Chiltern Way Academy Action Plan 2018/2019: Year 7 Catch up Premium Funding
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Chiltern Way Academy Action Plan 2018/2019: year 7 catch up premium funding Number of pupils: Year 7 Catch Up Premium funding for literacy and numeracy. Total number of year 7 pupils on roll (census day) 26 Total number of pupils eligible for CWA 26 Total amount received £9880 Area of Spending FTE Accelerated Reader and Star Literacy package £1096.00 RM additional materials for early readers £625.00 Numicon resources for Maths £1800.00 Numicon training £1096.00 Star Maths package £418.50 Literacy and Numeracy intervention TAs 26% Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL Issue Action By Resources Success Criteria Monitoring & Evaluation Whom Low Specific intervention programmes for all SENCO STAR literacy STAR Literacy profiles completed for each SENCO to identify pupils, starting Y7 pupils in literacy. programme student. appropriate interventions points in resources. and monitor and evaluate literacy Accelerated Reader profiles to teachers, Literacy profiles for whole classes completed. outcomes. year 7 to inform planning and teaching. ChM Pupil time from Heads of transition to entry lessons for STAR literacy testing 6 times in the academic evaluate use in teaching and Embed ‘drop and read’ focus skills for intervention year. progress in English. DL students and classes. Reading ages from accelerated reading to Accelerated Embed ‘SPAG’ focus skills for show improved progress, compared to prior Termly review of reading Reader students and/or classes. progress for each pupil this year. ages, outcomes to be used DL programme to inform teaching and Track reading progress throughout the resources. Accelerated Reader Scheme. 85% correct in planned interventions. STAR programme in the year. ChM quizzes for all pupils by year end. Assistant Head to monitor Track SPAG progress throughout the and DL Accelerated STAR programme in the year. Reader Accelerated Reader Scheme. 75% correct in and evaluate assessment data. programme Vocab and Literacy skill quizzes for all pupils resources. by year end. Ruth Miskin intervention implemented, ChM Spring including training for staff and purchase and DL Ruth Miskin to be successfully implemented 68% of students either of resources RM data and to show improved progress, compared meeting or exceeding their to prior progress for each student this year. expected target from Autumn 1. Learning walks data to show staff are using Summer Staff to use reading ages across the ChM STAR literacy reading ages for differentiation. curriculum Data 92% of students either meeting or exceeding their expected target from Spring. Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL Summer Reading Age Progress: Students have made an average of 1.7 years of progress from their starting point. Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL Issue Action By Resources Success Criteria Monitoring & Evaluation Whom Low starting Access to STAR Numeracy profiles Maths STAR numeracy All teachers to have access to their Heads of transition to evaluate points in for teachers, to inform planning Lead programme resources. classes’ profiles and identify areas to use in teaching and progress for numeracy and teaching. support teaching. Maths. year 7 entry STAR Numeracy Termly review outcomes to be Track numeracy progress programme resources. STAR numeracy testing 6 times in the used to inform teaching and throughout the STAR programme academic year and data analysed planned interventions. in the year 7. Pupil time from lessons for intervention Above data to inform specific Maths Lead (liaising with Specific intervention programmes interventions for individuals or groups SENCO) to identify pupils, for all Y7 pupils in numeracy. Student time from lessons of pupils. Evaluations completed via appropriate interventions and for interventions STAR test and Written Assessments. monitor and evaluate Embed CPA (Concrete, Pictorial outcomes. and Abstract) approach using Mastery planning and Demonstrable progress from starting Positive progress in using numicon resources for students resources in place for all points. Numicon resources in all areas and classes. Year 7 pupils of number, ratio and Numicon “concrete” Resources purchased and training proportion, statistics and Larger focus on formal written maths resources to support provided to all staff in year 7. Algebra calculation methods concrete resources and Learning walks to evidence use in Assistant Head to monitor and individual wipeboards lesson. evaluate assessment data. Spring 80% of students are either meeting or exceeding their expected target from Autumn 1. Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL Summer 100% of students are either meeting or exceeding their expected target from Spring. Summer Maths Curriculum Year Progress: Students have made an average of 2 curriculum years of progress from their starting point. All students made at least 1 curriculum years’ worth of progress. Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL Rationale: We have used our Year 7 catch up premium funding in a specific way at CWA to have a positive impact on students that need it the most. The funding is directly targeted at pupils with the lowest current ability and baseline scores in numeracy and literacy. It helps us to provide the staffing required to put the intervention and programmes in place for these students. In our experience this one to one intervention is the best use of this funding and we expect to see some very positive progress as a result of this initiative. This also links to the EEF/Sutton Trust Guidance. Principal: Mr Ian McCaul Wendover Campus, Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6NL Tel: 01296 622157, Email: [email protected] Prestwood Campus, Nairdwood Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0QQ Tel: 01494 863514, Email: [email protected] Chiltern Way Academy Trust is Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 10004115. Registered Office: Church Lane, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6NL .