Composite of State of Florida Division of Historic Preservation Office Letter and Cultural Resource Reports
ATTACHMENT 1 Composite of State of Florida Division of Historic Preservation Office Letter and Cultural Resource Reports Environmental Assessment for the Coral Reef Commons Project Incidental Take Permit Application Frozune Xlspenrli{ENT o RICK SCOTT KEN DETZNER Govemor Secretary of State Mr. Roberl Carr December 9,2015 Archaeological and Historical Conservancv, Inc. 4800 S.W. 64m Ave., Suire 107 Davie, Florida 33314 Re: DHR Project File No.: 2015-5923 / Received by DHR: November 9, 2015 A Phase II Cttltural Resource Assessment of SDA11320, BDAl432l, BDA I 13 22, and SDAI I 3 96. Dade County, Florida Dear Mr. Carr: Our office received and reviewed the above re1'erenced surve), report in accordance rvith Chapters 267 and313 of the Florida Statutes, and the applicable Dacle County ordinances, for possible advLrse impact to cultural resources (any prehistoric or histolrc district, site. building, structure, or object) listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of l-listoric places (NRHP). In June and July 2015, Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. (AFIC) conducted a phase II assessment of the Coral Reef Cornmons parcel on behalf of Johnson Engineering,Inc. AHC investigated resources 8DA14320,SDA14321,8DA14322, and identified archaeological site 8DA14396, It is the opinion of AHC that resources BDAl4321,BDA|4322, and8DA143g6 are eligible forthe NRHP. AHC had insufficient information to determine the eligibility of site 8DA14320. Resources 8DA14320 and 8DA14396 are located within natural areas of the project parcel, and AHC recommends that they are preserved, Based on tlie ir,fonnation providecl, or-rr office finds the submitted report complete and sufficient in accordance rvitllthapter lA-46, Florida Administrative Code.It is our opinion that resources DA14321, 8D4I4322, and 8DA14396 are ineligible for the NRHP.
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