Cheshire East Council Local Governance Review


Borough Councils have a duty to conduct community governance reviews every 10-15 years.

This review by CEC has looked at all Parish Councils throughout East and has put forward a series of proposals. The recommended changes suggested that impact our parishes are:

• Of the four wards currently within the Sutton Parish Council’s boundary, Lyme Green Ward should move within the boundary;

• The Sutton Rural Ward should be upgraded to become a new Parish Council and be expanded to include the two Parish Meetings of Wincle and Macclesfield Forest & ;

• Sutton Parish Council would be smaller and only consist of the Sutton Lane End and Langley Wards.

Points to consider re the amalgamation of Sutton Rural Ward and Wincle/Macclesfield Forest & Wildboarclough Parish Meetings:-

• Wincle and Macclesfield Forest & Wildboarclough are very different types of rural communities to that of the Sutton Rural Ward. Although, there are some similarities with the higher land up to the A54, the Sutton area also includes more semi-rural areas such as Leek Old Road and Parvey Lane.

• The two Parish Meetings are in the Peak District National Park, who have their own national park planning policies, whereas the Sutton Rural Ward comes under CEC for Planning.

• 8 councillors have been suggested for the combined population of 672 electors for the expanded Sutton Rural Council (WBC=160; Wincle=150; Rural Sutton=362). Using the CEC guideline of 84 electors per councillor, this would probably mean 2 councillors each for WBC and Wincle, with 4 for Rural Sutton. Consideration is also being given to splitting the area into 3 wards for electoral purposes, but it has been noted that this would add to the costs, due to the election process requirement. Whatever the changes, there would be an increase in the administration overheads needed to facilitate and coordinate the varying needs of these areas, possibly a paid Clerk. In turn, this would impact each households Council Tax contribution through an increased parish precept.

Action required

The consultation is due to start in the next few weeks and will be found on the CEC website ( By scrolling down the first page it will found under ‘Consultations’.

Whether you agree with the proposals or not, it would be good to make your views known. The most effective way is to write individually to CEC and/or Cllr. Andrew Gregory, the Councillor for Sutton ([email protected]), to let them know your opinion of the proposed changes. This will ensure the final decision is democratic and reflects the wishes of parish residents, rather than just accepting the CEC review’s proposals without comment.