19511127 NU List of Delegations to NAC Meeting Rome
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LIS-I OP DELEGATIONS ¢0 WORTH ATLAJtIIG 'ÔÔVSGIL MfeiSIItte MMS. wövmss 1¾¾— BELGIUM H.K- M.P. van Zeelaiid Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Baron J. van dor Eist Belgian Ambassador in Rome H.S. M.S. de Staercke Minister M. S. Walravens Director in the Jlinistry for Foreign Affairs >1. À. Be SiDGt Chef de Cabinet Adjoint M. A. Blorot Press Attach^ M. J* Deschamps 2nd Secretary M. H. Thissen Attache H.E. M.J. Van Houtte Minister of Finance M. J. Van Heurcfc Director General M. Daehy Chef de Cabinet Adjoint M. A. Bastin Counsellor Col. B.E.M. De Greef Minister of National Defence lit» General Baele Chainaan of the Chiefs of Staff Committee Lt. General Piron Chief of Staff land Forces M, Henri Janne Chairman of the DPB General Pouillien Belgian Military Kepresentative Col. Hartdon Secretary of the Committee of the Chiefs of Staff Lt. Col, Dueq. Assistant of Gen. S1Ouillien Baron Snoy et d(Oppuers Secretary General CAWADA Hon. L.B. Pearson Secretary of State for External Affairs - Chairman of the Council Hon. D.C. Abbott Ministor of Finance Hon. Brooke Claxton Minister of Rational Defenoe DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Hri A.D.P. Heoney Under Secretary of State for External Affairs /Mr. L.D. Wilgress CAiUDA (Coiitd) Mr. L.D. Wilgress Canadian High Commissioner, London, Canadian Beputy Mr. Jean Besy Canadian Ambassador - Home Mr. R.A. flÈickay Head of Befence Liaison Division, Ottawa Mr. A.P.W. Plumptre Head of Economic Division, Ottawa Mr. A.j; Pick Spocial Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affaira Mr. Henry E, Davis Pirst Secretary, Ottawa, Secretary to Delegation Mr. J.J. Deutsch Director, International Economic Relations, Department of Pinance 1 Mr. J.S . Parkinson Caruidian Representative, OESCt Paris Lt. Gen. Gharles Poulkes Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee Air Vice Jferahal Camphell C-anadian Representative f.f.R.C. Air Commodore C.L. Amiis Director, Joint Staff, Ottawa Commodore H.S. Bayner Secretary, Chiefs of Staff, Secretary, Canadian Military Delocation Maj. Gen. J.D.B. Smitli C.J.S. Lond on Mr. P.T. Molson Executive Assistant to the Minister Mr. Paul Pare Executive Assistant to the Minister of National Defence ïfej. J.O.A. Lettellior Military Aide to Minister Ckapt. K.2. Moffat Military Airlo to Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Miss Ii. Mcintosh Sccrotary to the Minister Miss M. Soe Secrotary to Under Secretary of State for External Affairs Miss M.K. Valade Pile Clerk Miss E. Bruer Stenographer Cpl. G.O. Persson DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Pte. J.T, MoBride W.0.1 F.S. Lisowski S/Sgt. O.M. Anderson Sgt. L.S. Ward Cpl. G.B. Peeney Zt KEHMWtK His ExoeHeney Minister for Foreign Affairs Ole BJoern Kraft His Excellency Thorkil Kristensen Minister of Finanoe Kr. E.J.tC. Qvistgaard Admiral Chief of Befenee Mr- de Ste en s en-Letli Minister Extraordinary and Plenip ot ent iary Banish Deputy Mr. Erik Moeller Li eut enant-General Chief of Army Mr. S. Ramlau-Hansen Rear Admiral Mr. E. Bartels Economic Counsellor^ Danish Embassy, Paris Mr. E. Sohram-Nielsen Chief of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Guimar Seidenfaden Chief of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Erik 1¾ Schmidt Chief of Section Ministry of Finanoe Mr. Svend Hansen Chief of Seotion Ministry of Defence Mr. A.D. Banhuus Major, Danish Army Mr. G, Asmus3en Major, Danish Army Mr. O.K. Lind Major, Danish Army Mr. H. Hjorth-Hielsen First Secretary, Danish Delegation HACD Hr. Ereben.Eider Assistaet Chief of Section, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Torben Eoetme Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Miss M. Brandt Mrs. U. Bonde-Hielsen Miss Phillipsen Miss Andersen IOELAHB DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE M. Bjarni Benediktsoon Foreign Minister M.'vErftur Boaediktnson Icelandic Minister to Italy Uu Gonnlauge f fPêtmp son Deputy to RATO Legal Advisor to Icelandic Mh. Hans G. Andersen Government. LUXEMBOURG-: His Excellency V. Beo& Foreign Minister M. N. Hommell Conseiller de Légation M. G. HÊishourg Secrétaire de Légation M. A;J. Claseir Minister Plenipotentiary Council Beputy MECHERLAMJSi Br. U.U. Stilrlrer Minister for Poreign Affairs Mr. C. Staf Minister of Defence Professor Br. P. Lieftinck Minister of Finance Professor Br. J.R.M. va* den Brink Minister for Economic Affairs Vice-Admiral Chairman Combined Chiefs Jonkheer E.J. van Holthe of Staff Committee Br. H.H. Boon Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Secretary General Minis-try of Poreign Affairs Jtinkheer H. van Vredenhurch Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Hetherlands Delegate European Army Major-General Hetherlands Military I.E.E.H. Mathon Representative, SHAPE, Br. A.R. Tammenoms Bakker Acting Deputy Hetherlands Representative, North Atlantic Council Dr. H.F.'Eschauzier Couns e^ll or Br, G.C. Stuyt Counsellor Dr. E.H. van den Beugel President-Birector Economic and Military Aid Progranmes Dr. P.A. Blaisse Birector Directorate- General for External Economic Relations Commander MaJ. Vos Minister of Marine Major^A.E. van Dishoeck Military Adviser DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Dr. N.C. de Groot van Emhden Ministry of Finance Dr. V. Riphagen MinlMry of Foreign Affairs Dr. H. Kamerlingh Onnes Ministry of Foreign Affairs ) Economic Adviser 5. NETHERLANDS (continued) Miss H, Greenewoud Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hiss A. Stroobach Secretary, Netherlands Delegation, NATO Mics Th. G.M.J. Westerwoudt Private Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary, Ministry of Finance AffairSecretarys , Ministry of Economic NORWAY Mr, Halvard Lange Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr, Jens Chr. Haugo Minister of Defence Mr. Dag Bryn Minister Mr. Jens Boyesen Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. J.G. Baedor Director of the Political Department, Foreign Office Mr. Frithj. Jacotsen Chief of DivisJ on, Foreign Office Mr. Bjarac Oen Lieut enant -Gene ral Mr. T.J.E. Jacobsen Rear Admiral Mr. Ornulf Dahl Colonel Mr. Yngvar Daasnes Chief of Division, Ministrir of Defence Mr. Y.S. Ofstad Secretary, Foreign"Office Mr, K. Hedemann Secretary, Norwegian Delegation, North Atlantio Council Deputies Miss G, Dahn Foreign Office Miss Liv Oouchcron Ministry of Defence Miss E. Bergwitz-Larson Norwegian Delegation; North Atlantic Coiincil DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Deputies PORIUGALi His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister Br. J.P. da Costa Leite * His Excellenoy Minialfer for Foreign Affairs Dr. Panlo Cunha His Kxceillency Portuguese Ambassador in Dr. Buy Ennes Ulrieh London; Portuguese Deputy, HACD. His Excellency Portuguese Minislrer in Rome Senhor FvA^ -Oalheiros e Menezes Senhor H. Queiroa Counsellor, Portuguese Embassy in Bondon; Assistant Deputy, NACB. Senhor Ruy Guerra * Counsellor, Head of Portuguese Delegation to FEB Senhor H. Martins de Secretary Portuguese Carvalho Foreign Offioe Senhor J. de 2nd Secretary, Portuguese Freitas-Cruz EmLiassy in London; Secretary of Portuguese delegation tw HACD- Senhor Joao E. Pequito * 2nd Seoretary, Portuguese Emhasey in Paris One Secretary to the DepuKy Prime Minister 3 or + officers One Secretary from the Portuguese Foreign Office honorai A. Passos e Sousa Chiof of General Staff of the Armod Forces Admiral M. Ortins Bettancourt Assistant Secretary of National 3 Befence Commander Vergilio Hiheiro Commander, Portuguese Kavy Major Fernando Pinto Major, Portuguese Aid Force Captain Leotto Cavaco Aide to the Chief of General Staff * The attendance of these delegates to the Council meeting depends on the development of the activities of the TCC. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE CTXTEII KIHGPCM The Ht.Hon.Anthony Sden, M.P. Sec. of State for Poreign Affairs Mr. E. Shuckburgh Prin, Priv. Sec to Sec. of State Mr. M. Milford Private Sec. Miss A,David Personal Asst. to Sec. of Stafe Miss P. Strange P.A. Mr. Attfield Detective Mr. Austin. It : Sir Pierson Dixon Dep. Under-Sec. of State Miss M. Marchant P.S. to Sir P. Dixon Mr. P.K. Roberts Dep. Under-Sec, of State Miss N» Orpe P.A. to Mr. Roberts Mr. M. Rose Western Orgs. Dept. Miss R. Benson il .il n Mr. P. Brook Richards German (Pol) Dept. Mr. W. Ridsdale Counsellor, News Dept. Mr. J.C.W. Bushell News Dept. Miss D. Garton P.A. to Mr. Ridsdale The Rt.Hon.J.P.Ii.Thoraas, M.P. Pirst lord of the Admiralty P.S. to Minister P.A. to Minister Air Chief Marshal of the Chief of Air Staff Royal Air Poree, Sir John Slessor Captain Gretton R.N. Naval Asst. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE W/Ctndr. BTiseman-Clarke Staff Officer to Chief of Air Staff UKIffED KINGDOM (Contd.) A.C.M. Sir W.Elliott U.K.Repi to Standing Group Washington P.S. to . Sir W.Elliott P.A. to Sir W. Elliott Lt.Gen. Sir N. Brownjohn V.C.I.G.5. Maj. Gen. K.W.D. Strong(ret) Dir. Joint Int, # Bureau Maj. Gen. A.C. Short Dir. Mil. Int. Maj, Gen. Kimmins Min. of Def, Brig. R.H. Sarry B.J.S.M. Washington Col. E.B.W. Cardiff t, Col. T.C. ïforton » Col. B.J. Donald n Grp.Capt. Adams n Lt.Col. H.P.T. Prideaux ti n Capt. It.A. Ewing, E.N. Mr. P.T. Hayman Asst. Sec. Min. of Def. Lt. Col. V.W. Street Min. of Def. Capt. Payne » ti Miss U. Pinch P.A. Miss W, Maclaren H Miss M. Ross 11 Miss V. Shepherd Executive Off. The Rt. Hon.R.A. Butler,M.P. Chan, of the Exchequer P.P.S.