1858 Central Park Architect Report
To the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, &w Yorh. GEXTLEMEN:-In commencing to make a plan for the Central Park, in New York, I had before me the ' circular," issued by the Board ; the first " detail " of .which is, the " expenditure" allowed by the State. I 1. I assume, that at least one-third of the said appropriation, that is, five hundred thousancl dollars I I ($500,000), ought to be devoted to the principal object of that expenditure ; the formation of a I i Public Park, that shall be the ornament of the me- 1 tropolis of the couiitry, the pride of the State; a I i trophy of the present to future generations, of the , patriotism and liberality of the people, and the cm- , bodiincrit of the refined taste and natural science of \ ' the age. I Kith these subjects in view, I submit the an- nexed plan, for the carryiilg of those objects into ! execution. In this outlay would be included,-making I 2 .? avenues, drives, walks, terraces, flower-gardens, play, parade, and skating-grounds, trees, and shrubbery, and planting the same. Leaving two-thirds, or one million of dollars, for buildings, fencing, arches, . fountains, and grading the lawns. 2. I have inade the four crossings, as per cir- cular," and to make another crossing between 59th street and the Reservoir, ~vou'ld mar the effect of the landscape ; its beauty consists, in mug~zitzde,and the crossings, as designated, ase sufficient for the purposes intended. 3. The principal and most zrublinie object of the Park, would be the parade-groand, surronnded near- ly on three of its sides, by natural terraces for the spectators.
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