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callidryas - Animalia

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i Species Genus Class - Lissamphibia Order Family


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Kingdom Kingdom

Phylum ( N “One of the most beautiful of the , this nocturnal is native to tropical rainforests in the New World. It is inhardy captivity if withprovided a moist, ventilated environment and a of insects.variety Moths Whenthisparticularly species. asleep are relished by during the day, the frog holds its limbs tightly against its body and closes its eyes tightly flush against the body it is easily overlooked during the day as it usually will position itself on the back willof a leaf. It not rouse from this position during daylight hours unless ex- tremely disturbed.“

/species/redeye.html /species/redeye.html g/zoo/zoo/herps/fro/

biome/ biome/ fro1.html fro1.html rainforests. Ms. Cruz eyed_Tree_Frog.htm 7th Grade Science Teacher 7th Grade Science Middle School Calhoun Denton, TX http://www.honoluluzoo.org/Red- RED-EYED TREE FROG FROG TREE RED-EYED http://www.nashvillezoo.org/redeye.htm http://www.belizezoo.or The red-eyed tree frog is one of the http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/ of the movement to save world's http://allaboutfrogs.org/info http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm on earth and has become the symbol most fascinating and popular cam-

tion and their status as

Save the Rainforest

earchers even find ingredi-


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T Although these beautiful creatures are not consid- ered threatened, the condition of their habitat is great concern. Problems global warming, such as drainage,wetland atmospheric and climatic changes, pollution, deforestation have all taken a severe toll on the rainforest. With less rainforest treecomes fewer frogs. Amphibian populations to sufferare known environmental effects sooner than other populations. This makes them a good indicator species. Pictures of the Red-eyed tree frog are seen all over the Theworld. have become a "poster child" for the paign. Their bright colora an indicator species makes them the perfect can- didate to bring attention to this cause. The rainforest beautiful is full of many creatures and beautiful discoveries. There are many animals that have not evenin the been discovered yet rainforest. Medical res ents here for medications new to help people. The rainforest is an important resource cannot that we afford to waste. Impact on Environment Impact Effect of Red-eyed Humans Frog on The Red-eyed tree frog is now wellknown bymost on see them people. You shirts and on mugs. You of even see little models that could say them. You the red-eyed tree frog has become the South Since so many American rainforest's symbol. people are seeing them in pictures, on shirts, and on other stuff, the demand for them in real life has into a grown. it is not unusualThese days to walk R Habitat Food Web of a Tropical Rainforest These frogs live in tropical rainforests in a neotropical environment. They prefer the lowland rainforest areas close to rivers and the adja- cent hills.

Physical Characteristics The most noticeable things about this amphib- ian are the bold, bright red eyes. This frog, as an adult, is brightly colored all over. The body is mostly neon green but it is usually splashed with other colors like blue or yellow. The upper legs are usually bright blue and the feet are orange or red. The coloration of this tree frog is definitely eye catching. The Red-eyed tree frog can change its color with its mood from a darker green to a reddish-brown. These tree frogs have suction cup toe pads. In this frog, males are smaller than the females. Males Temperature and Rainfall in Tropical Rainforest usually reach a length of about 2 inches while 0 0 The average temperature range in a tropical rainforest is 25 —28 C females are usually 3 inches in length. (770-820F). The average rain fall is 200cm or more. The soil is thin and poor in nutri- Specific Adaptations ents. Some may wonder why a frog would have such distinguishing eyes. Does it not make him more noticeable to his predators? This is a good question, but the Red-eyed tree frog has evolved with these particular eyes for a very good reason -- startle coloration! Since the tree frog sleeps during the day, the redness of their eyes is covered up and they blend in better with their surroundings. But if something does start to bother them and they open up those huge, bright red eyes, it may scare their preda- tor away!

Diet These frogs are carnivores and feed primarily at night, feasting on crickets, moths, flies, grasshoppers, and sometimes even smaller frogs! Basically, they will eat any insect or food item that they can fit The feet of this colorful creature are also spe- into their mouths. In captivity, babies eat mostly fruit flies and pin- RED-EYED TREE cial adaptations and important to its survival. head crickets. Tree frogs have feet like suction cups which FROG help them to attach to leaves, branches and the trunks of trees. This is important for mating, Tropical Rainforest Plants sleeping and eating. Even though Red-eyed Most of the foods we eat come from tropical rain forest plants. Ba- tree frogs spend a large portion of their time in nanas, avocadoes, pineapples, peppers, peanuts, oranges, papaya, trees, they are frogs after all and they are good lemon, pepper (the spice), coconut, sugarcane, cassava and cacao - swimmers. - all are fruits or types of foods that come from the rain forest plants. Coffee beans, cashews and Brazil nuts are all native to the tropics. Chicle, used in chewing gum, comes from a tropical tree. Chocolate, popular worldwide, is from the cacao seed, which is native to the tropical rainforest.