Notes and addresses on preliminary pages:

Chromo Transfer Company, 57 Newland St, Stoke on Trent. Edw J Buckley, Secy.

Bellini's, Hanover Hotel & Restaurant, 8 Mill St, Hanover Sq, W.

Cigarettes (small) Brutus No 2.

O.H.M.S. H.L.Gibson Esq, War Office. H de la Bere Esqre, Royal Army Clothing Unit, Grosvenor Road, S.W.

Erasmus Wilson's Hair Wash. One gallon jar 25/9d A.W.Bartlett Esq, 27 - 35 Drury Lane, W.C. Camera Club Hall Porter: E.Calthorpe. Barkers: H.H.Johnston Esq, Managing Director. Gloves, 2 button. Tan Sabian 3/6 Ferro Type Paper No 109.

Electricians: Palmer & Watson, 100 Charing X Road, W.C. Herbert Nash, 1 High St Notting Hill.

Messel & Co, 66 Old Broad St, E.C. James Ismay, 30 James St, Liverpool. Police model: Wm McFadden, P.C. 351.F

India rubber castors: P.Steddall & Co, Broad St, Bloomsbury, W.C. More & Son, Bow High St.

Moon, 13 Clarges Str, W. Ill L.News: James D Symon, Art Editor G.F.Hammond, Editor.

Old man model: R.J.Sargent. 50 Coverdale Rd, Shepherd's Bush. Major Pierson, St Elms, Worthing.

Boot trees: L.Wesley Evans. Boot tree last, Glove tree & Breeches tree makers. 47 Old Compton St, W.


Gilbert Thomas, Daily Graphic, Milford House, Milford Lane W.C. Swain, 157 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C. Reed, E.T. 17 Fitz George Avenue, Kensington West, W. Mr Stace, 46 Carminia Road, Bedford Hill, Balham, S.W. Russell, Lady, of Killowen. 2 Cromwell Houses, Cromwell Rd, S.W. Sambourne, c/o Mrs Woods, 9 Fore St, Sheldon, Teignmouth, Devon. Waterbury Watches. Allan, Ross & Co, 66 Holborn Viaduct, E.C.

Passing bell in Suffolk rung for 1 hour, 3 minute interval.

Dec 22, 30th, Oct 31, whole of Novr & up to above. Jany 6,7,10,11,14

Monday January 1 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.0 or 8.15. Bath. Dosed Roy. Out for stroll. Sea fog. After in morning wrote letters & went Xmas Boxing with H. Lunch. At 2.30 self, H & Roy went out with guns. Shot 7 rabbits, 1 duck (Roy) & 1 teal. Back 4.30. After wrote letters. 3 game of fives with Gwen & Evelyn, Roy & self. Gwen & self won. The Rouths arrived at 6.0pm, at 8.0 Effie, Geoffrey & Alice Gomez, no Conrad. Dined at 8.30. Warm fire. Bed after. Curious dream of taking lodgings with my mother. Sort of eczema itching in night. Nose still irritable. (Cuttings glued in: In Memoriam John Marshall. Death of Edward Colman. Death of Jane Gordon Cumming.)

Tuesday January 2 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.10. Bath. Breakfast. Out for stroll up to gates. After in morning did some more sketches for the Sphere. Changed & lunch. Many people to lunch. Evelyn drove self & Roy to Fonthill for concert at 2.30pm. Good attendance. Little man like John Morley, the Duke of Hamilton etc. Mrs Routh & Alice Gomez sang well & Mrs Patrick Campbell recited the Absent Minded Beggars. Lovely house. Rare old copper line engravings etc, tiger & leopard skins. Walked back, H, Routh, Roy & self. Long way. Very hot. Bath after. Dinner. Took Mrs Routh in. Alice Gomez sang after & dance to follow. Effie kicked her legs about. We all suffered from dancing. Bed at 11.45 after taking hot whiskey. Nostril still irritable. (Red ink: Concert at Fonthill.)

Wednesday January 3 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.0am. Bath. Out in mackintosh, pouring rain. Left at 10.30 to walk to shoot. Guns, Hamilton F, Col Best, Routh, Roy & self. Roy shot well. Very wet. Lunch in a cottage. Left after a partridge drive. Got one bird, Roy brace. Changed & caught the 4.50 train. Annoyed at leaving coat & small travelling bag behind. Cheeky Clerk at Tisbury. Waterloo 8.15. Otley met us. Drove by cab to the Garrick & had hurried dinner & on to Bouverie St at 9.30. Sir W.A, Phil A, Owen S, R.C.L, A à B, self, J.T, F.C.B, A.G, H.W.L, E.T.R, B.P & P.M. Greatly complimented on my drawing of Britannia. Got subject of Salisbury & Ministers. Left 11.0 with J.T. Xmas boxes all round. Home. Bed at 12.30. Dear M awake. Nostril still irritable. (Red ink: Shoot at Pyt House.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Rev George Buckle. Obituary of Canon Buckle. The Lady Evelyn Cobbold, of a daughter.)


Thursday January 4 Stafford Terrace. Birthday. Up 8.30 & round C.H for walk. M gave me a scarf. Wire from Mite. After skemed subject Salisbury & Ministers for classic cut. Photod at 11.45 Roy, Otley & Stace. Developed & got prints by 3.30. Rest & to work at 4.30 to 8.0. Lennie & Mite & M & self dined. Roy late. Champagne 1878, 1 bottle, 1 Lanson. They left 10.30 & bed after tired. Nose still irritable. Wired Edgar who sailed this day for in the Ghoorka. (Red ink: Birthday. Did worst cut for many years.) (Cutting glued in: In memoriam Charles Keene. In memory of Thomas Platt.)

Friday January 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out for walk round Campden Hill. Hard at work all day on drawing of Salisbury & Ministers Classic subject. Did not finish until 9.15. Dined, M, Roy & self. Too tired & exhausted to go to Sir William Agnew's Ball. Roy went & Mite & Lennie. Slept in chair done up & to bed at 12.30am. Nose still irritable. Mr Marshall called & left a model by Boehm of Tennyson asking £30 for it. Thank goodness took it away in evening. Miss Gill lunched in small room, man doing Dining Room curtains. (Red ink: Sir William Agnew's Ball.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Henry Coxwell. Jany 6.) GRIFFIN. On the 5th inst the wife of Sir Lepel Griffin K.C.S.I of a son.

Saturday January 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Down. Roy had had his breakfast & gone off to see Edna May off. After got away at 10.15 & to Camera Club & to May's & Garrick. Photod Miss Woodcock. Could not sit nude. After Miss Sibley. Out at 12. Left costume at May's & to Garrick Club. Lunched with Mr Reginald Harrison. Oysters & Perrier Jouet '93. Saw Stone, Hare, Tree etc. On to the Wyndham's Theatre. M, Roy, Mite & self saw David Garrick. Good. Mr Gilmer there & Seymour Lucas. Out. Roy & self called Walls & to Bath Club. Home by bus. Bought fruit etc. Quiet dinner & evening. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Nose still irritable. (Cuttings glued in: Killed in action Francis Raikes. Killed in action Francis Wilkins.)

Sunday January 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am. Foggy & rainy. Decided to go to Calais. Roy & self left 10.20 & to Victoria. Saw sea rough etc. Back home after speaking to Green. Changed & put photos away. Wrote luggage labels etc. Lunch. After developed 16 photos taken yesterday. Finished by 3.45. Up in room. After dated photos & wrote many letters. Had cleared cellar & put out 1 bottle '85 Champagne, the last, Ayala Burgundy & Claret. At 8.15 Bret Harte & Mrs Turquand dined. Mr Douglas could not come. Dinner hung sadly. Cold. They left early. Bed at 12.0 after reading paper. Nose still very irritable. (Red ink: Bret Hart & Mrs Turquand dined.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Henry Lemon.)

Monday January 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45. Very sleepy. Short walk round Campden Hill across Upp Phil Gds. Back. Breakfast. After wrote to Mr Hy Gilbert & sent plan. Packed & printed blue prints of photos taken Saturday. Lunch 1.30. M had decided not to go to Easton. Wired. Left 2.0pm in dog cart. Roy for Pyt House. Got to Liverpool St & left by 3.25pm. 3 others in carriage, 2 for Easton

3 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 with myself. Lucas met us at Wickham Market. Got to house at 6.25. Tea. Mr Newton & his wife, 2 other ladies & a Mr Soames, a Lincolnshire man. No, Mr Newman, not Newton. Dressed & wrote letters. Dinner. Colley wobbley from hare at lunch. Long talk to Mr Soames after dinner. Played 1 Pool & to my room at 11.30. Was 1¼ hrs writing letters & this diary. Party: Mrs Elkington & daughter, Mr Soames, Mr & Mrs Newman, Mr Waley, self & Mr Lucas senr. Nose still painful.

Tuesday January 9 Easton Park, Wickham Market. Up at 8.45, called 8.0. Breakfast. Out at 10.15 to shoot round house. Guns Hon Ivo Bligh, Mr Soames, Mr Nunkey, Mr Waley (Willow Willow Waley Oh!) Lucas, self & Mr Newman. Newman's gun went wrong. Made by Atkins. Good places at 1st, not so good after. Got 15 cock pheasants & 4 rabbits & 2 duck at last. Back 4.15. Changed & wrote letters. Tea. After looked at books in Billiard Room. Dressed at 7.40 & after took Mrs Elkington in. Talk of Finlay Knight etc. Roulette. Lost 6/s. Others playing bridge. Went up 11.50. Head Keeper Meadows. Loader today & tomorrow King. (illeg under cutting) (Cuttings glued in: Death and Obituary of Herbery Rymill. Death of Offlet Scoones.)

Wednesday January 10 Easton Park, Wickham Market. Up 8.10. Dressed in cheque suit & down. Wrote letters Spielmann for Exhibition etc. Intensely disappointed at seeing 2nd Nº of issue of 'Punch'. My drawing a botch. Breakfast. After away to shoot. Seven guns. Mr Soames, Mr Newman, Col Lucas, Nunkey Lucas, Mr Waley, self & the agent. Got 11 cock pheasants & a woodcock, several rabbits before lunch. Lunch in a tent. Cold. Mrs Newman & Miss Elkington came. After had a partridge drive. Only 2 cocks after, 13 in all. Back 4.0 & wrote letters up to dinner time. Colder. Dinner. Drew & took Mrs Lucas in. Roulette after. More fortunate won all back except 1/6. Hot whiskey & bed. Read book on the Dods. (Red ink: Name of Semark or Seamark in obituary.)

Thursday January 11 Easton Park, Wickham Market. Up at 8.10am. Down. Breakfast. Wrote letters before & a wire came at 9.0am from F.C.B saying no subject so went off for shoot at 9.45am. Drove 7 miles. Mr Bligh & an older son there. Six guns. I.B, F.L, N.L, N,W & self. Had another loader. Small covers. Not well placed & most unlucky. Waley shot my birds. Lunched in a farm house. Comfortable. Got altogether all day 11 pheasants only. Left off 4.0 & drove home. Changed & wrote letters. After played 100 up with Mr Lucas. He won by 20 points. Dressed & dinner. Took Miss Elkington in. Slow. After music & Roulette. Bad luck lost 10/s. Bed at 12.0am. Mr Soames left at 8.30am. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Captain Gildea to Annie Morgan-Thomas.)

Friday January 12 Easton Park, Wickham Market. Up at 8.15. Down to breakfast almost by self. After looked at papers. No letters. Got off 9.45 & down to house occupied by the Hon Ivo Bligh. Shot all day. Bad luck in being placed. Mr Lucas senior frightened I.B by showing gun barrels. Lunch in Servants Hall. Got all day 8 cock pheasants, 1 partridge, 1 rabbit. Had a duck drive & ended with

4 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 partridge drive. Gave loader 10/s. Drove home. Wrote letters till 6.30. Got out plate lifting trick & told Lucas. Put it on table. Took Miss Elkington in again. Trick a failure. After no Roulette. Music. Beat Waley 100 game by 80. Smoke. Packed. Sleep at 1.0am. (Insert card with totals of game shot at Easton Park, January 9 - 12.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Mary Carmichael.) 'Last night there were Four Marys Tonight there'll be but three. Mary Beaton, Mary Seaton, Mary Carmichael & me.'

Saturday January 13 Easton Park, Wickham Market. Up at 7.0 & breakfast 8.0am. Off in carriage by 8.30, Mr Newman & Mr Waley & self. Up to town. Very cold. My birds missing, took Newman's. Otley met me with cart. Called C.C & also Lang & Hussey. Left guns. Letters. Drove home. Saw dear M. Roy home. Lunch. After all afternoon enlarged plates. Very cold. Worked till 5.0. Most annoyed at Tweddle not taking proper books. Began drawing for The Sphere. Dinner. M, Roy & self. After evening in Morning Room. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Began 'Sphere' drawing.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Celestine Fletcher. Death of John Fletcher. Death of Latham Tomlin.) GATTI. In loving memory of Agostino Gatti who died January 14 1897. A memorial mass will be said at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane at10.0am Sunday January 14th 1900. 'Times' Saty 13th.

Sunday January 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out for walk. Fine & cold. Breakfast. After all day at Sphere drawing. Enlarged in afternoon & took photo of globe & statues. Spencer in to lunch, looking very old. Wrote letters between 5.0 & 7.0pm. Many letters. Doubts as to news. Rumours of Buller's defeat. Worked up to 8.0pm. Put wine out. Lennie & Mite to dinner & Roy, M & self laid the plate lifters. Good joke. Quiet evening. They left 10.0pm. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Cuttings glued in: In loving memory Agostino Gatti. Obituary of Sir Alfred Kirby.) Jany 16.

Monday January 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am & walk round C.H. After at work all day on drawing for 'The Sphere'. Dear Mite came to stay 2 days with us. Slept in her old room. Quiet dinner M, Roy Mite & self. Snooze & bed at 12.0am. In morning wrote on frame for Sir James Whitehead & also legends on drawings (5) for Fine Art Socy. After went on with drawing for cover of the Sphere. (Cutting glued in: Killed in action John Connell.)

Tuesday January 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out. Wet morning. Met Chumps. First time since Dec 7th. Back & worked all day on drawing for the Sphere. Mite with us. Quiet dinner, M, Mite, Roy & self. M bothered with servants. Parlour maids. Quiet evening & bed at 12.0 after snooze. C hidden under umbrella. (Cutting glued in: Death of Walter Marshall.)


Wednesday January 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am & out for walk round C.H. Back for breakfast & got on with drawing for 'The Sphere'. At 11.30 a wire from Cyril Spottiswoode came to say they must have it. At 12.30 came C.S himself. Yarn & stayed to lunch. Roy amusing. Worked on drawing till 6.0pm when finished outline except Globe & dressed & left at 6.45 for the Punch Dinner, cab all the way. P.A, O.S, R.C.L, A à B, self, J.T, F.C.B, A.G, H.W.L, E.T.R & B.P there. Pleasant dinner. Left with Tenniel at 10.50 & home by cab & bus. M back alone, Roy gone to supper. Wrote Shorter & posted letters. M & Roy had been with Daggles to see Martin Hervey in 'The Only Way' at the Prince of Wales's Theatre. Snooze & to bed at 1.0am. Felt sick, only wind. Mite left in the afternoon. (Red ink: Cyril Spottiswoode called about 'Sphere' drawing.)

Thursday January 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30am.Out round C.H. Met Chumps with a fiddle case. Back. Fine sunny morning. Roy very late down to breakfast having been at supper somewhere the night before. Directly after breakfast photod Roy in his shooting suit & puttee gaiters for Chamberlain & developed them. At 11.0am got on & all day shading drawing for 'The Sphere' & finished it at 7.30pm. Much pushed & bothered with it. Roy at dinner with with his mother & left to go back to Oxford. Drew cheque in the morning for £100. Left by cab at 7.45 to go to the Marlborough Club & dined with Schomberg McDonnell. A dinner of 17. Edward Lawson, Sir Douglas Straight & Scoones. A delightful Roman Catholic Bishop. Sat next a nephew of Schomberg M's. Very nice boy. General Marshall dined also. What a contrast to Lawson. Story of F.C.B calling Lawson 'Sir Edward'. Left at 11.15 & home by bus. Drunken soldiers in bus. Bed 1.0am. Baby sent round to see me. (Red ink across page: Dined at Marlborough Club with Schomberg McDonnell.)

Friday January 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out for walk. Met Chumps. Back & at work all day on drawing of Chamberlain & Shell 'Will it burst'. Enlarged after breakfast & did not begin until noon but nevertheless finished easily & leisurely by 8.30pm. M & self dined quietly at 8.45 & quiet evening after. Bed 12.30am after snooze. Lamp looked exactly like a man. M said Roy owed bills. Very much put out about him.

Saturday January 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Down. Did not go out. Wrote after breakfast 6 letters & left at 10.45 by buss for C.C. At 12.0 took some evening dress photos from Miss S. Out at 1.15pm & to Garrick. Saw Johnny Hare, Beetle, Sooby, Jones etc. Lunch. Egg & chicken. At 2.15pm met M at Shaftesbury Theatre & saw De Wolf Hopper & Jennie Mackaye in The Mystical Miss. Poorly mounted. Hideous chorus girls etc. Out & by carriage to Park. Walked down it. Bought sausages & fruit. Home 6.0. Tea. Wrote letters. Quiet dinner, M & self. In Morning Room after. Hot whiskey & bed after 12.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Bancroft. Death of infant son. Jan. Death of Elizabeth Phillimore. Jan.) January 6,7,10,11,14.


Sunday January 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Out round C.H. Boar hound barked at me. Breakfast. Sausages good. Gave up going over Channel. Put up convex glass in Dining Room. After wrote letters, put all photos away & tidied etc. Looked over 'Times' etc. Found that Mackay had burnt all from 31 Oct to 20th Decr also 6,7,10,11, 14 Jan missing. Annoyed. Tea & went up by bus to Athenaeum. Wrote letters. Found Mr Morton there, also Lord Morris. Heard of illness of Sir William Priestly. Incurable. Dr Playfair said he might live 2 months. Back by bus. Lennie & Mite dined with us & had a quiet peaceful delightful evening. Read Balzac & bed at 1.0am. (Red ink: Dr Playfair said Sir William Priestly ill, could not last 2 months. Lived till April 11th. Cancer on liver.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Mr R.D.Blackmore) Jan 22.

Monday January 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out round C.H. Saw Chumps & 3 schoolgirls. After breakfast wrote letters etc. Began at noon Joan of Arc again. Redrew the head etc & also enlarged photo & 2 heads for it in afternoon. Worked up to dinner time when M & self dined quietly together & quiet evening after. Bed at 12.30 after reading book on Capri. Charming. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Mr Ruskin. Jan 22, 1900. Death of the widow of Marshall Bazaine. Jan 22. Killed in action Harold de Rougemont.)

Tuesday January 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out on cycle round Redcliffe Gardens. Wet roads. After worked all morning enlarging photos had by for years. Lovely warm bright morning. M out. Lunch. In afternoon looked out 3 pictures & wrote on them & sent Otley with them to Guildhall, & to Mudies. Went on with Sphere drawing - no the drawing for Gillott & worked up to 7.0pm Put in halberts etc etc. Dressed & walked to dine with Lennie & Mite. Extraordinary pretty parlour maid on Campden Hill. Shops. In the Bayswater Rd was stopped by little Bell who I had not seen for 28 years. Knew him at once. Walked along. Good dinner at Mite's. Mr Allen there. Room hot. Left at 11.0 & home by carriage. Read stupid book, Atlantis, & to bed 1.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of George Steevens. Jan 22. Death of Alfred Beddington.)

Wednesday January 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45am & walk round C.H. Saw Sir R'd Webster & met Chumps very late 9.15. Back. Breakfast. After sent Otley to Stores for tools. Wet damp morning. Worked all day on Joan of Arc. After in afternoon dressed in brown suit & by bus to Piccadilly Circus. Walked to C.C, calling C.C, to Punch Dinner. F.C.B, J.T, A à B, R.L, O.S, L.B, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Long discussion. Did not get away till 11.30pm after own cut settled. Home all the way by bus. M up. Went up & saw her. Read paper & bed 12.30am. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Ernest Lucas to Ada Moore.)

Thursday January 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & cycled round Earls Court. Wet. Back & skemed subject of Wingate & Osman Digna. Photod Otley at 12.0 for soldier & Wingate. Also for monk. Enlarged Egyptian soldiers etc & got to work at 5.0pm to 8.0. Put in figures & Wingate in ink. M & self dined quietly & quiet

7 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 evening. Bed after snooze. Delightful book, Tangweera by C.Rapier Bell, Edwin Arnold 1899.

Friday January 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out for walk round C.H. Met C coming wrong way. Back & at work entire day up to 9.0pm on drawing of Wingate & Osman Digna. Roy back from Oxford at 5.0pm & off to dine at Gray's Inn. M & self dined quietly by selves. Roy not back till after 1.0am. Lay awake. Bilious headache came on in morning. (Cuttings glued in: Death of François Rabbe. Death of Dr Pietri. Jan 26. Death of John Austin.)

Saturday January 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out round C.H. After a headache came on which lasted all day. Put things straight & worked on Joan of Arc. M & Roy went at 1.30 per carriage to see the Midsummer Night's Dream. At 4.0 went in carriage to the Bath Club & had hair cut & Turkish Bath. Ray Lankester. Out & to C.C. Home by bus. Bought fruit. Yeoman in khakee in bus. Florrie Blair came at 5.0pm. Roy back from his 2nd Gray's Inn dinner at 9.0pm. Quiet evening & bed 11.0 after snooze. Took 5 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Florrie Blair came to stay.)

Sunday January 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am & out. Snowy miserably wet morning. Dark fog came on. Breakfast by Electric Light. Roy down late. After up stairs all day & worked on Joan of Arc. Took out head & put it better. In morning Roy up in room. Tidied up & did a lot. Put in monk etc etc. Roy ate his 3rd dinner & after at 9.15 went back to Oxford. Dear Mite & Lennie dined with us. Quiet dinner. Florrie Blair, Mite, Lennie, M, self & Roy who left at 8.40. Very cold. Snooze in chair till 12.15 when to bed. Headache in morning still. Took 4 C.L.L.P.

Monday January 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20. Sleepy. Gale in the night. Out for walk thro' Kensington Ch, C.H. Met C & little boy & girl. Back. Letters. Bad news from Gen'l Buller. Retreat. Sent Electric Light to Stores etc. In morning cut dark inner slides for double backs. Lunch. Cold east wind. After went on with drawing for Joan of Arc. Put in crowd & old castle etc. Worked to 7.15pm. when dressed & dined, M, Mrs Blair & self. They left in carriage for the Palace Theatre, self in hansom.Changed into another. Poor entertainment. Biograph good. Left 11.10. Home by fast cab 10 minutes before M & Mrs B. Hot whiskey. Bed at 1.15pm. McKay had left the Electric Light on.

Tuesday January 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Cold east wind. Walk round C.H. Breakfast. After wrote Isadore Spielmann. Got to work Joan of Arc at 11.15am. Worked entire day. Put last details in & began to shade at 4.30 after tea worked to 8.10. Dinner, M, Mrs Blair & self. Quiet evening after & bed 12.0 after snooze.

Wednesday January 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20am. Walk. Saw C in distance. Back & after breakfast worked the whole morning up to 1.15 on Joan of Arc, M reading.


Lunch. After by cab to C.C. No costume. Sent to May's. Photod E.J for 4th time. Out 4.0 & walked to the Athenaeum. Saw Buckle & Macmillan, after Weigall & Bill. Walked at 6.20 to the Punch Dinner. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, L.B, P.M (late) B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G there. Late discussion. Tenniel a Boy cut, self Dr Leyds. Left at 11.0 with J.T & called Athenaeum & wrote letters. Snipe's head discussion at dinner. M awake & cold in her head. Lay awake. Good night after. (Cuttings glued in: Death and Obituary of John Sholto Douglas, Marquis of Queensberry.) Feb 1.

Thursday February 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out. Began on cycle. Got off & went for walk. Breakfast. Raw sleety morning & very dark. Wrote Johnson. After put Joan of Arc on one side & began to skeme subject of Dr Leyd & Russian official. Photod Otley at 11.45 as Leyd & Russian. Enlarged soldier etc. Lunch. Very cold after enlarging. Up in room 3.30. Rest. Tired. Tea at 4.0pm. Did 2 hours work. Portrait of Leyd came at 6.0pm. Wrote F.C.B, Whitehead etc. At 6.45 dressed. Dined 7.0 & went in carriage to St James's Theatre, the 1st night of Alexander's new Rupert of Hentzau. Poor play. Saw many I knew, Mrs Jopling Rowe etc etc, Macmillan, Arthur à B. H.R.H & Duchess of Fife there. Left at 11.15 & home by carriage. Very cold. Had hot whiskey & water. Bed 1.0am. Florrie Blair left at 3.0pm.

Friday February 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.35. Out. Cold. Put Scotch cloak on. Round C.H. Back. Wrote letters. At work 10.30am on drawing of Dr Leyd & Russian official. Very cold wretched day. M did not go out. Up in room all day & did not finish until 9.20 when dined. Very tired. Hot whiskey & bed at 12.0 after snooze.

Saturday February 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Tired. Wretched morning. Heavy snow in the night. One of the yuccas down with weight of snow. Walk round C.H. After wrote letters the entire morning & after squared up things & tore prints. Did not work as I felt tired. M in my room, bad cold. Dined quietly & in the Morning Room after. Very comfortable. Bed 12.0 after reading 'In a state of Nature'. Silly. (Cutting glued in: Death of Henrietta Chant.)

Sunday February 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Walk round C.H. No mustard at breakfast, blew Tweddle up. After in morning put the convex green glass all right & touched up paint. Did ½ hours work on Joan of Arc. M remained in bed till lunch for her cold. After at 2.0 walked to Kensington Palace & went over it. Pictures of Royalties & various old pictures of . Over Orangery. Walked on to Athenaeum. Met Kettle who walked with me. De la Rues & also Johnny Matthews. Wrote many letters at Club & looked over books on South Africa, Burchell etc. Left at 7.0. News posted up. Buller had crossed the Tugala & was advancing on Ladysmith. Home by bus & dressed. Tweddle had taken trowsers from under the weight. Mite & Lennie dined. Mite a bad cold. They left at 10.45. Bed 12.30 after snooze. No whiskey. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Mrs James Stuart Wortley.) Feb 7.


Monday February 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.25 & out. Still cold. M remained in bed for her cold. Walk past Niddry. Met C & 4 school girls. Breakfast. Boy & Monkey. Wrote E.T.Reed & Lewis & Lucas. Sent Otley to Reeds. After all day went on at work Joan of Arc. Sent Otley to Mudie's. M in my room. She did not go out all day. Quiet dinner & bed early. Asked Tweddle to cover up the sofa etc. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Mrs Nealy came to stay.)

Tuesday February 6 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. M remined in bed. Out & walk thro' Kensington Church. Found out C went on Tuesdays 9.0am. Cold. Back. Wrote Chesterton about books etc & all day at work on Joan of Arc. Mrs Nealy came at 4.0 & M had many callers. Dinner 8.20 quietly by ourselves, M, Mrs N & self. Cold at night. Bed 1.0am after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Death of Mortimer Menpes.)

Wednesday February 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out & walk round Kensington Church. Made sketch. Hard hard frost. Met Wells RA, also man coming out of Holland Park, Lord Ilchester? No. Went on to work at 10.30am. Worked all day up to 5.45 or 6.0. M up in my room. Mrs Nealy went out in the carriage. Dressed in brown & uncomfortable waistcoat & by bus to Punch Dinner. Called C.C. Saw Lyon. F.C.B, J.T (dull) self, A à B, Lehmann, P.A, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, & A.G. Good dinner. A'Beckett annoyed by Lehmann. Left with J.T & home by bus at 11.30pm. Mrs Nealy in from concert. Read paper & bed.

Thursday February 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Very hard frost. Out. Met C & other girls at 9.0 sharp. Round C.H. Man playing flageolet. Breakfast. No letters after. Skemed & drew Punch as Henry V. At it all day. No photographs taken. Dear Mite at lunch. Mrs Nealy out in afternoon. Florence Tweddle took herself off & 10/s for one week's wages leaving her silver disgracefully dirty. New maid came up at 5.0 from Southsea. Lucy? Lucy O'Neil. Dinner 8.15. Waited all right. Intensely cold after. Very hard frost in the night. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Died of wounds, Captain Cecil Eykyn.) Feb.

Friday February 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out. Thro' church & C.H. Back. Intensely cold & hard frost. Man put pendulum of clock right. Worked entire day at drawing of Punch as King Henry V on cob. Finished at 9.0 & dined, M coming down. Mrs Nealy dined with me. In Drawing Room after. Intensely cold. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Very tired. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Lockhart, R.S.A.) Feb 18.

Saturday February 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Very tired. Out & for walk round Campden Hill. Back. The whole morning putting things away & tidying up. Put things on to go out after lunch. Down & had just commenced when Mrs St John Ackers called & had a very long talk quite spoiling our luncheon. Left & by bus at 3.0 to Athenaeum Club. Wrote letters to Stores & after looked thro' Times of


November last. Violent blizzard of snow came on 5.45. Walked entire way home calling at Butts to order fruit. Took buss from Kensington Church to Argyll Road. Snow very heavy. Dressed & went in a cab to dine at 57 Onslow Gardens. Turned back for key. Took a daughter of Sir Robert Romer in. Very delightful girl. Sir Henry Roscoe & Mrs Charles Burnand there. Others. Walk home with Sir Henry & home by 12.15am. Spoken to by a woman who was to be out all night in the snow. Read paper & bed 12.40. Mr Justice A.L.Smith also there. McKay broke my reading lamp. (Red ink: Dined at the Fletcher Moultons.)

Sunday February 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0. Stepped out into the snow at 9.30 & walked round Campden Hill. Mrs Nealy pottering about at breakfast. After put desk in order & many things mended, handle of sword etc. Lunch. Spencer called, decided to walk up Row. Did so at 4.45 to Atheneum. Looked over Times & back at 7.15. Put paper in double backs. Ryle, Ethel English & the Galbraiths called. Quiet delightful dinner, Lennie & Mite & Mrs Nealy, self & M. They left 10.45. Bed 12.0. Intensely cold in Drawing Room. Hard frost. (Cutting glued in: Death of Mary Linley.)

Monday February 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out. Hard frost. Thro' Church. Told C not to slip. Met Chesterton. Sent back slide to be cased. Amusing letter from Roy. Got to work on head of Joan of Arc. Shaded it & did not like it. Took it out & redrew it. Worked all day up to 8.0pm when quiet dinner M, Mrs Nealy & self. Paper after & snooze till 12.0. Bed.

Tuesday February 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out thro' Kensington Church. Met C etc at corner. Very cold & hard frost. Road slippery. Back & all day on drawing of Joan of Arc. Put in men in armour etc at back & shaded head. Charley Hartree called. M up in my room after. Quiet dinner, M, Mrs Nealy & self. Read papers & bed 12.0 after snooze.

Wednesday February 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out thro' Kensington Church. Snow & miserable morning. Met C & troope in passage. Umbrellas. Back home & after breakfast got to work on head of Joan of Arc. Bothered. Redrew it by lunch time & went on to shade it all afternoon. Could not finish. Orton in to see M. Very seedy. Said it was nerves. Left with Orton & by bus to Piccadilly Circus. Cab to Punch Dinner. Very small dinner. F.C.B, self, A à B, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Complimented on cut of Yeoman of the Guard. Got Charity cut. Left 10.50 & home by bus all the way. Man like Beerbohm Tree & girl in bus in Strand & went on. Bed 12.30 after reading papers. (Red ink: M very seedy.) (Cutting glued in: 68th Anniversary: James Smith to Jane Chivers.)

Thursday February 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & walk thro' Kensington Church. Still cold & heavy rain all day. Met C in walk. Back & after breakfast skemed subject of Charity & Commissioner. No photos. Worked at it all day & got on with it. Dined


8.0pm. Mrs Watney wrote. M rested in my room. Quiet dinner & snooze after. (Cutting glued in: Death of the Duke of Medina-Sidonia). Feb 16.

Friday February 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out. Met C & troupe in passage. Back. Lovely morning bright sun & warmer. Got on all day with drawing of Charity & Official. Wrote sub committee. Finished at 9.20 when dined. M a little better. Orton in at 12.30. Blizzard of wind. Mrs Nealy went to see Mrs Watney & came back. No good. Bed at 1.0 after snooze. Mite in & brought me book & a lovely drawing of Baby. (Cutting glued in: Killed in action, Percy Brassey.)

Saturday February 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out round Kensington Church. No school on Saty. Back. Lovely warm morning. After worked hard the entire day on Joan of Arc. Took out the head for 4th time & redrew it fairly satisfactory. Quiet dinner, M & self. Very tired after. Had given M a sovereign to buy things. M said I looked tired & came down at 11.0 & brought me up to bed. Letter from F.C.B about Charitas.

Sunday February 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45 & out. After all morning finishing Joan of Arc. Finished it by lunch time. Put in Cathedral wall etc. After at 2.30 photod it. Then left at 4.0 & walked up to Athenaeum. Wrote letters from 5.0 to 7.15 & then home. Letter to F.C.B about the word 'Charitas'. Lennie not well. He & Mite did not come to dinner. After M, Mrs N & self dined quietly. No one called. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Photod 'Joan of Arc' drawing.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of William Orlebar. Feb 25. In loving remembrance William Orlebar.) 1901.

Monday February 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & packed drawing of Joan of Arc & sent it off by Otley per rail. Too large for post. After got off at 9.40 & went up by bus to Duke St & attended judging of pictures. Left 12 & walked up to Clarke's to look over shop. Bought Persian sabre etc. Little Jap in shop. After to Garrick. Looked over 'Times'. Lunch. Lawrence Bradbury & Furniss. Coffee in Smoking Room. Talk to Jones & out & called on Lewis about G.E.R. Talk of that & Barr Estate. Out & to Turkish Bath. Hair cut. Had to wait ¾ hour. Out & home 7.0pm. Sent letters. Quiet dinner, M, self & Mrs N. Read stupid book 'Hester'. Bed 12.30am. (Red ink: Finished & packed drawing of Joan of Arc up & sent it off.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Dot Heron-Maxwell.) Feb.

Tuesday February 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out & walk round C.H. Fine. Met Met C & troupe. Back. 1st morning of leisure some time. Put things away etc & putting things straight all day. Mended sword & many things. In evening dined with Rupert Kettle at 71 Albert Hall Mansions. Lady Hickman there. Wheel tyre of hansom came off & bounded on to pavement as walking home. Blind came down & broke plate glass. Put paper etc into double backs. Home 12.15 & read paper & bed 1.0am. (Red ink: Dined with the Kettles.) (Cuttings glued in:


Death and Obituary of Charles Piazzi Smyth. T. Feb 24. 1900. Estate of Charles Piazzi Smyth.) T. May 29.

Wednesday February 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Cycled round Park first time since (blank) Called on Mite in morning. Printed a large lot of back plates. Bright sun. Lunch. Developed Jessop plates & 4 from drawing taken on Sunday. Received letter from Gillott approving drawing & sending cheque for double cut. Felt tired at tea time. M had been out in bath chair & was better. Went by bus to Circus. Called C.C & on to Garrick & P.D. Sir W.A, B.P, E.T.R, P.M, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L. Cuts made up early & good dinner. Left 10.45 & home by bus from Strand, 5d. Read paper & bed 12.30am. (Red ink: Cheque for £105 from Gillott for Joan of Arc drawing.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Henry Traill. In loving memory Henry Traill.) 1901.

Thursday February 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out on cycle. Had been heavy rain in night. Sent cheque to Chestertons. A young man had called. Skemed subject of 2 Ravens & got on with it. Developed some photos & after worked up to 7.0. Dressed & went to dinner at the Messels. Mr & Mrs Seymour Trowers, Mr & Mrs Twiss, Mr & Mrs Hohler, Mr & Mrs Reed, 2 others, self & Ruth, Mr & Mrs Messel. Good dinner. Took Mrs Reed in & sat next to Mrs Twiss. Home by carriage at 11.0. Read papers. News of Cronje being surrounded by British troops. Bed 12.0am. Lennie still seedy. (Red ink across page: Dined at the Messels.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of H.D.Traill. Feby 22. Obituary of Mme de MacMahon.) Feb 22.

Friday February 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & cycled round Earls Court. No, walked up Campden Hill later at 9.0am. After the whole day worked on Two Ravens. Thought should finish at 8.0 but did not till 9.0. Much bothered over Rosebery's head. An almost impossible cartoon to do. Kept poor M waiting for dinner till nearly 9.0pm. Very tired. After worried by Mrs Nealy's cackling chatter. Developed a few plates of Sibley taken in October last. Quiet evening & bed 12.30 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Killed in action George Carbutt.) Feb 23.

Saturday February 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out for walk. Felt tired & seedy. After all morning putting things straight. Printed some blues. Sent wires to Cyril Maude & to Bourchier. Could get into no theatre. Mrs Nealy & M went off in carriage to Criterion Theatre & followed in bus. No seats. Went on to Club & wrote several letters. One to G.E.Rly about shares. After called Clarks & May's & walked part of way home. Muggily hot. Back at 6.0 after buying fruit. Sent asparagrass back. Quiet evening & bed at 11.30 after being in Morning Room. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Andrew Tuer. Obituary of Andrew Tuer.)

Sunday February 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out. Walked to Post Office. Wired M.H to put off sitting. Back. M out at 11.0 in bath chair. Dull grey muggy morning. After

13 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 some difficulty made out Type Writer. Wrote a letter. Lunch. Rest. Spencer in. After walked to call on Lennie & Mite. Mr & Mrs Birnbaum there. Left at 6.45 & walked home. Saw dear Baby. Quiet dinner, M, Mrs N & self. Read after. Paxton Oh! called in afternoon. (Cuttings glued in: Death of William Stott. The wife of John Guffy, of a son.)

Monday February 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Breakfast 8.45 & left 9.35 for Duke St. Posted letter Type W at Duke St 10.5. Judged pictures till 11.0. Then walked & called Ross's, Lang & Hussey, & ordered 2 flannel suits at Miles. Called on Lowe in Wardour St & to Garrick. Lunch with Furniss, Marshall Hall, Scoones & Joe Carr, Jones etc. After smoke. Saw representative of Mr Bull. After Furniss in Billiard Room. Called C.C & Evans. Walked to look for Mansell's shop. Swept away. Met Davey. Told me about his eyes. After by bus home by 4.0pm. Tea. Felt seedy after lunch. Put boxes of plates from drawers into my desk. Dinner, M & self & Mrs N, & bed 11.30 after snooze.

Tuesday February 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out. Very wet. Met C & troupe. Back. Breakfast. Letter from Midge. News after of surrender of Cronje & all his force. Otley brought it in. Developed some blue photos. M packing to go away to Ramsgate. Wet day. Lunch after. M & Mrs Nealy left at 2.45pm by carriage. Up in room & skemed the Calendar for January 1901 & sent it off. Dined at 7.0pm & after went to see 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'. Much pleased with it. Julia Neilson as Oberon & Mrs Beerbohm Tree Titania, Tree as Bottom & Franklin McLang as old carpenter. Left. Called in Athenaeum. Saw Poynter. Home by bus. Eyes hurt me. Bed at 12.0. Nightmare. Felt distinctly something jump on the bed. Was nothing. (Red ink: Mrs Nealy left. M went down to Ramsgate.) (Cutting glued in: Death of William Whistler.)

Wednesday February 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & walk. Called Butts. After walk thro' Kensington Church & home. Wrote letters etc & left & called on Critchett at 12.0. Went by cab. Ought to have been there at 11.45. After examination C wrote an order for glasses. Left. Walked & called on Lowe in Wardour St. On to Garrick. Lunch at 1.10 with Furniss, Scoones & Jones. At 1.40 to C.C. Photod E.J until 4.0. Out & to Bath Club. Found bag. Tea. Saw Macmillan. Bath, hair cut, shave. Dressed & by cab to Garrick Club. Punch Dinner there. Phil A, L.B, Sir W.A, F.C.B, J.T (his birthday) self, A à B, R.L, P.M, A.G, H.W.L, E.T.R (late). Very good dinner. Got good subject of Generals White & Buller to do in case Ladysmith relieved. Left 11.0 after sending cheque for M's Great Eastern Allotment. Took Reed home by carriage. Bed at 12.0. Took 6 C.L.L.P.

Thursday March 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out for walk round C.H. Back & wrote letters. Skemed subject of meeting of White & Buller. News of the relief of Ladysmith at 10.0am. Otley came in. Sent Otley to Stohwassers for sword etc helmet. Went out into Kensington to get Buller. Could not. Called Police Station. No good. After got a fireman. Late developing & printing. Finished by 5.30 & got

14 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 to work 6.0pm to 8.45 when dined by self & up in my room till 1.0am after when to bed. Took 5 C.L.L.P. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Stott.) Mar 1.

Friday March 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out round C.H. Back & at work all day on drawing of meeting of White & Buller. Long day. 1st used Critchett's glasses. Finished 10.0pm & dined by self. Sat in my little room till 2.0pm when to bed. Took 4 C.L.L.P. (Cutting glued in: Death of Marie Duff.)

Saturday March 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out round C.H. Tired. After in the morning put photo hut etc right & also put away photos etc, statue in Drawing Room. Also all clothes by Otley & self into the Japanned cases. Wrote letters. Lunch & got away by cart at 2.45 & caught 3.25pm train from Victoria to Ramsgate. Saw F.C.B at station. Down with a friend of Lennie's who went to sleep. Like H.F. After M, Lennie & Mite met me walked up to St Cloud. Dressed & dinner. Very cold. Old Mr & Mrs Curtis. Quiet evening & bed after at 11.0. Good fire. Bed comfortable. (Red ink: Went down to Ramsgate.) (Cutting glued in: Death and Obituary of John Maple. The wife of Walter Agnew, of a son. Will of John Maple.) 11 May.

Sunday March 4 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up at 8.45. Out as far as Sir W.H.Wills's house. Good breakfast. After Mite self & Lennie went for walk along the Parade. Back 1.0pm. Lunch. Spoken to after by Vicar of St George's Hanover Sq. Left at 2.15 on bicycle & went over to Deal with east wind. Saw Sir W.Agnew & had tea. Back. Saw Buckle & also Mr Barton who we met at Folkeston on railway platform. Intensely cold coming home. Got there 6.0pm. Wrote letters. Dinner & rest after. Bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Cycled over to Deal to tea with William Agnew. Very cold.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lady Louisa Tighe.) Sat Mar 3.

Monday March 5 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up at 8.15. Out. Breakfast. After Lennie & self went by 12.0pm train to Margate. Called Ingmire's & at a shop in Cecil Square. Bought barometer. Lunch at Cliftonville & after walked back to Ramsgate. Went past Dumpton & our old house & to Hills. Left dog. Bought a Roman bath. On to St Cloud. Mrs Noot there & Dossie & Mr Daniel. After wrote letters. Dinner 8.0pm. Wine spoilt by heating. Very cold in room. Read. Snooze & to bed 11.0. M woke up in morning with cough. Took 3 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Bought barometer at Margate.)

Tuesday March 6 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.35. Out for walk. Disappointed with print in Punch of Buller. Breakfast after in room. Grey & cold day. After walked with M to get Thanet Sauce. Fisher gone & his shop too. All sold. Got it at chemist's opposite. Down & called in at Hills. Saw little dog. Back. Lunch. Mite not well. After cigar & talk to Mr Anderson. Left on cycle at 3.15 & cycled thro' Ramsgate & past Westwood to enquire about dog. Went to Police station,

15 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 shops & asked men on the road. No news. Got into cul de sac at St Peters. Home to tea at 5.30. Mite & little boy model. Wrote many letters from 6.0 to 7.15. Dressed & dinner. Sleepy after. M knitting. Bed 11.0pm. Very cold. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of John Bedford.) Wed March 7.

Wednesday March 7 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up at 8.30. Bath. Out. Finer. Breakfast. Wrote diary. No letters. After went for walk with Lennie to Broadstairs. Very pretty school girl. Back. Lunch. Changed & went with M, Lennie & Mite to station. Not too much time. Man from Hills met me with Roman Bath & my globe & little terrier. M went with me as far as Broadstairs. Up to Victoria. Otley met me with cart. Walked to Punch Dinner along the Embankment. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, W.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Cuts made up easily. Left with Tenniel in cab & put down at Athenaeum. Wrote 4 letters. Home by bus. Took 3 C.L.L.P. Bed 12.30. All well. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Winchester Clowes.)

Thursday March 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Cycled round past Mite's on Roy's cycle & to Paddington. Home. Breakfast. Letter from F.C.B. Went round to see him at 11.0am. Decided to go on with Napoleon & Cronje. Called Stace. Sent Otley for hat & statuette. At 1.50 photod statuette & Stace for Cronje. Developed & enlarged. No letters came from Ross's. Used Suter lens in large enlarging apparatus. Did 2 hrs work from 5.30 to 7.30. Dined & after went to the Haymarket Theatre & saw for 1st time 'She stoops to Conquer'. Fairly good. Miss Emery & Miss Beatrice Ferrar good. Carriage met me at Athenaeum & drove home. Had written Ada Spencer & I.Spielmann. Bed 12.15am. (Red ink: Did successful Cronje cut.)

Friday March 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on Roy's cycle. Past Park & Bayswater Rd. Back & after breakfast at work all day on drawing of Napoleon & Cronje. Spencer in at 12.30pm. Lunch. Walk after. Finished 8.20 & dinner 8.30pm. Up in room after & read till 12.0. Bed in Roy's room. (Cutting glued in: Death of George Symons.)

Saturday March 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on Roy's cycle. Went thro' Holland Walk. After developed some plates & took plates taken Thursday out of water. Wrote letters. Sent acct in to 'Sphere' & also to B & A for Preface etc. Lunch 1.15. Off in cart 1.40, just caught train. Gentleman & lady got out at Westgate. Spotty youth. In agony for lavatory. Just got out at Chatham. After all right. M met me at station. Walked up to Hotel. Tea & after walked to F.C.B's & left card. Back. Dressed & dined 7.15. Miserable little badly behaved Jew children next table. Smoke & wrote letters. Talk to Mr Anderson. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Went down to Ramsgate. Lennie & Mite left.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Charles Hall.) Sat Mar 10.

Sunday March 11 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 9.0am. Out & breakfast. After walk with M along Pier. Back & luncheon. Started for cycle ride at 2.15pm. Went along past thro'


St Lawrence & to Sarre. Nursemaid & child & dog. On thro' Westgate, Margate, Broadstairs & home. Saw notice of Airedale terrier lost. Back. Rested an hour when dressed & went in fly to dine at F.C.B's. Good dinner. Fred Evans & his wife in after. Game of Spoof. Lost 1/6. Fly home at 11.0 & to bed tired. M had indigestion. (Red ink: Cycled to St Nicholas. Saw Nurse, child & dog.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Paul Smallbones. Marriage of Stephen Townsend to Frances Hodgson-Burnett.)

Monday March 12 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Out on cycle & went to F.C.B's. Not going to Calais. Gun reports from Goodwins. Back & read the papers. Decided not to go to the station for Calais. Did not go but out for stroll on to sands with M. Great bull terrier jumping & going round after tail & stones. Lunch. After left at 2.10 & cycled past Westwood & on by Pouch's to St Nicholas. Could not see anyone. Back through Monckton & Minster to Ramsgate at 5.30. M still out. Walked to Hills' & after to dinner. Quiet evening. Sleepy & bed 11.0. Most lovely afternoon. Bright sun.

Tuesday March 13 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Bath & out. Bought papers. M to remain in bed. Decided to go to Calais. Left 11.0am. Walked to Station & weary journey to Dover. Strong east wind. Met Mrs Dixon & after the Grant Wicks'. Long talk about Punch. His machine etc. Lunched together at Calais. All as usual. Left 4.20. Rough passage. Back. Called Davis's. Paid cheque & also bought 2 Sheffield plated articles. Back to Station & also to Ramsgate. Took wrong turning back. Got to hotel 8.5pm. M had had her dinner. Dined & smoke after. Letter about the little dog from a Mr Churchill of Stone House. Wrote 4 letters & went out & posted them. Bed 11.15pm.

Wednesday March 14 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Out. Walk down to Hills & bought papers. Saw Curling. After breakfast wrote many letters & diary. M in bed. M lunched in bed & after changed & walked down to station with Roy. Hills' man met me with box containing 2 bronze candlesticks & a china jar. Up to town. Young man got in at Chatham with 2nd class ticket. Otley met me with cart & drove me to Camera & Garrick Club. Saw Cole. On to Punch Dinner. W.A, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B & Owen S back from San Remo. Telegram from the Lord Mayor about the Napoleon drawing last week. F.C.B thought it a hoax. Got cut of Sir Wilfred Laurier & Britannia. Left at 11.0 with Tenniel & wrote 4 letters at Athenaeum. Then home in an empty bus & to bed 12.15pm. (Cutting glued in: Alma, wife of Charles Goetz, of a son.) Mar.

Thursday March 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & bicycled round Park. Called on Lennie. Not up. Home. Many letters to write. Photod Otley at 1.45 for Wilfred Laurier & enlarged Britannia. Sent wire to Spielmann to say could not go to Royal Commission. Got enlargements & put phos away & dressed by 7.45 & left in carriage to dine at Mrs Turquand's. Met Mrs Arthur Peto & son, Mrs Chapman & also a Mr Robinson & silly daughter. One other man. Slow dinner. Game of puck draughts after. Left 11.30pm & by carriage to call on Mite. Mr Gilmer

17 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 going out. Saw Mite & Lennie. Home. Bed. Read papers. Took 3 C.L.L.P. Woke answering someone calling 'Linley'. (Red ink: Dined at Mrs Turquand's.)

Friday March 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out for walk. Letter from M saying Roy came home late last night. Wrote letter to Mr Sheath etc. Posted them. After saw Chumps. Last Feby 27. Back & hard at work all day. Wrote Lord Mayor & Soulby. Finished at 10.0pm. Not pleased with background. Dined by self & bed at 2.0pm very tired after snooze in my room.

Saturday March 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Very tired & buzzy. Out for walk & after put things away. Measured pedestals in Drawing Room. Put rest of clothes away in japanned cases. Lunch at 1.30 & left by self at 3.40 for Victoria. Took little dog Lulu back. Man like Bancroft in carriage & large man & woman, man like Rudi Lehmann, got in at Margate. Handed dog over to coachman. Saw F.C.B & Mrs Burnand. After walked up. M all right. Dinner. Wire from Roy. Roy came down at 10.30. Had sandwich & bed 11.15. (Red ink: Went down to Ramsgate 3rd time. Took dog. Roy came in evening.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Jeremiah Dummett.) Mar.

Sunday March 18 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Roy down late. Very cold westerly wind but bright sun. Breakfast. After met F.C.B & Squire. M out in Bath chair at 12.0 to 1.0. Saw to cycles. After lunch at 2.30 Roy & self cycled past Westwood to Monckton, St Nicholas, Birchington, Westgate, Margate & home. Tall girl in black at Margate. Roy saw his school. Frightful wind & dust. Back 5.30. Tea. Dinner 7.30. Talk to Mr Anderson after. Roy & self walked in gale of wind to 18 Royal Crescent from 9.30 to 11.0. Spoof & Jupp performing. Rain & wind back. Bed 11.0. Landlord's son had bicycle accident & maid cut her finger off. (Red ink: Roy & self cycled to St Nicholas.)

Monday March 19 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Down. Pouring with rain & a heavy gale all night. Breakfast 9.30. Papers. No news. After wrote many letters. Out & bought envelopes. Sent Roy to Burnands. After wrote letters etc. Walk & lunch. After went to end of harbour with M in a Bath chair & then just as tide was going out walked to Stone House stairs & up to Stone House. Saw Mr & Mrs Churchill & little Lulu. Fine chapel & many good prints & curiosities. Sent home by a little pony cart at 6.20. Dressed & dinner, M, Roy & self. After long talk with Mr Anderson on Clubs. M went up on acct of the gabble. After Roy & self went to 18 Royal Crescent & played Spoof. F.C.B, Mrs B, Winnie Roy & self. Lost 9p. Jupp & his tricks. Home 11.30pm. (Red ink: Roy & self called on Mr Churchill.)

Tuesday March 20 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up at 8.30. Bath & out. Most lovely sunny morning. Decided to go to Calais. M down & out at 11.0 & Roy & self walked to station S.E. To Dover with one other. On board saw Cap'n Payne, Cap'n Dixon, a

18 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 horse trainer & after Sir Thomas Lipton. Long talk. Roy met a friend. Lovely X'ing. Good & cheerful lunch. Good bye to Sir Thomas. Back & waited ½ an hour or more on board. Saw Davies late Lord Mayor '98. Long talk Dover & went to Davis's. Did not think much of table for 12. After back. Tea at buffet C.D station. Back to Ramsgate at 7.55pm. M, self & Roy all dined together. Talk after & to bed 10.20pm. Many dreams. (Red ink: Roy & self went over to Calais. Met Sir Thos Lipton.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Raphael Tuck.) Mar 19.

Wednesday March 21 St Cloud, Ramsgate. Up 8.30. Out. Bought papers. Wind to the east again. Got Moonshine cartoon. Same subject as mine. Breakfast. After packed, M & self. Went for walk, M, Roy & self. Lunch. Left at 3.0pm. Fees all round. Bitterly cold. Up to town. Luggage & 2 cycles. Left for Punch Dinner by bus. Called C.C. Sat by self at table. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S, Sir W.A, L.B, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Full staff. Long discussion. Tenniel left 11.0pm. Self got Britannia. Home all way by bus. M in bed. All well & comfortable. (Red ink: M, Roy & self returned from Ramsgate. Very cold.) (Cutting glued in: In loving memory Martin Diosy.)

Thursday March 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Walk. Met young lady going to school. Very much grown & in specs. After got to work on Britannia looking out for H.M.S Terrible. Enlarged some photos & after rest drew the outline. Dined 8.15pm & quiet evening, M, Roy & self. Bed after snooze. (Red ink: Got to work on admirable drawing of Britannia.)

Friday March 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk round Campden Hill. After to work all day on Britannia looking out for Terrible. Finished at 9.0 when Roy & self dined quietly & bed after. M had dined before.

Saturday March 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Tired as usual. Cycled round Park & called on Mite to say we were coming to dinner. After had to shoot onto pavement to prevent collision wth bus in Church St. Back. Put all phos away. Tidied up etc. At 2.30 M & Roy went to Avenue Theatre. Self followed in cab. Called C.C. Saw 'A Message from Mars' by Richard Ganthony. Very good. Back by 4 wheeler. Called Walls & got sausages, & fruit at Butts. Dressed & after to Mite's to dine. Walked there. Good dinner. Home at 11.0pm. Roy Type Writing in morning. (Red ink: Went to matinée of 'A Message from Mars'.)

Sunday March 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out for walk round C.H. After breakfast at 11.30 walked with M to Knightsbridge. Slight snow. After on to C.C & lunch at Garrick. At 2.0 photod Miss Hall. Very bad weather, dark, for Britannia & hauling flag. Out 4.30 & on to Athenaeum. Home by bus. Lennie, Mite, M, Roy & self dined. A delightfully peaceful evening & good dinner. Very cold east wind. Asleep until 1.15am. Had a nightmare. (Cutting glued in: Death of the Earl of Harrowby.) Mar 27.


Monday March 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & round Park short run. Saw Chumps & 2 others. Cycled. Back. All morning mending wooden sword, writing etc etc. After felt very tired. Rested, & letters again. Mrs Nealy called & Conrad came with dog as we were at dinner. Left 8.0pm in carriage & went to the London Hippodrome for 1st time. Good entertainment. Man in cage with 21 forest lions & cat which climbed up to the roof & came down in a parachute. Back in carriage. Conrad & Roy back in cab. (Red ink: Conrad & dog came. Netta.) (Cuttings glued in: The wife of George Robey, of a son. Mar. Death of Randolph Ingram. Mar. Death of Anna Irvine.)

Tuesday March 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20. Out on cycle round short run Park. Conrad & little Spitz. Wrote letters. Otley took frames out etc. Sent for sulphate of copper. Mixed & put blue in 2nd globe from Ramsgate. A bother. Dined early & all went to see 'San Toy'. Huge Royal Box. Duchess of Fife in a smaller one. Saw young Henderson. M & self back in carriage. Went up with Roy in hansom & told him of Knightsbridge. Bed after snack. Very cold. Finished mending & guards of wooden sword after lunch. (Red ink: Conrad, M, Roy & self went to see 'San Toy'. Had Royal Box.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Charles Orchardson, of a daughter.)

Wednesday March 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out round Campden Hill. Back & all morning putting plates away & indexing etc. Also indexed & numbered the boxes in Drawing Room. After tea went up by bus, called C.C, Garrick. Wrote to Thorneycroft & theatres. On to Punch Dinner. W.A, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B & O.S. Good dinner (very). Lancashire hot pot & Guthrie's story of 'cannot give satisfaction'. Butler & Maids. Left at 11.0 with Tenniel & home by 11.45. M & Con & Roy back from dining with Mite. Bed after smoke. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Count Benedetti.)

Thursday March 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am & cycled round short round. Back. Skemed subject. At 11.30 photod Stace for Punch Warder & Convicted Contractor. Developed & enlarged by 3.0pm. Rest & got to work. Drew nearly all in by 8.0pm. After Lennie & Mite, Con, Roy, M & self dined. Very cold. Quiet dinner. Bed after snooze 12.0am.

Friday March 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & cycled short turn round Park. Saw Chumps & boy & girl. Back & to work on Condemned Contractor & Punch as Warder. Finished at 5.0pm. Left in cab to attend meeting of R.C. Paris Ex'n. Poynter, Eaton, Spielmann, Lorimer, Princep, Marcus Stone, Gregory, Bayliss, Brock etc there. A custodian selected. Left 7.0pm. Called Athenaeum & back to dinner 7.30pm. Roy & Con went to Prince of Wales's with Ethel English & Effie & saw Don Juan's Last Wager. Sat up reading delightful story of ‘Red Magic’. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Attended Royal Commission meeting, Paris Ex'n.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Professor Pepper.) Mar 30.


Saturday March 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & walk round C.H. Back. All morning indexing. Letters etc. After lunch at 12.20 & left with Roy in cart for Boat Race. No answer from Thorneycroft. Sent Roy on bicycle & went into yard. Val Princep & sons there. Saw race. Cambridge won by 20 lengths. Walked home. Roy tired. Tea. After went out & got fruit, sausages etc. Roy & M & Conrad dinner. Good. Roy went to supper with Cambridge crew. In Morning Room M picked up a beautiful blue scarf. Belonged to Lucy. Bed at 11.15am. (Red ink: Went to Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race in cart.) (Cutting glued in: Table of winners, Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race.)

Sunday April 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am & after good breakfast Con, Roy & self left at 10.15 for Victoria. Sad looking woman in bus. Crushed. After no Lewis. Down by ourselves to Dover. X'd Channel. Cold but delightful X'ing. Met Col Denny & his partner (Mr Ward). Good lunch. 2 boxes of cigars & back. Saw Mr Douglas Freshfield, Payton, & after Mr Spearman, not seen him since 1886. Back to Dover & up to Charing X by 7.45pm. Home by cab. M had had no callers, only Baby. Good dinner, M, Con, Roy & self. Snooze after. Nightmare. Bed 12.15am. (Red ink: Roy, Con & self went to Calais.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Archibald Forbes. March 31. Punch cartoon of 28 March 'Welcome Home!' reproduced in New York Herald.) April 1, 1900.

Monday April 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on cycle short turn. Brighter but still cold. Very much hard put to get home for aperta. Letters from Midge & Edgar. The whole day tidying up & looking through 'Times' etc. Dressed at 7.15 & went by cab to dine with Lord Robertson. Took a Mrs Darling in to dinner. Next to a Mrs Morley. The Brintons there. Good dinner. Chocolate boxes. Walked to bus at Sloane St & home outside. Mrs Nealy had been with M. Bothering. Bed 12.15 after snooze & paper. (Red ink: Dined at Lord Robertsons'.) (Cutting glued in: Death of M.Jayr.) April 2. T.

Tuesday April 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & walk round C.H. After the whole morning sorting papers etc. Looked through the Illustrated ones & put them away. In the evening dined quietly. After Roy & self went by cab to the Haymarket Theatre, Con & M by carriage. Very wet. Heavy wet. Saw The Rivals. Fairly good. Went round to see Cyril Maude. Effie & Ethel English in box. Home by carriage. Snack & bed after paper. (Red ink: M, Con, Roy, Effie & Ethel English & self saw 'The rivals' at the Haymarket Theatre.)

Wednesday April 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & walked round C.H. After in morning put things straight etc & left at 12.0. Up to C.C & lunch with Scoones at the Garrick. After to C.C at 1.45. At 2.15 photod Miss Langley for 1st time. Fine tall girl & good Britannia. Out at 4.30 & to Ross's & after to Bath Club. Saw Roger Wallace & Freddy May, also Hitchings. Bath & hair cropped. After by bus to Punch Dinner. There 7.30. P.A, L.B, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S. Felt bored & disgusted with the farce of the whole thing. The

21 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 solemnity of F.C.B. The senility of J.T etc. Talk to Lucy after. Left 10.30 & wrote letters to Stace & Thomas. Posted them. Home all way on top of a bus. Roy & Con up. Paper & bed. (Red ink: Photod A.Langley 1st time.)

Thursday April 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8am & walk round C.H. Saw Chumps etc going school. After back & got to work. Skemed subject. Photod Stace & Otley at 12.0. Stace had never had letter. Developed etc after rest. Man from Post Office called. Got on with work up to 7.15 when dressed & went by self to dine with the Granthams at Cadogan Place 17. Fair dinner. Took a Mrs Martin in. The Lady Mayoress there & a pretty daughter. Left after talk with a Baronet about the Prince of Wales having Jew blood. Home by bus. Con, M & Roy had been to Wyndham's Theatre to see 'Dandy Dick'. Bed 12.0 after paper. Gate to area fell with a crash. All spikes broken off. Done by the milkman. (Red ink: Dined at the Granthams, Cadogan Place.)

Friday April 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Walk round C.H. Met girl in glasses going to school. Worked all day up to 6.0pm when finished cartoon of Salisbury & Pillar Box. Dined 7.0. Roy out to dinner. M, Con & self went to Criterion Theatre & saw His Excellency the Governor. A1. Ellis Jefferies & Gertrude Elliott, Bourchier & Boucicault. Roy turned up at entrance. Home by carriage. Snack. Read. Roy & Con back 12.15. Bed. (Red ink: Went with M & Con to see 'His excellency the Governor'.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Colonel de Villebois-Mareuil.) T. April 7.

Saturday April 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Walk round C.H. After in morning put clothes in tin boxes & left at 12.0 by bus for Garrick. Girl with Greek head in Victoria bus. Wish could have got for model. To Rules, ordered 4 doz oysters. Man in khaki next table. Carriage up 1.20. Had had a near shave for serious accident. Cab ran into it. Thankful. Very good lunch. Soft roes & oysters. After we, M, Con, Roy & self, had Box 13 for Gaiety & saw The Messenger Boy. Good. Out & put M & Con in carriage. Roy & self walked home all the way. Glorious sun sinking down. London Scottish in Park. Home. Mrs Nealy there. Gramophone going. M said Lucy had given notice. Quiet peaceful dinner. Rest after in Morning Room. Bed 11.10pm. (Red ink: All went, M, Con, Roy & self, to see 'The Messenger Boy'.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Osman Pasha.) T. Apl 6.

Sunday April 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45. Did not go out. Dull grey coldish morning. Breakfast. No mustard. Con & Roy up in my room. M busy over Midge's bills & also about a servant with bad character. Picture Sunday. Don't care a rap about it. In all morning. Touched up paint with palette etc. Lunch. Developed 2 doz plates, Sibley & struggle Jessop. Rest till 4.15. Just missed Roy. Went for cycle ride to Balham, Wimbledon & home by Lillie Bridge. Struggling idiot on cycle. Beat him. Back. Mrs Nealy had been to lunch & dinner. Also M went pictures etc with Mrs N. Quiet dinner, M, Mrs N, Roy, Conrad & self. Rest after. Snooze & nightmare in chair. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Cycled to Balham.)


Monday April 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. M to remain in bed. Down. Did not go out. Very cold & foggy like winter again. Wrote letters etc. All day putting things straight & printing & dating photos etc. Left & went the whole way by bus to the Punch Easter Dinner. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S. Made a record of making up 4 cuts within the hour. Left with Tenniel in cab 10.45. Home. Question of locking Roy out. Servants home very late. Conrad locked Roy out after all. (Red ink: Punch Dinner for Easter.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Phebe Lankester. Obituary of Mrs Lankester. Apl 14.)

Tuesday April 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Cycled to G.W.R & took several photos of railway carriage etc. Back home. Sent Otley to borrow coat at Ulster House & hat at L & B's after. Photod Stace, developed them & enlarged. Conrad left at 4.0pm. Got to work from 5.0 to 7.30pm. Dressed & dined at the Steinkopffs. Dull dinner. Took Miss Harriet Young in. After a talk to a Mrs Crowe. Home by carriage. Bed. (Red ink: Conrad left. Dined at the Steinkopffs.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir William Priestley. Death of Mary Cammell.)

Wednesday April 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & walk round Campden Hill. All day at work on drawing of Punch & H.R.H returning. Dined at 8.45pm, Roy & self. M had dined earlier. Letter from Mr Morshead at dinner time with bad & unsatisfactory news about Jarrah Syndicate. Lay awake at night & bothered about it. (Red ink: Bad news about Jarrah speculation.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir William Priestley.) Ap 12.

Thursday April 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Did not go out. Skemed subject of Hibernia for figure & put things together & went up to the Garrick at 12.0am. Called C.C & changed plates. Lunch at 1.30 Garrick. Saw William Stone & Whitty. Talk of Jarrah & Morshead. To C.C & at 2.30 photod A.Langley for Hibernia. Left Club at 4.30 & called Spooner. Wrote Lennie. Tea at Garrick. Bus from Spooner's home. M in Drawing Room. Man from Nash for Electric Light had not been. Much annoyed. Sent Otley twice to Nash & after to the Notting Hill Company. Man came & put it right at 7.30. Hamilton Langley & Dora dined, Midge seedy. After Roy & self went by cab to Palace Theatre & saw the Biograph. Fight between spiders & scorpions. Sat next George Giddens & his wife. Oh! Home by cab. Bed 12.0am. Mrs Nealy went to Stacey's. Mackaye put out all the Electric Lights about 11.30am. Developed 14 plates before dinner. (Red ink across page: Hamilton Langley & Dora dined. Roy & self went to Palace Theatre.)

Friday April 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Did not go out. Roy & self at breakfast. Hot X buns. With very great difficulty got Roy off at 11.0am on his cycle for Glovers. Packed his knapsack. After the entire morning & day enlarging for Hibernia. Printed all back home photos by 12.0am. Long tiring day. Packed bag with Otley at 6.30pm. M & self dined by ourselves quietly at 8.0pm. No evening paper. Read Strand Magazine & bed at 11.0pm, M knocking. Spencer called

23 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 in afternoon. (Red ink: Roy cycled down to Glovers.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Louis Thunder.)

Saturday April 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Down breakfast. M packing. Put things together & got M & Mackaye off by 9.55. Otley went with them. Wrote letters etc & drew cheques for Emma & Otley & for interest on loan Rob't Willis. Put photos up & sent by post. Otley back. Left on cycle at 11.45 & went to Balham, Merton & Sutton 1.15. Indifferent lunch at New Cock. On over Banstead. Wind very bad against me. Through Reigate & on to Horley. Went 4 miles out of way. Got to Glovers at 4.15. Drink & tea after. Charming house. Roy & L playing Squash Raquets. Bath & dressed. Very tired. Good dinner. Champagne. Bed at 11.0. M did not sleep well. Cycled 5000 miles on coming into Charlwood. (Red ink: M left for Glovers. Cycled down at 11.45. There at 5.15.)

Sunday April 15 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 9.0am. Had slept well. M said I snored. Bath. Breakfast. M in bed. Roy & self after out & looked at teal. Knocked up the Squash Raquets. After did an hour & a half's work. Lennie & Mite went to Church. Lunch. Sleepy after. Walk round. L & R tried to catch the fish in the tank. Back tea. Worked an hour or two in afternoon. Dressed & went for a walk for ¾ hour. Dinner. Bed 11.0pm. Cold strong wind. Drew 'Fox Glovers' in book just before dinner. (Cutting glued in: Death of Andrew Paul.)

Monday April 16 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.0. M had slept well. Had heavy nightmarish dreams. Bath & out. Wind took my hat off & into the water. Breakfast. Worked in morning an hour - no I did not. Wrote letters & read & Lennie & M & Mite & Roy left in pony cart & dog cart for Nymans at 11.45. Self started on cycle at 12.0. Strong wind. Took the wrong turning & got to Rusper. Rain & hail showers. Put cape on. Dropt glove & got to Ifield. Found it was 1.20 when at Crawley so had lunch there, 3/s roast beef & beer. On to Nymans. Got there 4.0pm. Mr & Mrs Gillgood(sic) & many children there after looking for Easter eggs. Tea & talk to young Gillgood. Back at 5.30. Cycled through Rusper & picked up my glove again. There it lay on the ground wet. Home 7.15. Sponge & dinner. Sleepy after. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink across page: Cycled to Nymans. Lunched at Crawley.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Captain Meeking.)

Tuesday April 17 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Breakfast. Dull rainy day. Rained off & on all the morning. After got on with drawings & put in outline. At 3.0pm went with Lennie in pony cart to Reigate. Past a delightful house belonging to Caryll Ansdell. Found an old furniture shop with very good things in it. Lennie bought a cabinet & Elizabethan chairs. Back after tea at the White Hart. Went over the cave. Shewn by a small boy. Thro' Horley & home by 7.0pm. Quiet dinner & bed after. Roy sleepy after dinner. (Red ink: Went with Lennie to Reigate.) Had strong westerly winds almost gales for 4 days, Thursday to today. After most lovely hot weather for days. In morning dd not work on 'Punch' drawing

24 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 but did Britannia for Lawrence Bradbury's souvenir & finished it at 3.0pm, posting it. (Cutting glued in: In loving memory of George Jennings. Ap 17.)

Wednesday April 18 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.45. Breakfast. Most lovely day. Bright hot sun all day. Worked all morning until lunch time & put outline of figure in, re-drawing feet. Lunch. At 3.0 M & Mite, Lennie Roy & self all went to Horsham. Had tea there. Only one old shop, not very much there. Back through Rusper. Most lovely sunset. Through churhyard, back at seven fifteen. Pond had been dammed with a plank. Dinner at 8.15. Sleepy after & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Cycled to Horsham.) (Cuttings glued in: In Memoriam Lord Byron. Death of Annie Woolmer.)

Thursday April 19 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.50. Breakfast, after got to work on drawing of Hibernia. Put in rest of outline & began to shade at 12.0 or after lunch. Mrs Messel, Ruth Messel & Mrs Gillgood(sic, Geilgud) came to lunch. Long lunch. Out in garden after. Back to work at 6.0. Squash raquets. Mite felt seedy & feverish. Worked up to 7.0pm & at 7.15 to 7.45 went for cycle ride past Lowfield & round circle. Roy decided to stay down until tomorrow morning. A clergyman came to dinner & stayed till 11.30pm talking of Mr Gibson the rector. Venus extraordinary bright, most lovely stars. Bed 11.45pm. M awake. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of the Earl of Londesborough. Friday Apl 20th. Death of Antoine Bellacoscia.19 April.)

Friday April 20 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.15. Roy getting ready to leave. Drew cheque for £100. Breakfast. Chipped a plate. Roy left 9.15am on cycle for Oxford. Got to work 9.45am to 2.0. Lunch. From 3 to 5.30, 6½ hrs shading & 4 yesterday, 10½. Finished & went into Horley on cycle. Mr Hemmings came at 11.0. Mr H, self & Lennie went for cycle ride 11 miles. Back. Teal duck found on pond had been out a whole week. Dressed. Most lovely day. Light up to 8.0pm. (Red ink: Roy left for London. Finished drawing & sent it off.)

Saturday April 21 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 9.0am. 4th day of consecutive sunshine without a cloud in the sky. Breakfast. After wrote letters & went on cycle to the post. Only just in time. Back. Victoria killed a rat in very good style. Quite hot like June weather. Letter from Roy saying he was not returning until next week. Put photos away & bag etc. Felt more or less seedy all afternoon. Lovely bright hot sun. Ducks fenced in all round larger pond. At 7.15 went for short ride towards Ansdells. Back. Dinner. Mite down 1st time since Wednesday. Sleepy after. Bed at 11.0. (Red ink: Cuckoo!!!! First heard the cuckoo at 12.45am. Heard it Monday April 15th 1901.)

Sunday April 22 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.30. Out looking at ducks. Breakfast. Another lovely morning. Hot. Looked at pigeons etc. Ducks. Wrote many letters. Lunch. Another 5 letters. Read the Book of Samuel & at 5.0 after tea went for ride to Newdigate & Rusper. Lovely old church at Newdigate. Something wrong with

25 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 my cyclometer. Registered 10 instead of 15 miles. Back 6.45. Posted letters. A Mr & Mrs Bone calling. Whiskey & St Galmier. Dressed 7.40. Bath. Dinner. Mr Hemmings seedy from smoking. He is 44! Bed 11.0 after pipe. Wrote above in dark almost. (Red ink: Cycled to Rusper with Lennie & Hemmings. Newdigate.) (Cuttings glued in: Diamond Wedding Arthur Burrows to Frances Bromley. Death of George Layton. The wife of Ernest Noel Paton, of a son.)

Monday April 23 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 7.40. Breakfast at 8.0. Lennie off with Mr Hemmings cycling. Robbed Lennie of his 'Times'. After wrote 6 or 7 letters. Dull morning & colder. Lunch. Ruth & Muriel came. Read after Phantom Ship. At 3.0 or 3.30 cycled to Red Hill. Miserable place. Back 6.0pm. Cycle going sideways. Lennie back. Cleaned cycle & put wheel right. Dinner. Sat up till 11.30. Read Phantom Ship. Bed. (Red ink: Cycled to Red Hill.)

Tuesday April 24 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 7.30. x. Breakfast. Lovely morning. Saw Lennie off. Letters from Edgar, Mervyn, Tabs & Midge. Put cycle right. After packed bag & looked over paper. Lunch. Started in luggage cart. Knocked the wheel against a waggon. Caught the 3.39 train. Taken up to London Bridge & had to go all the way round. Miserable journey. Change at Battersea & at Victoria 4.30. Otley had waited. Home 5.0pm. Tea. After dressed. Roy in with wine from Adah Spencer. Went by bus to Rose's & dined. Met Lewis & Mr Brodie. Satisfactory dinner & talk. Left at 11.30 & home by cart. Up in my room. (Red ink: Dined with Rose to meet Mr Brodie & Lewis about the Barr Estate.)

Wednesday April 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Dark & dull. Electric Light in Dining Room at breakfast. Walk round C.H. After saw man from Stores & also foreman from Ewart's. Long talk. Roy's dog making a mess. After dated photos etc. Lunch 1.15 & up in cart to C.C, taking parcel. At 2.30 photod Miss B.J. Bad model. Out 3.30. To Garrick & wrote 4 or 5 letters. Then to Bath Cub. Hair cut & shave. The hairdresser looking very ill. Out & by cab to Punch Dinner. Met Partridge on step. Sir W.A, P.A, B.P, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S. Phil May very late. Got cut of Indian Famine. Left with J.T & wrote 2 letters at Athenaeum. Home by carriage calling at C.C. Bed after reading in room. Very cold all day. (Cutting glued in: The Countess of Wharncliffe, of a son.)

Thursday April 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out for walk. Man & flageolet like Furniss. After skemed subject & at 12.0 photod Miss Langley in back yard & for Britannia & India. Developed & enlarged by 4.0pm. Had sent Otley for bags to C.C. Roy at Club. Roy & self dined together & went to see 'The Man of Forty' at the St James's Theatre. Sat next old Mr Flower. Bad play. Out & to Bath Club & home by the carriage at 11.40pm. Bed after being in my little room. (Red ink: Went to see The Man of Forty.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir John Bridge. Death of Helen Heron. The wife of Frank Cahill, of a son.)


Friday April 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out for a walk round C.H. After breakfast & writing type letters to Nicholls etc got to work all day. Finished drawing at 9.40pm. Roy dined by himself at 7.30pm & went back to Oxford by 9.15pm train. Rest in room after & bed 1.0am. Sent Otley to Lennie's with bags. (Red ink: Roy returned to Oxford.)

Saturday April 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. No walk. After breakfast put all things away & wrote letters. Fine day. To cycle with Guthrie to Glovers. Guthrie here 11.0am exactly. We started 11.25. Over Wimbledon by Roehampton & to Sutton by Maldon. Long pull to Reigate. There 2.0pm. Lunch & after to Mr Worley's. On to Glovers. Saw Mite. After M & Baby. Walk round with Guthrie & Lennie. At 7.10pm dressed. Ansdell's carriage came & we all went to dine there. Good dinner. (Red ink: Cyled down to Glovers with Guthrie. Lovely day. Dined at Caryll Ansdell's.)

Sunday April 29 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 9.0am. M said letters returned from model. Suppose from Charlwood. Headache & seedy all morning, bilious from last night's dinner. Wrote letters. Guthrie & Lennie strolling about. Lunch. Lord Borthwick & his sister to lunch. She smoked cigarettes. Went up after & lay down till 4.30pm. Dead teal in pond. Tea. Shortcake. At 5.15 cycled in drizzle with Guthrie & Lennie to Rusper. Up hill. Picked up an umbrella stick. Home down hill. They went on. Back & saw Baby. Rode round to Caryll Ansdell's & met them coming back. Dinner. Sleepy after in Drawing Room. Bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink: Very seedy all day. Cycled to Rusper in evening.)

Monday April 30 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Guthrie had been down & saw Lennie off. Wrote letters etc. Decided to go by 2.37 train. Drizzle of rain. Walked round paddock & to Post Office. Pretty little girl. Lunch & left in the luggage cart, Guthrie cycling. Up 2nd class. Good bye to G. Otley met me & drove to Academy. The varnishing day. Saw Story & many others. Good bust by (blank) Talk to Dolly Story & long one to Peter Graham. Miss Mortlock. Out 6.0. Home by bus. Painters etc.The fern case down. Been there since 1877. Dined 7.30 & went to Shaftesbury to get in. Could not. To Empire. Good Donkey & Baboon. Out & home on the top of a bus & bed. (Red ink: Went up to town. Royal Academy Varnishing Day. Dined at home & went to the Empire in evening.)

Tuesday May 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out for walk round C.H. After in morning letters & at 11.45 photod Miss Langley for cartoon this week. Men at work about fern cases. Developed & put in rack to dry. Lunch. Dressed & packed & at 3.0 Otley drove me in dog cart to Euston. Met James Ismay & Col Denny. After in Lord Stalbridge's carriage to Crewe. Had dinner with Webb in Saloon. Over the Menai Straits. Nice place, Colwyn Bay. Holyhead 10.0pm. In room No 10. Lost pot hat. Went over the Electric Light works. Felt tired & seedy. Talk in Billiard Room & bed at 11.10pm. Nice lot the Press men, very!!! (Red

27 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 ink: Went up to Holyhead from Euston. Met Lord Stalbridge, Denny & Webb.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Robert Wildgoose. Death of Elizabeth Langworthy.) Times 7th May.

Wednesday May 2 L & N.W Rly Hotel Holyhead. Called an hour too early. Up at 8.0 & bath. Breakfast with Lord Stalbridge at 8.45 & after wired Otley. Left the Pier at 9.30 & over to . Fresh sea. Many sick. Lovely passage. Mr Webb, Mr Brock & Col Denny. Lunch at Dublin. Just put foot on shore & back. Ran into sea fog. Hat blew off. Officious old reporter & Webb. At Holyhead 7.15. After at 8.15 dined with Lord Stalbridge, Mr Denny, Col Denny, Mr Brock, Webb, self & one other. Stories of Russia etc. Over at 11.0pm. Discovered had lost my pot hat. Sleeping berth in Irish Mail & turned in at 11.30. Col Denny on one side, I the other. Broken sleep all night. (Red ink: Crossed over to Dublin & back from Holyhead.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Frank Romer, of a daughter.)

Thursday May 3 On board Train. Between Holyhead & Euston. Uncomfortable sleep. Col Denny next berth. Woke about 6.0 & out at 6.30. Otley there. Dressed hurriedly & after drove to Embankment. Took 4 photos. Home at 7.30. Bath & dressed. Walk round C.H & breakfast 9.0. Painters at work. Printed blue phos of plates taken Tuesday. After enlarged with difficulty in Roy's room. Sleep from 2.15 to 4.30pm. Tea. At work from 4.30pm to 7.0 when dressed & left in cab for Salon dinner at the Trocadero. Oh what a surprise! A mixed dinner. Sat next Mrs Milman & Mrs Bernard Partridge. Good dinner. But oh such weary speeches & a rotten recitation. Furniss spoke. Left after as soon as I could get away & home by carriage. Up in room & bed at 12.15am. (Red ink: Back in London. Slow & fearful dinner at 'The Salon'.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Edward Churchyard.)

Friday May 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out for walk round C.H. Letters. After got to work at 11.0 & all day till 9.30pm on drawing of Paris & London. Dined by self & rest & bed after. Otley came in in morning saying he had won £78 by a d’ guess in 'The People'. Excited. Quiet dull day. (Cutting glued in: The wife of R.L.Harmsworth, of a daughter.)

Saturday May 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Headache the entire day. Breakfast & after put things away & room in order. Mr Proctor called. Saw men in yard painting. Drew cheques for Otley, Emma, etc etc. After lunch & got off by cart at 3.25. Noticed splash boards. To Victoria. Otley talking abut his good luck. After down to Horley. Cart with new man met me. Home. Dear M & Mite & Baby. Played several games of raquets with Lennie. Bath & dinner. Bad claret. Took 4 C.L.L.Pills. Livery. x. Mervyn came in in morning looking very like Conrad. Older. (Red ink: Down to Glovers 4th time.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of General Pitt-Rivers.) Mon 7th May. Cremated.


Sunday May 6 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.45. Breakfast. After in morning slight rain. Put cycle right & also cyclometer on it. Left at 12.0 in dog cart for Nymans with Lennie. Good drive. Baby followed in cart with white pony. Nymans 1.15. Mr & Mrs M, Ruth, Hilda & Muriel. A Mr Kahn & a Mr Dunn from Kew & one other girl. Dull walk round. Muriel took me on lake in boat. Very hot walking back. Left 5.30 & drove home. Horse pulled going through gate. Motor car down hill. Home. Stroll round. Dinner. Bad claret. Rest & bed 11.0. Slept well. Took 3 carters L.L.P. (Red ink: Drove over with Lennie to Nymans.)

Monday May 7 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 7.30. Breakfast with L. After the whole morning sticking strips of news in 2 diaries. Over a year to do. Read papers etc etc. Photod grey pony. Lunch. Felt seedy & heavy. After determined to cycle to East Grinstead. Started 3.50pm. Got there at 5.30. Bought a lot of china at old curiosity shop & after an old sword. Home by 7.30. Lovely ride. Lennie with quail. One got drowned. Dinner. Lennie depressed. Bed quite early 10.45. Changed plates. (Red ink: Cycled to East Grinstead.) (Cutting glued in: Academy Banquet.)

Tuesday May 8 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 7.45 & breakfast. Lennie with a new horse. Poor animal. After went on lining red over the last 2 diaries. M came in at 1.0 & persuaded me not to go up today. So stayed. Lunch 1.45. After wrote letters etc. M & Mite went into Horley. Dull coldish day all day. At 4.0pm Mr & Mrs Messel called & stayed till 5.45. Had tea. Walked round with them afterwards. M & Mite back at 5.30. Went on cycle to send wire to Otley & on the road to meet Lennie. Had 2 sets of Squash Raquets & changed at 7.0pm. Wrote & filled up clothes. Box broke. Dinner 7.55. Champagne. Read Marryat's African Scenes. About Modder River. After bed 11.0pm. Not sleepy. (Cutting glued in: The King of Sweden and Norway left London yesterday.) 8 May.

Wednesday May 9 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 7.45. Cloudy morning. West wind. Breakfast. At 8.40 photod Newson's little girl. Wrote 4 or 5 letters & prepared to go up. M in garden with dear Baby. Packed up & started at 1.0 exactly after lunch leaving bags. Cloudy day. Threatened rain. 3 miles to Caryll Ansdell's, 5 to corner by church, 7½ to White Hart Reigate. 20 minutes to walk up Reigate Hill, 17 miles to Sutton. Wet roads at Sutton & Wiimbledon. Home 4.40pm exactly 51¼ miles door to door. Dressed & on to the Punch Dinner, calling C.C. Wrote a letter in Fleet St & on to P.D. F.C.B, J.T, self, O.S, A à B, B.P, H.W.L & A.G. Short dinner. Carriage met me & on to Soirée of the Royal Society. Saw Lockyer, Baker, Preece, Roscoe etc. After to Belgrave Square to McLarens' party. Violet Hunt, Whitehead, etc etc. Home by carriage. (Red ink: Cycled up from Glovers. Royal Society & Mrs McLaren's 80 Club Dinner.) (Cutting glued in: Lady Meux's Battery.) May 9.

Thursday May 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Round C.H for walk. Met no one. After to work to skeme subject of Punch & German Emperor & son. Decided to take no

29 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 photos. Men at work finishing yard. After worked up to 9.15pm when dined by self & to bed tired after. (Cutting glued in: Legal appointments. Death of Mary Gosling.)

Friday May 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out round C.H. Saw small boy. Chumps must have left school. After back & letters. Work at 11.0 & all day to 7.0pm when finished & sent off drawing of Punch & German Emperor & son. Roy back from Oxford at 12.30pm & off to eat dinner. Dined by self & up in the carriage to try to get in to see Zaza. Could not. Went to the Alhambra. Very good French musicians & 2 men on Billiard table. Left & to Garrick. Wrote 2 letters. Home by omnibus & to bed. Met little play writer ? in bus. Man I met at Mrs Jopling Rowe's years ago. (Red ink: Went by self to Alhambra. Roy back for dinner from Oxford.)

Saturday May 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Walk round C.H. After breakfast Roy down, had been late. Put things in order & after left at 11.0 & by cab to C.C. At 12.10 B.J came & said her sister was ill. Took 6 plates. After out & to Garrick Club. Lunch. Lambs fry. To the Criterion Theatre & saw Lady Huntworth's Device. Roy there. Well acted. Out & to Bath Club. Wrote M. Turkish Bath & hair cut. Shave. Cab to Garrick. Dined by self. After to see 'Quo Vadis'. Mervyn & Ethel there, Roy & self. Poor play. Lena Ashwell Barnes, Miss Brinsley Sheridan Tabor etc. Out & to Garrick. Supper. Sat opposite Chudleigh & Eric Lewis. Lord Euston, Joe Parkinson & Clement Scott. Left at 1.0am & home by carriage. (Red ink: Went to matinée Lady Hunsworth's Device. Quo Vadis in evening.)

Sunday May 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Tired. Cold dull morning. Roy & self breakfasted together. Letters from last night. After wrote letters put things away all morning. Lunched quite by self. Snooze after at comfortable fire. At 4.0 dressed & had tea & sent Otley up with cycle to top of hill. Went for 1st time to Sir A.Hickman's & played Lawn Tennis. Young Trench a duffer. He & I were beaten every set except one. After back 7.30. Sir A.H said he wished Maud had taken a fancy to one of his sons. Roy back & had a little dinner with me & left 8.45pm for Oxford. Up in room & slept from 10.0 to 12.0 & good night afterwards. (Red ink: Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Horace Blaker.)

Monday May 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. Road up in Holland Walk. After in morning put things straight etc & wrote legends on many drawings for various people. Lunch. Developed E.Jessop plates taken yesterday. Put out in water. After left in carriage at 5.0pm & called Athenaeum & on to Garrick. Saw Mr Reginald Harrison about College of design. Had walk to Wardour St. After dined by self at Garrick. Good dinner & went to see Miss Hobbs at the Duke of York's Theatre & also Madame Butterfly. Out & back to Garrick. Saw Lucas & Gillie. Home by carriage at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Went to see Madame Butterfly.) (Cutting glued in: Social news.) Times 16 May.)


Tuesday May 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am & out for walk round C.H. After in morning wrote letters etc & type write for advertisement. Developed a dozen. No that was yesterday. In hut & took plates out. Had sent Otley to Barkers & for Bank book. Lunch & left 1.40 for Charing X. Otley 7 minutes late. Took train to Seven Oaks. Met Mr Bingham in train. Out & cycled to Charlwood thro' Braisted, Westerham, Godstone & Horley. Spoken to by girl cyclist. Good tea at Inn at Godstone. Had got up with a beastly influenza cold in head. Why? Most annoying & horrid all day. Got to Charlwood at 7.0pm. Saw dear M, Baby, Mite & Lennie who had a headache & depressed. Dined 7.45pm. M rubbed chest after & bed 11.0. Most uncomfortable night with irritation from cold. Woke etc. Intense inflammation in nostrils & throat. (Red ink: Snuffy horrid cold came on in morning. Cycled from Seven Oaks to Charlwood. Fine day.)

Wednesday May 16 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.5, just saw Lennie off. Still cold N.E wind. Breakfast with Mite & after wrote a few letters. Looked at Zola's Fecundité. Stroll to P.O & read inscriptions on tomb stones. Back. A snack at 12.0 & left at 12.30. Bad news for Nurse, going to leave Baby. After went to P.O & sent wires & on to Reigate. Absolutely the most uncomfortable ride ever had. Facing wind & hot, cold wretched. Miserable alltogether. Got to Reigate 1.40, 10 minutes to spare. Takes just an hour. Up to Charing X & rode home 7 miles along the Embankment etc. Home 4.0pm. M back 4.30. Bath etc. Dressed. After left by bus at 5.50 & to C.C. Called, 2 letters, walked from there to Punch Dinner. W.A, P.A, O.S, A à B, self, J.T, F.C.B, A.G, E.T.R, B.P. Long discussion. No good subjects. Left 10.45 & home all way by the carriage. (Red ink: Cold very bad. Cycled to Reigate. Horrid wind. M returned from Charlwood.)

Thursday May 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Cold better but still seedy with it. Out for walk round C.H. Road up in Holland Walk. Back & some trouble to skeme subject of Punch drinking Queen's health. After at 12.30 photod self on chair with glass up. Developed & printed by 4.30 & went on to work till 7.0 when dressed & M & self down in carriage to dine with Col Welby at Chelsea. Poor dinner but met an interesting clergyman & wife & a man who knew John Penn. Cold better but very bad still. Left 11.0pm & home by carriage. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Dined at Colonel Welby's. (Cutting glued in: Death of Ada Heaven.)

Friday May 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk round C.H. After to work all day & hard on Punch & Colonies drinking Queen's health. Worked till 9.30pm when dined. Rest after. M dined earlier. At 12.0 to bed. People shouting in Kensington. Hooraying all over the place. Must be the relief of Mafeking. (Red ink: People shouting in Kensington at midnight. Relief of Mafeking.)

Saturday May 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am. Tired. Did not go out. In morning put things away & sorted plates. Early lunch & M & self left in carriage & went up to the


Prince of Wales's Theatre & saw a triple bill of Martin Harvey's. Pantomime Rehearsal not so good as of old. Long girl dancing. Pretty Hans Anderson piece, Ib & Christina. Put M in carriage & to C.C & Garrick. Walked quietly home by self at 6.0pm. Spoken to in Piccadilly by girls with peacocks' feathers etc. All London mad about Mafeking. Marching crowds etc etc. Flags all over the place. Dinner at 8.0pm M & self quietly for 1st time since Good Friday April 13th. Bed at 11.15 after rest. (Red ink: M & self went to see Martin Harvey. All London mad over Mafeking.)

Sunday May 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Walk round High St & photod flags etc. Back. All morning in hut etc. Developed many photos, Britannia & ¼ plates. After rest in room. Left at 4.30 on cycle for Sir A.Hickman's. Spencer called. Poor sets at T. Miss French & her uncle against Sir A.H & self. Won 2 sets all. After single young H against Sir H & self. Intensely slow. Dressed & M & self had good dinner there. Mr & Mrs Kettle, also an old serviceman & his wife. Lily seedy. Lady H going to have her portrait taken. Recommended Fildes. After home. Smoke & bed. (Red ink: Tennis & dined at Sir A.Hickman's.)

Monday May 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am & walk round C.H. Saw C for 1st time since Ap 5. Hot warm morning. Flags still flying. After at breakfast decided to go to Calais. Wrote 3 or 4 letters & left 10.15 by bus to Victoria & down by self. Lovely day. Met Ray Lankester on board & had long talk. Calais 2.45. Late lunch. Cigars. Saw Cap'n Blomfield & Payton & home. Good X'ing. Back to S.T at 8.15. M & self dined quite quietly & bed at 12.15 after snooze. (Red ink: Crossed to Calais & back. Saw Ray Lankester.)

Tuesday May 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5 & out. Dull slight rain. Walk round C.H. Letter from Roy about his readings. Met Chumps & another going to school, also girl with glasses. Wrote letters & diary. In morning Otley undid granite pedestals etc for Drawing Room. After developed some photos etc etc. Skemed subject for Coll of Surgeons. M & self dined at 6.15pm & went in carriage to see 'An American Beauty' at the Shaftesbury. Edna May. The greatest rubbish I ever listened to. Left before it was over & home. Sandwich & bed. Mrs Welby, Mite & Mrs Welby's sister lunched with us at 2.0pm. (Cutting glued in: The wife of Loftus Tottenham, of a son.)

Wednesday May 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & walk round C.H. Met C & another. Whisked round street. After back & printed blues in morning etc. Rest. Conrad came at 4.0pm. Skemed card for the Royal Coll Surgeons. After left at 6.20 by bus for P.D. Talkative man in bus. Called C.C & on by 2 other buses. Sir W.A, Phil M (late) B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S. So so dinner & after got cut of Russians. Left & home by bus. Reception at the Duke of Devonshire's. M had been to dine at Cameron Corbetts. Con not in. Bed 12.0am. Birthday honours out. Trendall knighted & O'Dowd.


Thursday May 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Walk round C.H. C & two friends crossing. Breakfast. Con down. After skemed subject of Russian Autolycus. Difficult. Photod Otley at 11.45. Sent for birds. Developed & got prints. Rest. At work at 5.0 to 7.30. Had 2 bottles 'Perinet' to drink the Queen's health. Lennie & Mite, Con, M & self dined. Quiet good dinner. They left 11.0. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Queen's Birthday. Quiet family dinner at home.)

Friday May 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.5. Walk round C.H. Back breakfast. Letters etc. After worked all day at drawing of Russian Autolycus. Finished 8.0pm. Quiet dinner, M, Con & self. Bed at 12.0 after. Not tired.

Saturday May 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am. Walk. After put things straight etc all morning. Skemed figures for next week & also for Sir Wm McCormac's drawing. Lunch. M & Con went up earlier to the Duke of York's Theatre. Self after by cab, taking bag to C.C. Saw the Miss Hobbs & Madame Butterfly for 2nd time. M very much affected. Out. To Garrick. Had tea. Saw Bancroft & Beetle. Home by bus to Butts. Great fair in Kensington. Bazaar & also King of Sweden at Ranelagh. After dressed & went with M to dine at the Johnson Fergusons. Took Miss Mundella in. Good dinner. Mrs Milman there & Mr & Mrs Dixon Hartland. Left 11.0 & home by carriage. (Red ink: Went with M & Con to see Madame Butterfly. Delightful. Dined with the Johnson Fergusons. Took Miss Mundella in.)

Sunday May 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am. Lovely morning. After put things straight etc & made crown for Hygieia. Left on cycle at 11.10 for C.C. Photod Miss M.H for the figure for Sir Wm McCormac & for Punch next week. Back at 2.10 for lunch. Rest & at 4.0 went to play Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's. Good game at last, Col H returning. Hickman said he was going to Fildes. Left 7.15 & home. Bret Harte had called. Dora to dinner & Con, M & self. Quiet evening. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Went to C.C at 11.30. Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's.)

Monday May 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out walk. Met C & little girl. Back. Man setting decoys for birds. After breakfast developed some photos taken yesterday & at 12.30 dressed for Levée. Lunch. Left 1.30 in carriage. Arrive at St James's Palace 1.55. Just one hour getting past H.R.H who did not shake hands. Conrad went with me. Saw Wingate & Bancroft & Ernest Clarke & Gilbey, Geoge Lewis & many others. Lovely day. Drove after walking to Athenaeum to Midge's & after home. Enlarged figures for tomorrow. Dressed & left at 6.15 by bus to Punch Dinner. F.C.B, J.T, self, O.S, A à B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L there. Suggested cut for Tenniel. Circus Hoop. Derby Sweep drawn. (Red ink: William Agnew won the Sweep. Conrad & self went to the Levée. Next Levée attended 21 April 1902 by self.)


Tuesday May 29 Stafford Terrace. Most lovely morning. Up 8.10 & out with camera. Took little girl running. No C. Wrote Harmsworth. After got to work at 11.0 on drawing of Europe & African animals & worked up to 8.15pm when M & self dined quite quietly by ourselves & bed after at 11.30. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Margaret Noel-Paton. Killed in action St John Meyrick.)

Wednesday May 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Out for walk, up to Broughtons. No C. Back at work all day up to 7.0pm on drawing of Europe & African animals. Finished & dined 7.15. Wire from Spielmann to go to Paris. Con kindly went over & saw Spielmann. M & self left in carriage to 1st night of Rip Van Winkle. Poor, not a success. Eyes hurt me & felt seedy & tired. Saw many I knew. Mr Bainbridge etc, Fred'k Macmillan. Home tired. Letters etc. Woke at 7.0 by men hammering at steps. (Red ink: Went in evening to 1st night of Rip Van Winkel.)

Thursday May 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.35. Dull morning. Walked round by Kensington Church. News of fall of Pretoria & also occupation of Johannesburg. Sent Otley to Isador Spielmann's. Went up after lunch & called at Chapman & Hall, Lincoln Bennett & tie shop. Called Athenaeum & after had Turkish Bath & hair cut. Home by bus to dinner. In morning developed rest of plates taken on Sunday. M & self dined quietly & to bed after snooze at 12.30am. (Cuttings glued in: Killed in action William Power. Death of Hetty Treves.)

Friday June 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk. A dull rainy day all day. Gave up idea of going to The Oaks for Mrs D'Arcy's invite & put things in order. Got things together & packed. Saw Chumps going into school at 9.0. Round Church Street. The whole day putting things straight etc. M & self dined quietly together & bed at 11.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Did not go to The Oaks. Preparing for Paris.)

Saturday June 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. M & self went by carriage to G.W.R. & caught early train for Oxford. Saw Mrs Warren on platform. Walked to Mitre. Saw dear Mite & Dora. Lennie had taken his degree. Delightful lunch in Roy's room. After went over Wafford & Spokes with Lennie & then after to hotel & home by 4.40, Roy walking with us. Back to town & home by carriage. Finished packing etc. M & self dined quietly together. Last of Lucy Fearns. Bed 11.30 after rest. Lucy Fearns no loss. None at all, No! No! (Red ink: M & self went to Oxford to see Roy.)

Sunday June 3 Stafford Terrace. Lovely morning. Up 7.30. Otley in & got luggage ready. Went to station by ordinary bus wih M. Carriage reserved. Green civil. Dover. Saw Cap'n Dixon. Also Merry W. Lovely crossing. Cap'n Blomfield. Got carriage reserved. Lunch. Judge Snagge got in. Very hot. On to Amiens. Beast of a Frenchman wanted M's seat. Paris 7.0. No porters. Got after great

34 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 bother half drunken cocher. Great difficulty in getting to the Grand Hotel Trocadero. Also bother to get baggage into room. M & self dined at table d'hote late. After self went into Exhibition grounds for 1st time. Dense crowds. Hot. Students with Basque caps & knickerbockers. Back 11.0 & to bed. Eiffel Tower closed. (Red ink across page: Left for Paris.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of the Earl of Radnor. T, Ju 5. Death of Mary Kingsley. Death of Hope Macdonald.)

Monday June 4 Grand Hotel Trocadero. Up at 8.0. Lovely but frightfully hot morning. M dressed & we both got to the Exhibition by 9.30am. Great difficulty in finding the Palais des Beaux Arts. Put M in chair. At last there 11.30. Saw Mr Stapleton, after Davis. Went off in a fiacre & lunched with D at Hotel Continental. Good lunch, table d'hote. After back to the Exhibition. Most frightfully hot. M & self tried to go to pictures, put back by heat. After a weary walk thro' exhibition. Seat by fountain of Austrian Pavilion. Little girl lost her brother. Algerian conjuror & cascade of gold. Back to hotel 4.0pm. Tumbled on to bed & tried to sleep. Dressed & left by one of the Hotel cabs & tried to dine at Le Doyen. No seat. On to the Continental. M & self dined quietly à la carte. Fire engine. Smoke wih Davis. Back to Hotel after & had to walk up the steps. Bed 11.45. (Red ink: Intensely hot. 1st day at Exhibition.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Henry Blomfield. Obituary of Mary Kingsley.)

Tuesday June 5 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.30. Dejeuner 8.0, out 8.45. Walked to Exhibition & to British section thro' the grounds. Met Spielmann. Nothing known of Jury. Went with S to the British Offices to get badge. Met Ernest George there. Signed papers. Back with G in fiacre to Exhibition, 1Fr each. Met Mr & Mrs McLaren & daughter. Walked thro' the Galleries. At 11.45 went to lunch. Met M at Le Doyen. Very good dejeuner, 10F a head. After M & self out & thro' the pictures & after on to the Ronde Rly & so home. Very tired. Slept from 4.40 to 6.30. After dressed. Great bother to get conveyance, M flurried & had to go up again. At last got off. Dined with the Spielmanns at the Hotel de Lille & d'Albion. Bad wretched dinner. After saw Sir J Sebag Montefiore & Admiral Keppel & little picture dealing Lefevre. Got off at 10.15 & home by cab. Bed 11.45. (Red ink across page: Wretched dinner with the Spielmanns.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Bruce Ismay, of a daughter.)

Wednesday June 6 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0am. Breakfast 8.0. Got to Exhibition 9.25. Tall hat & frock coat. Not so hot fortunately. Met Spielmann. Taken to Jury Room. Waited ½ hr. After introduced myself to Jury going round. American Mr Alexander. A Dutchman & a German. Had to rush up to my section & decide who to recommend. Short & Wylie. Back. Went to Le Doyen & found George had finished lunch. Had gudgeon etc, out & back. Met Ristori & ladies at gate. After George & self went round the Architectural Galleries. Saw Davis etc & after to English Pavilion on the quay. Dressed & M & self down to the Continental. Had a sort of private carriage. M had been seedy & with Mrs Spielmann & Admiral Keppel. Had asked Davis to dinner & M & self & he dined at table d'hote. Sat out after. Mr D shewed photos of his son. Home &

35 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 at Hotel 10.45. Good drive. Found out Reading Room. (Red ink across page: Attended first Jury.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Harry Collis to Emily Nield. Marriage of George Tucker to Frederica Hirsch. Tribute to the late Mary Kingsley.)

Thursday June 7 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0. Dejeuner 7.30. Out & walked to Jury. Meeting 9.30. Looked all round & voted. 2 Gold Medals to English Section. Nicholson 1 Oh! & Cameron & Haig. No N came after all (Wedy 13th) After out & at 12.0 Davis, Spielmann, George & self lunched together, very good, at Le Doyen. After D, G & self went to the Swiss Village & to the Salle des Fêtes. Jodelling good. Had bock. Left & to Hotel, M waiting. Dressed & left in fiacre to dine with Ernest George at Café Henri. Mr & Mrs S.Davis, M & self & Onslow Ford & son. Very good dinner & wonderful duck. M & Mrs S felt seedy & left in a hurry. I got my wrong coat & poor Sp'n could not find his. Drove to Hotel in cab & bed at 11.45. Frightfully hot. A curious little ventilator in the Cafe worked by Electricity. (Red ink: Dinner with Ernest George at Café Henri. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of John Dalby to Hyacinthe Dalby. Obituary of Sir Frederick Marshall.)

Friday June 8 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0am. Dejeuner 7.30 & after out & walked for 1st time on reverse side of River Seine. Met Jury 9.30 & voted till 11.30am for French Section. Meeting delayed till Monday morning 9.0am. Went back to M & both lunched together at own table at 12.45. After out & back to Exhibition. Went to our own section & after to Industrial part. Lovely French furniture & Empire. Back to M. Dressed & on to Continental & dined at table d'hote. Old ladies next to us eating everything. After saw man watching American girl. Smoke & coffee with Davis & back hotel. Bed 11.45pm. Took Spielmann's coat back in morning & got mine. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of the third Duke of Wellington.)

Saturday June 9 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0. Breakfast 7.30 & out 9.45. Went by self to see Telescope etc after going up to 2nd Etage of Eiffel Tower. Saw M's window & my boots outside at Hotel. After to the Music & Book Section. Back to M 12.0 & after drove to Le Doyen. Lunch. Good. Pretty American girl with hat. Saw Davis & Morland Agnew after. Looked at map for Musée Rodin. M & self drove to Continental. Left card at the British Embassy, 39 Fauberg St Honoré. After by cab to (blank) Boulevard Maleherbes to call on Mrs Alexander. Nice American girl there. Tried to find out Hamilton's friend. M & lift. Cab asked 10F to stay. Got closed cab to our Hotel. M changed & back to Continental. Dined à la carte. Cocotte by herself. After again saw young man looking after American girl. Davis tired & worried. Talk & smoke. Left by cab & back to Hotel. Driver had a little doze in box. Read papers & bed 11.45. Hamilton Langley called at Hotel. (Red ink across page: Tea at Alexanders’.)

Sunday June 10 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.30. Dejeuner 8.0. Got out after writing letters at 9.30am & spent morning in French Colonial Exhibit, Cuba etc. Saw copra &

36 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 pearl shells. After to Le Musée Marchant, Le Mission Marchant it is called. Black soldiers chewing a sort of liquorish toothpick. Red trowsers & tarboshes. Poor show. After to Madagascar & Algeria & also Dahomey. Back to M at 12.0. Changed & took a cab to Le Doyen. Saw Henderson & Maggie, Col Makins, also Davis & George. Good lunch. Intensely hot. Sat in the Champs Elysées after with M. Caterpillars. Cab to Louvre. Cool in Sculpture Rooms. Saw Venus of Milo. Up to pictures. Turned out at 4.0pm. Cab to Continental. Rest & after looked in at Hotel Ritz. Saw Prince & Princess of Pless coming back from the Grand Prix. Ordered dinner for 7.30pm. Ernest George came to time. M, self & George dined. Soup, salmon, capon, huge mass of peas. Champagne Pommeroy '95. 50 F altogether. Girl cocotte. Sat outside with Davis, George & Gen'l Hawkins. Good talk of war '61 - '65. Home. Great illuminations. Wrote diary. Bed 12.0. (Red ink across page: Intensely hot. Grand Prix day.) (Cuttings glued in: Diamond Wedding of George Chambers and Anne Worthington.. Obituary of Sir William Cunliffe Brooks. Obituary of H.Francis.)

Monday June 11 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up at 7.0am. Bath. Breakfast. After strolled to Committee Room. There 9.0am. Frightfully hot. Long morning voting for French section. Out at 12.30 & lunched at Le Doyen as the guest of the Jury (French). Sat next Alexander. Back to Committee Room. There till 3.40. Met M outside sitting on a chair. Mr Stapleton came & talked to M till nearly 5.0. Left & ordered a table for 7.30 at Le Doyen. Back by cab & dressed. Dined at Le Doyen. Guzzling lot dining next us. Pretty English girl like Lily Hanbury. Also American woman Oh! '(illeg) no sarnes'. After flung away 8F at the Ambassadeurs. Cab home. Tired & frightfully hot. Bed 11.30pm. (Cuttings glued in: Golden Wedding of W Sims Forner and M.Williams. Killed in action, the Earl of Airlie.)

Tuesday June 12 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up at 7.0am. Breakfast. Out 9.0. Got on a tram by advice of porter & went down to the Hotel de Ville. Very hot. Got cigars. After back to Exhibition. Met M at the Musée Rodin 11.0. Curious impudent Balzac but many groups beautiful in form. Into the Exhibition & to the German Pavilion, the Spanish, & the English. Lovely Langrets in German. Also tapestry in Spanish & Boabdil’s Arms & surtout. I met a Mr Purdon Clarke. Introduced myself to Mrs Jekyll. Also saw Thompson Layon. On to Le Doyen & had lunch. Pretty French woman with small buckle back of hair. After to Swiss Village. No yodelling. Thro' Salle des Fetes. M disappointed. Cab back to hotel. Violent thunderstorms & rain came on. Arranged for carriage. As usual ass of a porter made mess of it. Down & took ordinary fiacre to dine at Col Jekyll's. Gave him 3F. ¼ hr too early. Sat in garden. Two delightfully mannered little girls. Did not know Col Jekyll. Took Mrs Spielmann in. Sat next Mr Wyndham, most amusing acct of his Jury. 'No medal to anyone tampering with employees'. After introduced to Spanish Marquis whose aunt owned the Surtout of Boabdil etc. Left 11.0 & home by fiacre which was waiting, 4 Fr, no trouble. Frightfully hot at dinner, awful. Bed 11.45pm. (Red ink across page: Dined with Colonel & Madame Jekyll.) (Cutting glued in: In memoriam the Earl of Airlie.)


Wednesday June 13 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0 & went by tram to attend Jury. There at 8.30am. Looked at the Graveurs in British Gallery. Made up list. After walked with Jury all round the Foreign Exhibits. Gold to Holland. After got two extra gold medals, 5 silver, 5 bronze. Went as a guest of Mons Biraldi's in a char à banc to Bois de Boulogne. Lunched on an island. Good. Ducks & swans. Stroll round. Made a speech at coffee time. Names written on menu. Wet drive back. Thunder. Put down at Trocadero. On to meet M at Petit Palais. Waited 1½ hrs. Went to English Section & wrote names in book. Home by tram. Found M out. Dressed & back to Petit Palais. Then back again to Hotel Continental. At last met M who had also been running about. Faint & tired. Had dinner à la carte. Sat out after, Davis & Spielmann still looking after girls. Back to Hotel. Decided not to go tomorrow. Bed 11.0am. Nicholson got a gold medal. Oh!

Thursday June 14 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up at 7.0am. x. Breakfast. Bath etc. Wrote letters & out. Sent 2 wires off. Saw very funny accident ½ a motor tricycle came off & ran into a van standing. Hit horse on hock. Back. Expensive shave, 1Fr. Up in M's room & after out & by tram to the Madelaine. Civil man. Saw a wedding. Whose? Extraordinary good looking young man with auburn hair & grey suit & pot hat. Brute of a man pushed a girl. Very angry. On to Grand Hotel. Saw Lady De la Rue. Breakfast. The Spielmanns & Purdon Clarke. Table d'hote, 5Fr, wine included. After M & self strolled on past Rue Royal & to B.Arts main entrance of Exhibition & went thro' the French Annexe. Jewellery, furniture etc etc. Also Japan. Pretty girl in Japanese Court. 'Je ne suis pas encore marié'. On to the Ronde & home. Had a large cup of chocolate at M's restaurant. Dressed & drove to Continental. Good dinner, 14Fr. Last talk to Davis & Gen'l Hawkins after. Madame Butterfly. Left 10.25. Wet. Man went out of way by back streets. Bed 10.45pm. Tired. (Red ink across page: Dejeuner at the Grand Hotel.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Cecil Sitwell.) J. 25.

Friday June 15 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up at 7.10. Out & by tram to entrance of Beaux Arts. Met Jury. Voted & after all went to remaining Foreign Section. Austria, Spain, Germany etc. Old German juryman very busy. Liked bronzes in German Section. After got a Medaille d'Honneur for Seymour Haden. Left off at 12.10 & went to meet M at Le Doyen. Met her outside. Indifferent lunch. 4F for fish, 14F.50 bill. After left & we went round Picture Galleries etc. Much that was new to see. Statues etc. Lovely Empire furniture. Out & sat ¾ hour listening to the band. Home by tram. Found later a wire from F.C.B. Went out & sent wire. Saw a small black poodle run over. Back up in room. Too late to call on Mrs Jekyll. Dressed. M & self went by tram to Hotel Continental. Saw Gen'l & Mrs Hawkins. Went out & bought cigars. Back. Best dinner of the lot, 13.25. Sat out after. No young man after girl. Left 10.0 & home by cocher who had had a tumble. Bed 10.45. Sleep at once. (Cutting glued in: Mr and Mrs Pinero have left London. Mr Linley Sambourne returns to London early next week.) F Ju 15.


Saturday June 16 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up at 7.0am. x. Out after breakfast & walked to Post Office & wired Cole. Then went into Exhibition & looked at Russian Pavilion, West Australia & walked round by Costume & Carriages & Bicycles. Back to Hotel 10.45. M & self out & into Ex & walked again thro' Dress Exhibit. On to Ronde Rly & to Le Doyen. Lunch. After saw the Spielmanns & Yeames & Mr Stapleton. Left poor M & to Jury. There till 5.30. Final Jury. By cab to Hotel. Dressed. Found I had lost my badge. Annoyed. Cab to Continental. Passed M in another fiacre. At this time or only a few minutes later a frightful tramway car accident happened not far from where we met. Walked from the Continental to the Elysée. There 7.20. Dinner 8.10. Great reception. Dinner table blazing with lights. 30 candelabra with 15 candles each. Sat between M.Corroyer & M. St Marceaux. Poor dinner. Sweet champagne. Mr George gave me good cigar after. Beer in the garden. Talk to Millet & Ford. Belgian to fight a duel. Home by cab. Stopped by police on acct of accident. Bed 12.15am. (Red ink across page: Dined with the President of the French Republic at the Palais Elysée.)

Sunday June 17 Grand Hotel de Trocadero. Up 7.0. Left Hotel at 10.20. Many tips. Drove to Nord. 2 hours too soon. Got porter & put things in office. After M & self went a marketing. Had bad coffee in a restaurant. Met Mr & Mrs Spielmann in train & off 11.50. Priest (English) in train with us. Calais 3.35. Saw Payton. Porter fell down & hurt his hand with Mrs Spielmann's bag. M cold. Gave her wrap of a waterproof. Dover. Saw Cap'n Dixon. Carriage reserved. Charing X at 7.45. Bother to get bags. Home 8.30 exactly. Letters. A bottle of Champagne & bed at 11.45 after snooze. Very hot in room. M tired. (Red ink: Returned from Paris.)

Monday June 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15.Out. Missed C for photo. Wrote letters & began to work 12.30. Worked all day on Preface & got on with it up to dinner time at 8.15 when dined quietly with M & job maid waited. Bed at 11.50 after snooze. (Red ink: Began Preface.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Kemmis. T.Ju 25.)

Tuesday June 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out with camera & took snap shots (3) of C & girl & policeman & cart. Back & worked all day on Preface. Finished it at 7.0pm. After began Tail Piece. Mite & Lennie came to dine with us at 8.15. Lennie rather depressed. They left at 11.0. Snooze & bed. (Red ink: Last saw Ch.)

Wednesday June 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Walked round Campden Hill. After back & went on with tail for Preface. Finished at 4.0pm. Began tail for Index. Worked till 6.30 when left in cab for Punch Dinner. There 7.15. Phil A, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S there. Good dinner & talk. Gave them my acct of Paris & also imitated 'Biraldi' with his bell. Left by buss at 10.50 & on to the Garrick. Wrote 4 letters & home on the top of a bus.


Thursday June 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Walked up Church St. No C. Back & at work all day on tail. Wet nearly all day. Finished Index at 6.30pm. Not very good. Dressed & went by cab to dine at the Royal Society's Club. Sat next Max O'Rell. Mon. Paul Bluet most interesting talk of commune etc. Marcus Stone, Sir William McCormack, Gatacre etc etc there. Mostly drunk. Left at 11.45 & home by cab & to bed. Headache. Job maid left. (Red ink: Good dinner at the Royal Society's Club. Next Max O'Rell. Finished Index etc.)

Friday June 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out up Church Street. No C. Why. After wrote diary & letters. Went on to work all day on cartoon of Kangaroo scratching ear. Finished easily by by 8.15. M & self dined quietly by selves. Letter from Roy to say not coming till Monday. Wire from Tabs to ask Roy yachting. Bed 11.30 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Lord Kensington's estate. Obituary of Arthur Tooth.)

Saturday June 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. x. After breakfast got on cycle & rode round Barnes. Lovely morning. Met A.H. Back by 11.30 & put photos away etc. Lunch. After all afternoon from 2.0 to 5.30 enlarging for Sir Wm McCormac's drawing. Sent cheque to Clarke & Son. Annoyed. Sent Otley to Empire. After M went to Ranelagh with Midge. Beautiful afternoon. (Cutting glued in: Death of Loftus Tottenham.)

Sunday June 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.15. Dull morning. After all morning worked at & skemed subject of Sir William MacCormac's to lunch time. Rest after & read 'Thro a glass darkly'. Bosh. At 3.50 wrote letters. Left in rain at 4.25 for Sir A Hickman's. Played 5 sets, H & grandson v Mrs Galloway & self. Won 3. Lost 2. After left & home by cycle at 7.15. Not one soul had called on M except lady after Emily's character. M & self dined quietly & bed 11.0 after x before sleep. (Red ink: Played Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's.)

Monday June 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out. Dull wet morning & glass down. No C. Letter from Tabs about yachting. After got to work on drawing for Sir Wm MacCormac all the morning. Tired after lunch. Rest. Gentleman called about drawings 3.0pm. On to work. Roy home at 4.30 & went off to his dinner. New girl came, Jane Hazell. Great improvement on the last. Left at 5.45 & to St John's Wood & back for book. No good. After dinner at 8.0pm, M & self quietly. Bed 11.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Roy back from Oxford.)

Tuesday June 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am & walk up Church St & round by Holland Park. Breakfast. After all day at work on drawing for Sir Wm MacCormac. Roy not home. Worked up to 8.30pm & got all outlined & letters shaded. Mabel Wallace in to lunch. M up in room after. Dined quietly M & self & bed 12.0 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Robert Rumford to Clara Butt.)


Wednesday June 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & out old walk. Met no one. Breakfast. At 10.0 got to work again on Sir William McCormac's drawing. Glass up & fine morning again. Worked all day & finished Sir Wm MacCormac's drawing at 5.30 & sent it off. After put photos away & off by bus to the Punch Dinner. No, took a cab. Roy back & went off to dine at Gray's Inn. Punch Dinner at 7.0. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, A.G, H.W.L. Fairish dinner. Very long discussion from 9.0 to 10.45. After got a poor cut for self. Left with Partridge & Guthrie & home all way on top of a bus. Bed 12.30. Tired. (Red ink: Finished Sir Wm MacCormac's first drawing.)

Thursday June 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out for walk round C.H. Met no one. After all day at work on drawing for heading of Vol 119. Humpty Dumpty. M out with Mite in Victoria. After at 7 50 dressed & went by carriage to dine at the Braunsteins. Met Sir Eyre Massey Shaw, Major Richard Seaver, Mrs Crawford, a Mexican & mad wife & a little lady like Tabs grown old. The American wife of the Mexican quite mad. Talk & left, went to the Master of the Rolls at home. Saw the Dickens's, Miss Neave, Lockwoods etc, Joachims, Hiderous. After home. Sat up for Roy. Did not come home until after 2.0am. Annoyed. (Red ink: Capital dinner at the Bernsteins.)

Friday June 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Out with camera. Took coal heaver & girls at school. Back, breakfast. Fine morning. Worked entire day on drawing of Electric Rly & Demon District. Finished at 8.45. Dined 9.0pm. M, Roy & self dined quietly. Letter from Sir William MacCormac not liking drapery on drawing. Very much annoyed. Bed at 11.30pm tired. (Red ink: Sir Wm MacCormac wrote saying he did not like my drawing.)

Saturday June 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Tired. No walk. After put all things away & lunch at 1.0. M & Roy left in carriage for the Haymarket Theatre & saw the Cyril Maudes in The School for Scandal. Self followed in cab. Called C.C & on to theatre. Out & back to Garrick. Spoken to by respectable middle aged woman in the Haymarket. Gave her 6d. Starving. Tea & home by bus. Called & got stamps & fruit, 5/s worth cigars. Quiet dinner, M, Roy & self & bed after tired. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to see The School for Scandal.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Maud Yates.)

Sunday July 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.15. x. After in morning wrote letters etc. M & self left in carriage & lunched at 2.15 at Sir Frederick Dixon Hartland's. Slow lunch. Sat next Miss Popham & Lady D.H. Wrote in books & saw old letter of mine to Miss Cosens. After left 3.55 & home. Changed & left 4.35 for Sir Alfred Hickman's. Just missed Wolff. Miss Rose Innes called. Good games. Roy went. Young Rivière. Left 7.0 & back. Wrote 4 letters & after dinner George Nicol, Lennie & Mite, Roy, M & self dined. Good evening. Talk of Roy going into the Volunteers. They left & Roy & self had difficulty in getting cab but went on to Bernard Partridge's house warming. Saw many. Stones, Setons,


Lena Ashwell, Constance Collier, Trees etc etc. Phil May overcome. Left & home by cab at 1.0am. Bed & glad to get there. (Red ink: Tennis at Sir A Hickman's. Bernard Partridge's house warming party.)

Monday July 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.25 & out. Walk past Kensington Church. Back. Dull damp morning. After wrote letters etc. Tried to design MacCormac's menu. Lunch. After rested for 2 hours. Tea & left in heavy rain at 5.0 for Bath Club by bus. Had hair cut & shave. Bath. Saw Roger Wallace. Out at 7.55 & walked to 18 Berkeley Square. Dined with Sir S.Bancroft. Good dinner. Joe Carr after. Chaff of Joe Carr about Rings of Jarrah. Left with Abbey & on to the Arts Club. Talk & saw Arthur Ryle. Home by cab at 12.30. Bed at 1.30am. Printed blues at noon. (Red ink: Sir Squire Bancroft's dinner of 12.) (Plan of table seating: E.A.Abbey, Lord Justice Romer, Mr Choate, Sir Squire Bancroft, Earl of Coventry, Sir Francis Knowles, L.S, Henry Arthur Jones, Edward Dicey C.B, Sir William MacCormac, Ray Lankester, Joe Carr.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Edwin Herapath.)

Tuesday July 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5 & out to Fulham on cycle opposite the Woman's Exhibition. Lovely morning. Bright & fresh. M in bed. After back & put things in order all day. Roy dined at Mite's. Left at 9.45 & on by carriage to Academy Soirée. Waited for Roy & Mite. They did not come until 11.35. Roy ordered Mite's carriage for 1.30am. Lovely band. Fagans & many others, Sir Wm & Lady MacCormac Oh! Great difficulty about the carriage. Sent Mite & Ruth Messel back in our carriage & Roy & self home by cab. Bed at 1.0am. Tired. Quite cool & not so many as usual at the Soirée. (Red ink: Royal Academy Soirée.)

Wednesday July 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill after. Skemed Sir Wm MacCormac's Menu figure. Left at 5.30 & called 87 North End Road W.K. No good. Back all the way to Punch Dinner on busses. There to time. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, P.A, P.M, B.P, E.T.R & A.G. Longish discussion. Got poor subject. Objected to it. Lord Londonderry on top of Mount Pleasant. Home by bus all the way.

Thursday July 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled past Mite. Road up. Many in Park. After skemed subject & at 12.0 photod Otley lying down. Developed, had too weak developer. Poor result. At work up in room at 4.30 & on till dinner time. Also the above poor results I subsequently found out entirely due to a hole in the bellows of the camera. Quiet dinner M & self. Bed after snooze 12.0am.

Friday July 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Cycled round by Earls Court. After all day working on drawing of Lord Londonderry as Mercury asleep on Mount Pleasant. Finished at 8.0pm & M, Roy & self all dined quietly. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Franklin McLeay.) Sat July 7.


Saturday July 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Short walk. Breakfast. Left at 10.15 & on to Burnets. Bought fringe etc. To C.C. Got Studio ready, waited 1 hr & more for Miss E.Warwick. Good model & figure. Photod for Sir Wm MacCormac's drawing. Out & lunch with Mr Harrison. Back to Club & then on to Athenaeum. Only 2 or 3 letters there. After tea & home top of bus. Got fruit & home. Developed 8 plates. Ethel English dined. Roy very talkative. Had been to Oxford & Cambridge Cricket Match. Bed 11.30pm. Jane gave M notice. Why? Jane Hazell.

Sunday July 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Out on cycle & went past Mite's. Back & all morning developed plates taken yesterday. At 12.0 dressed & took M for walk in Park. Cab there & cab back. Met Spielmann & also saw Sir Eyre Shaw, Webb etc. Back. Lunch. M said Jane had given notice to leave. No rest. Mr McLean called. Left at 4.30 with Roy & played many sets at Lawn Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's. Lady H a cold, caught sitting for portrait. Home & dined 8.15. Quiet peaceful evening, M, Roy & self. (Red ink: Last Sundays’ Lawn Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman's.)

Monday July 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walk round Campden Hill. Met no one. Letters from D'Arcy, Lady Poynter etc etc. Lovely morning. Enlarged drawing photos for Sir Wm MacCormac's drawings all morning. Not very successful. Very tired. In evening Effie & Con, Lennie & Maud dined. Roy went to see Madame Butterfly. Lennie anxious about Roy joining & getting his uniform etc. Row betwen Con & Effie. Intensely hot. Mite looking well.

Tuesday July 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Cycled past Mite's & home to breakfast. Work all day on Sir Wm MacCormac's drawing & in the afternoon Mr Harrison called to see me. Mrs Gill etc. After at 7.45 in carriage to dine with Peter Reed. Good dinner & house. Met Mr & Mrs Bergheim, Mrs Turquand, Major & Mrs Griffiths, selves. Left at 11.15 & home by carriage. Drawing of Mercury a success. Roy went to see Henry Irving in Olivia. (Red ink: Peter Reed's dinner.) (Plan of table seating: Peter R, Mrs Griffiths, J.S.B, Mrs Turquand. L.S, Mrs Bergheim, Major Griffiths, Mrs S.)

Wednesday July 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Cycled round Earls Court & breakfast. After worked on Sir W MacCormac's drawing. Enlarged at 12.0 to 10 x 8 size & till 3.0. Did not do much after. Left at 6.40 & by cab to Bouverie St. Block for Queen's Garden Party. Saw Lady Poynter. ½ hour late at Bouverie St. B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S there. Long discussion. Got cut of Goschen & Punch. Last week's drawing a very great success. (Red ink: Queen's Garden Party.)

Thursday July 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Walk round Campden Hill. After sent Otley to May's. At 12.0 or 11.30 photod Roy & Otley for Goschen & self & O sitting,

43 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 also dog. Developed & got ready. Got on at 4.30 to 8.15 with drawing & put in outline of Punch & Goschen. Dinner M, R & self. Intensely hot in evening & at night. (Red ink: Intensely hot.)

Friday July 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & did not go out. After all day at drawing of Punch & Goschen. Finished at 7.15 & dressed. Went with M by carriage to dine at the Lawrences. Took Mrs Blomfield in. Nice woman. Funny little Japanese dog or Chinese. A fire at Queen's Gate as we went. Home 11.10. Roy back from Exhibition. Bed 11.45. News in the morning of disaster to The Lincoln's. Wire from Sophy to say Edgar wounded. (Red ink: Dined at Sir Trevor Lawrence’s. Fire in Queen's Gate.)

Saturday July 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out for walk round C.H. Cloudy & not so hot. Wrote F.C.B after about Almanack. After worked all afternoon on Sir William MacCormac's drawing. Roy at the Eton & Harrow Cricket Match which was the closest known. Eton lost by 1 run. Row after. Left at 7.45 by carriage & dined at the Twiss's. A bad dinner & so so people. Linkman after said to Otley 'Ome sweet 'ome'. Some time in the night pipe burst & W.Cs had to be turned off. Roy back & in room by himself. (Red ink: Wretched dinner at the Twiss's.) Poor Twiss died on Tuesday Aug 7th.

Sunday July 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am. Breakfast. After Roy & self left for Calais. Little man elderly & well dressed in carriage. Saw Somers Vine on board. Usual lunch. After got 2 boxes of cigars. Came across Davis & long talk of Exhibition. Home at 7.55. Good dinner & bed at 11.30. Intensely hot. (Red ink: Roy & self crossed the Channel. Met H.W.B.Davis.)

Monday July 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. M had a sore throat. Out for walk. M down & felt very ill & sick. Sent for Orton. Dixon mending pipe of W.Cs which burst on Saty. Wrote letters putting off lunch tomorrow to Col Welby, Miss May, Lady Bergne, Mrs Fagan, Mrs Braunstein. Hottest morning in London yet. Frightful. Did a little work on drawing for Sir Wm MacCormac. Lunch. Left after & by bus to C.C. Frightful heat. At 4.15 photod Miss Herbert, only 12. Out 5.15 & called Palmer & Watsons, 100 Charing X Road. Saw Electric Fan. After to Miles to be measured & then called Tom Brown's & Camera, no, Bath Club. Home. M. Still hot. Roy & self dined. Slept in upper Spare Room. Greatest heat ever recorded in London, 95º in shade. (Red ink: M woke up with sore throat. Put off dinner for tomorrow.)

Tuesday July 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & walk round C.H. Met no one. Breakfast. News in paper of Edgar being wounded. Man brought Electric Fan & put it up. A great success. M in bed. After at work all day on drawing of Menu for Sir William MacCormac. Midge, Dora & May Nembhard in to see M in afternoon. M remained in bed. Worked till 8.15 when Roy & self dined together. Intensely hot. Quiet evening & bed at 12.0am.


Wednesday July 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. M in bed. Went for walk & after worked all day on Sir William MacCormac's Menu. Put in shading. Left at 6.30 & took cab to Punch Dinner. M down in Drawing Room. Roy went to Beerbohm Tree's & saw Rip van Winkle. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, P.A, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Tenniel to do a double cartoon. F.C.B apathetic about mine. Left at 11.0 & put down at Isthmium. Home by buss.

Thursday July 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Walk round Campden Hill. After at work the entire day until 6.0pm finishing Sir Wm MacCormac's Menu. Sent it off & after skemed cartoon. Dressed & Roy & self went by hansom & dined at the Bergheims. Met Gillgood(sic, Geilgud) & Janet Lewis, a niece of J.S.B's & Mrs Peto. 2 others & a man who took too much. Lovely garden & back at 11.15 by cab. Man grumbled bitterly at 3/6. Bed at 12.30. M better. (Red ink: Dined at Clara & Johnny Bergheim's. Finished Sir Wm MacCormac's Menu drawing.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Ann Horniman.)

Friday July 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Went out. Posted Roy's form filled up properly. Called Otley about Stace. Back & at 9.30 photod Otley for Naval Officer. Had finished when at 10.15 Stace came. Took 3 of Stace. Gave me his new address at Balham. Frightfully hot all day, 87º in my room. Hard at work & finished drawing at 8.45. Only began it at 2.0pm. Had written to put off taking photos tomorrow. Too hot. M, Roy & self dined together. Frightful depression of all Rails etc. Bed at 12.0 after reading evening paper. Took snap at coal heaver in Argyll Road who said it was 'African heat'.

Saturday July 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Grey day nearly all day. Did not go out. Man from Stores after breakfast about door. In morning put all things away & drawers straight & room in order. Roy & type writer. Tired & done up. M left at 4.14 with Midge for Ranelagh. All afternoon putting straight etc. Found sketch for design for Peace etc. Roy & self dined by ourselves at 6.40. M back 7.20. Left in cab for the Shaftesbury Theatre & saw 'The Casino Girl'. Poor play & music. Out & to the Garrick. Had supper. Nice man like Will Oakes in front of us. Lord Sandown etc. Left 12.40 & home. Bed at once. Slept in M's room, cooler. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Shaftesbury. Saw The Casino Girl.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Herbert Smyth to Amabel Sutton.)

Sunday July 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0. x. After breakfast Roy & self went to Calais. Down by selves in empty carriage. No Lewis. Met Dresden, & same gentleman as last Sunday. Very hot. Rose Innes on board. After to Calais. No corner table & lunch with same gent as last week. No Londres Superieur. Back on boat. Long talk to Merryweather. Col Bell & party over. Back home in almost record time. At home 11 minutes to 8.0. Miss Rose Innes dined & stayed as usual late. M tired. Bed at 12.40 after rest. Intensely hot. (Red ink: Roy & self crossed Channel. Home extra early.)


Monday July 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Out for walk. Very hot & close. Sent Otley to town for trees. After the whole day putting room straight etc etc. In afternoon went up to Town & had jacket coat fitted on. Called Lechertier Barke & also Athenaeum. Back by bus. M, Roy & self dined quietly. Roy went the Woman's Exhibition after. Bed at 11.45. Roy back. Intensely hot. (Cuttings glued in: Diamond Wedding William Ash and Sarah Matchwick. Death of Ella Peel. T July 23. Death in action of Sir Walter Barttelot.)

Tuesday July 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. After M out getting things for dinner. All day preparing & writing Report for the Paris Exhibition & menus etc. At 7.30 great bother with the Electric Light in Drawing Room. Sent Otley off to Notting Hill. Saunders & another waited. All went well with dinner. They all left by 11.30pm. (Red ink: Home dinner of 11 men.) (Plan of table seating: Sir Squire Bancroft, Col Welby, H.W Lucy, Sir Fk Dixon Hartland, Lord Robertson, L.S, Hon C.N.Lawrence, Canon Ainger, Roger Wallace Q.C, Roy Sambourne, George Armstrong.) Sir Fk Dixon H had just enough. 12 bottles of Champagne drunk, 4 Ayala '74, 8 Perinet '89, 1 Chateau Y'Quem, 1 Claret, Brandy. Dinner a success & the fan also. Intensely hot. (Cutting glued in: the wife of Sir Henry Tichborne, of a son.)

Wednesday July 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8 am & out for a walk. All right after dinner. All morning putting things right & doing sandals etc. Very hot. Rest in afternoon. At 4.30 photod Jane Hazell with tray. Took 4. All subsequently spoilt. Put camera back & left by bus for Punch Dinner. Cab from Piccadilly Circus. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L & A.G. Lucy pitching in to Sir Thomas Dixon Hartland. Got good subject of Postman & Messenger Boy. Left with Tenniel & put down at Isthmium. Home by bus & bed after snooze. Jane Hazell left this night after being here a month. Isabel (Kate) Bridewell came & was given notice on Monday Aug 13th & left Wednesday Aug 15 from Glovers.

Thursday July 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out with camera. Took a few backgrounds on Campden Hill & girl going to school. Very hot. After skemed subject of Postman & Boy Messengaer. Sent Otley for messenger boy who never turned up till 12.0. Also photod self. Developed plates taken of Jane Hazell. Enlarged & got prints. Rest & to work at 4.0pm. Sent Roy to the War Office. Got back at 4.0pm. Worked until 7.0pm when dressed & left at 7.30pm to dine at the Royal College of Surgeons. Sat between Mr Harrison & a Mr Macgregor. Good dinner. H.R.H there & Lord Rosebery, Lord Salisbury etc. Lennox Browne complimented me on drawings & many others. Walked to the Garrick & after home by bus. Pretty girl next me. Bed at 12.30am. Very hot night. (Red ink: Dined at the College of Surgeons.)

Friday July 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am & walk round Campden Hill. After got to work all day on Postman & Boy Messenger. M packing. Roy's uniform came at

46 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 lunch time. At 2.45 violent thunder storm came up. Put off M's going till 5.3pm train. They left & left me working. Roy & M to Charlwood. Worked on till 8.45 when dined by self. New maid waited. Snooze after dinner & to bed at 2.0am. Much annoyed in morning by all 4 plates I took of Jane Hazell running away & being spoilt by the water. Bad plates. (Red ink: M & Roy went down to Glovers. Thunderstorm.)

Saturday July 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.15. Packed bag & put my room in order. Dark muggy morning. Left at 9.15 in cart & down to Victoria. Left 9.45. Met Judge Snagge & Judge Bacon. Down to Gravesend with Mr Pierpoint M.P on tender. Got on board & under weigh, S.S. Arcadia. Burnand & Wolff. Long wait for lunch. Lockyer, Wymss Reid etc at same table. After down Channel all day. Long walk with Lockyer, Sir John Wolfe Barry K.C.B etc etc. Dressed & to dinner. John Penn, Lockyer, Wolfe Barry, Sir Edward Reed etc etc. Smoke after. Talk to Lord Powerscourt. Turned in after talk to Judge Snagge at 12.30am. Draught in bed in night & hot. (Red ink: Went on board S.S 'Arcadia'.)

Sunday July 29 On board S.S.'Arcadia'. Up at 7.0am. Draught all night sleeping. Wrote M. Bother about finding writing place. After walk & breakfast. Lovely weather. Steamed slowly along Solent & past Ch.Ch & on to Portland. Long talk with Pinero & Snagge. Lunch. Changed things. Sat with Lockyer etc at lunch. After delightful run to Portland & back other side of Isle of Wight. Talk to Mr Pierpoint. Nice man. Dressed. Dinner. Lockyer, Pinero, Joe Parkinson etc. Smoke in Saloon. After unpleasantnes by a man named Call getting drunk. Would try to sit near Burnand & Lucy. Taken away. He was called Burnand's brother. Turned in 12.20. Lucy 'Good night Lord Sambourne'. Mr Pierpoint 'Here lies the wife of Roger Martin. And good wife to Roger she was for sartin.' Lord Powerscourt. What did you expect? Ostrich feathers.

Monday July 30 On board S.S 'Arcadia'. Up at 6.45. Bath. Packed leisurely. Breakfast & got away at 9.0 to Southampton by tender & off by 10.0 train. News of Coronation of King of Italy. Up to town with Causten, Aird, Lord Davey & little Czarnikow. Otley met me. Drove C.C. No wire. On & called 23 Oakley Crescent & home to lunch. Very tired in afternoon. Tried lay figure. No good. Left at 6.15 after writing letters & by bus to the Punch Dinner. Met Reed & Seaman on doorstep. Good dinner. L.B, E.T.R, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B & O.S. Tenniel got subject of King of Italy, self Kruger. Left 10.20 & home by Tenniel's cab & bus. Rested in room & bed at 12.20 after snooze. Mr Call 'Do I behold Mr Burnand?' (Red ink: Back from S.S.Arcadia. 'Punch' dinner.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Rachel Alexander.)

Tuesday July 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Took camera to church & snapped 4 photos. Back & skemed subject of Kaiser & Map of Paris. Photod Otley in frock coat at 12.0 & developed etc. Finished by 3.0. Rest & read Pot Boulle. After to work until 8.0pm. Dined by myself & by cart to Empire Theatre. Dull.


Out & home by bus. Bed at 12.0am. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Duke Alfred of Saxe-Coburg.)

Wednesday August 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out for walk round Campden Hill. Breakfast. At work all day on Kruger & Map of Paris. Finished 7.30. Dined 7.45 & by carriage to Vaudeville Theatre to see a stupid play called 'Kitty Grey'. Saw Phil May & wife & Lawrence Bradbury & Dudley Harvey. Ellis Jeffreys not bad. Left & home by bus. Heavy showers in the afternoon. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Went to see play 'Kitty Grey'.)

Thursday August 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.15 & packed bags etc. Breakfast 8.30 & after got off by cab for C.C. There at 10.40. At 11.15 photod Miss E.Warwick 2nd time. Out 1.30pm. Lunch at Garrick. Saw Marshall Hall, C.Gill, Campbell Praed & Col Jones. Bought silks etc at Burnet's. Home by cab. Off by cart at 4.15. Caught 5.3 from Victoria. Met Caryll Ansdell & a Mr Heron in train. Wet going to Glovers. Took refuge in Infant School. M met me at 6.45 in hall. Dressed. Dinner 8.0. Bed 10.30pm. Cheque sent from the College of Surgeons for £52.10.0 in the morning. (Red ink: Photod Miss E.W. Came down to Glovers in afternoon.)

Friday August 3 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.30. Dull & rainy morning. Papers & wrote letters. In fact a gale all day. Wrote many letters & read. Felt livery. Rest after lunch. At 7.0 went for walk & found myself at Greenings. Home 7.50. Dinner 8.0, M & self. Bed 10.30. (Red ink: Great S.W gale raging.)

Saturday August 4 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.10am. Breakfast. M had pigeon. Letters from London. Cheque for £35.14.0 sent for Paris expenses. Wrote letters. M & Nurse & Baby left in the brougham at 11.0 for Nymans. Wrote etc. Lunch 1.20 & left on cycle at 1.45 for Nymans. Lovely day. Fresh breeze. Got there 3.5 Sat out & went round grounds etc. Young Gibbs there & another young man & Miss Gibbs. Left at 6.15 & back home. Carriage caught me up at Ifield. Dressed. M, self & Mite dined. M felt seedy & went up to bed. Had eaten something disagreed with her. Rest & smoked big cigar. Bed at 11.0. Slept in Spare Room. Nightmare. (Red ink: Cycled to Nymans & back.)

Sunday August 5 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Breakfast 9.15. M remained in bed. Mite's birthday. A few presents. Mite went to church. Read 'Madonna of the Peach Stone' by Maurice Hewlett. Dull & cold. North wind. In all day. Rain all afternoon. Baby with his mother & grandmother. Worked on design for Chromo Litho. After wrote Lennie. At 7.0 went up to Greenings. Many rabbits about. Poaching dog. Rural. Back at 8 minutes to 8. Dressed. Fire in Hall. Dinner & bed 11.0pm.


Monday August 6 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.30. Slept in Spare Room. Breakfast with Mite. Letters & notice from Henry Barr paying in money. Wrote letters & after designed circular Boer & Britain for Chromo Litho. A dreadful Bank Holiday. Squelches of rain & high wind all day. Baby crying after lunch at 3.30pm. All afternoon doing tracing & drawing for Chromo Transfer Company. Sent letters off at 6.15 by groom on horse. After went for walk. Miserable soaked yokels about. M, Mite & self dined quietly at 8.0 & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Bank Holiday. Rained the entire day & gale o' wind.)

Tuesday August 7 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Breakfast. Fresh breeze but brighter. Wrote letters to Lennie etc & went to post. Coming back determined to go to Guildford & Bisley. Left at 11.10. Got to Reigate at 11.45. Waited till 12.40 before train came in. Bad & dear lunch at Inn. Tried to get to Bisley via Worplesden & Brookwood. Rain. Waited under arch & after wandered about town & into an old furniture shop. Caught the 4.5 train back. Got very wet coming from Reigate where I had a bad tea & toast. Home 6.45. Changed & wrote Wolff. Dinner & bed at 11.20. Watch stopped. (Red ink: Cycled to Reigate to try to get to Bisley. Late train & rain.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Quintin Twiss. Obituary of Quintin Twiss.) Th Aug 9.)

Wednesday August 8 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.15. Bath. Dull grey morning. News in Times of poor Tip Twiss's death. Put things up. Mite & M going to Nymans. Left in luggage cart at 12.15. Up to town. Otley met me. By cab to C.C & Garrick. Lunch. Talk to Bangs about accident. Lord Rathmore, Reeve & Chudleigh. To C.C. Photod E.J. from 4.30 to 5.30. Out 6.0 & to Garrick. Talk to Col Jones & on to Punch Dinner. Walked. F.C.B, J.T, self, A a B, O.S, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Good dinner. Got cut of Anarchy & left with Tenniel & home by bus The only one on the bus all way Piccadilly to Kensington. Electric Light burning. Read papers & bed. (Red ink: Went up from Glovers to town. Lunched Garrick Club.)

Thursday August 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8am & walk round C.H. Wrote on drawing of Autolycus. After it poured with rain all day heavy squelches. Enlarged in wet 2 photos of Mabel Hall & got to work in the afternoon on drawing of Anarchy & Belgian Flag. Could take no photos on account of the wet. Stace came at 11.0 altho' I had wired for him not to come. Dined by self at 8.30pm & to bed after uncomfortable smoke in my little room. (Red ink: Heavy wet all day. Did not go out.)

Friday August 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Walk round C.H. Gave old woman 6d. At work all day on figure of Anarchy & Belgian Flag. Rainy at times & very dark in morning. Photod MacKay at 10.0am for arms with pistol & got to work at 12.10pm. Dined at 9.45 & bed 1.0 after snooze. Man from Miles's came & fitted on a dress coat at 5.30pm. (Red ink: Photod Mackaye for pistol. )


Saturday August 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.25. Fine morning. Put all things straight etc & at 12.0 photod Otley in a soldier's dress & for Boer. Developed etc. Lunch & after preparing got away at 4.15 & in hansom to Victoria. Crowd of people. Very ugly man with German wife in train. Luggage cart met me Horley & home. Dear M & Baby there. Lennie & Mite back at 7.10pm. Quiet dinner & bed at 11.0 tired. x. Cheque from Campbell Praed for ten guineas for Postman & Boy Messenger drawing. (Red ink: Came down to Glovers. Lennie back from Camp.)

Sunday August 12 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 9.10. Breakfast. Lovely morning. Long ramble round grounds with M. Pigeons, pigs, robin etc. Lunch. Baby on lawn. At 4.0 Mite & Lennie left in the brougham, Lennie to go back to Bisley. Tea. At 5.30 cycled 15½ miles to Newdigate & Rusper & home. Coming out of common found I had a puncture. Home 7.15. Newson said he could mend it. Dinner 8.0pm. Quiet evening & bed. Slept in Spare Room. (Red ink: Lennie left. Cycled to Newdigate. Puncture coming home.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Thomas Keith.)

Monday August 13 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.0am. Slept in Spare Room. Breakfast 8.40 & off starting on cycle. Tyre deflated. Newson said it was the valve. Had to stop to blow up. Intensely hot & a great trouble. Altered indiarubber in valve & got to Reigate Station at 10.32. Train did not start till 1.45. Frightfully perspired. Young fellow in train who told me to go to Bros-Dennis. Had new inner tube put, 8/9, 3d postage. Went to Williamson & bought an old bronze sword. Gin & G beer. Started 12.30 & on to the Camp. Arrived 1.20. Wash. Put collar on & lunched with Roy & Lennie. After saw shooting butts, kitchens etc, Lennie & Roy's tent. Introduced to Col Campion, Major Pierson & also Gen'l Sir Henry Fletcher. Left 4.30 after tea. Broke a glass with W & soda in it. L & R cycled back to Guildford with me. Looked over Olivers & Williamsons & left Guildford at 6.30. Back & cycled home along the road to Crawley, 45 minutes exactly. Home 8.40. Bath. Dinner. Good. M had given notice to Kate. Very tired. Slept in Spare Room. (Red ink across page: Went to Camp to see Lennie & Roy. Very hot.)

Tuesday August 14 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.30 & letters. Bad print of Punch. After fitted lay figure. Hot day. Squared prints. Signed Mrs Harding's fan, & writing letters all day. Rest in afternoon. Baby chipped his nose. Barometer glass fell out. Field day or sham fight at Aldershot for the boys in Camp. Went for cycle ride to Ifield. Saw Mark Lemon's grave. Only 60. Born 1810, died 1870. After met Dr Martin & girls in the roadway. Home 7.55, 10 miles. Dinner, M, Mite & self. Very tired after. Bed 11.15. Strange dream of Spencer, Adah, Daggles & Hilda & a baby all coming at 2.0am to stay at Mite's.

Wednesday August 15 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.10. Slept in Spare Room. Drew cheque for £2.9.0 after for Isabel Bridewell who leaves this morning. After cut lay figure

50 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 clothes out & began the drawing for the Chromo Litho Company up to 1.30pm. After lunch packed leisurely. Good bye to dear M & Mite & Baby & left on bicycle, my bags following in trap. Got off by the 4.40 & to Victoria. Otley met me, took things home. On to the Garrick & C.C. Wrote Wolff etc. On to Punch Dinner. A à B, Tenniel, self, O.S, P.A, H.W.L. Talk to P.A about the printing of Punch coming on to next page. Phil A lost his temper with waiter over bottle of Champagne not being brought back. Got subject of German Emperor & F.M.Graf von Waldersee. Left at 10.40 with Tenniel & put down at Isthmium. No evening paper at home. Read article in Macmillans Magazine on servants. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink across page: Left Glovers for town.)

Thursday August 16 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 8.0 & walk round Campden Hill. After breakfast skemed subject Count von Waldersee & German Emperor. At 1.45 photod Otley. After enlarged & also enlarged drawing for the Chromo Transfer Company. At 5.0pm to 8.30 drew it in in outline. Dined by myself & to bed at 11.30pm, tired.

Friday August 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0am & worked 2 hours before breakfast on drawing of German Emperor & Field Marshall Count von Waldersee. No walk. After on to work & finished drawing at 5.0pm. Had sent Otley for guns. Packed & dined 7.0pm. At 8.0 left in 4 wheeler to Euston 4/s. Left by the 9.0pm for Perth. Ought to have taken Apollinaris with me. Thirsty in night. Got out at Crewe 1.20am & got 2 bottles. Drank one 1/2d. In train again slept uneasily. Dream of Robert Willis senior & Aunt Linley. Wrote on drawing for Campbell Praed. M went with Mite to Crawley, Nymans. Note. Always take Apollinaris & also to go by the midnight train. (Red ink: Left for Ballinluig.)

Saturday August 18 On board train to Perth. Woke at Dunblane. Slow train. Arrived at Perth 9.20. Breakfast. Train left at 10.0am instead of 9.30. On to Ballinluig. Trap met me & on to Ballechin. Miss May, Miss Mulligan, Mr & Mrs Pirrie, Mr Dugdale, Mr Torrey, Mr Schwabe. Got to house at 11.45. Changed & at 12.30 went to shoot by self. Pony up hill. Young Sinclair Keeper. Got 3 brace grouse & 4 hares. Tired walking up hills. At end met Pirie & Torrey. Back at house 7.20. Milk & soda. Dressed. Dinner. After in Billiard Room. Won 2/6 at Billiard Quoits & after 4 Pools till 1.0am. Divided 3 of them & to bed. Slept like a top. Found out to have started by the 11.50pm train from Euston should have been at Perth sooner. (Red ink: 1st morning's shoot by self.)

Sunday August 19 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.20. Bath & out & ate gooseberries. Back. Breakfast 9.30. Dull morning. At 11.0 Fred May arrived. Wrote letters the entire morning. Lunch. At 2.30 Mr Torrey left. Played 50 up with Mr Schwabe. Rain came on. Read Pearson's Monthly. Tea & talk at 5.0pm. Too wet to go out. After in afternoon before dinner wrote a very long letter to Schomberg MacDonnell. Pirrie reading near. Dinner. Sat next Mrs Pirrie & talk to Dugdale. After told story of Johnny Hare & Lockwood with Bell. Pool. Won about 10/s.


Bed after at 12.0. Wolff did not play. (Cuttings glued in: Silver Wedding of Herbert Fitch and Jeannie Gillingwater. Obituary of Ewen Macpherson. Obituary of Viscount Encombe. T.Au.21.)

Monday August 20 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up 8.0. Down. Mr & Mrs Pirrie & maid left at 9.50. Dull morning. Wrote M. Hung about & at house till lunch. At 2.0 started on a rough carthorse up hill. Mr Dugdale, Mr Schwabe, Mr May & self. Began shooting at 2.45. Very good afternoon. Self & Mr D both wiped one another's eyes. Self got 6½ brace & one duck. Poor Schwabe coming down hill. All walked home past the house with garden. 2 fine girls walking to Pitlochry. Self & May walked home. Bath & dinner. Miss Mulligan & self. Oh lor! Dullish dinner. After Pool in which Wolff joined. Again won a trifle. Played Freddy May 100 up. Lost by four for 2/6. Bed 12.0am. Slept well. (Red ink: Best day's shoot.)

Tuesday August 21 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.0. After wrote letter to M. 2 letters from her written Sunday & Monday. At 11.0 we all drove, Wolff, Dugdale, May, self & Schwabe to shoot at further moor down road. Rode rough horse up hill. Began about 12.0. Misty & fine rain. Shot 3 lapwing. Plovers in mist. Walked on. No birds. Lunch & a good one in a little hut on hill. Lid of stove broken by door. Fired gun across the lake. Wolff Schwabe & self went on. The 2 other guns went up high on the rocks. Wolff on the rocks 'This is no place for me'. Wandered on. The only birds got were 1 brace by self. At 4.0 Wolff & Schwabe left & I went on by self. Got 1 brace and a grey hen with young Sinclair. Went to look for snipe. Left off at 5.30 & walked to carriage by 6.0 exactly. Old woman & jugs. Home by 6.20. Bath & dressed by 7.0pm. Long hour before dinner. Sleepy. Dull dinner. Pool after. Won 2/9. Played May 100 up & was beaten badly. Bed 12.0. Read. Heavy rain all night. Slept fairly well. Dream of Wolff & Miss May at Hotel.

Wednesday August 22 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.0am. Bath & down. Heavy uncompromising rain. Breakfast. Snipe & sole. At 9.45 Miss Mulligan & Mr Dugdale left in the wet. Read Gay. Wrote diary & letters. Wrote a long letter to Edgar & finished it before lunch. After could not go out for the pouring rain. Read a stupid book called The Yellow Danger. Tea. Half packed bags. Still raining at 5.0pm. Read & wrote long letter to Edgar.Walked in rain to P.O & sent wires off. Back. Dressed. Dinner. After a Pool. Divided. Two Mr Barbours came & a Mrs Barbour. Played 100 up with F.M. Beaten by 30 points. Bed. Read Yellow Danger. (Red ink: Poured with rain all day.) 'In all the fulsome fervour of poetic hyperbole'.

Thursday August 23 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.0 & dressed for shooting. Breakfast. After at 10.30 F.May, 2 Barbours & Schwabe went up hill for beat. Ten minutes after self went by self & Sinclair up hill on good pony. In first 40 minutes got 3½ brace grouse & a snipe. After to lunch time nothing. Began 11.30. At 1.30 Wolff & Mr Richardson rode up. Good lunch. After no birds. Wolff & self missed one. Thunderstorm & heavy rain came on. Wolff in lime pit. Left them.


Walked home. Going thro' wood got a curlew which came screaming over & a rabbit. Old William put it up & gun too. Back. Tea & packed. Dressed. 2 Barbours & F.M & Schwabe back. Heavy rain on hill, 7 brace. Left at 6.15pm in dog cart & to Ballinluig. 2 brace of grouse put up. To Perth. Put bags with porter. Came across Colonel Ward Bennett at dinner & after a Colonel Spencer. Left comfortably by the 10.5pm train. 2 pillows & went to sleep after reading at 11.0pm. Woke 7.30am. Very comfortable.

Friday August 24 On board train from Perth. Woke 7.30. Wash etc. At Euston 8.25. Otley met me & home. Letters etc. Got to work on Wolseley & Bowls. Photod Otley 11.30 & developed. Enlarged. Worked all day & finished 9.40. Dined by self & very tired after. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Returned to Stafford Terrace.)

Saturday August 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Did not go out. Yes, went round C.H. After put all things away. Developed phos etc etc all day. Felt rather seedy. Roy back at 4.30. Tea. He went to dine with a Mr Hamilton of his regiment. Self dined alone & went up to try & get into the Hippodrome. Could not. To Empire. Saw Mr Godfrey Turner. Good slack wire girls. After to Garrick. Saw Mr Percival, Cap'n Marshall, Dot Boucicault & another. Freddy Warre & Campbell Praed. Stayed till 1.0am & had liqueur of whiskey which gave me a headache all the next day. (Red ink: Roy back from Camp.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Gustave Cluseret. Fri Aug 24.)

Sunday August 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & breakfast 9.0am. Fresh wind. Roy & self got off at 10.15 & by bus to Victoria. Down to Dover. Almost empty train. Saw Captain Dixon. Over to Calais. Met Samuels on board. Fair lunch. Little girl with hair blowing about & good teeth. Back & home at Stafford Terr 7.50. Dined by selves & to bed 11.0pm. Going to Dover train ½ hour late. Very unusual. (Red ink: Roy & self went to Calais. Fine fresh day.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Mary Tregaskis.)

Monday August 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Had nightmare in night. Got up. Out round C.H. Everything dull & miserable. Roy to breakfast. Man came with plate warmer. An abomination. Up & wrote letters & diary. After the whole morning printing photos etc. Lunch at 1.30. Roy in. Left at 2.20 & by bus to the Camera Club. Photod Miss Herbert for Germania. Tall sensible good model. Out & back to Stafford Terrace by cab. Dressed. 1st day of plate warmer. Roy did not come back to dinner. Back 8.15 when he dressed & we went by cab to see for 2nd time 'A Messenger from Mars'. Hawtrey not in it. After to Garrick Club. Amusing evening. Joe Carr, Freddy Warre, Percival, Chudleigh, Seymour Hicks & another. Sat till 12.30am when home. Bed 1.30am. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Avenue Theatre. Saw 'A Message from Mars'.)


Tuesday August 28 Stafford Terrace. Up late 8.50. Down. Did not go out. Wrote letters. After Roy packing to go to Teignmouth. Printed blues till lunch. Remains of curlew. Roy away at 2.30 with cycle & Otley. After developed 2 doz plates. Should have liked to go to Charlwood. Tea. Worked on drawing for Chromo Lithograph Company. Dressed. Dined by self & after went by cab to Alhambra. Saw Sam Heilbut & Dr Goodson. Called C.C & Garrick & home by bus. Bed 12.30am. Tired. (Red ink: Roy left for Teignmouth. Designed Chromo Litho drawing.)

Wednesday August 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20. Walk round Campden Hill. Delightful letters from Maud. Fine morning at last. Grill a success, or rather Hot Plate. After worked all day on drawing for Chromo Litho Co. Left at 6.0 by bus for Punch Dinner. Called C.C. On to Bouverie St. Wrote 3 letters before dinner. After A à B, J.T, self, E.T.R & O.S dined. Quiet pleasant dinner. Tenniel touchy about Incandescent Gas. Left with him at 10.40 & home by his cab & bus. Bed at 12.0. Tired & livery. (Red ink: Designed Chromo Litho drawing.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Edward Quaile. The Duke of Orleans at Marienbad.)

Thursday August 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & walk round C.H. After got on & designed Yankee Carrying Coal. Photod Otley for that & for Home Railway cut & developed & enlarged by 1.0. Lunch. Left at 2.15. To C.C. Photod E.J for novel series. Out 6.0 & home by bus. Tea at Garrick. From 6.30 to 8.30 got on with work when dined by self & did not go out. Bed at 12.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir John Lawes. Sir John Lawes baronetcy passes to his son.)

Friday August 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 am. Walk round C.H. Woman playing organ same as last week. All day at work on drawing of Yankee Carrying Coal. Finished at 9.30 & dined 9.45. Up in my room. Dull & tired. Went to bed 10.45 & slept nearly 10 hours. 4 C.L.L.P. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir John Lawes.)

Saturday September 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45 late. Heavy rain. Out for walk round C.H. In morning got remaining material ready for drawing for Chromo Litho Co. Put things straight & packed. Lunch. Otley went for Summons. Otley back at 3.5. 4/3 cost of Summons & fine. After packed & got away 4.30 for Victoria. Came across Hamilton at station & went down with him. He gave me some Dutch cigars. Coachman met me. On to Glovers. Dear M had had indigestion. Quiet dinner. Curious candle with wick on one side. Bed at 11.0. x. M & self together. (Red ink: Down to Glovers. M by herself there.)

Sunday September 2 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Breakfast. After got to work on Chromo Litho Company. Put in pencil outline etc. Lennie & Mite back at 12.0 noon. Lunch. After at tea Lennie discussing Roy. Went back to work. Walk round wood & saw keeper. Got hawk's wings (kestral). On to Greenings. Lovely evening & walk. Champagne for dinner & quiet evening in Drawing Room after. Bed 11.15pm. Colder at night. (Red ink: Began Chromo Litho drawing.)


Monday September 3 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 7.50. L went off to business 1st time since July 26th. After got to work on Chromo Litho drawing. Put outline in of Heraldry etc. At it from 9 to 2.0pm. After lunch wrote letters & went into wood with M & Mite for sloes & blackberries & nuts etc. Work from 4.0 to 6.0pm. Lennie back & both went to get rabbits. Self got 3, Lennie 1. Shot a little one. Dinner & in Drawing Room after. Sleepy. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Shot 3 rabbits. M with me.)

Tuesday September 4 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 7.50. Breakfast. Lennie off. Worked all day on drawing for Chromo Litho Co. Put Peace & the other figures in. Walk round. Saw 6 rats on bank by water. Lennie & M & Mite back in carriage. Walk round by field. Dinner 8.0. Serious talk with Lennie about Roy. L said he ought to go on the Stock Exchange. After in Hall. Read & smoke. Bed 11.15. (Red ink: Lennie first said Roy ought to go on the Stock Exchange.)

Wednesday September 5 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 7.50. Breakfast. Lennie off. After to work & finished drawing for Chromo Litho Co at 2.30pm. Lunch. After packed & M & Mite drove me to station. Sent drawing off by registered parcel. Up to town. O met me. Took bags home. After to C.C & Garrick. Wrote letters. On to Punch Dinner. Smallest I ever attended. A à B, J.T & self. J.T crotchety etc. Good dinner. Made cuts up & left at 10.30 with J.T. Home by cab & bus. Up in my room. Bed 12.30. (Red ink: Smallest Punch Dinner ever attended. Finished drawing for Chromo Litho Company.)

Thursday September 6 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Out 8.30 & to Kensington. Children back to school. No C. Breakfast. Sent Otley to May's for trees. Skemed subject of Pilgrim Kruger & after photod Otley in Pilgrim dress. Developed & enlarged by 4.0pm. Up in room & on to work. Dear M back at 6.30 from Glovers. Worked till 8.0pm & M & self dined quietly. Bed at 11.30 after snooze. Enlarged photos for next week, Shepherd & Fool. (Red ink: M returned from Glovers.)

Friday September 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out on cycle round Earls Court. Sent Otley with 1/s for old woman. M went out to see Mr Messel's doctor. Could not see him. Worked all day on Kruger as Pilgrim at Pilgrim's Rest. M & self dined quietly at 8.15pm, Mackay waiting. Bed at 11.0 afer quiet evening.

Saturday September 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Went for walk round C.H. & after breakfast had hair cut. M packing. Put all things away & packed & also wrote dates on all blue prints. Put Photo House in order & filled hypos. Lovely morning. Dined at 6.30 & left in a 4 wheel cab at 8.0pm for Euston. Had good carriage to ourselves. M went to sleep directly. Thought of making putty lay figure. Slept off & on & woke at Carstairs. (Red ink: M & self left London for Tressady.) 1883 1886 1889


1890 1891 Left 9.0 Saty, arrived Sunday. 1892 " 8.0 Thursday. 1893 " 8.0 Friday. 1894 " 8.0 Friday. 1895 " 8.0 Friday. 1896 " from Edinboro. 1899 " 8.0 Saturday arrived Sunday. 1900 " 9.0 Saturday arrived Sunday 9th.

Sunday September 9 On board train, Carstairs. M slept fairly well & self also. On to Perth. Breakfast. Met Archie Stuart Wortley. On by coupé to ourselves to Inverness. Saw Miss Janet Lewis. Lunched at Grantown, Inverness, 1.30pm. Difficulty of waiting rooms. On to Tressady. There 5.45. Loafers at all the stations. Had a nasty indigestion headache from tomato or the sour Claret at lunch. Went for a walk round the Golf Course. Back. Met Lady Frances Gordon Duff, Newton, Gordon Duff & Mr Walsh. After dressed. Lady Margaret very lame. Took Lady M into dinner. Mrs Richards ill in her room. (Red ink: Arrived Tressady. Had headache after lunch. Stayed all day.)

Monday September 10 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.30 & breakfast 8.30. Miss Milly Taylor left after & also Ryle. At 9.30 all drove to shoot Craig-na-Faer, Mr Gordon Duff, Mr Walsh, Mr Richards, Newton, Vernon & self. 6 guns. Walked well all day. Did not shoot much. Long walk round to Murray's cottage. Home. Had tea, poor, & after bath. Dressed & dinner. Took self in. After a game with matches to pick them out. Bed 11.15. Very tired. Newton asleep. A great walk & did it well. Slept in M's room. Not comfortable. (Red ink: Long walk all day over Craig-na-Faer. 6 guns.)

Tuesday September 11 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.45. Breakfast 8.30. After went in & began drawing of Home Rails. Worked up to luncheon. All in at luncheon, Vernon & all. Richards & Newton had been shooting rabbits. Went on to work till 7.10 when went for walk by self up to top of hills behind Tressady. Back, dinner. Sat next Lady Frances. After game of Jacoby & bed 11.15. (Red ink: Tressady. Worked all day.)

Wednesday September 12 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.45. Breakfast 8.30 after. Went on all day with drawing of Home Rails. Lunch. Vernon in. The Rev A.K.Douglas arrived at 1.45. Went on to work & finished at 7.0pm. M in room reading. Did not go for drive. Sent it off by post. After dressed & dinner. Went in by self. Good dinner. Game of Jacoby after. Self won it. Smoke & bed. Vernon had the gramophone playing in morning in porch. Mr Walsh & Mr Duff went to shoot over dogs. (Red ink: Tressady. Worked all day.)


Thursday September 13 Tressady, Rogart. Up 7.30 & had breakfast 8.30. After at 9.30 all started off to shoot the home beat & Forkins. 6 guns. A.K.Douglas, V.W, self, H.A.Newton, Mr Walsh & H.E.Richards. Had a good walk. Did not get many birds. Lunch & tea back by Menzie's cottage & Murray's. Had milk & soda. After bath. Dressed. Took Lady Frances Gordon Duff in to dinner who had been fishing at Lairg with her husband. Game of Jacoby in evening. Sleepy after. Bed 11.15. Vernon & self last up. (Red ink: Very long walk all day, 6 guns. Tressady.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Judge Dundas Gardiner.)

Friday September 14 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.0. Breakfast 8.0. Took M peach & off by 8.30 to catch 9.15 train for Brora. V.W, Richards, Newton, M Walsh, Mr Duff-Gordon, A.K.Douglas & self went. Got to Brora by 10.30. Mr Gordon Duff & self played an 18 hole course. Got beaten by 1 hole only. Others except Vernon played a foursome. Lunch. Hot brilliant sun all day. After lay down. Indigestion. Scotch urchins asking for some small money. After had a dip in the sea. Went back. V.W & Mr G.D playing single. Nelson came to me. A local match being played for a fishing rod. Saw a lot of them T'ing off. Caught the 5.15 back. Larky looking maid at Hotel & waiter. Home. Had tea. Wrote Mr Castle & wired about the 2nd P, L.C & D. Dinner. Took Lady M in. Discussion about the King of Hanover. Not long in Drawing Room. Bed 10.50. (Red ink: Golf day at Brora. Bathed.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Emily Breffit.)

Saturday September 15 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.45. Breakfast 8.30. Took M a peach. Started at 9.30 to shoot Home Beat with Mr Gordon Duff. Very hot walk. Fraser Keeper & brother. Dogs. Lunch by spring at 1.10pm. 5 brace. After got 17 brace. At 5.30 met Vernon & Lady Frances & Rosalind on hill. Back at 6.30. Long drink. Bath. Opened big Apollinaris. Wrote diary. Dinner. Went in by self. Mrs Richards down 1st time. Game of Jacoby after. Sleepy in Smoking Room. Bed 11.15. Good night. Strange dream of a girl painter like Lucy Kemp-Welsh. (Red ink: Mr Gordon Duff & self shot together.)

Sunday September 16 Tressady, Rogart. Up 8.45. Lovely morning. Breakfast 9.35. Rosalind & peppermint. After all morning writing letters. Lunch. Took Hock. At 3.0 Golf Tournament. Richards won. R versus Newton, V.W versus self. V.W 51, self 5. Mr Gordon Duff v. Mr Walsh. Mr G.D got into Reservoir. Over by 4.0. Tea. Croquet, V.W & H.R v. N & G.D. Newton won. Read. Rosalind & Sportsman's Directory. Train not in till 6.10. Letters 7.0. M dressing. Took Mrs Richards in to dinner. Talk of Pyramids etc. After game at matches in glass. Sleepy. Bed after smoke. Talk of Cruise of the Falcon. (Red ink: Golf Tournament at Tressady.)

Monday September 17 Tressady, Rogart. Up at 7.40 & breakfast. Lovely day. Bright sun. Newton said good bye & left at 11.0. After break at door 9.45 & all went to Craggie for black game. Mr Walsh, Mr G.Duff, Mr Richards, Mr Douglas, self & Vernon. Poor sport. Very hot. Shot a rabbit & a wood pigeon. Pigeon not picked up.


Grey hen came out of wood at me. Long tramp across moor to other woods for black game. Shot 1 hen, 1 grouse. Lunch from 1.10 to 2.30pm. Poor day's sport. Douglas shot a viper. Walked home by 6.0pm. Saw Lady Frances & Swedish governess on hill. After long drink. Wrote letters & bath. Dressed. Took Lady M in to dinner. Talk of Undine & Sintram etc. Felt very sleepy at Jacoby & also after in Smoking Room. Bed at 11.30pm. Mr Walsh to go tomorrow at 6.50am. Said good bye. (Red ink: Newton left. Black game shoot at Craggie.)

Tuesday September 18 Tressady, Rogart. Up 7.45. Down. Douglas & Mr G.Duff went off to fish. Wrote many letters & endeavoured to skeme subject for Xmas page. Also wrote labels. Lunch at 1.30. After at 2.20 the school children came up. 3 pipers. Rosalind excited. Went out & helped at games etc. One sturdy black haired little lassie Ellen Mackenzie took most of the prizes. After greedy scramble for the cake etc. Gipsy woman glaring at M. News in the paper of the Duke of York going to Australia. Letter from L & C Bank to say I had bought at 82 L.C & D 2nd P. Took self into dinner. Quiet evening. 1 game Jacoby & bed after. Sleepy. (Red ink: School Treat at Tressady.)

Wednesday September 19 Tressady, Rogart. Up 7.45 & left 9.30 in break. Richards, G.Duff & self. Long drive to Murray's cottage. Stiff walk to where dogs laid on. Leg off doll picked up near Langwell. Tossed which should shoot. Self odd man out. Began climbing. Fraser (illeg) & self got one bird almost at once. After shot a fox on hill. Lunch. 2 brace before lunch. After got 4 brace, 3 hares & fox altogether. Climbed to top of Craig na Faer. Tea by self 4.0pm. At Murray's 6.35. Home 7.40. Rush to dress & bath. Took Lady M in. Good dinner. 1 game Jacoby after & to bed early tired. Long climb. (Red ink: Long drive. Shot by self & also shot a fox.)

Thursday September 20 Tressady, Rogart. Up 7.45. Last morning. Wrote all letters. Breakfast. Mr Gordon Duff & Douglas went off fishing. Good bye. Left at 11.0am. Rosalind & plate-lifter. Mr & Mrs Richards M & self carriage all the way to Perth. They got out at Kingussie. Rain. Richards bag lost. On to Perth. Small boy on luggage. Dinner at Station Hotel. Long wait. Saw after Richards bag. Had been sent back. Got off 10.30, ½ hr late. Bother about carriage. M got to sleep 10.45 & slept well all night. Self restless. (Red ink: Left Tressady with M.)

Friday September 21 On board train from Perth. Woke 8.0 after restless night. M slept very well. 1 hour late. Arrived Euston 9.0am. 1 horse bus home. Otley at station. Lovely morning. After got to work all day on drawing of Waldersee & Russia & France. Finished 9.0pm & M & self dined quietly. Bed 11.30 tired. (Red ink: M & self arrived home from Tressady.)


Saturday September 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. Board next door (Mrs Campbell's) taken down. All day putting things away & tidying up. Developed 5 plates taken of E.Warwick in July. M left for Glovers by cab at 1.15pm. Self at 4.0 or 3.30. Sent Otley with cycle to Charing X & down by the 5.0 to Reigate. Cycled on past C.Ansdell's to Glovers. M, Mite & Baby, Lennie & Evelyn Coward. Hungry. Good dinner. Wine did not agree with me. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Went down to Glovers, M also.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Helen Fladgate.)

Sunday September 23 Glovers, Charlwood. Up 9.0am. Most lovely morning & hot sun all day. Felt seedy & headache all day from Claret last night. Lennie, M, Mite & Evelyn went to church. Sat down & skemed the Almanack Page from 11.0 to 12.15. Went to the church to try & see them. Could not. Met Baby & Nurse Francis. Back. Lunch. Rest in chair after. L & M went for drive to call on Lady ? Worked again till 6.15pm. Lennie & self went for cycle ride. Back at 7.10. Dressed & dinner. Young Gibson came to dinner. Match game after. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Young Gibson at dinner at Glovers.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir John Barrow.)

Monday September 24 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30. Late for bath. Never again. Breakfast. Lennie off rather huffily about not knowing if he was to leave or not. Wire from M.H. Left at 10.50 & cycled to Reigate. Lovely morning. Came over dull & heavy rain afterwards. Up to town. Waited on bridge between Charing X & Cannon St 20 mins. Train ½ hr late. Otley met me & took cycle. Bath Club shut up. Lunch at Garrick. Saw Arthur à Beckett looking worried. After to C.C. At 2.30 photod Mabel Hall for Xmas Page. Dull dark afternoon. Out 5.0pm & to G.C. Otley brought bag & dressed there. Dined by self. Joe Carr & Seymour Hicks at dinner. Went to see San Toy. House full. Had chair at side. Home by bus after & read paper. (Red ink: Dined at Garrick & went to see 'San Toy'.)

Tuesday September 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. Wrote letters & after wired J.T. After lunch developed 36 plates. Some of E.J taken in August, most of M.H taken yesterday. Put to dry etc. Left at 7.0 & to Garrick by bus & dined by self. Sat next Whittle. Talk to Sir James O'Dowd about Arthur à Beckett's son Pat. Then on to Gaiety & saw The Messenger Boy. Rosie Boote good. To Garrick, wrote letters. It was at 12.0am I saw Sir J.O'Dowd & not after dinner. Talk to Charley Gill then. Home by hansom cab at 12.30am. (Red ink: Saw The Messenger Boy after dining at the Garrick. Saw Rosie Boote for last time. After engaged to the Marquis of Headford.)

Wednesday September 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk round C.H. After in morning brilliant sun. Printed a lot of blue prints of phos taken Monday. Lunch & left at 1.45 & by cab to C.C. Photod E.J for Xmas work & Japanese. Out 5.0. Tea at Garrick & to Welby's to choose a present for M. Back to Garrick. Wrote name on part(?) pages. Left 6.45 & walked to P.D. A à B, J.T, self, O.S, P.M, B.P & E.T.R.


Talk of elections & Tenniel very X & crotchety. He left at 10.45. Left 11.15 & home by bus. Self the only one inside to Knightsbridge. Home 12.15. Read papers & to bed 1.0pm. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Earl Howe.)

Thursday September 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out round C.H. Drizzling rain. No letter from M. Skemed subject of Goschen & Punch. Uneasy about my Xmas Page. Sent Otley to May's for Minister's dress. After lunch went on top of bus in pouring rain & photod the Admiralty & back by 2.45. At 3.15 photod Otley for Goschen & Punch. Developed & just got prints from enlarging by 6.0pm. Hard fit. Up in room. Put phos away & wrote letters. Dressed 6.45 & dined by self. Drove up to see new play by J.M Barrie at the Garrick Theatre called 'The Wedding Guest'. Drove in hansom. Left coat at the C.C. Unpleasant play. Sat behind Mr Critchett. Saw Wyndham, the 2 Spottiswoodes after & missed Claude Watney. Went to Garrick with the S's after seeing Mrs Turquand. Home 1.15am. Tired. (Red ink: Went by self to 1st night of The Wedding Guest by Barrie.)

Friday September 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. Band playing. At work all day on drawing of Mr Goschen & Punch. Went on till 9.0 when finished & dined by self. List of securities sent from the Bank. Harmsworth security not in it. Bed at 12.0 after rest. Very tired. (Red ink: Sold above drawing after. No, did not. Sep 22 1901.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Eliza Linley. Obituary of Lord Esme Gordon.)

Saturday September 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Very tired. Walk & after in morning squared up & put the size of Xmas Drawing all ready. Lunch by self on a grouse & at 4.0 left for C.C. Called Camera Club & went to Reigate by the 4.24 & down. Lovely afternoon. Got to Glovers without lighting lamp. Dear M all right. Gave her choice of 3 jewels I had brought with me. The Hohlers & Mr Heron & Evelyn Coward to dinner. M wore her comb with diamonds. Very tired & sleepy after dinner. Bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink: At Glovers. M's birthday. Gave her some diamonds. The Hohlers & Mr Heron & Evelyn Coward dined.)

Sunday September 30 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 8.30am. Fine morning. After breakfast went on to skeme the Xmas Quadruple Page. At 11.45 went to the church. Saw Mr Gibson. A young man named Falk came on a cycle. Walk round the garden & farm. Afterwards in the afternoon it poured with rain & Falk could not go back. Stayed & dined. Good dinner. Talk & smoke after. Lennie sang. Bed 11.15. Match game. (Red ink: Skemed Christmas page for 1900, or rather the Quadruple page for Almanack 1901.)

Monday October 1 Glovers, Charlwood. Up at 7.30. Breakfast. Lennie off. Left on cycle at 9.0. Took me a full hour to get to station. Very hot. Up to town. Otley met me & took cycle. To C.C. & then home by bus. Got to work in earnest all day on Xmas Drawing & skemed it out practically as I shall draw it. Dear M back at


6.0pm & we dined quietly together 1st time here since coming from Scotland. Bed after snooze. (Red ink: M returned from Glovers. Self cycled to Reigate.)

Tueday October 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & round C.H. After the entire morning photoing. Brilliant sun. Photod the Punch volumes, briar for rose, drapery & self as Punch. Developed them & after to work at Xmas page. M & self dined quietly & to bed after.

Wednesday October 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk round C.H & after got away at 10.15 walking with me. To C.C. At 11.15 Miss Hall came. Took another lot of photos for Xmas page & out 1.0pm. To Wilby's & left the jewels. Saw Bancroft. Lunch with Hare, Bancroft, Scoones etc. After a talk with Bence-Jones. Home at 3.0 & developed all the plates taken & put to dry. M back. Left for Punch Dinner at 6.10 & by bus all the way. P.A, B.P, H.W.L, F.C.B, back 1st time since (blank) Arthur à B, J.T, self & O.S. Got cut of German Emperor & China. Talk of presentation to Tenniel. Left & home by bus. Home 12.10am. (Cutting glued in: Death of W.B.Kingston.)

Thursday October 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Slight head. Walk & after skemed subject of the 2 Emperors. Sent Otley to May's for Chinese dress. After photod self & Otley for German Emperor & Chinese. Very wet & dark. Great difficulty in enlarging in afternoon as it simply poured with rain. Got done by 4.30 & up in room & got the picture composed. M & self dined quietly by ourselves. The Elections went in favour of the Government, 16 plus majority over last Election. Bed after snooze. Cold. Edgar & Sophia Herapath dined with us. Had fire in Drawing Room & bottle of Champagne. They left at 11.0. Cab had a kicking horse who kicked at Sophy. (Red ink: Edgar & Sophy dined.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Beatty Kingston.)

Friday October 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Walk round Campden Hill. After the entire day up to 8.45 at work on drawing of German Emperor & Chinese Emperor. Bothered with hands. After M & self dined. Very tired & exhausted. Bed 11.30. Elections going in favour of the Government. (Red ink: Did a remarkably good cartoon, German Emperor & Chinese Emperor.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of John Chapple, of a daughter.)

Saturday October 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out for walk round C.H. No school children now. After the entire day preparing for Xmas drawing. Very tired. Made experiment with Electric Blower & cut my thumb badly. The lay figure no sort of good. Went on. Photod lay figure in 2 positions. Put things away etc. After lunch developed & enlarged. Took 3 of Otley on steps for Punch. At work up to 6.0pm. M went to call on Mervyn. M & self dined quietly together. Good dinner. After rested in chair & to bed 11.30. At 10.15 a slight sore throat came on. Why? (Red ink: Cut my thumb badly with Electric Fan.)


Sunday October 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0. Out 9.30. A most lovely day all day. Brilliant sun. Prepared for photo model sent by Seymour Lucas. Old man. Had Otley round 12.15. Old man came 12.30. Photod 6 plates at 12.45. Exposed 2 twice over & altogether made a mess of it. He left at 1.15. Developed & went on to enlarge all the afternoon. Sore throat in the bargain. Mervyn & Galbraith called. G asked M & self for Novr or Decr. Went on developing & got ready to commence outline tomorrow. Otley took 2 heads of me also for Punch. Not very successful.

Monday October 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. After worked all day on drawing for Xmas No. Drew Punch & books in. Enlarged some of the plates over again in afternoon. At 7.0 dressed & left in carriage to dine with Mervyn at Dieu Donné Restaurant. Met a handsome Mrs Westmacott & a Mr & Mrs Buckland from Australia, M & self, 7 in all. Cold rather bad. Left at 10.15 & drove home. Colder. (Red ink: M & self dined with Mervyn & Ethel at Dieu Donné.) (Cutting glued in: Deaths of Francis Stainier, Henrietta Steward, Ann Threlfall.)

Tuesday October 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. In morning worked on drawing for Xmas Number. Re-enlarged a number of photos for drawing. After went on with the drawing. Put Time etc in. Worked up to 7.45pm. Mervyn & Ethel came to dinner. Talk of Japan etc. Very tired. They left at 11.0pm. Cold rather bad. Photod wings of birds & enlarged them. (Red ink: Mervyn & Ethel dined.)

Wednesday October 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Wrote letters. Did not go out before breakfast. After left at 10.0 & up by buss to C.C. At 11.30 took some photos from Miss E.Warwick for Xmas No. Left at 1.0 & home. Mite & Evelyn Coward in to lunch. Developed the photos on Cadett plates. Very bad. Never use them again. Up at 3.30 & on with drawing. Put Toby in in pencil & book. Left at 6.15 for the Punch Dinner by bus. Acct of Court Marshall on poor Pat à Beckett in paper. Sir W.A back. L.B, B.P, P.M, H.W.L, F.C.B, J.T, self, R.L, O.S & P.A. Left at 10.30 & home by bus from Fleet St. Phil May's story 'I see you've got your number in. Yes! Thanks to split in opposite party!' Agnew's 'If I'd a wife like thee I'd never get up at all'. Roy back from Teignmouth at 6.30 this evening. (Red ink across page: Roy back from Teignmouth.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of the Marquis of Bute. Wed 10 Oct)

Thursday October 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. After sent Otley to May's & skemed subject of Chamberlain as Don José. Photod Otley & Roy at 1.0pm for cloak. Developed after & got prints. At 4.0 went on with drawing for Xmas No. Put flowers in in ink. Tilda arrived at 6.0pm. M, Roy, Tilda & self dined 8.15pm. Roy arguing. Bed at 11.30 after snooze. Cold still bad. (Red ink: Tilda Frick came. Left Saty Novr 3rd.)


Friday October 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Lovely morning. Walk round C.H. Met Chumps 1st time since June 19th. Back to work all day on drawing of Chamberlain as Don José. Lovely sun all day. Fire for 1st time in Study. At 2.0pm photod the window cleaner for hands. Mite in in afternoon. Finished 8.45 & dined, M, Tilda, Roy & self. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Cold still bad. India rubber plant taken up into the Drawing Room.

Saturday October 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. After put things away. All day putting in bramble in drawing. Roy left at 1.30 for Mite's. Work in afternoon. M & Tilda went to see San Toy. Quiet dinner M, Tilda & self & read after. Bed 11.30pm.

Sunday October 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Walk. Read acct of acquittal of Pat à Beckett. Gave old woman 6d. After in morning packed & put in roses & Punch's face. Lunch 1.30. Left 2.0 in cart. Cold. Drove to Liverpool St station. Drunken man tumbled into 6 foot way. Met Cecil Montefiore & a friend. They went as far as Cambridge. After saw Stanhope. Then on to Eccles Road. Trap met me & at Attleborough at 7.10pm. Went to room & dressed. Took Mrs Lawrence in to dinner. Charming party. Miss Cochrane, Mr & Mrs Grahame Stewart, Mr Charles Russell & a son of Lady Dorothy Nevill's. Music by Miss C after. Wonderful autograph book. Bed at 12.20. Slight head & tired. Woke up in night. (Red ink: Went down to Quidenham.) (Cuttings glued in: The Court Marshall at Dover, acquittal of Lieutenant P.à Beckett. Death of Lady Cochrane, widow of Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane. May 29 1901. Miss Minnie Cochrane, Lady in waiting to Princess Henry of Battenburg. Times Nov 25 1905.) (Red ink: Mr Cochrane who I met never said his father was a Post Captain in the year 1805 (must have been 1808) at 19 years of age. He must have been 67 when father of Mr Cochrane. Enclosed cut from Times May 29 1901, death of his mother. He must have been 86 when he died in 1872. No, 83 in 1872. 2nd cutting taken from Sunday Times Novr 5 1905. Born 1789. At 19 1808. No, 83 in 1872.)

Monday October 15 Quidenham Hall, Attleborough. Waked at 7.30. Bath & out. Fine cold windy morning. Breakfast 8.30. Began to shoot at 9.45. Got partridge long shot 1st barrel & hen pheasant after. On for drive. Not very successful. Too much wind. 5 guns as over bar Mr Nevill. Wonderul lunch. Grilled turkey & plum pudding. On again. Mr Cochrane got a snipe. Finished up at 4.0 with wonderful drive into Park. Got 2 brace. Left off & to house & changed. Head Keeper Purnell. Tea. Good bye. Drove to station & off by 5.25pm. Talkative man got in at Cambridge. At Liverpool St 8.30. Good bye to Lawrence. Drove to Rules & had A1 dinner. I doz natives, steak & soft roe, pint stout, 6/3. Home 10.5 by cart. 3 brace birds. M & Tilda up. Bed 11.15 after snooze. Name of gold mine in New Zealand given me was Way-hi mine. (Red ink across page: Came up from Quidenham with Lawrence. Dined at D.Rules. Good.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of William Thomar. The wife of Richard Rose, of a son.)


Tuesday October 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. M had a cold in head. Cold. Out & over C.H. Met C going to school. Back. Wrote letters & tidied up. Got to work at 11.15am on Xmas page. Finished Punch, his rose etc & after drew in the central figure in pencil & after lunch the head in ink. Worked up to 8.0pm when dined. Quiet dinner, M, Tilda & self & a fresh partridge. Quiet evening & bed after. (Red ink: Last met C going to school.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Thomas.)

Wednesday October 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & walk round C.H. After in morning got to work on Quad page. Put in lamp & Staff etc & bothered about foot of figure. Took it out many times. Worked up to 6.0pm when dressed & went to Punch Dinner by bus. Owen Seaman called & could not see me. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, A.G (back 1st time since July 25) F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S. Annoyed by R.L criticising my last week's drawing of Chamberlain as Don José. The whole table a farce. Suggested cartoon myself. Left at 11.0 & home all way by bus. The design for Tenniel's silver box on the tapis. (Cutting glued in: Death of Mary Garstin.)

Thursday October 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. After the entire day at work on Quad page. Put in drapery of figure etc. Roy back in afternoon from Glovers. M out to see Fanny Barker, lunched there. Quiet dinner in evening, M, Tilda, Roy & self. Bed after snooze at 12.0am. Letter in morning from Mrs King who used to sit in '95-6 & I thought dead long ago. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Charles Tyrrell to Agnes Livesey. Marriage of Archibald Home to Violet D'Arcy.)

Friday October 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. No Chumps. Band. After putting star on necklet in Quad drawing at 11.0 cartoon of John Bull & Salisbury. Finished at 8.10pm. Dined quietly, M, Tilda, Roy & self. Bed 11.30 after snooze.

Saturday October 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Cycled round & saw Lennie, Mite & Baby. Baby not well. Back. After breakfast worked entire day on Xmas Quad page. Put Time etc, wings & scythe in. M up in my room. Man from Post Office called about damaged parcel for Mrs Harding. Roy went & dined with Mr Davison & to the Gaiety after. Locked out. M, Tilda & self dined quietly. Snooze & bed at 12.0am. Lennie & Mite & Ruth Messel X'd the Channel for Paris.

Sunday October 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Walk past Hornton St. Most lovely morning. Extra ordinary high thermometer. Breakfast. Roy locked out last night. Worked all morning on Quad page. Put in books & Toby. Lunch. Dear Baby round. After from 1.45 to 4.0pm Roy & self cycled thro’ Queens & Richmond Park & home by Putney. Stopped at the Curse of the Katerfelds. Home. Tea. Baby amusing. Worked from 4.0 to 8.0 on Quad. Put in figure of 19th century


& details. Dinner 8.0pm, M, Roy, Tilda & self. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of John Morgan. 21 Oc.)

Monday October 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am. Overslept myself. Out for walk. Lovely morning. Read 'Times'. Leader on fashions. Mackay leaves this day. Came November 21st '99. Went on to work all day on Quad page. Finished outline, stars on dress, Temple background, roses etc by 2.45pm. Began to shade books. M in room. Went on till 8.0. A job servant M had employed came & knocked at the door & said she wished to leave. 'I do not like the place. I would never be happy here' etc. She left then & there. MacKay very kindly stayed on. Dined 8.15pm. Roy went after to Empire. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Extraordinary high barometer. (Red ink: A job servant refused to stay. 'Did not like the place'.)

Tuesday October 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Drizzly morning but glass very high. Invite from Mr Steinkopff for shoot on Saturday. Went thro' Kensington & round by Campden Hill. C doubled back round Stout's. Breakfast. Went on with Quad page. Headache. Put in Time etc. Took head out after lunch. Worked & went on shading drapery of principal figure & also arms & forehead just before dinner. Quiet evening & bed 11.0 after. (Red ink: Last saw the schoolgirl Chumps.)

Wednesday October 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. Work on drawing for Quadruple page. Shaded the head of girl etc. Worked up to 6.0pm when dressed & left by bus for Punch Dinner. Girl in bus at Charing X with head like my mother as a girl. Punch Dinner. P.A, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, R.L & O.S. Got cut of Hamlet & Polonius. Left at 11.0 & home all way by bus. Bed 12.30pm. M had not enough to eat at dinner. MacKay's last day.

Thursday October 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out for walk round C.H. & after to work all day on drawing of Quadruple page for Almanack. Finished Time, foreground etc etc & at work up to 8.15pm. Nearly finished. M had a swelled face. New job maid waited & not badly, a little Irish girl. After quiet evening & bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Mackay left for good.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Lady Bowman. Death of Sims Reeves. Times, Oc 26 1900. The wife of George Sismey, of a son.)

Friday October 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0am. Worked from 7.30 to 9.0 before breakfast. Put in the letters on Volumes etc. Breakfast. After on to the Quadruple from 10.0 (Red ink: and at 12.0 (noon) finished the Almanack Quadruple page.) Sent it off. Got to work on cartoon of Chamberlain as Polonius & Balfour as Hamlet. Roy & Tilda went to Her Majesty's Theatre. Finished 9.0am & dined by self. Job maid waiting. Poor M in bed with a swelled face. Wrote 4 letters after dinner & waited for Roy & Tilda. Bed at 1.0am. Tired.


Saturday October 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 6.0am. After breakfast at 6.35 left in cart at 6.55 & got to Victoria at 7.20. Down to Haywards Heath. Put gun up etc. Fly met me. Long drive to Lyndhurst. There at 9.55. Met Major Gordon & Kolnitz, Major Lister, another Major like H.Langley, a man with a beard & a young man who could not shoot. Began 10.30. Many drives. Left off at 1.0 & lunch till 3.0. Dr Parker. After shot again. Lovely day. Only got 7 birds, 25 pheasants all told & 2 rabbits. Back. Changed. Sat by fire. Dressed. Dinner. Took Mrs S in. Had whisky & soda. No Champagne & no coffee. Talk after & to bed at 11.30pm. Very tired. Did not sleep well. Dream of asking for candles as the Electric Light would not work. (Red ink: Great 'to do' in London. The C.I.Vs never turned up.) The young man who could not shoot was Mr Fox Adams. (Red ink across page: Went down to shoot at Steincopffs.)

Sunday October 28 Lyndhurst, Haywards Heath. Up 8.30. Out for stroll. Breakfast. After got out to read. Overtaken on a seat by Major Gordon. Walk round. Talk of Mr S. Mr S & his deferential new gardener. Again on seat. Mrs S overtook me. Walk round. Lovely yellow leaves. Lunch. After talk. Wrote letters. Snooze. Down in room & talk to S & Kolnitz about investments & Lennie. Also furniture. Dressed. Dinner. Lamp disagreable. Burgundy & Champagne. After long talk about many things. Bed 11.15pm. At Steincopffs. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Friedrich Max Muller. Will of Frederick Max Muller.) May 22 1901.

Monday October 29 Lyndhurst, Haywards Heath. Up 8.45. Packed. Out. Breakfast. After most wonderful detailed story of Mr Kolnitz about the late Sir W.Pierce. Tall young woman in black with white handkerchief. Met by P. Followed. Went mad. Put under restraint. Doctors. Irate father assaulted Pierce. Stead. Mother & dynamite. Girl married to a doctor for £5000 etc. Left at 11.0. Drive to station. Met Major Lister. To Victoria. Rain. Otley met me. On to Athenaeum. Saw Barnes & Lewis Coward. Saw the C.I.Vs march past. Great crowd. Conrad Cooke & little Prof Bell. Left at 3.50 & walked home. Met Hartree. M in room still seedy. (Red ink: Story of Sir William Pearce. Came up from Steincopffs & saw the C.I.Vs march past the Athenaeum.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein.)

Tuesday October 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out for walk. To Kensington. Watched school. No C. Saw an old man taken into Police van. Back. In morning put all things straight in room etc. Lunch. After at 4.15 went up to meet Lennie & Mite at Victoria. Called 40 Ennismore Gardens & left drawing of Goschen for Mr Cobb. To Victoria at 4.50. Train not due till 5.35. Went to C.C & back. Waited on platform. Tall lovely woman also, like a Juno. Detained till 6.45. Lennie, Mite, Ruth Messel arrived. Mite bitten by mosquitos & bad cold. After went into the Restaurant with them & then home at 7.0pm. Wrote letter. Dinner, M, Tilda, Roy & self. Had our own grapes to dinner. Grown at the back. (Red ink: Went to meet Lennie & Mite returned from Paris.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Arthur Eykyn, of a daughter. Obituary of the Earl of Darnley.)


Wednesday October 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out for walk round C.H. After in morning wrote letters & at 10.15 went up by bus to C.C. Called May's & got Mephistopheles costume. Photod at 11.45 Mrs King who last sat to me Monday 23 March 1896. Altered. Out by 1.15 & home by cab. M, Roy & self to lunch. After packed. Sent Otley with bags to Victoria, Roy & self in cab. Met Mr Walsh at Victoria. To Crawley. Roy & self walked as far as mile further than Peas Pottage. Carriage with Mr Messel & Mr Arthur Ricardo overtook us. To Nymans. Mite & Lennie there. Dressed. Dinner. Good. After played Mr Ricardo 100 up. Beat him. To bed at 11.15pm. Mite had a very bad cold. (Red ink: Photod Mrs King. Went to Nymans for shoot.)

Thursday November 1 Nymans, Crawley, Sussex. Woke up by servant at 7.0am. Dressed & breakfast 8.10am. An apparently hopelessly wet morning. Doubts as to shooting. However at 9.45 started. Guns, Lennie, Roy & self, Major Bigge, Mr Arthur Ricardo, Mr Fox Adams, Mr Lester Reed. Seven in all. Mr Messel out under an umbrella. Cleared up till lunch bar one shower. Good high birds over the wood. Slaughter of duck after. Horrid wet after lunch. All the birds at last drive went to Major Bigge & Mr Ricardo. Changed at 5.0pm. Tea & left 5.45 with Mr Ricardo. To Victoria. Otley met me. Home 8.25. Dressed & dinner. Dividends. Good subject for next week. Mr Cobb, 40 Ennismore Gardens, sent me cheque for fifteen guineas for drawing. Bag 90 pheasants, a few ducks, 7 rabbits. Self shot 15 pheasants, 1 partridge, 1 pigeon, 3 rabbits, 2 ducks. (Red ink across page: Good day's shoot at Nymans.)

Friday November 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. x. July 22. Out for walk round C.H. After all morning skeming subject of Caliban & Prospero after writing letters. Worked up to 8.45 when finished. M, Tilda & self dined quietly. Wire from F.C.B about tragically serious cut. Bed at 12.0am after snooze. Tired. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Major General Sir Charles Du Plat. Obituary of William Charsley.) Thurs Nov 8.

Saturday November 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Dull muggy morning. Tilda left in a 4 wheeler at 9.10am. Had walked round Campden Hill. Put room in order & wrote letters & cheques. After at 12.0 dressed & M & self left at 12.45 & by carriage to Rules. Had 2 dozen oysters & also soft roes. After to Drury Lane & saw a play called 'Price of Peace'. Good box BB. Gwen & Evelyn went also with their governess. Saw Harding Cox & Lewis Coward also in theatre. After bought pears at Covent Garden & sent M home in carriage from King St. To Club. Tea. Saw old Sir Wm Howard Russell who said he was just alive that's all. Also Bernard Partridge & H.J.Irving. Walked as far as Piccadilly Circus & home by bus. Wrote letters & diary until dinner time. M & self dined quietly. Very sleepy after dinner & snored. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Tilda Frick left.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Charles Taylor Du Plat.) (Red ink across page: Went with M after lunching at Rules to see The Price of Peace, Drury Lane. Evelyn & Gwenny went.)


Sunday November 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45am. Dull muggy morning. Decided to go to Calais. Started at 10.20 smoking a broken cigar. Met Mrs Lewis at Grosvenor Place with old dog. After little L. Had a headache which lasted most part of the day. Down in 2nd class. Long talk of the Barr Estate & Lewis's story of Mrs Bosanquet marrying the Count de la Prade. Daughter of Admiral Derriman, aged 28. £50,000 fortune ruptured. Dover. Met Capt'n Dixon. Pretty bold looking woman stared at Calais. Lunch. MerryW & his wife. Talk to Poynter. Good looking boys on board. Young Faudel Phillips. Story about Sir Fk Dixon Hartland who was on board. Thompson Lyon, Melville, MerryW. Train arrived Charing X 1 hour late. Shocking bad cab home. Dropped Lewis. Dined at 9.10am. M & self quiet evening after. Read book on Roman Society in the 4th century. Delightful. Bed 11.15. x. (Red ink: X'd Channel with Lewis.)

Monday November 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Walk round C.H. Met Tip who went with me. Breakfast. Sent gaiters back. Wrote letters. Cheque from Chromo Transfer Co, 37 Newland St, received from E.J.Buckley. After the whole morning put things away. Lunch. Developed about 20 plates E.J, Japanese. Roy back at 4.30. Looked through the 'Times' since July. Dinner at 7.15. M, Roy & self went up in the carriage to the Vaudeville & saw a very stupid play called 'Self & Lady'. Seymour Hicks & his wife. Galbraith came into the box. Home by a 4 wheel cab. A new German maid came this day. Bed 12.15 after rest. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to the Vaudeville & saw 'Self & Lady'. Freda came.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Bill Yardley.) Nov 7 1900.

Tuesday November 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Out & walked reverse way & to Kensington. No C. Back at 9.25. Breakfast. After the entire day looking over letters etc. Cleared drawers & wrote letters. Roy gave me Battels bills & Tom Brown's acct & Mess bill. Dull day. Developed some Langley plates taken April 8. After wrote letters, Store orders & looked over Tom Brown's acct. At 8.15 Lennie & Mite, Mr Douglas, M, Roy & self dined. 3 maid waiting. 2 bottles Champagne. Lennie very seedy with neuralgia. They left at 10.30. Read W.G after & to bed 12.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Lennie, Mite, Roy & Mr Douglas dined.)

Wednesday November 7 Stafford Terrace. Up Out for walk round C.H. Talk to Roy about Stock Exchange. Dull wet morning. After writing letter got off by 1.15 & by bus to Bond St. Met Montague Guest. Called Stohwassers. Ordered a coat & knickerbockers. After walked to Camera Club. Then to Garrick. Saw accident of horse going through Lauser's window. Teddy Clowes etc, Scoones. Wrote 2 letters. Lunch. At 2.15 photod Miss B.J. Out 4.0pm & to Bath Club. Turkish Bath & hair cut. Saw Macmillan & Lankester. Out 5.45. To Athenaeum & wrote letters. At 7.0 to Punch Dinner. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, R.L, O.S. Discussion till 9.45. Left with J.T in cab. Very wet. Bus home. At Knightsbridge a very pretty girl in bus. Quite drunk. Got out at Church. Home 11.45. Bed 12.15. (Red ink: Drunken girl in bus a Knightsbridge.)


Thursday November 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Walk round C.H. Tip went. After wrote letters & skemed drawing of France & Kruger. Photod Otley at 12.30. Lovely morning. Developed & enlarged. Mite in to lunch. Worked from 4.30 to 6.45. Dressed & Roy & self went to dine with Ayala at the Carlton Hotel. Carriage never came up. Annoyed. Met a bounder & his son, the managing Director of the A & N stores, Tyrrel, Ayala's brother & another. Admirable dinner by Ritz. To Empire after. Then on to Douglas's rooms. No one I knew except the Waukes's. Roy had quite enough wine. Home by hansom. (Red ink: Dined with Roy at young Ayala's dinner at the Carlton. To Empire after & then to Mr Douglas's at home. Roy too much wine.)

Friday November 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk round C.H. After wrote letters & skemed or rather went on with drawing of France & Kruger. Worked all day & finished at 9.15 when dined. Not quite satisfied with hair of figure. Up in room after. Very tired. No evening paper came. Bed 12.30. Dream at night of Mrs King, F.C.B etc. Lord Mayor's day. (Red ink: This drawing sold afterwards.)

Saturday November 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Very tired. Out for walk round C.H. Dropped ½ the Times. In morning printed 100 blues. Bright sun & very fine day. Dressed at 1.0 & left after lunch in carriage with M & went & saw Maggie Henderson married to Mr Schreiber. Met Judge Bacon, Snagges, Macleans, Parish's, Lulu Shannon & many pretty girls. Brentons, Armstrongs etc & Mite. Left at 4.0pm & home. Colder. Up in room. Squared prints. M on my sofa. Dined 7.10pm. Roy at Mite's. M & self left in a 4 wheeler & went up to see 'A Debt of Honour'. Judge Bacon also in our box. Last night of play. Thin audience & poor play. Home by carriage, M & self. (Red ink: Maggie Henderson married. Went with M to see 'A Debt of Honour'. Judge Bacon in box.)

Sunday November 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0. Lovely day all day. Slightly colder. Walk round C.H. No X'ing sweeper. After in morning began to put plates away etc. At 12.0 dressed & walked with Evelyn Coward & M to top of Row. Met Trower who said Maggie Henderson might have had the 'Pick of London'. After met Lennie, Ruth & Hilda & Lennie's cousin Meiklejohn. Put M & Evelyn in a cab & went up to C.C. No letter. To Athenaeum. Lunched by self & up in Smoking Room. A Bishop there with his legs over a chair. Looked at Dod's Peerage. After wrote many letters. Tea. Canon Harford there. Left 7.0 & home by bus. Lennie, Mite, Roy, M & self dined. Burgundy. Talk of Roy going on the Stock Exchange. (Red ink: Lennie & Mite dined. Discussed Roy's going on to the Stock Exchange.)

Monday November 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Wet morning. Round C.H. After the whole morning re-arranging my desk & plates etc. Put all away. Lunch, M, self. Went up by bus in pouring rain at 2.0pm to Stohwassers. Also called Photographic Exchange & Garraud's. To tea at the Garrick. Wrote letters etc. Left 7.0pm & home by bus. M, Roy & self dined comfortably. Snooze in chair after. Bed


12.15. Warmer. (Red ink: Called Photographic Exchange & traced it to Sands & Hunter. Decided to get rid of many old cameras etc.)

Tuesday November 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Walk round C.H. Met Essex Villas. Breakfast. Much warmer. Letters etc. Letter from F.C.B about Lord Rosebery & Morley. Looked out & put up the old cameras. The 7 x 5 Meaghers, the whole plate of Rouch's (illeg) lenses, double backs etc. In afternoon sent Otley up with them to Sands & Hunters. Got to work & drew out the Rosebery & Morley drawing. Letter from F.C.B wanting it next week. At 8.0 Lennie & Mite came to dinner, M, Roy & self. Quiet evening. Talk of Devett's & Roy going on the Stock Exchange. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Lennie & Mite dined. Decided that Roy goes on the Stock Exchange.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Bowen May. S & D Nov 18, 1900.)

Wednesday November 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walk round C.H. Essex Villas. After in morning went on & altered subject of Morley & Rosebery. Sent Otley to May's at 10.30am. Fine bright morning. After photod Otley & self for Napoleon & Cromwell. Developed & enlarged by 3.0pm. M out in carriage to New Gallery. Rested in room till 4.30. Tea. Letters. Left at 5.45 & by bus to Bond St. Pretty girl with full lips like Ellis. To Stohwasser's. Could not get pattern of waistcoat material. Looked at Bond St. After walked to C.C. Called Sands & Hunter & Garrick & on by bus to Punch Dinner. Sir W.A, P.A, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S. Light went out. Had to assert myself about holiday next week. Left with J.T & put down at the Athenaeum. Wrote 7 letters from 11.10 to 12.0. Home in buss alone. Bed 1.0am.

Thursday November 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Tired. Walk round C.H. Rain. After Otley putting bags up. Wrote labels etc. Got to work on drawing of Napoleon & Cromwell & drew the outline of it in. Worked all day up to 8.15pm when dined quietly, M, Roy & self. Quiet evening after. Bed 12.0 after snooze. M up in my room.

Friday November 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round C.H. After all day at work on Rosebery & Morley. Wired V & C. Roy getting ready & left in cart at 3.45 & drove all the way to London Bridge to meet Lennie & to go to Haywards Heath. Finished drawing at 8.0pm after keeping boy waiting 3 hours. Mrs Neely called to say good bye before going to New Zealand at 4.0pm. Saw her at 4.30. M & self dined quietly at 8.0pm. Snooze & bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Saw Mrs Neely for the last time. She leaving for New Zealand at once.)

Saturday November 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30am. Dressed & breakfast 8.15. Otley round & remaining things put up. Bus at door 8.55. Left at 9.10am for Euston. Dull morning. Saw Mr Brook at station. Luggage weighed. Tips. Pillow. Off at 10.0. At Carlisle 4.12. Walked at 4.20 to Robert Little's. Nothing worth having. Back & left Carlisle by 5.5pm, 12 minutes late. Good carriage. At Dumfries 6.0pm. On to Terregles by 6.30pm. Party in house Mr & Mrs Maxwell, Mr & Mrs


Timms, Mr Peddie, Miss Brown, Miss Christie. A Miss Maxwell & her fiancé came to dinner. Ian dined to make 14. Good dinner. Talk & bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Arrived at Terregles having travelled all day.)

Sunday November 18 Terregles, Dumfries. Up 8.30. Out round house. Breakfast. After in morning wrote many letters (14). Took M at 12.30 for walk round house. Clear water. Ducks etc. Lunch. After smoke went to see colts & horses. Talk to Mr Maxwell on theatrical matters. Fine day. Back. More letters. Tea etc. Wrote diary. Dinner. Took Mrs Maxwell in. Afterwards told story of Sir William Pearce. Fitted. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Told the Sir William Pearce story at Terregles.)

Monday November 19 Terregles, Dumfries. Up at 8.0am. Down. Breakfast at 9.0. Started off in break at 10.0am to shoot on the hill. Guns, Mr Peddie, Mr Maxwell, Mr Clark, Mr Timms, Mr Galbraith and Mr Douglas. Shot same covers as last year. Did not do particularly well. Lunch on hillside on bank. Climb afterwards. Got 15 pheasants. Walk back at night. Men shooting ducks when quite dark. M seedy. Tea. Bath & dressed for dinner. Took Mrs Timms in. Puff game played after. Douglas at it, Mrs D disapproving. Douglas at top of hill with birds. Indifferent surly beaters. Big dinner of 18. Sir Henry Oldham & daughter & son. All left by 11.0. Smoke & bed. Tired. Roy commenced his career in the City with Mr Devett. (Red ink: Roy commences City life.) (Red ink across page: 1st day 's shoot at Terregles.)

Tuesday November 20 Terregles, Dumfries. Up at 8.0. Dressed. Bath & breakfast 9.0am. At 9.30 went up to write letters. Forgot the time & found trap at door waiting. Guns 7, Mr Peddie, Clark, Timms, Maxwell, Galbraith, self & a good looking elderly man named Pattison who afterwards shot 7 of my birds. Went outside, 1 bird, then into Park. Joined by Mrs Galbraith, Miss Chrystal, Miss Brown. Shot coming up with beaters. Got 1 hare, 3 rabbits. Lunch in Harness Room. The covers taken the reverse way to last year. Got 38 pheasants, 1 pigeon, 1 hare, 3 rabbits. 43 head. Left off 4.30 in road where 2nd beat was last year. Timms got 23 birds. Back. Bath & changed. Dinner. Took Mrs Patterson in. Striking looking woman. Game of Puff. Smoke & bed at 12.0. Talk of otter hunting. Letter from Mr Dawnay accepting drawing in morning. (Red ink: 2nd & best day's shoot at Terregles.)

Wednesday November 21 Terregles, Dumfries. Up at 8.25. Dressed. Out with Timms. Mr Clark had left. Good breakfast. After read book on roads & houses etc. Diary. Fine lovely morning. Acrostic from Richards. Read & wrote letters. Lunch. Mr & Mrs Timms left. After read Scotsman. M & all others went to tea at a Hockey Club. Walked round the Park & picked up 85 cartridges, 9 Blues of old Patterson's, 11 Pergamoid. Back. Cigar & read. Bad impression in Punch. Disgusted. Packed bags. M & others had gone for drive to tea at the Hockey Club with Mrs Maxwell. Dinner. Took Mrs Galbraith in. Reduced party. Quiet evening & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Off day at Terregles.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Edith Schmaltz. Death of Walter Schwartze.)


Thursday November 22 Terregles, Dumfries. Up at 7.0am. Breakfast at 7.45. Left house at 8.30 sharp. Forgot Nataline. Drove to Maxwell Town station. Wired Midge & Sir John Gareth Barnes. Took tickets. Guns, Galbraith, self, old Pattison, Mr Maxwell 's brother & Sheriff Campion. Started partridge driving. Got rabbit & cock pheasant up in hill wild. After 3 partridges & wood pigeon last shot. Long walk back. Mrs Patterson met her husband. Back & packed. Dressed. Dinner. After at 10.0 dressed again & left at 10.30pm for Dumfries. Goodbye to M. Up to town. Carriage to self. Slept fairly well. Cold in night. (Red ink: Partridge shoot beyond Maxwell Town, also many pigeons.)

Friday November 23 On board train from Carlisle. Woke at Willesden. Uncivil collector. Otley met me with cart. Hard frost. Home. Wrote M & after got to work. Skemed subject of Chamberlain & son & Caligula. Photod Otley at 12.30. Finished at 9.15 when dined by self & up in my little room after. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Returned from Terregles. Above cartoon gave great offence to Mr Jesse Collins who wrote a long letter to F.C.B about it.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Arthur Sullivan.) Sketch. Nov 28 1900.

Saturday November 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20am. Tired. Breakfast. After wrote letters etc & left by bus at 11.0am to C.C. At 12.25 photod E.J. Short sitting no good as too dark. Out at 1.30pm & to Garrick Club. Saw many I knew. F.C.B came up as I was lunching & bothered about my being at the dinner on Dec 5. In Smoking Room talk to Bence Jones. After left & to Savoy. Met Joe Carr. Delighted with 'Patience'. Out & to Athenaeum. Wrote Hamburger & Co & theatres. Called Walls. Met Buck who was elevated. Home by bus. Out & got pine etc at Lower Butts after meeting Orton in bus. M back at 7.45 from Dumfries. Dressed & dinner at 8.30. Nightmare in chair. Could not walk along the street. Woman in stall next me laughed immoderately at 'Patience'. (Red ink: Went by self in afternoon to see revival of 'Patience' for the 1st time. Saw it 4 times.)

Sunday November 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Undecided as to X'ing to Calais. Went up after breakfast & changed & did go after all. Left by bus 10.20. To Victoria. Saw Douglas Gordon & Sir Edward Reed. Down Dover in carriage by myself. Delightful passage. Tall lovely woman who must be Lady Crossley in otter mantle trailing in the dirt. Lunch with Douglas Gordon. After long talk with Sir E.R. Met Conrad Cooke at restaurant who came over to meet his daughter. Good passage back. Saw the last of Calais Light. At Charing X at 8.0pm. Remarkably good hansom. Home by 8.20. Lennie, Roy, Mite, M & self dined. They left at 10.45. Told L & R about Burnand. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: X'd over to Calais. Met Sir Edward Reed. Good day.) (Cutting glued in: Will of Sir A.Sullivan. Fri.Jan.18.)

Monday November 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Out round C.H. Breakfast. After wrote Johnson Ferguson etc. Printed about 20 blues & went on to write letters. Wire from Tree about box tonight. Lunch M & self. Sent Otley to Mite's. Read


Random Recollections by William Tinsley. A bad ink-slinging book. Sent cheque for Roy's mess bill. After skemed at Index for some time. Could not quite hit on a subject. Dinner, M & self. Left in carriage at 7.55 for Her Majesty's. Had big box to see Herod. Lennie, Mite, Roy, M & self. Duchess of York opposite. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Trowers, Joe Parkinson & Mrs McTear in stalls. Striking play, well staged & Tree first rate. Miss Jefferies very bad. Left & home, Roy with us in carriage. Wet. Bed 1.0am. (Red ink across page: M, Roy, Lennie & Mite & self went to see 'Herod'.)

Tuesday November 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk round C.H. Met school girls. Roy off for his first journey from home to the City. After up in room. Wrote letters. Printed, no, yesterday. Went on with Index. M out in carriage. Lunch. Developed 18 plates, back takes. Miss Herbert etc. Up in room. Many callers. Baby came up & Hilda S.J. Worked till 7.50. Dressed. Dinner, M, Roy & self. Quiet evening after. Read Random Recollections by William Tinsley. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Burnand had the Literary Staff of 'Punch' to dine with him to discuss all sorts of things. Seaman told me on Sunday Dec 9th that one of the Literary Staff had proposed someone else but myself to succeed Tenniel.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of the Rev Alfred Kettle. Friday Nov 30.)

Wednesday November 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Wretchedly dull day. Rain & dark. In morning got on with Index. After photod Otley in the dark for Punch & Index. Also enlarged crowd. Went on. Put soldiers etc in & the word Index. Dressed & left for Punch Dinner by bus at 6.20. A very pretty girl with her father & mother got in. Short, good figure. Changed & on to Bouverie St. P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, A à B, R.L, O.S. No Tenniel. Got cut of Kruger in Holland. Home all way by bus almost by self. Roy in late from 'San Toy' where he went with Mite.

Thursday November 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walk round Campden Hill. Dull rainy day. Letter from F.C.B saying cut would not do. Bothered & finally went up at 1.0 to the Garrick Club to lunch. Saw L.Bradbury, Jones & Judge Bacon. Talk to Lawrence B. Went to office after writing letters. No F.C.B. Back home 4.30 having wasted 3 hours. On to skeme subject & sent it to F.C.B by Otley. M, Roy & self dined & after went up to the Savoy. Dora there. Saw Patience. All delighted. Hamilton L in after. Mrs Finch Hatton & Lady Colin Campbell in theatre. Home by carriage. Bed at 12.30am tired. Mite to take Argyll Lodge or York House. Fell down on omnibus step. (Red ink: Went to see revival of Patience for 2nd time. Mr De Paas was there also this evening & sent suggestion for cartoon.)

Friday November 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Tired. Walk round C.H. Met Essex V. After back. More letters etc from F.C.B. All day at work on drawing of Kruger in Germany. Photod Otley at 11.30 & enlarged. Finished somehow at 9.20 & dined 9.30, M, Roy & self. Bed 1.0am tired. Above drawing proved altogether

73 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 wrong as Kruger did not go to Germany after all. Emperor turned his back on him.

Saturday December 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Dull morning. Walk round C.H. Met shop girls. Roy off to business. Death of Oscar Wilde. After put papers together etc. Developed after lunch 30 plates taken of Miss Herbert, Aug 27. M standing about doing her flowers etc. After up in room & got on with Index. Wrote F.C.B & sent Otley. Otley had left for a fire at Cadby Hall. At 8.15 dinner at home. Upset by confusion sitting down. (Red ink: Home dinner of 8.) (Plan of table seating: Mr Galbraith, Mrs Routh, Lennie, Mrs Galbraith, self, Mite, Harry Routh, M.) All well. 3 bottles Perinet & 1 bottle '74 Ayala. The '74 gone. Told tale of Sir William Pearce. All left by 11.30. Roy not back from Midge's. Bed 12.15am.

Sunday December 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Down & after sent Otley to F.C.B with letter. Went on with Index. Spencer, Hilda & Daggles in. Letter from F.C.B. After lunch photod Otley & Roy for aesthetes. Nearly dark. Developed 8 plates of Mabel Hall taken Sepr. After up in room & went on with Index. Had written Fk Harrison about permits. G.Turner wrote a nasty letter. Quiet dinner, M, Roy & self. M went to bed early. Self snooze till 12.15am. Then put papers away in Studio & to bed at 1.15am. Lay long awake. Walk round C.H. Gave old woman 6d. (Red ink: Photod Otley & Roy for aesthetes.)

Monday December 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.15am. Dressed & put things up in bags etc. Breakfast 8.45. Bus at door 8.30. Left at 9.25, M & self. Fine morning. Cheque from Mr Dawnay sent. Roy went with us in bus as far as Twopenny Tube. On to Euston. Mr Brook civil. Lady with red mantle & good looking man. Began to rain at Rugby & kept on all day. Good lunch. Counted cartridges, 375. On to Carlisle. No change to Kirtle Bridge. On platform pouring with rain. Got on to front seat of omnibus with Mr Aynesworth. At Springkell 6.45. Dreary wait for tea. After dressed & dinner at 8.0pm. Took Mrs Aynesworth in. Corked wine. After in Drawing Room until 10.20. Smoke & bed. House very warm. Party, Lady Roxboro, Mr & Mrs Aynesworth, Mr Mitchell, Mr & Mrs Willets, selves, Mr & Mrs J-F & son. (Red ink across page: M & self left London & travelled to Springkell to shoot.)

Tuesday December 4 Springkell, Ecclefechan. Up 7.20. Dark. Better morning. Down & wrote Otley, F.C.B. Sent cheque to Bank. Breakfast 8.45. Bad coffee. Left house 9.45. 7 guns, Mr Aynesworth, Mr Willets, 2 Mr Johnson-Fergusons, Mr Mitchell, self & another. Got 7 duck, 2 rabbits, 35 pheasants. Shot fairly well but missed three with gallery looking on. A solemn dour loader. Good lunch. Talk to Mr Aynesworth after. Back home 4.15. Tea. Bath. Wrote letters & diary. After smoked pipe. Dinner. Took Lady Roxboro in. Wire from Otley after. Bridge played. A Mr & Mrs Steel came. Smoke in Billiard Room & bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Shot at Springkell, not very well.)


Wednesday December 5 Springkell, Ecclefechan. Up 7.45. Decided not to put on shooting things. Breakfast. Goodbye & left at 9.45 by dog cart to station. Met a motor car. Horse shy. After caught the 10.18 from Kirtlebridge to Carlisle. There 1 hour. Civil porter. Walk into Carlisle. Saw a hunting sword in a pawn shop, £1.0.0. Back. One other in carriage to Crewe. A man who had been in the yeomanry in South Africa. Interesting talk. Lunch. Refused to sit opposite an old lady. Snooze & at Euston punctually 6.30pm. Otley met me. Pouring rain. Hansom to 10 Bouverie St. No Tenniel, no F.C.B & dragged up 350 miles. Punch Dinner very slow. Sir W.A, P.A, L.B, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, self, R.L, O.S. A deputation of Sir W.A, L.B, P.A, A à B & E.T.R left at 9.40pm to leave the silver tobacco box on Tenniel. Self did not go. Left at 10.45 in cart. Otley drove me to Euston. Left for the north again by the 11.50am. Difficulty in getting change. Broken rest all night. (Red ink across page: Foolishly came up from Scotland. Neither Tenniel nor F.C.B at the Punch Dinner. Went back to Springkell by the mail train.)

Thursday December 6 On board train to Carlisle. Woke up by guard at 5.40am. Crossed over to train for Kirtlebridge. Took cold coffee. At K 6.40. Drove Springkell, there 7.0am. Bath & in bed for ¼ hr. After dressed in green suit & all left after a poor breakfast at 10.0am to shoot Home Covers. Bad luck all day in stands. No birds came for me. Out of temper at luncheon. After in all got 28 pheasants, 2 rabbits & 1 woodcock (the only one). With ordinary luck should have got at least 50 birds. Left off at Factor's cottage & walked home 4.0pm. Tea. Wrote diary. Changed. Bath. 7 guns, Mr Mitchell, Mr Steel, Mr Ayneswirth, Mr Willis, 2 Mr J-Fs & self. Bath after & sleepy before dinner. Took in Mrs Johnson- Ferguson. Changed after & left at 10.30pm. Got into train. Refused sleeper. Changed into 1st class compartment & went to sleep. (Red ink: Returned to Springkell from Euston. Shot all day & caught train back at night.)

Friday December 7 On board train to Euston. Woke at 6.20 Willesdon. Found that the train was due at 6.25. Waited ¾ hour for Otley. Drove home by 8.10am. Worrying letters from F.C.B altering cut, re-altering & finally leaving it as it was. Worked hard all day. Photod Otley at 11.30 for arms of aesthete. M back from Springkell at 7.15pm. We both dined at 9.30pm & to bed very tired at 1.0am after snooze. (Red ink: Came up by self from Springkell having travelled all night.)

Saturday December 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Tired. No walk. After breakfast put all photos away from drawing of Kruger as aesthete. M out in the carriage. After left at 11.35 & by G.W.R to Goring. Saw Henry Chaplin. Good lunch at the Swan. Back. Twopenny Tube for 1st time. Mistook my way & walked to Pembridge Villas. After home by 15 past 5. Tea & from 5.45 to 8.0 worked on Index. Put machine gun in. M & self had a quiet peaceful dinner. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: In Tuppeny Tube for the 1st time. Went down to Goring & back. Saw 'The Swan' under water on Sunday 14 Feby 1904 driving with Mrs Kemp.)


Sunday December 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.15. Did not go out all day. Worked on Index & put Punch & Toby in in the morning. Lunch, M & self. Developed many plates. Some of Miss Sibley taken last January. Up in room & went on to shade till dinner time. Galbraith called. At 15 minutes past 8, M, self, Roy, Mite, Lennie & Owen Seaman dined. Quiet so so dinner. Talk to O.S after about Punch matters & F.C.B's dinner to the literary staff. They all left by 11.0pm when read a book on American humour. Snooze & bed 1.0am. (Red ink: Owen Seaman dined with us at Stafford Terrace.)

Monday December 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Walk round C.H. After all day at work on Index. Shaded & finished it in afternoon. Dressed & up by cab to the Hotel Cecil calling at C.C. Dined with Sir Fk Dixon Hartland. Next (illeg) Gardner. Saw many I knew. Rose, Sir John Heron, Maxwell, Sheriff, Lawrence etc. Noble Smith & others. Talk to Rose & Noble Smith. Home at 11.0pm by omnibus. Read & to bed. (Red ink: Dined with Sir Fk Dixon Hartland at the Savoy, no, the Hotel Cecil. Saw Rose & Noble Smith.)

Tuesday December 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walk round Campden Hill. After M went away early to the Stores. Left by bus at 11.0 & up to C.C. Called at Sands & Hunters, Garrick & May's. After to C.C at 12.0. Waited till 1.30. Just leaving when Miss Donnely came late. Absolutely no good at all. Out & after to Athenaeum Club. Wrote letters. Old gentleman being catechised. Another old lunatic in Regent Street. Home by omnibus after getting Wall's sausages. Did 2 hours work & after Roy & self walked to Mite's. Good dinner there. Mite, M, Lennie, Miss Robertson, Roy, self & Mr Johnson. Mr J left with a bronze of The Dying Gladiator. Home by a 4 wheel cab. Notice in Times of drawing of Kruger in Patience. (Red ink across page: Dined at Mite's, M, self, Roy & Daisy Robertson.)

Wednesday December 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & walk round C.H. E.V crossed road. Went on after breakfast & drew Punch as Finis hanging up his rifle. Developed back plates taken Oct '99. Worked till 6.10pm when to 'Punch' Dinner in omnibus. F.C.B, Sir J.T, self, A à B, R.L, O.S, L.B, P.M, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. 4 cuts made up promptly. Tenniel told me that he intended to resign at end of the year. Said he was 'No good'. Home by his cab & bus. Thought had dropped letters & crossed the road again. Read & to bed at 12.30am. (Red ink: Tenniel informed me of his intended resignation.)

Thursday December 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am. Walk round C.H. Saw E.V. After breakfast finished Tail for Index. Skemed picture of De Wet as Will o' the Wisp. Photod at 1.30 Nash's plumber & his man held up cloak. Miss Robertson's brother to lunch. Developed after & got to work at 4.30 after rest. Fire went out. Dinner 8.10pm, M, Roy & self. Miss Robertson out with her brother at the Hippodrome. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Miss R on stairs. Invitation to Bylaugh

76 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 came yesterday, Wednesday morning. Daisy Robertson with us, came in late. (Cutting glued in: The wife of Basil Peto, of a son.)

Friday December 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am. Walk round C.H. No E.V. After wrote many letters. Sent Otley to Chappel & Co's, New Bond St, W. He came back with trombone. Skemd & photod Otley for Kruger & Leyds for 2nd cartoon & after went on to finish cartoon of De Wet o' the Wisp. Finished 8.0pm when dined, M, Roy & self quietly. Read & snooze after.

Saturday December 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & out for walk round C.H. Enlarged photos taken of Otley yesterday for cartoon of the Xmas Waits, Kruger & Leyds. Went on all day & drew out the cartoon in morning & afternoon. M & Miss Robertson went to see San Toy & back in the evening. Quiet dinner, M, self & Daisy Robertson. Quiet evening & snooze after. (Red ink: Daisy Robertson with us.)

Sunday December 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0 & out for walk. Gave old woman 6d. All day at work on cartoon of Kruger & Leyds as Waits. Developed a few enlargements after lunch for tomorrow. Nearly finished by dinner time. Roy at Nymans, no, Glovers, with Lennie & Mite. M & self quite quiet by ourselves & peaceful. Read after & to bed at 11.30 after snooze. Daisy Robertson also dined with us. Mr Lemon & Mr Douglas called. (Red ink: Daisy Robertson with us.)

Monday December 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am & walk round Campden Hill. After the whole day doing Preface. Wonderful. Began it 11.30am & finished at 6.45pm when left in a hansom for Punch Dinner. Had remarkably good horse & got there 7.25. F.C.B, J.T, self, A à B, O.S, P.A, B.P, E.T.R. Suggestion from Tenniel for his last double page cartoon adopted after amendments. Self got cut of Lord Roberts & Punch. Left in cab with J.T. Told me of his determination not to do another cut & also that he wanted means. Home after by bus & to bed after reading papers. Most lovely weather, bright sun all day. (Red ink: Tenniel's last dinner to receive a cut to do.)

Tuesday December 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk round C.H. After back & after breakfast at work on finishing the or rather began & finished Tail Piece for Preface. Lunch & sent it off by 3.0pm. Very tired & done up. Put all photos away & tidied room. Squared up etc etc till dinner time when Lennie & Mite, Roy, M & self dined. New cigars from John Mark. Had sent Otley. Made mistake about cheque. They all left at 11.0. Read. Roy went off to what turned out to be a rubbishy dance got up by Miss Bergheim. Daisy Robertson left at 10.0am sending her box by porter to Met Railway. Dora also dined with us. Most lovely brilliant sun all day. (Red ink: Daisy Robertson left at 10.0am.)

Wednesday December 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out for walk round C.H. Most lovely morning. Had been heavy rain in night. In morning after printing all A.H's photos in blue &

77 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1900 back plates at 12.30 took bus up to the War Office & took 8 plates of it. Surly Policeman. Row with him. Back by bus 1.45. Lunch. After developed them & remaining plates in locker except those at the C.C. Up in room after & M too tired to go to dear Mite's. Roy & self walked over the hill & went by the carriage to Mite's - did not walk. There 8.5. Mite, Lennie, self & Roy dined. Crackers etc. After looking at fans left at 11.30 & home by the 2d Tube. Read paper & bed. A letter of 6 pages from F.C.B about H.R.H at lunch time. Most lovely brilliant sun all day. (Red ink: Dined at Mite's, Roy & self. Photod War Office.)

Thursday December 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out for walk. Dark morning & gale of wind blowing. Round C.H & a talk with man at Cam (late Argyll) Lodge. Back. M in room. Roy off to City. Printed a few blues. Letter from Lucy about de Beers. Sent Otley to Lennie's. At 11.0 man from Lincoln & Bennett's called. Left 11.15 by bus to C.C. Up in Studio 11.50. Took 24 photos of Miss B.J. Tried new camera. Too dark to do anything. Out & at 2.20 lunched. Saw Bangs, Furniss, Hatton etc. Wrote 4 or 5 letters & called C.C for bag of plates. Home in heavy wet by bus. Pretty girl in omnibus. M & her presents. Roy tired with City. Up in room. Dear Mite called from 6.0pm to 6.30.

Friday December 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & walk round C.H. Gave Roy cheque for £5. He left to go to Nymans etc. Most lovely bright sunny morning. Brilliant. Printed 150 blue phos by lunch time. After tea skemed opening page etc for 1901 & looked out horses for Lord Roberts cut. Hit on good idea of rainbow after tea. Annoyed by Otley's being away. He came after & sent him with helmet & shield etc on to the C.C. M & self dined quietly alone & simple restful evening after. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Most lovely day. More letters from F.C.B. Wrote him.

Saturday December 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walk. After got ready & off by 10.15am to C.C. Photod at 11.15 Mabel Hall for Britannia & also in French Republic costume. Finished by 1.45. Lunch at Club. After changed plates. Went to Garrick. Wrote a few letters, F.C.B, Drury Lane etc & by bus home calling for & taking plates. M out. Had tea & settled to work & did letters for Vol 120. They subsequently were not used & no good. M & self dined by ourselves quietly & read & snooze after dinner. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Johnston Forbes- Robertson to May Elliott.) Mon Dec 24.

Sunday December 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.15. x. M. Out for walk. No old woman & a most horrible cold damp foggy raw day all day. At work most of the day. In forenoon & after lunch developed photos taken yesterday & by the greatest difficulty got prints for working from. Frightfully dark. Had to use artificial light. Fritz Jackson & Mr Blair called. M & self dined quite by ourselves & had a quiet evening after. Bed at 12.0 after reading a silly novel, The Silent House in Pimlico by Fergus Hume.


Monday December 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk round Campden Hill. Still dull & foggy. Otley got order for 15/s. Worked the entire day on drawing of Britannia & Rainbow for opening Vol 120. Much bothered with head. M & self dined at 7.0pm & left in the carriage at 8.15 & went up to see The Rehearsal of Drury Lane Pantomime. Saw Joe Knight. Not bad. Left at 11.10 & home by carriage. A dull murky night. Bed at 12.0 after snack. (Red ink: M & self went to see The Rehearsal of Drury Lane Pantomime.)

Tuesday December 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0 & out. Gave old woman 1/s. A dull & mild Xmas day. Not actually raining. In the entire day & re-drew the figure of Britannia for the Rainbow drawing. Got the head better. Worked at it the entire day. Began to shade & put in the crest of helmet etc. Left with M in the carriage & dined with Midge, Dora, Hamilton, Mervyn & Ethel. Self walked there. Good dinner. Games etc & home by carriage. Mervyn & Ethel had luncheon with us. A huge turkey given by Lennie. (Red ink: Worked all morning Xmas day. Dined with Midge in the evening.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lady Churchill. Wed Dec 26.)

Wednesday December 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & started for dreary walk by self. Round C.H. No one about. Fine bright warm day for a wonder. In morning photod Otley for the 3 saddle potisions with Field Marshall's hat. Ld Roberts, H.R.H & Punch. After developed them & got them ready for tomorrow. At 4.30 went on to shade Britannia for opening Vol 120. Could not nearly finish it as I hoped by dinner time. Dear M & self dined quite alone & glad to do so, waited on by Minnie. Gave Otley a holiday. Read quietly after & bed at 12.0. Also took photos of prints of horses etc & enlarged them for tomorrow. (Cutting glued in: Death of Jules Rivière.)

Thursday December 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk round Campden Hill. In morning finished drawing of Britannia & Rainbow of Hope by 1.0pm, sent it off. After began cartoon of the Prince of Wales & Lord Roberts & Punch at 2.30pm. Very much pushed with it. Roy back from Nymans at 7.0pm. M, Roy & self all dined at 8.15pm by ourelves & quiet evening afterwards. M read Reminiscences of Sir John Mowbray in my room in evening when Roy came. (Red ink: Finished Rainbow & began cartoon of Lord Roberts.)

Friday December 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & walk round C.H. A very hard day's work all day on doing cartoon of Prince of Wales, Roberts & Punch. Hard at it. Began to shade at 5.0pm & finished at 10.0pm. Dined by self with M & Roy sitting as they had commenced their dinner at 9.15pm. Roy arguing. Very tired & done up. Slept in chair till 2.0am & went up to bed with cold feet. M was disturbed & did not have good night, seedy tomorrow. (Red ink: Finished last cartoon under the old regime.)


Saturday December 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am. Walk round C.H. Lovely bright sun all morning. Printed from 10.0am more than 150 blues. Lunch. Dressed & walked up the Row to Athenaeum Club & wrote many letters. Tea at 4.30 in the Smoking Room. Felt very tired & done up after week's arduous work. Left at 7.0 after looking over books & called Wall's for sausages. Walked to Knightsbridge & after bus home. Dressed & dinner with M alone. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Roy left again at 9.15 for City & Nymans. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lord William Beresford.) T. Monday Dec 31, 1900.

Sunday December 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am & down 9.30. Breakfast. Decided to go across Channel. Dull wettish morning. Left 10.20 without macintosh. Stupid. To Dover. Young 'Arry & another in carriage who talked of how many whiskies & Port wines he had had. Met Charley Gill & after Cap'n Dixon. Little Ayala & Barton & his pretty wife. After wet X'ing lunch with Gill & Ayala. Nearly lost boat talking to Carini. Saw Payton also, after Lockett Agnew & his wife. Had Champagne with L.A. Smooth X'ing. Wilkin & his caricatures. After came on heavy rain. Boat missed getting to pier & was ¼ hour late. Up to town. Good cab. Home. Mr Blair & Dora dined. Read Antarctic after. (Red ink: Crossed Channel. Met Ayala & Lockett Agnew.)

Monday December 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. x. Strong easterly wind & colder. Out for walk round C.H. Wet. Governess going from P.Gardens. Long notices in Times of Century. Up in room & answered Lucas's invite to shoot & also very many letters for the New Year. Took Meaghers 1885 camera down. After lunch put away all photos & again wrote letters. M in my room reading. Dined at 8.10. Read after & M went to bed 11.0. Stayed up to see the new century in by myself. No bells going & absolutely nothing disimilar to any ordinary night. Bed at 12.5am.

Notes and addresses on back pages:

Oct 29, 1900 Outline of story of the late Sir William Pearce, told me by Mr Koenitz. P asked K to do him the favour to find lodgings in London for a lady who K was to meet at Euston. Fair girl, tall & dressed in black, holding white handkercheif in left hand. Met her. Lady said they were followed. Went in bus & after 2 or 3 cabs. Got lodgings somewhere in Brompton. After P came up & slept there 2 or 3 nights & then went to Genoa in his yacht, the 'Lady Torfrida'. After landlady complained to K who was left that the lady was most eccentric & ordered all sorts of things, in fact she went quite off her head. K went to see her & she received him stark naked. K gets 2 doctors to take her away by a ruse of dining & going to play etc, the advice of a friend. She goes raving mad & put in straight waistcoat. (The girl's father as Collector of Excise or Customs at Glasgow.) Some time afer man comes & asks K if his name is K & threatens him. After sees P & K in K's office & strikes P over the head with a bludgeon who never moves. Threatens etc. Stead of the Pall Mall gets hold of the story & publishes it & is proceeding to go on when he is arrested over the


Maiden Tribute case. Mother arrested for a dynamiter on going to see Harcourt. P cuts away & leaves the country & just after he is made a Baronet. Girl gets better & her mind a blank on what had occurred. Villa taken for her at Sydenham where her parents went (illeg) actions commenced. P gives a Brixton doctor £5000 to marry her. Necessary to see them in bed & K does so. After P gets ill & tells Mrs P or Lady P as she then was that all he did was for the sake of K. He is discarded & cut by the family ever after, never sees Lady P again. P dies. All this happened about 1885 or 1886. See Maiden Tribute for exact date.

Also Mrs Claude W. A friend who kept a mistress. K goes to see this friend & his lady & saw a young girl friend's photo & also Mrs C.W's. Asks & the lady kept by his friend tells him Mrs C.W will take a fiver from any man even then. (Red ink: Sir William Pearce recieved his Baronetcy in 1887 & died 1888.)

Railway Managers:

G.W.R. Joseph L.Wilkinson, General Manager's office, Paddington Station.

L.B & S.C Rly. William Forbes, General Manager's Office, London Bridge Station, S.E.

L & S.W Rly C.I.Owens, General Manager's Office, Waterloo, S.E.

S.E & C.D Ryl. W.Stevens, Secretary's & Chief Office, London Bridge Station, S.E. Alfred Willis, Gen'l Manager. C.Sheath Esquire.

L & N.W Rly. Frederick Harrison Esq, General Manager's Office, Euston N.W. G.Turner Esq.

Glasgow & South Western Railway. David Cooper Esq. General Manager's Office, St Enoch Station, Glasgow.

G.E. Rly. T.Goodey Esq, General Manager'sOffice, Liverpool St Station, E.C.

Theatrical Mangers:

Drury Lane Arthur Collins, Sidney Smith. Duke of York James W.Mathews. Vaudeville Herbert Clark Esq. Gaiety E.Marshall Lyric H.J.Callan.


Shaftesbury Oscar Barrett Covent Garden Neil Forsyth Esq Earls Court Austin Brereton


Miss A.Langley, 27 Simpson S, Battersea. 25 Ulverdale Road, Fulham. Mrs Morgan, A.Hall. 16 Fernshaw Rd, Fulham Rd. Mabel Hall. 13 Stanbridge Rd, Putney. Maud Fletcher. 24 Hardcastle St, High St Peckham, S.E. Jessie Woodcock. 8 St Augustin's Rd, Camden Town, N.W. Janet Hird, 13 yrs. 9 Craddock Steet, Prince of Wales Rd, Haverstock Hill, N.W. Jessops. 47 Cornwallis Road, Lower Edmonton. Little Gaddings, N.Haddesdon, Herts. Miss Ethel Warwick. 28 Glebe Place, S.W. Miss Bella Harper, age 13. 24 Lillyville Road, Fulham, S.W. Miss Dora Bennett, auburn hair. 13 Drapers Gardens, South Kensington. Miss Best, very tall. 20 Newman St, Oxford St, W.

75 Albany Road, Camberwell, S.E.

Miss Annie Herbert. 37 Baker St, W. 9 Fesling Terrace, Lower Richmond Road, Putney. L.B. 3 Upper Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage. Ruby Morgan. 1 Springvale Terrace, West Kensington Park. Miss Winifred Jameson. Stapleton House, 87 North End Road, West Kensington, W. E.Stewart. c/o Mrs Donnely, 57 Caversham Road, Reading, Berks. Mrs King. 626 Fulham Road, S.W. Jameson. 26 Reedworth St, Kennington Road, S.E.

Holly House Farm, Stanford Rivers, Romford, Essex.

Sporting Notes:

Woodcock. Keeper breaks the legs etc above joint & pulls the strings out. Also wing feathers. When pheasant drops the tail all spreads out. (sketch of bird) A cock partridge has bunch of coloured feathers on its breast. Hens are dove coloured. A young partridge has 1st wing feather pointed (sketch) an old one rounded. Easton, Jany 1905.