Kota Palopo Dalam Angka Tahun 2018

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Kota Palopo Dalam Angka Tahun 2018 https://palopokota.bps.go.id https://palopokota.bps.go.id Kota Palopo Dalam Angka Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 ISSN: 2355-4896 No. Publikasi/Publication Number: 73730.1805 Katalog/Catalog: 1102001.7373 Ukuran Buku/Book Size: 14,8 cm x 21 cm Jumlah Halaman/Number of Pages: xxviii + 236 halaman /pages Naskah/Manuscript: Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palopo BPS-Statistics of Palopo Municipality Gambar Kover oleh/Cover Designed by: Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palopo BPS-Statistics of Palopo Municipality Ilustrasi Kover/Cover Illustration: Taman Segitiga Binturu Kota Palopo Diterbitkan oleh/Published by: © BPS Kota Palopo/BPS – Statistics of Palopo Municipality https://palopokota.bps.go.id Dicetak oleh/Printed by: Dilarang mengumumkan, mendistribusikan, mengomunikasikan, dan/atau menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa izin tertulis dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Prohibited to announce, distribute, communicate, and/or copy part or all of this book for commercial purpose without permission from BPS-Statistics Indonesia. ii | Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 Peta Wilayah Administrasi Kota Palopo Map Of Palopo Municipality https://palopokota.bps.go.id Kota Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 | iii https://palopokota.bps.go.id iv | Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palopo Chief Statistician Of Palopo Municipality https://palopokota.bps.go.idRuben, SE. Kota Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 | v https://palopokota.bps.go.id vi | Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 KATA PENGANTAR Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 merupakan publikasi tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh BPS Kota Palopo. Disadari bahwa publikasi ini belum sepenuhnya memenuhi harapan pihak pemakai data khususnya para perencana, namun diharapkan dapat membantu melengkapi penyusunan rencana pembangunan di Kota Palopo. Publikasi ini dapat terwujud berkat kerja sama dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak baik instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan bantuan disampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih yang sebesar –besarnya. Walaupun publikasi ini telah disiapkan sebaik-baiknya, namun disadari masih ada kekurangan dan kesalahan yang terjadi. Untuk perbaikan publikasi ini, tanggapan dan saran yang bersifat konstruktif dari para pemakai sangat diharapkan. Palopo, Agustus 2018 Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik https://palopokota.bps.go.idKota Palopo Ruben, SE. Kota Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 | vii PREFACE Palopo in Figures 2018 is an annual publication written by BPS – Statistics of Palopo Municipality. Honestly, this publication has not perfect yet and has not filled the user’s hope, especially for the planners yet, but hopely it can help to equip compilation of development planning in this municipality. This comprehensive publication has been made possible with the assistance and contribution from several governmental institutions and private organizations. To all parties who have been involved in the preparation of this publication, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude. Comments and constructive suggestions for the improvement of this publication are always welcome. Palopo, August 2018 Chief Statistician of https://palopokota.bps.go.idPalopo Municipality Ruben, SE. viii | Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 DAFTAR ISI/CONTENTS Halaman page Peta Wilayah Kota Palopo/ Map of Palopo Municipality ................................... iii Foto Kepala BPS Kota Palopo/ Photo of Chief Statistician of Palopo Municipality ........................................................................................................ v Kata Pengantar ................................................................................................. vii Preface ............................................................................................................. viii Daftar Isi/ Contents ............................................................................................ ix Daftar Tabel/ List of Tables ................................................................................ xi Daftar Gambar/ List of Figures ........................................................................ xxv Penjelasan Umum/ Explanatory Notes .......................................................... xxvii 1 Geografi dan Iklim/ Geography and Climate................................................. 1 1.1 Geografi/ Geography ............................................................................ 9 1.2 Iklim/ Climate ..................................................................................... 12 2 Pemerintahan/ Government ....................................................................... 13 2.1 Wilayah Administratif/ Administrative Area ....................................... 21 2.2 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/ The Regional House of Representative .................................................................................... 22 2.3 Pegawai Negeri Sipil/ Civil Cervants.................................................... 23 3 Kependudukan dan Ketenagakerjaan/ Population and Employment ......... 31 3.1 Kependudukan/ Population ................................................................ 31 https://palopokota.bps.go.id 3.2 Ketenagakerjaan/ Employment .......................................................... 49 4 Sosial/ Social ............................................................................................... 57 4.1 Pendidikan/ Education ........................................................................ 70 4.2 Kesehatan/ Health .............................................................................. 83 4.3 Agama/ Religion.................................................................................. 94 4.4 Kemiskinan/ Poverty ........................................................................... 96 5 Pertanian/ Agriculture................................................................................. 99 5.1 Tanaman Pangan/ Food Crops .......................................................... 115 5.2 Hortikultura/ Horticulture................................................................. 119 5.3 Perkebunan/ Estate Crops ................................................................ 124 Kota Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 | ix 5.4 Peternakan/ Livestock ...................................................................... 128 5.5 Perikanan/ Fishery ............................................................................ 131 5.6 Kehutanan/ Forestry ......................................................................... 136 6 Energi/ Energy ........................................................................................... 139 7 Perdagangan/ Trade .................................................................................. 147 8 Hotel / Hotel .............................................................................................. 159 9 Transportasi/ Transportation .................................................................... 167 10 Keuangan Daerah dan Harga/ Local Finance and Price ............................. 177 10.1 Keuangan Daerah/ Local Finance ..................................................... 183 10.2 Harga/ Price ...................................................................................... 189 11 Pengeluaran Penduduk dan Konsumsi Makanan/ Population Expenditure and Food Consumption ............................................................................. 193 12 Pendapatan Regional/ Regional Income ................................................... 203 13 Perbandingan Antar Kabupaten-Kota/ Regional Comparison................... 229 https://palopokota.bps.go.id x | Palopo Municipality in Figures 2018 DAFTAR TABEL / LIST OF TABLES Halaman Page 1 GEOGRAFI DAN IKLIM/GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE 1.1 GEOGRAFI/GEOGRAPHY 1.1.1 Luas Wilayah Menurut Kecamatan di Kota Palopo, 2017 Total Area by Subdistrict in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ....................... 9 1.1.2 Tinggi Wilayah di Atas Permukaan Laut (DPL) Menurut Kecamatan di Kota Palopo, 2017 Height Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) by Subdistrict in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ............................................................................... 10 1.1.3 Jarak dari Ibukota Kecamatan ke Ibukota Kota Palopo, 2017 Distance between Subdistrict Capital and Municipality Capital in Palopo, 2017 ........................................................................................ 11 1.2 IKLIM/CLIMATE 1.2.1 Jumlah Curah Hujan Menurut Bulan di Kota Palopo, 2017 Amount of Precipitation by Month in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ....... 12 2 PEMERINTAHAN/GOVERNMENT 2.1 WILAYAH ADMINISTRATIF/ADMINISTRATIVE AREA 2.1.1 Jumlah Desa/Kelurahan Menurut Kecamatan di Kota Palopo, 2017 https://palopokota.bps.go.idNumber of Urban Villages and Villages by Subdistrict in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ............................................................................... 21 2.2 DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT DAERAH/THE REGIONAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE 2.2.1 Jumlah Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Menurut Partai Politik dan Jenis Kelamin di Kota Palopo, 2017 Number of Members of The Regional House of Representatives by Political Parties and Sex in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ........................ 22 Kota Palopo Dalam Angka 2018 | xi 2.3 PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL/CIVIL SERVANTS 2.3.1 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Menurut Dinas/Instansi dan Jenis Kelamin pada Pemerintahan Kota Palopo, 2017 Number of Civil Servants by Institution/Office and Sex in Palopo Municipality, 2017 ..............................................................................
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