Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299


Interaction with the host: the role of fbronectin and extracellular matrix in the adhesion of Gram‑negative

Diana J. Vaca1 · Arno Thibau1 · Monika Schütz2 · Peter Kraiczy1 · Lotta Happonen3 · Johan Malmström3 · Volkhard A. J. Kempf1

Received: 24 July 2019 / Accepted: 14 November 2019 / Published online: 29 November 2019 © The Author(s) 2019

Abstract The capacity of pathogenic microorganisms to adhere to host cells and avoid clearance by the host immune system is the initial and most decisive step leading to . Bacteria have developed diferent strategies to attach to diverse host surface structures. One important strategy is the adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (e.g., collagen, fbronectin, laminin) that are highly abundant in connective tissue and basement membranes. Gram-negative bacteria express variable outer membrane proteins (adhesins) to attach to the host and to initiate the process of . Understanding the underly- ing molecular mechanisms of bacterial adhesion is a prerequisite for targeting this interaction by “anti-ligands” to prevent colonization or infection of the host. Future development of such “anti-ligands” (specifcally interfering with bacteria-host matrix interactions) might result in the development of a new class of anti-infective drugs for the therapy of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. This review summarizes our current knowledge about the manifold interac- tions of adhesins expressed by Gram-negative bacteria with ECM proteins and the use of this information for the generation of novel therapeutic antivirulence strategies.

Keywords Gram-negative bacteria · Adhesins · Extracellular matrix proteins · Fibronectin · Collagen · Laminin

Introduction bacteria across the cellular and tissue barriers by generat- ing a stable starting point on which the microorganism can The capacity to adhere to host cells and thereby avoid clear- persist, replicate, and internalize into host cellular compart- ance by the host defense systems (e.g., via peristalsis, fuid ments. Once a stable adhesion to host cells is established, fow or innate immunity) is an important determinant for a are able to spread within the host and express successful colonization by bacterial pathogens. Adhesion and/or release further factors enabling subsequent to the host cells can facilitate translocation of pathogenic steps of infections. Such virulence factors include, e.g., bac- terial toxins (modulating host cell functions), cell surface carbohydrates or proteins (protecting the bacterium from Edited by Dirk Linke.

* Volkhard A. J. Kempf Johan Malmström [email protected] [email protected] Diana J. Vaca 1 Institute for Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, [email protected] University Hospital, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Arno Thibau Paul‑Ehrlich‑Str. 40, 60596 Frankfurt, Germany [email protected] 2 Institute for Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, Monika Schütz University Hospital, Eberhard Karls-University, Tübingen, [email protected]‑ Germany Peter Kraiczy 3 Division of Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical [email protected] Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Lotta Happonen [email protected]

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 278 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 host defense), and exoenzymes (contributing to bacterial embryonic development, and many other functions. Apart dissemination). from mammals and some other vertebrates, collagen has A group of proteins exposed on the ’s surface been identifed in many invertebrate organisms, evidencing called “adhesins” has been identifed as the molecular basis the conservation and importance of the molecule throughout for bacterial adherence to certain host molecules. The way evolution [7, 8]. The latest report described a total of 28 that diferent bacterial populations take advantage of their collagen types encoded by more than 45 genes distributed adhesins and how they bind to their specifc receptors within in body tissue and organs [9, 10]. Initially, it was thought the host is decisive for the particular type of disease caused that all types of collagen were secreted by fbroblasts which by a particular organism. Adhesins are involved in bioflm are present in the connective tissue [11] but the production formation and have proven to undermine host strategies for of certain types of collagen by epithelial cells indicates the pathogen clearance [1, 2]. Furthermore, bacterial adhesion broad distribution of the molecule in the human body [10]. to host cell surfaces activates both bacterial and host sign- Under normal conditions, collagen is degraded extracellu- aling, subsequently enabling bacterial spread and the eva- larly by tissue collagenases, belonging to the class of matrix sion of innate and cellular immune responses [3]. On the metalloproteinases [9]. host side, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the most Collagen consists of α-chains and the variability in the important proteinaceous tissue components, due to the wide number of α-chains present in the molecule defnes the dif- distribution of ECM in the connective tissue and basement ferent collagen types distributed in the human body. Despite membranes [4]. Targeting of ECM proteins for adherence is, the presence of multiple isoforms and tissue expression lev- therefore, one of the major strategies for pathogen coloniza- els, all the diferent types of collagen share common struc- tion and host invasion [4]. tures [10]. The most signifcant structure is the presence of Bacterial binding capacity to ECM proteins was frst Gly-X-Y repeats located in the central part of the α-chain, described over 40 years ago, with the report of Staphylo- known as the “collagenous domain”. A triple helix structure coccus aureus binding to fbronectin [5]. Since then, our is formed by regular hydrogen bonding between proline and knowledge about the mechanisms underlying host–patho- glycine residues [12]. In addition to the collagenous domain, gen interactions has increased signifcantly. This resulted in there are regions lacking the Gly-X-Y repeats named “non- promising ideas for inhibiting such interactions for the future collagenous domains”. The presence of these long non- development of anti-bacterial therapeutics. In this review, collagenous domains along the molecule creates breaks in we summarize the principal ECM proteins involved in the the triple helix conformation, while the non-collagenous adhesion processes of Gram-negative bacteria, the impact domains in the N-terminal and C-terminal ends are removed on virulence and pathogenesis, and how to use this knowl- by procollagen N- and C-proteinases to allow the assembly edge in terms of generating novel antivirulence-therapeutic into fbrils [13]. The supramolecular association occurs after strategies. extracellular release and further assembly into networks or fbrils including other ECM proteins. The collagen family is widely present in skin (col- Extracellular matrix proteins involved lagen type I in association with collagen types III, V, VII, in the adhesion of Gram‑negative bacteria XII, XIII and XIV), in bones (collagen type I in association with collagen types XXIV), in cartilage (collagen type II The ECM is a highly dynamic structure having various func- in association with IX, X, XI and XIII), and in basement tions. It consists of numerous macromolecules in charge of, membranes (collagen type IV in association with collagen e.g., the structural support and scafolding of cellular bar- type XVIII) [9, 10]. The presence of collagen-binding pro- riers, cellular signaling, and the regulation of physiologi- teins (collagen-BPs) in pathogenic bacteria is, therefore, not cal processes. The ECM is composed of proteoglycans and incidental but has evolved because of the broad distribution glycoproteins secreted locally and brought together into an of this ECM protein in organs and tissue. The majority of organized network. The main fbrous proteins forming parts adhesin–host protein interactions observed in Gram-negative of the ECM are collagen, elastin, fbronectin, laminin, and bacteria have been associated with collagen type I, IV, and vitronectin [6], making these molecules a preferred target V [4]. for bacterial adhesion. Fibronectin Collagen Fibronectin (Fn) is a multidomain glycoprotein present in Collagen is the major glycoprotein representing 30% of body fuids and on cell surfaces with the principal func- the total protein content in the human body. Its presence tion of connecting the cell to the exterior ECM. Two major is crucial for maintaining tissue structure, , forms of Fn are present in the body: a soluble (plasma) and

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 279 an insoluble (cellular) form. Plasmatic Fn is produced by or in the case of infammation. Another region consisting of hepatocytes and is, therefore, present in blood, saliva, and FnI­ 6, FnII­ 1–2, and ­FnI7–9, promotes collagen binding. This other fuids, playing important roles in blood clotting [14]. interaction has been suggested to occur either to mediate Cellular Fn is secreted by fbroblasts and endothelial cells cell adhesion or to favor clearance of denatured collagenous and is incorporated on the cell surface into a fbrillar-type material from blood and tissue. The FnIII domain mediates matrix [15, 16]. Turnover of ECM proteins is an important cell attachment via integrins (cell-surface heterodimeric mechanism to remove biologically active proteins from the receptors) in the RGD loop located at the FnIII­ 8–10 area. The extracellular environment. Fn degradation occurs intracel- interaction via integrins allows the linkage of ECM with the lularly after endocytosis of non-polymerized Fn molecules intracellular cytoskeleton. The ­FnIII12–14 modules contain [17]. the strongest interaction site necessary for heparin-binding. The Fn molecule is a heterodimer composed of two splice It has been proposed that this region facilitates the formation variants of about 230 and 270 kDa connected by a C-termi- of protein interactions for insoluble fbril assembly, whereas nal disulfde bond (see Fig. 1). In general, the Fn structure in some cell types the heparin-binding domain promotes is organized into 12 type I repeats (FnI), two type II repeats cell adhesion. A second fbrin-binding site is located at the (FnII), and a variable number (between 15 and 18) of type C-terminal ­FnI10–12 modules [18, 21–23]. III repeats (FnIII). Diferences between the splice variants The presence of bacterial Fn-binding proteins (FnBPs) modify the number of modules in FnIII [15, 16, 18]. Addi- was demonstrated by the inactivation of the respective tionally, cellular Fn can include EIIIA and EIIIB domains, FnBP genes and the observation of diminished or abolished which notably are not present in the soluble molecule [19, bacterial adhesive characteristics in mutants lacking the 20]. expression of the protein. The observation of a Fn-binding Fn mediates important human protein–protein and pro- repeat sequence within the adhesins (GGXXXXV(E/D)(F/I) tein–oligosaccharide interactions during the formation of XX(D/E)T(Xx15) EDT) has been described for certain bac- the ECM [21]. The FnI­ 1–FnI5 components are the most terial proteins [24]. On the other hand, a canonical binding conserved Fn region across vertebrates [21]. This domain site in the Fn molecule located in the FnI­ 2–FnI5 region has is required for the proper assembly of the ECM and binds been identifed due to the interaction of many FnBPs in this to heparin (lower afnity) and fbrin (stronger afnity). area [22, 25]. Notwithstanding, other non-canonical bacte- Moreover, this domain is also the major fbrin-binding site rial binding sites associated with positions FnI­ 6, FnII­ 1–2, in the Fn molecule. The interaction between Fn and fbrin is ­FnI7–9, ­FnIII9–10, and ­FnIII12 have also been identifed in the important for cell adhesion, cell migration into fbrin clots, Fn molecule (see Fig. 1). and for macrophage removal from circulation after a trauma

E. coli (Lpf1)

B. burgdorferi (BBK32)

B. henselae (Omps) E. coli (curli) B. burgdorferi (RevA) E. coli (UpaB) Y. pess (Ail) B. henselae (Pap31) bacterial interacon C. jejuni (FlpA) H. influenzae (Hap) S. enterica (ShdA) B A

NH2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 COOH S S

fibrin 1 collagen cell heparin 2 fibrin 2

interacon heparin 1 gelan aachment host


Fig. 1 Schematic drawing of the fbronectin molecule (monomer) bond. The molecule contains nine Fn type I repeats, two Fn type II with selected bacterial protein-binding sites and selected host pro- repeats, and between 15 and 18 Fn type III repeats. In cellular Fn, tein–protein interaction sites. Fibronectin (Fn) is a heterodimer com- EIIIA (A) and EIIIB (B) domains are present as a result of alternative posed of two splice variants connected by a C-terminal disulfde splicing Adapted from [202]

1 3 280 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299

Laminin as signaling, growth, and development and interconnect the globular domains of the Ln molecule. Finally, there is the Laminin (Ln) is a multifunctional molecule with a total coiled-coil region that consists of 600 amino acids and inter- of 15 heterotrimeric isoforms diferentially distributed in acts with other proteins and receptors [4]. basement membranes, connective tissue, cell surface, skin, The Ln molecule has been found widely distributed in and blood vessels. This ECM protein is in charge of main- the renal parenchyma including glomeruli and tubules, and taining the structural scafold, cell migration, and signaling in gastric mucosa. The presence of Ln-Binding Proteins [4]. Plasmin degrades Ln that is located in the basement (LnBPs) has been demonstrated in Gram-negative pathogens membrane at the dermal–epidermal junction and in the hip- such as , Haemophilus infuenzae, Neisseria pocampus [26, 27]. meningitidis, , , Ln consists of α-(400 kDa), β-(200 kDa), and γ-(200 kDa) and Borrelia burgdorferi [4] (see Fig. 2). chains, independently expressed and interconnected via disulfde bonds at their C-terminal regions (see Fig. 2). Ln trimerizes prior to its extracellular secretion and then forms Adhesins of Gram‑negative bacteria networks cooperating with other ECM proteins. The frst and cellular matrix protein interactions N-terminus (240–250 residues: LN domains) are well conserved among Ln isoforms and are involved in Bacterial adherence to host tissues represents the frst and the polymerization of the molecule. The epidermal growth decisive step in the infection process. Although bacterial factor-like (LE) domains are associated with functions such attachment seems to be benefcial for microorganisms, it may become a double-edged sword if, after attachment, the host immune signaling is activated and impedes internaliza- α-chain tion and phagocytosis strategies. To overcome this problem, LN bacteria can express surface structures to protect themselves from immune recognition and might employ further traits, LE such as protein secretion systems to modulate and to evade the host´s immune system. Actually, tight adhesion can be LE globular an essential prerequisite to engage these important facilita- domains tors of infection [28]. A group of proteins, called adhesins, B. burgdorferi (BmpA) are in charge of keeping the pathogen in close contact with LE the host. Adhesins are a highly diverse group of proteins with β-chain LN LN γ-chain heterologous architecture and domain composition [29]. The complexity of the bacterial tools used for cell adhe- sion ranges from single monomeric proteins to intricate collagen H. influenzae (P4 & Hap) multimeric macromolecules. Among this group, Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins (TAAs) are a type of adhesins coiled-coil Y. pess (Ail) presented on the outer membrane of many human patho- P. aeruginosa (Paf) genic Gram-negative bacteria. These obligate homotrimeric G1 H. influenzae (PE & PF) proteins are secreted via the type Vc pathway and led across the inner membrane Sec-dependently by an N-terminal G2 G3 G4 G5 signal peptide. The C-terminal β-barrel domain interacts with the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) in order to integrin binding be inserted into the outer membrane [30–32]. Most likely, heparin concurrently with the β-barrel insertion facilitated by the BAM, the long passenger domain (N-terminal: head, neck Fig. 2 Schematic drawing of the laminin molecule (heterotrimer) and stalk domains) is translocated through the barrel in a with selected bacterial protein-binding sites and selected host pro- hairpin-conformation and ends up exposed on the bacterial tein–protein interaction sites. Laminin (Ln) consists of α- (400 kDa), β- (200 kDa), and γ- (200 kDa) chains interconnected with disulfde surface [33, 34]. So far, all the described TAAs have been bonds. Ln domains (N-terminus) are involved in the polymerization functionally associated with adhesion properties [30, 35]. of the molecule. The epidermal growth factor-like (LE) domains With a similar secretion mechanism, the classical interconnect the globular domains. The coiled-coil region is present autotransporters (“monomeric autotransporter adhesins”) are in all chains and their interactions maintain the structure. The C-ter- minus contains fve globular domains (G1–G5) important for cellular secreted via the type Va pathway. Briefy, the autotransporter scafold functions crosses the inner membrane by the Sec machinery and, once

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 281 the protein is in the periplasm, distinct chaperone proteins the importance of this adhesin in the persistence of infec- maintain the unfolded structure of the autotransporter [30]. tion [98]. Additionally, Ata proved to be a potential BAM recognizes the C-terminal membrane anchor; this candidate against A. baumannii as it was observed that the step aids the insertion of the β-barrel membrane anchor into application of Ata-specifc antisera attenuated the course of the outer membrane [34]. The linker region forms a hairpin infection in mice [41]. It is worth mentioning that ata was inside the barrel while the passenger domain crosses the present in 78% of the sequenced A. baumannii isolates but pore. For some autotransporters, the linker region will be only in 3% of the closely related but much less human patho- cleaved releasing the passenger domain into the extracellu- genic A. calcoaceticus/A. pittii clade [99]. lar environment [30, 31]. Monomeric autotransporters [e.g., The impact of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in the Haemophilus adhesion and penetration protein (Hap), MisL adhesion to Fn has been widely described [42]. The inter- and ShdA of serotype Typhimurium and action occurring between OMPs and Fn might represent a UpaB of uropathogenic E. coli; see Table 1] are the most critical step for lung epithelial colonization in A. bauman- ubiquitous class of secreted proteins in Gram-negative bacte- nii mediated infections [97]. OmpA (previously known as ria and accomplish varied functions including cell adhesion, Omp38) is a highly conserved OMP in clinical isolates and bioflm formation, and resistance to host defenses [36]. is one of the best-characterized virulence factors of A. bau- Other types of adhesins described in Gram-negative bac- mannii [100–102]. Expression of ompA is associated with teria are pili or fmbriae. These flamentous surface proteins the cytotoxicity to eukaryotic cells and the adhesion to Fn comprise a scafold-like domain anchored to the bacterial [42, 103]. The interference of OmpA function by the pre- membrane with strong binding specifcities. Interestingly, treatment of A. baumannii with a binding-inhibiting syn- some pathogens (e.g., Bartonella bacilliformis) harbor both thetic hexapeptide resulted in a reduced bacterial adherence types of adhesins (TAA BrpA/BbadA [37] and fagellin to lung human cells and Fn [104]. Moreover, Omp33 (also [38]). This suggests that such adhesins might play impor- known as Omp33-36) is also involved in adhesion via Fn tant roles in diferent conditions or at distinct stages of the binding and invasion of human lung epithelial cells [42, 43, infection process. This diversity and variability of adhesins 105]. Finally, the TonB-dependent copper receptor (TonB), even between species from the same genus of bacteria make which facilitates the active transport of substances to the the task of deciphering the precise mode of bacteria–host outer membrane, has also been described as a FnBP [42, interaction challenging [39]. In the following paragraphs, 106]. known ECM binding adhesins will be discussed in more detail in accordance with the Gram-negative pathogen they Bartonella spp. belong (see Table 1). The genus Bartonella compromises at least three species of major medical interest: B. henselae (cat-scratch disease), B. quintana (relapsing fever), and B. bacilliformis (Carrion’s In intensive care units, Acinetobacter baumannii is a sig- disease). The bacterial transmission to humans occurs after nifcant cause of nosocomial infections (e.g., pneumonia, contact with infected animals or via blood-sucking arthro- bacteremia, wound infections) [94]. The appearance of mul- pods (vectors) [107]. Bartonella species are facultative intra- tidrug-resistant strains has allocated this bacterium on top of cellular bacteria with the capacity to colonize a wide broad the World Health Organization (WHO) list of pathogens for of host cells, among them erythrocytes [108, 109], endothe- which new therapeutics are urgently needed [95]. lial cells [110–113], monocytes, macrophages, and den- Taking into account the use of ECM proteins as docking dritical cells [114–116]. B. quintana and B. henselae have sites, it can be speculated that, in tissue damage circum- been described as endocarditis-causing agents [117–119]. stances, the exposure of ECM proteins might favor adher- The mechanisms occurring in infective endocarditis point ence and bioflm formation, complicating A. baumannii to multifactorial events of bacterial adherence in which the infection treatment [40]. A. baumannii has shown afnity to interaction between bacterial adhesins and ECM proteins collagen and Fn [96], but only recently, the virulence factors might fulfll a critical role even under pulsating and high and mechanism of the disease have been described in more shear stress conditions [98, 120, 121]. detail [97]. Bartonella adhesin A (BadA) is the representative Acinetobacter trimeric autotransporter (Ata) is a surface adhesin of the species and was frst described as a “type IV- adhesin crucial for bioflm formation and binding to ECM like ” expressed by B. henselae [111]. Later research components (collagen types I, III, IV, and V and Ln), but described the OMP as a TAA mediating bacterial binding not to Fn and collagen type II [40]. Deletion of ata signif- to ECM proteins [44]. It was demonstrated that the presence cantly diminished the binding of A. baumannii to endothelial of BadA in low passage bacteria facilitates adhesion and cells in static and dynamic conditions, thereby highlighting invasion in human epithelial cells [111]. After the utilization

1 3 282 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 [ 49 ] [ 42 , 43 ] [ 48 ] [ 44 , 45 ] [ 40 ] [ 40 , 41 ] [ 42 ] References [ 46 ] [ 50 , 51 ] [ 52 ] [ 47 ] b 350 nM (ELISA) NA NA NA NA Estimated Kd Estimated ­ value NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 nM (ELISA) collagen VI collagen NA NA - 1–3 13 ­ III ­ III minus, gelatin/ bind - collagen ing domain, Fn - gelatin-bind ing domains of Fn 70 kDa N-ter Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in ECM Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Fn Not determined Not Heparin and c domain ­ domain domain four- motifs SVAIG (putative) N-terminal Not determined Not Not determined Not Head and stalk Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in adhesin Stalk domain Stalk Not determined Not Passenger Passenger Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not a (putative) binding (puta - tive) IV IV, V IV, Fn Fn binding Fn Collagen IV Collagen Fn and collagen Fn and collagen Collagen I, III, Collagen Fn Ln Fn Ln Fn Collagen IV, VI IV, Collagen Fn Fn Binding to Binding to ­ ECM Collagen I, III, Collagen lipoprotein proteins lipoprotein Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Hemin-binding Porin ​ TAA ​ TAA ​ TAA Porin Porin Porin Surface-exposed Porin Class of bacte - rial adhesin ​ TAA 6N1L 4PZ5 NA 6GIE NA NA NA 3D9X 3TD3 3TD4 3TD5 4G4Y 4G4Z 4G88 NA NA NA NA Protein data Protein bank code NA 47 kDa Not determined Not 31 kDa 101 kDa 104 kDa ~130 kDa 327 kDa 38 kDa 31 kDa 43 kDa 17 kDa 89 kDa Estimated Estimated molecular of mono - weight mers 189 kDa 33-36) BBK32 Hbps VompA VompC Brp (Bbad) BadA OmpA (Omp38) OmpA Omp33 (Omp (Omp Omp33 Pap31 Omp43 BBA33 Omp89 Adhesin Ata B. burgdorferi B. henselae B. quintana B. bacilliformis Species A. baumannii Adhesins of Gram-negative bacteria and their(examples) with interactions ECM proteins of Gram-negative Adhesins spp. Borrelia spp. Bartonella spp. 1 Table Genus Acinetobacter Acinetobacter

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 283 [ 55 , 56 ] [ 55 , 57 ] [ 55 , 58 ] [ 54 ] References [ 53 ] [ 53 ] [ 53 ] [ 53 ] b (ELISA) (ELISA) NA NA NA 12.5 nM NA NA NA NA Estimated Kd Estimated ­ value 0.1 µM NA NA NA - minus not minus not inhibited by heparin ing site (80 aa C-terminus)to Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not 70 kDa N-ter Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in ECM Collagen bind - Collagen Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not N-terminus (30 aa) and C-terminus N-terminus Not determined Not Not determined Not Region between between Region (31 aa) 60 aa at the Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in adhesin Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not a IV Fn Ln Ln Fn Fn Fn Ln Collagen I, III, Collagen Ln Ln Ln Ln Binding to Binding to ­ ECM lipoprotein lipoprotein protein protein lipoprotein lipoprotein lipoprotein lipoprotein lipoprotein Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Class of bacte - rial adhesin ​ 6ATG 4BG0 4CBE NA NA NA 4BL4 NA NA NA NA Protein data Protein bank code 23.2 kDa 40 kDa 17 kDa 17.5 kDa 25.9 kDa 39 kDa 37.5 kDa 40 kDa 37 kDa Estimated Estimated molecular of mono - weight mers (CRASP-2, (CRASP-2, BbCRASP-2, BBH06) (CRASP-1, (CRASP-1, BbCRASP-1, ZS7. BBA68, A68, FHBP) ErpX RevA RevB CspZ BmpA BmpB BmpC BmpD CspA Adhesin Species (continued) 1 Table Genus

1 3 284 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 [ 67 , 68 ] [ 67 , 68 ] [ 69 ] [ 66 ] [ 64 , 65 ] [ 63 ] References [ 71 ] [ 70 , 71 ] [ 59 , 60 ] [ 61 , 62 ] - b face plasmon face resonance) (ELISA) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Estimated Kd Estimated ­ value NA NA NA NA NA 45.2 µM (sur NA 28.7 nM (puta - 1–2 ­ III and 120-kDa proteolytic fragments tive) ing domain Fn Not determined Not 30-, 45-, 70-, Not determined Not RGD Motif RGD Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in ECM Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not - Fn gelatin-bind - D119, N146, N175, D217, K245, D246, D281, R310 and D336 VDQ26 pep - tides of AAF/II fmbria TVNVDS (putative) 137 repeat D2 repeat (residues 150–164) Residues D116, Residues Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not NNS24 and Not determined Not Major subunit Major Specifc binding site in adhesin Not determined Not Not determined Not YDVGGDAY Not determined Not Not determined Not Residues 134- Residues FNIII-like FNIII-like a fbrinogen Fn Ln Fn Ln Fn Collagen IV Collagen Ln Fn Collagen Collagen Ln Fn Ln Binding to Binding to ­ ECM Fn Fn Putative Fn and Putative lipoprotein lipoprotein Autotransporter Curli Fimbriae Fimbriae Flagella Class of bacte - rial adhesin Porin Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed 6BEA 6G8C 6G8D 6G8E 6G9G NA 4OR1 NA Protein data Protein bank code NA NA NA 80 kDa 15 kDa 18 kDa Not determined Not 50 kDa Estimated Estimated molecular of mono - weight mers 37 kDa 46 kDa 51 kDa UpaB Curli Lpf1 AaF II AaF Flagellin Adhesin CadF FlpA Cj1349c - E. coli strains) rhagic E. coli rhagic tive E. coli tive genic E. coli genic Uropathogenic Uropathogenic (several E. coli (several Enterohemor - Enteroaggrega Species Enteropatho - C. jejuni (continued) spp. 1 Table Genus Escherichia spp. Campylobacter Campylobacter

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 285 [ 82 ] [ 83 ] [ 81 ] References [ 76 – 79 ] [ 72 – 76 ] [ 76 ] [ 76 , 80 ] b plasmon resonance) (ELISA) (ELISA) NA NA NA NA Estimated Kd Estimated ­ value 20 nM (ELISA) 35 nM (ELISA) 1.5 μM (surface 1.5 μM (surface 9.3 nM 15 nM (ELISA) NA 10.2 nM 1–2 binding site(s) G-like mainly domains 4 and 5 binding site(s) G-like mainly domains 1-5 binding site(s) G-like mainly domains 4 and 5 binding site(s) G-like mainly domains 1-5 binding site(s) G-like mainly domains 4 and 5 Not determined Not Heparin- Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in ECM FnIII Not determined Not Heparin- Heparin- Heparin- Heparin- Not determined Not (526–1036) of C-terminal passenger domain (residues (residues 41-68) (residues (residues 23-48) domains Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in adhesin 511 residues 511 residues Same as above Same as above N-terminus Same as above N-terminus Core/α-helix Core/α-helix a Fn Ln Ln Ln Fn Collagen IV Collagen Ln Ln Ln Ln Fn Binding to Binding to ­ ECM protein protein protein protein protein protein Porin Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Autotransporter Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Class of bacte - rial adhesin 3ZH7 NA NA NA NA 3SYJ 3ZH5 3ZH6 NA 3OCU 3OCV 3OCW 3OCX 3OCY 3OCZ 3SF0 Protein data Protein bank code 46 kDa 34 kDa 56 kDa 55 kDa 155 kDa 18 kDa 30 kDa 28 kDa Estimated Estimated molecular of mono - weight mers OprQ Paf AlpA AlpB Hap PE PF P4 Adhesin (NTHi) P. aeruginosa P. H. pylori Species H. infuenzae (continued) spp. spp spp. Pseudomonas Helicobacter Helicobacter 1 Table Genus Haemophilus

1 3 286 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 [ 91 ] References [ 89 , 90 ] [ 84 – 86 ] [ 92 , 93 ] [ 87 ] [ 88 ] [ 88 ] - b face plasmon face resonance) (ELISA) (ELISA) (ELISA) NA Estimated Kd Estimated ­ value NA NA 0.28 µM (sur 0.12 µM 290 nM NA NA 0.17 µM NA 9 13 ­ III 4 and 5 lagen binding lagen sequence Fn G-like domains G-like Specifc binding site in ECM Not determined Not Not determined Not Not specifc col - Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not Not determined Not FnIII of YadA head of YadA domain region passen - region domain ger 1553 (passen - domain) ger Not determined Not Not determined Not Specifc binding site in adhesin Not determined Not Not determined Not Trimeric form Not determined Not Not determined Not Non-conserved Non-conserved Not determined Not Residues 470- Residues a Fn Ln Fn Ln Collagen Ln Ln Fn Fn Binding to Binding to ­ ECM Fn protein protein protein Surface-exposed Surface-exposed ​ TAA Autotransporter Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Surface-exposed Class of bacte - rial adhesin Autotransporter 5VJ8 2N2L 2N2 M 3QRA 3QRC 1P9H 3LT6 3LT7 2LME NA NA NA Protein data Protein bank code NA 17 kDa 47 kDa 101 kDa 20 kDa 17 kDa Estimated Estimated molecular of mono - weight mers 200 kDa Ail YadA MisL PagC Rck Adhesin ShdA Y. pestis Y. Species S. enterica Y. enterocolitica Y. S. typhimurium (continued) Dissociation constant for adhesin-ECM protein (concentration of ligand required for half-maximal binding activity) for required of ligand (concentration adhesin-ECM protein Dissociation constant for When defned the particular type of collagen (collagen I–VI) was included was I–VI) thedefned When particular (collagen collagen of type Otherinvolved be might domains

1 Table Genus a b c Salmonella spp. Yersinia spp. Yersinia

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 287 of wild-type strains and isogenic mutants, the mechanism Some possible interaction of Hbps with Fn might be specu- of adhesion was found to be mediated by binding of BadA lated because of this reported similarity [49]. The role of to ECM components (collagen III, Ln and Fn) under static fagellin in Fn-binding of B. bacilliformis has not been ana- and dynamic infection conditions [44, 98, 121]. Expression lyzed so far. of truncated BadA-constructs (with deletions of specifc subdomains) identifed that the neck-stalk module of BadA Borrelia burgdorferi is crucial for Fn-binding. This suggests that this neck-stalk module might mediate host cell adherence via interactions Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent of Lyme disease, with, e.g., beta-1 integrins [45]. The head and a short part one of the most common tick-borne diseases occurring in of the neck-stalk BadA module was found to be sufcient the Northern hemisphere. B. burgdorferi is a Gram-nega- for collagen binding after expression of a truncated BadA tive obligate extracellular spirochete, frequently found to hybrid in E. coli resulting in signifcantly higher adherence be associated with its hosts’ connective tissues [53]. The rates to endothelial cells than in E. coli controls [122]. These persistence of spirochetes in joints and connective tissue and other data demonstrate that the BadA protein is a major is essential for the incidence and severity of the infection pathogenicity factor of B. henselae [44] and that the head [125]. Bacterial adhesion to host tissue is, therefore, a criti- and stalk domains of the protein have overlapping functions cal step for the initial process of infection and the capacity in the adhesion process [45]. of spirochetes to disseminate to distant organs. Other bacterial surface proteins from B. henselae also B. burgdorferi expresses at least 19 OMPs, many of show afnity to Fn. Pap31, a protein possibly involved in which are known to bind to host cells and ECM components packaging or phage particle assembly, was described to be [126, 127]. The BBK32 protein is a surface-exposed mol- responsible for binding to immobilized Fn, specifcally to ecule frst identifed by its property to bind Fn [50]. Isogenic the FnIII­ 12–13 repeat module and to human umbilical vein bbk32-defcient mutants showed an impaired ability to bind endothelial cells (HUVECs) [46]. Additionally, Omp43, a immobilized Fn and an attenuated adhesion to mouse fbro- porin protein [123], and Omp89 were identifed as FnBPs blast cells when compared to wild-type strains. Moreover, in after batch afnity-purifcation from OMPs binding to Fn- a murine model of Lyme disease, mice infected with wild- coated wells [47]. type and isogenic mutants indicated a decreased infectivity Among the genus, there are other important TAAs detect- of the bbk32-defcient strains highlighting the importance of able: Variably expressed outer membrane proteins (Vomps) BBK32 for initial infection [128]. Recent research revealed are a group of proteins identifed as crucial for the patho- a 70-kDa N-terminal Fn region as the responsible element genicity of B. quintana as shown in a macaque animal for BBK32 binding [129]. Regardless of the proven impor- infection model [48]. Amidst the four Vomps A to D pro- tance of the BBK32 protein in the infection process, the teins, VompA-C contains collagen-binding motifs, but only isogenic bbk32-defcient mutants are still able to bind Fn VompA and VompC showed collagen IV binding in in vitro with a reduced capacity suggesting that additional mecha- assays [48]. The importance of Vomps in the adherence pro- nisms for Fn-binding exist. RevA, another borrelial outer cess was confrmed by binding experiments using in vitro surface protein was discovered to bind to the N-terminal cell culture vials and in dynamic experiments using capillary Fn region in a comparable afnity as BBK32 based on their fow chambers, where the interaction between B. quintana KD values. RevA was also found to interact with Ln but in a and HUVEC was diminished in the absence of Vomps [121]. lower afnity than BBK32 [57]. The RevA paralogous pro- Due to the similarities shown between the BadA and Vomps, tein RevB was also identifed as a FnBP after the evaluation it was initially thought that Vomps were FnBPs; neverthe- of recombinant RevB protein in binding assays with Fn [57]. less, binding assays between Vomp and Fn did not show Spirochetes are often associated with connective tissues afnity, and this exemplifes the complexity involved in the and collagen fbers in the infected mammalian hosts, sug- prediction of binding interaction [112]. gesting the presence of adhesins for binding certain types of In the case of B. bacilliformis, little research has been collagen. BBA33, a surface-exposed lipoprotein linked to done regarding adhesins and their interaction with ECM bacterial virulence, has been proven to stick in high afnity proteins. The TAA Bartonella repeat protein (Brp), also to collagen type VI and to collagen type IV [52]. The afnity called B. bacilliformis adhesin A (BbadA), shares common of Borrelia spp. to collagen fbers might also be related to domains and structural features with the already identifed the presence of collagen-associated proteoglycans such as TAAs, BadA, and Vomps. For this reason, it is speculated decorin which is an abundant molecule in connective tissues. that Brp/BbadA might be involved in similar biological pro- For instance, the decorin-binding proteins DbpA and DbpB cesses including adhesion to host cells and ECM proteins display a strong afnity to decorin but lack binding afnity [49, 124]. Additionally, hemin-binding proteins (Hbps) from to collagen [130–133]. B. bacilliformis are homologous to Pap31 from B. henselae.

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The frst Ln-binding protein identifed in B. burgdorferi from FlpA [62]. CadF and FlpA have probed to act together was the OspE/F-related protein ErpX [55]. The interaction in cellular membrane rearrangements and epithelial cells of this lipoprotein with Ln-containing host tissues favors invasion [138]. migration through extracellular matrices with long-term Other adhesins have also been identifed in C. jejuni: colonization [56]. Borrelia membrane protein A (BmpA) for instance, Cj1349c has been annotated as a putative Fn/ is another LnBP. Binding of Ln with BmpA was obstructed fbrinogen-binding protein because of observed reduced upon the incubation of Ln with solubilized collagen. These binding in isogenic forms of the protein in vitro; however, competition assays localized the Ln-BmpA binding site at its functional role in vivo is still unknown [63]. Addition- the collagen-binding region in Ln [53]. The BmpA paral- ally, adhesion of C. jejuni to collagen and Ln (only under ogous proteins BmpB, BmpC, and BmpD have also been high concentrations) has been reported via in vitro binding described as LnBPs [53]; all four paralogs are expressed experiments using coated coverslips and OMP suspensions during mammalian infections [134]. Of note, BmpA and [139, 140]. BmpB are selectively expressed in joint tissues and, thus are involved in the genesis of Lyme arthritis [135]. Escherichia coli Other borrelial adhesins comprise proteins displaying multi-functional properties; this is the case of complement Escherichia coli has been associated with diarrheal illness regulator-acquiring surface protein 1 (CspA) and 2 (CspZ). ranging from acute to long-lasting stages in developing and Both proteins do not only bind to Fn and Ln but also to col- industrialized regions of the world. The worldwide spread of lagen type I, III, and IV with a stronger interaction in the the bacteria has promoted the need to unravel the pathogenic case of CspA [54]. mechanisms applied by this pathogen to colonize and infect intestinal cells. Several adhesins have been recognized for Campylobacter jejuni binding ECM proteins that are naturally present in epithelial cells; among them are fagella, aggregative adherence fm- Campylobacter jejuni is recognized as a common cause for briae (AaF), long-polar fmbriae (Lpf1), curli, and UpaB, bacterial gastroenteritis. Like other intestinal pathogens, the highlighted for their multiple binding specifcities. capacity to colonize the gastrointestinal tract by binding epi- The fagella of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic thelial cells is a fundamental step during the initial phases E. coli contribute to host-colonization. Flagellin of enter- of infection. opathogenic E. coli binds in a dose-dependent manner to CadF from C. jejuni is an OMP described for the frst collagen and to a lesser extent to Ln and Fn [64]. A more time in 1997 after the observation of reduced binding to Fn recent report demonstrated higher afnity of fagellin from in an isogenic strain lacking CadF expression [59]. Later an atypical enteropathogenic E. coli to cellular Fn, underlin- research applying overlapping peptides of CadF identifed a ing the high variability of virulence strategies among this four-amino-acid sequence responsible for Fn-binding. Modi- species [65]. Oppositely, fagellin of enterohemorrhagic E. fcations in this sequence resulted in a recombinant CadF coli has almost no selectivity for ECM proteins [64]; there- protein that signifcantly showed reduced Fn-binding and fore, its contribution to host colonization might be related adherence to epithelial cells compared to the wild-type [60]. to other mechanisms. As a proof of concept, reduction in the internalization of C. In enteroaggregative E. coli, the AaF II protein contrib- jejuni into human intestinal epithelial cells was observed in a utes to the adherence to human intestinal tissue. Farfan CadF mutant strain [136]. Other possible functions of CadF et al. reported that enteroaggregative E. coli adhered more still remain unclear; post-translational proteolytic cleavages abundantly to surfaces precoated with Fn, Ln, and type IV of the protein in clinical C. jejuni revealed that small frag- collagen than a strain with a mutation in the AaF II major ments of CadF still bind Fn and are no longer recognized by pilin gene, concluding that Fn-AaF II binding may contrib- the host humoral response [137]. ute to colonization of the gastrointestinal tract [66]. Further The recently detected FnBP from C. jejuni is encoded by research focused on the participation of α5β1 integrins in the gene Cj1279c; the protein was termed as Fn-like protein the Fn-mediated adherence of AaF II to intestinal cells. It A (FlpA) because of the presence of three Fn type III-like was shown that enteroaggregative E. coli binds indirectly to repeats in its protein structure [63]. Due to the description integrin α5β1 (mediated by AaF II and Fn interaction), but of Fn–Fn interactions located in Fn type III domains [18], remarkably it can also bind directly to integrin α5β1, pre- it was hypothesized that FlapA might be involved in Fn- sumably by the interaction of another so far uncharacterized binding activity [63]. FlapA was found to mediate bacterial adhesin [141]. attachment to host epithelial cells via Fn-binding [61], and Lpf1 protein from enterohemorrhagic E. coli has been this interaction was described to occur through the Fn gel- associated with increased adherence to cultured cells (Caco- atin-binding domain and the second Fn type III-like repeat 2, HeLa-229) [142, 143]. In line with that observation, it

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 289 was shown that mutations in the LP fmbrial operons of the present among H. influenzae type b encapsulated and lpf genes lead to a decreased colonization in animal models NTHi clinical strains. Hap promotes bacterial adherence [144]. The adhesive properties of Lpf1 were described to to epithelial cells and mediates bacterial aggregation and be mediated via ECM protein binding, as inactivation of microcolony formation by Hap–Hap interactions occurring the lpfA1 gene signifcantly reduced the binding of E. coli between neighboring bacteria [73]. The passenger domain mutants to Fn, Ln, and collagen IV [69]. of the protein harbors a serine protease activity that directs Curli are thin surface fbers expressed by many patho- autoproteolytic cleavage under dispersal and migration from genic isolates of E. coli and other bacteria associated with the site of infection [147]. The mutation on the serine active severe infections in humans. Among clinical isolates of E. site inhibits the release of Hap from the bacterial surface and coli, most enterohemorrhagic, enterotoxigenic, and - results in increased adherence to epithelial cells [73]. Hap related strains express curli, in contrast to enteroinvasive binds to Fn, collagen IV (but not collagen II), and Ln. Inhibi- and enteropathogenic strains, which lack curli expression. tion of bacterial binding to ECM proteins after the applica- This diference in expression suggests a versatile role of tion of polyclonal antiserum against the passenger domain curli fbers in pathogenicity [67, 145]. Curli fbers have confrmed the importance of Hap in the infection process been described as adhesins for their binding capacity to [72]. Hap was found to interact with the FnIII­ 1–2 region, host molecules such as Fn and Ln. Remarkably, their abil- a domain in Fn previously described as crucial for matrix ity to bind Fn has demonstrated to be an important factor assembly [18]. The interaction between Hap and ­FnIII1–2 for the internalization of bacteria in eukaryotic cells [145]. might indicate that Hap is involved in the destabilization of Recently, using a nanomechanical force-sensing approach, the Fn matrix enabling the spread of H. infuenzae through it was identifed that curli and Fn formed multiple specifc the submucosa to the basement membrane [75]. bonds with high tensile strength, resulting in tight E. coli The surface lipoprotein Haemophilus protein E (PE) is binding [68]. a highly conserved protein among the Haemophilus spp. UpaB, an autotransporter of uropathogenic E. coli strains, members [149]. PE induces the pro-infammatory response is known to contribute to the colonization of the urinary tract during infection and promotes bacterial adherence and inva- and promotion of bacterial binding to the ECM proteins Fn, sion through the binding of the N-terminal PE and the Ln fbrinogen, and Ln, but not collagen (type I, II, III, IV, and globular domains [76, 79], which also happens with a simul- V) [71]. Due to the observation of stronger afnity between taneous interaction of PE with vitronectin [78]. Moreover, UpaB and Fn, the molecular interaction between these two Haemophilus protein F (PF), a ubiquitous protein of H. infu- proteins was analyzed at a molecular level. Ten residues in enzae, was described as a LnBP after the observation of UpaB (D116, D119, N146, N175, D217, K245, D246, D281, reduced Ln-binding and human pulmonary epithelial cells’ R310, and D336) demonstrated to be necessary to maintain attachment in an isogenic hpf mutant [150]. the secondary structure of UpaB and to mediate Fn binding; The observation that H. influenzae mutants lacking from the Fn site, binding of UpaB was located at the FnIII expression of the known ECM-binding proteins (Hap, PE region, most likely at the ­FnIII1–2 [70]. Summarizing, the and PF) still bind ECM proteins aroused the interest in other interaction between the two proteins involves the folding of bacterial adhesins. To further study this, OMPs of H. infu- a β-helix in UpaB presenting charged/polar residues which enzae were analyzed in regard to their ECM interactions. A interact with charges on the FnIII domain [70]. 28-kDa protein, later identifed as Haemophilus lipoprotein e (P4), was found binding to Ln, Fn, and vitronectin by a Haemophilus infuenzae strong interaction (constant dissociation Kd: 9.26 nM, and 10.19 nM and 16.51 nM, respectively) [80]. P4 is present in Haemophilus infuenzae is often found as a commensal of NTHi and encapsulated H. infuenzae and was previously the respiratory tract but also represents a common cause of described as important for NAD uptake and hemin utiliza- respiratory tract infections and meningitis. The presence of tion [151, 152]. Interactome studies of Ln and NTHi strains a capsule classifes H. infuenzae in encap- gave a major description of interactions occurring between sulated strains responsible for invasive disease and unen- already known and novel LnBPs [76]. capsulated (nontypeable NTHi) strains found in mucosal Although all adhesins (Hap, PE, PF and P4) exhibit bind- infections in the upper and lower respiratory tract [146]. H. ing capacities to ECM proteins, Hap has shown the highest infuenzae prefers binding to non-ciliated cells, areas with binding capacity to Fn. In contrast, Ln binds almost equally damaged epithelium and mucus present in the respiratory well to all the bacterial adhesins [80]. It seems that not a tract [147] via a number of OMPs that infuence the process single OMP of H. infuenzae is responsible for bacterial of adherence and colonization [148]. adhesion to the host but a coordinated interaction between The Haemophilus adherence and penetration protein adhesins and host proteins. (Hap) is a classical autotransporter adhesin ubiquitously

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Yersinia spp. Ail is a 17-kDa chromosomally encoded protein also associated with Yersinia virulence. Ail is present in Y. pestis, The genus Yersinia harbors 17 diferent species but only Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pseudotuberculosis, but the similar- three of them have been described to be pathogenic to ity between the protein sequences in the species is rather low humans (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. pes- [164]. Ail accomplishes an important activity in binding to tis). Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis are causa- ECM proteins (especially to Ln and Fn) with no detectable tive agents for a wide range of diseases associated with the binding to collagen [91, 92]. Contrarily, in Y. pseudotubercu- consumption of contaminated food. Y. pestis is a zoonotic losis Ail lacks the conserved residues responsible for bind- pathogen transmitted by feas from one mammalian host to ing [165] but still accomplishes functions related to serum another. Three major adhesins have been described: the Yers- resistance. As Ail is a small-sized protein, its functions may inia adhesin A (YadA), invasin (Inv), and attachment inva- be masked by LPS outer core and/or O- and this has sion locus (Ail). These adhesins mediate attachment to host been shown already for Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotu- cells, either directly via binding integrins (as for invasin) berculosis. Therefore, Ail may only contribute to adhesion [153, 154] or indirectly via ECM proteins. This attachment in strains expressing rough LPS, such as Y. pestis [166, 167]. is a crucial prerequisite for injection of efector proteins (Yersinia outer proteins, Yops) via a type three secretion system and thus essential for a successful host cell invasion. ECM interactions occurring in other Both YadA and Ail have been shown to bind Fn and Ln pro- Gram‑negative bacteria teins [91], whereas only YadA may interact with collagen [155, 156]. For some genera of Gram-negative bacteria, the interactions YadA is by far the best described TAA. This protein is occurring between adhesins and Fn, Ln or collagen are not essential for virulence in Y. enterocolitica and is encoded critical for bacterial attachment, but the description of bac- by the pYV virulence plasmid. In contrast to Y. enteroco- terial-host receptor occurrence is vital for understanding the litica, Y. pseudotuberculosis does not require YadA for a orchestrated process of infection. successful colonization process [157, 158] and Y. pestis does Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium expresses not express the yadA gene due to a frameshift caused by a adhesins such as ShdA, MisL, and SadA, of which the nucleotide deletion [159–161]. Among the manifold viru- last one is a TAA. ShdA and MisL are type Va autotrans- lence traits associated with YadA, one very important role porter adhesins that have proved to contribute to intestinal is the mediation of bacterial adhesion. YadA of Y. entero- colonization possibly by binding to Fn. The interaction of colitica stably interacts with collagen types I, II, III, IV, V, ShdA and Fn happens between the passenger domain and and XI [155]. The YadA-collagen type I interaction has been the ­FnIII13 module, respectively [84, 85], while the interac- studied in most detail due to the strong interactions. It was tion occurring between MisL and Fn has not been further discovered that the trimeric form of the YadA head domain described [87, 168]. Even though SadA shares structural is essential for binding [90]. However, a specifc sequence similarities with YadA and BadA, current studies did not responsible for the interaction with collagen was not identi- succeed in identifying any SadA-mediated interactions with fed so far. Therefore, it is assumed that the binding motif ECM molecules. However, it was shown that SadA plays a is formed by a specifc fold instead of a distinct peptide role in bioflm formation and adhesion to human intestinal sequence [89]. Compared to most serotypes of Y. entero- epithelial cells via a yet unknown mechanism [169]. Addi- colitica, the YadA of Y. pseudotuberculosis possesses an tionally, Rck and PagC, Salmonella-homologs of Ail of Y. additional short stretch within its head domain. This region pestis, have proved to induce bacterial binding to Ln and Fn, signifcantly determines the diferential ECM-binding rep- when these adhesins are expressed in E. coli [88, 91]. ertoire of the two Yersinia species. Actually, the deletion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen this region abrogated Fn-binding but increased binding to afecting mainly immunocompromised patients and also has collagen by four- to fvefold and signifcantly enhanced bind- demonstrated afnity to ECM proteins (Fn and Ln). The ing to Ln [158]. YadA of Y. enterocolitica also binds Fn and outer membrane porin Q (OprQ), known to play an impor- Ln, however, with a signifcantly lower afnity compared to tant role in membrane permeability, resistance, collagen and using a diferent binding region in the YadA and virulence, was later identifed as a FnBP. Based on the molecule [121, 156]. Y. enterocolitica strains of serotype O:9 observation that the expression of Fn is positively correlated contain a similar stretch and it was shown that this stretch is with the degree of injury in afected tissue from lung epithe- responsible for vitronectin binding [162]. The YadA–colla- lial cells [170], it seems to be possible that overexpression gen interaction can even resist harsh conditions as incubation of Fn favors the adherence and colonization of P. aerugi- at 80 °C for 20 min, pH values from 5.0 to 10.0, proteolytic nosa in patients promoted by OprQ [82]. Moreover, Ln is a treatment, and incubation in 1 M urea [163]. ubiquitously expressed ECM protein in the respiratory tract

1 3 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 291 and is a highly important target for Paf (orthologue protein directed to combat serious infections. Many strategies of H. infuenzae protein F) in P. aeruginosa also facilitating designed against bacterial survival and growth pathways bacterial adherence [83]. are already established; nevertheless, the selective pressure Helicobacter pylori is the etiological agent of gastritis imposed by bactericidal promotes continuously the spread and malignant neoplasias, such as gastric cancer. The adher- of resistant strains among clinical patients. This fact under- ence to the gastric epithelium has been shown to enhance lines the need for redirecting the focus to alternative thera- infammation, yet only a few H. pylori adhesins have been peutic targets. Furthermore, the ambitious idea of blocking paired with targets in host tissue. H. pylori was described virulence factors associated with bacterial colonization and as binding some ECM proteins with diferent afnity: vit- infection processes is an attractive strategy to possibly pre- ronectin [171], collagen type IV, and Ln [172]. The binding vent infections, to attenuate already existing infections, and capacity of H. pylori to collagen type IV and Ln was reduced to promote the natural clearance of the pathogen [3, 29, 39, when the bacteria was subjected to proteolytic enzymes, sug- 177]. gesting that the bacterial attachment to the basement mem- As stated before, adhesion plays a primordial role at dis- brane is mediated by bacterial surface proteins [172]. Later tinct steps of the infection process; therefore, the attempt research demonstrated that H. pylori mutants lacking the of targeting this interaction by the application of “anti- adhesins AlpA and AlpB showed reduced binding to Ln, adhesion”-therapeutics is not new and has been approached while expression of a plasmid containing the alpAB locus previously. One example is the type I pili adhesin of uropath- in E. coli conferred Ln-binding capacity. Surprisingly, such ogenic E. coli (FimH), which binds to mannosylated recep- mutants did not show lesser infammation capacity than the tors on the surfaces of mammalian bladder epithelial cells. wild-type when gerbils were experimentally infected [81]. Anti-adhesion agents targeting FimH-mannosylated interac- tion have been observed either disrupting the adhesin protein directly [178, 179] or interfering with the binding by ft- Other interactions related to ECM binding ting the binding pocket of the host receptor in FimH (FimH proteins: degradation of ECM proteins antagonists) [180–182]. In murine models, administration of by bacterial proteases a FimH antagonist has proven to decrease bacterial coloniza- tion to similar levels as by antibiotic treatment suggesting In order to reach the host tissue, bacteria can make use of an attractive alternative to classical [183, 184]. endogenous proteases to degrade the basement barrier pro- However, it is worth mentioning that no antivirulence agent tecting the ECM [4]. Presence of proteases has been more against uropathogenic E. coli has been tested in humans so commonly described for fungi and parasites. However, the far. activity of a few bacterial proteases in the host ECM has Alternatively, the observation of mucus secretion as a also been observed. Examples are elastase and alkaline natural defense mechanism against enteropathogens guided proteases produced by, e.g., P. aeruginosa; both enzymes the scientifc interest in studies of a variety of mucin gly- target soluble Ln resulting in diferent cleavage products coproteins mimicking the glycosylation patterns present in [173]. Another example is a chymotrypsin-like protease epithelial surface receptors. Mucins bind and immobilize from Treponema denticola which allows bacterial invasion bacteria, favoring the bacterial clearance by discharging the of the basement membrane after degradation of Ln, col- mucus layer from the gastrointestinal tract [185]. Purifed lagen IV, and fbrinogen [4, 174]. In H. pylori, proteases bovine mucin (Muc1) extracted from cow milk inhibited the of the high-temperature requirement A (HtrA) family have binding in vitro of Gram-negative pathogens (E. coli and S. ECM protein degradation activity. HtrA proteins cleave Fn enterica serovar Typhimurium) to intestinal epithelial cells in in vitro assays, suggesting implications of the secreted [186]. HtrA in the infection process and in the disruption of the Peptide-based adhesion inhibitors represent another epithelial barrier [175]. In Y. pseudotuberculosis, the Pla attractive approach to interfere with bacterial adherence. protein has protease activity degrading Ln and fbrin during The feasibility of large-scale production and effective- the invasion of epithelial cells [176]. ness in in vitro assays makes them an attractive target for an antiadhesive therapy approach. A promising example is represented by the multivalent adhesion molecule (MAM7), Inhibition of bacterial adhesion as a possible a bacterial surface protein involved in the attachment of a therapeutic strategy range of Gram-negative bacteria (enteropathogenic E. coli, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Vibrio spp.) to the host cell The overwhelming increment of antibiotic resistance in membrane receptors (Fn, phosphatidic acid) [187, 188]. many clinical bacterial isolates has stimulated the scientifc An in vitro assay using bead-coupled MAM7 successfully and medical interest for the development of new approaches reduced the cytotoxicity of host cells. It should be noted

1 3 292 Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2020) 209:277–299 that this approach was not interfering with the bacterial-host in the light of the global threat of emerging and spreading receptor binding process directly, but via a bacterial-host antibiotic-resistant pathogens, anti-adhesion and in a more receptor competition strategy after the pre-exposition of the general way anti-virulence therapies might be a worthwhile host-receptor binding pocket to bead-coupled MAM7. The alternative to classical antibiotic treatment. results brought to light a potential application of MAM7 as a prophylactic agent against multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens [189, 190]. Concluding remarks Moreover, elucidating the molecular mechanisms respon- sible for the anti-adhesive capacity of bioactive natural com- As we gain more and more insights into the interactions pounds from plants might give some insights about strate- that occur during host cell adhesion, colonization, and the gies to block bacteria–host interactions avoiding endogenous invasion processes of pathogenic bacteria, the complexity impact on cellular host signaling. Some examples are the of these interactions becomes obvious. The evolution of anti-adhesion activity described for salvianolic acid B (SA- adhesin structures and the redundancy for cellular targets B) against Neisseria meningitidis [191], the use of cranberry suggest a dynamic interaction and adaptability to the par- proanthocyanidins against uropathogenic E. coli [192, 193], ticular conditions in host tissues. This creates a challenge and the identifcation of anti-adhesive peptides against a H. for researchers aiming at the inhibition of host–pathogen pylori FnBP obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of pea interactions. Even though matrix-binding proteins have been seeds Pisum sativum [194]. The presence of food compo- studied for more than 40 years, it is still a long way to com- nents contrasting bacterial adhesion has been reviewed prehensively understand the underlying molecular mecha- extensively [195]. nisms important for the bacterium–host interplay. Because Despite the promising future of anti-adhesion therapy, of the current limitations associated with the application of several considerations have to be made before the applica- any anti-adhesion therapy, further eforts are necessary to tion of this concept to patients. First, the redundancy of the better understand these interactions in the search for thera- interaction between adhesins and cellular receptors repre- peutic alternatives to overcome the severe threat by multi- sents a challenge. For instance, TAAs such as BadA and drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. YadA show afnity to various ECM proteins [44, 156], while curli and fagellin from E. coli strains bind not only ECM Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Viral and Bac- terial Adhesin Network Training (ViBrANT) Program funded by the proteins but also cellular receptors involved in immunity European Union’s HORIZON 2020 Research and Innovation Program [196, 197]. Moreover, many pathogens such as P. aerugi- under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 765042, by nosa express a wealth of adhesion and other virulence fac- the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DFG FOR 2251] and by the tors that may act in concert and/or redundantly. Blocking Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany (Bartonella consiliary labora- tory, 1369-354). This article is published as part of the Special Issue the function of a single adhesion molecule would, therefore, on “Vibrant ITN”. be an unsuccessful therapeutic strategy. Additionally, the design of high-afnity anti-ligands might be considered as a Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea- milestone for the treatment of bacterial infections. The simi- tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​ larity between pathogenic adhesins and extracellular protein​ ses/by/4.0/​ ), which permits unrestricted use, distribu- C. jejuni tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate domains, as the case of FlpA from and Fn type III credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the domains [63], implies that interfering with pathogen attach- Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. ment might compete with host signaling pathways leading to undesirable consequences [198]. Another drawback is the fact that adhesins are often expressed only at very distinct time points of the infection process, as shown for YadA and References invasin of Y. enterocolitica [156, 199, 200]. Based on this, the successful application of anti-ligands for treatment (once 1. 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