Biography Peter N. KirsaNow PartNer ClevelaNd T. 216.363.4481
[email protected] M. 216.789.8735 Related Practices MaiN Bio Labor & EmploymeNt Peter focuses his legal practice oN represeNtiNg EmploymeNt LitigatioN & CouNseliNg maNagemeNt iN employmeNt-related litigatioN aNd iN AdmiNistrative AgeNcy ProceediNgs coNtract NegotiatioNs, NLRB proceediNgs, EEO matters aNd arbitratioN. EmploymeNt Law CouNseliNg ImmigratioN Law Peter KirsaNow is a partNer with BeNesch’s Labor & EmploymeNt Practice Group. He returNed to BeNesch iN ERISA LitigatioN JaNuary 2008 after serviNg as a presideNtial appoiNtee to the OSHA/Workers’ CompeNsatioN NatioNal Labor RelatioNs Board (NLRB) iN WashiNgtoN D.C. for Matters two years. While serviNg oN the NLRB, he was iNvolved with TraditioNal Labor & EmploymeNt sigNificaNt decisioNs iNcludiNg Oakwood Healthcare, INc., DaNa/Metaldyne aNd Oil Capital Sheet Metal, INc. IN ArbitratioNs additioN, Peter testified before the SeNate Judiciary Committee Collective BargaiNiNg oN the NomiNatioNs of JohN Roberts, Samuel Alito, SoNia Regulatory ENforcemeNt/Advocacy Sotomayor, EleNa KagaN aNd Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Corporate CompliaNce & Regulatory Court. He also coNtiNues to testify before aNd advise members ENforcemeNt of the U.S. CoNgress oN employmeNt law matters, most receNtly oN November 18 before the House Subcommittee oN INvestigatioNs aNd Oversight regardiNg disparate impact Related INdustries theory. TraNsportatioN & Logistics Peter was receNtly reappoiNted by the Majority Leader of the ENergy House of RepreseNtatives to his fourth coNsecutive six-year term oN the U.S. CommissioN oN Civil Rights. This is a part- time positioN which will expire iN December 2025. EducatioN • ClevelaNd State UNiversity, ReceNtly, Peter aNd a team of BeNesch attorNeys served as ClevelaNd-Marshall College of Law, lead couNsel to the NatioNal AssociatioN of MaNufacturers iN 1979, J.D.