

Workshops, conferences, research opportunities, publications, and presentations

Dr. Wayne Buchanan, performing arts. Professor Hall has also Dr. Doug Kane, assistant associate professor of had an article published on Case the Chuck professor of biology, will business administration, Wagon, a rare game for the Atari 2600 system team with researchers from recently presented two and an early example of a video game used the Ohio State University, workshops for the Family for product advertising for the Collector’s Kent State University, Justice Center on “Starting Corner feature in gamesTM magazine, No. 78 and Niagara University Your Own Business” and (December 2008). He also wrote a Forum on to investigate phosphorus “Taking Control of Your the Arts column entitled “From Hot Rod to load, transport and Budget/Finances.” Each was attended by Hot Mod: Customizing Computers from the biological use in Lake Erie and its tributaries Family Justice Center clients and members. Inside Out” for the Phi Kappa Phi Journal, in order to determine triggers of harmful algal Vol. X, No. X (Fall 2008) as well as a book blooms. This $167,040 grant is supported Dr. Todd Comer, assistant review of Mechademia 1: Emerging Worlds through the Ohio Lake Erie Commission’s professor of English, of Anime and Manga (edited by Frency Lake Erie Protection Fund. Please visit gave three presentations Lunning) in the Journal of the Fantastic in the http://www.toledoonthemove.com/news/ during 2008 including: Arts, Vol. 18, No. 3. In February, Professor news_story.aspx?id=278285 to learn more “Teaching Ideology, +DOOLQWURGXFHGWKH¿OP³$%R\DQG+LV about this project and others. He will also Identity, and Violence Dog” as part of the Gish Film Series at team with researchers from the University Virtually: Or, How Getting Bowling Green State University. of Toledo, the Ohio State University, a Second Life Could Save and Heidelberg University on intensive Your First Life,” at the International Lilly Dr. Mary Catherine (MC) monitoring of the Maumee River watershed Conference on College Teaching held at Harper’s article on the and western basin of Lake Erie through a Miami University in , Ohio; “The oeuvre of Connie Willis USEPA grant of approximately $100,000 to Godlike Non-Domesticity of the Doctor: is appearing in the current track phosphorus and algae levels in these Who Saves us from the Imperialism of issue of The New York areas. History,” at the Film and History Conference Review of . held in Chicago; and “Alan Moore’s V for The article, “Connie Willis: Dr. Tim Rickabaugh, Vendette: Disability as Ethico-Political Of Fused Genres, Marriage professor of exercise Opening,” at the Canadian Disability Studies Plots, and Meta-Gender,” is a study of the science, and Randi Association/Congress of the Humanities, held satiric style of Willis and her propensity for Lydum (below left), in Vancouver, Canada. crossing the feminist/romance genre divide director of retention and LQVXFKVFLHQFH¿FWLRQVWRULHVDV7R6D\ WKH¿UVW\HDUH[SHULHQFH Stefan Hall, assistant Nothing of the Dog, , and . recently attended the professor of communication After decades of writing – and winning six Annual Conference for the and media studies, Nebula and six Hugo awards for her stunning First-Year Experience in presented his paper, “Time ¿FWLRQ±:LOOLVVWLOOUHPDLQVDFKDOOHQJHWR Orlando, Fla. They were Enough to Play: The literary critics, especially feminist literary also participants in pre- Intersection of Video Game critics. Harper, associate professor of English, conference workshops Mechanics and Narrative,” addresses these challenges in her 7,000-word on strategies to make the at the 30th annual article. Also, in October 2008, she presented ¿UVW\HDUH[SHULHQFHPRUH International Conference on the Fantastic in the topic, “The ‘Meta’ Way to an Integrative effective. ‹ the Arts in Orlando, Fla. At the conference Learning Community” at the Association for he also chaired a session on “Representing ,QWHJUDWLYH6WXGLHV&RQIHUHQFHLQ6SULQJ¿HOG Memory and Time” in the visual and Ill.