Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors

Date: March 6, 2020 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Aubree's Pizzeria & Grill – Back Room – 2122 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Agenda: 1. Show Up 2. Our EMU Stories This is a time reserved for one or two board directors who have been designated by the board president to share briefly how they came to EMU and how the university has positively affected their lives. 3. Eat Food Food and refreshments are provided by the Office for Alumni Relations as an expression of gratitude for our service to EMU through the EMUAA. 4. Alumni Association Visioning This time will be led by Jessica “Decky” Alexander, Director of the Office of Academic Service-Learning. 5. Mingle 6. Take Off

1 Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors Annual Meeting Student Center Saturday, November 16, 2019 Prepared by: Ruth Halsey, B.S., M.B.A, ’01,’12, Secretary

Meeting Minutes

Members present: Trudy Adler, Howard Booth, Tom Borg, Susan Bos, Tom Charboneau, Mary Jane Fallot (late), Michael Gomez, Ruth Halsey, Alex Landen, Lucas Langdon, Mary Larkin, Desmond Miller (left early), Marina Reyna, Niklaus Schillack, Evan Sweet, Ebony Walls, Allen Williams, Claudia Young Hunter

Members absent: Michelle Machiele (excused), Jenita Moore (excused), Gabriela Salagean (excused), Anna Torres (excused)

Ex-officio members present: Jill Hunsberger, Mia Milton, Jessica Nietzeba

Ex-officio members absent: Austen Smith, Bill Shepard

Emeritus member present: William Malcom, Bud Schimmelpfenneg, Fred Roberts

Emeritus member absent: Vicki Reaume (excused)

Others present:

E-Club Chapter: Robin Vaughn Arm of Honor Chapter: Patrick Barry, Fred Howard, Angelo Pizo, Serg Black Alumni Chapter: Kimberly Jones, Shatina Jones, LaDonna Johnson, Derrick Moss Occupational Therapy Chapter: Adrianna B Accounting and Finance Chapter: Evan Scarborough Construction Management Chapter: Melanie Myers

1. Call to Order

Mr. Schillack called the meeting to order at 9:04 am. He welcomed all of the Board members. He welcomed all attendees at the Board of Directors meeting include all Directors, Leigh Greden, and visitors, including the chapter representatives who would be recognized today.

2. Roll Call

Mr. Landen took attendance and confirmed that quorum is met. The results of the roll call can be found at the top of the minutes.

Page 1 of 7 Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Board of Directors November 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes

3. Approval of Agenda

Mr. Charboneau made a motion to approve the agenda, it was seconded by Mr. Williams. The motion passed unanimously.

4. University Update

Leigh Greden provided the update for the University. It is listed below.

President’s Visit to the Middle East The Smiths just returned from a 2-week trip to the Middle East late the prior evening. He visited Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. His trip was for a variety of initiatives including visits to several universities to develop new partnerships and recruitment of new students.

New Major Donor Announcement There was a significant donation from ‘Game Above’, a group of very active alumni, of $3.5 million dollars. This is not an endowment, and rather will be an expendable gift. $2 million will be for faculty initiatives as part of the faculty first program, for things like faculty development, research, and travel. $1.5 million for student initiatives, which they are calling ‘Students Matter Most’. The funds will be managed by the Provost’s Office, who is working with the donors to develop a process and develop criteria for distribution of the funding.

This donation is a huge piece of the comprehensive fundraising campaign that the Advancement Team is leading, and is very exciting.

These donors have been engaged before, and the University remains hopeful these donors will continue to be engaged and are grateful for their incredible generosity.

Update on EMU Institutional Priorities

The three major institutional priorities are: student success and engagement

Student Success and Engagement

Women’s Lacrosse Team. EMU is launching a new varsity women’s lacrosse team. This team will allow for 35 student athlete opportunities. A question often asked is ‘you just got rid of women’s softball, why are you adding lacrosse’? Softball did not provide as many opportunities for student athletes as lacrosse. In addition, there seems to be more growth potential for lacrosse in the coming years. Finally, lacrosse has a stronger financial model than softball, and this is something that must be considered as EMU makes these kind of decisions. This has been very well received across campus.

Women’s Cross Country. EMU’s women’s cross country won their fifth consecutive MAC championship, their first women’s cross country team in history with five in a row!

Page 2 of 7 Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Board of Directors November 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes

#3 Military Friendly Large Public Institution. EMU has a great history of supporting student veterans. EMU is the # 3 military friendly large public institution in the country. EMU also just received a military spouse friendly designation for the 2019-2020 school year. Both of these designations came from GI Jobs Magazine.

MACRO Equity in Education Award for ‘Gateways to Completion’ Program. The Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) gave EMU an Equity in Education award for our Gateways to Completion program. EMU pays close attention to our Withdraw, Drop, Fail, and Incomplete rates, or WDFI rates. EMU looks closely at which student populations do you have WDFI rates? If students are withdrawing, failing, dropping or having an incomplete there is something going on that needs to be addressed. A few years ago, EMU found that there were high WDFI rates in gateway course, courses you have to take in order to complete your specific major, including the hard sciences and math and particularly among underrepresented students. EMU decided to address this, because if we are committed to expand the number of students pursuing a STEM career, particularly in minority populations, you cannot do this without completing these courses. To address this, EMU developed a comprehensive review of these programs, special techniques, faculty programs, and intensive student mentoring and tutoring and called it our “Gateways to Completion” program. As a result of this program, the WDFI rates for these courses decreased dramatically. Due to these results and this program, the MACRAO was so impressed by this and gave EMU an ‘Equity in Education Award’ for this program.

New Health Center. The new health center that is community oriented has opened. This is a dramatic improvement in both facilities and the number of services provided. It also takes most types of insurance. Next to the new health center is the campus wellness center. A dedication is anticipated in during the winter. It will house CAPS (counseling and psychological services) and the psychology clinic. Both of these will move into this building.

All of these items reflect the core mission as an institution of priority. This is an important part of this.

Academic Programs and Quality Research

College of Engineering and Technology. Renamed the College of Technology to the ‘College of Engineering and Technology’. EMU is creating and expanding the engineering programs. Four of the programs received ABET accreditation. The four programs were Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electronic Engineering Technology, Product Design Engineering Technology, and Information Assurance and Cyber Defense. The State of Michigan provided a one million dollar grant for faculty development and course development for the program of Information Assurance and Cyber Defense as they recognize the importance of this program.

New Program in Quantitative Economics. The regents just approved a new program a bachelor’s degree in Quantitative Economics. Its economics, less theory, and a lot more data application and analysis. It is a growing field particularly as data analytics is considered.

Page 3 of 7 Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Board of Directors November 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Engagement and Service

EMU Alum Zach Wygal Receives CNN Top 10 Hero Award. Zach Wygal, 2007 EMU graduate received a CNN Top 10 Hero Award. Zach started Gamers Outreach recently presented on a program they have that helps kids who are in the hospital during long term medical treatment to play video games while they are recuperating to keep them engaged with their friends and feeling like they are doing something fun while they are in the hospital. They created carts that can be wheeled into a patient room to allow kids to play different video games. These are now in 150 hospitals around the country. EMU ‘Bright Futures’ Grant Renewed. EMU Bright Futures is one of our grant funded programs, funded by federal dollars, where EMU’s team, led by Decki Alexander, who go into local schools and provide out of classroom support. ‘Out of classroom’ means after school or during the summer. Decki’s program is award winning and is the largest program in the State of Michigan as they have 25 schools. They used to have 15 schools, but the Federal Department of Education and State of Michigan Department of Education found that the program was so successful that not only was the grant renewed they expanded the program to include 10 more schools. These schools are mostly in underserved community.

5. Division Update

Ms. Milton, the new Executive Interim Director of the Alumni Relations and Engagement, provided an overview of the Division of Advancement report. It is listed below.

Upcoming Activities to Note on Your Calendar

Martin Luther King Day Celebrations Commemorative march starts on January 16th. Jan 16-21, 2020 Theme: Rise Up Against Injustice Keynote Speaker: Terrence J. Roberts Ph.D is one of the "Little Rock Nine" who desegregated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, following the 1955 decision by the US Supremem Court in the Brown v. Board of Education case to integrate schools. More info: emich.edu/mlk

EMU Day In Lansing March 19, 2020

6. Consent Agenda

Mr. Mortier moved that we accept a consent agenda for the following reports: a. Approval of Minutes – from September 21, 2019 b. Alumni Association President Report c. Alumni Association President-Elect Report (including Governance Committee) d. Alumni Association Treasurer Report e. Awards, Recognition, and Scholarship Report f. Chapters Committee Report g. Development, Marketing, and Communications Committee Report

Page 4 of 7 Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Board of Directors November 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Mr. Borg moved that we accept the consent agenda. Ms. Fallot seconded the motion. The motion to approve the consent agenda passes.

7. Old Business No old business.

8. New Business No new business.

9. Chapters of Excellence Awards

The representatives from each of the Chapters of Excellence were recognized. Details on each of the Chapters of Excellence awards and chapters are cited below.

Arm of Honor Chapter

- Boasting 157 members - Continuation of the Martin P O’Hara III – Brian E Sullivan Golf Outing. Golf Outing raises $4,000.00 Annually which is used to support EMU students and programs. - 2018/2019 – Supported the Brotherhood/Sisterhood program for EMU students by providing $3,000.00 to the program - Holman Success Center for students by providing $2,000 - Consistently meet with numerous activities including their annual meeting at EMU’s Convocation Center bringing alums together. - Next September 2020, Arm of Honor celebrates 125 years.

Accounting and Finance Chapter

- November Alumni Gathering at Detroit Marriott, Laurel Park, Livonia. This works in conjunction with the EMU Accounting and Finance Dept. Connecting students, alumni and faculty o During the event, they recognize outstanding faculty and alumni o Taking the step to move the event from Marriott to the Student Event Center - Student Alumni Golf Outing at Eagle Crest Golf Course - Bold step to remove their annual dues to remove the administrative burden on their alums

Occupational Therapy Chapter

- OT Program Graduation Celebration (@EMU Campus), guests of the OT program to celebrate and welcome the new students within the program; discuss goals and invite to upcoming programs - 8th Annual Lyla M. Spielberg Endowed Lectureship & Conference (co-hosted with OT Program). This is their “homecoming” for alumni. The opportunity affords the ability to connect students and alumni and the university (at low or no costs to students) provides access to internationally renowned OT Leaders. - Alumni Gathering at AOTC Conference in New Orleans (2018), an additional opportunity for faculty, alumni, and current students to meet

Page 5 of 7 Eastern Michigan University, Alumni Board of Directors November 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Latino Chapter

- Boasting 105 members - Increased 5% in membership - Donated and attended the LSA Quinceanera - Assisted in planning and attending the Cesar Chavez lunch w/Latino faculty and staff. Raised $3,000 for the Roy Cassanova Scholarship - Awarded three scholarships - Attended the Fall and Winter Multi-Cultural graduations - DELORES – Cultural Event of the year: Utilizing campus partners SLG, SLB, Office of Campus Life, Alumni Association, Center for Multicultural Affairs and EMU student affairs, the program is designed to bring Latino Students to EMU who have migrant or low-income households to EMU’s campus. The purpose is to watch a movie on Dolores Huerta, have lunch, visit with Latino students on campus. Immigration lawyers are available for questions. Information on ICE are provided in both English and Spanish. 75 people were in attendance

E-Club Chapter

- Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 9/27 and 9/28 o Ceremony brings 200 alumni and guests back to campus - Ypsi Awards program, which highlights students’ academic, athletic and community service. E- Club is a supporter and presenter at the prestigious event for athletics. The purpose of participation is outlining E-Club and EMU connections with the several hundred people in attendance - Participating and co/sponsoring the Fall and Winter letter jacket aware ceremony to all letter winners. (80-120 students) Highlights are to engage students of being connected, staying connected and paying it forward to future students.

Black Alumni Chapter

- Black Alumni Weekend 7/27 – 7/28/18 (party and picnic on respective days) . Signed up 30 new due paying members . Adding to their active member count of over 70 - Event of the year - 2018 Black Alumni Annual Meeting and awards Brunch (During Home coming). This sold out event brings 60 participants o Showcased and honored five EMUBA members (engagement) o Brought back into their view 25 additional due paying members o Event is a fund raiser yielding $1200.00 toward the Judge Mathis Scholarship Fund o Volunteer of the year, Shetina Jones – Winner –

Construction Management Chapter

- Dr. John A. Weeks and Construction Management Chapter Golf outing . Sept. 2018 – Raise scholarship funds to benefit current EMU Construction Management Students . Net Revenue was $46,919.96 and $23,459.98 allocated for each scholarship

- Construction Management – Mentor program - Program of the Year o Construction Management Alumni Mentoring program – Pairing alumni with current students to mentor on industry practices and guide them on their EMU academic career. . First go around were 15 alums with 22 students for the Winter 2019 program.

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Greater Atlanta Alumni Chapter

- Working toward building Alumni base in Atlanta o Multiple email campaign focusing on 1700 alumni within the region o Direct messaging with close to 1400 alumns within the region to grow Atlanta’s base - Gathering of alumni for a social mixer to support EMU at their bowl game at Top Flight Golf. - EMU Alumni event bringing alumns to an Atlanta Braves game - Gathering of Alumni for local bowling event, meeting to review and expand discussion on events, fees, reaching out to EMU alumns

10. Committee Snapshots

Each committee chair provided a brief summary of their activities.

Of note, applications are open for new Directors of the Board of Directors. Applicants may submit their nomination to: https://form.jotform.com/42784584847169

11. Our EMU Stories

Stories were shared by our alumni board directors by Ms. Halsey and Mr.

12. Open Discussion and Announcements

Remaining meetings of the year are:

• Friday, March 6, 2020 - 5:30 p.m. • Saturday, June 6, 2020 (Annual Meeting) - 9:00 a.m.

13. Adjournment Mr. Schillack requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Booth moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Walls seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am.

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Who Do You Know?

As ambassadors of Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and the Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association (EMUAA), we build bridges between alumni and the university community. We have a great networking opportunity as board members in that there are people in our lives who have a connection with EMU and also we know up-to-date information and EMU success stories that people like to learn. We can help make connections based on affinities so that those in our social circles have a clearer path to benefiting the mission of the university and being benefited themselves through their service. In some cases, me might even be the only person who can help reconnect someone with EMU.

It is amazing how many people have a connection with EMU, especially if one lives in the Southeast Michigan area. Wearing an Eastern sweatshirt or hat, using an Eastern notebook or pen, or simply bringing up the university in a casual conversation can open doors in surprising ways. Consider the following people (or places you see people) in your lives who might be perfect for an EMU conversation:

 Family  Top places you spend  Real estate agent  Work friends money for home/family  Accountant  Social friends  Top places your company  Lawyer  Neighborhood friends spends money  Medical professional  Religious friends  Acquaintances from other  Plumber  High School friends boards, foundations, or  Builder  Club friends committees  Landscaper

Follow-up Steps

When you make a connection with someone about Eastern Michigan University, you play a pivotal role in assisting the Office for Alumni Relations. In build connections with people, please take a few moments and send an email to Mia Milton ([email protected]) and copy me ([email protected]) to discuss the person’s relationship with EMU. This could lead to a life-changing experience and reconnection with our university, and through that renewed relationship, many more EMU success stories could develop.


Respectfully submitted,

Niklaus C. Schillack, ‘98 President

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairperson: Trudy R. Adler Ruther Halsey, Mary Larkin, Marina Reyna, Jill Hunsberger and Mia Members: MIlton Members Absent: N/A Committee Meeting February 6, 2020 Next Committee Date: pending Dates: Action Item(s):


Activity since Last Report As of the application deadline on January 31st the Alumni Office had received 3 new applications for consideration to serve on the Board. The committee has agreed to have some applications that were not considered in the previous year carry over. The Alumni Office is helping the committee with generating some new applicants that have been engaged in Alumni Relations in a variety of areas. Over the next several months the Governance Committee will be asking the Marketing committee to help develop a marketing plan that will strategically engage the Board with recruitment activities in the future. The committee has worked to make the process for appointment of new board members as transparent as possible, however we can’t present a solid slate without continued and consistent efforts with recruitment in partnership with its members. It is clear that in the next year that steps need to be taken in order to recruit superior candidates from within our ranks. We are also considering whether we will slate enough candidates to fill all seats available in our efforts to ensure quality over quantity in our Board membership. That will depend on the final candidates up for consideration.

In addition, we have lost a valuable member of our team as a result of Alex’s resignation. The vacancy does make our committee all one gender without an individual to break a tie. We will not be adding another committee member at this time given where we are in the process. However, if you are interested in serving on the Governance Committee in the future please let me know. We are also calling for applicants for Secretary and Parliamentarian at this time. If you are considering either of these roles, feel free to contact myself, Nik, Mia or Tray.

Respectfully Submitted, Trudy R. Adler President-Elect February 19, 2019

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197



Activity since Last Report: February 2, 2020 financial statements, endowment funds, and detailed expenses

Action Items: None Simplified Financial Position: a. EMU Alumni Association Account (R12003) = $ 75,718 as of 2/2/20 b. Scholarship Endowment (Market Value at 2/2/20) = $514,788 c. Programs Endowment (Market Value at 2/2/20) = $53,560 d. Albert J. Sabourin Alumni Volunteer Endowment= $26,524 Market Value 2/2/20 e. License Plates • EMU Alumni Association FY20Q1 Revenue = $9,010 received 11/8/19 • EMU Alumni Association FY20 YTD Revenue = $17,460 7/1/19-2/2/20

Detailed Financial Information:

Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship

Market Value as of 7/1/2019= $490,136 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 - 2/2/20 = $2,106 Expenditures 7/1/19 – 2/2/20 = $0 ($18,110 awarded but not yet billed to EMU Foundation) Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19 – 12/31/19 = $22,546 gain

Market Value at 2/2/20= $514,788

Spending budget available for FY20 = $18,735

Alumni Association Programs Endowment Fund:

Market Value as of 7/1/2019= $50,937 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 – 2/2/20 = $280 Expenditures 7/1/19 – 2/2/20 = $0

Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19-12/31/19= $2,343 gain

Market Value at 2/2/20 = $53,560

Spending budget available for FY20 = $1,211


Albert J. Sabourin Alumni Volunteer Endowment:

Market Value as of 7/1/2019 = $25,358 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 – 2/2/20 = $0 Expenditures 7/1/19- 2/2/20 = ($0)

Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19 – 12/31/19 = $1,166 gain

Market Value at 2/2/20 = $26,524 Spending budget available for FY20 = $1,012

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Alumni Association Board of Directors Budget/Actuals for 2019-2020

FY20 Actual as of 2/2/20 FY20 Budget

Alumni Association Account Beginning Balance at 7/1/19 70,665.55 70,665.55 Revenue 17,460.00 32,000.00 Expenses (12,406.72) (32,000.00)

Alumni Association Account Ending Balance 75,718.83 70,665.55

Revenue Breakdown

FY20 FY20 Actual FY20Budget Budget Remaining

License Plate Revenue (8450+9010) 17,460.00 32,000.00 14,540.00

Expenses Breakdown

FY20 FY20 Actual FY20 Budget Budget Remaining Advancement Activities Alumni Awards 9,310.05 12,000.00 2,689.95 Teacher Recognition Awards 0 0 (0

Alumni Programs Chapter Grants 1,722.93 7,000.00 5,277.07 Chapter Award Plaques 0 400.00 400.00

Scholarship Support Additional support to meet our Scholarship commitments 15.00 2,000.00 1,985.00

Other Support Commencement Activities 0 3,000.00 3,000.00 Women in Philanthropy Membership 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 Graduation Celebration Program Support 0 2,500.00 2,500.00 Strategic Initiatives 0 2,900.00 2,900.00 Board Board Meetings 1,106.39 1200.00 93.61 Miscellaneous/wrong acct to be reclassed 252.35 0.00 -252.35

Total 12,406.72 32,000.00 19,593.28

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Alumni Association Board of Directors Actuals for 2019-2020 Detailed Transactions

Description Amount Subtotal Category Date

11/20/19 Reimburse EMUF for 2019 Alumni Awards 9,310.05 9,310.05 Alumni Awards

12/31/19 Alumni Board Catering 581.38 Board Meeting

12/31/19 Alumni Board Equip Rental 21.00 Board Meeting

09/30/19 EMS Alumni Board Mtg Equip 9-21 145.00 Board Meeting

09/30/19 EMS Alumni Board Mtg Catering 9-21 359.01 1,106.39 Board Meeting

12/19/19 Milton - Baudeville Inc 434.76 Chapter Grant

12/19/19 Milton - Baudeville Inc 122.54 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - ZAAPPAAZ INC. 99.75 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. 110.13 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. 40.05 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. (0.30) Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. (6.23) Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - STAPLES INC. 437.23 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - PAYPAL 285.00 Chapter Grant

07/19/19 Yatczak, Jayne 200.00 1,722.93 Chapter Grant

12/28/19 EMU Alumni Association 7.00

08/26/19 EMU Alumni Association 8.00 15.00 Scholarship Support

12/19/19 Milton - Jimmy Johns 189.00 Wrong Account

12/19/19 Milton - Kroger 63.35 252.35 Wrong Account

Total Expenses and Transfers 12,406.72 12,406.72

Sue Bos 2/4/20

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Sue Bos 2-4-20

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______DIVISION OF ADVANCEMENT ACTIVITES REPORT

Distinguished Members of the Board of Directors: It is my distinct honor to share with you some of the important developments that are taking place at the University and within the Division of Advancement.

New Staff: • Tray McGuire, Assistant Director for Alumni & Volunteer Engagement • Sami Liebig, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Alumni Staff Liaisons to Chapters • In an effort to improve our collaboration between our various chapters and affinity groups, the Alumni Office Staff has been assigned as liaisons to each college and the chapters within them. Please see the attached sheet for additional details. EMU Day in Lansing • On March 19, 2020 EMU will host its annual advocacy day in Lansing. This is an opportunity for member of the University community to speak directly with our state legislators about how they can assist EMU. Please contact Tray ([email protected]) if you are interested in participating. Homecoming • On October 3, 2020, EMU will celebrate its 100th Homecoming celebration! The Alumni Office has been asked to lead the planning of the University’s week-long celebration. Additional details will be announced soon. Commencement • As you all know, the Alumni Association plays an important role in each semester’s commencement ceremonies assisting in the robing rooms and distributing E-Alumni pins to the newest members of the association. This year’s Spring Commencement Ceremonies will take place on April 25 at 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM. If you are interested in participating, please complete the sign—up form or email Tray ([email protected]). Week of Excellence • March 23 – 27, 2020 EMU will celebrate the Week of Excellence with several events to recognize the contributions that students, faculty, staff and alumni are making to EMU Community. • Seven EMU alumni will be honored on Wednesday, March 25 at Motor City Casino as Michigan Chronicle’s Women in Excellence (see attached). President Smith along with members of the Division of Advancement will be in attendance to show our support for these distinguished alumni. Florida & DC Outreach • February 24 – 28, 2020 members of the Division of Advancement along with President Smith & Dr. Ruhl- Smith, traveled to several locations in Florida for alumni events. • April 1 – 4 Advancement Staff along with the President & Dr. Ruhl-Smith will travel to Washington, D.C. to engage with alumni and friends. In partnership with the National Capitol-Area Alumni Chapter, we will host an alumni reception on April 2 from 5 PM – 7 PM. Recognition • We want to thank those of you who were able to join us in the Foundation suite for the February 1 Men’s Basketball. • In addition, we want to recognize Gabriela Salagean and Tom Borg for participating in one of the University Academic and Career Development Center’s recent career fair. For all upcoming engagement opportunities, please see the March 2020 Engagement Schedule attached.

Chairperson Signature & Report Date

Mia Milton, Executive Director of Alumni Relations & Engagement (I)

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

AWARDS, RECOGNITION, AND SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairperson: Claudia Young Hunter Members: Tom Charboneau, Bud Schimmelpfenneg, Anna Torres, Ebony

Walls, Jessica Nietrzeba (Alumni Office Liaison) Members Absent: Committee Meeting Dates: Next Committee Date: TBD


Activity since Last Report: The Alumni Award and ETEA2 recipients have been selected and vetted. The 59th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner and Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 6 pm in the EMU Student Center Ballroom. The Alumni Award recipients are as follows:

Outstanding Young Alumni

• Farah Harb - MBA12 Human Resources, currently serves as Global Education Analyst, Ford Motor Co. Fund & Community Services. She also serves on EMU's Strategic Planning Committee and has been involved with Digital Divas and funding to EMU through the Ford Community Corps. Program.

• Zach Wigal - BBA16 and is the founder of Gamers Outreach and Gamers for Giving Fundraiser. Zach has been awarded as the Emerging Leader by Los Angeles Children's Hospital, Forbes 30 under 30 (2017), SXSW Community Service Award (2018), Cynopsis Media Social Good Award (2019) and a CNN Hero (2019).

Alumni Achievement Award

• Kevin Alschuler - MS06 Clinical Behavioral Psychology & PhD Clinical Psychology, currently serves as Associate Professor and Attending Psychologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Alschuler has made significant impacts with his contributions to the area of rehabilitation psychology. He serves as an EMU Ambassador for EMU by representing the university and doctoral program on the national level for clinical psychology.

• Derrick Coleman - BS96 Secondary Education & MA01 Educational Leadership, currently serves as the Superintendent for River Rouge School District. Derrick has been involved in the Black Alumni Chapter, MLK Day Celebrations, and his fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha. He ties his success in the public school system to his EMU education and often comes back to support the COE.

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

• Chad Newton - BS96 Criminal Justice (Cum Laude), MS10 Technology Studies/Law Enforcement, 2014 graduate from EMU's School of Police Staff and Command, currently serves as the CEO of Wayne County Airport Authority. Chad graduated in the 262nd class of the FBI in 2015. Chad has many accolades through his military and public service career. Chad also served on the alumni association board in 2016.

Distinguished Alumni Award

• Byna Elliott - BBA92, currently serves as the Senior Vice President, Chief Enterprise Responsibility Officer at Fifth Third Bank. Byna has years of service to the EMU Foundation through giving, advocating and serving on the board of trustees. She has been a proud supporter of many organizations including scholarships, the undergrad symposium, and sorority Delta Sigma Theta.

John W. Porter Distinguished Service Award

• Greg Peoples - currently serves as the Ombuds Development Director for Washtenaw Intermediate School District. Greg has over 40 years of experience working in university administration, 28 of those years were spent at EMU in a variety of roles. Greg is involved in the Ypsilanti community and has received many awards for his service.

Excellent Teachers Engaging Alumni Award (ETEA2) The ETEA2 recipient is Ann Blakeslee. Ann is a professor in English Language and Literature, and also serves as the Director of the Office of Campus and Community Writing. She will receive the award at the Distinguished Contributor Awards on Wednesday, March 25th at 1 pm. The ceremony is free to attend.

The Legacy Scholarship application window is currently open until March 20, 2020. Once the application information is verified, our committee will review the applications and select the scholarship recipients for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Action Items: None

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Claudia Young Hunter 3/6/2020

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______CHAPTERS COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairpersons Allen Williams, Chair – Members: Jenita Moore, Mike Gomez, Howard Booth (Alumni Office Mia Milton, Tray McGuire). Members Absent: Committee Meeting Next Committee Date: 1/23/2020 Date: 2/27/2020 Action Item(s):

No actions required from the board at this time.

Activity since Last Report

General Summary: Committee meeting covered a general overview from everyone in the Committee who attended EMU’s Quick Lane Bowl Appearance. Howard Booth attended the pre-game celebration sponsored by Game Above. Howard offered 600 paid guests attended.

Committee Meeting summary was the review of Chapter Activity:

Construction Management

Allen W. Attend the monthly Construction Management meetings; November, December and February C.M. was able to put out their newsletter, a couple of highlights: - They had advertised their Chapter of Excellence and Program of the Year status (w/photo) - Summarized their golf outing results, netting $42,000.00! - Hard hat ceremony is 12/5 for students graduating on 12/15 - Highlighted renovations on Sill Hall - Advertised GIVING TRUEDAY

Construction Management held their “Student/Alumni” summit in January. 80 registered guests (faculty, Alumni and students – both undergraduate and graduate) with 70+ attending (EMU Student Ballroom). - Positive feedback all around

Construction Management will be holding their Career Fair on March 12th from 4-6, EMU’s Main Campus Ballroom “A”. Lastly, CM will be sending their “Hold the Date” for the next golf outing in September at Fox Hills.

International Business Chapter – Spoke with current President (Ankit), they are searching for new members to fulfill the responsibilities of the Chapter. Updates will be forthcoming.

Arm of Honor: Plans are in place for their 125th anniversary (September 2020). Meetings held on October 2019 and February 2020, highlights: - Plans are underway for this year’s annual meeting and golf outing, held on 5/16/2020 at Eagle Crest - Marty P. Brian Golf Outing 7/25/2020 - A of H held their annual EMU Basketball Game Reunion on 2/15/2020

Accounting and Finance Alumni Chapter

- Suggestions- switching meetings to less frequently (quarterly); how to engage more alumni (use of social media); offering tours of COB or campus at alumni events; membership benefits; November event or new event; mentoring programs.

- Attended Alumni Board meeting to receive Chapter of Excellence Award

- Approximately 80-90 showed up for the Alumni Gathering held on campus. Feedback was positive for holding it on campus.

Black Alumni

Hosted a Paint and Pour session for alumni and friends on 2/8/2020. Pictures were posted on social media

MPA – Master of Public Administration

MPA Chapter will be hosting their annual reception for MPA and Pi Alpha Alpha Induction on 3/25/2020 in McKenny Hall.

MPA also published their bi-annual newsletter, this issue features:

- Dr. Raymond Rosenfeld retires after 36 years at EMU - NASPAA Accreditation Update - Event Highlights from the Public Administration Club - Faculty and MPA students engage in research - Alumni News - MPA students and faculty get to know each other at the new student orientation - MPA student Andrea Martinovska shares her internship experience - MPA student Patrick Maguire describes how the MPA helps him in his current local government work - Congratulations to the Fall 2018-Summer 2019 graduates

Latino Chapter

- Attended multicultural graduation

- Received Chapter of Excellence Award and Community Event of the Year

- Had 7 days of Facebook celebrations giveaways

- Awarded 14 members with EMU alumni swag and received over 50 post/comments

- Three members to join due to giveaways General Updates:

I am happy to share, we have received a request to review a new Anthropology Chapter! Our Committee will review and advise based on the documents received on whether to approve or request further information. Chapters Committee were sad to hear of Alex Landon’s decision to step down from the Alumni Board. Our Committee had pre-existing business regarding a potential Chapter. Allen W. did reach out to Alex to inquire on his view on status of the Forensics Chapter. Alex stated that he and his group plan to move forward with executing this request. Alex has questions regarding running a Chapter and finances, both Tray McGuire (Alumni office) and I have asked to reach out so we can assist. I have pushed Alex to get his documents and submission together our committee can make decision on their status.

Alumni Office has implemented a plan to support both Chapters and Chapters Committee. Tray McGuire will be the lead within the Alumni Office, but staff have been assigned to each Chapter as a liaison to be a support mechanism beyond the Chapters Committee.

Our Committee will be reaching out to coordinate a social mixer for all Chapters to attend. This may be a smaller version than last year; the considerations are a smaller bar venue or a social activity.

Chapters Committee’s next meeting is tentatively scheduled for 02/27/2020 at 7:00pm

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Allen Williams

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______DEVELOPMENT, MARKETING & COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairperson Gabriela Salagean Members: Mary Jane Fallot

Lucas Langdon Tom Borg Members Absent: Evan Sweet, Desmond Miller, Gabriela Salagean Committee Meeting: Next Committee Date: TBD January 8,2020 Action Item(s):

Activity since Last Report

Our committee is collaborating with the Commencement Committee to have display signs at commencement to promote both the alumni association and the license plate. We made a bold request and asked if Nik can at least have 30 seconds to congratulate and welcome the new graduates to the Alumni Association. We should have an answer in the next few weeks on those requests. We are currently working on getting price quotes for window clings that can be passed out during commencement and will have a few samples for the board in the future. For current students, we are getting pricing on “Future Alumni” stickers for current students to display on their laptops and other devices. Thank you, Lucas, for your effort in connecting with vendors and helping with correspondence.

Tom Borg and I volunteered at the Internship Fair earlier this month, where we in connected with students in the Get Ready Room. The Alumni Association table was set up and had quite a bit of traffic from those employers that were EMU graduates. Mary Jane continues to be an EMU advocate in the community, she recently invited EMU students to the “CEO Speaker Series” put on by the Canton Chamber of Commerce.

We were all filled with grief to hear about the passing of Evan’s father earlier this year and we will continue to keep him and his loved ones in our thoughts and prayer.

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Gabriela Salagean February 25, 2020 Colleges Assignments Chapter Assignments AA Board Liaisons Chapter Leader Mia College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) CMTA Howard Booth Randy Steward MPA Howard Booth Rose Jindal Regional Atlanta Jenita Moore Glen Williams Affinity Black Alumni Jenita Moore Kim Jones Jessica College of Education (COE) HESA Allen Williams Jesse Stanghini Brehm Allen Williams Derrick Fries (transitioning) College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Social Work Chrissy Marsack Occupational Therapy Jenita Moore Katie MacDonald Regional Northeast Ohio Inactive Affinity E-Club Howard Booth Hildred Lewis Celia College of Business (COB) Accounting & Finance Mike Gomez Erin Crutchfield/Daniel Panzer International Business Allen Williams Ankit Soni Regional Las Vegas Mike Gomez Connie Rousseau Affinity Latino Mike Gomez Marina Reyna Tray, Chair College of Technology (COT) Construction Management Allen Williams Jim Weeks/Sandy Aufferman Hotel Restaurant Management Allen Williams Alison Hancock Riger Regional NCAAC Allen Williams Cory Anderson Chicago Inactive Affinity Black Alumni Jenita Moore Kim Jones

Jill Hunsberger Affinity Arm of Honor Allen Williams Phil Riggio Office for Alumni Relation Event List - FY20

Start End Title Date Location Event Type Time Time EMU Choir Home Tour Concert Sunday, March 1, 2020 3:30 PM 5:00 PM EVENT Arbor Brewing Co. 720 Mix and Mingle For a Cause Tuesday, March 3, 2020 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Norris St, Ypsilanti, Mi, EVENT 48198 EMU Women's Basketball vs Western ATHLETIC Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Convocation Center Michigan GAME Aubree's Pizzeria & Grill, Alumni Association Board of Directors Friday, March 6, 2020 5:30 PM 9:00 PM 2122 Whittaker Rd, MEETING Meeting Ypsilanti, MI 48197, USA EMUiNVENT Friday, March 6, 2020 10:00 AM 1:00 PM McKenny Hall EVENT

[Something Between] Friday, March 6, 2020 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT

[Something Between] Saturday, March 7, 2020 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT Undergraduate Conference in Philosophy Saturday, March 7, 2020 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Mckenny Hall EVENT (UCiP) Fast Track - Check-In & Academic Programs Student Center, Grand Saturday, March 7, 2020 8:00 AM 9:00 AM EVENT Fair Ballroom [Something Between] Sunday, March 8, 2020 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT Little Cesar's Arena, EMU Night at the Red Wings Tuesday, March 10, 2020 7:30 PM 10:30 PM EVENT Detroit, MI Student Center, Grand Women of Color Symposium Tuesday, March 10, 2020 12:00 PM 5:00 PM EVENT Ballroom Halle Library - Carillon AAAS Honors Convocation Tuesday, March 10, 2020 5:00 PM 6:30 PM EVENT Room ATHLETIC MAC Tournament Women - Quarter Finals Wednesday, March 11, 2020 TBD Cleveland, OH GAME Third Annual Advocacy and Activism Day Wednesday, March 11, 2020 10:00 AM 4:30 PM McKenny Hall EVENT Office for Alumni Relation Event List - FY20

Start End Title Date Location Event Type Time Time ATHLETIC MAC Tournament Men - Quarter Finals Thursday, March 12, 2020 TBD Cleveland, OH GAME Construction Management Career Fair Thursday, March 12, 2020 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Student Center - Ballroom EVENT Student Center, Grand Celebration of Black Women Thursday, March 12, 2020 7:00 PM 9:00 PM EVENT Ballroom Campus Wellness Center Campus Wellness Center Ribbon Cutting Thursday, March 12, 2020 4:00 PM 5:00 PM EVENT (next to IHA@EMU) MAC Tournament Women - SemiFinals ATHLETIC Friday, March 13, 2020 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Cleveland, OH Game #5 GAME MAC Tournament Women - SemiFinals ATHLETIC Friday, March 13, 2020 1:30 PM 3:30 PM Cleveland, OH Game #6 GAME Student Center - 21st Annual Colors in Harmony Saturday, March 14, 2020 6:00 PM 9:00 PM EVENT Auditorium One-Act Festival Sunday, March 15, 2020 8:00 PM 9:30 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT

One-Act Festival Monday, March 16, 2020 8:00 PM 9:30 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT Student Center, Grand Digital Dudes Tuesday, March 17, 2020 8:00 AM 3:00 PM EVENT Ballroom One-Act Festival Tuesday, March 17, 2020 8:00 PM 9:30 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT

One-Act Festival Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT

One-Act Festival Wednesday, March 18, 2020 8:00 PM 9:30 PM Quirk Sponberg Theatre EVENT

EMU Day In Lansing Thursday, March 19, 2020 8:00 AM 3:30 PM Lansing, MI EVENT

EMU Week of Execellence Monday, March 23, 2020 Campus-Wide EVENT Black Media Association: Networking Mixer Monday, March 23, 2020 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Student Center - 300 EVENT & Professional Panel Office for Alumni Relation Event List - FY20

Start End Title Date Location Event Type Time Time Student Center, Grand Distinguished Contributions Award Ceremony Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:00 PM 5:00 PM EVENT Ballroom Michigan Chronical's Women in Excellence Wednesday, March 25, 2020 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Motor City Casino EVENT MPA Alumni Chpater Reception & Pi Alpha McKenny Hall - Tower Wednesday, March 25, 2020 5:30 PM 7:30 PM EVENT Alpha Induction Room Undergraduate Symposium Friday, March 27, 2020 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Student Center EVENT

2020 Machine Learning Conference at EMU Saturday, March 28, 2020 ALL DAY Pray-Harrold 201 EVENT

Legacy Scholarship Application Deadline Monday, March 30, 2020 DEADLINE

Cesar Chavez Celebration Luncheon Monday, March 30, 2020 12:00 PM 1:30 PM Student Center - Ballroom EVENT