Biscayne National Park Indian Tribes: Mikasuki, 10; Seminole, 10-11; Biscayne National Park: Archeology In, 10-11; Tequesta, 9-10
Index References to illustrations are italicized. Adams Key, 8, 17 Florida East Coast Railway, 14, 19 Agriculture, 14-16, 22-23 Florida land boom, 20-21 Archeology: Native American, 9; shipwrecks, 11- Florida Reef, 9 12 Florida Straits, 9, 11, D-1 Arsenicker Keys, 9 Fossey, Ralph A., 26 Automobile, 20 Fowey Rocks Lighthouse, D-1-2, D-1 Bahamas: as center of wrecking industry, 12; Geiger, August, 27-28, 36, A-1, B-1-4 immigration of residents to Florida Keys, 13; Geology, 7-9 as Source of smuggled goods, 24 Gifford, John C., 24-25 Baker, Benjamin, 14 Gold Key, 8 Biscayne Bay: archeology, 9-10; conservation Harrison, Milton W., 26, A-10 efforts in, 25-26; construction of artificial Hawk Channel, 9 islands in, 20,22; discovered by Ponce de Honeywell, Mark C., 26-30, A-1, B-4; 26, 31 Leon, 9; homesteading in, 14-15, 17; Native Honeywell, Olive Lutz, 26-37, A-1 American settlement around, 10-11; resort Hubbard, Eugenia, 30 development in, 23-24; proposed road Hunt, Jack, 27, A-1 construction across, 25; smuggling in, 24; Hurricanes: 1926, 16, 21, 26; 1941, A-2; Andrew wrecking in, 12 (1992), 36, A-2-11; King (1950), A-2 Biscayne National Monument: established, 1,26; Indian Key, 16 renamed, 1. See also Biscayne National Park Indian tribes: Mikasuki, 10; Seminole, 10-11; Biscayne National Park: archeology in, 10-11; Tequesta, 9-10. See also Native Americans. description of, 1, 8; establishment of, 1,26; Islandia, 25 maps of, 2, 8 Key Biscayne, 8 Boca Chita Key: depicted, 4, 28; expansion of, 8, Key Largo limestone, 7 26; Honeywell complex on, 26-35, A-1-11; Key West: center of wrecking industry, 12; town location, 8; maps, 8, E-3 established, 13 Bootlegging, 24 Kotcher, Charles W., 23 Breckenridge, John C., 13-14 Ledbury Lodge, 24 Brookfield, Charles, 24 Lime industry, 16 Broward, Napoleon Bonaparte, 24 Miami Beach: development of, 20-21, 20; growth Camp, Leon Angle, 27, A-1 of, 21; social life, 21-22, 27.
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