next room is “Witnesses” with a cess” might not be achievable. Yet disaster stands in front of Oslo’s Castle and to re-live that day. The focus is the words of looping video of survivors recalling their must be remembered for grieving and for Fortress. A child reaches for his teddy bear as those directly affected as the events unfold- stories. The end room provides material on honoring those who died. And so that we can his mother drags him away to evacuate. ed. The center is situated in the ground floor the memorialization and trial, including a work towards it hopefully never happening The Indian Ocean earthquake and tsuna- of the Norwegian government tower block library of books and objects from the court- again. mi of December 26, 2004, devastated swathes that was bombed. The inside design presents room. Much text throughout is taken from of coastline, killing approximately 250,000 minimalism. Five rooms giving ample space the court’s verdict. people, 84 of whom were Norwegian citizens. to reflect take viewers through the day. The Center is not without controversy. Ilan Kelman (www.ilankel- Thousands of other Norwegians or people The opening room displays names and Criticisms include the prominence given to and Twitter @Ilan­­­- with links to Norway were directly affected. photos, where permitted by the families, the perpetrator and highlighting emergency Kelman) is a Reader in On the shores of western Bygdøy sits of the 77 people who were murdered. Then response errors. But the events happened and Risk, Resilience, and Glob- the memorial of a ruptured square slab with comes the “Prologue,” showing surveillance the material exists. Could any representation al Health at University Col- ripples moving outwards. It is a poignant video of the terrorist parking the van with the of disaster be without detractors? lege London, , and representation set against the backdrop of a bomb, followed by the explosion’s aftermath. Those directly affected contributed to a fellow at the University of gorgeous fjord. The main space, adorned by a photo of the design and displays. The Norwegian Uni- Agder, Norway. His overall July 22, 2011. The dual attacks in Oslo Utøya taken during the long, late sunset on versity of Science and Technology (NTNU) research interest is linking disasters and health, and Utøya have not been straightforward to the day, constructs a timeline of the progress- also did, through the research project “July including the integration of climate change into commemorate. Disagreements and contro- ing events using photos and tweets. The cen- 22 and the Negotiation of Memory.” Their disaster research and health research.

f FREE ree THE NORDIC COUNCIL OF WISCONSIN Parking Parking! Funeral Home The NordicPRESENTS couNcil of WiscoNsiN OURTWENTY-SECOND ANNUALPresentsINDOOR * SOlie and Crematory SCANDINAOur tVIANwenty-sixthFESTIV AnnuALAl indOOr Honoring • Caring • Serving SATURDAY OCTOBER 6TH, 2012 • 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 At RonaldScandinavianReagan ELEMENTARY School FeStival 4225 S. CalhounsaTurdayRoad ocT•oberNew 8Berlin,Th, 2015WI 10 aM To 6 PM FEAat RonaldTURING: Reagan eleMentaRY School TRIO SELJEMARK4225from TRs. cONDHEIMalhoun road NewNOR berlin,WAY Wi Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Entertainment • EthnicFeatuFoRing:od • Folk DancersMilwaukee& Musicians FeStival bRaSS Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke • Children’s Activities • Arts Entertainmentand Crafts • Ethnic Food • Folk Dancers The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers • Sales& BoothsMusicians • Children’s Activities • Arts & the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians and • GenealoCraftsgy Specialists • Sales Booths • Genealogy Specialists Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. Along with Pastor David Schoenknecht, admission:Admission: adultsAdults-$7.00, – $8.00, childrenChildr 4-12 en– $2.004-12-$2.00 • For information phone: (262) 895-6419 we welcome you to our warm and friendly family

For information phone:www.nordiccouncil.com262-895-6419 4099548-01 of members. Bible Study starts at 9:30am followed by worship service at 11am. Please visit us soon! Newspaper ads never go out October 2016 Oct. 23 12:00 pm: “Lunch and Learn” of style. Place yours today! potential member orientation Oct. 23 “Fantastisk 4th” every fourth Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Sunday, family worship and Sunday School to request a personalized advertising proposal 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment September 23, 2016 • 11 Book review: Reel news Theory of Everything From the Norwegian Film Institute ( only 25% annoying

The Norwegian film industry is thriving film selected for Toronto, after Pioneer (Pi- Melinda Bargreen this fall with 15 new films ready to be re- onér, 2013), Prozac Nation (2001), and In- Everett, Wash. leased, two films screened at the Toronto In- somnia (1997). ternational Film Festival, and three selected “It is a perfect place to show an artis- This new book, by a native Finn trans- for the BFI London Film Festival. tically ambitious film as Pyromaniac,” he planted to New York, may make Norwegian- “The variety of genres in the repertoire said. “Toronto is the most important festival American readers long to hop onto a Viking has rarely been greater,” said Sindre Guld- for the industry in North America, and I have ship for a reverse journey back to the Old vog, CEO of the Norwegian Film Institute. rarely met a stronger audience enthusiasm Country. (Same goes for those of Finnish, This year it includes thrillers, children’s for films than in the ticket lines and atthe Swedish, Danish, or Icelandic ancestry.) Anu film, comedies, historical dramas, Christmas Q&A sessions after the screenings.” Partanen, a Finnish journalist who became films, car racing films, dramas, and docu- In Pyromaniac—which was scripted by an American citizen three years ago after her mentaries. Bjørn Olaf Johannesen and based on Gaute marriage to a New Yorker, goes on for 418 Heivoll’s novel, Before I Burn (Før jeg occasionally repetitious pages about the su- Flies brenner ned, 2010)—Skjoldbjærg switches periority of her birthplace, and its sister Nor- Norwegian award-winning director Izer from the water theme in Pioneer to fire and dic nations, over her adopted country, in a Aliu’s feature debut Hunting Flies was se- describes an arsonist who terrorizes a small narrative that struck this reader as about 75% lected for the Toronto International Film community. He is no stranger though—a po- convincing and 25% annoying. Festival, which took place September 8-18. liceman discovers he is a village fireman and Why annoying? It’s mainly a matter of Aliu’s drama was unspooled in the Discov- the son of the fire brigade’s chief. tone: often merely factual, but sometimes ery section for first films by upcoming direc- hectoring and sometimes downright snide. tors with important messages. Norwegians in London Here’s an example. In discussing a leisurely Born in Macedonia, Aliu was educat- For its 60th edition, the BFI London four-day Finnish hospital stay for both new ed at the Norwegian National Film School International Film Festival—the leading parents following a difficult birth, in a pri- in ; his graduation movie, To showcase in the UK taking place October vate room with the newborn in a crib next to pendent and equal.” Guard a Mountain (Å vokte fjellet, 2012), 5-15—selected three Norwegian films for them, as nurses hovered helpfully nearby and She notes that “A citizen of , won an Amanda—Norway’s national film its official program: Pyromanic, Benjamin a physical therapist treated the new mother, Norway, or Denmark is today much more prize—and awards in the U.S. and France. Ree’s Magnus, and Rasmus A. Sivertsen’s Partanen ironically observes, “I am sorry to likely to rise above his or her parents’ so- After his also award-winning novella Louis & Luca—The Big Cheese Race (Solan say that the came to a staggering $375.” cioeconomic status than a citizen of the U.S. film, The Good Life—Over There (Det gode og Ludvig—Herfra til Flåklypa). Partanen has a lot to brag about in her The U.S. has strayed from its own ideals, and livet, der borte, 2014), he started his first fea- Ree’s documentary Magnus, which re- comparison between the U.S. and the Nor- in reality, Americans today enjoy less oppor- ture, which he also scripted and produced (with ceived the Ray of Sunshine prize from the dic countries (with emphasis on her native tunity than do people of other wealthy na- Khalid Maimouni, for Storyline Pictures)—a Norwegian Exhibitors’ Association at the Finland). Health care is either free or very tions. The land of opportunity needs to bring political drama set in a classroom. Norwegian International Film Festival in inexpensive, with the government provid- the opportunity back.” At a Macedonian school, the idealistic Haugesund this August, portrays 26-year-old ing it and not the employer. This process Exactly how this is to be done is a mys- teacher Ghani (Burhan Amiti) loses his job Norwegian Magnus Carlsen, while Louis & frees workers from dependence on whatever tery, though Partanen does suggest that each because a new has taken over Luca—The Big Cheese Race is Sivertsen’s healthcare the employer is willing to pro- of the 50 states should adopt its own solu- the government. He tries to get it back by second animated feature based on Norwe- vide, allowing them to change jobs without tions to the issues of health care and educa- locking up his pupils and forcing them to gian author-artist Kjell Aukrust’s children’s fear of losing their insurance coverage. tion. Her book is designed as a wake-up call resolve a generation-long conflict between universe about the village of Flåklypa. Education (K-12) also is free, with chil- to Americans who “seem not to realize how their villages. dren starting school later and enjoying much terribly they are being treated. According to Oscar dreams for a king less rigorous structure in the early years; a UN report from 2014 surveying 185 coun- Skjoldbjærg on a roll Skjoldbjærg’s Pyromanic was also one standardized testing, which takes up so much tries and territories, only two did not guar- Also showing at the Toronto Interna- of the three films shortlisted by the- Nor class time in preparation and administration antee any paid maternity leave: Papua New tional Film Festival was Norwegian direc- wegian Oscar Committee for the choice of in the U.S., is almost nonexistent except for and the United States. The United tor Erik Skjoldbjærg’s Pyromaniac (Pyro- Norway’s official candidate for the nomina- the final graduation exam (from high school). States is also one of only a handful of coun- manen), which was released in Norway this tion for the 2017 Academy Award as Best And college, which in the U.S. frequently is tries that don’t guarantee their workers any spring and had its international premiere in Foreign-Language Film. The other two films the source of terrible debt for students and paid time off for illness—others include An- the festival’s Contemporary World Cinema were Erik Poppe’s The King’s Choice (Kon- their parents, is free as well. gola, India, and .” selection. Daycare and elder care are very low cost; As Partanen tells us: “The secret of It was the fourth time Skjoldbjærg had a See > films, page 22 sick leave is generous, as are the annual va- Nordic success is not big government. It’s cations (four to five weeks). Taxes are levied smart government. And as many Americans on an individual basis, not by family, and the themselves are already well aware, less big tax document is usually a single-page form. government, and more smart government, Finnish income taxes, Partanen tells us, are is something the United States desperately much less punishing than we might think: in needs.” What is still unclear from her book is her last year living in Finland, she paid about just how this gargantuan country, whose lack 30% in income tax (though the VAT tax rate of internal political consensus is abundantly is a hefty 24%). clear just now in the presidential race, is sup- Why can’t we be more Nordic? For one posed to attain that “smart government.” thing, the U.S. is vastly more diverse and fragmented as a society. Only about 13% of the U.S. population is foreign born (com- pared with 5% in Finland), but our native- Melinda Bargreen is a Seattle-based writer and born African-American and Hispanic-Amer- composer whose career at ican populations contribute to an extremely The Seattle Times began diverse culture for which “one size fits all” in 1977. Her choral works policies are less feasible than in . include the “Norwegian Throughout the book, Partanen points Folksong Suite.” Melinda repeatedly to “the Nordic theory of love,” a contributes to many pub- philosophy that underlies the Nordic coun- lications and is the author of Seattle Opera’s tries’ emphasis on the support and of forthcoming 50-year history book. She holds every citizen. “The core idea,” she writes, “is B.A. and M.A. degrees from the UW, and a doc- Photo courtesy of that authentic love and friendship are pos- torate in English from the University of Cali- The King’s Choice (Kongens nei) will represent Norway at the Academy Awards. sible only between individuals who are inde- fornia, Irvine. 12 • September 23, 2016 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican Fårikål and the National Dish of Norway This humble concoction of mutton and cabbage retains a special place in Norwegian hearts

Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway

Although maybe not the prettiest of dishes, fårikål is Norwegian soul food at its coziest and has been the Norwegian national dish since 1972. Fårikål, literally translated to “mutton in cabbage,” is a dish made from the non-prime cuts of mature sheep, also known as mutton, along with cabbage, salt, and whole black peppercorns—boiled together for hours until the mutton falls off the bone. This dish sounds simple and humble—because it is. During January 2014, in celebration of the bicentenary of the signing of the Norwe- gian , then Food and Agriculture Minister Sylvi Listhaug asked Norwegians to think deeply about their national dish, as well as their regional specialties. A contest was launched to find out what Norwegians consider the national dish and to learn which dish each region of Norway celebrates most. Contest entries were limited to ingredients produced in Norway. The contest, which had its own Face- book page called “Norges nasjonalrett 2014,” started no less than a firestorm, with some asking for Listhaug’s resignation. Oth- ers wondered whether the new national dish would reflect the more recent immigrant Photos: Whitney Love groups in Norway. In the end, the contest local restaurants as well as in homes. Also, am slightly biased, but the fact is that Roga- Fårikål is Norwegian soul food at its most results proved fårikål was still the nation’s eating fårikål at the end of September is a land county is especially known for its sheep “koselig.” most beloved dish, receiving 45% of the bal- clear signal that the warm summer months and many estimate that there may be more lots cast and beating out dishes such as Nor- are long gone and a cooler, normally wetter lamb and sheep living in the area than peo- wegian meatballs in brown sauce, lapskaus autumn is here. ple. There are several farms raising sheep all (potato stew), fiskeboller (fish balls in white The first time I had fårikål, the strong over Rogaland county, but special attention Whitney Love is a cook- sauce), and poached salmon. lamb taste put me off, but over the years must be paid to the sheep raised in Rennesøy book author and blogger. Every year, the last Thursday in Sep- I’ve come to like it for its simple nature. I and Kvitsøy. The long tradition and history She hails from Tucson, tember is celebrated in Norway as Fårikål grew up in Arizona and my family ate more of sheep farming in these communities and Arizona, and is currently Day. On this day, fårikål is eaten en masse beef than anything—so when I moved to the unique taste of sheep raised near the sea living in Stavanger, Nor- all over the country and reminds Norwegians Norway, pinnekjøtt, not fårikål, made me have even earned Kvitsøy lamb protected way. She runs the English of simpler times when things were slower. fall in love with the taste of lamb. As well, designation of origin status worldwide. language blog Thanks For While this dish is eaten all throughout the I live in Stavanger, which sits in Rogaland In our home, we eat fårikål with boiled The Food where she docu- colder months of the year, the last Thursday county—one of the largest sheep-producing potatoes and occasionally carrots on the ments her love affair with Norway through the in September is the day of the year one is counties in all of Norway, so this is probably side for an added amount of sustenance and lens of traditional and modern Norwegian gas- sure to see it on menus in job canteens and the best place in Norway to eat fårikål. Yes, I warmth when it is cold outside. tronomy. Find her online at thanksforthefood. Fårikål

1 ½ kilograms (~3 pounds) cabbage, 4 tsps. whole black peppercorns cut into wedges 2 tsps. salt 1 ½ kilograms (~3 pounds) stewing 300 milliliters (1 ¼ cup) water sheep meat, cut into large chunks

Layer the meat, cabbage, peppercorns, and salt in the bottom of a large pot, pour in the water, and bring to a boil. After the water has come to a boil, decrease the heat to low and simmer until the meat is tender, about 2 to 3 hours. Serve with warm boiled potatoes. Serves 6.

Norwegian all the way through?

Subscribe today: (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway September 23, 2016 • 13 Cinnamon buns bring coziness to autumn October 4 is the treat’s official day in Sweden

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

When autumn rolls around, I look for- leasing their spiced fragrance throughout the ward to the spicy scents of cinnamon and house, I don’t think it’s going to be too hard. cardamom and the sweet warmth from cakes and cookies pouring out of the oven. This is a time for coziness, and that’s where these Daytona Strong is The Nor- wegian American’s Taste of cinnamon rolls come in. Norway editor. She writes Variations of these buns are popular in about her family’s Norwe- Scandinavia and rightfully so. There are the gian heritage through the kanelsnurrer, or Norwegian cinnamon twists, lens of food at her Scandi- and also kanelbullar, or Swedish cinnamon navian food blog, www.out- buns. (October 4 is the treat’s official day in Find her on Sweden.) Sometimes they’re called knots. Facebook (, I’m planning ways to make this the cozi- Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- est autumn yet. With these cinnamon buns re- astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong).

Scandinavian Cinnamon Buns From

For the dough: For the filling: 5 tbsps. butter (salted) 6 tbsps. butter (salted), room temperature 1 cup whole milk 3 tbsps. packed brown sugar 1 tbsp. active dry yeast 3 tsps. cinnamon 3 cups flour, plus more if necessary 2 tsps. freshly ground cardamom 3 tbsps. sugar Scandinavian pearl sugar 2 tsps. freshly-ground cardamom 1 large egg, room temperature, lightly beaten

To make the dough: In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt the butter then pour in the milk and let it scald. Remove from heat and cool until it’s warm to the touch. Pour into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle the yeast over the milk. Give it a quick stir, then let it sit until it starts to bubble. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, and cardamom. When the yeast has started to bubble, gradually stir in the flour mixture and then the beaten egg. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for five minutes or so, until the dough comes together and you can see little pockets of air if you cut into it. The dough should be somewhat sticky, and a bench scraper can help if it sticks to the counter, but add more flour as needed. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with a damp tea towel, and let rise until doubled, about one hour. Photo: Daytona Stong I think often about the Scandinavian idea of hygge. The Danish term for a cozy, warm lifestyle—like Meanwhile, make the filling by mixing the butter, sugar, and spices either with a mixer koselig in Norwegian and mysig in Swedish—seems like it might be just the antidote we need for the or with a fork until combined and smooth. cold and darkness in the seasons ahead. To me these buns are an edible version of hygge. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until it’s a rectangle roughly 16 by 20 inches. Spread the filling over it, reaching all the way to the ends, then fold the dough toward you, lengthwise, making a long, skinny rectangle about 8 by 20 inches. Cut the dough into 16 strips. Form each into knots by twisting the ends in opposite directions a couple of times, then rolling them around your finger a couple of times and tucking in the ends. Place on baking trays that are either greased or lined with parchment paper. Cover with damp tea towels and let rise another 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkle the tops with pearl sugar, then bake for 10-12 minutes. For an extra special treat, enjoy while they’re still warm and release their spiced aroma when you bite in.

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Shipshape & Seaworthy Questions? Contact Kari at [email protected] www.vOiceOfjOy. c Om 14 • September 23, 2016 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california minnesota dic adventure! At the N.D. State Fair Center. Visit basic carving techniques will be covered for Annual Sacramento Scandinavian Festival Leiv Eriksson International Festival for schedule and tickets. beginners, and continuing students will de- Oct. 1, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Sept. 25—Oct. 9 velop their own projects. Visit Holt’s website Orangevale, Calif. Minneapolis, Minn. Sarpsborg Millenium Concert Tour: at for more info and cost. The festival features Scandinavian food, baked This two-week celebration is based at Minde­ • Calvary Lutheran Church, At the Nordic Heritage Museum. goods, merchandise, and Viking reenactors. kirken and includes a variety of events including Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m. Come enjoy music, entertainment, and prizes! folk music and dance, worship services, concerts, Grand Forks, N.D. Nordic Stories: Dragons Cost is $5 for adults and free for children un- and more. Visit For more information, call Darlene Holien, (701) Oct. 6, 10:00—11:00 a.m. der 12. At Divine Savior Catholic Church. LEIF_Program.pdf for complete schedule. 746-7673. Seattle, Wash. • Kringen Lodge, Sons of Norway, Nordic Stories features stories along with fun 30th Annual Vikingfest Sarpsborg Millenium Concert Tour: Oct. 4, 7:00 p.m. craft projects. This month’s story isThere’s No Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. • Mindekirken, Oct. 2, 11:00 a.m. Fargo, N.D. Such Thing as a Dragon by Jack Kent. At the Santa , Calif. Minneapolis, Minn. For more information, call (701) 232-9222. The Nordic Heritage Museum. Free. Vikingfest is Freya Lodge’s celebration of all At the official opening of the Leiv Eriksson concert is free, but come for dinner at Kringen things Norwegian from Viking reenactments International Festival. For information, call (612) from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. for $11 per person. Thor Heyerdahl Lecture to modern art, traditional foods, cultural dis- 874-0716. Oct. 6, 7:00 p.m. plays, and remembrance of Leif Erikson. At • Dalton Opera House, Oct. 2, 4:30 p.m. oregon Seattle, Wash. Norway Hall. Free. For more info call (707) Dalton, Minn. The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc Celebrate Thor Heyerdahl’s birthday with a 894-1807 or visit For more information, call Greg and DeeDee Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. lecture by Regnar Jr. At the Nordic Heri- Peterson, (218) 770-0095. Portland, Ore. tage Museum; $5 suggested donation. Florida • Northland Community & Technical College Nordia House welcomes three of the finest fid- Nordic Festival Voice of Joy Concert Auditorium, Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m. dlers in the world. Cost is $20 for SHF members Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Oct. 11, 7:00 p.m. Thief River Falls, Minn. or $25 for non-members. Visit www.scanher- Edgewood, Wash. Ocala, Fla. Sponsored by Snorre Lodge. Free will offering.!calendar-1/mbrew for tickets. Enjoy music, arts & crafts, Viking artifacts, Voice of Joy is a gospel choir of young singers For information, call (218) 681-2116. cookies, and traditional foods. Cost is $2; chil- from Karmøy, Norway, and the surrounding Viking Pancake Breakfast dren under 12 free. Free parking. Prize draw- area. Concert at the Reilly Theater. Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Oct. 9, 8:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Oct. 8, 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m Portland, Ore. ings all day. At Edgemont Junior High School. Genealogy Program with Nancy Talleur Edina, Minn. Enjoy delicious, all-you-can-eat pancakes with Nordic Knitting Conference Oct. 14, 5:00 p.m. The dinner is served family style with three seat- sides and beverages. Cost is $7 for adults, $4 for Oct. 8—10 Ft. Meyers, Fla. ings and the Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis kids ages 5-12, and free for children under 5. Kids Seattle, Wash. Join the Gulf Coast Vikings for a meeting with will entertain after each seating. The cost is $20 will enjoy Nordic story time at 10:00 a.m. At the The Nordic Heritage Museum is hosting an genealogist Nancy Talleur, who has volun- and advance tickets are required. Reservation Norse Hall—Grieg Lodge. Free, on-street parking. outstanding group of internationally known teered in the Genealogy Research Room since forms are available at www.norwegiangleeclub. knitting, spinning, crochet, and design in- 1999. At the Plantation. org or by calling Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793. pennsylvania At Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. The Birkebeiners Program structors. Norway’s Arne & Carlos will return to headline the conference. Register and find Voice of Joy Concert Oct. 21, 7:00 p.m. more info at Oct. 16, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Nordic Weaving & Viking Clothing Lancaster, Penn. Gainsville, Fla. Oct. 14, 7:00—9:00 p.m. Svein Klinge of Bondelandet Lodge will be speak- Leif Erikson Day Voice of Joy is a gospel choir of young singers Isle, Minn. ing about the Birkebeiners. At St. Thomas Epis- Oct. 9, 5:00 p.m. from Karmøy, Norway, and the surrounding Tusenvann Lodge is hosting a program featuring copal Church. Call (717) 793-7428 for more info. Seattle, Wash. area. Concert at the Gainsville Church of God. California weaver Connie Rubsamen who will be sharing information on Viking clothing as well as texas The evening includes a baked potato bar, en- Nordic weaving. At Isle Rec & Education Center. tertainment, music, history, silent auction, 41st Annual Leif Eiriksson Banquet and more. Cost is $20, payable in advance in Viking Longship Tours Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. the office or at Edvard Grieg Society Concert Richardson, Texas Oct. 15, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Oct. 16, 4:00—5:30 p.m. event/2604242. Geneva, Ill. This banquet hosted by Norwegian Society of Minneapolis, Minn. Texas Viking Chapter features an address by Come to Good Templar Park to tour a 78-foot- This concert by the Edvard Grieg Society will fea- Soup & Cinema: The Optimists long replica Viking longship, built in 1893. Houston’s Consul General Morten Paulsen on Oct. 11, 12:00 p.m. ture Anthony Ross on cello and Timothy Lovelace “Fifty Dollars a Barrel—the New Normal?” At Thirty-minute guided tours begin every 30 on piano. At United Methodist Church. Free. Seattle, Wash. minutes until 3:30 p.m.​ Guided group tours Canyon Creek Country Club. Cost is $45. Register The Nordic Heritage Museum is showing this by Oct. 2 at are available by appointment two weeks in new york documentary about an unusual volleyball advance. Parking is free. Cost is $5 for adults events/viking-leif-eiriksson-banquet/. team in , Norway, with ladies aged from Odd Andersen: Life on the Water and $3 for teens. Call (630) 753-9412 or email 66 to 98. Hot soup with fresh bread, coffee, now—Oct. 27 [email protected] for more info. Leif Erikson Day and cookies will be served. Cost is $10 for New York, N.Y. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. members or $15 general admission. iowa This exhibit features maritime scenes and land- Clifton, Texas scapes spanning the career of Odd Andersen. At Join Norwegian Society of Texas Bosque Lodge What is Aquavit Anyway? Leif Erikson Lodge Bazaar the Trygve Lie Gallery in the Norwegian Seamen’s in celebrating Leif Erikson with a craft fair at the Oct. 22, 11:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Oct. 22—23 Church. For more info call (212) 319-0370. Ringness House Museum. Decorah, Iowa Seattle, Wash. Enjoy the food, see the beautiful arts & crafts, Join Lexi of the Old Ballard Liquor Co. for an Jenny Hval Concert Washington and take some chances on auction items! On afternoon of education and tastings. Learn Sept. 30, 7:00 p.m. Ornamental Woodcarving Beginner Class Oct. 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Oct. about the differences between regional styles, New York, N.Y. Oct. 1, 9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. 23 from from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Free. production techniques, history, and the mod- The Norwegian artist, musician, and writer Jenny Seattle, Wash. ern expressions of aquavit. The last hour of the Hval will perform at (le) poisson rouge. This is a Want to see if Nordic woodcarving is for you? class will be spent making your own aquavit. At general admission, standing event. Cost is $15. Wisconsin Come to this special class just for beginners. Cost Vesterheim. Must be 21. Cost is $50. Buy tickets at Scandinavian Festival is $55 for members or $57 general admission. At tember-30th-2016/. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. massachusetts the Nordic Heritage Museum. New Berlin, Wis. Janice Weber Concert north dakota The Nordic Council of Wisconsin’s festival in- Book Talk: Skipping Stones cludes arts & crafts, ethnic food, genealogy, Oct. 7, 7:00 p.m. Scandinavian Soundscapes Oct. 2, 2:00 p.m. children’s activities, and more. Feature en- West Newton, Mass. Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. Seattle, Wash. tertainment provided by Milwaukee Festival This special concert features the internation- Minot, N.D. What were the hardships that impelled Scandina- Brass. At Ronald Reagan Elementary School. ally renowned pianist Janice Weber playing The Minot Symphony Orchestra with special vians to make their difficult migration? Gloria Koll Cost is $8 for adults or $2 for children. Call the music of Scandinavian composers. At the guests Didrik and Emil Solli-Tangen will perform Scandinavian Living Center. was inspired to explore this in her book, which (262) 366-9152 for more info. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall at MSU. The concert will be available for purchase. At Nordic Heritage features Holberg Suite, Suite, and Peer Museum; $5 suggested donation. From Trees to Treasures The Nordic Theory of Everything Book Talk Gynt Suite. Cost is $25 or $36 for balcony seats. Oct. 23, 3:00 p.m. Oct. 8, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Ornamental Woodcarving Stoughton, Wis. West Newton, Mass. Norsk Høstfest Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Rebecca Hanna has been an avid woodcarver Come hear author Anu Partanen talk about Sept. 28—Oct. 1 Seattle, Wash. for over 25 years, demonstrating and teaching her book The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Minot, N.D. Learn Acanthus, Rococo, and Viking/ various classes. Learn more about woodcarv- Search of a Better Life. At the Scandinavian Norsk Høstfest has Scandinavian tradition on full Dragon styles in this class. Tool sharpening and ing at this event at Livsreise. Cultural Center; free. Register at www.event- display. Visit with artisans or take a walk back in time. No matter where you may roam during ets-26223006719. Høstfest, one thing is for sure—it will be a Nor- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you September 23, 2016 • 15 Leading the Way Yesterday, today & tomorrow: The 2016 Sons of Norway Convention looks Calling Miss Norways to the future while celebrating the past Rigmor Swensen & Lars Nilsen Norwegian Association

The first Miss Norway of Greater New Someone said, “Curiosity is the essence York Contest took place in the post-war year of human existence.” The judge’s remark of 1954. It was one of the ways Norwegian- came up time and again and set lots of Miss American immigrants chose to affirm our Norway fans to wondering. Where are they? cultural heritage, which implies that we What are they doing? How did the Miss Nor- share a sense of belonging to a community. way experience figure in their lives? And It is our history—a connection to the past, what would they say to future Miss Norway the present, and the future. The Miss Norway contestants? of Greater New York event has continued to Now, former winners of the Miss Nor- take a major role in our cultural heritage, and way of Greater New York (1954 to 2016) are celebrated its 61st anniversary this year. getting together to suggest ways in which Miss Norway of Greater New York the annual Miss Norway contest can involve 2016, Lene Samuelsen, comes from Con- some other activities. You are invited to necticut. She graduated from Lehigh Uni- share your ideas. So far we’ve heard from versity with majors in Political Science and Pennsylvania, Chicago, and California, as Global Studies as well as minors in Business well as the tri-state area. This is not a for- and Asian Studies. She is currently Account mal group—no dues, officers, or obligations. Representative in the sales department of It doesn’t matter where you live; we’ve got Bloomberg L.P., NYC. email, skype, conference calls, and whatever Photos courtesy of Sons of Norway After the contest, one of the judges said, else facilitates communication. If you are in- Above: Jon Tehven will remain president of the “It’s been a real pleasure to hear so many terested in joining us, please email your con- organization for another two years. young women express their interest in their tact information to niahistoryonline@yahoo. Right: Kirsten Håheim’s woven rug was awarded Norwegian heritage and to hear their plans com. both the People’s Choice Award and the Golden Jubilee Award in the Folk Art Competition. for the future. Sixty earlier winners! I won- What better way to connect the past, the der if being Miss Norway affected their lives present, and the future? in any way.” Molly Jones The Norwegian American

Sons of Norway presidents and members presides at the international lodge meetings from Norway, Canada, and all corners of the and works with the board of directors to shape U.S. gathered at Hotel Murano in Tacoma, the goals and future of Sons of Norway. Wash., from August 24 to 28 for the 2016 International Vice-President Ron Stub- Sons of Norway International Convention. bings, International Treasurer Elaine M. Nel- To officially kick off the convention, the son, and International Secretary Marci Larson attendees all gathered for a commemorative were also re-elected into their positions, while opening ceremony, held in the Bicentennial District 1 Director Karl N. Hella, District 2 Pavilion Room on the afternoon of Aug. 25. Director Mark Agerter, District 3 Director The Chair of the Local Planning Com- Kenneth Johnson, and District 4 Director Ste- mittee, Tom Heavey, welcomed guests and ven M. Halverson were newly elected. started by thanking the three host lodges— The convention wasn’t all business, Norden, Vesterdalen, and Hovedstad—for though; it also featured the International their hard work in organizing the convention. Folk Art Competition with more than 90 folk After the directors and international art items competing in 10 categories. The board members were escorted in, the recently artisans—hailing from both North America assembled Poulsbo and Tacoma Mannskor and Norway—submitted pieces including led the audience in singing the Canadian, rosemaled items, a , pieces, Norwegian, and American national anthems. weavings, photography, drawings, paintings, Attendees were then greeted by messag- and more. es from His King Harald V of Nor- Both the People’s Choice Award and the way and Norway’s Ambassador to the U.S., Sons of Norway Foundation Golden Jubilee Photos courtesy of the Norwegian Immigration Association Kåre R. Aas, among others, and a memorial Award were given to Kirsten Håheim from The first and the 50th Miss Norway together: Shirley Bensen and Elizabeth Malmstrom. What have the service honored those who had passed away 8-018 Haugaland Lodge for her Stavanger other 59 Miss Norways been up to? within the last two years. woven rug. An ivory Hardanger piece, cre- One of the primary functions of the ated by Kristine Crompton from 2-015 Grieg international convention, held every other Lodge, took the Best in Show Award as the Community Connections year, is to elect new officers and directors to judges’ overall favorite folk art submission. the Sons of Norway International Board. With activities ranging from the folk This year Jon Tehven of Waverly, Iowa, art competition and Scandinavian vendors Happy birthday, was re-elected International President; Teh- to sightseeing opportunities and leadership ven has served as president for the past two programs, the 2016 Sons of Norway Inter- engagement, birth, years and his new term will extend until the national Convention included a little some- next convention in 2018. In this role, Tehven thing for everyone. family reunion, etc!

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Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] 16 • September 23, 2016 Travel theNorwegianamerican Norway’s roads less traveled: Hvaler highlights the sun and the sea

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

This article is the fifth in our series of “Norway’s roads less traveled.” We asked Hilde Skorpen, Norway’s Consul General in San Francisco, to suggest a special place. The previous articles are “Spitsbergen: A place out of the ordinary” by Ambassador Aas (April 15, 2016), “Ulvesund lighthouse is calm yet wild” by Elin Bergithe Rognlie (May 20, 2016), “, an idyllic small border town” by Eivind Heiberg (July 1, 2016), and “Tree-top adventures at Høyt og Lavt” by Lise Kristiansen Falskow (July 29, 2016).

Consul General Hilde Skorpen suggests the archipelago of Hvaler: There is nothing quite as enchanting as feeling one with the water as the kayak glides quietly past reefs and islets on an early July morning. This is the reason the archipelago of Hvaler, a two-hour drive southeast of Oslo, is Photos: (above) courtesy of Hilde Janne one of my favorite spots in the world. Skorpen, (left) Terje Rakke / Nordic Life AS / Originating from the archipelago of Solund, the easternmost island community Above: Skorpen in her kayak. “There is nothing of Norway—with its more than 800 islands, quite as enchanting as feeling one with the water reefs, and islets—became an obvious desti- as the kayak glides quietly past reefs and islets on nation when my husband Ole and I started an early July morning.” Left: Skorpen isn’t the only one to enjoy the water looking to buy a cabin ten years ago. Since in Hvaler. In summer the archipelago’s popula- then, Hvaler has become the anchor in our tion explodes with visitors seeking the sunshine. rather nomadic life. Hvaler is a wonderland for all sorts of water sports—sailing, swimming, and fish- ing. The archipelago has more sunny days than anywhere else in Norway. When water temperatures hit the high 70s, it is as close to heaven on earth as one could possibly imag- ine. It is, therefore, no mystery that the popula- tion easily increases to around 30,000 during the summer, compared to the approximately 4,000 people who live there permanently. cooked shrimp, that we peel as we eat, with was designated a national park, ensuring that Christine Foster Meloni is Norwegians love their seafood, and good friends and a nice white wine in the its unique ecosystem—both above and under professor emerita at The summertime is shrimp time. Hvaler boasts cooler. the water—is protected, including the largest George Washington Uni- the largest shrimping fleet west of Lindesnes In addition to being out in our kayaks as coral reef in Norway. versity. She has degrees (the southernmost tip of Norway). Happiness often as possible, we enjoy the many hikes On the occasional rainy summer day, a in Italian literature, lin- to Norwegians is sharing a meal of freshly around the islands. In 2009 much of Hvaler great alternative to the outdoor activities at guistics, and international Hvaler is a trip to the city of , education. She was born in founded in 1567 by Frederick II, the ruler Minneapolis and currently lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- of the dual of Denmark-Norway. wegian heritage. Visiting the old town, with its fortifications Where in Norway? and many original buildings from the mid- 16th century still intact, is like going on a Hilde Janne Skorpen has This month’s winner, Anne- cultural and historic treasure hunt. held the position of Con- Marie Sisson, writes of a In addition to its breathtaking beauty, sul General in San Fran- recent trip to Norway: “We Hvaler is also a smart community, spearhead- cisco since August 2013. stayed in this wonderful hotel ing a greener future by doing its share in the Previously she has served as the Foreign Ministry’s transformation to a greener economy. Last called Rondablikk where Senior Advisor to the Nor- year, Hvaler Solpark (Hvaler Solar Park) this sculpture of ‘Peer og wegian National Defense was awarded the prestigious “Best local cli- Bukken—Bukkespranget’ is College, Ambassador for Disarmament and located—up from Vinstra mate measures” award at the Zero Confer- Non-proliferation, and Deputy Head of the in . I have ence 2015 in Oslo. Soon Hvaler will have the Norwegian Mission to the UN in Geneva. She most advanced micro grid in Europe through several pictures of the same. has also been posted to the Norwegian delega- the Smart Energi Hvaler project, developed We also saw the Peer Gynt tion to NATO in and to the Norwegian in cooperation with Fredrikstad Energi and Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. She earned a PhD play at Gålå on the ourdoor NCE Smart Energy Markets, a leading accel- in Political Science at Boston University. She stage in the evening.” erator for entrepreneurship and innovation, is accompanied by her husband, retired army Yep, me too! I didn’t stay at research, and development. Col. Ole K. Stubben. Rondablikk, but I did visit and have lunch there. This sculpture is actually nearest the venue for the mountain concert held on the last day of the Peer Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Gynt Festival, which was also Photo: Emily C. Skaftun (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] the only purely clear and sunny Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” day of my trip. Magical. Submit it to [email protected]! news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more theNorwegianamerican Travel September 23, 2016 • 17 Exploring the stunning Faroe Islands

Photos: Elisabeth Beyer Above: The Faroe Islands reminded Beyer of a sub-Arctic Kauai, and looking at the volcanic mountains, lush green hillsides, and blue waters, the connection seems clear. Right: Puffin watching along the archipelago’s craggy cliffs, where the strange birds nest.

< faroe islands From page 1 scenery, as Hávarður gave us an overview of the islands he calls home. Although officially part of Denmark, the Faroe Islands are self-governing, with their own currency, language, and culture. There has long been a growing independence movement on the islands, but up until now they remain in the Kingdom of Denmark. The first settlers of the Faroe Islands are believed to be a mix of Irish, Scottish, and Scandinavian descent. It’s been speculated that they arrived even before the Vikings. The people living here today are Faroese; don’t make the mistake of calling them Danish. After approximately an hour of driving along the coastline of the island of Streymoy, we arrived in the northernmost village, Tjør- nuvík. immediately turned to stone as the sun rose ever seen. myself really made me feel like an early ex- This tiny village, characterized by its the next morning. We watched them clumsily flinging plorer discovering an untarnished paradise, black houses with living grass roofs, is home Here they have remained as stone stacks themselves off the steep walls, struggling and one day was not nearly enough time to to about 60 people and lies in a low val- ever since, staring out across the ocean to- to catch wind for flight, beating their wings fully discover everything these beautiful is- ley facing out onto the open ocean. During wards Iceland. madly in an attempt to stay airborne, be- lands contain. the winter months, the people of Tjørnuvík After leaving Tjørnuvík, we crossed a fore almost crashing into the water to hunt We could have driven for days and days, experience the sun rising and setting three bridge to the neighboring island of for food. Their attempt to fly back into their exploring every single island in the archipel- times a day because of the high mountains where we could see the Witch and the Giant nests was equally odd looking and resembled ago, going for long hikes in the mountains, surrounding the village! from a different perspective. more of a crash landing. meandering through the quaint little villages, Wandering closer to the bay, we could On the Faroe Islands, there are approxi- Looking past the puffin cliffs, I could and I would still be longing to spend more see the northern tip of Eysturoy, the second mately 100,000 sheep, double that of the see the coastline of Kalsoy, another island time here. largest island in the archipelago. Off in the human population. Everywhere I looked I part of the Faroese archipelago. I couldn’t One thing is certain—I’ll definitely be distance, we could see two massive rock could see sheep—on the grassy plateaus, on help but think that the coastline looks simi- back. stacks protruding out of the water just off the mountains, and dangerously close to the lar to that of Kauai—like the Jurassic Park the coast of Eysturoy. These rocks are named side of the road. set was transported just south of the Arctic “The Witch and the Giant,” and Hávarður Next we arrived in the small village of Circle. Elisabeth Beyer is a Ger- filled us in on the legend surrounding them: Gjógv on the northeast coast of Eysturoy, Our last stop before heading back to man-Canadian travel writ- A long, long time ago a huge witch and where we were told we could see nesting Tórshavn­ was in the village of Funningur, lo- er and blogger based on giant wanted to drag the Faroe Islands over puffins on the steep cliff walls. These ani- cated on the northwest coast of Eysturoy. It is the west coast of Canada. the North Atlantic Ocean to link up with mals were actually one of the main reasons said that the first Vikings to reach the Faroe She loves to explore dif- Iceland. They crept over at nighttime and why we booked the tour in the first place. Islands settled here. Today, about 70 people ferent cultures and desti- pulled, and pulled, and pulled, realizing that Although it was already late in the nest- live in this sleepy little seaside village. nations, favoring natural the islands were much heavier than original- ing season, there were still a few puffins left When we arrived back in Tórshavn, I landscapes to big cities. ly anticipated. They were both so focused on on the cliffs. From the moment I saw them, was nowhere near ready to leave the Faroe You can read more about her travels at her per- their efforts that they lost track of time and I knew they were the strangest birds I had Islands. Seeing this unique landscape for sonal blog 18 • September 23, 2016 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican Is Norway a multicultural country? Whether the nation qualifies or not depends on how one defines “multiculturalism”

Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn.

Having grown up in the United States, I generally view our nation as a melting pot, populated by new immigrants over hundreds of years. Our forebears were among them. We understand what it is like to live in a multi-ethnic, multi-color, multi-faith, and multi-language country. But in Norway, this phenomenon is overwhelming and new. The ideas associated with multicultural- ism vary from country to country. So, for the purpose of this article, I will use two simple ideologies: • First, accepting multiculturalism as a science measured by specific accomplish- ments, such as employment rates, university enrollment, competitive wages, home own- Photos: (above) courtesy of Sarpsborg Kommune, (right) Leslee Lane Hoyum ership, and so forth, as compared with the Above: Is Norway multicultural? It appears to be a matter of perspective and definition. dominant population; and Right: The ideas associated with multiculturalism vary from country to country. Timothy Szlachetko • Second, seeing multiculturalism as presented the Norwegian scientific viewpoint. a “human factor,” as I call it: a society that encourages interest and respect for many cultures within a society rather than only one Together, the two immigrant groups now thought they would earn money and return immigrant. He was a Danish prince and his dominant culture. compose 32.5 percent of the population in home; they did not. Instead, they stayed and wife, Queen Maude, was an English prin- I had the pleasure of attending a lecture Oslo and 28.5 percent in , although brought their families. Then in 1975 the gov- cess.” Moreover, King Olav V was an immi- at the International Sum- there are immigrants in all Norwegian mu- ernment created an “immigration stoppage” grant under the current Norwegian definition. mer School entitled “Immigration and Inte- nicipalities. to control its labor market and the influence He was born in England to two foreign-born gration in Norway” presented by Timothy Szlachetko also said that Norway was immigration labor held. That eventually led parents and had four foreign-born grandpar- Szlachetko, most recently of the Integration founded with two basic societal groups: Nor- to the 1991 Immigration Act requiring non- ents. Even his wife, Crown Princess Martha, and Diversity Directorate and now with the wegians and Sámi, but he would argue that citizens to hold valid work permits. was an immigrant, having been born in Swe- Norwegian Ministry of Local Government ethnic and religious minorities always have In the late 20th century, the reasons for den to a Swedish father and Danish mother. and Modernization. He is an Australian of lived in Norway. They include: immigration to Norway changed from seek- However, their backgrounds may not have Polish descent who has lived in Norway for • Kvens, who are descended from ing employment to seeking refuge or asylum, been seen as dissimilar to Norwegians. 12 years: therefore, an immigrant himself. Finnish peasants and fishermen; , as well as Norway’s Students attending the lecture were asked Szlachetko said that the Norwegian defi- • Persons of the Jewish faith who can participation in the Nordic/ whether they thought Norway was multicul- nition of “immigrant” embraces two catego- be traced to 1492, when they were expelled labor migration agreement, specifically free- tural. They responded in similar voice. ries of individuals: from and . More than 300 years dom to travel. A woman of color from the U.S. wearing • People who immigrated to Norway later, a section of the 1814 Norwegian consti- Norway has seen a significant increase a Muslim burka did not see Norway as multi- but were born abroad to two foreign-born par- tution banned from entering the country; in immigrants from the Baltic and central and cultural compared with the U.S. “In Norway ents and four foreign-born grandparents; and • Forest , who were Finnish eastern European countries. Norway’s gener- I see immigrants adjusting to the dominant • Persons born in Norway but whose immigrants from Savonia and Northern osity is no secret throughout the world, but culture, not keeping their ethnic identity.” parents and all four grandparents were for- Tavastia in Finland, who settled in Norway it exploded last year when more than 31,000 A black woman with great determina- eign born. during the late 16th and early-to-mid 17th refugees arrived. That created an immigration tion said, “No, no, no, no! If you don’t look Nearly 750,000, or 16.3 percent, of Nor- centuries; and crisis, which spurred a dramatic change in im- Norwegian, you are not from here. During way’s 5.2 million residents meet the afore- • Roma/Romani/Travelers, a tradi- migration and integration policies. my interviews I have found this to also be mentioned immigrant definition. That num- tionally nomadic ethnic group originating By autumn 2015, the Norwegian gov- true in second- and third-generation immi- ber is expected to soar to 20 percent within from the northern regions of India. ernment knew its refugee situation was out grant families.” 10 years. They come from 223 countries, but However, were they consequential im- of control. Parliamentary discussions in- A man of color was quick to point out, the four most highly represented immigrants migrant groups, and are they significant to- cluded proposals to secure borders and con- “Look at the photo of your parliament’s cabi- in the first generation came from , day, since most of them are now assimilated trol arrivals and contain immigration and net. Where is the multiculturalism?” , Sweden, and . Thirty-nine into modern Norwegian society? That is integration costs, all of which caused polar- Finally, a woman of Asian background percent came because they had family in probably a rhetorical question. Nonetheless, izing debates among political parties. But said, “There may be some elements of multi- Norway, 33 percent came to work, 22 per- today Norway’s immigration story is more one thing was clear—follow-through was culturalism, but you (Norway) are Christian cent sought asylum, and 5 percent wished to extensive than ever before and has somewhat of utmost importance regarding integration based. Most holidays revolve around Chris- pursue higher education. complicated Norwegian society. policy. Measures were needed to incentiv- tian holy days, not allowing for observations The Norwegian-born generation as pre- Modern immigration to Norway be- ize participation in the workforce and com- by other religions’ celebrations, such as Rosh viously defined looks somewhat different. Its gan in the 1960s, when many traveled munity life. In other words, the goal was to Hashanah or Ramadan.” top four groups include persons with Paki- from , , and northern ensure that everyone who lived in Norway The comments made by students illus- stani, Somali, Polish, or Iraqi backgrounds. to find work. Society and the government found work or studied so that he or she ulti- trate the human factor to which I alluded mately became a taxpayer and a contributing earlier: a society that encourages interest and member of Norwegian society. respect for many cultures within a society According to the Norwegian Statistics rather than only one dominant culture. Bureau, Norway is headed in the right di- On which elements of multiculturalism, rection with its integration policy. A total of integration, and assimilation will Norway 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 63.4 percent of able-bodied immigrants aged now concentrate? At this time, all govern- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] 15-74 are employed, compared with 68.5 per- ment agencies have responsibility for im- cent of the able-bodied dominant population. migrant integration. They concentrate on Featuring great Nordic products Furthermore, in 2015, 43 percent of the 19- to refugees and their families through rapid 24-year-old Norwegian immigrant population resettlement, community engagement, urban Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments born to two immigrant parents were college renewal, grants to private immigration orga- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats or university students. But are these the types nizations, and continued employment and and more! of statistics that make Norway multicultural? housing support, as well as equitable public Perhaps from a scientific viewpoint. services, including interpretation services. Visit us online: “We should remember,” said Szla- Is Norway multicultural? It appears to chetko, “that even King Haakon VII was an be a matter of perspective and definition. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage September 23, 2016 • 19 Scandies to be honored at Høstfest Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame announces inductees for 2016

Special Release Norsk Høstfest

Three names will be added to the Scan- dinavian-American Hall of Fame later this month at the institution’s annual banquet held in conjunction with Norsk Høstfest. The SAHF is an enduring means of honor- ing those persons of Scandinavian descent in North America who have achieved greatness in their fields of endeavor or whose efforts have contributed significantly to the better- ment of mankind.

Finnish-American Beatrice Ojakangas is an expert on Finnish cuisine and the author of 29 cookbooks, one of which, The Finnish Cookbook, is recognized in both the U.S. and Finland as the definitive source on Finnish Photo: Thomas Strand Studio, LLC / Photo courtesy of Norsk Høstfest Photo courtesy of Norsk Høstfest cooking. Another work, The Great Scandi- courtesy of Norsk Høstfest The Stenehjem family has been in the banking Stein Ove Fenne, president of Tupperware North navian Baking Book, won a coveted James Beatrice Ojakangas, Finnish cookbook author. business for over 100 years. America. Beard Foundation Award, a prize regarded by those in the food industry as the equiva- lent of an Oscar. Ojakangas has appeared on western North Dakota that spurred Norwe- Scandinavian leadership culture—a philoso- Norsk Høstfest is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organi- television as both a guest and host of her own gian-American brothers Odin and Gerhard phy that emphasizes teamwork—and has zation that raises funds to preserve, improve cooking series, has written for major food Stenehjem to start a bank in the small town produced work often cited as an example of and share Scandinavian culture, heritage, publications, and conducts cooking classes of Arnegard. It later moved to Watford City, successful use of social media, particularly and educational programs. The Scandina- across the country. where its corporate headquarters remain. within a company itself. vian festival is held annually in the fall in the North Dakota State Fair Center on the The Stenehjem Family, founders of Stein Ove Fenne is the president of The Scandinavian American Hall of Fame North Dakota State Fairgrounds in Minot, what is known today as First International Tupperware North America, a leading busi- banquet takes place at 7:00 p.m., September N.D. Entering its 39th year, the festival has Bank & Trust, has been in the banking busi- ness unit within Tupperware Brands Corpo- 27, at the Grand Hotel in Minot, N.D. Tickets become North America’s largest Scandina- ness for over 100 years, with a fourth gen- ration. Tupperware is a global direct seller of for the formal banquet are $50 each and can vian festival with tens of thousands of people eration poised to assume leadership of the products across multiple brands and catego- be obtained at, by calling attending from all over the world. Norsk institution that serves customers in North ries and through an independent sales force (701) 852-2368, or by visiting the office at Høstfest celebrates Scandinavian culture Dakota, Minnesota, and Arizona through of three million. Of Norwegian descent, 1020 S. Broadway. from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, 26 branches. It was an agricultural boom in Fenne has been influential in developing a and Sweden. Norsk Luftambulanse: model success

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Norsk Luftambulanse (Norwegian Air helicopter. It is widely implemented in Eu- Ambulance) is a helicopter emergency medi- rope, perhaps most famously in the French cal service (HEMS) that was founded in 1977 SAMU, the acronym for Service d’aide and has grown to be one of the largest of its Médicale Urgente, the equivalent of the sort in Europe. It now has more than 700,000 MICU, the acronym for “Mobile Intensive members and is internationally recognized Care Unit” in English. It is one of two mod- for its research in on-site pre-hospital emer- els of EMS; the other is the Anglo-American gency care. That success story is more than Model, which is based on taking patients to a business case. It rests on the concepts of doctors. The popular terms for the two mod- two models: the Nordic Model of universal els are “stay and stabilize” for the Franco- health care and the Franco-German Model of German Model and “scoop and run” for the Emergency Medical Service (EMS). Anglo-American Model. Under the Nordic Model of health care, Norsk Luftambulanse now operates the emergency medical services are provided by helicopter services at nine of the 12 EMS he- a mix of public sector and private sector or- licopter bases in Norway, and from mid 2018, Photo: Tromsø University Hospital ganizations under public health control. Air will operate all 12 bases. It also operates A doctor monitors a patient onboard a helicopter. ambulance services are organized in Luft- three EMS helicopter bases in Denmark. It is ambulansetjenesten (The National Air Am- owned by a non-profit foundation of the same bulance Service), a state-owned enterprise name, an arrangement that permits altruis- Further reading: vices-norway (SOE) under the panoply of the four Re- tic pursuits, such as its on-site pre-hospital • Norsk Luftambulanse (Norwegian with • “Models of international Emergency gional Health Authorities. The National Air emergency care research program that at this some English), link: Medical Service (EMS) Systems,” by Sultan Ambulance Service owns and operates the writing supports the dissertation work of 18 • “Norway-USA in contrast: Different Al-Shaqsi, Medical Journal, Published physical facilities on the ground and operates doctoral candidates. At the everyday level, it approaches to healthcare costs,” The Nor- online October 2010, Abstract link: www. flight services provided by private-sector supports the Nødplakat (Emergency Poster), wegian American, July 1, 2016, link: www. companies. The Regional Health Authorities a free online service that puts a downloadable • “Anglo-American vs. Franco-German provide the doctors and nurses for the medi- geolocator map with EMS procedure instruc- way-usa-in-contrast-different-approaches- emergency medical services system,” by cal services. tions at the disposal of anyone anywhere in to-healthcare-costs Wolfgang F. Dick, Prehospital and Disas- The Franco-German Model of Emer- the country, each with positional coordinates • Luftambulansetjenesten (National Air ter Medicine, March 2003, Published online gency Medical Service is based on taking the to give when calling the 113 Emergency Med- Ambulance Services), link: www.luftambu- June 2012, Abstract link: www.ncbi.nlm.nih. doctor to the patient, as in a first-response ical Services telephone number. gov/pubmed/14694898 20 • September 23, 2016 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Corner “Norge” origin doubts NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Norge does not mean “veien mot nord” (the way leading to the north) as once thought, says professor Michael Schulte Volume 2 With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Morten Rosenvinge / Jan Arve Olsen Michael Schulte is a professor at the Department of Nordic and Media Studies at UiA.

Morten Rosenvinge University of Agder Rauderev og Oskeladden Redfox and the Ash-lad del 5 av 7 part 5 of 7 That the name Norge (Norway) means Doesn’t rhyme “veien mot nord” (the way leading to the Schulte points out that the name never Om ei stund kom Oskeladden og After a while, the ash-lad came and north) is the general opinion among histori- appears with the letter ð in runic inscriptions sette seg ned på bakken ved sida av sat himself down on the ground next to ans, as well as most people. Michael Schulte or skaldic poetry. He sees this as a clear in- kongsdottera. Og du kan vita ho vart glad the princess. And you can imagine how is one of the writers behind the new, extensive dication that the name does not come from då ho såg at det var kristenfolk som torde happy she was when she saw that this publication Norsk språkhistorie (History of norð (north), but from Old Norwegian nór, vera hjå henne endå. — Legg hovudet i was a Christian man, who still dared to be the Norwegian language), coming out in four which means narrow water or inlet. fanget mitt, du, sa ho til Oskeladden, og with her. “Put your head in my lap,” said volumes in 2016. Here he describes several He points to the Danish Stone han så gjorde. she to the ash-lad, and this he did. flaws in the well-established name theory. from approx. 960 and the Kuli Stone from Medan han låg slik, sovna han. Då While he was laying so, he fell “While working on Norsk språkhistorie Nordmøre (North-Møre) from approx. 1020. tok kongsdottera ein gullring av fingeren asleep. The princess took a gold ring off I became aware of the traditional interpreta- These two are often referred to as Denmark sin og knytte fast i håret på han. Men her finger and tied it fast to his hair. But tion’s many absurdities. Science is consid- and Norway’s baptismal certificate. no varte det ikkje lenge før trollet kom it did not take long for the troll to come ered as rational, but we have to remember Schulte emphasizes that the name Nóre- pustande og pesande. Det var så tungt at a-puffing and a-panting. He was so heavy that it also has its history characterized by gr in skaldic poetry rhymes with words such det knaka og braka i skogen alt då det var that it creaked and crashed in the forest ideology and national feelings. ‘Veien mot as stór (big) and fóru (for), something he ein fjerdings veg borte. even when he was a mile and a half away. nord’ is a suitable explanation of our country thinks supports the nor theory. Då trollet fekk sjå Rauderev som sat When the troll saw Redfox, who was name that gives associations to a sailing Nor- “In the Norse skaldic tradition from the i grantoppen som ein liten orre, spytta sitting in the treetop like a little black dic people,” says Schulte. 10th century, there were strict poetic require- det etter han. — Tvi! sa trollet, så både grouse, he spat at him. “Shame on you,” According to him, the “veien mot nord” ments and rules for what could rhyme with Rauderev og tømmergrana fauk i bakken, said the troll, and both Redfox and the og der låg han og sprela som ein fisk på tree fell to the ground, and there he lay explanation is the result of so-called popular what. Short vowels could rhyme with short tørre landet. Så gjekk trollet bort til dei floundering like a fish out of water. And etymology, where words change and are re- and long vowels could rhyme with long, but to andre. so the troll went over to the other two. interpreted over time. He thinks the new in- short vowels could never rhyme with long. It — Hu, hu! sa trollet til kongsdottera. “Hu, hu!” said the troll to the prin- terpretation of the country name started in the is troubling to cheat. — Sit du her i lag med kristne folk, så et cess. “Sit you there in company with early . When Ottar refers to Nor- “The fact that Nóregr rhymes with words eg deg. Christian folk, I will eat you up.” way as “Norðmanna land” (Northmen’s land) with a long vowel suggests that the origin of — Tvi! sa Oskeladden, han vakna “Shame on you!” said the ash-lad as and “Norðweg” (Northway), we already have the name is the word nór as in the Norwegian med det same og tok til å kika på trollet he awoke and looked at the troll through a reinterpretation of the original, he says. dialect word nor and King Nor,” says Schulte. gjennom ringen på lykelen. the hole in the key. Schulte argues for a second theory, — Kva glanar du på meg etter? skreik “What are you staring at me for?” where the names come from Old Norwegian Dwarf King trollet og lyfte den digre jarnstauren. screeched the troll and lifted the huge nór and New Norwegian nor, meaning “nar- King Nor, whom Schulte points to, was Trollet kasta jarnstauren så han stod iron bar. 14.NAW.Kings.CMYK.27Oct2015.qxp_Layoutrow water, inlet,” related to the English 1 10/27/15 nar- a 7:52 mythological PM Page 1 short king. We meet the dwarf femten alner inn i berget, men Oskelad- The troll threw the iron bar so that it row and last but not least the mythological den var så snar på foten at han kom seg went thirty feet into the rock, but the ash- dwarf king Nor. See > norge, page 22 unna. — Tvi for kjerringstykke! sa han. lad was so swift of foot that he slipped — Hit med tannstikka di, så skal du få sjå away. “You throw like an old woman!” kast! Ja, trollet nappa opp stauren med he said. “Give me your toothpick, and 1/2 Learn to read and speak Norwegian! ein einaste rykk. you will soon see a throw!” Aye, the troll price Deb Nelson Gourley presents: Oskeladden glodde mot himmelen pulled the iron bar out with a single tug. KINGS OF NORWAY både i sør og i nord. — Hu, hu! Kva glanar The ash-lad was staring at the sky, By Anders Kvåle Rue du etter att? sa trollet. both to the south and to the north. “Hu, • History of 57 Kings & 1 Queen — Eg ser etter kva for ei stjerne eg hu! What are you staring at?” asked the • Both bilingual text and audio • Full colored illustrations skal kasta til, sa Oskeladden, — det får troll. • Hardcover 6″x9″ book + 3CDs vera den ørende vesle beint i nord. “I am looking to see which star I Kings of Norway English Norwegian — Nei, du får ikkje kasta bort stauren am going to throw this to,” said the ash- bilingual book includes 3 audio min, sa trollet. lad, “it will have to be the tiny little one CDs. Appealing to readers of all straight to the north.” ages on both sides of the Atlantic. Ideal for first-year Norwegian lan- “No, you must not throw my iron bar guage classes, heritage & culture away,” said the troll. programs. Includes Astri My Astri and Astri Mi Astri songs. Was $39.95, now SAVE $20 Call, send check or visit website = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA Made in America! $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Astri My Astri Publishing Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk September 23, 2016 • 21

« Summer is over. And when < minnesmerke summer is over, there comes Fra side 2 a time when the air becomes — De kom med et forlikstilbud som golden red, clear as wine. » mine klienter ikke kunne godta, forteller – Axel Jensen Stabell, som ikke ønsker å kommentere inn- holdet i tilbudet. Advokaten sier de vil opprettholde Pondus by Frode Øverli søksmålet hvis ikke regjeringen flytter minnes­merket til et annet sted i Hole kom- mune. Lisbeth Røyneland i Støttegruppen et- ter 22. juli-hendelsene skriver i en SMS til NRK at de har respekt for at det er ulike syn Never a knyttet til saken, men at det for dem er viktig good sign! at regjeringen finner en løsning raskt.

< Facebook Fra side 2

berg ved flere anledninger. Hun setter pris på responsen og oppfatter brevet som ydmykt. — De understreket at også de ser på det hele som vanskelig, men at de kan gjøre det på en bedre måte, sier Solberg. I brevet innrømmer Sandberg at Face- Lunch by Børge Lund book ikke alltid tar riktige avgjørelser og vil forsikre Solberg om at de tar saken svært al- vorlig. ...Let’s disconnect I et intervju med Aftenposten under- the booth so we can talk around the table! streket statsministeren hvor viktig det var at saken fikk varige konsekvenser. — Jeg håper at Facebook har lært at de må ha metoder for å skjære igjennom når maskinene og algoritmene styrer. — Det må være mulig å ha en dialog med Facebook hvis de mener noe er så stø- tende at det ikke kan publiseres, sa Solberg.

< rapport Fra side 2 Yes, gentlemen! Seldom have we experienced technology that has Torleif Halkjelsvik ble i 2013 tildelt improved the efficiency of our meetings to such a degree, don’t you think? Hans Majestet Kongens gullmedalje begrun- net med at han er «en fremragende, yngre forsker». Han er ansatt som forsker i FHI, Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten som eies av HOD. Halkjelsvik sier nå at han skjønte lite av hvorfor departementet, etter hans mening, likte studien så dårlig. — Dette var litt overraskende, for det var ikke slik at resultatene slo bena under tidligere forskning, det var heller slik at bil- det ble litt nyansert, sier han. En rekke land har innført eller har ved- tatt å innføre nøytral innpakning på sigaret- ter. Det som gjør Bent Høies lovforslag his- torisk, er at det i tillegg inkluderer et påbud om nøytral forpakning av snus. Men da Høie la frem lovforslaget til Stortinget, ble snus-studien utelatt. Likevel beklager departementet seg i lovforslaget over Sorry I didn’t buy mangelen på forskning på akkurat dette feltet: the damned soccer «Når det gjelder standardisert innpak- raffle tickets! I didn’t have any cash!!!! ning av snus, finnes det begrenset med stud- ier», står det på side 50 i den 112 sider lange stortingsproposisjon. Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Kun uker før Høie skulle legge frem forslaget til ny lov, ble departementet in- formert av FHI om at Halkjelsviks forskings­ studie skulle offentliggjøres. I rapporten til Halkjelsvik var det ikke bare manglende effekt ved å innføre nøytrale snusbokser som vakte oppsikt. I tillegg satte Halkjelsvik alvorlige spørsmålstegn ved forsknings­studien fra SIRUS i 2013 om ef- fekten av nøytrale sigarettpakker. Halkjelsvik skriver at forskerne som stod bak denne rapporten hadde «feilaktig tolket» sine egne data. Konklusjonen ga mer Haven’t you heard I have fastened twine so when Are you going Lars, will you find some eggs støtte enn det er dekning for til påstanden om there are chicken someone opens the door they will to shoot so I can make angel food cake. theives around the get a load of buckshot in the leg. at originale sigarettpakker vil være mer at- targets, Per? neighborhood? traktive enn nøytrale. 22 • September 23, 2016 Roots & Connections theNorwegianamerican

< films < norge From page 11 From page 20 gens nei) and Rune Denstad Langlo’s Wel- Prince Olav, The King’s Choice is set dur- Nóri in the well-known Eddaic poem Voluspå. Not a new theory come to Norway. ing the German invasion of Norway in “Orknøyingasaga and Flatøybók, which Schulte adds that the alternative theory The Norwegian Oscar Committee de- 1940. On the afternoon of April 8, the king is about to be published in a new Norwegian about the country name’s origin is far from cided on September 8 that The King’s Choice was faced with the ’ demand for translation, has several passages about King new. It was introduced as early as 1847, by will represent Norway in the run for the capitulation, a passive government, and Nor and plays an important role for Norway. the student Niels Halvorsen Trønnes in an ar- Academy Award nomination. The Acad- a crown prince ready for action. Scripted In Orknøyingasaga, the coastal road north of ticle in Norsk Tidsskrift for Videnskab og Lit- emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences by Harald Rosenløw Eeg and Jan Trygve Bergen is described as King Nor’s road, and teratur (Norwegian Journal of Science and will publish the nominations on January 24, Røyneland and produced by Paradox, the Nórafjorðr is described as King Nor’s fjord, Literature), where he explained the country 2017, and the awards ceremony will take film about “three of the most dramatic something that points to peoples’ interpreta- name with “Strøget (vegr) med de trange place on February 26, 2017. days in the ” opened in tion of Nórvegr at that time,” says Schulte. Fjorde og Indsøer (nórar), Sund-landet” (the “The King’s Choice tells of a dramatic Norway on September 23. Several place names consist of nor, way with the narrow fjords and lakes, the in- event for us as a nation but also examines a Previous Norwegian Oscar nominees meaning narrow, small, or compressed, or let country”). part of history that affected large parts of the include Norwegian directors Joachim they are associated with King Nor, if we look In 1897, this theory was defined precise- world. With its engaging themes and strong Rønning and Espen Sandberg’s Kon-Tiki at Nore, Norheimsund, Norangsfjord, Nore­ ly by the Swedish philologist Adolf Noreen cinematic qualities I am sure we have a great (in 2013), Petter Næss’ Elling (2001), fjord, Norefjell, etc. in the book Svenska etymologier (Swedish candidate in the race,” said Guldvag, who is Berit Nesheim’s The Other Side of Sun- In a feature article in the Norwegian etymologies). A countermovement against the also the Oscar Committee Chairman. day (Søndagsengler, 1996), Nils Gaup’s daily newspaper Klassekampen on Decem- National Romanticism might have been a part Starring Danish actor Jesper Chris- Pathfinder (Veiviseren, 1987) and Arne ber 18, 2015, Schulte asserted that the coun- of emphasizing one theory more than another. tensen as King Haakon VII and Norwegian Skouen’s Nine Lives (Ni liv, 1957). try is named after King Nor, the first king of “When historian P.A. Munch wrote his actor Anders Baasmo Christiansen as Crown Noreg. He has moved slightly away from influential work Det norske folks historie this particular statement, but his point is that (The Norwegian peoples’ history) in eight Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord Norwenglish Crossword the country and King Nor at least have the volumes (1852-1863), he wanted to get rid same linguistic origin. of the National Romantic myths, which also “Claiming that we are named after a meant King Nor. He was a nationalist and to Solution to last month’s puzzle: Solution to puzzle #15: mythological dwarf king might have been a him, the myths had no place in a linguistic little bold, but this is kind of like the chicken history work,” says Schulte. and the egg. What came first? The mythol- Consequently, King Nor and the Nor ogy can have roots far back in time just like myth, which must have been common the etymology. The point is that the etymol- knowledge in the 18th century and early 19th ogy of King Nor and Norge is the same,” century, disappeared. says Schulte. Professor emeritus in Germanic philol- ogy, Harald Bjorvand, and Professor in name Unlikely investigation, Tom Schmidt, at the Univer- Schulte has received both positive and sity of Oslo have written a discussion piece negative feedback. where they point out that Schulte wipes the Among those who have doubts about dust of an old, well-established name theory. Schulte’s theory is cand. philol. Frode Bjorvand and Schmidt agree that the Korslund. In a response to Schulte in rhymes in the skaldic poetry make the con- Klassekampen, he points to the oldest forms nection to nor—narrow inlet—obvious. of the national indicator “nordmann,” norð- However, they see no reason to include the maðr, (north man), and the associated adjec- mythical King Nor. th tive “norrøn,” norðrænn (Norse), undoubt- Where Schulte thinks it is a question edly connected to “veien mot nord.” about “the chicken or the egg,” Bjorvand and Oct. 5 NOrdic ExplOrErs Moreover, Korslund points out that Schmidt think there is reason to believe that most of the oldest indicators of the country the place name came first. However, Schulte Exhibit OpENiNg is the Latin Nort(h)wegia from approx. 840 points out that the name Nór already existed and the Old English Norðweg in Ottar’s trav- in the Viking Age, in the poem Voluspå. oin us for our 3rd annual Thor el narrative from approx. 880. These sources J are more than a hundred years older than the Changed the encyclopedia Heyerdahl Lecture at 7pm in the runic stones Schulte refers to, and the spell- Until January 2016, Store Norske Lek- Scandinavian Cultural Center, ing coincides with the interpretation that the sikon (Norwegian encyclopedia) was clear Pacific Lutheran University name means “veien mot nord.” that Norge means “veien mot nord.” Now the However, Schulte thinks foreigners re- alternative name theory is also mentioned. A interpreted the country name Noregr based similar change has been made on Wikipedia. The talk will mark the opening on geography and worldview. He empha- Schulte says that one of the goals with of Nordic Explorers: A Legacy sizes that Nordic sources, first and foremost the coming launch of Norsk språkhistorie is beyond the Horizon, examining the runic stones and skaldic poetry, should to clean up outdated word explanations. be attached great significance despite the fact “The point with the country name Norge the contributions of Heyerdahl, that they are younger than the Old English is that the encyclopedia had to be changed, Amundsen, Nansen and others and Latin forms. and we have done that. Some things need who pushed our knowledge of the “In this context, our own Nordic sourc- to be adjusted, also in the 21th century, and es are more important than English or Latin who knows, maybe King Nor is coming world and of human endurance. sources. A Latin reproduction of a country back,” says Schulte. name will likely reinterpret both the pho- nological form and the meaning. The same This article was originally published by the This year’s featured applies to the English reproduction. Even University of Agder at speaker is noted Norwegian though Old English belongs to the Germanic search/teft/teft-artikler/raising-doubt-about- journalist and author language, it will be a transfer in a new lin- norway-s-origin, and is reprinted with per- Ragnar Kvam, Jr. guistic context,” says Schulte. mission. The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Free admission! Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST For more information: Scandinavian Cultural Center Streaming live on the internet at: 253-535-7322 // theNorwegianamerican Puzzles September 23, 2016 • 23 Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Norwenglish Crossword by Andrew R. Thurson

Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #16 / 92 “Norske malere”

Across/ 52. Single Vannrett 54. Listen 1. Farce 55. Railing 6. Bryst 56. Sikre 12. Wig 57. Gjær 13. Noises 14. Blekkhus Down/ 15. Muliggjøre Loddrett 16. Nose 1. Banner 17. Utstråle 2. Arker 19. Fox 3. Grouses 20. Rama 4. Shoe 22. Biting wind 5. Spouse 24. Birch(ing) 6. Stayed 27. Bukker 7. Skråler 29. Crown 8. Æra 32. Ufagmessig 9. Gudemat 35. Spoon 10. Harness 36. (Ett) takskjegg 11. Hayloft 37. Være syk 12. Knappemål 38. Øl 18. The mom 40. Øst 21. Scar 28. Villskap 35. Peas 47. Grin 42. Treffende 23. Null 30. Gå på ski 41. Puttered 48. Tøy fibre 44. Ringe 24. Ecstasy 31. Ål 42. Verke 49. Egge 46. Owl 25. Blekk 33. Olje 43. Plane 51. En cow 50. Klamper 26. Gensere 34. Point 45. Turn to ice 52. Født Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more 93. viste respekt (Æ er med!) 48. andre bokstaven på gresk 65. Norges sommer spesialitet sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s 94. hud irritasjon 50. bruker øynene med #46L. oppe ingrediens med pisket krem (Æ er definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter 95. ikke fargerikt i det hele tatt 51. trekker med her også!) answer, try “Ed.” 96. melodi pluss tekst 52. brystekasse bein 66. som fingrene på en bilmekaniker (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 97. finnes bak alle 54. Mariners og Seahawks 69. stor norsk eksport (N) 98. et sted på nettet 55. et lite hunkjønns barn (N) 70. de holder kaffegrutene 99. det er ikke mer, det er det! (N) 56. den viser sin gode appetit (N) 71. pianospillere Egerdahl og Grieg VANNRETT 52. fiskeutstyr / skotske danser 57. te servert om sommeren (N) 1. snakke / synge på en hyggelig 53. to er bedre enn én—men fire er LODDRETT 58. kom i kontakt med 73. det vi gjorde da bursdagsbarnet tempo akkurat nok i dette kryssordet 1. som de fleste Ole og Sven vitser 59. frokost og middag kom inn i klasserommet (to ord) 5. i dårlig humør—pass deg! (N) 54. hollandsk vårblomst 2. irriterte av problematiske #76V. 60. eier, har 74. torsdags gud (N) 9. en som bor i nærheten (N) 55. et stort hull / 3. si noe som ikke er sant 61. engelsk staving av #37L. 75. Sam som liker grønne egg og 13. i et ekteskap (N) i midten av en plomme 4. klær som har gått i stykker 62. flyplass by på Hawaii-øyen skinke 17. opera solosang 56. skuespillere uten dialog 5. butikkens aktiviteter 63. en ting 76. pusse fuglefjær 18. område 59. et stort, dramatisk opprør 6. pensjonisters bankkontoer 19. positiv retning å flytte deg (2 ord) 60. japansk utegrill 7. barnets andre ord som oftest (N) 20. i nordøst er Munchmuseet 64. høyeste kort / eksperter 8. rumpetroll—mitt nest favoritte ord!! 21. komme i kontakt med 65. middag og frokost 9. dansk uten kartoffel i halsen! (N) 22. satt på bordet for eks. 66. tidligere eikenøtter 10. noen ganger føler du deg som 23. sitteplass! 67. den meste populære sangen dette—etter TV-reklamen (to ord) 24. havnet på bordet for eks. 68. få / bli / hente / forstå 11. “låne” en sigarett 25. første av fire små perler du finner i 69. det som såpe gjør med vann 12. varmt i forhold til kaldt for eks. dette kryssordet—så heldig du er! 70. hvor mange #26V. i skoen 13. geitens skjegg 26. små griser i skoen 71. mysterisk homofon for #39L. 14. en holm 28. en som irriterer 72. han mener dette er både morsomt 15. ler høyt og vilt (N) 30. morsomt sjødyr og lærerikt—du og?—selvfølgelig! 16. små barn / pub poteter 32. ti av dem i ett hundre 73. siste testamenter 27. en tredjedel av tre 33. se der! 74. baderom gulvdekning 29. veldig, veldig lang tid 34. det du har til det gode 75. “i like måte,” er et godt eksempel 31. teskjeer forkortelse 35. en liten engelsk landsby 76. deres jobb er å irritere 32. lener mot en side eller den andre 37. keramikk ovn 77. adjektiv for Trondheims Oly 33. ligger—på sengen eller sofaen 38. en slags myrfugl 78. baderom vasker (kort) 34. veddeløp med Santa 39. genien bak dette prosjektet 79. ikke alle er så heldige å ha dette 35. tidligere California problem 41. Gibson, Tormé og Brooks adjektivet brukt å beskrive dem (N) 36. et modig smørbrød 42. eple kilde 81. retning fra her (N) 37. Herr Kringles fornavn 43. kortespill grupperinger 82. barnets første ord som oftest 38. dagens gry (to ord) 44. livsfarlig sjødyr (N) 83. Norges uoffisielle representant til 39. britisk tittel (se #71V.) 45. matsmule den store engelsk-kryssord industrien 40. de som forstår absolutt ingenting 46. Clarks super kjæreste 85. på et skip 42. skjorter og bluser for eks. 47. søster til mor eller far (N) 86. tittelen for Springsteen 43. Frøken Hawkins fornavn 48. noe å unnskylde seg etter 88. sende ut et signal 44. fargenyanse 49. snakker sladeri—æsj! 90. ikke normale (N) 46. øyelokker 51. nord italiensk by 92. gressflate rundt huset (N) 47. Asbjørnsen og Moe spesialiteter

• Attention native Norwegian speakers! •

Join our community! Position Available—native speaking Norwegian language teacher for part-time classroom work in Seattle area beginning in Sept. 2017. Full job description at

Contact Edward Egerdahl, director, Scandinavian Language Institute Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] 425-771-5203 • • [email protected] 24 • September 23, 2016 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Nils Anders conquers Ireland Making new friends!

Photo: Ryan Pearson Nils Anders (center) and the rest of The Norwegian American team were delighted to meet so many new friends at the Sons of Norway convention this August in Tacoma, Wash. You never know where you’ll run into a Norwegian American!

Norwegian American notes Office staffing with subscription questions. All will It’s Molly’s turn to do a little be fixed once she returns! traveling! For the next two weeks (until October 7) she’ll be visiting Happy Autumn! family in . We wish her a Yesterday was the first day terrific trip down under, of course, of fall. Can you believe it? Here in but since she does most of the Seattle the weather and the leaves Photo: Emily C. Skaftun work around here, please be pa- are turning, and the pumpkin spice Nils Anders stands in for Reginald, who founded Waterford, Ireland, in the year 914. At the time tient with us during her absence. apocalypse is beginning. Enjoy the the town was called Veðrafjǫrðr (ram fjord), presumably because the Vikings thought the river resembled a fjord. You can still see traces of the city’s Viking history today. We may be slower to respond to season! phone calls and emails and dealing



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