Ulintnn in the Home of the Pit of Snakes Tokyo Tauo
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.. w=w• - »- Ulintnnin the Pit of Snakes Home of the t , TokyoTauo :::..c: -Page3 P • 11 P 1 -Page 15 \ ...... •cc, c::,e,111111::1:� --Voluem- 3, N- ubem r24,J-- uen l6,- 1993 GayFilmFest ____FR-EE ______ -Page9 GuitarMan -Page11 StraightDope -Page13 ----- -------.�-------�--�-----.......... Dissing the trustees Letters Congratulationsfor having the guts to print John Pritchett's caricatureof Chopper madness 1 secret constitutional amendment the trustees for Bernice Pauahi The helicopter problems Pat allowing helicopter pilots to disre Bishop's estate (HW6/2). Theestate Tummons cites(''Birds of Prey,"HW gard everyoneelse's safety, privacy, is a classic example of a good idea 6/2) are not confined to rural areas. peace and quiet in favorof profitable gone bad. While the estate watches Right here in urban Honolulu, heli and irresponsible joy riding. its portfolio grow and the trustees copter pilots and aviation officials LarryMeacham enjoy their ride on the gravy train, have ignored residents' noise and the Hawaiian people continue to safety concernsfor years. Chopper madness 2 decline. Is this what Princess Bernice For example, a few years ago a heli I've just finished reading the "Birds Pauahi Bishop envisioned when she copter hovered about 75 feetabove of Prey" articleconcerning the many set up the trust?These trusteesshould BeretaniaStreet at Pensacola for about adverseeffects of helicopters.Without becustodians of her will, not the ben 10 minutes, deafening the whole reciting those many effects and the eficiaries of it. neighborhood in what we thought numerous crashes we have heard The Kamehameha Schools is one of was some sortof emergencyor SW,AJ' about, I wouJd like to propose a solu the most heavily endowededucational team operation. It turnedout he was tion.All city and county councils and institutions in the world, yet out of waiting to drop flower petals on a the state Legislature should pass res the 55,000 childrenqualified to attend, McKinley High School reunion.The olutions to the effect that the heli current enrollment sits at about 3,200. helicopter company said hovering copter tour companies have three By all rights, the Hawaiian people belowthe roofline was perfectlylegal months to agreeand two years to should be the best-educated people as long as there was a landing spot implement a conversion from heli on the face of this earth. Why isn't nearby (the Safeway parking lot?). copters to blimpsor other silent vehi therea KamehamehaSchool on every The FAA did nothing. So much for cles if they are to avoid a barrage of island and an education program at the 500-footheight restriction. regulations, investigations and court OCCC for the Hawaiian "children" Helicopters alsoregularly fly up Pauoa battles. I say "resolutions" since, who have fallen through the cracks? and other valleys below the ridge according to the articles,the FAA is I'm sure that the trusteesjustify their lines, making major noise and con unwilling to undertake serious regu obscene salariesby saying thatthey're stituting a safety hazard. The pilots lation. Let us take whatever actionis merelyfollowing the letter of thetrust, claim they are following the law necessary to drive offthese preda but obviously they adhereto the ones because they are 500 feetabove the tors. Sightseeing- fine.Noisy sight that benefit them. Whateverhappened valley floor. Neighborhood boards seeing - no way! to The Children of the 'Aina? have problems following up these If the helicopter tour companies con Pegge Hopper complaintsbecause unlike themovies, tinue their supreme arrogance, as Susan Dorsey the pilots arenot requiredto fileflight revealed by quotes in the articles,let plans or to follow them. us citizensfind appropriate methods In other words, the so-called author of rendering their work supremely itieshave no idea who is flying around unprofitable.One way would be to Honolulu Weekly welcomes your up there. As an experiment, forsev convince tourists that helicopter rides letters. Write to: Editor, Honolulu eral weeks I-called the FAA and the are dangerous, citing the number of Weekly, 1200College Walk, Suite airport tower every time somebody fatalities.Steady leafletingof tourist 212, Honolulu, HI 96817. You must buzzed our neighborhood. Not once sites is just the beginning. Using include your name, addressand in dozens of calls were they able to imagination and working together, telephone number ( only your name identifythe helicopter. many other worthwhile effortscan will be printed). Letters maybe The FAA couldn't care less as long be made to forcethe conversion to editedfor length. Pleaselimit your as nobodyactually dies. They and the silent sightseeing. letters to 200words maximumif pilots apparently believe there is a you do not want to see them cut. • HONOLULU Come a"'d feel the ex pe.-ie"'ce of "The Healit,9 Room" WeeklyVol.J, No. 24 June 16, 1993 Publlsher and Managing EditorLaurie V. Carlson SeniorEdHor Julia Steele AssociateEditor DerekFerrar Calendar: The 1,1ltimate i"' Editor: David K. Choo Film Critics: Bob Green, sfress t<elief a"'d .-elaxatio"'. Mary Brennan TheaterCritic: Leroy Thomson ContributingWriters Cecil Adams, Don Dougherty, James Ridgeway, Liza Simon GIFTCERTIFICATES AVAILABLE CopyCatharine Edit.or Gregory FOR ALL OCCASIONS Art Director Bud Linschoten ProductionIsabella Forster KJNG ST. ContributingPhotographers JeffHelberg, Franco Salmoiraghi License MAtS 877 CartoonistsMatt Groening, John Pritchett, Slug Signorino Interns Joel Fallago, Marguerite Geagan Administrative Support and Classified Advertising Catharine Gregory "Louies(iouies... " Advertising Leo Geensen, Debra Simon ISSN #1057-414X "We appreciate the power of your press. Honolulu Weekly Entire contents © 1993 by Honolulu Weekly,Inc. is the only print medium that Free Spirit utilizes. Each time All rights reserved. our ad runs, we receive a consistently large number of A Memberofthe :) Associationof Alte.mative ___... .:.'ff:P·· ··· inquiries. More importantly, the quality of your readership .A,AN. Newsweek.lies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - -- ----- - � - Manuscriptsshould be accompanied bya LJ'"_______ F R E S H ! P r pe a r ed to 0 ,., d er; Q delivers a high percentage of well-informed, involved and self-addressed stampedenvelope: Honolulu Weeklyassumes 110 responsibili Bay Shrimp Louis tyfor unsolicited material. action-oriented prospects." Subscription rates: Six months $35. Deliciouslyc'hilled, serveowith a tangy sauce. One year $50. Crab Louis Honolulu Weeklyis availnblefre e of Sliced bell pepper, tomato, lettuce, carrot, crabmeat & olive. charge, limited to one copyper reader. Gord•e Norr•s Additional copies maybe purchasedat our Seafood Louis or Shrimp Louis office. No person may, wit/routpermission Free Sp•n1 samna Assoc•a1es, Inc, ofHonolulu Weekly,take more titan one copyo f each Honolulu Weeklyissue. •. .AnothersatisPed Honolulu Weekly odvenise��, 120QCollege Wall<, Suite 212 Q Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 "' CallLeo or Debraat �28-1185. Telephone: 808 528-1475 c!1:�r fln-rti� @0 it n.E� · .-·� 2 • June 16, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly Analysis A giftthat will makethem feel good long afterit:, opened. Clintonin the Tax Snal{e Pit Giftcertificate., availahk. I inethe fool.:on theirfaa when theyd/ip into a new pairof Bir/.:endtockd. ® Withmaga conto=dfit and dhocl.: abdor6in Jo/.e,they re enoughto makanyone dmile. g Already BirkenAockFootprinl:cl 1050 AlaMoana Blvd. stumbling, the Honolulu.,HI 96814 Bllkendod&·IThe original comfort shoe. TM (808) 531-6014 president has © 1993 Birkenstock is a registered trademark. now fallen into ASHINGTON, two countries will become porous D.C.- Already in the viper's nest and Mexico will bemore or less disarray, the Clinton just another state. This means col Remember Dad and his Mother/Earth administrationhas of congressional lecting taxes, even from U.S.-based now floundered into corporations, will be next to impos the tax committees tax committees, sible: Mexico itself doesn't bother of the Congress, where some of to collect taxes fromforeign com snake pit of the lob panies. In effect, it will become one byists who have long dominated the worst stings immense tax haven. Democratic Party politics. The And Clinton's proposal includes result: The president's only victory have been a tax-collecting scheme which to date - his budget blueprint - would create yet another bureau is in danger of being tom to pieces coming from cratic boondoggle: He wants to by leaders of his own party. Among members of his require corporations to pay tax the most ominous signs of this is based on their own records of the news that the president gave up own party. The transfers. What that means is more last week on his BTU (British work forlawyers, economists, and Thermal Unit) energy tax, the cen firstcasualty: accountants - a sort of grand new terpiece of his enterprising attempt Clinton's BTU annuity fund for Beltway lobbyists. to combine deficit requction with Clinton promised during the Products to protect our planet new investment. energy tax, cen campaign that his proposals for Setting social policy through the new taxes on multinationals would Kilohana Square: 1016A Kapahulu Avenue tax system is generally not a good terpiece of his generate $44 billion in new rev idea, since goals are likely to get enue over four years. The adminis Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 735-6825 twisted in the Byzantine behind budget plan. trationnow concedes the true the-scenes debates in the House figure is about $1 billion per year. Ways and Means and Senate