Mark Tough ––– Sunday 888 NovemberNovember,, 2020 333)3) would be devastated by God's judgement because 121212-12 ---24242424 ––– God’s judgement against his people (Part 222)2))) of her aaa______a______ways

1) An oo______of Ezekiel 121212-12 ---24242424 a) Jerusalem trustedtru sted in in idols idols for for their their d d_____d _____ n n_____nn_____ inst insteadinstead ofof GodGod (v15-(v15-22)--22) a) 12:1-12:1-20--202020 ––– SS_SS ______acts 12:1-16 – Deportation 12:17-20 – Terror b) Jerusalem trusted in otherother nations nations for for p p______p ______instead of God (v23-(v23-29)--29) b) 112:21112:21-2:21-14:11--14:11 --- True and false pp______12:21-28 – True prophecy 13:1-23 – False prophecy 14:1-11 – Idolatry and prophecy c) Jerusalem’sJerusalem’s d d______d______would would comecome atat thethe handshands thosethose she she hadhad c) 14:12-14:12-17:24--17:24 --- Messages of jj______trusted insteadinstead ofof GodGod (v35(v35- -52--52)5252))) 14:12-23 – Judgement inescapable for Jerusalem 15:1-8 – The parable of the vine 16:1-63 – The parable of the ungrateful prostitute d) But God offered h_____h _____ to JerusJerusalemJerusalem (v(v53(v(v 53-5353-63)--63) 17:1-24 – The parable of the two eagles d) 18:181818:1::1-11-32--323232 --- A focusfAfocus f on God’sGod’s righteousness’s and gg______gg______compassion 444)4) We have mm______rrr______r______to trutrustst God today than the people of Jerusalem did e) 19:1-19:1-24:14--24:14 --- Messages of j______j______19:1-14 – A lament over ’s Kings 2 Corinthians 1:20 20:1-44 – A review of Israel’s history 20:45-12:32 – – God’s sword 22:1-31 – What Jerusalem has done 23:1-49 – The parable of two sisters 555)5) Questions to help us aa______if we are trusting God or not 24:1-14 – The time of Jerusalem’s judgement starts a) DoDo II havehave cc______cc______that I am right with God? f) 24:1524:15-24:15f) -27--272727 ––– SS_SS ______act ((t((thetthe death of Ezekiel’s wifewife) )))

2) The city of Jerusalem is dd______iiin in as an b) Am I living in o______o ______to GodGod’s’s WorWord?Word?d?d? abandoned pagan baby who growgrowss into a beautiful woman with GodGod’s’s help c) Do I pray rr______rr ______?______??? Ezekiel 16:3b-6

Ezekiel 16:7-8 d) Am I p______p ______inin waitingwaiting forfor GodGod toto answeranswer prayerprayer oror dodo asas hehe has promised?

Ezekiel 16:13-14 e) AmAm II livingliving inin lightlight ofof GodGod’sGod ’s p p______p______for nownow andand thethe future?future?