A Missiological Assessment of Ethnicity in Urban Anglican Churches in Zambia: a Case Study of the Establishment and Growth of St Mary Magdalene’S Church, Kabulonga
A missiological assessment of ethnicity in urban Anglican churches in Zambia: a case study of the establishment and growth of St Mary Magdalene’s Church, Kabulonga. R. H. Banda Mini-dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts ( Missiology) at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. Supervisor: Dr. P.J. BUYS, Secondary Supervisor: Dr. F. Moyo. APRIL, 2013. 1 ABSTRACT This research examines present day urban Anglican churches in Zambia which are ethnically “homogeneous” in a heavily multi-ethnic environment. I give Attention to the understanding of the biblical, theological, and missiological background and seek to find a way to attract many ethnic groups into the churches. The research notes that the present scenario does not represent a healthy urban church. I argue that a biblical, theological and holistic Gospel proclamation, that is, in word and deeds, will attract other ethnic groups into the urban church and make it truly multi-ethnic and multi- cultural. KEY TERMS Anglican churches in Zambia, Culture, Ethnicity, Homogenous Unit Principle, mission, mission station, missiology, UMCA, urban, 2 ABBREVIATIONS ACC Anglican Consultative Council ACO Anglican Communion Office CPCA Church of the Province of Central Africa CPSA Church of the Province of Southern Africa (Now Anglican Church of the Southern Africa- ACSA) CSO Central Statistical Office HUP Homogeneous Unit Principle UMCA Universities Mission to Central Africa 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to give thanks to the Lord to the following people for their love and support in seeing this study come to realty: 1. Collium Banda, a Phd student at Stellenbosch University, with whom I debated the subject of ethnicity in the Anglican Churches in Zambia which resulted in this research.
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