Macclesfield. 855
• • :MACCLESFIELD. 855 • -· • NEWSPAPERS. Conservative Club, 6, Chester gate-Henry Uacclef!.field Advertiser and East C/w;hire Abbott, secretary and registration Gazette, 50, Mill street, published agent ' every Saturday-Joshua Daniel, pro County Lunatic .Asylum, Parkside, Chester ' prietor and publisher. (&e advl.) road-Peter Maury Deas, M.B., medi Ncu:.desfield Courier and lierald, Office, ·19, cal superintendent ; Thomas Lyle, Chester gate, published every Saturday M.D., assistant medical officer; Rev. -Jnmes Swinnerton, proprietor and Edwd. Powell Nicholl, M.A., chaplain; publisher. (See advertisement) Thomas Barton, clerk and steward Maccle.~eld Fr~e Pre.~s and Bollin,gton lYews, County Police Statim1, King Edward street Office, 59, Mill street, published on -Henry Saxton, superintendent 'Vednesday-Clarson and Baker, pro Pire Engi11e Station, Town hall, Church side prietors and publishers. - William Sheasby, superintendent Macclesfield Guardian, Office, 38, Market Gas Wo1·ks, Hibel road-John Hy. Lyon, place, published every Saturday - managel", Stanley, and S. Buckley Clarson and Baker, publishers and and J ames Bamford, collectors proprietors. (See advertisementt) Highway Bom·d .f#Jr H·estbury Didsiou, 1 !), King Edward street-Thos. Carswcll, PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. surveyor Baths, Davenport street-V\.,.illiam Fisher, Infirmary, Cumberland street- Charles manager Edward Hardymau, house surgeon ; Board of Health, Office, Town hall-.Tabez Henry M. Fernie, John L. Rushton, Wright, surveyor; Dr. George Bland, M.D.; James B. Hughes, J.I>.Allwood, medical officer; Samuel Whittaker, Thomas A. Somerville, hon. medical collector ; J ames Barber, comptroller; officers; F. F. Lallemand, John Birch Alfred Ridgway, sanitary inspector enall, Ja:mes Bland, hon. consulting B<Yrough Pofice Station, l, Church sirle medical officers; Wm.
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