Niki Savva | 336 pages | 01 Nov 2016 | Scribe Publications | 9781925321401 | English | Carlton North, Niki Savva book Road to Ruin: Seven juiciest stories

In The Road to Ruin, prominent political commentator, author, and columnist for Niki Savva reveals the ruinous behaviour of former prime minister Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin. Based on her unrivalled access to their colleagues, and devastating first- person accounts of what went on behind the scenes, Savva paints an unforgettable picture of a unique duo who wielded power ruthlessly but not well. Got this from my Australian subscription. The road to ruin is continuing under Turnbull. I suspect he is waiting to get in again before he continues hurting the poor and vulnerable health and education cuts just like Abbott. Better than RRP for a new release is worth posting for people who are in a hurry to read it. Not my cup of tea, as I could happily live ten life times with no more talk of Abbott. I just turn the TV on. Woolcock has held this position for every Liberal leader since Snedden, including Abbott. Van Onselen has a great book I'm sure but Savva has been at this for some time and reportedly backbenchers are finding out via her book new things that they weren't aware of and have since verified about their own party goings on. I think most ozbargainers will wait till it becomes a free ebook, but even then probably won't read it. I am kind of intrigued about the personal attack though, I was trying to have a bit of a laugh albeit politically, not sure how I've managed to upset people to the point of being attacked but there you go!! As per usual porno title will be a play on words of an actual political TV Show. This version to be named: "Commander In Chief………. Unless you are American there is nothing you can do anyway. Take it easy, it's gonna be fine. Maybe Trump will be next Reagan?!? America will suffer the fate of Germany if The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government isn't elected, that I can tell you. US Politics is a bit insane at the best of times but I genuinely think a lot of support for Trump comes from the backlash against political correctness. A lot of people have had enough of politicians that say all the right things and champion all the right causes and are sick of living in a world where using the wrong term to describe something earns you an anti-social label. Just like here there are loads of people sick of being lectured to by the Chardonnay sippers and elites, sick of being told how bad they all are, sick of the self loathing and self hating from a particular corner of society. They prefer somebody who uses their language and tells them how they can be great again, why they are the greatest country on earth…. I certainly dont support Trump, personally i think he is a fraud and a moron but he has picked his market well and might just get elected, not because he is the better person for the job but moreso because he isn't Obama and he isnt Hilary and The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government isnt a Republican version of the same type type of thing! The Road to Ruin describes how Australia has had more Prime Ministers in the last five years than there are seasons of Sherlock since it started airing back in Tony was not thrown out because he was bonking Credlin, both he and her were incompetent. The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government a good narrative for the book though. He was actually voted out narrowly by his own party because they thought he was going to lose the next election and in so doing cost most of them their own seats in parliament. It's Rueened. This was posted 4 years 7 months 16 days The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government, and might be an out-dated deal. Go to Deal. Wait until you or your family need the hospital. The Liberals won't care about you. Where is the bargain? They should be paying us to spend our time reading this. That's an extra FU from Turnbull, appointing Savva's partner as a staffer. I cringe for the USA. We're all doomed, otherwise. Available for Pre-order. This item will be released on March 7, Obviously US time. Exclusive excerpt from the Preface: The Road to Ruin describes how Australia has had more Prime Ministers in the last five years than there are seasons of Sherlock since it started airing back in What's to know? Are books about politicians more interesting than the politicians themselves? I imagine politicians as a cult of underachieving, unempathetic, narcissistic workplace bullies. The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government by Niki Savva

Kevin Rudd was given no warning, but even he lasted longer than Abbott. Julia Gillard had plenty of warnings, but even she lasted longer than Abbott. Abbott ignored all the warnings, from beginning to end — the public ones, the private ones, from his friends, his colleagues, the media. His colleagues were not being disloyal. They did not feel they had betrayed him; they believed he had betrayed them. Their motives were honourable. Abbott and Credlin had played it harder and rougher than anybody else to get where they wanted to be. But they proved incapable of managing their own office, much less the government. Then, when it was over, when it was crystal-clear to everyone that they had failed, when everyone else could see why they had failed, she played the gender card while he played the victim. In The Road to Ruinprominent political commentator, author, and columnist for The Australian Niki Savva reveals the ruinous behaviour of former prime minister Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin. Based on her unrivalled access to their colleagues, and devastating first-person accounts of what went on behind the scenes, Savva paints an unforgettable picture of a unique duo who wielded power ruthlessly but not well. Reading it, I felt as though Niki was dishing the dirt over a quiet chardonnay in Kingston. The casual style works because Savva, a political journalist and former media advisor to Treasurer Peter Costello, is giving readers a look into the inner The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government of the Australian political machinery. As Savva notes:. Cheers Tony. The same goes for Credlin. All the seeds were sown then. All he had to do was make a few adjustments. He never did. No doubt all Australians of a certain age remember where they were when they heard that Prime Minister Holt was missing, presumed drowned, or that the Whitlam government had been dismissed, but The Road to Ruin would be of interest to a broader audience, and have more longevity, if the historical background were painted in. Savva concludes that our revolving door of leaders is proof that the system does, in fact, work:. Perhaps the last word in this saga belongs to The Huffington Postwhich posted on 15 September Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. They did not feel they had betrayed him; th was given no warning, but even he lasted longer than Abbott. Get A Copy. Kindle Editionpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Road to Ruinplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Nov 21, Scott rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fic. In a faraway land there was a kingdom ruled by a pair of co-dependent fools whose own alienated supporters eventually rose up and deposed them. This kingdom was Australia from In Road to Ruin Niki Savva examines in forensic detail the lies, delusion and weird, weird co-dependence between Abbott and Credlin that eventually saw their own colleagues band against them to throw them out of office. The picture In a faraway land there was a kingdom ruled by a pair of co-dependent fools whose own alienated supporters eventually rose up and deposed them. The picture she paints is not pretty. Imagine two substandard clones of The Office 's David Brent with their hands on the levers of government and you're pretty close to the dysfunctional reality of Australia's highest office during the Abbott years. Savva journeys from the beginning of the Abbott Government through to its very bitter end, and finds mistakes at every stage, some small, some terminal. Abbott and Credlin were The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government factional, ideologically driven head-kickers, people who spoiled for a political fight and loved to destroy their opponents. They attempted to apply this philosophy to governing a nation and failed dismally. From early on, Abbott and Credlin ran a command-and-control operation, vetoing ministerial staff selections, strictly controlling parliamentarians' travel arrangements, interfering in government portfolios seemingly at whim and punishing their rivals and enemies. So far so unsurprising - I'd expect a pair of factional right-wing political warriors to tend towards the dictatorial in their methods - but what really made all this unbearable for their colleagues was the degree of incompetence they married to their authoritarianism. Announcements would be made with the relevant staff or ministers being told. Reporters would be briefed on matters the press teams had not prepared for, and staff would then be blamed for their inability to manage the resulting media messes. Leaks to the press from the Prime Minister's office seemed constant, and burnt numerous colleagues who were caught unawares by the media. The pairs' personal traits also hastened their demise. Abbott seemed to lack both confidence in his ability and an ability to listen to advice, leaning more and more on his chief of staff despite her deepening unpopularity with his colleagues. His friends in government warned him many times that he was headed in the wrong direction, that he needed to sack Credlin and that he needed to change the government's The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government but he ignored them all. Credlin herself comes across in Savva's narrative like an insecure, hectoring bully, prone to unforgivable public excoriations of her staff and petulant tantrums that the prime minister would then have to hose down. She ignored essential government work to focus on trivial tasks such as rearranging offices, or picking wines for function menus, while staff and ministers waited on her to sign documents and authorise policy. Her harassment and general poor treatment of employees really struck a nerve with me. I saw my mother's confidence and health progressively destroyed by a workplace bully in the 90s, so I have first hand experience of what a toxic boss can do to a person. Combined with some of the crazy policies the PM's office cooked up How about stopping young people from getting welfare for six months after losing their jobs? From this point his days were numbered, and the eventual coup that toppled him was both expected and welcomed by many Australians. This is a page turner of an odd sort, drawing the reader on with the promise of ever greater examples of delusion, screw-ups and complete failure at the highest levels of power. Leaders of all political orientations should read it, and do their damnedest not to emulate it. View all 5 comments. Aug 23, PattyMacDotComma rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Behind the scenes politics; power struggles. Shelves: aaaustralian-authoraa-cepolitics-culture-socialbio- memoirkindle. Tony Abbott wasted energy kicking the losing Labor Party when they were already down, meanwhile defending his Chief of Staff who kept egging him on and keeping everyone else away. You know, the same thing bullies do to the abused — isolate them. Her style was hector, bully, restructure, and sack. She cleared most of the females out of all positions of power. Oh dear. I guess so. She was a stalwart and absolute professional, renowned for her hard work and efficient manner. After a few months, Credlin insisted that all diary requests had to go through her. She would put a red line through every request she disapproved, including those from backbenchers. Abbott called Suzanne in, thanked her for her work, told her he had never been better served by anybody, but in the new restructure there was no job for her. He gave her a bunch of flowers, which she The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government in the bin as she walked out of the office. She left feeling fragile, her confidence wounded. She herself often resorted to tears, poor dear, gaining sympathy and comfort from her boss. Next is an example of how she gathered ammunition. Out to dinner with staff, Shane Evans remembers he and a female colleague decided to leave at the end of the meal while others stayed. She delayed authorising tickets for a dozen conference-goers for so long that they lost their discount fares, costing the taxpayers more. They made spreadsheets of supporters and resorted to pretend birthday celebrations to meet secretly without raising suspicion. A cardinal rule of politics is, when you have the numbers, use them. challenged for the leadership of the Liberal Party and won. The nation breathed an enormous sigh of relief as The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government slunk off to the back bench. If it were a film script, it would sound far-fetched. The Road to Ruin: the bestselling prequel to Plots and Prayers - Niki Savva - Google книги

The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government Corp Australia. That is, of course, until now. Savva claims to solve one of the great political mysteries of our time: Who broke the marble table? Joe Hockey has been outed as the The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government dancer who caused a taxpayer-purchased Italian marble table to crack into pieces as Abbott and his colleagues saw out his leadership in an office party the night he was deposed. It was Joe. The damage done to a marble table during the political wake. The incident led to one of the most entertaining Senate estimates hearings last year, where the value of the table and the events that brought about its destruction were debated. The matter was resolved by the former PM confirming he would personally cover the costs of the damage. In a series of rare admissions, a number of former government staffers have come forward to air their grievances over their experiences in the Credlin-run office. One former staffer, Fiona Telford, said she was repeatedly picked on and roared at by Ms Credlin. The odd closeness between the pair is demonstrated in some uncomfortable anecdotes shared by former colleagues. A minister is quoted in the book as claiming to have witnessed Mr Abbott slap the buttocks of Ms Credlin without realising they were being watched. Savva has suggested Tony Abbott delegated his power as prime minister to his former chief of staff, but she also took care of the little things. Along with the fork-feeding incident, the book details Ms Credlin taking up grooming duties for her boss too. During the campaign she arranged the purchase of expensive matching Tumi luggage for herself and Mr Abbott, inscribed, in gold, with their initials, the book claims. Though she was an asset to the election campaign that saw Abbott take office, his wife Margie soon disappeared from the spotlight. Pictured at one of their few public engagements together. The outspoken senator also confronted Ms Credlin over the rumours and perceptions. Like Abbott, she dismissed the issue and refused to address it. Peta Credlin was confronted over perceptions of her relationship with the former PM. Ultimately, it cost him the highest office in the land. They both seemed to agree Abbott could not perform as prime minister without Ms Credlin by his side. Log in Sign up. Log out. Liz Burke lizeburke. Outrage over plan to lock kids up.