J7ournal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1995;58:555-561 555

Acute necrotising of childhood: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from a new syndrome presenting with multifocal, symmetric brain lesions

M Mizuguchi, J Abe, K Mikkaichi, S Noma, K Yoshida, T Yamanaka, S Kamoshita

Abstract have prompted subsequent reports of at least The clinicopathological features of 28 cases noted at other institutions in a previously unrecognised type of Japan,5-25 although the identity of the disease acute encephalopathy prevalent among has so far remained obscure. Japanese children is described by To facilitate data acquisition, our institu- reviewing the records of 13 consecutive tions have conducted a collaborative study. patients treated and 28 previously This report presents the results of that study reported cases. The hallmark of this and a survey of the clinical, radiological, and encephalopathy, proposed to be a novel pathological features of the disorder con- entity termed acute necrotising ducted in an effort to elucidate its identity as a encephalopathy of childhood, is multiple, novel disease entity, which we have desig- necrotic brain lesions showing a symmet- nated by the term acute necrotising ric distribution. The encephalopathy was encephalopathy of childhood (ANE). noted in previously healthy children after respiratory tract infections, with presenting symptoms of coma, convul- Patients and methods sions, vomiting, hyperpyrexia, and From among patients with acute encephalo- hepatomegaly. Laboratory examinations pathy in childhood, we retrospectively disclosed liver dysfunction, uraemia, selected those who met the following criteria: and hypoproteinaemia. The histological acute non-inflammatory encephalopathy with Department ofMental appearance Retardation and Birth of the liver was variable and alteration in level of consciousness (CSF Defect Research, non-specific. con- leucocyte count 8/mm3 or less); demonstra- National Institute of tained an increased amount of protein. tion by CT of multifocal lesions symmetrically Neuroscience, Computed and MRI distributed in brain Kodaira, and tomography showed regions including the Departments of the presence of symmetrically distributed ; and the absence of any other Paediatrics, Tokyo brain lesions of the thalamus, cerebral reasonable explanation for the cerebral abnor- Metropolitan Fuchu white matter, brainstem, and cerebel- malities. Of the 13 such patients for whom Hospital and Neurological Hospital, lum. Necropsy examination confirmed records were retained at our hospitals (group Fuchu, Japan extensive fresh necrosis of these regions A), five have been reported previously.2-4 M Mizuguchi with evidence of local breakdown of the Twenty eight additional patients at other http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Sendai Municipal blood-brain barrier. Based on the institutions for whom sufficient acute stage Hospital, Sendai, Japan characteristic combination of clinical data were available in the medical literature J Abe and pathological findings, acute necrotis- (group B) were also reviewed.5-25 The data for Ohme Municipal ing encephalopathy of childhood can both groups are described together and com- General Hospital, be distinguished from previously known bined for the calculation of percentages Ohme, Japan , including Reye's because of the relatively small sample size and K Mikkaichi syndrome. the similarity between the two groups. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Tokyo Metropolitan Hachioji Children's Hospital, Hachioji, (C Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;58:555-561) Japan Results S Noma BACKGROUND OF PATIENTS Matsuyama Shimin Keywords: acute encephalopathy; computed tomo- All of the patients were Japanese children living Hospital, Matsuyama, graphy; pathology Japan in the central districts of Japan. The disease K Yoshida affected young children of both sexes, and Yaizu Municipal The introduction of CT into medical practice 46% of the patients were between 6 and 18 Hospital, Yaizu, Japan in the late 1 970s in Japan has led to the recog- months of age (table 1). The onset of disease T Yamanaka nition of cases of an acute encephalopathy was most often in the winter (51 % in University of Tokyo, showing unique brain pathology, which is December-February). At four hospitals, suc- Japan S Kamoshita characterised by the presence of multifocal cessive admission of two to four patients was brain lesions in the bilateral Correspondence to: thalamus, brain- noted.'0 1221 Two such clusters, one in Sendai Dr M Mizuguchi, stem, tegmentum, and cerebellum. in December, 1985, and the other on the out- Department of Mental Retardation and Birth Defect The first case was reported in 1979, diag- skirts of Tokyo in March-June, 1988,21 were Research, National Institute nosed as Reye's syndrome with unusual CT associated with epidemics of influenza A. of Neuroscience, NCNP, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi-cho, findings.' During 1983 to 1986, five cases The history was unremarkable in most of Kodaira, 187, Japan encountered at one of our hospitals were the patients, although a minority had mild Received 22 July 1994 reported, together with the suggestion that the growth and developmental retardation (16%) and in revised form 10 November 1994. condition may constitute a novel subtype of or somatic anomalies (16%), such as cleft Accepted 22 December 1994 acute encephalopathy.24 These reports may palate with dysmorphic facies, ventricular 556 Mizuguchi, Abe, Mikkaichi, Noma, Yoshida, Yamanaka, Kamoshita

Table I Clinicalfindings at the acute stage isocoric and promptly reactive to light in 78% J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from Findings Group A Group B (%) * of the patients. Mild papilloedema was pre- Age: sent in a third of the patients. Deep tendon Mean (SD) (y) 2-0 (1-3) 2-6 (2-5) reflexes were mildly exaggerated and Range 9 months to 5 months to 5 y 7 months 1Oy Babinski's sign was present bilaterally. Sex: Meningeal signs, abnormal involuntary move- Male 6/13 13/26 (49) Female 7/13 13/26 (51) ments, and focal neurological signs were Prodromes: absent, although in 23% of the patient's Common cold 13/13 25/26 (97) Fever (> 37 5°C) 13/13 16/20 (88) motor signs were more accentuated on one Symptoms and signs: side than on the other. Coma 13/13 28/28 (100) Convulsions 13/13 21/22 (97) The disease reached its peak in the first few Vomiting 10/13 9/15 (68) days. High fever lasted for two to five days. Hyperpyrexia 10/12 14/17 (83) Hyperventilation 11/11 8/10 (90) Systemic hypotension developed in the severe Shock 5/13 4/12 (36) cases.6 13 18 death occurred Diarrhoea 7/13 3/9 (45) Despite treatment, Hepatomegaly 7/13 4/11 (46) in 28% of the patients. In the surviving Jaundice 0/13 0/7 (0) patients, the recovery of consciousness was Decerebrate or decorticate posture 10/13 17/18 (87) first noted on the sixth to the 1 0th day. Miosis 11/11 7/12 (78) Although improvement of neural functions Sluggish light reflex 1/11 4/12 (22) Papilloedema 2/5 3/8 (38) continued for several months, most patients Exaggerated tendon jerks 6/10 10/14 (67) had residual neurological sequelae, such as Positive Babinski's sign 4/10 7/11 (52) spastic tetraplegia with rigidity (63% of the *Total for groups A and B. survivors), severe mental delay (63%), and epileptic (24%).5 In milder cases, there were focal signs such as hemiparesis septal defect with bilateral radial agenesis and (four patients),'122 slurred or scanning speech, unilateral renal hypoplasia, retention testis, intention , or ataxia, or both and polydactyly.'0 No patient had travelled (four patients),'920 and abducens nerve palsy abroad. All of the cases were sporadic. The (one patient).'9 Compared with the motor family history was negative for consanguinity signs, cognitive functions showed good and neurological disorders, except in one recovery."'3 9 2122 Recurrence of acute episodes patient who had three paternal aunts who had or subsequent further deterioration was not died of Ekiri, a fulminant form of acute encountered during the follow up period. encephalopathy secondary to Shigella dysente- riae infection, which has now disappeared but LABORATORY FINDINGS was prevalent in Japan until the 1950s. Biochemical examinations of blood on admis- sion showed increases in serum aspartate SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS aminotransferase (95%, range 56-11 480 The onset of the encephalopathy was pre- IU/1), alanine aminotransferase (81%, range ceded by prodromal febrile illness with signs 10-12 300 IU/1), lactate dehydrogenase and symptoms of upper respiratory infection (87%), creatine kinase (48%), and blood urea (table 1). Skin rash was noted in only one nitrogen (90%), but not in creatinine (16%). patient (exanthem subitum).9 Antipyretics Increased blood ammonia (6%) and total http://jnnp.bmj.com/ (61%), antibiotics (23%), and other drugs bilirubin (13%) were rare. The serum calcium were prescribed, but 17% of the patients concentration was slightly depressed (50%), received no medication. Aspirin had been and sodium was in the low normal range. taken by only two patients. The possibility of There was no hypoglycaemia (3%). Metabolic ingestion or inhalation of toxic substances, as acidosis of variable degree was present (88%). well as attempted treatment with home reme- Increases in blood concentrations of lactate

dies, was denied by the parents. After an (19%; range 4-8-19-2 mg/dl) and pyruvate on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. interval of 0 5 to three days, without recovery (38%; range 04-1-51 mg/dl) were occasional from the prodrome, the initial signs and and slight. symptoms of brain dysfunction developed During the first two days after admission, (table 1); these included impairment of con- the biochemical abnormalities progressed. In sciousness, convulsions, and recurrent vomit- 55% of the patients, hypoproteinaemia devel- ing. The level of consciousness deteriorated oped during this period,'0 to as low as 3-6 g/dl rapidly, with development of coma within 24 in the most severe case. In the surviving hours, although one patient showed a some- patients, the first evidence of normalisation of what protracted course."3 The types of convul- laboratory values was seen on the third to sions were variable, but generalised tonic or sixth day, and complete normalisation within tonic-clonic were the most common three to five weeks. (84%). The vomitus was bloody in 32% of the Haematological examinations showed no patients, but no haemorrhage at other sites rapid decrease in haemoglobin concentration was noted. Half of the patients had mild diar- (0%). In the acute period, low platelet count rhoea. Hepatomegaly ( > 2 cm below the (50%), prolonged prothrombin time or partial costal margin) was noted either initially or thromboplastin time (38%), decreased fib- later in the course, but was unaccompanied rinogen (54%), and increased fibrin degrada- by visible jaundice. At the stage of coma, tion products (57%) were detected in severe hyperpyrexia, hyperventilation, and decorti- cases, although not to the degree that they cate or decerebrate posture were common fulfilled the criteria for disseminated intra- findings. The pupils showed miosis, but were vascular coagulation. Serological examination Acute necrotising encephalopathy ofchildhood: a new syndrome presenting with multifocal, symmetric brain lesions 557

Table 2 Computed tomographyfindings showed positive C reactive protein (76%) and J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from Findings Group A Group B (%) * a modest increase of erythrocyte sedimenta- Brain contour on initial CT: tion rate (42%). During their stay in hospital Oedema 9/13 16/21 (74) significant increases in antibody titres for Atrophy 1/3 1/21 (6) Distribution of lesions: influenza A' 21 (five patients; 24%) and cox- Thalamus and internal capsulet 13/13 28/28 (100) ackie A9 (one patient) was detected. Cerebral white matter: 8/13 15/21 (68) Cerebellum§ 11/13 13/21 (71) Rotavirus was isolated from the stool of two Pons and/or midbrainll 12/13 12/20 (73) patients, and influenza B from the pharynx of Other brain regions 0/13 0/28 (0) Residual lesions: two patients.6 Polymerase chain reaction 6/7 9/13 (75) analysis on the CSF of five patients failed to Small thalamic hypodensity 4/7 12/16 (70) Multiple white matter cysts 4/7 4/12 (42) detect herpes virus DNA. Bacteriological studies of blood, CSF, and stool specimens *Total for groups A and B; tposterior limb; $periventricular region; §medullary substance around the dentate nucleus; Iltegmentum. yielded negative results. The findings for urine were unremarkable except for transient proteinuria (50%) and haematuria (33%). Serum and urine analysis of amino acids and organic acids disclosed no specific abnormalities (both 0%).7 014 Serum carnitine and urine acylcarnitine concentra- tions were normal (two patients). Spinal tap disclosed high CSF pressure. Concentrations of protein (78%) and myelin basic protein (83%) in CSF were increased,202' 25 whereas CSF lactate and pyruvate concentrations were normal (0% and 17% respectively).7 21 25 During convales- cence, all the CSF findings returned to normal.

ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL FINDINGS The EEG at the acute stage was dominated by diffuse 1-6 Hz slow waves except in brain dead patients (100%). Paroxysmal activities were rare in the initial record (18%),"3 '4 but were common in the follow up EEG several weeks later. The auditory brainstem response was diminished or abolished (86%).7 18

NEURORADIOLOGICAL FINDINGS In all the patients, CT showed the presence of multiple low density areas in the brain (fig 1). The lesions were not seen in the two patients http://jnnp.bmj.com/ examined early in the lethargic state,' but were apparent within 12 hours after the onset of coma (100%). The brain was oedematous in most patients, but mild atrophy was noted in a few (table 2). The distribution of the hypodense lesions was almost symmetric and

was similar in all the patients (table 2). on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Supratentorial lesions included most of the thalamus, the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and the posterior part of the lenticular nucleus. The periventricular white matter of the cerebrum was also affected. Infratentorial lesions were distributed in the cerebellar medullary substance around the dentate nucleus and the tegmentum of the pons or midbrain. Other brain regions were not affected in any patient. The thalamic lesions were enhanced by contrast materials in 27% of the patients. During the first week of illness, the thala- mic lesions became mottled, and the cerebral white matter lesions became more hypodense. During subsequent weeks, the thalamic and Fisgure 1 (C Tfindings in a female patient, 1 year and 3 months of age. On the second day ofillness (top), multiple, symmetric hypodense areas in the thalamus, cerebellum, and infratentorial lesions became smaller and the brainstem are already apparent. The periventricular white matter shows slight reduction of cerebrum more atrophic. Five patients in attenuation. On the eighth day (middle), the density of the lesions is further decreased, and group B showed positive contrast enhance- the thalamic lesions contain tiny hyperdense dots. The cerebrum is slightly atrophic. On the 41st day (bottom), the hypodense areas are reduced in size, but remain as cystic lesions. ment at this stage, notably ring like enhance- The cerebrum shows severe atrophy. ment of the margin of the thalamic 558 Mizuguchi, Abe, Mikkaichi, Noma, Yoshida, Yamanaka, Kamoshita

lesions was found on TI weighted images and J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from high intensity on T2 weighted images, the thalamic lesions in all patients included areas of high signal intensity on both T1 and T2 weighted images (fig 2). In two patients, the high intensity had consisted solely of minute dots during the initial two to four days but became larger and coalescent during subse- quent weeks.23 In the other patients, an oval area of high intensity in the centre and a ring like zone of high intensity along the margin were prominent as early as the first week of illness.19 21 In no patient was intravascular thrombosis demonstrated.

LIVER PATHOLOGY Histological examinations were performed on tissue specimens obtained at biopsy (four patients in group A and 10 patients in group B)9 17-1921 23 or at necropsy (two patients each in groups A and B).617 In no specimen was necrosis, bile stasis, or inflammatory infiltrate found. In many of these patients, the hepato- cytes were swollen or contained intracytoplas- mic vacuoles that stained positively for lipids.69 1821 Fatty changes were moderate or severe in 61% of the patients,69 1821 but were minimal or absent in the others.'4 21 23 The dis- tribution of lipid droplets was variable, being periportal, centrilobular, or diffuse. Electron microscopic examination showed mitochon- drial swelling and mild pleiomorphism in 58% of the patients,6 9 21 but normal findings in the others.'8 There was no evidence of further abnormalities, such as decrease in matrix den- sity, loss of intramitochondrial dense bodies, or ameboid deformation.

BRAIN PATHOLOGY Permission to perform necropsy was obtained for two patients each in groups A and B.6 In the three patients who were in the acute stage http://jnnp.bmj.com/ at necropsy (duration of illness six to 48 hours), the brain was the only organ showing specific pathological changes, which were similar in all three. The brains were oedema- tous on gross examination, but there was no cerebral herniation. The main branches of the

cerebral arteries and veins were intact. On on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. sectioning (fig 3A), all of the lesions that had Figure 2 MRIfindings in a male patient, 1 year and 3 months of age. Tl (left) and T2 been seen on CT showed pronounced soften- (right) weighted images on the fourth day (top and middle) and 23rd day (bottom) of ing. Central lesions in the thalamus and brain- illness show symmetric lesions in the thalamus, internal capsule, lenticular nucleus, periventricular white matter, cerebellum, and pons. The infratentorial and cerebral white stem tegmentum showed dark brown matter lesions in this patient are small. At the initial MRI (fourth day), the signal discoloration and petechial haemorrhage. intensity observedfor the lesions is low on Tl weighted images and high on T2 weighted Peripheral lesions in the periventricular white images. At the subsequent MRI (23rd day), the centre and periphery of the thalamic and lenticular lesions show hyperintensity on both Tl and T2 weighted images, suggestive of matter of the cerebrum, corpus callosum, haemorrhagic change. dentate nuclei, and surrounding white matter of the cerebellum showed loss of the normal lustre of the white matter. Microscopic exami- lesions.7 1321 24 In one patient, the white matter nation of the lesions by haematoxylin and lesions were also stained.'3 During convales- eosin and myelin stains showed congestion, cence, there were residual findings such as loosening, and poor staining of tissue (fig 3B) cerebral atrophy, small thalamic hypodensi- and necrosis of neurons and glial cells, but ties, and multiple cysts in the white matter. In there was no proliferation of reactive astro- one patient, calcification was noted in the cytes or microglial cells. A silver impregnation thalamus. method showed concomitant loss of axons. Magnetic resonance imaging studies were Around the small arteries, veins, and capillar- performed in the more recent cases (three ies, extravasation of erythrocytes was seen in patients in group A and 11 patients in group the central lesions (fig 3C) and a plasma like B).'3 16 Although low signal intensity of the substance was present in the peripheral Acute necrotising encephalopathy ofchildhood: a new syndrome presenting with multifocal, symmetric brain lesions55559

Figure 3 Necropsy cystic lesion in the midbrain (fig 4B). On J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from findingsfor the brain of a histological examination, the dorsal half of the male patient, 1 year and 9 months of age, who died on thalamus and adjacent corpus striatum the first day ofillness. (A) showed multiple necrotic foci filled with lipid Gross appearance of the laden macrophages (fig 4C). In the other unfixed brain section. The brain is oedematous; the lesions of the grey matter, such as the ventral thalamus and lenticular half of the thalamus, severe loss of neurons nucleus are softened and and myelin sheaths were present together with discoloured dark brown; and the periventricular gliosis. Fibrous gliosis was also noted along white matter and corpus the walls of cavities in the white matter and callosum are also softened. B~~~~~~~~~~~T: the midbrain. (B) A periventricular the lesion, abutting the At both the acute and chronic stages, cingulate gyrus (right boundaries of the lesions were sharply defined upper) and involving part but were irrespective of those of normal struc- of the corpus callosum tures. Outside the affected there were (right lower), is areas, demonstrated as a sharply no abnormal findings except for mild demarcated area ofmyelin ischaemic change in neurons. pallor (7uxolfast blue). (C) In the thalamic lesion there are: loosening of the tissue, petechial Discussion haemorrhage, and The clinical, radiological, and pathological scattered cells with darkly stained nuclei. (D) In the features of the encephalopathy described in cerebral white matter this report constitute an unusual but charac- lesion, extravasation of a WN:' teristic that we believe warrants is pattern plasma like substance 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... as a noted around a vein (C recognition of ANE distinct clinico- and D, haemawoxylin and cI., pathological entity. Although the individual eosin). clinical or laboratory findings in ANE may be seen in a wide range of disorders, including overwhelming bacterial and viral infections, fulminant toxic shock, I*.. hepatitis, haemolytic- I''A.- other toxin induced dis- A...tIVI uraemic syndrome, Ili r44 eases-, Reye's syndrome, haemorrhagic shock Ak." and encephalopathy syndrome, and heat- , none of these conditions are associated with the symmetric brain lesions seen in ANE. Multifocal haemorrhagic or non- haemorrhagic infarcts have been found in the brains of patients with haemolytic-uraemic syndrome and haemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome., but they are usually asymmetric.27 Moreover, the cardi- nal clinical and laboratory findings in ANE http://jnnp.bmj.com/ are clearly distinct from the features of these diseases, with the sole exception of Reye's syndrome. T'he differentiation of ANE from Reye's syndrome has presented much difficulty in the patients who have very high transaminase val-

lesions (fig 3D). Except for occasional nuclear ues or fatty change of the liver, some of whom on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. pyknosis of the endothelial cells, no notable were initially thought to have Reye's syn- change of blood vessels, such as deposition of drome.1'468917 1821 25 There are certain differ- fibrinoid materials or infiltration of inflamma- ences, however., between ANE and Reye's tory cells in the perivascular space, was noted. syndrome; diarrhoea and increased CSF pro- T'he walls of arteries and veins appeared intact tein are common in ANE but are rare in by elastic-van Gieson and connective tissue Reye's syndrome, patients with ANE do not stains, and the vascularity was normal by reti- present certain metabolic features of Reye's culin stains. syndrome such as hyperammonaemia and T'he brain of a patient who died after one hypoglycaemia,2 and, unlike Reye's syn- year of persistent vegetative state'4 was drome, ANE is not associated with varicella as atrophic with enlargement of the ventricles. an antecedent infection. With regard to the T'he thalami and showed soften- liver pathology, the combination of ing, microcavitation, or brown discoloration. encephalopathy and fatty liver change alone is T'here were multiple cystic lesions in the not conclusive evidence warranting the diag- periventricular white matter of the cerebrum nosis of Reye's syndrome. Fatty change in the (fig 4A). In the brainstem of this patient, con- liver has been regarded by some investigators siderable atrophy of the tegmentum was pre- as an incidental and non-specific finiding in sent at both the mesencephalic and pontine Reye like encephalopathies.29 This view seems levels. There were bilateral symmetric, to hold true in ANE., as the number and dis- necrotic lesions in the pontine tegmentum tribution of lipid droplets are highly variable and cerebellar medullary substance, and a among the patients. Moreover, the severe 560560~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mizuguchi,Abe, Mikkaichi, Noma, Yoshida, Yamanaka, Kamoshita

white matter lesions; both of these necropsy J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.58.5.555 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from findings are compatible with the local signal patterns seen on MRI. The increase in CSF protein may be additional evidence for the defective baffler. At the acute stage, there are no reactive changes of inflammatory cells, A .0: glial cells, or blood vessels. Absence of such reactions differentiates ANE from Wemnicke's and Leigh's encephalopathies, and results from the short clinical course of ANE. Unlike Leigh's encephalopathy, ANE shows a fulminant and monophasic course without Ak. exception. 44W From the radiological and pathological standpoints, ANE should be differentiated from other acute disorders that may produce bilateral lesions in the cerebral deep grey matter, including Leigh's encephalopathy and related mitochondrial cytopathies, glutaric acidaemia, methylmalonic acidaemia, Wemnicke's encephalopathy, carbon monox- ide poisoning, infantile bilateral striatal necro- sis, acute disseminated ,

4... acute haemorrhagic leucoencephalitis (also referred to as "acute necrotising haemorrhagic encephalopathy"), and other types of A. , vasculitis, arterial or venous n1 infarction, and the effects of severe hypoxia or AL head trauma. Of these, the metabolic disor- ...Now, ders can be excluded based on biochemical studies, and the intoxications based on clini- Cal history. Infantile bilateral striatal necrosis shows a different distribution, the corpus striatum being affected most severely.3"3 Although it may occasionally be difficult to rule out encephalitides solely on clinical grounds, the brain pathology in ANE is not compatible with inflammatory disorders. For example, the brain lesions in ANE lack perivascular and meningeal inflammation, necrosis of blood vessels, and asymmetric dis- tribution, features that are typical of acute http://jnnp.bmj.com/ haemorrhagic leucoencephalitis.33 The brain lesions in ANE cannot be ascribed to incidental circulatory accidents such as hypoxia or ischaemia, as has been pointed out by some previous authors who made the diagnosis of Reye's syndrome,7'1 in which the gross neuropathological findings on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. are essentially limited to brain oedema.34 ontrcted Diffuse can result in sym- Figure 4 Gross necropsy findings for the brain of a female patient who hadc metric to the bilateral mat- encephalopathy at the age of 8 months, one year before her death. (A) The cel rebrmsows damage deep grey atrophy, pigmentation (brown) of the thalamus, and the presence of multipleCcavities in ter, but such a pathomechanism is excluded the white matter surrounding the lateral ventricle. (B) The brainstem shows sielective by the clinical course in many of the patients; atrophy of the tegmentum, where cysts and necrotic (brown) lesions are presen, It ~~the CT lesions appear early in the absence of lesions are also noted in the cerebellum. In the thalamic symmetrically. Symmetric (C) hyoiisheiepsdsLoaisama lesion, there are macrophage filled, necrotic foci (left) and perivascular aggregorates Of hyoi-sheiepsdsLoaisama macrophages (arrows). The rest of the tissue shows severe gliosis (haematoxyliin and due to hypoperfusion of the branches of the eosin). bilateral posterior cerebral arteries has been proposed, with speculated compression of the 15 distortion of mitochondria typical in Reye's arteries caused by transtentorial herniation.' syndrome30 is absent. This explanation, however, is refuted by the The most important features of ANE are presence of lesions beyond the territory of the the symmetric brain lesions, which iappear at posterior cerebral artery, the absence of any the early stage of coma and shov v constant sign of brain oedema on the initial CT scan in pathological features. The acute staige pathol- 26% of the patients, and the absence of cere- ogy in ANE can be summarised Ias acute bral hemniation in the necropsied brains. oedema and necrosis involving boit] h grey and Thrombotic occlusion of large cerebral arter- white matter. Local breakdown of the blood- ies or veins is another possibility. In excep- brain barrier is indicated by the exttravasation tional cases, in which the lesions were of erythrocytes in the thalamic Ic~sions and restricted to the thalamus and lenticular that of a plasma like substance in ti ie cerebral nucleus, it is possible that bilateral infarction Acute necrotising encephalopathy ofchildhood: a new syndrome presenting with multifocal, symmetric brain lesions 561

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