
VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 1 / 1988



Associate Editors To serve until January 1, 1989 STEPHEN C Seattle, Washington

To serve until January 1, 1989 W G MOOK Groningen, The Netherlands HANS OESCHGER Bern, Switzerland

To serve until January 1, 1990 ANDREW MOORE New Haven, Connecticut

To serve until January 1, 1992 CALVIN J HEUSSER Tuxedo, New York

Managing Editor RENEE S KRA

Kline Geology Laboratory Yale University I New Haven, Connecticut 06511 ISSN: 0033-8222 NOTICE TO READERS AND CONTRIBUTORS Since its inception, the basic purpose of RADIOCARBON has been the publication of compilations of ' 4C dates produced by various laboratories. These lists are extremely useful for the dissemination of basic 14C information. In recent years, RADIOCARBON has also been publishing technical and interpretative articles on all aspects of 14C. We would like to encourage this type of publication on a regular basis. In addition, we will be publishing compilations of published and unpublished dates along with interpretative text for these dates on a regional basis. Authors who would like to compose such an article for his/her area of interest should contact the Managing Editor for infor- mation. Another section is added to our regular issues, "Notes and Comments." Authors are invited to extend discussions or raise pertinent questions to the results of scientific inves- tigations that have appeared on our pages. The section includes short, technical notes to relay information concerning innovative sample preparation procedures. Laboratories may also seek assistance in technical aspects of radiocarbon dating. Book reviews will also be included for special editions. Manuscripts of radiocarbon papers should follow the recommendations in Suggestions to Authors* and RADIOCARBON Style Guide (R, 1984, v 26, p 152-158). Our deadline schedule for submitting manuscripts is: For Date Vol 30, No. 3, 1988 May 1, 1988 Vol 31, No. 1, 1989 Sept 1, 1988 Vol 31, No. 2, 1989 Jan 1, 1989 Half life of 14C. In accordance with the decision of the Fifth Radiocarbon Dating Conference, Cambridge, 1962, all dates published in this volume (as in previous volumes) are based on the Libby value, 5570 ± 30 yr, for the half life. This decision was reaffirmed at the 1 1 th International Radiocarbon Conference in Seattle, Washington, 1982. Because of various uncertainties, when 14C measurements are expressed as dates in years BP the accuracy of the dates is limited, and refinements that take some but not all uncertainties into account may be misleading. The mean of three recent determinations of the half life, 5730 ± 40 yr, (Nature, v 195, no. 4845, p 984, 1962), is regarded as the best value presently available. Published dates in years BP can be converted to this basis by multiplying them by 1.03. AD/BC Dates. In accordance with the decision of the Ninth International Radiocarbon Con- ference, Los Angeles and San Diego, 1976, the designation of AD/BC, obtained by subtracting AD 1950 from conventional BP determinations is discontinued in Radiocarbon. Authors or submitters may include calendar estimates as a comment, and report these estimates as cal AD/BC, citing the specific calibration curve used to obtain the estimate. Calibrated dates will now be reported as "cal BP" or "cal AD/BC" according to the consensus of the Twelfth International Radiocarbon Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 1985. Meaning of b"C. In Volume 3, 1961, we endorsed the notation A ( VIII, 1961) for geochemical measurements of 14C activity, corrected for isotopic fractionation in samples and S14C in the NBS oxalic-acid standard. The value of that entered the calculation of A was defined by reference to Lamont VI, 1959, and was corrected for age. This fact has been lost sight of, by editors as well as by authors, and recent papers have used 514C as the observed deviation from the standard. At the New Zealand Radiocarbon Dating Conference it was recommended to use b14C only for age-corrected samples. Without an age correction, the value should then be reported as percent of modern relative to 0.95 NBS oxalic acid (Pro- ceedings 8th Conference on Radiocarbon Dating, Wellington, New Zealand, 1972). The Ninth International Radiocarbon Conference, Los Angeles and San Diego, 1976, recom- mended that the reference standard, 0.95 times NBS oxalic acid activity, be normalized to 613C = -19°/bo. 14C In several fields, however, age corrections are not possible. 6 and A, uncorrected for age, have been used extensively in oceanography, and are an integral part of models and theories. For the present, therefore, we continue the editorial policy of using A notations for samples not corrected for age. *Suggestions to Authors of the Reports of the United States Geological Survey, 6th ed, 1978, Supt of Documents, U S Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Vol 30, No. 1 Radiocarbon 1988.


Measurements AA Mozeto, Peter Fritz, M7. Moreira, E Vetter, Ramon Aravena, Eneas Salati, and Rf Drimmie ...... 1 The Relations Between Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Freshwater Tufaceous Sediments Anna Pazdur ...... 7

Determination of Radon by Liquid Scintillation a/i3 Particle Spectrometry: Towards the Resolution of a 14C Dating Problem Polach and Lauri Kaihola ...... Cultural Evolution and Paleogeography on the Santa Barbara Coast: A 9600-Year 14C Record from Southern California Jon M Erlandson ......

DATE LISTS DE IC Yang US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Radiocarbon Dates V......

Gif Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guiltier Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI ...... HR Jinadasa Katupotha Hiroshima University Radiocarbon Dates I: West and Coasts of Sri Lanka ......

NOTES AND COMMENTS Letter to the Editor Rene Letolle ......

The Second international Symposium on Archaeology and 14C Renee Kra ...... 130

Review: Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective, by RE Taylor Frank Hole ...... l 31 Preliminary Statement on an Error in British Museum Radiocarbon Dates MS Tile, SGE Bowman, JC Ambers, and KJ Malthews ...... 132

I [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, NO 1, 1988, P 1-6] Radiocarbon


GROWTH RATES OF NATURAL FOREST TREES BASED ON RADIOCARBON MEASUREMENTS A A MOZETO*, PETER FRITZ**, M Z MOREIRAt, E VETTER*, RAMON ARAVENA**, ENEAS SALATIf and R J DRIMMIE** ABSTRACT. Evergreen trees in the tropical rain forest of the Amazonas Basin can produce growth rings which are not necessarily related to annual events. Therefore, estimation of growth rate cannot be done by dendrochronology. This report presents a technique for deter- mining the growth rate of these trees based on radiocarbon measurements of two segments of equal radial distance from the outer part of the tree trunk. The measured 14C activity is com- pared to local 14C fallout and growth rates are derived from models taking into account bomb 14C effects. Eleven trees from various parts of the Amazon Basin were analyzed. The average growth rates range from ca 5 to > 40 yr per centimeter corresponding to extrapolated ages from ca 60 to > 400 yr.

INTRODUCTION Rings of trees growing in temperate climate permit accurate dating of forest stands and determination of growth rates. Such information cannot be obtained on evergreen trees from tropical rain forests. In the Amazonas region annual flooding does, however, cause some cyclicity in tree growth so that trees which defoliate during submersion show annual rings reflect- ing the cambial dormancy induced by lack of oxygen in the root zone. Growth rings of such trees are "often undefined and boundaries frequently run irregularly over the cross section" (Worbes, 1985). In 1980 an international workshop was held to discuss "age and growth rate of tropical trees: new directions for research" (Borman & Berlyn, 1980). It concluded that few data exist but identified some promising avenues. Among others, Stuiver et al (1980) proposed to use radiocarbon to establish growth rates. The technique would take advantage of the anthropogenic input to the atmospheric radiocarbon reservoir and especially the maximum fallout in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere which followed nuclear testing in 1963/64. This suggestion was applied in modified form in this study. The tree species reported in this study were selected based on the wood specific weight (ratio of dry weight/water saturated weight of the heartwood) and the diameter of tree trunk so as to select both old and young trees. The location and the time of cutting is known and species were

* Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Departamento de Quimica, Caixa Postal 676, 13560-Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil ** University of Waterloo, Department of Earth Sciences, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 t Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 96, 13400-Piracicaba, SP, Brazil Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Centro de Pesquisas de Produtos Flores- tais, Caixa Postal 478, 69000-Manaus, AM, Brazil

1 2 AA Mozeto et al

TABLE 1 1sC content and 14C activity in two segments of equal radial distance sampled from the surface of the tree trunk of studied species 5'3C S'4C activity O/o (%o, PDB) modern ± 1 Tree no., species, sample loc 0-X X-2X 1-1 Lecythis usitata Miers (Manaus, AM) -27.5 -26.5 9.9 8.3 1-3 Hymenaea sp (Manaus, AM) -26.7 -26.1 8.5 6.9 1-5 Dinizia excelsa Ducke (Manaus, AM) --27.4 -27.2 11.9 10.8 1-6 Vatairea sp (Manaus, AM) -26.1 -26.4 7.4 4.2 1-7 Calophyllurn brasiliense Camp (Upper Purus R-Rio Branco, AC) -27.0 11.4 2-1 Parkia sp (Boa Vista, RR) -27.3 -26.6 11.3 8.7 2-2 Hymenolobium pulcherrimum (Boa Vista, RR) -27.1 10.9 *2-3 Hymenaea sp (Boa Vista, RR) -27.4 -27.2 11.4 12.6 2-4 Dimzia sp (Porto Velho, RU) -26.0 -26.4 12.7 12.2 2-5 Hymenolobium pulcherrimum (Porto Velho, RO) -27.0 11.4 *2-6 Hymenaea sp (Porto Velho, RO) -28.6 -27.9 11.6 11.8 * Sample segments for these trees are 4cm; all others are of 3cm each. collected in different parts of the Amazonas Basin as they represent dif- ferent environments in terms of climate and vegetation.


Table 1 shows the carbon isotope results obtained on samples from 11 Amazonian trees. The samples were extracted with acid-ale-acid solutions (AAA pretreatment) and the 14C activity was measured on benzene by liquid scintillation counting. '3C data were obtained on CO2 produced by combus- tion of AAA treated wood. The 14C and 13C results are expressed as delta per mil (o %o) values with respect to the activity of standard oxalic acid in 1950 and PDB, respectively. Assuming that growth rates are constant, two segments of equal radial distance from the outer part of the tree trunk were collected for 14C analy- ses (integrated samples) and named 0-X and X-2X. For constant growth rates they represent equal growth periods. The yearly growth rate can be derived from this once the growth period (years/X) has been determined. This is accomplished by snatching the radiocarbon activities of the two equal segments with average values of 14C fallout for consecutive equal lengths of time (see below). The technique assumes that the fallout pattern for radiocarbon is known. Unfortunately, the data base for the Amazonas region is very lim- ited and cannot be readily deduced from Northern or Southern Hemi- sphere data because their respective influence in this equatorial region is not well documented. However, based on a single data point, obtained by Polach and Singh (1980) as well as a few isolated measurements by us, an approximate fallout curve was constructed for the Amazon basin using as reference the Northern Hemisphere fallout curve presented by Levin et al Growth Rates of Amazonian Forest Trees 3

TABLE 2 14C 14C Plant activity ((5 %o modern) and averaged activity for periods 0-X and X-2X.

cut in 1983 14C** average plant (5 14C* Year Plant b 0-X X-2X 1982 207 - - 81 224 215 80 231 221 79 Tree 2-6 259 78 289 242 77 298 251 76 315 Tree 2-4 75 330 269 74 0-X = 369 362 73 379 289 72 423 301 71 456 0-X=436 1970 470 326 69 475 337 68 500 347 67 537 360 66 562 371 65 X-2X = 438 576 64 557 392 63 354 390 62 214 X-2X = 309 7 61 165 372 1960 151 362 59 136 353 58 64 341 - 57 15 329 - 56 -10 316 - 55 -25 304 - 53 -25 282 - 51 -25 263 - 49 -25 246 - 47 -25 231 - 45 -25 217 - 43 -25 205 - i4C * Plant b are assumed yearly averages based on Northern Hemisphere fallout data. ** 0-X and X-2X are average 14C activities calculated over equal and sequential periods of 14C time; eg, for 1976, 0-X records the average activity for the period 1982-1976 (7 yr) and X-2X for the following 7-yr average from 1975 to 1969.

(1985). Attempts are in progress to obtain samples of known ages so that an Amazonian fallout curve can be constructed. The average annual fallout values used in this study are shown in Table 2, converted into plant activities considering that carbon fixation during photosynthesis is accompanied by an isotopic fractionation. A value of 2.0 was used for the ratio F14C/E'3C (where E is the isotopic enrichment factor between CO2 and plant matter) in order to maintain agreement with other publications. It trust be noted, however, that Saliege and Fontes (1984) experimentally determined a value of 2.3 for that ratio. The data for 5140 '3C plant in Table 2 are also normalized to a = --2S i6o using a value of - 8.5%o for the atmospheric CO2 (Levin et al, 1985). Growth periods (years/X) and growth rates (mm/year) were deter- 4 AA Mozeto et al

30 20 I0


14C Fig 1. Growth periods (yr/X) vs the averaged activities over specific periods are shown for trees cut in 1983. Two examples are shown: the short growth period refers to tree 1-7, the long one to tree 2-1 (see Table 1).

mined in the following manner: if we assume a 10-year growth for the two segments, the measured 14C activities have to be matched to a 10-year aver- age of sequential fallout activities (Table 2). For example, if a tree had its last growth year in 1983, the first period (0-X) will cover the years 1974 to 1983, and the preceding one (X-2X), the years 1964 to 1973. The tree seg- 14C ment (0-X) will then have a 14C activity corresponding to the average activity of the fallout for the period of 1974 to 1983..Similarly, the 14C activity of the second segment (X-2X) will correspond to the average 14C activity of the fallout for the period 1964-1973. The averaged 14C data can be displayed graphically as growth years per segment vs integrated 14C activities for the same period. Figure 1 thus shows two curves with averaged 14C activities for various growth periods, one covering segments 0-X and the other one X-2X. The analytical error on both curves does not exceed ±1 O%o. However, the estimated average value for each year may have a somewhat larger error. As not enough data exist for the Amazonian area, a maximum error of ±50%o was assumed, based among others, on the average amplitude of variations presented by Levin et al (1985). For the years 1963-65 (maxi- mum bomb fallout) this error could be larger as the input was much more variable than during the pre- and post-bomb periods. Growth periods can be read from Figure 1 which displays two exam- Growth Rates of Amazonian Forest Trees 5

TABLE 3 Growth rates and extrapolated minimum ages of 11 trees from the Amazon Basin Tree no. (see Table 2 for tree Trunk radius rate age* identification) (cm) (yr/cm) 1-1 32 30-40/3 1-3 32 >40/3 1-5 20 20/3 1-6 30 >40/3 1-7 30 5- 7/3 2-1 28 20-22/3 2-2 28 15-25/3 2-3 30 8- 9/4 2-4 21 <10/3 2-5 33 35/3 2-6 38 9/4 See text for definition. ** Matched on data in Table 2 rather than the curves of Figure 1. See text for discus- sion. ples. Note, that for growth periods of < 10 yr/X, the X-2X curve shows very steep changes with time. Consequently, the error on the extrapolated growth period is < ± 2 yr, despite the 500/oo error. On the other hand, for growth periods >20 yr/X, both curves become rather flat and, as a result, the error increases to > ± 5 yr. The measured values are reported in Figure 1 as horizontal bars with limits given by the error on the fallout curve. Ideally for either curve, we would have a match line ("M" in Fig 1) within the error limit ("L" in Fig 1). Such is the case for a tree with a large growth period (slow growing). The second example, a tree with small growth periods (fast growing) shows only one match line which satisfies the errors of both curves. Estimated growth rates for the Amazonian trees and extrapolated min- imum 14C ages are summarized in Table 3. A minimum age can be deter- mined if the width of the tree rings decreases towards the center of the tree (Worbes, 1985). This appears to be most common but where a systematic increase in growth rate (mm/yr) occurs, maximum ages would be quoted. It is interesting to note that tree numbers 2-4 and 2-6 (see Tables 1 and 3) have 0-X and X-2X 14C activities that do not match with the curves pre- sented in Figure 1. Their growth periods were determined through match- ing against data in Table 2 and were found to be <10 yr/3cm and 9 yr/ 4cm, respectively. These results could indicate that these two trees did not have significant wood growth since 1976 and 1979, respectively, or alterna- tively, could suggest that they were not cut in 1983 as was assumed, but rather in 1976 and 1979. The latter explanation is less likely. 13C A comment on the data reported in Table 1 is appropriate. The majority of the trees show lower b13C values in their most recent wood (seg- ment 0-X). The trend is corroborated by other 13C data obtained in a sys- tematic analysis of 2cm of radial segments of a tree trunk disk (A A Mozeto, ms in preparation). This decline reflects the enhanced uptake of increasing isotopically light atmospheric CO2 during photosynthesis. However, it remains unanswered whether this change reflects the global decrease of 13C 6 AA Mozeto et al content in the atmospheric CO2 (Freyer,1979) or is related to local changes and CO2 input from activities such as deforestation. Systematic studies of 13C, 180, and 2H on 14C "dated" trees are in progress to elucidate this ques- tion and to refine the age dating procedures.

CONCLUSION Conventional dating techniques in general cannot be applied to the Amazon forest trees. The technique reported here is based on the determi- nation of 14C activities in two equal radial segments of wood from the outermost portion below the cambium of a tree trunk. The approach uti- lizes the anthropogenic i4C fallout which occurred during the past 30 years or so and it is shown that the two measurements suffice to define within rather narrow limits the growth rate and the age of tropical forest trees. Efforts are presently undertaken to obtain on dated trees a 14C fallout curve which is representative of the equatorial Amazon region. Radiocarbon dating of trees from natural forests provides information on the length of time a species needs to grow to commercial size and is of economic interest where reforestation is undertaken. Growth rates of vari- ous tree species of the Brazilian Amazon Basin are also important for yield- ing data on applicable thinning regimes and felling cycles which is the basis for economically viable tropical forest management systems with sustained yield,

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was sponsored by FAPESP (The Sao Paulo Foundation for Research, grants no. 83/1023-7 and 83/2284-9), CNPq (The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, grants no. 30.5795/85-QU, 40.8627/85-QU and, and by NSERC grants no. A7954 and 5E-0175 to PF.

REFERENCES Bormann, F H and Berlyn, G, eds, 1980, Workshop on age and growth rate determination for tropical trees, April 1-3, Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts, Proc: New Haven, Connecticut, Yale Univ Press. Freyer, H D, 1979, Variations of the atmospheric CO2 content, in Bolin, B, Degens, E T, Kempe, S and Ketner, P, eds, The global carbon cycle: New York, John Wiley & Sons, p 79-99. Levin, I, Kromer, B, Schoch-Fisher, H, Bruns, M, Munnich, M, Berdau, D, , J C and Munnich, KO, 1985, 25 years of tropospheric 14C observations in central Europe: Radio- carbon, v 27, no. 1, p 1-19. H Singh. G, 1980, Contemporary 14C levels and their significance to sedimentary Polach, and 14C history of Bega Swamp, New South Wales, in Stuiver, M and Kra, R S. eds, Internatl conf, 10th, Proc: Radiocarbon, v 22, no. 2, p 398-409. Saliege, J F and Fontes, J C, 1984, Essai de determination experimentale du fractionne- ment des isotopes '3C et 14C du carbone au cours de processes naturels: Internatl Jour Applied Radiation Isotopes, v 35, p 55-62. Stuiver, M, Rebello, A, White, J C and Broecker, W, 1980, Isotopic indicators of age/growth in tropical trees, in Borman, F H and Berlyn, G, eds, Age and growth rate of tropical trees: New directions for research: New Haven, Connecticut, Yale Univ Press, p 75-82. Worbes, M, 1985, Structural and other adaptations to long-term flooding by trees in Central Amazonia: Amazoniana, v 9, p 459-484. [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 7-18] THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CARBON ISOTOPE COMPOSITION AND APPARENT AGE OF FRESHWATER TUFACEOUS SEDIMENTS ANNA PAZDUR Radiocarbon Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Silesian Technical University, Krzywoustego 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice, Poland ABSTRACT. This paper presents a synthetic approach to 14C dating of calcareous tufa, based on statistical analysis of correlations betwen lithologic type of tufaceous sediment, carbon iso- tope composition, and apparent age. Experimental data on several profiles from southern Poland and the United Kingdom reveal either constant or systematically changing values of apparent age. Constant value of apparent age in a profile can be attributed to calcareous muds precipitated from stagnant or low-energy water, and to tufas precipitated from turbulent water (oncoids, stromatolites, moss travertines) which are characterized by lack of significant correlation between 513C and 14C age of tufa carbonate. It was found that the relation between the apparent age of tufaceous sediment and 5'3C value of tufa carbonate depends on litholo- gic type of tufa. Phenomenological equations describing the dependence of apparent age upon S13C are given, and applied to estimate true ages of tufas from Gliczarow (southern Poland) and Folkestone (United Kingdom).

INTRODUCTION In recent years significant efforts have been made to study various aspects of tufaceous sediments, including sedimentology, geochemistry, and methods of dating. Increasing interest was stimulated by the impor- tance of such sediments in reconstructing climatic variations in the past. Reliable dating methods are the key to successful application of any method of climatic reconstruction. The radiocarbon method has been regarded unsuitable for dating tufaceous sediments because of unknown and vari- able initial 14C activity, and possible contamination from modern carbon with high specific 14C activity. Initial attempts at i4C dating tufaceous sedi- ments (Thorpe, Otlet & Sweeting, 1980; Srdoc et al, 1980, 1982, 1983) have indicated real applicability of this method to dating spring tufas. It should be noted that early studies of Broecker and Walton (1959), as well as Benson (1978), are of limited value because they were dealing with lake tufas. Model considerations of Broecker and Walton (1959) concerning ini- tial 14C activity of lake carbonate are unsuitable for dating spring tufas. However, some findings of Benson (1978) concerning diagenetic changes of tufaceous sediments, are valid also for spring tufas (Pazdur, Pazdur & Szulc, 1988). Results of 14C measurements of tufa from several sites in southern Poland indicated significant variability of initial 14C activity and its dependence on sedimentologic and geochemical processes (Pazdur & Pazdur, 1986; Pazdur, Pazdur & Szulc, 1988). This study explores the dependence of initial 14C activity of spring tufas upon isotopic composition of carbon. Radiocarbon activity of freshwater carbonate sediment at the moment of precipitation (Ao) is obviously influenced by isotopic composi- tion of carbon compounds dissolved in water. Radiocarbon studies of ground water have resulted in the formulation of different models which estimate initial 14C activity of HC03- ions dissolved in water (Pearson, 1965; Vogel, 1970; Mook, 1976, 1980; Eichinger, 1983). However, physi- cochemical processes involved in precipitation of tufa are complex, and

7 8 Anna Pazdur numerous environmental factors may influence them (Friedman, 1970; Usdowski, Hoefs & Menschel, 1979; Dandurand et al, 1982; Michaelis, Usdowski & Menschel, 1985; Thorpe, Otlet & Sweeting, 1980; Szulc, 1984). Direct application of such models in 14C dating of tufa has led to unsatisfactory results (Thorpe et al, 1981; Krajcar et al, 1985).

APPARENT AGE OF CARBONATE SEDIMENTS The radiocarbon age (TC) of carbonate sediment, determined by the ratio of measured 14C activity (A) in a sample to 14C activity of the contem- porary biosphere (AoX), defined as 95% of the activity of NBS oxalic acid standard (Stuiver & Polach, 1 977), ie, T= - 8033*ln(A/A0X), is greater than the real age of sediments because of depletion of initial 14C activity in pre- cipitated carbonate with respect to the biosphere,

Ao < AoX = 100 pmc (1) (pmc = per cent of modern carbon). The magnitude of this apparent age, relative to the real age ToRC, can be determined experimentally by measuring the age of organic matter asso- ciated with the layer of carbonate sediment, or detrital organic matter dis- persed in the carbonate, itself. Assuming that the age of organic remnants reflects the actual age of carbonate precipitation, we can define the appar- ent age of carbonate sediment

Tape TC - TORG. (2) 14C The value Tapp is related to initial activity of carbonate Ao and reservoir dilution factor (q) through the equation

Tapp = - 8033*1n (A0/A0) = _8033* In q. (3) Observed values of q in both recent and ancient tufas usually lie from 0.5 to 0.95 (Srdoc et al, 1980, 1982, 1983; Thorpe, Otlet & Sweeting, 1980; Thorpe et al, 1981; Pazdur & Pazdur, 1986). Consequently, the values of Tapp are included in the interval

500 yr < Tapp <5500 yr. (4) In dating speleothems, it is commonly assumed that q = 0.85 (A0 = 85 pmc) corresponding to an age of 1300 yr. Such a value (A0 = 85 pmc) is also presumed for tufas by Srdoc et al (1980, 1982, 1983). Although they have observed significantly lower values of Ao (as low as up to ca 70 pmc) in car- bonates precipitated in streams, they have observed values close to 85 pmc in stagnant water carbonates. Thus, it seems that the scatter of the values of Tapp, observed by various authors (Srdoc et al, 1980, 1982, 1983; Thorpe, Otlet & Sweeting, 1980; Thorpe et al, 1981; Pazdur & Pazdur, 1986; Pazdur, Pazdur & Szulc, 1988) could be explained by the dependence of Tapp on the bedrock type (which is a source of 14C-free carbon) and the type of sediment (Szulc, 1984, 1986). The type of calcareous sediments depends strongly on hydrodynamic con- ditions of water flow. Detailed classification of tufaceous deposits, based on Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Tufa 9 their lithological properties and geochemical and biological conditions of sedimentation, has been described by Pazdur, Pazdur and Szulc (1988). For present consideration, a slightly simplified classification seems appropri- ate: 1) Spring tufa: Precipitated in a turbulent water flow (oncoids, stro- matolites, moss travertines). As a rule, minute amounts of organic matter in these deposits do not allow for determination of Tapp by comparison of Tc and ToRG (the Radawka and Gliczarow sites). 2) Tufas (oncoids, moss travertines) and peloidic calcareous muds: Pre- cipitated in streams with low or variable water flow. Calcareous muds with large amounts of humus allow for determination of Tapp by measuring of Tc and ToRG (the Rzerzusnia and Trzebienice sites). 3) Calcareous muds with large amounts of organic matter: Precipitated in shallow, stagnant-water basins in conditions similar to semilimnic sedi- mentation (the Sieradowice site). The factors determining the sedimentary regime of freshwater carbon- ates should be reflected by isotopic composition of carbon (b13C, Ao) in carbonate samples and should influence the value of Tapp. For recently deposited tufas, a significant relation between bC13C and the turbulence of water flow is suggested by models that consider the effects of changes of water chemistry, caused by diffusional escape of CO2 on the course of car- bonate precipitation (Usdowski, Hoefs & Menschel,1979; Dandurand et al, 1982; Michaelis, Usdowski & Menschel,1985).

ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OT TUFA CARBONATE 14C A detailed list of dates (Tc and ToRG) together with corresponding values of bc13C and Tapp for Holocene tufa from southern Poland has been presented elsewhere (Pazdur, Pazdur & Szulc,1988). Values of bc13C of car- bonate samples are plotted in Figure 1 against their carbonate age (Tc) and, whenever available, against the age of corresponding organic fraction (TORG) The Tc values for the Folkestone and Thatcham Reedbeds profiles in the United Kingdom were calculated by the author from the data quoted by Thorpe et al (1981). Smoothed dependence of bc13C upon Tc (and/or ToRG) is shown in Figure 1 by solid lines bc13C = aoc + a1cTc (5) and bc13C = aoR + a1RTORG (6) obtained by the least squares method. Parameters of the least squares line (aoc, alc, aoR, a1R), the value of correlation coefficient r, and number (n) of experimental points used in calculation are listed in Table 1. Two samples with distinctly outlying high values of b3C (ca - 6.5%o), collected from dis- turbed parts of Rzerzusnia profile near the erosional surfaces, were not included. Mean values of b. C are quoted in Table 1 for those profiles where the dependence of &/3C upon Tc seems to be insignificant (ie, Rzer- zusnia, Trzebienice, Radawka, Thatcham Reedbeds). 19 Anna Pazdur

k yr Tc , T0R G , r-8 10 12 RACrAWKA




o b a


s -8


o -g a

o -10

o b

Tc , TORG , kyr


&13C 12 16 20 Fig 1. Dependence of upon Tc and TORG: line kyr a-straight described by Eq (5); b--straight line Tc described by Eq (6).

It appears that samples of spring tufas from different profiles, devel- oped on the same limestone bedrock by water having similar energy (Rzer- zusnia, Trzebienice) show similar mean values of bC13C. On the other hand, different values of b13C may be observed in tufas of the same type, but developed on different bedrock by water having different flow (Rzerzu"snia, Trzebienice, Raclawka). It should be also noted that samples of tufa from the Rzerzu"snia profile have lower &13C value than calcareous muds from the same site. Unfortunately, detailed sedimentologic classification of tufa deposits from the UK sites (Folkestone and Thatcham Reedbeds) is not available. Identical (within the limits of measurement error) mean values of bC13C from the Thatcham Reedbeds carbonates and from spring tufas from Rzerzusnia, both developed on the same Cretaceous bedrock, suggest that most samples from sites studied by Thorpe et al (1981) could be classified as TABLE 1 Parameters of the least squares lines described by Eqs 5 and (6). ao and a1 - least square estimates of the coefficients of straight line; r - correlation coefficient; n - number of experimental points

Profile a0 al 8'3C (o (bedrock) T* O/C** (%0) (%o'kYr) r n o) Sieradowice (Devonian Limestone) M C -3.71 ± 0.41 -0.45 ± 0.05 -0.99 5 - M O -4.10 ± 0.25 -0.55 ± 0.03 -0.99 5 - Rzerzusnia (Jurassic Cretaceous marls) M C -8.87 ± 0.49 0.12 ± 0.05 0.78 6 -7.67 ± 0.08 M O -8.25 ± 0.38 0.07 ± 0.05 0.61 6 - Rzerzusnia and Trzebienice (as above) T C -7.85 ± 1.64 -0.08 ± 0.16 -0.22 8 -8.68 ± 0.14 Racfiawka (Lower Carboniferous Limestone) T C -9.91 ± 0.22 -0.03 ± 0.03 -0.41 10 -10.11 ± 0.06 Thatcham Reedbeds (Upper Cretaceous) T C -8.37 ± 26.38 -0.07 ± 2.48 -0.02 5 -9.14 ± 0.49 T O -3.01 ± 11.30 -0.74 ± 1.29 -0.38 4 - Gliczarow (Tertiary) T C -20.7 ± 4.9 1.0 ± 0.3 0.92 4 - Folkestone (Upper Cretaceous) T C -16.6 ± 2.3 0.62 ± 0.18 0.88 5 - T O -23.6±5.8 1.6±0.7 0.92 3 - * Type of calcareous sediment: M - calcareous mud, T - tufa ** Fractions: C - carbonate, 0 - organic

TABLE 2 Parameters of the least squares lines A B and C described by Eq (7). aoT and a iT - least square estimates of the coefficients of straight line; r - correlation coefficient; n - number of experimental points;oints Tap P - mean value of apparent age; 13 313C 8 C and O Tapp - ranges of and Tapps respectively.

a0T alT (T'PP) L(S'3C) LTaPP o Site (kyr) (kYr oo) r n (kyr) (°,o) (kyr) A. Sieradowice* 0.86 ± 1.40 0.006 ± 0.17 -0.02 5 0.91 ± 0.12 2.40 0.02 A. Rzerzusnia 4.41 ± 0.98 0.25 ± 0.11 0.59 11 2.46 ± 0.20 0.43 0.11 Trzebienice 2.10 ± 0.16** - - Thatcham Reedbeds 2.10 ± 0.20 2.90 0.72 C. Rac}awka 13.50 ± 3.27 0.96 ± 0.34 0.72 5 3.90 ± 0.34 0.50 0.48 Folkestone 5.90 5.68 Trzebienicet and Rzerzusnia 8 2.28 ± 0.25 1.13 0.28 Gliczarow 4 - 4.72 4.53 *Calcareous muds **Single value of apparent age tTufa 12 Anna Pazdur 13C spring tufas. We therefore conclude that different trends of 5 with time, and different correlations of 5C13C and Tc, can be regarded as indicators of significant dependence of isotopic composition of carbon in tufaceous sediments upon the conditions during sedimentation, or, more precisely, upon bedrock type and hydrodynamic conditions (energy of water flow).


The relation between experimentally determined values of Tapp (Eq 2) and &13C in samples from all profiles in southern Poland and two sites from the UK (Folkestone and Thatcham Reedbeds) is shown in Figure 2. Three groups of points are clearly distinguished in this data set and, apparently, each group of points can describe the linear function

aoT a 13 C (7) Tapp = + 1 T & with a reasonably high confidence level. The straight lines denoted as A, B, and C (Fig 2) represent the least squares lines (7) determined by corre- sponding groups of points. Values of the parameters aoT and a1T, coeffi- cients of correlation r and numbers of points (n) are given in Table 2. The possibility of three different linear approximations of the relationship between Tapp and bc13C clearly indicates a dependence of Tapp on tufa and bedrock types. Experimental data from the Sieradowice profile, developed on Devo- nian limestone, indicate lack of significant correlation of Tapp and b13C, despite relatively large changes in b 3C (Ob3C = + 2.4%o). The low value of apparent age (Tapp = 910 ± 120 yr) and distinctly secular trend of bC13C, may be regarded as typical features of limnic sedimentation (Geyh, 1970, 1983). Line B (Fig 2) approximates results from profiles in Rzerzusnia and Trze- bienice (bedrock: Upper Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous marls and lime- stones; low energy of water flow) and from the Thatcham Reedbeds site in UK (bedrock: Upper Cretaceous; water flow). Calcareous muds with large



0 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12

b13C 4'00

13C Fig 2. Relation between experimentally determined values of T and S for all described profiles from S Poland and UK (Folkestone, Thatcham Reedfeds; Thorpe et al, 1981). Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Tufa 13 amounts of organic matter are intercalated in the Rzerzusnia profile between levels of tufa sediments consisting of pure carbonate (Szulc,1984; Pazdur, Pazdur & Szulc, 1988). Apparent age of sediments from the Thatcham Reedbeds was evaluated by comparing the 14C ages of carbonates and of detrital organic matter dispersed within the tufaceous sediment, according to values quoted by Thorpe et al (1981). Tufas with high values of Tapp, independently of the kind of bedrock (Radawka: Lower Carboniferous; high energy of water flow; Folkestone: Upper Cretaceous; water flow) can be described by a common dependence of Tapp upon bc13C shown by line C (Fig 2). One outlying result, from the Folkestone profile, corresponding to Tapp = 580 yr, was rejected from the data used to calculate the equation of line C. Table 2 also lists mean values of Tapp with corresponding mean square standard deviations kL Tapp>) for those profiles, in which the dependence of Tapp upon bc13C seems to be insignificant. Table 2 also gives ranges of b3 C in a given profile for specified sediment classes, and corresponding intervals of Tapp calculated from the equations for lines A, B, and C. The relations between LTapp and M13C are shown in Figure 3, which incorpo- rates values of (Tapp ± QTapp) . The interval of OTapp for moss travertlnes from the Gliczarow site, for which the values of apparent age were not determined experimentally, has been evaluated from equation of line C (see Table 2). This step is justified by a similar secular trend of bc13C varia- tions in sediments from the Gliczarow and Folkestone profiles (Fig 1), and by similar range of bc13C values in both profiles (Table 3).

TUFACEOUS SEDIMENTS WITH CONSTANT VALUE OF APPARENT AGE Experimentally determined values of apparent age in each of the stud- ied profiles show scatter, significantly exceeding intervals of measurement errors (Fig 3). Therefore, it seems necessary to select a criterion which should help decide if the value of apparent age in a given profile could be regarded constant or not. The form of such criterion issues from a compar- ison of the natural scatter of Tapp values, which are measured by mean




0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12

13C %o

Fig 3. Mean values of the apparent age () and observed ranges of bC'3C in studied tufa profiles and related intervals of Tapp estimated from the equation of straight line A, B, or C. 14 Anna Pazdur

TABLE 3 A comparison of measured values of the apparent age (Tapp) with theoretical values T. predicted by Eq 8 (curve C). &'sc Depth T TORG Tap Tap Tp, Site Sample (cm) (yr) (yr) (oho) (yr (yr (yr) Folkestone HAR-3987 91-95 8080 7500 500 Kent, UK HAR-3094 94-99 9320 - 320 HAR-3900 112-116 15.610 - -5.4 - 1120 HAR-3902 125-140 12.670 8900 -9.9 230 HAR-3690 160-185 15.220 9300 -8.0 460 Gliczarow G12/83 15.280 - 1080 Podhale G11/83 19.680 - 1800 S Poland G115/83 17.490 - ±,1830 G1-Id 14.530 - -7.39 - 610

square standard deviation, (OTapp ), with the range of OTapp determined by the corresponding equations of line A, B, or C. Therefore, the profiles of tufa sediments for which the following inequality

> LTapp (8) is valid, could be regarded as obeying the constant value of Tapp. As can be seen from Table 2, this condition is fulfilled by all profiles except sediments of the Gliczarow and Folkestone sites. For those sites the assumption of constant value of apparent age cannot be accepted. In Figure 4 mean values of apparent age are plotted against values of &13C ac13C extrapolated to Tc = 0; ie, aoc = (Tc = 0), according to Eq (5). Two points representing calcareous mulls from the Sieradowice and Rzer- zusnia profiles reveal significant correlation between 5'3C and T. The other points represent sediments for which the extrapolated value (aoc) coincides with the mean value of &13C in the profile. In linear approxima- tion, the relation shown in Figure 4 can be described by the least squares line with equation: = (-0.78 ± 1.63) - (0.40 ± 0.20)aoc (9) where aoc is expressed in %o vs PDB, and in kyr BP. Broken lines in Figure 4 denote confidence intervals of Tapp for the given value of aoc cor- responding to the hi confidence level. The high value of correlation coefficient described by Eq (9) (r = -0.90) shows that, in profiles with constant apparent age, the Tapp value is determined by isotopic composition of carbon in the profile, independently of the type of tufa (calcareous muds, stromatolites, oncoids, moss traver- tines) and kind of bedrock. A constant value of the apparent age in a certain profile can be attributed to: 1) Calcareous muds, precipitated from stagnant or low energy water. Examples of such deposits are given by profiles in Rzerzusnia and Sierado- wice. For such deposits significant correlation between Sc13C and Tc do not influence the value of apparent age. 2) Tufas precipitated in turbulent water flow (oncoids, stromatolites, moss travertines) which are characterized by lack of significant correlation Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Tufa 15




a oc 9'oo &'3C Fig 4. Dependence of the mean value of apparent age () upon the value of extrapolated to T=O according to Eq (5) for tufa profiles with constant value of TaPp. Solid line-straight line described by Eq (9); broken lines-ld limits for .

between bC13C and T. Examples of such deposits are presented by profiles in Raclawka, Rzerzusnia, and Trzebienice.

TUFACEOUS SEDIMENTS WITH VARIABLE VALUE OF APPARENT AGE Tufas in the Gliczarow and Folkestone sites show a similar and distinct dependence of bc13C upon Tc (see Table 1). In the Gliczarow site, moss trav- ertines and stromatolites do not form a single profile but occur in clusters on a hill slope (Szulc, 1984). Experimental determination of the apparent age was not possible for dated samples from the Gliczarow site, but the val- ues of Tape obtained for the Folkestone profile exclude the possibility of constant Tapp. Therefore, sediments of both sites are considered jointly, basing similarity on the equation of line C in Figure 2( Eq 8). Table 3 lists all experimental data from both profiles, as well as values of the apparent age Tapp predicted by Eq 8 of line C in Figure 2, together with the errors Tapp determined by linear approximation. Predicted values of true age of dated tufa samples, defined as Tpr = T - T pp, are listed in the last column in Table 3. Errors of those values are practically the same as the errors of determination of the values of T pp. No sedimentologic information on deposits in the Folkestone profile has been published by Thorpe et al (1981). However, the data quoted in Table 2 indicate that the profile is bipartite. Its uppermost part (91-99cm) is characterized by an enormously low value of apparent age (580 yr) and low sedimentation rate (ca 0.2mm/yr). In the lower part of the profile sedi- mentation rate is equal to ca I.5mm/yr, and experimentally determined values of apparent age are high (3770 and 5920 yr). These values are close to those found for tufa deposited in high-energy turbulent water flow (Paz- dur, Pazdur & Szulc,1988). Values of apparent age predicted by line C (Fig 2) should therefore be applied only to the tufa from the lowermost part of the Folkestone profile, ranging from 112 to 185cm depth. It should be noted that predicted ages of samples from the Folkestone profile do not show age inversions which can be seen in the column of car- bonate ages T. Relatively large errors of estimated apparent age values for samples from the Gliczarow site are caused by inherent inaccuracy con- nected with extrapolation of the dependence of Tapp upon bc13C beyond the 16 Anna Pazdur interval of its experimental verification. As quoted by Pazdur, Pazdur and Szulc (1988), there are different geologic opinions concerning the age of tufas from the Gliczarow site. Present age estimates are consistent with the results of malacologic studies of Alexandrowicz (1985) which suggest an early Holecene age for sample G1-Id.

DISCUSSION Despite several studies of the sedimentation process of recent tufa- ceous deposits, a quantitative description of the relation between initial 14C activity of fossil tufas and chemical and isotopic composition of a complex open system seems to be unfeasible as yet. In any case, it is to be expected that final isotopic composition of carbon in the carbonate sediment (Ao, oc13C) should reflect the features of the carbon cycle in such a system. Thus, it seems worthwhile to search for some empirical relations between directly measurable parameters (Tc, TORG, Tapp, bc13C) even if we are unable to explain and understand all the physicochemical processes which lead to those relations. Regarding a model description of processes of tufa sedimentation, the Radawka profile seems to be particularly interesting. The experimentally determined mean value of the apparent age for this site is = 3900 ± 350 yr, which corresponds to initial 14C activity of carbonate equal to A0=62 pmc. The value of b113C of the Lower Carboniferous limestones, which form the bedrock for deposition of tufas in this site, is equal to 31130 = +2.42%o while mean value of Y3C in the profile is equal to = -10.1 l %o. Initial "C activity of tufa sediments, calculated on the basis of the closed system assumption - 113C AO 0'3C 130 - 1

(bo13C = 25%o, Pearson,1965) is equal to 55 pmc. Quoted values of Ao (ob- tained directly from measurements and from the closed system equation) may be regarded as similar, or even coincident, within the limits of errors. This similarity indicates that the sediments truly reflect the isotopic compo- sition of carbon dissolved in water and, moreover, it suggests that the effect of evaporation during sedimentation of tufa in turbulent water is negligi- ble. For tufaceous deposits in the Rzerzusnia and Trzebienice profiles, experimentally determined values of <&13C> and Ao are -8.86%o and 75 pmc, respectively. Assumption of the closed system model is unsuitable in this case, because the value of b13C of the bedrock limestone should be as high as b,13C +40%o to achieve compatibility of measured and predicted values of Ao. Similarly, the closed system model is invalid for calcareous muds in the Sieradowice profile because the value of Ao is constant while the values of ac13C are systematically changing in the profile.

CONCLUSIONS Radiocarbon dating of tufaceous sediments should be associated with detailed sedimentologic studies and b13C measurements. Estimating true Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Tufa 17 ages of individual tufa layers is relatively easy even when few organic levels be found in the investigated profile. In such a case, measured values of can b13C 14C ages of carbonate and organic fractions can be correlated with val- ues of tufa carbonate. A constant value of bC' 3C in the profile indicates a constant value of apparent age, which can be determined independently by comparing 14C ages of carbonate and associated organics. Profiles of tufaceous sediments that do not contain organics, but may be characterized by constant value of apparent age, can be dated with acceptable accuracy. It was found that constant Tapp value in a profile reveals peloidal calcareous mulls precipitated from stagnant or low-energy water, and tufas precipitated from turbulent water (oncoids, stromatolites, and moss travertine) which do not exhibit significant correlation of bc13C and 14C age of tufa carbonate. Estimating apparent age, in such a case, is possible from Eq 9, which describes dependence of Tapp on mean value of b13C in a tufa profile. Significance of this relationship is supported by a high value of correlation coefficient (r = 0.9). Tufa profiles with variable values of Tapp and no organics may some- times be dated by analogy with other profiles of known dependence of Tapp upon bC13C, as was shown by example of tufas from Gliczarow and Folkestone. Dating single tufa layers with no organics does not seem possi- b13C ble even if the lithologic type of tufa is known and was measured.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was performed with financial support from Central Research Project CPBP 01.04 to the Radiocarbon Laboratory.

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Traces of uranium and radium 14C gets occluded during the benzene synthesis, thus generating false (extra) counts within the counting window. This, if undetected, gives rise to erroneous 14C age determinations. The application of simultaneous a and ,3 liquid scintillation spectrometry will enable a mathemati- cal evaluation of the 14C signal unaffected by a and f particle emissions from radon decay daughters.

INTRODUCTION Samples such as charcoal, bone, shell, and soil organic matter, can uranium (238U, hence radium (226Ra), while stored in the incorporate 222Rn, archives of nature. The first radioactive daughter element of 226Ra is a noble gas of relatively high abundance in nature. It is, for all practical purposes, ubiquitous. It was discovered, early in the history of radiocarbon dating by gas proportional counting (de Vries, 1957), that CO2 prepared from a 296Ra containing sample by combustion of organic matter or acid hydrolysis of carbonates will occlude radon but not its parent 226Ra. Thus, gas purification techniques involving cryogenic distillation, chromato- graphic separation, or decay of radon prior to counting are practiced by all gas proportional 14C daters. The effect on gas proportional counting was detailed by Nydal (1983) who endorses the common method of storing the counting gas for several 210Pb. weeks (or months if necessary) until radon naturally decays to How- ever, Nydal includes the warning that, when severe contamination has occurred, the residual activity of 210Pb may be significant and adversely affect the 14C age determination. Early experiments relating to liquid scintillation (LS) counting gave rise to the generally accepted notion that radon is eliminated quantitatively during the rigorous heating, under vacuum, of lithium carbide to ca 900°C prior to its hydrolysis to acetylene, which is the precursor of all modern benzene syntheses (Barker, 1953; Noakes, Kim & Stipp, 1965; Tamers, 1965). Nevertheless, checking for the presence of radon and/or storing the sample benzene for several weeks prior to counting is the normal proce- dure in all 14C laboratories using the LS counting method. The delay in counting a sample is not always acceptable and it was determined at the ANU Radiocarbon Laboratory, early in the 1970s that, in the presence of a significant sample contamination by radon, neither the heating of lithium carbide nor the delay of 2-3 weeks after synthesis and prior to counting, eliminated the radon contaminant. Thus, a suspect sam-

19 20 Henry Polach and Lauri Kaihola pie was often recounted after a 2-3 month delay and, if this was not possi- ble, a mathematical correction was applied based on the observed decrease in count rate of a sample over a period of several weeks, involving 103 min- ute weekly counting times (Gupta & Polach, 1985, p 109). This paper deals with the recognition of radon and its decay daughters by simultaneous a and 3 particle liquid scintillation spectrometry.


Uranium Decay Series When a CO2 sample contains radon (222Rn), short lived daughter ele- ments are produced. Two of these are a-emitting elements, 218Po and 214Po, 214Pb and two are ,l-emitting elements, and 214Bi. Since the radon daughters all have considerably shorter half-lives they are found in secular equilib- rium with their parent after several hours. The decay series ends, from the radiocarbon dating point of view, with ,Q-emitting element 210Pb with a 22.3 yr half-life (Table 1). In gas proportional counting, the counts generated by a particles can be independently determined and, thus, subtracted from the observed 14C

TABLE 1 Uranium decay series of significance to 14C dating Element Half-life Particle MeV 234Th, 238U 4.468 x l09y a Decays via 234U and 230Th a 4.149 23% y 0.496 -0.3% 226Ra 1600 y a 5% 4.6 MeV; deemed not to be present in CO2 pre- pared for 14C dating 0.186 222Rn -0.5% 3.824 d a with its daughters in 3.3 h 0.51 <0.1% 218Po 3.05 m a 0.33-1.03 214Pb /3- -6% 26.8 m /3- spectrum overlaps C 214Bi 19.7 m a RaC ,3- 0.4-3.3 -.100%,,3- spectrum overlaps 1C y 0.61 214Po 163.7 µs a 99+% y 0.8 <0.1% 210Pb 22.26y /3- 99+% 7 8.04 21oBi 5.01 d a /3- 1.16 99+% 210Po 138.8 d a 100% y 0.08 206Pb Stable

Structure based on: Ivanovich and Harmon (1982, Table 1.2, p 22) with data from Led- erer and Shirley (1978) Determination of Radon by a/,3 Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry 21 count rate. However, the counts generated by the particles cannot be dis- 14C tinguished from ,? pulses nor can a detailed spectral analysis be per- formed. Nydal (1983) thus concludes that the count rate contribution to 14C, due to the presence of radon and its daughters in the counting gas, cannot be determined. Liquid scintillation counting, on the other hand, enables a full spectral resolution of ,3 isotopes in terms of pulse height (PH), and therefore energy. The recently developed LS pulse shape (PS) analysis (Oikari, Kojola, Nurmi & Kaihola, 1987) enables the counting of a particles in the presence of particle emissions and an important application could be the /3 222Rn. resolution of a 14C signal in the presence of

Equipment and Procedure A commercial high resolution low-level LS spectrometer (LKB-Wallac, QuantulusTM) capable of both a and /3 particle simultaneous energy spectra was used for the experiment at Wallac Oy. The same type of definition 22Rn counter, without the a particle detection facility was used at ANU. was injected into a 14C-free benzene sample containing 15g/L butyl-PBD scintillant and the resulting spectrum determined after the equilibrium with radon daughters was reached. Then two differential energy spectra were plotted: one, PH spectrum only (at ANU) and two, simultaneous alpha/beta (PH/PS) determinations resulting in discrete ,3 and a emission spectra (Figs 1 & 2). Superimposed onto these were, for interpretation pur- poses, pure 14C (no radon contaminant) spectra determined in a separate run at ANU. For the experiment, a 100% 14C modern (65 dpm for 5mL of ben- zene) and approximately equivalent radon count rate were selected. The 14C signal to noise (modern/background) for at 75% efficiency is 210 in the low-level laboratory of Wallac Oy and 135 in a normal environment at

C 0 U

MCA channel numbers (klog energy) 14C 222Rn Fig 1. Pulse height spectra of and superimposed, showing good resolution of 222Rn daughters and significant overlap with 14C (shaded area). 22 Henry Polach and Lauri Kaihola

cn C 0

1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 MCA channel numbers (k log energy) 14C Fig 2. fi emission spectrum superimposed on simultaneous radon a and radon emis- 222Rn 14C 214Pb f sion spectra. In practice, if is present, the f3 and and 214Bi /3 spectra would merge. Simultaneous a/f emission spectra analysis will enable a more precise multi-isotope resolution.

ANU (Polach, 1987, Table 1). The background thus does not enter our considerations. Results We can confirm Nydal's experiment showing that 99.3% equilibrium 222Rn with daughters of was reached in 3.3 hours (Nydal,1983, p 504). Nat- ural decay of daughters then occurred and can be monitored in the PH 1) spectrum (Fig and the simultaneous and separate a and /3 emission spec- tra (Fig 2). The relative contribution of a-producing particles can be resolved in the PH (pulse height) mode alone (Fig 1) but the spectrum is attenuated (most likely due to the different counters used), in relation to PS (a) spec-

trum in Figure 2, as well as pooled with the expected ,Q particle producing elements and the Compton electron scatter due to y emitting daughters. The latter contribution however cannot be very significant as y particles are of minor abundance (Table 1). The overlap with 14C spectrum (free 222Rn) of is seen to be significant and radon count rate dependent. In practice, under the worst conditions at ANU, this resulted in a contamination equiv- alent to 2% modern (160 yr) which, as we will demonstrate in a later paper, was negligible (within statistics) after 3 weeks delay in counting. This is 210Pb essentially due to the fact that emits low energy /3 particles and X-rays, the emission spectra of which fall outside the 14C region of interest in radio- carbon dating by LS spectrometry. The relative contribution of a-producing particles of 222Rn and of their /3-producing daughters can be resolved by simultaneously acquiring an independent a and ,3 energy emission spectrum, here superimposed in Fig- ure 2. The a and corresponding /3 daughters (Table 1) are well resolved. Both of these are seen to overlap, in the expected manner, the 14C spectrum (free of 222Rn), which was determined during another experimental run. Determination of Radon by a/,3 Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry 23

CONCLUSION Liquid scintillation multiparameter spectrometry is capable of resolv- ing spectral contributions of multi-labelled samples, in this case, '4C, 222Rn and its daughters. In the absence of simultaneous and separate a particle emission spectra the contribution to 14C must be judged in terms of the observed total count rate in the region of interest above the 14C spectrum. Thus, the precision of determination of the interference (additional '4C 14C 222Rn counts) will be count rate dependent in both the and window. Thus, subject not only to Poisson counting errors but also to errors asso- 214Pb ciated with the assessment of the /3 contribution from and 214Bi and associated /i and y particle transitions. In the presence of a pure a particle emission spectrum, the contribu- tion of the ,6-emitting daughters, 214Pb and 214Bi, can be quantitatively determined from the sharp and 100% detection efficiency a particle emis- sion spectral peaks. This will enable a spectral subtraction to be carried out in the multi-isotope, software based analysis mode. It is anticipated that while still subject to count rate defined Poisson errors, the simultaneous a//3 particle emission resolution will give more precise results than is pres- ently possible. It is not clear, from the spectral evidence presented, what count rate is induced by the y Compton scatter. Some events involve /3 and sy particle transitions in prompt succession. Therefore, some /3 energy is added to the Compton electron energy which is variable and smaller than the true y par- ticle transition energy. As some particles will escape the counting vial without producing fluorescence we predict that multi-isotope resolution will be vial specific and not general. We will pursue the collaborative development of software and propose to test the applicability of a mathematical correction on precisely deter- mined 14C samples prior to their contamination with radon as well as on contaminated field samples prior to and after radon decay.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Steve Robertson has critically read the text and Robert Leidl prepared the figures for publication. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged.

REFERENCES Barker, H, 1953, Radiocarbon dating: large scale preparation of acetylene: Nature, v 172, p 631-632. Gupta, S K and Polach, H A, 1985, Radiocarbon dating practices at ANU: Australian National University, Canberra, 176 p. Ivanovich, M and Harmon, R S, eds, 1982, Uranium series disequilibrium: applications to environmental problems: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 571 p. Lederer, C M and ,Shirley, V S, eds, 1978, Table of isotopes (7th ed): New York, John Wiley & Sons, 870 p. Oikari, T, Kojola, H, Nurmi, J and Kaihola, L, 1987, Simultaneous counting of low alpha and beta particle activity with liquid scintillation spectrometry and pulse shape analysis: Inter- natl Jour Appi Radiation Isotopes, v 38, no. 9, in press. Noakes, J E, Kim, S M and Stipp, J J,1965, Chemical and counting advances in liquid scintilla- tion age dating, in Chatters, R M and Olson, E A, eds, Internatl conf on radiocarbon and tritium dating, 6th, Proc: Clearing House for Fed Sci & Tech Inf, NBS, Washington DC, USAEC, CONF-650652, p 53-67. 24 Henry Polach and Lauri Kaihola

14C Nydal, R, 1983, The radon problem in dating, in Stuiver, M and Kra, R S, Internatl 14C conf, 11th, Proc: Radiocarbon, v 25, no. 2, p 501-510. Polach, H A, 1987, Perspectives in radiocarbon dating by radiometry, in AMS '87, Anno Decimo: Nuclear Instruments & Methods, sec B, in press. Tamers, M,1965, Routine carbon-14 dating using liquid scintillation techniques, in Chatters, R M and Olson, E A, eds, Internatl conf on radiocarbon and tritium dating, 6th, Proc: Clearing House for Fed Sci & Tech Inf, NBS, Washington DC, USAEC, CONF-650652, p 68-92. Vries, H de, 1957, The removal of radon from CO2 for use in 14C age measurements: Appl Sci Research, sec B, v 6, p 461-470. [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 25-39] CULTURAL EVOLUTION AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY ON THE SANTA BARBARA COAST: A 9600-YEAR 14C RECORD FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA* JON M ERLANDSON Department of Anthropology, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106

INTRODUCTION Since 1984, a large multi-disciplinary archaeological team, under the direction of the author, has collected artifactual, ecofactual, and radiocar- bon samples from a series of Native American sites spanning the past 9600 14C years. Occupied historically by the Chumash Indians, the Santa Barbara coast (Fig 1) has seen dramatic cultural and environmental change during the course of the Holocene. One of the goals of the research is to recon- struct patterns in the evolution of the local coastline, while examining the effects of environmental change on human adaptation along the Santa Bar- bara coast. All 14C samples were analyzed by Beta Analytic, Inc of Coral Gables, Florida, under the direction of Murry Tamers and Jerry Stipp. Unless otherwise noted, all samples consisted of marine shell. Prior to submittal, samples were carefully washed to remove adhering sediment, rootlets, or other macroscopic contaminants. In the laboratory, marine shell samples were pretreated in a dilute acid bath to remove surface layers susceptible to exchange with external radiocarbon reservoirs. The remaining shell was then converted to carbon dioxide which was used for benzene synthesis. Charcoal samples were carefully sorted in the lab to remove any macro- scopic rootlets or other extraneous objects and then submitted to a series of acid and alkali washes to remove carbonates and organic acids. Counting of 14C activity was conducted with a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Small (< 1 g) shell samples were analyzed using the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method. AMS samples were analyzed by Beta Analytic, Inc staff in Zurich. According to Tamers (pers commun, 1986), the AMS samples

were pretreated by etching away the outer layers with controlled heating. They were then reacted with magnesium in a special copper arrangement to form ele- mental carbon. After cleaning, this was mixed with silver powder and applied to copper targets. The AMS measurements were made in triplicate. .. Carbon 13 is measured in the accelerator beam. This is done concurrently with the carbon 12 and carbon 14 measurements, using fast pulsing techniques. Carbon 13 values are used to adjust for isotope effects generated in both nature and in the laboratory chemical and physical processing. We measure this for each AMS sample and final dates are appropriately corrected. Since the carbon 13 observed is a combination of natural and artificial effects, it cannot be used for geochemical interpretations. For that reason, C 13 values are not given... . According to Tamers and Stipp (pers commun, 1987), all dates pre- sented below are

* Editors' note: It is always useful to publish an annotated list of dates with a theme. We would like to encourage this sort of publication for the future. 25 26 Jon M Erlandson

Fig. 1. Location of the study area

reported as RCYBP (radiocarbon years before 1950 Al)). By international conven- tion, the half-life of radiocarbon is taken as 5568 years and 95% of the activity of the National Bureau of Standards Oxalic Acid (original batch) used as the modern standard. The quoted errors are from the counting of the modern standard, back- ground, arid sample being analyzed. They represent one standard deviation statis- tics (68% probability), based on the random nature of the radioactive disintegra- tion process. Also by international conventional, no corrections are made for DeV- ries effect, reservoir effect, or isotope fractionation in nature, unless specifically noted.... Stable carbon ratios are ... calculated relative to the PI)B-1 interna- tional standard; the adjusted ages are normalized to -- 25 per mil carbon 13. 14 In the following pages, 47 dates from 14 separate archaeological sites are discussed. The sites are presented from oldest to youngest, and organized by Early Holocene (6650-10,000 yr BP), Middle Holocene (3350-6650 yr BP), and Late Holocene (0-3350 yr BP). Eighteen of the elates have been corrected for isotopic fractionation, including 16 dates listed in Cultural Evolution & Paleogeography in S California 27

TABLE 1 Isotopic fractionation adjustments for marine shell and charcoal 14C determinations '3C/12C # s4C Adjusted Beta Shell taxa age BP age 12949 Estuarine shell 7840 110 115 13596 yr Mytilus californianus 3300 70 70 15046 yr Protothaca staminea 300 80 1.59%o 80 15047 Protothaca yr staminea 470 80 80 yr 15048 Protothaca staminea 640 60 .03%o 60 yr 15049 Protothaca staminea 430 80 1.45%o 80 y r 15050 Protothaca staminea Modern .22%o 60 17210 + 430 y r Tivela stultorum 670 70 70 17211 Haliotis yr rufescens 400 80 1.87°/o 80 yr 17212 Haliotis rufescens 260 80 80 17213 yr Haliotis rufescens 310 90 90 18532 Mytilus yr californianus 1320 70 1.25%o 70 yr 18534 Polonices lewisii 5930 100 18608 Charred 100 yr wood 4280 80 80 yr 20405 Mytilus californianus 6810 150 150 20406 Mytilus yr californianus 6660 100 100 yr Mean marine shell (n adjustment = 15) +432 yr

Table 1. To avoid confusion in the correlation of corrected and uncor- 14C rected dates, however, the ages presented in the date list do not include adjustments for isotopic fractionation, except for AMS dates where the isotope effects of natural and laboratory processes could not be separated. For those marine shell dates that have not been adjusted for isotopic '3C/12C fractiona- tion, the result of 15 analyses indicates that an average correction of +430 yr should be applied prior to further corrections for the reservoir or DeVries effects (Table 1).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This article would not have been possible without the knowledge, experience, and technical expertise of Murry Tamers and J J Stipp. I also thank Renee Kra, Andrew Moore, and Minze Stuiver, editors, R Carrico and T Cooley of WESTEC Services, Inc, Madonna Moss, J Moore, and P Snethkamp, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Frank Norrick of the University of California, Berkeley kindly arranged transfer of a shell sample from the CA-SBA-96 collection curated at the Lowie Museum. Funding for the collection, processing, and analysis of this 14C series was provided largely by Chevron USA as part of the Point Arguello Project, Santa Barbara County, California. Additional funding was provided by the author and by Quaternary Research Associates, Inc of Seattle. All of the Point Arguello Project samples have been selected and submitted by the author during the course of contracts administered by WESTEC Services, Inc of San I)iego, Quaternary Research Associates, Inc, or the Center for Anthropological Studies, Department of Anthropology, University of Cali- fornia, Santa Barbara. 28 Jon M Erlandson


United States

California BA! Beta-20411. CA-SBA-2088 9600 ± 160 Fragment of Saxidomus nuttalli (Washington clam), 20g, coll during mechanical excavation at ephemeral archaeol site, 1 km W of Canada de la Gaviota (34° 28' 15" N, 120° 14 00" W) and 300m N of Pacific Ocean, on uplifted marine terrace ca + 75m asl. Coll autumn 1986 by A Cruz. Com- ment: spatial context of sample is poor, but adhering sediment indicates that shell valve originated in soil matrix of site. Considering the context, lack of corroborating dates, and the fact that 14C age is one of earliest from the California coast, date should be suspect. However, corroborating evidence includes 1) other early Holocene sites also contain shellfish assemblages dominated by Saxidomus; 2) no non-cultural mechanism is known which could transport early Holocene-age shell to site location; 3) discovery of a fluted point elsewhere in project area suggests Paleo-Indian occupation of area (Erlandson, Cooley & Carrico, 1987); and 4) several other sites from south-central California coast have been dated to 9000 yr BP or older. CA-SBA-1807, Early Holocene series Marine shells from two discrete loci in large residential village W of Alegria Canyon, on Hollister Ranch (34° 28" N, 120° 16' 30" W). Site is on uplifted marine terrace, elev 38m, and contains artifacts characteristic of Phase Ex, Early period (King, 1981), Oak Grove culture (Rogers,1929), or Millingstone horizon (, 1955). BA! Beta-10228. 20-30cm 7720 ± 90 Mixed shell fragments, 41g, from WESTEC Unit 2. Coll 1984 by WESTEC. Comment: date provides average age of shell fragments, suggest- ing early Holocene occupation of site. BA! Beta-10736. Surface 6340 ± 80 Fragments of single Polonices lewisii (Moon snail) shell coll from site surface midway between central midden area and discrete non-midden arti- fact scatter to SE. Coll 1984 by J Erlandson and F Duncan, UCSB. Comment: date should represent age of prehistoric shell colln. Other dates from site, however, suggest that Beta-10736 is anomalous or that site has had multi- ple occupations. BA! Beta-12347. 30-40cm 7830 ± 70 Tivela stultorum (Pismo clam), 48g, from WESTEC Unit 2, 10cm below Beta-10228. Coll 1984 by WESTEC. Comment: date supports early Holo- cene age for occupation of central midden area. BA! Beta-12949. Unit 12, 80-100cm 7840 ± 110 Mixed marine shell fragments, 36g, from central midden area. Coil 14C May 1985 by J Moore. Comment: date provides average age for shell Cultural Evolution &Paleogeography in S California 29 fragments. Very little shell was recovered from upper 60cm of Unit 12, so this date represents age of upper portion of midden.

BA! Beta-12950. Unit 12,100-124cm 7770 ± 100 Saxidomus nuttalli fragments, 35g. Coll May 1985 by J Moore. Com- ment: date corroborates other early Holocene 14C determinations from cen- tral midden area.

BAI Beta-12951. Unit 12,120-140cm 8000 ± 110 Saxidomus nuttalli fragments, 35g. Coll May 1985 by J Moore. Com- ment: application of Stuiver, Pearson, and Braziunas (1986, p 1013) correc- tion for marine samples suggests early site occupation, ca 8600 cal BP.

BAI Beta-16171. Unit 10, 40-60cm 8600 + 125 Fragment of Chione sp, 0.6g, from SE locus of site, non-midden area dominated by milling artifacts, hammerstones, and core tools. Coll May 1985 by J Moore. Comment: shell fragment analyzed by AMS. Sample subm to test contemporaneity of SE locus and central midden 13C area. Since date includes correction of ca +430 yr, contemporaneity appears to be con- firmed.

BAI Beta-16172. Unit 17, 0-20cm 40,500 ± 1200 Fragment of unidentified shell, 0.5g, from SE locus of site. Coll June 1985 by J Moore. Comment: shell fragment analyzed by AMS. Pleistocene age suggests that shell is fossil in origin, derived from uplifted Last Inter- glacial beach deposits located upslope and below cultural stratum. Date should be regarded as min. General Comment: shellfish remains from CA-SBA-1807 indicate that a pro- ductive estuary was located near site during early Holocene, formed by ris- ing postglacial sea level (Erlandson, 1985). Lower sea levels, ca - 20m, should have exposed broader coastal plain, resulting in increased terres- trial productivity. These features sharply contrast with modern geography around site, where productive estuarine shellfish habitats are virtually non- existent and very narrow coastal plain restricts terrestrial productivity. Artifacts recovered from CA-SBA-1807 suggest that occupants relied on relatively unsophisticated technology dominated by manos and metates, as well as large battered core tools probably used in manufacture and - tenance of milling equipment. Projectile points are extremely rare at site, suggesting that hunting was relatively unimportant during this period. Faunal assemblage indicates that shellfish were dominant animal resource, with supplemental protein provided by fish, land mammals, and sea mammals. Evidence suggests that mixed economy based largely on litto- ral foraging (for protein) and terrestrial plant collecting (for calories) exis- ted on southern California coast by at least 8500 cal BP. CA-SBA-2061, Early Holocene series Marine shells from small Early period shell midden 200m from ocean at 50m elev. Midden is on uplifted marine terrace 1.3km W of Canada de la 30 Jon M Erlandson Gaviota (34° 28' 15" N, 120° 14' 30" W) next to small intermittent drainage. Excavation uncovered small lithic assemblage (flake and core tools, chipped stone debitage, milling stones, etc) and faunal assemblage dominated by estuarine shell, with small amounts of fish, terrestrial mammal, and sea mammal bone. BAI Beta-18533. Surface 7610 ± 110 Fragment of Saxidomus nuttalli, 58.5g, from grading spoils derived from surficial soil. Coll Oct 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: date confirms expected early Holocene age for site, based on similarity of molluscan spp to CA-SBA-1807 and CA-SBA-2057 shellfish assemblages. BAI Beta-21000. Surface 7590 ± 110 Fragment of Saxidomus nuttalli, 31.8g, recovered from grading spoils from surficial soil. Coll Oct 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: date is consis- tent with earlier sample subm from site. BAI Beta-21001. Unit 6, 20-40cm 7300 ± 110 Chione fragments, 28.5g, recovered from upper portion of midden exposed in test unit excavated through undisturbed soils just south of graded right-of-way. Coll Dec 1986 by T Hannahs and J . Comment: since sample consists of multiple shell fragments, date should represent average age for later occupation of site. Sample subm to test hypothesis that CA-SBA-2061 is single-component site, with all archaeologic remains derived from early Holocene occupation. BAI Beta-21002. Unit 6, 80-100cm 7380 ± 110 Chione fragments, 27.5g, recovered near base of midden deposit. Coll Dec 1986 by T Hannahs and J Schmidt. Comment: date confirms contempo- raneity of midden refuse at CA-SBA-2061, suggesting that site was occu- pied over several hundred years between ca 7800 and 8200 cal BP. General Comment: although smaller, artifact and ecofact assemblage recov- ered from CA-SBA-2061 is similar to the CA-SBA-1807, CA-SBA-2057, and CA-SBA-96 assemblages, which are roughly contemporary. Similarity suggests that cultural ecologic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction for CA-SBA-1807 is characteristic of broader patterns of coastal paleogeogra- phy and human adaptation in area. BAI Beta-17753. CA-SBA-2057, -3.9m 7550 ± 100 Saxidomus nuttalli fragment, 22g, from buried Early period shell mid- den at base of Canada de la Agua Caliente, 22m elev, 800m N of Pacific Ocean on Hollister Ranch (34° 28' 30" N, 120° 15' W). Small midden is exposed in bank of perennial stream, below up to 4m of alluvium. Midden is 5 to 20cm thick and lies in weakly developed anthropogenic soil formed in gravelly alluvium. Coll Aug 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: date is consis- tent with earlier dates of 8040 ± 95 (UM-1464) and 7500 BP obtained by USGS (G Kennedy, pers commun, 1986; Yerkes et al, 1981). Midden con- tains abundant estuarine shell, with small amounts of fish and terrestrial Cultural Evolution & Paleogeography in S California 31 mammal bone, charcoal, and rare chipped and groundstone artifacts. Soil context, small site size, and limited artifact diversity all suggest CA-SBA- 2057 was occupied for only a short period ca 8100 cal BP. CA-SBA-96, Early-Middle Holocene series Marine shells from midden on E rim of Canada de la Gaviota (34° 28' 30" N, 120° 13' 30" W) ca 300m N of sea cliff and +30m asl. CA-SBA-96 was first described by D B Rogers (1929) as Oak Grove site, investigated by D Lathrap (UCB) and N Gabel (UCSB) in 1951.

BA! Beta-21556. Unit 25W, 80-100cm 7520 ± 120 Chione undatella valve, 19.4g, from lower half of shell lens exposed 60- 100cm below surface in bank of Hwy 101. Coil May 1987 by J Erlandson. Comment: date is consistent with age of nearby sites (CA-SBA-1807, -2061, and -2057) that contain abundant estuarine shell and milling 14C equipment. date confirms Rogers (1929) hypothesized Oak Grove assoc.

BA! Beta-22075. Unit IOW, 20-40cm 7590 ± 150 Chione californiensis valve, 19.7g, from same shell lens as Beta-21556. Coil May 1987 by J Erlandson. Comment: date is consistent with Beta-21556, confirming early Holocene age of buried shell lens from which recent sam- ples were removed.

BA! Beta-15931. Unit D6, 60-75cm 5940 ± 80 Fragment of Polonices lewisii, 50g. Coll 1951 by D Lathrap and N Gabel. Comment: date suggests continuous or intermittent site occupation for over 1500 years of Early period. Beta-21556 and -22075 may be more reliable indicators of site age, however, since sample treatment during 35 years of storage is unknown and Polonices sample from CA-SBA-1807 (Beta- 10736) also appears anomalous. General Comment: current evidence suggests that early Holocene occupa- tion (ca 8100-8200 cal BP) of CA-SBA-96 is most likely, although occupa- tion during middle Holocene is also possible. CA-SBA-96 shell assemblage is dominated by estuarine spp, although rock-perching mussels are also present. CA-SBA-1666, Early Holocene series Marine shell samples from very large (150 x 250m) and dense shell midden 4.3km N of Point Conception (34° 29' N, 120° 29' W), major bio- geographic boundary on California coast. CA-SBA-1666 is on uplifted marine terrace, 60m elev, adjacent to spring that feeds small unnamed drainage on Bixby Ranch.

BA! Beta-20406. Unit 1, 20-40cm 6660 ± 100 Fragment of Mytilus californianus (California mussel), 24g, from upper portion of midden. Coll Feb 1987 by L Santoro, WESTEC. Comment: date suggests occupation of this portion of site during Phase Ex of King's (1981) Early period. 32 Jon M Erlandson BA! Beta-20405. Unit 1, 60-80cm 6810 ± 150 Fragment of Mytilus californianus, 19g, from lower portion of midden. Coll Feb 1987 by L Santoro and J Erlandson. Comment: date is consistent with Beta-20406. General Comment: preliminary analysis suggests that shellfish also dominated meat diet at site, consistent with pattern observed at other early Holocene Millingstone sites. However, shellfish assemblage consists largely of mussels and other rocky shore spp, similar to other early sites in Vandenberg area which bounds study area on N (Glassow,1981). Available archaeologic data suggest that productive estuaries did not form along unprotected Vanden- berg coast during Holocene. Canada de la Gaviota, Middle Holocene series Charcoal and marine shells from two sites in Canada de la Gaviota area, ca 40km W of Santa Barbara. Perennial Gaviota Creek is only stream in study area that cuts through 1000m high Santa Ynez Mts. Thus, creek has considerably larger catchment than other drainages in area. BA! Beta-18534. CA-SBA-97, Unit 15S/OW 100-120cm 5930 ± 100 Heavily weathered fragment of Polonices lewisii, 20g, recovered near base of archaeologic deposit in N site area, on W rim of Canada de la Gaviota (34° 28' 15" N, 120° 13' 30" W) 175m N of sea cliff and ca +35m asl. Coil Oct 1986 by T Cooley. Comment: CA-SBA-97 has been attributed to historic Chumash village of Nomgio. This date, derived from area outside main shell midden, but containing abundant chipped stone and bone assemblage, suggests that site had multiple occupations. Recovery of sev- eral large dart points supports Early period occupation of tested area.

BA! Beta-18608. CA-SBA-2067 Feature 1 4300 ± 80 Large chunk of wood charcoal, ca 20g, underlying Feature 1, large (2m x 1.5m) cluster of burned sandstone cobbles and boulders ca 1 km N of ocean on floor of Canada de la Gaviota (34° 29' 00" N, 120° 13' 30" W). Coll Nov 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: Feature 1 appears to represent roasting pit or oven, possibly for cooking agave (Yucca whipplei), which is abundant on slopes adjacent to site. Several similar rock features were observed in same area. Artifacts and faunal remains assoc with Feature 1 are sparse, but include small amounts of chipping debris, shell (some burned), and scattered charcoal. BA! Beta-20410. CA-SBA-2067, Stratum A-2 3820 ± 100 Septifer bifurcatus (Platform mussel) shells, 23g, from midden lens exposed 260cm below surface in wall of pipeline trench immediately E of Gaviota Creek channel. Coll Dec 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: midden lens, 20cm thick, consisting predominantly of these tiny mussel shells, was probably once coterminous with Feature 1 stratum. General Comment: shell remains from CA-SBA-2067 indicate that rocky shore habitats provided bulk of shellfish consumed during middle Holo- Cultural Evolution &Paleogeography in S California 33 cene occupation. This suggests that estuarine habitats, if present in Gaviota Canyon ca 4000 BP, were not productive. Burial of lower midden suggests that flood plains near mouths of coastal canyons continued to be unstable landforms, suitable only for temporary human settlement. CA-SBA-1808, Late Holocene series Four marine shell samples recovered from midden area on N edge of site that appears to span transition between King's (1981) Early and Middle periods. CA-SBA-1808 is on canyon rim E of perennial Agua Caliente Creek (34° 28' 00" N, 120° 15' 00" W), ca 2km W of Gaviota State Beach. Tested midden area lies 200m N of sea cliff and 45m asl on uplifted marine terrace dating to Last Interglacial.

BA! Beta-13594. Unit 8, 20-40cm 3310 + 90 Mytilus californianus fragments, 32g, from upper portion of midden. Coil 1985 by J Rudolph, UCSB. Comment: Stuiver, Pearson and Braziunas (1986, p 1002) correction suggests calendar age of 3400 cal BP. Date corre- lates with Phase 1 of King's (1981) Middle period.

BA! Beta-13595. Unit 8, 60-80cm 3100 ± 70 Mytilus californianus fragments, 50g, from intermediate level of mid- den. Coil April 1985 by J Rudolph. Comment: Beta-13595 and -13594 appear to be stratigraphically reversed, but overlap at 96% confidence level (2 sigma).

BA! Beta-13956. Unit 8,100-120cm 3300 ± 70 Mytilus californianus fragments, 50g, from lower portion of shell mid- den. Coll April 1985 by J Rudolph. Comment: three dates from Unit 8 con- sistently indicate occupation of N midden area at CA-SBA-1808 occurred ca 3100 to 3500 cal BP.

BA! Beta-10735. STP, 0-90cm 3870 ± 90 Numerous small shell fragments (mixed spp) from Shovel Test Pit (STP) excavated in single level through upper 90cm of midden deposit. Coil 1984 by R Peterson, UCSB. Comment: some shell from STP appeared abraded or beach rolled, probably introduced into midden incidentally with mussels, primary food species at site. Although effort was made to remove abraded shell fragments prior to subm, incorporation of small number of fragments from older geologic contexts may have skewed this date. Beta-13594, -13595, and -13596 are considered more accurate esti- mates of site chronology. General Comment: >85% of shell assemblage recovered in Unit 7 at CA-SBA- 1808 consisted of species that inhabit rocky substrates, indicating that rocky shore habitats dominated intertidal area around site ca 3000 to 3500 cal BP. CA-SBA-2028, Late Holocene series Charcoal and shell samples from buried archaeologic site on flood plain of Canada del Cementerio, 1.6km E of Gaviota Canyon (34° 28' 30" 34 Jon M Erlandson N, 1.20° 12' 30" W), ca 250 N of Pacific and +1 Om asl. Site buried in pal- eosol formed in alluvial canyon fill and sealed beneath discontinuous cob- ble lens. Prehistoric component contains abundant chipped stone artifacts, charcoal, and burned bone. Surface soil contains historic debris from short-lived industrial community ("Alcatraz") dating between AD 1900 and 1930.

BAI Beta-21073. Unit 30S/35E,180-200cm 3050 ± 120 Small burned shell (Mytilus californianus) fragment, 0.1 g, from sealed context in A-2 soil beneath cobble sheet. Coll 1985 by T Cooley. Comment: AMS date (ETH-3014) includes correction (ca +430 yr) for isotopic frac- tionation. Date is consistent with age estimates based on intensity of pedo- genesis in A-1 and A-2 soils and suggests site occupation during Middle period (King, 1981) of Santa Barbara Channel prehistory.

BAI Beta-21072. Unit 30S/35E,180-200cm 2750 ± 120 Numerous fragments of wood charcoal, 2.8g, scattered through A-2 soil. Coll 1985 by T Cooley. Comment: after pretreatment, only 0.6g of car- bon remained; analysis included double normal counting time to reduce statistical error. Average age for scattered charcoal fragments is similar to marine shell date. General Comment: since effect of isotopic fractionation generally adds 400- 450 yr to Santa Barbara coast shell dates, these two determinations are internally consistent. Age of CA-SBA-2028 suggests that periodic flooding of canyon bottoms continued during Late Holocene. Lack of abundant marine shell at site precludes paleogeographic reconstruction of adjacent coastline.

CA-SBA-1881, Agua Caliente Late Holocene series Marine shell and wood samples from selected strata in series of 14 buried midden layers at mouth of Canada de la Agua Caliente (34° 28' 00" N, 120° 15' 00" W), ca 2km W of Gaviota State Beach and 50m N of ocean. Buried midden layers consist of numerous weakly developed soils, 5 to 20cm thick, formed in sequence of overbank alluvial strata deposited on E side of Agua Caliente Creek. Periodic channel cutting has removed or trun- cated these layers on W side of canyon.

BAI Beta-18532. Stratum A-14, -175cm 1320 ± 70 Mytilus californianus shell valves, 31g, removed from uppermost of buried midden lenses. Coll Oct 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: thin (5cm) midden stratum consists primarily of whole valves of fragile mussels, Myti- lus and Septifer, including articulated specimens indicating unusual degree of preservation for Santa Barbara coast. Date suggests that landform stabi- lized shortly after 1300 yr BP, supported by overlying soil (A-1) between 80cm and 120cm thick. Cultural Evolution &Paleogeography in S California 35

BA! Beta-20407. Stratum A-2, -160cm 2340 ± 80 Valve of Hinnites multirugosus (Giant Rock Scallop), 96g, recovered from thin midden lens underlying A-1 soil series. Coll Dec 1986 by J Erlandson. Comment: date is consistent with stratigraphic context, since 25cm thick soil (A-16) formed between A-1 and A-2 soils, which are also separated by erosional unconformity. Stratum A-2 contained hearth fea- ture and small discrete midden dumps, samples of which contained over 95% Mytilus by weight.

BA! Beta-20408. Stratum A-7, - 300cm 2550 ± 80 Mytilus californianus fragments, 26g, from test unit 3, Feature 2, con- centrated shell dump (much of it burned). Coll Dec 1986 by J Erlandson and L Santoro. Comment: date suggests that A-2 through A-9 soils were all deposited relatively rapidly, probably between 2300 and 3000 yr BP.

BA! Beta-20409. - 350cm 560 ± 100 Wood removed from outer layers of in situ tree stump (tentatively identified as oak) exposed below water table at base of numerous interdigi- tated beach, estuarine, and fluvial strata on W side of canyon floor. Coll Oct 1986 by J Erlandson and D James. Comment: date is consistent with archaeologic strata to E; fluvial, marsh, and beach sediments were deposited following erosional episode which truncated a portion of A-1 soil series. General Comment: CA-SBA-1881 appears to consist of a series of temporary campsites occupied during dry seasons (summer or fall) when Agua Cal- iente Creek was at low water stage. Periodic flooding buried archaeologic features and refuse with unusual degree of preservation. While few arti- facts were recovered from site, faunal assemblage suggests that shellfish gathering, deer hunting, and fishing, were primary subsistence 14C pursuits. As with series from CA-SBA-1808, coastline around site appears to have been dominated by rocky intertidal habitats.

BA! Beta-10226. CA-SBA-1494A, - 80cm 1340 ± 70 Fragment of Hinnites multirugosus, 28g, from ca 75cm below surface in sea cliff exposure of large site at mouth of Bulito Canyon on Hollister Ranch (34 27 30" N, 120 20 00 W). Site is on broad flood plain of peren- nial Bulito Creek at elev 3 to 4m asl. Coll 1984 by J Erlandson and F Dun- can, UCSB. Comment: CA-SBA-1494 is reportedly site of historic Chumash village of Texax. Date significantly antedates beginning of Late period, sug- gesting that historic village deposits may have eroded into sea. Sample is also min for uppermost of several soils exposed in sea cliff, suggesting that alluviation has been active for much of Holocene. 36 Jon M Erlandson BA! Beta-10227. CA-SBA-1658, -40cm 1080 ± 70 Fragment of Haliotis rufescens (red abalone), 62g, from 40cm below surface in sea cliff profile. Site is on stream terrace W of intermittent Cuarta Creek, elev 10 to 12m, Hollister Ranch (34° 28' 00" N, 120° 17' 30" W). Coll 1984 by J Erlandson and F Duncan, UCSB. Comment: date suggests site occupation may span transition between King's (1981) Middle and Late periods. Available data suggest that sea mammal hunting, fishing, and land mammal hunting, were primary subsistence pursuits of site occupants, with shellfish providing only supplemental protein.

CA-SBA-1491, Estait Late Holocene series Marine shells from historic Chumash village of Estait (CA-SBA-1491), on flood plain at mouth of Canada de la Santa Anita (34° 28' 00" N, 120° 18' 30" W) on Hollister Ranch. Estait reportedly contained 130 inhabitants in AD 1769 and appears to have been abandoned by AD 1810. Samples derive from two discrete loci (B and C) at site, on broad stream terrace on either side of perennial Santa Anita Creek at ca l Om elev. Pacific Ocean lies 300m to S.

BA! Beta-10225. Locus C, surface 220 ± 70 Fragment of Haliotis rufescens, 52g, from midden deposit located on the E side of Santa Anita Creek. Coll autumn 1984 by J Erlandson and F Duncan. Comment: date correlates well with artifact assemblage that includes both late protohistoric shell beads, historic glass beads, and late arrowpoint styles.

BA! Beta-12947. Unit 7, 20-40cm 760 ± 80 Fragment of Haliotis rufescens, 41.6g, recovered from upper portion of midden deposit at Locus C. Coll May 1985 by R Carrico and T Cooley, WESTEC Services. Comment: date correlates with early stages of Late period as defined by King (1981) and may derive from early portion of site occupation.

BA! Beta-12948. Unit 7,100-120cm 470 ± 60 Multiple shell fragments, 33g, of mixed spp from lower levels of mid- den deposit in Locus C. Coll May 1985 by T Cooley and R Carrico. Com- ment: date represents average for shell fragments analyzed. Stratigraphic reversal between this and Beta-12947 may result from stratigraphic mixing by burrowing rodents (Erlandson,1984; Erlandson & Rockwell, 1987).

BA! Beta-15046. Unit 6, 0-2.0cm 300 ± 80 Protothaca staminea (Littleneck clam) fragments, 28g, from upper level of midden at Locus C. Comment: since Estait was abandoned ca AD 1800, this date and Beta-10225 suggest that correction for reservoir effect cannot exceed offsetting isotopic fractionation correction (which averages 430 yr on Santa Barbara coast) by > 100-150 yr. Cultural Evolution &Paleogeography in S California 37 BA! Beta-15047. Unit 6, 20-40cm 470 ± 80 Protothaca staminea fragments, 28g, from Locus C, coli June 1985 by T Cooley. Comment: provides average age of shell fragments subm for analy- sis.

BA! Beta-15048. Unit 6, 40-60cm 640 ± 60 Protothaca staminea fragments, 20g, recovered from lower portion of midden in Locus C. Coll June 1985 by T Cooley. Comment: three dates from Unit 6 are stratigraphically consistent.

BA! Beta-15049. Unit 7, 0-20cm 430 ± 80 Protothaca staminea fragments, 28g, from Locus C. Coil May 1985 by T Cooley and R Carrico. Comment: sample subm to check validity of reversed dates (Beta-12947 and -12948) from Unit 7. This sample suggests that Beta- 12947 may have been redeposited by either natural or cultural processes (Erlandson & Rockwell, 1987). BA! Beta-15050. Unit 7, 20-40cm Modern Protothaca staminea fragments, 28g. Coli May 1985 by T Cooley and R Carrico. Comment: 14C activity indistinguishable from modern standard.

BA! Beta-12946. Locus B, 0-90cm 500 ± 60 Haliotis rufescens fragment, 46g, from Shovel Test Pit 503 in midden area of Locus B, W side of Santa Anita Creek. Coil May 1985 by T Cooley. Comment: late prehistoric date suggests Locus B was occupied contempora- neously with Locus C.

BA! Beta-17210. Unit 20, 20-40cm 670 ± 70 Fragment of Tivela stultorum, 74g, from upper portion of shell midden at Locus B. Coll 1986 by T Cooley and L Santoro. Comment: sample pulled from dense midden deposit rich in discarded artifacts, fire-cracked rock, marine shell and animal bone, especially fish remains.

BA! Beta-17211. Unit 20, 40-60cm 400 ± 80

Fragment of Haliotis rufescens, 54g, from center of dense midden 1 m deep. Coll 1986 by T Cooley and L Santoro. Comment: date is slightly younger than previous sample taken from overlying level.

BA! Beta-17212. Unit 20, 60-80cm 260 ± 80 Fragment of Haliotis rufescens, 31g. Coll 1986 by T Cooley and L San- toro. Comment: since Unit 20 appeared to cut through intact cultural fea- ture, reversed 14C dates from this unit may be attributed to cultural distur- bance assoc with site occupation.

BA! Beta-17213. Unit 20, 80-100cm 310 ± 90 Haliotis rufescens fragment, 16g, from near base of dense midden deposit at Locus B. Coll 1986 by T Cooley and L Santoro. Comment: with exception of Beta-17210, all dates from Unit 20 could be attributed to late 38 Jon M Erlandson prehistoric or early historic period, after appropriate corrections are con- sidered. General Comment: consistent with ethnohistoric accounts of Chumash Indians, archaeologic materials recovered indicate technology and econ- omy were heavily maritime in nature, with strong emphasis on fishing. However, land mammal, sea mammal, and shellfish remains are abundant, suggesting broadening of resource base. For the first time, small arrow points are present in the study area, indicating the widespread adoption of the bow and arrow by 400 to 600 cal BP. Mollusk spp recovered suggest that a mosaic of sandy bay and rocky shore habitats provided most shellfish, and that estuarine contributions were negligible. Coastal habitats around site appear to have attained an essentially modern configuration by 500 BP.

CONCLUDING REMARKS For at least 8600 years, marine resources have played a major role in the economy of hunter-gatherers living on the Santa Barbara coast. During this period, however, the relative contribution of various marine and ter- restrial resources to the prehistoric diet has varied in response to inter- related changes in the internal (cultural) and external (environmental) stim- uli that influence human adaptation (Glassow, Wilcoxon & Erlandson, 1987). The archaeologic evidence available from the study area suggests that changes in coastal paleogeography have played an important role in determining the structure of human settlement and subsistence during the Holocene, perhaps even more important than climatic variations on a global scale (ie, the Altithermal). At the Early Holocene sites investigated, the recovered tool and fauna! assemblages suggest that shellfish provided the majority of dietary protein, while plant foods satisfied most of the energy (calorie) requirements. Early Holocene shellfish collectors required little in the way of specialized tech- nology, with the exception of manos and metates for grinding vegetable foods. In fact, although several hundred artifacts associated with plant pro- cessing were recovered at CA-SBA-1807, only one crude projectile point was found. The early Holocene adaptation along the Santa Barbara coast appears to have been possible because of the presence of abundant littoral and plant resources and low human population densities. Throughout the Holocene, sea-level rise and (later) sea-cliff retreat (up to 15cm per yr) must have gradually reduced terrestrial productivity by restricting the available land area south of the Santa Ynez Mts (Erlandson, 1985). After sea level stabilized (ca 6000 BP), the productivity of littoral habitats must also have declined as estuaries east of Point Conception filled with sediment. As terrestrial and littoral productivity appear to have grad- ually declined, relative nearshore marine productivity may have increased after 6000 BP as a stable sea level cut a progressively wider shallow offshore platform (Yesner,1980). These environmental changes, accompanied by population rise, ap- pear to be the primary stimuli behind a technologic diversification reflect- ing adaptive broadening of the subsistence base. In particular, hunting Cultural Evolution & Paleogeography in S California 39 technology was increasingly diverse and plentiful during the Middle Holo- cene, with a variety of large projectile point types (spear and/or atlatl?) being used. Sometime after 1000 BP, small arrow points became abundant, indicating the widespread adoption of the bow and arrow. Fishing and fish- ing technology also became increasingly abundant and diverse through time, culminating in the fully maritime adaptation of the ethnohistoric Chumash Indians.

REFERENCES Erlandson, J M, 1984, A case study in faunalturbation: delineating the effects of the burrow- ing pocket gopher on the distribution of archaeological materials: Am Antiquity, v 49, 785-790. p 1985, Early Holocene settlement and subsistence in relation to coastal paleogeo- graphy: evidence from CA-SBA-1807: Jour California and Great Basin Anthropol, v 7, 103-109. p Erlandson, J M, Cooley T and Carrico, R, 1987, A fluted projectile point fragment from the southern California coast: chronology and context at CA-SBA-1951: Jour California and Great Basin Anthropol, in press. Erlandson, J M and Rockwell, T, 1987, Radiocarbon reversals and strati a hic discontinui- ties: natural formation processes in coastal California archaeological sites in Nash, D and Petraglia, M, eds, Natural formation processes and the archaeological record: London, Br Archaeol Rev, Internatl ser 352, p 51-73. Glassow, M A, (ms) 1981, Archaeological data recovery program in relation to Space Shuttle development, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California: Dept Anthropol, Univv California, Santa Barbara. Glassow, M A, Wilcoxon, L and Erlandson, J, 1987, Cultural and environmental change dur- ing the Early period of Santa Barbara Channel prehistory, in Bailey, G and Parkington, J, eds, The archaeology of prehistoric coastlines: Cambridge Univ Press, in press. King, C D, (ms) 1981, The evolution of Chumash society: PhD dissert, Univ California, Davis. Rogers, R B, 1929, Prehistoric man of the Santa Barbara coast: Santa Barbara Mus Nat Hist. Stuiver, M, Pearson, G W and Braziunas, F, 1986, Radiocarbon age calibration of marine sam- ples back to 9000 cal yr, in Stuiver M and Kra, R S, eds, Internatl 14C conf, 12th, Proc: Radiocarbon, v 28, no. 2B, p 980-1021. Wallace, W J, 1955, A suggested chronology for southern California coastal archaeology: Southwest Jour Anthropol, v 11, no. 3, p 214-230. Yerkes, R F, Greene, H G, Tinsley, J C and Lajoie, K R, 1981, Seismotectonic setting of the Santa Barbara Channel area, southern California: USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies, US Dept Interior, Washington, DC. Yesner, D R, 1980, Maritime hunter-gatherers: ecology and prehistory: Current Anthropol, v 21, p 727-735.

[RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 41-60] US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DENVER, COLORADO RADIOCARBON DATES V I C YANG US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 80225

INTRODUCTION This list contains the results of measurements of 172 radiocarbon sam- ples made between January 1983 and December 1985. An additional 152 samples were measured, but these were submitted without detailed infor- mation, such as sample location and sampling depth; therefore, they were excluded from the list. '4C ages were computed using the radiocarbon half-life of 5568 ± 30 years. Statistical errors quoted herein are U r counting errors, including sample, background, and standard countin rates. The age limit reported is calculated on the basis of 3r activity. The b 3C values in Table 1 were mea- sured in an isotope laboratory of the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California, and calculated relative to Craig's Peedee Belemnite (PDB) lime- stone standard (Craig, 1957). Total alkalinity as bicarbonate values reported in Table 1 was determined using techniques described by Brown, Skougstad and Fishman (1970). Unless otherwise stated, all samples were collected and submitted by personnel of the US Geological Survey. Sample preparation and counting technique remain as previously reported (Yang & Emerson, 1980; Yang, McAvoy & Emerson, 1981; Yang, 1984). Most of the samples from Nevada were collected as part of the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations conducted in cooperation with the US Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office, under Interagency Agreement DE-AI08-78ET44802.


United States Arkansas DE-236. Well near Piggot >38,100 Sample coll July 26, 1984, from Clay Co (36° 22' 25" N, 090° 12' 08" W).

DE-237. Well 19NO4EO1BDB1 39,900 ± 1700 Sample coll Aug 1, 1984, from Clay Co (36° 19' 09" N, 090° 35' 59" W). Alt of well head, 85.3m asl. California Franklin Lake series

DE-238. Well5 28,700 ± 840 Sample coll Nov 21, 1983, from Franklin Lake near Death Valley Junc- tion, Inyo Co (36° 14' 06" N, 116° 17' 32" W). Hole drilled to 10.7m.

41 42 IC Yang DE-239. Well 10 13,100 ± 150 Sample coil Nov 21, 1983 (36° 14' N, 1.16° 39" W). Hole drilled to 12.2m. DE-240. Well GS-8 12,350 ± 180 Sample coil Nov 19, 1983 (36° N, 116° 09" W). Hole drilled to 10.lm. DE-241. Well 15 5800 ± 140 Sample coil Nov 21, 1983 (36° 18' 51" N, 116° 17' 00" W). DE-242. Well No. 14 25,600 ± 530 Sample coil July 25, 1985, from Inyo Co (36° 14' 15" N, 116° 23' 00" W). Static water level, l .4m below land surface. DE-243. Well No. 16 5900 ± 130 Sample toll July 29, 1985, from Inyo Co (36° 18' 00" N, 116° 17' 30" W). DE-244. Charcoal 1100 ± 90 Sample toll July 13, 1985, from Gravel Ck Valley, sec 36, NE'/4, T 42 N,R3W. DE-245. Charcoal 550 ± 90 Sample coil July 10, 1984, from lower Gravel Ck, sec 21, SW'/4, T 42 N, R 2 W. DE-246. Charcoal 2300 ± 900 Sample coll July 10, 1984, from Mt Shasta fluvial deposits, sec 21 SE'/4, T 42 N, R 2 W. Sample depth 1.6m.

DE-247. Charcoal Modern Sample colt July 13, 1984, from debris-flow deposit in Gravel Ck Val- ley near Mt Shasta, sec 31 NW114, T 42 N, R 2 W.


DE-248. Well S(B-7-103) 32ADB-1 10,500 ± 220 Sample coil Aug 31, 1983, from Moffat Co (40° 31' 08" N, 108° 59' 19" W).

DE-249. Well SC00609417CAD 1 34,300 ± 1400 Sample coll Oct 28, 1983, from Moffat Co (40° 28' 03" N, 107° 57' 10" W). Rio Blanco series Samples colt March 24, 1983, from Rio Blanco Co (39° 48' 26" N, 108° 13' 28" W).

DE-250. Well SC00309712ABD1 12,400 ± 260 Sample coll at depth 203.9m. 14C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 43

DE-251. Well SC00309712ABDZ 20,700 ± 730 Sample coil at depth 356.6m.

DE-252. Well SC00309712ABD3 21,600 ± 760 Sample coil at depth 402.3m.

DE-253. Well SC00309712ABD4 23,200 ± 810 Sample coil at depth 451.1 m.

DE-254. Well SC00309712ABD5 20,500 ± 720 Sample coil at depth 487m.

DE-255. Well SC00309712ACB1 22,600 ± 800 Sample coil (39° 48' 28" N, 108° 13' 27" W) at depth 445m.

DE-256. Well SC00209736ACA1 5300 ± 110 Sample coil Oct 9, 1983 (39° 50' 10" N, 108° 13' 29" W). Hole drilled to 22.7m.

DE-257. Well SC00209736ABC2 19,300 ± 400 Sample coil Oct 10, 1983 (39° 50' 13" N, 108° 13' 31" W). DE-258. Well SC00209803ABD TH75-11A 26,100 ± 910 Sample coll Aug 26, 1983 (39° 54' 39" N, 108°22' 33" W). Hole drilled to 356.6m. Alt of well head, 2039.4m asl.

DE-259. Well TH 75-11B (C2-98-30 DBA2) 29,000 ± 1000 Sample coil Aug 30, 1983 (39° 54' 39" N, 108° 22' 33" W). Hole drilled to 521.2m.

DE-260. Well TH 75-68 (C1-98-14 ADC2) 30,000 ± 1300 Sample coil Oct 6, 1983 (39° 57' 55" N, 108° 21' 14" W). Hole drilled to 533.4m.

DE-261. Well SC00109614ADCD2 34,900 ± 1500 Sample coil Oct 4, 1983 (39° 57' 55" N, 108° 21' 14" W). Hole drilled to 533.4m.

DE-262. Spring SC00400907DCCD1 9500 ± 200 Sample coil July 18, 1983 (39° 42' 36" N, 108° 32' 40" W).

DE-263. Spring SC00409910DBA1 6200 ± 130 Sample coil Aug 22, 1983 (39° 42' 56" N, 108° 29' 10" W).

DE-264. Spring SC00209736ACB1(P-16) 6000 ± 130 Sample coll March 24, 1983 (39° 50' 10" N, 108° 13' 31" W). 44 ICYang DE-265. Well SB00509830DBD-1 27100 1200 Sample colt Feb 7, 1984, from Moffat Co (40° 06' 12" N, 108° 26' 30" W). Static water level, 204.2m below land surface. DE-266. Redstone Corp Well 25,300 ± 640 Sample coil Sept 13, 1984, from Garfield Co (39° 33' 13" N, 107° 20' 04" W).

Iowa DE-290. Well 07227W10CDCA 211351968 Town of Murray >39,900 Sample coil July 10, 1984, from Clarke Co (41 ° 01' 35" N, 93° 56' 49" W). Hole drilled to 932.7m. Alt of well head, 371.8m asl. DE-291. Well 07623W31DADD 237021976 Indianola City >39,900 No. 11 Sample coil July 11, 1984, from Warren Co (41 ° 20' 25" N, 93° 32' 22" W). Hole drilled to 740.7m. Alt of well head, 258m above asl. DE-292. Well 08321W08ACCA 109341959 Town of Colo >38,800 No. 3 Sample coil July 9, 1984, from Story Co (42° 00' 59" N, 93° 19' 03"). Hole drilled to 236.2m. Alt of well head, 312.4m above asl. DE-293. Well 08721W33ABCB 021621945 8700 ± 100 Hubbard Town Well No. 2 Sample coil July 7, 1984, from Hardin Co (42° 18' 33" 17' 56" W). Hole drilled to 146.3m. Alt of well head, 333.5m asl. DE-294. Well 09114W03CABB Waverly 5 2400 ± 70 Sample coll July 11, 1984, from Bremer Co (42° 43' 19" N, 92° 34" W). Hole drilled to 47.8m.

DE-295. Well 09114W02BADC 00055 Waverly 2 33,200 ± 1700 Sample coil July 11, 1984, from Bremer Co (42° 43' 37" N, 92° 28' 03" W). Hole drilled to 384m. Alt of well head, 279.5m asl. DE-296. Well 09221 W31 DBBD 1939 Coulter Iowa No.1 6900 ± 80 Sample coil July 6, 1984, from Franklin Co (42° 44' 13" N, 93° 22' 06" W). Hole drilled to 191.4m. Alt of well head, 379.2m asl. DE-297. Well 09420W03ABCC 138381962 Rockwell Town 2 >39,900 Sample coll July 6, 1984, from Cerro Gordo Co (42° 59' 23" N, 93° 11' 06" W). Hole drilled to 139.9m. Alt of well head, 346.6m asl. DE-298. Well 09513W12ABDD 159361964 38,800 ± 3800 New Hampton No. 5 Sample coll July 5, 1984, from Chickasaw Co (43° 3' 49" N, 92° 19' 23" W). Hole drilled to 402.3m. Alt of well head, 353.6m asl. 14C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 45

DE-299. Well 09516WO1AAB 048691950 Charles City 6600 ± 90 Well No. 5 Sample toll July 5, 1984, from Floyd Co (43° 04' 58" N, 92° 40' 37" W). Hole drilled to 57m. Alt of well head, 308.7m asl.

DE-300. Well O96O8W1OADDC 138421962 Ossian 27,400 ± 770 Sample toll July 3, 1984, from Winneshiek Co (43° 08' 52" N, 91 ° 45' 59 W). Hole drilled to 307.8m. Alt of well head, 387.l m asl.

DE-301. Well 09709W19CADA 117551960 Spillville 1500 ± 70 Sample toll July 3, 1984, from Winneshiek Co (43° 12' 09" N, 91 ° 57' 16 W). Hole drilled to 110.3m. Alt of well head, 324.9m asl.

DE-302. Well 098-05W-30ACC2 Waukon Creamery No. 3 2800 ± 70 Sample coil July 3, 1984, from Allamakee Co (43° 16' 38" N, 91 ° 28' 41 W).

DE-303. Well 10020W29DDDC 1931 Northwood No. 2 3800 ± 70 Sample coil July 6, 1984, from Worth Co (43° 26' 42" N, 93° 13' 21" W). Hole drilled to 49.3m. Alt of well head, 374.9m asl. DE-304. Well West Upton Jordan WFCC >37,700 Sample toll July 12, 1984, from Fayette Co (42° 57' 23" N, 91 ° 48' 44" W).

DE-305. Well Collins Jordan >38,900 Sample toll July 9, 1984, from Story Co (41 ° 54' 04" N, 93° 18' 11" W). Missouri Dunklin Co series Samples from Dunklin Co.

DE-306. Well T16N R09E 08ACD1 39,900 ± 4500 Sample coil Aug 3, 1984 (36° 02' 25" N, 90° 40" W). Hole drilled to 560.8m. Alt of well head, 75m asl. DE-307. Well Cardwell #3 >39,900 Sample coil Aug 1, 1984 (36° 02' 25" N, 90° 15" W). Hole drilled to 499.9m. Alt of well head, 75.3m asl. DE-308. Well T18N R10E 02AAD1 >39,900 Sample coil July 30, 1984 (36° 14' 05" N, 90° 03' 15" W). Hole drilled to 463.3m. Alt of well head, 80.8m asl. DE-321. Well Holcomb T20N R10E 06BDD1 >38,100 Sample toll July 26, 1984 (36° 24' 18" N, 90° 01' 31" W). Hole drilled to 378.Om. Alt of well head, 84.l m asl. 46 1 C Yang DE-322. Well Senath No. 2 >39,300 Sample coll July 30, 1984 (36° 08' 11" N, 90° 09' 49" W). Hole drilled to 521.2m.

New Madrid Co series Samples from New Madrid Co.

DE-309. Well City of Marston 19,200 ± 400 " Sample coil Nov 2, 1983 (36° 31' 07 N, 89° 36' 34" W). Hole drilled to 502.9m. Alt of well head, 87.8m asl.

DE-310. Well City of Marston 21,100 ± 1100 Sample coil Aug 2, 1984 (36° 31' 07" N, 89° 36' 34" W). Hole drilled to 502.9m. Alt of well head, 87.8m as!.

DE-312. Well City of Gideon 27,600 ± 970 Sample coil Oct 13, 1983 (36° 27' 05" N, 89° 54' 50" W). Hole drilled to 399.2m. Alt of well head, 80.8m asl.

DE-313. Well City of Risco 25,100 ± 880 Sample coil Oct 27, 1983 (36° 33' 09" N, 89° 49' 20" W). Hole drilled to 353.6m. Alt of well head, 84.l m as!.

DE-314. Well City of Parma No. l 5900 ± 80 Sample coil Sept 26, 1984 (36° 36' 45" N, 89° 49' 05" W). Hole drilled to 144.8m. Alt of well head, 86.3m as!.

DE-311. Well Fred Scherer, Bell City 27,400 ± 4400 Sample coil July 31, 1984, from Stoddard Co (36° 55' 29" N, 89° 44' 38" W). Hole drilled to 121.9m. Alt of well head, 97.5m as!.

Pemiscot Co series Samples from Pemiscot Co.

DE-315. Well Steele No. 2-Deep well 23,300 ± 770 Sample coil Sept 25, 1984 (36° 49' 55" N, 89° 49' 58" W). Hole drilled to 710.2m. Alt of well head, 79.2m asl.

DE-316. Artesian Well-Hayti No. 3 35,500 ± 1500 Sample coil Oct 12, 1983 (36° 14' 18" N, 89° 45' 02" W). Hole drilled to 655.3m. Alt of well head, 82.3m as!.

DE-317. Artesian Well-Hayti No. 3 39,900 ± 1700 Sample coil Oct 14, 1983 (36° 16' 00" N, 89° 49' 50" W). Hole drilled to 655.3m. Alt of well head, 82.3m as!. US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 14C Dates V 47

DE-318. Well Pemiscot PWSD 2 at Pascola 31,000 ± 1300 Sample coil Oct 12, 1983 (36° 16' 00" N, 89° 49' 50" W). Hole drilled to 591.3m. Alt of well head, 80.5m asl.

DE-324. Well Hayti No. 7 20,200 ± 450 Sample coil Sept 25, 1984 (36° 14' 18" N, 89° 45' 02" W).

DE-319. Well Sikeston No. 4 6200 ± 120 Sample coil Sept 26, 1984, from Scott Co (36° 59' 39" N, 89° 35' 28" W). Hole drilled to 114.3m. Alt of well head, 99.7m asl.

DE-320. Well T28N R13E 18DBB1 1200 ± 90 Sample coll Oct 25, 1983, from Scott Co (37° 05' 00" N, 89° 39' 01" W). Hole drilled to 27.4m. Alt of well head, 102. l m asl.

DE-323. Well Charleston No. 4 6400 ± 200 Sample colt Sept 27, 1984, from Mississippi Co (36° 55' 33" N, 89° 20' 57"W).


Clarke Co series Samples from Co.

DE-330. Spring, Sandstone Spring No. l 5600 ± 120 Sample colt June 25, 1985 (36° 03' 47" N, 115° 28' 09" W).

DE-331. Well BLM Visitor's Center 6200 ± 130 Sample coll June 30, 1985 (36° N, 115° 03" W). Alt of well head, 1152.1 m asl.

DE-332. Red Spring 3700 ± 270 Sample coil June 26, 1985 (36° N, 115° 10" W). Alt of land surface, 11 15.6m asl.

DE-333. Manse Well 6100 ± 130 Sample coil June 27, 1985 (36° N, 115° 42" W). Alt of well head, 865.6m asl.

DE-334. Well Sky Mt Resort 1400 ± 100 Sample coil June 28, 1985 (36° 10' 13" N, 115° 34' 44" W).

DE-336. Spring, Dry Lake 28,200 ± 1100 Sample coil July 1, 1985 (36° 27' 18" N, 114° 50' 38" W). Alt of land surface, 638.3m asl. 48 1 C Yang

DE-342. White Rock Spring 26,800 ± 1400 Sample coll June 26, 1985 (36° 10' 27" N, 115° 28' 43" W). Alt of land surface, 1 15.6m asl. Nye Co series Samples from Nye Co.

DE-325. Well USW H-3 13,700 ± 130 Sample coil March 13, 1984 (36° 49' 42" N, 116° 28' 00" W). Hole drilled to 1219.2m.

DE-326. Well UE-25c No. 3 14,900 ± 160 Sample coil May 9, 1984 (36° 49' 47" N, 116° 25' 43" W). Hole drilled to 914.4m.

DE-335. Well Near Pahrump Spring 10,800 ± 230 Sample coll June 27, 1985 (36° 12' 27" N, 115° 59' 01" W). Alt of well head, 823m asl.

DE-337. Well USW H-3 13,700 ± 130 Sample coil March 14, 1984 (36° 49' 42" N, 116° 28' 00" W). Static water level, 751m below land surface. Also see sample DE-325.

DE-339. Well UE-25c No. l 15,200 ± 320 Sample coil Sept 30, 1983 (36° 49' 47" N, 116° 25' 43" W). Hole drilled to 914.4m.

DE-340. Well UE-25c No. 2 15,100 ± 210 Sample coil March 13, 1984 (36° 49' 47" N, 116° 25' 43" W). Hole drilled to 914.4m.

DE-341. Duckwater Spring Railroad V 27,900 ± 980 Sample coll June 13, 1983 (38° 57' 01" N, 115° 42' 06" W). Alt of land surface, 1708.l m asl.

DE-343. Fortymile Wash at well site J-13 900 ± 60 Charcoal coil Dec 12, 1983 (36° 48' 34" N, 116° 24' 03" W). Sample from mud plaster on canyon wall, 1.2m above stream bed.

DE-344. Well SP11 Fortymile Canyon 1600 ± 50 Sample coll June 1, 1984 (36° 55' 31" N, 116° 31" W). Static water level, 18.Om below land surface.

DE-345. Well USW H-6 16,800 ± 310 Sample coil July 6, 1984 (36° 50' 49" N, 116° 28' 55" W). Static water level, 627m below land surface. 14C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 49 DE-346. Fortymile Wash at well site J-13 200 ± 90 Vegetal fragments from mud plaster on canyon wall coll June 20, 1984 (36° 48' 34" N, 116° 24' 03" W), 1.2m above stream bed.

DE-347. Well USW H-6 18,500 ± 220 Sample coll June 20, 1984 (36° 50' 49" N, 116° 28' 55" W). Static water level, 794m below land surface.

DE-348. Busted Butte Wash 850 ± 150 Surface water coll Aug 15, 1984 (36° 48' 25" N, 116° 23' 39" W).

DE-349. Fortymile Wash at Rd "H" 1400 ± 80 Surface water coil Aug 15, 1984 (36° 48' 29" N, 116° 23' 34" W). White Pine Co series Samples from White Pine Co.

DE-327. Preston Big Spring 15,900 ± 330 Sample coil June 16, 1983 (38° 55' 40" N, 115° 04' 57" W). Alt of land surface, 1 737.4m as!.

DE-328. 02ACAB 1 Preston Big Spring 17,600 ± 830 Sample coll June 26, 1984 (38° 55' 40" N, 115° 04' 57" W). Alt of land surface, 1737.4m as!. DE-329. 25CCCC1 Well at Alligator Ridge 33,200 ± 4600 Sample coll April 24, 1984 (39° 44' 27" N, 115° 30' 43" W). Hole drilled to 200.9m. Alt of well head, 2023.9m as!. DE-338. Amoco Expl Well Newark V 14,600 ± 250 Sample colt April 22, 1985 (39° 50' 43" N, 115° 39' 31" W). Alt of well head, 1795.3masl.

Puerto Rico

DE-373. Well Sabana Hoyos No. 3 Arecibo 000 ± 80 Sample coil March 23, 1984, from Caguas Co (18° 24' 21" N, 66° 36' 02" W). Hole drilled to 213.4m.

DE-374. Well Prasa Monte Encantado Moca 1300 ± 70 Sample coil March 24, 1984, from Caguas Co (18° 24' 58" N, 67° 02' 15" W). Hole drilled to 61 m. DE-375. Well Prasa Sabana NR Pike 8300 ± 160 Sample colt March 23, 1984, from Barceloneta Co (18° 25' 04" N, 66° 35' 01" W). 50 I C Yang

DE-376. Well Prasa Artesian Crule Davila 7900 ± 90 Sample coll March 20, 1984, from Cayey Co (18° 25' 55" N, 66° 34' 02" W). Hole drilled to 374.9m.

DE-377. Zanja Fria Spring Arecibo 3800 ± 80 Sample coll March 27, 1984, from Caguas Co (18° 27' 24" N, 66° 39' 20" W).

DE-378. Well Garrochales No. 3 Barceloneta 4800 ± 70 Sample coil March 23, 1984, from Cayey Co (18° 27' 35" N, 66° 36' 57" W). Hole drilled to 24.4m.

DE-379. Pampanos Well 6600 ± 70 Sample coil May 1, 1984, from Vega Alta Co (18° 23' 15" N, 66° 18' 59" W).

DE-380. Well Prasa Florida No. 3 3600 ± 60 Sample coll March 26, 1984, from Arecibo Co (18° 21' 50" N, 66° 35' 40" W).

DE-381. La Pollero Well 5000 ± 80 Sample coil March 23, 1984, from Barceloneta Co (18° 26' 41" N, 66° 34' 56" W).

South Carolina

DE-382. Well BFT-210 Sea Pines Windmill 30,200 3900 Sample coil May 21, 1985, from Beaufort Co (32° 08' 35" N, 80° 47' 22" W), at depth 39.6 to 48.8m. Alt of well head, 1.8m asl.

DE-383. Well JAS-136 Co Rd 92 >34,000 Sample coll June 26, 1985, from Jasper Co (32° 09' 08" N, 80° 59' 49" W), at depth 61.0 to 74.7m. Alt of well head, 6.1 m asl. DE-384. Well BFT-439 Seapines South >32,000 Sample colt July 23, 1985, from Beaufort Co (32° 09' 10" N, 80° 47' 20" W), at depth 55.5 to 59.4m. Alt of well head, 2.4m asl.

DE-385. Well BFT-565 TH No. 4 Parris Islands 16,400 ± 950 Sample coll May 22, 1985, from Beaufort Co (32° 19' 23" N, 80° 40' 21" W), at depth 27.1 to 63.1m. Alt of well head, 3.3m asl.

DE-386. Well HAM-122 Rd 20 7900 ± 350 Sample coll June 25, 1985, from Hampton Co (32° 39' 49" N, 81 ° 19' 30" W), at depth 25.0 to 53.Om. Alt of well head, 22.9m asl. '4C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 51 Tennessee

Shelby Co series Samples from Shelby Co.

DE-387. Well SH:J-146 MLGW-DAVIS 3800 ± 70 Sample colt Aug 22, 1984 (35° 01' 14" N, 90° 07' 17" W). Hole drilled to 135.9m.

DE-388. Well SH:L-36 MLGW-LICHTERMAN 4400 ± 100 Sample coil Aug 24, 1984 (35° 02' 18" N, 89° 51' 17" W). Hole drilled to 172.8m.

DE-389. Well SH:L-37 MLGW-LICHTERMAN 23,000 ± 80 Sample coil April 25, 1985 (35° 02' 30" N, 89° 51' 23" W). Hole drilled to 116.4m.

DE-390. Well SH:K-74 SHEAHAN SOUTH WELL 1400 ± 70 FIELD Sample coil April 25, 1985 (35° 05' 16" N, 89° 55' 38" W). Hole drilled to 83.2m.

DE-391. WELL SH:K-73 MLGW-SHEAHAN 1300 ± 60 Sample colt Aug 20, 1984 (35° 05' 18" N, 89° 55' 44" W). Hole drilled to 83.2m.

DE-392. WELL SH:P-99 OVERTON PARK-2 1900 ± 60 Sample coil Aug 28, 1984 (35° 08' 57" N, 89° 59' 14" W). Hole drilled to 18m.

DE-393. SH:O-223 MALLORY WELL FIELD 2100 ± 60 Sample coil April 26, 1985 (35° 09' 13" N, 90° 0O'58" W). Hole drilled to 235.3m.

DE-394. WELL SH:O-207 MLGW #120 1700 ± 60 Sample coil Aug 14, 1984 (35° 09' 13" N, 90° 10' 08" W). Hole drilled to 231m.

DE-395. WELL SH:P-23 BUCKEYE 21,000 ± 340 Sample coil Aug 30, 1984 (35° 09' 30" N, 89° 57' 45" W). Hole drilled to 429.8m.

DE-397. WELL SH:O-169 MLGW-MALLORY 39,900 ± 1700 Sample coil Oct 11, 1983 (35° 09' 08" N, 90° 01' 46"W). Hole drilled to 81.0.8m. 52 1 C Yang DE-399. WELL AR:N-5 10,600 ± 110 Sample coll Aug 21, 1984 (35° 08' 39" N, 90° 10' 44" W). Hole drilled to 135.6m. DE-396. WELL 20N08E15BAA1 >39,900 Sample coll July 26, 1984, from Clay Co (36° 22' 25" N, 90° 12' 08" W). Hole drilled to 323.1 m. Alt of well head, 109.7m asl. DE-398. WELL HY:J-1 Paris, TN 11,300 ± 110 Sample coil Aug 17, 1984, from Henry Co (36° 18' 04" N, 88° 19' 45" W). Hole drilled to 161.2m. Alt of well head,150.Om asl.


San Juan Co series Samples from San Juan Co. DE-400. WELL (D-40-24) 17 DBD-1 >37,900 Sample coll Oct 25, 1984 (37° 18' 30" N, 109° 17' 50" W). Hole drilled to 281.9m. Alt of well head, 139.6m asl. DE-401. WELL (D-39-25) 5ACA-2 33,200 ± 1700 Sample coll June 19, 1984 (37° 25' 39" N, 109° 11' 34" W). Hole drilled to 396.2m. Alt of well head, 1450.8 asl. DE-402. WELL (D-39-25) 5ACA-1 24,000 ± 500 Sample colt June 19, 1984 (37° 25' 40" N, 109° 11' 34" W). Hole drilled to 113.4m. Alt of well head, 1452.7m asl.

DE-403. WELL (D-38-25) 35 BDX-1 32,300 ± 1500 Sample coil June 20, 1984 (37° 26' 28" N, 109° 08' 38" W). Alt of well head, 1478.3masl.

DE-404. WELL (D-37-24) 25BBD-1 32,300 ± 1500 Sample coil June 6, 1984 (37° 32' 50" N, 109° 14' 20" W). Hole drilled to 217m. Alt of well head, 1520.9m asl. DE-405. WELL (D-36-24) 14DBA-1 22,700 ± 560 Sample coll June 7, 1984 (37° 39' 27" N, 109° 14' 46" W). Hole drilled to 74.7m. Alt of well head, 1639.8m asl.

DE-406. WELL (D-35-24) 14CCA-1 21,900 ± 370 Sample coll June 7, 1984, from Utah Co (37° 42' 00" N, 109° 16' 00" W).

DE-407. WELL (D-38-25) 07DBB01 27,200 ± 740 Sample coil June 21, 1984, from Utah Co (38° 29' 47" N, 109° 12' 46" W). 14C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 53


United States Indiana Cowles Bog series Samples coil Oct 5, 1983, from Cowles Bog, Indiana Dunes Natl Lake- shore, Porter Go, sec 22, T 37 N, R 6 W (41 ° 38' N, 87° 06' W). DE-267. 1000 ± 70 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 0.30 to 0.50m below peat surface. DE-268. 2000 ± 80 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 1.30 to 1.50m below peat surface. DE-269. 3500 ± 70 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 2.3 to 2.5m below peat surface. DE-270. 5600 ± 160 Marly lake sediment; hole drilled to 3.6 to 3.7m below peat surface. DE-271. 7800 ± 450 Manly and sandy lake sediment; hole drilled to 4.9 to 5.Om below peat surface. DE-287. 6000 ± 230 Marl mixed with organic particles coil Oct 5, 1983 (41 ° 38' 39" N, 87° 06' 40" W), at depth 4.5 to 4.65m. DE-289. Modern Fibrous peat coll Aug 30, 1984 (41 ° 38' 30" N, 87° 05' 36" W), at depth 5.6 to 5.8m. Miller Woods series Samples coll Oct 20, 1983, from Miller Woods, Indiana Dunes Natl Lakeshore, Lake Co, sec 1, T 36 N, R 8 W (41° 36' N, 87° 17' W). DE-272. Pond 56 2400 ± 70 Sandy peat; hole drilled to 0.94 to 1.1 Om below sediment surface. DE-273. Pond 39 2100 ± 80 Sandy peat; hole drilled to 1.25 to 1.40m below sediment surface. DE-274. Pond 53 2700 ± 70 Sandy peat; hole drilled to 10.7 to 12.6m below sediment surface. DE-275. Pond 53 1400 ± 90 Sandy peat coil Oct 19, 1983. Hole drilled to 0.60 to 0.77m below sedi- ment surface. 54 1 C Yang

DE-276. Pond 53 2200 ± 70 Sandy peat coil Oct 19, 1983. Hole drilled to 0.12 to 27m below sedi- ment surface.

DE-286. Pond 5 2100 ± 120 Marly organic lake mud coil May 8, 1984 (41 ° 37' 00" N, 87° 16' 00" W), at depth 0.85 to 0.90m.

DE-288. Pond 53 3000 ± 90 Organic lake sediment mixed with sand coil May 8, 1984 (41 ° 36' 20" N, 87° 17' 12"W), at depth 1.35 to 1.45m. Pinhook Bog series Samples coil Nov 1, 1983, from Pinhook Bog, Indiana Dunes Nati Lakeshore, La Porte Co, sec 35, T 37 N, R 4 W (41 ° 36' N, 86° 50' W).

DE-277. 2400 ± 80 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 2.15 to 2.4m below peat surface.

DE-278. 2200 ± 90 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 1.45 to 1.65m below peat surface.

DE-279. 1000 ± 70 Fibrous peat; hole drilled to 0.65 to 0.80m below peat surface.

DE-280. 2200 ± 70 Fibrous woody peat coil at depth 5.49 to 5.69m. Comment: samples DE- ° 280 to -285 coil Oct 31, 1983 (41 37' 00" N, 86° 51' 41" W).

DE-281. 4200 ± 80 Fibrous peat coil at depth 7.8 to 7.9m.

DE-282. 5500 ± 90 Fibrous peat coil at depth 9.14 to 9.29m.

DE-283. 8300 ± 100 Fine organic detritus mixed with clay coil at depth 10.65 to 10.75m. DE-284. 10,500 ± 150 Clay mixed with fine organic detritus coil at depth 11.9 to 12.Om.

DE-285. 1200 ± 230 Clay mixed with fine organic detritus coil at depth 12.95 to 13.05m. Nevada Walker Lake sediment series, Nye Co All sample depths indicated are below water-sediment interface.

DE-350. WLC-4, seg 2, organic 1600 ± 190 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 0.60 to 0.69m. US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 14C Dates V 55

DE-351. WLC-4(3)-2, organic 550 ± 150 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 1.10 to 1.18m.

DE-352. WLC-4(4)-3, organic 160 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 1.05 to 1.12m.

DE-353. WLC-4(5)-4, organic 4000 ± 280 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 2.68 to 2.75m.

DE-354. WLC-4(7)-5, inorganic 5400 ± 250 organic 14,000 ± 730 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 16.04 to 16.17m.

DE-355. WLC-4(9)-6, organic 14,200 ± 1300 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 22.35 to 22.45m.

DE-356. WLC-4(10)-7, organic 15,700 ± 680 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 24.60 to 24.67m.

DE-357. WLC-4(11)-8, organic 16,800 ± 1000 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 26.16 to 26.24m.

DE-358. WLC-4(12)-9, inorganic 16,500 ± 1000 organic 18,700 ± 1100 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 30.41 to 30.62m.

DE-359. WLC-4(13)-10, inorganic 19,500 ± 1000 organic 21,000 ± 1100 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 32.48 to 32.62m.

DE-360. WLC-4(14)-11, inorganic 26,700 ± 1100 organic 32,100 ± 3900 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 35.09 to 35.18m.

DE-361. WLC-4(16)-12, organic 30,900 ± 6000 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 39.91 to 39.98m.

DE-362. WLC-4(17)-13, inorganic 24,900 ± 1900 organic >36,100 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 42.36 to 42.43m. DE-363. WLC-4(19)-4, organic >33,700 Sample coil Sept 7, 1984, from depth 44.81 to 44.88m.

DE-364. WLC-5(5)-16, inorganic 24,000 ± 1300 organic >29,960 Sample coil Nov 30, 1984, from depth 36.20 to 36.32m. 56 I C Yang DE-365. WLC-5(6)-17, organic 31,400 ± 8400 Sample coil Nov 30, 1984, from depth 39.71 to 39.83m.

DE-366. WLC-6(1)-18, inorganic 350 ± 100 organic 360 ± 170 Sample coil Nov 30, 1984, from depth 1.0 to 1.15m.

DE-367. WLC-8(2A)-19, inorganic 1700 ± 180 organic 1300 ± 170 Sample coil Nov 30, 1984, from depth 2.83 to 2.99m.

DE-370. WLC-8(4)-20, inorganic 3800 ± 200 organic 3500 ± 200 Sample colt Nov 30, 1984, from depth 6.92 to 7.07m.

DE-371. WLC-8(8)-21, inorganic 4700 ± 220 organic 4700 ± 220 Sample coil Nov 30, 1984, from depth 10.00 to 10.24m. DE-368. WLC-4(8)-23, organic 8700 310 Sample coil June 6, 1985, from depth 19.65 to 19.89m.

DE-369. WLC-8(9)-29, inorganic 4700 ± 230 organic 4700 ± 110 Sample coil June 6, 1985, from depth 10.90 to 11.15m.

DE-372. WLC-8(2B)-30, inorganic 1900 ± 170 organic 2600 ± 170 Sample coil June 6, 1985, from depth 4.23 to 4.39m.

REFERENCES Brown, E, Skougstad, M W and Fishman, M J, 1970, US Geological Survey techniques of water-resources investigations: Book 5, Chap Al, p 42-44. Craig, H, 1957, Isotopic standards for carbon and oxygen and factors for mass-spectrometric analysis of carbon dioxide: Geochim et Cosmochim Acta, v 12, p 133-149. Yang, I C, 1984, US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, radiocarbon dates IV: Radiocar- bon, v 26, no. 2, p 166-184. Yang, I C and Emerson, R L, 1980, Teflon vials for low-level 14C liquid scintillation counting, in Peng, C T, Horrocks, D L and Alpen, E L, eds, Internatl conf on liquid scintillation counting, recent applications and developments: New York, Academic Press, v 2, p 181- 197. Yang, I C, McAvoy, R L and Emerson, R L, 1981, US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, radiocarbon dates III: Radiocarbon, v 23, no. 1, p 24-32. US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 14C Dates V 57

TABLE 1 Summary of b13C and alkalinity for water sources Total S'SC alkalinity (%o PDB) as Water Sample Colln Inorg bicarbonate source no. date carbon (mg/L) by state DE-236 7/26/84 -12.44 306 Arkansas -237 8/01/84 -11.6 402 -238 11/21/83 1930 California - " -239 11/21/83 - 2010 -240 11/19/83 - 587 " -241 11/21/83 - 433 " -242 7/25/85 - - -243 7/29/85 - - -244 7/13/85 - - -245 7/10/84 - - -246 7/10/84 " - - " -247 7/13/84 - - -248 8/31/83 -8.3 - Colorado -249 10/28/83 -3.8 - -250 3/24/83 -6.5 - " -251 3/24/83 -0.4 - " -252 3/24/83 -3.9 - " -253 3/24/83 -4.5 - " -254 3/24/83 -3.5 - -255 3/24/83 -4.7 - -256 10/9/83 -4.5 - -257 10/10/83 -9.4 - " -258 8/26/83 -7.1 - -259 8/30/83 -3.6 - -260 10/6/83 -6.3 - -261 10/4/83 -1.3 - -262 7/18/83 -9.3 - " -263 8/22/83 -11.3 - -264 3/24/83 -2.5 - -265 2/7/84 -10.4 - -266 9/13/84 580 -267 10/5/83 - Indiana -268 10/5/83 - - - - " -269 10/5/83 - - -270 10/5/83 - - " -271 10/5/83 - - " -272 10/20/83 - - " -273 10/20/83 - - -274 10/20/83 - - " -275 10/19/83 - - -276 10/19/83 - - -277 11/1/83 - - " -278 11/1/83 - - " -279 11/1/83 - - -280 10/31/83 - - -281 10/31/83 - - -282 10/31/83 - - -283 10/31/83 - - -284 10/31/83 - - -285 10/31/83 - - -286 5/8/84 - - " -287 10/5/84 - - -288 5/8/84 - - -289 8/30/84 -27.2 - " 58 1 C Yang

TABLE 1 (continued)

8'sC alkalinity (°,6o PDB) as ample olln Inorg bicarbonate source no. date carbon state DE-290 7/10/84 - Iowa -291 7/11/84 - -292 7/9/84 - -293 7/7/84 - -294 7/11/84 - -295 7/11/84 - -296 7/6/84 - -297 7/6/84 - -298 7/5/84 - -299 7/5/84 - -300 7/3/84 - -301 7/3/84 - -302 7/3/84 - -303 7/6/84 - -304 7/12/84 - -305 7/9/84 - -306 8/3/84 - -307 8/ 1 /84 -12.5 -308 7/30/84 -11.9 -309 11/2/83 - -310 8/2/84 -11.5 -311 7/31/84 -13.3 -312 10/13/83 -13.2 -313 10/27/83 -14.1 - -314 9/26/84 -14.3 -315 9/25/84 -14.6 -316 10/12/83 -13.1 -317 10/14/83 - - -318 10/12/83 -16.6 - -319 9/26/84 -13.5 -320 10/25/83 -16.1 - -321 7/26/84 -13.9 -322 7/30/84 --11.6 -323 9/27/84 - -324 9/25/84 - -325 3/13/84 -4.9 - -326 5/9/84 -7.5 - -327 6/16/83 -5.9 - n -328 6/26/84 -5.7 - -329 4/24/84 -3.5 - -330 6/25/85 - - -331 6/30/85 - - -332 6/26/85 - - -333 6/27/85 - - -334 6/28/85 - - -335 6/27/85 - - -336 7/1/85 - - n 14C US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Dates V 59

TABLE 1 (continued) 8'3C Total (o PDB) alkalinity Water Sample Colln Org Inorg bicarbonate source no, date carbon (mg/L) by state DE-337 3/14/84 - - - N d a -338 4/22/85 - - - -339 9/30/83 - 113 -340 3/13/84 - 117 -341 6/13/83 - 4.4 -342 6/26/85 - - -343 12/12/83 - - - -344 6/1/84 - 112 -345 7/6/84 - 192 -346 6/20/84 - -347 6/20/84 - 178 -348 8/15/84 - - - 8/15/84 9/7/84 -26.9- - - 9/7/84 -24.7 - - 9/7/84 -27.1 - 9/7/84 -27.7 - - 9/7/84 -24.9 - - -355 9/7/84 -24.3 9/7/84 -23.9 - - 9/7/84 -24.1 - - 9/7/84 -24.1 - - -359 9/7/84 -22.5 -360 9/7/84 -27.1 -361 9/7/84 -24.9 - - 9/7/84 -24.1 . 8 -363 9/7/84 -24.2 - -364 11/30/84 -22.9 - - -365 11/30/84 -24.2 11/30/84 -22.9 - - -367 11/30/84 -25.6 -368 6/6/85 -25.0 -369 6/6/85 -22.7 -370 11/30/84 -25.5 -371 11/30/84 -25.9 -372 6/6/85 -23.4 -373 3/23/84 - 274 Puerto Rico -374 3/24/84 - 237 -375 3/23/84 - 263 " -376 3/20/84 - 287 -377 3/27/84 - 289 " -378 3/23/84 314 " -379 5/1/84 - " - 393 , -380 3/26/84 - 293 -381 3/23/84 - 257 -382 5/21/85 - 120 South Carolina -383 6/26/85 - 101 -384 7/23/85 - 115 -385 5/22/85 - 257 -386 6/25/85 - 155 " 60 I C Yang

TABLE 1 (continued) Total 8'C alkalinity (%o PDB) Water Sample Colln Inorg bicarbonate source no. date carbon by state DE-387 8/22/84 -20.8 70 Tennessee -388 8/24/84 -21.6 -389 4/25/85 -21.0 -390 4/25/85 -20.5 -391 8/20/84 -21.2 -392 8/28/84 -16.8 -393 4/26/85 -19.5 -394 8/14/84 -20.3 -395 8/30/84 -15.1 -396 7/26/84 -12.4 -397 10/11/83 - -398 8/17/84 -17.0 -399 8/21/84 - -400 10/25/84 - Utah -401 6/19/84 -5.7 -402 6/19/84 -6.1 -403 6/20/84 -6.0 -404 6/6/84 -7.2 -405 6/7/84 -8.2 -406 6/7/84 - -407 6/21/84 -6.0 243 [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 61-124]


GEORGETTE DELIBRIAS and MARIE-THERESE GUILLIER Centre des Faibles Radioactivites, Laboratoire Mixte CNRS-CEA Avenue de la Terrasse, 91198-Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France This list is part of a program of publishing our large backlog of unpub- lished dates. The dates listed here, from 1974 to 1979, include archaeo- logic samples from various cultures and countries and geologic samples related to sea-level variations, volcanism, and especially the history of pa- leolakes in Africa. Ages are calculated according to the Libby half-life of 5570 ± 30 years. The recent standard is 95% of the 14C activity of oxalic acid, referring to 1950. All ages are given in years before present (AD 1950). Corrections for isotopic fractionations are made only when b13C values are given. The marine shells in our present and previous lists are corrected for reservoir effect of ca 400 yr, since there is no systematic isotopic correc- tion. For lascustrine shells and carbonate formations corrections are more complex, and were performed when 5'3C values were available. Some dates were calibrated using the correction table of Klein et al (1982) and are reported as "cal" ages.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank M Rousseau and Y San Vicente for sample prepara- tion, and M Jaudon and J-P Gamier for routine operation of the dating equipment.


France Les Sablins series, Etaples, Pas de Calais Charcoal from fill of pits from flint chipping workshop (50' 31' N, 10 39' E). Coll by J Hurtrelle and subm 1975-1977 by J F Piningre. Abundant assoc lithic industry is attributed to Neolithic of "Cerny" type.

Gif 3701. Les Sablins, D II, b 1 5660 120

Gif 4024. Les Sablins, B IV, c 1 5690 120 General Comment: dates Cerny culture and beginning of "Neolithization" in N France (Hurtrelle & Piningre, 1978).

Gif 3227. Labuissiere, Pas de Calais 1720 ± 90 Charcoal from Gallo-Roman potter's workshop (50° 30' N, 2° 34' E). Coil and subm 1973 by G Vion, Soc Recherche Hist, Bruay-en-Artois. Com- ment: date agrees with expectation.

61 62 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif-3611. Houdain-les-Bavay, Nord 920 ± 90 Charcoal from cave-refuge (50° 18' N, 3° 48' E). Coil and subm 1975 by F Ozeel, Maroiiles, Nord. Comment: date confirms expected age of ceram- ics. Gif-3551. Loos-lez-Lille, Nord 1930 ± 100 Charcoal from refuse ditch, assoc with atypical ceramics (56° 28' N, 3° 15' E). Coil and subm 1975 by G Leman, Dir Antiquites Hist, Lille. Com- ment: date agrees with expected La Tene age.

Neuville-sur-Escaut series, Nord Charcoal samples, at base of pits, in terrace of Escaut R (58° 18' N, 3° 24' E). Coil in La Cimenterie quarry and subm 1975 by G Hantute, Circon- scription Antiquites Prehist Nord-Picardie, Valenciennes, Nord. Assoc with some metal pieces and crude ceramics. Gif3625. Neuville-sur-Escaut, point A 2310 120 Gif3626. Neuville-sur-Escaut, point B 2430 110 Gif 3627. Neuville-sur-Escaut, point C 2420 110 Gif 3728. Neuville-sur-Escaut, point E 2500 130 Comment: undersized sample. General Comment: dates correspond to boundary between Hallstatt and La Tene ages.

Vers-sur-Selle series, Somme Samples from collective tomb in passage grave (49° 51' N, 2° 14' E). Coil and subm 1975-1.982 by J F Piningre, Dir Antiquites Prehist, Villen- euve d'Ascq, Nord. Gif 3698. Vers-sur-Selle, F 3-4 IV 3070 110 Charcoal from destruction level of monument. Gif 3699. Vers-sur-Selle, F a-1-1 4060 120 Charcoal in fill of pit. Gif 3700. Vers-sur-Selle, F a-XII b 4240 ± 120 Charcoal in fill of circular ditch, assoc with Neolithic ceramics of SOM type. Gif5740. Vers-sur-Selle, X b 4240 ± 100 Human bones from tomb. General Comment: Gif-3700 and -5740 agree well with expected age from assoc industry and type of monument (Piningre & Breart,1976). Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 63 Jonquieres series, Oise Bovidae bones from open air site (49° 24' N, 2° 44' E). Coil and subm 1972 by J C Blanchet, Centre Recherche Archeol, Compiegne, Oise. Gif 2918. Jonquieres, XVII Ba 3 2340 100 Depth 0.80 m.

Gif 2919. Jonquieres XIV So 2 5120 ± 130 From fill of Chassean ditch. Comment: agrees with Ly-2970: 5300 ± 140 obtained for bones (R, 1985, v 27, p 432) and with assoc industry. Chartrettes series, Seine et Marne Charcoal from deep pits in Hallstatt site, in alluvium of Seine R (48° 29' N, 2° 41' E). Coil by J Tarrete and subm 1975 by M Brezillon, Mus Homme, Paris. Assoc with ceramics of Hallstatt period.

Gif 2952. Chartrettes 2750 100 From detritus pit.

Gif 3677. Chartrettes, pit I, B-C 2450 100 Gif 3678. Chartrettes, pit II, G 2450 100 General Comment: dates agree well with assoc ceramics. Pincevent series, Seine et Marne Pincevent, famous open-air Late Magdalenian encampment, is situ- ated on left bank of Seine R (48° 23' N, 2° 53' E). Series of occupations were found on sands and gravels of Seine R, interspersed with flood loams. Abundance of reindeer bones suggest that inhabitants were mainly hunt- ers. Samples, except for Gif 3480, coil and subm 1981-1983 by M Julien, Coil France and CNRS, Paris.

Gif 3480. Pincevent, 74, IV 2 9460 ± 170 Ashes from hearth in Level IV 2, coil 1976 by A Leroi-Gourhan, Coll France, Paris.

Gif 6283. Pincevent, IV 2 12,120 ± 130 Carbonaceous material from hearth in Level IV 2, coil 1982.

Gif 6284. Pincevent, IV 26 11,800 ± 130 Carbonaceous material from hearth in Level IV 26, coil 1981.

Gif 6310. Pincevent IV 30 12,100 ± 130 Carbonaceous material from hearth in Level IV 30, coil 1983.

Gif 5971. Pincevent, IV 40 12,100 ± 120 Charcoal Level IV 40, co111982. 64 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier General Comment: these dates, except for Gif-3480 which is aberrant, with Gif 358: 12,300 ± 400 (R, 1970, v 12, p 430) indicate that Pincevent was occupied ca 12,000 BP but probably only during short periods; this sup- ports homogeneity of finds in different occupation levels.

Gif 3750. Argenteuil, Vat d'Oise 870 ± 90 Wood from pirogue, in sediment of Oise R (48° 57' N, 2° 15' E). Coil and subm 1975 by L Lherault, Soc Hist & Archaeol, Argenteuil.

Gif-3329. Guiry-en-Vexin, Vat d'Oise 3640 ± 100 Human bones from collective sepulcher of "SOM" Neolithic type, at Bois Couturier (47° 49' N, 1° 45' E). Coil and subm 1974 by M Brezillon. Comment: date is slightly younger than "SOM" Neolithic age expected from ceramics.

Gif-3330. Courcelles-sur-Viosne, Val d'Oise 4060 ± 110 Charcoal from pit, of Middle Neolithic site (49° 05' N, 2° 00' E). Coil by J Degros and J Tarrete and subm 1974 by M Brezillon. Comment: date is younger than expected.

Gif 3000. Palaiseau, Essonne 1320 ± 90 Human bones from burial found in archaeol level under sacristy of St Martin of Palaiseau Church (48° 43' N, 2° 14' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J M Bartholi, Palaiseau. Comment: date confirms existence of Gallo-Roman level (Bartholi, 1975).

Gif 3287. Buthiers, Essonne, FA-060 4760 ± 110 Charcoal from Tardenoisian shelter of Chateaubriand (48° 18' N, 2° 26' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J Hinout, Chateau-Thierry, Aisne. Gif-3557. Sonchamp, Yvelines 4940 ± 120 Charcoal from Neolithic site of "Augy-Sainte-Pallaye" type (48° 35' N, 1° 53' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J Tarrete, Dir Antiquites Prehist region parisienne, Paris. Comment: date agrees perfectly with age expected from ceramics.

Montigny series, Loiret Charcoal from collective tomb (48° 07' N, 02° 08' E). Coil and subm 1975 by C Masset, Paris.

Gif 3759. Montigny, D 3-D 2 III 4310 130

Gif 3760. Montigny, B 3 III 4490 130 General Comment: dates agree with expected age for this kind of monu- ment. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 65 Gif-2825. Saint-Georges du Bois, Sarthe 2220 ± 100 Charcoal and ashes from iron foundry settlement (47° 58' N, 2° 15' W). Coll and subm 1973 by A Pioger, Le Mans. Comment: this foundry activity is dated cal 545-20 BC.

Plelauff series, Kerivoelen, Cotes du Nord Charcoal from megalithic tomb (48° 13' N, 3° 11' W). Coil and subm 1975 by C T Le Roux, CNRS, Rennes.

Gif 3586. Plelauff, l 3680 110 Under pavement.

Gif 3587. Plelauff, 2 3640 ± 110 From funeral room. General Comment: dates indicate Chalcolithic period, in spite of assoc Late Neolithic ceramics of "SOM" type.

Liscuis en Laniscat series, Cotes du Nord Charcoal from group of three megalithic tombs of passage-grave type on sandy moor (48 13 N, 3° 08' W). Coil and subm 1974-1976 by C T Le Roux. 3943. Gif Laniscat, 75-1 2250 ± 90 Comment: indicates re-use of monument.

Gif 4075. Laniscat, 76-1 3680 ± 110 From hearth near tomb, at basal mound around tomb. Comment: date suggests re-use of monument during Bronze Age.

Gif 3585. Laniscat, 74-3 4170 110 From funeral room of outlying building.

Gif 4076. Laniscat, 76-2 4200 110 Comment: dates building of monument.

Gif 3944. Laniscat, 75-2 4450 ± 110 Comment: dates building of monument. General Comment: dates agree well with other dates obtained for these tombs (R, 1986, v 28, no. 1, p 11) and establish chronology of construction of these passage graves.

Gif 3748. Trans, Ille-et-Vilaine 210 ± 80 Charcoal from pottery kiln (48° 30' N,1 ° 35' W). Coil and subm 1975 by L Langouet, Univ Rennes. Comment: younger than expected. 66 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 3746. Saint-Malo, Ille-et-Vilaine 1050 ± 90 Charcoal from kiln of bronze foundry inside Alet cathedral (48° 38' N, with 2° 02' W). Coll and subm 1975 by L Langouet. Comment: agrees expected age from chronology of monument building. Gif 3747. Erdeven, Morbihan 4800 ± 110 Charcoal from hearth of flint chipping workshop (47° 38' N, 3° 12' W). Coil and subm 1975 by C T Le Roux. Comment: site is dated to Neolithic period as expected.

L'Epinette series, Prefailles, Loire Atlantique Samples from Camp des Fougerais (47° 08' N, 2° 15' W) assoc with "augets" pottery salt pans. Coll by M Tessier and subm by J L'Helgouach, Dir Antiquite Prehist, Nantes. Gif 821. L'Epinette, I 1930 ± 130 Charcoal, coll 1967. Gif 3765. L'Epinette, II 1870 100 Marine shells. General Comment: both dates disagree with Hallstatt age attributed to ceramics.

La Fougerais B series, Saint-Michel-Chef Chef, Loire Atlantique Charcoal from enclosure ditch of promontory Camp (47° 09' N, 2° 08' W). Coll by M Tessier and subm 1975 by J L'Helgouach. Assoc with abun- dant ceramics and remains of pottery kilns. Gif 3533. Les Fougerais, B I 1890 ± 90 Comment: dates Late Iron Age ceramics (Tessier,1983). Gif 3534. Les Fougerais, B III 2300 ± 100 Gif 3535. Les Fougerais, B 5 2300 ± 100 General Comment: Gif 3534-3435 confirm first settlement of site at 4th cen- tury BC, as expected from ceramics (Tessier,1983).

La Pierre Couvretiere series, Ancenis, Loire Atlantique ° Human bones found in Neolithic dolmen (47° 22' N,1 18' W). Coil by D Prigent and subm 1974-1975 by J L'Helgouach. Gif 3415. La Pierre Couvretiere, I 2990 110 Gif 3763. La Pierre Couvretiere, II 2880 100 General Comment: dates indicate re-use of monument, confirmed by pres- ence of protohistoric potsherds. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 67

Gif-3536. Hele, Donges, Loire Atlantique 4230 ± 110 Wood, at foot of menhir (47° 22' N, 2° 05' W), overlying blue clay and underlying peat, 0.50m deep. Coil by D Prigent and subm 1974 by J L'Hel- gouach. Comment: date agrees with expected age of monument, but dis- agrees with presence of Subatlantic pollens in clay. Gif 3532. Fosse de Gatineau, Saint-Michel- Chef-Chef, Loire Atlantique 4900 ± 110 Charcoal from ditch of Neolithic camp (47° 10' N, 2° 08' W). Coil by M Tessier and subm 1975 by J L'Helgouach. Comment: archaeol material corresponds to Late Neolithic. Date suggests earlier occupation. Gif 3531. Pointe Saint-Gildas, Prefailles, Loire Atlantique 7520 ± 140 Shells from refuse pit of Mesolithic site (47° 08' N, 2° 15' W). Coil by M Tessier and subm 1975 by J L'Helgouach. Assoc with microliths. Comment: very good date for typical archaeol material of Middle Tardenoisian. Melleran series, Sauze-Vaussais, Deux-Sevres Charcoal from artificial souterrain (46° 07' N, 0° 00' W). Coil and subm 1975 by R Proust, Soc Hist Deux-Sevres. These souterrains, numerous in region, are probably ancient refuges.

Gif 3457. Melleran, no. l 780 90 From entrance passage.

Gif 3669. Melleran, no. 2 1320 ± 90 From Pit A. General Comment: dates correspond to two different occupations of souter- rain. Camp Allaric series, Aslonnes, Vienne Charcoal samples from boring VI in open-air site (46° 28' N, 0° 22' E). Coil and subm 1973 by J Pautreau.

Gif 3008. Camp Allaric, Boring VI-190 2560 ± 140 At basal level of Hallstatian rampart, assoc with Late Bronze III ceram- ics.

Gif 3009. Camp Allaric, Boring VI-280 4260 140 Assoc with potsherds of Artenac type.

Gif 3010. Camp Allaric, Boring VI-310 4280 ± 140 Assoc with Chalcolithic artifacts. General Comment: Gif 3009 and -3010 date Artenac culture which corre- sponds to main Chalcolithic occupation in W central France (Pautreau, 1975). 68 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Martizay series, Indre Wood from ancient pilings of bridge at bottom of Claise R (46° 49' N, 1° 03' E). Coll and subm 1974 by M Hours, Lab Mus France, Palais Louvre, Paris. Gif 3067. Martizay, 3 200 90 Gif 3068. Martizay, 2 560 90 General Comment: results do not date bridge, which is Gallo-Roman, but restoration periods. Gif-3256. Saint-Martial de Mirambeau, Charente Maritime 1570 ± 90 Charcoal from protohistoric ditch discovered by aerial photography at "La Champagne de Font Tertaud" (45° 21' N, 0° 37' W). Subm 1974 by J Dassie, Versailles. Gif 3422. La Prevalerie de Dirac, Charente 2700 ± 110 Peat in Aurochs cranium, l .4m deep in peat bog (45° 35' N, 0° 13' W). Coll and subm 1974 by J Massaud, Angouleme. Whole skeleton was found nearby. Comment (TM) : agrees with assoc post-Neolithic industry. Aurochs disappeared from France ca AD 13th century. Gif 3609. Roc de Sers, Charente 19,230 ± 300 Bones from Early Solutrean level of prehistoric station with rupestral art (45° 36' N, 0° 42' W). Coll and subm 1975 by G Henri Martin, CNRS, Paris. Comment: date agrees well with assoc Early Solutrean lithics.

Saline de Dousseille series, Guerande, Vendee Samples from various archaeol sites, along littoral, near Guerande (47° 19' N, 2° 28' W). Gif 3764. Saline de Dousseille, I 1750 ± 100 Charcoal from habitation site with "augets" pottery salt pans. Coil by D Prigent and subm 1975 by J L'Helgouach. Comment: in expected range of date. Gif 4120. Saline de Dousseille, II 610 ± 90 Human bones from necropolis. Coll by J Y Gallais and subm 1976 by J L'Helgouach. Comment: dates recent occupation of site. Gif 3417. Les Aspies, Nieul-sur-l'Autize, Vendee 4040 ± 130 Fragment of human cranium assoc with Campaniforme Chalcolithic industry, from dolmen under tumuli (46° 27' N, 0° 41' E). Coll by R Jous- saume and subm 1973 by J L'Helgouach. Comment (J L'H): very good date for Atlantic Campaniform occupation. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 69 Gif 3761. PetitRocher, Bretignolles, Vendee 4290 ± 130 Charcoal from coastal Chalcolithic habitat in sandy dune (46° 37' N,1 ° 53' W). Coil by R Joussaume and subm 1975 by L'Helgouach. Assoc with rich Chalcolithic J industry, ceramics and jewelry. Comment: date is exactly as expected.

Pierre Virante II series, Xanton Chassenon, Vendee Human bones from typical megalithic monument (46° 28' N, 00 41' E). Coil by R Joussaume and subm 1974-1975 by J L'Helgouach. Gif 3416. Pierre Virante, I 4870 140 Gif 3762. Pierre Virante, II 4040 130 General Comment: date for 2nd sample, Gif-3762, is exactly as expected, whereas Gif-3416 is much too old and difficult to explain.

Gif 3675. Nieul sur 1'Autize, Vendee 4110 ± 130 Charcoal from Neolithic camp with triple surrounding walls (46° 25' N, 0° 39' W). Coll and subm 1975 by R Joussaume, Les Sables d'Qlonne, Vendee. Comment: in expected age range. Gif 3676. Les Cous, Bazoges-en-Pareds, Venolee 4680 ± 130 Charcoal from passage grave (46° 39' N, 3° 16' E). Coll and subm 1975 by R Joussaume. Comment: in expected age range. Gif 3649. La Faurelie II, Dordogne 11,780 ± 180 Carbonized bones from hearth of Magdalenian V Level of La Faurelie rock shelter (44° 56' N, 1° 02' E). Coil 1966 and subm 1975 by J Tixier, CNRS, Meudon-Bellevue. Comment: date is rather young for assoc Magdale- nian V industry assoc. Bones were probably slightly contaminated.

Crozo Bastido series, Pinsac, Lot Charcoal from cavern (44° 51' N, 1° 30' E). coil and subm 1974 by M Lorblanchet, CNRS, Paris.

Gif 3279. Crozo Bastido, Upper Level II 2230 110 Gif-3280. Crozo Bastido, Level III 2710 110 General Comment: date of Level II agrees with Iron Age date of ceramics, but date of Level III disagrees with expected Middle Bronze Age date prob- ably due to numerous observed disturbances of site.

Cuzoul series, Vers, Lot Cuzoul Rock Shelter (44° 27' N,1 ° 32' E), offers very interesting strati- graphy, 3m thick with 50 levels of successive temporary occupations during Early Magdalenian (Clottes & Giraud, 1985). Samples coil and subm 1982- 83 by J Clottes, Dir Antiquites Prehist Midi-Pyrenees, Foix. 70 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 6372. Cuzoul, Level 3, a-b 14,560 ± 130 Bone splinters. Gif 6638. Cuzoul, Level 5 c 15,980 ± 150 Bone splinters, mainly reindeer. Corresponds to Magdalenian II level. Gif 6371. Cuzoul, Level 13 16,800 ± 170 Bone splinters from Middle Classic Magdalenian I level. Gif 6797. Cuzoul, Level 20 17,050 170 Bone splinters from base of Magdalenian I level. Gif 6370. Cuzoul, Level 23 18,300 200 Bone splinters from Magdalenian 0 level. Gif 6798. Cuzoul, Level 24 18,400 200 Bones from very early Magdalenian 0 level. Gif 6699. Cuzoul, Level 30 19,400 210 Bone splinters from basal level with typical Solutrean tools. General Comment: due to thickness of sequence, high-precision dating of Early Magdalenian might be performed. Grotte des Escabasses series, Themines, Lot Charcoal from occupation levels (44° 45' N, 1° 48' E). Coil and subm 1974 by M Lorblanchet. Gif3276. Grotte des Escabasses, Upper Level III 2710 ± 110 Late Bronze-Early Iron Age occupation level. Gif 3277. Grotte des Escabasses, Base Level III 2470 ± 110 Late Bronze-Early Iron Age occupation. Gif 3278. Grotte des Escabasses, Level VIc 4120 ± 120 Late Neolithic occupation. General Comment: dates fit well with expected ages. Gif 3276 and -3277 seem inverted, yet are almost in statistical range of each other. Abri du Mas Viel series, Saint-Simon, Lot Bone splinters from famous Mousterian shelter, Mas Vie! (44° 42' N, 1° 50' N). Coil and subm 1974 by M Lorblanchet. Gif3281. Mas Vie!, Upper Level C 26,770 ± 800 Gif 3559. Mas Vie!, Level E >40,000 Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 71 General Comment: lithics were studied by F Bordes after excavation in 1954. He attributed them to peculiar Late Mousterian though date of Level C is too young. Sargel Cave series, Saint-Rome de Cernon, Aveyron Charcoal from different levels of Sargel Cave (44° 01' N, 2° 59' W). Coil 1967 and subm 1973 by G Costantini, Millau, Aveyron.

Gif 3005. Sargel Cave, Level V 3800 ± 130 Level attributed to Chalcolithic period.

Gif-3006. Sargel Cave, Level IX 3620 ± 130 Level attributed to Chalcolithic period.

Gif 3007. Sargel Cave, Level XIII 4650 ± 150 Level attributed to Early Chassean period. General Comment: dates are slightly younger than expected. Gif-3502. Tumulus de Lardicou, Cancalieres, Tarn 2140 ± 90 Charcoal from hearth of stone tumulus (43° 31' N, 2° 19' E). Coll and subm 1975 by M Labrousse, Antiquites Hist Midi-Pyrenees. Assoc with pot- sherds of Gallo-Roman appearance. Comment: site older than presumed age. La Poujade series, Millau, Aveyron Charcoal from rock shelter (44° 07' N, 3° 10' E). Coil and subm 1974- 75 by G B Arnal, CNRS, Montpellier.

Gif 3418. La Poujade, Level 10 C 8710 190 Gif-3631. La Poujade, Level I D 8990 190 General Comment: assoc lithic material seems Mesolithic and agrees well with date, but presence of potsherds in levels so old suggests disturbance.

Gif 3419. Grotte du Bourrut, Sumene, Gard 8790 ± 190 Charcoal from Chassean level (43° 50' N, 3° 40' E). Coil and subm by G B Arnal. Comment: date is 3000 yr older than industry and remains unex- plained.

Gif-3322. Prades, Lozere 4010 ± 120 Carbonized wheat in "Fontbouisse" Chalcolithic level, from Aven des Corneiiles (44° 18' N, 3° 27' E). Coil and subm 1974 by G Fages, CNRS, Themines, Lot. Comment: dates beginning of "Fontbouisse" culture in "Grandes Gausses," Massif Central.

Gif 3648. Memer, Vailhoules, Aveyron 1280 ± 90 Bones of "Man of Memer" (44° 20' N, 1° 53' E) found in 1948 and subm 1975 by M Delhon-Bujard, Toulouse. Comment: dates skeleton of man, antiquity of whom has been much debated. 72 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif-3704. Chateau de Montaner, Hautes Pyrenees 820 ± 90 Wood from stake in well filling (43° 20' N, 00 00'). Subm 1976 by D Bardin. Gif 3701. Germs-sur-L'Oussouet, Hautes Pyrenees 2480 ± 100 Wood from timbers of argentiferous galena workings (43° 03' N, 00 03' E). Coil and subm 1976 by D Bardin, ELF Aquitaine Soc, Pau. Saint-Jean-de-Verges series, Ariege Faunal bones from unsheltered site near little cave (43° 01' N, 10 36' d'Hist Nat, E). Coil 1964 by J Vezian and subm 1973 by J Bouchud, Mus Paris. Gif-2942. Saint-Jean-de-Verges, 1973-1 21,500 ± 400 From Perigordian V Level. Gif2941. Saint-Jean-de-Verges, 1973-2 24,200 600 From Aurignacian I Level separated from Perigordian V level by red clayey layer, 0.10 to 0.20m thick. General Comment: Gif 2942 agrees well with expected age of Perigordian V, whereas Gif-2941 is much too young for assoc Aurignacian I industry, probably because of recent contamination of bones. Gif 2943. Grottes du Portel, Ariege 12,760 ± 170 Bone fragments in Magdalenian IV hearth, underlying sterile red clay and stalagmitic deposits (43° 01' N, 10 36' E). Coll 1972 by J Vezian and not subm 1973 by J Bouchud. Comment: data is a little too young but does disagree with range of expected ages from industry. Gif 2950. La Cauna, Belvis, Aude 12,270 ± 280 Bones from Level 3 (42° 55' N, 2° 23' E). Coll and subm 1973 by D Sacchi, Lab Prehist CNRS, Caracassonne. Comment: date agrees perfectly with assoc Magdalenian VI industry. Gif 2981. Lassac, Salleles-Cabardes, Aude 16,750 ± 250 Faunal bone fragments from Level IIb of open air site (43° 18' N, 2° 23' E). Coil and subm 1973 by D Sacchi. Comment: (DS) date agrees per- fectly for Early Magdalenian site, first open-air Magdalenian site known in S France and probably most noteworthy one found in situ for this period (Sacchi, 1973). Grotte d'Enlene series, Montesquieu-Avantes, Ariege Grotte d'Enlene (43° 02' N,1 ° 13' E) is cave in famous group of caverns of Volp R (Clottes,1985). Samples were Subm 1976-1984 by J Clottes. Gif 5319. Grotte d'Enlene 0-9 890 ± 80 Charcoal from superficial hearth in base of cave. Comment: dates recent occupation of cave. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 73 Gif 4122. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 1-b 2200 ± 120 Charcoal from little hearth lying on stalagmitic floor. Coil 1976. Com- ment: dates recent occupation of cave.

Gif4123. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 3-1 10,080 ± 230 Charcoal from top of Level 3, from Salle des Morts. Coil 1976. Com- ment: date disagrees with expected Middle Magdalenian age. Undersized sample. Gif-4124. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 3.2 13,940 ± 250 Charcoal from thick hearth at base of Level 3, in Salle des Morts. Coil 1976. Assoc with Magdalenian assegais of Lussac-Angles type. Comment: date agrees well with expected age.

Gif-6030. Grotte d'Enlene, 82-416 13,900 ± 120 Carbonized bones from an other hearth of Level 3, in Salle des Morts, in same part of cave as Gif4124.

Gif5320. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 1-2 9630 ± 170 Burned bones from Level 1, lying on stalagmitic floor, from Salle du Fond. Coil 1980.

Gif 5321. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 3-e 12,800 ± 140 Burned bones, separated from upper Level 1-2 by thick stalagmitic layer, in Salle du Fond. Coil 1980. Comment: very famous engraved "Plaquette of Enlene" was discovered in this cave 50 yr ago (Begouen et al, 1984). Additional pieces of same plaquette were assoc with bones at base of Level 3-e.

Gif 5770. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 3-f 13,400 ± 120 Bones from Level 3-f of Middle Magdalenian IV in Salle du Fond. Coil 1982. Comment: industry is a little more recent than that from Salle des Morts. Difference between dates is compatible with observed difference between artifacts.

Gif 6655. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 4 21,000 ± 250 Bones from Level 4, near entrance of cave. Coil 1984. Comment: date corresponds to Late Perigordian.

Gif 6656. Grotte d'Enlene, Level 5 24,600 ± 350 Bones from Level 5, near entrance of cave. Coil 1984. Assoc with typi- cal Perigordian V industry. Comment: date is within ages generally accepted for Late Perigordian. General Comment: upper levels seem disturbed and ages are too early; dates of lower levels agree well with archaeol attribution. Gif 3484. Serralongue, Pyrenees Orientales Modern Human bones from necropolis of Late Bronze-Hallstatt transition (43° 23' N, 2° 20' E). Coil and subm 1974 by H Baills. Comment: dates recent inhumation. 74 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Can-Fey series, Montferrer, Pyrenees Orientales ° Samples from Late Neolithic level of Can-Pey site (42° 53' N,1 46' E). Coil and subm 1974-1977 by H Baills, Centre Catalan Etudes Prehist, Cabestany. Gif 3282. Can-Fey, Level N 3-1 4420 ± 120 Human bones from sepulcher. Gif4045. Can-Fey, Level N 3-2 4060 200 Charcoal from habitation level. Comment: undersized sample. Gif 4280. Can-Fey, Level N 3,18 H 8 2680 ± 100 Charcoal from habitation level N 3. General Comment: Gif-3282 and -4045 agree with archaeol estimate, but Gif- 4280 is much too young, which may be explained by intrusion of charcoal from upper level of Late Bronze III A age. Gif-3787. En Gorner, Villefranche de Conflent, Pyrenees Orientales 4610 ± 110 Charcoal from cave, (42° 35' N, 2° 22' E). Coll and subm 1975 by H Baills. Comment: dates Middle Neolithic of "Groupe de Montbolo" type. Gif 3346. Vingrau, Pyrenees Orientales 5300 ± 110 Charcoal in hearth from site in cave (42° 51' N, 2° 48' E), depth: 0.25m. Coil and subm 1974 by P Campmajo, Cabestany, Pyrenees Orientales. Assoc with Late Magdalenian VI lithic industry. Comment: aberrant date proves contamination of this level which is too superficial. Gif 3753. "Las Conques," Vingrau, Pyrenees Orientales, D 27-C 3 8780 ± 120 Bones from Level 3 from Magdalenian level of prehistoric cave (42° 57' N, 2° 47' E). Coll and subm 1975 by D Sacchi. Comment: date strongly dis- agrees with expected age, probably because of contamination of bones. Gif 3571. Pereiras, Fouzols, Aude 4690 ± 110 Bones from burial in Chassean ditch (43° 17' N, 2° 51' E). Coil 1959 and subm 1975 by G Camps, LAPEMO, Aix-en-Provence. Comment: good date for Late Chassean site. Gif 3573. SaintJean-de-Cas, Mailhac, Aude 3730 ± 110 Charcoal from Bronze Age site, type Verazian (43°19' N, 2° 49' E). Coil by P Ambert and coil 1975 by G Camps. Comment: very good date for Verazian culture. Shelter Jean Cros series, Labastide-en-Val, Aude Samples from shelter from Early Neolithic-Mesolithic transition (43° 05' N, 2° 28' E). Coil and subm 1975 by J Guilaine, CNRS, Carcassonne. Assoc with printed ceramics. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 75 Gif3575. Shelter Jean Cros, Level 2 b-c 6600 130 Charcoal from Sq IX-6 and X-6. Gif 3576. Shelter Jean Cros, Level 2 a-b-c 7160 ± 130 Shells (Helix nemoralis) from Sq VI-4. Comment: maybe slightly contam- inated by old carbonate. General Comment: dates confirm previous date for Level 2: 6500 ± 300, Gif- 218 (R, 1966, v 8, p 85) and agree well with archaeol estimate (Guilaine, 1979). Gif-3448. Grotte de Canecaude I, Villardonnel, Aude 12,300 ± 600 Coprolites from Level C (43° 19' N, 2° 19' E). Coil and subm 1975 by D Sacchi. Comment (DS): stratigraphic position of Level C, between Aurigna- cian Level III: 22,980 ± 330 (Gif 2709) and Aurignacian Level IV: 25,510 (Gif 2710) (R, 1982, v 24, p 323), is unquestionable (Sacchi, 1973). Date strongly disagrees with expected age and remains unexplained.

Gif 3572. Fournes 2, Siran, Herault 3140 ± 110 Bones from upper Level B, assoc with Campaniform potsherds, in dol- men (43° 20' N, 2° 40' E). Coil by P Ambert and coil 1975 by G Camps. Comment: date is too young, but grave goods suggest that levels were dis- turbed.

Gif 3570. Parignoles, La Liviniere, Herault 3600 ± 110 Bones from classic Early Bronze site, type Verazian (43° 18' N, 2° 38' E). Coil by P Ambert and subm 1975 by G Camps. Comment: date agrees with expected age.

Grotte de Camprafaud series, Ferriere-Poussarou, Herault Charcoal samples from different levels of Grotte de Camprafaud (43° 26' N, 2° 54' E). Coil and subm 1974-1975 by G Rodriguez, Saint Chinian, Pardaillon, and 1976 by J L Roudil, Montpellier.

Gif 3073. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 2 3980 ± 100 From Level 2, assoc with Chalcolithic industry from "Early Bronze- Campaniforme" type.

Gif 3074. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 3 4060 ± 100 From Level 3, assoc with Chalcolithic industry of "Verazian" type.

Gif 3075. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 4 2070 ± 90 From Level 4, assoc with Chalcolithic industry of "Verazian" type. Comment: date indicates important recent contamination, explained by presence of burrows. Cf Gif 3782. 76 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 3782. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 4b 3980 ± 110 From Level 4, similar to Gif-3075. Comment: date agrees well with assoc Chalcolithic industry. Gif 3076. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 7 4380 ± 110 From Level 7, assoc with Late Neolithic industry of "Tardo-Saintpon- ian" type. Gif 3469. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 10 4950 ± 110 From hearth in upper part of Level 10, assoc with Late Neolithic industry of "Saintponian" type. Gif 3470. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 10 4920 ± 110 From same Level as Gif 3469. Gif 3078. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 19 6480 130 From Level 19, assoc with Early Neolithic of "Languedocian" type. Gif3077. Grotte de Camprafaud, Level 20 7900 ± 150 From Level 20, assoc with Early Neolithic industry. Comment: date is probably oldest for Early Neolithic. General Comment: dates agree well with assoc archaeol industry. With previ- ously pub dates (R, 1972, v 14, p 285), they confirm long use of cave: 4500 yr of continuous settlement with 20 very well-stratified levels (Rodriguez, 1976, 1983). Gif 2868. Abri de la Madeleine, Bedoin, Vaucluse 3020 ± 100 Human bones from burial chamber of Chalcolithic dolmen (44° 07' N, 5° 10' E). Coll and subm 1973 by G Sauzade, Dir Antiquites Prehist Pro- vence, Avignon. Comment: younger than expected, but assoc industry is not typical enough for good archaeol date. Gif 2869. Dolmen de Prignon, Saint-Cezaire Alpes Maritimes 4040 ± 110 Human bones from basal level (43° 38' N, 6° 48' E). Coll and subm 1973 by G Sauzade. Comment: agrees with assoc industry and expected age for that monument.

Capula station series, Levie, Corse ° N, Charcoal from Rockshelter 1 from important site of Capula (41 42' 9° 07' E). Coll and subm 1975 by F de Lanfranchi, Inst Etudes Corses Prehist, Ajaccio.

Gif3529. Capula 1 2960 ± 100 Level VI b, Iron Age. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 77

Gif 3530. Capula 2 3410 ± 100 Level VII, Hearth F 1, Late Bronze Age.

Gif4033. Capula 3 3400 ± 110 Level VIII, Bronze Age. General Comment: dates are in expected range.

Gif 3337. Massiac, Cantal 220 ± 90 Wood in gallery of ancient silver mine (50° 16' N, 30 14' E). Coil and subm 1974 by M Lasserre, Fac Sci, Ciermont-Ferrand, Puy de Dome. Com- ment: dates recent working.

Gif 3045. Aulnat, Gandaillat, Puy de Dome 2150 ± 100 Charcoal at bottom of Pit B 29, at Aulnat (45° 47' N, 3005 E). Coil and subm 1973 by H Pelletier, Univ Clermont-Ferrand. Assoc with Early La Tene I industry. Comment: date agrees with expected age. Champsemard series, Tournus, Saone et Loire Charcoal from La Tene II levels of Celtic site (45° 33' N, 40 55 E). Coil and subm 1974 by M Perrin, Tournus.

Gif 3554. Champsemard, Level 7 2150 90 Gif 3555. Champsemard, Level 4 2190 90 General Comment: dates agree with archaeol data. Camp de Myard series, Vitteaux, Cote d'Or Charcoal from fortified Neolithic oppidum (47° 23' N, 4° 31' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J P Nicolardot, CNRS, Saint Germain-en-Laye. Gif 3380. Camp de Myard,1378 4500 130 From habitation structure.

Gif 3381. Camp de Myard,1377 4990 130 From Neolithic rampart.

Gif 3670. Camp de Myard,1522 4770 ± 140 From habitation structure. General Comment: dates agree well with previous dates for other structures at same site (R, 1974, v 16, p 35) (Delattre & Nicolardot, 1976). Mont Avrollot series, Saint-Florentin, Yonne Charcoal samples from Level 9 c in La Tene oppidum (48° 0' N, 30 41' E). Coil and subm 1974 by A Duval, Mus Antiquites Nat, Saint Germain- en-Laye.

Gif 3356. Mont Avrollot, E 3 2290 ± 110 78 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guiltier Gif 3357. Mont Avrollot, E 4 2410 ± 110 Gif-3354. Chichery, Yonne 5600 ± 120 Human bones from Neolithic sepulcher (47° 55' N, 3° 31' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J Rigaud, Appoigny, Yonne. Comment: agrees with assoc grave goods. Gif 3783. Hallignicourt, Haute-Marne 810 ± 90 Human bones from burial ditch 3 (48° 39' N, 4° 52' E). Coil and subm 1975 by L Lepaje, Saint-Dizier. No artifacts were assoc, but in nearby grave, ceramics of Bronze-Hallstatt transition were found. Comment: date indicates re-use of burial, as suspected. Gif 3784. Laneuville au Pont, Haute-Marne 2240 ± 100 Charcoal in refuse pit of habitat (48° 38' N, 4° 51' E). Coil and subm 1975 by L Lepaje. Assoc with Early Hallstatt ceramics. Comment: date is younger than expected. Gif 3785. Nijon-La Mottote, Haute-Marne 2020 ± 100 Charcoal from hearth at base of barrow (48° 12' N, 5° 36' E). Coil and subm 1975 by L Lepaje. Comment: younger than Middle Hallstatt expected. Gif-3716. Money, Doubs 610 ± 90 Wood from whole dug-out canoe, 5m long, in bed of Ogon R (47° 17' N, 6° 07'). Coil and subm 1975 by P Petrequin, Antiquites Prehist Franche- Comte, Besancon.

Gigot series, Bretonvilliers, Doubs Charcoal in hearths from habitat at foot cliff (47°13'N, 6°41'E). Coil and subm 1974 by D Vuillat, Circonscription Antiquites Prehist Franche- Comte, Besancon.

Gif 3342. Gigot, K 6-F 1 4100 ± 110 From pit of Early Bronze Age occupation. Gif 3343. Gigot, L 6-F 2 5080 ± 100 From Late Tardenoisian Mesolithic-Early Neolithic occupation. General Comment: both samples come from same level: dates indicate that hearth Gif-3342 is intrusive in Tardenoisian level. Gif 3328. Juniville, Ardennes 2400 ± 180 Carbonized plant remains from La Tene I site (49° 24' N, 4° 21' E). Coil and subm 1974 by J L Flouest, Saint Dizier, Haute Marne. Comment: agrees well with ceramics. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 79

Gif-3577. Nanteuil-sur-Aisne, Ardennes 2820 ± 90 Charcoal from protohist ditch (49° 31' N, 4° 17' E). Coll and subm 1975 by B Lambot, Compiegne. Comment: date agrees with Late Bronze- Early Halstatt period, as expected.

Africa Algeria Protohistoric Megalithic monuments series Human bones from megalithic monuments in N Algeria. Coll and subm 1973 by M C Chamla.

Gif-2841. Djebel Mistiri, Mn Chabro 2490 ± 110 From one of many tumuli of Djebel Mistiri (35° 25' N, 8° E).

Gif-2842. Bou Nouara, Djebel Mazela 1700 ± 110 From largest necropolis of N Africa, Djebel Mazela (36° 10' N, 6° 50' E).

Gif-2843. Sil 1290 ± 110 From burial cave, Sila (36° 10' N, 6° 45' E).

Gif-2844. Tiddis 2200 100 From Berber tomb of Tiddis (36° 35' N, 6° 35' E).

Gif 2845. Gastel 1090 ± 100 Under dolmen of necropolis (35° 40' N, 8° 10' E).

Gif 2846. Beni Messous 2100 ± 100 Under dolmen of large necropolis (300 dolmens), (36° 45' N, 3° 1' E). General Comment: confirm expected range of ages for these cemeteries.

Brezina series, S Algeria Charcoal from Neolithic sites near Brezina (33° 06' N,1 ° 15' E) Sahar- ian Atlas. Coll and subm 1972 by L Balout, Inst Paleont Humaine, Paris. Gif 3011. Grotte de 1'Equide, Grottes d'El Aroul 3600 130 Superficial sample, 0.40m depth.

Gif-3012. Station du Meandre, M 1 5350 ± 130 From hearth in lowest Level M 1. Comment: date may be compared to Gif883: 5850 ± 150 (R, 1972, v 14, p 291) from same site, at foot of wall with rupestral paintings. Site settlement was probably very short. General Comment: dates indicate that these two sites, although near each other, were not occupied at same time. 80 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Niger Gif 3547. Djaba 760 ± 80 Wood from beam of ancient building, at Djaba (21 ° N, 12° 30' E). Coll and subm 1975 by W Savy, Paris. Comment: dates remains of important town. Djado series Wood from ruins of Djado (21 ° N, 12° 20' E). Coil and subm 1977 by W Savy. Djado, like Djaba, is important ancient town in desert region of Tenere. Gif 4130. Djado, l 90 ± 90 From lintel in wall from interior of town. Gif 4131. Djado, 4 270 ± 90 Tenere series Samples from open air sites, in Tenere. Coil 1972 and subm 1975 by J P Roset, ORSTOM, Fort-Lamy. Gif 3639. Tenere, No. 7 3180 ± 100 Human bones from burial, at depth 1.50m, under stone blocks (18° 29' N, 10° 03' E). Gif 3640. Tenere, No. 8 Modern Charcoal from hearth, at depth 0.20m (18° 33' N, 9° 46' E). Comment: dates recent hearth in archaeol site.

Sudan Sal Island series Sal I., one of largest islands of Nile R (20° 40' N, 30° 20' E), is in impor- tant strategic position. Site was occupied from earliest antiquity until now. Samples coil 1974 by B Gratien and J Vercoutter and subm 1975 by J Ver- coutter, Univ Lille. Gif 3581. Sal, SKC 3-T 37 3810± 110 Leather from burial of Late Kerme culture. Comment: cal 2620-1975 BC agrees well with expected age. Gif 3582. Sal, SACJ-T 21 4010 ± 120 Charcoal from cemetery of New Egyptian Empire, cal ca 1580-1200 BC. Comment: cal 2885-2310 BC might correspond to Middle Empire: ceme- tery was re-used in New Empire. Gif 3583. Sai, SAFJ-C 14 3880 ± 120 Carbonized wood from burial of Middle Empire. Comment: cal 2650- 2130 BC, agrees well with archaeol data (Gratien,1974; Vercoutter,1974). Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 81 Ethiopia Matara series Samples from Matara site (14° 4' N, 39° 4' E) attributed to "Axum" period. Coll and subm 1975 by F Anfray, Inst Ethiopien Archeol, Addis Ababa.

Gif 3316. Matara,1 90 Charcoal.

Gif 3320. Matara, 5 1250 90 Carbonized barley grains. General Comment: agrees well with archaeol data. Ethiopian Christian monuments series Wood from ancient churches in Ethiopia, some of which were discov- ered during French expedition 1971-1973. Samples coll and subm 1973 by C Lepage, CNRS, Paris.

Gif-2922. Abraha Asbeha, l 90 Monument A.

Gif 2923. Zarema, 2 90 From wood piece engraved on one side, Monument B. Gif 2924. Agobo, ibis 860 80 Gif 2925. Agobo, 3 800 90 Monument C.

Gif-2926. Mikael Amba 4 700 ± 90 From wood piece engraved on one side. General Comment: dates precise period of building of ancient churches (>200) and of use of typical architectural elements. Yeha series Charcoal from archaeol site of Yeha (14° 04' N, 39° 4' E) attributed to "pre-Axum" period. Coll and subm 1975 by F Anfray.

Gif 3317. Yeha, 2 2260 100

Gif 3318. Yeha, 3 2100 100 Gif 3319. Yeha, 4 2150 100 General Comment: agrees well with archaeol estimate. Harrar megalithic monuments Charcoal from megalithic monuments of Harrar region. Two types of monuments, dolmen cists and tumuli are distinguished, according to struc- 82 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier ture. Coil and subm 1973-1974 by R Joussaume, Lab Anthropol, Univ Rennes. Gif-3040. Ganda Hassan-Abdi II 3200 ± 100 Under dolmen cist II, depth 0.60m (9° 25' N, 41 ° 38' E). Gif 3039. Ganda Hassan-Abdi I 3450 ± 100 Under dolmen cist II, depth 0.80m. Gif 3041. Ganda Hassan-Abdi III 1170 ± 90 From refuse pit at base of thick walls of old town. Gif 3042. Ganda Hassan-Abdi V 1030 ± 90 From bone deposit, 100m from refuse pit. Comment: both Gif-3041 and -3042 confirm Medieval age of these monuments. Gif 3288. Sourre-Kabanawa, Tchelenko,1 940 ± 90 Cist 6 (9° 35' N, 41 ° 40' E). Gif 3289. Sourre-Kabanawa, 2 940 90 From room of monument with circular chamber. Gif 3290. Sourre-Kabanawa, 3 1000 90 In polypod vase, in same monument as Gif 3288. Gif3291. Sourre-Kabanawa, 5 1150 90 Beside two crania, at base of same monument, as Gif 3288. Gif-3292. Sourre-Kabanawa, 6 1170 ± 90 From tumulus. General Comment: dates indicate that these monuments, difficult to date by archaeol assoc belong either to Neolithic or Medieval times.

Congo Grotte of Ntadi Yomba series, Niari Samples from rock shelter (ca 4° 19' 5,13° 47' E). Coil by R Lanfranchi and subm 1976-78 by R de Bayle des Hermens. Assoc with Neolithic indus- try of Tshitolian type. Gif 4219. Grotte of Ntadi, 1-76-NY 370 80 Charcoal from upper level, depth 20 to 25cm. Gif 4220. Grotte of Ntadi, 2-76-NY 270 80 Charcoal from upper level, depth 50 to 55 cm. Gif4221. Grotte of Ntadi, 3-76-NY 300 80 Charcoal from upper level, depth 60 to 65 cm. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 83

Gif4391. Grotte of Ntadi,1-77-NY 1990 ± 90 Charcoal from Level A.

Gif4614. Grotte of Ntadi, 2-78-NY 690 ± 200 Charcoal from Level A. Comment: undersized sample. Probably con- taminated with charcoal from upper levels. Gif4392. Grotte of Ntadi, 2-77-NY 7090 140 Charcoal from base of Level B from Early Tshitolian age.

Gif 4613. Grotte of Ntadi,1-78-NY 6890 ± 160 Akatina shells from Level B, depth 98 to 100cm, from Early Tshitolian age. General Comment: dates from lower levels agree well with Early Tshitolian industry found in cave (De Maret,1982).

Gif 4223. Pointe Noire, 1-77 PN 1240 ± 90 Charcoal in Late Neolithic habitat in sandy dune (4° 46' S, 11 ° 53' E). Coll by R Lanfranchi and subm 1977 by R de Bayle des Hermens, Inst Paleont Humaine, Paris. Comment: in expected age range.

Madagascar Andranosoa series Charcoal from archaeol sites in N part of Androy region (24° 35' S, 45° 21' E). Coll and subm 1978 by J P Emphoux and J A Rakotoarisoa, Mus Art & Archaeol, Antananarivo.

Gif 4496. Beropitika 750 ± 90 From deepest occupation level. Gif 4570. Andranosoa, l 730 90 Assoc with abundant ceramics.

Gif 4751. Andranosoa, 2 920 90 From refuse pit of same site as Gif-4570. General Comment: after calibrations, first settlement of Androy region is dated between X and XIV centuries.

Gif5154. Ambohitrikanlaka 380 ± 90 Charcoal in Level 3 from Site 1, 13km E Antananarivo (18° 52' S, 47° 30' E). Subm 1980 by J P Domenichini, Mus Art & Archaeol, Antananarivo. Comment: dates first settlement of this region.

Fanongoavano series Charcoal from ancient political site (19° 03' S, 47° 50' E). Coil and subm 1981 by D Rasamuel, Univ Madagascar, Antananarivo. 84 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 5472. Fanongoavana, F 5 b Modern

Gif-5471. Fanongoavana, E 5 m 450 ± 100 General Comment: Gif 5471 dates first settlement in region of "Hauts Pla- teaux" in Madagascar. Gif 3403. Befotaka Bay 300 ± 90 Wood from stem post of boat found in Befotaka Bay (13° 11' S, 48° 56' E). Coll by H Bruelle and subm 1974 by G Pain, Tananarive.

Other African Countries

Morocco Kef el Baroud series, Ben Slimane Charcoal from site with burial (33° 40' N, 7° 1' W). Coil and subm 1974 by A de Wailly, Casablanca.

Gif 2888. Kel el Baroud, K B G 5160 ± 110 From hearth from gray level, around human skeleton.

Gif 2889. Kef el Baroud, K B B 4750 ± 110 From white level underlying Gif 2888. Comment: slightly too young if compared to Gif 2888, but samples contained abundant rootlets.


Gif 3001. Tumulus Mauny, Massif R'Kiz 480 ± 90 Human bones from grave in Mauny tumulus (17° 25' N, 10° 25' W), assoc with iron and bronze artifacts. Coll and subm 1973 by C Richir, Bor- deaux. Comment: date does not confirm expected pre-Islamic age.


Gif 4158. Kinshasa 1710 ± 90 Charcoal from site near Kinshasa (4° 21' S, 15° 32' E). Coll and subm 1974 by D Cahen. Assoc with Iron Age potsherds. Comment: dates begin- ning of metallurgy in this part of Africa.


Gif 4157. Ovendo 5040 ± 130 Charcoal assoc with Late Stone Age microlithic industry (0° 20' S, 9° 28' E). Coil and subm 1978 by D Cahen, Mus Royal Afrique Centrale, Ter- vuren, Belgium. Comment (DC): agrees with dates previously reported for other Late Tshitolian assemblages in Congo: Gif-459-460: 4030 ± 200 and 3930 ± 200 BP (R,1971, v 13, p 224) and in Zaire: Lv-162: 5750 ± 110. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 85 Egypt

Gif 3355. Luxor, no. 1255 3080 ± 90 Carbonized wood from tomb of Touy Queen, Valley of Queens (25° 41' N, 32° 24' E). Coil and subm 1974 by S Delbourgo, Palais Louvre, Paris. Comment: Touy Queen belongs to XIXth dynasty, cal 1320-1200 BC agrees with this data.

Djibouti Republic

Gif 3321. Balho 2830 ±130 Human bones from "Galla" sepulcher of pre-Islamic and pre-Afar period, Bahlo region (ca 12° N, 42° 10' E). Coll and subm 1974 by R Ferry, Djibouti Republic.

TABLE 1 Canadian Arctic series Geog Sample Site coordinates Gif 2967 Site Cordeau 51' N, fat ° ' DIA - 1 House A 69 52 W) -2968 Site Cordeau (60° 51' N, fat DIA-1. House F 69° 52' W) -3002 Site DIA-4 (60° 55' N, House A 69° 57' W) -3003 Site DIA-4 (60° 55' N, Refuse pit 69° 57' W) -3004 Site DIA-4 (60° 55' N, fat 90 House with passage 69° 57' W) -2970 Site DIA-4 (60° 55' N, fat House 4 F 69° 57' W) -2969 Site DIA-25 1973 fat 110 Amittuq -4207 Ariane 49' N, Anse du Talon 69° 52' W) Site Je EL-2 -4208 Site DIA-4 56' N, Uplifted beach 69° 58' W) -4209 Site DIA 10-D (60°51'N, Illutalialuk 69° 52' W) Ile aux Iglous -4210 Site DIA-1 56' N, Il e du Di ana 69° 57' W ) -4211 Site DIA-1 (60° 56' N, Soil 69°57'W) -4212 Site DIA-10 (60° 51' N, 100 Illutalialuk 69° 52' W) Ile aux Iglous -4213 Site DIA-10 51' N, Illutalialuk 69° 52' W) -3500 Heel Cove (60° 47' N, 160 VHC 475-480 69° 51' W) sediment 86 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier North America Canada Canadian Arctic series Samples mainly from Dorset houses around Diana Bay and on Diana I., New Quebec were coil and subm by P Plumet, Univ Quebec, Montreal. These new results (see Table 1) complete data already pub (R, 1974, v 16, p 47) for same region. General Comment: settlement of Ungava Bay by Paleo-Eskimos occurred late, at Dorset period, which lasted until end of 15th century AD, although Thule people had already arrived in the area (Plumes, 1977, 1982). Paleo- Eskimos settlement on Diana I. occurred after Thule people had occupied region for one century: 1480 ± 90 BP (Gif 3002).

Mesoamerica Guatemala Pueblo Viejo Chichaj series Samples from Pueblo Viejo Chichaj site (15° 07' N, 90° 49' W). Coil 1974 by A Ichon and subm by H Lehmann, CNRS, Paris. Gif 3895. Pyramid GP-2 100 Carbonized wood from fallen roof of temple.

Gif-3896. Pyramid GP-I 110 ± 90 Similar to Gif-3895. Gif-3897. Structure C-1 100 Bones, from funeral urn. General Comment (Al): site attributed to 15th century and assumed deserted since Spanish conquest; dates disagree with this assumption. Los Cimientos Chustum series Charcoal from Los Cimientos Chustum site (15° 13' N, 90° 52' W). Coil 1974 by A Ichon and subm by H Lehmann.

Gif 3601. Los Cimientos I, Terrace B 790 ± 90 From Sepulture 2 of important chief. Gif 3894. Los Cimientos 2, Terrace B Modern From fill of water vat, in Structure 12.

Gif 3602. Los Cimientos 1, Terrace T 840 ± 90 From hearth, in Structure 4. General Comment: Gif-3601 and -3602 date first occupation of site very well, at beginning of Postclassic period, but Gif-3894 disagrees with expected age. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 87 Los Cerritos Chijoj Canilla Quiche series Charcoal from ceremonial structures at Los Cerritos Chijoj site (15° 10' N, 90° 50' W). Coll by A Ichon and subm 1974-1975 by H Lehmann. Gif-3242. Los Cerritos, Structure 1, Excavation T 3, Level 100 1630 ± 70

Gif 3243. Los Cerritos, Structure 1, tomb 1640 ± 70 Gif-3244. Los Cerritos, Structure 1, Excavation T 3, Level 250 1620 ± 70

Gif-3607. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 1 1360 ± 100 Gif 3603. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 10 1480 ± 90 Comment: cal AD 345-645 does not agree well with polychrome pot- sherds of assoc Late Classic period (cal ca AD 600-900). Gif-3604. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 8 1400 100 Gif-3605. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 10 1540 100 From Tomb 1. Comment: dates re-use of Tomb 1 at Late Postclassic period.

Gif 3606. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 7 1650 ± 100 Charcoal from center of platform.

Gif 3246. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 3, Level 20 1590 ± 70

Gif 3248. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 4, Level 40 1590 ± 70

Gif-3250. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 4, Level 50 1370 ± 70

Gif 3251. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 4, Level 0 950 ± 80 Comment: dates end of occupation of site.

Gif 3892. Los Cerritos, Group A, Structure 5 1340 ± 100

Gif3239. Chijoj, Mound 1 1400 ± 70

Gif-3247. Chijoj, Mound 1, base Level 120 1830 ± 80 General Comment: site was occupied at different times. Protoclassic occupa- tion, cal AD 100-300, was not very important; main occupation was during Late Classic period, with building of Group A and polychrome ceramics, cal AD 600-900. Some structures were re-used at Epiclassic, cal AD 900-100, and probably at Postclassic periods. Mexico Tonina series, Chiapas Charcoal from Classic Maya City (16° 50' N, 92° W). Coll and subm 1971-1980 by P Becquelin, Mus Homme, Paris. 88 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 3252. Tonina, 128 1160 ± 60 Assoc with potsherds attributed to Late Classic period. Comment: agrees well with expected age. Gif 3253. Tonina, 619 1340 ± 60 From building level of group of habitations. Gif 3254. Tonina, 659 1350 60 From tomb assoc with group of habitations dated by Gif-3253. Gif 3255. Tonina, 831 1380 ± 60 From occupation level. Comment: agrees well with expected age. Gif 5056. Tonina, 928-942 260 ± 60 From hearth in group of habitations. Comment: corresponds to recent occupation of site. Gif-5057. Tonina, 1132 980 ± 80 From depth 1.73m in occupation level of group of habitations; F 3 attributed to beginning of Late Classic period. Comment: date is a little younger than expected. Gif 5058. Tonina, 1509 1300 ± 60 Piece of wood from frame inside stucco block. Gif 5059. Tonina, 1253 1310 60 From depth 1.90m in occupation level, S E part. Gif 5060. Tonina, 1388 1950 60 From depth 1.00 to 1.20m, in ashy soil. Comment: dates early occupa- tion of site. Gif 5359. Tonina, 1845 910 ± 80 From level attributed to Early Postclassic period. Comment: date agrees with expected age. Gif 5360. Chix, Tonina, 1663 2070 ± 120 From occupation level attributed to Late Preclassic period, from site near Tonina. Gif 5362. Chix, Tonina, 1666 1720 ± 100 From same occupation level as Gif-5360. Gif 5361. Chix, Tonina, 1664 1840 ± 90 From same occupation level as Gif-5360. Gif5364. Rancho de Santa Rosa, Tonina 1964 1930 ± 120 From occupation level from Late Preclassic site, near Tonina. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 89 General Comment: dates establish chronology of occupation from Preclassic to Postclassic periods for that region.

Bahia de Kino series Charcoal from human settlements on littoral sandbar of Holocene transgression (28° 50' N, 114° E). Coil and subm 1975 by N Petit-Maire, CNRS, Marseille.

Gif 3683. Bahia de Kino, K IV, -5cm 270 ± 90

Gif 3685. Bahia de Kino, K XI, - 10cm 1290 ± 90

Gif 3687. Bahia de Kino, K IX, -15cm 300 ± 90

Gif 3690. Bahia de Kino, K IX, - 60cm 310 ± 90

Gif4055. Playa San Bartolo, Sonora 7630 ± 460 Bones of large mammals (Camelidae) in paleolacustrine deposit (29° N, 114° S). Coll and subm 1976 by N Petit-Maire. Comment: date proves late existence of camel in Mexico (Petit-Marie & Casta, 1977).

South America Peru

Gif 3564. Huazmey Valley, Peru, HN 1 3750 ± 110 Carbonized wood from preceramic open-air site (10° 03' S, 78° 10' W). Depth, 1.50m. Coil by D Bonavia and subm 1975 by C Chauchat. Comment: dates Late Peruvian preceramic site.

Paijan complex series, Pampa de Cupisnique "Paijan" complex is 50km from Paijan in Moche Valley, S side of Pampa de Cupisnique. Site is very large and complex group of lithic surface scatters in desert. Twofold division is distinguished between numerous dis- covered sites (Chauchat, 1976, 1982). Samples coil by S Uceda and C Chau- chat and subm 1974, 1976, 1981 by C Chauchat, Univ Bordeaux (see Table 2 General Comment (CC): ages of shells seem systematically younger than ages of charcoal at this site. If statistical margin for charcoal is doubled for each date, Paijanian lasted from 10,720 to 7940 BP, which means 3000 yr, at Cupisnique. These results may be compared to other dates obtained for Paijanian, for Quirihuac rock shelter, in Moche Valley; oldest one is 12,795 ± 350 (Gx-2021) and for Cerro Chivateros: 10,430 ± 160 (UCLA-683). Dated bones (Gif 4116) are ribs from whole skeleton of Mylodontide, Sceli- dodon sp (id by R Hoffstetter). Date corresponds either to Late Paijanian period and proves existence of this fauna at that time or to contamination of bones (Chauchat,1982). Gif-3565 is not significant: sample is too super- ficial. 90 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier

TABLE 2 Pampa de Cupisnique Geog Sample Loc coordinates Gif-3565 Camp (7° 34' S, 7-C 140 79° 20' W) -4165 Camp (7° 34' S, shells 160 79° 20' W) -4161 Camp (7° 34' S, 180 79° 20' W) -4163 Camp (7° 34' S, I-S shells 150 79° 20' W) -3781 Tomb T 2 (7° 34'S, 180 79° 20' W) -4914 Quarry (7° 34'S, II 170 79° 20' W) -4915 Camp (7° 34'S, 170 79° 20' W) -4162 Camp (7°33'S, I 170 79° 19'W) -5159 Camp (7° 33' S, 160 79° 19'W) -5160 Camp (7° 33'S, 170 79° 19'W) -5161 Camp (7° 33' S, 170 79° 19'W) -5162 Camp (7° 33' S, 170 79° 19'W) -4116 Paleontol site (7° 32' S, 200 79° 19'W) -4912 Camp, refuse pit (7° 39'S, 170 79° 05' W) -4913 Camp, refuse pit (7° 39'S, shells 170 79° 05' W) -4164 Camp (7° 39' S, shells 140 79° 05' W)

Brazil Gif 5365. Aldeia Tuatuari, Mato Grosso 680 ± 60 Charcoal from site (12° 15' S, 53° 20' W) attributed to Ipavu phase. Coll and subm 1980 by P Becquelin, Mus Homme, Paris. Comment: date agrees with expected range of dating. Gif 3307. Lagoa das Oncas, Haut Xingu 600 ± 80 Carbonized wood from site near lake where, according to Amazonian cultural traditions, many ritual objects were dropped (12° 07' S, 53° 24' W). Coll and subm 1973 by P Becquelin. Comment: date agrees well with expected age. Argentina Las Lomas series, Santiago del Estero Charcoal from Sunchituyoj site and Averias tradition (ca 29° 30' S, 61 ° 30' W). Coll and subm 1974 by A M Lorandi, Fac Ciencias Nat y Mus, La Plata, Argentina. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 91

Gif 3365. Las Lomas, B 5, Sec 1, Level 3 690 ± 90

Gif 3366. Las Lamas, B 4, 1, 40-60cm 720 ± 90

Gif 3367. Las Lomas, C 5,1, 40-60cm 950 ± 90 Other Countries Gif 3394. Vastogirardi, Molise, Abruzzi, Italy 2050 90 Charcoal from habitation site (41 ° 45' N, 14° 15' E), alt 1150m. Coll and subm 1974 by J P Morel and M Hano, Ecole Francaise de Rome. Com- ment: data agrees with age expected from assoc ceramics. Tureng Tepe series, Iran Samples from tell at Tureng Tepe (36° 55' N, 54° 35' E). Coll and subm 1974 by J Deshayes, Univ Paris I. Gif 3340. Tureng Tepe, TTC 73-5 1370 ± 90 Carbonized wood from destruction of Sassamide fortress.

Gif3341. Tureng Tepe, TTC 73-1 1400 ± 90 Carbonized wood from 1st Islamic occupation level.

Gif 3338. Tureng Tepe, TTC 69-2 3750 ± 230 Carbonized wood from transition level between III C 1 and III C 2 periods.

Gif 3339. Tureng Tepe, TTC 73-6 4000 ± 110 Piece of carbonized beam from terrace without archaeol assoc. Com- ment: dates largest structure at Tureng Tepe. General Comment: Gif-3340 agrees with Sassanid Empire history, but Gif- 3341 seems too early relative to Gif-3340. Gif-3338 and -3339 confirm dates previously obtained for that site (R,1970, v 12, p 441). Rondane series, Norway Charcoal and wood from typical rounded pits used by reindeer hunt- ers. Coll and subm 1973 by E K , Oslo Univ.

Gif 2801. Lille Ula, P 3 c-72 370 ± 80 (61 ° 51' N, 9° 40' E).

Gif 2802. Verkelsdalen, P 7-71 430 ± 80 (61 ° 56' N, 9° 41' E). lies de la Societe series, French Polynesia Charcoal from archaeol sites from Iles de la Societe. Coll by B Gerard and subm 1973 by J Garanger, ORSTOM, Paris. Gif 2830. Raiatea, R M 9-1-72 220 ± 80 From site with lithic industry (16° 46' 5,151 ° 25' W). 92 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 2831. Tahiti, TM 4 2-71 170 ± 80 From surface site (170 30' S, 149° 30' W). Comment: agrees with date: AD 1695 ± 95 (Gx-1271) obtained for similar site in Tahiti. General Comment: dates confirm that human settlement in lies de la Societe is recent. Gif-3541. Ngando Beach, lie des Pins, New Caledonia 1980 ± 90 Shells in beach rock with gray coral stones, perodotite river pebbles and encrusted iron oxide stones, on Ngando Beach (22° 38' S, 167° 33' E). Coll and subm 1975 by M J Dubois, CNRS, Paris. Comment (MJD): Tie des Pins is coralliferous Pleistocene fms, consequently, stones and pebbles scat- tered on beach 300m long and encrusted in beach rock were brought by man. They look like projectile points fallen during fighting. This proves island was inhabited 1980 yr ago.


Sea Level Variations

Gif 2667. Knockagoneen Cliff, D, Ireland 3210 ± 110 ° Oyster and Littorina shell bed, + 5 ± 1 m above msl (51 16' N, 9° 03' W). Coil by R Keary, Dept Geol, Univ College, Galway, Ireland and subm 1972 by J Labeyrie, CFR, Gif-sur-Yvette. Gif 2668. Sea Weed Point, Galway Bay, F, Ireland 2560 ± 110 Oyster shells from large oyster bed, +1 Sm above msl (51 ° 15' N, 9° 02' W). Coll by R Keary and subm 1972 by J Labeyrie. Comment: unexpected date for sea level + 15m above msl.

Gif 2806. Culleenamore Strandhill, Slico Bay, Ireland 3730 ± 130 Oyster shells from very large oyster shell reef, 1.5 to 2m thick, covered by blown sand +2m above msl (54° 15' N, 8° 30' W). Coll and subm 1973 by R Keary.

Gif 2807. Doona, Bally Croy, Mayo, B, Ireland 5490 ± 140 Wood from tree trunk in peat bog, on shore, - 2m below msl (54° 02' N, 9° 49' W). Coll and subm by R Keary. General Comment: samples date variations of Holocene sea level.

Gif 2903. Mont-Saint-Michel, France 3440 ± 110 Wood from timber, from fishing equipment remains, removed by sea from sand, in Mont-Saint-Michel bay (48° 38' N, 10 30' W). Coil and subm 1973 by A L Homer, BRGM, Orleans. Comment: indicates that sea level was higher than today. Spanish Mediterranean coast series Samples from ancient shorelines, from + 2m to + 7m above msl, along Alboran and W Mediterranean Seas, S Spain. Most of these fossil marine Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 93 fms belong to last Thyrrenian transgression and have been dated by U/Th method between 114,000 and 125,000 yr BP. Others were expected to be 14C. Holocene and were dated by Coll and subm 1973-75 by M Gigout, Lab Geol, Univ Orleans, as part of general study of neotectonic in Mediterra- nean area.

Gif 3730. Campo de Dalias, W Almeria, JFC 62-62 4520 ± 130 Shells (Cardium, Pectunculus sp) (36° 50' N, 2° 26' W), alt + 2m above msl. Comment: corresponds to Holocene sea level. Gif 3087. Cabo de Gata, Torre Garcia, GIG 3200 >35,000 Shells (Strombus bubonius, Pectunculus sp) (36° 45' N, 2° 15' W), alt + 6.5-7m above msl.

Gif 3088. Cabo de Huertas, Alicante, GIG 2006 10,590 ± 190 Shells (Strombus bubonius sp) in sandstone (38° 21' N, 0° 29' W). Com- ment: presence of Strombus characterizes Thyrrenian transgression. Date is aberrant because of important recent contamination of shells, in spite of numerous mechanical and chemical treatments to eliminate calcareous encrusting. Gif 3728. Cala Judios, Alicante, GIG 3700 >35,000 Shells (38° 21' N, 0° 29' W). Gif 3729. Cala Judios, Alicante, GIG 3701 >35,000 Shells, from another outcrop than Gif 3728.

Gif 3473. Adra region, Andalusia, JFB 12-2 860 ± 90 Shells (Glycymeris sp) (36° 45' N, 3° 01' W). Comment: dated level is not Flandrian as expected, but results of very recent shelly deposit. Gif 3491. Adra, Andalusia, JFB 233 >35,000 Shells (ThaIs, Sponclyle, Natica, Columbella sp) in littoral conglomerate, Adra, alt + 2m msl.

Gif3089. Torre Calahouda, Malaga, KDG 14 390 ± 80 ° Shells (marine Lamellibranchia, Gasteropoda sp) (36° 29' N,1 01' W), alt + 2m msl. Comment: dated level is not Flandrian as expected, but results of very recent shelly deposit. General Comment: characterization by alt, fauna, and dating of ancient litto- rals allows identification of same levels along coasts as well as tectonic deformations. Data from shore neotectonic indicate that deformations are more important in E Mediterranean than in W Mediterranean. Uplifts and lowerings were found to be slight and localized (Angelier et al, 1976). Gif 2902. Ifni, Morocco >35,000 Mussel shells from marine terrace, +2m alt (29° 39',10° W). Coll 1973 by P Oliva and subm by G Baudet, Univ P Valery, Montpellier. Comment: shelly level corresponds to ancient high sea level, probably ca 120,000 BP. 94 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 4542. Moulay Bou Selham lagoon, Kenitra, Morocco 3490 ± 100 Shelly level, 0.60 to 0.67m deep, in core 7800. Coll and subm 1978 by J Moyes, Univ Bordeaux I. Comment: dates lagoon closing that probably results from sea regression. Cote d'Ivoire series, Africa Carbonate samples coll and subm 1975 by R Pomel, Univ Clermont- Ferrand, to date recent variation of sea level of Ivory Coast. Alts are related to msl. General Comment: these dates (Table 3) demonstrate, with previous Gif mea- surements (R, 1982, v 24, p 306), minor marine fluctuations since 4000 BP, with max transgression + 2m, ca 2000 BP, on Ivory Coast (Pomel,1979). Gif-2914. Lopez Cape, Gabon 1230 ± 90 Shells from recent littoral sand bar (0° 39' S, 8° 42' E). Coil and subm 1973 by J Le , Elf Soc, Boussens. Comment: dated in order to study recent evolution of sea shore and of sedimentation on that coast. Gif-3270. Goubbhat, Djibouti Republic, 802 5980 ± 120 Lamellibranch shells from conglomerate, +4m above present msl, SE Goubbhat (11 ° 35' N, 42° 44' E). Coll and subm 1974 by H Faure, CNRS, Marseille. Comment: dates max Holocene sea level. Gif-3271. Sanda, Djibouti Republic, 818 4630 ± 110 Lamellibranch shells from shelly sandy level, + 4m above present msl, N Sanda (11 ° 37' N, 42° 44' E). Coil and subm 1974 by H Faure. Comment: dates max Holocene sea level. Gif-3272. Obock-Alayla, Djibouti Republic, 851 >35,000 Shell (Tridacna sp) from coral terrace, + 5m above present msl, E Obock (12° N, 43° 18' E). Coil and subm 1974 by H Faure. Comment: corre- sponds to high sea level preceding Holocene high level.

TABLE 3 Cote d'Ivoire Geog Alt Age Sample Site coordinates Gif3633 Cap of Bereby (4° 38' N, 6° 54' W ) -3673 Falaise, Bassa (4° 37' N, ° ' 6 56 W) -3674 N'Gaty (5°19'N, 4° 21' W) -3672 Cap Est-Niega (4° 53' N, 90 6° 11'W) -3632 Grand-Bereby (4° 38' N, 2 100 6° 55' W) -3671 Bassa (4° 37' N, 110 6° 55'W) Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 95 La Plata-Magdalena series, Argentina Shell from coastal region near La Plata-Magdalena, prov Buenos Aires. Coil and subm 1975 by C R Cortelezzi, Fac Sci Nat, La Plata. Alt is given in m above msl.

Gif-3 717. Paso de Piedra, Magdalena >35,000 (34° 50' S, 57° 50' W), alt 3.1 m. Gif-3719. Canta Landa, Magdalena >35,000 (35° 02' S, 57° 44' W), alt 4.3m. Gif 3722. Luis Chico, Magdalena >35,000 (35° 20' S, 57° 08' W), alt 6m. Gif3721. Punta Piedras, Magdalena (35° 22' S, 58° 07' W), alt 6.5m.

Gif 3718. Arroyo El Pescado, La Plata 5140 ± 140 (34° 50' S, 57° 50' W), alt 3.lm.

Gif 3720. Calle 105 y 126, La Plata 6160 ± 150 (34° 50' S, 57° 50' W), alt 3.Om. General Comment: dates distinguish Holocene from Tyrrhenian levels.

Sao Paulo coastal plain series, Brazil Holocene sea-level fluctuations along State of Sao Paulo coast have been retraced by studying position and age of Sambaquis and of geol fms. Samples (Table 4) were coil and subm 1974-1976 by L Martin, ORSTOM, Observatorio Nac, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. General Comment: uncontestable geol records indicating Holocene sea levels were higher than at present are observed along State of Sao Paulo coastal plain. During past 6000 yr, relative sea level was subjected to 2 max ca 5000 and 3300 yr BP and to a min ca 3800 yr BP. Comparison between curves of sea-level variations established for several parts along this coastal plain showed that max have different amplitudes. Vertical deformation of geoid surface furnishes best explanation of amplitude differences (Martin et al, 1979-1980).

Maroni estuary series, French Guyana Organic sediments from level with tree trunks and leaf remains, over- lain by blue marine clay, 1.1Om thick on bank of Maroni estuary (ca 5° 30' N, 54° 30' W). Coll and subm 1975 by G R Sieffermann, ORSTOM, Paris.

Gif 3695. Maroni estuary, BSP 54 4260 ± 120 100 to 120cm under present soil at top of organic level, in contact with clay. 96 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier

TABLE 4 Sao Paulo State Coastal Plain Former Geog sea level Sample Loc coordinates Material BP) Samples from Sambaquis

Gif-3435 Cananeia I. (25° 01'S, Oyster shell present 3 100 48° 03' W) level -3436 Comprida I. (24° 595, shell +2m 16 47° 53' W) -3437 Ararapiza Channel (25° 08' S, shell present 29 48° 02' W) level -3641 Sao Paulo (24° 30'S, shell max 121 47° 27' W) -3646 Sao Paulo (24° 27' S, shell present 175 47° 13W) level -3643 Sao Paulo (25° 01' S, +0.5m 81 48° 02' W) -3645 Sao Paulo (24° 58' S, shell max 110 47° 51' W) Geologic formations of Sao Paulo coast

-3438 Comprida I. (25° 01' S, Wood 0 23 90 47° 55' W) -3430 Iguape I. (24° 51' E, debris 0.3m 37 100 47° 28' W) -3439 Ararapiza channel (25° 09'S, 0.3m 28 110 48° 02' W) -3644 Sao Paulo (25° 00'S, shell 0.4m 89 120 47° 54' W) -3848 Pernambuco, Santo (23° 58' S, 0.4m 249 90 46° 11W) -3847 Bertigas Santos (23° 57' S, Om 239 100 46° 26' W) -3850 Bertigas Santos (23° 50' S, 130 46° 08' W) -3846 Bertigas Santos (23° 57' S, 0.3m 238 130 46° 26' W) -3845 Santos (24° 00'S, 1.5m 234 130 46° 23' W) -3844 Santos (23° 57' S, 0.5m 225 46° 24' W) -3431 Caraguatatuba Plain (23° 39'S, 0.75m P 0 2 100 45° 29' W) matter -3433 Caraguatatuba Plain (23° 39'S, lm 220 45° 29' W) -3434 Caraguatatuba bay (23° 39' S, 1.9m P05 150 45° 29' W) matter -3647 Ilha Grande bay (23° 00' S, in situ 0.5m 178 100 45° 00' W)

Gif 3697. Maroni estuary, BSP 4 4340 ± 120 110 to 130cm under present soil. Gif 3696. Maroni estuary, BSP 55 4500 130 80 to 200cm under present soil. General Comment: dates rapid marine transgression which reached ca 0.80m above present msl, 4200 BP. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 97 Mer de Champlain series, Quebec, Canada Shells from uplift levels in Mer de Champlain. Coll and subm 1975- 1976 by J M Dubois, Univ Sherbrooke. Alts are related to present msl.

Gif 3769. Mer de Champlain, Rochemonteix 7670 ± 140 (50° 17' N, 65° 40' W), alt +42.5m Gif 3768. Mer de Champlain, Pointe Saint-Charle 8890 160 (50° 17' N, 65° 50' W), alt +22.7m. Gif 3770. Mer de Champlain, Estuary de la Chaloupe R,1 10,230 ± 180 (50° 11' N, 65° 01' W), alt ca +3m. Gif 4017. Mer de Champlain, Est uary d e l a Ch a l oupe R, 2 (50° 17' N, 65° 07' W), alt + 3m. Comment: confirms age of level + 3m dated by Gif-3770, and dates beginning of estuarian sedimentation phase. General Comment: set of very coherent dates for rapid uplift of coast after ice-cap retreat in this region.

Taiaro atoll series, Tuamotu, Polynesia Coral from lagoon of Taiaro, one of smallest atolls from Tuamotu Is., diam 5km (15° 44' S, 144° 10' W). Coll and subm 1973 by J P Chevallier, Inst Paleont, Mus Hist Nat, Paris. Lagoon is presently closed and water level at 0.60m under high sea level. Samples from ancient "hoa" which was passage of oceanic water.

Gif 2920. Taiaro, TAI 8 1120 80 From 1 m above present lagoon water level.

Gif 2921. Taiaro, TAI 28 a 1090 ± 80 From reef, ca 0.70m above present lagoon water level. General Comment: dates closing of lagoon, probably due to uplift of atoll at AD 660 to 1160.


Gif 2960. Tartaret, Chambon Lake, France 2970 ± 110 Paleosol underlying basalt flow, Tartaret (45° 33' N, 2° 54' E). Coll and subm 1974 by R Brousse, Fac Sci, Orsay.

Gif 3425. Las Lajas, Tenerife!, Canary Is. 8760 ± 160 Charcoal from humic level at base of andosol formed on volcanic ash overlying tropical brown soil (28° 15' N, 16° 35' W). Coll and subm 1974 by P Quantin, ORSTOM, Bondy. Comment: gives min age for ash. 98 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 3085. Mangoum-Foumbo, Cameroun 1290 ± 80 Charcoal in humic level under basaltic scorias, 140cm thick Babileke Plateau (5° 39' N, 10° 45' E), alt 1500m. Coil by P Muller and subm 1974 by F Paris and G Sieffermann. Comment: dates one of last volcanic events in this region. Gif 3487. Kasbeghi, Caucasus 6290 ± 90 Wood fragments under lava flow in Terek valley. Coil and subm 1971 by G Montjuvent. Comment: dates last lava flow of Kasbek volcano.


S E Mexico series Samples dated to establish chronology of volcanism of SE Mexico. Geol study by C Robin (1981).

Pico de Orizaba series Charcoal from Pico de Orizaba Volcano, coil 1979-1980 by P Vincent, C Robin, and J Cantagrel, Inst Geog, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Gif 4952. Coscomatepec valley, PU 110 7020 ± 130 Carbonized tree trunk in nuee ardente deposit of Saint-Vincent type (18° 58' N, 97° 05' W). Coll and subm by P Vincent. Gif 4953. Hidalgo, PU 107 >_38,000 Carbonized wood in gray pumice underlying volcanic debris 1Om thick. Gif 5188. Loma Grande, PU 127, Mexico 6200 ± 120 Charcoal in lowest pyroclastic flow deposit of Saint-Vincent type (18° 55' N, 97° 14' W). Alt 2630m. Gif 5189. Texmalaca Orizaba valley, PU 132 3400 ± 110 Charcoal in upper pyroclastic flow deposit of Saint-Vincent type (18° 58' N, 97° 06' W). Alt I630m. Gif 5190. El Paso, Hidalgo Coscomatepec, PU 139 4060 ± 120 Charcoal in ocher pumice deposit (19° 12' N, 97° 12' W). Alt 3580m. Gif 5191. Hidalgo Coscomatepec road, PU 141 10,600 ± 190 Charcoal in nuee ardente deposit of Saint-Vincent type (19° 12' N, 77° 12' W). Alt 3450m. Gif 5192. Quarries of Chocaman, PU 143 12,900 ± 150 Charcoal in pyroclastic flow deposit (19° 01' N, 96° 56' W). Gif 5193. Teteltzingo, PU 146 9400 ± 170 Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 99 Popocatepetl series Samples from Popocatepetl volcano, coll in nuee ardente deposit of Saint-Vincent type and subm 1982 by J Cantagrel, Inst Geog, Clermont- Ferrand.

Gif5594. Paso de Cortes sec, PO 60 4980 ± 50 Carbonized wood at base of nuee ardente deposit, (19° 05' N, 98° 36' W). Alt 3250m.

Gif 5595. Quarry of Bavanco Seca, Canado, PO 61 4320 ± 70 Carbonized wood in lower nuee ardente deposit with dacitic pumice, Quarry of Bavanco Seca Huiloclatengo, E side of volcano (19° 05' N, 98° 36' W). Alt 3600m.

Gif 5596. Quarry of Bavanco Seca, Canado, PU 74 9640 ± 440 Carbonized wood in lowest tephra deposit, alternately gray and ocher ash; in same quarry as Gif 5595.

Gif 5597. San Pedro Benito Juarez, PO 65 1220 ± 60 Carbonized wood at base of nuee ardente deposit of Saint-Vincent type, (18° 57' N, 98° 33' W). Alt 2060 m.

Gif 5598. Tlaltzopia, PO 72 880 ± 80 Carbonized wood in lowest nuee ardente deposit of Saint-Vincent type with large blocks, W Santiago Xalizintla (19° 04' N, 98° 32' W). Alt 3850m. General Comment: dates indicate very recent pyroclastic activity previously unknown. Gif 4954. Quarry of Rio Frio, RF 1_38,000 Carbonized wood at base of pyroclastic flow deposit of pumice and ash Coll by P Vincent.

Nevado de Toluca series Samples from Nevado de Toluca volcano. Coll and subm 1979-1980 by P Vincent and C Robin.

Gif 4955. Barranca de Jahal, NE 12 Paleosol.

Gif 5187. Rio Grande Valley, Barranca de Tlamisco, NE 30 11,200 ± 200 Charcoal in lower Pelean nuee ardente deposit (19° 02' N, 99° 39'). 100 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Lacustrine Variations in Africa Mauritania Tiriersoum series Samples of calcareous lacustrine sediment from ancient lake in Tirier- soum region (21° 15' N, 16° 22' W). Coll and subm 1971 by G Delibrias. Gif 2501. Tiriersoum, 0-5cm 3000 100 Gif 2502. Tiriersoum, 35-40cm 4290 110 Gif 2503. Tiriersoum, 75-85cm 4560 110 Gif 2504. Tiriersoum,125-130cm 7690 140 General Comment: dates Holocene lacustrine episode in W Africa. After dia- toms study (F Gasse) deepest lake occurred 4290 BP. Surface sediment, very poor in diatoms, corresponds to time when lake dried up.

Azefal series Lacustrine sediment, depth 50cm, at Graref Agourega (19° 50' N, 16° 10' W). Coll and subm by L Hebrard, IFAN, Dakar.

4550 ± 110 Gif 2500. Azefal, l Carbonate fraction b13C = -4.3%o

4490 ± 110 Gif 2500 bis. Azefal, 2 Organic fraction b13C = -17.5%o General Comment: both fractions give same age within statistical margin of dates.

4560 ± 110 Gif 2506. Goud Anagoum b13C = +O.6%o Gasteropods from lacustrine deposit between sand dunes of Akchar and Agueitir (19° 19' N, 16° 08' W). Coll and subm 1972 by L Hebrard. Comment: corresponds to Holocene lacustrine episode.

Gif 2549. MAU 72-8 2250 ± 100 Gasteropod shells from dried lagoon behind range of dunes (17° 28' N, 15° 58' W). Coll and subm 1972 by J P Carbonnel. Comment: confirms dates already pub for end of last moist period in W Africa (Delibrias, Guillier & Labeyrie,1982).

6070 ± 130 Gif 2505. Tintane b13C = -5.2%o Plant roots calcified in sand from Neolithic site, Tintane (20° 55' N, 16° 40' W). Coll and subm 1971 by J P Carbonnel. Comment: confirms existence of moist period 6000 yr ago in Mauritania. Data agree very well with Holo- cene lacustrine extension of Aouker Lake (below). Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 101 Aouker Lake series Samples dated to precise extension of Aouker Lake (Hugot, 1977) in late Quaternary time. Coll around Tichitt (18° 28' N, 9° 28' W) and near Akhreijit (18° 20' N, 9° 10' W) and subm 1971-1972-1973 by H J Hugot, Inst Paleontol Humaine, Paris.

Gif 2878. Tichitt, TIC 18/72 8180 ± 170 Organic level in sand overlying diatomite.

Gif 2879. Tichitt, TIC 71/10-5 8570 ± 170 Calcareous diatomite level.

Gif 2883. Tichitt, TICH 235 6990 ± 150 Calcareous diatomite deposit with faluns, behind sand-hill.

Gif 2885. Tichitt, TICH 247/4 7120 ± 150 Calcareous diatomite lying on paleozoic substratum.

Gif 2876. Tichitt, TIC 2/72 4570 ± 130 Calcareous diatomite from base of lake.

Gif 2887. Tichitt, T, HAF 71/1 4670 ± 130 Calcareous diatomite with faluns.

Gif 3405. Akhreijit, Monodville, 24 5030 ± 110 Hippopotamus bones, under lacustrine deposit.

Gif 3406. Akhreijit, Monodville, sup B 730 ± 90 Bones in ashy level.

Gif 4110. Tichitt, TIC 70 2610 ± 110 Fish bones, from hearth, in Neolithic site on border of lake. Comment: dates limit for drying of lake.

Gif 4111. Tichitt, TIC 75 1930 ± 110 Human bones from necropole of Tichitt village. Comment: dates last settlement in village.

Gif-4112. Tichitt, TIC 75 2290 ± 110 Hippopotamus bones from Neolithic site on lacustrine deposit. Com- ment: dates end of pachyderma fauna. General Comment: date beginning and extension of Aoukert Lake, at Holo- cene time and its drying ca 2500 BP. 102 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Ethiopia

Ziway-Shala Lake basin, S Ethiopia Bulbula R, B 20 series Samples from Sec 10 C in Bulbula lacustrine fm, between Ziway and Abiyata Lakes (7° 48' N, 38° 41' E). Coll and subm 1975 by A Street-Perrot, Univ Oxford, England.

Gif 3984. Sec 10 C, no.1 8520 ± 200 Organic matter from paleosol underlying calcareous silt deposit.

Gif 3985. Sec 10 C, no. 2 12,200 ± 200 Carbonate fraction from diatomaceous marl deposit overlying pa- leosol. Comment: corresponds to high stand of lake, called Bulbula III.

Gif 3986. Sec 10 C, no. 3 10,450 ± 180 Organic matter from soil underlying Gif-3985. Comment: from same level, charcoal was dated at 11,870 ± 300 by G Gillespie; this discrepancy is unexplained.

Gif 3987. Sec 10 C, no. 4 22,050 ± 650 Carbonate fraction from calcareous silt overlying pebbly pumice sand.

Gif 3988. Sec 10 C, no. 5 24,000 ± 750 Carbonate fraction from base level from same deposit as Gif 3987. Comment: date corresponds to high stand of lake, called Bulbula II.

Gif 4011. Shala Lake, Sec 39B 2510 ± 100 Charcoal from top of colluvial loams deposit around Shala Lake. Coll and subm 1977 by A Street-Perrott. Comment: corresponds to arid phase of lake.

Bulbula Wadi series, Sec GO series Shells from Bulbula lacustrine deposit, between Ziway and Abiyata Lakes (8° N, 39° E). Coll by J Geze and subm 1973 by P Rognon.

Gif 2817. Bulbula, G O 1 4960 ± 140 Shelly level overlying diatomite deposit.

Gif 2818. Bulbula, G 04 9360 ± 210 Shelly level under diatomite level.

Gif 4010. Bulbula R, Sec B 26 28,200 ± 1000 Shells (Corbicula sp) from section very close to exit from Ziway Lake (7° 47' N, 38° 44' E), under fine sand with pumice pebbles, l .5m thick. Coll and subm 1977 by A Street-Perrott. Comment: corresponds to lowstand of lake. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 103 Bulbula R, Sec B 3 series Shelly horizon underlying silty sand deposit with surface soil at top, overlying Pleistocene diatomite sequence (7° 47' N, 38° 45' E). Different species of shells were separated and dated. Coll and subm 1977 by A Street- Perrott.

Gif 4012. Sec B 3, A 5450 120 Shells (Bellamya unicolor).

Gif 4013. Sec B 3, B 5550 120 Shells (Melano'ides tuberculata).

Gif 4014. Sec B 3, C 5300 ± 120 Shells (Bulinus truncates). Comment: dates highstand of Holocene lake as expected; there is no difference between ages of different species. General Comment: for Ziway-Shala Lake Basin, chronological study of lacus- trine sequences in this basin establishes precise dates and confirms magni- tude and abruptness of lake-level fluctuations in N intertropical Africa dur- ing Late Quaternary time (Gillespie, Street-Perrot & Switsur,1983).

Ghana Bosumtwi Lake series Bosumtwi Lake (6° 30' N, 1° 25' W) lies within steep-sided crater that was produced by meteoric impact. Lake level is, thus, largely dependent upon rainfall over the crater. Consequently, study of changing lake levels is a particularly valuable paleoclimatic tool to reconstruct atmospheric condi- tions over W Africa during Late Quaternary (Talbot, 1980). Present max water depth is 80m. Overflow channel is ca 45m above present lake level (apll). Samples (Table 5) coil and subm 1976-1979 by M R Talbot, Univ Bergen, Norway. Shell and algal carbonate dates were corrected for isotopic fractiona- b'3C tion, according to values measured, from 0.60/oo to 2.7%o. 414C = +272 ± 5%o Gif 4605. Bosumtwi BO 78:2 b13C = -13.8%0 Living shells (Bulinus sp) coil at Banso in Abiriw stream, in 1978. Com- ment:14C content of these mollusk shells is in approx equilibrium with atmo- spheric 14C and is evidence of very low "hard effect" and reliability of shell and carbonate dating in vicinity of lake. General Comment: during Pleistocene, Lake Bosumtwi suffered major regression and probably remained low for some time. Just after 13,000 BP, lake rose again and thereafter crater was generally characterized by lake significantly higher than at present. These periods of high water level were interrupted by short, but intense regression ca 10,500-8000, 4500-4000 and just after 1000 BP (Talbot & Delibrias, 1977, 1980; Talbot et al, 1984). 104 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier

TABLE 5 Bosumtwi Lake, Ghana Estimated water Sample Loc Material depth (m) (BP) yr

Gif-3650 Banso 1 Charcoal >>10 220 very high -3651 Abonu M tuberculata <5 200 moderately -3652 Abonu M tuberculata <5 300 Lake moderately high -3991 Banso 1 Charcoal >40? 230 -3992 Banso 1 Carbonizeti root 0 110 of plant by rising lake -3993 Ejeman Algal carbonate 0.5 100 Probably reworked -3994 Ejeman Algal carbonate 0.5 100 reworked -3995 Old Konkoma M tuberculata <2 90 moderately -3996 Old Konkoma Charcoal 0.5 110 Marks -3997 Ejeman Algal carbonate 0.5 100 Probably reworked -3998 Pipie M tuberculata <2 100 moderately high -4306 Pepiakuma Charcoal >40? 120 -4307 Amakon Algal carbonate 1 90 -4308 Amakon Algal carbonate 1 100 moderately

-4309 Amakon Algal carbonate 1 100 Lake moderately -4310 Ejeman Algal carbonate 0.5 100 Lake moderately -4311 Ejeman M tuberculata <2 100 g h -4312 Old Brodekwano Algal carbonate 1 2180 ± 100 Lake moderately hi g h -4606 Banso 1 Charcoal >10 170 Lake high -4607 Banso 2 Charcoal 0.5 230

-4609 Piple Charcoal 5 180 Lake falling -4610 Ejeman Charcoal <5 100 moderately

-4814 Banso 2 Humus 0 180 Sample probably

-4815 Obo 2 Charcoal 0 180 Stream flooded by lake -4816 Obo 2 Humus 0 150 Soil caps fluviatile

-4817 Obo 3 Charcoal >10 110 Lake high -4818 Obo 1 Charcoal 40+ 130 high -4909 Banso 1 Charcoal >10 170 high


Gif 3892. Dogomboulo, Fachi, Niger, C 12,080 ± 220 Organic matter from base level of Holocene lacustrine sequence, 2m depth (18° 06' N,11 ° 34' E). Coll and subm 1976 by J Maley. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 105 Chad

Mouskorbe series, E Tibesti Samples from lacustrine depression, Mouskorbe Mts (21 ° 11' N, 18° 25' E). Alt +2700m. Coil 1968 by B Messerli and subm 1974 by J Maley, ORSTOM, Montpellier.

Gif 3228. Mouskorbe, 3 6600 ± 140 Plant remains in marshy paleosol with diatoms. Gif 4182. Mouskorbe, X 6700 140 Calcareous encrusting deposited on border of depression. General Comment: dates beginning of arid phase, at that alt, in E Tibesti. Kouka series Samples from test pit in lacustrine sediments, Kouka (13° 06' N, 15° 38' E), 20km from E Chad Lake. Alt +283m. Subm 1975 by J Maley. Gif 3682. Kouka, 2 110 ± 90 Shells (Unio sp) in silty level under 0.65m black clay level. Gif 3681. Kouka, l 360 90 Shells (Unio sp) in silty level, 1.20 to 1.45m depth. Gif 4232. Kouka, 3 <90

Shells from base level from silty level .

Gif 3548. Kouka, 3 9690 ± 210 Organic sediment, 5.90m depth, overlying clayey sand and overlain by lacustrine silty clayey deposit. Comment: dates beginning of important trans- gressive period. General Comment: Gif 3682, -3681, and -4232 date recent and probably very short lower level of Chad. These young ages, mainly Gif4232, <90 yr, show no "hard effect" and indicate validity of 14C dates for lacustrine shells in Chad region.

Gif 3549. Ngouri 260 ± 120 Shells (Limicolaria sp) 0.50m depth in gray silt in ancient course of Bahr el Ghazal (13° 39' N, 15° 23' E). Coil and subm 1975 by J Maley. Com- ment: very recent age of shells show very little "hard effect" in Chad region.

Gif 3610. Tjeri,1588 12,500 ± 220 Organic matter from base level of lacustrine sequence, 12.20m depth (13° 45' N, 16° 30' E). Coil by M Servant and subm 1975 by J Maley. Gif 4125. Mandi 10,000 ± 170 Organic matter from regressive sediment level, 4m depth in core H9 (13° 27' N, 14° 40' E). Coil by B Dupont and subm 1977 by J Maley. 106 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 4233. Dilindri 2400 ± 100 Shells coil and subm 1977 by J Maley. General Comment: for Chad samples: dated lacustrine deposits belong to two transgressive lacustrine periods 12,500-9600 BP and ca 6000 BP. Present Chad Lake is remains of Paleochad which extended to area similar to that of Caspian Sea, between 6000-5000 BP. Central Afar Central Afar, now desert, is in Ethiopia and Djibouti Republic, at E end of Sahelian African zone. Its numerous tectonic depressions have been filled up by large lakes during Upper Quaternary humid periods. Lake level fluctuations are deduced from parallel analysis of numerous geol sets, and of one core, on border of Abhe Lake. Chronology of main stages of lacus- trine evolution was established. Paleo-environments were also recon- structed from sedimentary facies and diatom flora (Gasse, 1975). Samples from Afar were toll and subm 1971-72-73-74 by F Gasse and P Rognon, CNRS, Paris, and samples from Ethiopia were coil and subm 1975 by A Street-Perrott. Gif 2715. Assaita plain, A 100 8000 ± 170 Shells (mainly Unio sp) in conglomerate overlying silty diatomite (11° 39' N, 41° 29' E). Gif 2571. Assaita plain, M 161 13,130 ± 170 Calcareous level with plant remains, at top of diatomite A 80 bis, over- ° lain by silty diatomite without shells (11 ° 38' N, 41 53' E). Gif 2716. Assaita plain, A 80 bis 23,600 ± 740 ° ° Shells (mainly Melania sp) in diatomite (11 39' N, 41 29' E). Gif 2572. Assaita plain, NW Barawle volcano 8330 ± 180 Shells (Unio and Melania sp) from beach deposit left at time of exten- sion of lakes of Awash low valley (11 ° 30' N, 41 ° 20' E).

Erole II series, S Magenta Samples from Erole II sec (11 ° 19' N, 40° 20' E), in Awash valley. + 2200 Gif 2727. Erole II, A 59 31,000 -1700 Shells (Melania sp) from shelly level at base of pure diatomite deposit, 5m thick, underlying Gif-2718. + 2200 Gif 2894. Erole II A 45 30,600 -1700 Calcareous diatomite overlying Gif 2727. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 107

Gif 2718. Erole II, A 60 16,800 ± 310 Carbonate from indurated calcareous slab, interstratified in diatomite Gif 2894. Comment: date strongly disagrees with stratigraphy and is unex- plained.

Asal Lake series Samples from ancient sediment of Asal Lake (11° 45' N, 42° 25' E).

Gif 2719. W Asal L, A 167 5300 ± 130 Lamellibranch shells from base level of gypseous sediments of Asal Lake.

Gif 2720. W Asal L, A 166 8540 ± 180 Shells (Melania sp) from silty level separated from A 167 by calcareous deposit, 1.5m thick.

Gif 3063. N Asal L, B 183 >_40,000 Shells from base of diatomite.

E Magenta Plateau series Samples from different secs of E border Magenta plateau (11 ° 00' N, 41° 20 E).

Gif 2810. E Magenta A 25 8650 ± 160 Shells (Unio, Melania sp).

Gif 2811. E Magenta A 26 8450 190 Shells (Melania sp) from silty level, superimposed on A 25.

Gif 2816. E Magenta, A 22 8770 ± 190 Shells.

Gif 2812. E Magenta, A 30 7460 180 Shells from silty level.

Gif 2814. E Magenta, A 32 6020 160 Shells overlying silty level. General Comment: date extension of lower Holocene lacustrine phase, between 8000 and 9000 BP.

Gif 2813. Dubti, A 6 8530 ± 190 Shells in calcareous encrusting (11° 44' N, 41° 04' E).

Gif 2815. Dit-Bahari, A 11 8450 ± 190 ° Shells (Unio, Melania sp) (11 35' N, 41 ° 10' E). 108 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier As Ela sec series, Gobaad plain ° Shells from calcareous diatomite deposit, 1 m thick (11 00' N, 42° 07' E). Gif 2854. As Ela, A 643 4120 ± 110 At top level of diatomite. Gif2855. As Ela, A 645 7610 140 At base level of diatomite. General Comment: date transgression of Abhe Lake at Middle Holocene. Gif 3402. Modahtou, B 87 7150 ± 100 ° Shells in clayey level, near Abhe Lake (10° 59' N, 41 49' E). Gif 3093. As Ela, B 108 26,000 ± 700 Shells in calcareous deposit (10° 59' N, 42° 08' E). Barogali Wadi series, Gobaad plain Shells from superimposed levels corresponding to 2 different periods of lacustrine extension (11 ° 06' N, 42° 04' E). Gif 3064. Barogali W, B 428 7450 ± 100 Melanoides sp, from shelly level. Comment: dates max extension of Abhe Lake at Middle Holocene. Gif 3065. Barogali W, B 427 20,800 ± 400 Calcareous diatomite deposit. Comment: dates beginning of regression of Abhe Lake at Lower Pleistocene. Gif 3066. Gramari Lake, B 132 24,800 ± 650 Shells in brown silt, S E present residual Gramari Lake in low valley of Awash (11 ° 29' N, 41 ° 42' E). Comment: dates max of late transgression of Abhe Lake at Lower Pleistocene. Gif 2859. Sankal-Godaad, A 648 5930 ± 130 ° Shells (Unio sp) from shelly beach, in Godaad plain (11 00' N, 42° 30' E). Hanle series Shells from sec in shelly lacustrine deposit (11 ° 21' N, 42° 10' E). Gif 2857. Hanle, A 527 b 5250 ± 120 From top of calcareous level. Comment: corresponds to Holocene epi- sode. Gif 3061. Hanle, B 277 >_35,000 From basal level. Comment: corresponds to 2nd lacustrine episode of Upper Pleistocene. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 109 Unda-Dobi series Samples from Unda-Gobi graben (11 ° 42' N, 41 ° 51' E).

Gif 2858. Unda-Gobi, A 569 6570 ± 130 Shells from top of calcareous diatomite deposit, 3m thick. Comment: corresponds to lacustrine optimum.

Gif 3092. Unda-Gobi, B 293 23,600 ± 650 Calcareous ashy diatomite. Comment: dates N extension of lakes during Upper Pleistocene. Gif 3062. Sankal Wadi, B 36 >40,000 Shells (Unio sp) in silt, from lacustrine beach on right side of Sankal W (11° 00' N, 42° 10'E).

Sediment core series, Abhe Lake, Djibouti Republic Samples from sediment core, 50m depth, on border of present Abhe Lake (11 ° 08' N, 41 ° 53' E). Subm 1973 by F Gasse. Present Abhe Lake, alt +240m, is remains of very large lake which spread through low valley of Awash R, mainly at low Holocene (Table 6).

TABLE 6 Lake Abhe core

C Depth content 8'C Sample (m) Sediment nature Dated material (°6o) (yr BP) Gif-3387 6.30-6.37 Calcareous clay Carbonate 4 90 -3386 7.00-7.05 Calcareous clay Carbonate 100 Calcareous clay Organic matter 3.5 140 -3385 8.25-8.50 Calcareous clay Organic matter 140 -3662 8.90-9.10 Calcareous clay Organic matter 500 400 -3095 9.84-10.04 Calcareous clay Organic matter 16,100 800 -3560 10.60-11.00 Calcareous clay Organic matter 500 -3091 13.70-13.82 Calcareous silt Carbonate 400 -3388 17.17-17.22 Calcareous clay Carbonate 700 -3084 18.98-19.28 Clayed calcareous Carbonate 700 diatomite -3660 19.75-20.08 Clayed calcareous matter diatomite -3659 20.80-21.08 Clayed calcareous matter 4000 diatomite -3955 25.60-25.77 Calcareous clay 140 -3485 25.77-26.35 Calcareous clay Organic matter 180 -3364 26.85-27.19 Calcareous clay Organic matter 1.8 140 -3562 27.67-27.77 Calcareous clay Carbonate 3.6 -3563 29.53-29.63 Calcareous clay Carbonate 7

General Comment: dates help reconstruct successive phases of lacustrine evolution (Gasse, 1977). Large and persistent lakes extended in Afar and Main Rift from 40,000 and 20,000 yr with slight regression ca 30,000; 110 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier highest levels in Pleistocene are dated ca 25,000-23,000. After arid phase, all lakes transgress ca 9000 BP and reach high level between 9100-6000 BP. From 4000 BP onwards, climatic deterioration progressively incurred pres- ent situation. Diatomite studies indicate Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental changes in subdesert E African zone. This study completes and verifies data on climatic evolution in Intertropical Africa, (Gasse & Delibrias. 1976). Climatic samples France Gif 3229. Grangues, Calvados, 907 3640 ± 100 Silty peat from peat bog (49° 15' N, 0° 03' W). Coll and subm 1974 by E Helium, Centre Geomorphol, Caen. Comment: date does not confirm Atlan- tic period deduced from pollen analysis. Saint-Andre de Cubzac series, Dordogne Peaty clayey sediment from marsh in Dordogne Valley (44° 59' N, 0° 27' W). Coil and subm 1973 by J F Vidalie, Lab Central Ponts et Chaussees, Paris. Gif 3445. Saint-Andre de Cubzac, A 02 5510 ± 120 Peaty level, depth 2.62m, overlying mud, 4m thick. Gif 3446. Saint-Andre de Cubzac, A 09 5430 ± 120 Peaty clayey level, depth 7m, underlying mud. General Comment: both dates are within statistical limits of measurements; mud was deposited suddenly. Samples were dated for study of mechanical characteristics of compressible soils. Gif 3486. La Riviere, Isere 10,600 ± 140 Peaty gray clay at top of low terrace of glacial depression of Moirans (45° 20' N, 5° 34' E). Coil and subm 1975 by G Montjuvent, Inst Dolomieu, Grenoble. Comment: dates retreat of glaciers in Isere Valley. Gif-2561. Plain of Ariege R, Haute Garonne 3410 ± 110 Wood from fossil tree in gravel pit, low alluvial plain of Ariege R (43° 17' N, 2° 23' E). Coil and subm 1972 by L Rieucau, Univ Paris IV. Gif 3384. Bordeaux, GA 28145, France 4190 ± 110 Wood from alluvial fm, at Bordeaux (44° 50' N, 0° 34' W), depth 6m. Coil and subm 1974 by J Alvinerie, Inst Geol Bassin d'Aquitaine, Talence, Bordeaux. Spain Tenerife Island series, Canary Islands Calcareous crusts interbedded with brown soils, developed on basalt substratum, Tenerife I. Coil and subm 1975 by P Quantin, ORSTOM, Bondy. Measured to date this type of soil formation. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 111

Gif 3776. Los Olivos, T 5-1 22,000 ± 600 (28° 06' N, 13° 02' W), depth 70 to 85cm. Gif 3777. Los Olivos, T 5-2 >_31,000 (28° 06' N, 13° 02' W), depth 125 to 135, same sec as T 5-1. Comment: due to contamination problems for this type of sample, only lower limit of age is given.

Gif 3779. Bajamar, T 6 24,500 ± 700 (28° 35' N, 12° 40' W) depth 70 to 85cm.

Gif 3 780. Fasnia, T 7-3 19,100 ± 400 (28° 13' N, 12° 44' W), depth 395 to 410cm.

Area Longa series, Asturias Peat from peat beds interstratified in solifluction flow, Area Longa beach (43° 36' N, 70 25' W). Coll and subm 1974-1975 by G Mary, Fac Sci, Le Mans.

Gif 3490. Area Longa, 2 16,780 ± 400 From peaty level 2, 30cm thick, overlying solifluction flow, 3m above beach level.

Gif 3489. Area Longa, 1, upper part 15,950 ± 500 From upper part of peaty level 1, ca 1 m thick, underlying solifluction flow.

Gif 3488. Area Longa,1, lower part >35,000 From lower part of level 1. General Comment: dates point out existence of solifluction period at 16,000 BP.

La Franca series, Asturias Organic horizons interstratified in head which forms cliff on La Franca beach (43° 23' N, 4° 23' W). Samples colt and subm 1974-1975 by G Mary (Mary, Medus & Delibrias, 1977).

Gif-3051. La Franca, 3 20,300 ± 500 Peaty soil. Comment: date corresponds to Early Wurm III, as expected from palynology.

Gif 3501. La Franca, 7 32,900 ± 1600 Paleosol, from level under Gif-3051. Comment: because of very low content of organic matter in paleosol, date must be taken as age limit rather than true age. 112 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif 3052. La Franca, l >_35,000 Peat from peaty basal level.


Morocco Imsouane, El Majni series Samples from sec in alluvial silty terrace, (31 ° 50' N, 9° 40' W). Coll and subm 1975 by P Rognon. Gif 3616. Imsouane, 34-3 b 880 ± 80 Charcoal from kitchen midden. Gif3617. Imsouane, 34-3 b 570 ± 100 Shells assoc with charcoal from same level as Gif-3616. Gif 3621. Imsouane, 34-2 b 13,900 ± 250 Shells (Helix sp) from sandstone level overlying typical rose-colored silty deposit. Gif 3620. Imsouane, 34-2 a 27,700 ± 1100 Shells (Helix sp) from bottom of rose-colored silty deposit. General Comment: Gif-3621 dates important development of littoral dunes after episode of rose-colored silt deposit, at end of Soltanian Pluvial (Delib- rias, Rognon & Weisrock,1976).

Tissouirine, Ksob Wadi series Samples from terrace of Ksob Wadi (31 ° 30' N, 9° 45' E). Coll and subm 1975-1981 by P Rognon. Gif 3619. Ksob wadi, S 250 ± 80 Charcoal from organic level in upper part of terrace under aeolian sand. Gif 6000. Ksob wadi, AG 66 1380 ± 60 Shells (Helix sp) from shelly level at top of brown silt deposit, on sandy hill, in wadi estuary, near Essarouira. Gif 3618. Ksob wadi, 50 4950 ± 120 Shells (Helix sp) from shelly level, in brown silt deposit, 1 m under Gif 6000. Gif 4053. Ksob wadi, 45 5700 ± 120 Shells (Helix sp) in human settlement on dune, near Ksob wadi. General Comment: Gif 4053 dates end of arid period of sand accumulation. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 113

Gif-6000 and -3618 date wadi overflows during Holocene (Weisrock et al, 1985).

Gif 3615. Koudiat el Aouija _40,000 Lacustrine mussels from bottom of rose-colored silt deposit at upper part of low alluvial terrace of wadi Tensif (31 ° 40' N, 8° 45' W). Coll and subm by P Rognon.

Gif 4542. Moulay Bou Selham lagoon, Kenitra 3490 ± 100 Shelly level from 0.60-0.67m depth in core 78001 (34° 58' N, 6° 18' W). Coil and subm 1978 by J Moyes, Univ Bordeaux 1. Comment: dates clos- ing of lagoon.

Other Countries Kafubu series, Shaba, Zaire Samples from bank of river at Kafubu (12° 53' S, 27° 46' E). Alt 1120m. Coil by A Lequarre and subm 1975 by P de Maret, Mus Royal Afrique Cen- trale, Tervuren, Belgium.

Gif 3454. Kafubu, 16/29-6 170 ± 100 Charcoal assoc with ceramics, depth 1.50-2.OOm.

Gif 3455. Kafubu, 3/29-6 1140 ± 90 Wood assoc with remains of cob-work, depth 5m.

Gif 3456. Kafubu,19/29-6 2030 ± 100 Wood, depth 5m. General Comment: dates indicate high fluviatile sedimentation rate. Delta of Chari R series, Chad Organic sediments from borings in delta of Chari (ca 12° 50' N, 14° 30' E). Coil and subm 1975 by M Mathieu, ORSTOM, N'Djamena, Chad.

Gif 3458. Boring V-18 270 ± 90 Depth 4.lOm. Gif3459. Boring XV-11 Modern Depth 1.15m.

Gif 3460. Sec XVI-2 510 ± 90 Depth 2.70m, in sec in river bank. General Comment: dates are much younger than expected, which suggests very high sedimentation rate.

Gif 3424. Koren Mogodaye, Yagoua, N Cameroon 4010 ± 110 Charcoal coated with iron-clay deposit in B horizon of pedogenic pro- file at top of red-sand dune (10° 17' N, 15° 4' E). Coil and subm 1975 by M 114 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gavaud, ORSTOM, Yaounde, Cameroon. Comment: dates fm of this type of ferrigeneous soil. Badoudi series, Garoua region, Cameroon Samples from Profile BEG 182 in ancient terrace of Benoue R, at Ba- doudi (9° 15' N, 13° 23' E). Alt 8m. Profile shows succession of differen- tiated and leached soils, which are result from recent pedogenesis. Coll and subm 1975 by M Gavaud.

Gif 3359. Badoudi, BEG 182-11 b 10,950 ± 220 Calcareous nodules, l to 5mm diam, 4.40m depth in fossil vertisol.

Gif 3081. Badoudi, BEG 182-12 8920 ± 160 Gastropod shells, 4.70m depth, at base level of fossil vertisol with nod- ules dated by Gif 3359. General Comment: Gif-3359 and -3081 are in inverted order but date of Gif- 3359 obtained for nodules is probably less reliable than Gif-3081. Nev- ertheless dates agree with Gif 871:10,160 ± 200 (R, 1971, v 13, p 241) age of organic matter from vertisol in same strat position, ca 20km from Bad- oudi. This episode of pedogenesis, in W Cameroon, corresponds to humid period well dated in Africa. Badda Mountain series, Ethiopia Peat samples from cores in peat bog on E side of Badda Mt (8° 00' N, 39° 45' E). Alt +4043m. Coil 1975 by A Street and D Lauder and subm 1976 by F Gasse.

Gif 3889. Badda Mt, S 1, Bog 3, 40-50cm 770 ± 110 Comment: undersized sample.

Gif 3890. Badda Mt, Bog 3,140-150 cm 2520 ± 100

Gif 3891. Badda Mt, Bog 3, 290-300cm 11,500 ± 200

Gif4684. Badda Mt, Bog 1, 40-50cm 790 ± 80

Gif-4685. Badda Mt, Bog 1, 90-100cm 1700 ± 90

Gif 4109. Badda Mt, Bog 1,183-200cm 3430 ± 120 Comment: undersized sample.

Gif 4108. Badda Mt, Bog 1, 232-250cm 7490 ± 140

Gif 2915. Antanetibe plain, Hauts-Plateaux, AHR 35, Madagascar 360 ± 80 Organic horizon, 2.1 Om depth underlying clayey soil (18° 30' S, 47° 30' E). Coil and subm 1974 by C Ratsimbazafy, ORSTOM, Tananarive. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 115 Gif 2916. Antanetibe plain, Hauts-Plateaux, AHR 64, Madagascar Modern Organic horizon, 1.50m depth underlying hydromorphic soil in allu- vial Antanetibe plain (18° 22' S, 47° 33' E). Coll and subm 1973 by C Rat- simbazafy. Comment: Gif 2916 and -2915 indicate very recent fossilization and rapid sedimentation rate in that region (Bourgeat & Ratsimbazafy, 1975).

Gif 2958. Iazafo plain, ZAR 1007, Madagascar 8110 ± 170 Organic horizon underlying alluvial deposit, 3m thick (17° 25' S, 49° 16' E). Coll and subm 1973 by C Ratsimbazafy.

Gif 2959. Iazafo plain, ZAR 334, Madagascar 17,700 ± 420 Black organic horizon underlying clayey alluvial deposit, in low ter- race, 2.80m thick (17° 25' S, 49° 17' E). Coll and subm 1973 by C Ratsimba- zafy. Comment: Gif 2958 and 2959 indicate that weathering and concomi- tant low terrace fm occurred between 25,000 and 8000 BP (Bourgeat & Rat- simbazafy,1975).

Southern Indian Ocean Kerguelen Island series Peat samples subm 1974 by N Bellair, CNRS, Paris.

Gif 3543. Betsy Cove 1 1620 ± 90 (49° 10'S, 70° 12' E), depth 0.95 to 1.05m.

Gif 3544. Betsy Cove 2 3340 ± 100 Depth 1.10 to 1.25m.

Gif 3545. Betsy Cove 3 4260 ± 110 Depth 1.85 to 2.OOm.

Gif 3546. Betsy Cove 4 3840 ± 110 Depth 2.15 to 2.25m.

Gif 3542. Dante Plain 5790 ± 120 (49° 38' S, 69° 34' E), depth 2.25 to 2.35m. Possession Island series, Crozet Archipelago Peat samples subm 1972-73 by N Bellair.

Gif 2602. Branloirs Valley, 2 840 ± 90 (46° 24'S, 51 ° 45' E), depth 0.95 to 1.30m.

Gif 2460. Branloirs Valley, l 4570 ± 130 Depth 3.50 to 3.75m. 116 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier

Gif 4501. American Bay 580 ± 80 (46° 23'S, 51 ° 48' E), depth 2.10 to 2.50m. General Comment: for Kerguelen and Possession I series: because of rela- tively high sedimentation rate, studied secs do not represent long period of time and only climatic variations of Little Ice Age were indicated by pollen analysis (Roche-Bellair,1973).

South America Los Llanos Centrales series, Venezuela In central plains of Venezuela, + 100m above msl, dune fms extend over large area from 6° to 9° 15' N and 64° to 70° W. These fossil dunes, 10 to 15m high, presently fixed by grass, contain some paleosol levels. Samples from these organic horizons were coll by boring and subm 1974 by P R Morales, Fac Ciencas, Univ Central Venezuela, Caracas.

Gif 3331. Llanos Centrales, M-27 A 2290 ± 90 Black sandy level with vegetal debris, depth 2.05m (7° 33' N, 69° 15' W).

Gif 3332. Llanos Centrales, M-33 B 3700 ± 110 Black sandy level with vegetal debris, depth 1.60m (7° 34' N, 69° 16' W).

Gif 3333. Llanos Centrales, M-35 C 4130 ± 240 Brown sandy level with vegetal debris, depth 1.20m (7° 29' N, 69° 15' W).

Gif 3335. Llanos Centrales, M-32 B 5860 ± 270 Silty level with vegetal and charcoal debris, depth 2m (8° 32' N, 67° 32' W).

Gif 3336. Llanos Centrales, M-19-1-aP 11,000 ± 450 Silty level with vegetal remains, depth 4.20m (8° 32' N, 67° 33' W). General Comment (PRM): dates succession of arid periods with sand accumu- lation and moist periods with soil development since 11,000 BP. Dunes imply existence of vast desert in that region during last glaciation.

North America Owl River series, Baffin Island, Canada Peat from 3m river-cut exposure of Owl R, Pangnirtung Pass (66° 45' N, 64° 42' W). Coll by G H Miller and subm 1974 by J T Andrews, Univ Colorado, Boulder.

Gif 3493. Owl River,155-160cm 1870 ± 90 Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 117 Gif 3494. Owl River, 289-294cm 2660 ± 100 Comment (JTA): peat underlying 1.5m of niveo-aeolian sand that reflects increased aridity in N sec Pangnirtung Pass since 2660 BP.

Gif 4044. Prudhoe Bay, N Alaska 6480 ± 130 Peat from underlying blue clay exposed in coastal bluff, Prudhoe Bay (70° 18' N, 148° 23' W), alt ca 0.2m above msl. Peat is covered by 20cm dead vegetal matter, 20cm alternating dark and light colored silts and 40cm dark brownish-black organic-rich clay. Coll and subm 1974 by J T Andrews. Com- ment (JTA): strat suggests marine transgression or clay solifluction when sea was lower than at present. Pollen analysis shows Cyperaceae dominates, but Betula, Alnus and Picea are present in significant amounts. Kuparuk River series, Alaska Peat from river-bank exposure of Kuparuk R (70° 19' N, 148° 57' W), ca 6m above msl. Coll and subm 1974 by J T Andrews. Gif 3667. Kuparuk R, 74cm 2300 110

Gif 3666. Kuparuk R, 195-205cm 3470 100 General Comment (JTA): river gravels were overlain by overbank silts and clays and succeeded by peats and sands after 3500 BP. Shortly after 2300 BP, site was dominated by eolian sediments. Pollen analysis shows Cyperaceae, Gramineae, and Alnus, Betula, Pinus, Picea.

Gif 3668. Putuligayuk River, Alaska 3270 ± 100 Peaty clay sample from base of river-bank exposure along Putuligayuk R (70° 14' N, 148° 44' W), ca 4m above msl. Coll and subm 1974 by J T Andrews.

Sagavanirktok River series, Alaska Peat samples from slumped block of E facing slope of Sagavanirktok R (70° 13' N, 148° 22' W). Coll and subm 1974 by J T Andrews. Gif 3665. Sagavanirktok R 190 100 Near surface.

Gif 3664. Sagavanirktok R 1210 110 Depth 1.35m.

Marine Samples Large manganese nodules series Carbonate inclusions in fluorapatite core of large manganese nodules from Pacific Ocean (16° 28' S, 146° 34' W), 1000m depth. Samples subm 1973 by C Lalou, CFR-CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, in connection with Mn nod- 118 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier ules growth rate and Mn chemistry in sea studies (Lalou et al, 1973; Lalou, Brichet & Bonte,1976).

15,700 ± 400 Gif 2314. Nodule D IV A a13C = + 1.2%o Weight 1.6.5kg.

25,800 ± 800 Gif 2751. Nodule DO 23 F b13C = +2.3%o Weight 9.5kg. General Comment: these values cannot be considered true ages. Presence of 14C indicates either continual exchange of C with sea water or exchange during abrupt recrystallization of core. Undersized samples. Mn deposit series Coral samples dredged from Mid-Atlantic ridge (36° 46' N, 35° 15' W), between 2850 and 2500m, near hydrothermal field, by R Hekinian, COB CNEXO. Subm 1975 by C Lalou.

Gif 3440. CH 31 n° 4 3730 ± 230 Inside part of coral branch (Isis sp) which shows Mn annular ring, 6µm thick, between two growth phases. Comment: x-ray analysis shows 100% cal- cite.

Gif 3441. CH 31 n° 2 3550± 230 Coral from same branch as Gif 3440, outside Mn ring. Comment: x-ray analysis shows 100% calcite. Dates of Gif 3440 and -3441, within statistical margin, show Mn was deposited very quickly. Gif 3958. CH 31, DR 5 B 6760± 160 Coral branch (Desmophyllum sp) with external Mn deposit 6µm thick. Comment: x-ray analysis shows 10% calcite. General Comment: undersized samples. Gif 3636. Coral branch, DO 11(1), Pacific Ocean >_28,000 Internal part of coral branch, diam 5mm, underlying manganese deposit, from Pacific Ocean, near Tuomatu I. Coll by CNEXO and subm 1975 by C Lalou (17° 13' S, 145° 44' W)1140m depth. Comment: undersized sample. Gif 3731. Mid-Atlantic Ridge >28,000 Travertine inside Mn-Fe-carbonate geode, coll 1974 during FAMOUS expedition by CYANA submersible on surface sediment of Mid-Atlantic Ridge, depth 3000m, 8m from hydrothermal vents (36° 56' N, 33° 04' W). Subm 1975 by C Lalou. La Romanche Trench series, Atlantic Ocean Organic fraction of sediment from marine core 71-08, 770cm long (0° 14' 5,18° 37' W), depth 7500m. Subm 1974 by C Lalou. Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 119 +4 50 Gif3404. Core 71-08 0-1cm 2250- 1000 Undersized sample. Gif-3426. Core 71-08, 71-75cm 3220 ± 360 Gif 3442. Core 71.08, 403-407cm 8600 ± 360 Gif-4247. Core 71-08, 664-674cm 15,700 ± 400 General Comment: dates help to calculate very high sedimentation rate, ca 50cm/1000 yr, which is due to funnel shape of trench (Bonte et al, 1982). Undersized samples. Atlantic abyssal plain series Marine sediments were coll by box cores, in 1974 during MIDLANTE expedition in Atlantic abyssal plain. Samples subm 1975 by A Monaco, Centre Univ, Perpignan. Carbonate fraction >40µ was dated. Gif 3754. Atlantic abyssal plain, KR 02,1 2740 ± 200 (18° 24' N, 24° 34' W), depth 3794m, surface sediment, 0 to 1cm. Gif3790. Atlantic abyssal plain, KR 02, 3 3040 ± 200 2 to 3cm depth. Gif 3791. Atlantic abyssal plain, KR 03,1 2660 ± 200 (19° 36' N, 27° 26' W), depth 4791m, surface sediment, 0 to 1 cm. General Comment: high sedimentation rate deduced from Gif-3754 and -3790 is probably due to turbidite currents, indicated by sedimentologic and mineralogic studies. Blanc du Four series, W Atlantic Carbonate fraction of sediment cores in organogenic calcareous sand bank (hydraulic sand dunes). Samples subm 1975 by J P Le Gorgeu, CNEXO, Brest. Gif3679. Blanc du Four, 35 F 1 5300 ± 130 From 1st m of core 35 F (48° 38' N, 4° 54' W), depth 43m. Gif 3497. Blanc du Four, 35 F 10 4100 ± 110 From 10th m of core 35 F.

Gif 3680. Blanc du Four, 41 F 1 4860 ± 130 From 1st m of core 41 F (48° 31' N, 4° 53' W), depth 60m. Gif-3498. Blanc du Four, 41 F 9 2970 ± 100 From 9th m of core 41 F. General Comment: dated to estimate sand accumulation rate in order to exploit dunes, but ages are not significant; sediments were probably reworked by fm process of hydraulic dunes. 120 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Miscellaneous Samples Soil series Study of evolution rate of organic matter in two types of Mediterra- nean soils, on calcareous substratum, was made at Massif de la Gardiole (43° 29' N, 3° 44' E), alt 210m (calcic-ferrasiallitic soil A), and at Bois Dos- N, care (43° 37' 3° 57' E), alt 55m (non-calcic-ferrasiallitic soil B), Herault (Bottner, 1972). Samples (Table 7) were coll 1973 and chemical prepara- tion made by P Bottner, Centre d'Etudes Phytosociolog ecolog, Montpel- lier, France. Different separated fractions result from successive hydrolysis, (F II and F IV), and from alkaline extractions (F III). General Comment: different components of 0 M in surface horizons of both soils are young which means that turnover of M is rapid in these 14C 0 soils. Presence of bomb makes it possible to establish residence time of C in A horizons at most 15 yr and is shorter in B Cryptomull than in A Calcic mull, as expected.

TABLE 7 Massif de la Gardiole and Bois Doscare Soil A: Calcic mull

14 activity Sample Fraction (o%o) (yr BP) Horizon Gif-3234 Total OM +142 ± 10 -3235 F II +137 ± 10 -3236 F Ill +191 ± 10 -3237 F IV +139 ± 10

-3552 Total OM 210 ± 80 A3 10-35cm -3553 Total OM 1940 ± 100 B 70-120cm Soil B: Cryptomull

Gif-3238 Total OM +366 ± 10 -3239 F II +224 ± 10 -3240 F Ill +256 ± 10 -3241 F IV +153±10

Fossil hydrocarbon in marine organism series 14C Measurements of activity of shells and algae living in estuary of Rance R (48° 60' N, 2° W), in estuary of Loire R (47° 17' N, 2° 12' W) and in Aber Benoit (48° 33' N, 3° 27' W) were studied to distinguish between fossil organic carbon due to petroleum and modern organic carbon, in living marine organisms (Table 8). Samples were coll and subm 1975 and 1978 by P Renault and C Roussel, Inst Francais Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison. Extrac- tion and identification of different dated fractions were done by IFP. General Comment: results indicate importance of carbon of fossil origin in marine organisms. Gif-4832 shows that totality of hydrocarbon is fossil in Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI 121

TABLE 8 Fossil hydrocarbon in marine organisms

b14C b13C 14C carbon Sample Material (°,6o) Gif-3771 Rance estuary, Algua, ref 1975 + 194 172.8 10 -3749 Rance estuary, Zostera, cellulose + 186 164 10 ref 1975 -3887 Rance estuary, Laminaria, +195 10 cellulose ref 1975 -3751 Rance estuary, Laminaria, lipid 196 174 22 0 fraction -4009 Rance estuary, Laminaria, 25 hydrocarbon in hexane, l -4041 Rance estuary, Laminaria, 30 hydrocarbon in benzene -4537 Rance estuary, Laminaria, 75 10 hydrocarbon in hexane, 2 -4432 Loire estuary, mussel shells, ref 0) 7 1978 -4591 Loire estuary, mussel flesh, +46 4 hydrocarbon -4590 Loire estuary, 0 M in marine 7 sediments, hydrocarbon -4829 Aber Benoit, oyster shells, ref 161 103 5 1978 -4830 Aber Benoit, oyster flesh, -212 25 hydrocarbon in hexane -4831 Aber Benoit, oyster flesh, 24 4 hydrocarbon in methanol -4832 Aber Benoit, 0 M in marine sed >98 hydrocarbon in hexane

'4C organic matter of sediments of Aber Benoit. Moreover, measurements help calculate fossil carbon percentage in different separated fractions and improve chemical extraction of hydrocarbon. Cuenca del Lago de Valencia series, San Joaquim-El Ereigue, Venezuela Organic sediments from Lago de Valencia (ca 10° N, 68° W), alt + 1000m. Subm 1977 by G R Sieffermann. Gif 4353. Lago de Valencia, depth 4.5m 980 ± 100 Gif 4354. Lago de Valencia, depth 7.5m 5900 ± 100 General Comment: dates help evalute erosion rate in basin. Gif 4355. Rio Guarapiche, Chiguata, Venezuela 2700 150 Organic level in recent terrace of R Guarapiche (ca 9° N, 64° W), 115 to 117cm under surface. Subm 1977 by G R Sieffermann, ORSTOM, Paris. Gif 2890. Bansbari, Kathmandu, Nepal >_44,000 Lignite, 3m thick, in sand pit underlying gray and yellow silty sand, 6m thick. Coil and subm 1973 by J Hubschman, Inst Geog, Univ Toulouse. Comment: date is min for fill of this lacustrine depression. 122 Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier

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[RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 125-128]

HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY RADIOCARBON DATES I WEST AND SOUTH COASTS OF SRI LANKA* JINADASA KATUPOTHA** Department of Geography, Hiroshima University, 1-1-89, Higashi Senda Machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730, Japan The following list reports radiocarbon dates of geologic samples col- lected from the west, southwest and south coasts of Sri Lanka during August 1985. The tidal range on Sri Lanka coasts is very small, the lowest neap at - 0.48m and highest spring at + 0.52m from msl (data based on the standard point of Colombo, datum level 0.38m below msl). Radiocarbon age measurements were carried out at the Department of Geography, Hiroshima University Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. The dates were obtained by liquid scintillation counting of methanol using a lab- oratory procedure (Fujiwara & Nakata, 1984). All coral, shell, and calcar- eous algae samples were treated in 10% HCI, and pure CaCO3 samples were converted into methanol. Dates are correlated with the chronology of the Holocene epoch (Fairbridge,1968). The results are expressed in radiocarbon years relative to AD 1950 based on the Libby half-life of 5568 ± 30 years, using new NBS oxalic acid standard (SRM 4900C) as "modern" (Stuiver,1983).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research involves a preliminary data collection and pertains to the author's doctorate program at the Department of Geography, University of Hiroshima, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Japan. I am indebted to my supervisor, Kenzo Fujiwara, for his direct guidance in sample collec- tion techniques. Grateful thanks are due Takashi Nakata who helped me with the laboratory procedures. I also wish to thank Marcus Karunanayake, Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, for his great assistance in my field work, and P A Pirazzoli, CNRS-Intergeo, Paris, France, for reviewing the manuscript and making valuable com- ments.

GEOLOGIC SAMPLES West Coast series Two samples from exposed beach rock, W of Negombo (7° 12' 30" N, 79° 49' 00" E), Negombo dist. Samples dated as Late Holocene (Late Sub- boreal).

* A contribution to the project IGCP-200 "Sea-Level Correlations and Applications" ** Address from March 1988: Department of Geography, University of Sri Jayewardene- pura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

125 126 ,Jinadasa Katupotha HR-125. Negombo 2470 ± 70 Calcareous algae from surface of beach rock, elev 0.25m, approx above high tide level. Comment: date indicates that one stage of coastal pro- gradation had begun after Late Holocene (Late Subboreal). HR-126. Negombo 3460 ± 160 Marine shell from same loc as HR-125. Comment: same as HR-125. Southwest Coast series Eleven samples from well-developed buried coral beds, raised coral reef patches and a dug well, Gable dist. Dates correlated with Middle Holo- cene (Main Atlantic) and Late Holocene (Early Subboreal, Late Subboreal, and Early Subatlantic). Stratigraphic sequences and deposition pattern of branching (Acropora) and massive (Porites) corals (stood upright) and shells of buried beds (coral quarry nos. l and 2) mostly appear in growth position. Relatively good condition of materials reveals that accumulation was not caused by catastrophic event such as storm wave action. HR-111. Dimbulduwa-Akurala 5830 ± 90 Coral (Acropora) from coral quarry no. 1 (6° 12' 10" N, 80° 03' 57" E), depth 1.40m below msl. HR-112. Dimbulduwa-Akurala 5820 ± 90 Coral (Echinopora) from coral quarry no. 1, at same loc as HR-111, depth 2m below msl. HR-113. Dimbulduwa-Akurala 5910 ± 80 Coral (Porites) from coral quarry no. 1, at same loc as HR-111, depth 2.90m below msl. HR-114. Dimbulduwa-Akurala 6000 ± 90 Coral (Acropora) from coral quarry no. 1, at same loc as HR-ill, depth 3m below msl. HR-115a. Wellemeda-Akurala Super modern Shell from coral quarry no. 2 (6° 11,50" N, 80° 03' 57" E), depth 0.25m below msl. HR-115b. Wellemeda-Akurala 5800 ± 80 Coral (Acropora) from quarry no. 2, at same loc as HR-115a, depth 2.10m below msl. HR-109. Wellemeda-Akurala 6110 ± 80 Coral (Acropora) from coral quarry no. 2, at same loc as HR-115a, depth 3.90m below msl. General Comment: dated sequences of coral quarry nos. 1 and 2 reveal that branching corals and massive corals developed inland as isolated patches following marine transgression during Holocene. The author agrees with Hiroshima University 14C Dates I 127 suggestions made by Deraniyagala (1958, p 15), and Neef and Veeh (1981).

HR-110. Habaraduwa 5560 ± 70 Coral (Acropora) from coral quarry no. 3 (5° 59' 50" N, 80° 17' 00" E), depth 0.90m to 1.10m below msl. Comment: date correlates with coral quarry nos. 1 and 2.

HR-121. -Unawatuna 1960 ± 60 Coral (Acropora) from dug well (6° 00' 30" N, 80° 14' 50" E), depth 0.96m, approx below msl. Comment: partly rounded coral may be displaced by wave action.

HR-117. Akurala-Telwatte 4070 ± 80 Coral (Goniastrea) from emerged reef patch, in growth position (6° 10' 10" N, 80° 03' 50" E), elev 0.40m to 0.60m above msl. Comment: date con- firms that previous sea level was higher than at present between Middle Holocene (Main Atlantic) and Late Holocene (Early Subboreal) in Sri Lanka. The author agrees with suggestions of Shepard (1961; see Hubbs, Bean & , 1962, p 212). HR-116. Hikkaduwa 5100 ± 70 Coral (Goniastrea) from emerged reef patch, in growth position cemented with sandstone (6° 07' 45" N, 80° 05' 45" E), elev 0.51 m above msl. Comment: same as HR-117.

South Coast series Three samples from two shell middens and one sample from emerged shell bed of lake margins, Hambantota dist. Emerged shell bed dated as Middle Holocene (Main Atlantic).

HR-124. Hungama 5780 ± 110 Marine shells (Veneridae) from dry lagoon bed at Kalametiya Lake (6° 05' 30" N, 80° 55' 30" E), elev 1.31 m above msl. Comment: the author infers that varieties of shell belonging to marine form living in inter-tidal zone were deposited preceding coastal emergence after Middle Holocene (Early Subboreal).

HR-123. Karagan Lewaya 3050 ± 100 Shells from midden in coastal sand dune close to Karagan Lake (6° 07' 20" N, 80° 05' 10" E), elev 2.28m above msl. Comment: shell midden consists of uniform species of marine shells (Veneridae) forming layer several cm thick. Date suggests inhabitants dwelled along coastal low hilly areas adjoin- ing lagoons prior to Late Holocene (Early Subboreal).

HR-122. Udamalala 4050 ± 50 Shells (Veneridae) from midden of lake margin (6° 10' 15" N, 80° 10' 00" E), elev 5.25m approx msl. Comment: same as HR-123. 128 Jinadasa Katupotha

REFERENCES Deraniyagala, P E P, 1958, The Pleistocene of Ceylon: Colombo, Ceylon Natl Mus Pub, p 10- 15. Fairbridge, R W, 1968, Holocene, Postglacial or Recent epoch: The encyclopedia of geomor- phology: New York, Reinhold Book Corp, 533 p. Fujiwara, K and Nakata, T, 1984, Methanol liquid scintillation radiocarbon dating (1): Bull Faculty Lit, Univ Hiroshima, v 44, p 120-134 (in Japanese with English abs). Neef, G, and Veeh, H H, 1981, A Holocene coral reef in southwestern Sri Lanka: Ceylon Jour Sci (Bio Sci), v 14, no. 1&2, p 116-119. Hubbs, C L, Bean, G S and Suess, H E, 1962, La Jolla natural radiocarbon measurements II: Radiocarbon, v 4, p 204-238. Shepard, P F, 1961, Sea level rise during the past 20,000 years: Zeitschr Geomorphol NF supp 3, p 30-35. Stuiver, M, 1983, International agreements and the use of the new oxalic acid standard, in 14C Stuiver, M and Kra, R S, eds, Internatl conf, 11th, Proc: Radiocarbon, v 25, no. 2, p 793-795. [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 129] NOTES AND COMMENTS

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The paper by Pachiaudi et al, "Isotopic Fractionation of Carbon Dur- ing CO2 Absorption by Mortar," (Radiocarbon, v 28, no. 2A, p 691-697) interprets (p 696) the very low b13C (_ -21%o) of calcium carbonate result- ing from the reaction of atmospheric CO2 with CaO, as the combination of the original S13C of air CO2 (_ - 8.2%o) and the fractionation factor between CO2 and CaCO3. Unfortunately, the fractionation factor they quoted (Craig, 1953) is taken with the wrong algebraic sign. EverybodyY Y knows that C of carbonate more or less in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 is around zero. 8130 i3g of carbonates lower than equilibrium values with CO2, in such cases, are found when sursaturation is very high (for instance, when a min- eral carbon solution finds a high pH barrier, which is the case in their experiments). Turner (1982, p 1183) has explained this effect up to pH = 9. Much higher kinetics effects are observed, and therefore very low S13C, are found for a heterogeneous system (gas-liquid-solid), and -21 %o/PDB is therefore an out-of equilibrium value easily explained by a pure diffusion fractionation effect between 13002 and 12CO2 at the interface air-liquid phase, when the concentration of dissolved CO2 is forced down to zero.

Rene Letolle Department of Dynamic Geology University Pierre and Marie Paris, France

REFERENCES Craig, H,1953, The geochemistry of the stable carbon isotopes: Geochim et Cosmochim Acta, v3,p53. Turner, J V, 1982, Kinetic fractionation of carbon-13 during calcium carbonate precipitation: Geochim et Cosmochim Acta, v 46, p 1183-1191.

129 [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 130] THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGY AND 14C RENEE KRA The Second International Symposium on Archaeology and 14C, Sep- tember 7-11, 1987, Groningen, The Netherlands was a most successful forum for the exchange of information and ideas among archaeologists and radiocarbon daters. The sincere intent of the organizers to achieve closer understanding and appreciation between the two disciplines was apparent throughout the conference. Indeed, even the conference title was changed from "14C and Archaeology" to "Archaeology and 14C." An egalitarian tone was established at the outset, when WG Mook introduced the opening session on radiocarbon data bases as probably the least interesting scientifically, but, nevertheless, one of the most important current topics for radiocarbon daters and users. The most controversial and universally problematic theme that con- tinued through the week was "The Calibration Issue," both in terms of "the red volume of Mrs Kra" (to quote Dr Suess) as well as the difficulties encountered in deriving calendrical ages from the calibration curves. Unfortunately, neither Minze Stuiver nor Gordon Pearson, the chief archi- tects of the curves, were present to explicate and discuss conversion proce- dures as well as their quantitative and qualitative merits. Another key topic of debate was conventions of terminology in report- ing radiocarbon determinations. After much animated discussion, the par- ticipants reached a consensus on maintaining the cal AD/BC (cal BP) nomen- clature recommended by the Trondheim conference. Henrik Tauber summed up the conflicts between archaeologists and radiocarbon dates with an appropriate if not chauvinistic analogue about women: "Life is difficult with them but impossible without them." In summary, the sessions focused on current issues in radiocarbon dat- ing related to the field of archaeology-the importance of The Interna- tional Radiocarbon Data Base, calibration problems and interpretations, inter-laboratory comparisons of precision, treatment of samples, Accelera- tor Mass Spectrometry (AMS), and terminology. The pervading atmosphere was exciting, sometimes electric, always infused with good humor and good taste. And allusions to "loose people" and a "fog over the British Isles" will linger in our fond memories.

130 [RADIOCARBON, VOL 30, No. 1, 1988, P 131-132] REVIEW

Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective; by R E Taylor. Orlando, Florida, 1987. Academic Press, Inc, 212 pages, $39.50.

This is the complete guide to radiocarbon dating, written by the head of a prominent laboratory, for archaeologists and others who need a suc- cinct introduction to the field. Taylor concentrates upon the issues underlying the dating method and discusses them historically so that we learn how the theories and methods developed, as well as the current state of the field. Taylor makes abundant use of examples from archaeology, par- ticularly instances in which radiocarbon results have not accorded with expectations; and he gives reasons why. The six chapters begin with a discussion of the principles of radiocar- bon dating, basic conventions and definitions. Next he describes anomalies that may occur as a result of secular variation, differences in reservoirs, contamination and fractionation, and finally, the effects of the use of fossil fuels and atomic testing. Chapter 3 deals with the collecting of samples and the pretreatments that are or may be carried out in the laboratory. In Chap- ter 4, Taylor discusses how ages are actually measured through various methods of counting. His final technical chapter concerns the evaluation of radiocarbon data and stresses the role of the archaeologist in securing and adequately documenting samples. The concluding chapter is a brief history of radiocarbon dating, ending abruptly with 1960 when Willard Libby was awarded the Nobel Prize for his role in developing the method. The earlier part of the book, in effect, brings the historical narrative up to date. The archaeologist will find here information, in a clear and concise form, on any topic, technical or interpretative, that one might raise. The wealth of examples, many bolstered by tables or figures, will be helpful to an instructor in explaining radiocarbon dating to introductory students, and they can also be used to stimulate advanced students to re-examine some of the literature with an eye toward elucidating the reasons behind anomalous dates. Although the subject matter for the most part is technical, Taylor makes it understandable to one without much background in chemistry or physics. He has taken pains to define terms that might be unfamiliar and to italicize technical definitions that are crucial to understanding. There is minimal use of math; instead, most concepts are conveyed verbally or through the use of graphs. Most archaeologists have questions about radiocarbon dating. This book, and the references in it, give all the answers, from acquiring samples to interpreting results with and without calibration. We learn much about the methods used in different laboratories and their consequences. And we learn the potential of AMS dating which, at the time of writing, was just beginning to have an impact in the archaeological literature. The book appears to be unusually free of typographical errors but, as in many archaeological reports of radiocarbon dates, the use of AD for BC or vice versa has crept in here as well. In a discussion of how to calculate dates,

131 13 2 Notes and Comments on page 138, Taylor neglects to use BC for dates that have been adjusted to the calendar. These minor errors in an otherwise fine book merely illustrate that Murphy's Law should be added to the list of uncertainties that plague date lists.

Frank Hole Anthropology Department Yale University

PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ON AN ERROR IN BRITISH MUSEUM RADIOCARBON DATES (BM-1700 to BM-2315)* M S TITE, S G E BOWMAN, J C AMBERS, and K J MATTHEWS Research Laboratory, British Museum, London A systematic error has been identified in radiocarbon measurements run in the British Museum laboratory between approximately mid 1980 and the end of 1984, when all dating was halted for a number of months. The measurements potentially affected have numbers between about BM- 1700 and BM-2315, and correspond roughly to date lists XV to XIX pub- lished in Radiocarbon. The error is systematic, giving dates that are too young by varying amounts: some may have been underestimated by 200- 300 years, whilst others may be little affected. BM dates issued during this period should be used with caution. Dates obtained since mid 1985 are not subject to this error as evidenced by repeated radiocarbon measurements of dendrochronologically-dated wood (see for example BM-2432, date list XX, forthcoming). A comprehensive set of experiments to clarify and quantify the dis- crepancy is continuing. When sufficient data are available a full account of the problem will be published. Submitters of a series of samples during the period in question will also be notified individually.

* Reprinted from Antiquity, 1987, v 61, p 168. Radiocarbon Proceedings of the 12th International Radiocarbon Conference Trondheim, Norway, June 24-28, 1985

Radiocarbon, Volume 28, Number 2A & B, 1986 @ $60.00 Please order from: Radiocarbon Kline Geology Laboratory Yale University PO Box 6666 New Haven, CT 06511

Number 2A contains papers presented at the conference. Topics include Accelera- tor Mass Spectrometric (AMS) Techniques, Natural Variations, The Carbon Cycle, Methods and Applications, Conventional Techniques, Anthropogenic Variations, Applications in Archaeology, and Reporting and Management of Data.

Number 2B is the special Calibration Issue which contains the latest calibration curves and tables derived from dendrochronological methods. The issue presents, for the first time, all of the most precise calibrations to date covering a time interval of up to 10,000 years. U S Bristlecone Pine chronologies are matched with those of Irish and German Oak and a calibration curve for marine samples is also presented. This issue is proving extremely important to archaeologists in calculating precise radiocarbon ages.

Both issues are available separately at $30.00 each. ANNOUNCING ......

13th INTERNATIONAL RADIOCARBON CONFERENCE June 20-25, 1988, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia

The Conference will be organized by the Rudjer Boskovic Institute Radio- carbon Laboratory, Zagreb, under the auspices of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The Conference Program will include:

-Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) -Applications of radiocarbon techniques -Calibration of the radiocarbon time scale -Conventional radiocarbon techniques -Interlaboratory comparisons -International Radiocarbon Data Base -Natural and anthropogenic 14C variations

Final abstracts are requested by March 1, 1988.

The Conference Fee will be US $180 before March 1 and US $200 after that date.

For more information, please contact the Conference Secretariat:

Dusan Srdoc Rudjer Boskovic Institute PO Box 1016 41001 Zagreb, Yugoslavia

Phone: (041) 424-239; 425-809 Telex: 21383 yu irb zg Cable: INSTRUBO RADIOCARBON


Published three times a year, in Winter, Spring, and Summer, at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511. Subscription rate $85.00 (for institutions), $55.00 (for individuals), available only in whole volumes. The Proceedings of the Twelfth International Radiocarbon Conference, Vol 28, Nos. 2A and 2B, 1986 are $60.00. No. 2B, the Special Calibration Issue, is available separately for $30.00. The full subscription for 1986 which includes the Proceedings is $80.00 (institutions) and $60.00 (individuals). The Proceedings of the Eleventh International Radio- carbon Conference, Vol 25, No. 2, 1983 are $50.00, and the Proceedings of the Tenth International Radiocarbon Conference, Vol 22, Nos. 2 and 3, 1980 are $60.00. Back issues and price lists may be obtained from the office of RADIOCARBON. All correspondence and manuscripts should be addressed to the Managing Editor, RADIOCARBON, Kline Geology Laboratory, Yale University, 210 Whitney Ave, PO Box 6666, New Haven, Connecticut 06511. Reprints. The minimum reprint order for each article will be 50 copies without cover. No reprints will be furnished free of charge unless page charges are paid. The cost of additional copies will, of course, be greater if the article is accompanied by plates involving unusual expense. Copies will be furnished with a printed cover giving the title, author, volume, page, and year, when specially ordered. Page charges. Each institution sponsoring research reported in a technical paper or a date list, will be asked to pay a charge of $80.00 per printed page. Institutions or authors paying such charges will be entitled to 100 free reprints without covers. No charges will be made if the author indicates that his institution is unable to pay them, and payment of page charges on an article will not in any case be a condition for its acceptance. Missing issues will be replaced without charge only if claim is made within three months (six months for India and Australia) after the publication date. Claim for missing issues will not be honored if absence results from failure by the subscriber to notify the Journal of an address change. Illustrations should include explanation of symbols used. Copy that cannot be reproduced cannot be accepted; it should be capable of reduction to not more than 10 by 17.5, all lettering can be being at least 1 /6 inch high after reduction. When necessary, one large map or table accepted, if it will not exceed 17.5 inches in width after reduction. Line drawings should be in black India ink on white drawing board, tracing cloth, or coordinate paper printed in blue and should be accompanied by clear ozalids or reduced photographs for use by the reviewers. Photographs should be positive prints. Photostatic and typewritten material cannot be accepted as copy for illustrations. Plates (photographs) and figures (line drawings) should each be numbered consecutively through each article, using arabic numerals. If two photographs form one plate, they are figures A and B of that plate. All measurements should be given in SI (metric units). Citations. A number of radiocarbon dates appear in publications without laboratory citation or refererence to published date lists. We ask that laboratories remind submitters and users of radiocarbon dates to include proper citation (laboratory number and date-list cita- tion) in all publications in which radiocarbon dates appear. Radiocarbon Measurements: Comprehensive Index, 1950-1965. This index covers all pub- lished "C measurements through Volume 7 of RADIOCARBON, and incorporates revisions made by all laboratories. It is available to all subscribers to RADIOCARBON at $20.00 US per copy. List of laboratories. The comprehensive list of laboratories at the end of each volume appears in the third number of each volume. Accelerator laboratories have been added to the list. Changes in names or addresses, additions, or deletions should be reported to the Man- aging Editor by May 1. Annual Index. All dates appear in index form at the end of the third number of each volume. Authors of date lists are asked to supply indexed material of archaeologic samples only with their date lists. Vol 30, No. I Radiocarbon 1988 CONTENTS

Growth Rates of Natural Amazonian Forest Trees Based on Radiocarbon Measurements AA Mozeto, Peter Fritz, MZ Moreira, E Vetter, Ramon Aravena, Eneas Salati, and RJ Drimmie ...... 1 The Relations Between Carbon Isotope Composition and Apparent Age of Freshwater Tufaceous Sediments Anna Pazdur ...... 7

Determination of Radon by Liquid Scintillation a/,Q Particle Spectrometry: Towards the Resolution of a 14C Dating Problem Henry Polach and Lauri Kaihola ...... 19 Cultural Evolution and Paleogeography on the Santa Barbara Coast: A 9600-Year 14C Record from Southern California Jon M Erlandson ...... 25

DATE LISTS DE IC Yang US Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado Radiocarbon Dates V ...... 41 Gif Georgette Delibrias and Marie-Therese Guillier Gif Natural Radiocarbon Measurements XI ...... 61 HR Jinadasa Katupotha Hiroshima University Radiocarbon Dates I: West and South Coasts of Sri Lanka ...... 125

NOTES AND COMMENTS Letter to the Editor Rene Letolle ...... 129 The Second International Symposium on Archaeology and 14C Renee Kra ...... 130 Review: Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective, by RE Taylor Frank Hole ...... 131 Preliminary Statement on an Error in British Museum Radiocarbon Dates MS Tite, SGE Bowman, JC Ambers, and KJ Matthews...... 132