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HOSE WHO KNOW free flow of ideas and knowledge; the will- group, and within a few days it will propa- generally describe It with enthu- ingness of some site sponsors to bear the gate to every site subscribing to that news- siasm or exasperation - often cost of relaying messages for others; and, group. Or, the poster can put geographic both. It is the motherlode of noncommer- most importantly, the time and effort users limits on distribution (only the San Fran- cial electronic information - a service, donate in putting good stuff online. For in cisco Bay area, just Canada, etc.). spawned by hackers, that has grown to the end it's the content which attracts. In There are currently about 600 newsgroups, Amazonian dimensions in a decade. Still terms of quantity and quality, in most sub- covering everything from backpacking to growing rapidly, Usenet is already indispen- ject areas, Usenet is hard to beat. microbiology, feminism to Fortran. Here sable for academics, researchers and people The vast majority of Usenet sites are in are some particularly interesting, useful, in technical professions, and it's gradually North America, with beachheads in Europe, and/or popular ones: becoming accessible to the general public. Asia and Australia. Begun in 1979-80 as a altJctivsm Discussions among political activists Brief glimpses of Its burgeoning role have user-run service for student programmers alt.bbs About BBS systems & software already appeared in the mass media. Chinese working with UNIX (an operating system alr.sex Postings of a prurient nature students in North America used It to organ, for computers), most of the early sites were comnp.igest Discussion of artificial intelligence ize support for the pro-democracy move- on college campuses, and most of the mes- comp.dcom.telecom "Telecom Digest" (mod- ment back home. Scientists turned to it for sages concerned computing. The volume erated), about telephony hot news about "cold fusion" and new was small enough that the communication comp.newprod Announcements of new com- superconductive materials. The virulent costs went unnoticed in departmental puter products software infection unleashed by Robert phone bills. comp.risks Risks to the public from computers Morris, Jr., made headlines in 1988 by clog- &users Today, the message traffic is so large that Software for the Apple ging it up for a few days. (The untold story comp.sources.mac communications costs and staff time are big Macintosh there is that the antidote was also distri- budget Items, particularly at "backbone" comp.sys.ibm.pc Discussion of IBM personal buted through Usenet. Systems that went sites, where articles and electronic mail computers &compatibles offline to "protect" themselves had a converge for forwarding. No one really comp.virus Computer viruses &system security harder time recovering.) knows what the total cost of Usenet serv- misc.forsale Short postings about items for sale Usenet is an information cooperative. ice is. Each site handles its own financing, mlsc.jobs.offered Announcements of positions available There is no owner, no control center, no and arrangements between sites are nego- misc.headlines.unitex Articles from the UN membership fees. It's not even an organiza- tiated privately. Individual users at most Information Transfer Exchange tion, really. Each Usenet site has someone institutionally sponsored sites pay nothing pubnet.nixpub Usts of public access UNIX/ designated as the administrator, and there is for access. However, the real total cost Usenet sites a "backbone cabal" of senior administrator s must run into millions of dollars per year. rec.bicycles Bicycles, related products and laws who act as Usenet's custodians. But that's Usenet sites today are typically colleges, rec.muslc.gdead Discussion group for (Grate- ful) Dead-heads about it, in terms of human bureaucracy. research centers, high-tech corporations recaru.tv About television programs, past Within that minimal framework, some and public agencies. A growing number of and present 16,000 sites are now linked by phone lines non-institutional dial-in points give or sell sci.enerly The science & technology of energy and data circuits to distribute about 3,000 public access (see list to follow). Computer scl.environment Discussions about the en- articles, announcements, queries, polemics, topics and programming still account for vironment, ecology reports and comments each day on every about 40 percent of the postings. But other scl.nanotech Molecular-scale machines conceivable subject. An estimated 580,000 interests have rapidly expanding support - sci.space Space programs and related research people have regular access to Usenet througlh especially social and political discussions, soc.culturexchina About China and Chinese local site computers - twice as many as science, and recreation. culture soc.singles Single people and their activities two years ago, ten times as many as six How do Usenetters slog through 3,000 ar- talk.olitics.mdest Discussion of Middle years ago. ticles a day? They don't. Articles are posted Eastern events What holds this sprawling subculture to- to "newsgroups,' which are like continually talk.pohti.ms Political discussions and gether is a few basic agreements on message - updated topical magazines that any site can polemics of all kinds heading formats, network addresses and arrange to get. Some newsgroups have talk.poliics.soviet Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign software compatibility; the "netnews" soft "moderators" (editors) who do all the ware all sites have for managing the deluge posting. Most do not. Anyone on Usenet Anyone can suggest a new newsgroup. But of articles; a shared commitment to the can post an article to a unmoderated news- to be added to the "mainstream distribution

27 GATE FIVEROAD SAUSALITO. CA 94965 1 3 /13 I mechanism," it must gin of at least 100 vo referendum open to discussion period. Th looser for starting mn in the name. This pre native hierarchy" wh as well-sponsored as Not all sites get all n jects are pretty esot! volume (around 50 n newsgroups combine available storage cap; reason most sites ha, after a few weeks. t< Fortunately, some sil certain newsgroups. to order copies thro Each site administrat groups to get. often users there want. Us scribe" to newsgrou regularly; when they grams for article sell subject headings of a in just their chosen i still call up articles from other newsgroups named "nn" may be more suitable for received at the site. Subscriptions are just 401/997-9119 aetcoa Sa Jeon CA beginners. It has fewer commands to learn 412/4311-89 eklektik lltisburg PA an easy way to reduce the time spent scan- and nice "help" menus. 415/332-6106 well Sauslito CA 41i/753-5265 wtf Sm Prm-ece CA ning and rejecting unwanted material. 411n/S-20S4 efall Hayud CA GETTING STARTED 41/1452-0926 IneaptOm ON Here is a list of one day's worth of articles 41t/461-2601 auoft Toatio ON in "sci.energy: a medium-size newsgroup To use Usenet you have to find a convenient. 4161654-1S54 abosett Teroto ON affordable point of access. Even if you aren't S02/9«63S401 disk Louisville XY with consistently good postings. The num- S0312/4-0451 bucket Ponland working or studying at a site-sponsoring in- 503/640-4262 VDX O bering shows the order of arrival at the 3161172-2137 1111mb Lm| slad NY stitution. you may be able to convince a WELL (higher - more recent). Numbering Si /13468033 upolite NY friend who is to capture articles or news- 6021941.2005 1roads&sort3 Pboeixa AZ may vary from site to site. since not all 103/110-1120 abbel-l Nushs NH groups for you on floppy disk. They might 605134S-2735 ol(t)S6 Rapi City SD articles travel the same route. To start madaix MH4sed WI computer di- 601/273-2657 reading any of these, you just type the ar- even let you dial in to their 6121473-229S psts I dMineapolis Mn rectly to download material, or to visit 61531196-71« raider Marfresaboto TN ticle number. "Re:" means a reply to a 616/457-1964 wybbs leuIgll)uises Idha in person to browse once in a while. 61t/444.7006 BCOm CA previous posting: T03/21t.7-97 grofbyibpnt Vies VA Then there are public access sites. The 713/334.1204 ucksit uston IX 564 Re: Office Equipment As Energy Users 71314351-011 Houese IX 565 Fuel cells - your experience! following is extracted from a list maintained 714/142-151 aumxcha Soa Aa CA 714/894-2246 st-oat Inrie CA 566 Re: Outdoor Ughting by Phil Eschalier. The following entries all 1011943-7947n42.sssbt i-4arS Sail Latk City UT 567 Re: "Revolutionary" Solar Cell Technology provide Usenet access for free - though 802/l65-3614 tal Barliltosa VT 919/493S-.71 *woves Durba INC 568 Re: Outdoor Lighting they might not carry all the newsgroups 569 Re: Electric cars? Start with wheelchairs. you want. Keep in mind that some of the The WELL' is a Usenet site. and has at 571 Energy-efficient llightbulbs may be outdated by the information here least three features which recommend it as 572 Re: energy-efficient lightbulbs versions of Es- time you read it. Updated a good choke for access. First, there is an 573 Re: Office Equipment As Energy Users challier's list are posted every couple of 574 Re: Outdoor Lighting online conference devoted to using Usenet weeks in the "pubnet.nixpub" newsgroup. 575 Venting clothes driers - Inside or outside? effectively. When you enter the WELL,

576 Re: Energy satellites useI Public Acces Silt type "g usenet" to get there. It has a 577 Re: Energy-efficient lightbulbs library of basi references, you can ask Telephone Sys- ame Locatio 578 Longer-life lightbulbs - home use questions without feeling stupid, get an- 579 Re: hydro power and solar power are 2011146-2460 New aswcn swers from the staff gurus, and read the NOT CLEAN 2121179-9031 asylI NYCt NY 213/376-5714 pa«l02pnllt42 Redeede B CA answers to others who are elsewhere on 2141247-2367 eadalta Dallas IX Each Usenet site has programs that let 214/741-2130 Dallas *IX the learning curve. The second attraction is readers select, display, reply to, and dispose 215/341-9727 Ilpil Doylesow- PA 312/272-5912 1l0oo Northbrooek I that the WELL gets nearly all of the active of articles. The above is what one would 312/283-0559 esiee Chicag IL newsgroups. mainstream and otherwise. The 312/301-2100 jolaet Joliet IL see using the interface program called "rn." 312/1S6-1911 ddiwmacurl I Muoelels IL third Is that the cost is low ($8/month and Some find these interfaces intimidating or 312/13381126 vpeet Villa Park IL $3/hour, plus communications-link charges). 3131623-6309 Clurklto b hard to learn. They aren't difficult, really. 404/321-5020 Atlrsa OA 4071310.-221 novax Orlado PL once you get the hang of them. But those Sa Clan CA 'The WELL. 27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito, 401/147--110 pertll who developed Usenet were computer 401/72S-0561 portal Cpertliae CA CA 94965; 415/332-4335. 1 4 WINTER 1989 /q4/ poration founded by USENIX, the UNIX contact Anterior Technology, P O. Box users' association, to improve access and 1206, Menlo Park, CA 94026-1206; provide news-feeds to other sites on con- 415/328-5615. tract. Prices depend on all sorts of variables Once you have access to Usenet, you have you'll (how many news-feeds you want, how you to learn to use at least one of the interfaces. Once you actually get into Usenet, find additional resources there to fine-tune connect to uunet, etc.), but the base rate is The manuals can be found at the sites where and expand your skills. Subscribe to these $35/month, plus communications charges. they are installed. However, they are invari- newsgroups, and pretty soon you'll be teach- uunet is reachable through the Compuserve ably written in hacker-ese, and may not be your friends how to use Usenet: Packet network or via Tymenet, and they enough to get you through your first session ing can open accounts for you at either. To take unassisted. It helps to watch someone else news.newusers.questions: a news-feed from uunet, your computer go through a session before attempting it Qlestions/answers for beginners must have the suite of UNIX programs called solo, and if you can find a more experienced news.announce.newusers: Guidance, "," or one of the substitutes designed person to coach you through your first en- explanations of USENET policies for non-UNIX machines. For a free infor- counter, that's even better. Again, it's not news.groups News about newsgroups mation kit, contact uunet at 3110 Fairfield that the interfaces are difficult. It's just that news. misc Discussions of USENET itself Park Drive. Suite 570, Falls Church, VA they'll present you with unfamiliar options, A shareware program called UFGATE 22042-4239 (voice phone 703/876-5050). and the on-screen "help" may not be enables IBM-compatibles to exchange Because Usenet has grown so vast and so adequate. files, electronic mail and newsgroup arti- time-consuming to sort through, Anterior For self-tutoring, a book called UNIX Com- cles with USENET - ineffect turning a Technology has started an article filtration munications explains how to use Usenet in PC with access into a "leaf site:' UF- service. Their editors eliminate what they clear, easy-to-follow steps. It covers the GATE is free to noncommercial users. consider junk, and the refined product is most popular interfaces, netnews, electronic There's a $35 registration fee for those marketed as the "In Moderation Network." mail, "uucp" file transfers and the basics of wanting support, a manual and updates; This is a controversial venture which many posting articles. It got me started, and I still registration is $195 for commercial sites. Usenetters think violates the spirit and ideals rummage through it for new insights. (UNIX UFGATE can be downloaded directly of the net. However, it may be practical as Communications, by Bart Anderson, Bryan from the Late Night Software BBS a time-saver, if you're only interested in Costales, and Harry Henderson: © 1987; (415/695-0759), or ordered on diskette "serious" newsgroups, not the ones where 542 pp. $26.95 from Howard W. Sams & from Late Night Software, c/o Tim emotional, unresolvable or outrageous dis- Co., 4300 W. 62nd Street, Indianapolis. Pozar, 671 28th Street, , CA cussions prevail. For more information, IN 46268.) 94131 (voice phone 415/695-7727). ·

27 GATEFIVE ROAD SAUSALITO. CA 4965 1 1 5 The Matrix BMUGIMac Support After you've successfully taken one trip, As computers gradually worm their way you grab the atlas and study it for ideas into our homes, offices, and lifestyles, and possibilities for the next one. This is we discover that to fully utilize them an atlas of the world of telecommunica- requires computer support. It's like find- tion networks. It's a great reference book ing out that babies are followed by for those who have dipped into one on- diapers and day care. line community, and wonder what else is out there. Whether you're getting into a love af- fair with the machine or just optimizing This 631-page volume may become one an investment, computer support begins BMUG Newsletter of the holy books df the telecommuni- with reading the literature. Since com- Randall P.Simon, Production Manager cations world - especially for those puter developments, like other hi-tech who think the people using the technol- $40/year (2issues) from BMUG ephemera, have a minimal half life, a Inc., 1442A Walnut Street, Berkeley, ogy are more interesting than the work- monthly magazine is a must if you want CA 94709; 415/549-2684. ings of the physical networks that link to stay on top of the scene. If you have them together. This is not to say that it is a Macintosh there's a choice of two - 440-page "newsletter" with a press run not a technical book; it is. But the focus MacWorld and MacUser. I subscribe of 11,000. BMUG is obviously doing is more on the interesting interactions to each and had hoped eventually to something right. among hobbyists, the scientific research eliminate the lesser, but so far it's a community, and the virtual communi- dead heat. They ore both good at sur- BMUG combines folksy openness that's ties that are being reinforced by veying the Mac scene in general, and part of the Mac aura with high-energy this technology. they are both toothless watchdogs when enthusiasm to produce a noncommercial, it comes to biting the advertisers who nonprofit operation thriving on its own The Matrix is described as "a worldwide energy. Their philosophy is embodied in metanetwork feed them. Take your pick. of connected computer their motto, "We're in the business of networks and conferencing systems .. . After magazines come user groups. giving away information." In an era [that] affects the personal and social Here's where you get the straight poop when the location of a few pixels on a lives of millions of users and even in- that the revenue-hungry magazines computer screen can produce a multi- fluences national and international poli- don't pass on. For Mac users these are million-dollar corporate lawsuit, tics." The book surveys in comprehensive Macintosh User Groups, or MUGs, and BMUG's happy-go-lucky consumer detail existing worldwide networks such there are hundreds in the US and Can- advocacy is pure delight. as Usenet, Internet, all the regional and ada. (Apple even has a toll-free number BMUG grosses national networks on each continent for anyone wanting to track down their a half million a year from membership fees (263 pages), and all the commercial localMUG; it's 800/538-9696, ext. 500.) and software networks such as The WELL and others. sales, which goes to support its own I highly recommend this work. BMUG, a crew of Mac fanatics in Ber- BBS, a telephone helpline for members, -Steve Cisler keley, is probably the best known. They and a paid staff. Weekly meetings have came together as a crew of struggling featured some of the major names in The Matrix students in 1984, a few milliseconds the industry as speakers. There are a John S.Quarterman, 1989; 600 pp. after the Mac 128 materialized. Now dozen special-interest groups (SIGs) $49.95 postpaid from Digital flash forward from struggling students that focus on topics from music and Press/Sales, 12 Crosby Drive, mail and dinky 128s to the present - a desktop publishing to telecommunica- stop BUO/E94, Bedford, MA 01730; 6,500-member, worldwide organization tions and CAD/CAM, and for beginners 800/343-8321 (or Whole Earth Access). that twice a year puts out a two-pound, there's a BasicMac SIG. --Dick Fugett 3-D Catalog

Hey, look at thisl It's a catalog of nearly .....1I...... -- 1~~~ ,.. TWIN CABLE RELEASE POLARIZING every kind of 3-D stereo gadget that's _ ..- FILTERS available. They've got those funky red- ·*.,I; I and-blue cardboard glasses for 3-D . XI FOR 3-D movies, several makes of View-Masters Ar (N that take circular disks of travel snap- \1 '. -i.,1. PROJECTION shots (you can make your own), and modern stereo picture viewing equip- CARDBOARD FRAME ment. And books, supplies, and special POLARIZED 3-D CLAMES devices to let you take 3-D photographs When low cost s the main consideration these ottfr -quality polahrl s in cardboard trmes. with 35mm film. Get a polarizing kit for Styles subiect to change without notice. a pair of projectors and put on a slide Stock No. 7002...... - .46/iltp. t.2 lb.) show that nobody S0 to Plrmr...4.. ...a 4 H.Il t10 will sleep through. o00 to lg Pr .. 40 me (0.4 lb. pr 10) - 3-D Catalog Catalog fre from Reel 3-D Enter- * Simultaneoubsy fires two 3" x 3" square prises, Inc., P.O. Box 2368, Culver cameras polarizers with City, CA 90231; 213/837-2368. * Mechanical type. s*tarlrdac rllariratifnn at tapered threads· standard (45°) angle * Has synchrutazaticr' to edge. Thick (.030") adjustment plastic. Set of 2. ·* Allows up to 20" separation Stock No. 7603 Precisiodn mrade in West $14.95 (0.1 lb.) k1k, Germany /0 1141vort fit,! - - -, Stock No. 5404...... S3495 10.3 lb. '/VIEWtk I116 WHOLE EARTH REVIEW /i - .... · The Data Informer _,r·rr-";······ ·.8:i Library of Congress (10 First Street, SE, ·- ·-.., · Extremely pricey newsletter for extremely Washington, DC 20540, 202-287-5522), ·r'L~L···;r· " or your congressman's office (call the addicted information junkies. Great tips i··-··'I·:; ,;rr;ji for mining the national wealth of knowl- Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224- .,·c·rrcu ,i·· 3121) can likely supply you with a list of edge buried in the bureaucratic mazes ",T'i.rE:i-·"-: ·j* i"r·:· .·..·- the Library's holdings on a given topic. of that Ultimate Information Processing r-:"L·li;·:.: ;···:,I:..i-·Ji' * Unit: the large-scale chip of Washington, j DC. Here are some excerpts from a V --- The 7-Phone Call Rule single issue. -Kevin Kelly In our world of free information and ex- The Data Informer perts, I have developed a theory that Does Your Bank Violate the Privacy of Matthew Lesko, Editor anyone can find a free expert on any Your Business? $1 2 8/year (12 issues) from In- topic within an average of 7 telephone Under the fair credit and financial privacy formation USA, Inc., P.0. Box calls. The difference between those who laws your bank cannot give financial in- 15700, Chevy Chase, MD 20815; get their information and those who do formation about your account without 301/657-1200. not is that the winners know that in the your approval. However, this law does first 5 or 6 telephone calls they will get not cover your business or commercial and this litigation is all done FREE. This the runaround, unknowledgeable ex- accounts. As a result, most banks pro- office recently helped a small electronics perts and maybe even talk to the same vide financial information on the amount manufacturer in which lost person twice. Those who don't believe of your average daily balance, amount a contract worth a few million dollars in the 7-phone call rule give up after of loans etc. to organizations like Dun because of some bureaucratic bungling. one or two calls and wind up losers. and Bradstreet without customer's ap- This office not only did all the legal proval. What is strange is that there is a wrestling for the company FREE and got Protect Your Invention for Only $6.00 law which prevents banks from divulging the manufacturer a government contract, Before you spend thousands on lawyers this information to government agencies but it succeeded in winning a bigger or consultants to protect your idea or but not to private organizations. It is contract than the firm originally had. invention, for six bucks Uncle Sam will estimated that about 80% of the banks Contact: Office of Chief Counsel, US safeguard your idea for two years if you participate in this practice. To stop this Small Business Administration, 1441 L put it down on paper with drawings invasion of privacy, tell your banker to St NW, Washington, DC 20416, 202- and photos and send it in. For details take you off the list. 653-6533 or toll-free at 800-368-5855. on this Disclosure Statement contact: Commissioner of Patents and Trade- Opportunities in Reading Freedom of A $1,500 Market Study For Free marks, Patent and Trademark Office, Information Act Letters Many of the high priced market studies, Department of Commerce, Washington, The greatest aspect of the Freedom of like those of Frost and Sullivan or Predi- DC 20231, 703-557-3225. Information Act (FOIA) is the fact that casts, carry copyrights, and as a result * all Freedom of Information Act request are available free from the Library of Country Experts Are the Place to Start letters are available under the Freedom Congress. The Library receives two for Overseas Opportunities of Information Act. This means that you copies of all copyrighted material and If you are looking for information on a con go to your favorite federal office usually adds these reports to its collec- market, company or most any other and request to see copies of all FOIA tion. The problem isthat these companies aspect of commercial life in a particular request letters. The problem with finding are aware that people use the Library country, your best point of departure is information in Washington is that you of Congress to see these studies and, as to contact the appropriate country desk don't know what to ask for because you a result, they often wait to the last pos- officer at the US Department of Com- don't know what is available. Reading sible legal moment before filing their merce. These experts often have the these letters provides great information copyright. The Library is basically set up information you need right at their clues and shopping lists on what others for visiting researchers, so the easiest fingertips or they can refer you to other have spent weeks, days or even years in way to see these is to visit the library in country specialists. Contact: US Foreign trying to uncover. person. However, these studies ore also and Commercial Services, International available through an inter-library loan Trade Administration, US Department of arranged through your local library. Commerce, Room 2810, Washington, Get Tomorrow's Wall Street Journal The telephone reference section at the DC 20230, 202-377-8220. Headlines Today By calling recorded messages in Wash- ington, DC you can get the same infor- mation by 10 o'clock in the morning CompuAdd needs for lowest cost (in case I lose it), that will appear in tomorrow's "Wall Computer Tool Kit yet contains all the essentials for the Street Journal". This is where business novice technician. The nice case keeps it reporters get the news. The recording is Sooner or later you will need one or all together so I can find the tools when available 24 hours a day. more screwdrivers if you work with com- I need them. Milton Sandy, Jr. US Department of Commerce: puters and their various add-ons, cables, 202-393-4100 and attachments. When you do need Computer Tool Kit Catalog free from CompuAdd Cor- Bureau of Labor Statistics: them, I've found this tool kit proves very poration, P.O. Box 200777, Austin, 202-523-9658 handy. You will find tool kits of all prices TX 78720-0777; 800/627-1967. Federal Reserve Board: and complexity but this one meets my 202-452-3206 oll TeM KIICmda ip min. laoar.S whotidar.tw.om,. tAomW Orwnu r. nd wTomrwdriawn ww viyl crw. 4111-3 14 Isthe Government Treating You Unfairly? Ronml ol KM KatInedw heipkuflt. umtor. *n-atie wruteap. eoidgoun awdwuoldsn weon, idodelngtoolt, ogd tlooia.pieAs and Uncle Sam Will Sue Itself For You oleWfhwnlr tie_. 4113.Sti. (gs9) It is an amazing fact but true. A special Admoe Tol KMIniuac chp inMWra.ct _nd_qum ctpo etao_. WnniIcMt In mlpullra drkr wilhmixrts g,,or. two division, within the Office of Advocacy nWlvrwInd woTencrsm uivelnivtyl c. 41133-.1 at the US Small Business Administration, TmublMosodng T KlhIude dcoipinSt. ip and qu chip Wmnls,Sarilcc tl ap. muJaipleawdrtr whixm xeinmaam. will actually take the governmentto court nu tris, iwo ToriTew mwdrs. ologi proa. a logicpuire, nd s 3- if your business is not getting a fair deal, pie lwwr ietkn avil e . 41134-s e (og. a)

I 27 GATEFIVE ROAD SAUSALITO. CA 94965 1 1 7 '9 7 SPECIAL INAUGURAL REPRINT ISSUE: INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT TOOLS AND IDEAS Whole Earth Review Dedicated to the Incoming Administration 20 January 1996 - Link Page Previous Hello, Central: Phone Conferencing Tips (Winter 1989) Next Ethnobotany: The Search for Vanishing Knowledge (Fall 1989)

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