ppp ■ /;■ ' VAMÉjlp: W!ùm:’

DELAWARE GAZETTE AND (STATE J O UffNA-L—Wf^MINGTOIST, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1901. 7 ij and thoir privilege to deal with any an opinion, such as that on the Berdoll n rii famous French mathematicians, Laplace Wll/IAM M, EVARTS. kind of a case. mortgage upon tho Boston, Hartford & In the years when he was building and Lagrange, succeeded in proving Erie railroad. that the mutual attraction of the up hia splendid legal reputation Mr. For many years the services of Mr. # _ ,, , _ . „ |o W»B talesman Wit!» a Itcmarkabla Evarts duubtlese cherished the political Evarts were in demand by the Repub. 1 rox,ml1kT„°;L Z" planets could never destroy the system, W'SNGHESTE D I ohaoge the elements of the v, Career. ambitions member« of his profession lioan party, and bis responses were Th mnn« «ill nnaa thrmioh *h tn\ A In thsflong and useful publio career nrp entitled to entertain in a republic. generous As it nuhlin HiinnUni' Iik the moon will pass through the fol- orbit of any oné of the larger panets to fl Wniinn Maxwell Evarts, who died Uilt bo tâbk no prominent part in wa, in., grout r«gue»tP and wns often month F«ïï OOÏÏ80-,th? extent which would greatly aiter its FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS Newt York February 28th, says policies until bis election as chairman called to preside et «rent publio meet- J?BtA„nMîïh inS, *n«»th ,tb’ a,t phsy-ioal condition. As a noted Ameri­ e N York Tim»s, there were four of the delegation to tho Re­ tags. A notable oeso io point was the ïnTS '(“„i,„13tb' n w tbe 20th can astronomer says : " 11 does not follow j publican convention of 1800. He was the 26tb. She will that beoause the mutual attractions of “NewRiva/, " “Leader "and“Repeater” emornble incidents upon whioh tbe indignation meeting held in tbis oily the planets cannot seriously derange gh 1/ghls must Fall in any sufficient always popular in bis oalliog, too, and November 17th, 1873, to protest egulost vfl d„2““î „„from ,h _ tbe earth... on the Ioalst upon hxrteg them, take no others and you will get the beet shells that mousy can buy. ography of that brilliant and powçr- would have been sure of support in bis the murder by tbn Siieoiards in Cnbn £tb d neareat on tb» Jlet. Jrom tbs the system it is, therefore, of necessity 1 adve cate and high-minded states« own profession if he had cared to run Evert" .op" ned0,tbnl" «»Min,!“ with* » Jb“ B£ri”* a“^onthe securely stable. There are many other ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. . He delivered the address plabiDg fur office. conceivable actions which might end wyryiywrrfTfi lie name of Hewnrd before tho Repuh- In,1661 he and Horaeo Qreoloy were ÎÂT TrZ- J'ZS öutM- Än" e0U ÄK? in its ultimate destruction; such, for loan convention iq Chicago in I860, rival candidates for the Ufcitod State«. instance, ns that of a resisting medium KILLED IN PHILADELPHIA. Id, when tbe defeat of bis candidate Senate, but neither could secure the »ää « S5HKS or the outrance into the system of THE WHITE HOUSE las a|B3ured, moved the unammhus B bodies coming from without.’’ .. __ _ required vote in the, Legislature, and l.ookiDK right up at about 9 o'clock r“'*' »T** Political Patronage Dispensed From Presi­ |imidation of Linouln. c, Ira Harris got the prise. For the next sided wore those lit Ihe Union League "n«.' n *‘-be r°a. ^ luthu Marta evtaiuita wo »ee »outh , «•>»• rrom tnha'n^on. . dent's Kitchen Door. Ills did not again appear prominently Six years be devoted hijisolT .&6sidu* Chili, tleoepiljev 4tfl, 1872. in honor of S Ä i min.itra Elihu II. Wofihhu.no end tho dinner et n, thï t , T’° ’ll-11-" 1 and taut of CanI» Minor a large oon . °a" B«PP08«< *° b» Samuel Ham- Harper's Baxar. gt publio life until after he had phssed oualy to hi« legal business', which grew etellatiou—iD foot, odo of the largest Inlaw, formerly employed at the Ford In nothing is the President so much |m 50th year, i in prosferitj bud magnitude from year Deimonicn’fl l'’nl rnitrv 4lh m7'L in ^-löt UHy of tbo month. 1*1010 this it 1898, when he made honor of Prof. Tyndalf. Of’his many JodiiTo“ ÎÎSfl^haJh!8,ïith P'8«1 th‘J in tho nliy. Thi» in Argo Navi«, or the i “,0r?h000 ^lm waa struck by a tram a servant of the people as he is iu ad­ PR 9e famous three days’ argument be- to yoar, liis lirai, wiis entrusted witn Ship Argo, eommemoritiog the ship ° , *b* .,"I * I publio addrou,.J m.y ho outod hi, Âi \ri„, u 'l“d ministering tbe domestic affairs of his wj| ffro the sitting the care of many large eetutos,, includ­ in whioh Jason with his Suoompnmons ptBe ^BuL.h.,’t,r,eat home io the Executive Mansion. Hie if 1 IV n court of impeachment, which re- ing that qf the Astors. snil-'d from Dreece to Colchis for the ooöfor.t Ptt., no Saturday, aud m- manner of living is determined by the 0 suited directly in tho acquittal of Afldrow Johnson had few friends, and ivery of the Golden Fleece. In our mTb8 ‘iaint "?s T“1”* Amerioan sentiment whioh at onoe BJyP President Johnson, and thus saved the oven fewer admireiB,' among the Repub­ 1873: tho Centonniel orati.m, Chile- ,ho A A lh d 1 latitude wo cau seo only a eitiall part îîfili,|5«iV«iS,ïh?h! t.rao “,f atiaobes suspicion to the offioial who f nation from the shame of a national licans when his removal of Stanton will be 4 decrees of Ir. Thi» cmstoliation cootains îhf 8<;cJrteD4 aDd ,th8 b9d7."« tof3^ i “puts on style.” Menu cards of a state £ aot of iujustioe and tiie party to which from the office of Secretary of War, in unveilhwof tan'.tail ^,7^ Vi" ÎV» A««or end r,.e end set Uaoopue, after Sirius the most hrii- !"*? iîb^n^^rn?^th»S^e’^LtbeThr8”l!, dinner are kept from general circula­ . i the advocate belonged, from the day of epite of tho Tenure of Offioe aot, which Reword end Daniel Weheter end o', the°f'10ri"/nJUe "Romne'* taninP0‘thS liant iisod stnr in the heavon». Riuco îf®4 'IL?!?,“u, °LTb9,bpd> tion as Carefully as the die of a Treas­ ' ite birth to tbo day of hie death, front he held to bo unconstitutional, preoipi- fhTe'oi’iv " St“U!’ Li"“rl!' 10 north, hevinTw eo“ong dmirked o? the south doolinatiou of Uan< pua i« 53 ' urr -v motdatod. It was taken ury note, lest,falling into the hands of w, the,commission of an error which must tated the movement for his impeaoh- degrees, it cannot be Boon iu the t0,th” m,orgu8:u , . . .. . the “plain” people, they be made the FIRE evehtually have already greatly weak inont. When the House of Representa­ Mr hi irte roroivrri tho do„roo of tho direct reyB or the euu, will receive Norther» Btates. C'mneotiug iletol- ttam JSfï * ta'llSd'** *2 keynote of a wail against imperialistic * ened it, but which seemed inevitable tives’ articlos of impeaobment were LL. b.. 'from Union CpfleÄC in 1357, Sj® "of wVnteV 8enlt*1 *,t0r geu e and Sirius by a straight lino and 4bM b8,*“a Sî?“ *8 CJ th,fhé planet Mercury iB iu the tendencies in meats and wines. A cam­ \ Jptben the impeachment proceedings ready for presentation to the Senate in producing it by its own leegtll, tho ; ?ard 3bllu on blB dr8w '18 biB paign charge of extravagant living Haegan. March, 1868, it believed that John- Che mb« Îhfeoli4.;? JSSÄ'SU^^hSSh Ä eie" extremity is marked by Iho smr Nsos ! « tb° “,0{,0r° Tu”' helped to defeat the re eleotion ol The eloquent and learned argument son bod not* tho slightest chance of in tho constellation Argo. Joining in . _Ho Jah s ° fV *h»ut 30 yoaiB member of the Produce E.tohenue. Ho ““"d.try linoä o( which it will May President Van BureD, and his suc­ of Mr. Evarts before tbe Geoeva Board retaining his oillce, Tho Senate, in a similar mnuoir the first magnitude ^'3 00 known relakves io cessors are mindful of bis fate. of Arbitration in 1872 was tremendu- whioh the party that elected him had etar Procyon. in Usais Minor, with ‘bis couotry. The demand for no style in the White oùsly potent in effecting a peaceful a majority, was inimical to him. His the85niou, L’uDereûJ! Cemu» ' membe“^ ”endr ol 5^““"fs"1'r°f^* "’' ShoJe,r,° Dtb’ House creates an order of domestic and honorable adjustment o£ the claim.» removal would make its own presiding Birius and extending that line its ex­ VcSdemTo, Desijjn th^Vele^m.d To b«?°in* Äb7. tremity ie mfrknd by the »tu - Alpha BEATEN TO DEATH FOR SIX CENTS. service there simply appalling to g ....I of direct damages of tho Uni tod States' officer, Benjamin Wade, President of Columbæ or Phaet, the two linos housewives and men accustomed to against Great Britain for the devasta­ the United States. intersecting at tiirius forming nhnt 1b Now York, March 2.—George Gala, elegance and good form. When Presi-. tions of the Alabama and other orui An fact, until tno long epcoeh of calk'd the Egyptian X, quit» a oun- a laborer from Providence, R. I., lost dent MoKinley took posscusion of the built, equipped, or manned in Btitish Evarts as on« of the oounaei for the his life iu a cheap Bowery restaurant, Executive Mansion house servants, who r accused Chief Magistrale, in the sum­ HaS£fâJonVXStr Evmls'/efMt5Sfi5 Ä8“ ÄSS ‘SÜSSft spimiouà configuration on account of ports. the brilliant stars Sirius, Pronyon and this morning because he ooukl not ail men, were in the habit of Hie adroit aud able argument for the ming up, which was not hoard of until Ilolen M Werduèr deuJh eî ôr (lof ,D ob“''8ins from the one to the other Betelgen«». East of Uanis Minor life pay six cents for food he bad just eaten. going about their work any hour that . Republican side beforo the Electoral after many weeks devoted to argument Werde or* S»|S, lÏÏÎ sometime. appear etationery, ie of the the inconspiouous contollation Cancer Gala went into the plaoe about 7 suited them, wearing soiled collars Commission empowered in 1877 to tio- And the hearing of tistimony, there S *9r".™ vTi®d 1” Utniest impcrteuoe and .|ultn eeeily or the Crab, whioh owes its importance o’clock and ordered ooffee and batter and blue jean aprons that were never jij oide the oootett between Tilden and seemed to be no hope for him. The them,'most of whom eutv|vo their thBt8've°eee e’^rMieohS only to the faot of its being one of the cakrs. Ho ate ravenously and then washed. The late Private Secretary I' Hayia for the Presidency open to managers of the pjbUocutioq were Rep­ •zodiacal constellations In a dark and told tbe caBbier that he had no money. Potter tried to reform this, beginning 1$;, the cha ge of being influenced by par- resentatives ßingbaih öf Obia, Butler (other, 'three o, the sone -Allon W., ViôV thc VnlMtiaV vaiît d Me,well, and Sh.rm.n--«re lawyers in “f™edth,®oriha‘,,‘l ïaU'*' ""d *t as cloudless night a nebulous cloud may It Is the custom of the place to beat with an attempt to put White House jar tisanahip and political expedu nev, of and Routwoll of Massachusetts, Wilson bo seen in this constellation, known by severely any one who falls to pay for servants in livery. Instantly the Ameri-. Hjgtourse. But the gre»t ability of the or Iowa, Thomas Williams and Tbad- , whenoe looked at this oily, and The eldest th,! pi!'nMa would 1,8 describing the name of Pr»esepe, or the Manger, his food, b eoause, according to the cau principle of simplicity was deemed advocate was not the less clear, deus Stevens of Pennsylvania, and Episcopal clergyman, violated aud indignation on the part flap-, Scarcely less noteworthy, from a thoir circular orbits. Venus, during sometimes also called lie Beehive. The restaurant people, so many hungry John A. Logan of . The Presi­ daughter manhd Ü. O. Beaman of two 8>ars Gamma and Delta, called wretches are in that thoroughfare all of the “plain” people was everywhere popular point of view, than these dent’s counsel wore Attorqoy General tho month, will successively be in the law firm of which Mr. Evarts was Capricorn us, Aquaius and Pisces, A selli Donkeys, are near it. Tho the time that the eatinghouee would ■ [ i ■ jed. Mr. Portar thereupon re­ publio acts, however, was the opnoar- Stanbory, Benjamin R. Curtis, William the head. Mary, the second daughter, and; ns she rises while tbe morning brilliant constellations. Orion and have to go out of business unless the tired os a domestic-labor reformer and anoe of Mr. Evarts as senior counsel M. Everts. Thomau R. Nelson And Wil- hns of lato years relieved her mother Aurigv are approaching the western “ weicht rs” were severely punished. Gol. Bingham, who is disbursing officer • for the defendant iu the tiinl of the twilight is far advanced, she will liam R. Groesberk. Chief Justice Chase Hi household cates. Tho third daugh­ hardly be noticed with the naked eye. borizun, Sirius setting a little after 11 As soun as Gala said h» oould not of the household, took charge. B notorious Tiiion-Beeoher suit in 1875, presided over tho court. ter, Minnie, is Mrs. Weed of this oity. o’olock, a shrrt time after Aldebaran pay be was set upou by several waits is Col. Bingham haR an army offioer’s jr which resulted in the disagreement of DO is in Leo and shines nearly Evarts, iu the arguments, was gener­ Betty, the fodrth daughter, married throughout the entire night, coming to in Taurus. Tho beautiful star Procoyn and roughly bandied. One man hit natural loVe of order, and he began f the jury. This, even more than any of ally pitted against the vociferous ai d Edward (J. Perkins, a lawyer of is half wav between tbe meridian and him in the face, knooking him against with an effort to substitut« trained |< his other publio doings, fixed him in the meridiaD, or twchnioally speaking, inconsiderate Butler of Massachusetts, Boston, while Louise is tho widow of southing, at about 11 o’olock in the western horizon. Leo is high up, a counter whioh his bead sttuok with white housemaids for the colored men £& tbe eye of tho multitude, which, 01 and the President’s cause gained much Dr. Soudder of New York. rapidly approaching the meridian. great foroe. He fell unconsoious and doing housework. Tbe President vetoed Bp course, was hugely interested in every evening. It is impossible to mistake from the effective , contrast of nil this planet for any other planet oi The ascending of the spring constel­ was dragged to the sidewalk, where a this. It was bad politics. W> detail of that deplorable affair. 1|| dignity with hia opponent’s coarse policeman found him. An ambulance L'raotlral politics is the first cause of K served to make him,‘too, more of a REAL ESTATE CHANGING HANDS. star, on aoaount or its intensely red lations and tho descending of those of bluster. In bis final spueob, in the color It is, with Biriue, the most winter announce the coming of the was sent for, but when it arrived Gala tne domestic disorder of the White i public favorite than even bis brilliant summing up, he laid much stress upou genial season of spring. was dead. House. All tbe labor exoent the chef Ä' triumph before the Arbitration C6m- the fact that the Senate wat practically Three Sdle« of That Sort-,Harry Olllis conspicuous' object in the nocturnal 'Retires Front Livery Buttlnen». skies. Jupiter is in Sagittarius and : waiters employed in tbe res­ is paid by the government, it is orgau- m miss ion, because it focused him more a court in the impeachment aas» and taurant, James Francis, William Jennio, Led under tho direotion of a at-ward g cloarly in the publio eye. The element1 its members were judges, bound by !*_jgarot McGartfey, executrix of shines as a morning star, rising at first MILK SHIPPERS ORGANIZE. An then/ McGarvey, Hold the following between 2 and 3 o’clock, but later on Israel Spellman and William Allen, who ie a bonded officer of the govern­ « of pert-'onul humor in his composition their oaths, and not merely repre­ props rites at the Court House Monday before 2 o’olock. Saturn, too, is in Association Formed by Dealer* of Dela­ were arrested. ment on a salary of $1,800. This stew- ~i now first impressed thu public, as it sentatives of a dominant politior.1 party. tbe f ware and Chester Counties, Pa. erd io a dorai stio Poobah. Ho acts not had long before impressed his asso- He also upheld the right of the Presi­ through her attorney. William S. constellation, rising almost only as a steward, but as butler, house­ | elates at the bar, and finding him, in Prickott, and with William A. Hukill simultaneously with his brother planet, Milk shippers of Chester and Dela­ TWICE TOOK ARSENIC. dent to ignore an act he thought un­ as auctioneer ; No. 1222 Forrest street, Jupiter, tbe dlffeienco being only a few ware oounties, Fa., Friday night, at keeper and dispenser of political p some sort, a humorist, the people likod constitutional. Upon these two points, to John Stewart, for $600; No. 1224 minutes. These two planets, tbe largest Nowtown Sq , organized a Milk Milford,Maroh 3.-—Mrs.Mary Griffin, atronage from the Piesident's kitchen I him the better. it seemed, the impeachment depended, . He is a oolored man always, and H As Secretary of State in the cabinet Forrest streer, to Kate Stewart, 8600 ; in The solar system, are close together, Shippers’ Union, whioh is to become a aged about 33, committed suioide to­ and the ÿoto of the Senate in fay or of Scott street, between . Twelfth and the distance being about that of the part of the Philadelphia Milk Shippers’ day, with arsenic, after two attempts. tee colored people from precedeot have of President Hayes, from 1877 to 30j81,, the President was clearly a triuuiph for Union. Tho following officers oome to regard the Preeident’s house­ bo was rather disappointing to the Evarts. Thirteenth, Equitable Guarantee and two Pointers in tbe Great Bear. The She was housekeeper for a wealthy Trust Po., $1,400; lot on corner df proximity of these two splendid p anets elected: President, Wiltner Smedley; farmer named Knight, about aud work as tbeir political plum. Four f; many who had supposed a man of hts Mr. Evarts was appointed to succeed Vice-President, Harry Baldwin; Secre­ a half miles from this place. men are employed to do chamber work vast attainments would particularly Attorney-General Staqbery in July, Maryland avenue and Sixth avenue, renders tbe oonstellation Sagittarius at and parlor work. The wages of each is 20 feet fro t, Elizabeth Redmond, at present one of tbe most brilliant in the tary, Henry Pasohall ; Treasurer, Dill- On Thursday last she bought a ebine in that exalted position. But 1808, and io that position was in­ $19 a foot;ft four Jots in Elsmere, heavens. It should be worth one’s wyn Lewis. quantity of the drug,Buying she wanted $2 a day. The chef has two assistants, the moderation, calmness, and sagacity volved in the controversies wJtb Great oprner. Baltimore and Western avenues, while occasionally to rise early m tbe Fully 100 prominent milk shippers to kill rats with it. Taking over­ paid by the government—dn the in­ of Secretary Evarts were n it ques­ Britain, wbiob had been held in abey­ A. A. Onrtis, 8600. morning to look at this fine star were present. The general plan is to dose on that day, it made her very stance of a man $2 a day, or if a tioned, and perhaps he did the Stute ance since the olose of the Civil War,/ woman 81 a day. Tbe laundry is Mr. Hukill sold also the following picture. maintain an organization among lb? sick, but öd Saturday she took more seifioe by refraining from any Reverdy Johnson was the new minister properties of J. Frank Ball, adminis­ ? There is perhaps dn tbe whole range shippers of milk along each of the rail­ another dose whioh proved fatal this tained by the government. Three brilliant coups of diplomacy than he to England instructed to give his at­ road and trolley lines supplying Phila­ morning. women constantly employed there re­ B might have done if be had permitted tention to the question of naturaliza­ trator frr James Meüüwen: North­ of the science or the heavenly bodies eastern corner of Eighth and Wood- more intrinsically interesting brauch delphia with milk, and have eaoh of ceive eaoh II a day. There is also a K the publio and the Senutors to in- tion. the San Juan boundary and the these to oleot a sub.-direotor, who shall Woman nominally housekeeper, virtu­ S| fiuenoe him in taking a high stand in l^wn avenue; $1,800; blacksmith shop thân that whioh treats on tbe foroea WILL CONTINUE TO SMASH. “Alabama claims.''/ The banventioo Orange street between Front an j that keen t.heie innumerable bodies in be in communication with the directors ally head ohambermaid, who is paid 81 V ihe l’anama Canal matter and other signed tbut year by Minister Johnson and • day. Theeo domestics, owing their Second. $1,250; and No. 509 West thoir allotted pafya. There is no of tue Philadelphia Union. Each local Topeka, Kan., Maroh 2,—Sinoe Mrs. questions whioh he ndroitly avoided. the Earl of Stanford, boweVe», did pot •street, S3,275, all to Lilburne Chandler, m?ohanlem hère m ’earth, no matter union is to bo repesented in the meet- positions to political influence, havo Before hjs appointment, aa chief ad. receive *hp approval of the.pdmiùistra ' ihg* of the Philadelphia Union. Carrie Nntion’s return from Peoria, regard for no other authority in doing visor to P dent Hayes be had only tion and before the renewal of the attorney. •' '' -•■ < - how ingenioüâry Aud skilfully con­ Thursday night, she has occupied a .James W. Denning, trustee, on trived, whioh in‘grapdeur and exactness “It is not our purpose,” said George their work. held offiue briofiy as Attorney-General negotiations Gen. Grant succeeded to Watson of Doylestown, “to take the cell in the county jail here. Asked last Tho equipment of the Executive in Johnson’s cabinet, after tbe failuie the Presidency and Mr. Evarts return­ Saturday, through John H. Rodney, remotely be oompared witb the night as to her future plans, Mrs. attorney, sold these two properties of mechanism we see displayed in the dealers by the throat and demand 5 or Mansion is provided for by an annual of the impeuubmeot proceedings, «1 ing to his practice in New Yo*k, found 6 c. ECHO OF FORT MOTT ACCIDENT. Catarrh, his head, and was found unconsoious of $25,000.(X) oxoiu ivo of po tage. This make it m»ve around tbe sun in 365 on the pavement. At the hospital it fI connection, he soon established toim- Jn 1874 Mr. Evarts was foremost standur.i book on medicine and hygiene, days and about its axis In 24 hours. ramilles of Four Victims to lteceivo American dliieuKe. 18 cured by ifL, B0*f firmly. His native talent and nourd K'dicine, originated and prepared in wns stated that be was still uncon­ among the independent members of the contains 1008.pages and more than 700 One of tho most diffioult problems that 810,000 Fro the Government. attainments soon told. From aln oat Republican party iq tho North in de- tbe most catarrhal of American countries. scious, and that hia ohanooa of re­ illustrations. It treatb of the great«st prase uteri themselves to astrwnomors The Uuited Btates Senate Friday That medicino is Hood's Sarsaparilla. covery were very slight. Richards is tbo beginning of his career at the bar UJüncing the arbitrary acts of the and gravest problem-: of huu.au life ip tho amount of perturbation which tbe Itc radically and permantly, In that It re­ 1 .111 hts akill and eloquence before a jury passod an act appropriating $19,000 for moves the cause, cleansing the blood of gcroful- 20 years of age. Louisiana Returning Boaid. but simple English, from a common sense planets and the moon produce upou the relief of the widows and heirs of and all other impurities. U overcomes all were marked. His rhetorical style was little more than two years later his point.of view. It answers those ques­ each other, but in spile of its diffi­ Ryan and others,, too four meu killed the effects of catarrh, too, and builds up the often open to criticism, even in his tbe most potent argument of all tions of ,eex which Huger unspoken culties it has yielded to their un­ at Fort Mott, W clarity of his arguments; the vein of foronsio talent and all his fervor. absolutely free ou receipt of stamps to and require correction. The alumnae act for the relief of their families was James Ewing at Blake, Cecil oounty. Wilmington, Del., to convey lands, humor be could intose iu the driest Since his retirement from the United defray tho ros», of mailing only. Bend place of tbe moon at present is not pns-md by the House and yislerday’s A fatal disease haa broken out bonds and mortgagee and do a general B case, the logic and vigor of hie States Senate in 1891, .when ho 73 among horses along the Chester River. bond and debenture business; capital I après, the soundness of his informn- 21 ohe-oent stamps for the book ip mfrequently “out” as much us 3 or 4 action by tbe Senate good news to years old, Mr, Evarts Lad not been iu paper binding, or 31 stamps for ojoth second* of arc, i. e., about three or tbç parties interested, 'I nn Many farmers have lost valuuble ani­ stoog, $1,000,000. If tion, the great thoroughness of*bis pie- the publio eye, except at the festival covers. At dress Dr. R. V, Fiorce, fotir miles. As to the rilanots, thoir after President MoKinley has approveu mals. Tbe Durango-Zaoatias Construction I parution, were all factors in bis suo- of the Bar Assopiatiqn already men­ Co. of Chicago, 111., to oonstruot, | cess. But, of course, these do not Buffalo, N. Y\ atiraotiou for eaoh otter disturbs thoir the bill, is for the heirs 1 It has been decided by the School tioned. For some years his health had otherwise elliptical motion about tho tbeir claims with tbe Court uf Claims. Commissioners for Cecil county to hold build and operate railroads, bridges, account altogether for bis trimupb as been failing. , Drlclc Struck Him on Head. sun, though the disturbing forces are Levi Ü. bird of this oity and Joseub tho annual teachers’ institute at Elk- Ac. ; oapital etook, $500,000. an advocate, which was largely due to The position he oooupipd at the bar Samuel Peters, a laborer, employed relatively email. I u the planetary MeCunnon of Washington have been tun in (September, iustoad of next ? The Binghamton Oil and One Co. of bis positive genius fur that Kind of in his prime, it may truthfully he by Lenderœan* Brothers, on alterations theory the disturbing fcddies are often Binghamton, N. Y., to bore for oil and work. He owed much, too, in his ualiing the act aud Senator Kean of month. wells ; oapital stcok, $200,000. Haid, ban never been filled since his to the property of Dapiel Kosb & Bon, nearer to be disturbed than is the sun ew Jersey loused after it in the Miss Clara May Kraues, daughter of Ml prime, to his long lartnersbip with retirement. There are no advocates Market, street above Second, mat with itself, for instance, in the dis- The Luton Co. of Wilmington. Del., Charles F. Southuiayd, the style of tbe SSenate. Daniel Krauss'of Feasant. Hill, was to purchase, acquire, sell and deal in in sight and bearing with his a paiulul aooidmt Monday, jile turbance of Suturn by Jupiter at firm, in its best remembered estate, Fatal Fire in Indiana. maided to Warren H. Norris at the mortgagee, &o. , oapital stock, $100,000. wide range of knowledge, combining in had started to ascend a ladder, when a certain points of tbeir orbits; bur. tbe home of the bride's parents, Thursday being Evarts, Southmayd, & Choate, themselves auch a variety of gifts and brick dropped from the wall above and mass of the disturbing body is in no Gas Oity, Ind., March 2.—Fire today with the pieseut Ambassador W the destroyed the Cox pottery works. One evening, by Rev. Elmer Kraues of New learning. Few lawyers ever received struck him , eq the head. The fall of citse as great as the one-thounaodth Jersey, an uncle of the bride. DOVER. Court of St. James a* tho third part­ more than be dkl uf the homage of the brick was anout 15 feet and its part of the sun’s mass, and for this man was kil.'od and three were fatally ner. Mr. Southuiayd was a lawyer of their associates at tbo bar. To tho force knooked Mr. Beters down. He reason the disturbing foroe arising injured. Tho dead: John Gurrau, Delegatee from the Methodist Prot­ Special Correipondence of Gazette and Journal. 'remarkable knowleuge and oai.aoity young men of his. profession hé wao*.out on the head and neck. After from planetary attraction is never killed by falling walls. Fatally in­ estant churches iu Cumberland to the Dover, March 4.—“Rev. Spencer und unoummon dexterity in working up ever aq, object of hearty admiration. the wounds had been-dresred tempo more than a small fraction of the sun’s jured: J. O. Cox. owner of the plant; Maryland annua) conference, whioh dead, (signed) D. Bcott,” was the lc was he who did most of tho His manner with aid ami young alike rarity at Pan forth’8 drugstore, Pet* re Albert Kotblngbouso, druggist and m in Crisfield April 3d, have attraction. been instruoted to ask the conference brief telegram that came to Dover’ work out of court. Iu court, and es­ invariably genial and encouraging. taken to his home on Bouth Van A no her difficult problem bas been volunteer fireman, crushed by falling yesterday morning, from Washington, pecially before u jury, he lacked the Socially bo was always charming. Burin etreet. successfully solved by booie of the walls; John Elsroth. fireman, crushed to meet in Cumberland in 1902. D.C.,and the whole town was shocked, 1 < skill of his famous associate. •Of tho mauy notable cases in whioh greatest mathematicians, viz., that of by falling walls. The Jo«;«* will not Harry Mayer, special agent for the thinking that tbe Rev. F. 8. Spencer, As a lawyer, Evarts belonged to a Mr. Evarts was engaged, in addition Twin Calve*. the levulution of the nodes and exceed $12,000; partially insured. Diamond State Telephone Co., is mak­ chaplain of tbo Houne of Representa­ subool now of the past. He knew no to those already noticed, may be men AoJeræy oow ton tho farm of Former aphides, the slowly changing in- ing arrangements to extend its lines to tives, bad been killed. The fuot that *‘8peoialty.” All that was law w Avoid all drying inhalants and use that whioh Centreville. Centreville is in tioned the Parrish will case and the Uniied Btates Marshal Henry .0. Ma olination of tho orbits, the eocentrici- cleanses aud huais the tuvinbmne. ily's Cruuia such a message bad been received was his field. No case of sufficient import­ contest over the will of Mrs. Gardiner, hàffy, near Shellpot. is the proud tics and the procession of the equinoxes, Balm Is such a remedy uud cures Catarrh easily largest town tho Eastern Shore not announced in some of the churches. ance to require a high order of talent mother of the,, widow of President mother

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