Senate Asks for Support AU Begins Major Construction
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FIAT LUX ALFRED UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER • SINCE 1913 "The College should be a great smelting furnace for the refinement of truth from error ."—Jonathan Allen Phone 587-5402 Vol. 57, No. 11 ALFRED, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 9, 1969 Senate asks for support AU begins major construction Actual construction work on gun clearing ground for the Business Manager James Her- for active committees Alfred U's $3.6 million James long awaited facility, to be rick has announced that a com- A. McLane Physical Education completed by spring of 1971. mitte has been made to in- By RICHARD L. GRANT ful hints; (2) a campaign to Telephones stall a new Centrex telephone promote the Course Evalua- Center is finally underway on The Student Senate was Terra Cotta Field. Vincent J. Other projects for improve- system in the residence halls spared from the usual pain of tion Book; (3) finally this com- ment of the University's physi- and other buildings as soon as mittee discussed an amend- Smith, Inc., construction com- listening to numerous commit- pany of Binighamton has be- cal plant are also underway. possible. Conduits to handle tee reports as they were few ment to the Senate constitu- in number this week. The high- tion regarding the appropria- lights of this meeting were tion of funds. the following: (1) Don Coop- Before concluding his re- er's amendment for the ap- port, Cooper added that study propriations procedures; (2' days will not be reinstated this constant appeal by all Senate semester; however exams will officers for student participa- not begin until Monday in- tion on all committees; (3) and stead of Saturday . He noted President Cooper's report that the Student Life Commit- which conve'yed many answers tee had passed the final draft to many student questions. of the intervisitation policy. President's Report Vice-President's Report Don Cooper first revealed Pat Keller did not have much that he had met with the Pres- to say at this meeting. How- ident's Advlisory Committee. ever, he did tell the Senators At this meeting the following he would like to see buses go things were discussed: (i) the to the away basketball games academic problem was discuss- Secondly, and most important, ed in full detail; the possibili- Keeler stressed that he wants ty of President Miles, respec- full support and participation tive deans, and department on the parfoT all Senators. The heads attending classes was Senate cannot function well ALFRED UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Dr. Lei and Miles checks out bulldozer as construction discussed; (2) the possibility without the Senators' support. crew begins clearing ground for the new James A. McLane Physical Education Center. of an Alfred security force was The sincerity of Heeler's words should have awakened any the new system are being laid discussed; the idea of increas- underground to the men's ing the town force or hiring stagnant group. Treasurer's Report NY Metropolitan Museum plans dorms and other areas of the detectives was brought up but campus. Some time will be re- nothing came out of this idea; Like Pat Keeler and Don Cooper, Steve Kern, treasurer, quired to complete the wiring (3) the identity problem at weekend designed for students of the existing dorms. Alfred was discussed; it was expressed the feeling that there is a lack of interest "A Weekend at the Metro- ment; Life Magazine said: "The Otherwise the timetable de- brought out that some student pends on the delivery of neces- feel Alfred lack prestige and among the Senators. Kern went politan" has been planned for show is glorious. By enabling us to see in quantity the work sary equipment, and other im- needs more pride; (4) finally, on to say that the treastay college and graduate students committee will continue as on December 19, 20, and 21, of 43 artists, we can appre- provements on the part of the the communication problem ciate some of the major accom- phone company. It is hoped was discussed, and it was long as there is still some in- to enable them to go to the terest. He concluded his report Museum to study first the plishments of the last three that tlie system will be in op- brought out that not all re- decades." eration by fall of 1971 to give ceive or read the FIAT LUX. by informing the Senators that Museum's Centennial exhibi- tions, "New York Painting and "New York Painting and dorm residents the kind of A short time ago Cooper also the Student Wives Committee would like appropriate funds. Sculpture: 1940-1970." and to Sculpture: 1940-1970" is the met with the Executive Coun- take part in a day-long pro- most monumental showing of cil. The following things were A vote will be taken "next week. gram of activities designed es- contemporary American art talked about: (1) Student Hand- pecially for them. ever brought togther. Conceiv- e After Kern had given his re- book for next y ar, the book ed and executed by Henry port, the Senators voted on The exhibition has drawn will not only have the rules of controversy and extensive com- Geldzahler, Curator of the De- the sdhool; but also many help- (Continued on Page 3) partment of Contemporary Arts, the exhibition includes more than 400 paintings, draw- Musicians to present tenth 'Messiah ings, and sculptures by 43 ar- Alfred's music department siah" this Sunday at 8:15 p.m. tists. The works document the 1940's abstract expressionism, will present its tenth annual in the Men's Gymnasium. The production of Handel's "Mes- performance, under the direc- hard edge, pop, minimal, and tion of Department' Chairman other movements, tracing the Speaker to probe Dr. Melvin LeMon, will be open development of New York, as to the public without charge. the capital of the art world. This year's production will Mr. Geldzahler points out that campus interviews "The show is not a general . Donald Wiant, Manager of include the Christmas portion of the "Messiah" as well as inventory of the past three Salaried Personnel at Carbor- decades but an evaluation, a undum, will speak at the meet- most of the chourses and se- lected recitatives and arias of sorting out of major themes ing of the Student Branch of and figures." the entire work. The concert Telephone crew lays con- the American Ceramic Society For the first time students Thursday. His topic will be, will be performed by the 120- duit for increased dorm ser- voice University Singers and will be able to see and study vice. "What a campus recruiter a major exhibition without the looks for in a 30-minute inter- the 36-piece University Cham- phone service they need. Mr. ber Orchestra, which includes distraction of crowds. The gal- Herrick also noted that the view." leries will be opened Friday All students, Whether in seven members of the Roches- lines being installed would be ter Symphony. evening and Sunday morning, capable of serving communica- Ceramics or Liberal Arts are for those attending the week- tion needs well into the fore- invited to attend this meet- end, to enable them to have ing. Questions will be answered Paul Giles, assistant profes- a quiet, unhurried look at the seeable future (possibly includ- on the many problems students sor of music who returned re- show. Saturday morning there ing computer connections and face with these interviews and cently from a year's leave in other new telephone func- Paul Giles will be a lecture-discussion insights will be given on the Vienna, and two of his stu- program, organized by Henry tions). psychology used in analyzing dents, Paul Johnson of White Geldzahler, with artists, cri- Ceramics Building the findings of an interview. Plains and Roxanne Burrows chairman of Wellsville High tics, and dealers active on the The College of Ceramics will The meeting will start at of Wellsville, will sing the School's music department, New York scene. A film pro- also be undertaking major 7:15 p.m. in Room C, Binns- solo passages. Adelbert Purga, will be concert master of the (Continued on Page 2) Merrill-Hall. violin instructor at Alfred and orchestra. (Continued on Page 2) Bredl reports on modifications Library, apartments to improve AU (Continued from Page 1) designated as subcontractor ped in favor of seven apart- by SLC in visitation proposa construction in the near fu- and will enter into a oontract ment-type residences to house ture. with the general contractor for 420 people. Each building will By BARBARA TAURIELLO port the A.W.S. Christmas pro- Announcement has been the work included the suc- consist of three floors with Barb Bredl reported to the gram of aiding a needy fam- made by Gov. Rockefeller that cessful proposal. Contracts ten apartments, a recreation A.W.S. at the December 3 ily is urged to bring food, the State University Construc- should be let around Jan. 31, area, head-residenits' apart- meeting of the Student Life clothing, candy, or toys for a tion Fund is accepting separate 1970. ment and laundiy , facilities. / Committee's liberalization of mother and six children, aged bids for the construction of a Architects for the new fa- the administration intervisi- 4-12, to the New Dorm Room Library and Fine Arts Build- cility are James Baker and Pe- This particular design was tation proposal. Also, handling 322 or contact Kathy Tokar- ing at Alfred. ter Blake of New York City. chosen after much consulta- of infractions of the rules re- ski. Cost of the building is esti- The project's scheduled com- tion with students as to their garding intervdsitatin has been mated at $5.3 million.