Eastern University Alumni Association Board of Directors Quarterly Board Meeting

Date: June 6, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: Online by Zoom (Due to Pandemic Precautions)

Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. University Update 5. Division for Advancement Update 6. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes – from March 6, 2020 b. Alumni Association President Report c. Alumni Association President-Elect Report (including Governance Committee) d. Alumni Association Treasurer Report e. Awards, Recognition, and Scholarship Committee Report f. Chapters Committee Report g. Development, Marketing, and Communications Committee Report 7. Old Business a. None 8. New Business a. Presentation of Proposed FY 2021 Budget 9. Committee Snapshots – These are five-minute presentations by each committee chair or designee with the goal of maintaining an informed and updated alumni board. a. Awards, Recognition, and Scholarship Committee b. Chapters Committee c. Development, Marketing, and Communications Committee d. Governance 10. Open Discussion and Announcements 11. Adjournment


Office of Alumni Relations 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______DIVISION OF ADVANCEMENT ACTIVITES REPORT

Distinguished Members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors:

It is my distinct honor to share with you some of the important developments that are taking place at the University and within the Division of Advancement.

COVID-19 Response: • The impact of the COVID-19 public health crisis has disrupted everyday life throughout the Eastern Michigan University community. As a division, we have been partnering with the university to do everything we can to address the current and future needs of our students. The Student Emergency Fund received 294 applications in March, compared to four in February. The John and Angie Sabo Swoop's Food Pantry Room has had over 730 visits since March 11, 2020, distributing 16,679 pounds of food. Our students continue to be in desperate need of assistance during this time of uncertainty. On Tuesday, May 5, thousands of caring and compassionate individuals across the globe celebrated Giving Tuesday Now. Thanks to the generosity of our EMU community, in just 24 hours Swoop's Food Pantry received over $19,000, the Student Emergency Fund received more than $44,000, and WEMU raised $22,334. With the generous matching gift of $50,000 from GameAbove, all donations to the Student Emergency Fund will be matched 1:1. Our Giving Tuesday Now efforts were also supported by two generous gifts to both the Student Emergency Fund and Swoop's Food Pantry from DTE and an allocation of funds to both by the EMU Foundation Board of Trustees. These funds will make a positive and immediate impact on our students. Thank you so much to those who made a gift to the Student Emergency Fund, WEMU, or Swoop’s Food Pantry in honor of Giving Tuesday Now. Your support will help create a safety net for students who are facing financial hardship and want to return to school in the fall. Communications:

• In collaboration with Communications, the Alumni team has been contributing to story ideas and messaging strategy to our alumni base through the e-Edge and social media efforts. The refreshed Alumni website is currently under editing and review and is slated to go live in June.

Commencement • While our graduates didn’t get to walk across the stage for Spring Commencement, we created a memorable experience for them nonetheless. Through digital platforms, the university was able to celebrate by providing a virtual experience for graduating students through text messages, social media filters, selfie videos in TRU-EMU fashion. Hundreds of graduates participated in a commencement virtual wall to experience their celebration. The congratulations selfie video montage, which includes fellow students, faculty, staff, alumni and family members, received more than 21,000 views on Facebook alone! In addition, a major part of our annual graduation celebrations is the Multicultural Graduation Celebration. In recognition of that and to celebrate our graduating students of color, the Center of Race and Ethnicity (CORE) honored our graduates with a wonderful video that includes messages from faculty and others.

Homecoming • Homecoming is currently slated for Sept. 29 thru Oct. 3 with an alumni weekend focus on Oct. 1-4. Mia Milton is overseeing Homecoming with Jessica Nietrzeba as the chair of the Homecoming Alumni Subcommittee and Tray McGuire as chair of the Sponsorship Subcommittee as well as member of the Community Engagement. The Alumni Subcommittee is working with a group of six people to plan an exciting alumni homecoming weekend. This is the 100th Homecoming, and possible programming for the weekend include happy hours, a centennial celebration box, a time capsule, a digital story map of the past 100 years, possible battle of the deejays to name a few. All subcommittees have been assigned to develop contingency plans for possible adjustment to social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19. The Alumni Association Board will be provided with a complete schedule once direction has been confirmed from the university.

Recognition • As we all know, events have been cancelled through June and are tentative through the reminder of the summer and into the Fall semesters due to the Coronavirus. Those events that have been canceled includes the Week of Excellence where we would have recognized our ETEA2 recipient, Ann Blakeslee. Once we have more information on what future events look like we will plan a recognition will take place to honor her.

Alumni Awards • Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 our 2020 Alumni Awards Ceremony has been postponed. However, we still plan to acknowledge this year’s recipients: o Outstanding Young Alumni Award Farah Harb MBA12 – Global Education Analyst, Ford Motor Co. Fund & Community Services Zach Wigal BBA16 – Founder, Gamers Outreach and Gamers for Giving Fundraiser o Alumni Achievement Award Kevin N. Alschuler, Ph.D. MS06 – Associate Professor and Attending Psychologist, University of Washington School of Medicine Dr. Derrick R. Coleman BS96, MA01 – Superintendent, River Rouge School District Chad Newton BS96, MS10 – Chief Executive Officer, Wayne County Airport Authority o Distinguished Alumni Award Bynarozell Elliott BBA92 – Senior Vice President, Chief Enterprise Responsibility Officer at Fifth Third Bank o Dr. John W. Porter Distinguished Service Award Greg Peoples – Emeritus Dean of Students and University Ombudsman, Eastern Michigan University The 2020 Alumni Award winners will be included in the 2021 Alumni Awards celebration. This year’s recipients will also receive personal messages from President Smith and a commemorative gift along with a message from the Office for Alumni Relations.

Staff Transition • On April 16, Celia Murkowski transitioned into a new role within the Division of Advancement as the Assistant Director of Development for Campaign Initiatives. For the time being, she will continue to lead our event planning efforts, working closely with the Alumni Office. We wish her well in her new role.

Remote Work Period • EMU employees who have been working remotely will continue to do so through the end of July. Employees who have been designated as "critical infrastructure workers" or who have been specifically assigned to conduct “minimum basic operations” continue to work on campus as directed by their supervisors. Under the Governor’s executive order, all employees working on campus are required to wear a non-medical grade facemask, which the University is providing. The Division of Advancement will most likely continue to work remotely through the end of the summer.

Mia Milton Executive Director of Alumni Relations & Engagement (I)

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting and Social Time Aubree’s Pizzeria & Grill Friday, March 6

Meeting Minutes

Members present: Trudy Adler, Howard Booth, Tom Borg, Susan Bos, Tom Charboneau, Mary Jane Fallot, Michael Gomez, Ruth Halsey, Lucas Langdon, Mary Larkin, Jenita Moore, Gabriela Salagean, Niklaus Schillack, Evan Sweet, Ebony Walls, Allen Williams, Claudia Young Hunter

Members absent: Desmond Miller (excused), Michelle Machiele (excused), Marina Reyna (excused), Anna Torres (excused)

Ex-officio members present: Bill Shepard, Jill Hunsberger, Trey McGuire, Mia Milton, Jessica Nietrzeba

Ex-officio members absent: Celia Murkowski (excused)

Emeritus member present:, William Malcom, Bud Schimmelpfenneg

Emeritus member absent: Vicki Reaume (excused), Fred Roberts (excused)

Others present: Jessica “Decky” Alexander, Director of the Office of Academic Service-Learning

1. Meeting Notes This was a social mix and mingle event. We discussed our stories as alumni and our ‘elevator pitch’ of how we would describe Eastern Michigan University.

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Connecting and Reconnecting

Relationships are an inherent part of being human beings, and we see this especially to be true during this pandemic when we are not able to be in person with many people we hold dear. Members of the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) community feel this struggle as we have to resist that most basic instinct to spend time with other people when they need us and we need them the most. Still, our connections with fellow EMU friends stay strong as we find new ways to connect and reconnect. Therefore, I invite you as part of the Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association (EMUAA) to consider three actions we can take to support other people and find support ourselves during such a time as this: 1) Stay Informed, 2) Call Three People, and 3) Offer Time.

1. Stay Informed

Facts matter. We want to be a fully informed Board of Directors, so please stay up-to-date on the happenings with EMU. This can be done by regularly checking the EMU website (www.emich.edu), reading the information distributed by the Office for Alumni Relations, and subscribing to EMU Today at today.emich.edu/subscribe. We are more effective as ambassadors of EMU and the EMUAA when we know what’s happening.

2. Call Three People

Making phone calls to people helps them know that you care and that EMU cares about them. I encourage you to look through your board directory and call three people with whom you’ve developed relationships, or perhaps call people you’ve been meaning to know better. Even if we simply leave a phone message, it’s a way to connect and for people not to be alone. One of these phone calls may even lead to an imaginative conversation about new ways that the EMUAA can have a positive impact in the lives of alumni.

3. Offer Time

The work of the EMU Office for Alumni Relations has always depended on support from volunteers, but during a seismically shifting time that is compounded by increasing budgetary pressures throughout the academic world, this reality is easier to see. This means that there are a lot of areas where we can offer help, and sometimes we are uniquely positioned to advance the work of the office. Please reach out to our friends who work there. At the very least, it will mean a lot for them to hear about your care and concern. Take a few moments and send an email to Mia Milton ([email protected]) or call the office at 734-487- 0250. This simple contact could enhance your pivotal role when we are needed more than ever.


Respectfully submitted,

Niklaus C. Schillack, ‘98 President EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 6, 2020 Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson: Trudy R. Adler (Chair)

Committee Members: Ruth Halsey, Mary Larkin, Marina Reyna, Mia Milton and Tray McGuire (office liaison)

Committee Meeting(s): April 14th, April 21st, April 28th, May 5th, May 12th

Committee Updates: The Committee presents the following Board Members for reappointment: Desmond Miller Ebony Walls Evan Sweet Mary Jane Fallot Susan Bos

The Committee presents the following candidates for appointment to the board: Douglas Wallace Edward “Eddie” Davis Kenneth Dobson

Two candidates were not selected and one candidate decided to remove her name from submission. Questions asked were presented in the most recent committee report. Due to Covid-19 and the need for obtaining new applicants to the pool the original timeline was adjusted to address the need for a more diverse candidate pool.

Candidates for Parliamentarian and Secretary are still being finalized. Candidates can still be nominated from the floor for those positions as well.

The committee also developed questions for exit “interviews” for outgoing Board Members. These questions will be asked virtually and anonymously to ensure the most honest and deliberative responses. Those questions are as follows:

1) What did you enjoy most as a board member during your tenure? 2) Did you feel that the Board offered a supportive culture? If not, do you have suggestions on how to improve in that area? 3) What improvements would you recommend to the Operations and Mission of the Board? 4) In what ways did you experience the board being most effective and what was not effective? Please provide examples? 5) Did you feel equipped to fulfill your duties as a Board Member? 6) What did you like least about your time on the Board? 7) Did your participation in the Alumni Board provide meaningful engagement opportunities that enhanced your involvement at EMU? 8) What are your thoughts on the role of the EMU Alumni Office? Did you feel support from the Alumni Office? 9) Would you be interested in running for a future board position? Why or why not? 10) Would you recommend a friend or colleague to run for a Board position? If so, please include recommendations:

The Committee would like to thank the outgoing Board Members Allen Williams, Tom Charboneau, Jr., Claudia Hunter and Ruth Halsey. This class of outgoing Board Members has truly gone above and beyond the call of duty. Though we aren’t able to thank them in person the way we would like right now, we are hopeful for the opportunity to thank them in person in the future. These folks have served so faithfully and diligently. They will be missed.

Go Green! Trudy R. Adler

Action item(s) to be considered at meeting: Approval of the slate of Board Candidates Election of the Parliamentarian and Secretary

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197



Activity since Last Report: May 8, 2020 financial statements, endowment funds, and detailed expenses

Action Items: None Simplified Financial Position: a. EMU Alumni Association Account (R12003) = $ 86,786 as of 5/8/20 b. Scholarship Endowment (Market Value at 5/8/20) = $442,601 c. Programs Endowment (Market Value at 5/8/20) = $45,920 d. Albert J. Sabourin Alumni Volunteer Endowment= $22,721 Market Value 5/8/20 e. License Plates • EMU Alumni Association FY20Q3 Revenue = $7,555 received 5/1/20 • EMU Alumni Association FY20 YTD Revenue = $33,040 7/1/19-5/8/20

Detailed Financial Information:

Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship

Market Value as of 7/1/2019= $490,136 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 – 5/8/20 = $3,439 Expenditures 7/1/19 – 5/8/20 = $0 ($18,110 awarded but not yet billed to EMU Foundation) Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19 – 3/31/20 = ($50,974) loss

Market Value at 5/8/20= $442,601

Spending budget available for FY20 = $18,735

Alumni Association Programs Endowment Fund:

Market Value as of 7/1/2019= $50,937 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 – 5/8/20 = $280 Expenditures 7/1/19 – 5/8/20 = $0

Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19-3/31/20= ($5,297) loss

Market Value at 5/8/20 = $45,920

Spending budget available for FY20 = $1,211


Albert J. Sabourin Alumni Volunteer Endowment:

Market Value as of 7/1/2019 = $25,358 Donations & Transfers 7/1/19 – 5/8/20 = $0 Expenditures 7/1/19- 5/8/20 = ($0) ($252 spent but not yet billed to the EMU Foundation)

Investment Gain / (Loss) 7/1/19 – 3/31/20 = ($2,637) loss

Market Value at 5/8/20 = $22,721 Spending budget available for FY20 = $1,012

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Alumni Association Board of Directors Budget/Actuals for 2019-2020

FY20 Actual as of 5/8/20 FY20 Budget

Alumni Association Account Beginning Balance at 7/1/19 70,665.55 70,665.55 Revenue 33,040.00 32,000.00 Expenses (16,919.48) (32,000.00)

Alumni Association Account Ending Balance 86,786.07 70,665.55

Revenue Breakdown

FY20 FY20 Actual FY20Budget Budget Remaining

License Plate Revenue (8450+9010+8025+7555) 33,040.00 32,000.00 -1,040.00

Expenses Breakdown

FY20 FY20 Actual FY20 Budget Budget Remaining Advancement Activities Alumni Awards 9,310.05 12,000.00 2,689.95 Teacher Recognition Awards 0 0 (0

Alumni Programs Chapter Grants 1,722.93 7,000.00 5,277.07 Chapter Award Plaques 0 400.00 400.00

Scholarship Support Additional support to meet our Scholarship commitments 15.00 2,000.00 1,985.00

Other Support Commencement Activities 0 3,000.00 3,000.00 Women in Philanthropy Membership 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 Graduation Celebration Program Support 0 2,500.00 2,500.00 Strategic Initiatives 0 2,900.00 2,900.00 Board Board Meetings 1,106.39 1200.00 93.61 Miscellaneous/wrong acct to be reclassed 4,765.11 0.00 -4,765.11

Total 16,919.48 32,000.00 15,080.52

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Alumni Association Board of Directors Actuals for 2019-2020 Detailed Transactions

Description Amount Subtotal Category Date

11/20/19 Reimburse EMUF for 2019 Alumni Awards 9,310.05 9,310.05 Alumni Awards

12/31/19 Alumni Board Catering 581.38 Board Meeting

12/31/19 Alumni Board Equip Rental 21.00 Board Meeting

09/30/19 EMS Alumni Board Mtg Equip 9-21 145.00 Board Meeting

09/30/19 EMS Alumni Board Mtg Catering 9-21 359.01 1,106.39 Board Meeting

12/19/19 Milton - Baudeville Inc 434.76 Chapter Grant

12/19/19 Milton - Baudeville Inc 122.54 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - ZAAPPAAZ INC. 99.75 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. 110.13 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. 40.05 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. (0.30) Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - OTC BRANDS INC. (6.23) Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - STAPLES INC. 437.23 Chapter Grant

10/23/19 Milton - PAYPAL 285.00 Chapter Grant

07/19/19 Yatczak, Jayne 200.00 1,722.93 Chapter Grant

12/28/19 EMU Alumni Association 7.00

08/26/19 EMU Alumni Association 8.00 15.00 Scholarship Support

04/08/20 Milton - Kroger 6.69 Miscellaneous

04/08/20 Milton – Chrisandy Inc 46.80 Miscellaneous

04/08/20 Milton – Foresight Group Inc & Standard Printing 11.20 4,711.62 4,765.11 Miscellaneous

Total Expenses and Transfers 16,919.48 16,919.48

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Sue Bos 5/8/20

Sue Bos 2-4-20

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

AWARDS, RECOGNITION, AND SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairperson: Claudia Young Hunter Members: Tom Charboneau, Bud Schimmelpfenneg, Anna Torres, Ebony

Walls, Jessica Nietrzeba (Alumni Office Liaison) Members Absent: Committee Meeting Dates: Next Committee Date:

Activity since Last Report:

The Legacy Scholarship rankings were completed and the following students will be offered a Legacy Scholarship for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Jonah DePriest Leah Pulice Kay Morton Hannah Zetterholm Chelsea DeVolder Parker Gregg Myranda Ivey Madelyn Thatcher

Alternate 1: Catherine Moffitt; Alternate 2: Hannah Kiefer and Anne Leach

The Alumni Awards have been recommended to be rescheduled and combined with the 60th Annual Alumni Awards celebration in May 2021. In order to provide some type of recognition this year, the following is planned for each honoree:

• A personalized congratulatory video message (1-2 minutes) from President Smith mailed directly to recipients; • A nice commemorative gift which will be sent along with the above in lieu of the actual crystal award. (The award will be given to the awardees at the 2021 celebration).

The ETEA2 award will be rescheduled at a later date.

Many thanks to Jessica Nietrzeba and the hard work of Committee members. It has been my pleasure to chair the Rewards, Recognition, and Scholarship Committee this year.

Action Items: None

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Claudia Young Hunter 6/6/2020

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______CHAPTERS COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairpersons Allen Williams, Chair Jenita Moore, Mike Gomez, Howard Booth (Alumni Office – Members: Mia Milton, Tray McGuire). Members Absent: Committee Meeting Next Committee Date: 2/27/2020 – Cancelled Date: TBD Action Item(s):

No actions required from the board at this time.

Activity since Last Report General Summary: Overall Chapters activity has declined in Q1 – Q2 due to mandated requirements to stay at home or adhere to social distancing standards due to COVID.

Our Committee has remained in contact with assigned Chapters to inquire on their statuses and to provide updates from President Smith on behalf of Eastern Michigan University.

- One key communication offered to Chapters was the EMU Foundation regarding Giving Tuesday supporting Student Emergency Fund and Swoops Pantry. Reporting is not available on the results of giving Tuesday, but we hope both Chapters and Alumnus were able to donate.

Financial Updates – Reduced requests over the last fiscal year 2019/2020 totaling $3500.00. Prior years had request upwards of $4 - $5K – Reconciling with the Alumni Office

Amount Amount Chapter Mailing/Event Requested Approved

Occupational Lyla M. Spelbring Therapy Conference $500.00 $500 24th Annual Department of Accounting and Finance Accounting & Alumni/Student Finance Golf Scramble $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Construction Management Mentor Program $1,000.00 $1,000.00 McFarland, USA Movie Screening $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Construction Management:

Allen W. Attend the monthly Construction Management meetings for Q1 and Q2:

The Construction Management Alumni Chapter did a student and alumni networking event with a guest speaker in January, event had been named “The Student / Alumni Summit” and plan to make it an annual event. CM Committee are currently working to plan for the Dr. John A. Weeks & Construction Management Alumni Chapter Scholarship Golf Outing (tentative September) and also working on a plan B in case we need to cancel it due to COVID-19.

Arm of Honor: Arm of Honor continue to review current conditions and adjust event calendars for safety concerns. - Plans are in place for their 125th anniversary (September 2020) (Pending) - A of H held their annual EMU Basketball Game Reunion on 2/15/2020 - Annual Alumni Day and golf outing at Eagle Crest, 5/16/2020 (Suspended) - 39th Annual Marty P. Brian Golf Outing 7/25/2020 – (Suspended) - Fall Homecoming plan is tentative – Plans will be forthcoming

Accounting and Finance Alumni Chapter

- A & F have held two board meetings in 2020 one in early January and one this week of 5/10/2020. - We have historically reached out to new graduates of accounting and finance each semester to encourage them to join our chapter and increase membership. We are in the process of gathering data for that now and will be sending out an email shortly. - We have discussed plans for upcoming events and expected delays or cancelations due to social distancing. - A & F will be requesting an alumni profile pull for reaching out to alumnus to fortify their Chapter. Currently Dan and Erin have been running the Chapter the last four years, but they wish to expand their members to begin a transition.

Historically Accounting and Finance have not done much in Q1 of each calendar year as accountants are generally very busy at this time of year; they have ramped up activity in the late spring through the winter.


HESA held a Zoom meeting to touch base and discuss their committee status. HESA’s board will be transitioning with potential new members, Jesse Stanghini is working through the appropriate EMU departments on who the new faculty advisor will be for HESA.

MPA – Master of Public Administration

MPA Chapter will be hosting their annual reception for MPA and Pi Alpha Alpha Induction on 3/25/2020. Due to campus shutdown this meeting has been cancelled. Unclear if this will be rescheduled.

Latino Chapter

- Community Service - assisted with cleaning and categorized books for the Academy of America Library

- Reached out to the Chapter participants and the general community utilizing social media posts

- Determining what the pandemic will do for our future social events, specifically the McFarland event.


E Club has been active via e mail, decisions on E Club Athletics Hall of Fame Class Selection and the induction ceremony. Dan McLean coordinated a ZOOM meeting for the E Club Board to discuss and decide on several new procedures associated with in the selection process and the re-scheduling of the ceremony. E Club president Hildred Lewis conducted 2-3 email discussions for input then votes on modifications and completion of our E Club Athletics Hall of Fame class of 2020. Working with Dan McLean's coordination we had our first Zoom remote E Club Board meeting with good success and approved a very creative Zoom sports interview video which conducted by Greg and his sports information team which culminated in that person being informed on camera by a board member that he/she had been selected for induction into the Hall of Fame.

BREHM Chapter

The BREHM Chapter had been a dormant chapter for several months. Due to a transition in faculty, Allen W. had worked to locate the correct faculty to resurrect activity. After several months of follow up, Molly Peabody has taken a lead role to pursue active alumni while working with EMU Faculty; Derrick Fries and Jacquelyn McGinnis. This is a very positive for any Chapter to “start over” by engaging alums and grow their Chapter.

General Updates:

From our last Committee Report, we had announced receiving an application for a new Chapter, Anthropology. Our committee had approved the application and welcomed our new Chapter! Congratulations!

- Anthropology is working with the Alumni Office to establish their EMU Account. They wish to immediately pursue finding financial solutions to assist students impacted through COVID.

In addition, Allen W. had exchanged messages with Alex Landen regarding another new Chapter, Forensics. We are awaiting if Alex will submit their application. Alex had eluded if they were to pursue this opportunity the Chapter would not plan activity until 2021.

Alumni Office has implemented a plan to support both Chapters and Chapters Committee. Tray McGuire will be the lead within the Alumni Office, but staff have been assigned to each Chapter as a liaison to be a support mechanism beyond the Chapters Committee.

The Alumni Office will be moving from the JOT form to “STACK” which will allow an easier process for future Annual Chapter reports to be submitted.

Allen W. has communicated to all Chapters their Annual reporting will be due by June 30th.

Tray McGuire is working to initiate a generic “emich” email account for all Chapters and should have this completed in the near future.

Discussions will begin on the how to address the next Chapters Annual Summit meeting.

Successes for the Chapters Committee:

- Solidified process to annually recognize EMU Alumni by the Eastern Michigan University Alumni Board of Directors for Chapters efforts on achieving:

o Chapter of the Year

o Volunteer of the Year

o Event of the Year - Initiation of an Annual Chapters Summit meeting to coordinate efforts of EMU Chapters, Chapters Committee and Eastern Michigan University.

o All day meeting on EMU Campus covering topics from Chapters 101, growing your Chapter, enhancing participation, social media and role-playing opportunities.

o Meetings have received high marks from participants from score cards collected after meetings. - First Chapters Social meeting:

o All Chapters invited to EMU Suite for Men’s Basketball and catered lunch. Also, Chapters are encouraged to participate at EMU Homecoming to meet within the Alumni tent for a social meeting.

- Two new Chapters were approved with the potential of third in the queue (Forensics). BREHM Chapter, formerly a dormant Chapter have new leadership which we hope to see more growth.

o International Business Chapter

o Anthropology Chapter So much more work needs to be done from a committee perspective to enhance the Chapter experience. Suggestion to move forward:

- Continue the path of EMU Alumni recognition, EMU Chapter Summit Meetings, Offer several EMU Chapter Socials annually small events (bowling, volunteer opportunities, etc.)

- Find growth opportunities for adding additional Chapters.

o Transition active Student Organizations to Alumni Chapters - Meet with incoming Freshman to introduce Student Organizations and show the gradual transition to Alumni Chapters to remain with the EMU Family.

Serving on the EMU Alumni Board of Directors while chairing the Chapters Committee for 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 has been a privilege. Giving back to EMU for allowing a first-generation college student to attend and complete a university degree was very important. This has been a fulfilling experience and I wish best health, happiness and success for everyone on this board.

Go Green!

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Allen Williams

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______DEVELOPMENT, MARKETING & COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE NAME & PURPOSE: Chairperson Gabriela Salagean Members: Mary Jane Fallot Lucas Langdon Evan Sweet Mia Milton Members Absent: Tom Borg ,Desmond Miller Committee Meeting: Next Committee Date: TBD May 5, 2020 Action Item(s):

Activity since Last Report

Our committee had a Zoom gathering earlier this month to reconnect and share new ideas for the future. Most of the work that our committee planned for is currently on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Celia Murkowski joined our meeting to share more about the Senior Celebration which will increase Student and Alumni engagement. Our committee will meet again to create a blueprint and action plan for future events.

Prior to the shutdown, our hope was to collaborate with the Commencement Committee and have display signs at commencement to promote both the alumni association and the license plates. We made a bold request and asked if Nik can at least have 30 seconds to congratulate and welcome the new graduates to the Alumni Association. We were in the process of getting price quotes on EMU Alumni window clings and Future Alumni stickers for. Our plan was to have a few samples to pass around and get feedback from the board at this meeting.

I would like to acknowledge the DMC committee members for their dedication and partnership. Thanks for a great a year!

Chairperson Signature & Report Date Gabriela Salagean May 22, 2020 Alumni Association Board of Directors Budget Proposal for 2020-2021

Alumni Association Account $75,000.00

FY21 Revenues Revenue (license plates) - Expected $30,000.00 $2,000 lower than last year, 6.25%, due to down economy Total Anticipated Income $105,000.00 Anticipated Expenses $30,000.00 Anticipated Ending Balance $75,000.00

FY21 Expenses Advancement Activities Alumni Awards $12,000.00 Consistent with 2019-2020 Teacher Recognition Awards $0.00 Awards for 5 years purchased in 2019 Alumni Programs Chapter Grants $6,000.00 Reduced by $1000 from last yr Less events due to economy Chapter Award Plaques $500.00 Increased by $100 for placque costs vs paper Scholarship Support Additional support to meet our Scholarship Difference of awarded scholarships not covered by the endowment commitments $2,000.00 spending, as 4 yr phased out Other Support Commencement Activities $3,000.00 Pin costs and additional support for activities

Graduation Celebration Program Support $2,500.00 Consistent with 2019 first year supporting Strategic Growth Initiatives $2,000.00 Reduced by $900 from FY20 for new programs, events Board Expenses Meeting expenses $2,000.00 Increase by $800 due to Advancement office covering less Total $30,000.00

Consistent from previous years, any remaining money not spent to be transferred into the Program Endowment

Office of Alumni Relations 234 McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 ______2020 – 2021 Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting Dates

Saturday, October 24, 2020 9:00 – 11:00am

Saturday, December 12, 2020⋅ 9:00 – 11:00am

Saturday, February 13, 2021 9:00⋅ – 11:00am

Saturday, April 10, 2021 9:00⋅ – 11:00am

Saturday, June 26, 2021⋅9:00 – 11:00am

Locations for all meetings⋅ are to TBD

Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors 2020 Annual Association Meeting

Date: June 6, 2020 Time: Immediately Following Quarterly Board Meeting Place: Online by Zoom (Due to Pandemic Precautions)

Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Appointment of Board Director Nominees 5. Election of Board Officers a. Secretary b. Parliamentarian 6. Recognition of Departing Board Directors 7. Open Discussion and Announcements 8. Adjournment

1 Voting for Appointment of Board Director Nominees

The Governance Committee presents the following Board Members for reappointment:

Desmond Miller

Ebony Walls

Evan Sweet

Mary Jane Fallot

Susan Bos

The Governance Committee presents the following candidates for appointment to the board:

Douglas Wallace

Edward “Eddie” Davis

Kenneth Dobson New Board Director Candidate Bios

Douglas Wallace completed his Bachelor’s Degree at EMU in Psychology and Social Sciences. He works for the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and enjoys engaging local businesses in networking activities and has served on a variety of different boards. He has a history of working in the non-profit arena and enjoys volunteering for community organizations that serve to provide nutritional resources to underserved populations, including SWOOPS food pantry. Doug enjoys attending a variety of EMU events, including basketball and football games.

Kenneth Dobson describes himself as a “seasoned and dynamic government and community relations executive with more than 20 years of experience in managing political affairs as well as maintaining relationships within local, state and federal governments.” Kenneth obtained his Bachelor’s in Public Administration at EMU and a Master’s in Public Policy and Administration at Northwestern University. He serves as Senior Director of Government Affairs for Meridian Health Plan. He comes to us with extensive experience with working in government and community relations, including as Executive Director of Government and Community Relations at EMU.

Edward “Eddie” Davis II states that his love for EMU has “continued as I have traveled the world…wearing EMU gear” and showing his spirit. He currently serves as the Director of Major Giving and Planned Giving for Detroit Public Television. He has a history of working in advancement and student affairs, including in the development division at EMU. He received both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at EMU in Public Law and Government and Public Administration respectively.