THE DURBAN DIARIES What really happened at the UN Conference against Racism in Durban (2001) JOËLLE FISS The mission of American Jewish Committee is: THE DURBAN DIARIES —To safeguard the welfare and security of Jews in the United States, in Israel, and throughout the world; What really happened at the UN Conference against Racism in Durban (2001) —To strengthen the basic principles of pluralism around the world as the best defense against anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry; —To enhance the quality of American Jewish life by helping to ensure Joëlle Fiss Jewish continuity, and; —To deepen ties between American and Israeli Jews. To learn more about our mission, programs, and publications, and to join and contribute to our efforts, please visit us at or contact us by phone at 212-751-4000 or by e-mail at
[email protected]. The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) is the umbrella organi- zation for thirty-four national Jewish student unions in Europe and the Former Soviet Union, representing over 200,000 Jewish students. Cog- nizant of the religious, linguistic, and cultural diversity that make up the European Jewish community, EUJS is a constituent member of the Euro- pean Youth Forum and is the only Jewish organization represented at that level. It is a member of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS), is one of the largest international student organizations worldwide, and the first Jewish youth NGO to obtain consultative status to the Economic and So- cial Council of the United Nations. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE EUROPEAN UNION OF JEWISH STUDENTS Contents Joëlle Fiss was born in Brighton, UK, and moved to The Durban Diaries 1 Geneva, Switzerland, where she studied at the Gradu- ate Institute of International Studies.