Plants of the Past

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Plants of the Past THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SYDNEY SEPTEMBER 15, 1962 Registered at the General Post Office. Sydney, for transmission as a periodical VoL. XIV, No. 3 PRICE, THREE SHILLINGS THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM HYDE PARK, SYDNEY BO ARD OF TRUS TEES PRESIDENT: l:MERIT US PROFESSOR A. P . ELKIN, M.A., Pll.D. C ROWN TRUSTEE: F. B. SPENCER . OFF IC IAL TRUSTEES: T HE H O THE C HI EF J USTICE. T H E HON . T HE PRESIDENT OF T H E L EGISLATIVE COU 'C IL. THE HON . TH E CHIEF SECRETARY. THE HO!'\. THE A I'TORNEY·GENERA L. THE HON. THE TREASURER. 'I H E H ON. T H E M l ISTE R FOR P UBLIC WORKS. THE HO '. THE M IN ISTER FOR EDUCATION. THE AUDITOR-GENERA L. T HE PRESIDENT OF T H E EW SOU fH W A LES M EDICAL BOARD. THE SURVEYO R-GENERA L AND C H IEF SURVEYOR. T H E CROWN SOLICITOR. EL ECTIVE T R USTEES: 0. G . VICK ERY, B.E. , M.l.E. (Aust.). FRAI\K W. H ILL. EMERIT US J' KOfESSUR t\. 1'. ELKIN, M .A., G. A. JOH 'SON. Ph. D. PROFESSOR J . R. A. McMILLAN , M.S .. F. M cDOWELL. IJ.Sc.Agr. R. J. N OBLE, C.B.E., B.Sc.Agr., M.Sc .. Ph.D. E. A. J . HYDE. E. J. KENNY, M .Au st. l.M.M. PRO !'ESSOK. R. L. CROC KER, D .Sc. F. L. S. BELL, M .A., F.R.A.l. S. HAVILAND, C .B.E. DIRECTOR: J. W. EVANS, Sc.D. DEPUTY DiRECTOR: H . 0. FLETCH ER, M.Sc. SCI ENTIFIC STAFF: Birds: H . J. de S. DISNEY, M .A ., Curator. Reptiles and Amphibians: H . G. C OGGER. M .Sc .. Curator. Mammals: B. J. MARLOW, B.Sc., Curator. Fishes: G. 1'. WHITLEY, F . R.Z.S., Curator. Insects and Arachnids: C. N. SMITHERS, M.Sc., Curator: D. K. McALPI NE. M .Sc .. A ssistant Curator. Molluscs: D . F. McMIC H AEL, M.A., Ph.D ., Curator. Crustacea and Coelenterates: J . C. YALDWYN. M.Sc .. Ph.D. Worms and Echinoderms: ELIZABETH C. POPE, M.Sc., Curator. Minerals and Rocks: R. 0. CH ALMERS, A.S.T.C.. Curator. Fo ssils: H . 0. FLETCHER, M .Sc., Curator. Anthropology: F. D. McCARTHY, Dip.Anthrop.. Curator. E DIT O RIAL ASSIST ANT AND P UBLIC ED UCATION OFFICER: R ELATIONS O FFICER P ATRICI A M. M cDONALD. B.Sc .. Dip.Ed. P ETER COL LI S. EXHIBITION D EPARTMENT, A ltl' AND D ESIGN SECTION: F. J . BEEMAI'. LIBRARIAN: PltEPAR ATORY SECTI ON: PHOTOGR AP HER AND MARY DAVIES, B.Sc., L.A.A. R. D. MACKAY. VISUA L A IDS OFFICER: H . H UGH ES. A. R.P.S. H ONORA RY SCI ENTII'IC STAFF: Zoologists. E. A. BRIGGS. D.Sc. JOYCE A LLAN. F.R.Z.S. H . LEIG HTON KESTEVE . D.Sc., M.D. S. J . COPLAND, M.Sc. M ELBOURNE WARD. F.R.Z.S .. F.Z.S. ELLIS TROUGHTON, C.M.Z.S. TOM IREDALE. A. A . RAC EK. Dr.rer.nat. (Brno). A. J . MARSHALL. D.Sc., D .Phil. F . A. McNEILL, F.R.Z.S. Ornithologist. Phila telist. K A . H INDWOOD. C.F.A.O.U .. F .R .Z.S. FRA K W. H ILL. · ··,,/ ·~~- ·~~··;...J_~··*·· ··~~··~··*· ·~~- ·~~··~·~··;.J~.. ....~· ·*~·· ·ii~···-~.~· ·~ ...::J~ · ·*·· ·~·;t~··*·' '*'l'.·· ·;;~r···*···~··*-.::·-.!.~··~r:.··::J~· ·*···~··~~··~~··*·''".;J.~· .~... .... •.. · '~ •.. · ...,. ...7t<: ... ·.. · • ....'i ·.. · . .... ...':>t<:.. •... ...,. .... ~.,71 .... •.. I'.... 'J' .... .... .. ..-.~... ... 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Process Engravers SPECIALISTS 1 SCl E T1FJC WORK VICTORIA BUILDINGS, 9 WILMOT STREET, SYDNEY NEAR WATER AND SEWERAGE BOARD • ·~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-• · -·- · - · - · -·-·-·- · - · - · -·- · - · -·-·- • • • • i THE F~O~$ OF N.$.W. i !• by Harold G. Coaaer, B.Sc. (Gen.Sc .), i• •i Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians, Australian Museum !• • • • • • • Describes, in non-technical language, this State's frogs and toads and their habits 1 ! and explains how to identify them. i •i The first book on N.S.W. frogs ever published for Jay people; also of great value !• i to zoologists, amateur naturalists and secondary-school and university students. ! • • • • •i 38 Pages • Coloured Cover • 30 Illustrations • Art Paper !• • • •i PRICE 3/ 6, POSTED 4/ - ! • • • Obtainable from the Australian Muse um •I • • • • • • -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· September, 1962 (i ) OUTDOORSM~N throughout Australia have learned to TRUST Paddymade Camp Gear. In remote places where equipment must do its job in all weathers and under adverse conditions you will find experienced men and women using Paddymade Camp Gear. In the Antarctic, South-west Tasmania, the dense scrub of Victoria and the windy ranges of Kosciusko you will find men using P ADDYMADE CAMP GEAR lt will serve you well wherever you may go in the bush. Illustrated Catalogue and Price List free on request Paddy Pallin Pty. Ltd. 201 Castlereagh Street, Sydney • . • . Telephone 26 2685 AUST~ALIAN ABO~IqiNE$ An illustrated booklet on the everyday life of the Aborigines - their arts and crafts, hunting, music, dancing, games, etc. Of special interest to school children Price 6d. Posted 1/- Obtai,able from the Australia"' Museum (ii ) Australia11 Natural History CONTENTS Page THE B u RROWI NG S HORE C RAB or SouTH ERN Aus TRALJA- R . W . George 7 1 B ooK R EvrEw s 74, 78 TH E WANDERI NG A LBATROSS, A BRIEF R EVIEW OF STU DIES J PROGRESS- M . D. Murray 75 REM ARKABLE GRASS HOPP ERS FROM SouTH Aus TRALIA 79 PLANTS OF Til E PAST-H . 0. F/etcher 80 " MERM AID's P ENN IES' ' 87 TH E BIOLOGY OF W ARRAGAMBA 0 AM (LAKE B U RRAGORA N G)- V. H . Jolly 88 H YDROIDS o M AR I NE SNA ILs- lsobel Bennett 93 W ATER B EETLES-David K . M eA/pine 94 T I·I E PRI VET H AWK-MOTII CATERP ILLAR-L. Courtney-Haines 96 R ABBIT-EARED B ANDICOOTS. OR BILBIES- A . E. Newsome 97 NoTES A D N Ews 98 J OH R OAC H AN D T il E B uDGERIGA R- T om lreda/e and G . P. Whitley 99 • FRONT C OVER : A pair of Wandering Albatrosses nesting on Macquarie Island. T he female bird (right) is sitting on the nest. This photo was taken by M. D. Murray, whose article, "The \Yandering Albatross, A Urief Review of Studies in Progress," appears on page 75. V OL. X £V. No. 3 S E PTE MBE R 15, 1962 NEW PUBLICATIONS THE MALLEE-FOWL by H . J. Frith H . J. Frith. of the C.S.l.R.O., spent years in the mal lee scrub to produce this excellent study of the rare bird that builds its own incubator and controls the temperature of the soil. The fascina ting pho togra phs show the hard-working life of the ma llee-fowl and the book is written fo r the general public as well as fo r nature lover . 35s. (po t J Od.) FISHING IN AUSTRALIA by Lance W edlick A complete survey of fi shing in Australia fro m the a ngle r" point of view by a writer whose name is well-known to all fi shing enthusiast . T he ha bits of each s pecies of fi sh. freshwater and a lt water. are described individually. a lo ng with the best methods of catching it. Gear a nd bait guides are fully di cussed . Sixteen pages of photographs and many diagrams. 42s. (post J / 8) SIXTY MILLION YEARS OF HORSES by Lois and Louis Darling T his new book follo ws the evolutio n of the ho rse from tiny eohippus to the animal we know today. lt o utlines the histo ry of its relati onship to man and shows how the different breeds developed. F ully illustrated with many excellent drawings. 15s. (post 1/ 2) In the same series: BEFORE AND AFTER DINOSAURS J 6s. (post 1/ 2) SEALS AND WALRUSES 13/ 6 (post I / 2) KANGAROOS AND OTHER ANIMALS WITH POCKETS 13/ 6 (post 1/ 2) PENGUINS 13/ 6 (post 1/ 2) Obtainable from all hook eller s ANGUS & ROBERTSON LTD 89 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY Page 70 A usrra/ia11 Natural H istory AUS IAN NATUR I STORY Published Quarterly by the Australian Museum College Street, Sydney Edito r : J.
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