Fall Vedanta Retreat 2012 with Swami Tattvavidananda

The Fall Vedanta Retreat was held at Arsha Karma were explained in details. The Vidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg PA from accumulated karmas cannot be completely October 10 to November 17. This was emptied as new karmas are continuously essentially an adult camp. Approximately added to it. Then the various Devatas 80 students attended the camp. Swami namely; the Mitra, the , the Aryam, Tattvavidananda Sarswati taught the , the Brahaspati and the Taittiriyopanisad and Gita Chapter 9 with as well as their effect on our lives were Sankara Bhashsyam. Swamiji conducted explained. The or is evident guided meditations and satsangs during the expression of life and represents the visible camp. Suddhatmaji conducted the chanting Brahman. Swamiji explained the concept of classes. Mark Hertel and Natalie Tuijtelaars Vayu. Then swamiji described the Science conducted the Yoga classes. Natalie is of Phonetics which includes Varna (the visiting Yoga Teacher trained in Sama Yoga letter), Svara (the intonation), matra (the and works at ‘Yoga One Heart Be’. duration), balam (the effort), Sama (the Kalpesh Jasapara taught Senior Sanskrit same pitch), and the samtana (the classes and Terry Coe taught Junior continuity). Sanskrit classes Chapter 9 of the Srimad Bhagavada Gita is Taittiriya Upanisad belongs to the the discourse on ‘Sovereign Knowledge and Yajur Veda and is part of the Taittiriya Secret’. It is Raj Vidya. Swamiji described Aranyaka. There are three Vallis (Chapters) it as, the most sacred, most valuable and in the Upanisad namely, the Siksha Vaili, supreme purifier. Gita is the guiding light the Brahmananda Valli and the Bhrgu Valli. which leads to Moksha. Swamiji stressed Each Valli has several sections (Anuvakas). the importance of Maunam (silence) for The course covered the Siksa Valli and the looking into oneself without obstructions. Brahmananad Valli. Bhagwan says, the secrete is given to the one who is worthy of receiving it and Week One deserves it. Any action performed as an offering to Iswara is Dharma. The Nastikas Swamiji started the teaching by invoking (non believers) do not believe in this. They the shanti mantra.The Siksa Valli contains are caught in the cycle of birth and death. the pronunciations and instructions on They are reborn in lower species and suffer mantra chanting as well as the different in misery. The Bhakti sadhana is the easiest types of Upasanas. The Karmas such as of all Sadhanas. Other sadhanas are Viveka, Prarabdha Karma, Shesh Karma, and Nitya Dharma, and Pranayama.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - December 2012 19 Week Two

Swamiji continued teaching the Upanisad. There are five important Samhitas; namely Adhilokam, Adhijyotisam, adhividyam, Adhiprajam and Adhyatma. Swamiji explained the significance of these Samhitas. Swamiji presented charts for these Samhitas as well as for the Vyahrtis and explained in details the interactions of these entities. The Vyahrtis are used in connection with various rituals.

Continuing the , Swamiji stated a rule of Vedanta which is, all change is superimposed on changeless background. You have to understand the changeless, which is the sense of I AM. It is ‘changeless presence. ‘I am the presence says the Lord,’ the Atma is the presence and I am the Atma of everything. But I do not get attached to anything’. Iswara is present everywhere. The imperishable is the unmanifest, it is pure consciousness , the Atma. Swamiji elaborated on the meaning of Atma being the supreme self.

Week Three

This week Swamiji dwelt on the significance of Om. Om is uttered in rituals in various situations. It has significance in sacrifices. It is used in the beginning of auspicious rituals and in reciting Mantras as. It is commonly used in Agnihotra and other Homas. Additionally, Swamiji explained the meaning of Svadhyaya and Pravachana and the relationship between the Vedanta student and the teacher.

In the study of Gita this week Swamiji continued the teaching by explaining the meaning of Iswara being present in

20 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - December 2012 everything in the Universe. The Lord useful. Swamiji said that to be silent is a pervades the whole Cosmos. But the Lord great service to Iswara. Kama and Karma is not in it. Bhagwan Krishna says. “Neither (desire and action) lead to a chain of am I contained inside anything, nor am I actions. In a long run it will make you the container of anything. In explaining the unhappy and unsure. , Vishnu and creation, sustenance and destruction of the are not separate. They are one and universe Bhagwan says, “Nor do those the reality is far beyond that. You are that actions bind Me as I am unconcerned and reality. unattached to those actions. Swamiji provided various illustrations to thoroughly Week Five explained the meaning of this statement. Swamiji continued further teaching of Week Four Taittririya Upanisad this week in Brahmanand Valli. The significance of five This week the study of Upanisad continued sheaths namely; the Annamaya, the in enquiry about the nature of Brahman Pranamaya, the Manomaya, the and Brahmvidya. The Upasan is part of Vijynanamaya and the Anandamaya and Brahmvidya. The Upasana involves their meaning was explained. Then superimposing the superior over the inferior Swamiji described the Purusa as one with thus uplifting the inferior. Swamiji head, left and right wing, a trunk and tail. explained the meaning of Vidya, Avidya, Purusa is produced by the essence of food. and Laxana. Vidya is knowledge, Avidya The Annamaya is like gross sheath. The is ignorance and Laxana is something that Prana sheath is life of living beings. The is presented so that the Brahman can be Manomaya is the mental sheath. The understood. The meaning is, You are the Vijyanamaya is the inner mental sheath. atma and atma is by which you know what Finally the Anandmaya is the bliss. The you are. Later, Swamiji dwelt on the five Upanisad also dwells on the theory of elements, space, air, fire, water and earth. creation. A detailed description of the Swamiji then introduced the concept Kosas concept of Devatas followed. and Tapas. Kosas enhance the knowledge of Brahman. The tapas literally means heat In the study of Bhagwad Gita, Swamiji said but it has several meanings in Vedanta. that there should be a balance of papa and Swamiji explained the various modes in punya for the rebirth. Many follow the which this term is used. karma phala as their goal because they have desires. These desires will take them to In Gita study, Swamiji emphasized the where they can fulfill their desires. They get advantages of being Sakshi. Sakshi is one into the Vasana Chakra and get caught in who is not involved and simply observes. the cycle of gata agata (the cycles of birth Atma is not a Karta or a Bhokta. silence and death). They have no freedom. Those is an important part of inner peace. He who are desireless get Atmadarshana and advised the students to be silent as far as with Chintanam and Nishta they achieve possible and talk only when necessary or Moksha.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - December 2012 21 Week Six is not Pakshpati (Partial towards any one). Absolute Sharanagati is an essential step to Study continued in Upanisad this week achieve Moksha. Sharanagati is complete with an elaborate discussion Sankara surrendering to Iswara. It is important to presented about the existence and nature of practice Ahimsa, moderation in enjoyment, Brahman. Various objections have been compassion for all, forgiveness to all raised on Sankara’s assertion about (Kshama), Peace (Shanti), eating Nutritious existence of Brahman. It is a topic by itself. food, Charity (Danam), truthfulness Swamiji explained every aspect of this (Satyam) and Worship (Bhakti). discussion and how Sankara’s arguments negate these objections. This discussion The Gita study ends with the firm involves the differences between the duality understanding that one should worship and the nonduality philosophies in Ishwara always, especially in prosperity as Vedanta. Another assumption of Sankara well as in adversity. on Jiwa and Iswara as being the same th required attention. Objections were raised On November 29 Hurricane Sandy passed to this Philosophy and Sankara defended by the Gurukulam. Several trees were his position. Swamiji then dwelt on the knocked off by the torrential rain and high subject of ‘fear’. Fear results because the winds. The Hurricane caused damage to individual does not know its cause. Once some buildings on the campus but the the cause is known the fear disappears. classes were conducted regularly with a minimum inconvenience to the students. The Upanisad ended stating that the th knowledge we discussed is the supreme On November 13 , Deepawali was knowledge, it is the knowledge of self. celebrated at the Gurukulam. Approximately 200 people, including In the study of Gita Swamiji talked about visitors and children took part in the the types of Karmas. These are the Shastriya function. Swami Tattvavidanandji addressed Karma, Sharir Karma, Vyavaharik Karma, the gathering. Swamiji talked about the Samajik Karma and the Paramarth Karma. coronation of Lord in Ayodhya. Any Karma performed should be an Swamiji’s rendering of the occasion was offering to Iswara only if is worthy of such taken from the Valmiki and it offering. Charity should be done with depicted the grand occasion in such details Shradha. Danam done with improper with the beauty and pageantry that the understanding of Dharma is ineffective. So listener felt as being right in the middle of also the Artha, Kama, Harsha, and Bhayam this auspicious event. It was a blessing to are ineffective if these are not understood be at this function. The priests performed properly. Swamiiji then described the the and Kuber Puja. Delicious Sanyasa Yoga as doing all activities as Deepawali dinner was served at the offerings to Iswara. Iswara treats all equally. Gurukulam dining hall. Fireworks followed. So says Bhagwan “Those who devote me The children especially enjoyed the spontaneously without expectations, they occasion. are in me and I am in them”. But Iswara

22 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - December 2012 On November 11th, Samskritam Workshop All six weeks courses are unique. This for Beginners was conducted by Lalitha camp was not an exception. For the Swamiji Chittapragade and Subrahmanam of and the students this camp was one of the Samskritabharati of San Jose California. busiest. It was also the most rewarding Classes were held at the temple. The camp. Swamiji was concerned about not purpose of the course was to teach the being able to finish the teaching undertaken students the art of conversation in Samskrit. in this course for the reason that the It was a good preliminary course and many material in the Upanisad was extensive and students attended. the time was short. With the blessing of Lord Dashinamurty swamiji completed the th On October 11 , Navaratri Puja was course on November 18. It was an intense performed at the temple. course. Most of the students in this course have been attending the six week courses On October 23rd, Puja was for last so many years. They had good performed at the temple. understanding of Vedanta. The expectations On October 24th, Vijayadashami Puja was were high. Swami Tattvavidanandaji is a performed at the temple. edicated and scholarly teacher. He is an example of an ideal teacher. Swamiji lives Suddhatmaji conducted the chanting classes what he teaches. The students have during the camp. Mantras were taken from profound respect for this Swamiji. This the Taittririya Upanisad, and the Bhaawad year it was a blessing to be in Swamiji, s Gita with long sequences which the class. Students were looking forward to the students liked very much. next year for Gita chapter X and Chapter 4 of Chhandogya Upanisad with Swami Pujaris Sri Ravichandran and Sri Ganesa Tattvavidnanda Sarswati. performed several Pujas during the camp as well as the regular Pujas at the temple. Officially, The camp ended on November Lance Daniels and Anil Nagapal relentlessly 17th. However, the last and very important worked to provide rides to airports and portion of the Upanisad was still not dealt other destinations for the incoming and with. Swamiji continued teaching the outgoing students during the six weeks. Upanisad another day to complete that part of the study. So unofficially the course The Teachers, Suddhatmaji, the Gurkulam ended on Sunday November 18th. the staff and the volunteers worked hard during the camp and helped it running Reported by Arvind Bagal smoothly, especially during the storm

Removal of desires is neither possible nor necessary. That I desire is not a problem. The desire becomes a problem when I come under its spell. Pujya Swamiji

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