32 12/17/2000 www.magicvalliilley.com fcS 3 0 fa 3 ; SMI PARl^EE P.b27 E VAANDEUL 79q?03 EL PABO

1 _ m 5 0 c e n t s T hurscsday, October 19, 2C2 0 0 0 ______AT w in Falls. Idahlaho/95th year, N o.. -: 2 9 3 G C X )P MORTRNING

W e a t h e r 3 c f f < ecti^vc? — imok^ey ]Beair toe Today: MMi ostly s f 1910 covered about 3 big fires of 19 X dear todi cres by comparison, ByN-S-Noktokl^ntved :es m ore blazes.5S, fire ecologistt s a y s rtrandersald. tonight,t, highll 68, Tln»»N«wiW » ^ t f ______Improper fireefighting create ■ low 40. lightly and other areasIS did not The Clearear Creek fire near Leon Neuenschwandersr le ft the ered aboutt 6.S6 million acres. The Salmon wasras i estimated at about b o i s ei - The primary cause of bum ot all. Page A2 Wednesday meeting of■ tth e 10-year avenerage is about 3 million 3-es, but only about 40 forest firere ii firefighting, says one th e low Is about 1.5 mil- The result is what fon>rest man- 200.000 acres Environmental Forum in a review acres, and thi agers call o mosaic patterem, a nat- percent off ththat actually burned. M a g i c V a l lI ik y fire expertiTv: L lion acres, hhe e said. .5,000-acre Bergdorf fire ‘ T h e •xtent ex t of the sum m er s of the recent fire season. ural fire pattem that hehelps pro- And the 6S,0C "It’s certainly been, oan active But thosec numi bers arc only the e forest. »n central IdahoIda bumed moslly In He'll be missed: A po]p opular wildfires5 inldaho ir were e3alMe^a^ under said. fire perunetcBter - not the amount of mote ^versity within the 1 ltion forest that beneflt- . the benefits all but fire year,” Neuenschwan In Idaho, fires this yearar covered hi^ elevanoi TVvin F a lls resident wlwho has ed and t “We’re going to have menore in the lund burneS700.000. _ , is p a c ld n g its bags f• H e; is ‘ a -cook-on-----the-ceren r;------airto n » e;»------0 trustee’s by sev«/eral Cabinet members and V, b u t was on end, w/hen h' John Qlodtelter, of S o u th e m Idaho I] ife Hillary and daughterr the Cole’s mess crew, election, today’s edieditorial says. h is wif< / Page A6 ------^ S e c t i o n b y''SECTION s T h e vwriting5 on the^ wall ' ■' Section A SeiSection D D ut officer d o u b3 tts gang influencn e e ■Weattier ....2 Conr:omunldad . .1 ' Tw \ \ in Falls sees spap ate of graffiti, bi iie graf- \ \ i ______^ Nation . . .3-5,7 CorrCommunity . .2 ' “unu!lusual activity" beyond the :omics •.... .3 ark Heinz I that would indicate ser Opinion...... 6 Colt — Reading graraffttl - A2 gangl g muscle-flexing, DeaDear Abby...4 ■ ------In i n any case, police are anxio to :rossword .. .4 t wVIN i : FALLS - Enough nevle w i ch whoever Is behind thee ggraffl- Section B croi w in out there trym g to0 raisei the hair on catch , Wilson doming break .4 g raffitiid has hit walls around Twii e’s necks," Wilson u anon as Magic Vailey .1-3 SeSection E “taggers” are - at; least1« in their own shoul on. isters. ^ „ popsps up, he said, Olrtdoois . .1-3 It it’s doubtful the recent spoate at minds-real gangst rhe most recent graffm dc Obituaries .. .2 Out< ° or "I think all of it’sif gang-related, lO' Idaho/West .6.8 MotMoney ___4-6 o f s ppray r painted symbols, o seem■m to be isoloted to any pa s,” is indicative of hard-cor:o re Weaver said, section of Twin Falls. W WorWorld ...... 7 “ tag s,” h e ir The Je ro m e bounty Cc Sheriff’s lar s< that sters moving in to stake thei anally put low-risk said,d. And police know only th; ■XXI ClasslBed .7-16 ,eta- Office has occasion en going up “during houlours of *• Clai n in the local methampheti detail” crews on been Utter*.' paint* over graffiti on s trade or other criminal acriv:tivl- prisoner “w ork d( , a volunteer with ‘Graffiti Butte m in e ti graffiti removal pai>atroI, he said, Please see QRAFFm. P ound the valley, he said. lid h e ’s noticcdno r.,r.t5 .vrin . Avenue building. WipWaiii:cn.,cyd«lpi(«. , c could be just a couple of Iddskid Still, W eaver sai( Inflatltion boos)sts Social1 Securityy checks li=IED 1 - are close batik-grounds C LA SSIt M i ■] al cruciiil states. Virginia - The A»»oelatedd FP re« * ______I is aimed at in this decelection. Other states with Tlie 3.5 percent boost i; cnior populations a re olso Log on to ... preventing rising inflalation from lorge senic 1 WASHINGTCTON - Retirees will get es’ buying verycompt jst-of-Uvlng inaease in eroding beneficiaries rGov.’ceoree W. Bush, and ^ the biggest cost power. Texas Gc ------re g —their Sodal SetSecurity checks In nine ...... ael a raise,” Vice-Pref•resident Al Gore have . - i p erage of 529 a month - • “I’m always glad to ge edly clashed over gocial [.’33 years - an av e r said retiree Robert Simmimons,81,of repeatcdl n b -a beginning in January.Ja Security, f-Uving announcement, Pendleton, Ind. proposes allowing individu- ... for onlTno Clinilbsslfled ads i f l r r 4 The cost-of-U Thc elderly are the stsegm ent of Bush pro \ affecting 45.2;.2 m illion Americans vote, and of als somee cccotitrol over how to invest lal Se'curi-ty checks, America most likely to vi •tiremcnt funds, while Gore getting Social the five states with ther lilargest per- their retire m m p ‘\ came Wednenesday, just weeks and over in says thatat wouldv threaten th e long- ly contested preslden- centage of people 65 at )lvency of the nation’s huge 733-OS)931 before a hotly their populations, fourir - Florida, term solve dol election in which senior votes and West retirementent system. or In Buri

i cc ■ ■ . M TlRH»MM>,T«rlnFailt.IDs. Idaho Ttaisdn, OetobMr 19,20001! TF AccuWeather.comA< FORECC A S T F CO R M A G I1 C V A L L EY C A l?^VDIAN CITIES [ g i ^ __IE[DAHO ALMVIANAC______FIVE-DAY F(FORECAST FOIm TWIN FALLSLS______• Idahlaho Extrem— IWnPiOatlla through S pjn. rHtwd^r TODAY TON|QHT FHID/DW I SATURDAY^^ SUNDAY Ifl ______^ S||19|_.. . Y«Y»«t»rtlay:...... Tornp#^ ------rriar S ^ B l H la h 76* S i r t w NothkjMow ...... 02*/33* S2 46 po ^ ’ y. hioh ...... 70* lo 1073 S,ar,.oy ^ £ 2 ■ Raolna >g 'doud»; ' B r#eiy. co61; , SummshJne and a ^ ' PfMlpltatItatlo n Sunny 10 partly Par^ytonwtJy ^ cloudy ond I KO of aome *ui, chapco aunny. •. •' fe>fe « douds. Si ij ViS j V e4ttbura«<■ e p ia y ^ it-r—..:.:. tf*Mr iraloto. blashowor.. 56 47 r 53. 42 i»h \ Monmtod4D dala ...... 0.60-JO* ploasant. r | |'AS4* ▼28*1 | a 60°6i T 34° I S i g 60 33 pc 40 36 a • . NohMlfiOim f«h (e'du* ■ M.:.:-'....:*.-:.'.- o ja*if -^8°-----1 _ ▼'41I- I A88* ,f.▼■38» r [ A'54*> -Vy>* ■ V & ^ ^ M IftS O U la Yvarlodali d o n w o r lLD i CITIES & S W 5 8 /3 6 NWmlIy« '• ll-; .I..,, ■ SUN AND KSI HumidityIlty REGIONAL’ Today Frt.-i . i^W h o d n 98%^ Southern Idaho: Sunshiniln o m !d ^ k ilo n n l clouda lodojday wllh a'cbm Jortable after- a lomonw.-showerB'VAlfnows • ■ L^^49p,m/ ESLwr-rr-r j j ! J f ‘^1 B«rom«uMtrlc Prwaur* ___ n oon. C lear lo partly cloutludy lo n ig n ^ f c c w ln o clooda lc m'-‘/ iring the otloMobn..- . • • ■ b VWUrtl^r■y'lt'0 i pjn.";.7;:.r.;;.Hnsr.;i'30.00 in. Inlo th e wost. mainly durir M o ^ t S $ 5 — X|;„ ” 2:38 p.m. Aihwa^^ ^' I ? ^ *Vi M Pollan yV* » * t* rd a y In TWln Falla B o Im : Sunshino ond occiccaalonol dood# ipdov wllh a coi ■■■•FmfeF u n Bangkok____ •67 74 th 69 78-‘C. G»*M’ Abseni .0*^ doudy lonlght. BocominsIB cloudy lom ofew : w o s ^ vSurtovowlH In. m ainly during th* ■ HI' :..«<• '« != « ! SBBBnWnJb Troos...... Absonl Mow ...... Abooni«nl attorrwon. leure*: Aathma and Allwuv ol kUhoIho ------Bioii'o and a few high doiida acnictQsa the nQcthom part of the . I .# ^ 84 M a 80 M ^ roolon today, whilo soulhchom oroos aro sunny. Painty doidoudy tonlghl. Clouda and , 0 0 2 0 . p et 27 J ; toolI-?: s o m e aunshino lomorrow:w; 0 lew show ers will moya (ntoitolhewest '• . . ■ ; Shovm Is s5-m"w4r-"Sd'no moro than a la , London 67 49 PC B9 f f vraaihor. U tah today with a ploosaronl aflomoon. Clonr lo partly dpwdydp tonight. Partly e onrv J t £ j E e 2 n M Tomparaturas “® tom onow ; ll might showor(or lato In Iho wosi. _ sl ' '! ■' ' Moacow aro toddy's ------Pwl*''"-'' highs ond N o rth a m Id ah o : A mlxtur:uro of sunshino a n d high doudaIda today with a aeeaonable — r “ T“ Wo de Janolmitl ^ S "ra F ^ ^ lonlghfs aftom oon. Irtcrooslng dououds lonlght with show or# movlri>vlng In lale. fiilostly doudy andKi 2 I u — I H ——CM i lows. windy tomorrow virtlh showowors. ** otm . 10a.m. Noon :a pm. 4pjt>. NATIONAL E?r.XTREMES Taati’aatanlay (ler tho 46 oonttgixwa «m«»)Ml 0-1. Minimal; 2-3. Low; 4-e.ii.Ji W a rrigha (or » • day. Forecasr S t u 'ji II. i.JU uS iri AUanUcaiy *88 ^ a 06 70 PC 86 70 " REGIONALI. CITIES Iff . wSaHwr?^S'*- : : TodajKlay Fri. Today Fri. 74 48 a 76 53 W . .. msrwrw^rS^ wwwSmr—SI— 7T*-4rT)B:'C7Dr8Sf=oifr city HI Lo W HI U W Ctty HI U> W HI Uo W iM 64 48 a 68 54 a , ••• Boar —rw 'w«s ■ aocu r--\ ■■■■»^.:'iaB"3arwriB8'"32"an'an uO&mtBiSaKSSIl 44 p c 63 36 C MiaMuls.«. MTI 68 36 po 66 40 ^•ll IKHnBBB^Hinm UMIWIJBII ' m , - p ^ t r S r i , S a i f f i w r.: BonnoreFeny 60 44 ■fU 76 47 a Omaha______82 52 a • 73 48. >1 • ■ BUJWr...... « - ’Sr»-’«8T»-pO PWBHflTlflrnr?>n.' ^ erW -'pT 'B T 40 Charlatton. WV 80 44 t W*W7¥‘^ 44 X M 30 P<»«»*nd,i,OR C 64 62 c W 46_»h BCr'pb'''M'42'«h RBMimal-wii’r^''-W4rTBT^ar'aB Oevaland'" 04 44 a 71 46 a P h H ^ p h U 41 p e 60 37 »>i SilmonI eo 33 pc 62 30 sh » » Sn- w M.-i DeaMoinea 80 M s ■ 7 2 ’4 7 ’ a -Portland.'ME ■ wir-wr-39-pe m t mBnt/.'Ur'BB'W n 'a " ■ T l' 44' |JB WgJ»W < 7.>'sistance rmeasure On most of thosei8r«lhetim fi - oining diversity in forests ‘ for 35 percent of tho:hose without Lopez,, aa member of National hanlhe^of , , whose government price-_ b e r v alu e w a s less th i ne people have trie^. to : health insurance. OrOne doctors Hispaniclie M edical Association, , WASHINGTON (AP)(. - The ducers, *h® fire s, Nnsin, a n d sevenen is reloted to fire,'c." Saw toolh droppeded Ianotiier 15 percent, but 8 jH e’s seen symbols of C hicago’s COTtlat banks from financir:ing th e ship- Republiijlicans: Wayne Allard of National Forest Suiuperviiw Bill peiiou^wnt was the result of a federal •“Folk and People Nati'ations” gangs - MrtousUS gangsters i or borM . ments. Idaho Sens.. Larry1 Craig Coloradoido, Phil Gram m of Texas,os, LeVeresaidrecentiy. decision. -and the notorious LoLos-Angeles- _pf8nk8« a n d M ike. Crapo votiDted with the jon Kyi:yl and John McCain of By comparison, theS i d a i o - W lenschwander laid the blame • "based “Sur 13” syndiid ic a te spray Forexam majority. A rizonano, Don Nfckles o of f try in 1 ^ 0 b rin g s:taabour$800 ii le current conditions of the •'painted around TW n FFalls. s r e‘pamtiDd’aynilw " l afl o r tr th» Among the provis'isions of the Oklahorloma. Bob Smith of New!W m illion, IJ 111 . foreststs « at the feet of Teddy • But Wilson hasn’>n’t seen or lft,-Surl3,’ Vfllson»8to-.; agriculture spendingSbill: t Hampsbi:shire and George Voinqvichich N eu en sch w an d errwould % like to Roojeveevelt who hired Giffbrd l^heard anything indies ' fepf«*ehttrTSOiitMm*‘i ^ ' • Some 52 billion in aid to farm- of Ohio, see tbat money spcpent where it pinchotot tito manage the newly tte- ~or other established the thirteenth lettflr of the ■ ers who have lost cropops or pasture McCaii^?n ^ d the bill was stuffeded would do the most gw ated ForeForest Service - and to-pro- -moving into the Magic ibet-m.Thaf8 for •Mexican" to drought this year.'The bill olso vrith wasirasteful projects eahnarited In dry, lo w elevad(don forests, he tea tiiele fcforests from fire, - Wil»n said the onijSjy'^J'r'Siorc ^ lexlcan Mafia.* Ihe •real' Sur provides subsidies to honey pro- forsenatilators’ home states. recommends thinnindng to remove Afterer tithe 1910 fire, Pinchot was jnem bers he knows1 olof are “old" a powerful cooglomefBte that most of the smaU trelees and prun- fired. But Neuensdiwander noted “ VganRSters-in their laulate 20s or 30s Ited from Los Angele^bSMd ing low branches so0 1any fires will - onlyf papartly in jest - that presi* ^ who got fed up wilw ilh t h e con- Latino0 s tr e e t gongs. __ st?y on tile ground,1, 1making them dentsI wlwho followed had equal 'stant risk and violenci n c e o n d n e d There s rn o ev id en ce that Sut 13 or Swap — easier for firefighteiiers to control. shiuress in the blame for continuing .p.acefullyin hard^iore orgnnliatlons are m - Once a fire g e ts intoto tiie tree to p s- to entren-rendi tiie firefighting estab- '.■big cities to “retire” p< Cootlnoed from Ai by Idahoiho and the federal covem- :Jdaho. ; to s ta k e a claim In Itw Magic to corisolldate public own-vn- th e re is U ttle firefiglighters can do. Ushmentcnt 1that have led to the eadst- -• Some pf those peo.eople might f. *W ilson sa id . But local This swap wouldd consolidate p at City of Rocks. Thehe he said, ingcondilinditions. ^ c a s i o n ^ go out ta; nobe" g a n g sters con sUli federal ownership, of< th e fossU ire h as 9,826 acres underle r . M ost of th e se dry,f, 1low elevation The! effeffectiveness of firefighting '^ fe taste of the old 1 a problems. So a Sur 13 or beds. Idaho owns 49393 acres in the federalII ior state ownership, andind forests ore on privtvate land and over the years has stopped.the :said. gang^^oiated tog might indi- heart of the fossil bejeds,^tiiough 4 581 priprivately held acres. lower federal lands, vwhere the for- kinds offioffim -m ost of themsftall, '• A more troubling: pexchange 350 acres of iiri-iri- and most fi'es are ststarted by peo- th e foreiorests clear of the under- 1 -'•wannobes” trying to be the real older chichildren’s clothing, school5 Federal ownerslrship of the gated papasture w ithin Castle RockKk pie. growthth tthat now contributc^'to ' ::rhing, he said. Wanninnobes, an«. joks or other possessions,’ entire monument is: thet final step Ranch3 ffor some private ranch-ch- H e re c o m m e n d ss tthinning and large wilewildfires. •ious to prove themsmselves. con Wtons.1 said. in a cooperative agr<^eement that land widrithin City of Rock*, cleaning up brush aiaround homes , -sometimes be more:e 'dangerous ' hns existed for yeasars between -nie remaining 900 acres of thethe and otho {tructures,s,near«Bnmu- ' !j)nd unpredictableIe than real Timcs-ies-Ncws writer Mark Heinz' Idaho and the Nirti/tional Park Castle'e Rock land would be .nities, along roeds,, railroadsi and I]9RREeTION-|- lid. can be■ nrcachcd at 733-0931.Ext. It i into a state park Mferinging otiier corridors. “gangsters, Wilson said. ' Service, monument Superinten- tum ^ ii article on Wendell’s $ ^ > Parents should alsoso look1 out for 238, or‘ byb\ c-mail at mhcinz&mas-^ dent Neil King said. new are accessible part of the;he and m o st e r e sta ttesd d by lightning. Structt a a57 ,000-square-foot mi^J- . Sunday only $3.30 per week, N onetheless, he said, s federal Iy inac chooi and a separate S,0(?)- Daniel Walock, cireulat■h..lon director )oth National Forest, saidaid' Here thinning woululdbeWffec- die scho< included in all above rate«. A ownership is impoiortani to the Sawtoot re-fobt vocational‘techni< ^ trm healtii. Ned Jacfackson, superintendent: of tive - except arouniLnd homes and squdre-fi s Unes are open SU-OO cha:harge will be levied for all monument's long-ten along roads, building, Circulation phone li “It will certainly putpi our minds City offRocks. F structures and al ^l^es-N ew s regrets tiro boiwcen 7 id JO a.m.I.m . o n ly . M you reiumedchecheckK. “It’ss ta winning situation for Neuenschwander sairie.num^^ I a n d o th e r a r e a * ...... 733 0931 aho. 83301. by Msglc Valley C a l l ______Ncwspnper^sr« Inc. Periodlcalt paid at Jw in In fo rm i irc s r.ii‘ by-n>e■he Tim evN ew j. Ofllclal ciiy and • Subscription rate couniy new»]!W«papcr punuani lo Section 6C* iiiiiSzs^ i ... I Home delivery: dailyly anda Sunday. $4 kjr or itie: Idaho IJ Code. Thutvlay U hereby ■ 17 >1 » I 42 49 W® 4 6 ; per week; Sunday only.f. $ 2,00 per weelt. Be^ignalcdJ a«ai Ihc day of the week on which I PomrnMu-mKtfMMfl 2S 4 .19 14 a? ■ '. R FOR LOCAL JackefOdba • Mill lubKfiplloni muM be paid in ndvancc legal nmices,-e!> wlllhcpuhllOied. LOTTERYY WEATHER land arc avillahle only where wh delivery i\ Po«tma!iiafiief, please tend change of T SPORT (WMlay.ObtoMrie, numbers r J not railnuincd. Mail ratc.Mle.^: All Idaho nic«:. addreu Form.rm to; P.O . Bos 548, Twin Fall*, NUMBERi!s - - . S C O R E 5 . dally and Sunduj S6.00X) perr week, dally Idaho 83303.03. I only M.OO per week. SunSunday only $3.00 FOR WINNING IDAHO I per weet. Out of itaiee nratea; dally and Uagkl.omV«lfyHi.'Wmin>n«. POWERBAU, TW-WEST I LOTTO fit IDAHO FAST i , g i ^ I 39 49 61 69 Times-s-News telephonele directory NUMBERS ______e 0 !a~ ______» sl W alock, Circulation Direc P ress ' Circulation (Daniel V ■ e ao r)...... Ext. 1 9Ckyour Rotkiownn tt l c k B t s - 1 Classifli^d Advertlsin,sing ...... £ x t. 2 p A b i “l ' ■ ^ P ^ O tM News (aork Wai wonrorth. Managing Editor)...... £ x t.3 o n T u e9M i ywhada$242 4 0 0 w in n e r l Retail Advcitiring: (M ike Smit, Advertising DDi i r e c t o r ) ...... £ x l 4 2 P l a y R o}tkk> ll w n a n d S p r e aadtheW d eatthI Ag Weekly (J<»‘ec ^Goffin, General Manager) u _ , Pi^lisher Stephen1 ttto t rtg en ...... TheTiniaNnvim TheTnneaNeTOw» TbeTiine»New8^ I i..-S«.-8giSSSSa

S' V i \ « OctiAeria. 2000 »ltow».TMiF*B*.ld«lM A-3

N a t i o n Spac(:ewalk<:ers fire^ up th(eir jetp3acks CongresSS nears apIp p ro v a l ofdebt--relief padc k a g e __ ; ' ~ C i ^ C ^ A ^ R■RAL, / Fla. (AP) ^ — Two spaccwalkinjing astronauts W Los Angeles Tlmee______‘promised to accelerate tlie debt wrapped up constnUruction work L ^. ------^------relief. outside the internalnational space Bw - WASHINGTON - Ur(Irged on by But criticslies charge thai lhe pri>- .station on Wednesda»lay. th en fired an Irisli rock star, a teli^Icvangelisi posed action;ion, which presidential up their jctpacks:s ai n d cruised and Olher odd ideologicycal l^fel- candidatesES Al/ Gore anil George around. lows, Congress is5 n ea rin g W. BusJi botltxjtli support, may l)«ne- JeffWisoffandMiMichael Lopez* approval of a m ajor pipackage to fit corrupt,pt reftimcs while not Alegria took turns .jetting over help write off d eb t foior some of achieving; itsits avowed aim of hflp- and around spaipace shuttle the world’s poorest couruntries. ing peoplele ini Africa and Latin Discovery’s payload)ad b ay to The S43S millionn C linton America out'out of poverty, the small nitrogen-pertsoron, founder criticizedd by the Slate replied. Later hele murmured: of the Christian CoalitIition. have Departmenteni for allowinn security “lik e falling in love.’ argued that debt relief;f is a moral forces to torture,tort rape and kill. NASA insisted th th< e spacewalk* . obligation for a nationon enjoying ers be tethered for:or the jetpack unparalleled prosperi-Thy al ihl- demonstration. B ecause <• tum of the millennium. Discovery is dockeded to the space :hael Lopez-AIegrla te s t a Jet poweredpc backpack over the] tallts at the shuttlo during a House Majority Le;L d c-r Dick p e nr i P L E T (^ station, the shuttlttle could not Astronaula u tt Jeff Wisoff. Iflff. and MIchat Armey, R-Texas, said V\W ednesday immediately dash afterafi the astro- televisedied space walk Wednesday. that he expecis a debt-iit-relief deal icks failed. ,. nouts if their jetpack rlier/Wednesday, the two■o post’s first full-timele residents, side thele e announced withinlin days. His The miniature jetpack,jet called Earlii love in in changed];d places. Each test flight I what lie ■ IJ I L% r use on a space n^stroncmauts completed thee scheduled to mo ’• com m ent follow ed Safer, is meant for ui very crew’s fourth and finalll November. lasted jusiJUS minutes and spanned“ described as "congenrnial" talks station. Without the jetpack. an Discovei the jetpack only 50I feifeel. drift away and spacew;•w alk in as many day.s to0 Wisoff tried out tl between Democra astronaut could dri 1- first, slowly propelliIling himself There ei was no continuous TV^ Republicans - a sharp i become lost in space.ice mstall1 twoc\ new space station com- its. toward the shuttle carargo bay and coveragtIge of the gymnastics the healed ^egotiation^ over sev- Safer is much smam ailer and less ,e pausing to pcrform'si-some twists bccausee tlthe shuttle's main anten-'• eral other remaining is^issues powerful than th e 1 Buck Rogers- The: aastronauts prepared the • station for the arrival of}f and turns. It wus d(deliberately na failed;d *earlier in the flight, fiscal 2001 budget. like jetpack tliat wawas used a few space si ate an emer* The laslast time Safer was tested : astronauts in huge sosolar panels in December,r. slow-going to simulat , Most of those invoh)lvcd in the STOCK * times by shuttle ai n gency. in orbit,it, two years ago, it mai­*■ deb t-relief d eb a te ai 1984. That device; hihas long since Am>merican lab module in ag re e that REDUCED ( Januaryary, and the orbiting out-t- Lopez-Alegria wasIS at Wisoff’s functioneimed. something must be doi been retired. the world’s poorest[‘" i c L I m S UPTO 80% ' emerge from a staggeBering dehl rwE load that they arc likelcly„.vcr„. twtVERYTHING OldesSt living5 organisijm fouiKid hiberinating repay in full. MUST GO! In 1996, the Inlei 5t 4 billion years, but neverjr caught in a glob of ambera - fos- authorityicy on salt-loving bacteria al Monetary Fund andurw:,"|'.l t GREATERER MARKDOWNS Knight RIddflf New»SeServtce______almost ' He University of New York ' beforee has ^ one this ancient been:n silized tree s»«p - 25 nmillion years tlie Stale Bank launched an ini Ii • Check • Bankcards le and his col- in Buffai■falo. “We can preserve WASHINGTONM - A bout 250 revived.id. “It’s incredible that therere ago. Vreeland said he ’*■’ help erase nearly S20C IS Rnal • Everything Sold e- league, William Roserenzweig, tcwk' organism;fims in salt and have them debt owed by 41 couni ' million years ago,50, b e fo re th e is a Godk)d who would care for some- ' Near Cost • Below Cost as small as this and wouldId great pains to makeMexico. today’s,r’s edition of the scientificic "There are always al Nature. doubters,” Vreelandid said. “Bill is reallyiy 2250 million years old, il’s As the briny wateiIter evaporated, • journal 1 decided not a snapslusliot of life just before the O F B E IN G; SICK? • crystals of salt formirmed, trapping “WhUhile this thing was in a statetc Rosenzweig and 1 d § T IR E D ( ipended animation, the conti-u- publish this until wevc really had biggestt crcrisis for life in our history the microscopic ororg an ism in a of suspe i’ermian extinction - when side. The organ- nents; splitsp apart, mountains werere our ducks lined upip and could - the Per bubble of fluid insidi d to be able to 95 percencent of Jill living species dis- ism wrapped itself■ in a thick, hard built and ar destroyed." Vreelandid defend it. We wanted i >F BE IN G TTIRED? n a telephone i/iierview. “It’s:’s say here’s how carefuful we were." appeared•ed.” ^ S IC K 01 shell and sat there• uiuntil two years said in 0 )rding to Vreeland, lhe siiliill sts found it and mind-b(;-boggling th at'a biologicalal F our in d ep en d enn i t ex p erts Accordi ago, when scientists :ientisis’ work crystal cocontaining viable bacteria brought it back to lifelife. systemm is i so well designed that it reviewed the two scie 'rK IN lT YY i :a r , NOSI-: & •ii-in o , for Nature, a respecKctcd scientific was fount!jnd 1,850 feet below ground .That in brief is the[he biography of can doothis.” t] wall of an air shaft at the e new organism is 10 timesES journal, and pronounmeed it solid. in the w;i . • the oldest living thinhing ever found The r id. Departmitment of Energy’s nuclear ■ bn our planet — an as-yet- older• tlthan the previous record­d- according to Vreeland er. a bacterium recoveredtd "I see no reason too doubti tliis is Waste IsiIsolation Pilot Plant near unnamed. salt*lovin,/ing bacterium. holder, ert Simon, an Carlsbad,ad,N.M. Bacteria have beersen around for from theth gut of a bee that was;is possible,” said Rober BroadvWray’s prei^m ier cianccer (dies at ty.” based on NEW YORK ((A?) / - Gwen \ --jm ed to stardom■m with “Sweet Charity as th e devil’sI’s the Federico Fellini,i filmI "Nights M Verdon. Broadwaway's premier /erdon played ■ female dancer who10 was\ the seduc- amorous assis­is- of Cabiria.” In it, Ve m Yankees” and tant in “Damnin Charity Hope Valenentine, a taxi ■ ■ . tive Lola in “Damn ' :r heart nn her H the saucy, love-strutruck Charity in Y ankees,” a dancer who wore her musical alwut; a sleeve. “Chicago." whichwl opened “Sweet Charity.” diedied W edne^ay ^ ■ j j P /erdon as the ipi baseball fanin in 1975, featured Ve at 75. cr Koxie Hart. Verdon died in heher sleep at the ^B jjl who sells hislis Windy City murderer g soul so hc canan The K ander and Ebl;bb musical is B ^ M S S d a u g h te r home of h er d lis . currently enjoying a long-nmningI B H M Woodstock, Vt., sasaid her agent. play for his [ithe redhead did favorite team.[Q, revival on Broadway, Sam Cohen. The lith on V erdon was born her best work withith director and _ the'Washington Calif^ Forced B T ■ -choreographer BtBob Fosse, to »n Verdon senators, 1925, in Culver City. < ESS K)ois as a child ■ ITTRI -w hom she was mom a rrie d for 15 The s ed to wear corrective bo< le show’s first poster featuredlUt • because of badly bebent legs, she ■ .. years. The dancere r w orked with • Verdonlon in a b a se b ^ uniform, but to strengthen ■ ly in “Damn when he took dance lessons tc Fosse not only n ticket sales lagged theon them . As a teen-agIger, Verdon H Yankees" (19S5)5) and “Sweet advertiTtising was changed. Version but in “ New Girl ' was pu ie. found w ork as a dalancer in Los A • Charity” (1966). but put in sexy black lingerie, Angeles nightclubs,)s, eventually in_Town” (1957),7^, JlR e d h ea d ” Box-offoffice receipts soared, n assistant to Is Igo” (1975). Foss in geiting a job as an (1960) and “Chicago isse, whom she inilrqed orin dance director Jaclck Cole, who Sho won four• TiTony Awards. 1960.), created the danceVJor BM •br coached such stai beginning with “C“Can-Can.” the “Damnmn Yankees" as well as rbf ible, Marilyn 1953 Cole Porter musical.mu Verdoi ay Turner, Betty Grab a K w a TwInSuper"^ don’s four other Broadway1,” Monroe and Jane Rus She was firstst c h e e re d by musicalicals. In “New Girl in Town.” f B o n u s - Plush Sets< : Broadway audience;ices in the Porter based c d on Eugene O'Neill’s “Annacr ■i4S|jC |g | . musical, which starrarred the French Christiistie,” she played a former • chanteuse Lilo.o. The then-. prostindtute who returns to her New L F R E E unknown Verdonon stopped the Englaniand roots. In 1959, Fosse tai- J r e ^ s e t s * show with her sex;exy “Garden of lor-ma< li¥ e ry o n a l l m a t t K i p * nade .“Redhead.” a murder- Eden" ballet. myster an m tery musical set in Victoriannc Two years later,r, shes] was elevat- Englanand, for her. He did the same B - F R E E y j In hom e set-uihp* {BREAMnm ABOUTT A DIXON! t f y > F R E E D i s p o s a l o f o l d st e t * ^NOW iss the lime! K ‘ ° ^ F R E E i isem bly and delli I K *FALL DISCOUNTSL \ll futons & bunki ^ jL o N A L\LL MODELS*

^ • S e e Mlespenon lor qusllllcallllcalloni^* adboard I Futon $ C Q ipixon 1 8 Bunk BBds^149P Frames UW Mower/as WeWlWirolEMOWYOiOURGFassl •On«r VBlia ol pure o« OOon mowocB arxJ ntleu lATTRESSj^ >ow ond OecnfT'Ot Jl. 2000 o" appiitlewhawtnia linnryrod twiworn ipptovod email ''!^'326 2nd Ave. 1-800-521 -398£8 5 7 3 3 - 3 3 1 2 M-Fm 9 - 7 • S a t . 9- rf.. ArA V n m H « n , ‘M n FFalli.idihe t l t Tlmilay, Octobw 19,200019,

^ N a t i o n —' ■ ------—^ ■ ' ■ aate watcherss T h f e 'T i m e s - N^ews ' W ithlimages > sharperned, Buish rateccandidates ut even jore hit; the hormestret(Lch a b o u : and G ______WASHI] fflNGTON (AP)‘- Viewers;rs By Ron Fbunder of the thirhird and final {Iresidentialiai debate tended to support Georgege Tho A-odatod Press h, but were about evenlyUy :• ST. LOUIS - Thche debating on whether he or Al Gore didUd ’! -done, Al Gore hitche;h ed elec- best in theiieir matchup, tion hopes to thu voli/olatile ccono* H H ^ H p p n They foundfo Bush more UkableJle - -my Wednesday and ririval George 1 margin in a CNN-USA » -W. Bush plunged intoIto Democraiic r f 'T iilt': Today-GalJoUup polL J terrain for the finallal 20 days of ' J W K ■ WhenI aasked who won, 41 per-" ■ — i their liSp-and-tuck: pprcsidcniial - r \SF Id D em ocrat Gore and 41 campaign. ' percent: stsaid Republican Bush in h e ’ Jittery about groiro u n d lost to : News instant poll. In the dng R outes in TVvin ^ Bush since earlyly Ociobcr, CNN-USASA Today-Gallup poll, 46 is accep tin g ' a]applications for Walking i Democrats welcomem ed the pcrcent saidsa Gore did a better job,^ Falls. T h ese conbitracted p o sitio n s arc 77 daydc early m o m in g . t percent said Bush. A CBS ; president's new focu>cus but won* ' ' V while 44 p Igg delivery positiorons and can be a sourource of additional - dered why he took so 1long to seek ' \ News polidU m ve Gore il slight edge n o m in g w alk . S o m e • political advantage fnfrom the eco- . at 45-40.0. just outside the error•or in co m e w h ile yoi'OU g et p a id fo r y o u r m or nomic recovery undinder Clinton- H i margin. ro u tes also qualillily for a si^ -o n bonusIS oof u p to $50.00. I; Gore. Debatete watchers leaned toward If y o u arc intererested, please stop byY theth T im es-N ew s at. 3 “Fm not sure why^y he avoided Mv ^ Bush byy tabout 10 points before kie in th e circulation- 5 . that. It’s been nuts. to wait," said Ei ^ thc debateate and didn’t change theireir 1323ixlStWest/t. Twin Falls o r call Jackie ^ : Democraiic operativeive Ken Brock - — upmm support,, aaccording to the polls by d e p a rtm e n t a t 73735-3302. «• - of Michigan. Peoplele ini boili par­ .tudinUdur- ABC New!•wsand CNN-USA. I ries said the dynamicslies of the racc Democrat!ratio preildentlsl canilldate ViceIce President AI Qore freeU st paleninf Wednesday In Des MoHeines, Iowa. 1 > E E C = J _ | ‘ ' changed little after■ theth third and |ng an unscheduledum stop before campalf H E r J E E E C D f = Q r . final debate Tuesdoy. rai votes, the contest is ried1 issues versus pcrsonalialities race. I Heading into the‘^omesireich, h' think that’s good for□r us.” Ohio M Rto fight big h holds a slight edge. ^ Gore is promising t end game comcs amid ris-r Democrat Jim Ruvuvolo said, ^ • I - - business on behalfIf ofi working . s though he added thatIt Gore< won’t 111 li.st them e he ‘"8 unceicertaimy obout America's t : fam ilies - a populi.si and prosperity. Even ass find it easy dosing thehe sale. “We f" m ‘Struck repeatedlyy spread their messagesges in the final ry m thehe final debate, though l e a p arasanm analysts said it producedi just right,” he said, B i g gjer e an d B etteisrthan Ever!r ! -J t. ; three weeks. third debate, .. . cgists arc con- no winncm er - only a clear controstt Quoting from the th id S kating GQ e a r . M ; . Republican stratcgi Gore said in lowc,va. “ W hen A lpine, X-<-C ountry ani • sidenng increasingB t:their efforis dedded voters. [h candidates were on theirr Governor Bush sayss ''of course’ sim ets, an d aa H ug© Sele<[ e c t i o n Q • in California, Minrinnesoia and ‘ Both i wealthiest 1 ^ B ikes, H ei lont, tradition- game,” suit! si Pat Anderson, a GOPP his plan benefits the v, I maybe even Vermon 1 him. It was |- j | of W in ter Cl0 . 1 2 - e p m M - money from battlegri in ads that iroads there, becomele a contest between stylee m illion th is w eek ir Saturday O ct.I. 221. 9-6 pm ^ Z to slow Bush’s inro s promise more good titimes under 111 ; knowing Gore cnn’tc winw the presi- and subsibstance. While Bush looks Sunday Oct. 2222, 10-1 pm A^y moora vittM no K> toln HaM.WaySMlbftm ed and sure of himself, Gore against tax cutss Ifor thc rich UJ Smm Sport Opdo mrn “ dcncy without the Col:::olden State. re la x e d Democratic M PtCk-Up COJ ' The decisions are•c critical< in a G o re’ss own c allies said he hadi under Bush. The D« 2-w«pcn • « Rir mow Into cnl p l ;, National Committees i:is spending s u n c t e y 2 - > M M B row n a t 7B&S3:WS334. y • race that could be>c the: closest troublele connectingi with voters, *20%0lp(D0*«lBrt***nod»ad tor Haivy SH Ibom. nedy defeated even tho:hose who backed th e vicce $2 million this weeeek for ads i - sincc John F. Kcnne( m dangering ( p 3 3 r v jJ 3 1 —l_ l_ • Richard Nixon in 19&9 ^ . In nation- presidenent on the issues. accusing Bush of em 3 b d C Z > = l Z al polls and the racracc for state “It’sI goinggt to comc down to ahA Sodal Security. . ra nn(From part-t-time jobs■ across thee street,} SA uaiam

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I SaieJ%995 ■ s a l p e j s ------Monthly/OAC* H OR *114:78 Mbcithly/(t g i OR *38.81 M ______•BMdwHMmot.aiSWitf tilI______•toMdoftWtntl6tniWH9%*fftel I KEITHJORGICNSEM 1239 Pole Uner I s I 733-1 298 Fwin F alls, ID. 8 8 3 3 0 1 1 ^ 1 M i ' I i ■Rm OctoUrM, i^O T Im ^ Twin FtOv, Uatta M 1 Sft I N a t io n : -t.il ' —^ ' = i ^ i v i d e Liebeir m a n t ai l l k s e n vironmer i n t a l p r o>tection t DebatLting th e kansas, Lieberman also ■TiiV^ “T exas hass L ieb erm an is simulultaneously In Arkar WAUSAU, Wis. out 700 supporters that Democratic vicc presic!idt;ntial can- - ' th e mostt running for re-electirtion to the told about industrial airr Senate back home in ConnecticutC hc and GoreGo would sustain the didate Joseph Licbejerm an soid f. f's economic boom and him und Al p o llu tio n off and there hnve been1 ssuggestions country’s § over titax prop3 0 s a l s Wednesday thut to h I out of th at that Bushsh wouldv return th e coun- • Gore, protecting the environmentcf y - i ,, any s ta te in1 that he should drop o '■r;. the country,, race and allow anotherer Democrat try to a a time ti of deficits and lower incom e is *‘n m atter of faith.” ;Gore focuseses on credits, li “The environmentI iis thu work has the third;l to run. recession. of God,” Lieberm ann tbld about V jfM worst water families; BuJusii targets higigh est tax ra te s 500 people ut Blucgill1 Bay1 Park. pollution,” he 1 Lieberm an tried to tc keep the S«n.Joo Jo said . “I hope By Qlenn Kessler (whilei nrcc iving about $1,700 in I. pressure on Texas G r s ? making less th an $100100,000 a year. a $5,000OOnse. The other $800 himjiUion of Bush's Gore,re, ly co n trast, w ould ise I e credit for the work- Ifn tiiiid tolnmRiniiIIII ii Ixjilor mictof/loiHJor comBlnotion,ltion. Ttifl Jotin OceiD lAX cut, in clu d in g- rcrepeal of the increase 4000 Soilua Trnctoisjrs (Jultvur tno'o nydmuHc pow«. You'll You' tin moro. Hfl tOitor. : estate tax, would mostlost^ go to peo- m g poortor aid also make available a atlll Uump (iJlcKor. AnAnJ tricy tootum Bium IfiKlOf/IOtWorlEKlor trnnjmiitsions. 2 pie in the wealthiestst ttax brackets, tax c n<^t ^ or dependent care tliat ChooM- fioo according to Congn gress' Jo in t is dome,lied 0 taxpayers with litde till) ot it tovcf. Of RUu llli)<)robt(ilic >o< tt^o ultlmiito in spMI uup lo CO mor»lti9. 0 0% fintirtcing) lot 72 end 04 nionttii. iBush, instead, emp:mphasizes cul- m illionon taxpayers, a figuree paying promptl) tflig tax rates, espedaxiaUy the high- reachededjby labeling half of Ck)re’s convenient officece-pay plan. For ;ufi - including h is m ost ost rates, so th at mosnost of tlie cuts tax c u | 1 OPEN 8 AM-6 PM>M MONDAY-FRIDAY • 8 AM-!lM-5 PM SATURMY H f who poy most expensinste item, retirem en t sav- in fo rm atio n o n tht e benefits and flow to the people wl I GEM EQUtPMEKT I of the taxes. Bush wouldwo create a >ngs ac*icfounts - as spending pro- convenience of■ payingf nt the DI-COUKn TRACTOR s. Bush frequendy cites the ■ KIMDEniVnOAO'TWItlK i s g n ™ ’SWENDELL. IDAilO new 10 percent brackacker, leave th e grams.J office, please calall our Customer . ■ 1/2 Ulta East olCinti S3S4653 rest of th e 15 perc

. ' - - I I i ■INI[ON 'lt;ion Editor. Wtll'um B rod:-^-733-0931. Ext. ^h4 O p 'he Timc-Ncws.. | Thuursday, Octobcr 19,19. 2 0 0 0 ’’Page A-6______

'E d it o rUAL i i‘ - Stick’.with farmiliar facices jtees |on GS])I BoardI of Trust• ballot every two years, natinted any tim e soon. And thethe trustees will A t the end of the ball iny transition to • In te r s in Twin Fullsi orand Jerome coundes ha%tiave a significant role in any choice that most have aa fifully state-funded institudordon. 3 0 m into a punling cho man’s ideas and nOTfir th o u ^ t aboutv While we welcome Richmai le College of Southern BrjBranch’s enthusiasm, it seeneems to us that I Who to pleo to the C re and Babcock of — Brizee a Idaho board of are bettitetter suited for tru stee s? hallenge. . ^ In most cases, it’s no There are contestKleilmcaforthi: iiee has serv ed . V “choice at all: The aver- he C o lle y oJSouthern'I IdahoI Board o f on thele \ board for 12 S’age tenure on the s; Babcock fo r ■ board is 21 years, andmd ___, Trus„«: loth have over- i in the past decade urie R ichm an VS. seenI CSI's C5 growth ■; most CSI board elec- a sleepy junior ; tions have been ge to a thriving I uncontested. X”- ^<2/ R k h m a n v s. commurnuicr campus. 1 But not this time.»e. Election ■Du^'view, th ere K \ l Jlw in Falls financial > been times ; p la n n e r B urke Iimes-Ntrws offers V henn th e C S I f : Richman is challeng] 'd’s . oversight f ; ing incumbent Donna its editorialettdorsem,rments a s a service l & l d have been _ y ; Brizee, and Kimberly to Traders. We wela•kome opposing m orec e n e rg e tic . - I ' clergyman Pal Bnmch e decisions - IV ^ is taking on incum-im- viewpoit as blocking the ;; bent Bill Babcock. ______S a s ' propos*losed Fillmore X "T ■' And, for the first owing non-aca- \\ dm e in a while, they’ey’re focusing senous Street Sti extension and allow sidentj demic buildings on campusIS-are - question- y f trust foi)r our mew pres ; atten d o n on the folkoiks who oversee the dei ^ho to t able. But by large^ thesec irtrustees have > operadons.of CSI. ab — 1 controlled Congressess rejected it. Let gov-j :*■ Richman’s and Branranch’s participation is done doj a creditable'job. ost people who< votevo in ne delays and safely coiv They understand what.thi;this community emment fix airline c : timely. The Legislaturiiure appears ready to ' i / ■ next month’s decIcction will cems. It was on taxeoxes lhat Bush scorcd { ^ issue of funding for vyants vya from w hat is arguabljibly iis greatest Im^ / ■ not en ter their pollingpo . engaged in dass envy { !■: address the thorny Is CSI well for its I m best. Gore ogain eng !- Idaho's two state-owniwned com m unity col- asset. asj They’ve positioned CS W I places able to paspass a pop ^ ( AL T h o m a s by invoking his tire^ired mantra of Bush tax I | future as p art of an ocademi<;mic and techno- I VW quiz on the detail:ails of ‘the wealthiest 1 per- , leges - and offering; propertypi tax relief to fut , of higher cdu. breaks going to “die > residents of Twin1 Falls,F Jerome and logically lo£ integrated system 0 candidate’s positions. Excefcept for cent.” Bush countenitered that the people , | I politics is ^ Kootenai counties. caication in Idaho. J activist:SIS and th-i few. fpr whom ix I who pay the taxes•s 01ought to have them J 1 Jt, if not next year then Yet the fact that thesee aarc contested nost will vote their perceptiiptions lowered in an eraa of projected surpluse [ ^ And it’s likely lhat, i u. Government - < soon, community colliollege funding will be races ra< this year is important. C [ which one can be trusted Goretreqo^quenUy descended into thc Bush thinks it is immoralimn that anyone , 1 ' the state’s taxpayers, even ev by unpaid commurnunity college whaihthe m eans and mean what h of his various plans on taxes,■fy ' -should have to payay rmore than one-ihird | j - spread among all of thi ;n governance is Dejp; ■ore’s'te- minutiae''” ■ Tliat means a -welco•Icome tax break local- trustees tn. - works besl when ( spite Vice President Al Gon educadon1 andan heallh care, but Bush kcpik( his or her income>me to government. His j | challenged. By their involvement, ir terspetKsaking and walking skUls u inate taxes for a family » • ly, but it also meansns a1 loss of some local ch coming backick to his strongest themes,> I plan would eliminat Joard of Education, not Richman Ri and Branch aree rt m aking CSI a . third debate,dt a fair observer wouould have |„„ rin g ittoto .olhers tb sort out Gore’s’ of four earning lessess 1Uian $35,000 annual-! , ; control:,The State Boa icede the trust factor and p< ing more would gel less | | > ih e CSI-board, will be ultim ately responsi* more m< responsive institution.m. to conci K poUncalsIeifIdghts of hand. Repeatedly,y* ly. Families making perience counts. the elency reduced 10 percent.ent. Gore thinks every- ; | > But while the CSI)I l.oard’s1 role is likely Ba wo debates, but there were 1 government permission; t’s unlikely to be elimi* board bo of trustees. ous two to do il. Hc portrayed Gore 1 one should seek gov ; to be diminished, it’s 1 ______■ inaccururades. Perhaps the bigges iding liberal and obsessive reg-r< and funding to runun ttheir lives. Bush ' ■ was Go^ re’s claim that the militarS|?h1 . thinks “we die peop•eople” is still best. > strongegest in th e history of the wo cation, Gore wants to tinker=*■ As a debater. Bus!Bush may leave a lol to J 7 & StrongeIger lhan Eisenhower’s D-Di 3ken system, the nation’s ! be desired, but hislis i:inclinations to trust | les-lNevvs' ^ Strong!Iger thon in the Persian Gul onopoly. Bush would insist 01 ■ the people ure rightight. Gore’s inclinations * 1 PheTiiiii TheWtWashington Post reported If bility for teachers and studei ' are in the directionion of government. To i ______Pubtoher ------[he military is suffering frorromL" a mass ^ndempowe>wer parents, not th e state O'",or i him, the governmerment is our keeper, w e J I ...... ____...... W MIK# Smlt ...... — .....— -*»«' us of captains from its rank; , the teachersers unions, to dedde whot is A shall not want. Thoiliough we walk thwuigh • uitment is down. Morale Is 1 'thebestintenierests of children when ' the shadow of darkiarkness, the government* 1 unHilltjen, Dhmro • ThB membersI of the Bditoriat board and writvritert of editorials are Stephen I rces are up because of lengi sdioolsfailtul to do the job we pay them™ *0. will be there to comcomfort us with program t ! ritive foreign “peacekeepin) ’ the hard work of othersj [ rocki Clark Walworth, SteveI Crump,Cr Kevin Richert and Danin RReids. repetit do. Qn healtllalth care, as on education, BushB i underwritten by the ! . William Broc: ______. sions ai ; and adventures. Gore dain ispn«hoicetice, believing competition . and wealth createdted by others. \ , ------it for acutting government, bul ?mi improves ququality and loWers costs. He“ Thai’s about asIS ststark a philr 'hical ; | the redeductions cam e from the Pennigon.Pc „„„ld allowow the kinds of health-plan' choice as one gets:is ilin an d e e r rhe i ______Gore ire’s other m ajor whopper w choices Con,longress and congressional question is, whenn EElection D. rives, | [ T E R S — phnrmimaceutical companies spen ;s get. Gore again blasted HJ:WOs will enough voiersjrs Iundersiant e differ* ... —L e t i moneycy on advertising and promc •ance companies for overrulii•ipS ence between Ubenberty and limitation, | " 1 ren must be ^ ^ n oron researdi and developmt ledsions. But that is predsd; between dependemdence and independence! law thot sioies all children ihe industry this yoar is exr « choice? And will they { ? Homosexupllty Is a serious Issue |taught about homosexuulitality. dicare bureaucrats do and wl ' to make the right d 1 lobby,’assisted by Imiglity, w hat has sp ^ dd 1a record $26.4 billion on r odham Clinton tried to impcpos® ;limdcrstand that: chicharacter and trust, not} ] The homosexual lo In th e nam e of God almii development, up from $24 b ' President Clinton andam Al G ore, is target- , uhe time to act. andde cn she failed to sodalize ; promises .based on Ifocus groups, are the 1 | happened 10 us? Now is tht according to th e PhRMA / I this campaign? • : ing our Boy Scoutss forfo action to punish C , ^ your government officifidals and let '. Gore said in the St. Louis »ntral issues in thi pting homosexuals as vant homosexual- Report3rt for 2000-2001. That is ms debate hewe will give us Hillorycare bulut . ______I them for not acceptir them know you do not wan unount spent on advertisinfi ; scout leaders. Tlie: rulingru on Ju n e 28 by any diild. m uigandpro. ..i„crcmenttinially.” Do we really wont 80v*g' Cal Thomas is aahosAnsfAesTimcs L ; i ity taught anywhere to any on, which Gore implied is a run medidnc? A Democrotic ' the Supreme Courtrt statedsi thot, by a 5 to President Abraham Lincolicoln said, “The me^or emment-rur tofumnist. ; I : 4 decision, the Boyy ScoutsSi did not have m orality in the classroomm cof ihis genera- thing, to accept homosexua(uals as scout leaders, tion wiU b e the moralityy of the govern* r anyone else? 1 mean, / Docs this bother oi ment in th e next.” — ^e t t e r - T ! / does it takj very mucnuch of ou r brains to Get involved now or lose your right to •3 Hgure out that wer dodo nol w ant homosex- tench your own child right ers. Anyone)ne who ever considers runniming ilhappens rarely. ^ iinlQienchingourchlchildren a t any level of ^ t M d ______Danuj lEven when I visiivisited the editorial | i — Tlii& is a serious iaaueflowi locrats aren't dead — 11 for.officejM^bcitasaPemoCTtwa • sodety in this countrmiry? JERRY HUGHEN In reresponse to your editorialliasking a ^publicim.ran, can take a lesson from meram ------olficefftjfThe-Timeim c Nows a fo’i*' ^"y*^ J Boy Scout leaders:rs takI e ou r kids on re are Magic Volley Demoa ‘ candidate in the political Wt talked and laugaughcd and hod a great ■ Declo where first-timeca aho is a state duit exhila- \ g trips. W oke up, ughcn is a minis- wanitit to reassure your readerssthatthef.e tf „ena.Getcet out there and run. tine. Today, Idaho J America) Homosexui•xuols a re targeting (Editor’s note;Jerry Huf;h cted in competitioiition; friendly competi- • ter with Christ OurKin^Fc'Fc//oi«s/jfp in ore lotois of us aroimd. In thc last1st election lean tell:jU you thot running for elect ; your kids and mine.le. ]It is your child’s J.S. Congress, the Democratrats won hass b.been a totally positive exp< er attack here, Dcclo.) forU.6 ampaign has been « • safety that is under c morelc lhan 150 of th e 474 precm^ctsinthe „ce. Withothout fail, Tve been treatedd^th ^ tme,thpcami • The homosexualsds tcannot convince you go. . rew rding aiui educational.edu It can be for J ool facilities ZndOCongressional District, whi( J. respect andmd courtesy everywhere 1 go r lose, all of Idaho gains | and I that their lifestfesiyle is OK, but tell a Support better school ides Twin Falls and the sunmiounding Every parolirade, every fair booth and everye' you\ioo. Win or los t is an accepted prac- irnge the people 1;’^ '“' dpaie in American \ 1; first-grader that it is I am writing to encourag rally has beenb e an uplifting event. nd whdi you partidps rice for thc peopleeof oi th e sam e sex to of WendeU to vote yes ono n t th e b o n d e le t "™“-iother 100 of the predncts ^ the events induded Republljlican democracy. Cobiactact your slate party rep^ i will believe you. Yet, chool. This isn't a many of the ^ t our website at \ have sex and they wi tion for a new middle scho in 35 votes. Y et another 10( Ults. . resertitive or ' •; here is our presidentleni ond his staff target* case w here we have a schc«hool and just dncis w ere within 85 votes.J!^.Widi P s www)daho-demran ^ ats.o rg . And vote on J • ing our Boy Scouts;s bbecause they won the want o b e tte r one. e lhan 170,000 votes cast,.fCTCrthan fe „ysdfosth^ e opposition candidate andai Nov.?., V >raUy stroight," as their more t nd CRAIG WILLU - r i ^ t to keep “moral We do not have a fadlit;ility to house our 7,0000 5swing voters could have d a S a yys s .m et wilh a handshake one - motto says. students. W e send our seviseventh grade to ououtcome. As I travel though«h the dis- friendly sndles.snr Boise I Aren’t you madI ycyet? Doesn’i this upset jy will (Etiitor’s note•;: »(wig Williams is thc J Gooding and then try to0 crama our sixth trict, 11my m essage to all Democrjoatsisthat iknowthI that many people fear thoy tdiaatc^r Idaho's 2nd « : you that our own eleelected officials are that's left afte r you arare not alone. ied in the press or mocked byb; Democratic candi^ and eight grades into whai . , be pilloried )istfo.)5 i taking governmentnt cassistance from our the condem ning of our old school. Thefie Democratic Party is comi I candidates. So let m e tell you,yi Congressional Distt own kids and puttiniting pressure on locnl leed for a facility in orgirganization, technology andSr | . ^ “s? lo the sam e? All in the We have an urgent neec ^ governments to do ll to properly educatc ourycr young people. roots.’s.” The use of the Internet51 iin my own I , < name of tolerance?e? It1 is th e homosexuals This need will not disappcppear. campcipaign is on example. Il enalnablesm eto .v _y.' 1 who huvc no toleranranee. -atsthrough* Please, let’s support our young stu* contactact thousands of Democrat: ohLsadeiiijon^;^ S Christians are notnot intolerant. It is of pride and com* out th'the state. Jimes^ews'vieycom ^lettieN f r P iT > God’s word that say;ays homosexuality is dents; send n message of F tof Carolyn • m itm eni to education willwith a yes vote on Thehe fantastic m a n a g ^ e n t of Interest. i.etters.mlay aj TO broiighii; to | j} wrong, not ChrisdarJans. ce, our new state chiaintion,in, is further suiSBtsjofipqiJlic in Oct. 24. Boyce » It is snd to see thatlha th e churches energirgizing our grassroots organ-anization. j '/»(iolfelnmils'prByiffrieroffjcerrtialled't dtffP.O. Box' » arross America havtave n o t spoken out. Thank youl ididote recruitm ent and par.arty build. - * ALLEN KELSEY Candi K j3;^)pto-<2()8}:(l),m 5538; or ; , j 5 Where are you? Wh;AThy isn’t the natural ing is our focus during the next:xt two : . 0 4 0 i, ITwin Falis>:iP 833C ur children moving W endell 5 urge 10 protect our c I am very upset!t! CCalifornia now has a at Wendell Middle School.)«i.) ■>»' i ' J i ------iailard nilmore By Brucd T lnslS ^ o o n e sb u ry By Garryy Trudeau Mal in FactT; < 5 0 (3 0 /= I I E R nii' itWAs ARW * TOP lft< ? m s a s i t y U : L b &waN ^. .o -_ - pA-mM- R I H —"3 B r y / J 5

V ^ _Im I ___ ® 1

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TTivMin.OcUiMSS. 2000 TtoTtoMNm.T.ldrt» A-7

Counsel;1 concludes firstfi lady’s teststimonyinaaxjurate Calapital appiproves visit c e n tte e r d e s ig n easonabie doubt that MrsIrs. Mrs. Clinton flatljitly denies hav- ISHINGTON (AP) - Thtrhe Hastert, R-lll., and a S enate th e buildiitlTrilttg. ics grounds and adja- WASHINGTOhON (A P) - a rea: ifficebufldbigs. C ounsel R o b ert Clinto;itori played a role in the 199:993 ing a port in the fiifirings, canriefl aroundnds of tho U.S. Capitol wilwill P resid en t p o r Tem■mpore Strom cent offic In d e p en -d e n t Co nge Thurmnod, R-S.C ' The5 centcr,ce scheduled to open . A ay co ncludedd tlthat first lady firingngs of White House travelivel out in 1993 by then-ai-White H ouse s^on unundergo their biggest changc cewoirkers. adm inistracion c h ie f D a v id in 150» years.j But the 200-year-olc.^ d Hastert ond Thumnnond said the som etlmtim e in 2005, vrill provic^ R odhamim' 'C linfon g av e office a “seamless about; 4.0004.0 tourists at a time with aJTOte" testimony But;ut the prosecutor said h«he Watkins, stru cncture itself will not be b< new facility will beye “ fa ctu ally inoccuri ory addition to the Capitilitol complex.” h isto ricirical displays, theaters, ..about ber role.ile.in the White decid:ided not to bring criminainal “Tlie independeni« t counsel con- upstageaged by a new three-storj ady eluded that Mrs. CliClinton's sworn touristst center( at its east front “T here’s not goinling to be any*. restroooooms ond food while th^y '^ouso travel offi)ffice firings but chargirges against the first lad] 0 enter tbe CapitoL rosecuted. becau:ause she may not have underder- icstiniony that shee had no input Thele finalf design of the $265 milmil- thing sticking up 10to detract from wait to « Should not be otdm ision or role in Uqj, ecu und the view of the CsCapitol,” said Pre-co5-construction activities ! IVay vnt)te m1 hihis final report stoodod her conversations witl/ith into Waikins’ decisi ccntcr - ail of it undergrounc ,993 th e travel office firiirings is factual- >wasa]i approved Wednesday by th«thu Bnice Mllhans, spokeikcanon for the b eg ann lastla January: actual coh- keldised Wednesdesday, ju st th ree Whiteite House aides back in 199; don should begin in tbe win- re Interpreted as an impetui!tus ly inaccurate,” th«i»e p ro se cu to r Capitoltoi Preservation Commissionion. Architect of the CapitolC Alan stniction U e d u b ^ o re Elecelection Day, th at were ; responsible for te r of2001. 200 the evidence estntstnblished l ^ o n d to fireire the woiicers. wrote. duiiredred by Houso Speaker Dcnninnis Hantman, who is re111 2 0 ^NLY-FRIDA^YANDDSATLJRDA\Y ■ i fW g e c u s t oo m e r s A ss | p e c i a l I th ain k ]y o u ’ f o r B CO N c h a r g 1 0 -■50°y/o f a ishio3 risa vv i n g s a nid v a t u e i p l u s ^

■I i I J/ li > r

i i " E o fir RlE l G U L A.R, I S A L EE / J U 5 T -REDU(IC E D i

j______m A r EARANC I c h a r g e u r c h a S ee s o f f a s h i o n app p a r e l . PL annily M &I a c c e s s5 o r i e s foo r t h e wv h o l e fa t hl i s F R IDD AY & SJ i A T U R DIAY. i E>i x t r a 1 51% ‘ o f f irn h o m eJ, n n e n ’ss I' ,*ta'3 ilo red c l o t h i n g2 a n d firn e j e w e5Iry. uin; Charter Club/Clut> rtoom Cathmc lied lo Oesi Vsluei: Ralph Lauren/Pelo.10. O' 0U6SS?; Tommy H.II.9*r: Cilwft Klali I > 1 *£>tn:n I5-M% I! dbcoum mty nol bt applied »; DKNY/Oanna Karan; Coach; Dooneisney & i LeviV Je#n»; Ouik»i(ver/Bo«y; Lutkyky JJean»; Cownelic* and Fragfance*; I I NiuUci;tlci; Kannilh Coir Reunion; Eepnl; Le nbia TiUnium; Helly Henicn; The No (9; Fine Jewelry Wslchet. Solitaire*. BniBn' Ouy* & Colleciions; Cell i ■ ' BouriK;ril*; EtCorEatySptnt*; Deti^nef Of*Si I Tflbletop Collection*. Radko, Depiepi 54...... -■ ...... - ...... ««l & Chantms: Walarfonl. Calphalon;n; A All-Clad: Emerilwar*; lumi; Oali I F*c«;i: U-U»iJro. Small El«lrie»; Roy*l Vnl«'' . a*e Depl*; Special Orter*; Alleralio lent: FRANCO* ProdwU; Wme; Furniluft,lure, Maltreue* & Arra Rugt; Select.. Waierforerford and Polonaise Holiday Cotlecllcnt ibla when charged to a prt-purchatedll BBONgltl Cani. S*rv«c«rtce Fe«»I & Merclundr«e Ctr1il>ulet/0il Card*. £«lra discount alM aviOable'

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BeW marm & Cozy This1 Winter C ri'H err’- > O T | T he Selling Gummy ^ S P E C | o m car Vitamin In Pharm acies ^ C hukkas c : o L[. U M B 1 A ^ Mens & Lai BAY1 • lOOX Natural. No artificial iiigrcdienn, “X Soft & Con • »;iy \\1tul(ltull)W StylinK iwcctencr* or ^ Style 991 aiand 995 flavorings. iiicnt 'Itip N'ciit ^ ONLY ^ 8 ^ • Funr gummy bear* ^ L i ...... • ■I'ltcnmiosiKitutiL- Rcniojc that have the vliarninK kids need • ’U.O(H) .30.()0()inil• 3( y c\cryday. Cushion CoComfort01 ^ ; ■ H2'^ Ivfilci • Four great-tasting rniity flavors in e^•ery I g y Work Boots)ts ^ mm m m m bottle. : o N L v n i y ' SMINO'rON Kids love the taste!ta )40 Gas Fircplacc I hassle way Parentsts love the no h ^ ■ | Ful^uiUI Ostrich W e ste si^ S .C tocat , I'or New Cfmstniciioti of taking vitamtnins! ^ Cowboy SiSuper Itoper BOOS' ild In or Willi MikIcIs Pt • Black Chen Ako availablee i n : wrtcd I'accs ^ • Tobacco 1,’il Critters” Attentionan Ready < • Buttercup,'^nly^299” ^ :::::()«) - 4o.oo() i r r u ^L'il Critterers" Gummy Vitamintl C( & Echinacca * ^ We HHave the Largest Bele ;f EfTicicnc>- to V alleyl g Bf>%! il Critters" V itam in Jelfelly Beans C owboy w Boots In Maglo ' ■ ^ VIC]:XCBRS W ESI• S T E R N M ------Since 1938'38.------STORB i m N. OLDTCroiTOETW ™ FALLS 7riS3-7096 S S , fB d/dn't biur j^ur boots fron>pin VIokera. X f y o u tf ------— Ccmfon R.SinceJS.0.91 ____ a D r u g - T---- ymr-pa/d-eoo-njuoii/^ 1 3 9 M/^IN AVE. \ ■TOWN TWIN FALLS 157 SECONC NWLLb|ID^73M080 S )ND AVENUE WEST-TWIN I

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. STTA B ig Apple braces forr I Thenilineup I'onkees m N.Y. Mots. 6:18 p.m. • • • • • •...... ball'Jlyhooed ballgamese s QcHlph I------* most agile defen- arroirogant,” Mayor .Rudolp not uliani said early Wednesda;day. Stadium, with /Andy Pettitte “I ha\jave a feeling the city is r sive players. Put Giuli lg to b e tlie sam e for thiss nextn« her in the front “We’/e’ll t e able to go oround and an probably pitchingng againsi Mets going f we have the two best teaniaois oce Mike Hamptoron. 10 dadays - and m ay b e for soi A New York City Sububway No. 7 train pulls IntoI the Willett Polnt-Shea Stadium and sh e’s an say v people behave timcuc after that.” instant threat to inba;basebolL” “ 1 hope thafp .•s, the station stop outsldoJo the New Yorit Mots' SheaB StiStsdlum Wednesday. The Mets And the whole thing playedJ o»out themselves, becauause it's going lo Eveiven The New York Times, I dropdl 0 ball down An gray lady herself, is gidi•iddy. will fac« the crosstotown rival New York Ysnkeeiei IrIn the World Series, now theth line for a kill. on the th bluest plotform of all - split a few familielies up, I think,” old g! 1 is Yankees manager:r Jo e Torre said. dubbed the 'Subway!sySerles,'In Qame 1 Saturday.day. Behind the thee World' Series. Gome 1 Please see SUBWAY. Pa^ea^e B3 * scrviccsc line, and Satuturday night at Yankeik ee shesh con drop a } tbp spin serve in for an acc. 1 ;■ “It is hard to coconvince people lit and you can A^encdeli * lh a t you can hie * jump," Allen said.lid. “They’re like, . 'You’re 5-foot-4. Wc don’t want you in the front row.”’ Allen is averagirIging six kills per B ide umps game and has hclpetped Filer to a 16-11 kuirnsh*agti ju record. Yet of ali the skills that Allen . displays on the voileoUcyball court, it is : the one to which, shshe is least suited 51 that slic enjoys thelemost. n- •••Pwin Falls boys “ 1 CIlanyon i • “I love bloclcing,”g,” A^cn said. “It’s - . . ' fun bccausyou know they itagonistic Pocalello 44-1 ttober, one that bursts with ore,” Allen said.i. ““But sometimes shoot up and then Weaednesday to win the Regionan ]m . ,ite title dreams. their hands just sh< strict soccer title at Ascensii That’s what the Vikings expen- you have to adjustist g« Wcn(I’endelt enrned District IV’s lone ; thing Burley Hig urth in the state volleyball Kiur- I Barker wonts to. do is dwell on indi- thlis is season was to make it to H C ^ ^ f c a S B l I vidual accomplish!!shmcnis. stai«ate. Now we’re there and wt RuB|kj£S3|^BQ| anient. I . But when you’reI’re having the kind haviave to readjust.” HTinriHTFnMl "I "i' ilioiight both team s played ; ; of season Barker• Ls,w, cvcryUiing even* Twin Ti Falls certainly readju ard." said Valley coach Julian I'toally. comcs bcick■it tot< the numbers. edd afler i settling for a 1-1 fii ,sc«il>edo. “And yes, Wendell is a Before Wednescesday night’s play- Halfalf dominated by the Bruii )iigli team: They played tough ' ;-off showdown witlwith Century, he’d „hoho outshot the Indians 10-3. deferefetise and they played Knigh scored 15 goals ick W aters’ rebound in th e 1^ onthnthe net i in Wednesday’s i nd Avii on Oct. 28 as herh« idder b ro th er pj|FILER - Wood R iver finished j ' ; sophomore, Barkcrker soid he cried a I the state finalsIs at Eagle Island Riv-sccond-m lead. race. Cdoding m n- 15 vhen I get (the ball). IH!! Patterson came cliargingg outo of W ednesday's ra' just kicking it whe compcte at the• sstate finals, ba,sed Pi ed with ner Steve Andeiierson trippeil nnd jt,2 will over n i do what I canan jusl to put it Iv on the resultss i of W ednesday’s • lethe dark green pines dotted siigebnish covered j SUNS VALLEY - The hill. alden aspen to beat herr team-t' rolled down a m he Buhl Indians Wediie-il.iy. ; ;the keeper." ;chool roce. The Deciclo an d Gooding gold e the big iiili. blood- biBuhl needed to beat the - In short, he’s’s beenI less flashy E v ery Class A-2 hi^h <:ch late by a .step in a time ofjf21.3G. 2 incline opposite I ross-country runner a t boys’teams alsoo 'will go. niaii ying one knee andar |x)ssibly break- w„i,.Volverines twice to earn an out- I .and more focuscd.«d. cro Ligh, a Wood River ' Honoman clocked in al 21.40, h e’s an aw ful lot WVednesday’s e District IV m eet«t 1had Andrew Sloug B up the ing an ankle. righ:■ight berth to the state tourna- ; “This.year, he High student, hhad been running “I“ 1 felt like I was walking u| cntrniit-Skyler I more aggressiveivc going to goal,” sonomething to say about it. ill. I h aven’t really done,c much r ■ Also, boys’- nent. but after a iuu ii win ovdi It was the king maker andnd the neck and neck< iin the boys’ race hill, iler High was dis- he Filer Wildcats the Indiaits ' : Nyblade said. “He'He can stop the ball It y’s Wes Hopwood ill hUl work since state only luusluu- two Richards of I-il d line the shot up dreliWn-maker, all wrapped; ujup in with Kimberly’ ;ho still qualified fromni tiie state finals gouli:«mldn't find what they needed. ■ on a dime and 1 )n th e until the hill, ills," snid P atterso n , who ! before you’re ev«even ready for the oneme steep son of a guii on )und enough energy foliolUowing even though he hi finished sixth While \v district champion Wood vooded side of Adams Gulcllich, a "We thouf^t; il was between the foui team w asn’t b ig rjvc^iver- begins its nm at the state shot a lot of times.ies.” wo< :n (Ncbekcr) came thele race to scream her lungmgs out becau se his tt Ihe increasedid coutput has drawn poj>opular hiking and bikingg a rea two of us. Then >r her teamm ates as Uiey cros^cn enough. titleitie next Saturday al Hillcreii n Barker’s way. In „£„• . - out of nowheri:re. I don’t know fori High School, Buhl m u sl play;- more attention I lorth of Ketchum. le energy burst, but thele finishi line. iligl the Bobcats’ firsfirst-round district Goodingq High runner LaiLance where he got the Holly Hobson of WoodJ River,R ’ andind iK-nt - the Pistrict VI runner- Bonneville, Barker ist th e he ran a good racuce," Slough said. H ip S.aurday in a one-gnme play : gome against Bo; •iebeker chugged up it past tided up second ot onene of the favorites in thehe racc, up S ,^wis double-teomem ^ throughout. wo runners in front of himm iand Hopwood end aid she wasn’t disappoinninted in ?«.■«*;*U«>.n«r.*.ir^Nt1 offiff fat Centuo’ High School for^i ering all kinds of 5 far in 18.50, and Slotouch was third nt said :hnnce to play m th e state tout- •. “ H e’s gorncri hen blew down it, finishing fa herer third-place showing at 21.57.21. i respcct from thehe opposition n w ,” ,ront by nearly the length;h ( of a 18.55. iiament. . , ‘ sd r d pass tliem on “I’m “j never disappointed.':d.” she I Hyblade said.. “’“They know he s ,ootball field to win his firstst rroce “I just figured ic race. Wood River s ta rte d the fir$t 10 back of the n e t... : cross- the hill and goo for it,” shrugged saicaid. “It was an awesome I putting it in tho I >f the season - the district cr [opofully, 1 saved up someimetliing 1> W»l*" , I I so they’re countunicring with two. e of 18 Nebcker. . ■ Hop Pieaso see WOLVERINES. Page B2 »untry m e « t-in a top time o girls, Gooding run- ' for)r state.”f I sometimes three, ] SSninutes, 26 seconds. Among the gi t F«to,'l(Wie ThuTKky.OctoterlS,19,2000 i R T S I N BiRIEF-q l : e s t a t e ; 1— Spoi jlndiaiins takee first, NVlusheirs mak( Golden Eaglee volleyballplays5 ^NIC today - ly Ginny Turner (12 assists).>• TWIN F A L L S -TT h e College of SouthemI IdIdaho volleyball tearh ■ “This was a huge gai because assist by ( it Athletic Conference now we bet to go to3 istate,” said takes to the road t record in SWAC pla: prize to the winner. chum took the first gomee three-point adventsItage. Carey smackecced three kills to key ® a Collcge on S e p t 27.7. T he S h o sh o n e Hi S'hpol IWjljd the hitting of Jamie Terryy moved to gome pointIt on a kill by speedy/5-lle_ad. 5- ** Indians gained tho10 d district n tle . ^he setting of Tami Parten.»• Dawn Simmons, who10 finished 14 Krista'ta Pendleton added an ace, s hoops scrlmmagages a t Ricks )ur hitting errors from a CSI women’s and a state ticket, Ca S y led 13-9 in the second gamee kills and sbc blocks. /After a side- a n d fout oho women’s basketball. to s ta te , o nd ‘ " ^ ‘5 •d Musher squad pushedd r e x b u r g - Thele College of Southem Idoho earned a berth to the pressure of the sltua->• out, three straight hihitting errors drained late in o scrimmage ot RickIcks CoUege todoy at 1 Ctrey stayed olive fo got to the inexperiencedd by the Panthers ga>ave the first the leadad to 9-1. Uhrig served upP team will partid p ai jore kills and Pendletonn p.m. ' n i ^ t in hopes of maki roats. Carey scored the next game to Camas Countnty. tw o mor K endall Gront said the fonrorm at m oy indude four-* Those th ree teamsS i S L rep. le 2, a kill by ad d e d1 anotherai ace to finish offff CSI head coach K )ints to force a third game,5, Down 4-6 in Game 10-mlnute quarters.«. ••. resentotives from thethi Southsicle lominated. Simmons and a bloclid< by Megan th e firstst game. f ■'will m o v e to Goolooding High e couldn’t synch it. We havee Peterson started a rui-un for Carey. The second se game was a liltle ..School today. Playay b e ^ n s o t S . . rouble with that al season, Hitting errors and a1 1kill by Jesse closer,, withw Camas County cut- ien tourney Is comimlngtoTwIn , le defidt to three points at King & Quae * 'p.m. with Camas CounSCo taking :t close and let them back inn Rathke pushed lhe sur,r, hihas died at 96. Iced in the regional tourney u m e d pro in 1923 ond was the longest-servitig-' Local sports ook for southern kta Cooper, who tu r uesday a t a hospital iri,.. POCATELLO -. CCentury, the ______1 6-1 win over the Bruins ,e.in member of the PG>GA of America, died Tues 1 boys A-li Div. I - • , sctwd foothaU stant Twin Fullrails on Tuesday, enters « one- e PGA Hall of Fame 111 ' re^on's top seed in be t likely playoff scenarios toy's edition. g „„ o pl, in White Plains, N.Y.Y. H e wos elected to the P '^ g h school socccr, hndhoc more lhan a about 1 » tistteal leeders in Rida) playoff at 1 P-m. Soturday in iplng post No. 2 shoiUdd hish team lose its match wilh th — . ' hopesI ofol qualifying for o play-in•in 1959, little trouble scrapin ces today, Nyblade was quick ms *.«eed BurJey Wcdnesilesday, needing the ^ mark were too much^ ffor Jeromo to berth. LoLose ihut game and the Roms uto 24 win. ' that won’t be an issue. are done.me. killed MallkSealyly gets prison : I' overtime to grind out a 'e're going to win tomorrow,, ” overcome, Driver who k . - Burley scored iuI ononly goal in the Wo» nc L “It was a good sea;•ason.’’jGibson MINNEAPOLIJ.IS - The driver wholio killed Minnesota th junior Jono he said,id. “They’ll be thk ones ploying ■d hard.” Broncos» vwin, l«]t Bom remain allvs 50th minute, with ^ sold. “The kids played :os Timberwolves swiningm on Malik Sealy in a wrong-waywrc car crash was Barker driving homele a penalty kick. .onSaiuilurday.” Bonneville, meanwhvhile, trovels 10 blACIICKFOOT - The Lody Broncos down the BonneviUe Bt*cs 2-02-0 sentenced VVednes-» d a y to four years in prison,on. ■ The Bobcats had anoih Burley, o 2-1 overtimele loser to No. 1 wore do^ iked for the four-year termsrm for Souksangouone * foot 3, Jeroma 1 Century Wednesdoyly, today. The on Wedednesday, bul Bonnevilletie prosecutors aski back with five minute: ROME - A close contest at ho told Judge Andrew Danicmielson a t the h e t ^ g Irl.". 'while the D’backs lappedlap; home the -■ JERC ,i . winner takes the sececond outright remaineined in the hunt for o stote‘te Phengsene, 44, wht mission simply went the visi- ament ticket nonetheless, Hennepin Countyy District Court lhat he wasvas sorry for causing ihe^‘ "' tying shot with Uttlettle more lhan o • 'intermii seed into next w eek's;'s stote toumey. loumomi jnt was almost twice minute left in regiilaliiloiion during o tors’ woywo in the sccond half as the3 The loser plays on osas-yet undeter- Blackickfoot’s 2-0 victory o ver acddcnt. Phengsere n e ’s blood-alcohol content ■i«cuffle in front of Burlilurley’s nei. fourth-*h seeded Bees booted the No.i .13 niined out-of-distnctt ffoe for o half- Bonnevil•ville gave the Bronco’s second l e ^ limit ot th e timtil e of the crash. imc-winner came Tigerss intoii the offseoson wilh o 3-1 behind champion Century «n The D'backs’ game n seed on Saturday. place be ied from Staff and wife reporte/' •' in the first overtime.c. playoffiff loss^ in the Closs A-1, Div. D th e A-I,..I, Div. II regional tourney,ey. . ______Compiled t “We had them. too.IOO. We had them regionalnal soccer toumament. Thosec twoI reams - Century ondnd — lid Burley coach Bonn*nneviUe held a 1-0 leod at half-df. Girls’ soccer {foot - ure in for sure,rc. on the ropes,** said and Jerome missed a penaltyIty pocstello nails regton ehmiDkxishlDcti Blockfo . .Wes Nyhlode. “Butit t:they just kept time, or ver, Bonneville con still quoli-ali- I------931 for delivery. h am m in g away.” kick nol long ofter that would hove‘Ve PO CA TELLO - Tl r stole by beating the No.•4 4 Su b scrib e ttoday. Call 733-093 With the narrowr losloss, the Bobcats tied it. Indions ^ g e d the Hig! from District III in Twin Foilsi l l s ______10 Tigers’ Doniel Casterjonon 0 on Wednesday to c . move on to host Bonnhavoc on th e Vallialley front and Anotlother factor, Escobedo said, the number of opportunitiesies Valley eliminated1 (Glenns Ferry p l pounded )iome se\several critical was th< with a 15-8,15-9 swe ■ •k ^ during th e mounatch. VaUeyey afforded its opponent, s played really m r jK ir l thmighr it just came downI to **1 think the girls t ; Gill finished1 wwith 18 kills, “I th ills tough,” said Gleimsns Ferry coach 1 ^ while Hilt contribunbuted 11 blocks. we ga\}ave them to many free balls We just didn’t h a >d, so good,” said and they th swung a little bit more)re Melisa Marrin. “W "This feels good,: i,” hand it to them. -- We missed a 1^ I t a t e» M | ge student from at the thi ball than we did,” Gill, an exchange i jre. few crucial serves;s and it came Q I Germany who hasas iplayed volley- Escobd Defense really hurt-t ius.” ' Wendell coach:h Erin Jasper, Ever Glenns Ferry fixunished the sea- ■ ■ . whose team wentt to the Class A-2 . for Va]Galley. ' : can say eariy in the season,on, son with a 3-16 recoix)rd. Valley fin- M state toum am entt lastlai year only to “I ct sdo ished 17-12. Vallilley won the N R eg. $06.97 ^ be elim in a te d in two straight at timimes, we folded,” Escobedo Lmament, beat- the sentiment. . snid.*1. “Nol this time. We were3tc junior varsity toun matches, echoed th( nts ing Glenns Ferry 1313-15,15-10.15: » “Yeah, it was5 fufun. Valley’s a down,m. We got down four points 5/7sni5 I f isper said. “(Our (early!rly), but we kept fightingi to 6 . tough team ,” Jaspt R\S...... *54 M 1 .j R15-...'H V r J K B ■ 31X]0.50F^ 1 H 5R15.....‘67 ^P235/75H15XL Title _ ifl15.__ .*«» JtWOll______Un«»)6MeW >oe, whose 11-3- ' H 0Rt5...... 'W wra* 8oetf»»« t-a___ sh e lfIf left under the divingin g coach George Asbo- FREE Valve stems * FREEFR Tire DlsposaT ■ Continued from B l s a S team must now beath the No. 4 . | y | I ★ F R E E W y c in g ★ f ailed the other’s Stockcks to give the Bruins o M -k FREE Mouniing ______both tgams assaile mingly iiisuiiuoUntable-3^.3 ..^------ge^^-out-of-Boisc-ie-Saturdny in------| H tTtTf M l B — end. The Bruins receivedrec two yei- seemi Buhl to advance t o0 state. ! 2 D iSiSISeBEi p H low cards duringg tlithe struggle for lead. A ll SSeason e i Radjal i the teams progressed past)ost Asboe said hc thtbought the offi- » frestf^ S a late tackle and1 a ]push. As J n d- d ating was very omine-sided. i|Snov\Ui| J As the clock woiwound down, the the 80th8( minute into start-and ? time, Falls copped thtthe “I just hope forr 'Trent Felion’s t Bruins shifted to:o a more posses- stop ti hot sake that he gets1 his1 first-round 5 ^or thef>eiowest^%- ^ sion*type approaroach and they dayw’ with a pretty left-footed shpi Cory Sayre off an ossist fron-om game here in Tw,win Falls," he If on M lchalln^ kept the ball inT PiPocatello’s end by Co said. “It will give himhi a big boost, e with the mon advaiIvantage. Coopc “Uo I’m sure. But if wew get a good, ■ P1S5/B0R1 At th e 7 3 rd miminute, a deep Twj'w ^ Foils outshot Pocatelh P205/70fl14...... i and hod four comer kickssto tt fair field (Saturdrdoy) with the ■ kick found itss wway near the 17*8 a game nofbeing corontroUed neces- ■ rr*. psiwoau..-. tihere Indian goal _ the Indians’In two. Pocatello net, whe well . sarily by the refercrec, lhan we’ll ■ P 176176/70Rn Z P20SnSR1S.... keeper Nick Stockocks came out of “II thinktl we didn’i ploy as wel nm P21570R15.- 3.1 be fine.” H Mu>yM>y elMr Mm Zi the box to try’ arand c o rra l th e as Arewe did against H ila n d (a 3-: Ut>to *t OtMl P22V75RI5..- 1 Saturday),” Felton said. “I t ------H I s«v ball. In doing so;o, ,!Stocks shoved win S 3rtswrifcr Kevin K ■ FREE Tire ulaposai p ui’t our best game, bu^ It wa:wais Timcs-Ncws spon g ★ FREE Balancing ^; FREEValveStems -* FF Mikesell. bringinging on the penal- wasn’i Hall can be rcachcdrf at 735-3239, or KB l ★ FREE M o u n tin g " he ball lined up, enoug) u ^ so we’re happy.” ty.kick. With the ello bye-maUatkamdPTTtmagiaxiUci/.com k s t e e l Mikesell promptliptly went lower NotJot so happy was Pocaiellt IH l All Terrain S H l e l t e d ^ Wolveisrines _— a d l a l s ■15,16-14 ■ Continuod from B lL . . Shee fimshedf with a game hig:lig h Buhl def. Flier, 17-1! In an e a rlie r matchup. ni Buhl I ’ 'jnatch on fire asIS tthe Wolverines ninele kills.1 ‘Our gdme plan was to justIt ggo capitalized on thee opportunity to ¥ scored foiu* straighight with th e serv- “Oi : title by squeak- C eotham and built . outt theret and have fun,” saisaid ploy for the SCIC t ing of Emily Leat , b u t ing past the Fil«:r•WUdcats. V Y up nn e a rly 6-0l-O lead on Buhl Duvaival. “We lost focus a little, bv a5/75R1S t back into It quickly.” Filer started th 1 7 ^ Same As Cash on errors, but it vwas not enough to th pped before Hion andi »King kills ended W | I Ownouni. nltndll as senior Charloirlotte D uval fin- 10I lead,le but Wood River stepp< Any Battory In SlocK , up and kept the game tiedi d ai t the set. ii 14^ n o i H ished off the IntIndians with two it up t iWnlm«n oAmU -BBIoac. M 1. A long rally finished wilw ith The second gamime saw five lead . kills of h er own.n. 12. J 5 Buhl took the ------N ^ 9 p we won the first anotlother Duval kill seemedid ito changes before ! . “I figured if wi vo of win. Filer’s Jesse« Lassen record- laitKMlWlyFU.TKlBrM'TM-titO game, we had a igood chance to marlark the end for Buhl, as two > ■, Aitiotlem Cat C*i» C«lt*neil> e last three points came frofrom ed seven kills; ini the second Nvin the secondmd,” said Wood thei It service errors lon'a »n»HcaiiCtrCai.C«itHf] camy Goodwin. **I thele In d ia n s h ittin g i t o uIt t .of game, bul eight Oany^ Afflotlcwi Car Cart •.fiStOwtand'Builrr'STMast es, ( River coach Reai cost the Wildcats,s. ltor>ei76.KMio>Wwtf>S»U22J g knew It wouldI btbe hord for Buhl bour>unds. I ta r t iUtwiieaB Car* Car. C«iUt. “We didn’t pass the servtrves Hiatt ended thebe m atdi with 11 to win the nextt fcfour of five if wc “V locks, while King ell, ond they got a lot of po]pops wn< and two blot M V ______got the first one."e.” . welli ;et to made an impre:essive showing ^ 3 ‘ Gome 2 siarted1^ th e way Game befoi•fore we had a chance to get |@ kills and seven I Duval slumming thenlem,” said Buhl coach Rogoger recording five k 1 ended, with D blocks. two kills into the Buhl defense. Shielield. ThufKlay.ly. OctobM is; 2000 TkM»K«MX m , Twin Fan*, Miho M I S ports ' I to rosess g o e s Bucs5 face Lion;s nec(d in g w’ in R oadt mess and a Ulimping Jimmy Smith. ^ e n e 'ByDsveOoldtMrg f t . REDSKININS. 20-14 throug Eug( : APfootbanwTtUf______• Buffafalo (p lu s .6.5) ut SrT H Minnesotaa It wasn’t supposed totc be this D oug Flutie Fll time. But thc By Richard Rosenblatt ______Collegege football picks : way for Tampa Boy andmd its new Vikings don'on't losc in the dome. AP football wttter______K eyshaw n ■ j f i n VIKINGS,3S, 24-13 “impact” ployer, Ke im lo (plus 16) ut No. 9 Johnson. The 3-0 startrt iwas • Seattlele ((plus 7.5) at Oakland Those Arlzono Wildedcats sure • Califoml but not the 0-3 segmentent thot foi- Thc Raidliders play down to the are tough to figure. Washingtonon level of corcompetition and rarely They opened th e 199999 season Huskies5 looklo< to make it 18 in n , lowed. 12-1 cam- row over GoldenGol Bears.,.. WASH-. Starting slowly is notnot unusual win by 7.5.3. ranked No. 4 after a 1 : . for T o n y RAIDERS;RS, 20-16 paign. then lost to Penrrm Stote in iNGTON.34-21. 34-: Dungingjr’s team , •Arizonana (plus 7) at Dallas the Kickoff Oassic andd struggled .TexasTciTech (plus 32) ut No. 10 I Pro picks boweiwever. I ^ t The Cowtiwtwys put up 31 poinis - to finish &6. Kansas State» tc ;______seasi with Randaidall Cunningham - and •This season, coatach Dick Wildcatsts comingc off first loss, I ' Bucsxcs began 3- lost in Arizoizona. If Troy throws two Tomey’s Wildcats werere picked hut Techpassing pas game may cause ‘ 4, won eight of ninee anda cam e interceptiorions or fewer. eig lith in th e PiPacific-10 problems;.,.:;.,. KANSAS STATE. 31- : within two minutes of)f thet Super | i L * a B COWBOVOYS. 24-21 Conference. Guess whatat? 14. On Saturday, No. 21 AArizona(5- , 11 TCU • (minus 27) ul BowL • Chicflicago (plus 6.5) at T h at’s, why th ey ’re ^■ k^l Philadelphijhia 1, 3-0) plays at No. 7 Or)regon (5-1. • favorites at home tonl o ver Thc Eaglagles miglit be a pluyoff 3-0) for sole possessioion of first Homedi FrogsFi looking for first Detroit, which is a gomem e ahead of teum. Thee EBears aren't. place and the inside tn;rock to tlie e o start since sm. 1938. ,„ TCU. 34- Rose Bowl. • them in the NFC EAGLESES, 31-13 " h c 'e , 2 I i Oddsmiikeis have longlg memories.n K flH • New OOrleans (minus 1.5) at "This is the time v 12 G eorgia (no line) al H p Atlanta have to find out whalot kind of Kentucky I One of the problemems for no quorter „ i Lions is offense. Eve in ThcSainilints? A road favorite? team we are," Arizonc s likely to be without ■ Silverdome, they’ve hadha trouble *"*-• SAINTS,*5,13-3 back Ortegc Jenkins sai QB Q uincy C arter. .,. re now with- Francisco (plus 3) at While the Wildcats,s hove the ™ " r GIAA. '28-17. • scoring. Worse, they’re i ly Buccaneara defonalve tacki#le VWarren Sapp, left, grab* hoICold of • S.un F ir schedule • out Germane CrowellI -- a 1 n d while Tampa Bay B . toughest part of their 13 Mississippi State aro u n d to Chicago B«aiaart quartarbach Cade McNownown for a thlrd^uarter sack Se; ;e Seifert is a defensive remaining - after Or .5) ut LSU : Herman Moore is ai o t ' T o 9 replace him, it justt m akes th e Raymond JamesJar Stadlurri In Tampa, Ra.I. SiSapp won't t>e •atlafled with i No. 23 UCLA, at ga lead naiion in nislung HERS, 31-30 Washington. No. 19 OrtiLgonStote . Lions thinner at receivei . until Novemlimbar to pull oiit ol a current talltpln.tall PANTHE - 24.4 yards per gam e.... The Bucs actually shoshowed some • Denvnvcr (minus 10) ut ond Arizona State -. thet Ducks tllssiSSlVt;IPPI STATE. 28-21. CincinnatiIti have an easier task. Or 14 Ohio Slate (minus 18) ; offense in Minnesota, thentl hod a FS, 34-33 TITANS. 13-9 •bye week. • New England (pl[>lus 8) ut The DroJroncos reap the bene- Arizona Stote next v ml (plus 3) o t New York last season’s liist-place lowed by gomess against . . Figure that Dungyy gotg things Indianapolis fits of las California .Haplcjwtss Hawkeyes show up at >nday night) home two finish, Washington State, C ime for once-beaten i stitughtened out. For all11 tv> Sw,»il (W MTMWr JM IX :i> EAfTOnotmra iimnuwi <«>><•»> IMUM *y ? 1 ’ « SlUn(h«ns).1«» Met. WoiW AetoNe* Champton*Wp» AnKraaMn.>li"V PMcM«u I < I 0 ESPN 6:30 o,m. *. OwMfHCRKMllUn HY.liHf«>i>i 0 _1 1_.9_° ' • '* |Ujy»««1.3*7l>M» , lions at Buccancots >ir!m'Kiam>. su#.. M> iwna Hot EtVnS <1 > 11 n HH » UnWMU^Cjtw*' SWOM.llJi»«1 Qolf[ Ganamc 6 (ll nec.. at uauifGymj ■ Ch«rv £S b*- ’ ’ j) 0? • » 1* WesiRc;l Regional PGA Club Pro Cla$ r „ r r , “r* s ^ % » « Champ..impionship. al Makcna Resofi. Goo:00ding: ^InwU tucnrwx «<) amas Co. vs. Rail River. 5 p.m. ,ruoJ«»« (*'• C«»«b* * ' *i S2 I !J I, tketw-troinr"** **«R3 4.DUOOUW8J Hawaiim Can fc' a s k e t b a l l Twn 0»r 1 3 I ' ® J -Il JO m'« i.Omw|1<»^^ B LL_ Wuhi^ 0 J ? UcUr~nlJOI?«Hl KY.togw' * I 0 u CotlcSflIcgflvollaybell ' Stioitioshone « , Hagennan, 6 p.m. | KBAPrefM»on~ ' Collega F M ^ ^SelHKlute. I 2 2 i 1 ? J 1§ :^*S>j2i?luaffrWi 1?» } CSI al ^North Idaho Collegc. 7 p.m. Can:arey vs, Murtaugh (winner lo i tate). 7:15 p.m, . , “ “ r s im sw am i CollcgologobawbAll stai ^I'liANSACnoN.S ’ ?* AV/ILHOCIB h All Stats at CSI (scnmmage). Higligh Khoo) gieii’ toecer >n 9 1 « # 0.1 S«wrtfVu»». Utah All Wednesday's Sports Top 26 Schedu ,.4.«Y«.*n«?ii'«..i»« 6 p.m..m. But-iuhl at Ketchum. 5 p,m, TranMCtlons 1“ I ;i : B i J s 0 N ON*i.i«».c<«««>.' :iass A-l,Div, Itegionals; MQUU. ______& , : £ » ■ ' “ ______...... s s s . °-,i? -- IJ« P«-»» Jl Khool volleyball Cla' s r . T s ^ “ss lame 7. *1:30 p.m. (Site TBA) , l*J0C^l'^33MVW.K»twy>- Region5lon III. A l. Div. I toumey, Ql Gar TOAS MICtH5-»wIiS^«?li I .UOpnv, ; !r? 0 tr" " «gh Khool boy»'»occar ; »r A n •' n » S.a«(Vi>M.C««»! ' ” "f=n Falls: Hig Ito T ' ; n J i» IJ Cott«lo.U«»1.U«l lion starts al 5 p.m.) • Buf}uW at Kctchum, 5 p.m, KWS'C««1‘>0r- , clw* 5 “ ® ------m m c VI ,, l£?o'rSS:«r‘^ Si.'foS^sIit (w«»Jgl *0'!m t”-sar'-'"'"' '”"f=r BotSonncville nt Durley.4:30 p.m. tljiP Uv> Tt.jntw' »*' Ji»i" W ■' !SlJS3Sr«S^“s£. S'*'" • ISSr ! ! I® !' i i i )lICI.aiimvCMV"»iio« ^ “‘^H w L '^ S S L ow. Mua*.« itfn30pm ?«"■*»*.twpBTBto* ■ .r. •«»*!«»'« A .i-i i«\Ca.ini|C»(liWI»'“ IKtlOT IMSIOiS tirr-ll £:li<>«gi>aN»z)ua< Wl 'I 'l i N N I S ------”1 -H»ln«kon Op«n c*A»M ** p*-*"* '*“ • rv*« •« Comao < L 01 >. PDtfni hf* <^4n9liir*'tSftUnl c-3 ^1 '"““"'’’US C 1J41,PU1»>.C»"[-W7Tu7«^iiei< SHUMCNU Cf«.lW’l-'^ * ''» » ^ '‘'^ Kmlnih wicrnw>p*c«iii'- r F0Cn3ALL------Saturday’s Regionaynai Q«ne* S 5niS i*£?i-• SfEpi«en9D*>«»»>ji.OJIMIIMI Cdunw>6 ratuoooix DMOIL&UWI aU7iCC0K>i ,'2Van .'H'iwrtSutn . . . NFLStandb«a sm S*n tXw SL 1PIpn m HMMKOkitm] »«-j1. So*-in CownuiOdt la, : AKBttCMOwSRENCI““ ssEiaMS" I**** WifM n*Mi» , M M W«tf*9xSLaOnmtl.>vn MyMlCartM-Or- n im > n u vU O'-CAMfl'OIIIPS n ^ IftmtiftOttf " * * fc-llSTtdU?*! cr^('lS^^*«»~ C^. Scp^ ’ 4 L C«naoS.C19pnas'.'szS ir Uwai«n-0«'Onuun*w*?gKfln»r t«ra|Jp ICUM^.O* W UOTIWnriiwiri iir<«lSmw,H.?-«in...... ^ ! I : s ; , sz;x^' M Wf'nP' KXrM*.M JimnMVK Toulou*o Open ™“” Kwn 5 13 S . J S S S l S f g g " I KinCMS l^l3,UnMSutrt.t^ lltmlny. r«louiousc. t«a ao »WM C*p» i‘'^' o« ’* 7t«»».^* *'•????’ AIP w w*fl r_Ar^M 11 *!«• Li UawefiHMrSir^P"'j-p'r 5^,2^^:^’ Ok*« 0 J« 14 DjnrHirtt*! l™, . vr *» « * W I T wL MlJ! M c*maSMM>CMO)»n >Vi» . Cm.fr2.e-1. M a n uOAaMmip"^ ■0** ^JM.UnirvMm||BgM<»C»r9l 5«r^Scf^;>1 |f| M OlHKtW mIS* rM%M .pm Pc*i>W«CBM.Si>n •glllJT FkxJ«*l)*?J ««•»"*«»• U4 Sfi »w**^* I c> 14 • :-V»3 S '5 ,S S X - S S i l rn UcrmJanMMM.tP’* SkMIVU-I.CuKM(Wru>l*«^* »»«rV»V'« HMJmiawMwpiSP' WwlTTl.WH-O*'RM.DUio>rv»«^l SUMMM4 PtMh 2j; Viro*-™. 5 ^ W C. coHMC"ciJt run pm i*».U/|ul!f*iU.SOt, iU"vn frrc«.Hl3l M g" w ::z p issis-M '.. '1 ■ ITW Iv— !>»■«I IWO I"** ngl 5 01.0 Hrf Otr-»n. t* ■ UWC'K’*?-* Uv<«)not(3i JJ, Ch- iW .Omtd^frcOKytaj. wrpoiWi ) &1 ~cS««,W ‘irnl'm, l,>.x..»llrWwF Wr C\rwif«. siii if; G o l f SESK.?: J K t' S s* *!■»»»- S»9iw*' CwAlWxMllSmcM. TMmtM CWnm««-1.H “ II'S -pSBdSiSciipPjTHisiip” a s H s r’ TSfl'rt«».S.P*aew! toinUimiSm ^ OH u ^TanOHALCOHFE^lacE {w»«sm£.V4(»Pi-i>»»»ratoBdrr’iiw nnMMCtMb’pm snitraPmiWti OcwnaCagi^. I»m‘ waxnW-WPtMi lu.'ul ■'cu'T g ; ; .-»J IW» ■« W-4'*' *>«u-ijfr» Petf»/?iiS- o.i"WT.»«i e JumlyiM) “"m ’iO«5ur-i IVv^Tj-w Vi >^1 o-» g Ig M OoUM-C»tfraK>; w *< 1>P3 tw* 0 ~ IlA«.C-*ur«ii Jtfr ian-n <•»*• 0 J M Qenorall Open rt'ss^n. ssKfi-. 60M Ow* a* t» ~ «»•»-. wfNIXCmxTto. ■ I—ir/.jlii—’-*'! r H tli f5“ ~ SSiSiS „V. iiyJ'mSi-*!* I**" " ^ w 1141» srcSJtiSciErftSMJWiJv*m«mA na. sw. Umaoi mkA. m *** InraiHSmtL fTtftSI i i ; ; S i)b«19.2000 gU Twinirin Fil*. Idibo Ttainday. Octotx SC u p e r S h eA a F F E ^ ^ ^ ^ . Member* of theh .s i» a ii« m ily r«««r«;K«vlii K Sheaf(*^ lew yelloilowb.lt,C«>tolVIeCli»»- lowyeltow belt.KKulSliuttar'lil(lien«l » SflSKA.ADVAANCES == belt,Ka]liySlnillsrtowbluabelt. H Flynin ta k ess silverr -----Seth Nlska, shown^ wlwith Instructor K elth Owen, recently retreceived his blue bett ------n Barred con LCKING THHE LOCALS - LAS VEGAS.S, Nev. - Local p e t i t i oQ nn ' ranking In the Artt olc Brazllltn Jlu J Itsu - T r a . fighter Jacen Flyrly n n competed in The articllic le under Pedro Saueuer of Salt Laka C Ity. the Grapplersrs Quest West Paula Alanhila 1^ ;s a Brazilian Jlii-JIUuu IsI a ground flghr .Ung ^ G rap p lin g tJSt lly girls' soccer Submission photo .of c art developed byy th1 e Oracle fam il'r of Tournament OciDct. 7, where he ^ Flynn’s vil ICC in th e interme- 0 Rio De Janlero, BnBrazil. It Is one of the Bishop Kellv2 ______I I I took second placc * tory diate heavyweiveight division. _ ^ a'' n most technical and1 difficulte martial 1 irU R y a TheTlme»NewsLLS - Life h a s n ’t H Submission grap•appling involves /J ^ P ain terr a t In which to receivee Ia black belt, tal (Ing jch like judo and ||H e sincc former Buhl I takedowns, mucti ; the Kinglg of1 a minimum of 101D to 15 years of tr aln- TWIN- FALl wrestling, butLit once on the |H | r standout Paula UH ject is to cause tho ;c in ln£. Blue beltlit Is th a first rank! 'ng. been the same■me. Nor has it betui K g - ground, the objec H e me tt , High soccer opponent to tapap-out or submit rM on - — —:— nd joint manipula- C alif., c WAlania left homre a little tougher to H using chokes and Jacen Flynn Ju n e 2 easy. nd the homework tions, as opposeded to the usual pin Flynn wi in other grapplinging sports. i prevail:•j T he goals arenore time. ■ Flynn is feaeatured in the retuiturn to the King of th e Ca(3 Nextt Frame I Q come by. Anta, now a junior at 2000 issu e -Of evvent e in November to try■y ' li3 takes a little mcHigh in Boise, says - - N ovem ber 20i nprove his 8-0 professiono n al The mixed doul)ubles teams bat ■ • mm ■ But Alania,e’s getting used to. sausaid she's feeling more comfort­ “ CrappUng,” a magaane dedicat- imp able and getting more of her ng and No Holds reccjcord. tied it out at the; EBowladromc Iasi : ■ ------1 Bishop Kellyifferent,” E Alama, 16, ab l ed to wrestling . weekend to share■e in on $880 p riu ; ■ L et’s G it’s a m ove ^ e•en ’: kind of tedious. toutouch back every day. “It’s very difijme-schooled since Even though the move has fund. given her an opportunity to get Q ' ______M/[a r t ia l a r tTS PICNIC---- - The Next Franame team rolled S I Bowlin said. “I t’s beei‘ so all the note-tak* givi | n into first place. %w ith a score oi'; ■ TVT/-I I’ve been hon•work is different.” betbetter education and play a more — 3 W W P 2,736. Team memmbers were Scop 1 p ’ HiehiaTuck second gradeId, ! the transirion has competitive brand of soccer, Puschcl, Charle: • ^ Alania said there are still things )ni»y of Builey ileiiion- 4 3 Heiuiing, Kay Pi ticker ing and homew M tster Dei Loiuk H enning and Hai[ank Marion. Foi r ■ On th e field,le didn’t m ake th e she misses about hojne. _ | ■tratea an advan>aiK«l knlMlMtmln* ^ their win they willill receive $400. been easier. I this season, Alania “I miss a lor of things,” said I technique on atnckei S*«l K^, * [ Second placece went to tht s ------:— Though sheon the junior varsity Alania, All who's living with her crantlparents now. “I miss my a lM o( f Billloy,Dl « t tt« Annual . Burley team knovown as the Thrw : - agam - varsity teaming t five goals in 13 gr« ipson, Floyd am I lOW « he’s learning all over ag friends. ... There are aU new ^ I ln MiTtlal Alta picnic T’s - Jim Thomp ight-handed. „ has excelled lostor of those contests, tiit Brandee Thomm as a n d C aro .I cnci pie (here) and you kind of feel Irtiaa Laka. Thla yaai’a B j Hang in there. Rich,I w all squad, scorini1 starter. She might pje held a t OiflrtM S quire. They’llI divide t $240 fo; - ^ J' games. F or mo:them all had she not ukilike an outsider.” around ISO martial art H of 2,726. Lncourage o' and adm ire youi event draw aro their team total bf Junior leagues at Bonoijanza ghg-s been amcussion ! in Sept. 6 •tudentss fifrom southern Idaho. T he Gutter Do)ogs, Monica and »ati nd Margaret an{ l aco.anes in Burley started ?n have started t tl-Boise. Rich Morrow am Saturday. However, t h ^ wil suffered a comast (a defender) and — DeweyI, roWatson, lled 2,704 t..' cW *‘♦0 per game againstd B me from slightly G U N S ~ ird place. iccept bowlers. C ost is $4( win $160 and thir< hild, which includes eightIt vweeks , ..j pasania said. “And she q I Rounding outt the prize list » 11 smr md aT- ' gi^i slid BUY* SEU.« TRADE It 2.6S6 was tht jun,f bowling, sanctioning and ... I landed on my D fourth place at ;et those b eh in d ,” Alarnd shoulder.” ' i'l the seasor BAKJAK teanam. All were hirt. -F Call 678-8395 and get Rapic[ds end tl B lain e, B o b b ie , aduuniors signed up. , . flipped me y.. put Alania out of IDAHO || COIN GJUiERIES , Thompsons - B head, neck anc Jerry. . the-Finally, just a reminder c n for two games. 302 N. liUln,Twln Fell*. W. 8330C • Kathaleen and Je idult/Junior Halloween NloTapat o l .j-he in ju ryas been slow. She’s \ N In other bowlin,ing news... , ^ J et. 28. co m m issio n 7 3 3 -8 5 9 3 : an award for tht 1 Idahe Bowladromc on Oct one goal pince, but two ties,>, win, loss If there were 0 Vction starts a t 2 p jn . ALso, w ithi :. Rich Farnsworth ent love of bowling. 1 :didio State Senior Champio ^ Twin Fain Rapid*• 1;1; Wood Rhrer 1 Abtibbcy W aters __n would be first inir line. His 1999 • enc ind Kristi aitries need to be in by th is' Wood RIvef 3; Twin»ln Fan* Rapids 0 2000 ending avererage waS'178. Bui S a n o ’s at CandledleridRe£ ^ ^ G r i n d s t a f f 1, he developed a jnd. ' The Twin Fallalls Rapids ended >rokc the con- I ■ iininm w late last season, So let’s go bowling!______their scnson wi«with a l-l-l scries f™ very painful arm•m problem. He is 1 : COURSE & DRIVING RANGE OPE| ,st Wood River. j idenceft of the Joctor’s care and boi — rccord against u n io r high River. now under a do a weekly )dy Graham scored at left arm back to • Na77ic/mo Tuckcr writes a u Midfielder Kody dominating midfield play ly by hopes to gel that bowling column for Thee 7Times- jS S S T GOLF C from outside the,eciBhteen. e ^ lunnah Evans and Angie Ilegm .•gtnan bowling. Hisve loveof th e game has 43i rrat 733- Assistant coachich Tony Wunderlich ;g, however, and News.chr You can contact her a v e re a lso k e y to th e victory. kept him going 43S7, bl) e-mail a t ttuckerjlrla ended their sen- cUclubs from Robert Stuart, t l i r - son on a winmnjiing note, us second- O’lO’CcHiy juhlor higK wore nd RroM were Uric Hovey,cy, Bcih Sccond RroisIS iiin the championship Beck nnd Dick nnd Betty Pcitu.lit. Roy riiRhl were Kerr;erry Daniel ond Nolon McDowcU. C(.n.lyn Snitwfield nnd Jim Child* with a 144.44. while Andy Fink ond nnd Gnyle Ree* earned first nnet e t. r»l- 1 a 122 for low.net honor*. D ay Pond fired u 1 lowed hy Dour Bryton. Ronyoa T li uylor • Sccond not withth iu 123 were Thornlcy und Troy iind I Jbm Bonlell. and WilUaiM and Ed NNoel, w hile lap weni 10 The next couples eycnlc n l nt , 8 1 Bill Kinyon undi DoDon G rubbs wilh o 59. OmdleridRc will the HowlinRiR utu th e ‘ i S S O p l i Swn Ayers nndand Rich Robert* *hoi a M(«.n tourney Oct. 2H. Wilh u noonoon shot- Juy one , 152 fo. 0 ih a re• of fint Ri«« in ihe fint Rim ^ stnrt. ihe formal will be lour-p-ir-pcrson ------§~fliflhi-wi;h~Rog< Bnrjn«^r and Boh lam hpsi______McCoy. Firtt ne t »wilh o 118 were Lnny I r^ n l l " ^ nincfof *cmmWe. Cnll1 th th' e pro S lm ii and M oi1 MMoRnelli. followed by ibop 01733-657710 cnier. id Daryl Eriksen. who FREH G ory Yo»l n n d 1 recorded a 122., ULop were Kevin Koonce iMOn awiihoGO. ClClew U k e l»dl« conchnJ# eldy play carded a 158 loIO > win th e sccond uiRht A: Oci. 12 w ilh a nine-hole scrnmble.>le. O leta - e a d i n g ? RTots, IWO strtjkei,kef ahead of Mike EllU O Ictty Lou tier. Finn net were Ron RRol^rts, MorRc Skinner und Bcti; and David Butlei Wilson look fim Rrosj with JI. • Cook ond Kevinrin V an llo o ier w lih 116. e E d d ip i you still rt :rc Dick Andrca*en nnd CoroinR in w iih 33 w ere h ( W h y a r e «econd nel were Wliiiney. Janice Stovi-r. FreidaI W olden Joe Andrca»en-n 'wilh a 120. and Jeff lorlie Cutler collected lup und ui I’hyUi* Toylor. U.w net were l u m b e r . ) WiUon nnd C h a ri G rindstnff. Bev CundioRii. Roic _ ____ honor* with n 59. - G und Jennnc Albun. Mo»i Improved Rolten for theth e y e o r : toll-fre e m hdoMStVintjfan] teumey I m e etin g Call th a t i ?R R Y -T h e nice* for first. »iiwnrd* w ere handed out nt « m i GLENNS FERT followinR piny. Honored weree re R ita lird were holly conlwt^ ^ second and third Schvuneveldl nnd Knrma Koch.:h. /A prc- on Sundny nt Ihe Members Only 5> b chompi- at Vineyard Greens Golf luwmiilion wns al«) made lo d u b cJi Toumameni nt > on imd mednllM Oleia Rol>ert*. NNew c offi- I Counc. curs for the year arc I’hyllisis T n y lo r •ct the latest innovative : . I . r im RroM witwith a SS were Rick »nd c res.), nnd c*tc).»550/L/MS.'“ you*" 8CM id Jon ond Ceri Brcenan. :xtci> this offcras simple as it is ones. You’ll even have • \ Shrum. Oseur O Jcnnne Gunnon. wilh Deb Richunhurds nnd a our Motorola-built phone lie Will Spoldlnfc Gordon J iicrnct Scrviccs with TWo-V Blackwell, w hile N«>lo Weover. , and Ncxtel Dircct Com;tcl Online"* W ireless Inter mnicatc with everyone. -- _ Brown. Belty BroiBrown nnd Mory Jnnoiuek r nor ut the ' lys than anyone to communi Mory I’oliicck wn« niRli winner 1 two*way radio feature on noUed down ihird^Ird with a 63. , , bridge inblc ond Doris Kinney acccss to all kinds )ronnccf w — our digitol, twi rent to Ston and Le*lyn ti 10. Low nel wen: ond. Rom: McClain wns llic winnerm er of th e CCS. Giving yoii m ore wayi ^ Phelpi nnd Joh»',h/' ond Karen Frank, who .1 Wireless Internet Scrviccs teamed for u 2424.4. RoRer Jone*. Jody penny F po«- A llen. Jim m y/ O:Orr nnd Debbie Walter H endifun bolM out It PiM unt Var net with o 292. and Dove t Valin were teeond net KIMBERLY - Dove Ilende n d e r s o n and Hatel Rui^uih ond Don ond PeRgy P l c o io n l , t a 31.1 for Ihird. rrecorded a hole in one al 1 le toi phonos are monufactu n id k ram pbell xhot a : Volley Golf Course on Saiurdnylay durinjt ______No»tol sodution's iocwMt. LsMoynelyitee win b«t-n>n« «v«rt 1Ihe Pleasant Valley Men's Assod ■ J . I . H U S LLS - The foursome of ( closinB«romble. t w i n f a l l Henderson aced the sixlli bolelote w tth a - B H I l Jm Jones nnd Henri and K evin n n d IClm 3-iron. Witnessing ibe shot wererere Kirby ,ng outhoitied agonts and retailors.ors. including:1 Mflrtn L cM oyntyne made ihe most of nn ■ /ill Eoion. cr nftcmoon Sunday, cord- N ebeker, Vic D.imall ond Will Indian cummer ( . Henderson’s lenm alw won ibee scrnmso ble inR a n in e -hole o le 23 10 win ihe annual - 1 Noxt«l I* ava,lablo at partielpaling AuthofUod Ropros* with o 62. Frost if on the Pumpkin Best-Nine ' Get unlimited | Magic Cell ^rook Communications 222 Oluo U ko* Blvd., N. DIuo Lakc* Blvd.. *4 Two-Way Messagtng 1 Twin Fall* ^ ^ C odar Cm- Twin Falls----- ...... 208-734.6744 ----- D ffice 440 bil203-73fr-7600 \ fo r SIO.OO on Nextel Sa1«s Off " 208-280-3150ISO - - - Vjlloy Communications ' 21Cellular Plus 76 South Main HE’S BAI.CK» Falls Av«.. Suite BIB To Have Him. one phone, an d ’ Aberdeen ...An^ WrA/r Happy Tv Bl b CTwin Fall* 208-397.4575 208-734-7336 Kttt Roy h» joined Cem Sute Realty'iiTy'sPmfcsuorali^ it free on th e other. 770 Fal ______PtOTo: NXFT00-27V3SB ' 1 Etiaie Suirhrinpng »iih him 0%-cr 20 y)tan «retienee in t K Property MmajTmcni 21 \ Real Eit«SakvArrr>i«l&Proi -ount* and <* ba*od on MSRP for tNoKtoi plu* erodil approval roqulrod and »ub|0CT lo torni* sffer. Ouy ono gol on« froo « n» apply. Now octivalton and erod,.to l. tho Noxtol logo, Noxtol Diroct Cjsnn.et r>», Inc. All ‘ight* ro*ofvod. No»tol Call Ken:n Today! J'700plu»'»l S14<149.99. iSSOASOOplui 't I other oquipmont off*'* o r OUcoi ho Slyllxod M Logo and all othor irodomarV* romotionsl ■grocmont. OKo iHor mi csnnol bo com blnod with otf nieatlom, Ine. MOTOROLA. Thoro tho 5 proporty of tholr ro*poelivo ownor*. * ol ons-ycar proi ct 10 ehjngo, Cortaln roitrieiion*roducl nsmot and •orvleo* aro tl n r , Ken Roytoy NoKtol Onlcr^a.■. » ) STATE RCAl.T' INC. “ luch heroin are iridomirk,*r not o ivtilsble al oil loc»t>or\». O. - G E M S MOO ----- * ' .n d ic .t.d s . .u >rvlco m»rks ol No«tol Com monk 1 4 4 5 A d ddlson ll Avo. East • 734-04C ino »ro tr»domnck* ond/of so'vlt: Pst. » Tm. 0». All othor pro( , o( Motorolo. Inc. Rog- U.S. P. 1 -

Valley In b riaf: I n«JSIDE s ' Rvin Falls J uniorjrQ < u b Obituaries.i ...... C2 sponsore sculptureire g l lil. /ley /W est. . . .C6 Pag'ago C3 ^ E Y . M a\GK ALL Ci/y E/fttor Kevin lUchefT - 7733-0931, Ext. 234 Scction C r s d a y , O cto b er 19,,2 2 0 0 0 ______The Times-New;WS Thursi A r o u >ND 3m s'closcer I LLEY y loc THEVAL ■Elactiornda^ headaches that go with, llthe job. The two chaUengersd u could face 1 morning. I don’t Uke th e coniro- lim b in a predominate- | 'im issioneis prepare and hurting people's fed- So why are they.rufinirling? an uphill dim Automobile ac(ccident Please see candidIdate grids It you’re the o n e who has; “I don'*.f<'aUwwantt ithe job.” ly Republic!lican county. But an j 2 -eIection bid e those decisions and I[ Diler said. ^Ti^rather be>e out farm- upset wouldlid changec not only the ^ f r o m T F to make t iver issues such as I injures th ree fr on p ag e C: guess rmm 1beginning to Uke those,i ing. But there com€» a timeti when debate ove: i Twin Falls in T. Huddy you see these things hthappening dairies, butIt thetl working relation- TWIN FALLS - A 1 • N w writer______responsibilibilides.” woman was in seriousIS ccondition m Tlme*-W« lem adc county livcstodcx^i^e._ Grinds!dstaff. a p p o in te d inI and nothing is being don>)ne about it ship on thle e three-member t com- ; the intensive core unitn it o f a Boise Now, in the Nov.■ 7 election, February,ry, is hoping people will1 and you need to get invo!/olved.” mission, hospital Wednesdayy a f te r being TWININ FALLS - For new com-j they face opponentsts who have to consideration the job) As a longtime envircironmentai «if (Chi;Chisholm) wins, it injured in an early-mom)m ing automo- oners Gary Grindstaff and been active critics of , activist - who, like Ihler,U-, has been wouldn’t change ch my goals or I Jrockman. the orientation ‘he c»n««nmissioners have done, bile acddcnt. Bill Bro livestock operations: inindependent working to do. active in the debate ovover the 3- phUosophies,'ies,” Brockman said. “1 Kasey Weeks, 23, wowas taken by a ^has been a challenge. J can d id ate. Bill Chishsholm faces "They/ haveh: been telling us thatt year -old county liveststock ordi. , „oui,ould change the ques- ' ,t Alphonsus Thea 1longtime residents and° Grindstaff. and write-ie.ln indepen. nance - Chisholm saidJ !he knows aroundnd -• would he be able LifeFllght to Saint . nmmissioners, both appoint- oing the best job we can. Regional Medical Cem• n te r in Boise new con f dent Mike Ihler facessBrockmim. B ■n.crearere certain laws we have to) how to handle contentioi ______to work withiith me?” | , after the one-vehicle cncrash at 12:15 ed to5 ithe job by Gov. Dirk3 “This job is so diffitercm than we can’t just go outside off “I would be an activis k Bill Brockman and I lar 131 South Kemp*jthome, have been facing a anything I’ve ever ddone in my ’ sioner. No, let me put i a.m. Wednesday near 3f contentious issues; budget nd do what w e want to." od enough rdaiionship , Gnmd View Dr. in Twirwin Falls, said slewof< ' Ufe.” said Brockman.n, appointed Grindstaffaff said. vray - I would be an ac : could sit down at the h e riffs Office cut^ pnproblems with the Southem, But It kind of } missioner,” said ChisS o l m 'o f Twin Falls County Shei > Regional Communication in November 1999, “Bi incumbents say the job i discuss lhe issues." spokeswoman Nancy Howell.Ho Waho» I. grow s on you. It kincnd of m akes ^as beenJl 1stressful, and both chai- Buhl, w ho has ru n foi said. Weeks and Dustin ScS chem er, 24, Center,a-, the regional 911 dispatchJJ. you want to go to workw in the s are a w a re of the3 county and state positiot of Twin Falls, w ere ppassengers a in center;:r; and a continuaUy prob- lhe vehidc driven by LoLonny Hollon, 29, also of Twin FaUs,s, IHowell said, _ C a r e e r dDECISIONS _ __ DE('-Q Hollon apparently loist st >control and the vehidc hit a brickc bibuilding near _____ the side of the road, s hhe e ;said. Hollon and Schettnerier were taken _ worlrks on to Magic Vailey R eraoiional Medical Center In Twin Falls,s. HoUon was listed Wednesday in faifair condition, while Schettner had1 b he influence, . . ed driving under the FALLS - The stote Howell said. f TWIN Fii Departmentent of Environmental Quality iss wperations. The ogricul* • - • alls and a baseball cap.ip. | / ^I uMogtnstn, Itfl. Ulkt to Catlll Berrler,& a recruiter for ITT twTechnical Inetltute, at a careai lure deparolartmem wiU attempt to Roy McAlister w asIS 1last seen dri- 81 recruiters from several braibranches of the military. 1 w prtfntitN M from collegas»• alli over the region as wait «i ------work w ithth ithe operation on its ving a 1992 Dodge dliesel ie extended ^ w aste mlanagement an and odor cab pickup. The licens<•nse plate num- ^ \ conffol planjlans if there Ls a notice- ber is 3C446T. The trueruck is blue and blem. gray and has a large fuelfuc tank block* f M~' rd said if the operation ing the rear window,w. It has body I Former dlies continuesIS tot be a nuisance thu primer on the fromont and rear. ■^winFalills residilent, Sarnta perfc Departmenlent of Agriculture can “McAlister” is w ritten•n «on both sides Oman in h er mid-20s in lhele would add more pepeople an d take legalII action.a< of the tnJck. A worn Id go to four Under• sttstate rules, no industri- Information aboulI RoyR McAlister ByBlwrandon Flala sl Olympics program toldId some nights he would tB-Wew» wfftter ______Please see obttilt“ a r y - C 2 y Hirschkom th at she hadid or five houses.” ul or nnimaimal operation can emit should be rep o n ed im m ediatdy to n performed gaseous odorsodo into the air. the Caribou County ShSheriffs Office ■ stopped believing in Wesley Hirschkom WIN FALLS - Christmasas ■■ ------1 builuffet restau- g "" ) ’s from e a rly D ecemm b er u n til But actuidually enforcing,those at 208-S47-2561, thle e Idaho State TWI I Claus. The woman’s as, to Howards knowl- ir any other law may bbt e a little less complete thishis ant on B lu e rcsponstnse brought te a rs to peo-o- Christmas Eve each year.yt rules has, Policc at73W 060, o r a th our niece edge, not>t yety been succes.sful in enforcement agency.r. year. ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ Lalrnk's "hen a pis'scye:yes, Geri H irschkom said.1. “He was great with Ittle kid th ere . Wesle- said B rad coun. Asideside from irying to work A pcpopular Twin Falls residentm t Utl ;Iey Hirschkom first start-rt- und n e p h e w ,” sa r operations, nothing else ► has played Santa Claus sailaid he looked perfo’rforming as S an ta Claus in Stimpson of Kimberlyly. “He did a 'viih the op Jght to w h o h can-reaUyly be done. Howard and Volunteers^oug ry Christmas for IJ yearsirs______likike S a n ta Califomim ia in the early 80s, Gen great job.” I , every sited tho othcrssoid'lid Wednesday. , — help^wlthtestlniIng-plan------dJed-Tl-Tuesday.------:------______:iaus. and I HirT. “I think something • ards. Youcc1 couldn’t look at him and not ^ becausc my mothei 1 be done on a stale level, achievement standard iw it,” said his wife,'Gerieri Hiiirschkorn him ifif he1 w ould p erfo rm as him.” Stimpson sai Development of a1 tetesting plan to k n^ I, and he would say he is ise you’re going to see an ichkom. performed as Saranta for any Santa, □ book, he was a pr< “ S S Tin tthat i is going to affeci a . accompany the newew state stan- ak- group that asked hiihim. in d u d in g Santa.”.” unpaid service positicition. The State tri^ ii 3 respects with thee standard of lich cost the lation of state surface and iniilly scheduled for Oct. 30. RLEY - T he price tag for T h at design, whic I Board wiU select nin[line volunteers TIC- health care practice:e applicable to BURI ,ot ciiy 56.000. will nolow cost the groundwaIwater pollution rules - terms or term , Th®le case involving family prac- id in the mod- a Burlerley s k a te p a r k ju st got ordng odor rules will be I to serve two-year te n er Wendell WeUs, who has physidans engaged ’ city a little morere to have but enforc lengths determinedd tby the boord. dnone ion ical spedalty of faramily p ractice markeded down. rhitect Brent tough bcca>ccausc of the state’s nui- n sued by Fam and Don rley officials developmg, a tweaked. Utah archi waiver for agricultural One commissioner■ wwill be chosen been b e in Burley.” Wells wrivrote. Burle 'ce Morris recently toldi ithe city the sance wai state’s six geo- Swen:jnson of Burley, will be I motion Tor th e skatee park | for Burley once ons in the Ri^u to Farm from each of the sta heduled for sometime afterter Wells had filed a n for design was too gearared toward operations ' graphical school disdistrict regions •ict delay in order to obtain ob medical thoughght a c o n c re te park for d a d v a n c e d law. I. 1, 2001, said Sth District eboarders and. in-line,nc intermediate and Right to Farm Act does a ' and three commissic;sioners will be Feb. J documents from theth Swensons skateb 50 level skateboardo;:ors, Mitton - “TlieRif geJ.W Uliam Han. :al d o cu m e n ts sk atenors would cost close to real sen.'itr\-ice to Idaho,” Howard ; chosen as at-large me:members. xSthe Swensons are alleging[ng and other medicol snid. 1 Applicants can submitsui a letter The Ion that would supip p o rt W e lls’ 5200,00,000. . city officials, said. "Bu■But it may need to be lls misdiagnosed Don ,tc Morris met with ci d a bit.” ; of interest outliniining personal d efen se, WeUs’ atiittorney Hans Butt at recent look at skate u n s p eo p le nson’s illness. un Tuesday. parkss in i U tah sh o w ed thatt a parents and your , more stringent laws and I background, commununity involve- I a complaint datedced Mitchell said in cour ; ,0 Wednesday to find oout what the i tilTn tional interest. ^ Boise attom ey. fadlity,ty the size Burley warns lo :ions are drasm up. rest- ment, and educatio em ber 1997 and filed in Sth The Swensons’ Be jre people of Burley b e fo re Nov. 1. ,ka Debrha Camahon.1. said she did i would y, be $10 per square SS"md offidals vsill just have .: LeUers are due be trict-Court .in_Minidoka •ity skate park. ick and wait it out. 1 Selection review wil^ b e ongoing.- ells ■ nofoppose the moilotion becouse or or about 590,000. said dty mty, the Swensons «y W ^ ords she sent Morris said he’ss seen skate 1 Falls County ; 8<>Jhe S ta te B o ar rd d en co u rag es ^ sd > to “consider the pt^bllltyUty so m e of th e recor nistrator M ark Mitton. ,iQS ■ through the maU hadhi been lost. -j},ge original^ figure was based5ed p a rk s g e a re d forr advanced commissi,issioiier Gary Grindstaff 1 po'tential volunteeieers to submit t (the) plaintifrs symptoms itn. s k a te b o a rd e rs . Hele cites the e was „ hopeful the new I'applications as soon)on as possible. \ ^ C arnahan also saiclid th e re w ere gsjj,stimates from representn- r indicative of non-Hodgkins adn’t received jse skate p ark in Ogdeilen. Utah, as guidelinesnes would help the coun- ; Application m aterialials can be sent phoma," did not conduct an docum ents she hac s of P u rk iss-R o se 3on from the defendant, he an example. As a nresult, some -Thereere is a bad odor problem 1 to Gregory G. Fltcltch. Executive m and failed to recognize Don ‘Lr, oHoinnllv Londs(dscnpe Architect, the to Brigham the county,”cou Grindstaff said jnd T h e trial had bei)een originally omia com pany th at recent-.nt- young people travelA ! Director, Statee B oard of Cwen-‘nson’s needs were beyond (or City to uso the pariirk there, he Wednesdoaday. “Something needs I Education, P.O. Boxox 83720, Boise. physician’s scope of care, set for May 30. ly conompleted a design for •y’s skate park , The differ-fer- Please see PiPARK. Page C3 to be doneone.” ' 83720-0037. We]^ells was not at Tuesday’sIlid Pieaso see,eTRIAl..Pa8eC3 Complied fmfrom Staff reports hearlnring and his receptionist said 1 . .f ■

C-a TtawNrws, Twinrto Fait*,f idihe T lindn. October:«r 19,2000 M a g ic Valley -S e r v i c" i E S — ^ —-O b i trU A R IE S - / u iehelle Smith, Violaola W ern ick e o f Shosfio|»e, tp.m. fef next-dey pubHcetlon.n. Athlynd Miel ■0931, Ext. 278. between 2 p.m.i.m. et)d 5 p.m . Monday th ro u gX h :5«utd«. OudUia !• daughter of Justi.tin and Aleesha gravesieside services at 2 p{m. For oWtuaiy ratesItes end Infoimallofl, cell 73W)9 ly, graveside ser- Fridayay at the Shoshone Dertttnottc—> fere l e free service end tm beI plpieced until B p.m. every dey.______— Smith of Kimberly v ice s a t 2 p.mI. . to d a y a t th e C emetery. ete ,, and Rebekah Lodge meet- m ily o n d frie n d s may Call Falls, and became a chorlerished survival events, a :)* S u n set M em orialal Park in Twin Famil ssa (Parrish) ol Twin Fa Her abilily to yodel and har- 1-7 pjn. today at Demaray’s nham. handbook for couruntioss women ings. Her from 1-7 T winIN F a l l s Saho. Anna Millor o( BelHnghj 0 was unique. She encour- Falls. ^ioss). battling broast camincer. The book monizo v Shoshonhone Chapel. ______Wash-. asl John. Elizabeth (Ros her family to lollow In her drew, was solectod as a finalist In the agod he d Patterson of Matthew. a tt Hannah, Andr< al lootstops. and they ^allall Dean Edward all o( 1997 Books (or Better Living musical nia A. Johnston of Gooding, Tim•nothy o and Rebekah Duff ali \ d to play instruments.-alna,ng, Domlelly» memoriirial ser^ces a t 10 Clara Emily, Awards presentedJd in Now York learned I Parke’s Magic servicesices at 11 a.m. Saturday: at S p)ringliold. ri) Mo,. Lovi. Em luod to lead the and mallake music a part of theireir a.m . to d a y a t F laddous. Luke and Natharhaniol Clly. Laura conlinui ll H om e, 2551 the Gowhooding Christian Church.; T h ac ration Fund (or lives. EdiEdna was a 4-H leader for 12 'Valley Funeral cks of Walla Waiia. Wash.;; ihthroe Expedition Inspira ■ny TTwin l Falls. FamlJimily a n d frie n d s m ay ah and Ramah Miller of Sea'jealtio, Icaled pursuit ol a c leeded lo be done, she was Weyerman of Demaratray’s Gooding ChapeL j /od by cancer. This organi;nization’s annual thing nee ^as Verlen R. V ash- Phylrts is also survived s there to holp. Edna loved a t 1 1 ajn. today ron of symposium of aminemont breast can- always tl 'e‘1 Rupert, services a tw'o o brothers. Eldo Lindgror ding her Strickland family m«8 Edwnrd Turner of Fi|er, idgren cer researchers hhas becom e a attendin ' jy at the LDS Rupeilert 10th and 3rd Jam Yakliiklnia. W ash, and Ken Lindg ns. One of her most reward- ices at 1 p.m. Saturday;at renowned nationanal conference reunions, i°: W ard, 526 S. F St.t, serv ice Paulsbo.Pa Wash, hievements w as publishing a alb F u n e ra l H om e, 863* S. death promising to deliviiver earlier and Ing achie 9.® Family and fririends may call Dekalb Phyllis v^as preceded In de 01 g e n e a lo g y for h e r family, gress Blvd. ia Smlthviile, Pastor better treatment lo0 overcome this book ol ,0^.; . one hour beforeB services at the Congre by/ her parenis; husband Pa: and BoycJ moved to Emmelt n. ( ^ I te Mortuary in T>Wn Myron dreadful disease, LiLaura continued Edna an Mortuary Rupert Tenn. C V ■n H ic k s a n d o n e b r o th e r. My 0. to be closer to their family,,iiv chiuxh (Hansen M to carry her mesessage across in 1980, Falls).»). ndgren of Yakima. Wash, ver, many enjoyable sum- Chapel). a held America as a mu(luch-requesied Howeve ii Funoral services will be h w e r e s p e n t a t tn e Hill Clly 2 p.m. motivational speasaker. In 1997. mers wc Saluiilurday. Oct, 21, 2000. al 2 f after their move to Emmett, f God Laurawasolectoda: a member ol the ranch af s a t Ihe First Assembly of C honors and awards came hor Burial Illustrious Explorer':ir's Club of New Manyhoi C hurlurch In Twin Falls, Idaho. Bi ghoul her many way, butsut she was the proudest lo willill follow al the Sunset Memcjmorial York City. Through lother. Grandmother and OTICES- accomplishmonts, rnon-profit work be Mot -D ei A T H N O )rk. tivities. Laura's Great-Gr•Grandmolher to her two chil-ihil- Friends may call Friday. Ocl.)cl. 20. and climbing activ Weeley Art\rdell lon for lile and dren amand spouses, six grandchil* lert Cemetery in Rupeiit, )00. Irom 1-4 p.m. and Saturcturday. boundless passio and two greal-grandchltdrfln,m Romanda MalaryBupclwtt 10 . Services are under the }0 a.m. infecllous onth'usia?lasm have mado dren, an' HirschkamT n gct. ; ? 21. 2000. from 10-11:30 £ ovod attending all ol theiriQlr RUPERT - RF o m an d a M ary rmany devoted activiilas Ing pel in Twin FaUs. Twin Falls dlodlod Tuesday, Oct. 17, ^omome. 2551 Kimberly Rd, in 1 ormance or ball game, y, Oct. 18,2000, at friends. Sho alwayays delighted In a por(orr died Wednesday, • 2 0 0 0 . a l m e M agic Valloy pgKsIlls, la ended her earthly fourney’’®)' h er son's home hin Moore, Idaho. o d ic a l C e n te r In Twin lomori- making others hapjppior and moro Edna ' Regional Modii The family requests lhat men ost porsonal joys surroundm ded by love at her home' on Funeral scrvlceces win be held at UUrBa^ Eari Otsen coniributlons be given in h e r luUilled. Her g re a to s Falls. se of peace and Monday,ay, Oct. 16, 2000, at the age’B® 2 pjn. Saturday,\ O> ct 21, 2000, at JERCJROME - Curids Earl Oise i, Wes was bornbor on April 6. 1920. School included Iho sense im e to the Tonga Bible Scl; lorionced In tho ol 82. -H Ransen Mortuaryry Rupert ChapeL 40,ofje.f Jextjme died Friday. Oct 1?, in M a n tro d . N.D, N.C tho son of Daniol ■o •Twin Falls Assembly of'f GGod, renewal sho expei vivors include her husband, . Idaho high mouniains of distant conti- Surviv ,n d Family and frieieiiuls may call one 2 0 0 0 , in pnd Borlha GlaserGla Hirschkorn. Ho ^gg39 Locust St. N.. Twin Falls. Id of Emmett: daughter and !;^!2 ^«SK ductedii nents br-near hor bibeloved home In.. Boyd.ol the service on Servii ' (ifsi aitendeicted school al-ihe J 3 0 1 ,. ;e Perry and Gloria Sulton.| ol h o u r b efo re tl Idaho, day-hiking oron the numerous spouse. ajn .,, SsS am r& y ; O c t 21,2000, lit Sheyonne R Ri iv e r A c a d e m y in ion and 3^>ouse, Duane and irails around Sun\ VValley wilh her Ola;, sor le held at a later the Hove-Robertsdn He FunerftI H a r v e y a n dj laterli weni to high Harrison of Emmett; one sls- =“S S „ i U b e Bernese Mountainn Dog, Brewski. Lillian Hi Chapelpel in Jeiym e. No viewing M school in Fes=essendon, N.D, HO' K e t c h u m )y Hoover of Emmett: and oneone date, ,S. Navy in 1940. lor a She loved opportunijnlHes to practice ter, Joy I nay be made to plannedined. o _ ; joined me U.S. ch and always brotherier. Roy Strickland of Donations mi t. W es was honorably ^ her fluent Frenct 21 year stint. V jortunily to enter- Prinevllville, Ore.; grandchildren,o n . S outh E astern CDistrict Hospice, dischargedI in 1969. as a chief & glowed al Ihe oppo e th TO Idaho 83213. M a r y IK lain Irionds and famimily. In h e r q u ie t. M a le r aa :Sutton of Boise. Kenneth P.O. Box 806, Ara iry Evelyh Brown p e tty oH Icer., Inlr 1969. he and his (Cassic) Sutlon o( Ola. Its are under the t w D relleclive moments,:s, Laura enjoyed and (C »a- Arnuigemenu wm FALLS - Mary Evclj n tamlly settledid ini Caiilornia whoro ce Sutlon of Boise, Kealoha good books andd writing (n her Wallace direction of Ha[ansen Mortuary grown,wn, 81, of Twin Falls, died he worked lor3f FFoster Farms boforo ■ A Michael) Harmon of Kirkland, ■ ■ lit ovor-presont lournalial, a n d (Ml« R u p m o u p d . W ednednesday, Oct. 18; 2000, t b u y in g th e Rocky Ro< Village Cafe in -M . Elisha Harrison of Emmetl, lloy. Ho lalor woni to « L au ra will b e blest e : remembered Wash.. I ,, Chapan Catheys Valloy mily for her cher- and Mal4alla Harrison of Emmell; two S^^airaSem ents wiU Be work tor Josoproph Gallo Farms for 20 ■ by friends and fami l-grandchildren. Kendrad^rS VirgfiiiaBradid le y Fune Ished personal qqualities ol an great-g o u n c^ W White Mortuary bf years before) retiringrc to Twin Falla,. H ■1, and Jessica Pattan; specialiclal SCOTTSDAUaE , Arix. - Virginia announ always ready smile,ie, unfailing posi- Sutton, t Idaho, Wes mme et G ori B oyle wtiilo In ' V •-in-law and brother-in-law,aw. B radley. 82, ot Scottsdale,£ Ariz. TwinnFalls. Ft ; live outlook, bourundless energy, sister-ir the Navy andid IIhoy were laior mar- n and Ruth Harrison ol r Oae Magic Valley strength, inielllgencnco, humor, gen- Zane i dJ . and fonneriy of t riod in 1957,, WesW was an avid auc- J )rman and Fairfield and y. Oct 17,2000, in BeTttl erosliy and, of coui3urse, her zeal to H agern ="2 ; diedonTuesilay. rtha Dalos tion goer andnd salsa makor, and irous nieces, nephews and le Times-News salsa H make the most cof her second numero ' aScottsdflJsho^Brftal. ' BTJHUHL - Bertha Dalos, 8 8 , of had won the Laure w ants all cousins.n s. , Servtoaarepepen^tlw^den- 11, died at her home-pn making conlosilost several yoars ago. ^ ■ K chance at life. L( 3 w a s p r e c e d e d In d e a th b> ^ ■ ■ 1 women wilh breast9t c a n c e r to kn o w S h e w ',ll' Waggoner FunenMil Chapel. Boise. Wedne;inesday Oct 18,2000, S e i ^ The highlightiht of every yoar was parents. Bert and Myrtle Ita Claus for area chil- thai the cancer ththat claimed her her pa p e n d in g a n d will : pe playing Santa J unrelated to her StrlcklaKiand; two brothers, Jamee ounced by tbe Farmer Funepd dren. and heho w as .thrilled to bo was separate and t 3arnet Sirlckland and one rsis. UVarCariisIs l e N a h a h axmoun earlier bout with1 tbreast cancer, and Qai S a n ta in th o) T'Twin Falls Chrisimas uth Buckles. TWINFALLSs -LaVar'Carlisle ChapelipeL j 1999. His greatest joy |H ■ ■ which sho conqueilered. She would ter, Rutr parade in 199 morlals may be made to youi 8 6 r Twin Falls died ing time with his Iwo tell those women to go forward with Memc • N elson, , of 1 was spendinG Id Iho knowledge favoritelie charity or organization, Tuesday, Oct.. 117, 2000, at the M yrtlpth Black grandsons, L ai courage, faith and .aura Evans I overcome breast Care • and W e s is survi'irvived by his wifo, Gori , 51 of that you. too, can 0 S u n b rid g e WIN FALLS - M yrih Black, Laura Evans, ago 51. ir o l h e r w i s h e s , n Center in Twin HIrschkorn1 oof Twin Falls; two ue'sdav cancer. In honor R u p e r t Rehabilitation of Twin Falls d i ^ Wednesday. ;etchum passed away on Tues will be released d a u g h t e r s , Lalia L: Hirschkorn ol t peace Laura's ashes wi Falls. . 18, 2000, at Twin FaUs C ^ fterntxjn. Oct. 17. 2000, at pi It o l Ml. R a in ie r, Funeral serviciIces win be held on, King City. Call:alil. and Rua and hor nd at home. In the lo’lovlno upoh summit Ite r. ! swing a where her fervor Iclor climbing was , 2 0 0 0 , at 1 1 ^ . at husband Marllarlin Anihony of Twin m brace of her lamily lollowli Friday, O ct 20,2 'uneral arrangements are Falls; two son?ons Dennis Hirschkorn Reynolds Fune: id i^ and wiU be aniiounccdby allant year-long battle with a t survived by her of M erced.I. Calil.' and Blaino '’°S u ,a Evans IB ,, - Bishop Randy H jm o r. , _ Id. Ro'ger, ol ite Mortuary of Twin FflUs- : Hirschkorn ofol Tucson. Ariz : ono I Fulton loving husband Burial take plactice at 2 pjn. at the Laura Steele was born in ru lo; hor mother,- sisier. Oarloonion Blum of Berwyn. 111. was the Ketchum. Idaho: ^0. on Jan. 8. 1949. She was s and her sister ' f Also survivingng are two grandsons. 7ftn ol Eleanor Williams econd of four chlldrer loth of Carlisle, I Wesley Antfnthony and Daniol ‘rofessor Charles SteeleIQ and Martha Lutz, boi a fs e d in P enn.; h er s is te r Elizabolh Eli Norby of A nthony, •leanor Steele. Laura w as raisi and her brother —HoSPl*ITALS — He was prepreceded in deaih by |'f ‘ dulted Morrison, Colo ; a Sranvllle, Ohio and gradui Madison, Wis, his parenis, andan his brother. in 1967 Jelfroy Stoole. of M, rom Granville High School in 1 ices aro planned MAGIC VALLX EY REGIONAL Funeral serve rv lc o s will b e hold at 3 ninrQhio Momorial serviC' aura w as awarded a scholai ay, Oct. 29. 2000. MEDICALlLCENTER p.m. on Frida;d a y . O c i , 20. 2000. al Lau S a ^ for 2 p m.. Sunday 0 Siophons College in Colun Hotel Banquet are omitted at the ’ Reynolds Funoral Fu Chapel with ' larhoior at the Elkhorn I- Some names ax Ao. whore she earned a bad in will follow. Reverend Johro h n F o rste r ol Iho Filor fshion Room. A rocopllon patient’s request;t )l ( in o a r t s d e g r e e in f a s ors Laura's wishos Nazareno Church C officiating. ' linor in Tho family honor: AdnIm itted fesign coupled with a mini iy c o n trib u tio n s In ch, Lloyd Reiger Military ritos5 bby aroa veterans and ^ronch. While a r.iudenent at by requesling any Pamela Reich auxiliary, Burii.urial will take place al iffi hus- tribute to LauraI 'ss 11(0 a r o m a d e both of Twin Fallills Jtephens. she mot hui future lodition Inspiration tho Sovenirnth Day Adventisi jra and eitf’Of IHgasmissed , )and. Roger Evans. Laura 1209, Ketchum. ID Com etery in iManlred. N.D al a 71 and PiJrid. P.O, Box 42i Esther Jenseten of Hagennan, ^ogor wore marriod in 1971. splco ol the Wood later dale. looelhor 63340 or tho Hosp Joseph Shobe of'fTw inFaU s 3ogan an advenlurous lile tog' P.O. Box 4320. 03 Friends maynay call today 'irom 3-6 hat included living, at varvarious River Valloy. P. ^ngL?os! Ketchum. ID 03340 p.m. with lan"lamily to greet frionds imes, in Switzerland. Los Ang I Schut -MINIDOKA:A MEMORIAL Irom 5-0 p m,-atm,- Reynolds Funeral Denver. Bosion. San FrandsccSCO a n d J a n ! n Schut, 90-year-old Rupeiiport HOSPiPITAL ' ' C h a p e l. In lieu of flowers, the fami- sun Valley. Whilo pursuing hoth o r pro- liMM, are omitted at the ; menrjorials be given lo r e Xi«ni ; died Tuesday. Oct, 17. 17 Some names 83 m i ly s u g g o s is m essional careor In clolhingJ di d e s ig n □n Heart Association or 3. at Minidoka Mafnorissrial patisnt*s requestst the American 3ver the noxi twenty years.S, Laura L EdHB B. H arr 2 0 0 0 . prison nded Care Facility, Adidm itted to Ihe Veieraerans of World War II vorked lor some of Ameri Contrlbullons may bo ion. 82. ol Emmalt n w as born March 26,1910,10, ini Francisco Diazaz of Paul Memorial, Co oariinn skiwoar and sports!,K«oar EO™II Faltlleld died .. 05 ^ j[iuial-chapof-sta i cerc ei in 1995. by 17 breastt cicancer Normal School,Sc where sho Netherlerlands. Four more sons wei survivors.su i This succosslul climb clli ot ifainod lo be a tea3Bchor. Edna loved born1 herohi in Idaho, He had worke hbors. Argentina's Mt. Aconceicagua. ,oaching. and evene« though sho q s aI custodian ci for tho LDS Churc;S . neign (23 000') the highest mounlijnlain in Q^|y (aught two0 years, she had jor linenin and half years, He was/a s a ^ j ihEIhe W estern Hemisphero. waswa: foa- ,Qnd memoriess of those times goi(-e-employed carpenter. H e tutured r In a PBS documontar'tary film loaching in a ane-roomon school- hocanam e a citizen of the Uniten ite d shishowing those couragoous; w(w o m e n , h o u so al Hill C ity/ and£ Corral Creek, gtatesOS in 1959. He retired In 1980580. ■— cco-lod o by Laura andJ Peteri ^ young, handstIsome man, Boyd e is j su rv iv e d b y h is wl(e AnrA nna _ wWhlltakor t of R£Rainier Harrison, onterecod her 11(0 and as =tupert , and seven childre om SPOT... Mountaineering,Me demonstratirating tho seomed to be1 a£ ritual in rural lise , (Dirk) Dicou of Rupei strengthsir of breast cancer sursurvivors Amorica. Iho youiDung single farmer ho. Jan (Alene) A. Schut while raising $2 million (or mimedical swept tho "schoclOol m a rm - off h e r d y , U tah, D ia n a (Larry) Wall Arlene Hicks roiresearch. Laura and hor clirc lim b in g jqq| e ^ n a a n d Boyd Be married Juno iqula. Idaho, Robert (Debbl Phyllis Ar toam woro honored at theie While 9 i94i_ and sotBt up a successful >rlene Hicks. 71, ol Twin [oj ut ol Apple Valley. Calif., Chi P hyllis Arloi Houso in a privato receptionion hosi- larming and randiching operation at 10. dlod Thursday. Ocl. "C rl) Schut ol Pocatello. Idah Falls, Idaho. ed by Hillary Rodham ClintorMon. a n d Hill C ity w ith Boyd's oj brother and at SI. Joseph's Hospital op j (Sandy) Schut ol Taylorsvlli 1 2 . 2 0 0 0 . a t al a privato rocoplion at thele IUnited sister-in-law. Ano 2 and Ruin ( m In Bellinghamlam. W ash., (oliowing an is (ather and moth- Utah,h, and Thao (Nancy) Schut Stales Supreme Court, host'osted by Harrison, and his )ert, Idaho; 37 grandchildri To sell your used car, you ...... o x to n d o d illneIln e s s______Justice Sand/a Day O'Conionnor, a Elisha andI Mabol^ Harrison. Ruper rcach over 9 0 ^ prospcctt, •,. S h e w ais s bornI in Ridgefiotd, Ju ays bo found cook- and140 4( greai-grandchlldren. fe llo w s u r v iv o r of b r e a s t C£cancer, gone could alway le was preceded In deathth I by B A B B E L S CLEANERS C wiSwllh o 3 line classlOri ad /or W ash, on AuiAug. 29. 1929 to Harold J®' selected ing meals for largrge hay crews, dri- He Subsequently. Laura was sei parents, three brotherc,, oi o n o it doggone good: aat remowin* ipot*- day;days in the Timce-Ncws, Mngic; and AliceI V. Johnson LindgroQ. ch on ils ving truck, movin'ing cows, or what- his p£ rried Pastor Jim Hicks on to o carry the Olympic torch ndson, one granddaughterr aai n d Bring iuaU (be "ol‘old friend.- bansing V*Values, Ag Weekly & on the. Phyllis marrie iourney to tho 1996 OlyOlympic ovor needed 0to be done on the grandi 1965. To Iheir union woro 1°' I great-grandson, out In yoiywtfdo»ttI InlInternet fbr only $25 DUCKS. . J u n o 11, 196: G am es In Atlanta. Sho waswos also ranch. Moot afof all Edna was a one gr children. Deborah. Mary uneral services wlll be heldSld at born threo ch appointed lo serve on the U.S. wonderful mothoilor to hor two chil- Fun s n K s n r n H P5. you con sell a lol of other Jam es Charles Hicks. Jr. a.m. Saiurday, Oct. 21.2000,0 0 , a t Bolh and Jan Department - ol • DeD efense dren. Gloria andj Duano.( and a lov- 11 a.n «tuH w ith one of th ac Uttle. ^ they postered churchos Rupert W est Stake Cenier. Together the Commission awarding fosresearch ing wifo lo hor huslusband, Boyd. the Ri Alan nokyjijiliiiiii (but effective) ads.' 3. C alif.; Y akim a, W ash.; C< 1 0 0 W ., w ith B i s h o p All in Tulolake. C (undlng to promising broaslSl ccancer Edro was prou'Dud to b o a 5 0 y o a r S . 1C olc : Twin Falls and 'u' K^ell ofdclating. Burial willill fi(ol- Delta. Cole research piojocis nationwideido. member o( tho FalrlloldP Rebekah Mex^ Call 733-0931 ext 2 Idaho. Jam os Hicks Sr. fo In the Rupart Cemelery. Fam-amity Fruilland. Id£ In 1995 Laura was furthethor hon- Lodge and was1 ai c tiv e a s lo n g a s low In or 677-4042 (Burley)’'^; 3ise, Idaho, on Oct. 16. ] friends may call at HanS'jn s e n died in Boist ored by her alma malor. StoStephens her health allowc«od. holding many and fi rtuary Rupert Chapel on Frid 1995. College, as their "NaNational offices. She was3S p r e s i d e n t of th o M ortui F'laay B A BIBELS l K S u rv iv o rss irincludo two daughters. Ci nd dellv- Ladies Auxiliaryy Patriarch Militant eveniming from 6-8 p.m. andi o n e ^TheTim es^Jew ' lan) Millor of Bollinflham, Alumnae of the Year" and - . Debbie (Dan; orod the college’s commencancement of the State o( IdIdJ ah o In 1 9 8 0 -1 9 6 1 .; h ojr u r prior to the service atit t th e ...... ; C L i E AVNERS ^[MR Fallt d Mary Beth (Marshall) W ash, and ^ addross. In 1996, Laura'ss pperson- Edna was also anai assoclaio mom- churclirch on Saiurday. ^ 228 Shosh rs3-0Ml axt.z iringdeld, Mo.; one son, af Duff of Sprin ally writion. inspiring story»ry of h o r tier of tho E m m eell l Rebekah Lodgo, . Arrkrranaem ents are under I rcro?3!6, sr:ax: 734-5538 F ic 677*454? ; Jr (Rayloen) ol Walla a' '. 'u r y Jim Hicks, J recovery. 'The Climb Of My Life.*. Music was also0 a big part of hor direcection ol Hansen Mortue 3Sh,: 16 grandchildren, ro EimU; twlBadOmUron.nBl W alla. Wash was published by Harperar ( C o llin s iiio. S h o s a n g foror many community Ruper3ort Chapel, -2258 I M lcah Milleillor of Seattle, W ash., w. I, (I •■ TF V tymlay. n t OctotmlS. 2006 Ttmeefle» H m , Twin Fi0>,l(lalw &3 ^

- ' lM agic V all. leyAVe s t

^ ' " [TQOl Gluti b i i o s t s — d a t e s Q&A C o m i m i s s ii o n e r (c a n d i c sculptiure gala e v e n t 0 « y Oriikletaif wm tece md«Pundation is stealingng almost $58,000 1 He said tho0 acounty Commissiontners . -|| Magic Valloy 'I think wo should stliili paying for the artisiist’sstipend. „LEY p, (Al>)-The secre- ~ Age: 60 ling to took ovor tho continue to try to koopIp A light dinner wilvill be .served Occupation:>n: Formor f'seds mororo hhoip Irom afo attomptin ir the Hailey Cem etery I bud- ciinic it would SIRCOMM in placo. It!slt!s S atu rd ay fe a tu r Political expxperience: iho state.’On"One ol our control tho bi :nonce District has been ' isonlortjo- got this yoar'irby mako it (hospital)li) saved a fow lives, ospo-po- Brand Prime Rib of :d with cmliezzling near- Former Chairlaimianot probiomsisoi host bar will be av ES: Soil mont. Wo'roro tfinding kooping dopepart- moro officiont ciaiiy in tho outlying 000. ; tho Idaho Soi :iing in bocauso it wouldid areas. Ilko Castloford,j dance music will b na Rae Murphy, h.i. of I ConsorvalloniQn lhal our ordinitJinancos mont spondir 5 onforco. lino and wllhth bud- fiovo moro doc­ that didn't roaliy havo)' by Mr. D.J. A ca; cld, is scheduled to be i jn. Boalonal m hn'X '» " Qg Will visit the sculpt 90 tors in Ihoro to covorago boloro. tt has •ned Oct. .10 in Sth | chairman. IdtIdaho '■oi' hovo loto £go * cuts. gjltl City Park and on tl 0 coun sys- Grindsloli snsaid compote and inI had somo bugs ond still :i Court im 2H couius of n Party. Ihrough tho ci Main Avenue andiid'sho'^shone theft and 3(> counts of I commis- lom 10 gol milihings Iho couniy srshould my mind it wouldid has somo bugs lo work reSZOforthe f , " Incumbent c( look at incroi "I,. Street. Tickets are •y. She reiiiiiins free on aoltilod In onlorcod.- •easing jjring the modica!:a! out. but wo should con­ .semifornial event. appoi planning and costs down In tinue to Uso it." I Ixind. Fobnjary. A .silent auctioni-vm^ture 55^ alleged incidents zoning usor'f I'OOS’ tho Mogic including bui calligraphy by it red between Oct. I "ll®'’S Valloy.- sculpture artisi Tt permits andd •S!i Clausel" '.’SosTndm d July 2H. 2000. Tickets arc availiilahle at the rRon, Tiiyl<»r. n BI.m/ii- admlnistratiotion Magic Valley Artrts Council’s c«uu tv s Qary Qrtndstidstan ______’ loes. y sheriffs deputy, said ------new office in the, !Main Street S " jy admitted making out . a l 734.27»7. T h o countyity ccommis- Thofo's aiwiways :» ifs going to "In my mind, you should>uld Pinza or hy phone i < from the cenu'ter. lUs- Aga: 54 soe il you con work out3Ul ,r,. sionors havoivo enough room to do I itit bot- incfoaso tho account to hers<-lf iiiul Occupation: quolity ol son/ico:o somo ol Iho probioms.® I Fam bureau endid o tse s on, James Stuiu t. and C a rp o n to r. yoga indio tho — iof,“ Chishoit roaliy think ail pfobloms issue and lix It. Bul said the wasnsTolul andfiliagap ndldates cushini;lg themii in Twin KiilK. jhould that's not boingI aro solvable. Thoro hasZI commission cant allej;edly loldTiiylur she Polltlcat oxp<) <17.000 Has) nrun unsuc- incroasod as: guess you couldd rnont on all tho pioyors')fS‘ Falls Couniy Farm itate, Tho departments he cemuterj’ district, but cosslully or various ' Iho staU ■ look ot it in a pos- given its end(irseiem enl lo Iwi. le hail ' iiald il h.ick. ould bo ablo while, keopin JS- port,- ssion c indi- that she h local ond legOQISIOIIVO ■ ' ““"ly shouli ""9 itivo light. But II couniy commiss Muri>hn>hy could not be lo moko thoS'10SO guys valuabio dates. ifs just to expandnd ;,uann..unceil re;.d..;dL-d forf. coinineiu. ; clean up thoiiheir act or rosourcos. iho tontactos olI The farm hureai ine Coutity TreaMirer- shut Ihom1 down.”do this week that itt 'will endorse . ’.","1'^ tho Magic Volioy)y C ountv Dick said the cem etery :ai in cu m h en t •t levied almost S 1.«).(H)0 i Regional Modicai Commissioners BilBill Brockman disirict le Contor. thon lhatat ,.,cf in taxestes in l‘)‘jy and alinost . and Gary Grindsta 500 through September is not roason "The board o:of direcK.rs enough." both Bill ilHsyear.L-ar. ^ J Bin ChlthoLihotm ____ I believes that Brockman atatui G ary Grindstaff are tluhe best (|uali- VoluntBiteers sought to ' fied candidateses to r Ih e ir h e lp with Wll testing plan respective offictces hiised on IN FALI.S - llie S ta te 1 their incumhent e: I of Educiition is looking ' c a n d ii d a t e ss Q & A well as th eir knol'i,wM6e''ai'id olunteers to serve on a I C o r rn m i s si i o n e r familiarity with thrhe aericulnir. '’".I"'littee that will develop a ill in d u stry ." a fifa rm h u re a u L month* ago to tho Dlatrict:t3 2 y.s. •■Dulh can- sla ewid.vide testiiin pliin for new Incumlwnt Twin FalFalls County CommJsstooor Blit Brockman, appointed 1 1 r news release says ic school acliievi'ineiu i tiMn candidate Mlko Ihler In: thotl Nov. 7 gonoral election. didates have exhillihiled a track .public s conunlMlon Mot,It. wtll face Independent wrtt«Hi \ resi«.iisilii|ily slun.lardards. I Commlsslonarars aroa paid S39.390 a yeor. ____ record t»f fiscal ri Should Twin Falls as well as an nipiled from staff reports IO county How con thetl Should tho approach in solv'lvi,;’,!’;n"rJem' - '" " 'P Does tho< I County continue to lough auton- county’s bud-bi county-ownod have enou partkiipate In tho regulate get be conMV M agic Valloy Southem Idaho Aboi^“tth e td animal trollod? ShShould Regional D e n v eerofFicial tcto oversee or Regkmal Commun- ' operations. tho countyty Modical Center 3 IcatkMis Contor, or canddidates »It nood Investigateito boy Twin Falls kx>k ot starting Its; . f i r e p n reventionI plans] more helpelp from th e Increasing,g Clinic & own 91± dispatching s like Denver. sta te ? usor foos?,7 Hospital? WASHINGTON)N (AIM - Till- c itie s In th o future?______------former head cif ththu U.S. Forest Alhiuiuci|ueniue and Seattle, kv Mountain Lavcriverty acktiowledgeil that 1 •That's not ovon an, S e rv ic e ’s Rock; Moro noedoeds to bo -we don'tI t>think "I haven't ovon l. re g io n will o«)versee the the tolaoial is just i'l fraction »)f ------, Age: 65' , done, onin tltho sloto thobudgot3t is soon Iho ligurosJS opiion bocauso SIR- lillion effori to the K9,9 millionm itcres the I 'orest Occupatk g , I agency’s S l.l hill Itlon; Somi- i„,ol.lnso\ setting up out ol contrItrol. on that. I'm nott COMM is working. Bul reduce fire danjie[■ers in na'^)nal Se-viceice says .ire iit modei iite fotlred rananchor reguiaiionslons to control jh o fow cui:uts wo suro Iho Magic: think wo're working forests, officiahils announced 10 highigh risk of catiistrophic \ Politicalo)oxpononco: odors aldiIt dairies. could makeko, wo Valloy hospitali through tho problems Wednesday, fire>., or the 26 million iu i es of ' ■' ' Namod cocounty com­ airoady malado board ovon hodid wo havo." Lyle Laverty,.■, who headetl thai whichwhii are theiigeiuy's lop |||M missionerer In Novombor Wo ali tholigures toto the Forest Servrvice regional priority,■ity. this yoar. W ;’s an eiuirmous task, as n p ^ 1999, repijplacing dotinitoly ninoed mako a judgmonlont _ office in Denve.er. also led a "It’s ; Commissiissioner Donnls I up with a new you ;;incan imagine.” I^iverty sa* the long ordinate Forest stamlinj:;ling federal iiolicy to sup- Liiverty will coor s wildfires, wiiich Liiverty BldBroc^roclanM —■ Service efforis{s to ease the press wi est conditions said isis the main culprit for I . 'BocausoISO wo start The county^tTs ------Ho said M fliOm lo ilillJisirophii. ^t-s-whidUuLve-guiULJn t-s- ______1 — ------1 Age: 40 rulos put in olficiaissh( loaslbio Ihing would bi :s charred 6.‘Hi some> areasar front 100 trees per Occupathstlon: Farmor flonlna ruli should havo onough wildfires. Fires to county... g,art small111 and inlormation 10 to work wllh SiRCOMI million acres thislis year. acretoasm to anv as 1.000 trees I Poiitical e: “ , m r5S0S o : every- ,hot» buildd iup comment aboutut i a and look to improve° il. Next y e a r’s pplans include per acrcicre. Western Kepubliciuis None tre a tin g l.H minillion I-'orest say ClintonCli administratirni thing up p ...... Thoro when lookiiiking at possible pur- :ies restrictinji logging in noeds to bot more ,^0 budgetot. ihlor chaso. Service acres atill hid. risk f.>r p.ilicies WH wildfires. MostSt are in areas nationaim al forests iiKo hiive roii- input Irom■om tho stato ,^0 cocounty ited to the pruhlem. on reguiat where housing• (developm-nts trilnited uiating animal should lool)0k into nto forr>;ls ur in Bothuh Ueinocriiis ;ind operation:Ions." increasingig user are spreading int watersheds thatit |provide“tlrink- Ropubliublicans pniiseil U iverty's loos. ing water for grorowing Western selectioctitm. State scettles defamnation -c claim BOISE (A D) - The stale of lion-tloli-dollar .sewer iniprovi-nieiii Idaho has setiletled a defamation p. ,ect. ,ect I Mike:e nIhler ig illi engineering Thehe letter wiis w rim 'H hy • claim by paying n-ReKi*>nal Ringin' •run; * I— — firm 5300,000.0. issuing wluit then-l^ many believe! iis an unprece- Managnager I-irry I’etersui.. wln< ------— denied public a|;i|)ologv and bar- has since sin resigned. In .uhhtion ______P a r k i ______- (lyees from ever to him.lim. .I-U-B iilsodu-cl his sui>e . ring two emplit\ •s - Regioiiiii Ailmiiiistr.itoi : T r i ^ _ lople to dealing withI 1 Ihe company riors- AAfter a month of the sam;ov- ontinuing to deterio- at that dme onocanonjiijoy.” Morris said. y " c ? ‘in llKUpromiM^dt1 the legal action Dirk K i band’s bealOji is conc h e results of X-rays taken at tl siment in a redesign services si lo businesse leering Inc. emlor or nearVr twii ye.irs .ij;<'. I he Jrate. rom pted Wells to recommendcndfurtlior An mvest: exchange for donati llement prohibits W. si .nui ire seekinfi damages e the city a lot more e cither one of us settlen The Swensons are •sting, including a CT scan.1. The1 next mishi save Masoner said. he allegations of Johiistiinston friim reviewing ;iny .1- J foi* medical expensesses. loss of earnings, ^ e pre.sence money m theill long run. Mitton N agreed with thc J contracts or pi.ms .iiul spef- d suffering, mental dayay, the scan revealed “thc p The city may also allowow resi- Qjj. otiier.” depailarimcnt Director U-Bcoi ;physical paiii ands f bilateral pulmonary nodujdules. too said. _ the pro- A iireied said on ificatu■jitions. That work he -anguish, attorney’s5 fefees and the cost of of t ition to thc design ddents to contribute lo the jebyatliiidiuriy. windi i-.ui n uum r ero u s to count." th e coicomplaint In udditi ject by donatinK mr 1I^ The Swensons arcare letting the jury saicaid. Four days later, Wells i i S90.000 over two llihrough their utilityy Ihills. business decisiision and got on he coi vvcnson to another pliysidan.an. b u d g eted ! .•iew work ;iiul not t*>i .my , dedde on tho dollarir oamount, Carnahan Sw< • construction. The LLocal construction comp;npanies vvith business." ier work on liie specilu pro TTen weeks after the.initinitial July years for c will also be asked to con- liic settlemtneiit followe said. ed the pres- rest of theic money will comc « t. Peterson's letter proinpietl • According to thehe Swensons’ com- exaxamination, a biop^ showed t tribute to the project. rejection of tluhe state's bid to ject. Pi phomo, the from fund-n•raising. nage claim dis- the: citcity to hire a Washington Jolxdnt, Don Swensonson began complain- encncc of non-Hod^dns lymphc Those who .would likelik to have the dami ioil engineeriiiK compiuiy to of episodes of chest ^ No mone>ey has been raised so lie 4th D istrict baset the The Sweawns saica id Wells diagnosed hemotherapy, - radiation therherapy and project hef c-nn ny of overcharfirging the city of now-di las suffered stress-related a rstrcctcr&moiiicvaUcy.com. ir. and proscribed n memetlication iipi^ropn- ince the diagnosis, thu complaiplaintsaid. Organi.zer.s2< h a v e b een n McCall for \vorl-irk on a multimil- ager. ^ote to that ailment,;, didie complamt said. ■ • H ( • : I Tlfno«-Nowa. Twin FalliFalls, Idaho 'n^ufaday. Octobci■bar 19.2000

iH flil i r M a k: e - u pi / N a i IDid you1 know... I Did y(^ou kn6\W... jly dust with a little ^i>iiYou need to drink plenty of water in the winter because traveling I If you w ant to rrm ake your lipsticick last, just apply ir, put in your favivorite hair I and outdoor activities can dehydrate you as m uch as m tne / ' ■ I If you wanant that "shiny" l

g ^ M ^ ^ ^ • Avoid obesity I - # • Z j F V j r ' i M . Drink moderately, if at all I

I m e I ^Im/ ' l}UU^VLlf " . / not only will you be healthier, but it will reflect in your appearance, mental | i m i p e n i . V c attitude and reduce your risk of cancer and health disease. ■ -J4’______and U k^thetn^at you to a w onderfi exp^ence! I \ c a ll l o me o f t lh e s e )f i n e cz o s tn ee t o l o }g i s ts I — r II Whaat To Loc\ok For In PENINC - .-JM HARD OP — S v CM j /I/ ^9 . [I,h. «p..nKt'ln . . I ' C uncn,ai:il Htw cUrnli wckamc. I b ’ i 61O ctober 200 , 2 0 0 0 ------T s — H ^ w f v P r * n i J a R 3 B J . specializing in hair color and hlghllghW T rru t v o iirso lf to an enjoyable and I Great Hiaircut. ------^ ^ ^ ■ Perms^ • Traditional ^ relax in g time. ■ ' I■ Look for a salonon ihati gjvc-s consistently gre nally H haircuts. Lookk ffor licensed, professional 4asters We w ill be m oving H iruincd siylist.ss v who will always grcci •y«i> y< H with u smile. YoYour haircut says a lol aboihoui (Formerly CostI CCuttersU . convenient loca It riin a help you say it right I Gn?nLt i NNewly rcrly, E 2 serve oiour current and N ovem ber 1stst20p0 ^‘ : Falls and Blue Lakes- Twin Falls S ------IM I B i ^ 9 1 1 i re customers. " future r look forw ard to s e d ______S e e U8 a 'or an appointm ent c m \ WinCoSho{hopping Ccntcr jQQ|^23SE9IHIil 1 , | - 735->5-1200______I B BBBBIIWaMIHlWBWIWHlW STYLE HAIJR ETC. ET I' tMeJ ^ SXezf ^ lEURO i Campus Commons MMall, next to Garibalil a l l i ’s '\D £e D ’in isli AMair j - te r • fy c b /v w s i ,: Located In C I Svclinci 'Vice sulon- Jll: Beauty Salon _____ ^^M BKmQualilyServices.a^ o w n & operate Reflections Salon M 1 __ _ ' Lip:> ILiner (Sf Color 733-508182 F u l l - s e r v ■ ^ hh t s h P erm & Tint r Hair Etc. Etc. woui Euro Style )" W r a V L I S T S ; • F a m i ly H a ir S ty l i n g ■Pri^oiuli/cdlviircoloi m Uke to thanknk all their wonder^erful H ’ F a r P l e r c i n a 'I .Co«ociivccoloi(n3,dimcnsio>ulcolo

Game C uan.s ihrouoh Saturday - evenings BY mpointm£NI ■ speccial commu:um ty pages. ^ 434-4624 882 Shoup • Twm Fans • 736^8322 ______733-86613 8:30-5:00 T»w. - Sat. Ooscd Sunday g | „ rcle • Twin Falls___ Bluc^k^BlvdJI^J r.o&e TW^Mnv*. Twtn Fait, h TTwn

.. I M agic Vaialley/W estr ------I Indian d;dancers co□nverge Board 5suggestts prote(jction fo)r Idafio3 river$ servadonists maintaina he recog- rendyopenlen to multiple USC. { BOISE (AP) - Acknolowledging Republicaican Dirk Kempthorne . Consider!lerin g th e existing i^se i resistance, becam e go\rovemor 22 months ago. nizes their value. i o n E lk o) this weet:kend the history of political r The Idaho Constservation restrictionsons in the wilderness, the state EnvironmentoItal Quality T he riveivers are also the least ation League offlciils •rsial selections for con- and Idaho Rivevers United Conservatit 5 By Karen Ten«n Board on Wednesdayy voted to controvers: had also petitioned forr tht e St. Joe ag reed thot the .designating the recommend only rwo wvrildemeas siderationm by a Le^slature that and Middle Fork o^t- * nme»Now» coffetpowtendent______sed to en act the protec- River in northern IdIdaho, the Selway ant stream segments for p:protection has refuset South Fork of the Snakitke River in standing resourcere: waters woxud f held under Idaho’s highest wswater quali- tion for anyar stream segment in y sym boUt But they c4n- i ELKO, Nev. - Indianlian dancers rears that authority has eastern Idaho and the; tlth ree forks be largely sj le West and thiffidlBn'.ColooyQymrt^ ty standards. th e 11 yea from the headwatersrs of Boise ceded thatila t is lawmakers could pe I from throughout the ^ itstanding existed. TheTh sam e Selway-Middle sd to take that step^it ! Canada will wear thenleir colorful t . S04aro The so-called out; River in central Idaho. convinced i rtrie*er»:»et>eduIe L*!sue,”L-i said board mem- rnited warned that if ti^iis h ipate in the event. Middle Fork of the Sain little sense to proposee the desig- Rivers unit< lunlty bteaKtast win be held . and four tributaries wwithin the ber Randyidy MacMillan, research u s e restric- proposal1 fails, fa conservationists % “Thanks to the supp\mt an initiadve drive,to i Elko Band Council, we a )llc Is Invited to vratch tho st to be sub- fish hatchehery in Buhl, he designation at the bfil- •; host the fall powwow■once on again,” Th# public Wilderness are the first for rivers running throu>u^ private impose the t Jes ond there Is no chotBo ■ mitted to the natioiIon’s most - -Kempthcthom e has not comment- 12002. ; ^ M elanie Tom snid WWe ednesday. fesUvitlw ie nominations, but con- and even public land thatt is cur- lot box m 20 J She'explained that theth an n u a l fofonyofI of tho events including Republican LegislatiIture since ed on the J event h ad to be canceliceled ab o u t bfOohfasLost ' three years ngo becaustluse of a lack - of partidpants and monloney. winnerswill wi be crovm ed Saturday n a n will ^ “The council has providedpro the evening.g. The’ n ew ro y a lty will , La w y e n Spokane rr i com m ittee with physicisical support lead theJ grandgi entry on Sunday, e m o m u n c ! I i as well as helping outIt fifinundally. Tom said,d. e community The hoslost drum will be Little p le a d guililty to d a y tcCO m u rd ers » Their interest ’ the c( Cree from Loon Lake,. JENEW 1 1 hns en a b led us to go fo rw ard Island Cr h. (AP) - The ogrigreement doesn’t cover: B r in g sSAWHOUE 1 pageant of Saskatcht:hewan. Denny Stanley SPOKANE. Wash. ? with the traditional p Robert L. Yates Jr. wiwill express two slayinjings in Pierce County and Native American cultvjlture,” Tom from Calilalifomia vrill em cee arid re in Spowas tied to the Shepherd from Utah will remorse when he plead guilty to one more i o n d D'O n s .| ’ said. Alex 0. Sh I attempted identifierication of a body; DIMENSI TDA ast powwowfs be the areiirena director, 13 m u rd ers and one a Being one of the lost murder, his lawyvyer said unearthehed Monday in Yates’ I prior to winter thee e ev en t w ill Boothshs offering Native B yard. an* food, in d u d in g Indian Wednesday. S pokaney •; bring many danccrsrs intoi E lk o , American' Yates has asked tn life. Especially if il h asus i:lhe light and bright.; Cole thought she hadha avoitJed siblings ai a i I ^ > c o m I w hole new lea.sc on > un til a sur- from theile line and called 911. Log onn to... www.maB/evall look you get with AAndersen® windows andid rpatio doors. You 5 ' b ein g shocked up ui ndoors with gliding { i. prise recognitionI fromfr Idaho “1 justist did what I’ve been can make the great'I outdoors inio a great inde - stay away from it and ^jjrheTimes-Na’W 'S I ofthe handle. J P o w er Co. for proteotecting her taught - patio doors. They Pjppcn wilh an cosy pu.sh o f ;• family and neighborsirs fromI a sev- call someineone who know s what toi ... . S To make yo/our remodeled Space a renremarkable placc, | •; ered electrical line. • do,” Colelie said. call us. Wc .spcciali;lize in Andersen windows.A/s. ' •: Utility officialsals v is ite d Idaho0 PowerF w orkers respond- Clickon... ol on Tuesday ed andt wwere relieved to control1 I; Century High School c lehom etoO T^ ; to thank €^le, 16. inin herh zoology what ha'had been a potentially Com< lethal incinddent. dass. I )uld hear the power line TON & SS o n s I On ScptVlJUSynornoments afte r . “I coul : Sun •; her parentsTiM leftft tot go out to arcing• on o the ground. 1 was ; dinner, lightning; hithi th e lin e afraid to look over th e fence for; Allu to C c nter t I .ss INC. : which cast strayay c u r re n ts what I1 would w see,” line crew NU-VU GLAS 1, forem anan Mark Turner said, 1601 Overiand Ave.r.* • IB u rley ID km(i i: through the ground. y had everyone backed I banner and visisit online... j|I ** !! Cassy heard a buzziuzzing outside “Cassy 1 i relating I ______6 7 8 -2 2 2 fl : when th e line broke;ce and i looked away. SheSl stopped our night* -jJ outside to see flamam es co m in g mare froirom becom ing a reality.” r s W f^WSET ' r SUMIBISttlCIiPUMK WBKEIftor4-M>.teplaaon. * HBCOFUS^ IHTEimilPTBH___ stMlnlmitMtcktion.0 CmtrUgtFluf* ■'‘w pmt*etKt.MiHncti»a T S S iS S S A m . '0' ineM*seontmlt>ox.fOf^ 4 ^ ilMrAindM. J oww 250 volt to 400 tmp ^^SSTS£S'J!?p'rry. w yU<,2SO'^600voltto200imp HsnOM up to *10 Wirt. WtiXt or M utnrrtMy. _ 9 f 7 f f A Haven tor no. 12 oom Dsrm» 3 25 9 5 J ■ PiaaFaMM 1He.200Dm D3t!0000 m a t m ^ m :: Magic Valley m loWfltffwnt S»Ug S” Oo-lt-Yourselselfeis, BuliaBi^CoiJotttraciorsI

' | B


® Twanuis « o l ¥ l ] 3 Eastland Drive Soutluth • Twin Falls, Idahh o th e Drive! F o m m B ilSff iooff" i r s Worth tl TWo4-tot. 4-toot 40 w*niubtetpteay.Hi^ IsHomcmM m U T W H J E . r prtwiiHc atLScr*32'. kooab 733-li7304 ‘ I BM-mioifiaittilaQn^tOfttonom. \y 9:00-4:30 , Monday-FrUa\iay 8:00-6:00 • Salanlatiay 8:00-5:00 • Sunday s g o o f to rtOJI sates. CeiOln Itams mty nol SO/TW H&naJImfU^ sfltoctfw thfotlOh Octobtr 25.2000.r g g g I— I J 8 Bg I I s ------ml ralnctuck pinny gtwi. Prtasattn

w j o B i i m n R ' 'iik 4*c**rsitftnwiMfvttiMimmimtt/ so^oaoHlutn g s y . 5 r , M ; ^ ■ SHOPIX'jmtm '-' ■ 4.^xit.2-tut»lluome0ttwmi kW IW MU'*«*»*"• fUmptotXin dMuse-./angmi frem $xit tor ta eyminmntji. EkM nM»r «ntf/ouoMn. St-lM’i 11^- fUmP* not M *' " 1234 4ruiefiw a a s — 'hiit.(S*ttnotlndiSe3) i24t truwc•neeBoht t7J$ j . I304U0 wm M I f3 11 < otasliewnfbovt) jQ g I f gi f ] (SlmOuloplietoi 1 111304971 BOM

i i ^ I ______TTw«d»y,ty.Octe^ia.TOOO n n iiWwri.mn.-MaFm,m» C7

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5 ■ a!Saiviin » J ThuL i r s d a ’y , Fri[day, :Saturrday ^ ■ m u .MmwmiintB m id Held : : A ir B e d s • : H an < : A B SAVE ccm tMs ; E lectronic d : : : S U de IU .1 : G alin n e s i n • ^ SAVE : ear's hol)ttest giiIt: : FreddMy's Toy ; • 2 5 ' ^ j i 3 9 . 9 9 y e r yorid : : -■, • From TWUyi Prlcw . « J , .WlthThtaCoupon»: :■> ■ M Umlt 4 WIU> ■nib Coupon # •:. A complete Upper baf » # : ggongHHI*** . Great for bvemlghi:;;;:-^ : workou^tbat shape!>pe. - |L — : ili i p

I ^yoL/ ) .\x \ flSH e W • i'»k^TVVrir•3^ .wimnuiPfc >mM im iinm uiigM . . m m m mj{ u m i> ii: ^ I l M I N e r f : • C o le m a n : • Fred Meyeire r : T o y s : : 16.4 oz. ; :FaU&W int«I t e r : P r o p a n e : : Fertilizer:r : i M ^ E 1 1 • 1 . 6 9 . i 1 7 . 9 9 .1^ I I 225*^ l i • Uml(4WltMixbCoupioupon * ™.TW«y^.ft(c«. : : UUmlt4,W»i}ThU Coupon • ■ hThttCoupon . • JStoclcuponhielfor • : y .301^'..; v..-: r i Ki^fun* • ' c<^pli^>ppl(ftif^ ' Z Scoot safe] Ii Y o u a'11* i find a great sclectiction o f > ‘’r- I h e lmnets, e kiiM pads and e!elbow '.'v'^SSy pads at Frededdy's. ' ■(S-

V I «b b omuimimsi* *bmmmmukSxt i F r ed d Weyer ; ; P o w e r : ; EZ Paintrtr ® Oiuir lowest;t price oc f ; : Applicatoi>rs : ; W n*lidshield : : T o o ls : W a s h : : the yea :;;Sa^ErJ*: I W E I i ■ ' m m w . I " . . : tw- 1 ! 3 0 ^ . q q ^ B B Oj{ D m > ^ • ^^Xteit^ntiS^coM I 3 m m h §m j7; Everydayy : P :Living Interi: n o r : : Flat PaintI t : - r ^ 9 i r ------• •VWMnririFt W* Flat Finil i s h : : • . limit 4 with This Coupfl r" i : S/S/E& . : i K I, [____ •!. #411 wMiTf •‘i^^Pre 5h * l i i i E ■ '' ' iS Y o u 'll f i n d m a n yy m o r e |C 3k s u p e r v a luu e s t h r o u gg h o u t t h e ' 9 S B s t o r e . Loolok for the goldd shelf tags. *Tr P« •# • “ » • J J

i * ‘ ' : V.. f' ' ■ ^ lat^onyourr list today??YouTlflndiiita t ' '■ f Wha ■' .f. m . mQ ril findOLrSml5^.QtHm«^ : GotoftedmcyeteomW H l^i ' i ' ' ' • 53 I M es y e i> r I { • . j dkjcmdanyjnoppttcftm::. d>d ...... m h arday, October 221, 2000. Most ststores open 7AMd to 11PM daily. Prices good Thujuisday, October 191 through Satui nd TV tWki. fm llr U»h1ln| »I>o not *1,1 B,t»l-.r,B« Cjnv^l m™. Cn-llll' MotrtKf. *1 ; " P cruwM *IM KM >1 Conlllli. Oiiui, ll<~it)orhot«. ui*.iy. North CU..I, Pri«n.uu. .nd T V, Noiin O-il. N.-1II Wm. Pt"I' “■'• I'-*"" > M« •! all u6in «WT* ll.jlo rpum IIXJ BMhfll niK tat ril»U"« A«»o« C11.U*. OcTfBWOol H*-thor«. UU 07-y lopn.Ui Mf«ool. Mnllunl. UU.JV, Nn Mvlh Ulni. rnUnwU.;«,u. Tk n*U« »nd Town u u . t«K«i no*« ««J It Aitfwi. *n»«hr»r. MicUnp. Cort»mi. Cil r« «K.»IUblr » .11 ■»>, *• ■■“'".‘•‘ixn lll.lh■^»n■•''-IO^ ^' w Tbob CK* M o»»»aiv wwat IU"th««w. MMwir. North OxU.NorUixUi takto. rmUmiU. tni TD* D*lkv t»T» "

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T>T f Wiw ^ TwinnFaB*,W^ Fl Ttandqr.Oetoter3•rlA ,20p0 i'm!

:lD A tK ) /^ WA e st 8SiSSS==g^ = = = = ! ■ • - Cattle \will be rouiundeTiTiil— ______PinINK P uppy a f te r rarnchers ignclo re B L 1 V | SALT LAKE c mrv (AP) - The 10 federd;rol impound lots. 'JSl hay-days are over fofor cattle graz- “We5 had hi been hopeful t ^ ing on public land in the drou^t- ranchersers would have done thuj; stricken Grandi S ta irca se- themsclveelves,” monument m a n a g » ' Escalante Nadonal Monument.N ' Kate CanrCannon said. ‘‘Wc Rave thfin! | After warning rra n c h e rs for lots of opportunitiesopp to do h.” months to get theirT cattle off the TheI impoundment, im thc fir^ land, the Burea•au of L and since the newi monument wa.s d e j. M anagem ent is brin(nging in horses ignatedid fourf y ears ago, folloViC and helicopters to) i round up th e more thanthai S5.000 in fines Icvieft animals. The Salt LakeI Tribune 16st weelt^eek by th c BLM a g a in ^ reported Tuesday iiin a copyright Gene GriffinGn and Quinn G riffi^ of Escalante, and MarS^ 8 story. both of The Uveslock will11 ithen be taken BullockJ

I ^ C R O9 W N A U C T I ; I IIDAY, OCTOBER 20,20,2ooo-|r^as^: a^IloSjinorth, then I | I 'Ee;°£^§ay*y{?a.*w^TOS.^ liachbylUtlnf^S ' HHWUmMTiaUIK \ •UWH^OAHPgg r I OWHEBt PELEAH CR0W1OWN t • * dog pink on Friday while heIB ' S a l* n a n a gled * by M asters Aucuction Service ^ j downtown Idaho Fall*. Idaho,. SuiSunday. Black aald Uurt hi*I yyounger alster had dyad hi* d ,' Nick B lack ta k e * mh it ,d o 8 Cljd«tor«w.lKlndo< Buslnoss that Sorvjrvlco B ulli' ______^ I itare* a i they went for their walk.w ______• . -T h e £ ; wa» gone and wa*I qultnqt turprlied whan h« ratutitumed. The pair g ot loU of *taf iP o lic e finf d ]V►Montana a’s stat(e L andi BoardI e b f S M CHEVROLET d e a d in:ifa n t’s :s increaase cabi)in fees 4'.3 Vd. Automaomatic. Air ConJiilonlns.’.’t pproves * Cruise. Power'wcrWlndows/I-ocks.Tlli. ^ The Idaho Statee Land Board is for cenertain uses of state land, m o th e'AT r h[ELENA. e i Mont. (AP) - Th. The live Rooney, chief of th UU Electronic Shlfi,hlfi, 4X4. Electric AAlrrors^ :e Land Board h as endorsedd anai ?^in,the m idst of imimposing its own Cliv i •; IDAHO FALLSLS(AP)-City state I lun- increase in lease9 ratesi for hun- agencyi ^ s Spedol-Use Bureau, sai> gating whether a incretrease in lease rates for hun Tcent was the consensus c ^ik)Ucc arc invesrigat ds of cabin sites on state propirop- d re d s o f lo ts onn Payette and 5 perc fjewbom baby girlrl Ifound dead in dreds :ar’s Priest lakes, alth;hou^ its plan the spccial S] committee tha day was stillborn ertyy to t comply with last year’ ssed the issue. H e noted ththe - a Dtimpster Tuesdaj ntana Supreme Court rulinilling caUs for annual rentsre: worth Just assesse ' fir if It ever breatheched. M o"'; the appraised costss ofc leases already increas•ase t the rates were too low. 2.5 percent of tl ove- .;;;it is the second1 tiitime since 1998 thM tl )sed value, annualjally as the value of improv* n t has been uis- The'he action means propose< Its added by lessees goes up.>P* . - ^ ..'^at a dead infant ulations to en act th e 43 per- pet The M ontana boiward agreed the ments covered in a trashish bln in Idaho reguli « phased In over Mononly Cassidy, who leaseses a t f l centit 1increase will be subject:t toti increase should be n site near Seeley Lake, saidsai ‘ Price does not -p4dls. itten public comment andam five y ears to lesser«n the effea on cabin j : PoUce Lt. S tevve e Roos said an writt sssees, many of. the committeeco ignored the corcon- fl oula lessees. Id a h o les; atello will help heariiirings in Kaltspell, Missoul IS of leaseholders. The higheBher Jd^iicfaol « jmtopsy in Pocate d Billings before finainal them noivesidcnts,ts, rejected phas- cem s ( Bees l9SM)0,ll.lel(t. -3 1 aetermine what; chargesch should aod ing in th e increase,se, which a num- rate ists too much for many lessee linst the baby’s approjrovaL :ixed income and will fore ..Be brought again: Tie proposal raises the leasease have not chaUelenged. o n fix^ erLS,4door The in Montana are somee tot abandon their leases,rsi h 2 0 0 03 Chevrolet Blazer ^ihother. e from 3.5 percent to 5 percercent Higher rates in • Thc baby, whosese umbilicali cord rate fi 5ting necessary becauBuse the state said, h ed , w as b o rn of apiappraised value. The existin was still attache e has been unchanged forir 111 S uprem e C ourt tast h November m ^m m Sunday in the aparpartment the 18- rate t existing leasing irs. . . overturned the e> wear-old woman shshares with her yeare. :ism scheme beca ise itit failed to pro- ■ * •r. • Tht:he increase drew cntictsr father and brother. im som e le a se h o ld e rs , but bij duce a fair marketcet value for th e The woman, whwho apparently e lit* trust fund thafbeniinefits schools. ;:y from her fami- boarfird members said they have Ii ■: 'hid her pregnancy I choice but to boost the ratesesin i The ruling required r the • ly. left the baby in the Dumpster tie cni ion^ D epartm ent of Nataturol R esources nplex Monday, orderler to fulfill their consritutiom behind the comp ty to get the most money possK>ssi- and Conservadon\ tot rew rite regu- • Roos said. She; hash not been ladons on how muluch citizens pay ■ charged and is; freefr while the blefn; from use of state lands. ‘'Investigation continItinues. EE! M H VOTE PACK:KER FO R Kermjt Villaencsneuve, 6S, who T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y a ' discovered th e infant ia Tuesday ' ' morning as he seam arched for alu* fe I ■ minum can.*;, saidj tlthe girl was in a HSHEIRIFF 1 towel inside a1 blackI plastic ^ I R E P U B LLICAN I I • garbage bag. PaW For Dy TT>« Commin««MToEl«aJ#nvP«ckaf ! ■- PoUce Lt. Jared;d :Fuhriman said 1 the mother was; fcfound Tuesday ^ ■■ m om ing w hile offiofficers knockcd • bn doors of honomes hear thc • li^pster. They askedasl residents if 1 . fliey knew anyonene who was preg- ^ 1 nant or had seen1 anythingai unusu- ^ ' SATURDAY, COCTOBER 21, 200100 ' al. Tlie woman’s fatherfat said he did uollll4rflW ,t»l 3/4rf«w«l.nt,tWal/4aaitMtK. . not know anything.ng. ______riwebadwwtiytl w o o d o a k f i n i s h e t • ; After the officercer walked away, Ltinch by Kathy m eofM saifw • tte told his daughtcihter of the bal^. SalB Sal Tlme:11:00Aii______Lui 1 M . She cried and told>ld him it was her — KUP&FARMEQUIPNM ENT ^ er said he hugged TRAOTOR, PICKU lydraullc outlets. 3 pt. O I ■ infant. Tlie fatlier f lucy Fetguwn 65 dlciel iracior withh inultlin power, hydraulic valves, hyil Gather the famUy 1 his'daugluer and1 thenth immediate- ly o\-erluuled 19fl8 GMC Pickup, SLI/le . 4 X 4, automatic, cll, I'.T.O.. n.fi X B rubber, trccnlly o\ 490 actual miles, nice Haround T this beautiful ! found the poUcerceman. po„crwcr locks, power windowi. ta|>c pljyriliyei, 350 e«Klne. 16’ rubtwt, I6,49( It. 1968 Chevrolet plcktip, 4 'f w l.J. needsnt engine • Tool box for pickm u i ^ , ! -3 Tlie father saidid hc nouced his unit. etmlnc • Arps 7' lerraclna blade • Fe didining room set All lUt on weight but 197070 or1 71 aicvrolrt van wtth .\S0 rtiRl r^augluer had put .lidrt. 20*. John Deere 503 rotary/ nmower • John Deere wood trestle table wiiW ith;>.-;af3lE ______: yas!iinaware shee ^was nregnant or < wheel flat bed trailer on rubber;t • 3 sw io n 4’ steel S ^ racGTH ldt-tliam ) • lliuiuilJlU ajtk-veneerr^ncludes- ■ Iiad given birth. „ 1 J ton wheel manure spreader - 4 wtiwheel hay wagon on : Abby Rhoades,•s, theni 19, plead- wheelie « rw ^ * H a ile r-"llo rie drawn Iton >et with electric motor w m 998 to a misde* mbbeiDbet with woodeti ipok«, W VI tim*ns --1 Homart cement m Uer on rubber table and 4 diairs. - id guilty in 1991 SHOP»P EQUIPMENT ■ bieanor illegal dispUsposal of a body, . Seats band saw. 12', 2 speed, likeIke new . D elujathe, ,J Rhoades spent se'several weeks in All ih lery wood lathe, 14’ x 40' 1/2 hp) nmoior, sln^e phase. :| jail. A m urder cliaiiliarge against her “J""; llers-Sanborn Impact wrench-Jigr sawssj - Sklin/8 drill • i w, n e '« been used • 2 Bostitch nalleri t comblnallon • Black 1 afte r a forensic injujiiluitml trciprcKJiInK u w • Dtcnicl1 tooltw • Maklta sandef and grinder c : ^ a s dism issed af Craftsman palnl gun • Black and1 IDecker belt sander • ' ! ' pathologi.'st ruJeded the baby was ^ndd r Decker tklll uw» • Brad nailer - Cra Black and Decker air > Delta■Ita 4' bell iandeti and 6 dlik undeinder • All Trade electrlc chisel • Bl »Idll bom. Itlon • Lincoln 225 am p welder This time, suchich a pathologist ? EQUIPMENT a TOO•OLS OTHER SHOP E um extension ladder • : ha.s Ixjen called in immediately to ampt • Trouble llghtj - Grinder on1 Stand»ta • Saw horses • 14' alumlnuii Btdi • RR Iron anvils • ' 3o thc autopsy. — ibber tlrr wheel lu rrd - chain* • w chains • Air hoses - Exiemlon ron BubtK oine a longs • drill vise - 6* vise • W«Welding lable • 6* vise S Villacneuve saidaid he made a rou- ponajflable air tank • Chain blnden • Come and bits • Bow saws - I jtand - Loti o( itapic gunJ, Imthtl electric.andele hand'- drill Brace an 1 Bnc stop at th e EKDiunpster to look oti \u lots of socket sets • Some deep well1 scsockets-Lots of hand I jpina u m • LcveK - Gtt»»c guni • loti ( Mieelpul!ert-2-Wool -I I ^ r cans. W hen he sliced a small imcliei - lot> of drill blit, wood andd Sleel«e • Wood chisels • Pry bat5 • Vrti j 9 | | | Lois of vise gtlps and clamps - Hainannm en • Pipe wrenches ^ 3 hole in the bag,g, iit ripped open w ,,gi ( (ull o( wool • Acetylene torch • Lolj Hakes'Shovels-Hoes ■ Gccau.se of th e wei)veight of the baby. . ct«:t«cenl wrenches 4* to IB* • Bo t cutlefillers • Scissors -handynun )ack • lu r welding lacket - All sU « of sawV tblades • various tlze H ^^^^ I flashlight and, he • FotlForks - Welding helmets - Leailier 6’ long • Shop Ughu • ■ . Be shined his fla: Indlng stones - Cut off blades - PImpe finingsn • Iron • 18* steel pipe 16 ;^ d , it took a fewew seconds before tlieel lines • electtlcal boxes - Sipleics and nails-tlectrlcal 3pper pipe liltlngs • Gas tanks for whe« • Jumper cables • Star reaUzed it wasIS ana infant. Ice • Melal bands - Oils and greases - ng dolly-York electric renches • Oil cans - Battery charger • W kup tire-Fans'Traps* nccr, like new • Barlwd wire • New wov jlt hutches-M eal saws V , m ter-boil fy"./C fltllngs • Choke cable - Flslilng w le md plugs* Screw for 6 ^ ir y ’s wa • Towrow b it. Coleman 3 burner stove -.Tallllght$-4’ Tal valveopencrs-3 enc live • PCV pipe • Lot» of rod Iton - RR^KRtles ^our Bonuss 2 chairs!! i b r d e r r e:mains n HOUSEHOLD I j J Plus yi am and 2 le»>-es. nice • 2 m a tinng g arm chain • 2 wing Inlna toom table, wood with 5 chain In Germany, 12 place, H : POCATELLOM (- A P)-City offi. ick dJiIrt • Marble top pUni standd - JohannJ lUuland china nude In tides are limited.3 r sewing machine • Oval glass tableble top • 2 new storm H ^ W ith this Speleclal Buy, quantit iiols say Arimo0 nresidents should neveiever been used • Mounse ponable sev Ubbon upright freezer, ■ ■ Dil their water at doon» n • Wooden wall clock • RCA coloro lo rV , 27* wllh remote - Blue Rib •■^ontinue to boil orks • Hind made wood table - ChtJ^J3irlitmaj stems - Books -Antique doondc • tn a tables • 2 j i a s t through Thuihursday. vh boanl - Dishes • Excalibur food dt)dryer'Tile W indow s• _ _ » le n • Hand painted Icc saw • Wash b< ;euar chest • Hardwood 3 They w ere adviidvised on Oct. 10 ^Iooi head and foot board for bed •. Tea stand • Ultle cabinet • Lane ced SJhat water wass uunsafe to drink noori ^ HORSE EQUIPMENT following routimine tests that HORSE a H ddle-IS’ roping saddle, ■ Revealed elevateT old Palomino mare, bred to purebritebted Pas stud - Offlcen army wddl le - Laxlal ropes - Double tree* • Slrwlngle trees-Neai yoke- H ^lecal coliform, whwhich may not be ouble rigglna • Snaffle bll arid bridle • ;)l?es - BucUes • Snaps - H ^tongerous in itsetself but can indi- a wheelwh horse can • Saddle blanketsi .• HallersH - strap cutter • Vet supplii r^ te the presencejce of harmful bac- Ring!lngs. Deer homs • Hay tarp. kcondition MISCELLANEOUS , : teria. raft laiffl mower. 5 hp, t to >»«1 machine, chlppei and ihrcdd.redder - Pototliler, tuns.-MaJter Craf ^-Acting- Ma;»Iayor- D eraid-- NjTO t . BBQ - Swing set • Coolers • \V^rougliighl Iron Ught fu n n a - - b ?.• cut - Iron patIo set -la w n se^er - B lmet-6bigsorccn)enl h m ; Armstrong saidd a natural spring limlper « and mahogany wood • Flatt lavalav; rock - World W ar 2 am iy helm 'Jhat supplementsnts the city’s weU Wood pile, big rounds. ^QS shut down'n ias soon as the — problem arose.e. 1Last weekend, OWMER! ORVII/ILL&CAROLEWILARK | Q ^ e dty drained•d ia water storage — T ir a t: Coib »r I ^ n k and discoveiivered a dead bird IV M asO ri A uction Sarvic e d through a rust- Sole moBoged by A had entered • “The Busine.Iness mat Service Built" screen. AUCTIONEERI!B S p l ’•j, "Sunday w e drdrained the tank aomm Jo* B*nn*t1 L*;^ m a r Le»v»laitd Lvl« M«at»r* a«ry OebonIdaho Haoarman. Idario IFlupart.lclaho B y : (Old increased chlichlorine," he said. ‘■ 6uh1. Idaho O oodlno. Idal <208)438.0883 K i g i T F j F ; are within normal (208)(2 843-B227 (208) -B3S0 (208) B37-4B80 {i > If water tests ar Mobil* P h o n M 731-1818818 ♦ 83»-a3S0 • 0810408 • 431*7308 WSM ^ today, the boil H>f»auciion.6om ;ianges through : Ringald* Phon# 208-431-7386.8.«t FAX 20e-49e-73S8 « vftw..ma«t> ■ B B order wiU b e Ufteifted. ___

v [ SE Tlwndiid«y.0eto6«r l9 . 2000 V n rn tHN rm m , Tota Fate. Mihe ' D-1

For and abou)U t ■ the Latino j u n i i d c o m m u n i t y 4 m r ida Co.’'.otnunidad ftftton Pat Mam.amvuotiio- 735-3288

le J e r o m e G r o u p s Iplay at the > m g L^ a tin o)S fu lflill d re^ : a m s h more about ft C o u n ty ]F a irg ro u nn d s B enedictine Si Learhn d a to te ^ iAid provides free lesel JERON3ME - Playa Suave of servicesiforlmWncome.pMple., for Blackfootat and local band K-risma helps low -inco□ m e 9lntom«itl6o.MllY34- ly from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. will play ______For'mow infi ' ^ Saturday\y at the Jerome County people at legal ■ B W 7024. F o ir^ uLinds. n i hey’re not knowledge- 2 Aavanc.nee tickets are SIO and ut available services),” >le at Video Mexico, office in T w in because they . available . able (aboutays. a Mercaditoito in Jerome, El Aztcci in ByHeaUisfAbel - GonzalesI says.nade a tremcndou.s dif- • Twin FoUnll< and Video Centro in says Karen McCarthy, a U. Tickets are $1S at the “She’s mad ______N o t i c i ; ference," saysattorney. "Wc had been H TWIN FALLS - Sisterer Barbara - Lcg^r0|SI without anf years. oi And unless you Author cros)sses multi-culjlniral barrier Barbara Gonzales ut the2 Legal1 Aid . ;• v ' ; . ' ! ; - ' n i u n b e r ofmigrant yc form workers, office in Twin Falls. I go out to mi(readi them so we have Michele Scrros launchiched her first Gonzales i.s a BcnedicD UArr^'--- you risible to them.” book with a troditiona}nal Mexican , of St. Gertrude's Montn astery in 'r-'-V' ( . not been visihthy says Gonzales has coming out party..SIShe held a ',2 Cottonwood. At Legaltl she - McCarthy1 approximately 30 cases quinenincro, with a cou:lourt made up ifl helps low-income peoplele with scr- ifcg-iapH-- brought int twoap months, of 14 of her dosest friefriends. All of Ifi vices related to employm’ment ■ S ^ ^ - in the past reallytwi revitalized the them - men and womenien - wore tra* lems, wage claim.s. access to “ It action of law for us.” dJtional Mexican gowns.ns. ■- benefits, housing, healtith, educa- ’ says. "She brings a lot But ask Scrros to defdefine herself tion, coi^sumer problemsns, McCarthyimpetence sa: to diis office,” unci the word LatinaI dcdoesn’t even ' . ty and discrimination. nf legal complally. I feel both blessed comc up. Her answerr is strictly all- V i r commu- \ ' \ T @ 9 B i ileged to be doing the log-loving. TV. " ida Latina “Bccause my religiou; H B H M “Personall) American: “A com-dog- nity’s empJiasis is on sooxiial ju.5uce \\ and privilegI doing,”.Gonziiles siiys. watching romantic. I I like every- visiting crcreative-writing toacher, very sup- IWS the daily challenges thing on HBO ... I'mn ppicking my hope thohat stories by Sandra is-sues, tlicy have been work I am doi portive to enable m e to t do U l i i l ^ ^ She knowscers foce. friends on ... whetherier they have Cisneros)S ond Luis J. Rodriguez ;ure we can all relate to premium channels. It’s not about „ill rcsorsonatc in the hearts and work. I do it as a represesentadve farm workers .. values or credibility, bubut TV chan- minds off aa ninth-grode class. my sisters at the mor am ires for a Iwlter life for ncls. ril bring the comm dogs if you xheir a:■ assignment: to write 32- Gonzales soys. ■s and their children and have HBO.” page p icticture books about their She is try in g to h h( e lp themselvese how hard Uiey work in In fact, like many LaiLatinos in the ©wn namemes, which they will share Latinos recognize theirr (dream for appredatebecome contributing United States. Scrross ccamc of age „i{h schcihoolchildren. But. first, a better life, the sister adidds. order to ; be school s bccausc she ovcr- iMat the Legal Aid offlco In Twin F Hispanic. the migrant farm workrk ers,” she Sister Barbarbara Qonzalei help# other* a t i •ss to the justice system, And her writing - huihumorous and hears nere r teacher referring to her , Pnll. ' says. “I recognize th e cchallenges “There is often a huiR have accesslappy tl to be able to sliare sometimes irreverentIt

MilariaY i . Som ero Gene Bele n a v id e z . & Finance n s u ra n c c Agent Sales & I n s ; e Habla Espan^tl J To Come In! M la Espanol Olf M73 A R M E R S Honilm-l)MdC»«»Inicki m ^ m A AuUuto • Home • I4fe • Business 51 Eastland Drive. •! r i M o t o r s I N O C R E D I T ? H ^ L . ______3VJSvin Falls, ID 83301______■ X BAD CREDITS usincss (208) 73-1-2277 ? — — Bus Ncnincnocs.ciiin ■ / ■ A Faxax (20H) 73-1-22^9 l E W T O A R E A m / • JUST JOBS?\ r C H A N G E D J Invites You ■ / • FIRS f Y E R ? \ : ■ ■ Se Habla ST TIM E BUV m l » B 4 t Y ? \ We WeVelcome Youiir Business Marcury* • UncoiRS - Horin-B ates t A N K R U P T C M BUY I R e c i b iim n os con gustoI sBUS negocios. 1C I'urnisliiiig Needs. I I * I N A B L E T O BI L l E R S ? I ■ V FHOMt Thei senR o s a l e z O T H E R D E A L 1 ^ . F o r i'All Your •prcscniativc WN / T.I.'-Vtiici i.r 'lull I-l ■ \ * rir U R N E D D O W New & Usesed Car Needs, www.ihciNCi W’flcnmr. ■ \ B Y O l t E R S ? / 1 Manuel Khikr ll I'Uisii- I T H E R LENDB P Call • ■r\viii I'all' » 7:i0-7li70 ^ a t 7:733-5776 1 \ m m m m y

I ^ V i l s b ^ H For All Your Home jr«UMf ArMMW AllMate te ofrcce much iza de scs'if'' AdemA.s de nn •UOAC Irulo pcrsuTuili7Jida. pt'iI J u a n B;siro servitfii) dc rccliinios liis Snles Rcpn.•iianild mts n«c>iies. cManios 24 l)oru<> del din. los 36! m m H IlMriuls a IK/i uqui para scrvinc. Emi■ llr Cun Mil ■ e b J MAIN W i m -WIN FALLS eAVE. EAST, TVI ■ 1-800-CAR-L0AN « Habla EspaAol 707 I’ 'd in e Hoad « T I: MIN.f«l.l-7»MT.II ■jCalM ;M ^M 626^M - S a H B fl 1or733^88^

“ConilnuarA a serviri cl ccndnda fff /rrome" eho m is que una sim ple p<^lizam r n w M \ i i m lonenuis u lu ^li^po^iL•i*1 nucMr ge Jim Weaver 65 d b s del atlo. No i n y o n a c m i > s - N e w s Re elig< H t l i e T i m e s a n d i d a t o ____ I, cs la difcfcilda,,>5|,!Statj W ILSO N A G E N C Y T( in publicano Sc llal'is lispanol ro advertise ir rep I MEXICW Ut:.SI,\tP.\Ni 7 3 4 -1 2 7 4 I, hid St. EaM A Un l.ndodc Uluckcills • 734-5345 Comunidad, P.-ig.ido d c p aarte rti del comil<5 pi»r;\ ellgir Jimn I 2096 Kimb ( n ;y . 678-1244 Wc.ivcr. pannro Sheriff del condado de ■ 610N . Ov call 733-0931 Jerome, KareanKa Wc.ivcr, tcsorer.i. m 61 )catcllo _____

Buffet & Salad I • Lunch Sjietrlals

ibcrly Rd. • Twin Fall; )vcrlandAvc. - Burley il2YcUowston^^Poci FtBa,Maho TIiun4ay,Octotor 19,19, 2000 3 N F M t ______Communh . - Serving thele M agic V alley zG _____9TH-GI[RADE O FFICICERS------.L — C om/[MUNITYY E V E N !rs — — Falls, n> at the Twin F alls Public Lib:Library. ' Caswcwell Ave. W., Room 54, Twi ! Arthritis Foundatiotlon T to week. Cash wiU shanbare mouse tales. 83301.31. early elementary : offers free workshishop idndergarten through eoi e appraisal fair s e t •; MOUNTAIN HOMM IE - The Utah/Idaho sstudents are invited. Free Chapter of the Arthrih ritis Foundation will There is no regisoration. a t anantique b u s in g hold a frc^e workshopop dtlcd “Speaking of WIN FALLS - A free apprairaisal fair will I Pain” from 7-8:30' p.p.m. Monday at the Kimberly N urseries preiiresents leld from 10 ajn . to 4 p jnI .. JSaturday at tnior C enter at 1000 N. Second Time Around antiquiquc mall, 689 > Mountain Home Seni< children's holiday worljn. at the old Calvary Chaihapel buUding Cody Fowera, vice 'he Papoose Club-will Homei’ cla sse s In Twlrivin Falls i pjt ■■ KETCHUM - The 5 “Finally Homei” at 24241 Main Ave. W. in Twin Fc iresldent; and Danielle ; hold its 10th annualal hholiday arts and craft t w in f a l l s - Free “I , pre. > bazaar from 9 a.m.1. tto 5 p.m. Dec. 2 and classes will be offereded from 6-9 p.m . VanDyk, sacretaiy. P H 0 3 p.m. Dec. 3 at Wednesdays, Nov. 8 andd ^Nov. IS in room jerO!rome library group ’.from 10 a.m. to ling on the College •Hemingway Elemetnentary School a t 111 117 in the Shields Building ssents 'Mom’s Night 6iOut’ of Southern Idaho campus. • the Jerome ^ th St. W. in Ketchun v. 8 and part n wiU .^JEJEROME - Friends of tl More than 50 ven'endors will be seUing Part I wiU be held Nov. 8 PublbLc Library wiU present “Mom’s“ft Night holiday arts and crafrafts, clothing and jew- be held Nov. 15. It” from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday atot the Jerome For more inform ationI or to r e ^ e r , caU Out” elry. Raffle item s willwiU also be availoble. 554, Ext. 2287. blic Library. The Papoose Qubub promotes and fadli- Penny Johnson a t 733-9554 Moms will leam how to a(access maga* tates cultural, sodal,al, educational and ath- zinesies, newspapers and bookste through the letic activities for>r the children of the Twin Falls resident Inter:emet to help th eir chUdren•en with school Wood River Valley. assig y- celebrates 103rd birthrthday eshments and xicaDaisswiUcele- r Th h ^ will be fre e refresl TWIN FALLS - Rebecca t^-sitting provided. Twin Falls Publiclc Ubrary brate her 103rd birthdayy today.to call Daralynn , , TTT m II nU es friends and rela- For Fo more inform ation, ca, hosts Fridays att IFour The famUy encourages f ozier at 324-5499, Patty BrBryant at 324- tives to send card s or lettertterstoDaissatthe Crw TWIN FALLS -- FFridays at Four with Woodstone Retiremenlent C en ter, 291 267878 or the library a t 324-524/ , Claude Cash will be held ot 4 p.m. Fridoy - ^ = = = ; — n Ssiblings;s need[ caring,, lovingghomd W e w aant r your new s est. Preference wUl be giveren to an ------i-i These children are fuU ofif jpersonality. youngest d is the more experiemenced couple, possibly widi izi Ukes to sociaUze an d i sd ay ’s Childl H K'l new* ta you,ou, w* want to hear about It lent than her chilc^n^en who look forward to bem T h u r s c egarious and independer er” or “big sister." They rneed a r * ConwiUBitty meeneklrci. twir?in. Gabby. Suzi m oves at maximum brother • CftMintkra lises on over- dependaldable routine, a stimulatuijng envi- Cm ,'’:.- . veloilocity, whUe G abby cruisi •jit, connecdon with their Hi■lispanic • SocWeventt1 drivive. Suii usually leads-Gal3ab^ likes to ronment, ise their • Reunlont : in first-grade heritagege and opportunities to us< foUcUow.Gabby and Suzi are ir oal abiUdes. vvhehere 40 percent o f th e ir- cldass dme is bi^gual 1 pursue • YourkM iandttidth^actMtle*. in services. Theyy need r advocates who wiU i p*tM«c«ntook> Trww dev(r/oted to special education i :d services to maximize theheir full B Mguel thnves on individudual attendon needed s avaU- boy who loves potenaaldal. Adoption assistance is andid is a lovable and active bo 0 support spedal services forf the I rough-and-tumble. H e attenendsldndcr- ‘>5 “ ' ° = De)eadllnes V PImm Mnd yoMT rwws «id phottihotMto: to ri gartmen where he is receiviiig,g sp cd o l edu- ^diildren have a 9-year-oldI bbrother FortheScndayI paDfltfe: noon WwlnMdsy ltion services for speed= c h /l.n g u a 6 e noon Monday MMWCaMit cati Ives in Oregon. Ongoing ccontact Fbr the Thuraday 1 MUmntenlo oonUeMKt dels 1 contribute to each childd’s i emo- l y W n o o n ^ ^ ThiVrmtitm* T**l Interests: Both girls lovove to swim, v^ould ci ay paga; noon TuWdaV______development.------uzi, A ge-7— i — 2>Sy3IHRBSlN: teas■ax their youngef-brothei^ir and ------S U 3 ^ Fmtl»W«s ac i. Gabby, and Miguel are avavailable ivolve water, m otion o r theLhe onegether. They would do be cr, 1.800-926-2588. E - ^ ; patm§maglaglcvalley.com p araren t fam ily w h e re thns for inform m g BUSllalnesses help make 11 don to R ^ e s disteitanc from Twm M iradra d e fl&t S p rin g Tribe^ 4- • the public of o u r r pie who h d p ed m e w hen I mecoming float succesiess TFHS golf team^ sends going into Kmart recendy.Iy. I FoUs. olong widi a0 Ught meal for Ways'!lys Travel, The Reserve Casind, “Scramble for Boor„ot""Gou hom. r b u t the long tn p homei»e. ■ ^ BlueCle Cross, Claude’s Spons, ; Tournament. Thele coverage> was VarVarious businesses assistedIthe th thanks for supp)port waikvk with a cane for support; b ler of Moose has Unitecdted Dairymen, Party Time, . dn’t move fast enough to gge et The Royal Ordei eisential to che sunfs from! ,n of Course. GoU USAA Iand Southem FW«HYLUS CnXENW ATER^R M escal C ^ te r am KXTF Fox 35. ; for u « during the duration o Clmbcrly -. ------. Clinic fit Hospital1 f were Mary Barror •amatTwinFaUs Us H i^ School FootbaU event the most nafurifun?, call The Times-News '.^Dave Brock, Lindind a B uder, Rex ^ Twin FaUs T ruck and The golf prograi cuts, makii^djisy^s*s been very sue- Asodanon. ^ Due to budget cuipro. succes^ to toe!el Custoistomer Scrvia: department at 'Leforgee, BiU andm d Scott Van gquiiluipment. SwenM ort donatedtcd HighSchoolhosb sTVin FaUs High School pn r cessful because ofofthe support • 1 f Fox Floral, Theie Cookie Basket, 733(3-0931.^ Ext. 270. • Engelen, Steve: andar D ebbie sprayray paint and various other die community. gnunUTi was without su ffid en t ^ Soran, Dave Mea

8y Lynn Jo h n sto n -. By Cliafles M1. .:Schulz For B etter or For Worse C|wfe.EWQU^ — ------fSorCRHWOB'as-cw xcuv",t“ caHirPiD«*i t- <^^fo^o^He. ■ca coMiN* ^ 3U&T iMTrte LrtUNOWWT^ '^PEwSeifc^^R- * TIME, WE WANT TO \ >1 ( ' w e ' l l.BE K BACK U)ITUTHE \ UiBAR IM « « e o T - ; \ O O C A B O - ■ (* IM TUE MEAMTIM •OF OUR CHEAP SHOTS J 4D UOU u'J ( O T r - ' '^(rrtlfl PO&UIC ( THANK OURI &GUEST FOR BSNG j 5 ( REST OF ----- T T '^ S M G ^ J ^ J V THAT II ^ ’ 1 V IN ^A MOMENT.." J WT^:rrun.vi NCVBR ' u;iTH USJ ThTWIS M 0RNIN6..;X . . g , • \^ > s ^ c*-W'


By DeanDea Young & S tan Drake By Scottt Adams# Blondle Slii& g Ji i C^AN EVEN I ( IMAGINE■ HC HOW THBV-O 1-OOK n DDbert ------I 1 ANV X-----LET'S MOVE ) Yl ©UMSTEAO, NO ONE C IN C H lN 6Se/y,_^-^ IONS ON p VSrtTM THE ^ ., UNOMSTANO VOCtf? PRC50P0SAUS '' ------W ' sussesnoi I '----- ,^_^TTEN IN ENSU ------Y o u '’RE R GONNA j \wpao‘n\RE f e *5 DVSFUNCTION/^NAL ,' LIKE VO» ^ F A rA lL V ^ OR VCt O U 'R E I I AT H O r^°E? r a YES . /Y I WORT J j r ^ Jtf I LESS!; ! ! A A / \ » ^ j \ l •

By Brian Crane . ‘ ByJohnimny Hart Pleklos B.C.______U)V\EKE. A R £ I T u S w,«coio<26rr )| f n \KEPOU>F€ET^ ■—------^-tooeo»M<&? C O =it>R. I»5 wHO un/es AUp j W SH<:?W tC V AA VIVET T H ^ M A » iE * KC>E*& A Hirm ex tsre K c e ... f f e s e w iCA^ieiMeME. >— TWKTKT \flOKfTCDSr ggjis — ^ a w n e / j - /SM// - ' ^ ------r - p ~ # - t I | T j M ^ J l t i he Family Circus By Bil K eane By J-mJir Pavis • Dennis thoho IMonace iBy Hank Ketcham The ; OarfMd______: I OKA« I APMIT irTP’’IT. 1 AU- P I WAS WRONG-.i I'M sc l l p n ^ T. . , HEARR /M£?^..SORRSV |y* S l l \< w By Chancece Browne : Hlandloto a 0 A « e * ; IAAVE'TOM AIM TAJM aALUef2iSlB5?7- l i ® :OhierAMT- M6Ar ^ "J.A 0AUL CCAt?P5/ I—AiiL^ >SC> tAO\MC»ny isl 1 ROONA AT" • sja(' ' ■ 5 ^ I 0 - I 9 X ^ ---- ^ ' 1 ALU'n^Aee/ > sg I i c : y - ^ % “But I knew the ansvnswers to a"|ot of questions thatt v/eren’tW' even T l T l i r S S ^ o n t h e} test!" te ^ ^ "I'll BETTWESeet (5UVS V£V^/?J GET7HIRSIV.'c By Pat Brady By Brant Pa>her&Johohnny Han Ro*o !•I RcRoso ■ ______■The Wharf of Id______(X i u t u w ^ a: HATB ^ n HE'S I srwic ! UP TMt (^^TTINggt-^ i UEawcnv iiiiwiPifiEe. ^ H y r t e M O T - V « « H ’- J _ i r u . I . ^ ' J t m ^ -L^L

ILU^P I Byy Jim Borgman and Jerry ScoU By Chrihris Browne Zita \axiv / V 1&S6VEN X m s m . y \ ^ F E C T ^ C g l' \ 2 \ ^ J

S n s By G ieg Cvans i ^ _JE65 ------— - y ------VthE bose “— . p - ^ JEEP/ U ^ i T ^ p a C j a P lli l H|5^ ^ 2 l l j ■ < a | ByWilcy By John Deering INonSe<]u1tur • ...... " " ByB.■ Bob Thaves Strongego 1Brew Frank and Emeet L l — ^ — I /* 4P \ fl(H)K& P, V^ViNTT COULD YoO \ . T V ^ VWiO<.... IF ?K'T XUU SAY! IT’S 6 U C \ A P > ^ m IS T V ' / ^ i rn. (^o Y ^ PlAY \ poes THIS ^ ' c ^ O o V ^ ^ A t - n e f iP Y O O rx... t A i P l C i Nt t < a i K ^ 1 eo^feT/llH‘? V ffrSi pusnei> Mli t 3 j i : ' Besioes A Foy I ------vr H/Ive /INYl y TWO M , I N T O fl SIC \ n i ' T R O T ? y _ I H l O H if T A ) e f f e c T s ? PPeSfc-p/PTM A/ Rjt/icceT. 'sfi I

J,____ .• ■______J ^___ 1 ------z — n i

By Art Sansinsom & Chip TheBomLMer ...... i d b k z o k ^ ^ I P I Jto cec) I N\ic»KTNiweu_7 ‘^VIMO, CttWA W 5lbiO’lN'... " tMEOK SF£WTOfat>wmTtC - <1 6we.iT[TKTJW! I BK£M^OOTTie V - * — r h . 1 - 5^k\ji(;g u, - Twcezeei u illcoL < 5 ^ O .W W S X ^ Y I | # | r iO?II ^ I I

M Tm n N«W.Tw»FitoFala.Mil» Ttandn.Octobar3«19.2000

M o r n i nN G B R E A K s I —

ACROSS w n - t i o i Tne i 1 Nl0hl birds p B T u ^>;rassi awvards r c;vive \ do^ 6 lee unil 9 Tr«p 14Rtv«rtot>>« . NASHVILLE, TcFcnn. (AP) --- m tsic’s raw, will * W One of country musi 15 Quarry H~— ful stepchildren stTwead state 39 Vagoagos lead-in 52 Spruce juk:o live in more than revival/al, kind of getting my ba ifully to Monroe’s original >ro bonkera 54 Grace ending radio markets and !S recharged, and brgaderden- Bluegrass uses acacoustic instru- faithful canoonitt 282 S«a eaglo 42 More I 1 of like rocki I- terie s ; 5 and hddles to sound,:d. 30-5d. workplace 44 Old] sawm 50 Sicilian radionetworks. ny vision and my faith aX lit- h menis like banjos { ifermant mountain '■They’re boi h m g my e, emotional Monronroe died in 1996. But DOWN 332 ‘Exodus' extra 46 Oafan “I think it's kindouknow?” ( . lie b)it it concerning the kindd ofc create intricate, 1 ButiarJIngata' :33 Come out on 48 Holdlid It.H sailorl 57 _-s«cll music. Many n u mnbers t are done other«r foundingf fathers like top 49 Sluplcjpldity ■ lypelaco billy,” Stuart said.>,600 membei -s musicic >we play,” Stuart said, Ariih at breakneck temipos, p and send- Scruggsjggs and Martin arc alive 2 intarrogaltvo :34 Italian dty 50 Altomemaiive 58 FoftnoMy,- kind of stepkids, youd vote for thiS Blueucgrass really began wit QU formerly iroe, mental ballads tell•U tales of mur- , and well,we and usually attend word :35 Part ol O.E.O. benu The IBMA has 2,6 countr]itry music great Bill Monrot rds events. i 3 Caah In Plaa :36 Like hen'a tooin 51 Busloe months. We fell madly in U ndudc possible* clchange of resi- parents and I fim DALLAS three n IBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): sal on the nj.n- lovei almostal immediately, and ; dence, marital statu :us on cooperative efforts, plane to re tu m horhourwaitingl or |M | e been having a great time a • ARIES (Marchchj'l-April 19); flight landed, wc ss nn DEAR SICK:: Your father have bi tnership, marital status, 3. A man in ll ne If lB AU^^nBum to sp ea k up. ever: since.sin He recendy gave m e a You find a way to0 achieveai greater tcer, !•„, Capricorn persons could way for almost an ht wasn’t w rong n m ed on his ci ill Howevcir, he did tat ^ e a chance of “promi:jmise ring” - a promise that freedom of thought,Sht, action. Read. linate scenario. a gate to open up.lletl someoi.t e | write, leam by teadsaching. ------' sparking an altercataiiori. The man he willrill aski m e to m arry him. CORPIO (O ct. 23-Nov. 21): row behind us tumiiation, using C’ne love the idea, but I have one TAURUS (April,ril 20.May 20): phone and calh :ndani just stood there; aiand behind him m ay haiiave been drunk I love hlight versatility. Give full veen just abo ut attenc ;erent. The scot problen3lcm. It fils my ring finger, but Dispute among1 sisiblings domi. i to intellectual curiosity. Act. explaining the situad. He was stand- watchiched the entire episode with-wil as well as belligei wever, you find P*‘‘X ‘ , th e companion who pointed pc out that I don’tn’t knowI which hand to wear ' nates. Soon, howe indings. . ^11 -pr, ^ord in betweid his voice wnjs o u t saying si a word. Abby, tl n. Do you have any suggcsr different ways offself-expressit.n. se every word he said, :hange left me feeling th at your fathei “didn’lVt know who he it on. I ay 21-Junc 20): SACAGITTARIUS (Nov.^l-Dec. w n ed and sa i*i, excho ,” was right. The tions?IS? I 1 don’t want to commit a GEMINI (May ing in the aisle andhere are worn'I m re is no common decencryy 1inents. on. “Excuse me, but thd re sp e ive been put into are spokenspo for, I can’t think of-a LEO (July 2 me, traveling with thisImow who y ( >u whenen you’re in public? Aree wei strict penalties havi Possibility of longlg journeyj should Musicsic plays. Dance to your own g and effea for pasSengtgers who camiot bettertcr way' to commtmlcaie that- rty. person turned toirNexllhirrg,I u posed to tolerate anything a than by wearing the promise be regarded as ^Jiallenge. Let go tune, •wn said, "You don’t k irything that comes our wtway, .control their behthavior. Perhaps fact tho yourself time to PI»i k E S (Feb. 19.Match 20); Do ierson invoh /pd every Im broadenid to rinik onon the third finger of your of burden. Give yo are messing with!'ly abusing a ' id andI refrain n from standing upip forI the rules should ht travel, romance. thingslgs your way despite objec­ alter- indudc people whvho tu m thfe air Icfttjan^and. ts by lejsser people. MaintainDo knew, another peiather. The fUj 5ht ' whatJt isi right, for fear of an alt VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 22): Let tions 1 iec- him self, v erb ally go of preconceivcd/ed notions. Take auraa ofo mystery. ain threatening my fatl Natur:ral causes:s never ch teria :laim bactluring the firjtt Bacteria neverr didie of old age. i - ^ percent within Q. What sort of 1living thing in A I wiws conceive duiire 80 perceitit ______aU the onimal kinkingdom has the H month. Then 50 pcs. And 90 pe r- largest broln in prproporHoiTtirllS H I six months. Figun>nths. size? I______within 12 months.s Claus havo a ccnt within IH mont A. The ant. Q. Doesn’t Santa0 Pennsylvau*.«> Q. You said thehe lightning bolt H brother? w e sec Is travelinging up, not down. BW ■h tradition, 1 le A. According tolols, by nam< e. Does It teel llke anin e x tia - I Why? and foe. Goose and choosc.___ Dutch and French A. It goes backdc j up its original Shoeye i he ^ o w s up ^ h terrestrial bas landaid e d a n d se and dose. Any others? does. Bells Nichory New Y e ar’ s downward path.h. Think' of it as The faithful say he / foul in b ask et- Tough lingo. y sees. • plates lefl out for hi The Panama CiCanal is alm ost Q. I/ After trying lo have a bab> pletely masie r, three years, my husband and If you’re looking First, Ihoy change iho name,nam due south of Pittsbtsburgh. Pa. • for th aby you’ll never compl Psychology is bigt in B uenos I arerc wondering how long most » say there a.rt? Then lhay change yourr nccounis;na iples who try have to wnit?and collect butterflies,far more, thjin Aires. One psycsy ch o lo g ist fo r coupli lost Those who do so Non thing you knowr. thoIho ifaces of ; roplc there. New , every 1,000 peop' i. About 25 perccnt of tht more, probably fa your favorllo tellers startm changing.ct Vork City’s ratio0 isii one for every th e 100,000 species. 3,000. Whon you complain 'hoyioy tolln you. The older you)u ]get, the more ' jE slowly grow yourir fifingernails. ! ’do not bo afraid of iliuu unknown.unJ When a husbaband or wife is ■You'U get uaod to It. unfaithful, whichich of the two is I J B Hovo a nice day.' less likely to admdmit it later? So 'ilnSinMW inquires a dient.It. Our Love and U this sounds more Uko0 factfac than the wife tends (o W ar man says the ,bor; J be better able'le' to keep her D ||n sdonco fiction, remember: silence with hericr husband, but HLA Tou do have • aiolice- ice - m ay be more likeVkely to tell a d o se H K I Idaho Central Creditllt Union.U female friend. m The Roman hishistorian Tacitus H ||| w2£?i5iw95*»>e B p For ovor 60 yean, tho namonarr said, “It is human:an nature to hate Idaho Coniral has stoodK] forfoi friendly, the man whom1 ycyou have hurt.” Was he right? local down-io-«arth sarvlu’d think they’d H H and got out-of-ihla-worldarid results... n-t.-Like:.Freak _ ------rh y m e but don’t .... tight hero in Idaho. and break. SewV anda few. Horse " and worse. Bearsard and heard. HnaMrr Cord ond word.d. Cow and low.' 1 7.1J-MJ 04f) Polellne Road HO QBBElifiBH Twin FalU ceiMugir 700-nj 733-4'n7 JTRAL ^ E ^ I ^ NUNION' I " ■ r r r (ts 7.1i-f4S (M«i>unra Tho Rijht1 ChiChoice ^ m INT M 7J0.«J im uinH . TWIM*n CIMEMA 12 • 734-24(10 Nun»rttf«mt7J0-*4S ENDS TONfTEI | . MMtThaPowM ( A-M7J0»:15PM ^ 4T aV SpnOMtieiK 3*?; V 1 Outdoors In brief:f: In4SIDE s ' . Magic \5Ulcy Fly FbF is h e rs Money . ....-..-..•...E4-6 ..- — :—mcctmgfcaturcs^Kgu est------.______World ...... E7______!. speaker. Pageig e E 2 -DG )ORJ ______OtUfioors/y I£//i/or W /im i D rof^ --73MmULM.2&f 7. Scccion I*' day, O ccobcr 19, 2C2 0 0 0 T h e T im cs-N cwws s Thursd Don’t let1 thethoi) m s " “ "h e \ST m DE 4------•------deter y

He is a modest m an1 oj Slew- ard of the land On his 80 acres in thelewroodsnear V Two Harbors, Minrx. heehasworiced h to improve habitat f> .... J Only one condition,, he uuormed me as the hunt unfolded,cd. He wasn’t ■ S T looking for any' notorietyety so he prc- Son Quich ferred to remain unnamamed. But he The view ttfstretchM away to tomon«w frorrfrom the hl£H point ol the Orefo ogreed to let me talkk a about what Loop. TheI SmokySr Mountain* are In the fonforeground and WhUe Cloud Ralaneo It i he’s done on his property;rtytobcnem tance. ruffed grouse. And what he's donele i is working, We flushed 27 mouse in about four T hours. It’s the best grourouse hunting I A n□ i k in g to g oD ou t in Stylle.^ H IVe seen in years. We walked from ththt e h u n ter’s . home down some mowedved paths and I O r e g o n G u lc h L o c imo the woods. This waswo the high J ground, with stands of aspen and g, WiWeber ______trails sc5 seeded wuh Tlmaa-Nawi>ws Correspondent Getting then clover,:r. Nice look- Tlme»-N«wi tie bncon Ouloh Loopop ride in g cocountry. At mmer draws to an end, covers roughly 12.5 mmiles nearlyly eevery bend, sumr and wilt take accomplipushed 1 com panion another season of moun- ing. Miles of singletruck cyclists anywhere from twofotoflve !d about hav brkmi - houw to complete. The trailtllhead is seen or shot have spunun beneath your wheels, and th e scscratches and bruises of located approximatety 10I rrmiles north of Kotchum bn Hlfihwiiway 75. often see numerou;JUS a d v e n tu re s have Well, mostly healed. Is it Turn iert(«08t) on lhe secocond grov- ■ \ sitting in the healed. W« ' T ol road post tho North Fork ■ ■ ■ U H ime to stow your bike in up here." He finally tim Some ol thoso trails aro nonow and SL/:ped to point the garageIge for th e winter? lides or P ' J i f l iu g sec 3 fast! Fall is the perfect not llstod on tho oidor guldi pincherries, Not so fi mops. An up-todole mopI is avail- birds.;mg like bright tim e for r a i serious singletrack • “ 1 c 0l)l0 at Slurtos, 340 N. Moi4aln In bulbs from adventureire. A fter months of rid- Koichum, phono (208) 726 them» si: branches, j^g, most>st cyclists have honed B e n d fl “ pwe dropped museuscles and polished their s to p pthe e bottom techniqu.jue. It makes sense to sional steps fonncd by treeti INTHE out lOy.tMckwi*pil save the”• “Ironman” of mountain or rocks and it’s doubt hangm^ mtil you’re in top form. anyone will make it toto th e top RIVER red bl Q aro many challenging without tQUChlng down-,n..Once at _ I Sam Cook X henw I tlie region, bu t few can the ridge, most will p a u se to Jie rigorous character of soak in spectacular viev of the L_------1 in tole“giofmS tl size Ol iiitu 1>e the north- • B SnPiP countiy sgon Gulch Loop in the Boulder Mountains to ti: tng alders and the treB thorny trees ^iver Valley. Hidden in east. adowed folds of the T h e shady ridge mimakes an pR|fcM« ' thomapples. The treesies a: against the the shad I on w ater .1 L -ly callcd hawthorns, aQm»W«/TW Ttw.Nw Hawthorns are smallto maneuver descentsts stackeds back-to-back. It turns, loose dirt and a few ru ts ing to about 15 feet, a m e a su re . is a trailil t that’s sure to test even ihrown.in for good n. n Quich trail through th e Smok]>ky Mountain*, armed with needle*sh«ple come out the mostst experiencedc cyclists, This is not a place fofor sp e e d . Here’s a bug’fr-eyebui view o fthe Oregon Gi more than on inch Ion{ happy to ' . e,” .the himter trail tra bejuns casually, run- Most cyclists will be 1 and tricky enough to were thick where theake^’em down ning-iiorlohgside a -small stream throttle it back and .sinlimply stay |s steep at leading me, although th< calculation keep ridciJers focused, b u t it’s *hat meaieanders through a series upright. A single miscu B enough to let ’em roll ally enough room ofhawtliomsato , t can send riders over thiho handle. moderate c :t beaver ponds. For the fast. around them. Ve let my host's luple of miles, the trail bars. “Fve had other peoplrk through the Erodiially , .Cyclists;ts encounter another ttle elevation and cyclists The steep terrain g ntersection as tiie trail here to hunt with me,” subsides as the valley..y flatten s signed mt< ■ saia. “Blit after I taktOf a time, and I B raidually * swallowed by the miliar landmarks in the id flanks of the Smoky out. The dense evergrereen foresi " “ rs famil here, they never comeon's 20-gauge forested m th e ride Wood Rive,ver Valley. The left fork man called the grove theof 1 morning’s Mountainlins. encountered earlier on riders up the Saddle n the valley narrows, the gives way to sage-c,-covercd. euides ru “bayonet orchard.” Weas.a.fulUduiL ] ___' . t r a i l ,__ iw i hich s w i I c h b a c k s___ golden retriever workdit i over before trail's pii^^cirincreasesrproviding— ----- south-faring^opes.- I the Smoky's thickly nger of what lies ahead, The reprieve affortrded your through tl ^ c k places. :. a harbing ,to the Fox forestedI sslopes. Although the We veered apart forbirds t all mom- The. tr:trail forks after about legs by the descent inte I gain is gradual and the heard my companion' niles. This intersection is Creek drainage ends atlit the junc. elevation g emoon. It was three mil late Guleh trail wellII manicured, this last hr* '*■"*1 Remington shatter ; th«time, to go 15 well sign'gned and points the way tion with the Chocola of climbing is a tougl. ------silence r-The-bird-was. Creek. Once riders turn Trail. At tlitl signed inuItersection, lu ^ . We would to Fox Ci Chocolate Jhnllengee forI cyclist’s tired legs, gray-phase. He lookedt itdistance and left andid cross the stream, the a left turn leads up C e Saddle Trail breeches slidiii it into his vestthe thick cover, tra il reaiears up and the serious ^Gulch and over a rocky;y saddle. Once lhe S v ;;. iiest down. 'he ndge;e, it’s downhill all the We kept bumping eachbii other, but b u sin ess;ss begins. The pitch isi This is where the fini k to the trailhead ing and into the aftenthin easy voice unrelentinting, taunting even the hill of the entire ridtde begins. this ; ride as the finale to unusual, most of the tii m ost expixperienced cyclists, andI The trail banks andid tw o o p s minutes without a flusl hrough tlie V.'ur seasoison, it could be a little Loop. ' d from cover so .^ c anci'Igle d o esn ’t re le n t untilI along a narrow path ihi jr to hang up your bike A lono'rider keep s ’em turuming on ths Oregon QuIch Loo| spread apart a short«them. d Others , □ word the bit easier : top out on the ridge, trees as it drops tov er. wtdk slowly through ronds,the then van- in loose dirt and the occa- Wood River Valley. Th-he descent for winter. Rarely coiOd we see ea(thinnest of the always we were withiiid decent shots. contact. shot four birds Many birds flushedhers. fi Nearly all . _ _ heavy we couldn’t seefound'in t close • I riginal e n s H i B the Sawtooth MoiMountains; "The first pitchI climbseh 10 feci tip the My host has triedth pl e trees for a •‘The Sdu'iiiotlwth Runne is the home oj“ / t'/iifii/if.u. crosses a c>chtickstiirte. anti then hawthorns by taking TI h e ir dense By WllllarNam Brock leltilio niountiiiiiaineerinfi and is the best continues to a larf^ef;e niimtr in th e chiriineii established trees anddng ihoms offer Time»H»NewB Outdoora Editor______knoivit of Idahti'sw's miinu mountain raitfies r/iins.-there— The grouse like the . , be in teerested r in a newly revised most iinprvssiiv•.'C tnwuntuin wall. Scattenx tia' fiw uirmiufii'c.svL*.sv c «iir o f th e c h im - couple of reasons.hunt, 1 1 took the of q cjasjassic guidebook. rhrauf:hatit the'te ranfiei a re 3 3 p e a k s thai neu o»i t/if rifiht o nri avj cnicks to th e (>ix‘n branches and menadw; an d cleaned “IDA])AHO - A Climbing Guide" i I feet, and manu spires ar\c ixii-ki't 30 feet hclowIf r/ictl suntntit: or contiit- protection from hawl c.xL-eed 1 0 ,0 0 0 fc. I checked the a b le from The foiivre crvtvd thehe hif;h■ Sawtth ridges. Tht ue to climb the chim.n'rjini’ij directlp. The -«v- And the berries - callwhat the birds >ulAuf M o untaineers Boc I t’mvr stretches more than 3. oml alternative requcquireso move out ami are a preferred source nniin Sawtooth cr $35. You can call (206). /f'oiH n oynlrtn n i snuth.-Fmm east-inl9,:19,2000 0UTDOOI3RS Magic) Valley FFly Fisheers Octolber meetirng featuiires guest5t speakeer .1 ^ ■ should plan to attend. TWIN FALLS -• M att Powell ion, call Tim will be thc featuredcd speaker at Outdoors Ql In brief For more informado H |j ^ thc Octobcr meetinglg oof the Magic ______Crist a t 733-3741. ---- Valley Fly Fishers, 7 pjti.i t’s meeting.______^------ot“the Rock Grcck-r ----- CSI Outdoor ProgreJam offers— 200 Addison Ave. W.V- Id a h oI steelheadSI and begglnners kayakirling class rch saenast al Powell is a research TWIN FALLS - The1C College th e U n iv e rsity oof Idaho’s S alm onon Unlimited to m eet IN FALLS - Id a h o0 Southem Idaho Ouidotloor Program Hagerman Fishsh C u ltu rc TWIN ing d ass n. Thc station Steelhcatcad and Salmon U nlim itedd .‘ is offering a kayakin, Experiment Station.' n beginners. is affiliated with thele Aquacultiu’c/ will holeold a public in fo rm a tio n be held from Research Institute at the univer- meetingTg ati 6 pjn. W ednesday inn The first dass vrill b< c 6 to 9 p jn . on Oct. 30,), iat CSL and sity in Moscow. Therhe station is the meeting me room at the •centei the Obenchn:hain Insurance building,, water sessions are setict for ■ divided into two “cc p.m. on Nov. 2, 6 an the C e n te r fo r SiSustainable 264Mainain Ave. S. ch Sanchotcna, executivee Twin Falls City pool,ll. All equip- Aquaculture and the Center for Mitch 1 will be pro- Fresh Water coordinainator for ISSU, will con- ment and instrucdon y Salmonoid and Fn vided. Spacc is limitec to par- Spccics at Risk, whivhich conduct duct aI quesdon-and-answerq< dis- n concerning Idaho’s steel*1. ddpants.'Iliefeeis$ 2! nutrition and gcnctictic research on cu^on c e For more informatiouon. call 733- both wild and commtimcrcial popu- ht^dondmd salmon runs, th e future lations of rainbow troitrout and otht^ of Idaho'ho’s fishing, an d concerns,s 9SS4, Ext. 2697. Idaho's water. A nyone with W|Mi salmonoids. about Idfl s -cdm pilcdfromI si staff reports T hc public is inviteirited to attend questiorions obout these issues Uene O ct 6, after speaking • Jamta Landuidwehr, left, signs autograph!iphi tor •ttidsnto at Oiyan Benninentafy Schooi In Couer d'Alen Goloraado partk meritss accolacdes chool about hla hiking experierrience. By Bob Downing em m inlg fromI a walk:cabout KntthtRkktofNwiSem;efvtea______B ESTES PARK, COLOLO. - Rocky Mountain Nationalll F Park is like lo men walk comedian Rodney Dan>angerfield - il just dbcsn't get enoughjghrcspcct The aiowing to tak e a lo t m o re “There was alwaysys something the trail,1, hikershi leave unu-sed food twes sunny 12.183 with 11 es or pick up a few sup- m o s t - p h 0 - I miles of the hi^-I- m oney tlthan they thought. On cool ahead thot we^ ffelt like we in boxes c tographed peaks; ^ way above the their firstrst trip to tiie grocety store^ had to get to. When yoyou are in the plies. Flattop Ntountain aftamoon « : hikers travel under an derstofms and tree line - and1 A bull alk bugles while rttomptln*at to they spenicnt $300 on macaroni and‘2 desert there was thei ! Sierras that M ost hil at 12,324 feet; .J , freeze-dried noodles and we had to get to, and[ tlthen, you get abas, mostlost of them given by other ' cool nights.; with stunning,1* attrect a harem of female.,.*du,l„« .. Landwehr and Smith and Mount ; expansive vistas camping staples. They•y done with Sierras arand feel like hikers. L M eeker at 13,911 ‘Thewimsrcan J mating season. ubbed Idaho. The shared besaverein' ' ||||H | in all directions. t h o u ^ iI dthey had bought cnou^P you had to get to thee oxes they needed, aren’t the only obstadid es. Tempers J n O x m • acreage is high- * V isitors are In May,ay, they flew to San Diego?o would flare even belwnween the best th e ir friends fn e and loved ones Conditions con change quicklylylnthe Ifl one of th e first sixX knees experience. Vi heir trip and they stopped ' altitude tundra, a ‘Jmountains and snow is p o»We s ^ roads in th e coun-»• asked to stay on pavedtrails along and a frieriend dropped them at the of friends. The trailil would heal about theii bleak, windy, [ ful in tiBvcrv Mexicann bborder. by twoI elementary cll schools. At year-round. The best advice iJto\s i try to b e so hon-I- the road or to be carefu their riffs. Elementary, pint-sized rocky world with wear * layers of apiHDpri^ andndco^- I oxW. It was laterr ing the fragile tundra on01 foot. LahdwcIwehr and Smith had done1C “We’d get at eoch oother and all B ryan El< Arctic plants and * j T he ch an g es in cliclim ate and som e hi)hiking of trails in the J done some- adm irers:rs swarms ed around them fortable dothing, dress for thehesea* I ruuned a National of a sudden we had i ographs. . animals. There . flon\ and brtng along mln geertfSftd SI Scenic Bywiw. nature arc similar to what you Rockies,!S. but their hike on the doing really cool or rcicached a new forautogra • even are five * STOcrew. • The road fol-1- would experience if youy headed crest wasas ia lot more intense, _____ place and we brouRhght ourselves activp glnripri in Hflmg— lows an ancicnH~[I north to the Arctic Cirdi=ae^------^------TOTDa t h r ^ or tour-day tn p you to g eth er th a t wiway,'* said ^KlpEBV the high country. are one of the greatest dengersiers. , Indian trailil The vrestward climbbbc^near 1 are highgh the whole time, it is** Limtiwehr. ' It gets 3.4 mil- Visttofs ? am directed to get offjff across; ihce the park’s Beaver Meadadows Visitor alw aysI good gi times," Landwehr The hikers also ggol help in lion visitors a ridges and peaks when llghtniniDing ConiinentalI Center west of Estes;s Park. The said. “Bul3ul when you ore gone for05 unexpected ways. A woman in : year, bul you can ,' | strtkes 'and to avoid loiserodtsdtsand D ivide. I t tw istss rouie climbs through1 standss of fir five montanths there is a lot of bad Agua Dulce, Calif., wwashed their • gel away from • trees. its way skyw ard- and aspen, past beavtivcr colonies times )utout there too and a lot of dothes and fed them1 .! She was one ■ 232 2ndId St.S East (Behind Slackers) crowds by hiking The ‘ peiV has nve conwwnds'idswlth - ridge by ridge,!, and trout-filled streamsns. times youou want to drop out o r give of the “trail angels,”” people who ■ -|\Nln^In Falls •735-1269 a half-mile down ^about 580 sites. Three are firstfirst* switchback oyy The tree line startsi toti fade near up ” live near the trail andidhdphikers. 1 ^ Mon-flon-Frt. 10:00-5:30 p m jf ll any trail. come, flrst-sefved: Longs Peak.)ak, s w itc h b a c k . Inn Rainbow Curve at a 10,829; Heathh Petersen1 started the trip*P Angels leave theirr 1names and ■ T hc park sits Aspengkin ] ond Timber Creek.k. places, rock wallsIs although a few snarlcried, stunt id y,ith Lan.andwehr and Smith bul^ phone numbers in pl:phone booths ■ between Estes Moraine ' Pork ood Glador Basinaln are rise on one sidee and wind-swept treess ding< to the took a nastynaj fall off a log in south- or at post offices. P ark at 7,500 feet d rocky slopes. em Califtlifomia and had to return on the drier east- -Jraservotlon campffounds. CoJi:olicoo- i of th e ro a d and ^ Hikers, recognizingigno.onccan I f l l l T I cesslonalre ek»phertcs at 1-6CL-6CI0- shoulders fallII The overtook at Fororest Canyon tg jdaho0 for f surgery on tom shoul*■“* make it alone fromm Mexico to 1 U U 11 crn slope and 36&2267 | for reservations andand away in dizzyingg at 11,716 commandsds a view of derligamiunents. J Canada, rely on frientnds and fami- Grand Lake at oddiUonai ' InfomviUon. drops on thcc Hayden Gorge along wilhv, a dose- LandwiIwehr and Smilh pressed : 8,720 feet on the Bock ^ countiy camping Is by pemwinit other, up look at the txmdrara where the wetter western “only. There are nearly 270 dcslitcslgnat* Y ou w ill seee vegetation grows forr 10: weeks a “Thes PCTI is a mental trail. slope. The one cd ' sites and zoned areas. spectacularr year. , PhysicalljlUy you know you can do it, road in between There * am no lodsos In tho park,jfk.but glacially, carvedd Al the Rock Cut, theletOTd reach- but mcnttntoUy you give out early in. is T ra il R idge ''there oro plenty of ovoml^tocconv oo peaks and val-1- es 12,110 feet. A shor the dayr anda. you just have to u y to Road, an awe- modoUons ronging from Spoitaiiitanto leys, wind-sweptIt vides a peek into 2,00*»f?ot.d™p keep youour head in ?he game. It’s ■ some highway fancy in Estes Pock ond Grttndnd Lake,I forests, meadowsrs Forest Oinyon. The pagrij’s Alpine prenyrulruthless,” said Smith, that takes you to The ’ cnlninco fco Is $10)por po of w ild flo w erss Visitor Center at 11,79( >oofa Engles:less expanses of desert in th e top o f th e vehicle '' lor seven days. and ecologicallyy out on Mount Ch.hapin and southern:m California test the will world. For _ moro Information, contoct:t RockyR< sensitive, vegcta-1* Sundance Mountainin. Elk and ot hikers.rs. Thc highway, ^Mountiiln Notional Park. Estesics Pork,i tio n -sp a rse tun*1* b i^ o m sheep moy I •5 seen; on the T h etrail m is broken into geo- open generally CO 80517:970-586-1206 (gentsral(ger dra. surrounding slopes. c segments to help hikers Dt YOU Down? from Memorial Informotion); 970-586-1333UreconJ- (rc W hen y o u get!t Even healthy peopl all goals. Each part has itsi N ^ e c ilost of Fuel Got Day to mid- cd messago); 970-566-12422 (bock(t to the top of Trailil themselves short of bn£ r d ^ u S " t? October before it'“ country Inforniotlon); 970527-227-3471 Ridge Road, get!t physical exertion al suewch altitudes. — is closed by snow, ' feGotTheii A n s w e r! (wost side Informotion). out of your vehi­i- Don’t worry, is the park’s sig* ' cle and lookk If you are lucky, yoirou might sec I WMIB hJ This powerful, lightghtwelght saw is : n a tu re fe a tu re L . ------around. It's a three high-altitude animals:ai the IjSJSlnlo^ipU fB O IV )m e o w n ers. • and the one that ^ great for homi travel in cars. humbUnfiing experience. You are sud-d- marmot, a ^undhoioglike mam- nearly all visitors tm s. mal; th e pika, a guirlinea-piglike f / n m M . b u ses, tru ck s an d1 recreational- rt denly cngullcdcnj in the mountains. f t w«-'229” It makesCCS you realize w h at makes» m am m al w ith a hi*ligh-piiched ScjfJlBLY Shop vtzhicles. ift NOW ONLY. cing road that thej^!rk so unique, so spedaL squeak (you are more■e apt to hear 1 Ibe closed for an Il’s a brcathtakini nmdra, a spedal high*alu-i- them lhan see then V— — ------> . stretches 48 miles fronrom near Estes The m MetlnUnite period of time «y 14” I' Bar Witli Quick ce and is billed— tude.worvorld, appears at first to be•e ptarmigan, a white------Park'to Grand Lake i if ■ grouse. — Chain Adjusterl...... at the highest continidnuous road in muted1 in color ond tex tu re but if JURYFORANY sot ready for a STIHtT? T- ., , r- ■4.. -f. ^ ^ -4. 1 INCICONViMIENCE! Are you re HcfwMim r Hit Ihop w ttn tp m h H n h tlRinmderMiKwotmnlilp! iday ' F i y T f f wtimral i ___ ^ UIDISON P a rtirtiee 1662 AD a,€om : AVE. re.E. Jr 'm ve. W. •Tv/in Kalis, Idahilaho-208-734-4147 • TW INI FA1.LSF ■ 465 Addison Avt 2331 South Lir.Incoln • Jerome. Idaho1 0 *• 2 0 8 -3 2 4 -7 3 6 8 I l 7 3 3 -■ g 9 6 3 2 < ^ - - M p a » > ' i I, TTi October 19.3000 Tlm» Twtn FaUt. Idaho E-3 ______Ou t d o o r s i^ la ck bbears taker;n by nonre:esidenrhui in ters unting sereasonrsaresampleegame— and Pocatello. Seventnteen perccnt which concentratedcom deer around > Thronberry creeks and seeps. ly be ansv\A^er ^ e g litc r______o f hunters who siopppped at three springs, crc ; raise cc:oncerns; limits1 ma’v ~ chcck stations in1 the Upper “Tliedrj• dry summer concentrated Compton said. “We had mission on Fish, Wildlife and.nd Montana arc killed1 ini the north- IDAHlack bear har- Idaho Fnlls.F: “We always hear thehu people reported seileeing pretty two points ------WiWHftnrml-p7iT4Ttrks, said the Will So good numbers of deeL-er. especially untlers.s. "Again " lhat p«)ints tn agency may askisk the next increas:ase in the num ber of nonres-•es- vest. complaiiaining. never die praise. So las Lasl year, Montarana had bliick the quieiiet must mean the huntingng lots of does, fawnsns and little good survi'urvival over the w inter" he Legislature to allo\Ilow limiting of id enIt t black ! bear hunters has said. ;d complaints. bear hunters fromI aalmost every is Rood."d." bucks." I black bear huntinging by nonresi- raised* a t On Saturday and Sunday,Si biolo- WhileIe youngy bucks m ade up I dents. “We'Ve’ve heard nn awful lot of state, plus the c c< o u n trie s of M itchch H ansen of Bull M eat Norway, Spain Packing ry. gists checked 163 dc(leer at check the bulkIk ofol the harvest, there was . “ P eo p le are comoming from far residedent hunters cry foul,”1,” Austria, Germxmy, Ni ng shares Payne's theory, rrease in the number of iams said. “It’s a who-gets-•IS- and Mcxico, William:ms said. “Peopletie are happy over here," hebe stations on Higliwayy :20, Higliway an increa 5 and wide,’ WUliamsims said. ’’Black Willioi he 2G and Interstate 15.I ■That is twice older bucks, buc! Compton said. He I bears have bccomcne a prized, big- what-slt-shore^jf-the-pie issue.” Uiah huniers accocounted for 16 ^aid. “W“V e always get to see the I percent of bucks had 2(>- ore than SO percent of all percent of Montanma’s nonresi- happyi people,p but we’re seeingng as many as lastI year, said said 14 pe [ game trophy." M on Compton. “It's a fairlirly significant indi spreaireads, wiiidi is up from H I Current law prohibitspr the black:k bears harvested in dents, by far tlie mosost. lots oflh' them this year." It last year. Twenty inches Hanseiscn s.'id mnre than 40 deer•er jum p in harvest thatIt surprised us perccnt la I [;r, a litlle," Compton sailaid. is generalerally considered a buck are han,anging in the meat locker, 3 years old or older, whichI is i« “probably double whaiUll Tho jump can be; n attributed to that is 3 ye had over the last couple of two things, Comptonon said. First. As foror trophyt: bucks, Cotnpton L L A W A Y we've ht nly one 30-inch buck weni ' CASTirING THE FALl ' years.” lots of fawns surviveded last winter. said only ' .m which was mild ancnd relnfively through!?h ai check station. That ln fac'act, the hunting in eastern ’t surprise him, though, IdahoI is is the best it has been in free of snow. That; rmeans there doesn’t si ho are lots of iwo-|X)iniI 1bucks on the “Peoplele aren't a seeing the adult moreth ih an 10 years, said Idaho bui that’s by design," he D epartirimenl of Fish and Gamene mountain this yearar. Secondly. bucks bui biologtsijists in Idaho Falls, Salmonon there was little rain1 tthis summer. siiid. I di areas >pe for IRE

ow dumpJ C L, Colo. (AP) - For two con- re years, many resorts in theW: A £ l Iheo"' E es have had to wait until iry or February for their dum ps of champagne pow- :R TIRE SALEI lis year, early snowfalls fromi l 2 FE^ D ELTAFA A I L S E A S O N j om ■ m ia to Montona have raisedsed b CONSUWIMER RADIALS g for a good season. Dple are getting jazzed about ly say the last time wc had a ^ 1 9 e y ear it was followed by a P155/80R13 2^?44lL snow winter. We're .lue,”ti I i S s E ^ 'f rian Schott of Big Mountain ._ _ .2 fer^ 5 5 I hojn ear Whitefish, Mont. p 'fu ljm All 13" SIZES------: year, many Western resorts have good bases until it wastvas E \ M AIL 1 4 -SIZES------_ 2 fer= 6 6 I e to draw healthy numbers of s n c so f K , Combined with Y2K fears, ^ _ 2 « r ^ 7 7 I V Aw ^ rts didn't see good numbers AIL IS" SIZES_____ secudvcier visits until afler theicrs AvoOobU fal Mil 7Sf5 1t BO Stflti Slut.______I Jt R ockiesmas-New Year's holidays.che Il e Jan u ae ry second straight year of late OWING CHARGE] | famedtnd di lower skier numlwrs. kCP«r M onth 1 der. Thisskiers ure already on some I EASY $25[ 3 On $750 O.A.C. 9 'f',--. Califomithis f ^ . Big Sky in Montana: : | S p l ■ : • ' hopes foreet ire a d y this month, ■CREDIT s II e stdhn'com e in, it hit anc: sn d m i over iisI Eveo'body arounc:nnd ■ Ql ■ol reai excited. We decidec SERVICE POLKLICY 1 3 tied ► ZHAZARD WARRANTY ptcc-FlAT REPAIRS r. uld be die first to ojwn in the 2 said Briaies this year." said reson ^XtcC^ROADilANSHfP h WARRAHTf • jk%^C-VRE u ROTATIONS J ort : ^kcc-WORKMA resort smanne Dax Schieffer. “Peopk lAlANCINO • “ptce-AUTO0 SSAFETYj INSPECTIONS 1 ...... Last yi I 'A t t i r e re-ba\ dready hiking in on their owr)wn Z (im I't t'lif /s7fi'r didn’t aking ha turns." ioo lateeai t Mountain Resort neai skiers, Tahoe C on the California h a m a I^ I J 17/7//.2.r/yf'A/.7. ^ \ I 'i'- ' ■ the resorla line was the first Westerr SisrvoKDH ■ of sk ieito open ihLs year. Il offeree uILTIIASUPRIMI m X d . - Chrisimt tS e , rd skiing and snowboardingling ^ : , >.,■ • was the'ednesday f after gutting a foo j k J t a k b \ a snow anc foot B w. Warmer weadicr forced >t i I AN y A ic Saiurday afternoon. It wiU wil C : n again when condirions per |;1 BcntA T ■ lagnani number of skiers anc parked c and PI W ^5 [ l 5t» his line as early (all momln7)InS milt rises above tlie BoiseIse River near Boise In this file diciable snow have kept con • A fly flaharaian cast* here gol con- P the early mornings, when troutout find their way around In slowlow-moving pools. In most cost •s in the driver’s seal this sea m off k ^ the air it chilly In the ^vc woul( W \ e a c h a ^ wlll Just catch a gllmiillmpse of their dorsal fins. Iff ttithe light Is right, they'll seeI theth< rising head of a rainbow ai Rockies; com petition is so intens* AIN V •omething frotn thala surface• of the water. spokesm> crying to draw skiers from it: I ALL-TIRRAI were alr«resorts, Breckenridge j k I . 0 1 0 A T + : and mak:one. Season passes for th.itoin:, <»nl^„tlv— u i • ** ■ L ake will Ti allow holders to spend 1( k TfM R^MWil. pf»f«t»d V ren learn Subscribe. 7 Nevadau Vail. Sales were up 25 per ^ j iipo fish;h! Childr. . resort n toearly Octolier. limited '^KE'^5 COWjpoN-^-ri . last Wed his coupon at the timene 'of purchase to j of T(reeling in1 a live one of snow, I E Present ihi: to close litional $5.00 discountnt off( each of the ■ 5 he girls were among 9< SPENMSnuy! I'By Su&an Cocking» The ISEEOWit' reopen z i p I get an addittires already at speciacial sate prices; | Z I Tho Miami Herald youngingsiers from the Perrine mil. g I followingpreme. ti Vista. Chaparrgirral A/T, Sierra, ■ ------Cutlerler Ridge neighborhood whi lli Delta Supr vanya Norwood were•e treatedi to a Kids’. Fishinj e photo. In fall. unpreS^ and Yokohama GeoDA/T-f Aj I MIAMI-Tawar j a m ■oii|>on EIiptiKB Ocl ;’C. i’OOOj JJ * reeled in her first^ fishfi on her first l>ayr ouiot of Black Point.M arinai ii mil!ses, anglers sumers i .1 ,intl 0-S‘j 00 Oi5eount'v(H..Cl» C0U|K M . Jay on Biscayne Homemesteacl. Members of thith e ^ P V ■ ■ • • • • • ^ • "boat trip Saiurday Ith Florida Sport Fishermn eien ^ as It snatchei son. i k s iJay. The fish wasts a suc-inch man- South TheHO c 83301 •(20fl)-733-491O grove snapper, an(and it made the clubb provided 26 b o a ts an<“"‘I 1730 KIMBERLY R V aUistr z > z - l I M ; ll-year-old screamim and scramble crewsws. The Greater Miam ------sister E rt DEPARTMENT trc f m = * /t* * captain Jim m y Kiwar/anis Club cooked food and an« FACTORY d i a i C H A PPARRAL A A /T ^ 1 for th e stern of ca K eystor I S K ^ A E ____Mooi ?’s pontoon boboat. ofganJanized logistics. The Capt. Boi ^ Brecken•LOCAL BBUVERY • Excilltiil RM. itial shock had LewisAris Billfish Challenge am STORBWm A fter the initii: nat- — • Very Cood, wom off, Tawanyalya raclted up 16 Youlhiih Fishing Foundation donat 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 free rods and reels for the kid All Season . - • ■ R n I ? '® ' An ToV rair^vS l^ffl more juiapper andid pinfishi releas- ed frc* ccnt in e r,«

/erland Avenue • Burle 10-592-0459 • « Store Hours: 7 am - ( I*

M ______Businates Editor: VtT^nia S. Huuh\iOAins 733-093J, E x/. 242 TheTl Timcs-Ncws T h uursday, Occobcr 19,200019 Scction E-4 B i x F a c i * ^ h a mfiber urge1 :s spe2ed o)nto\wers other ceUulor providers' t(tow- Business Pluss n II is the chamber’s $1.5 10.” ch a m b er ,------1 location on otl million job^ieatioiltion campaign, funded by CllliCd executivee Kent Just ers. jsiness group decl; Twin , Fallsills city officials recensntly donations, said. the lead on putting' togeth- imposed a fotuotir-month moratorium onmew n CSI is taking die t o vvote on issue, butLit The chalamber this ,ve a committee time to dralraft a e r a joint m arketiceting entity for the Twin , I week toolok n^o vote ^ W tN F.FALLS towers to rive ime areas, to attract new ■ tower ordinan'iance. L o ^ offldals say chithere Falls and Jerome w amts r city to moveJ a n e a c i . about ns svstone* on the ciuiitwV too many communication titow- em ployers in targiargeted industries, and to • said, but the l_ _ _ _ I are simply too ting employers to stay here matter, he s ersintown,anand seven of them are 100) ffeet ' encourage existing board didd tell Mayor and expand. Coll:ollege leoders have said IigMa s. Hutchins ;eele it doesn’t want thehe tower or taUer. lg to search for and hire, a r»wew» writer______.. Elaine Stet In other chaihamber business this week:k: they’re readying t< ------acdontoge ;et bogged down. ess Plus II can contribibute director for thatIt newni entity, which would becauM chamber leadersers know • Business to 0 be directed by a boardI representing the TWyVIN I FALLS - They admitit c: they want That’s be to bring $50,000 per•r ;year for three years ti several coiompanies are looking to conomic-development effrffort funding sources} andan perhaps others, th e be;best of both worlds, nunications options herlere that regional ecot r partidpants then will cake win Foils Area Chanlamber of tdecommi 5d by the College of Southithem CSI and ocher pa s agree city Twin Falbs Ibu^esses n e ^ Just saillaid. sw arh ead ed 1 th e idea to otherer MagicA Valley coundes to imerce’s board members a to brain- Idaho, the chaihamber board dedded. B r ieiFLY i kat rules for City ploianners Tuesday met to ras good discussion about' tlThl^, see w hether thfie e mt arketing group could lea dlers er should take a good look a regulations for commununication “There was jnunicotion towers, but the:he cham ber storm newti wos no question therei vwas cover a larger geog;eographic area, sfeet. . towers pererhaps to indude h d ^It t restric*i b u t th e re wi jwing For the first yijn 01or, partidpants in Jerome sn’t want die d ty to drag its ft :ertain zones, aesthetic; reciuire*n strong, strong:ng support,” Ju st said foUow IN M oONEY' =*Ve • want to m ake sure we donJon’t moraco- tions m cei f b o ^ ’s meeting. Please see TOWER. PogeE6 r cell towers and mandatilatory co- the chamber b 1 ourselves oul of the telecoecommunica- ments for c Friday Is laststd ay to file fbr d isastster aid ____ lu m m commilission;; JEROME - Certainain Magic Valley -— G luiJM AND(G /IER — - Tax( residents ore almostjst out of time to daim spedal jobtessn•ssness benefits. Idaho w o rk e rs wlwho are unem* ployed due to thisis ; year's expaimds opi)tions" fires have u n til Frida;iday to claim fed- eral Disaster UnUnemployment 5 electronically Assistance, che Idahilaho Department Idaho busirinesses can file e ,of Labor said. ' TheTlme»New C ord,, or through ACH Eligible d isastertr aareas in Idaho ■ (A utomomated i Clearinghouse) Jerome. Blaine indude Elmore, Je TWINFALLS-NiNew electronic D e b it._t. Businesses can file and Lincoln counties. tax retxims are throughgh TdefUe; by calUng 1-888: program provides methods for filing ta The assistance pro] now available for businesses,bi th e 952-6311311 toU free. weekly benefit paynayments to work- : C om m ission In oddiiddldon to die Telefile sys- ers who are n o t eligiiliable for regular Idaho State Tax ( businesses can file their sai-’ tem , bu! unemployment insunsurance daims. in expects th e . Id a h o0 states taxes over the iled ot any Job The commission , Claims can be file dectronic procedurures to benefit Intemetnet through independent Service office - indindudlng those in rfiofUe Vvendors approved by the Twin Falls, Hailey•y iand Mountain business owners wh _ State Tax Commission. ; be submitted by sales tax and incomimc tax T * - c » - ^ r ^ C 5 ° Home - and m ust be withholding returns ? For a fee, thes** private Friday unless goodlod cause con be ' companies provide a sim- established fo r filinglng late. ing them a more effi ] pie way for businesses to way to file. The m inim um weeveekly benefit for ^ c U .e file and pay taxes. FUing lyment Assistance Taxpayers can vis 81 IRS JM through the Web hos a Disaster Unemploym lax commission’ssT w in ...... ^ t in Idaho is $102, andmd the maximum built-in benefit of ah 196, th e Labor Falls office ot 103838 Blue t payment is $296 Lakes Blvd. N., SuiSuite C, during onlinee tox-reportingto package lhat Department said. business hours Fridiid ^ to get help allowvs s taxpayers t to maintain fiHnghy Telefile or:«• the Intemet. recordsrds of their tax filings, the Women’s buslnllness group 'i The TelefUe systrstem, a quick, commissioissionsaid. easy way to en ter aiand submit tax Forr anan online demonstration or • presents fall coconference telephone, is to register, re{ log on to Information by t< ’2.stace.id.us/tax/filing.htm. BOISE - T h e WorVomen’s Business available to busimInesses for th e www2.st Center will h o ld icsIts Ifall conference first time in Idalaho. Tax pay For moremor information, caU the Wednesday a t thee BBoise Centre on ments can be matade via credit taxcomxommi^on’s electronic filing the Grove, feoturturing the topic card with either VIVISA or M aster h d p deskdes at 332-6632. •* Communication the Workplace.” Cost is $50 a t theie door,c if you reg- ister by Friday, cost»tisS40. i Firmbbuys Elkcx>-area Guest speakers ar*ore Dawn Craner, an assodate professfessor in the com* munication depart)artm ent a t Boise 5 provider State Universily,ty, and Carolyn IntemtiUI*vira(oplDo, plete, according to Dorr. telepho Japanese mamsnufacturer Exchi on E*6 . ease this week, ceUularolar and Intemet communi­ id M im w hit by mliMay. R iadd abootal tha day't itoek tiadim In a news relea ons services, the BOISE - M icron:jn Technolo© Inc. •« < !' ------Dale White, busiisincss develop- nation: has entered into} aian agreement co e r for CC R«*Wclbiibrush news release said. ment managei ATe are very fortunate that buy the remainingng equity interest Communication:ns, said few In KMT Semiconionductor Ltd., a e made to the CC CommunicationsCor has taken ^ changes will be nterest in our community, Japanese makerr oof dynamic ran- ■ I > Rabbit! ush opereration, and his an dom access memoiTiory chips owned I repo])lts loss company soon willriU be prodding r sold. » Lg make 'hite said the Rabbitbrush jdndy*by Micron\ anand Kobe Sted. ^ousin^ itance service to " h i t >mcs re ^ o n al long-dista le wiU remain becausc of the M icron, w hich1 alalready owns 25 based company reportedrc a net compnpany has re ta ile rs Hom^ name \s has reached a non- By VIVirginia S. Hutchins lerica and Oakland Homeses in the Elko area, *at brand recognition.” percent of KM T, hai loss of $4 rniUion,«I, or 8 cents per Ameri omes “As one of die,e prim ary com- binding agreementtnt wilh Kobe Sted TImw impared with a TwinIn FaUs and Westwind Homi rthern Nevada, Rabbitbrush’s recent con------diluted share, cotr munities in nortl t widi the county was a posi- to pay $125 millionion for the other 75 lanu- net loss of $5.9 million,n or 12 inFilt'iler. iiding communi- trtct wi n also expects to T TWIN» FALLS - Housing man :hampion already closeded a Elko and surrounc 1 factor in CC’s desire to percent. Micron o cturer Champion Enterprisirises cents per diluted ^ore,sl one year Chs „ , i „ des wiU reap greo;•at benefits tiv e fo assume o r p a y off-off $325 miUion of fa cti Weisendent retailer. in th igg £5 communications1 Please see ELKO, Pago ES ”s manufacturing jodji31 million in third quart; fall 1998. KM T’s 199. The Auburn Hills, Midlich.- Champion’s Welrebsite says the Please see HOUSINO. Page I plant in J a p a n ’s INishiwaki City. 199^ which em ploys 900K)0 people, ali eady has been converte

TTmr»fMl>T,Oct^l9,aOOO Ttow»4 M o ney tc&ha^es- = D(iGWbotlunces b)ack froi A i^iit this feature N E WV YORK' (AP) - Stocks Oct. 18.2000 GSCs g p — :d sharply in volatile trad- AocotMleelsoi a Tlmes^ows Monoy section pl rdncsday. sLdng more tlionin ■ CLOSE ■ B [ H t h a t highilgtns(hts apeclol buslnoss honors. jints off the Dow JonesJS ■ ^ 9 .9 7 5 .0 2 ■ ■ 9 WeliunaubnlttMm 6 Btotee of ribbon cuttings, gn ■ials before bargain hunters NETCHANOE 5 ^ Mnployees and the like. JM ings, honored emp 'in ond helped the marketet ^ m*. and intoiTnatJon expwnlng tm % CHANGE BBB SendpMe^avta. r most of its losses, 0,000 cance. tor AccdadMOt». Th* Tlme»Wey«. P.O. BoxTA ~ stor despair over a general-ll- H H I call Investo Foas, 10833030!J0548. Or for more infomwtkjo, e lc earnings outlook broughtht HIOH10.085.BB Business EdttorX VlfBinlaVI S. Hutchins et 733093: IL“ d ™JW to its first close belowiw LOW 9.B54.M ' ■ 1 0 ,0 0 0 si:since March 14. alihougliiU» RECORD HIOH |i''^.>Ti le chips managed to regainin Mn. u. noo iLii: th e b l u e ' JULY AUGUST SEPTtMBl'MBER OCTOBEH m o ro thiian o 300 points during thelie 11,722.98 J Plk coursee c of the day. The tech-h------^------ex “I think we a re near nt the bot- resolutiorlion of market problems, f o c u s e d Nasdaq 1 composite index sponsible for the upturn, •bounded sm artly from its tom. but th is is u bottom be that’s was rcspo Wally and Jan Stuitarr anand Marty and ierl Holland celcelebrate a ls o re b c c crcdibiliry.” ‘'T h e ree oare still doubts about lo w s o f thetl: session. going ti) need some i tR efrand opening ofSnI Snake River Bowl with a ribbot )rt said Brian Belski, a marketm strate- earningsgs {growth rates ond there A d isasappointing ] earnings report ng to be doubts about the tint Sept 9.Tt»buiJnelineee It behind Kmart at 726 IBM was the catalyst foror gist ai. U.S. Bancorp PiperP Jaffray, arc going f ro m IB! m ting not any rally andid rreversal today.” Minidoka Ave. In Burieyrley and can be reached a t 679-7940W L ' W a ll S;treet’s tre latest sharp decline.e. who said bargain hun (2698). tt provide* leagesguee and family bowling. PIcI from left to right areI SteveSti Thompeon, Bob Herrie. Mikeit Searle, Craig Jonea, JayJayne Runyon, Jerl Holland, MaMsrty I of Its naw H oousing__ ir. Dave Westfall, Jan Studer anand Bob celebrates „l the grand opening ( Holland. Wally Studer. [ nditures ond an estimaimated 21 perccnt from the 11096 E. Main S t . fonneriy YoYoung Ford Continuedued from E4 monitoring expcnc Hamblen. Burlay store a t 1( be cash flows." saidd W alter R. Ix-ginningin g of Uie year." _ - ' Inc. Goode wlllI keepk« Its store In Rupert In adiiddltlon to the southerern Idaho should not be I’s chairman, Quarterrterly retail results mclude ed by ony future plant clos-os- Young, Champion’: '■'■■■I- new Buriey locat!'iatlon. It offers new and used1 ccars and affeaed president and chielief executive. chargeses totaling $2.2 million ■ ■ U O ind service, leasing, parts andId auto-body in e s. s h e added. ;r cash provid- relatedi toto the closing and constili- 8 ^ 1 ; X trucks, sales and company Treasurer•er “DurinR the quarter of 29 sales ccnters during d are Qarth Williams and Bus»Goode C cut- I es- ed by operation-s wasas $47 million,- dation of CV m m * li Benrubi told The Times- llion in casli at the quart* ^ M W ting the ribbon1 a t their new store with the heh.lpolcmmu- recently thut ChampionI is and we had $32 milli lo quaner end.” “Ourr shshort-term profitability is '■/ S B mty and chamberber of commerce members. c o n s i ddering c closure of up to bt was 44 per- Iwing affectedaffi by the industry’s r retail centers in Idaho,IO. He soid total debt ______t h r e e n afi cent of total capitalal at Sept. 30. tightenedned consumer credit stan- B a u mlan a i on Wednesday reaf- percent ot the dards, increasedint industry repos­ d thot two Idaho locutions)ns compared with 47 p« h r m e d i cd beginning of the yea•ar and 50 per- session.^e s higherI interest rates and b e s i dles e s the already closed •r. Tlie compa- excessi retail re inventory," Young y one still are considered•ed cent last Septemlwr. B E ip d B u r le y < ,ild ny exiMJCts to spendd less: than $20 siiid. ‘As "As a result of market con- fo r tail closures. N either would expenditures ditions,s, wev cannot predict earn- the cities. million on capital e n a m e lay during 2000, down, fromf $50 mil- ings trenc•ends. T h e5 company’s c Wednesday "As previouslyprt announced, our incement said yeaf-to-daleme lion in 1999. a n n o u n c ,n,. “Despite this clt^allenging envi- fo u rth1 quarter q results are not icomc was $150,000. com- rfTeased to be expectedted to compare.favorably to 1 1 1 withV $44.5 m illion, or 90 ronment. we are^ ;ar. gaining consum er market rr share. this yeai'ear’s third quarter, and Cindy McWIIllam* sndId ShariS Crane of Corporate Imaj c c n ts per diluted share, last year, stribution net- additionional manufacturing and Embroidery and Ann Evans of QiQuality 1 - lie nine-month period, con-on- improving our disti ; Screen Printing and Enii F o r t h e bil- work ond reducing5 fieldI invento^ retail do; Photo hold their ribbon«n cutUng S ep t 22 to celebrsKs t e a new soU dateiited rexfnues w ere $1.5 bil- . “Champion’s ure expet:pected.” ______>lus GIfU Galore, at 324 Seconond St. In H on, dcdown from $1.9 billionII a ries.” Young said. ' lo c ^ o n and new ownerme'rthlp. The store has moved1 tot< 1 18 4 Dollar Store Plus are retail market sharare, including . ^ rates' iU grand opening with a ribbon cut- year esearlier. Earnings before id independent rimics-Ncivs es- fluj«ne« Editor E..Maln St. In Burieyf andan vrill keep the same phonew nunvi Rupert, ceiebrsti est. taxes, depreciatiori andind company stores and ts,h ata , ting S e p t 29.. S S tore t owners Harry and LoriI CGallegos cut'- interest 9.6 jMircent, up V irginiania S. Hutchins can be ber. The buslnete willIII specialize> In custom T-ehlrts. ttzation totaled $52 millionion retailers, is now 19.( yt at 7JJ-093i. Ext. 242. or Id by Ward Maxfleld and Luckyky Boutn. City, jmortu: from 18.5 percentIt a year ago, rvachct c Jackets snd th e iike for advertising and promotion#.u . Also the ribbon held b ;ar-to«date 2000. nail at virf;iniaely in retail inventory 1 Jayne Runyon, Mayor>r DDoug Manning and Steve Thorlom pson. gathered to cele ______t r y c h a m ^ m m trim 016» -13 --»»«• * ’■ • S fK " “t f i S i n jOt) M ^11 O-i'SOfSTB* tTM .1 d28 44 .3* nSAS«e 5300 -Dt» U«t Chg 00ooe IM J3JI-1M 44 n4iaa.>,31 Kan*Cm* ... 1: D*roa S«nf>iCn1M 7010» -««-i Lueonl 283038 21.00 .„ intrtlHTr 10031 6503 *t. Ss ^ E i : WFn dkS k ; J i ; s - '2 s s s - ■: ■) QA)N»»(tao«HOM)I) M??cS* '-‘!’a.«-T .M tMKt „.di:oa.iji ••■ J isar.'-': a.°;-ia 0 ^ M 373a >1M LwtlSd " “ oo ■” 4 e -M - QAm6ft8 («o"»i«>«»: GUUKEftStiaM M n) luPcnlP • i5^ Oo-On.llBOTS# •'!o« 2100**^ MS5-1. t4.m. L ..I Chfl %Cjv»Chg ??3^* ' ■ «Trt S i n i: i i s - i l 0«P0rt K 1*0 41M.I.M .< r M l W«n. - LMl Chfl %l DuWCn0y2»uar.M-IM tm«niV> M 1031 - .40.1 To»m 2 03 *.66 *2*27.2 TluiwWfl 3.75 .150 ' *00’’ *00. is^ . m«:JtS taa V' ? ' j o m n - ’iM g j m H >Ol.tr««■)«) . l.oseBS(nMKM4 I - I H n \ z Sn-"'' " JiS ilS JlSSp tS^M®! l.s -44 MM-1 %ChQ turn, f «t Cha %Ch 8 88 S«»c»* ,JoJ?.4o * s r “S ss;i:s EDS | M 4731 >1 U UWM M IIM . » SOUMI 02 3iM5 - H»tT>« U»« Cho HCt>Q HI I 3 it Cha .03 20 04 ... S.» ^ •2 ■ S 2 "iSl SpmfON 10<«2S . -30,1 WMWlion 2,38 -.38 -1-13.8 AccnwS 3.44 -503 -59 ',.,122.63* • ilBcV>r«t - 31.I9-3JB E i s =: 18.106 ChlqpB 0.19-5.18 - -12.5 CovBdCm* 3 56 -6 03 -58 06# llJi -Jl AiriMn IW M»a-l.3S S^ S " % n n f e : M .81 ITTEa 18 69 -5 25 -23.0 - Lllwlrmn 300 - 44 -1 Si T?S ,„d16B0.|Xb dl i's 4800.106 AibOMi I ' ' 0.^ .is K f■» »s-: -20.0 OhAit 5.50 -.75 -1-12.0 C«iil»S 4.25 -563 -57 Sk/WMI ,M 53»4 .#» SuaSIt 68 109.77-4r7_4 80 OUnTiio 2.50 -63 - -11.6 Tsriyona 10.88-2113 -5> -. 1.41 >36 .. 10J6 »M AmEin* ^ ♦ » Ij 19 .25 ConniCo* 013 -1.38 - -18.3 RaloXehn 2.81 -38 -1 i d i i s i s s™U^ l ^ t _IB7.U ^ ^ » . S S " -.. IBJ|.1,«6. incWiB* ..tfia40-4,1) lls ;i s"| -'i C M 30 13-1.31 s««tfn.01p 38 19 • ApotoO 3031 .94 e«tl -„alB.6l - 9o«N «. . 3436 . »* iS'tS .10 -or* 4M4.7 DUWY ^ So.«ee .10 7 94 .06 ■ d« r» DIABV » KSS'i M S923.144 Swn M 7.19 - 213 AdvancwJ ».« 74 is ’ ■ ” ssiiji ii I ... 23.79 ... 8>fiPpft« 2 10 210«» . • AtfvBncod '1.015 AOvancod '• 2.526 Si- AfU 12706 . 06 ~S v ■'? ^-i.s Eir* 5 urma .90 M.M ..9* ff .44 48.81 »1B1 SU»f ^ 48.50 . 1.900 Doettnod 442 Doe«»a 2-M .. d1«,;« ••• =" s s :» SSS." » ♦ ” Decknoct ’ 139 Uneh»ng«J gS3 05 AilTtcn 77 24 -75 f " 428 UncMnged B9 WmUMl* ... I s s r :S -.a ESSE,.. : S ..’ 794 ToWIHiu*# <■»» <.'•« JSffi - ;» ; HS ••! M. 3,343 ToUlttiuo* 'ounSvt _ BBJ0-4M II.Bt "’lIliLdi :'!s:« 3 3 KowH^jM 18 1 AwOtOn 7 00 3 40 37:44. 1» SurOM ... 4183“ -• “ NawHigh* 21 NewKigtn 561 Aty.lt«ti. -a«4.11 -»S tc^ in „ ’Jg-J-J® U g ^ / - JS--, :'ssis S s-sl-ili i < BO raoo .IM D3I • 202 Now Lows lie NewLowB M « ?! H -ii S'. 4001J4.M-138 |;;S ^ ,4804381.. - NowLows 948.410 VWum«______2,460.412.0112.0CO AjMjn. - «.M ►;;; KUJ«. iii »; Volumo 1.035.801801,2ro Volumo •______1«>.0*8- :■ '■Sss ssr : S , s i » "ilis s.-• •’®'aJS : » " « « • AuKIdMk :« 20 00 . 04 H 'Loo 1*6 iMfSm 425 .IJ S S i ^ i ! S : S : r«0*i« 0# 4«.M.r» Ncncp 1.14 _ IftM -iss TJX .IB 23.93n •.44 A.I>iMn ... 90.00 . ■■a*iMe! n«r4.M S S S S .70, 49« -Ta1 J;s s ':S r,:S :S » ‘ ... 31.63 -.8# TRW tJ2* fiPAmoce 1.33 U.OS -SII ^ FMCOPOU4# BM -.IS Woxn* « ®* *** 06M9 5^.M fS6 C ^ * U « ______“ 8 « » . 74^ . y. fnitrtra ,„ a -a .MMIU---- J -^^’2 T'l! •'*” -IC ss :^d»^-jw ______, .80412.19 -il3 34313t*-60 • s!i32]52 2,632 01 N»»«>S S qC onw ii# OoArwn BM [«»;'»]» =•* I N(»«£e IP500 1,342.1.ijilS -784 - 5 8 -80S .,. dUO.1.13 irtOaM* ., MJ1-»i7»- OATX I » 4)00 .. NnMHw 13 • 1.553 M 1.233.«) S*P: «21 -4 67 -.09 -704 .15.4.09 jI m * ' a ? ^ - sSllif!o£p M 2I30>UI 00 -M 614.10 400 33 Rut»jtMa2000 *882 .»2 63 D-n»Cm» SMW-5W ^ ,., 3iiS.5S I s T * ' ■ . 14.14 .94 40 -.76 -B.55 .( . nZil.a> 10 OS > a NOMIU■ 1 Hts's ssM-X3I 14,734.25 11.450.00 VWihUlhlfOSOOO 12.4941. •• Jl-!5'*2 T«n-«n» -,«0.*4 - 3W 32.00 - 44 TfiMli •o''> 2 2 : n 168# « ' i d s i i si s S S C . 'S S S I S 52SS 2S? ;iS • 1 OarMM Ito 3700 'ia NiMiNi*K• I TKM. M 4BMu *94• s- ■■■i-ii IE. ii •" S S^?3 1ST •• ” •** ■ £3U -S SSSSJ 8 CMM gg y ii S 2024 -.13 TWbtT* J7.1>»- i s is 2T.81 Ol W3A“"* *!! 838 .19 TIKHWm .18di*J#«-js« 3 Jf YTO Dtv pg L»«t Cho %i S 1-10 l»13’- » 2 ^ „ ... SU ..OB _ U l . 3%1. 17»” -m , J0 280 16 54 50 -.13 *714 * cnliPolnli ...1*4.88 s s a JO S CkMWFi0 31 UM -U TrKvO . 2831 42,10 -5 0 -15.0 SptokotP BT,44.3JS V*n»nS Trt»:HKn 3J 1481l\ fWotAfli 2.00 0 , 11 24 31 -69 - ’ ” 2 2S2LL tfa.00 -M VtraoCpn . 0569 -~« M 29.81 -04 *24.5 TupOWfO.« 88 10 1581 *00 ^ = S ...... I S J S KIS X , : ’!i» li?5 •' ClN.raY 180 11 CP 80 10 21 25 - 25 --08 cne«On«« «4I-40B [™lnfo»pc«i ... IBM-213 tMnrCmn I S ;S S S o S K ‘ I S - c i t.ob M8#-1.7B Tytomn 20 19 - 38 -11 0 USEXncp -lOfl C-|«COI Mmtonni ... 42* .31 P«»vT»»n _ OnnPA »J4 M O -J*; sss." ° Sto:p 1.20! » i 9 -44 UCI .. #.#1J, :25 CooAgr. «0t 21 33 00 .1 00 -27.7 UnNFd 53 12 10.38 . 13 lAttsmit - *>.44 - l>n«rMi« 30 3«< 49M.i” v£mm'« ,.^IB.1,t« euwsr .*« « is -Ma OoMMJ - UJt.tM ^ im I StS*'5? wAe** M BOB*.L8a*S.3* CottCOB .. 24 20 53 12.03 -.13 * n tf3.D* .31 VMM - 6,13 -47 |M(K a 40 M -.13 < .44 DWbok) 62 12 23 50 - 01 *.3 V.W ««• „ K22S,"1 , .u41,19.*44 vcu » 3 t .M ! m 2 m *75 .eOB14JB 15 00 *.50 -41 0 WdMnn 24 34 4 0 75* 75 - ii^oWn »« ••■■ g S S 3 ' » n t oI s^ s i r 3 ? ■ M OJM Tiw WW4" ■JO-too •“ * FSocCp .04 18 ed 100 to 10.61 -19 •si iii I I U ^ « 10 4S79-IS0 PGfp;rp ... 10 0.00 . * CV3CP 23 4«oo.;oo ► S .TB tO.M ♦.« ur-mPte .M 39,38 3# -Bl How»onPB .046 25 ■“5 sr = ! S , « sss-:!! K38. ' ... 1.19 *Jl Hom«Di)» .16 32' 36 50 *1.38 -46.9 W*UjFfgO ESJto “ ~..d1t.<0.a00•“ ' S i . .. 94J0-3U as. : iiaii;» HUMj .J4 10.1J ..13 Piop^n‘ ^'2• 212 :*? unw .. 11.19 , 46 50 -.50 *73.7 Zlofficpr s! ^ "il- ii :sl s n OB W i 19 l»emR li)7 too 10.00 .08 kUCOP 1.80 IS -174 Con5)5ii ... 69.tB-8.B6 Im m ** - ojig-'''’ 2521, ■- IM -31 Koyoxp 1.12 10I 21.01 -1.00 ■ -1.4' lntn«lHc1 ... IB* -•4' '•• us? ■?? WAVOCp <»47 in .ii 2938 .isi UWtoon ... «M 1 12 44 *25 -12 7 Corny*.. » 97 81-3 J5 J"lnt«5«r 91M - 94 2 i!», ! 'IrJ.is KSJ. .36 43T3-M9 |jp9Dn 6» S3IM.20B 08- LongvF 32 16 C«!C»m.t 2969-106 "intmlcm ... I7.I3-1J6 t>unMSr «631 ’ S - '*** M t.23 -.23 MietOoEl ... ‘81 0.75 -.13 -39.3 C S K i!:is j j t •* cencuiTcn • I^J U, -1l WiOKh 901 M3*-136-131 Conuntt ...l*3«J1-7J1 IwStJM FwSft ... Jiii.tM ••• "JJ’IS 0 t^ O D * .* 30.M.1M PrSIf IJO 83M -M tWW-00 .0310481. IxtuR ... 4«*t.>3l PtxMntg* .,. S S i i S j 140 40M-1TO UMrMoni - 29.94.> .»4.3M ■ lm«oon »M.50« ^-gn»«1 - ToSllS WfWC«-1. ...CtJJ*4.nJ CmMn .. « » -.44 I >13 -.73 .H n»M M 'B 9A A i ^ I ------K5SS*» SSS SS-iJi- W tS ss-is ^ Ia s \ t ?900 -M l«C® '•» l«Ma»i«i«ul»n»w»mcriBI» ■00 Iho C*rTh»» - M.#v*3.7» [" piMtm ■ g rs- JSHS-;']!S IQP .to NM -0« Pouml kftc rwM T4 69.iTS Vtniior II'M M ♦ » WnCunsrtwriuiieM*SSSS^i j w I 90 diM -0« V*rtra>C>nl.B4 4TB1 s M r a r s i r iiW • : : si.i»**J» : awLoMoro«lntefea< ‘T.'B -■’»1 ] EEM 114 7B« .J v l ^ n OOM . ‘.'.I S K S | S S s s ____ 1 o S S t S s : “ Ij”!-;!!. S i " ■■■' S E S -. w IInowfU M«»M.1M gwwm'* M *:s2 ;1S 1“ -1’ B«sf««»*«v«lu*.Ofp Hjrtw 0>r U«t Ct>g Oe«^wn iii iOB -Jl I5nni.-000n4:bn4?*030e -fe' i-lW I03* 3J00"-77 ^ - S -H '*-S Voaion. .» • 3725725 . 61 camptfynMohentuJLtmih^NAV. eSoBn - *3 -.06 iSnSPB»Vn27/n27*tI59 13 -63 25 35 *61 S . ” s s :n I loi BW • « W*ef«r« 2 4CKH9 94 AUC - 1-40 *-l« elni’uoC H97 -09 i»vnPn/Nnl3'3 «^1<»'.*'•* d*.« -.I* Iftil*"! 2« -06 ..l i l l ; , .. aJ.J* -tB IgbUti 44. I4B0 .15 u jTTb^^^ Bo«*n S S f f SSio™ ii « lin l?90 Tm ««m w i ... 388iEii IJOO .10 uTl£ng. ” !?* ? ; ■^'*3 iii diS -.S S « lj» t a0i3B-l»4 WM>re 300 41.08 D«KnTnC0.179#9.?94 nlUrtM -i d44 -.0* OT)*n0" DB .. IB.™ *3» w»*rf<90 •* 42i5 Mon«'’i> M 9M -oe ^amMCnies J 3ii *33a-i44 „ 7 t - nxtKi'H" *•■»' -*•** " , irtcS -, B7J6.** • s,8 Kmivt .. 3M -.M W09» - I kA I - '* CowC*m S l'Ji'?!? WUnfWi I.M 21ii M , mu* be w m 81 w a ewwelawm e . r,^, J S •• “ • s a ; . a s i s : ;SJ i KS?» - a« •» a*P*o ,i,oa*4Jl >lMaaeMiME*a^o>«n« r.r'^ ''i;s :5 ssrp?"-*; CoiCom ' .. 3aft#.1.1S“ MrxiO 1.1! JtBI.100 s o c ^ -83 My»^nodfWHUCMr •- SSSK,"J^.“ ^'S£ Ur^CXo 78J4BO-70 IntrmAgn .3 19 • M “ *4. -■ ‘-p UHSSiii "' tM ^ Ctm. 4 a 3M -«002 ^ « • S .M liM m utm 60 40949 » SS«"Bit55r?-ew c J ^ V n .. ,2.31 ..19 k 122Anhfl.oC *siT5-4i»4 SrUid 277. g a a S ii 1» ’®“ iil.in fe-.li’ w in » ~ » . - * 2 lilB t> ■ 13^. **• ••'’loS.TiS *««"0r 1-M *'■» S'* B ill XS-t ii! 4ai»4 *50 te e i M «.TB«.n -Jl I ' oWeUL win 39»c»0 7S - 81 I >■ ' - E-e Tlm#>«*w». TwinI FtFalit, Idaho Thvndiy, Octebwb« IS. 2000 ■ Towerrs__ ——___ ;__-- c oyouoanMpariroircK. ♦*° •^ftinttinuFwi frem E4 ______yearr’s ’s eend, Just said. FEyWc"KerrBcCkerr3olo ------■ - ( J L 0 5 I N G FFOTURES I _ g; I iieb.O 404;6 46ii:b 489:3 16 and Twin Foils anire aiming for a T f i^ 11 S u g5A/ R ______^ ja Bt fo r th e new, Cup-Cli►•Clear Shield D ivision man- |h ^ CMOan^ Sw 237.S |37 *”23# 237 8 237.9 -I 494 0 500:0 4M:o 4983 • j $2 0 0 ,0 0 0 bu d g et r, who will take th e two-jjcar 249.7S347.7S 346.78 J47 . M -1 NEW VORK (AP)-C«0«I lutu«.tn»altadnoonmaN*t< May 505503.0 503 0 496.6 9^0 rs joint economic-i:-development ager, w r i s r " . w Vo* Coflaa, 0«0»' *«» Cocoa I S09.3 Plus ITs leader term;n; JeffJ Duggan, College of o« ' wS 3M9 2W 7M ' tu group, Business I’ th e m Idaho’s sp e c ia l assis- )0 eujo 640 40 -17 so Tua.'a »*la *i8 has sold. Southe II 19.87 ^M.17 ..79 SS?i?irt400JS3.lip 1.131 ii».ooote:^owMpw6. ■ 1 1 : board this week tontt tot( the president; Kothi ; ; 6 The chamber be lifen, owner of Christine’s , [J ’flsw ’ieoS *.'.y wnobumw n*«Tuni ew« par txiaM .,5 May ^0^3 '10.90 lO.j agreed with Bususiness Plus II Honite dS COMExSokJ 270 lUIU ;371.60 373.00 -.08 DaC IW 101 ’°^t7 'no^s 'is S2i:6 niendation that aoihicthier; Jerry Hart, odministra- j D*e COMtXStW < W010 40M 4003 >00 Mat 11< i 1 if I ... 524.7 ^8 leaders' recomnii of Magic Valley Regional j • 0*C COMCXCoop*' #» 9»11 8«.M 87.20 -1.10 May 13! tjj Mat B46 #81 #; ...... M6.2 5 contribudon be in Ifaiis 129 ‘781» • ” e.M 0 42 ^ : B Business Plus ITs t iical Center; an d J a n e t Neel, Ocl PUM'um ;s '*;SSS W. : ^ tio *’ jV esi 0 40' 9' :ertain expecta* MediiM n «03 0008 >04 Dac 13' ♦ 8 con tin g en t on cei •rtified public accountant. • ffiKJvr* 'K M H7.30 8a.3S - 4S TtM.'a *4U Tua/aoS!nln?'fM.e03,up tt.7i 799 - Jui* * - tions regarding thiihe director's Job acer^ a^*W^40®0 up3SS auoAni4 Tua.’a i^taJt ‘i,N4%.«.i.ni new group’s mis- ^ The * Idaho E-BuMncss ;s -..IS lia^»»:<*n»pafto. Twa.'aopa description, the n< iference set for Nov. 10-11 ot ■ dH Co^ 8 ?30JO ■ aios 6202 •73 iOOObuni .J Jib 2t.3S 21.52 21.; aonaaday sion, COmpOSitlOlion of the over- Corfcr .. Oci UFPMilH 10 0»W 10 05 10 00 -. 04 40j .J Mat 21 35 31.45 21.. '°^"ti‘o7 s > » id " t? ;r 9 .t® ^ id the budget, CSI: willwi offer many knowledge- , NOV tIFP M.n> « M> 47S' 463 477.36 7| Minn pnoa lor atfvar m London i764on>4.6< sight board and e presenters. And chambcr Jjj S ' 2107 a l” sl'iII ii ii ss among other thingtigs. ab le p SM 607*25 S^S accepted the leoderders will try to set up side ^.bjirPM^ loQ2i 'B l i i S'' Is ISU^O.’S S I ^ S ...... «.o».952. The board a etings with several presenters M7^ *^jO ^M7 607 4 -IS 3 ^ Business Plus III ]proposal in its meeM , oS\~.c.'nl. 09 87Vr i§2i i s s ^ ^ lls iut I^M^Jl.OS 30a lili -iS S i [J to mfoinformally discuss th e compel- D«: Lr..c«til» TIM $00t0 .entirety. Ju st said. . F»o lr««c«ni« 72.SO12 72.ts ra:” t w ^ ^ , 0 4 3 , . 1.040 Tua aopan mi 11,631 • itself, for now. itive'e broadbandt offerings the Aw Uv»c«m* 74.10 fonx (AP) - spot oonlarroua maial pnoMMa The chambcr i al business community needs Jun IJV* C*ni« 71 1010 700! 7^07 I 12 WYWSS d o e sn ’t p la n to kick in any loc^ b on F.»<»»fe«m« a7.w) L i v e sn'! - o c K . S l^-’'e7.a cania par to.. Undon Maial Each. regular budget, 10 business around th e world, Nov F«»0«'calila 07.B7« shs 11^ ..5 19” ls2l 1900 1511 • -07 07 ------money from its r Jiui FMdercalll* 00 0969 00 ss 08 89 • 03 Jttt 19 FarmOu'aau Iniarmounlan Coppat •» It said. . . Mu c«1»» 5 5 « : « POCATCLLO lAP) - klaho Far "«3!* however. Tie chamber is in contact with OM L>v« nou* S3 4011 S.?S w - 5X IS lay. C«ppai2*9-31.6 oania pat fc ••At the pres.:sent time, we The F»0UJy»l'O0» MOJ 'M isH isl isf ';i 07 llivc'sTOcS^AlJCT'loif^Pto*?JlS:Sl.VM!»i8“00: trictly. on the tdecot2Communlcadons companies - Ap- Lr.ot«o« W*0 . 5i T-a«Jay. UHWy and eom™tJ«13.73; l-VK laadar alaara Oo«-t27 m). Ha^ » Harmwi (o«yyda»» dal would rely str ich Just declined to name - H Oi il VP h is . PW* wSv 60 ^,to 0070 jo? 1? atamlawJat alaara 71.00-100 1 change in a cou- thatit aiare interested bolh in com­ Mt Pot* Mljy 01 00 haavy lvo«la*n laadat alaara. OS0. 50-00 00; ho*.lam |N»t • *4. ««*i- said. That could c in g with local p h o n e provider I Mltwf3O.O4S.up 2,002 :sSgs.SES'-“’ pie of years. ^ • peting i 2 2 M90.0(VN]; lal latnba >Va; Marcury •! 7est and in offering telecom mIi wn” ! * "3 GANMM s s ?;.:::r i;^%.oo.o(M.«jat h«l.ta 73.00-79.0a Plannum - M eanwhUe, thi:he chamber has Qwest Mar i; I*- '2 ^ * . AO bull* 43 00-46.00: naavy laada1.25, aiockarnaj^t* 07.00- dons that Qwest h asn ’t yec. . Jul Whenl 3 011/2 7 0 *^00eo||^^ jMOO '|M20 . 80 75.50-64.3! }lauoiad.n.a.-/>olay»Ubla. no plans to stop> jits independent opnon Nov SoyO«nt' <70»« «0 ;?5 it5 00.*lockcow»fva;alock< lopment efforts, •' At least 200 tickets for this , M waanar p>g* n/a; laadat lamM YORK (AP) - Kay eu*raney auftanga rstaa■ta« economic-develo irn in g ’s 7 a .m . Success nSv Com*"" ?0-*3/4 J 2 010 »4 * ^Vw • ” in Sy j( I JO WadnndJ he added. The Tv,rwin Falls organi- m orni tadmfl on ma Ch«:aoo YaS“** be the best part- 'akfast at the CSI gymnasium '’** OuoLSwiwmO ° ^ ISteolooM li .i ioo 00 CHICAOO (AP) - FulU'aa Itad 107,73 t07.«99 zation -wants to b 11 were available by Tuesday Um BaOla CKff. ^lo SO B37Q SO.BSSBjS“ n e r p o s s ib le on3n the regional l67.Mt67.S0 I” ;* ls7.10 -SO CATn£ irget the needs of nl^t. ______B e: a ] n s ;J» front but not forg ‘W e’ve had a r e a l su rg e for ------tua.-topa^MM,M4, UP2J34 69 45 09 S .22 sSSfFtai i v i " i S03 its own members!r ^ p and commu- ” < 70 80 71.20 . 10 Canadian“ i S r i ' E S dcket!kets in the past three or four | Pn^ a>a r>«l lo giow«f». >00 poui>aa. U.3. No. « MINNEW 73 ts 72.4S . oa Mailcanp ^ nity. ys,” Just said that night, M«nt. Mil loano Man Un anc n « ^S.'? ?;| ::it , It probably vvoirtjn’c do any mar- . iobi.ei 10 chwvo* ""'WUl««« F o s s i l f u e l s I frankly we’ve oddiniding that he doesn’t expect a \ ny«> pt<6« mlotmalioni*)n»r>ouWeo«aetM«-». ■ ^ S r ^ : 5 r ‘%‘K^329 7S -57 Ji'la T337 -:io ------I______keting - “and I nplete sellout. _ , , , ; OiMI txxlhein., *17; p-tWa. S 342 jii 339 WO :‘,s -52 S Si ‘yS S ^yort, done very littlele m arketing in compi' ■luno pinu. IW guow; ama* M P"^ Mat >MO 3S0.S 34 8 5 347 J -«2 it Ear aaJa* 9 JO I .Tua. *^**»*, YORK (AP) -Fotu^a Iratfng on tha Naw Vt • The Buzz Langdon V U ltbrt j ata »V*'’ 0"y Hat^awiaamUuXi m I i^y 3!S i 356 359 359 -S2 !ES the past few yeiears” - focusing nter _ * at the south end of the , om*' lo Man pncaa atatacoaacladwwWyhyDaan ec M * ■” a FBSDg^*C*Tn^''^ O instead on tryiring to meet the S®"*f Matkal N»wm, US. Ofaivnfimant ol A>wulun< - O'aal Sap J«7.78 3< 362 3t5 - 0735 8750 .... UOKTBV - ° rrine Bridge closed down j nonntint rSt7-t1S,wna*'KM:(t»- Dac - ... 380 -Ji 6755 !! 87.62 . 12 .48 infrastructure,s, incentive and !>>nnaa fl7. OuolMCvtrani Mar ypOOtU. of companies Sundanday for the winter.______onOd 17 Tu«.;a»*• uUa?fta3 08.95 68.68 • « W * | S ::•ios other needs c Mr 6«:^ M 49 68 32.80 32.78 3 -M 31.9t r?o already Interest.sted in the Twin IIBKi(iuii«*iium:o«*apart)uahalt” " ” ^ ^ Apt 68.30 88.40 M TimeS'Neivs Business Editor tA lN S .... May 87.90 87.05 « S S ,,..0 30:.. I I --'0 ; Falls area, Just said.si t/- G r a i 68 00 80 05 -.10 Mat 3 chamber board Vtrgursinia S. H utchins can be ------Ma) , i> 303 303 303 -I SS S?:2S 6?.?0 97.89 “ 87.70 ..IB W - lito • F iv e n ew cl iched at 733-0931. Ext. 242, or atMaS EaI.aalaa2.190.T«a.'a».>** :;S members weree confirm ed fo r fwcftc plwii iw^«nMtt p« •i:niUt).caia.cotnand Tua.'aoca opan ml 07 TgjJOgn^M 17.153^ u. I 5-S 2 ’K r positions and one oy e-ne-mail at virgirxtaQmagicval- Mana P«i hut'd'ad vnigni'I. *’>*Pncaa pubtad to e»«>0« 3940 29 46 30:04 29.00 -•’0 four three-year p< t.cdm lailay. »4 00 (49oounT 95m!5 ^ ^ .« 1 .« 0 , bartjila, U 30. ccn, S430 («8 pat- _____ ------Fab 5340 M.85 KU S s g ::?! S 2660 29.60 28.29 39.90 - cat’ltniiM) mo^utal. o<*^- no Pncaa QUO'*: aia<>*<•'.Otvaodaih-byFUnoana-i g>v« *“ IliM 62.32 ..05 Nov ki«eJ»««P«.iD*1in.CI.I«0O M.cunl.1. 77:35l?iS 27J9IfiS »0.90i?;« 28.90 - . Sonwftna»^*i.Oe«>»«<‘«‘'tdaxvatv, «MounuMHoma. E>cnar>o< “I . s P i i'.“s st?:§3 • !?:2I :;3J g »3.11; aon «rtvia wtMal m, Out)OotWy, «.04; ana Mrtn. Oanal*; 1 i»:iO 26:tb 2a!a 2j‘.0t - • ij«li»*fymDufWy.»a.7» Pnc

o t a t o e s /O n i o'NS n ! o7.4oo:tM--. mi.Vw ,#” ''*’ ContInu*d from E44 D oi tl eO; V.02. ■Mina"Janua'> '“ Tua.'aoMnlnt38.S*4 smmunications a “customer- lU<>.y, *4.10; com, *4.10 IW> IMlpr PORKBiLUES ASSSr®” '^ ’ p h e r e and values as Comr FaBaandOoWlmgl Mticaaqu SUSS orientiented company w ith an excel- sr'sy.r"^'- .SOOO OO.BT -80 ««0?1 .64 Rabbitbrush." nt statewide reputation.” •n Tww Falla . atad: 00.10 00 70 - 03 NW " fiS s r s j r S3:S sss :♦j; He said Ratobbitbrush wos lents POCATCLLO lAPI - kJaXowF«'mOunng 31 since mid-May ■ hits their web page gener- Lma'2.e6«*0*t<7) iSJi^lSlI^'SSId' 10 9-» Mm'Mp.. pat N : :g planned growthch throughout the of hi POnTLAND - VVM» •naal 3 JS?»;8^?^50. aom. 7. SO, ocMWK.^S ^ lu ,. M e t a l s /CCURREN(3Y I ’ ates,'es," White said. (iiaa«);^l4^P^J^1 S.'S.'SJ’lVSSfK SSS = ” 1 ’’:e 1 i-.M state. ciaM. par ------’ MOV V already operates Dorr Do: will stay on to become CALDWELL - wmia "ifw*! c> 0,««*' Salaclad wofld ^ p*ica*. w TOOO 79:00 78« 76W; - j The company i le web page consultant, accord- S S E " f ; s H S K “S a cellular fniranchise along thew 4 lOOUmty) ig to Dorr and W hite. POnTLANO, 0'» (API-Du*. (Juja ai tiSOpm MOT ToTt^O SS SsSs'H !: S : 79I 7■ -03' Interstate 80 frfrom just west of mgt^c tivad 11 PotOanU lor *Np»T>a'M ' * In 9 00- lortdonlala: S370.I0 on S0.< lin to just east .of The Thi two executives are excited '^ 0 0 Pan. anattxwn Uvng- ’ Battle Mountaii ■t Ooat' •' amcapi oal», com. "qo-^B.oo-iooo; 100a^|;2S5 „” '(£I7m"uI' A250 WI.« no ZutKti lala anamoon. 1270.3'SSSlSS- aau;'s0.723.TM.’a •ataa"5i,84l II os from Eureka abouc)out future p ro sp e cts in Elko ba'My a~j aotohutn. pa' cm aaeli.',(>ta' pai tvi>dtadwan ~h270 so on >0.70 M in i r E K •: serv ic e on U.S. inI the th. Elko business district, but 7.00-8 00. too eooni T.S0 6 OO; Mr cyil !5;,...... « j j onli'iaty ptolam 3.73 70eounixado Morvouria 70 oouni 7.00 9 00,100 eouti ) expand cell si la t w ouldn’t h a p p e n for "nl lOpclptWain 373 Cotoradi NEW YOnK (AP) -Fulutaa li 92.60 02.60 91.00 9^.t»? C c2 Highway 95 soullUth and is ocd’vely th a t 0 Wadnaa^y nes! jpportunities least•ast several m onths.” 12pct p*wain. 3 04 Id m« nn«aa Non Sxa A pat OM: kSam um oaola CtiQ. Xy ) ^ purstiing busine rp^’c^.^l^-ir'N'r.^sSTio^sr''’ OOtD ^ 6704 Jparks and Carson CC CC C om m unications plans to 1 *iiiinotlliK>()~l>»a1I>*a1 ’’®®' P* , too trey ot;*H«™pa» troy i I ob in th e Reno, Sp pgrade dial-up equipment lor I3pc1pt01».'< 3W Round t Oei ...... i - 22 City areas. upgr 14 |«1 ptolam 4 10 WC1 ptola"' 4 32 tUiiaauMU US 1 SO ID canona waawofllor* and Otag 274 50 7830 -IW EtLi.'a aal opan mi 60.963 iit here in June. extextend wireless high-speed ■a ttKW< on (M Clwsaoo OoanJ Nort^uMtn 70 c««ti 3.SCM 00: 100 e^;> Apt 261.202SI.M 2; made a site visit itemet services throughout ihe ' CHICAOO (AC) - Futuiaa Ita K) 10 n l*T>bao» non aua A Waanmgion arw - • . -W e liked wlwhat we saw and Inter Opan Hl(#< Um 6a«a Oig. noS?< Aug 263:20 263 20 . 31 ?€r% '.sr-R.o .... . ilues between our areo,rea. White said. SS'-itS^JuS*^” ** A 100 10 aac* (.at cvrt ^ ii :ii «. 9554 8 639 9.310 S.3499 Iio■ the shared vah Robbitbrush will contmue to WHEAT^ eawtw Oac 280 50 290 SO 2S0303i 07.00 -t.oo Dae SMfl 5.902 9J30 8.W* "j?!• two companiess ’when it comes to Ro Ck,c ?B« S'O ■‘?y:’C ^2 0 3 7 S -470 ^SI5?a^ 0>w>na. 60.20 -I.M rovide sales and customer ser- Mat 20SS 3B7 25 Ap' 7 Iti4 putting customimer service first,” prov Mar 7U2» 203 5 twaalot Jun 9360 -1.20 , Mar■ E Ilis :!!s :'ss : . viceice from its storefront behind 2901 S 300 -4*7S IDAHOMO FALLS (AP) - Wadr'aaday'a on«n ptica*' 295B0 -t.30 * Apr, 4.700 4:m IIJO 4.M1? :lgj• he said. t>o and Mamaur County. Ota.; __0_.,.la0.n- oS? iob.40 300 40 300.40 3 "JJg JJJJY ge of the two com* thhe e Scoreboard5 C asino here, and MJ'-- 3,3,oiJ 3i«s - 1 oSs: I “Ioo ' The marriage here will be no change in cur- 320 -3 ata sSlairt SM i.’Ssi.irsrr.s-: . 4 700 IsW 2:MBB -t37 m unications coirompanies appears then 341 ... oOwr»« 321.50 -l:oo i i satisfying thus far rentent e-mail addresses or Internet ^ s ’oo^r oJe I 4:»0 4.700 4.075 |S31i Tl” to b e mutually/ s ^ ,70443 . Iai>. lowlowac madioni. 2J5-incri rrvmuixim 3 250« g ““ :1:SS IS : any, personnel . conlonfiguration for current Tua aMW°*'''l 1U.0M , 4;799 4.799 4 680 4:b*3J ' -’M: with few, if i labbitbrush users. D orr said, CORN eoioaaa Eat.I uuMiet.OIO.Tua.'aMlaa94.106 changes planneiled. Rabl 0,000 [» tMntlmania Iowan rr>«>ium 8 00-B M, rtwiy S a.’a opan mt 374.197. up 759 “'SfS*'209 76 20M1 x» -US -... ™I»w10.i, lO.OO.iaaOHMrctnlorpalla'US 125toisV iSSm, Bn.VEH

-,1J tlfarmMa: Moron' 15J8 -.48 nadOakTn34 50-t,41 CqlhMMain 36.19 -31 kw 17,6< .1.44-1* 0*t» 91.38 -.63 MuHVft IO79.0I >*r«)n 82.80 -.52 4t8j -50 & S « - : 4 2 SIJ-ITs.4S ttaaallrlUarcAB: MulnaLQn 1209 >.03 .OS awnVanoaCIC^ a BO “ :» w'^8 ^ SSSf J ts :i ISSlS?!m -25 ■ IS .,19 irMTrO 13.24 -.11 Mulnin 130? *01 ^ ^ SS." us :S S S .25 •“ TiMQCp 31 t7 -09 WW M3 URrn 2?28 - 40 OMaivFdanaaA: *7 07 I ” WWI 'S“ -oi ,^'I!:!S :i! !£St^‘' " ” 'Ss'ss"... SSjr} ss ;s ’fe.'S Ii:" ,'El5e.J2. MuLongn 10«» .02 !g ; a g : 8 i cSGp*S« -» J5 .33 Kj.'<.19« •» . n QI>Fr>Oo 575 - 04 DondO 8 ... TMrdAMXuaFda; vvtvalln 7517-14 ^ S’M I jll I SSa : s S 5 J 5 S ^ ..7 o Kl»!3.nlo:t?'•'.®>.tt Vtkia 36 17 —23 ...___ Am OptmB: 2o5^ M»4 - I ■'® U^CIawfc ^ ^ O a « SSSt” MO# -li SSS-Fdam,, isjip" *11 :jj Tontifn. yW -■»* soon t33M-7J K : i S " ’ • 0«1h0p to 71 .02 ComtOp IS S r J - i . , ' i vitmA p 2; 00 - se ^ i i i i i S - b . - " rB2 vBcIpn 408S-tJ8 SS^r' 32m'-27 HlS'i tS S ”, JSS :S iS £ :f, S k ..”"- IflCOroAiOSJS -.34..34 Twaady EMMrr^ ^Dr***. sJI'm'i 20 14-112 19 70 I:*n WOOtOp 17.79 -4t EixOrfS 14 -.07 OBoVaIn 21.89 -.10 Cwopan 24 10 -37 iUCncOl -'O ;£|» ■” nmitf 8 02 - 3t WnOp" iH g - " SSS' S S .;iJ KKr-'jSf-'i. •" ' S | : l ! S ^ ; S : : S S -.82 MAAOrawi: Cilandn 32.77 -tl Ch»>ini 1««5 -77 ‘JJ; 1 -•10 AgvOin 41.42-1.26 QrevAin MU-35 COtWOl 40W -7S r*j:Tl.*S2.:'■ > ' s . i j! -:;: s Ctna«S«rft2434 -.19 iTDndn 971 OlAflOOl MOO - 71 ^CKo«tnn 47«-M» r sjic£Dp32l0 -41 lamooi ' "iS » :S K OlOiUI 73S7 -40 ^Amarlean Futtda A; .v*nD 3773S - SSvaSo 815-05 WlCoO j?M 7? .JS OtOccOn 39 30 - 22 Frti -■I «S'SS":. S ' i; s ^ “ 5Co. *' Qi»«'n 15 75 - 14 “»Capn I3S1 -M omctpoi JsAOalAp 14S4 -M OavUr-niaClY; M^SSioer'- wcS 999.73 9 FMaliryA 2002 .11 • AMuOAp 2270151i . *18 « NrVanC NYVanT 778# 7**3I •-• ^ c35cS 3* « - » W»;L() ;s 7 :;i ^3X"«.?.S’>r” ® s s s w K * - '" IJj! :';i SSi".;!»-!! nondAp I2U -02 MnwatmaatAi 1 »55 - 73 dZS i 10B1 -M 1 ..U meen 118 ... ;S ' SS;!! sCapiOAp 4;ill .IS rwriAn 18 04 -v” ssfp'^s!:;; s , 4 WamoRI 2*40 - S2 r~C«)WOAp7 7 73 . 1# So^pjoet . r i ^ - ” E»" i;s:s -s s “ " AlMFunOaC^ ^ i : S S iII ! 19 05 - 01 OtomcT 160 -13 Tac :;f: & :» is g’ ..JSV -ii a 1-13 TiELTn 1291 ‘.OS TolSmn »'7*M AMOiobalThatTM! Ss^p" 3^®M :'u ^ S b- ‘ -|4 OvScAp 249 ... LSi’i-V' -.. g I -.54 'woi'irfoW) *.01 v»Ig«anll^*Ftf*: ObTleAp 31 0.O ^P I'j; SmCVDt 24.77 ^ SKSlS » ' r»:| g^CommAp J3 14 -13 P S |S 'o r li aoO -C gSffi.gr.::!! ™ -J S :« t v - » ■ 'iS;S , SS,?S?:S 1 7 64 FM^ Fnademi c M S « t ^ « -2« 0mCocGpn17Kljjb i | s i i 8ss."ss--i| tWvT"n 17 10-11 lOSO.i: FF2019n t444 -oe On IftaliS* lgCap»n39Ba-t'^ -i h;:j ^ r|'!| T ^/^r " 10 Molt n 10 24 .01 "J 1S94 .48 FF2020n 1545 -.'3 ™g s ' 4 ; r ” S k s -;,! T®5Kin£?Jl§? ^ Ui??Mn 'oM -02 g f f i g itd • FF3030n 15 94 -.15 Aa oSS/oUSsl iS s»sP- SJ S'iiitr *Io^i>d* a” i ^ k i is S .§': Z 1J.56 -.06 TolfltA ^ 1^ ^^-. « ui^oSm Si- = !l;g IS 2 ^ p“ “ -#8 *rr4s??406..tii-.n sa; SS:S ’ HTFAp 18J5 ♦O* Gto««n 1317 -09 wX® 2011 - 07 Ii.; on - Oi a S c 11 25MS” !.5! : s; I-' ” g S ff s s :S & Z l&U '^eMAd 10.17 ... Irt "Asr“?^*ri ■ Aiimttiriri*' t90>''P ?87J-3:.?l ssssr, 'iv r .u k u = is:? S " E -| I[ffl'.vii'ji:!; 5S5r“1 -'-.0 OK30AO jJ.TO -.M «--*^- . ■ssrs.s-.., sSaS.,SS-::u ^SS.'SSI' -^m /!!i!!r?5?Mr?S9 Cor»>** 8 7S-01 : SK,'" M -» iTeiyeenA^^^ ^ *S s s t s s s i s ; S i s :S SiSffi. ’ .S iS ;g S '.E :I iS T I £J£fSU?,SIi-’ ” S ^ p s ;-;: 5Fun«a; CapApn n79-30 ||s :s s ^ ..S.S-"; a 0.1JI Eirfl0;?^04 - Oo^'Ap 709 ^ ^t-73 * ^ s s rs ? s ? '-« "sSSr‘!S'“ ! S; II :| PBTFAmll.30“S'Ai-;is:si .01 sSs“'S{f-:Ofrac^B 38.71 -i OtmcAp 5 77 .01 97 .18 K ^l SJ« UUFOC SCaaaAp45 04 -.87 Ojjwn J8M - ? M -*■*' JB8iTCopr.J4t-J4 I :SS 'B5r?'??29 ... K i, S;::Sig 63-18 K" II :S IUMoTap 8 93 ^ 2I2lL»njSi i i i i P 1 TacftAp 11740 - 02 JJ ,SS£eZ"-’' S^.SS;: 6-02 MMn Jl” *:07 „ ; AmancaCapO. 28 '.a sSSSy IsaS I.” Eanr }< S'Ts ^*rlSa -IS CA»»fTn 10.77 .01 CoraOtn 7510 .79 ^^«"n S « S E f'!3 S :S W f t s i s i‘ '2" :.S 'B?"i3m .Ol o 0-V4SI 3SM - 01 j?iilSS -O' “*» • ■® «M oSK'n" « x ^MOCI 4390 . 65 ShTtnOdn 368 ?-!lJ CapOppr"(ii«SmTOn2'MT» {vmcno 372 f i i i l ! MMMAM: Steiun 1«.»4 . s r i s r " s 2 S "?? OtnCapVn IM -02 romop .M ^ 19.41-0* 3 -:s: £ a £ i.it” W HT' s. T?"Lis -3 SDEc' NOreCI 1181 -.1 S ” i s s ; i ? ,?S.6i- S ^ ' ’.n f S::iS S 7 -ii atql^ 35.53 -J1 r**si7 -Jl c£SS^*s s ^ >7 m i' Kf." S?? ’ m USTtyfdni:M-01 /u£ m clpV; BlaekRoeklnaa: 221",„ s a? ] 6 40 - 08 It^n t7 -01 ‘iSi'^9jo « -ti "iJ.; S..,.. a " . ssi;s (MJIfCI iOM -02 &CoraOdl #38 JJJ"'" , ^ ;10 49 -12 mw*" 29 82 -.5« fJ 8,70 -04 DalanA »7« -J« J QoviCI - uWSal 1J.10 -.IS « MM): nvOOn 01-01 U •nr«M: narMTPuMMAi rS' islsiD 3 r F J - : j 3"iw iIS?,»nr. 5 ‘J S m S H H t n i s ; *'*’ ’ m en»ytSi»un*« itS I'm BaSSeili^je . 14 ..TO HCkn 1t'22 -.30 WaBaFarvaA liSSS’a '»»i I 01 T : n S k | S / ; 10 .. rrCotpn 9 27 ..Cl A,t*|* M47-.10 u5^ £%pr2»2)-' » n ’i l : S . | § s r " | «M :Io7 TolWOl' 2§;« -19 t^ mhSffi- lr S :: : K STjr.., J ‘ff-ii# dSSa* ^70 - ; | o « i^Jl 1 1038 . 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...... • ScatRE r e d x ^ id e aS i t d e s j lice Eugenio VidesJS (2;i.s;mova.C 62, who, JERUSALEM - Theie first fiill — — lives near DiDaytona Beach, day of a cease-fire proproduced a W(Worid In brief „ A f t e r Ti H E FLO O D3 , ' ' allowed the slayilayings, muddled verdict WedW e d n e s d a y :______■I Maryknoll nuinunv Maura Clarke and Ita Ford.. IIwthk; of New York. scattered clashes kept rms of torture in more I high on rock-sirewn Pa 'Ursuline nunI DorothyDt Kazel and countries, induding tlie I H H M P liiy m issionaryary Jean Donovan, streets, but overall \ ;tatcs, Britain and other I ' dipped os Israeli and Po . lioth of Clevelandand, were abducted ddcmocrades. I at a m ilitaryy checkpoint, cl then security teams moved ganization found reports I th ree weeks of upheaval.val. ? y » ' raped and slaiilain by Salvadoran • tinian mili- "w.deslespread” torture by * soldiers. The slayingssla; occurred in Faced with Palestin; f the state in more than I tants bent on confrontantation, tiie “Sonls of a Decenil>er 19H0i)H0 durinR a civil war iliip issued JOcountnetries between 1997 and ^ between leftistist ^guerrillas and the Palestinian Icndershii more than 80 countries, . “ stric t o rd e rs” to obsi.bsErvethe 2000. In me yoveniment, which wh targeted reli- ;iv at a sum- people dietlied.ns th e result of tor- Rious workersrrs because I of their truce reached Tuesday i nesty said. ;he poor, an activity mit in Egypt. ture, Amne; W advocacy of ;he I wittidrew . I" more•e thant 40 countries, vie- considered suhviuhversive. The Israeli army w ■e given electric shocks, tanks from the cniskirkirts of the «nis were | Nablus ond accordingng to Amnesty , s file charges West Bank town of Na liers. In more than SO, I Lawmakers fll planned to remove moremo heavy researchei rnashpoim s they weree subjecteds to mock exe- I against Philipillipplne president weaponry from olher fli nd in more lhan 30, they Philippines - if Uie violence ebbed. cution, and ■ ^ ' MANILA. Iten on the soles of their . — ^ * Opposition lawmakers law allegiiin Palestinian Ieaders^«s said Israel '* President J«>sepiseph Estrada pocket­ needed to remove soldioldiers from *“ '• H r - ' ing m oney fileil .Palestinian “ fd gambling the fringes of restive Pi iv president wins I JItj impeachment:nt chargOs againsi cides to end the fighting fc; him Wednesdi!sday, plimging the Yitzhak Herzog,?, Israel’s promlse9 forf further talks I PPBaif country into ixjlitical]xj1 crisis, Cabinet secrewry. saidid ithe cease- bELGRARADE, Yugoslavia - New | The 41 congrngre.ssmen wh«> filed fire would test Palestmi It Vojislav Kostunica has R the impeachmeiment case acknowl- Yasser Arafat’s ability iromise from leaders of L • L-dged they haviliave insufficient sup- dse governance over th :gro to continue talks on rthem l{aly, Wednesdoy. As off port in the ConCongress for passiiRe gangs swarming around Lzlng Yugoslavia but has Cesarina ( Zaffaneila sdJusUts sandbags on the banks ol' thithe Po River In Vladana. northe I Switzerland. Most of the death!,k. of the charges.L’S. mg vociferously thatt tl they don’t so) far ft to convince leaders Wednesday, , a t least 31 havave died, with 23 In northernn ItItaly and eight In southern Sw _ But the atteU tem pt is likely to intend to honor the agregreement. he smal ! down on Alpine vllloges. The fli nailer republic ro join his occurretl over the weehendid y political crisis spreatling south from Switzetzeriand for five days, have foreorced 43,000 people from their Palestinian security offi'' Kostunic:tiica also appears unable ’ and separatistst violence,v meetings Wednesday i come resistance from defense ‘ aeency. ------7 Mtire thanri 10,0001 protesters m ent promises made to jgro’s pro-Western presi- anila’s business dis- rllanient two other skirmishesskii in the north, - A former soldier conviivicteil III crowded Manil Clinton, who mediate 10 Djukanovic, to acccpt- Sri ! Lanka’s new Parll the slaying of four Amm erican irict lo demandiind that Estrada sie^> sum m itin Egypt. 'SS ilnnre the militaryysiud. s t ing one of his1 Montenegrin rivals meets; . 14 die In vlok)ience J attack churchwomen 20 years; agoa has ilown. , . as a new■ feife d e ri prim e minister. ick was the first by the ^ orders tti Yellow confetnfetti showered down Lanka - reliels since:e Oct. ( 10 elections that reiwated [ his claim that or Amnesty Intemationlonal. Until KostunicaKo resolves these COLOM BO, Sri Li kill came from superior• officers,ii from the windindows of the stock Guarded by commandiidoes and returned Presidentl*r Chandrika IS workers watched Torture Increases ggl lo b ally differencesces, he carmot put togeth- ' lew pariia- Kumaratiing;nga’s I’eople’s Alliance. according j' to an intervieicw puh- exchange as w V federal administration anti-aircraft ‘ Runs, the nc' lislied Wednesday. from buildinglg ledges,k LONDON - Torturere is on the cr a new f , ment met for the firirst timo to power. TheThi Tamil Tiger rebels ' c his Democratic > | The claim by Daniel Canalest The payoffff allegationsal iilunneil rise around the world,Id, fueled by becausc W ednesday am id freshh fishting have tiattlelied since 1983 for n |)ines into its worst Maimination, pppositloi:ion of Serbia coalition leland in the rmrth and comes < as two' Salvadoranin ex-gen- the IMiilippini racial and ethnic discri between government tretroops and Tamil homeli CSt Patm political crisissis in i years, business, tional snid a majorityma in the Yugoslav ) ■ly 63,000 people have erals t are on trial in Wes Amnesty Internatioi Tamil rebels that left 144 dead.c east. Nearly ful deatii political Ild and religious groups Wednesday as it anninnounced a pariiamcnttait. •urs u fte r l>een killedd inir the war. Beach, I Fla., in a wrongfu nica’s allies were to meet Parliam ent met hou lawsuit brought by ttiihe slain have tleniandended Estrada’s resiR- global campaign agair;ainst a plie- Kosmmc governm ent troops beai}at back a ivarned of serious eco- I says democ. Wednesd.sday with Slobodan i women's families. The_• lawsuit1 nation and wan nomenon for which it sa ' Milosevic’sic’s representatives in the Tamil Tiger rebel attatack on a EX'SOldler)r InsistsI orders |claims retired Gens.IS. Jose nomic consensetiuencei if he racy is no antidote. n bnhem army camp. organization Socialistt PartyP of Serbia to dis- i ime from above \Guillermo Garcia. 67, wlkvho lives remains, The human rights or{ N ine re b els and fivee soldiers tO kill Cam lie. and .compilediled from wire repiirls evidence of cuss theu formf ation of the new. lLVADOH, El Salvador inear Fort Lauderdali said it has found evi government. were killed in that figli;liiing and SAN SALA beatings, rape, electric:ric shock and federal go\ Wave; (of anti-i-Semiticcincidei;nts strikke EuroO pe, o th 'ier eoumI t r i e s anyone’s recent memory. Il had been locked byy thetli driver while he visit Britain’s els, andd anti-Semitic incidentsIts liavc any lim e in an; in casually walked The PhHadelphlfl Inquireulrer______poipopiflar w ith tourists who vis ,ce. the is a mixed neigliborhoodne of privatete sought help, then c capital. Scotland Yard detect;ectives invos- m ultipliilied in Britain, Frnncc re down llie road withI aa limp,1 — ^ cai States and elsewhere. hom es and pilpilhlic housing, one where I Myers w as reading tig:tigating th e attack, whichll occurredo( in United Si ;ws predominate and main-n- Bystanders calledled police and fol- LONDON-David M was reaching EvenI beforeI Myers was attaitacked. Orthodox Jews until he caught a Inis th e p salm s w h ile‘ ririding a bus on noinorth London as the bu-s wa eported tain a fragilele sense; of comtnunity sta-a- lowed the suspect unt nmunity of London’;I ’s Jew ish C hronicle repi in the opposite direiirection. only to he Monday morning. h 1 o p in g to jo in Br:Britain’s largest comm gues in bility. Orthodox Jews, believe thehe man is an that an1 e.stimated< 50 synagogu ut apprehendet! and arrestedarr by officers friends to observe the.he Jewish festival of Or I had been sprayod withth anti- “You get thetil­ normal muggings, but card and yarmulke Al{Algerian an d have classifiedied the crime Britain \ incidents,” said florist Lesus at the next station.>n. The' name of the Succoth. But his bear Sem iticc graffiti or vandalizeded. The nol racial inci ■V. The 2 0 -year-old asas “racially motivated.” suspect, a 27-year-otr-old m an, was nol made him a target: ' xtreme exam- FrenchI dailyc Liberation said thatth 80 I’ickkers. Jewish theolo^ siudiudent was stabbed IIt is on e of the most extrt stablish- Pickkers’ shopsh< is near the six)t whereire released. pies of th e M iddle East conflmflict spilling synagogugues and other Jewish estii ;rs Myers, m eanwhile. hik was tended hy m ore than 20 times by a m an whom he pic had been attacked in Frairanee in the bus earryirryinj; the wounded Myer^ over to another part of the world. As ments h.i ter Monday’s attack, a post'Sl- several em ployeess of of a kosher tiakery had never met. havo waged a the last: 10 1 days. stc >ped. After butance driver. He is ,M y ers w asn’t ridirding a bus on the IsrIsraelis and Palestinians hav London - man cam e inn anda |)ointed out a suspect•ct ami a passing iunbut; series of attacks and counteinierdttacks in In thee Stamford HiU area of L< cd in serious condiiiotiin at n a north Umdon . West Bank or in the: GiGaza Strip. He was ser Myers was headed, feaear has leaving the scene.sCi The man had pried one of London’s red thtthe last th ree weeks, tension?ions betw een w here N •ougii the bus doors, wliiclich hospital. on the top level of om ;n to new lev- been rununning higher this week: tltlum at his way throu, double-decker buses,;es, the vehicles so Je'Jews and Arabs have risen t

j T h e T uimes-News JSSIFIED MAR]KEHIPLAC:e • Twin Falls:: i733-0931 » Buurley: 677-4042 _ :: TThe Times-Ne’ew s O nline http;tp://ww w.m agicicvalley.com • N o r t h Vaiicly Food & Senriccs 1.^2 3rd Sir>lrcct West 325 '/2 Ka.st .=;tli N ______612 Pastureslures fw Rent 823 Vi Hurley, Idaho S S3 3 3 1 S ^■nnH I 613 Pasture!lure Wanted 824 WVideo Equipment Twin I-iills, ItIdaho H.3301 iledToRent 825 ViWanted To Buy IVIon.-Fri. 8:00 lo> 5:301 Sat. 8:00 to 1 1( 0 : 0 0 .\M E d u co tio n Oi.-i-ici; Ilo l IUS: N B t | | | 2 P lie Home Space 826 CCamping Equipment (Uiini.i:V(ii-rtci: ci.ost'ti•:iH>N SAlt'UDA^.)______-Garage.SaIe&.------401— ScfTOtSMst mmates-Wanled------827— G - 828 WMedcai Supplies 402 Music Lesso '.I.V d W l. press 2 Ffea Markets nilllH 403 Tutoring l--,.x 7.14-55.'iS ^^^^DeadliiIlin es - I h d h . Wanted Collectibles ^ turlcvCiill 6 7 7 -4 IM 2 B lh grsonalR ■ Agriculture l^ r IVivalu Partsirty I.inc Ads: I'lix 677-4.S4.1 J'.uui.LCiM10liX>iU:------____------101 Lost & Found. Real Estate 701 Liveslociisiock | E ^ e-mail: 1 PM F r id a y 10 2 Card ol Thanks S ales 702 FamVRa iVRanch Suppiios Rccrcati«>n^ ■inad@micn)ii.nct S unday 4 MONtJAY 100 AMA S a t u r d a y 10 3 DielaryAids 501 Opon Homexnes 703 Customtom Farm Services ATVs 4 Motorcycles py Ads - I’M M o n d a y 104 personals . 502 Homes orlor Sale S 705 lirigalion ation 901 A TunsPAY 1 l’^ Cck-liMtc il spccial cvcrit'iiiI'in ihtf live-, ol' rriciuls ami 105 HappyAds 510 Out-ffl-Area^ a Homes 706 Farm Se TiSecdAFertiliier 902 Bicycles B ( WKONFiiDAY 11 t■^J'M T u il sd a y Boats 4 Accessories |,Iiivcil w iili ;t Timri-Sn;-''/Ti-.i llapiiv ••Vi. Display aiK iir ail for crrotNrs Ihci first day. '/'//r 7iwr<- InisiiiCNS il.i\ s p ilo<.t t to tc piil’In.ilKiii. C.1II 51B Mobile tasHom 803 BraaisaareA C ralts' 911 I will be responNililchic for ilic llrst iiuofie<.t ,1 Tiincs-Nc«% ailvi'MM'lliMiii; s.ik-. ii-T'i-'- BillflH 519 CemsleryljlyLols 804 BiiMngIding Materials neras& Equipment ■ ■ ■ iiiseiiidii aiul tti no ^ifcatcriter cstcnt than the ci'st dl M-i.ialivc f..t nu.ic m iloymcnt 520 Real EstatelaBWanlKl 80S Cmiera he error. T he piil>lislief •O'l.U.ivt. 1\'> © s s Wren's Hems S h H o m !,' 521 Manutacturiaura) Homes ■ 808 CWren 1 ^ 3 Tnmsportiition •c sp iin siliility ti>r c tr o f s n r 807 Clolliiiig asMimes n» l1naiK-ial rcs| Z\* EmploymectWan!f/anted 808 Cnnmiinmunication Equipment (imiNsion ot'fcipv. 215 Resume Preparatk Aviation Anv il.isMlii-il .III [il.iiL-il 111 I.:..cpnntvc.M.ii. c 1 nl //', IjP V ^U . 809 toipTlplrtBIS u l ^M1 f TAr ///W'-.V/x,-. Onhur rcaliitc' - 2 1 6 Employment Agem l i ° mmlR wood ^002 . / Aulo Parts 4 Accessones onliiiL- Inc pet il.iv, pci .«i- In .Klilit.nn t.l r,mf. Xrs.-<> c plaicil onli r.cil .'nil innii' 217 EmploymenlOppo)pportunities I h H H Rental g ,| Fumilljnniture/Carpet 1004 ;Autos Warned ' ‘ , (i1il.i-.MlkHl .Ili'. ilui.iiKl' ajMimilnciOiip « nil .N'll )nc ( nasMl'icil Cli in <1111 national iic i^ m k cil'i [email protected] Air Conditioning 1005 . t AnliquesS Collectibles "(h.111 5IK1 ncwspai^crs aLcnvs,s ihiiic n.iiion. c -m a il: tw im u 601 Fumished!d Housesh 812 Hialiog 5 1006 I ! SemWeavy Equipment 602 Unlumishecihed Houses 813 Auction BdAp1s./Duptaes 814 JamliywjIryiFure 100^ ' Tnicks nancial » » FumishedA I Tiudi Parts 4 Accessories stom er 604 UnfumishecWAplsyDuplexes 815 U »nSm S Garden 1008 1 Call Our Custc FotRont 816 Eiaii*jroseEquipmenl 1009 I ‘ 4ii4s 605 Rooms For I Vans & Busses Service Represenentiitives 301 Business OppoHtfonunitios QQ6 MoljileHofrHones 817 MisctlawjHaneous For Sale IOIO ' ZiUmLLiuutmituiLAd I i^os for Sale Jll.l lithc iU ll. .I.H. V-IM. M.II. 3 0 2 Money 10 Loan I Relail Henlals 818 Musicalsical Instnjmenis 1020 i ation ^ 607 Oflice & Re I Imports 4 Sports Cars .in .i,l,lii..iiul7 .l4>>. for Informati tfcial Proporty 819 OlficoicoEquip./Supplies E IOM I 303 Money Wantedi 608 Commorcia 1 Slock Cars ISiDuiJituLiisluiciiuiinininintEtAii-.'i'-''-'j iilnlumfrinie Shares 820 Pelsls4Supplies 11 IOM ; Classified Speclecials! 3 0 4 Invostmenls 609 Condominii i Aulo Scnrtces & Repaid Nir.a.UI SWn.l ilil.i-ia-iii .1 ir(jo«at6o/CDs 1055 ‘ «,--1l i.in Ihl.-.ul llll Ji>-."l'lil" 3 0 5 Conlracts &Mortglortgagcs 610 Storage/Wai/Waretouse Rental 821 SleieoJ /’„! trill hr it uilr.l or<■ u.luil’^lllUhJ )ls4 Machinery 1099 I ' Auto Dealers ■ .l,A tiu i \l‘r->nufllr<.rllrJ ni'ls for / uUumrr. •.in riiirii. 3 0 6 Financia] Sorvicosricos 611 FaimsForl=01 Rent 822 To*S I ^ h'lii pi-k iilf p m n onh. Iwilui''iiilry /v/.i iiiiilInr'li"!-- < » tl» .2 0 0 0 ______LEGAt NOTICE l^GAL.NpTICE. :e l e g a l n o t i c eE LEGA L N Q -nC E n CE LEGAL NOTICEC E LEGAL NOTICE: e l e g a l n o t i c e "II g a l n o tnCE k L£GALNOTI< ESPONSIBLE FOR THIS3 I m ic ti* M n d the meeting. : or oruuim o s evidertced In Prom-sm- N O T . P R E S E N T L Y R E I Failuro of a bidder to havo /a , there is also duo. de linquentt realri on at the rata o f 14% p er c ------NOTtCeCtB OF TRUSTEE'S SALE------______in addition to th e obove, i / 28. 1099. The entire prindpolIpal. OBUQATION.-______a areprea*ntailv*presani«<' - ~ ol 10:00 pnjperty taxaa for 1909.>9. pplus penalty and In terest a n d3nny 0 Issory N oladatad July 2i 117. The default for whlci);«im 'aoIo ls to-DomadelsOw « Onth* 23rd day olJ th is balance plus acc n io d intenterest wos duo In full on August 7. i«Jer Dead ol Tmst Note, thoa Itho m eeting win render his OUteaol-taxaaJhaUnayJjAM»eome dollnquont d uring tK -from-that.tlma.toxward..u BlflUlt. ------JCTCbfwaacCrooTiKXXiniZM to c a tx rn o ^ tn m e w»r t lata chorgos. advancaa. onomimoy -2000 andls-ln-dofautt-frc a^nW ««nin(rtmpowid*5t-r» ie Company. 260 3rd Avonuoe North,^ forodooura: and any ial . Tho InHrost accniea a t th* ranrote ol 19% por annum from Aprt ------R rtl Amartcan TW* C 3l Idaho (OOS. foos or costs ossoisa o d atsd vrith this lo red o su ro . T ipal $549.91. due por month fortir tho nwnths ol May through , i Ty»1n FoM. (n tho CotCounty ol Twin Falla. Stata ol I; edby 2000 until dato of sa la or poymont in full. Ttw p rtn ^ a l a C5ontroct Documonta wif?. in Idaho balance owinaaa of thlaMs ns and/or plan» luccosaor trustee, will soli atIt oubllc; said deod of trust ia $ rod in with Iniorost th ereo n a lI thoth delault Intorest rate ol 19%19% of sale or reinstatsmenl. i n a re ovaOable at the offlc* ol Corporation, at succ i v ^ o l accniing Intorost costaIts a n d oxponsos actually incurroc the accmlng a t $27.50. uneolioloro- said Dood ol T m al ond Prc rom Aprti 1.2000. T ^ p rlf^ pBl ^ Fails, idoho ol ates of I foDows. authortiod In th o promis d o ry to protect hor Intereat. in the anocontlnuingtooccmefror IV thirty doUara ($30.00) plus ol Twin Falls. State;e ol idaho. and doscribed os fo monilonod O ood ol Tm’n is s' t., . advanced by tho bonollclo also balance owlngaaol thla dataate on tho obligation securod by amount ol $150.00. In oddiddltkjn to the obove. ihore Is also I. flttsen doilara ($15.00) to-w lt Counlv Datod: September 14.14.2000 advancos. attomoy lees, fooss or said Deed ol Trust is $54,0:.930.61. p!-j= accruing interest, Lot 3. Block A, OLOElDEN a d d it io n . Twin Falls C< ESCROW CORP, due any laio c h arg o s. ad' illnquent om ounts are now duo.B. mailing i fee. to the ofTlcial plat thorool recorc» ^ T r ; ALUANCE T i t l e & ESC ■ costs assodotod with thislls foradosuro.I Tho balance ow^ngving costs andadvaftcas. Ali dollr kl /s/Sharon M. Bryan Idaho. Dccordlno to U I County. /o'BobblCutOoro.TmsttistOfficor ' . do “ togothor with accm lng lateB echorges ond Intoreat unpaW i Book 4 ol Plats, Pfloaago 13. records ol Twtn Falls D as ol this dole on tho obil{.bllgatkm socurod by said deed ol isossm onts. trustee’s loos, la accm od and accruing Intorest.-ost. a n d a c c ru in g ta x e s , a s s i . Idaho. ir 2 8 , Odobor 5 ,1 2 ond 1 9 .200000 Itual Is $34,062.63 plua ( tho attomo/sfoos.andanyarwmounts advanced toprolect the‘i | as no knowlodge ol a mora ptiartlcular ^ PUBUSH: Septom bor 21 ictually incurred In onlordng tho la 321 Second Avonuo E a s t, • Tbo Taialss has r — coats and oxponsos octu loos socurity associated with thist^ loredosuro ond thol the • doscripDon ol ths ababove o roloroncod roalpropetw. t OF TRUSTEE'S SALE “ obllgotlons thoroundor or In this oalo. os tmstoo’s foes ir ca u se tho trust property to bete j PO Box 1907 JlicSdJ' NOTICEOF ) m o /s foos o s authorized In tho bonollclary elects to soli or < TwinFalls. ID833O3-1907 po rpososol compUanciance wllh Soctlon 60-113 idaiioi im b a r 12. 2000. a t tho h o u r oMO10:00 nnd/or roosonoble ottomi idol sold to satisfy said obllMttoiJon. tho Trustoo ha# booneon Infomwd that tho address ol day. in tho olllco jjl,AIIIancaTiUi >d by tho oloromonllonod Dood ol (206) 735-7245 . Twin Falla, Idaho, lo somoUmi » d a t 311 2nd S tre et N o rth . J\Twin * PcOMPANY OF IDAHO. INC. 4th AvofiiM E a s t Tv timos a s g ,g „ w CorP- located PUBUSH: Octobor 19 opd so d ato d with said roaroal proporty. -mromh/ Fsiie. ID 83301. Alllaimance Title & Eecrow Corp., 1,2000 /S/Monlno Colo. Tmal OfficeIco Sold salowUIboibo mado without covenant or wa tnialoo.wiU sell a t publicWlc auction, to tho highest biddor, 5CR0W CORP. 26>2000 ; Officer I OPEN: Novembor 3.2000 rooardlngUtlo. posaosisosslon or oncum brarw os to aaD( cash, in lawful m onoyV olof tho Unllod States, all payobliiWoot /a/BobW Cum ora. Truat Of PUBUSH: Septem ber 28.I, O ctober 5 .1 2 and 19.2000 obligation socurodI by and purauant to tha poworu KHAOc tho same tlmo of sololole. tho loliowing doscrlbod} r rooi conlorrod in tho> dodeod oi trust executed by K tho County ol Twin F a lla , Stoleoto ol PUBUSH: O ctober 6 ,112.19 2 . and 26.2000 NOTICE OFTFTRUSTEE’S SALE ■ iIN THE DISTRICT COURT SOURIYA a n d VONE3NE SOURIYA, h u a b a n d a n d wl IF TRUSTEE'S SALE ~ Ontho18thdayolJanwluaiy, 2001. a t the hour ol 10:15'5 O F THE FIFTH JUDICIAL 0^*E N ^U R SUBDIVISION NCNO 3. NOTICE O F 1 grantora. to FIRSTIT AMERICANf TITLE COMPAN ibrxiary, 2001. ot iho hour ol 10:0i0:00 AM.. ol said d o t (recognlziilzed local time), In tho O l l l c2* ^ DISTRICTOFTHE8TATE n Idaho Corporation, as succ Idoho. occording to tho plot thoilorool On tho 8th d a y of F * b r npany. 260 3rd Avonuo North. O F IDAHO, IN AND FOR IDAHO, INC.. a n Id lor on A,M.. ol said d ay, (racogn>gnliod local time). In tho Olllcoco ool First /American TlUe Com p . trustoo. lor tho bonollmont and socu% of Waat On* I tho Twin Foils County rocordor orth.-Twln Falls; In the County/ ^c T v ^ Fans. Stato ol idoho. THE COUNTY OF - icords First Ame'ricariTTUo Ctompany, on 260 Ord A venue North npany ot Idaho. Inc.. an id a^ idaho, asbortenclan:lary. rocordod February 12.19 OocomborSO. 1994lnEIn Book 16 ol Plots. P o g e 3. rocc mty of Tvrin Falls. Stato ol idahcloho., Rrat Amoricon Title Comp ;*0 TWINFALLS 996002351. and assigned to F Twin Falls. In th e County sor trustoo. will sell at public C ase No. SP-00-922 ^ Instrum onl No. 1 9 H ol sow county. Icular First Amoricon Title C:ompBny on of Idoho. Inc.. an idohidoho Corporation, as succossc I - MORTOAQE CORP.,PP.. fla.bonofldary. by Tho Trustoo has no,o kknowlodgo ol a moro portlci :ossor tru a te e . will soli ol publiublic auctlon.lothehlghostbkJdtIdor. lor caah. In lawful monoy ol NOTICE OF HEARING 1996, o s inatnim ont N o. 19960C XJve-doBCtlbod rool property, bul}ut lor Corporation, aa su c co si oyol the Unltod States, all poyiayable at the Ilmo ol saio. the PETITION FOR CHANQE cordod U afch 4 . 19fi doscrlptlon ol tho abovi >n 60- auction, to tho highest bkkJor.bW for cosh. In lawful money c Mortgago Rocofdss ol Twin Falla Counly. Idaho. o nco wilh Idoho C ode. Soctlon , tho following described roal prtproporty. situated In tho County'•y O F NAME m u p i V pufpoaos ol compllonc ot ad- tho Unltod S to to s, all poyoblo P i ot tho timo ol solo, th iaho. and described oa foPows. I THE ^ O V E QRAN1ANTORS ARE NAMED TO CO^ REP. 1 ’3- injotoo h oa boon bi Informod thot tho slroot proporty, situated in tho Countxjnty ol Twin Falls. Stato ol idol inthoMotlerolthoChanae tract W est Filer, Idoho 83328.t imoy loliowing doscrlbod ro d i oINamoofKRYSTLEAHN WITH SECTION 45-1 n n ABP dross ol 1011 Sth Strei ol Twin Foils. S talo ofI iid d ^ . ond doscribed o s followtlows, lo-wll: RESENTATION IS ^ m r m l aomotimos bo associate:lotod with sold rool proporty. L^ts 41 and 42 in Block 161C of BLUE LaJ cES ADOIT^^ONJi' HUDELSON. NOT. PRESENTLJTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR)R THIS vvlll bo marnodo without covonont or womirranty lo-wll: WEST. Tvirln Falls County.ty. rocordod In Book 3 ot Plats. PoUaonor. laslon or oncumbroncoa to satisfyafythe PARCi: NO. 1 To whom it moy concom OBLIGATION. .Ha IB tho regarding tltlo, poaaoasl /s a l o Townahik, 10 S outh, Ronssngo 15 E a s t Bolso Moridlan, TwinTwi Pogo30. Tito dolault lo3f f» which this sale la to bo made obilgatk)o socurw J byry aond pursuant to tho pow er^ i EXCEPT tho North 15 footot of sold Lol 41. , , A PoUtlon by KRYSTLE ON B. Falls County. Idaho knowledge ol o more particular laUuro lo pay whonBn cdue. undor Dead ol Tmst No conferrad in the doodsd

    THENCE North 0 0 '0 1 ’32 n or encumbrances to sallsly the rooson for the roouostod , por annum, and cor Idaho. THE ABOVE < i»O E loot to tho TRU E PO IN4T0F T' BEGINNING; rogarding title. p oasesslon( uonl and unpakl taxos aro duo lot COMPLY WITH SECTli J’28* W ost parallol vrfth tho SoulSouth obligation secured by and>d purauont to the power o l ^ o name change is lhat Tho snco owing o a ol this dato on th ARE THENCE S oulh 89 ’58’2I of tmst oxocutod ^ m n n ^ potitionor has usod the I Tho princlp]^ balanci NO REPRESENTATIC 1 THIS boundary ol th o S WU tt ol i Soction 7 lor o dlstonceCO (ol conlorrod In the deed of ' gallon socurod by/ salsoki Dood ol Trust Is S37.596.9: ORARENOT. PRESEi•SENTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR T in tho contor ol on Irrigation canalinol; SIMMONS, a alngj* w orw P2 name WENQREEN lor Ihe I, co sts and a d v a n c e s. Ali dollr 443.60 loot to a point in ll [mCANmL?*COMMNY’OFPJ: past lon years and deslraa- accruing Intorost. c( OBLIGATION. lurolo: THENCE along Iho contionlor ol tho IrrigoUon canal onn ththo nronlor. to FIRST AMER I amounts are now dunsaid loliowing couraos: nd socurity ol NW H o m « « ^ . o s an d Intorost. unpanpoid ond accniing taxos. assess:nTniB adi moko principal a n d Into tmstoo. lor the bor^eflt ond Tho Potllkwier'o father is xlloon Nonh 14’16'14* W o st, 27.4627 lo o t July 1.1997. os Instnimont No. BURKE ANTHONY- trustoo's fooa. attorittomoy's fees, and any amour•K?. l i i l Dood ol T n jst o n d Promissory Prt Nolo. Tho original I ,83.58 foot; as bonofidary. recorded Ji t Iho socurity a s s o d a te d with thi 10.00 logolhorwlth Intorost thoroc•eonot North 22’3 T 2 8 - W o s t 83 »rdod July 15,1M7. 2i; HUDELSONOI8793 vancod to proloct Ihi omount waa $85,600.0' cod in North 16’47’3 6 'W e s t, 129.9212 lo o t _ , 1997010621. andro-recoi closure ond Ihst thoho bI onolldaryolectato soli o rMusotho a n ,ho rato of 7.50000"/00% por onnum. as ovidonco 167.12 lool to o point on tho NorNorth mont No. 1997011305,«, and assignod lo NORWEST LANCELOT ST.. BOISE. >0 sold to aatisty sa id obligation atod Novombor 28. 1997. PaymOTOiiti N o m o o 't s w w o j i 10 HOMEIMPROVEMEN1HT. INC., previously domg 10 83705. tm st property to bo s< Promissory Noto datoc audino boundoryollho SEWSW3WW ol Soctlori 7; , m onths ol April through o n d Indu ll ond buslneaa as SUtewld*B MI ortgag*. as benollclaiy, by ith and THENCE loaving th o contor co ol tho Inigatlon canal or Mo. O n Novem ber 3.2000. at ' f i r s / aK e r i^ ”t TTn?C OM PA N Y O F lOAHO, .amount ol $598.53 por month dory ol tho SEWSWW of Socliontlon 7 assignm onl recorded JuIiulv 1, 1997. os instmmont'No. srofs's'so”™ cJato ol olong the N orth boundor R ocords ol Twin Foils C ount,.If,. 9:00 o.m.. or os soon thqte- i /s/Monlno Colo, Trusrruat Olflco conUnulng e a c h iu>dd o\evbry month thorooftor unUi do h 89’59'27! East for o distoncoICO iol 1997010622, Mortgago R m t Tho prindpol bolanco as ol July on a bearing ol South 8 olter oa counsol can bp; solo or relnstatomont. ^ o s 719.171001: 'LY h o a rd In this Court. In'.Us PUBLISH: Octobor.5or5.12.19 and 26. 2000 ______2 7.2000 Is $8 3 .299.1*9.14 together wllh Intoreat thoroo f32* East for o dlslnnco of 723,(23,64 t h e a b o v e GRANTORJR S ARE NAMED TO COMPLY S ^ o m THENCE S outh M 'O I’S; 6(4)(A). IDAHO CODE. NO REP-:P- Courtroom. Honoroblp o lJu ly 2 7 .2 000 In thoho 0omount ol $2,550.88. Tho f» r i NTOFBEQINNINQ. WITH SECTION 45-1506(- HE MoMnC. Edwards, presid-. NOTICEICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE lion to Iho obovo. thore Is alsoso duo foet to tho TRU E POINT RESENTATION IS MADE3E THAT THEY AHE. OR ARE ly ol Ja n u a ry . 2001. a t tho hourojrol 10:15 Is $17.12. In addition ,11000 EXCEPT RESPONSIBLE FOR THISIIS lng. tho PotlHonor. wlD caO I O n tho 23rd day 01 jorty taxos lor tho se co n d holl ol longo 15 East. Bolso Moridlan..Twin Tw fJOT. PRESENTLY R , (focognliod local tlm o). In th a OincoC of dollnquont real proport; ist and Tovmship 10 Soulh. Rom up for hoortng hor Petitkxi I A.M.. o lsa id d a ^ (ro lue North, ond oil ol 1999, togoligolhor wllh ponolty o n d Intorosi OBUQATION. I Firat/Amorlcan Tlllolllo Company. 260 3rd Avonuo * this solo Is to b e modo Is tho for C hange of Namo. I ol Idaho, uny olhor real proporty)tty toxoa that may be co m e dolinq I land locotod In the SEWSWWA oiond The dolault for v/hich tho Objocflons moy bo 01^ Twin Falls. In thoD CountyO of tw in Foils. Stato ol ure: and any lote chargoa. adyorr = r lolluro to poy whon duo.I. undflr i Oood of Tmst Nolo, tho lllo Company of Idaho. Inc., anar Idaho during this forackssuro; rribod a s lollows: rindpol. Intorosi ond Impounds8 ol by any person who can; ln_ First /Vmorican Tills at public allornoy loaa. fooalOQ or costs oBSOciotod with tho Southwasl cornor of oso old monthly poymonts lor Prin successor trustee, will soil al olonco owing os ol thla doto 'oVii;or s'Mtsiixrs for tho m onths ol August throughjgh auch objoctlona. show a, Corporelion. os sui I monoy ol lorodosuro. The baloi $148.87. duo por month fo lont good rooson ogainst such • auction, to tho hlghstihsat bkJdor. lor c a sh , in lavi-lui m< by sold dood ol tmst ia $86.07. anuary 2000 and all subsequent I sale, tho obllgotlon so c u ro d by THENCENorthBG-se'aai'28‘ East olong the South boundoindury Oocombor, 1999 nnd Jon vith a change ol namo. - • tho Unltod Slotos.IS olii payable a t th o tlmo of s t but exduding costs ond oxpoi n 7 lor 0 distonco ol 2257.43 fool;tool; paym ents until the d a l0 ^ ol solo or relnstatomont. with od rool proporty. situated In thoho County Including intorost bul oundor ol tho SWK o l Soctlon 7 i9% por annum , and continuingg to Doted Septombor 21.. fotlowing doscrlbod i IS lollows. odually m currod InI enonlordng the obligations thorou 1'32* W oat lor o distonco ol 603.1103.00 Interest occmlng ot 12.99^ ato ol Idaho, and described os I I trustoo's loos ond/or reasononable THENCE N orth 00;01;3 occmo from July 28,1991»99. T ne principal bolanco ovSngring 2000. ol Twin Falls. Stato or In. this s a io , o s tn NTOFBEQINNINQ: d o l Robort S . Fort. CIeri< . ‘ to-wlt: I aulhorlrod In tho p ro m isso ryry nolo loot lo Iho TRU E P O ] ^ South os of this dato on tho obll(jUgation socurod Jf GREEN TREE ESTATES NO.0 . 2. Twin oitornoy’s lo o s a s a t ^ THENCE S outh 6 9 '5;e’28‘ 8 ’2 WoBt porollol with tho Soi and B^^anot Haley. Deputy. Lot 1 in Block 2 ol Q 01. rocord- socurodby th o oloromromontionod Dood ol Trust. 1% of Soclion 7 for a distoncowo ol Tmst Is $12,355.10. plut ' Falls County. Idaho.ho. occording lo tho plat thorool. boundary ol tho SW » ifJiS iT m ) oow coo. iw i h o t ds ol sa id Doled: A ugust 9 , 20(2000 443.69 loot to a point In tho conior ol on Irrigotion con/i:annl; advances. All dollnquoiH ( and SMITH.BEEKSAHOOQfiS od in Volumo 133 ol P lats. P a g o SO. R ocordso s o is D io ^ li^ n CE TITLE &E!S, ESCROW CORP. an mo with occmlng iate chorgirgos and Intorost unpoid ond THENCE olong tho con:ontor oi tho irrigotion canal on i: menta. tmstoo’s foos. ottomo/so / s Attomeys lor Petitioner County. I particular /s/Torosa Hopkins, TTnjstOlflcor a occmlng toxos. ossossmi has no knowlodgo of a moro pi loliowing courses: a dvanced to protect the socurityirity PO Box 508 Tho Trualoo has 1.27.46 loot; foos, ond any omounts oi lory Twin Falls. ID 83303-0508 I doscrlpUon ol tho»abovo ab roloroncod raal proporty. ■12,1 9 .2 6 ond Novom bor 2. 20<2000 North 14'16’14‘ W ost. 2 a sso d ated with this lorodjclosuro ond ^ t tho bonolteiapr l 3 « ^ o ! PUBLISH: O ctober 12, :------North 22’3 r2 8 * w o st t 883.58 lool; d to purposos ol complioiplionco with Soction 60-113 idahc olocts to soli or cause thetr trust proporty to be sold to boon Inlormed that the oddross North 20'45’28* W est,1 80.208 lont: PUBUSH: Septom bor^ tho Trostoo has boe ““ .SlaSd. NOTICE:E Co f TRUSTEE’S SALE North sallsly said obligation. rwin Fails, idaho. Is aomoUmosIOS associ January 25.2001;001. ot tho bour ol 2:00 o ’do c k p.m,p. ol THENCE leaving th sI coniorce ol ih o irrigotion canal No O ctobor 5 .1 2 and 19.2000 C y p ress Way, Twlr ilel with tho South boundary ol t alod with said realal piproporty. ibby ol Tmsloo. 163 Fourth Av^vonuo B9'58'28' East parallel LE COMPANY OF IDAHO. INC.IC. ------11 bo mado without covonanl or vi n Idoho SWW ol Soctlon 7 lorr a distancei ol 525.45 loot; I Sold sale will ba North. Twin Foils,. Idaho,idi TITLEFACT. INC.. on I IT32’ East lor a dlstonce ol 182.182.00 /»rt.tonlne co le. Tmal omJfHce ' ’ NOTICEOF jssosslon or oncum broncos to so' ustoo will soil ot public ouctlon.I. tot; tho t h e n c e S outh 0 0 '0 1 ’a „ ^ PU B UC HEARINO rogardlngtmo. possi corporaUon. o» Tn,«. Unilwl loot to tho TRU E POINTINT OF BEGINNING obllgotlon securedsd byt and pursuant to tho power r cash , in lowlui monoy of tho U 28. CwtoborS. 12ond19.2000^ Notlcaishere^Olvenby unuAR M highest biddor. lor co ring do- TOGETHER WITH PAf>ARCEL NO 2: Tho right ol Ingrengross PUBLISH: Septom bor 28 conlofTod In tho dood doi ol taist oxocutod by THOI Siotoa. oil payableI atot tho tlmo ol solo, tho followin a n d ocrosa on oxlsUngppcoM ro the Plannlng'ffld Zoning HARNEY and LE61E 6U E A HARNEY, h u s ta n c l ar rty. slluolod In tho Counly ol Twinin Fnila.i ond egroas ovor, o n orn Ckxnm laslonlor the City ol ^ p ^ Y O f^ scfibod roal p n s p o ^ 1 thol ia tho E a s t 12.0 feel foi of the West-36.0 feat thot* ll re^O F TRUSTEE’S o s grantors, lo FIRSIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMP/ j doscrlbod e s lollows to-wit: tho irrigation canal and North^ ol 1 Itho AMENDED NOTICI It the Twin Falls, idaho. thol a an Idaho Corporation, os sue 1. Rongo 17 Eost. Bolso Moridlan,in. Twin Eost ol tho contor ol the ° On THURSDAY, tho 9th9tl d a y of Novem ber. 2000. al:a the oi pubik: hearing win be held t IDAHO. INC.. a n I South boundary of tho10 SWW£ ol Soctlon 7. A.M.. ot aaid day. In the office oj • trualoo, lor tho bonolitbon and socurity ol TMS , M< rn S S S d Falls CoSnty, Idaho no knowlodgo ol o moro partctrticular hour ol 11:00 o 'd o c k A.i 311 on October 31. 2000. o 4onoy Stora. as bonoficlay. n reol ol iand locotod In th o S E «WSEW. : Tho Tm atoo h o a no bST S ALLIANCE TITLE 8. ESI:SCROW CO RP.. located atILLS 311 Tuesday, at tho hour of ' Inc., dba Ths Mon 1 ^ ^ Section 29: A parooi doscrlptlon o i tho obovoovo roloroncod roal proporty. but H. TWiN FALLS. TWIN FAUS N ovem ber 19.1997997 . OS Instrument No. 19970190 moro particularly doseloscribod os lollows: S 2nd STREET NORTH. tow 7:00 o'clock P.M.. In tha tion 20; purpoaoa of com pliancoICO wilh Soctlon 60-113 I d ^oM CO. oi COUNTY, IDAHO. AL\L L IA N C E T ITLE & ESCROVIi assignod lo CHASE\Se MANHATTAN BANK, a e T n c o m iSe n c in g ott thitho Soothoosi comor ol Soclio >on Inlormod Ihot tho address .11 at City Hail Council Cham- Ity U an Truat 199M under th th 89'29’16* East 2631.35 loot froi'romtho the Trusto® has boor otimos CORP.. 0 Oolowaro C^riorpomtlori. as Tmstoo, will wlla^i o bors.iocotodot321 IMC Homa Equity I f J u n S l sold point llos S outh 8 N orth, B uhi, Idaho, Is sometin- highest biddor. tor cash, in lawfu sing Agreement dataa ss orf f. South O uartor comnor er ol Soclion 29; 1544-B East 3000 No public aurtlon. to tho hlj tlmo S econd Avonuo E ast Twin ing and Sonlcinfl ong Iho nasodolod writh sold roolrot proporty. tatos oil payable a t tho aam e Um( : 1998. as bonolldordorv t)V aaslgnmant recorded 8 THENCE North 00*0O'OO’OO* East, 677.00 loot olon modo vrithout covenant or woira(uranty nwnoy ol the Unltod S tat i^ ln Folia, idaho, to hear a. \ b o r 15,2000. a srinatbmont ln« No. 2000^)14306..Mortgage M eajnx>undary ol SocSoction 20; Soki solo wrlli bo mi loscrlb«i roal proporty. sltiwlod ir reqi-eatby: Jloi wilh rogarding tltlo. possossiisslon or oncurrtbrancos tosallaly s . S tata of idaho. ond doscribed oi ! Rocords of Twin1 FolFoils County. Idaho. . r n u P i V THENCE N orth 89B'29'16' ’2£ West. 33,00 foot porallo y and purauont to Ih* power olol^^ s 0 uio'^n?/o'lTwln^alia, RANTORS ARE NAMED TO C ry ol Sodton 29 to tho REAL POIN>INT OF obligatkxi socurod by o THE ABOVE GRAI • M n n e p Iho South boundary ol o d ol trust oxocutod by RICHAiHARD lollowo. lo wll: I 6 E o s t Boise Moridlan. Twit WITH SECTION 45 conlorrod in tho dead life, o s Township 11 South, ^ i TWn 50’ BEGINNING: tllol with OWEN a n d DEBORAI-lAH OWEN, h u s b a n d sn d wife. 16:NJ4SEi48EH } RESENTATION 15 ‘^Q T H il THENCE North 09-29)’29-16' W ost 356.11 lo o t pnrallfl NY OF Falls County. Idaho Sect cular x ^ ’railroad right-ol-wy. Grantors, to FIRST AMERICAN A^ TITLE COMPANY knowlodge ol o moro partlcula NOT. PRESENT;NTLY RESPONSIBLE FOfOR THIS ,ho South boundaryry o0 l Soctlon 29; doho Corporotlon. as SUCCOSI-ossor Tho Trustoo has no kr J'OO'OO’ East 395.93 loot, parolleillei with roAHO, IN C .. o n Ida X va-doscribad roal property, but to OBLIQATION. ma THENCE North 00 OC ARGO doscrlptlon of th* alx>v» for which this sal* la to b e mod tniatoe, lor th o bonolit)llt ond socurity of WELLS FAR' ICO with idoho Codo. Sectkjn 60 Tho dolsult for tho East boundaryI of SocUon 20; :. INC. successor by mergor w novrn South Parit Avonuo W eat; hon duo. undor Daod of Tnist N THENCE North 31’5fll'59’46' Eost113.59 foot; HOME M ORTOAQE. 1 ien infom ied thot thore Is no k n w lolluro 10 pay whon I*, Inc.. OS beneficiary, rocorc r mora inlormotion rogarding3 Ihithis and bordered on the west. monthly paymonts f O'OO’OO* E ost 295.91 lool; Norwost Mortgag*! Irp. at by Steele Stroot in tho d ty - lO'OO'OO* Wosi. 495.45 foot alorlong the O c to b e r I S . 1 9 9 6' , aos Snslrument No.l9960176 ict Alllonco Title A Escrow Corp. i • $958.43. duo perm if Twin Foils Counw. Idaho. - of TwinFons. - - all subsequent paym anta until Ihi lino on Stalo Highway 7 4 . lo tho10 REALI Mortgago Rocorda of T Ju n e 2000 and all s JTORS ARE NAMED TO COMF lado withoul covenant o r vraiTontrranty J . FRANCIS FLORENCE salo or rolnstalomormonl, uncolleclod loto ch arg es ai THE ABOVE QRANTC )lway WITH SECTION 45-1 alon or-encumbrances to aatlafy th tho omount ol $19'J191.68. with Intorast accniing o rtn'pS is Highwoy District right o l i, fsale FEDERATfoN^OINTE, >0 modo vJthout covonont or wowarranty REPRESENTATION I: por annum, andJ ccconUnuIng to a c c n ia AKs ac oro bsnoIJdai advoncoa of $354.I154.90. S also = roaordlna tltlo po ssotsossion i or oncum brancaa lo sotieitlslylho a r e NOT. P R E S E N l lor. to Requaals vacation of o 2000. Also duo oro ro i salo OBUQATION. daho Corporation, as Orantor. t dellnquonl andI unpaid un taxes for 1999. Tho f 1 by and pursuant to th o pow or o .Is tho STABLES. INC., o n l^ *, for iB’x2 0 8 'drainage srta- D eed ol Trual Irom WILLIAM EVERY F The default lor whwhkii this solo is to be mode is mo ALLIANCE TITLE & ESESCROW CO RP.. o s Trusts*. It balance owing aats ofol this data on tho obligation so< duo. undor Dood ol T m st Nolo, E S ,* m ant located between Lota list Is $127,658.20. plua occnilnglng Intorost ^ BARBARA EVEi•VERY, husband and wlfo. toTltiiItiePad. failure to p o y w hen du ^da of the bonellt and securityft^ol oaflERT C. OON2ALE8. sold Oood olTniStI jrprincipol. intorest ond Impound! ns with hla aoi* • n d jtp aa r raB tta 2 and 3 of Btodi 1, Pinn^ Tnistaa^and-0.J-n.L^Evon8.Bonk^B^nclaw. y. daled monthly poym onta fo rP »e. as do Subdivision (betweerv I9B8. aa $S75.12. d u o por moniionlh"Tortho"montns-of-Aprtl-thfo iryriacorded October 1 6 ,1 9 ^ « xniing lato ch arg ea a n d ihtorosiasl. i^ « d November 19, 1998.(98. rocordod N o v e m ^ 2 ^ 19i iTwIn 139 ond 157 Pinnacl* logolhorwlth nccni in Falls Auguat 2 000 a n d oilIt sisubsequent paym onts iJhUi the c >18541, Mortgago records of ^ taxos, assassm enla. trustee Instrument No. 1991998-021170. rocorda of Twin , ARE c o u rt) in th e City ol Twin and accruing tax roomant ol salo or rolnstotemsmont. with a monthly lote cho THE ABOVE QRANTORS AR anom oy's loos, and any am ounta advanced to pr County. Idaho: aas m modinod by M «J»":otlon Agroi r w F«ll» C ounty. W nho. T 1999. OS inslnjmont No. 1999-01014732. occmlng a t $37.47. wllwith Intoroat occmlng ot 8.376% Y wfTH SECTION 45-15MWM; lalod wilh this loreciosure and dalod A ugust 3. 1991 liing lo accmo from ^rch 1. 2( EPRESENTATION IS MADETW i s to saii or c a u sa th e tm st propooportytobe ,^ r ts of Twin Fallsoils County, Idaho; onnum. otkJ contlnulni ^ ^ 7 l^O^CODE^NOREF b an ell^ ry o lo cta ti I Soctlon Also duo oro escrowM oadvances in th e am ount ol $27( ■ NOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSONSI- A com pleta doscriptton ia sold to saHslysal'’ said obligation. Tho obovo G rantonitora ore nomod to com ply with S on fll* vrith tho Twin Folia oho Codo. No represantotlpn is msdo The principoi boloncmce owing as of this date ori Dato: Soplomborli 6HO INC 45-1506(4)(a). idaho by saM Deod ol Tmst t®. »S.717 ^ h t o ^ e la to be Rtade is laliure t FIRST AMERICAN? A N T in £ COMPANY OF IDAHIAHO. INC. o , ofoore not prosonUy responsibleI lorl( thla obligation se cu red by i uJmlont The delouit for Which tl plus accruing intoreatSt. icoats a n d a dvances. Ail dellnqi iCi M SS^TciJ ; /a/MonIno Colo,Tn,Tni8t Olflco obllgotlon. duo. togothor with occrulngnVlato i mako principal ond inter II loan 321 Se<»nd Avenue East 1 this solo is to ba-mode is » to‘ pay: a m o u n ts o ro n o w d i osMss- Deed ol Tmst ai^ Pro Dolault for which thi t unpaid and accruing taxes. ass< 00 tpgotherwtth lnt*r*st 5 » rweon at 735-7267. PUBLISH: Octobor)tiorS.12.1Sand26. 2000 (o)Folluro to m ako0 btballoon poymont ol 1.00. duo charges ar>d in to ro st u assory Any and aii persona e balanco ovring a s of th is d a le0 on< tho ments, tru ste e ’s le aIS. s. attomo/a loos. “I" innum. os ovkJ^nced In P ^ s s o June S. 2 000. T he bi I th e security a sso d a te d with this i 9th. 1998. Paymanta oro In del«Jelault desiring to comtnent may obligation a ec u re dd by sakl Dood ol Trust is $103,21.294.00. advanced to protect Ihl S s NoncmCEOF TRUSTEE'S SALE dosure a n d that th e b«benendary elocta to sell or cause II.0 1 , a p p ea r and b4 hoard at tho y, January 18,2001. at the hourour of 10:00 plus 10.5% Intorostst a n d lorodoaure coata. d May appointed tlmo. On Thursday, J d a y ol Stplombor. 2000. Ifust proporty to b* solsold to satisfy said obilgalton. April bf 1999 in th o o o'clock A.H.. oiI salsakl day. in tho office ol AlllancincsTitlaft bATED this 20th day 1 S ep tem b er ol 1999 In tho amoum ount /s/LaM ar N. Orton •Jorth. Twin VTIEFACT. INC. Date: O ctobsr 2 .2 0 0 0 I E scrow Corp. .loc.located ot 311 2nd Street Nor FIRST AMERICAN TilT?TLE COMPANY O F IDAHO. IN Ih and continuing each and everyevo Community Dovolopmont ; Jl. Alllanc* Titi* & EscrowH CCorp.. os la/ R. Todd B lass,', Vibor2B,OdoborS.12ond19. bo 2000 2 JOOO prindpal balanco o s r t - 999 In PUBLISH:'Thursdaya,' co sh , in lawful motmonoy ol tho Unltod States, ali p " PUBUSH: O ctober 1919,26. Novombor 2 and 9. 200( g o th e r^ ih intorost thereonthi aa of Auguat Mm. 1 ^ 0 oi saio. tho loliowing descnicribed roal ------5.53. T h e p e r dlom la $ 9 .1 7 ^ lnined- s Octobor 12 ond Octo6*r. tho some tlmo ol ills, Stato of NOTICECE OF TRUSTEE’S SA li ’ K* amount of $1,835.5 . proporty. situatedtod In tho County of Twin Falis, lanuary 22. 2001. at th® hour 01ol 10:00 ' NOTICEE COF TRUSTEE'S SALE thoro ia abo due. any late dtarghargea 10.2000 icrtbod o s lollows. to wit: On Monday. Jam ol Ja n u ary , 2001. ot the hour oflC3f 10 00 tftkjn to Iho obov*. the fees or - ' , • Idoho. and doscrlt) lotnootndal o’dock A.M., ol sowoW day. In tho office ol A lllanc**Tltie& 1 c>n the 1 7 th day o lJ ^ c e of . escrow cdioction foes.18. odvoncaa. attomey fees, fees I Lot 18 01 Dovldaorlaon's Subdhrislon. according to t watod at 311 2nd 8tr**t Noj;^,th . Twin A.M.. of said d a ^ (rerecognized a local lime). In tho Ofllc 8) 14 OffkUal E scrow C o rp . locat a Company, 260 3rd Avonuo• Nc North, costs a sso d a te d with ttl PU B UC NOTICE' ' J plat thorool, Ulod»d bIn Book 5 of Plats at Pago(s) 1 . Alliance Titi* A E*<;row Cotlorp.. os tnrst Americon Titta C The U-Haul Center tocai*d In Falls County, idaho. ' F a ils. ID 6 3 3 0 1 . Al bounty ol Twin Falls. Stoto olI idiidaho es of this data on the o Records ol TwinF 0 portlculor tAistoo.wfiltaellatpul1 public suction, to the h ig h e st bWcWdor.lor Tvrln Foils, In th e C^oi o f f i lm.ll. $39,052.65 M l a t : 1757 Klmborty R o a d , Tho Trustso hasnas no knowlodgo of a moro f ayabloat First American Titlee CCompany ol Idoho, inc.. on Id jorty. but lor cash, in lav^fut mono;aJwy of tho Unltod S tate s, all payi t public and exponsos actually if X , Twin Falla. Idaho 83301. desgription ol thetho abovo-describod real propotl of sale, mo following descrtbobod rooi Corporation, aa auccuccossor trustoo. wlli-sell ot pu n this aalo. os tmstee’s foos ond ompllance wHlh idaho Code. SoclionSo 60- lhe same limo of s Bst bktdor. for cash. In lawful moncx»ev ol Dons thereunder or In i jrSria- hereby notifies the own*c» purposos ol comf 1 in tho County ol Twin Falla. StaloS oi auction, to th e highest y th o roasonabl*ottom*/aia feea aa authorized In the prom >e haa boon Informed that tho10 i stroel ad- proporty.- situated in all payablo at Ihe timo ol sale. y tho alorementlonod Deod of Tm 113, Iho tmttee t jaho 83301. Idaho, and doscrlbecibed a s lonows. to wll: tho Unltod S ta le a . all dross ol 252 JoffX ffSion S t. Twm Falis. Idah of Vandenbarit Subdivision, accorarding to loilowing describedI red ro pnjperty. situalod In the Co 2000 . IS be a aso d a ted with aaid real pnproperty. Lot 10 In Block 1 of V B ot Idaf^ ^ described as lon< ' iiema&HousohoWQooda: m ay somotlmos b< 1 or warranty tho olfldal plat thoroieroof. mod In Book 6 of P lo ts otI Page(a)P ol Tvrln Falls. S tate o ALUANCE TITLE a E£ESCROW CORP. that thoy wiii be sold.at Said salo V.TIIIriii bt>e mada without covenant or lo satisfy tho 1 Official R ocordas of Twin Foils County, Idaho, to-wlt in. Twin /s/BobWCuttiore. Truslisl Officer public auctktn to aatisly.th* rooanJlngtlHe.pooDossesslon or oncumbrancas lo i a no knowledge ol a moro porarticular Township lOSouth.. RRangej 17 E o st Boise Meridian. l and pursuant to the ^lowsr of sale Tho Trustoo haa ni ), S*ctk« 5: The South 468.69 loi rent and fees pastdu*^ obligation socurod HOWARD R. description of th e> aobovo-desolbod t rool prop«rti^y, but lor Falls County, Idaho, S PUBLISH: O ctober 121 2 .1 9 ond 26 .2 0 0 0 ______------TNa aale wU be con d u ited conlerrod In thoto d MARY HINMON, H u ab a n d oneend WIf*. as purposos of complli IS streot The T rustee h oIS s rno knowledge of a more partk • FOR b*en oHerod os partI ofol tth* al: 1767 Kimberly HINUON AND MJ ^ CORP.. os 113, the trusteea hashi boon Informed that the ffifor ADVERnSE^^ ^?',S?_Twin Fill*Jd*^i?ii I ______Qrantors. to AUi-[u m S c E TITLE & ESC ROW C Oatrander. Twin Fall*. Idahoo 83301,I -doscrlpttonof theabo'ibove refarartced raal property, bu ------ftnonclol aupport lor tr Iho bonellt and aecurity of HouseholdHi address of 340 Oai ance with Soctkjn 60-113 Idaho C; BIDS FOR Trustee, for tho M assodated with saW.rool propt>perty. purposes of compUanc o l « 1 9 2000 HARMON PAARK I ptolect. Biddera shi dod Ja n u a ry may som otlm os bo g len ln^5^ned that tha o g ress ol 1 review th* *ncloeed Ust Flnanco.Corporatt 6. M ortgage ^ so la will b bo o nwdo without coverkonl ot warrantyw; the T m steo h a s b*en SKATEPARK OM A Aoctlcxiaubjedtot -ul' »aosskxi or encumbrancea to satlatlstytho W ashington S tr* *rt t ^North, Twin Falla, idaho. Is sc win b* donoro ond donations, 28,1999. as Ins HE ABOVE regardingtltl*.pos*« S*al*dpropoaal*w ?a^ll b* lation ahould following rocords ol Twin Id by and pursuant to m e poweroro l sale times a sso ciate d withrith said real property. tof tho pr«-bid m**ling ahali I PLY W IT H obTlgattoo a ac u ra d b Mtmade without covenant or wanManantv received In the ofllc* o iw occupanta sstti* with JJ- QRANTORS A d e ed ol tmst executed by C HA ^ LESK. sa k l a ale win be«i SSyihi Deputy City Clerk ata t 321 hekJ a t Tvirin Falto O ly H Haul betoro the aal*. Th* .1506(4)(o). IDAHO CO D E. NO REPRE- conferred In the doe :E TITLE regarding title, poaaeslosskxi or oncun»brances lo satlst; SECTION 45-16C iR ARE NOT. CURTIS, a a ln g l*I* n^m an, as Grantor, to A L L l^ C E r o t sale Second Avenue E a sI t t Twm axgiSlQBAm»pi£^ SENTATION ISS MADEM THAT THEY ARE. O R / >RP., as Tmstoe, lor tho ^ nnslit s snd obligation secured by 0 P.M .. R E ^ N S I B L E F O R THIS OBLIBLIQATION. 6, ESC RO W CO R P kRRY L Fans, idaho until 2:001 • - PRESENTLY REi leJuanlta-conTerrod In tha doa )-FIRST -provalling locaUlm Tho dolault foror vrtilchw this aalo la to t>* m a d0 e Isla laliuro lo: security of Juonlta'Ji 1999. as LEHMAN, a n u n m a •0 0 . at datalfs of s e c u rin g • 1 and Intorw t paymsjnla a s s e t1 fotforth on saw Ja n sen T ruat o a Bw S of T\»1n AMERICAN TITLE?' Ic'S»S’ f ‘1!?*"S'A.'.nS, ^iffi^be coordlnatliwlhedeilvw, mako principal an original loan inatfumont No. 1991 Idaho 83301. Deod ol Trustt and an Promlaaory Not*. The orl IRS ARE Idaho Corporation, as oi succasaor tmstoe, for the b« dread donattona. Rsprossnttt «e.253.8« together with istSwraonal ; Falls County. Id ^ 506(4)(o), and securUy of COUIbUNTOYWlOE HOME LOANS, I b a ra o f ol th* donora. M ade 'Val vSiS #130-CODY STEW ^; • ' \ am ount was $86.: ad In Promis- NAMED T O COMIMPLY P WITH SECTION 4 5 -1 W wodo- 1322 Washlnglcfn SW aj \ th a ratn 0111.994994% per annum , « a ovWeno«> I 4 0 REPRESENTATION IS l ^ 0OE £ m r praviouaiy doing busln***bi u Ameriea'a Whoi* fall. Skat* BoanJara Aasoc m ents a ra in IDAHO CO D E. NO I idary. reconJod Nov*mbw29.1 3t ^ n North, Twin FaUs. I^ c i \ aory Noto datodted January 22, 1999. Paymei 1 ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RESFSPONSi- Lencter, o a benendo 1 ba lo tion, and thp City ot T\ } montha of July 2000 throughh £September THEY ARE. OR AF as Instmment No.. H19W021177. Mortgage Rocon: jarding Falla wlU attend. Duasloth* to i 83301. : default for tho me nd continuing BLE FOR TH IS OBIOBUQATION. ^ , constmct a akatoboai 2O00inthoamouitxxmt of $886.84 p a r m o n m ^ ' w hid) this sale is to b * m a d eia fofailure . to: TwInFalla Counly. ii IL critical im pact ol th* d« Ita of sale or The default for whl (firORS ARE NAMED TO TOW»M PLY parit a l Hannon Poifc PUBUSH: Odobor 19 ond •ach and ovory i 10 entire prindpal balanco o ^otiorthon t i THE ABOVE QRAN1 Jonaol Uons on the project cosi Jf Septem ber Pay whon d u e . th e e <10 REP- Numerous donatioi Sv* 28. 2000 : ralnstatom snt T pMpaJ “ of £ ■ust otkI Promissory N olo. T nee original' vm H SE C T lO N 45-1. OR ARE materials and laborirhave I bidders representati 86.099.59 together with in tar^n t thereon at said Dead , of Toist •ost thoro- RESENTATION IS W 12.2000 la$8e.C em la $28.30. loan om ount w aa> $3$35,000,00 together w ith interoa th o rate 0111.994994% par annum. Tho per diem Tbtmday.OtOetsb«l»r2000 Tlw eeHews,TMFA,IMio .Tii M -EGAL NOTICE LE^E5AL NOTICE LEG/■GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ILEGAL NOTICE LEGAL U NOTICE LE■EGAL NOTICE LELEGAL NOTICE LB LEGAL NOTICE OTlCE OF TOKEN UBLISH: October 16. 19. ‘729 Brown Drive so le win w bo heard t y th e NOTIJ SUB JECT TO : a 25 fool wideJ R IFoils. Idaho, at the 2000.O.They i can bo re- Rrat Amortcan Tltla Compar )lom>od that th e streol ad- of HBG-FMHi Idaho LLC and realool properly horoin Eosll med from August 23. Corporation. « auccaaaor:lor tru s te e , will soli al public: 1 113. th e tn is te e has boon inlon- BUS County Courthouse, hour r oof 10:00 o'dock a.m . d e e m e d I dress o ti 285 East 4400 North.!th. B uhl, idaho 83341. may H oorlzon r Broadcoatlng descoscribod wlll b e aold o t FaUs 0 through Docember •uction. to tha highatt bkMor.dor, tor c a sh . In lawful rrwnoyol. d roup LLC ore William uWte auction lo the high- 42525 Shoshone Street Novonom bor8. 2000. 2 0 0 0 th yoblo ot tho Ume ot salo. tho.i‘, sorrwtlmeas Im assodated withn soldso: roal property. G ro Orth, Twin Falls. Id ah o . B O AARDOFCOUNTY I 22.20002000 ot tho casino cage tha Unllad Statat. all payab Ihout covenant or warranty Ack<:korloy. Koilh Shipmon. ostol Ib id d e r, p u ro u o n t to Norti- ;oclus Polo's Resort (oOowlns dM crlbad raal propiroporty. situated In tho County' Sold so lo will be tnodo vrithot an Wolker. H. Thomas sociioclkx) 3-808. Idaho Codo Thoho tennsI ot said so le to COMKIMISSIONERS n t C a c ( sho. a n d described os toDows., ria bids mode a t TE!•EST: 3 1 . Sopl lond'locatod In tho NEUSEU., ^ TITLE & ESCROW CORP.. asos T m steo, tor tho benefit th o )r said property. E ach bid RoboriortS.Fort.aortt ' 2 V21. i i '25, 28. Odober 2. Saction MjMUmna Finance Corporation lli as morenu and roioted motori- Suh3uhl Williams Subdivision lor si . 26. 30. a o s follows; fi i so c u riw of Housohold Fins :s aro on tiie for public Tax # 589 Lot 2 mustiust be acco' npaniod wllh by Prii’risdllo A. Bolion sa st co m o r of s M ono-ttuartor 1 nofldory, rocordod OeeembarD # f2 9 ,1099. a s Instnjmonl a la em ber 2. 6, 0. 13. 18. BEQINNINO tn tha Northaast jc o rd a o t Twin Falls County. Inaplapoction ot 213.1 Hwy 1-10-14 NW the10 additionalO' lum ot S3.00 ChlofBl I Deputy Cleric 2 ^ 2 3 * ^ No. 1999022795. Mortgaoo r o w or pago lor rocording o 23. 27. 30. Docombor aactton; K "iTORS ARE NAMED TO 30.3. Twin FoUs. Id ah o ond 63-105A porj ’.11. 14. 18 ond 21. THENCE 121J taat Southh alalong ^ o E ast boundary One• Idaho.|i THE ABOVE OHANTC ood a s approved by law. p u BL3L1SH: Octobor 12. 19. 11 ' COMPLY WITH SECTION 45-151 795 Conyon Crook Rood. RPB7901000002DA p dOOd ot aaid quartar saction)n tto tho REAI. POINT OF c 'Jllountain Homo. Idaho. ADDRESSED AS: Any Ar objoclions lo so id . 26 aand n November 2.2000 , 20000 BEGINNING; NO REPRESENTATION IS MA I parallol to the North boundaryt cOR AHE N OT, PRESENTLY RERESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ^ THENCE W asl 208.7 foal pa lEPORT lino ot said quanor sactfon;i; . • tOBLIGATION. TWIN FALLS COU«UNTY QUARTERLY JO INT RB THENCE Sou1h.104.35 foolol pparallol lo the E ast boundaryI The default tor wNch this aaloJo Is to b e m ado is lalluro to: 07/01/2>1/2000 Ihrough OS/30/3000 m ako prirxrlpol and inlorost poymoyrtwntsossotlonhonsaid' - Ilna of sold quartar sactkn; ory Noto. Tho original loan Received P aBid ld iBy Ending THENCE E ast 208,7 footI'porallol pai to 1^ N oitt boundary/ [Dood ol Trust and Promissory mater Balance om ounl w a a $81,941.76 logolhoiilhor with inlorosi thoroon at RRevenue Transfer Warranu Tranati lino ot said qualar sacHoo;i; C und DeacrtpUon ■ S & 1.800.605.19 044.335.1J5.13- 1.253.552.67 otakmothaEastboundanfUna> t the rate ot 11.761% per annum.,jm. o s ovidoncod In Promis- 423.789.77 2,162,187.329,43 THENCE North 104.35 toot a 22. 1999. Poymonts are In 00 Curront E xpenso 774.870.63 165.536,42 959.479.16 14.0(14.00- 233.517.20 ol said quartar soctlonan toI the REAL POINT OF- jsory Noto datod Oocombor 22. 01 S tato o t idaho 252.603.31 r. 43.963.32 1.762.6g Task Fore 57.80- 3.469.97 ■ taKoa that may bocome dodollnquent during Ihla 'wj 3.345.22 127.97 .00 57.907.81 aaid NEUSEU, 25 faatet toi tho REAL POfNT OF | 10 Bond Redem ptkin (Jail) ,00 1 0.500.01M.OO- 00 Iforodosuro; ond any lalo chartharges. odvancos. attorney I ’O 10,500.00 .00 .00 BEGINNING ' Jd with m is forodosuro. The 11 Tax S a le Surplus .00 .00 .00 ,00 .01 .00 THENCE W ast parallol withirlth tho North boundary of soldi |fees, foes or costs ossodalod » 12 Pubik: Administrator .00 22.774.00 463.283.27- 23.752.91- ba lan c e owing a s ol this dato on ttho obllgotlon socurod b y . ' ' ‘ 20.322.26- 1.617.07 18.169.55 55.00- 14.735.50 NEM8EU. 0B.0 taot; 1 833.66, plus accruod and l 3 W ooda 2.924.65 69.376,21 51.765.16 1.565.0 with tho Eost boundary ol saidi isold dood of trusi Is S81.833 4.215.20- B8.93- 2,002,897.48 THENCE South parallol witti ixponsos oct^Ilj^lrK^^^n 14 Parita and Rocroolton 435.657.21 225.694.27 858,592.02 4.768.9 NEM 8EJ4.1 7 ^ taot; accruing Intorost. costs and oxpc 15 Solid W osio 2,204.906.95 4; 89,913,93 1.817.317.32- 31,344.95 rith tho North boundary of saidd ,o n fo rd n g th e obllgoUons Ihoroi 33.546.48 .00 89.529.72 THENCE E ast paraBsl with lonablo ollornoy's fooW s 16 Ad Valorem .00 77.961.07 60.592.65 1.645.645 60- 11.052.99 trustee's toos ond/or roaoono 17 Buhl Rural R ro District 3,330.17 50.22- 231.804.91 NEMSEU. 08.0 foot; f noto socurod by tho nioro- • ^ ' 630.00 153.342,47 142,051.39 a .850.2 THENCE North parallol with tho E ast boundary of d o, utfw riiod in tho promissory no 18 District Court 229.534.05 .00 ,00 ,0 44.718,95 jREALPOINTOFBEGINNlNat imenlit>nod Dood ol Trust. 44.718.95 .00 ,00 NEUSEtt.17.StoottothaRE 19 W arrant RotJomplkjn .00 1.637,00 2.518.07 .00 ,0 58.680.08 ANO TOGETHER WITHi nion aaaomont tor walor pipo0 Datod: Soptombor 19.2000 20 C ourt IntertocK Dovk» 59.561.15 ri ALLfANCeTfTLEAeSCHOWCiW CORP. tocrkjn .00 .00 .00 .00 • • .00.0 ss ‘ appurtanant lo tho promistnlsos otfjolnlng on (tie Norlft , 21 Forest Pro«lcos/T=’iro Proiocr .00 15.880.22 15,800,22 .00 ,0 -00 across tha toOowIng dosciiboribod property: , i/s/Bobbl Cuttlora, Tnisl Officor 2 2 Southw osi Irrigolion .00 , 72,082,78 526.326.38- 00 if . strict 2.740.75 .00 70.668.41 BEGINNING at tho Northoojloast c o m er of tho NEUSEU of 23 Rock Crook Rural Flro Di$tri< ,00 14,042.10 15.200.08 132-032 02- .00 PUBLISH; Octobers. 12.19oncand26.2000 ' 24 Solm on T rod Rural Firo Dist3l8trkS 1.290.00 210.481.87 ;00 -0 54.705,77 aaid Swnion 13: tj - ■ 75.501.52 11197,686-12 .00 THENCE South along thoho IE ost b oundary lino of sold ■ 1225J Stato Shoro Saio^To* .00 ,00 .0 22.00 No roprosontallon Is mode i2£26IPUC(UlUiiitrs) ^ ^ 22.00 .00 .00 00 458.50 NEU8EM,22S.95toot: , O c w e n « m lth 17403973 No 5.057.00 .00 11.431.00 ,0 THENCE W ost pomliol with(Vith the North boundow line of” NOTICE OF lh£lhat they oro. or are not. , 227: Slalo Boat Liconso - Parkoisi 8 Roc 6.832,50 .00 .00 .00 165.465.42- .00 oot to the REAL POINT OF prosonlly rosponsiblo for , 282t Portlai Payments 165.42 .00 500.00 aald NEUSEU. 45.5 toot ^ T R U S T E E 'S SALE pr< 500.00 .00' ,00 ,00 .0 BEGINNING; O n Friday, th o 26th day of thlithis obliflolion. i 292< Poor Rovohring Fund 452,960.53 1 5.409.809.82- 1.352.123.12 I.069,09S.58 96.718,07 654.679.82 07.00- 26.432.80- THENCE South parallol wtlhwltJ th e E ast bounttory lino ol” Ja n u a ry .'2 0 0 1 . ol Iho hour DATED Ihls 27th day oi 1330c Poor Fund .00 84.114.49 70.964.53 1.707.0 Soptombor. 2000. 131131 Public Health 37.875,76- • 559.28 ,0,00 107.051.31 said NEUSEU. 78.0 taot; H o n 1:00 a.m . o t sold day. In So 87.610,59 20,000.00 -00 THENCE W ost parallol wtth^ tho North boundary of said° tho lobby ol FIRST AMER- /s^/s/HOLGERUHU 13i32Rovonuo: Sharing .00 8.284.50 8,125,68 158.658.62- 00 1101 W.RIvorSl.Slo1lO ,i33Honson3; Fro* Library .00 .00 .00 NEUSEU. 22.5 toot; ICAN T1T1.E COMPANY ol 11 .00 .00' ~ 00 .00 .0 THENCE South parallol withwia th o E ast boundary line of 260 Third Avo. N.. in Twin BoBolso. Idaho 83702 13134. Capitol Outlay ,00 72.941.52 71.906.66 1.034.834.86- -00 I3i135 Rior Rural Flro Dlslrid .00 27.761.75 152.052.02- 10.288.81 aaid NEUSEU. 4.5 tool; Folia. C otm ty of Twin Fells, 22.668.90 7.850.00 7.483.68 THENCE W ost parnDol with th e North boundory lino ol PUBLISH: Oclobor 5, 12. i3(136 P o st Control .00 .00 -0 2.839.23 ’ Stoto ot Idaho. HOLGER PL 2,839.23 .00 -00 97.25- 1.483.00 sold NEUSEU. le.O toot; ,, UHL. aa auccossor 19 a n d 2 6 .2000 13137; SolkJ W oslo Now Landfill 4.363.00 .00 ,00 4.397.2 with th o E ast boundary lino of 138 Couniy Shoro EMS 1,517.25 .00 11,205.53 THENCE North parallol wlU ” Tmatoo. will soil at public — 9.371.J7 I.834.36 ,00 .00 .c sold NEUSEU. 12.0 foot; ouctlon. to tho hiohosl IN THE DISTRICT COURT {31139 P re paid Porsonal Proporty 200.00 4.003.723.72 3.930.607,39 65.316.316.33- -00 OF THE RFTH JUOICIAL ,41 08.47- -00 THENCE E ast parallol withi^th tho North boundaiy lino ot’ b id d e r, fo r c a sh . In lawful oj 140 Twin Falls Cily .00 407.380.55 391.698.30 -21.508.4 DISTRICT O F THE STATE ,4 5.826.30 «6.67- .00 said NEUSEU. 16.0 foot; ,, m onoy of tho Unllod Slates. O' 141 Buhl Clly .00 .00 176.981.26 168.684.59 8.296.6 THENCE South parallol'with wll th o Eaat boundory lino ol O F IDAHO. IN AND FOR 14142; Filer City 147.922.29 6.891.S191.90- .00 . all p o y a b le o t Iho llmo oi OTHE COUNTY OF TWIN 14; .00 ,00 154.614.19 said NEUSEU. 4 ^ toou aalo. tho tollowino 143 Kimborly City ,00 40,953.34 37,141.06 3.812.2112.28 -00 \FALLS MAGISTRATE 14. .00 14.41- -00 THENCE E ast parallol withwllh th e North boundary lino of described rool properly, ' 144 H anson Clly ,00 5,735.25 5,760,54 114.4 DIVISION - 141145 Holliotor Clly 139.70 9,086.17 455.7155.76- 337.46 said NEUSEU. 19.5 toot; , aituoted in Iho County of C oso NO. CV-00-3682 ,41 567.67 .00 9.311.72 THENCE North parallol 'withwill th o E ast boundary lino of Twin Folia. Stato ol Idaho. 146 M urtaugh Clly .0* 3.705.19 3.591.98 242.S142.90- .00 SUMMONS 14' 129,69 167.14- .00 said NEUSEU . 76.0 loot; 147 C ostlolord Clly .00 592.494.94 579.527.80 12.967.1 ENEDINA CAMPOS ^41148 Twin Foils Highway a, ,00 00 1.424.07 THENCE Eaat pfirallol>1 wwith tho North lino ol sold'$ Tovm ship 10 South. Rongo Ef 977,40 3.641.91 -00 3.195.24 .C I REAL POINT O F BEGINNING, 17, E ast of the Bolso 8BRfTO, 14!149 C ounty Rovofvlng Fund 162.561.95 5.458.£158.61- .00 N EUSEU. 3.0 taot to tho RE ■ ,00 .00 168.020.56 154.57- .00 . Tha Trustoo has no knowledgekno ot a moro portlciiarl[ M eridian, Twin Foils Rolntlll. 151150 Buht IHighway .00 ,00 67.620.31 66.165,74 1.454.' dascrtptlon ot tho abova referencadraf« raal proporw. but for County. Idaho ^ 151 R ior HIghwoy .00 33.762.98 32.923.73 150.150.11- 1-36620 \^L E N T IN RUBEN ] | 677.06 .00 -00 purpoaaa ot compliance with SectJoo 60-113 Idaho Codo, Section 18:Aparcololland 152 Murtaugh Highway .00 ,00 2.635,38 2.635.38 -So Trustaa haa boan infomloimed thai th« address ot 4443“ tying In tho SEUNEU moro «ROSALES. t53 IS Matching Funds 00 - 17.075,63 • 17.957-G7 •[•00 •00- Juhl. Idaho. Is somolimos asso- ^articularty doscribod os Dolondant. 154 tS- Amoricon Falls Rosorvoir .00 .00 ::b Cfaar Lakaa Orada. Buh TO: VALENTIN RUBEN , 5 ; .00 5.396.11 194.^1- .00 d a ta d with said raal pnsport)lorty. tss C la ss A 151 150.00 2.659.939.72 2.6nil95!51 48,894.‘2 ROSALES. DEFENDANT 156 , 5 , C lo ss A 411 ■ .00 527.426.53 1 7,111,!111,59- -00 Said aala will bo madod a withoutt covonont or warrantyjy BEGINNING a t tho South- .00 .00 544.538.12 ra a a r th g tllla. poasasskx)0 wor en cum brances lo saUsfy the? oaatcomorolthoSEUNEU 15I57CI0S8A412 .00 405,247,74 560,65- .0 0 .00 W3.75- -00 obligation aacurwl by andId p ursuant to th e power of sale5 of aold Soctlor^, said NOTICE l58ClosaA413 IS ,00 315.988.87 YOU HAVE BEEN SUED 159 iS' C la ss A 414 .00 ilS;51 IS oontarrad In tha daad of trustti oxocutod by ROBERTi.„4uartor,corrt*i'-b'eln»'North „ .00 .00 149.349.62 li MARTINEZ, a k a ROBERTVT IR MARTINEZ, aka ROBEOT'^ approximately 268l\8 fool BBY TH E ABOVE-NAMED t60CIasaB41516' ,00 160,176.09 iiii: 4.610.59 , 121.608.21 B95.43- 695.. 00 RAY MARTINEZ, an unminmarrlad man. as aranlor. loI? Irom the Souttioast comor P‘PLAINTIFF. THE COURT 161ClassB417 tS .00 122.303,64 I MAY ENTER JUDGMENT 162ClosaB41B ,6 .00 23.960.95 - • 55.99- 55.! .00 R R ST AMERICAN TITLE£ COMPANYC O F IDAHO. INC;. ■ bt aald Section 18 o n d 922.71 .00 23.114.20 aa aUccaMor tnjstaoHorlfia ■ AGAINST YOU WITHOUT 16316 C lass B 233 . 336.90 .00 10.79 •< an IdahotOorperatlon. aa ' fnfcrtted by a atone; ^ .00 .00 347.69 .00 .w banefit a n d aaoirtty ot H om “ Th«>ce North 89-16'Wostt FFURTHER NOTICE UN- 16416 Class B 234 .00 1.358.24 1.358.24 .< I LESS YOU RESPOND l65JlClassC41616 ^ .00 12,839.91 220.85- 220.1 .00 banaflctary. raoordad Jan« *2 fora dlstanco of 273.0 foot U ;lrlcl -00 .00 13.060.76 .00 -00 d aaalgned to THE CHASEr along the So\Jth boundaryI wWITHIN 20 DAYS. READ 16616 Costiotord Rural Flro Dlslrlc .00 .' No.1SB70004e8. and a THE INFORMATION 16 t .00 •00 5 ? 122.533.86 352,387.'387.09- 546.614.88 MANHATTAN BANK, a« a TiT m a tM o f IMC Home Equity*y of aald SEUNEU; T 167 U ndflll • Proloct Acnount 546.437.72 -00 , BELOW. - 16816 Court T m st 475.098,11 i .00 12.&89.287.:287.24- 109.800.03 Loan Truat 1987-4 undarie r th e P o o lin g a n d Sonrlcing‘8 T h en c o t ^ r t h along a lino Bl II.550.777,50 l.i1.546,132.64 2-'77.1^3 .00 .00 A graam ant d a ta d a s of' AuA u g u a t 1 .1 9 9 7 . os boneddaiy,V- -poralloi to Iho East bound- 169 RoolToxos .00 ; YOUAREHEHEBV ]f170 O utstondlng Rool Tax .00 •00 SS ,00 .00. 439.78 by assignment recordedled Septem ber 20, 2000, as5* ory of sold Soctlon ll U 439.78 .00 -00 ,00 11,557.38 1198, M ortgage Records ot Twin NOTIFIED thot In ordor lo ,7171 Outstanding Porsonol Tax .00 IratnmntNo. 20000181M distonco of 140.1 foot; I dolond" Ihio lawsuit on ,7 ousoTax 7.401.38 .00 .00 .00 ^ T honco S outh 89M6' Eost 172 Unopportlonod Trailer Hous ,00 -00 00 I oppropriate writion ,7173 Unapportlonod Foos 8.293.11 17,703,88 T ? E m o 5e 'g r a n t oRS r s ARE NAMED TO COMPLY■J for a d lstan c o ol 273.0 lootI “rosponso musl bo mod wllh 16.338.26 .00 .00 37.429.87 r-' lo tho Eost boundory ot J 174 County Boat Idconso Fund 7,059.60 .00 .00 WITH SECTION 45-1506(4) Iho obove dosignolod court 175 Snow m obiles 30,370;27 .00 00 285.70 RESENTATION IS MADE 1 said Soctlon; I wimin 20 days ollor sorvlco 176 W aiorm astor D islrids 45-N .8 5 :7 0 •00 SS .00 .00 NOT. PRESENTLY RERESPONSIBLE FOR THIS Thonco Soulh olong sold * ,00 .00 .00 of this Sum mons on you Jf „177 Grazing Districts 1 & 2 ^ 6.873.39 .00 1.864.85- OBUOATION. txxjr>darv lor o distance ol I 6.694.20- II.902.74 .00 thla so lo is to b e rtudo Is ttio ?5o!?focttothoP01NTOF: ^ you toll to s o respond tho 178 S horill's Rovolving Fund .00 -00 ,00 •00 -00 Tfta default tor which tl court m ay onlor ludgomeni „ ,00 611.815.015.62- .00 under D eed ol Trust Noto. tho BEGINNING. ^ 179 County Rood Fund ,00 811.815.62 , aoainit you os demanded .p180 Inventory Tax Phasoout !oo .00 .00 -.00 - mdpal. Interest and Im p o ^ "ol Tho Trustoo hos no “ .00 00 446.34- 5,567.54 (or the m onths ot March Ihrough know lodgo ol a moro, by“ tho Piolnlill In Ihe 181 W aiom xastor Dialrlcls 47-C ,00 202.93G.16 194.922.28 2.446. ■ duo per month ter S , ■ 599.31- -00 M eouant paym ents until the dateI * portlculor descripltonol tho, CComplaint. u182 Twin Falls Rural Flro Distric 449,09 .00 ,00 1.599, August. 2000 and aU aubs«< , 1.150:22 .00 ,00 .00 ^ f fta nr fiemtntemant. untuncollected late charges aro due above roferenced rool 183 Mobiio H om o O ccupancy •00 '00 I A copy of tho complain is \\184 ,00 4.141,19 In tho amount of $671.30.» , twith interest accnSno ot 13%■7 proporty. but for purposes: sorvod with this Summons. ,c 57.020.07 2t.228.11 .00 554 22- .00 185 Roal Occupancy ,00 -00 .00 8.554 -...par annum, and continuingjIng to a c c ru e from FsBruory 1; 1, ol co m p lian ce wllh Sw:tion' it ®, you wish to sook Iho 8.554.22 407.11- 389,36 crow a d v a n c e s in tho arrjounl ol®' 60-113 Idoho Codo, tho '' 186 O.A,S.I.S. Gram .00 16.957.66 16.161.19 ‘ 407 . 2000. Also duo ara axcrev 1 advlco oi o r roprosontatlon , 187j Wost End Cemoiory .00 20.74<*.,32 409409.05- 555,75 : $1,500.66 and beneficial:lal advances ot $737.70, also*® T m ste o t\a s boon informed “ 539.74 .00 21.169,38 8.74- -00 w e a a re d u e for 1997,1998 and I by on otiorney in this 188 Filor Rocroation 00 2.216.96 2.285,51 8 daOnquant and unpaid taxei that tho atroel addross ol, moltor. “ you should do so 189 H agonnan Flro District » 77.29 .00 00 1.740.35 le w . Ttw prindpal balafwance ow ing a s of this dale w fte 618 OrarW vlew Drive, prom" ptly so thot your 1.740,35 .00 SS .00 68.306,306.62- 582,62 190 Child Support 14.144,59 .00 obUgaUon aacurad by saidaid De«d of Tnwt Is $58,072^7.'7? S o u th , T w in Falls. Idaho P 54.744.65 .00 .00 538,94 •nt 8 3 3 0 1 , l a s o m o t lm o s, "writion response. II ony, 191 Mobiio Homo Tax 00 00 plua accnjing Intarast. costs3Sts a r ^ advancea. AH dsDr^quont 1 m oy b o m od In limo ond 192 Outstanding Mobllo Homono Tax 538.94 22.200.96 .00 14.093,78 >. together with accruing tate asaociated wllh this rool " 12,809.84 00 23.484,90 .00 31,084.58 amounts ara now due, ti othor legal righis pTOloctod. 193 Restitution 8.405.92 -00 I 13.235,65 charges and Interast unpakipaid a n d a c c n in g taxes, assess- , An appropriate written 194 P.O.S.S.E. Gram 35.914.31 .00 621.731731 00- .00 Its * * ^ 1^^010 wlll bo m odo _ . . ______31 0 JG 5 .5 0_____ ,00 310,865.50 ;e56,®9------363.1-lSJS----- ;------mams, tiustaa'a faaa. ation , respt>nse roqulroa compli- 195 Circuit Brookor-Roal------— ^ 7 4 6 9 :r4 — i:225-.57b: 0 4------17141:226.32------36.826 “ ~ ad«nced to protect ma w ?• w ithout covonont or "onco with Rulo 10(a)(1) 681.107.22- I ,00 932.901901.78- 4,074,05 .doauraandm attha banofic ^ warrani^regardlng llllo. ° l96Ju6llco Fund 883.530.48 53.445.35 .00 00 28,383.29- ' ond olhor Idaho Rulos ol 197 Porsonal Tax 20.914.M 5.304.78 I 23.560.77 poeaaaalonoroncurn-. « Civil Procoduro ond sholl 31.041.94- I .00 00 .00 ‘ 198 Child Abuso Qranl ,00 94.204.92- brance to aatlsly ths obll-j ^also Indudo: i<199 Juv. Dotontion Conslrudioi I 76.133.75 ^ C O M P A N Y O F IDAHO, INC. gation securod by ond 76.163:” . ,00 9.279.55 AMERICAN TTOEC 601 Univorsol Hiring Grant “ ■.“ S :SSI .00 ' /s/Mor^na Cola. Trust Offtcttnca purauant lo tho powor ol'• 1.- T ho Otlo and number ol |] 9.279.55 I 9,224.05 00 14.963.67 602 C o p s Fast G rant 17.675.22 co n lo n o d In tho dood2 ^this co so . ei603 Antl-Omg Abuso Grant :SSI .00 ,00 .00 PUBUSH: October 19,26.26. N ovem ber 2 and 9. 2000 ol truat execuled byI j 2 . If your rosponso is on .00 I ,00 .00 1.744. IS­ 604 Motorcydo Grant 8.898.43- 7.154,28 .00 . OO 8.515.47 M ICH A EL L. SMITH a n= d AnsworlotheComplolnt.ltJ 605 g, WoionArays G rant ,00 COI • .00 ------N bTICEOf^TTTRUSTEE'S SALE KIMBERLY J. SMITH.• mustconialnodmlsstonsor„ 606 RV Groni/Balancod RockM, 8.515.47 1 .00 .00 8.671.77- 30 h u s b a n d a n d w ife . OS . 16:671.77- 8.000,00 00 ,00 4,224.50. . o n M onday, Jan u aryy 2 2 .2 0 0 1 . al the hour ol 10:30 ^ d e n ia ls o t tl 1 soporoto g,607 Scenic B y w ^ Grant 34.581.00 .00I 37.236,44 a G rantora. lo FIRST AMER-'■ “ allegations ot the Com- ^ 1.569.06- 995.18- 33,646,29 , o’dodtAJL.olsaidday.ln/. in tho offlco ot AJIisnce TlHe » 608 S lato Block Grant 60.020.35 I 66,805.13 99S a t 311 2 n d S tre e t North, TwinIn ICAN T ITLE, os T m slee.'• ploint and olhor dofonsos g 40.928.66 ( 7,996.85 ,00 25,203.65 Caeraw Corp. locatad at < 609 Tobacco Tox Grant B 1,798,50- 29.999.00 • 5.000.00 ,00 18.898.56- Falla. ID 83901, Aillanoenee Title * Eaerow Corp.. asss and to HOLGER UHL. 0“ ^ you nviy claim. g610 Bool G ronl • W alorwayo I 34.41 18.864,15- .00 .00 .00 00 tnistea, w d aeli a t pubflc; auction,a u to the highest biddor, foror m e m b o r ol tho Idaho State® 1. 3. Y our slgnaluro, malUng g611 C o p s Moro G rant 00 . 101.52! 101.52 at Bar. aa auccossor Trustoo.'• ^ address, ond lolophono - .00 00 00 . cash. In lawful monoy ot1 ththi e United States, all poyablo ot 612 Oporallon Partnership :00 00) • .00 I, th e follow ing described toolai tor tho benofit and securityy . number, ei tho signu.jre. g .00 » 2,348.25 00 38,956.50 the sam e time ot sale, tti 613 Umbrella Projocl 41,304.75 .00 00 . property, situated In thaI Cg the Eaat line ot saidikJ T h e dofoult tor which Ihls 623 S conic Byways/Codor Dro'3P0'1 P'ol- ^ '^2 7 B8 .00 . .00 . reo, lor 363.00 feet to tho TRUEJE $ 1 2 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . wim inlorost t 628 DARE Pols Gronl Fund 6,311.24 .00) 2.856,19 Ihoroonatthoraloofif ' ® ' 4.808',92- 3 4.507.05 ■SS h DATED this 30th doy of 629 6 SR Y C Addictions Unit •00 00 ioo 1,507.31 : THENCE South 00'03'04‘04* E aa t along the Wost lino ol 1 1 .75% per annum, with 630 S ta tu s OffontJor M-C Salolatolllte Grant 3 .00 ■lh m onlhly paymonta otit A > ugust. 2000. e 910.00 - 00 00 4,422.76 aald 3ook 225. pago 2780780 tor 069.48 feet to the South d Cleric ol tho Dlstrid Court 650 G Sheriff Rosorvo Fund 1,067,27 .003 2.837.71 $1 ,0 9 9 .7 2 lor prindpal and j i 6.193.20 3 5.395.46 00 3.504.37 Una o( aaid NHNEU: >r By:/a/JHoloy. Deputy a o rk 651 6 S h e riffs Donatton Fund' 8.683.33 216,50 -00 M 1.294,70 . - - THENCE South 89’3V09*(9* \W oat along aald South Uno lorlor Interoat d u e and owing for I 652 ShoritI Dmg Soiruro $ 00 439.722 .00 th e m o n th o t April. 2000. 854.98 2 .00 00 1.339.84 -326.00 feat: h PUBLISH: Oclobor 19^6, 653 6 Castlofonl ORU ;00' 439,72 00 6,149,44 4* W aat 669.00 toot; and each and evew month 1 900.12 2 ,00 ; ..THENCE North 00'03-04‘ V e Novem ber 2 ond 9.2000 . fi654 Filer ORU . 5.709.72 ,00 439.72 00 669.60 THENCE NorthJ9'24'14*'14* E a a t tor 326.00 lest to thoho thereafter, through me dato 1 00 439.733 3.700,00 ot roinatatemont or aolo, 655 3.929.67 00 4,16883 TRUE POINT O F BEGINNINNINO. » . ------,00 439.733 .00 Oh olong wllh oil cosls. taos . 3.729.10 3 -00 00 10,538.82 : EXCEPTING THEHEFROlROM. how ever, unto the Union PU B U C NOTICE € 00 2.198.63 00 4.497.62 O' and lolo chorgo# assodal- ms 8.340.19 0 33,08 ' Central Ufa Insurance Con 0 On Octobor 6.2000. there £o le M v f f i ? E iS iio e n ^ Tm>. •00 -OO 00 ■ 643.51 • signs, from an tha abova d •d gd thorow lth; and the 659 Prosocuior’s Dmg ^Izuro^^iMcnoy 4.^0.^ 0 4.919.20 - >h- balance owing as ol, I ' w os tondorod lor filing with e 00 11.937.64 on rh aH of the d l. gaa andsnd othor hydrocarbons and min- n Iho FCC In Woohlngton. £670 Calotoria ,, 0 9,331.39 ;00 175,460.07 nd Septem ber 18. 2000. on niFund 21.269,03 0 .00 .. erals now or at any emane hereafterI altuale Ihtroln ar>d IV D.C.. an oppllcailon tor £680 Modk:al Roimbursomont F 16.485.88 I .00 00 .00 thereunder, together wtthth aOa a aaem en ta and rlohts ne<> the obligation socurod by ' 690 H ub Buno LonddllADiosuro„0T,.Fd. 158.995:J| nd aald D eed ot Trust Is• ossignnwni< ol the llcensos £ 73 127.02- 007 ■18,053.W ;44 l/.IO ^7.155.27- .IS l 6.078.582^6 - ~ assaiy or convanlant forj M -of s ta tio n s KMXM, 100.7 699I Clearing Account .,...... _ 17.531.269.76 -- 6,60^110.04t transportation thereof and I of $134,921.20; consistlng ot1 ‘ M H i. Gooding. KliOC. 104,7 , TOTAL <- Jhe aaW raal property^tnd a lso th e right to drill tor, pro-ro- $ 1 2 8 ,4 3 8 .3 6 p rin c ip a l,,t MH[ 2, Ketchum. KTPZ. 99.1 Stoto ol Idaho due* and uae watar fromim th e a a ld raal p fo p o ^ In con-« - $8,253.81 accrued IntorostI MHr. Mountain Homo, Twin Falls Couniy as ond $229.23 late charges. w oar Ihnt tho lorogoing ctatomTionl onl 15 correct nnd imo (or; • factio n with drilling or ml n KMHI. 1240 KHz. Mountoln ajror. and Robert S Fort, AudHor^oor of said Couniy. d o ^wi : -d to d o ead by dead frorn'^the tha U n & n S m S S Uis CO with Interest accniing on |HomeondKrFI.1270KHi. 'W e, Bohnio Bruni;»o, Treasure 07/01/2000 throKOh OOOO^OOO nd the unpaid principal at an ! Fon.AuOilor . . ^Corporation to Vidor Laai e a n d V ar* L ee. ««> Twin Falls, an Idaho, from , /s/Bonnio Bmniruning. Treasurer /s/R obon S Fo ;: .wHe. recortud August 8.1W. 1951, aalnatnvnenlN o. 411705.)5. o n n u a l ra te ot 11.75%. « FMIdahoCo,.aCtolHBO- - . rto o rd ao l Twin Fana Court T^e obovo Grantors oroK FM, Idaho, LLC. The .; SUBJECT TO: a 40 footjf fw ie ^ R o a d Right ot Way alongf>5 nam ed to compl r w th monogor ond conlrolling [PUBLISH: O d o b o r 19.20000 . th e North Una of tho above'jv e d e « 3 lb e d tract ot land. Idaho C ode §45-1 so t r4Mn). ' I

    I t i o n m i H w ri.'ft*TwteFsfc,id«t» Tbwdiy,Oc«abtabor 19.2000

    ICE- LEGAL NOTICI CLERICAL ,,, CLERICAL LEGAL NOTI4n C E LEG AL NOT1ITICE LEGAL NOTIC I CLERICAL S o o k in g dodicotod, mull — LEGAL NOTICICE f 108 iA L \ Dopoty.CourtaorKnoot mum- T ho Fom i Sonrtee Agoncy I PROFE88IONA1 took dololl orlonled pe in Shoshono,-Is now oc- . •AR670 3- I Clerical and computi NOnCECE O F TRU STEE'S SALE ' I SERVICES oon for o busy office, mu:.le coptlng applications (or a ihe-ISth-dayjtLJAMUARY 200lOOt. at • 1-25 H P CENTURY MOTORMO Twin Font, 10 83301 oxporlonco necossai ------0n-TU680AV-ih»l Copl«« ol th* plana r have knowlodge ol M Clerical position. This IS 0 th* hour ol 10:00 A.KA.M . of sa id day, (r^ecognl2 od»d ilocal 1* PACO SM ART TUREJRBINE PUMP BANKflOpfevTSvop/Q B di ■ S o n d rosumos to: Oftico. and occountin CH AND 8 INCH PVO MAINUNEE beobUlnodforedepos Full-tim e Temporary tlnw). tn th« offica of TWIN FALLS TfTLE & ESCF5CROW 2920 FEET OP 8 INCH jlons County Clork sottw oro noodod. Must b th. Twin 4 • U MILE * 3 INCHI HCHOOK AND LATCH HANDLINE!ES $100.00, rofundnbla v 4 o-ut? Jo ro m o C^ounlyCourtho ;ti. 1^ position. Computor & of- COh4PANY. tocatodJ a t 9 0 5 Shoshono Stroot North, 3 tho return of tho plani poroonoblo. Bonelltsi iJ-■ li (lco.akllls oro necossoiy. bounty. Idaho, STEWART TJTL£a E OF IDAHO W ATER R E SSOURCES O I UCENSE 1454)2313 3 0 0 North Uncoln. cludo: 401 K. heollh Ina Fans. Twin FaDa Coui THWEST IRRIGATION WATER O IS- suitable condlllon wlthlrh ln 10 BANKRUF*TCY hlM -. In q u ire ot: 217 Wool F. BOISE. INC. will sotllall at public auction, to tho highesthlfl 80ACRESOFSOUTHV days d bid dole. No Wd •— — cofotoria plan. pd. voct Shoshono. ID. or coll 806- Itates ol TRICT WATER RIGHTJHTS. Compoliiivo rotoo on Cti ANxovWUon# wmo nUxm bMder. for c a sh . In lawfullav m onoy ol the United Stat< 9QM tnoy wtthdmw hU bid wl lor 7 bonkroptclos. C , tion aftor probotlonoi 2258 oxt 2. Application md payable at tho time ot saleale. tho The commonly known.«n. adi d re ss ol the proporty Is: 25 30 day# oftor mo bkJ d a ed ro*un», Whon you^ »T' ! period. Sond rosumo I Anwrlca. all duo and urtaugh, Idaho. 83344. Further Ini Joff Slokor at 734-84!•8^52. y ^ f # Nowo. P.O . Box 54B. Twi of Twin Falls. S tatoI of Idaho, and described as fodot 3 mo«»aoo - apoll II out. 1.1 win Opportunity Empioyor, ■ Township 10 Southuth. Range 14 East of tho. BBolso Rltchlo at 208*734*1224 ^ 10.2000______Dog Boaroing ------Foils. ID. 83303 nd required to procood to notice ------ond Grooming Msridlan. Twin FaBss County,C Idaho I am comntandod and i ] Jon of the Southwest Quarterr ofo tho solo a n d to sell a t publicibllc auction the above-describodJ rro ai NOTICE It will Bo Your Dog» 0 0 - S « t to n 29: A portion »nancoo and to opply tho procoediids of I. Jomo# WhJlo. oa of < Northwost Q uartpr,. oUalso known as Parcol M*6 a s} showne> proporty and appurtonai Homo Away From HomolHoi >ont No. such sa le to the aatisfotisfactk>n for saM Judgment a n d1 [D o- o b o rir. ZDOOwlUnoki^ Spocos Aro AvollabIiloblo. on tho Survoy rocordfrrded July 17.1978, os Instmmon utorv *r be ratponslblo lor i a a follows: creo of F o rodoauro witlwith Interest thoroon ol tho sta tu t Give Us A Call 436-56-5172 740S17. de scrltM d a s mo-quartor percent (1125%) porir io rv dobts oBior lhan my owi Comrrwndng at thos SSoutheast comor of said Soutti■uthvfost rate ol olevon a n d o n e - riOU^E CLEANINOi N G ~ hwost Quartor; thence num and my feoa ond o isy Itlo. I Q uartar ot tho Northw* rHEREBY GIVEN; Thst on tho 2 4 th PUBUSH; Octobor 19,19. 20. Lot mo ooso your busy N orth 89'88-t5* WWast ai 333.'15 foot to tho POINIINT OF PUBLIC NOTICE IS H£ ^ 21.22 and 23. 2000______Joonn. 735-0677.77. ■ BEGINNINO: Thonco day of O ctobor, 2000.3. alot the hour ol 10:00 o'dock a.m . the location of tho proproporty boing (orodowd upon, 2£ KIRK'S lU T INi TW IN FAUS North B9'20'15-WostBSt 333.15 feet; thence WILD GAME CUTTIN■TING j SA h u r i North O'tO-30* E ast1 662.346« foot; Ihonco North 4700 East. Murtvjrtougn, Idaho. I will oltond. offer t sell at public auctiontion all or so much ol the abo< HH Now opon. 4 31 0 0 1B i M ta k m * B h rrf. H . South 89'2e‘37* E ais s t t: 333.15 (oot; Ihonco Call 208-536-2490. i/ost 662.34 loot to tho POIN1INT OF described real proportyirty and appurtenanco# os dlroctoc |ao«l T ss.aaoo Soulh O 'irsa- Woe oceosaty to pay and sallsly tho J u BEQINNINQ. bo sokl a a m ay bo noce Es THE HANDYMAN^ S9 a n d public utlUty oasom onts3 asa sol mont and Oecreo of ForedosuroFor o s se t out in the Amoilo rx l- ' I Ropolr. RobulkJ. Ropl.lopioco SUBJECT to a c c e s s t >ta. to M 1 0 1 Survoy. od Writ of E xecution,1. withw Intorost thoroon ond costa or Romovo. Jim 326-416-4150. forth o n tho abovo S u i >r cash . In lav^ful monoy of tho UntinUod 1 LOST & FOUND -- Tho Tnistaa hasa nno knowlodgo of a more partiarticular tho highost blddor for a Ibovo roleroncod real proporty,I, bbut (or S tale s of Antorlca. i 113 doscrtptton of tho abo* Is. Twin Falls C^xmry. Idoho. onn Ithis purposes of compllarllarwo with Idaho Codo. SocUoiItlon 60* DATED a t Twin F o ils.' ------I CHILDCARE 113. tho Tmstoo hasa s Iboon Informed that Iho oddro:Iress of: 27th d a y of Soplom bor.M r. 2000. I I SERVICES 1020 EAST 366 0 NOINORTH, BUHU IDAHO Is somoimoUmes WAYNE TOUSLEY., ShSheriff Plooso chock your ood d for Id roai proporty. rrwln Falla CkMinty. Idahdoho convcinoss on tho0 (Irot( AOAPE C hild C ar* h a sso d a to d w ith said ri 5. 12 and 19. 2000 S aid solo will bo■ mmado wllhout coverutnt or warwananty PUBLISH: Octobor 5.1 day lhal ll nins. o3 s 1T ho oponlngs for ogos 3^ yc siss^2i! 0 0 1 M iUIZDA rooardlng tmo. possos:w sslon or encumbrances to satlsl D a t e d mis 4tn d a«u y nl Tlmos-Nows Is noto t ro- Ihrough 6lh grade. Fi by ond purauant to tho powor ot N O TICE O F ' sponslblo for orroraira of- sole, ogo opproprloi oblioatlon socurod by JERTFL PUBUC HEARINGING Octobor. 2000. contorrod In th o Ooodlo d ol T njst oxocutod by: FIOBEF pjIQT tor thai llmo. octMtlos w/Chrisila n d W lf* NoUco Is h ereby givoitlvonby CLERKOFTHEDISTRM '■‘I '■"* valuos loughi. CLARK a n d KIMBERERLY J . CLARK, H usband a n d tho City COURT BUTE 4 INC a s tho City C^ouncll (or tho lo d o d ICCP Is accoplod as Grantors To: STE\TEWART TITLE O F BOISE. INC I. trial a By/a/gdaw.OoputyCloilortt E-UAILyourdosslfloo r T R I I oe. for tho benefit and socurllurllyof of Twin FaUs. Id ^ .th 181 Morr1eonSL734-3(4-3693. / Succossor TruBtoe. and ^ hearing will bb e Ihold CALVIN 0. W OOD> aarxl r LOAS B. WOOD. Husbant m ber 6. PUBLISH: Octobor 12,, 'IQ twInsdOmtcron.nen e t b a b y s i t t e r r^E ^ d y . da to d MAY 14,1997. rocordodlod MAY 0*1 Mondays. Novomb< Wilo. a a Bonofldory, d isalaned Novombor 20. and OocDeconv 26andNovom t)or2. 20Cboo' FOUND In Hunt oro r o o . My homo, m ust bo ma 15.1997. as Instrumom n t No. 1907007822, and assi Jorooy a havo own iransporti •lar^ bv *»• 2 0 0 0 . a t th o hoi Approx. 1 yr old Joi to MOUNTAIN STATPATES FINANCE as benoflclar IN THE DISTHICT COU Bull w/rod 4 whito hahonor. n.Call 436-6127 led MAY 15. 1997. a s Instrumonrtant No 6:00 o'clock, P.M..Cham® In OFTHERFTHJUDICI. assJonmonl rocordod « Clly HaK Council Ch, Call 025-5349, ______NE£0 a babyalttorto r f o r I 1997007623. R ocordairds ol Twin FaDs County. Idoho. , . n ? V DISTRICT OF THE STA rhe above Qrantors are namd F y S n S S NOTICE TO CflEDITOF _____ E lU W O B TH failure to pay when di Intorost City Planning ond Zoi -W.T- modium sizod. all1 blblo c k m Lssory Noto th o m ontt>nthly paymonts lor Prindpal. Int doi?v E InthoMotKirofthoEst., CD • lomolo dog. bluo ccc o lla r If fi»nm C o m m la a lo n t o dI a r of: ENOS E. SCHIFFU mm BiKr ^ a n d fm poim la (tf asppllcablo) p p of $428^4 due por n Spodoi Uso Pornilt wT w /too-Ploaooc j ^ J Employmcn for tho months of AugustAu( 1st. 1999 through Augus 436-5670 t m a m rauont paym onts until tho dalo> of rein- II g r a n t e d , w o u ld h. 2000 a n d all aubsequ. ^ ro S ol'owod tho appllcan >y stor- PUBUC SERVICE"E S — ' M g statam ont o r aalo. to to{ g eth er wllh a riwnthly laio ch X ' o S " S S . LOST Block and groy i charges aro duo In tho amoulounl ot construct atorago unlU IEBY ogo box full of clothostos. MESSAGE uncollocled late chi property locotod atJ? 2 7 7 0 n o t ic e IS HERE 1720 Don'l poy to (lnd workork bo- (S31.76; with Intorostrest aceniing at 12.000% por a r Enliiln GIVEN Ihollho undld o r - REWARD 11 423-672 OumLmkmmBt^N. ml 93rd Addlson Avonuo uEot signed has boon appolni loro you gol iho job.ob. For A TMNKALLS \ Jf Tho u n p ^ principal}al balance owing as of August 4nted l o s t dog.'Boar" oldor a b o u t Itlon aocurod by said Dood ofI TTr n « t la Iho City o( TwIn Foils.Sx Porsonol Reprosonlatia tlv o 8i2o. fomolo?LongJ b la ck *'00 information ob ! A M 2000 on tho obllgatlot w il l ia m BOKMA iccnilng Interest, costs and adva ^-R7 n6 avokling omploymonionl sor- 3 5 - 3 9 0 0 ™ S19;t17^. plusaccr R oquosta a Z onlna District DIj o ( t h o o b o v o * n a mI" ® ° hair, short logs. 733-6 - vico scom s, wrilo to -HE B O U t-£ V A ftD t All delinquent am ountu n ta oro now duo, together vHth e ■to M ao d o c o d o n ts . Alt p o r s o LOST Qoldon Rotrloriovor. Fodorol Trado Comri r s Ing late nd Interest, unpaid and accrulno t f l (rural having claim# ag o in st i too's foos and costs, attorney's« a o T f r M , ! OM docodonts or thoir o stala tM molo. Missing fromI OiO opot olon. W aohington.I. O.C.,D . rosidontlol) to R1-43. r„ni Grill, Sunday nighg h i O 20580, or coll Iho Nation-Nal and ony am oiw ts aadvanced d v to protect the security i loti lor Of® roquirod to p r o a i n o ^ (rosidontlol. lorgo lot; f o u r Doo « o s lootIt aso o n ol Fraud InformationXI CCon- d a to d with this forodo>doouro ond that tho bon en d ary « leroaof thoIr clolms Within (c In tho bock of o to > tru st property to be sold to satlsfj 7B I n s months oflarlho dale of ton & tor. 1-800-876-7060. to soli o r c a u sa the tru th i a whllo Toyoto pickupip Idrlv- SSS3!------3600 North tn tho ciivCll o publlcotlon ol li — Proun. C all Joromo. Idaho 8333(I338.B Rrst Amorican Tltlotio Ufrr u 676-2655______ADVERTISING Corporation, as suci S ^ S ol oporato a 120-oommur Soaglo. Advertising Deslgniigner auction, to Iho highestte s t bkider. lor cash. In lawful mot OF THE FIFTH JU D ^CIAL I. l o s t . 1 trl colorod B ot tale the lions monopolo on proi DISTRICT OF THE STA : the United Slates,>, alall payable at the time of aali rA T E 8 ml. N.ot Shoshono. J^ n lv located at 1200 Add O F IDAHO. IN AND FCFO R N, Rd, Hwy. 75. PloP lo a s o Tho Tlmos-Nows Is tooklngtool - foliowino describodd r«real proporty. slluatod In thoi C Avonuo W ost In tho Cl lo of Idaho, and described as fo t h e c o u n t y o fF COllOl208-886-7175«'5 o v o s lor on Individual wit of Twin Falla. Stato c ' T»ln F u ll.' Aio« ol Ilmimpad, TWINFAU^ ------— graphic design oxporlclorlonco TE Twin af'tJ *0 c o n stn jc t a n d'd oc p e r* C ase No. CV-09-4345I LOST, onl 0/14. 5 yr. old ,0 v,ori< In our Twinin FallsF •Lots 10.20 and 21 InIn! Block 55 of BUHL TQWNSITE, 3 R S 'halo yellow Lab. nrio o col* ofllco. Quallllod applki 0 . according to Iho plat thorool.I recort-n a ’20- communlcal NOTICE TO CREDITOF Piioo'''^ Falls Countv. Idaho, a ;^riW monopola on propi lor. wounds on bothin ifront f,avo oxporlonconco In ed in tho ottico of ththa a C ounty Recorder of said Coui ^ n l a r located a t 252 D ooro S 'a ta te 'ogs. lost In B uhl airea re i on OuorkXpross. Tho tiqKc and Full-Time 4WD Tho Tnjstao hasas ino knowlodge ol a moro pan ORE. Snake RIyer on KarCanaka soccossful condidoioS ’*,,, 2 . 7 .Uter 2 4 Vahdive D O H C V *6 w / AulomaKi abovo reforonced real property,V butt or In Iho City ol Twin Falli SI.B'CHWDSK.DMO. description ol the abo w c5jde. The City Council i Raplde. Answor0 r s 1 o ^ doslgning croalh •m/CD, Power W indows, locilocks. M irrors, Air, Remote purposes of compllamla n c e with Soctlon 60*113 Idaho i Tuckor. Coll II lounu n d In advonlsomonts onmSii tl| Sy*’®"’. een Infonned that tho oddressa olc 720 volo to suspend tho10 r m ios DBCoaflod tho Trustee has boor mod wllh a n d a c t u p o n th e roll iE 0 Y any cortd. Coll 324-03•0390W doodllnos. This> Is oJ Keyless Entry orand Much Morel KIO^ Main Stroot. Buhl.1. Idaho.Ic Is somotlmos ossodale< NOTICE is H E R E ordinances on thaI firstfin or q i v e N Ihol tho undidor- lOST-S. olJoromo-Mi•M oslly lull-tlmo. j'^Tmanor tSRP:S22,309. IOW ^21,995 said roai proporty. ilo d o g . position with i;iovoll(X . •S'o S aid sa le will b oa iniado without covenant or warrantywa socond meeting dot >lntod black Kolpio X. m o lo ' aUstvthe that occuro. no funn f rlh o J 1 collor. bosl & biggost nowspoflpapor. ______■ reosrdlngtltto. posaaiaasalon or encumbrances to satla Ivo of bluo & whllo siring « ir of s ^ e public h earings will bobehold f*™obovo-nomed doilo c o - RowardI Coll 686-7847841 ■ 401K. hoollh Insuron ot^loatlon socurodI by and pursuant to the power o ------[ pakl vocollon. & a mormonthly sed of tnjst executed bv DOUGLG U kS R on the Issu es. ___ d o n t. All persons h aa v v in g - ^ = s = = conforrod In th e d oed ■nd and Any one! all pors lo c o . g I W I bonus incontlvo. SortJorlous • ____ ^ COOPER and t^TATAHNA J COOPER, husbanc “ OO'"*’ COMPA* desiring to c o m m en t d e n i o r t h o o s t o t e i I C E S candldoios sond rosuiosum os ^ SAVE wife, as grantors, to IFIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO a ppear a n d be h o a rd a >,s;« I spec ia l NOTICI to: Konl Schmidt NY O F IDAHO. INC..C .. a n Idaho CorporaUon a s succ « l® tlh o faquifod to pro so n l th neflt and socurtty of FIRST SECL 1. Claims wiihin (our m on — The Tlmos-Nows : tnjstoo. lor th o bonofi ^1 9 ^ *^XcompIoto doscripUi ALCOHOLIC! PO B ox 546- ! l = 2 0 0 0 ____ ' BANK. NJL. os boneonefldary. rocordod October 1, ^5 2^ 1! «»or tho dale ol Iho f O c t ^ r on fllo w llh th e Twin/in i Foils publication of the NodciMl™ ANONVMOUS^ c n a Twin Foils. ID 8330:>303 •; a s Instrument N o .lM1998017774. and re recorded Oc 20»-731TOI0.72»^ rumont No. 1098018182. Mort iiwSSt jjdd.i™ -b.io,.l?o”“r oro-moll; 8,1998, as lnetruff lortgage rt"ci5° inad40moglcvoiloy.o R ecords ol Twin Fall* :OMPLY 321 Second AvonuoJO I East. Claims must bo pros4 THE ABOVE GRAN"Afln-ORS ^ R E ^ M E D TO COI .»n.- FAX CAHWASH PERSONIo R n IC ^OREP- 735-7267. . . . ___ ed to tho underslgnoc _ _ Full-timo position oporipon lor WITH SECTION 45-1 OR ARE /s/Elalno S. Steele. Ma RESENTATION IS ^ tho addre## Indicated. i D day shift ot Magic Voll lllod with the Clerk of ' I finest car coro con NOT. PRESENTLITLY RESPONSIBLE FOR' PUBLISHrThuracr s d o y , X YO U R OBUQATION. Musi bo 18 ond Hearicansod which thia Mlo la to be madodata ths- October 19,2000 Paled this 61h do^ ______drlvP^ Excollpnt worworking failuro to pay whonin duo.c under Deed ol Trust Not IN THE DISTRICT COICOUFTT Oclobor. 2000. ^ — A 9 — condiiions. Plooso0 applya ' monthly paym onts»for foi Prindpal ond Interest of $692.00.*8t OF THE FIFTH JUDICDICIAL /s/Bonnle Biunlng ______TIMES CLASSIFIF I E D In porson at Aulo Pi STATE Twin Fols County Troasi duo por month loror itho months of Fobruare ththi ro u g h DISTRICT OF TH E 8T, DEPARTMEN':m T 808 Choney Orlvo. • August. 2000 and all:all subsequent paymonts until1 thitho date o F IDAHO, IN ANDD FFOR PO Box 86 forTrocIo Holi. 01 sale or rolnstatanitemonl. wllh Intorost accruingngaian THE COUNTY OFO F Tvrfn Fall#. 10 63303 208-734-5531'*»*» c l e r ic a l adjustable rato, tho10 (current mte Is 11.75% perr annum.ai t w i n FALLS . -o South Central Comm andcontlnulnotoacciaccrue from January 29.2000. AAlt le o ^ e MAGISTRATE DtVISl/ISION PUBLISH; Octobor 12.'2- ^9 2 0 8 -6 ^ -4 5> 4 4 : J ty Action A gency'a''■ fgrryrTeTffai are delinquent andid uunpaid taxes for 1098 and 1991999. The C ase No. S P 00-89717 and 26,2000______(BUHLEY)k LIHEAP Fuol A sslstiilstonce ow ing a s of this date on ihe obll:>bllgatlon SUMMONS prindpal balance owl = = ------Pnjgrom has oponing id w / Am/Fm/Cas$ette, Duo'Duo! A irbogs ond... secured by said Dleod o« of Trust h $59,773.83. plusus accru-i |„ the Matter o( tho} Ei E state INVITATION TO Bll „ .REMEMBEFi n 2 Soosonol Full-Time^ r l n ' Sporty 5-Speed Ing Interest, coots a n n d advances. All delinquent amountsa n of DEVON ALLEN Sealed proposals wll Thai birthday od youI p lacedt lako Aldos in tho Heyl^ iW * The Hyundai Ad.d vontoge 1 0 Y e a r/1 0 0 ,0 0 0> MileMiJ Warranty are now due. togethlethor vrilh accnjing lato chargorgos and SPEARINQ. received ol tho H agen timo ogo In■I Ttw 7 Ofllco. Tho Twin FoIU Intorost. unpaid anand accruing taxes, aesossn-isments. on Incapacitatedodand Firo Station. ISO tE T7mos-Wows? Nowvia U Iho fice has 4 poaltionIons. 1 -Stod(«0H03S.MSiMSKh SI0.4B9. PoymMt extludn lox, trustao's foos, attiatlornoy'5 fees, ond any amiimoynts . Protected Person. _ Salm on Siroot o r PO u p yo u r Soosonol Full-Tlmo. I Isr Documenlotkin Fee. TYLER. 336. Hagom wi. ID 63 "II. advanced to protectc t tith e socurity associated with thisthli fore* TO: TONI RENEA TYI "7c!:ri,5r^/ ^ 0 Entry Ctork. 2 Soaa< d o su re and th a t mle e I:bonofldaryeloctstosollorcau »use the An action for guartjardlan- for the construction o > O opt Fuii-Tlmo. Intake Ai' 1 tnat property to bea afXjyoor nro S6.45m■'3 r. FIRST AMERICAN T ...... '98'ra«b' /s/EllahlaM. RIdcy.f. TiT m st Office In tho District Court1 1Inn ond prevailing locol time, day*. claMillod IllsIS your 4 Q hrs/wk. Job appll?p£ ;Mi(iXsSiiA.ot for Twin Falls Coulounty. propo^wtn be opop o n e d busy ictMdule Pul1 d doscripllont > w n 3 ^ 9 9 5 ...... PUBLISH: O ctoberir II12. IB. 26 and November 2. <:000 I d a h o . C o s o NJo o . .S P and publicly rood otDt Ih o n» above* Bid security In tho am0.2000 ‘94FOtDEXFlOta9 RIFPSSALE doys follov«lng th e lastlast pub* Otvner. Socurity shall b VES I at 5:00 pm. In House NOTICE O F SHERIF mmons. theformolocertinedct I ALTERNATIVE >W * 1 I U.S. BANK TR U ST5T tNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONI ^ lication of this Summ plicslions given proleroloro^ ■ n o w >5, ^ 9 5 0 .....WOM 9 ,9 9 5 ..... PtainUff th e C o u r t m a y e nnter te an or bid bond, laauec PREGHANCY CRISIS CEICENTER ce. Ali available poslitoslilona ...... - ...... order appointing a1 Guard*Gi Surety. We reserve FREETESTINGMG contlngonl upon lunWORTH im d SUSAN J. HEPWi>WORTH. Ion a n d Conson,ratortor with* right lo.roluso a n y o 734-7472 - 800-371-:t-7 4 7 2 I EOE. >W *!2S ,9 9 5 ... husband and wlfo;re; and WESTERN FARM SEFlERVICE. out further notlco, unu n le s a bkla. NOW * J ,9 5 0 .....NOW to that time youtM havei ptans. spodflcallons. INC,, a D elaw are coicorporation ^ ^ D '^aw oii’wiw a written responi)onso In posal lorms and ot ■TS BUY ITS ^s'FORD’w ifisi^a'*0H101-2 ncluding Informslion ore on fiifiltot ^(S E L L I W ESTERN FARMA SISER VICE. INC the proper form. Indt 5i: } A Times-I(-N ew s Classltlec •8 ,9 9 5 .....WOH>W * 3 3 ,9 9 5 Counterdainu C Imant and theandpaW caso numbor, th e foltowtoto and offices ol: -III Every N eed NOW Cross*Cti-Ctalmant any ro q u iro d filing f(feo to Lauohlln k A s s o c ialatee, K WIII Fll a K ii'S'aim uiBO T the Clertt ol the Cououn at Arehitects .wISi'IS'iliBui ...... ii iofflfi >.0. Box 1399 FlDmoro Straet I 3 - 0 0 3 1 U.S. BANK TRUSTIST NATIONAL ASSOCIATIOIION; and Court Sorvicos. P.O. 1 1 ,9 9 5 NOMiw *38,995 >WORTH end SUSAN-J. HEPWi>WORTH. J 2 6 . T w in F a llaS ..Idaho Id Suite*503 NOW*1 DONALD W . HEPWi ophono TwinFalls,ID83301 husband arxl wife 83303-0126. tolopl- Counterdefendaxdantsand numbor (208) 734-44-4025. A aeocleled G ena Cross-Defeefendants and sorvod a copy/ of your Contnetors itlonor's IION,27t>iStraor Urtd'er and by vlrtuau a o• f an Am ended Wrtt o t Execu•cutkm is- response on Petllloi bova-enm ia Court. In Ihe above-ire-«otltl«f_ attorney al.Roy, Nielsnelson & Boise, 1D_83702 ______au o d out of tf>a abov .O. Box Intermountalti Contra action, dstwl tho 25th25t day of September. 2000.). wttorein* Barlnl*Qarcla, P.O. M sm TN v- ted a Judgmont and Decree ofif Forodo-F 487. Twin Falla..Idaho Ic 1lON.27thS-/eot a m m u th e piaM in obtained num ber Boise. ID B3702 sure against the dedefendants Donald W. Hopworworth and 83303. telephone nui HVUMM » i. hu sb a n d and wife, on the 28thSthdayof (208)734*4450. Aeeooiated Geno,.,.1 s S S S S » i L i W B ini A Suaon J. Hepworth. I rOV*TOTAt.ST*^.^rlKO BOWTTOM m iir«roM hraU |n the eum of $216.882.95.1 hava(va levied A copy of the Sumiummons Contvetors ;A M k 1 m Hi r d G m r f ' t W M ItowlFii A ugust. 2000. In tho c a n b e 1415 Fillmore Straet upon all right. UHe.». InterestIr a n d d a lm of aaW def*efendants and P etition cai ' iinnniU amo .1 i . i l . " - tyandap* obtained by conta

    f . . ______I

    Thuraday, Octotxtt»r 19j 2 ^ . Tlme«-Naw*j1r t ^ ^ i n Falla, Idaho E l l E-MAIL your classlflod ad] 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT I ') MANAGERS * CLERICAL DIETARY AIDE DRIVERS O n silo leam for 24 unit ^Magic Volloy Manor is now NA/CNA N> positions opened It dl- Cifdo A Construction 1s1 10 u a at I Security Olficera noodod.. | MEDICAL now on Ovoning & night - •Customor Sofvlco Imrrl’odiaio oponing lot d . Qooding Rohab & Living3 apartm ent complex In Hu- Mring R^'s & LPN'a. r otary cook. Apply In por- po taking applications, lor>r twInadQmlpron.nat I Burley/Hayburn aroa. shilta FT. Call 530-C623 Clorlcal poallloriB Coil 9 o.m. to 6 p,m. Mon,-.-. Conior la looking lor a fowV port. IO.Call678-gi4l S1000/S500 aign on < 40 son a t Moglc Valloy 'Ann-Mat truck drivor* Aloadar GRAPHICS DESIGN------for moro Information, 733-7300 Ot 678-4040 Fri, 1-800>319-0108,B good poopio, bonua, Com o join a voiy f PERSONNEL PLUS'S o r . 2 1 0 N . l d a h oS S t . oporatoro. Apply in Blip Prlntwra In now Intor- I MEDICAL------spoclal coro team. Coll — porson at: 212 Highland r >(0) CNA a NA'a CNA'S MISCELLANEOUS ------• Wondoll, vlawing qualified candi-I- I MANAGER & MECHANIC■ MOO aign on b onual iMlckI at Magic Volloy ^ CLERK ------A va.T w inF nii»orii25'f dates. Coral Drow. Photo-1>- Idaho Trout Proctaaora Twln-PQII* Coro Contor ljUinot. * Wondoll. 536^623 PT poaltlon ot Copy Pro. n - Tho City Of Twin Falls la8 00-ac DRILLER'S HELPER W. Hwy 28. Paul. 10. Orlv * Evenings & doy shllt. now h a s Immodiaia opon- lull aon/lco copy conior. "''I' ahop. ond process color>r I is looking for 0 Proceaa- • HouaakMpIng poaltlon coptino applicationssior lo U ng Exploratory DrilllnIling era muat havo a Cloaa A akills required. S long En-V Ing Manager & an aipe- ' Inga for CNA's lor doy. •MEDICAL Print ^ ahop oxp: Layout, tho posllion of part'tim’tlmo Is looking lor ambltloi:loua CDL with doublo & triple ' S300 Sign on bonuat - ovoning & nloht shift, . postoup. binding, opora­ 7 gllsh skills roqulrod. Must>t riin c ed M iichanlo in IhoS •MDS-aign on b onuat RN Twin Falla Coro Conior ( (30 hrs) PROGRAIIAM poopio thot want a chanc•n c o ondoraomonis. Clrclo "A bo ablo lo work undortr Buhlpiant, Day shllt. Paid 4 -8 pm shllis also ovalloblo, hoa on Immodlato opon- tion ■ of oqulp, & cuslomor C LERK In tho Bulldlh'ding to start building a carooroor. Consirucllon Is an equal I 401 K offered, W a o tfar: aorvico.G raat PT position doadiino conditions.I. vacation, hoalth, accidonl.I For moro Informotlon. ing lo ro FT. RN. ovoning « Oopanmont. Tho progrargram As o dhiior'a hoipor. youyc opponunity omptoyor.;__ Friendly staff, high tochh major modlcal. dontal. ; • Sign on bonus & or night shift. Wo offor with ' floxiblo working Clark will bo responslblslblo will loam how to oporolo plooso coll: 208-934-5601' • A positive work environ- h o u ra. Fox roaum os lo: B r iv e r s ------oqulpmont. good poy & poraonal loovo & aick compotitlvo pay olong ' lor a variety of oocrotarlctorial v o r lo ty o f o q u lp m o t , oskforRhondo, m ont 208-735-9795.______i^ h o R /P T noodod OTR. bonofils.makes Blip a days. All Inquires confide- rr,tr> M /x/ut’t-t,r.ryr> w ith 0 comprohonsivo ’und cloricol functions,s, aas typos, whilo you gain II- s, grool placo to vrark. Applyly nilol. Coll 543-8444 or • Compolillvo salory bonoflta pockago inciud- u ■•J’ -woll a s providing infonni>nna- know lodgo a n d o xporn«ri Rolors, W ostom Stalos, " • Tom llc bonellls packaoo MISCELLANEOUS S®!A; Conado. *500 aign onn In p a rs o n w ith ro su m o0 sond rosumo to: P.O. BoxX MEDICAL j Ing PTO. 401k. hoalth, Quaatlona... T ^ tlon to and asolstinting onco noodod to.advonc r and work samples. Askik 72, Buhi. ID 83310. ■ An opportunity unlike anyy Including PTO donlol, vlalon. life, disobii- c , cualomors. Appllcarc a n t wiihin our com pany. Yc bonua. Fuol 4 safoty • • A job where you con moko Could you uso extra mon­ I ICM twnus posslblo. Homo0 • lor Bill ol 214 Bluo Lokos'® MANAGER-APT. olhor. Park* V/aw Car* lly Insuronco. and SIOOO oy? W onl 10 got into m ust possess good wortvord- nood to bo oblo lo lift 1C froquonlly. 888-885-7600.X). Blvd. 734-2558 ^ ' and R»tMt>llltatlen C»n-H a difforonco in somoono's sign on t» n u s , Ploaso op- , procosoing skills, knowlowl- pounds, ond onjoy wor On-ello m anagor noedod I- lifo shopo? Wonl to learn — EOE, Drug a. omoko froe,L for Ruport projocl. (aris accoptlng oppllco- ply in poraon ot 674 Eost- loodorship | & tochniciil odg o of siandard offlcifflco Ing outdoora ol our drllllrrilling DRIVERS lions for RN'a ond LPN'a• •S h llt dilloronilol. land Drivo, Twin Foils, lout Gam Stata Transponationion HAIR STYLIST Apt, plus SOI0 7 , skills? Nood monoy to pay pmctlcos, procoduroslond on locations throughoi Intoroalod In w orking inn S to p by for on opplicalion EOE , OQulpmont and oxcollorjllont Nevada, Is looking lor good dHversora Robyn T odd Call JEFF 01734-6295, )r ond/or Inlorviow. for collogo? II you on- J & In tho Magic Volloy Moll is slate of tho an ventilator sworod yoo to ony ol tho orol and Intorporsonco n a l to run dty vans, roofors & ° MARKETING It Tw in Falla Cars Cenlar ■MISCELLANEOUS ’ ,ve hiring a STYLIST. S6.00 unit. Qualiflod applicant obovo. thoIdaho Army communication skllli(Ill9. II Ihls opponuniiy for grow'owih walking lloors. Wo have ^ Pon-timo Morkoiing Assls-'• m ust bo oblo to work inn 674 Eaatland Drive Immodlato Oponings . Storting hourly wngoJO I la inlorosts you o n ^ ouaro u a good oqulpmont. bonus-JS- on hour. Apply in porson_ tant position. 25 ours por I, EOE Nollonol Guard may bo lasl-pocod onvironmont, ■fr ToorTokora oblo to holp. Coll SFC . ' SlO.iepluo bonofilofil drug Iroo. call 776>76:753- 08 & bonoflts. 734-0062.2- HORSE W RANGLER wook. Applicants musi Compoiltlve solory ond0 MEDICAL------•fr Boon Sonora , * packago. Fbr comploi3loio 7772 (or an appllcatio , Barlow 734-9171 or EDUCATION AMzono In wintor. Stanloyly havo previous oxperlonco<• bonellls pockago. Apply’y LPNa noodod for Privolo + Gonorol Laborer lor 1-800-GO-OUARO * job doscflpllon and om-on Como join tho loodor Gooding Jl. School Olstlist In summor. GREAT poo-3- with Windowa 95/98, Do- In person 2302 Park Avo5 Duty Nursing lor chilCfon warohouso product _ ploymont appllcatlorlion, tho drilling industry,■ or *231 hos an oponing lor)ro a pio skllla. bosic ofllco:e loboso ond Oosklop Pub- Bwloy. EOE______a n d Hosplco PT and pm, - work ond gonoral PRESS p OPERATOR . . contact tho Porsonnol)i OOf- begin onjoying iho wagi in- skills & knowlodgo obouiul lishing Soltworo. Dullos malnlonanco ( f'T'O oocondo7 En- MEDICAL - Call 734:060010 opply. Dolly now spopor m Elko, ; flco locaiod in City HalHall. ond bonoflts thot Lar giiah toochor at iho Qood­jq . horaos. Yr, round work 01 include trovol ond trodo- AdminlsirattvoAsslstoni NV. , 7.500 circulnlion 321 2nd Avonuo taot>9l c or odors. Coll today, Ina iroilrldo oporatlons. Hous-s- show orrangomonto, di­1- CNA'S. LPN'a and RN's.1. MEDICAL w/ 4-5 yrs. oxporionco | ing Allomatlvo Looming I- also homo hoftilh nursos,3, REGISTERED fJURSES Nood wob prosr.iniin 7- phono 735-7251, closinssing E.O.E.____ Contor. For information.on. ing avail. 208-879-5071, rect mailings ond osslsl- + Hyslor Dnvor unit , NovrtikinQ, Musl hove datol3lO/3IWM.EOE/A/ — ing with morkoiing0 Flexible schodulo. you M agic Valloy Roglonol AMERICAN STAFFING DRIVER ^ coll Mrs. Owon at 934-5**- JANITORIAL a dolermino your own hours,), M odicol Conior Is looking wob proas oxpononco 4 Drug Proo'Workplaco. C D L ‘*214. For an applicollon,o". LIghi clooning noododirt m a teria ls, P lo aso sond Call 734-6452 mochonicnl , nplliudo ------Dolivory - Closo A CC n rosumoa lo EOS, P,0,) Top poy. Jobs Ihrough for flxpotioncod RN's lor •ludo call Pom a t 934-4321 .Of or AM's. Mon.-Frl, 736-0100, Cioon work onvlionmonl, CONSTRUCTION roquirod. Oulios Indue Box 31. Joromo, ID 83338IB oul Magic Valloy, luil/part-iimo & PRN posi­ MISCELLANEOUS RolloCio, oxporloncod>dry- d n making dollvorlos wllhillhin opply 'fl® DIslrlct 01- ). P»r*onno! Plu», tio n s on ovonmg & night woll-mainlolnod oquip­ 2 S llco. 507 Idaho S t , Qood- LABORER or omoll 10 olocdolo O elo- P o rto n n o l noodod for wait hangora. ToT o p northwostom r«jgion. 2 Brick loyoro & hoddlos. 733-7300 Shlfto, Oponings on von- m ent. compolillvo wogo:. VVork lng.lD83330.B cdato.com,______Idaho's promlor resort. Insuronco. 40IK. poid hoi- w agos. Must havo tramrans- 4 days oul ol 0 Ilmo. Wo __ oxp. only. For work on lo­ 678-4400 o u o unlls avallablo. Wo Froo transportation pro­ •poriation ond dosiroro 10I In toom oporation. .asaJisajst ELECTRICIAN frt MECHANIC “ offor groal ovenlng/niohi Idaya and morel Sond to- cal school projocl. Good MEDICAL vided Irom Twin Foils, > 0 rk 324-9321/630-5435432 pionl porsonnol. appliesllcani Tho Amolgamalod Sugar0Of poy & ovorilmo,TMCC AH around Auto Toch. 5 & wookond dilloronilol' su m o : Elko Duily Frt>o 2 days a v(ook. yoor roundd HOME HEALTH SERVIC- Musl bo dopondoblo, in' Pross.3720 Idaho Sliool, ------musl bo ablo to workcwoll W' C om pany. LLC In Twin Mosonry. 1-800-771-4662. good shopo, and liko tho CONSTRUCTION mum Foils Is occopllng eppllca- — position. 60% commission.n ES NEEDED • Nighl shiftI** O ur compolillvo solory & ' Elko. NV 898 0 1 Exporloncod carpontora . wilh othoro wilh mlnimu outdoors. Call today lo . jood tlonoforllconood LABORERS Good bonollts, vocations1 7 pm • 7- om. Roforoncos,g o n d oxcolloni Floxiblo ! o-moil:chns O olkodniiy com loumoymon plum bora. instruction, hovo got schodulo on nppolnimont p „ mochanlcal ability ondId Ibo eloctrlclano. S15.477 • GonornI Laborors: noed OIC, Must hovo own lools.5. roqulrod. Coll 734-0598,|. bonolil packngo includes: ‘ Fox:775-738-22t5 EOE W ood nivor Volloy. L. FInliliera. Shaot Matal Phono 1 -800-726-8259 or31 or oond rosumos '^•Pol- or stop by our offico 01 _ oblo 10 Iill 100 p o uindo. n d Sl8,63/hr. Industrial pow- 218 Foils Avonuo pPRODUCTIONTOELIVEfly 034-9329 or 530-4558.1 W orker & Elactrlcal■I fox 208-720-0995JI IOW & Compony CPA'o, • P R N up 10 20*!r. iibavo i : ___ Employer pold insurom•onco or oxporionco roqulroa.Of,; Paraona. C horm oc Troll- PO Box 2775, Twin Foils. EMPLOYMENT PProduction wotkor lor itiiin, CONSTRUCTION oflor 90 doys. Paid vacKoco- Background In instrumon- - boso UB ora offors: 401k. Coloiona'la MECHANIC ID 83303,______SOLUTIONS u fac lu rin g plum Duliur. ' Plastor trainoos & labororirors. tion and oick loavo afiafior loiion & control 0 plus, ,l(] Job oponing ovolloblo ai _ • Poid Tlmo Olf 733-9277 includo miinulocluni'!! Plooao call 208-324-373!3739. ono Sloning solololory Applications ovalloblo Q,' at: Plon. Hoollh ins, & Paid • Hoollh/Donlnl/Vision yoor, ,„h Vacation oflor probotion-n. Intarsioto F o o d o r s In470 Collogo Rood. Twin Foils,illg ary poriod. Good hour:) & ,0 No Experience Requiredci • Rollromonl - Twin Falls Caro Conior i ,M0 compolitivo poy. Apply ol;,i, plan, insurance, Plooso Enorgotlc Individual noododI nonco. mointomlng invoii' .««i, Worron Avonuo. Tw in ID, 83301. E.O.E, • Drug ,,n call 208-645-2221. • Tuition Roimbuisomoni lor busy truck shop, woshI lory lovols, manuliiciuio : • JooMng for q rollol cool Froe Workploco. 452 Soulh Pork Avo. Twin “ Wo piovido Iroining to workrk • in lo n t Coro Contor and — Foils, ID, N o ph o n o calls. boy. tiro work, & Irotning & ossom bly ol oquipmom. ! Pfofor oxporionco wllh,lr MEDICAL with dovolopmontoiiy m uch moro. ‘ • atltutlonoi cooking, knownjjwl- d r iv------e r FACTORY WORK------~ RN House supervisor in lighl moiniononco. assist dolivory porsonnul )US0 Ungviow FIbro Co, IsJ L O A N S choiiongod adulls, Room for odvnncomonl. In moking dotivonos with­ : «dgo of Ihorapoutlc diotiplots. Truck Drlvor/Warohous posiiions avoiloblo oi Apply ol: • ' 'WHI train tfio i^ h t poreoirson. S7 por hr. + bonofils.s Nor occoptlng opplicallons for PnrAo ViawCaroA Roha- 40 hr, wook including in N orthwest rogion, A()- $ 1 0 0 - $ 7 5 0 J),' Clearwater Caro Centerr 6 5 0 Addison Avow, Sotuidays & Mondays. piicont musl bo oblo to • Tho individual muat** b smoking, m usl hovo mod-mo foctory omploymont. II Is Ci///of/on. Conior. Work In Human Rosourcos willing 10 work dllforotBr_o_ni ica, cora, pp u 736-9260Igo ■ dosirobio that factoryy . C A L L T O D A Y ! 0 Iriondly. leom-oriontod S7,00/lir. work woll w/olhors. w/ Grovoyard shllts ovoilobio->- Twin Foils. ID. 83303-0409 DRUG FREE minimum instruciioii, shllis, ond bo ablo to po :__ i— applicants havo onvironmont, Asolsi ) (208)737-2113 ;RY/ . mochonlcol ond 7 3 4 -4 3 3 3 rJ S7,00/hour to start S7,50 WORKPLACE. 734-9062. hovo good mochnnicnl form undor prossuroI onand DRIVER/DELIVER' — Olroctor of Nursing with oflor 90 dayo. lull timo. FAX (208) 737-2741 0 op- WAREHOUSE . mathomolicoi opiitudo,0, MAINTENANCE/REPAIR abilily and bo obto lo Ml Qt a lasi paco. Plooso o| 1° Excolloni bonolit pockagoI0 Employmoni Lino ply at Twin Falls CorC o ro Full limo posllion oponin lorI Wo offor compotilivo) Small Local C o . sooKs hard by supon/lslng. directing. MtSCELLANEOUS 100 Iba. Employor paid in- working, dopondoblo FT ■: with vocolion, insuronco.). (208) 737-2775 Lorgo moulding disliibuior suranco ollot 90 days C o n io r. G74 E a s tlala n n d 0 cuslomor oriontod1 por-pc aolory/bonolils, *' . training.and providing connioboOmvrmc. ' : 734- son lo work in th o wotivoro- Apply in porson: shoo workor. Duties: '0 401K ond moro noods molivatod, rospon­ Paid vocalion and sick Drivo or call Cindy at 73< diroct quolily rosfdoni^ for lull timo. gon.id.us 4264. EOE. houso/iocal dollvor'o r y . 348 S outh Park Avo. W. oq . oorvlco & ropair, core. Assume dullos ol sibio porson to slockI icovo oflor ono yoiu ------Closs A CDL with hozrrizmot Twin Falla. Idaho inv lory conlrol. custom ­ Apply ol: moulding pan timo t-2■ Storting salary basod on director of nursing in 158 Bioko Slrool North •PEOPLE UNITED COOKS roqulrod, computo skillsski EOE. M/F/V/D or .arvico. assist shop days por wook.Hoovy lilt­ oxpor, Ploaso upply ’P his/hor obsonco. Day. Twin Falls TO CARE- - .Noodod, oppilcations avo holpiul. 401K. modic) — supen/isor. Must b o mo-:?■ ovoning. nighl or iwolvo ing roquirod Good pay. 2 47 0 W orron Avo,. Twin ' oblo O Wosi E nd Sont< GENERAL EOE Call Stovo 20B-063-92C7. ] onlor donni ond vision. Sot Cowboy/Pon Ridor. Jobloh chonicolly inclinod, lilt 75lr hour shifts avollobio. • DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE I Falls. ID, - ■ Contor. 1010 Main. Buf lbs-. Drug Froo, EOE, rosumo 10: Attonllon MoriLin opening ovolloblo ot Inter- p dopondlng on proloronco _ CUSTODIAN ogor, P.O. Box 572. Tw sta lo F oo d o rs in Mollo.1,„ Compolillvo pay/bonoM s. 01 oppllcanls, Compolillvo 0 (8,. Folio. ID 8 3 3 0 3 -0 5 7 8 -Spm. Mon.-Frl. Sond componoailon package. • '^Gooding Jt, School Ois Full bonoliis, 401K plan,101' resum e & salary roq lo: g- Con Pauios ■ < • »231 h as on oponingrio lor ro EOE-______insuranco. 208-645-2221. ‘Apply In paraon. 2303 - r full Ilmo custodlar _ PO Box 3065. Twin Foils, Parke Ave. Buriey.EOE ★*★****★**•*♦***** GENERAL ID, 83308, ■ Ploaso conlocl tho Dli DRIVERS lUMEDIATE OPENINGS — MEDICAll ? • : trici Offico, 507 Idaho S' ?? MANAGEMENT------Minidoka Momorlal Hoa- Locol Milk houlora noodoodod, * induslriol-Ught & Hoavy' Coroor opponuniiy avaii­ C* toodlng.ID83330,foro New incroosod roulo> poy,pt * Foctory-All Shifts pital la currenily hiring _____ longovlty pay. hootihlllh * Construction oblo in Iho W ood Rivo'r for the following Volloy, S m oky M ou>it«^ ■^'ClISTOMER SERVICEE Insuranco. 401K.cafoloolorla .* Forklift T poeltlona: Pirzo & P o slo Is now ni-w "ROaldent Companion ; FT or PT dftvor/guord. Cu:Cus- 125 also oflorod. Pon>ort * CDL Drivora copling ro su m o s fo r llW , pm or Bofvlco posltloiltion. limo drivors also noodoDdod, * Mochanic (CNA) Port-llmo ovory TI Gonoral Monogor posl­“'■ olhor wookond: position boy tlmo houro, badlock- dollvor milk loads lo10 * Woldora lion in Koichum. Idniio, • Bround chock, potygrapiiroph. various plants In1 TOP PAY - NO FEE ovoiloblo for ono-on-ono >rd & intormountoin oroa, OiOut 111 Fllor Avo. 735 Ovoriond--rt Excollont poy, b o nuses.■ &“ coro for o rosldont In tho good driving rocord in bonollts, P lo a so fox ro- worV history, Kirk at 24241- ond bock oamo doy.ay. . . 733-7300 678-4040 Extondod Coto Facility, cum os 10 200-433.9580. 'CNA Extended Coro 2727 or Boo at 420-939'0399. Apply O Rich ThompS( ; / _ oiionlion Bolhony Morsh, - • Trucking, inc.r- ,- PERSONNEL !L Foclllly 1 23 W. 100 s . MANAGEMENT Fuli-timo/Port-tlmo/PRN • - : Jocypo.Jttoho PLUS Now accopling oppiicntionsns positions ovoiloblo on oil I ® * , shills, •, s B i B r o a r ” ^------GENERAL MANAGER•R -LPN^N Extonjled Care A sk A b o u t O u r 0^0% Financing ! DRIVERS Trinidad Bonham hos im- Position lor Buhl Chevronon Full-tlmo/P(y^limo/PRN BAT Truck Drivitifln g modlolo oponings for o: locailon, Thia poroon willvill positions availablo on nil YEARS! SchooMn 8uhl. 4 a 6 1wk Mill O parator ovorsoo Iho convonioncoco shifts In Iho ExlondodE FINANCI!ilNGOAC, IU p T o ^ O : DL or Ono yoar oxp. prolorrod, r Retains Rebate li any, '' - S t a r t W o r k in g classos, Class A CDL storo. cor wooh ond RVW Coro Facllily, A 5500.0 . D e^ R e t ON SELECT- r M O D E L S . ,9 rofroshor. Only cortillrtillod Eioctric Ey* OporatorI' Poik. SIGNONBONUSIs 1 school in oroo. 543-60911099M Exporionco proforrod. We OJfor: ovalloblo for this position. TODAY! ------< Oanaral Warohouao* * Compotlllvo wago ontJI ' LPN A cute Care - Botwoon N ow &' DRIVERS W orkar bonus program Port-limo/PflN; Nighl shiti,ill, H ^ i f ' D&D TRANSPORTATIC‘ Plooso apply in porson, hevrolet Novembor 1” * Pold Vocolions * CNA Acute Cere ^ ^ HI l SERVICES n Trinidad Benham‘ * Health Inouronco & Iroo10 Full-tlmo: Day shiti, ISA QOOOINO IDAHO • Toleperfomiance USA 515 Eosl Main Lllo Insuranco *CNA Homa Health aHHt-CAvnirniiER COUPE J will b« hiring Sooking quollflod COL Hazollon. ID 83335 * Roiiromont plon 4 0 IK Full-limo positionsIS AlrConr CoiKfitioninq. Automatic drivors with good drivlS EEOand^VF/DW* 1 *Discountsns ol oil available, locations i' 25 to 27 Port Time rocord. Now poy acolo t __ Trsnsm8nsrnj8sJon,ReafSpollef -Medical Tranacriptionlatlat n o iifrn rrm m fm rr.iu( ‘ ; Employees, ponding on oxporlonconco. GRAPHIC DESIGNER )ur Pan-tlmo posllion opon In iiuaui. rm.•mowM'Pk'h 'Islon for commorclol printingling Ploaso stop In or so n d your tsiiim :;Hours for this positiontion Hoalth. dontal & visl lot- comploto rosum o w ith sol-oi- Modlcal Rocords, plan, 401K. good oqu■quip- and n o w sp o p o r. Fost- ij-ji a re OJ follows: uiorly, pocod. doodlino-orionlodilod ory roquiromonis to; •ER Clerk monl ond homo roguloi nco O ^flt Stop-N Go Port-llmo poslllon;16-2020 ' Como by at 1735 S. MainMi onvironmont. Exporionco hours/;w ook, CNA pm or call at 800-223-76•7671 roquirod. ExcoHont nnypay Attn; Troy Wlllle i - 4:00am-10:00pin ond 102 CiMr LMko Rd. proforrod. po* O.O.E. & bonofils. Sond Inioroslod oppliconis may - N o w .. ro su m e: Miko Mognoyy Butil, 10 83316 '/m o ___ ! Monday • Fridayjy Application deadline la conlocl Human Rosourc-rc- j»n«7r Elko Dally Froe Pross osat 436-9481 orapplyin & Saturday 3720 Idaho St.. Octob«r31at. Drug Froo W orkploco,:o, porson M-F 9:00 a .m .- \ 8:00 cm-5;00 pm All Shifts Availablea Elko. NV 80801 :0E E o e 4:00 p.m. EOE lie FAX 775-738-2215 EOE m \ JJ. $6.00-$10.00 per hou i;-$6.50/hr lour I GiVIC JIMAIMY c P»fmiMrt»mIT«niponfy “ 1 S A L E S y 1 (Gunniniecd Wuge. ^ C L E M ^ — , . ---- jHjFHmJCC-ii.:----- 14 ■ ' ^ i ______w •'! min. hr*, required)”jf ------A e c ^ U n jv ^ lS tlw n ^ I Sl£aX4 I .Appliatitc Omici * Loaded with PowrLoirLocks, Appliance Oullcl Imui Con Poulw ij now hirina"i Povrtf Windows, m ste :PaId’Trainir>gpiograrrram Agriculture is nnw liiring. IS now liiring. $al« ConwliontJ. Eip»iiwn wt' Cnjlje, Locking R« ■ $100 Referral Bonu* Carpenters liiliuf^Kil iiulivid- ftittd, nsl lequirid, Exceflintnt DltfefWlial.Aufo,A Bilingual iiulivid- ^Jvoncement , Cheese Production r mil preferred f or btn«rits... •oicwaMSi> IMalds No experience AV» exprrience • PddVmtiea' >; Employes necessary nrrrssm'y • m y.-, "(Withinjust 30duys) Landscaping • Htollh JC ^ fkn C o o te FURNITURE , FURNITURE OUTLET OFFERS: If you would likeke Construction OUTLET OFFERS: • Paid Vncaiion • i’.iiii V.icaiitm . m o r e in f o r m a tioion n Clerical • Sick k Holicby Pay • Sirk & Holiday i>av fknttmtii. : ' about this position • ESOP Rciircmcni Plan • E.SOP Kctiiriii(-ni I’I.inII G«nwolSol«M(inag»r iM "1° ^ Apply In person at :: PLEASE CALLI 11 • Health Iiuurancc • linilili Insumnre, GHEVnOLET • Pleasaiil Woridng • Plr:i«til WorkinK ffltVRO^inSACGMC Euxinminciii S H Environment 901 S. Ikah'JMKM, 10 M1/2 TON EXT. 19 'DtvsfrHWotlflott ; 732-5259 & ■ Sm LeRoy ScanlEn See LeRo>' So n tlin TN PERSON CAB 4X4 l399FiHn>or«SuHa*2a1202 ^ B B n f f l O D IN tiftS Q N aOO-287-7000 Powwfitl Vortee Engine, i;>7 2iui :\\X. W. TWin Feds, Idoho S33011301 127 2nd Ave. \V. 208-324-3900 Fulf-Sto Comfort T\on FnlK Convenience! F:ilb g.WAM- il:SO.\M BfKl 9;0fl/VM.ll;30A.M n (>iiid OiMiftunm tjii|>IniKF'Trr\Vu>.j>L>iT COM [ I S a v e ... f l Miasso % s o c J ^ HoUday Sates8 r i CNA Clasasses at MMH 5 HOLIDAY SEASONI YOUR~i MOST C learaance On Allf R em ain ingg 2 0 0 0 ’s itudents will be . MAKE THIS h L 1 0 - 1 5 s t i ) JG EVER REWARDING a rm . e I n T t f t i at \ M T l f f T: accepted1 forf our 6 W eek is looking lor pr^loBSional. onihuinusiastic and dedicated...... H C P; Course to Start Nov. 1st The Bon March* 11-is loor part-lim c holiday snlos posiosilions. Wc invilo you individuals (or lull-e leam 01 ond lake .idv.Tniage of thehese great oppoftunitrps: M <■ S r i S y to join our diverse lei 3 M C , P p O N T I ^ es •(le«iblci scheduling K v Genuinele

    ; 3 tC all Keri Pererrigot at 436-048oTI m yyillll ■ ...... “1-

    ------^ E12T«nwe-News,TwTwin Falls. Idaho T hur^y,■V .O ototM r 1 9 .2 0 0 0 '

    —>1 P U B U C SERVICE TWIM FA L L S • Brond neinew. — ■' ■’ ’ ■■ I PUIUBER m 3 0 2 1I MESSAQE 4 b d rm .. 2 bath. F*nc(need A Thursday, Oct. 19,20ZOOO ------CwtonwrSwvJMtef Wo^ Big bucks, intida H ies.« 1 MONE^TOLOANN | I Seinng property? Don't paypa backyan),AC.auiospil Rh»rV«l*y.206-78e«4'‘*420 Iraln niisrsntaad salai any fo e s until It's sold. R r- Mec*, W .0 « > . 735-1654 fiEuBFHujtER ------Can20a-7»-2Ba6JiI — 7 ^ — ------free information aboi IGE* BobbyWolff 3 Urr>M p*r wM k. Sm < Oontlrtemal Loana avoiding timoshara an Priced at $13,000 boio ^ THE ACEESONBBIDG (Ulry. SSCVBhm. VOLLEYBALL REFEREREE $100-$500 real **101* a ca m s^ wiltrnte appraisal. Gorgeous cu CaHB43-2168 Mon. & Thur. avenlngala P h o n e applicatkxu‘ to tha Fodorai Trad tom homo in quiet culu id < o ------Cau YFCA 733^4384 wateomo „ Commisalon. Washint'"O,! so c . A pprox. 205 6 sq. MO "We confesa to little^eJiitiUs only to NORTH lo-t^A R E S T A U R A m - r r * C a ll T o d a y • 7 3 W » W . ton, D.C.. 20S80, or ca IQUAL HOUSING * A J 3 ; HIrino WBltttaft. $4,25!5 ana WanpwaonnNahwaatM ononelevoi.SbdrmspIi OPPORTUNITYY persuade ourseli^eaa ithat we have p r 6 b l e m & p AVi^<^~io th e N ational Fraud InloI'or- olflco or d o n . 2 both, gj V A S 4 hour pU » tips; nlghl coocooks Appiyat -m otlonC ontor 5 no great onea.‘’ $5.50 to $6.00 an houhour; Peking Restaurant„ BILLS ? *' • fireplace, awesome►oak oi SLZSSiVZSSti ♦ K J 9 7 2 I T.F. Loan# avaliabla. Ji p appliippil- 1-600-876-7060. ___ kitchon 4 much morlo ro . M PW HotMlrto Ac* wMcti.,2 -L aERocb^fbticauld * ; dtttlvory d riv en oamlu up p to 824 Blue Lakes Blvd..T. C a ll .iTwkM a ■•oM M •tfxanM ♦ A 9 i • StO.OO an hour nightItand ai _____ c a tto n fe o s; H l^ a p p ro v Now $144,600. Co ------I oJ m la . L ow tm erast 'Srate BUHL—_ - O u drun 734-1298. 2!>w Sfcr « EAST - w M kanda. r»d. Owner* hav o lavtohed TLi t on WEST B lua L aka* P t n a H ut • All appllcantow elcom od. COLDWELL BANKER “I ran Into aomee itough breaks * Q 9 155 A K 10874 TImMNBW*,I C all toll frvo o n Ihto co zy 2 bdrm on" 1^ NANMNi REALTYf" sasiSfErs : R u p a rt P m a H u t I a cre. Lovely landscopinj natw^l orlflin. «r u m se," o ffered V Q 100 7 7 V ,3 ------1 C a p e rs i - e w e n a o i IJ'9- ______T aa-7162 » and an alect defen 1 RESTAURAtiT K S 7 updotod Oak kitchen MnMiv to any irtr South, “but I ahouliild have made ♦ 6 4 ♦ Q 10 5 Now saeUng dlflaronlnllev- K ?** cablneta&boslof the game anywav'. :I could have ♦ K Q)10B5 H *7432 j ols ol manaaame'n e n t KIMBERLY (6) Receiving payments on ali...THE PRICEI Onlylly r e d u c e d . 2 ,3 0 0 sq .I •lJlu»"lIwluaM ehimr** paraonnat. Call 737*S4^ rea l e sta to soW? MERlOl $ 4 9,900 Hurryl $130,000. 733-1332J1 Mm been m ore carefUl in the diamond SOUTH AN now buys mortgalos, « TWIN PALLS. Large K5?•omo. llfSS lj suit.” •» • * 6 2 R exA lL ------— » ^ co n tra cts, and notes I Good ar*a. 4 bdrm., •00/ Look over Scuth’aI’a play to bene- V KJ9802 : FamUy S b o a Stora la aseek- « Diroct Irom the PubllclK, BARKER ba th . $ 122,000 & $6,11siioS Ing Pull-llma & Parl-th w s Call 1-800-001-9301 To,for Raa/fors Qt from hia mistake, ♦ A8 3 noVo- t h e TIMES-NEWJ down. $855 poymontt.to. iBy Thla n tw sp a p ar witl nol halp.'Sand raaumo i I X, an Immediate quota,“ ____ ow ner. 733-412C.M •ny South took dUHUtuny’s club ace, ♦ J f l .Hudaona Shoaa. 1<146 IS CURRENTLYh * (Brokore still _ ssssffii.i°s.r»5."r coahed th e trum p aoice, and led an- Main Ava. South, TwinTw l o o k i n g f om r w elcom e to caU) a c . 2300 aq. It. 3 bdmi. 3 b \ 3 1 EUiat discard- VulnerabIrable: Both lon. bath. 2041 OakwoodC "•y other trump. When 1 I Fana. ID 6 3 3 0 1 .Attn: Pl INDEPENDENT J ' b a th , w ith largo kllchoi dng, cashed his Dealerr: NorthN i , 3 0 4 “ Double car gorago,8 . 2 W ill heip with ctoslng.mg. ssKl'KirrSSs:i s ed, South took hiB Ur RO O FER 3 ROUTES } I w oo d o n docks. Oaytimlime TWIN F A L l 7 ar* availabi* o n ^ *qual^ diamond ace, andid lin eaaed to ■' Expor. rootara naodofl AVAIUBLEINTHt h e LJNVESTM ^S^ call 436-0716. ovonln;ino» BoauUlui C u a to m Homo dding: ; m P a v a r sssr'3.«i-«2uwi dum m y’s Jack , loaising to East's Theblddli L Roofing I----- 654-2255. coll431-552j2 2 Built in1996 ' (208)888-6265^ KIMBERLY ARE/E A . p u BU 6 SERVICE atf HUOTOS^TMM 1-aoo- rned a club to 5am • 23 0 8 m ain lovol. 2 2 9K)sq. 0 1 sse-arrr. t >i« T«u>(r*«tSi queen. East return East South West a s k tor MHot. m e s s a g e , t*l*phena numbM ror UM West made an | jg.j. Paaa 4 V Alipasa BIq prollla uauolly moailoan on 2 ocroa. molal roolbl 4 ft. bam l. (^4 finished) West’* queen, and V *************'^»*** ROUTE & S u n„v ste a d of relin- 3OO~^0m.^msm s big riak. Boloro youu dod< aiding, ahop. corraiiols. • Ono aero quiol couni excellent play. Inst SALES b u s in e s s wllh a company 1761 IMng — * quiahing control bjby cashing hia openinglg load:h Club king lor an SrrMf >wiy. postuto. $79.900,67&.47< Immadlala opaning lor i r c h o c k It out with Iho Bat r -T • 6 bdrm. ♦homoofllc*^ BLISS. Land Invostmoimont high tru m p , h e iswitched to outslda aalaa poaiUonIon lori 200^00 Aah sr. . Fo^ E-MAIL your ^ s a m o o a. .3 b a t h torol 200-300 Bik Birch: SII't tor Buslnoss Bureou. Fc opportunily, 1 g ro u p ol Bpades, in aearchI ofo the settin g 555BID W ITH THE ACES a raglonal diatributor < cT Iroe Information abou , > 3 c a r go rag e undavoloped realdonli ' Industrial aupplias Inthe.,In U 100-600 Uncoln St. avoiding Invoalmon?onl «*Hi^dOml(^.^!!___ • Auto eprinklora K)U. Call20e-362-620120 1 S trick. South took dummy'sd ace ; M agic Vallay araa.Ba. 400-600 BIK. Washingi sc a m a . vfrite to tho Fod- Fofl FAMILY HOMES w/landscapod yard ------end tried dummy'sI cdiamond king, ' Applicant m ust possoi»aesa street eral Trado CommissiorBlon. Do tho kids w ant rooms>0 'ol • Brtck a a te e l siding BURLEY S a c . G ra a l Mi but it didn’t work. W. axcallaflt poopla skills,itto.be 1580. their ow n and dod wanants Interior Fully LoadedI vlow. $ 2 5 .0 0 0 /o ffer. 4; h o ld a : W oahlngton. O.C.. 2056C i'i3 cashed a apade for OI ♦ K 10 8 7 4 aolf-motivsted and tfyo u llvln thlt anaa'»• * or colt the National Frau'raud a don to h a n g hto trophi«hies MUBTdEEIttll I E 700 3 Call 678-7313 customor oriantad. f9lnt9n»tmllnb*lrntlnga tnformation Contorler. in? Wo havo ihe homtm os B3 2 Rim Vlow Lano Eat ------How could Souluth havo pre- V 3 Provkxia aaloa axparlar for you. Coll WcstWlrVlnd CaU lorappolnr733-191{l?|a JEROME. 1.24 acr. the obstacles? Umn. 1-SOO-876-7060. T--[~ W/56X14’ mobile homlofflV vailed in s p ite of tl: ♦ Q 10 5 raoulrad. CoUapa dagr p ZSSST/SSS m , = s = Homoa ol 206-732-571 FA L L s-for. sa la Alterhe^hlatrtrum p king, h e A 7 4 3 2 I pratarrad and machanl .346. g 305 or 1-688-301-9037. 32X36' ahop. wati w , TJKWIt » ___ ownor. 4 bdrm,. 2 bal shares, now sept> p 11 c should make a aafet I Inclination halptul. I C O N T R A C T S &i FILER Private countintry Nowly romodolod. gro S o u th 1 Ralarencea raqulrad systom. MUST SEl monds- He leads ?a C o ‘"nd1‘o Nor«. ■ k ^ ’k A M kt iK I MORTQAQESI home on 5 acros. iriro iocationi Reduced $74.000.731-e405-msg 1 * troos.lully foncod. Pool>0) & $104,000. Call 733-37 dummy’s king andi janother back J J t C om pany provWaa baa 7 ------s i CASH NOW t$t spa. 3 bdrm. 3 baths,.k>0 k a n d a e o a l 411 AllalrDir Dr. LOTS A A C R E A G>ES E S to his ace. When. rno queen ap- aalary and commlssio For C onlrncts & Mortgagofiges. a rock oxtorior. $149,9C 3 = ^ M A C R E -B ldg site. 801 lother diamond dantal. heatih, Ufa 1®®® TWIN FALLS-New 4 b^rr peara, he leads anoi M lnl.Ca88iaa Cmll D lv n J fh d CapltMl.nal. 2005Eand3500N1 ___ 2 b a th . UvJno, lamily. kite 01 Filer. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 [ack. E ast wins ANSV^P^ R : P ass. One bid wllh this Inaurenca. com pany va • 6.69 ACRES - Primo^0 <1 toward dummy's Jat tion is enough. There is no d o . 401K a n d vacatioation Motor RoutesA ft 809-734-^727 m1 homnos « an. dining room. 2 cor c Twin hia queen a s before,B, but with a big coUecUor volopment land in Tv. 1 I bonofita. (6 Is DRACO LOW or $0 downi Govonom- mge.nVparkk>g-736-90 West wins his reason to m ake another call. T h o T lm es-N ew s I BD mont & bank ropoa. 80i Falto im pact z o n e . difference. After W accepting appflcaUolUons INVESTMENT CORP. 5®®* TWIN FALLS. 4 bdrm.7^ • 37 ACf?ES - On Salmoinwn giub queen and ahillifts to spades, i This la a n axcallant cart ”V 501-1777. oxt. 5297Jl! ___ b a lh , 2 6 0 0 aq. f t Cont erson for Independentmt Mortgages? Contracts? ifiro Creek near h South is in control WithV diamonds opportunity for a pors< D ee d s of trust? roraERMAFT^ToHiitaiTaner h e a tin g & AC. O a a fli I w ho la wirung to workrk hjhard M otor route carrle YOU w ant to soli? home, 3 bdrm.. 2 ballath. place, nowly romodolcJolod' . %'’a c b E8 • S conk:c pjpar- already eatablisheced, South wins i a n d to commlttad to In th e M lnl-Cassh« ia w /o w ant to buy. m aturo londscaplni cei naar BLM a n d forolorosi. dum nw’s ap ad e acevelops a care- routes. Boa. m o,. 2 bdrm .. 1 bath, dl# !«• qawtkm* or k>r brvnnr at An* **♦*- The Tlmes-News/s is washer/range, great1 l< lot. 7 3 2 -6 7 1 0 o r 1-888-3C1-301- polonttal. I eliminate the ^ 2 ^ ^ 'n . A<» PO Do> tUM. 8 | i ^ n . ************^ I P $60,000. Call 637-6402.J2.B 903 7 • 1 to 2 A C R E •^-SnalnnkA P‘®" ' ------a ls o looking for 9 Un- need for any cmbailarrassing con- mio.iKMe S a l e s “ ! BVH h b b h b Rlvor fronlago altos. I Cowrt*»l ixpbri- su b situ te M otor roiroute Bdueatkm_ . JE R O M E 5 * bdrms. ' at Tiffany Squara. Ap vlow of Bllllngstoy CrotCrook. ------n Avd you are Interestested nilpB B D H■ l j£R6ME-3bdmi.2bat ITE6~ Hogorman I In porson 132 Main A ^ PAAMSabAinVSttE ,ia « BUHL. Muat be movedved. OOLDENWEST 1996. aa- N. Twin Fans, Idaho.0. in being a independtndent K Q I RedB«i«w'* nowty updaiod. $60,00 * DAIRY - Double 1212 forI ROBERT JO N E S REAL•ALTV twin fa lls- For saie y re- sumoblo loon. 2 bdmv. 2 CaU735-6683B ,f6 1 4 . 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 or loose approx. 1600i \a a 1872 Buddy. rw:ently re I Q *t gQ ------Motor Route carriiirrier _ _ 660 animal unlta or 6 •1 ^ modeled. 24X60, carpoirport balh, good Btartar hom*. “ aERSIJE'CioSoioSof ------ft. Uatefully decorati CLOSERS. Homo10 lm-I or subsitute pleaslase I 601 ioO milking. Ronrwdoied ba TWINFALLS profeaalonal offliMea & pallo cover & shod-lod-*- T a k e ovor payments, no provamarit produc.uc,.; „opby e Course. You savo. By big hom o. 166 ocros. Ki X n appto.$8K/ofler.735^®399 dow n. Coll 54ij-4a25.« ■ oPENHOUSE^^ owner, $134,000. berty. Call Bob for doulotaTto 2 0 A C R E:S S building. Exc. roeoptl< L oada auppllod. $101 aroa. 2 bathrooms, otaiItami FLEETWOOD-1996.i ” , KIMBERLY- 1997 Qurdon P tuaporyr. posalWe.M _ _ Beoutllul 3 bdmi. 2 bot>ath & a p p t to view, • Clly W ater j.Muat ntiri ■” hom o w /3 c a r garogo onlOf •784ACRES-RCRow • Natural Oes system, great parkinling. 14x66. Buhi Mobllolo hom e. 44'x2T. 3 bdrm.. 2 ba abl* to traval Magl> 00. bath, oil tho uporodos, I offlco at 3261/2 E 61 B c r o p /p a s tu r o . 6 0 0) nowni • irrigation W a te r great location, aoltorrwlN v Estates *43. $19,900. I T raaaura VaBay 3-4 di P io aa o chock your od1 forfoi ac. Now subd. 456 iblo m u st b t movod. Any roa- North (next to WaVMifJJL” ' co rro ctn ess on tho firstflrsi Sunrkfgo Dr. 500 SouUulh, lockups for holfors. Qood Qc • Wost Filor A venuo0 consWer dual tenontoa 'on ' Redman* 1996 double ! per waak. Maatarcri sn d fin out a contac iromo. 731-5030 o r 837-631:6313 ihelaasa.Avall.now.plPur- wMe. 3 bdtm .. 2 balh.h. in sonablo olfor will bo i fnc. Call 877-337-51 i S L d o y that It njna. o s ThoTh« 60 W o s t 324-8479.a■■ dairy site. oastoUoron obilo considorod. 423-9222 ' ^*22 ah*etorcall677-4W T im os-N ow a to nol rO’ rrs *640 ACRES-Rc —^ chas*priee$125K/i*aaaa a viUago W eat Parte Mobik • ,| lo r Info, f ta p p olntmaci Extm . ‘ f®- K tfc * 6 fe ttL V -4 b d rm .. " " o '; ™ n f AU-3 NEKxatt $1200 mo. Calt731-74<'461. Home «60. $23,900.X) O w nor will copy w/dov- aponsiblo for orrors* af bath. Aulo sprinklerers crop/llvostock, go 2 ocros country iol. 7: to r that llmo. fori. w ator. C o n add 320 oci = = FI**twood-1997double ales 'k'kir-k-k'k'k.'k deck w/hot lub. Ptoy (o 5441 days733-71250N" wkJe, Bel Air Burley 1 ^ N E E D E D Local Salw — i 2 Storage sheds. 423-64S471 n o o r b y . H a z e l t o n i ------5 1 6 ------T o.d’fiS fK S '-; ------SURER BUYI ------1 I VACATION PROPEflTmv »B-11, $23,900. Com o In & SCO our GRE- _ “*.r*T!S?.'KiSZI S S ? i ------2 17 TWIN FALLS-N0W4 bdnridrni.. MILNER - 3100 sq. n.+ " * 30 5 A C R E S - flow crooa.cro i 514 On the lot we hava*► _ A T HOMES ot tow prices'. I Statk>n. S a n d rasummes ei to: I EMPLOYMENTNT 2 both. 397 Whlsporlnering s acres. 4 car doiachi ll pivots, well. Qood ,lt?forsite I INCOME roOPERT=r t y | _ Champion 1997.16x76.;1®- 3 Lot us gat you roady for ! P.O . Box 667, lur>d- g a ra g o w/wrk shop 5& ” broo dairy. Tuttlo. ------bdrm., 2 bath like new. w intor. CoirWostWind PocateUo, ID. 63201.ib,. 19rr9mvMBE 9021. bath. $169K. 629-4264.7 * • 2 4 0 A C R ^ - Nfco-loyloylng jW iN FA L L S ■ "T fn a STANLEY-Creek Froront $27,900. Homos at 208-732-5710 :e S o* a d under aS02 return property on 1 acre w/li inatockw*hav*-10 WRITERS ------PUBUC SERVICE idrm. f a rm , o ld e r h om o,, noar ni *roc*#7-Check reli ’0 or 1-688-310-9037. . Twin MESSAGE 2 b a th + d o n . Ilrat tintim o KlmtMriy. onnow4piex. Cali CChi h^ niahed 3 bdrm cabi The TImaa-Newi Ip Ti Inlor- 4 5 0 2 Tucked away In tbe tro Brootai;ilJlSS^?iro«from TRADE-IN WELCOME- Falto to looking for• corre-coi Federal amploymont Inl buyora program. No0 IIn- • OAIRY - Grade A douJoublo 733-8207* oe. Own a now home wtth ■ a our mation Is free. Rememom - ■ h o m e s FOR SALE 6 permitted lor 6188 onl-a ____ on Rshof Crook. Boai'«“«■ Waln-IiriiiJ*™™. spondonta to kaap i vostora pieaso ------1 fui viow of tho Sawtootlotna. 1-8004178^380 or ^ your trado a s down. OAC. about «> o"® «•’' P™"’om lse Coti H om os Amorica41 m al unlta, rea d y for Irruno-Imr « 5 1 5 roadars Informad ab or froo ,, detoiChed garage & set«‘«P 1-800^11-1687 M anager authorized to whafagolngonlntha< ______733-2224 ____ dlalo occupancy. On 1 I COMMERCIAL le e . m a k e spoclai deato. oderol . 0) 1 a crea . 'I- loryear round ua lying communltlaa Tiorlco A TW IN FA L L S 2 bdrm". „ES I PROPERTYf $145,000. Poasibletem ------Call Homos Amarlco s e n 's . W a ne ed wrttan c n bath, foncod'yord. She‘hod. ROBERT JONE , 208-768-7577 daya 733-2224 ke ep ua up on the naw [2*2 GUARANTEEC " i 5 2 0 Asking $69,000 or wflll REALTY TWINFALLS 774-2257 eves, E WESTWINDHOMES, Qlonna Ferry. BBIli llaa, to ro n t S 6 0 0 /m o +$3i For Looao Offlco. down-dov ^ K eep Idaho Beoutilul.BOy Gooding. Shoshone, H i D0P.734-761S __ 733-0404 _____ town and court house a ^stw ind Home. We. atrich, Rlchflak). Falrfi IX 900 baal buya In anUquaa ial Buy the Guaranteeceed TWINFALLS ~ — 1 00. upstairs, oppro*. { have tondrnomo packag­ PIcabo. Buhl, Castlof<• r a rho $162,600 - ALLTHFH E i 5 1 3 aq. II. 3 p r iv a t e olllc,tllces el*aam*«. Find Filer. KImboriy. Han;ansen. paclsBal208- M udaugh. Edon. Hazel. Ha; ^ T im es News guar this boaulllul 4 bdld rm o r e s . W b a t h , o n - s . ton, Holllatar. Wells i " • ! ! '! PJNE-IO-MosfSeffHNe 732-5710 or 1-888-301- BUSINESSi a n te e s to sell m er hom o, ll'a on easy wolkJlk to BU H L-H om o tor saleloby t parking. $525/mo p sr cabin, 2 baths. Hac 9037______Elko. W anoodcorrasp I 'IE S r Sawtooth or tho poiio o i. o w n er o o 1.9 ocros,ros, o io c trrc ity . A m a rie YOUR danla to covar govao ^ n - I OPPORTUNITIE chandise or i s $91,900. Town 4 Cour W RONG COLOB CARPET I automotive itemsims Enjoy tho maturo iana n d - 201 Junlpbr. RaaJEatmf 734-SaSi Realtors (208)764-202' ? mant mootings andid write* •Ivato A ppretood at $85,000 Save thousands! New 3 o W n " in 7 daya and rear e a l • scoping irom your prM twnmr — — featurea about Inlaras BEST ROUTE IN TOU owe redwood dock. Th*» fullf S a lo p rice of $76.00GxS‘ TWIN FALLS • 0»M ^ AD bdtm . 2 bath, partial T/T. things happoning In « $3 .000/mo(roaltolk:sik;) estate Inl 5 days“ 1® bsm 't b o a sts several largotor T ak e a Virtual to u r onal g 5 - i a TIMES CLASSIFIECip n full upgraded appliance communltloa. We'reu Ic 20 Vending sites.a . o r w e will rerunun rooms. Induding a msJ Brick Oupi*x - $12.012 ^ | _ 2 j 6 b i i x h o m e s Ing for pooplo with s ^ 0- www.buhlacr»ag«ly $13,500^/ Jn^yme. s ;® J DEPARTMENT■T . th e ad an additionion- in-nrrter aewlna roo 1 6 C a lU toffWB Amerioa— ------giammar-aklllS" wfllwrm no e r e ------coiiVeTTROYVTS ability and a noao 1-800^266^1 (24 hrs 3 bdrm . 1 t>ath. targe ilv Offk5oSpaca-780sql BUHL-SeSATOR^ .733-2224___ : ...... a^^'extra^^a 3909. *97273 room . 1 /2 bam t.. view n>ari(. Catitoa**thlaBohl2b« news to turn out tirr is Blue U kes Office Pi S 208-6^-4543 stories lhal ara balanc rtAdERMAN------,p c h a r g e f o r th e S a w to o th Mountaint*,™' $10.600A 'r in c o m es. , ssale with roomy floor pton a accurate a n d of IntaratU l^ o MECHANIC'S SHOP T o to u r hom a call:f price $76,000. Seltor nV (BURLEY) « Inter- Located on main strasiMt ot guaranteed 1-600-600-3203 our readers. Thoso In ^ package. Ads f loase back from buyer“ ' “s T O W T ■ ^ M f i e d B a t n t o . ested should sendd aa r e - town.4bays.hotot&C( i: GEMI Can 733-2323 o r 733-7CaSosi ■4371 g 621 R«ntal Vmo may be cancelieclie d STA TE REALTY. INI su m e a n d wrtllog aan preaaor In?. $700/m NO. I MANUFACTURED to: S andy Miner. AsslsStoSnt Oep. M7-6402 _____ early for customm e r ' 734-0400 i ^ I City Editor. The TImea-Tirr ^^F iY aB L E lomllyf b'busl- convenience but TWIN FALL^ • 3 bdirn ■ FURNISHED N ew s. P.O . Box 548.1i8.Tvrfn neaa for sale, polsntloiItlal lor t h e c h a r g e wiii/ill bath, l ^ s q n , new * H|H£2I£QQ3 BEAUTIFUL. 1999n»odeS 5 5 T I HOUSES m e dow s. point, vinyl, main'Win- Falls. ID. 83303; or call {|rowin.Cat206.64>K rem ain the sam e alnto- 3 bdrm., 2 bath. 736-3204, :a teiio n ance froe extorter, qv SHOanONE AREA House PROFITABLE PocaT< neighborhood. $67.S( « . tlm* .?o'S! Sitter* need*. Ideal for ^ ClaMfiad sd* • Bsrsai cabinet Shop lor sale. I Call734-B727JI InvasnMnl. no msturwr mwhsi for us to retire, sarkxito u sln - ' your Oualnasa. Oiva usacaBu* ■ qulrlos only. Call1 2 0 6 - ^ H B B m B S s M r - a s v todav. 73^.0031. 232-2ie9askforRny.tay- locatkm, 3 bdmi., 2 M ,* £ 2 ; 7 am 10 7pm only. H H i O u le l C u l-d e -s a c . Fibath. I place, aoll walor.Fire- Ii lOolL TWlNFALLS2/3bdm>S.2' lanced yard. 732-82M■ lrg. ______ba th . W /0. util. alec, co- !09M p Vo u r blo ind. $785/mo + dop. TWIN FALLS • Need ! Cail734-99«8 Thi\e Times-I - N e w s b d rm a .,+ 2 baths??^ ■ n M n f f i 2nd h o m e in bad<6rlngi ina to TWIN FALLS, Newer a • $320Ano. $89,800. n. Let bdrm. 2 bath Bracken- :• the ridge homo, complotoly Netoon Roalty 734-393030. ■ w m . Only $32,900. 731-«323OT*V*a 733431lam*. furnished. Rant indudea . tw a a t ail ulillltlaa & town c a re . LooUng lor axtra vacaiKI O o r $1700 por month. m o n ^ Why not thm B ra n d new 3 bdmi. 2 bath atO H ^ Awn* youvaQ bM "-r" Brack*nrldga lumlahod atoring? Clasafflad wU do Gag 733-0931. oromo Collins Cr**tsTh*Hom*ofYo<' a t 733-5336 or 764-6104. Droamal Hundreds of ftoor ptons K ,r_! pick & choose from.B25:- L g 6M I us help you create tt^ I UNFURNISHED I- I home ot your dream Cali Westwind Homes I______I... 208-732-671 0 c “ BUML2 1jdrm on .m .ll ■ ■ 1-88S-310-0037- ‘ ' acreage, mobllo homo. ______2.5 ml. from Buht. W/D P n OOUBl£WIDE,-9«,3S hookup. Slovo & refrig o b a • bdrm., 2 bath. Uvodx nin s o f fumtohod. No Indoor pets? mo. Voiy dean. In Jeronw an ts sm oking. Outot & w onlc r - Independent - Wotor— V H Parte $3;>,900ophle* -lo c a lio n ln-Mak>n-Vali*V. • - - is - acceptipting appIicatloM for -1 I S m WPMHI, Inc. lomoa S3l0/rt»o.67e-4181B 731-e333or733«)13- ■ R o u te Carrierriers in all areas bf it's’s 'distribution system. BUHL-mcoouiy.3Dorm.: ntracted positiora are 7 day early moming DREAM HOMES.-B710 2 bath. Call lor more I . T h ese co n tr Want a new home, offor delaUs. 543-2439.- . •- - deliv ery pospositions, a n d can eam $1$l,6bO-$2,000 every 4 ■ DONNAME JDY POVLSEN JOHN POVLSEN E-m a il your classined od* . w eek s, d epjpending e on tlie route, IEADE c in d 206-732-5710( ire interested, please stopop by the Hmes-Ncws 1-888-301-9037. In'SSU , If you are R E A ^ O R j rKKTwa RLER araa tarmi»uso7a at 132 3itli St.S West, TWin Falls andan fill o u l a contract S E ^ g O j F ------FAMILY HOMESW ~ est- bdtm .. n)sWed, pointed. & DO the kids wanl roootsfl.7 3 2 . ' cleaned, elect, hoat. sheet or conontact Jackie in the circulnilation department at, U m i g their own and dad war -- adentohanghtotropWg M 7 . Call 7360795. ’ 7334)931, ext.ex! 302. in? We have the hom for you. Caii WestWli Home* at 208-732-67 or1-6S6-301-9037. *“0** R*«ly h r Wimw ■* ■ r. SpMlalal AD homes must oo 10 ma room lor new Invonloi Como look at our hom at low prtcea. C ^ Wo J V ^ Homee et 206-7:: I 6710 or 1-866-310-903 ■ ■ i- ThiitKlay, Octoko b e r 1®, 2 000, »».-n,lnF.ll«.lil«l

    F ai l l i ln t o S a il f i n g • • •»

    O n Y o u ir C l a s s if i e d A dv \ e r t i s e m l e n t ! i Q ^ U h 1 0 IK £ r f 1 » r or a d d i n g up 10tot( $1000 (Maxixim um of 4 item:ns please) For items under (SI each addiditional line. Private Partyiy only. Some r«trfcf/ons')$ £apply. Merchandise only.)y) 6 7 7 - 4 0 4 22 T o d ay ! H T h e T aI m e s - T S bWS C all 733-0931 7 I Ext.2 or ( ^ nt j{M010Dleeel.$5700. . FORD Jubilee w/lront TWIN FALLS. Nowor 2 TW IN FA LLS HORSE SHOEINQ • andnd POULTRY -Fall Clearance )k Schaffor 15rtft. offset TWIN FALLS. 466 VanB3 u-u. JEROME. Upstairs apt. h o rso training. Coil Jododo Speciallll Chukora a loador. Fergueon 35. Ol­ Ith 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Call forsr bdmi. duplex, carpon. uUi.II. Office/Shop/Warohouso iver Supor 55 w/lrontnt disc.. $4200. CaeelH 17 ron St. 2 bdrm.. 1 bath, ». Locattona: Klmborty Rd ot 732-0489 loovo mag. RInk-nockod. Sb ooch. d - n. high deaia n ce chisel fully loncod backyard.rcj! •d e tails. 3 2 4 sm a , rm. No amoklng/pols. ^ A lso good aoloctionol Ex- loader. Farm all A. Ford- FAX - $400ftno. Call 733-3742JI■ Parte Avo. Easllond Or NI HORSE TRAILER Char- eon Malor dioaol. Call•II plow $3800.18 610. 24 Call 745-7299 or 521- and Bluo Lakoo Blvd N. „ii otic Phoosonia ovollabio. S. TW IN FA LLS. Nowor. m a c 4 stall.bum por pull, 8 2 5 - S f ^ or 420-3812. ■ hole grain drill w /seeder 8 8 ^ . For salo or ront.B■ plex. w / garago. No dogs. ] Various Sizos nli' Can 208-288-2927. r- $2700. Can 734-7791 = ; $475 /mo * dop. Soo Otot 1 b d rm a. starting ot $400. $4000. Charmoc, 3 stoM. y o u R ;• F o r m oro Inlo alum ., gooaenock. $6500. FORO tractor 90 hp.. 4lOl or 731-1657. t i 6 W 1013Lomhl.Can 734-5329^ 2 t>dnns. starting ot $400., call STEVE ol 7 0 2 ” 1 w tieel drivo. 1998 modol ~~ 3 b d m ia, atarting ol $430. Bolh In excoi. condition. 4 NEEDED John Deere ■ FURNISHED APT83/ / TWIH PALL6 ------' H a l lo w a R e ^ I n c . Call 326-4556 T S IIO . Undor 3000 hrs.. AD Nowofforingffnuit I FARM/RANCH cob. air. 4 yoar llnanclng>g slngkt disk grain driU. TtMES CLASSIFIEDID m DUPLEXES . is ■ m o v o In «pec ^ B E E T HARVESTER WIc 6 1997. a 1996 use d pivota, 3-Now units now avolloblo h o rso a . like nowl S3B00.‘JO. row w/iank, oxc cond. Coil izen Com pla*. Noar CitvSity fo rappolnimont.° 4 60S "I h o r S e w a l k e * TR- liko new. ZImmatic 02 -J Iroom ^torhent ' forlooso, Coll 934-0920.0 ______5 32-4484 or 431-4484 ^y. pivot a linear. QltfonJ Hin OR Park. Now paint, laundry^ 2 - TWIW PALLs - 2 bdfm,“ f w ollm ade. oxc. cond.. Hy- J * 2 0 2.400 Sq. R. Ble galv. mkii ptvot. Thunder- 208-677-4543 bath.Sfovo.ref2 j.O W a “ * t O 3.600 Sq. FT. H O R S E . 2 yr. Old rog. OH. CASEIN J7FlCWsolptow.V. draulk; poworod. variable J ■ J E R 6 m E HolKJay M olar Lena/ Poppy Son brod. h igh ciooronco. Boat ollorsr sp e e d s. $600. 734-8042.2. bird a AaM wheel lines. S ' WD. No pets. 737-0067. $ 1 0 0 a up wWy. 401 W,I Noxt to tho Twin Falls Contect The Sprinkler (BURLEY) dop. Rofs. Call 324-2639 E xc. cuhlng/ rolning 676^6996______- Main. Call 324-2361 Municipal Qolf Course, NEW JO 72S Loaders;V shop in Paul 438-5204 or leave mag. If no answ er Ji r Call 733-7178 for morea pro ap o ct. $7500 llrm. ^ $5,250. New JD 916. 7 Coll 736-9241. COMBINES. NO Gioonor I Jerome 324-1169. Fl- JEROM E. B asm ent apt.~S TWIN PAULS $65/Wk$32^I' Information. lO Shank Rippers. $3,250. ^ savo $$. all utJIltlee' m o. Sp*clMl Microwovo. w /20‘ hoodor, JD 4400 nancing available OAC. OOOOtNQ. Ig. farm rvausause. * bedroom, fenced yard Includedl $445. ^ A fter 6 p m 734-8951. H O R SE S - 4 yr. old. Polo- dloool. Exc. cond.. 14't ' N ear Now JD 640. 20- refrtg. a utlls.lnd,73g-1985 ^ mlno. Owyhoo Mustong. 0 Disc, $12,500. Cat 930« RESTORED 1951 F o rd On oiittuildlno*. *SOO. CbICall private entrance, 0nc + ^ n 7 ^ -5 4 6 3 "O' hoodor. Musi socrilico - r TW IN FALLS M otel • Doliy 2-yr. old.- Buckskin gold­ ar Loader. Food Yaid Ready.(Jy. w 1»aiof a Wade. $3500. 733-1359 Of 731-2219.». smoking/ doga. $350 •< TWIN FALLs -' 2 bdrm. 1 ^ 4 609 ^ 1 I f d u o lo hoonh. $25,000 lor 22* '51 Jo h n D eere M recon- ^ dop. Call 324-5082.M J /weekly allordablo cloon."• ■ CONDO HENTAU lng. imprinlod. gtoal dis­ bolh. Coti 208-487.2075'5 $26,000. JD. 12 How. 22* HANSEN. 3 bdrm. 2 bath b a th , apts., AC. DW. W/D. Qulet, frtondly. 733-6620 position. $ 5 0 0 ooch. C om Hoad. Robullt. dIUonod. $3500.436-5906 I Family room. No amok10k- TWIN FALLS • tu m lo h ^ 1' o r hookup, kitchon appls.. L I TIME SHARE or 731-2075______.4 TW IN F A L L ^ o p n f^oloi;9t. a . * — — — J . Call 735-8876. $25,000. 1999 JD 14'. SADDLE-New Camarillo m0/pet».$5S0Mio.*S30(a o o bdmi. Util. paid. $325/m o walk-ki cloaot. carport a Model 450 Qralndrin. dop. Call 423-63463 0 o r Call 732-0971. ■ ___ atorago unit. No smok-,k. 1341 Kimboriy Rd. $100 TWIN FALLS. Ckwn. cuto.10. S H O S H O N E SALE YARD ■ Barret 14V4* luMy looted. per wook. Call 733:6452, $6,500. JO Model 610.rA Sliver Lace. Pd $1100. 4 2 » 1 4 $ a Of 4 20-S950.B Bpt. tn g/pets. 735-0473______2 ; 2 b d rm ., 1 balh. unlum.■n. S p e c ia l consignm onis lor Call 934-0920. TWIN FALLS. 1 bdrm. opt 3 c o n d o . 1 st, last. dop.p. Monday. October 23rd, Chisel Plow. $3,500. JOIP Sell $900. Catl 734-6042 HAZELTON -nlco 2 bdmi. No pots. Inquire at 50:5 0 3 t w i n FALLS - C ozyl fonnor rosklence rol. roq,iq. • CUSTOM MADE TRAILER^ 3945.4 Bottom Switch ^ 0 - 3fdAvo.E.Twin Falls. ■PID bdm i. Klichon oppla. NoMo $100/wk. a$360/monlh. r Plow. $2,750. Harrell.I. "SMALL TRACTORS a“ oloct. oppls,, Btorouo.flfo ,p 246 2nd Avo w . 733-563010 N/S, No pets, 735-53B5.M■ • A m b r o s e C a lv e s 4 -h o fso sirolghi iood. Exc. t ^ IMPLEMENTS 30 HP 4 ploco. no pota. 423-5104 — I pets/smoWng. $325+dop. conditlon. $3000 Call,ii M-2604.4 Bottom Switch Incl. utils. 2 0 B -7 3 W 7 33. . TWIN FALLS. Rooms, = ; . 4 0 0 s t e e r * Pk>w.$1.750.HaSi WO $5700, 22 hp 4 WD JEROME 3 bdmi. 2 bott r j: $ 8 0 /wook. microwovo.I- 4 ------^ 1 0 • aOOHetfer* 436-6967______W indrow Fluffor, $1,400.30. w/ncnw k»der a backhoe ^ IunfufSished TWIN FALLS • CSI loca- •Along wllh our regular mobilo homo In Vlllagi ' 2 rofrig. Utllltlos pd, Coblo,10 I STORAGE/ FO R Solo, Loose or Trod^.10. 'Our Yard Has 4 Mllosts $15,l)00.5'dlSC$569.12* Wost. Nopots. Long lomiSto 1 APT^UPLEXES Hon. upstairs condo. 2 ]f I WAREHOUSE RENTALL c o n e lg n m e n te . ougor $499.6 ‘ angle bdm i, appls. carousel llro-TO. TV. nopot8.1201Klmt»Of• J D 5440 Fomgo chopper,»r. of Road. ttioR ostis loaso. S47S/mo. + dopooil l 8. ly R d . o r coil 735-0232,M■ 10. Farm Machinory" blade $519.7'rockmke . BUHL/CASTLEFORD^ placo. AC. nowor point & ~ Will soil ot opprox. 1:30 pm.nm AWO. com & hoy hoodo. M $ 5 6 9 .1 0 '3 pt. harrow 324-8903 Of 786-1309 = ; TWIN FALLS -.20 x40' ^ Exc. cond.. lioid roody.iy. N y aea T ra c to r Sahrage. ! ___ Units avolloblo now, corpot. $500. I bkJg. w /so cu rtty lonco,, Pet* PetterM>n 0686-2643 $669. Can 436-5700 JEROME-4 bdrm .. 1IV Accopling opplicoHons* to’O'] BUHL • Small 2 bdmi. ro-re- 4 6 0 6 I I LaVem SIhra 0961-220404 Con 734-5123. ■ _ S41-372-4020 ■ both. yfd. w/konnol. N< 5 I $20 0 /m o. Colt; O a R . N o opts, Ront ba&od on" , frig, wolor Included. $375.^5, I MOBILE HOMES I Mini Storage 733-630212 ■— Indoor pota/am okingIng. Incomo, 543-8833. Eque TTwMgmt 73WJ739■39 ■ J ^ S650 + dop. 324-3716i pnpm Housing Opportunity,h - T w iN FALLS373 BURLEY 8lh and Yolo, le 199 6 Fleotwood homo IS;lor f . e i i I JEROME. Cloan 1 bdrmarm . DREAM HOMES b d rm s. 2 both, gorago. dr I FARMS POR RENT I ■ Stovo & rolrig. S34S.. NoNi W ont 0 now homo, affordord- $000 up., comer ol Lono-\o- ronl unfinlshold 3 bdr i potfl. 543-9196. m oaaagca g o . ablo pricos. grooi oon/lcoIco? ro & 4th E. Can 733-820717 1 2 b a th . $500. plus ulillllos.)S. - Dop. roquirod. 678-77000 JERO M E-80« ocros SINESS JEROMEnWENOELL, y f£ Coll WosiWlnd Homos t TWIN FA L l^ & S E ] ^ 20 8-732-57 1 0 o — larm od land for ront, - B P S am .. 1 bdrm .. appl. 3 Bodroom Units. JE R O M E 167. S2K).g. bdrm. W/0 hookup boons. Also All units inciudo rofrig.I, In country. pasiuro/corrols ovolloblo.0. KIMBERLY 2 bdrm . 1 ^ b a t EDEN - lrg 2 bdmi.. '& ELW OOD a EVANS Ctll 73J.09JI rtl. 3. or 6T7~*04267 (or mof* info«n#lto«. S S S $295-► $150 dop. ranoo, DW. microwovo a Coll 324-5846 loovo msQ. noam oking/pola. S475/fTv AC. No pots. ______734-1401 ♦ S300 dop. 423-6346ga Co r Coll 423-5670. ^ W EN D ELL Double 5, 400 LAW N C A R Ei ROOFING^ C all Today. 738-7105^ TWIN FALLS - Sky Lane, 420-1488 or 420-59500 RLER. 2 bdrm. oxc. orot lockups. 460 cow pomilt.S; A-COUS-TI-CAL HANDYMAN I. 1 cuto. cloon. 2 b d rm ..l ctooo schools, foncod1 ycyd, TWIN FALLS A8 . i400.” •in Avail, now . Coll536-213S.35: & DRYWALL Free estimates, linandng KIMBERLY. R ont o r loos 25 bodroom. Hoot, holloi bath, w/d hookups. $330 Handy Andy w/optlon. nice cui-do-sac- i l No smoklng/poto. $525 ■ ^>-AWORKOFART>-’“ 737-0000 dop. Somo utils poleo ld . w ater, and cable paid. m o n th * $200 doposit. Utwn Cere i s 4 ------"“ 616 n 1 Boto'a Best Drywall1 Hondymon Sorvicos „ U v m m owing. Irtinmlng. 3 bdrm. 1 bath w/gaa. I{ Av^l now. Call 539-5676876. ELWOOD a EVANS . Crr'dit a landlord chocks '0- HOM EBUILDING y d .& d o g r u n . 1 c a required. Call 733^607.* Iroommmeswamte^=1^ Bosl Ouallty • Bost Rotoatea H o m o repairs. Eloctrlcal.ih edging, pow ar raking, aor- “ 734-1401 * Custom Toxluros plumbing, light carpontry. “ «;* P lan e Available Wmgo. S650. 423-6449.149.B JEROM E-2 bdrm.Ti ■'•i oting. rototining. sprtng0* & Free osllmalos \------both, appls Includoclod. Twifrrans " 6 0 7 ” TWIN FALL3. shore houaoISO 731-0 7 8 8 (TF) polnllng. FH|^Es^m/ifos fall cioan up Senior MURTAUGH. 3 bdrm IOOO Don’t MiMOutt w/ m om a kida. $250 mo.no. 678 -0 9 9 1 (Burioy) l i t * o"'* discountsi Froe oallmaios.lias. 737-0000 country homo. tot. lost < 5400 Nowor 3 bdmi. 2 both util, pd. Coll 732-028e.M.■ Inaured - Free Estlnoatesltes ______dop. Coll 208-629-5067.1JfJ “ N. LlTKOin. No pots. $40 — 736-4676 or 420-4677 ♦ deposit Can 543-62S6J56.B with garage. •E TWIN FALLS. Roommoto H EATING & AIR — SHARPENING TWIN FALLS - 3 bdrm.” JEROME-Real ckianiaT1X 2 ■ CallToday A woniod. $250 por month.;'h“ A IR DUCT f> LIMOUSINE • ••••••• § F R y !£ E both, nowly ra(nodolo< bdrm apts. subaldlze * Utils, pd. Coll 733-0973,L. C L EA N IN G nnNDITIONING1 SE R V IC E g to hoat. AC. crodit choc whon avoii. occording i TW IN PALLS M u im d . $550/m o * $50 SAWTOOTH SHEET JOHN'S SHARPENINO incomo. Playgrounds. £ — 1 P rtv a le Office, oil utliltioa UM 0 4 U SERVICE dop. Avoll. Ocl. 1. Co Id ry TWIN FALLS Ejctra ntoe 2 I A/r Quality Services'6 8 METAL' klichon applD. laundr «2 paid. $225 per month jn Hourly, dolly & Spoclolol Complote shorponing. Tracoy 736-6503. ____ mia- No pots. 324-3464.64, bdrm townhouso. appls,5l9. 420 -0 7 0 7 or 734-9880 Atfriculluni • Air D ucts •Furnoco!c o s i4ootlng/AC Rolrtgorotion W/D. No Smoking or Pots. •Dryor Vonta •Chlmnoyi■'oys Com morcloi nnd rooldonllQ,lQl pockogos. Jackpot. Sun>un Corbkte a steel aawa. TWIN FALLS - 4 bdrmirm.. JEROME- 2 a 3 bdrm $450-hdop,CoI733-8513. •Insulation Romovo)V0l (208)733-8546 Vaiioy. Coil for ratos.s. 141 Bracken SI S tomlly room. U ppor Pros •••••••• 539-LIMO (5466) 734-4050 • 1-800-471-4OS0 m both, AC. polio. W/I 732-8766 « 60^627-9169161 ______donI Sl. location. $60<’^9^- $436-$560. 5 unit" ix o T W iN ? S n 3 * I L,VE?joCK I — Ownod by Urw. Konl. ond Ploaso coll for dotalti'« "» • avoil.420-1011 324-649I49S. W hile Suppllea LaatlI ------✓TWIN FALLS✓ ' 1 — HOME Cindy Collins !!! TREE SERVICES 644-9067.B ______r77=; 1 o r 2 Bodroom Ct»olce office specea.1. BULL-Roglstorod Brown —.----- JEROME* WINDWOO ). S w iss Brooding Bull, 16 HEALTH PAINTING TWIN FALLS - Mornlnj Filer Ave. E asy occoss. WJ BLIN D S TREES-n-US a p a r t m e n t old m os., will dolivor In Mogic d Serving Mlni-Cassla a MV Side Oislrkrt. Sm , 2 bdmwrni. g2l South Davis. No IJi V alloy oro o . $975, Col! % balh. dotachad gargi . Quality Nomo Brand Idaho Home Heallh and Ryall Painting &' •Total Troo C aro •Stum p appHcatlons for — 536-6761, ■ W indow Covortnga ot »s; Restoration. Got Yourouf Romoval • Total Landacap- atovo/no rofrig. Outslfl18100 2 a 3 bdnn. units. Rei —- TWINFALLS Hoaplco, Inc. provides; K I ■mnrBonrrmssi: • O no room officos Q ro a t Prtcoal lid Hotldoy intorior Touchup•’UP ing • Rrewood eoW by pot posslbio. $425. mo. _ subsWied by HUD. Ro S • C A T T L E - DAIRY HERO Modlcoro ond Modlcoid COUNTRY HOME - r oil- opts., no pets/smoklng. Kim berly Road aroo. Approx. 170 hood. 22.80G^ Froo tn-H om o EatlmotoalI d s , Coniliod. JCAHO Accrodod- Noods Dono Todaylyl th e cord epilt a Til,r t)8sod on Incomo forjrin- e dan for dotails 734-4431. 11. Also Low Tom p. Extoriorrtor dellverM l • Froe Eatimate bdrm possible 4 . apllt lo gablo households-. For il 31. C ontoct Wall Hass RriA. 3,58 BF. 3.10 Pro,BOO Call B udget Blind! ilod Scrvlcoo. Gonorol. ol. family room , singlo gi lona. TWIN FALLS. 1 b d rmm .. G om S tale Rooity 208-666-2863 Iv msg. ■ ____ Goriotric, Podlotric ondid Pointing. Coll For Froo 431-5391 - 67B-4ia2 ovos .® lomiotioo & oppllcallon ™ 324-2242 osl- Eotlmotos. Al 735-0564 rag*, larga yard. $850 929. cloon, rolrig.. stove, wa-wo- 737-3939 ___ CATTLE, dolry nord lor Cardiac Nursing; Pro/Poai 5-.K phono (208)324-492 Oporotlvo Thoropy, HANSEN - 3 bdrm, 2 bolh.bol Pioofjng impaired 1-60600- ter. sanitation ft lawn'’J'" TWIN FALi3 solo. W /4.1 DF4 3.4P — TREE TRIMMING appls. loncod yard. Sprli caro. $325/$100 dop. No ^ business” Pro/Poat-Nniol Nunilng.,0 PAINTING & “ ’ ooW 376-2640. gHO. Qroat flo /o s a Locationsns Call 537-6579. iJor Syslom, outsido po pets/smoklng, 733-7783, RETAIL a OFRCE _ s e r v i c e s Podlotric Son/icos, DRYWALL CECIL'S TREE TRIMMINQ ______ohav wllh dopqali. v»alwalor f - G » n tw w »lal Sq u a ra Ma l Nutrlllonot Thoropy, ______« Ta p in g a rom w al.______Icliko balh, $450 + dop, ______T W tN tFA t^S WMBfiRLY - d o a o to> 'elele- - bdm,apn8.AC.Pariclil ...... 4500 8 < ift andup,Can543-a373k alfl, Thoropy. Modicoi’socla Oil Shake roofs.f?:- Firow^'lor sale’. ___ BlueUke8l200-45009qi C Exionor & intorior palnling. momaty school. 3 bdrm.irm. 1 so ttln g s. S ub sid y a v o jppti- Son/icos. Psychiatric ' "9- »Froo EsNmatos * >. $ 1 0 6 3 u p to $4500 CHUKARS. Bobwhitt ■ jobstobidforGonomifl, biOh vrith a d d on. AppiU)0 ls for quatlllod applicant OS- Nursing. Physlcoi Free estlm atesi(I Call 733-0386 $1 6 5 + $150 dop. ■ Ulll QUAIL. Pharaoh QtlAlLllto Sub-contractors a Suppt family rm. Irg yard. U7_i4 7 5 . Cali 423-5469. ■ Falls Avo.-1500-20009ql Roody now. 678-8976. Thornpy, Spooch Thoropiipy Cell 734-4016 TZZ- Cali 423-5670. S1312UP to$1750 ^IL ors. Bluoprtnt coplos. TTwMgmt 733-07; 3. 734-PlJV N (7526).____ Occupoiionol Thoropy. r “ t^ e e TWIN t^ALLd-2 bdrmrrs .. 2 Downtown-741-4573sqsqlt DAIRY CATTLE. 40 hood / Locatad at: 200 2ndd PAINTING & TWIN FALLS • Newer PTS bath.aMl8.&W/0,$50p,500. $ 6 6 0 to $3500(utililios pd)pC S pringer Hoilors. 208-645 ^ Ave. N. In Twin Falla ^ t r i m m i n g bdrm. 2 bath, upacaI c t l l POPLAR OROVE APTS ^ M 9 5 o r 645-2485 ovo31- CARPENT^ i*,. RFMODELING I* o r Cloon. CozylBdm i optspta 1421 tllzabeth Blvdd iIn n E astlan d Avo 700-1 SOOsq With BrancMa In Buhi homa for ronl, eale ' R ussell Square Apt 1 9 -0 . pd) e-M A lL your closslllod od Hall»y. Rupart and In KaK Troo Trimming 0/mo Foffiontora/ O- $ 5 2 5 to $ 7 5 0 (ulillllos pc ? _ E T C . Thompson** iaate option. St 200/m }lod 731-5030 or637-6313«J* SHOPaOFRCES1 to u s at iod ------,o,nl E asfam Idaho. a Lawn caro. Shrubbery rani. 734-2121 evea. Hondicappodrt5isablo( n. Painting a Remodelingling and bush irtmming. TWIH PALLS. Now 3 bdrm5rm O v e r h e a d do o ra twInadOmlcron.net 5 vra Por more information. ll persons. , Retired llconsod Gonoro call 1-600-540-4061.t Ouollty E xperienced WorkVorti For Iroo Estim otes TWIN FALLS S bd m isT«-1V^ i SomowlthAC 2 bath. Cantral hoatingting llS3-1250sqlt O OAT. 2 full btood 8ooI__7 C o n tra cto r w/ovor 25 yn No Jo b Tod Sm allI Cell 735-0653 : Rent Basod on Income and AC. garago. doctrJCk. . $ 5 2 5 to $575 B ucks. $400 ooch.>or o xpor. Enjoys corponlry15 ------^------Froo Esilmatos _ 5LN. - Contact Oflico a t 7333E E flolrtg,. rongo. DW, W/0IA//D N o o d a spaco to loesB’i■o? Coll 543-6117.M wort«. Coll 735-0615 (208) 934-5343-' VACUUM SALES 543-0196 Of 735-5399 odit W o will flrtd IHor youl — HOME '9 9 ■ 22nd St. Burtey hookup. Leeso a crodli e O O A TS - Boor moat opoi I AND SERVICE TWIN FALLS N ew or hor 206-678-9429 • check roq, $645 ♦ $50C TIDWELLJENKS® brooding bucks. ToiiSHT c l e a n i n g '” nnNSTRUCTIOIJN p a i n t i n g a dop. Call Tracoy 736-8503 w /canyon rtm view s. ^ Property Monagomentnt genetics. CoM 543-22171 i r o o f i n g p l u e 'acre. *»»»»»»»»»*»<> dmi. 733-5203or420-3711 SERVICE HENDRY a SONS ELECTROLUX 3 bdrni. 2 bath on 1 aci — — TWIN FALLS. 1 a 2 bdm i J — H O R S E • 3 poIr ol slngii Vacuum dean o re. $1400/m o. lle tl opts, avallablo. Subsidiz­ •"S • Carpenters ^ «-Hoar the quio TWIN FALtS lump standanls a 1 fi^ poi COUNTRY CLEANERS“?'• * C om m on.,jl a RosldonlitHint Ropnlra, R ostorottons.ns. shompooem. cenlral voco. Call K a n t o r CIm fy ed, Pick up applicalloni O ffice S po c o s Avoilablo poir B u sin o sso s. reskJontlol. ing. Solos, sonrice and repair. ■ 733,<33eor734-C10- ol wing standords. 2 s« All Jo b s Lorgo a SmalllOtl Romodollng. Cloanlng. at 1354 S. Washingtor3‘o n Bluo Lakos Blvd N, of lump cups. 735-321'! sot construction cloon up. ,10,. 239 DuBola UurdPmtiApMlnlM7 " " St. Call 206-734-8997, Inlorior a Extorior Any slzo |ob. Bost rates. T W I N F A I ^ ITOMnurtcoSltMt 1:___ Klmborty Rd. Eastland OiOf' or 737-0670. ■______1214 S poclallzo in corpot 732-5618 or 731-6089) BI Insurod. Froo Estlmaiesaios. Call 733-5618 STO PI Twin Foils TWIN FALLS. 1 b dI rrnrm. Vartous Sizes, For mon c loanlng. Froo osilmoto: ___ Jim 733-4962 731-1746 basomont apl. No smoknok- info call STEVE ot1 HORSE - 5 yr old App 19 — ------II you dro looWng for ftigood go 734-41S6 gelding, lots ol cok>r. ^Wo B ondod a Insurod. a g 5 Star Property Servic* WEDDING & ; • rontal - kx>k n o furthoi ------Ing or pots. $400 por mom o. H allow a Realty Inc. Joromo 324-3299=— H O M E r e p a i r ; W ohave1.2.3and< TWIN FALLS ^ ^ + dop. All ulll. 4 cobleible. ______734-4334 broko. wortjod w/cottio i — PAINTING &jT" BRIDESMAIDS ** CanaftorSpm 734-1908 ----- feed lois. Win soil onlylo ta — CONCRETE ■ "bodnwrn homoa to .. an exporloncod ridoi B EN EREL'S HOME CAB WALLPAPERINC 'cftooso from . Coil todaodoyl FIRST MONTH F R E i WEDDtNQ SHOP TWIN FALLS. 2 bdmi. 5 m D Y TOM OVE INTO°rth $1500. Con 324-4016B r r E Drywatt. Polnllng. Wedding DfOSSOS $ 2 5 ;^ 0 0 . H allow a R e alty lr>e.te . 307 Elm SL bath. $475/mo.*$450*50. I'seo sq.ft. ollico on Nor D&M CONCRETE■ns. Corponlry. All homr- 734-4334 lino H O R SE - Boy moro, 21• yn ' '?0 LUPHER PAINTING. 'NC.INC BriclosmokJ-Rontoreuy, ; Newor 4 pioK. uppoi50*^ 2 C a a 737-3916o r737-39613969 Fillmore noor Polollr ------Footings, loundations.ilks. ropoire Inaido & oui. tC Polnllng, Rom odoiing..Tex- Te« volls-Silps-Shooa-Bros . -- o bdmi. 2 bath, oil omo in. 2 Road. Prtco nogolloblo'lo to O ood 4-H. Borrols. polo: Uol yrs oxp. Froo osiimotot tw in fa lls , cloon, IT,kin TWIN FALLS. 2 bdrniT: \LT Qoois, stoor wrosllln; drivew oyo. sldowolks. turing a Wailpapertng."0- Mother Drossos-$25-$75 ties: inciudos AC. walkator- bath 4-plex across fronIrom torm . Contact WAL D alrtos o n d rosidontlol.Oda. Colt Bruco 733-7543^ Froo ostlmatosi bdtm .. 2 bath. $ 7 0 0 mo» ctosot. laundry room, at }om packing. $1900.536-676; 733-8638 - 210 S. M ain dopoolt. Can 643-542C wo a Perrine Elomontar;:ary HESS 737-3930. 6 0 All your concrolo noodaIII ______—------Coll Bill O (208) 324-3471 Z S i ogo, oomo utlla. loasoSS25 School. Central air, gaigas Stato Realty______HORSE - Oldor gonti____ N o Job 100 small tl! R S or (200) 727-1267 coll. TWIN f a l l s , Ig. 3 bdrm. bCf credit chock roq. $S I___ HOME REPAIR! WINDOW ?kino hoot Sowor. wator. gar TWIN FALLS. 1.000 aq”q. ft. p o n y m o re. $300. Uon" n n 5 3 6 ^ 7 0 5 apl.. 2 bath. $500.I. ColtC /mo ♦ dop, No smokli ivoll. yearty goWing $376. Co 3 -&------WASHING - : -- 73»1350 or 7350011. M m m bag_e paid, all appla TneIncI . bhjg.. atorago yard ovo REMODELING^ 111- sman p o u ok w /sopan W /O.Ts50/mo+$40l4 0 0 2 0 5 5 03lOrtOh,423-5411IIB 324-3940 or 731-2540. i TONY'S LANDSCAPIN! TWIN FALLS. R oomJSTJ i doM l. Appikations n d o p . 1 month ronl froi o‘="'' " D R A F n N G ^ HOME REPAIRS tW IN FALLS. 1000 ^ II- H O R SE - QH. 3 yr, old liili .Tnmmino-SprinklorB The llmo ts now to got your Ronl. In nlco nolgtibi I w/yoor loaso. No polsft ®; o l d e lu x e olllco, spoc“CO. Sorrol. In Pfolosslon* hood, incl. uso ot Ploaso'call 737-3916 0 W h ite h o rs e Oratling Set .Spring Cloon.ups Farm Buildings. Decks, windows woohod. The Wi lots ol windowa. confo’•or- training lor 30 doys, hovonal eiu o p rtn ts for building yo Sheds, Foundations, kJtchon & ulils. $250/niO/mo, ^ ^ 735-142B.B '° L I -Homo Ropolrs. n X yoor ia coming to an er>d. ____ o n c e room, Incl. Innitorlorlol k o p t h o r g o in g s inf'ovo c t h o m o . Constnjctlonan>coi or .ivodowhnlyoucnntir Sheetrocklng. Roonng.""O' 0 0 , Civil, oloctrtcol. mochonic.IcoT, Ton,-7M-M22 Bathrooms a Kiichons. TWIN FALLS- Cottagt an otoc. Som o oppls, W/C ^ H O R SE 11 yroWHallUngi1,B 324-5646 ____. _ P a li08.Fr** Estalmatesr . : i35-“ • -hookup.wolorpd. " 423-4800 - 733-6638 met bdrm. fam ily rm .: a smr ' 1 bdrm apt.'533S . 4 ' " 6 0 8 ’------m aro. vory broko to rtd Yrfittohorao7770botmail.cc '> "•9 WOODWORK 4 0 $375/mo.« $350 dop. HOUSEKEEPINI Wtchon. A ppls. lumistK1^8^ 2bdrm aptS44C >P I COMMERCIAL o r pull o buggy, vory kin ^ ------R O O FIN G ~ ~ yV/D $500/ m o 733-0& 2 & 3 bdrm TowrMin 734-4758.B ____ I R E N T A L S ' & gonllo. Also o 4 montMnd E L E C T R ^ q |L TWIN FALLS-2 borr 5 TWIN PALLS. Largil Black Miniature stu — Imagine Tho Freedom L Custom Klichon cabinets. drm., HOU8as$495 /mo. KiMtstnLY. 1^00 sq. Roosonoblo, «oiiabio. oxpx'So- PR OFESSIONAL Pheasant View Tow :ioan cteon 1 bdnn. $335/mc ^opi colt, ploaao coll ^ - 4 4 8 ,iin R O O R N G a COAT1NQ!INQS furnlluro. cedar c h e sts . '■O’! '" ' Brhjht. S p a d o u s a Cloi31 Hoot lnd. Call 733-3151J51.B bidg. |V4 ofllco. Vl sho ' ‘O noncod & l/icodiy wi'l" 857 otc... Rondy Koitortlng house te s. AvollatI la b le Wen Ittalntainod! need HORbt / yr oio crow^12^ Timoly rosponso lo closo ollontion 733-7221 o r 326-5857 10/20. Call 543-4049. nge a TWJnTXHSTRowTB^riTaSrT vory nlco) 00 fully lono I ll, Homo 436-9969 *9-* Somo w/YanJ. Storage raoe. in 1 H oc. In InduslriIrial goldlng. 14rt hands.®"!) 3 sorvico calls.,iblo. paid to domiis. Com morclal. rosldonllai. /D 2 bath, singlo car garage 756- Buildup rools. Moot mineminor Shop 436-5577 TWIN PALLs. 2 ojHTnT d r Olshwashor. W/D Can poirt(. Will loose ponlaial or doys Preloeakxial t^lni A tte r hours available! Bolo. .ivflll. Froo osf 017: ifire. Froo ostlmoios □ k-up. Hookups Avallablo}Io $650 mo, -I- doposit. Ca long R idden on trolls, S900/0 994, looks repaired in 24 hra atove, loundry hook-i days 731-0004 or evoeve- all. Shorl torm or lot SJ;'?: C a ll 6 3 9 -9 0 0 2 3349orcolI032O-1B9 Foncod bockyorr Q r d . No Pots. torni. Can 208-736-484!J42. lor. 644-6423 or 324-42€ $440rtno. 208-585-344* Call 734-6600 NOWIW t nings 734-212 V 4269 ______

    I E14Tlmo>>N«w«.TI, Twin Falls, Idaho Thuraditday, Ootobar 19,2000 USED office fum* poeka. — I A uto driva KIrtjy, 5 yrs.yrs _ OROAN, Hammond orgagan, Violin Vt alza. William ' PAYUOADBR H-25 RGCONOmONEO APIl^PPLS. COUCH & kwo loot. S2S Chair#, podlums, Seo .a t... '••zara/ • Tabi* & <4) chairs. !510 ? « ■ i ------a i 4 oM, $300. Call 423*823M30- I 8 1 8 ’ ' ~ I with synthaalxar, usasad. Lawla a Bons.-Parlaet'•® ‘ O new oitN ot. 267 0 Kim* - • - CBlM23-51g4 , W aahofs/ DMra/ FfMi 331. cond. $278. 837*4135. T jtiT B Refr Co. Vibrating raollnar. SS , '^ to u a a t Oem Slate Equip. bIdg.M Mr P ro T « c h Sanrlo* Ci - : r r p i a n o , Anllqua uptig n CO. Stock. Be#loHof.J rWhia' Butohar block. S20 4223 loavo mowgo.go. REFRIOOBRATOH W ifo- coS orars. iS* MISC. Y am ah a MTIXII6)m 8 o m a te B a ck w llh . Qo(^ I ------1 K S Small work bonch. $2 3«lw/ irack raoordar/mlxa 8.11 lomCEECMJIPMENrHT 8 2 0 I SPUDNIK DIR elimlnininator pool, 13 cu, ft. Wf call 324-0664. • 4 2 ^ ^ 9 8 ^ IlSSi; *®00- 423-4848. ,rrnii«r dean. S150.734-«i trailer. 7 hp motor. $50(ISOO/* S600. D Ia lta ch vocfell — P ^ U P P L IE B ■ PCTS^UPPUE^ eO*tAbl«/w17stsrro 1734- UPRIQHT PIANO t — 431-2fl17of 43M62-I1624 R E F H ra E R X T CSFnMiT H ^ COUCH, two tonos ol da 816 m»0; EX, $300. Call S aan 73 > »y — 4 fiSfl 7889 or 636*2780. Slartlng. Nice wood, qo< ti'soT Iroozor on Iho botl | _ ^ W n J_OARDEJ ^ LAROB olllca Pamtiona. AQUARIUM, 10 gollo^, • ‘Y A ttPS-isW , ii5i l y ^ off. -TALON’ stun gur ------sound, and conditio lina very good cond. Incl. 20 ’x50*. S260. 20>6j-*60;. S350/offar. Coll 67B-f OROAN, Allan dlgltaUC>1.16 $785 Call 67B-6751 3x12 alaclrlo building IR eat, DINING TABLE. Rounound. Claan pond dirt. U-hmloul. Ufo lima warranty. ____ sign. Offlca chalra. desk,Mk® oveiWiingt $7S, 735-p64S os now. W A S H E R /D R Y E R ) yds, Huny limited quantltly,lily, yra old. $2COO/nagotiat>lliable. ------12. Konmora. Exc. cond..co w/ 2 loovos. 4 choir)0 Iro . wo load. Approx. 200y ), Q uibransan, uprightght USED G ra n d Digital Co''e n . Itgal filing cablnat a Nor-'jOJ- It takat only minul«» lo pioco 38 aolld wood, $200,678678-0 Taka all. Coll 734*72d!?d5H 1*688*671*2330. SS al?T«0.(l*KIOFraH8lB S I your clwtlflcd ad , , -, the T R A C T O R C a so •u Ull tility S2fl5, Coll 734-2838. r r s - pian o , $350. C:all423-43-*4311 sole. Spinet a Old UprIg 954. II no onswor ploo EVdRdr^EEN TREESE§------3uRr553r?5Rmi Mon-Thur, 9am-1pm.pm. P tan o a . Call 734*8116J5 * 733-7766 or 733*3599. 30hp., front loodor.lof- fiO' ^ loavo mossg,______Spruca & pino. 3‘ *4'., 4*5'.4 Call Slave Lynch. mowor dock. -^280 TILLING Q ordens. on' S un, Oct. 22. 12-^ EMS yorda. flot rolo S46.0I.oftor m a ttraa a. 733-OOOS ovtoves. lono 5 bottom, 18* awlt<^ 304 C ountry C lubIhn', C HOUSEHOLD ITEW Couch $175. Rocllncllnor lat hr.$lS/hr. 423-626262 MISC Propane tank.7 33i 0 0 I ^ plow. In furrow plow J a r o m a. Idaho 324-Z I 677* ■ I ^ • S4000. Call 733-3268 tS i!! bluo. i>xc. cond. S7 = i gol. $30QrtffOL.Call 67 S ro a a ro a d a Unlto:>3 ! j311 S7S. fldlnlnoroo T hat birthday ad you plaoilacad ...... n o p o n to tho Publti c h a lra $20 oo All liko n< som a tlmo ago In 77kTho - i 703 2 £ E : _ Call 843*6096F YOUR r/m ea-N aw s? Now Is tttho I FALL "In Tha Coun U CUSTOM I SPAN- MOVINQ SALEI 1 quoquoon A t ~ \ ? tim e to com e pick u pjyour ^ — I I CranBazsoratthoS^ 1/ (N of slzo hido a bod. 1 EarlyEo /\U pictures. Stop by Tho T Knnd BAUERBARNV i c n C ustom or Service DsptDsf ■ PE E D LOT 1,000 Fc Twin). 2 milos N Of)f 1-84I- & Amorlcan dining room « Will lood & caro lo r ; TIMES CLASSIFIE Fri & vv/2 lo a fs & 6 chalra. r c a lv o o thio Wintor. ):00AM* glosa colfoo iat>lo, 2 ond o DEPARTMENT' SATELLITE, 12 tl.____ withiHTjfv L ■ # 1 1 ^ i 1 * J > 7 i 1 I por day por hood ♦ I' ' (22nd) toblos & 2 lamps. 1I lorlorgo 208-734-5538IB idon rocoivor, coniroirols, ■ Coll 623-4440 Evonin- S i:: A sBCtlonol couch. 1 olcoldor OR doscrombler+remotoo to s, WB?— king oizo bod. 1 biondt i3 $400. Coll 206-326-4974974. FILER METMODiS 1"^,^ 208-677-4543 i WE «r« now avallabli m p * 8'2® bodn»m sol, 2 sw ■skUrfb6ard‘S4t i o : I CHOPEARLAQEtiO"h n fn ^ COUNTRY STORE el rockors, Plooaoo*cB^| c ( B U H L E Y ) to.oa CAra-oci.2i.ro., XZZ’ DRESSER, 6.5‘ solid pinepl II golo to dry. Wo hov onytlmo 735-1603. wHh m irro r, $ 2 0 0 . AAS- I Komol PfOCOBBOr ond» n a " n 7 p m . C n iB lb o k ; _„a gooda. soup, broadid &A pio. QUEEN SIZE PILLOWS v v " MOVING SALE. Lg ApAPP'I* SORTED MARSHAlULL lil ; chop 3 0 'or 2 2 -row Slloni Auctionn TOP MATTRESS SE'SET Qhcos. lumiture. ala ARTS EQUIP. $5.15 .0 0 BaoQing or fiitttng. >n Stm In plastic. $260.00) 00 oyslom , lots of docoroi oach. 731-6405, mossottSOQO. I G ooding G rton Ch( sth and union ■ g x c r 734-6881 Items, small oppllonc I 934*4730 -qaraSecraft^ ------live plants, roll lop dot fosk - Solid oak antartalnmam ant 2287 KIngsgoto OrtiDrtvo S O F A R ocllnor on 225^od compuior dosks, cco o p y cantac;$476, 6x9 brokivkled -■ ■< Oct. 28.10o,m,-3p3 p.m. ond. $460 Coll 324-261•2605 mochino. fox mochlthino. rug. 11x12' bolqoMlarpat rc 4 705 Ooodlng UMW FiiTiill Craft SO FA , 4 yrs. old, liko9 nonow! Noklo coll phonos, Horlonda- SSO- v e rtica l b iln d a | ; U . IRRIQATION>N S how A Potato Bi oltem . riding mowor, John DoiJooro 5x5 & (1) 4x3. Umpa > Bar. Light bluo & Ivory polto hoa- light fixturaa. 735-03-0331 ------: 80S Moin Slroot, Fri.1.10/20. n $i25/oKor. Coll 733-30:•3023. wogon, wood oolors. h cLvde-s PIP^ r"^lEPAIR io-5pm. Sot.10/21, TTrrr oa. rakes, shovels, lotsOta of or leave mossogo. Hand linos, mainIn linosII 3pm. Bokod foods,f Is)oJ>d*w SO F A S, lull Slzo. 1 sloopT i m isc. cho ln so w s, loIown STORAGE UNIT rapa p o . and whool linos, (ovo(ovon In on crohs.oplco loods 1 reclining. Jowol 1on<'“'?® rumlturo.planier.199797-W T aking bIda lo rco nitanta tar otrlpod. $600 Jor both , - Iho flold). Call 676-711-7149, (oodors a n d lota moi 900 konworth, 1969 9 9 - T hursday through FrldFriday ^£2== ^11736-7155. !- Wodo ;_____ TranscroK Flat bod iralrallor. q( n o o n . H igh D a a ia rt W HEEL LINES - 2- V* W. ol .1 whool linos. 5 -woswostorn ■ 604 "1 Hoadocho rock, stop0 lool1 s to r a g e 2H miles W. 1 *1300' I BUILDINQ MATERI/’RIALS 4 Q M boxod, 4-oots 3ifoll r Hospltol. 734-4100. ! Qlylo whool linos, 1'1 I HEATING & Volloy pivol. 1-PloP lorco. i" ^ chains, 6-aots singlo ' T T o w^iHnr ■ AiRCONomoNiNi'lINQ bios, wet kit, 1-sot ! 1300^ pivot. CollIII 3 2 4 . ROUGH C ut Ash & Wc Inion? g am es, case , oxtras. $; . 0551. A&G krigolton.lon. S2-S3 BF. Coll 324-44-4512. flndors, CB radio. onV Qiiaan m atraaa, b' ______nas. rador dotoctor. s t > nnin aprlngs, f romo $ 10 ■“~1 S T E E L B U I L D I N PELLET STOVE nora. lots of mlsc, 2-s 7 0 0 f tIM K 1 4 4 "^ TRACK 706 . Novor pul up. 40x48 ; Tradmlll $35. 3 dro«p 2 0 0 S n.on Trallblozor. Incl. slovo'0 plpipo of chrom e oxhoust pip d..kS35.677.2382 S6,848.15i. 12.49% APR 60 MONTH lE M FA RM SEED,D& I S8080.nowS5212. 5 apollots, $650,736-683-8838 42 It, roll-ovor torp. pr ^ F E H T I U Z EER n ___ was S16.670, will cm — • auro waahor, 0ct,20'20-22 WOOD/coal stovo. SU I 0 OAC. 0 bovDOWN REQUIRSD. PAYMENT . $9980. 800-292 0111111. Thl»yoai wnl b«our bHv .10AM-5PM125E475rs Ln. 55 gol, tonk & pump, $; l o jOIPSIS ExauDEsi)ESIAX,.T1TI£,SDEA1ERD0C. ------T R ltltA L E SEED, U ta Cla»»HiBd. 733-0031^ — S. Ruport, On SnokeB RIv-F W re n ch e s & m etal co SALE Pftfi»CE $6,84 4 805 nets. $30, Call 736^59'5994 ______Winlor vailciy. n u e u A p e l l e t STOVE. Avalovalon, or 436-2660 Globo 733-1373>3____ 1 CAMERAS AEOUIPM $ 6 0 0 /offor, COI1625-57-1.5714, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ I'* '!’* * * *' or 539*1409.______----- 2001 500 UMH K i s d ^ r u a c 3001 soo UIK 151151'IMW >oin(M w a s $ 7 ,9 9 9 ...... N0W$7,690,mK ' 708 KODAK corousol Slldoiidopro^ —T WAS 1 5 ,9 9 9 ...... HOW$S,6BO,c} JN ioctor. 850 modol 48'48* pro* HAY. ORAIN ■ 3001 600 UMM x u d ' n u o c 1999 M W «00 XCIK« 151'IMCK ______FEED joctlon scroon. carc ...... NOW$S,B9«m^ slide travs '35 olI ththorn). r \ WAS $6,699...... N 0 w $ 6 , 2 4 0 mi/0lf50? SAVfBC'OEAWNCE*...... : string Sorting blldo & v St. S80. ocroon, Transfor proK^ 1 ^ ^ " irS A M G iy ? ilOOISOOMUMir 144' n u o c opprox. 300 T 1st. I 150 T film to vidoo. AlAll for a ■ I J \wAS $7,849...... N0 w $ r , 6 2 0 .t\i . H u m rN a St SAVE!! 175 T 2nd. S05,S4-4347 1£ S330/oHor. 734-5775 •- 4th. ColHorlosi654-^ a = j 'i. HAY a Tons. 3rd, cut 4 8 0 7 Smoll balos. 580/1 I CLO TH IN O Coll ovoo. 733-2469 x m m p “ HAY Good loodor &5""boiior b WEDDING DRESS,r Sl i B d i r e■CTORYr I990AIRIX30' T" hay in 1200- 1 tonn bibolos, novar worn. & voll■ell. p d , ------...[19 67B-0S97 or 670-0590597 S400, Soil $200,543-5>3-5010, TWIN FALLS • 3302>AMI- Ac CUCUSS A HAY* 150 ton 3rd cr ______SOPHOMORE YARCRD sorj Avo Enst. Sat. JO^ ■ 'S: allallQ from FalrtlolcHold. 4 8 0 9 WAS a f,f 9 5 ^ I oil B COMPUTERSRS 4 827 SALE 9 -2 p m . Indoor Sal 241 RFV. Coll L E S FRONT OF MINICO HliHIGH Closeout yord salo. E I Shonnon wolf 560-285 ^ I GARAGE SALg SALB PRICE C O M P U T E R • PlTT SCHOOL orylhing must gol MakeMa ______292 W 100 S Ruportort offor. Houeoworoo. tot •“ •H A Y- 150 lonsatlolfa.los S80 MHz 128 MB. 20,4,4 QB.C 1 ______cutting, smoll bolos. Lola ol stulf clothoo, TV. boddlng. h 1$t2,99B iimM J 0920H - 2*DV0. Cd*RW, , r BUHL • 4 19 Fruillona A T por lon. Coll 934-092'-*=7^----- monitor, spookroo w. Id Avo, Sot, Oct, 21 9om-2pnpm of odds & onds. n P n rrn Sol. 10/21. 6-6pJ-epm , ______- HAY • 33 ion, 2nd. woolor. 32 mb 6oFSn^F Oaraga/Movlng Sal ------TWIN FALLS. 141 JolfJ o ] f^ 4 ton. 3r-|. S85.k St A m grophlca.Wln.9£ i®oo"r* S T O R A G E UN IT ra•P®- i son. Sal. 10«1. 9*12p l976E»CimVE I liB OO. Call 326*3391r-ion Fum lturo, dolhlng, “ g Taking bida for cont# - - balos. Coll 733-3625. „ don tools, & misc. u e n ta w ashar/dryer. boby Iior ^ HAY* Dairy hay lorw COMPUTER DESR-c:< Oak ______Thuraday, 10/19 throi 3 0 'CUSS A ------Friday, 10/20. noon,^n'loh H TWIN FALLS, 2577 PI 19 j; b ion balos, 23% pro $600. Call 324-2805 m ios Ridgo Clrclo, Sat. 10^ - 197 RFV. Dolivory ov 2 L _ — , B U H L -9 2 3 Kothorlno.S10. Sat. D aa«ft Storaga-2Vi m Diraoirsiisu | -7115or EDGE compuior. mo 4100 9*1 lom. Carpet ahoIhom* ..... 30 ; bio, Catl 208-648-711 monitor Of,|y . ,o/21. 9 omm totc 5 w , ol HosplloT. 734-41 ff ond otudont dosk. fi _____ p o o o r , m o v in g box< WCI <74,g»5«im.| 208-221-0178.H PtTi- 1 block ofl ol Foir'oir Sl. ______$T,988imM ■ j ,a,B , $ 200. Coll 735-8803.'03, Dlshos, books. Loi books, clolhos S houilOUSO* |w W ^ '. ; HAY 160 Ton b a lo s.l ■■““ I.® TWIN FALLS* 275 MOI hold Items, ski boots, No roin. G R A P E IMAC coriipm putor, L‘A m our p a p o r b3 o 0 d c ^ . (by H ospital) FrI. 10/ ;■ 2nd crop AHolfa. 4456B No In oxcolloni cond.I. $700/*$ popor cutlor, child's woi , 8*7 ’ TWIN FALLS. 2788 BuBuck • S60 por ion, 623-445' 8-5pmS Sot. 10/21,8 D O N 'T M IS S ^ 2 ^ offor. 536-6536/539-:39-1702. on lablo and choir aot.301. old in d o o r ESTATE SAIALEI Brush Circle, 10/21. HAY ALFALFA-2K) +SI T, Of L a p to p c o m p u ta r w/Win w (arm tools and hor Antlquoa. colloctlbib l e s . 8om*7 Mon and wome 5 I 0 0 * lb b o lo s ,l00 + n n s t O M A i s i ; 4-S082B 95. $200 & NEC PoiPentium draw-n mochinery. coll* g la saw o ro . toys, sllvillver. stuff. Corpontor tools • 2nd&3rd.$95324-SCono loplop. $300, 735-10•1026. ibloo ond mlscollonoouoous. costume jowolry. oppll*op otc... no early birds, HAY for solo, 65 onono roln, PACKARD BELL compul* COr ------o n c o a. furniture, linenons. FALLS. 319 JollJolfor* balos, 1st cutting,lossogo. no or ayolom wAWindowlows 9S. INDOOR Filar Flea MarketMar b o o k a . p o tte ry , vinti 8on. Sot. 10/21. 8-4f SAVE! 326-4040, loovo moMTEHghi S225.CallS43-6670178, at Twin Falls Countyity FFair clolhlng. Avon, rocoi’i l l B ookcases, lois of .wc HAY, 460 bBlo»."bi G rounds. Oct. 28lh & 29th2 Chrislmoa doc„overytr ly- smoll ^ a .in ~ y*", ® on's plus slzo clolhli now ooodlng. Hoy-1 Vandora w anted.»d. goos Including Houa< U ts of mlscollonoous. mission. ------^ beds, m ( SAVIISAVIII balos- S9S Ton. 2nd RREWOOD>D I 532*4439, Froo Admissi Wash* ______t i n g h a y i ------JD «lN J ALL3..-27a5.fm ^ 3 2 6 9 FIREW OOD CuVsplltallthord-. ______TralKoH Carrlaa«) {YaEAN,lOV/MmSI 9 i Ml09-''$MTon: 733-: Bam!? Sun. e-spm.'sm.’api wood 590/PU load. LARGE RUMMAGE SASALE KVZOSSat. 10/21.9a Beanlao, oxc, clothi r0HiYiU.98tmm}i I reh Oraaaar, round tot HAY. otlalla, 40 T. ot At ’ p u . $140/cord dolK*7697 ■ Mathodlat Church «in « r (Fall a Winter) croltitoi 60 T, of 2nd. S90H-,.S J c l™ ; | g “ '^ m ln .) 324-7C sow ing m a ch in e , wli balos, oosy occoss. ( I 360 Shoshono St. EatEno, coots, pictures. 4 mis< L o k o s a ro a . 543- “ ' I ; U ■ ANTIQUES:r\ & j I ” I ^ 'I w I > - r : ~ 2 n d Tima Arouiound . X. 4 H J ROT E G E I uaMall . :<• I V ^ } IB D aa la r Antique I I f PI 3J - I • •FREE* ■ - • 3 AppralMl Fair \ \ ^ 3 ;. Sat.0ct21al I 10:00am to 4:00pi RINVOICE ^ W 7 « \V « j 080 WoshlngionI-. Sl. ^ r UNDBl i Twin Foils • 734-60t-6008 . i , ; Wabuyallklndai antlquas & potteai T IG E R OAK ANff488™ .».; llh l • I B,99Smxi^ WATCH Oold ponjondont - C ■ ^ I ifffi A iM fafn» llO .-axc..C_. U flii'JTO-M W Bli:— m jo!L5Iii whih , s _ . . . ------ladlos.-Clrco.1910. > - itH N f o o i i r e t t r ^ ^ cond,S350, Colt 326^>26-3116. - C m ______> ^ Wm »lO,9Pa.»cM r 8 0 2 APPUANCESr i { 1 J Your Im port "COi9H "n0€tlon... l: PrIoIces good until«M...... nbcDtfONirM ^ COUCHS25o*?n?uls w r i I J M o n d a ^ ^ ^ , S60. Coll 733-47! ELE5fHiTRAH51~ a Slldo in, olmond. E I FINANCCINGO C. C Z O M ~7 3 5 - 3 9 0 0 rww.oonpaulQMom cond. Solt-doofllng. I IttboUnFMiOiLt wwv ; Coll 736-7377 kMtlllMlliil THEWE PLACE TO SAVE ONH THE B O U L E V A R D ^ u n m n o c T O W i (1) Musi soil, mo S2Soa, Coll326-47t ihl -y __

    ^------Thursday, Octotxbaj-19,2000, Ttm«»-Nftw*,•, TTwin Falla. Idatio E15

    I NISSAN '97 pickup. 46k BOAT- Uvlngston, 8', withI CHEVY JAMBOREE, ro- tPROWLER.1093 20n„ CXT C 12 GRADER, modol' Nif ■ BASSET HOUNDS, purouro- Jack RusMi puppI**. Ro-Ro Appks, Danloo paara,, WANTED -lOld Ployboy I m ilos. c u sto m laddor rack mogozino. from 1st addl- oars & anchor. Coll condllionod. 22', 350 on- £5 lh wfhool. Fully contolnod. BT w/hydraullc oido shilt m ... brod. roocty.for odooilonlion. . Borvo your* today. 5 whfrjhfrt $0/ bushol, eotvm art gino. 350 tmna, Vory.,vory pull -iilVt ton. NIca shopo. blodo, $84 5 0 ,731-4691.B I i & tool t»X . Con 734-7571* IBSO oW. Call 733-4857T^ OntfMftf. Call 643-S380^B■ iion on. Wrilo lo Box 543-5523 oMor 4pm. AdopUon Joo *1 5 0 . Ploaw ; cloan. Cali 208-733-7502. $4000 (irm. Can 637-6561. SELF s unloodor bod. 1095 call20B-32e-4S10.a — ’ 00872, c/o Times- Nows. KAWASAKI. 750. SX. 1008 ' LABS • AKC roolmtarccrad CARROTS & othor garden PO Box 548. Twin Fallo. ! DODGE *77 Foursiar” Sol ROAD f RANGER 1976. 2011., 30* belt. $6000. ■ ;;all vogetablos. No chomlcols 1994, Incl. dbl, placo Ulr. TRUCK PARTS DOQ KENNEL 5 X 6 ' anc chocoloto & yolTow. Cal ID 83303______$2400. coll 320-1287, u p 10 pull horao trollor, ooll-contained. 19 ft,. Exc, Starr.Hoppar tMttom '60 ■ oth. alter 5 pm 438-8700 orpoatlcUos. 543-4895. 38' lood, 20' pup. Good ■ &' ACCESSORIES dog hou40. $ 5 0 for bolh. — WANTED • uood Nordic Excol. condillon, $5500, cond.. $3000.324-3068JI Coll 3 2 6 ^ 5 5 6 WlnlorlMtlon ot Boats cond, $16,000. Coll 543- W MINIATURE SCHNAUZEF£ R ENOOF SEASON Track, Call 733-0731 b o ­ 530-0053 - SIGNATURE. 07. 5lh C‘HE ''i(Y X "F bR O Motoro, !50. Spaclal on Fall A p p la a al: ^ R.Va 4726 ovoninga. ■ ______' FREE 6 w ook o ld Witono^ AKC puppioa. SI 75-S250 ll; twoon 0 om and 5 pm. $30,95 & up. FLEETWObb Bondor, w hoel hitch Includod, 28', _ trans. tronlor cosoa, Iront Houao trolnod. Rooll)nllv Call 438-2066. ■ Aloxandofo (Orchard. 1/8th Excolloni Doloctlon ot usod 1987, 27 It., low milos. ' 2 slldoo. AC, ovmlng. a &roorondo, waUTon,2 ITT mllo south on Slovons. WANTED ■ Usod poilOl 1007 I * culo. 054-2568______prr BULLS-5175. Block fl \ lack, onglno holsl or chor- low hours on gonorotor. m icro, fll moro, $16,090, 4 I or 4 w hool drives, Bodo. ako Fown. Poymonts availnil Filer. Id, Bring your ow n BERT HARBAUQH TV. AC, roor Island bod, Coll 734-S8S4.H I TRUCKS SIdoors, (ondors (12). FHEE lomalo C hosapoako ^ boxoo, 326-5670 ry plckor. Coll 324-2408, - . -10 m o n th o o l d . Vo o r rj v Alao nood alud. 543-226< — ovos MOTOR $16,500, 543-6073IV mog[ ;SU N N Y B R O O K .20.1905, = Coll 537-6604 Ida or 737-7970 or 423-470101 Honoy a applaa, Oal. ol D owntown Wondall CHEVY '74 ViT. V-6 outo. I Iriondly. Lovoo kids ' WAtlTED,TOBU»orn.nt PACEARROW'00 32tt,.2 M ony extras, olumlnum ^Runa groal. $2500/ollor — Ploaaocall 208-734-5880BSO. POMERANIANS • AKC 636-6323 AC. 46K. $20,000/oflor. Irome. oxc. cood, REAR OlFFERENtlAL, 36'- 40* hydrsulle tr« « M agic Valloy'oonly Cortl- Coll 734-2797 ollor 4pm « = ood rog.2mak».S200. Roocti Coll 208-138-5003 $10,800, Coll 733-5060. _ 1036. ovorhoulod wllh 1 r . FREE Pupplos. to gooc $15,05. Doltvofod to ony„ sp ada. To movo CHEVY'89 3/4 ion extond- „ DIngo/Lab croooOOS. lo gol Coll 934-0585. i 10' Evergroons, 6 u r v e y 6 r , 1070. 31 (l„ iTERRY. '70, 25'. oqufllizor ^ w hools & 2-4 opd, trons., ----- town In Twin Foils County. odcab.long box with asso rto d oir cleonors; car­ r - J J a n 423-5833. PUPPIES 5 Gormon Shoplop- Alao. Joromo fli W ondoll.:f C:oll 733-3133. runo grool. 55500/olfor, hitch, owoy stoblllzor. tilr, - 4 904 1 Call 423-5415 Ivmsg.B sholl, 4 spd, AC, $5705/- bu bl reto rs. robullt radiator. r.-FREE TO A Q O O O HOMEilME hord, 3 M atam utos. Haveavo POWERS ORCHARD WANTED TO BUV, CAMPERS/SHELLS brokos, outoido roiiup nw- ollor Coll 678-7871 V in o r hod'1st shots. $25 oach u ning, oloc/prop rolrlg. 12 _ Moko ollor, Singlo whool •-.'Fomolo, spayod Sprlngoi ich. 543-6880. 4*JolnlefJoraohop smith. baso compor sholl, $20. ,^ 3 CaJ 6706066 or 436-881C ~ 543-8636 loovo m osoago. i 908 I voll convonor. AC. lofcod CHEVY C 1 Ton duolly. Hot b L--ISpaniol X. Loving, nood! ^ RED POTATOES. $16/bu- : ARISTOCRAT. 1071.TdlT.• I SNOW VEHICLES bod, 350 V8 Fl. 4 spd,. Slolnloso S stool 3 bowl jpoco. 733-3372 . oir heat, fl, more, Vory SCHNAUZER Malo. 1 y- yr rlap sack. RUSSETS,3. WANTED TO BUY. (1) OOtt bothroom. ovorything I & EQUmMENT clo o n . $3,400. Coll Miko powor sloonng. brokos, & sln sl k .$ 1 0 .2 3 5 block, cronk i8 ol froo wolflhto. (1) boys works, exc. cond.. $650 t~ ^ P E E Two K ittono. blQCl old.AKC. HouBObrokono n . $ioburtap sock. 324-3068 208-543-09C2,______oir. $5000- 326-4730,* sholt 0 & ossortod parts- & o r a n g o morkork- vvoll irolnod. good wilt t; twin oizo bod wllh Coll 20B-438-2700, ARTfc'CAT. 1009, Powdor • Moko ollor. Coll 733-0767. TURKEYSRANOH" mattrooo. Coll 737-9438. CHEVY. 1977, w/compor t 'Jngs. Uso lltlor box. CalCall kids. $75. 280-2776 ___ RAISED No chomlcols. . CAMPER 10' ovorhoodi apeclni, 600, itfw mlloo. i 911 I ^ SN O W T IR E S . (4) 10 ply Exc, cond,, $4000, 324- sholl. Looks & njna gieoi, s n V ^ 0 0 9 0 ______^ SIBERIAN HUSKY AKCC OIC, Commorclolly pro-0^ W AN TED TO B UY .3TonI Amoricon Trovolor. UTILITY tRAILERS SIOOO, 736-6011 ovos. studdod o . LT 245 75R 16. olo. cossod ond quick frozen,n. or lorgor choln hoist, floorr S loops 4, lutnoco jocks,, 670 5 or 539-0706, I on Q M /Chev 6 twit whoo­ J f'rEE, Rotriovor mix. " T 1C o 1 yi old. Noutorod molo CHEVY. 1967.hoovy ?. «. wookD o ld p u p p y . CColl ol BooutHuldog. Uovoj/o 0 Vory Ilmllod supply. S2.25>5 lock, cor otonda or othor Roody lo go. $805 Coll' E-MAIL your CIOBSIIIOC] od jFLATBED 24' Pintle hlich ^ ls. $200, Coll *421-0004. poopio. Not o form doglog. lb. 4 7 -2 2 9 5 goraflo loots. 676-5751______HiTon. $5000/ol(or. Coll — ^-^4 6 4 0 evenings. lo us Ot IBoovortoil, 3 oxlos, S2S00, 733-0489 ollor 10 am. ^ ------. .S12S. ovoa. 934-5749 = . 732-5204 ovonlnoa, twlnadOmlcron.nat Cnll 734-5721 mo, — ■ — . CARIBOU’95 im ' Eloc, 4 1009 ;-EPEE - 10 g o o d ho m o 8 mo = i '4 M S 1I WANTED TO BUY, Child s» Jacks, mlcro-wovo, AC DODGE • 1901 350 Cum- 1I 4X4S -T old tomolo Lob X. cut( : POLAffis"------^TRAILER Hnulmork 6 X 12 ^ mlno tufbo diosol. 1 lon K ; '.^fy.and (riondly. Calrn u i 022^ , y | I WAWTED TO BUY | loy Wondor Homo. Excel, cond, 676-7502 of' * ‘89, 700 RMK, $1500 olI 1/2 utillly Irollor, romp, ITOOLS/MACHINERY ■ j Coll 837-6630, 670-0991 oxlras, owosomo mochln- 3500 Ib. 15' tiros. Now dually, blue and whito, 6HEVY ^ -80 WTon4x" “ 40x48 PALLETS, will poy o, W oa S6S00, Now $5850 powor ovory.lhlng,. Sih S g llvorado. Londod. oir is ®y WANTED TO BUY. Dog CARIBOU CAMPER ) $1075. Call 678-5751 whool otlochmonl, trir f. ;-iQERMAN S H O R T HAIRECSm d e l t a 0 3 Scrollsaw>aw top dollar. 208-677-27283 konnol 6'x 10‘ or largor. • -94.440 Indy, lodlos olod. • cold. 100K mis. Excol SoKcontolnod. air. hlich. $7000, 200-0075, f| y^ POINTEn AKC 1 yr.. okold $425. now. Prowcrcral lOl Coll 326-4340 In mlcrowavo. powor [ocks Cleon, shorp. Now $1795, llrst tru ck or lorm iruck J-»:molo, 3 yr. old fomoloalo. 10' Radial arm aaw CAR CARRIER tor 4 whool i 4 1002 I . $2000. Coll 423-5321 Hondlcoppod ocootor.ir. Iho ovoninga,■ and moro. liko now • *03, P o laris XUT. 5 8 0> I AUTO PARTS & tDOOGE • 1993, 250 Cum- $ 0-HunlIng llnoa. Cal; a l l S23S. 678-5751 S K S , I W Ifock. o ngine m lno.AT.oxt,cob. CHEVY ch '0 9 S-10 B5K mis __1 Coll 678-1576 _ WANTED TO BUY. lookingg condillon. Only $9,995. » I a c c e s s o r i e ^ j^.-Twe-Qaso ____ EXTENSION L addor. 16' I Moro to chooso (tom at,,. robulli. losl. Now $1950, 103.000 milos, toko small Askingfi $4,000, Groni 1,®!; COLLECTOR/HISTORIANtN for 6' clow fool b a th tu b . • ’92 Polaris XLT. nlco ; GIVE AW AY Kcllor FIborglass. Typo I M Ploaoo coll BERTHARBAUOH I CHEVY 305, onglno. Cloon, PU In trodo- 324-742<) COndVoll c 7B8-1033 -Z BLACK.LAB PUP' Exc, $105. coim 421 -0064 ■ MOTOR Blod, only 3200 ml. $1795• roadylogoin.SSSO/ollor. | CHEVY '9 2 . oxI, cob. PW, Debra 788-B767. • Yamaha Snow Scoot. FORD • 78 Ranchoro, 35 lc , Ch 436 -6 2 1 5 ____ SHOPFORCE Floor m odoxJol doogore, swords, flags, ■; Downtown Wandell Call 432-5214, ■ oulo. now llros, Iniorior. -PL. -P AC. vo ry goo d eond , . W ANTED 10 buy, motai ______538-8323 BOCC, was $750 nowS695, , w /sholl. $9.650, 736-2415 ~ Oolden R«trl«v«r pupoKpo. drill p ro ss. $ 1 7 5 . M ata•tal 878-3114 fonco posts. Call 423- - • Zlom#n2ploco, S400, • 'CHEVY. 1983. b lon, port c d. $1200 Coll w GUIDON WhIlo aholl for 539-9898 allor 2pm, CHEVY ^ '0 5 Sllvcrotio O' -.:'A K C , fomolo 5 3 5 0 . moloioloa Lsihe 7x10 S385. botl PIANOS. Wont to soli yourur 4010 loovo mossogo. ' * 4 p la co trollor, tondom, or wholo. No motor, " • S325. 1st sh o ts, dovlo w now. Coll 678-5751 long box Ford or oldor' w/brakos$1895,734-5854. $300/ol(or tokos nil. Coll |FORD '72 F3S0. 1 Ton. lilt, [I oxt, c a b . Low milos ___ uaod piano? Wo p a y c a sh»h WANTED TO BUY. non Chovy. Excol. cond, boauiUvl pupa ‘ Tool C h a s t(l), 3 draw oraora for youf usod piano. 435-a055, Long Whool Baoo. Car _Sgig.SOtVoHOf- 73G-C058 v:?^font3.837-4135» working genoratora. $400/Cltor, 537-6976 . ___ • lull ot toola, $135. \ Koith Jo rg a n sa n Welder gonorotor ools. . 4 909 I iKumho Powarguard MT Hflufor. 3GK ofig, mlloo CHEVY ci- • '93 Subuibnn, O *:M EAT DANE PupplODloo. Coll 735-1859, ' • 733>12M Dllch pumps. 324-7426. KIT ovor atioi camper, Btt, I SPORTING GOODS 33x12,5 on 16,5 ^ lon Now Polnl fli Bod, $4500, lon K loodod. runs o'oai, ;-d o rn 9/19. con go to c0 _ z 644-1706 or aiior 6pm [ HUWTINQ SUPPUES rim! 1000 mi, or loss. Coll 423-4800 / 733-8838 msg $ $ 1 3 ,5 0 0 /o d o r, 734-01H2 homo on Haltowoon I TV SATELLrrES WANTED TO BUY. u so d^ 324-5783, Moko olfor,» Ioavo m sg, oon. g S 2 3 ; Usod diroct TV sotolllto 324-3182 loovo moaaaoo. ?FO R D -80F 350 4X4. 1 Ton J f Coll 829-5 0 7 2 . ovo to handlcappod motorizod CANVAS Wall lont, 13x15, ; I VARIETY FO O D• S S aystoms. Coll 734-6852.^ ocootor. Call 536-6496, OVERSHOT 8Vi' Sloopo 6 SIX HOLE whiio spoked vw/tO'SIOOI lliilbod. Wilh- CHEVY Ch BLAZER. 1970, - port-o-potly. w/ 4cornor 4 II, wolls, slovo Hop, con- whaalaw/llroa, (4)6x17 goosonock pinlo. & 16' AT. A 4 0 0 onglno, S1700/ 7^^ELERS Rod.lOwksoldold. I & SUPPLIESbJ WANED Itvoslock w atorr WANTEP TO BUY. Oldor logs locks & alonds, Evory- tor pipo Iromo, Coll 423-■ $100. Coll 736-0317. Stool tondom nxlo gooso- ollor. oil Call 208-436-6055. ■ . ___ tanks (or tho hauling. Fandor guitar ampimara.li Ihing works, 934-4563 45 83 ottor 5,______. nock hyd. Dump Trailer, gT *^^6-4655 loavo msg. ■ _ APPLES NOWREAOW/'II lookers ok. Coll 423-4532.2. Any cond, 326*3623 - STOWMASTER TOW CHEVY K5 Blozor, '72^ ROADRUNNER. 1975. $4900, Coti 423-4800 Of $1500/ollor, g '85 Toyota. SE ntH Pupplos10 a t AKLAND ORCHARD WANTTOBUYAMTIOOES.Is 539-9876,______BAR. oxc. cond. $250, 733-8830. msg.onylimot j I * .AKC Rog. P a ro n ts on oltoolto, U’ P Ic k S S .2 5 B u s h o l nico 6 It. Full ovorshot. exc, cond, w/occossorios,; PET RESTRAINER lor . $1500/ol(or- 735-D6B3 M ® '- AND COLLECTIBLESi ' WANTED TO BUY: 1 COrot( stovo. ovon. hoolor, ico- $2500. w/trailor. $1,000 FORD F-350. 1980, 1 Tw gT 4 fomalos. 7 rrwlos.I. PIchod • $6.30 B ushol. diamond, any sotting & ’ SUVo. $50- Can 543-6656, I CHEVY '61 Blozor. Now Rogal, loyol & loving.g. Ssvorsl v a rla tla slt Brln(ring - 208.436-0701 ^ box. dbl, lilnk. 4 hydroullc e x tra . Coll 208-53C-C344. , Ituck. w/ dum p bo- stick liros. n rebuilt ong. 4 tmns WANTED Irrlgolion pum p5" also a fillogroo sotting.'• Jacks. $575, 324-2076, shllt, good liros, (I,.Jy 10 $ «'*^odigroo avail. Chomplorplon youf own containers. Ploaso coll 206-423-6201. GOOSE decoys: 5 doz. 1 0 0 5 I $2 2 0 0 . G M C'79 long box 1-t'bloodllnos. HommollIID, ID, 1626 E. 4500 N. B u hhi l Non-commorcial. Gos or 3 SAVEONCAMPER stockoblo&d) 12 voll ANTIQUE AUTOS go. $7500. 733-3g83.H 4x4 4 lor parts, no ongtno. I 1-208-366-2360 543-6083 diosel opotolod, 324-671818 WANTED TO BUY: G rand,° SHELLS, USED. Mony dapper. $200,736-0317;_ & collectibles f $275. Coll 208-670-4915 piano, 6 II. or largor. Will NISSAN '95 PU Loodod _* I; to chooso from, Voriouo V-G, AT. Bod Imor. malch- CHEVY, Ch 95 Short Bod. X- poy cash for quolity usodP oizos/modolB, Muot ooll 1960 Morcedea Banz 190 tatrum ont. Coll 326-5365. 4 910 I (ng oholl.49K mts. Blue C .C o b . 4X 4. 350. AT, Z-71 t soon. Coll 678-0103 I TRAVEL TRAILERS I E, Factory slido roof, now Book $9700, Musl Soil block, b L oadod. all powoi WANTED TO BUY: Motoi p o in t. $6000. firm, 200- $7900. 536-1957 opliono. 0 CO'i-coss. 14GK lolho in good condition,.. g 90S 1 ALJO Sih whool, 64, 19'. 436-8164, loavo moSGogo, • m llos.SII.SO O 423-5911. I ready lo go, oir, w/ hilch. . TOYOTA - 1907 w>1h J] modlum to small slzo. I^^UNSm tFL^^J CHEVY. 1980. 4x4, Subur­ Pleasocoll208-738-4r49, , J $4500/ollor. 733-4891 ,■ ■ BUICK. '73 Boat Tall Riv compor sholl. 5 spd, oxc. Ch -N e w s - ru n s good, body sliolflht milooge. Body noods bon, b 350. low pockogo, If l y iTimes: “ .,COLT-AH15. 16' Hot lop.p. ALLADIN '79 OolRoy WANTED TO BUY: Motor- 2911, 51hwhooL Now tiros.' llltio rust. SlOOO/offer. paint, will soli S2I9S. AC.A PS. goodcond, izod Borbio Joop, P lo aso0 ; Hfowa 1500.223, Brown­ S2650/ol(or, 733-5Gt6 ■ I. b ra k o a . AC, S lo o p s 6,• 733-0034 Call 644-1423. $ call 208-733-B570. in g 20 oa, pump sholgun. - 536-5237or961-5237.»I Evorylhing works, $4000. CADILLAC Coupo Dovillo, WANTED- Old quoon oizo I " Coll 537-0694 1069, 472 onglno, SSOO, bodroom aoi. wllh mot-1- I MAKAROV • 9x16. Hollow- s C44-9067, I: iB S fiU L trossos, headboard,I. I polnl ommo. 59 por box. CAMP THLR • Hunloro nlghlatond. drossor withh I or $160 for all 20 boxes.i. Special- 1059 15' Socuri­- FORD. 1929. Model A > I f R oodstor Hot Rod. slool »r come by The mirror. Coll 326-4068. Coll 543-5676, ty. 110 hook-up, S900/ot(- It yo u are; unablei to call or 7 or. Call 324-5439 msg. & gloss, small block WANTED- Smoll oloctrlcC I ShlloSharpaBPMC, 1674 . COUNTRY AIR, 40-, Sth Chovy. 350 turbo irons, 6 ' Times'Newsvs office, simply cliplip and mail this iroodmlll. Coll 324-3704. I modol, 4570 collbor. NIB. Ford roor. mony now r Coll 537-6579,B whool, 2 bdrm,. 2 olldo ' WANTED: Boy Scoul-Girl I j; outs, w/d, CnH733-4e57BI porlo. groat trodltionol t; : order formn to our classified1 department ( so . Scout. Shirts. Insignia, I THOMPSON CENTER & T rod,S1S.S00, Sooot: CVA Apollo inline 50'ss OEVILLE, 12 (I, Good^ HotRodHolLlne.com bodgos. Poul Nutting. I I, cond, $850. Coll 543-1003 II that we cann getj your ad startedid without delay. 733-1691.. I tosl (trod onlyS165, ooch, '• lor more inlo. - Coll 678-5751 FOR RENT. Trir, with Su-- 208-362-3570. anyllrno.B WANTED: Ouck fll GOOSO 0 W inchester modol 12. 205 por Slido in Yumo. AZ at‘‘ MONTE CARLO. I960, t; • Pteasc prprint dearly with dark pcipencil or pen log bonds, WIII pay $10 ,r Arizoniu Wool RV Pnrk. • .oach. 1 wlli pick up. CollII gogo $250, Mausor door good condition. $2000 lanicters (including ' rlflo now sporlor otockL complololy lumlshod. For' Coll 837-6157,■ ft • There ar

    SUMMrr Oxygon concontralor & modl-mist nobultzar, $285 both. Very good shopo. . J e ti t a ^ Coll 686-2193. i e e t ll e & -i—^ :-Addres.s______S i City/Statc/Zip __ ' Bi9isestSeiifecfion. 4 ^ 901 I ' Phone N u m b er- j __i 1 ATVS/MOTORCVCLES| ices ElIver! ARCTIC CAT. 1097. 4Mr . toweest Pri 4X4, 850 mllos. $4495. Plooso call206-536-6S68. ARTIC CAT 300, 1 9 9 9 .T ; S: : ...... 3 line mimmumn wheeler, 15-sp., 1000k mlloa, $4000/offpr. : Number o)fDays f I •______Total Coll 934-4513. o f f % HONDA. Fot Cot, 1966; ...... $16.37 oxc. cond. Roar rock, J m 1-3 days...... oloc, aion, roody to hunt! ...... $23.38 $2100, Coll 206-788-5407. 4-7 days...»...... KAWASAKI, '87, KOX200. ^ A i ...... $41.65 good condition. $900. 8-15 days...... Ploaso call 206-735-1811., . SUZUKI ’99 RM Bol j / j I ...... „..,..$78.50 Exc, condition. $1950 16-30 days Coll 436-8505 • I SUZUKI 250. 1997. 2 whool drivo. w/dotodhoblo snow plow. oxc. cond.. 5^ □ My check or money order is enclo:losed for $ ______$2700, Call 734-4890, SUZUKI, RMX. 1092, r e ­ PH b ISA, Master Charge, 4D008Krnsauui sncfM4osfa : 5^ • □ Bill my VIS. built molor and oxtrool ix u ttm m iN $2000/ofter. 320-1287, circlc one) ^ Discover or American Express(cii YAMAHA Big BOOr. l«wu. 2wd. oxc. cond,. $3500. DRIVE k ____ Credit: CardC Number______Coll oner 6pm 537-0909.ll HOME AN E Hf* YAMAHA. '82, IT250, now JETTA zTLEFOR...i ' \z ' Expiraticltio n D a t e ______Chain, sprockolo. brush a OR A BEEI guord. $700.1981 IT465. 11 your order form &. paylaymcnt to: brand now lop ond. choln. 'MO . ’ :r Mail i oprockeu. brush guord. [ t z T h e TTimcs-Ncws, ir P.O. Box 5484 8 ,Twin Falls $050. 208-725-5882 or ^"nc ttion..r ... ID 8 3 3 0 3 -0 5 4 8 -______:______-720-3506 KotchumM_____ Y ou r Im p oo r i " C O N ‘ - o r ~ l 534 Bluee L a k e s B lvd. N. / j l ' 9M rheTimc*.New8,325 1/212 E Sth No. BOATS & TWII/IN FALLS (A Burley I D 8 3 3 118 8 ACCESSORIES M 0 0 0 -- 2 2 3 3 - 2 9 5 4 IV BAYLINER • Great boat. c 5 ^ 9 0 0 , /ars wanted.* • motor ond trir, fish findor. WW’z m w w .conpbulos.c mokootfof. Colt 536-2978, E BOULEVARDr o / j ■ THE . c o m •735 BOAT J4' AlumBcroU“y:S e P i. A CB TO s tM Vthj* M tlsnlng. AO CXPIRet OCTOBCRoacR JS. »o o . / e s - N e w s Evlnnjdo. romoto anchor •iyrii*nipiu*TM. T h e T i n K Tm. Till*, I Oot F*« Otiutoo, 0>.C,SAV^E ON THE l m roloooo, irollor. $1405 V A.C, 3* i»ot, tsioayr- C.OOO.OO tMh « Tit* Coll 678-5751______E16nm**^*w*,Twlnvin Fall*. I d a h o T h u rsd ay^ , OC ctober 1 0 .2 0 0 0 MERCURY, C ouoar, 1001.)1. OLDS. Cutlasa Supreme,»: T O Y O T A , C a m r y , *04,4 CHEVROLeT corvette: FORD. Tourus. '88. 4 dr.r HONDA '00 A ccord EX CHEVY SIO. •®8.2R2 V-6,r-6, DO OO E “Ol C aravan AWDWD FORD C eeort W agon, IS. Runs greatl Looks g reaatt tl 1900. 4 dr. Runs greatl « white, 06K mites, V6,a 1 0 0 3 . 40th Anniversary >11, ong. ow ner. Clean; wellveil 1 0 9 4 .8 0 K m l. $2,500. AT. PB, white, $8S0 or)f V- 6 Leather. Low mitos. ora«n, loadod, trtAlI, Buy out toese. 644-110131 NoW Ures, battery, brak o98. s. *2*00. Can 733-72«9.»-. L . k>adodU9200.S30-1441.1. eomon. SSkmOei. Onectf-...... ^B,000/oW ar. 73S-6B03.t3. m a i n t a i n e d . E xcellonio n t C all 436-0693. b e st offer. Calf 326-5805. $2500. Can 208-734-0201. _ o kind carl Cofl324e05aa. - HONDA. Accord. LX. 1093. ^2: PONTIAC. '60. T rans d, — cond. $570a 733-2797M FORD Mustang, ’90.4 cy.y- FORD, T om po, 1 094. GL, ■: VW - 74 Bug, nms good, & H e W . *06 Suburban . toadedi 82K mileo. cleanlmi MUSTANG,'65, m na good,)d. New paint, new uphol- 1. straight body vrlth se a t kit. $22.SOO/or>or. Ilko now.t. DOOGE Grand Caravan,an. EFI engine. AT, AC, 64KK a t , AC. 80k miles, $7200foffor. CaB 423-687979 new int., orlglnol porta,ts, story, now carpel & oc- ; $1800toflor. 738-8002 . i 1099 I Call324-«430.« 1080. cruise, PB. PW,'W. ml„$3695 733-5285 ovos.s. Call 326-4872. 7- . needs little body work.rk. cossories go w/ car. _ 1 AUTODEALERS I ■ - HONDA>'09 Civic EX, DODOE ’87 SnorUwd, HTr r PD, A C , 18 3 k ♦ mllos, but FORD M ustong. 1986, noww HONDA'05 Civic OX $5000/oner 324*3718 overve $400q. call 886-2721 .■ VW, Jetta. 1966. dleael.' PO, 4* lift. 4 Bpd. $3500.I runsooodlSISOO/ofmoko^ tlrea, good body, noods 4dr..sedan.2eKtrUs.$7080■J. whllo. 30 * mpg. 6 opd, t- clean. 1 owner, sound en- oflor. C an 208-544-7QS3.I AC. Cftilse. CD. 736-087171 O U )S • 1998 CutlOSS O L3 ^, : SUBARU - -OO'SUS. Ilmtt- Cell 324-2450 2 5 engine. $200.324-3002. C all 733-0 7 8 0 ■ri leather, toadod. low mlloe,oe, ed, an wheel drtvo. heat- t- gine. very wea maintained. f a x \ D O O O E 'OS 1 /2 ton n<4 DODOE 6f«nd Caravan,on. FORD TouruB 1991. 3.6 - MERCEDES 240 DieselI $11,900. Call 324-4552 ]. $ 2 6 0 0 /offor. Coll aftorI od. 1909. Q ro a t shape, 4 ex- ® HONDA '98 Accord tX* '79. groat gaa mileogo. S 5.00 pm. at 208024-2;70. AC, PW. 5 opd. loodod. V6, loodod, 96K, while,;• Let's both save money. I or 324-2724, ■ ______$1 0.000/ofror. Callall tra atudded snow tires. good dopondabie car. '' set of snow tiree. $2,000. $30 0 0 . C all 2O6-72600, excollont shape, $2500. s r $1250.Cair733-6558.BI $0500. Will b e gone lico P r o f e s s i o n a l l y m ain-iln- Call S39-1353.H HONDA A c c o rd S E , ’97,r PONTWC F irebird, 1005~, s- Thursday night. & chrom o w hools. Nico Id- SUBARU. ‘86, Turbo XT. tfucK. No donls. 934-5740M0 ta ln o d . o n o ow nor. TV, ^ 2 dr.. CO . spoiler, AT, Air,Ir. no. very'clean. & vory’ 1 owner, 39,700 ml. load­ [' Time Machines 208-6^-4543 ; FORO, Crown Victoria ed & beautiful. Bee. cond..td.. good cond. $ 1 2 0 0 /flrm . ^ VCR. A NVFW Caas. Ptusti LTD . 'ee, flood cond.4 Bunnx)f, exc. cond.. 60K< good cond. $4250. I' 733-6330or420.1037. (BURLEY) . F O R D '91 Exploror 5 spd. 1 ml., $12,000. 734-6340.B■ Calt 886-7689 ■ . $12,000/offer. 4 2 3 -0 l7 8).■ .a Please caU 208-324-2128. Good condlllon. $4M0., ' Inlorior. b u c k le s 7. Cop-l“P‘ $1,950. Call 543-5604.B taln se ats. Runnlno 366-20 4 2 or 539-4655 b o a r d s . N e w tire s. Call:a tl I------r — — FORD ‘98, F250, 4X4, 7 3 : ^ 1 ^ 1 .M ______Lariat. S.4L. V-6 onglno. $24,000. Coll 436-8930M^ 11 K m ls. $16,500. FORO - '85 F I M , 4x4. ^‘^5'' C a ll 7 3 5 »1960 now llros. nlco Iruck, $3505/oNor. 736-6002. IVACO d ie a a l (stop vonj, ;— '90. now,polnl/ rool AC, FORD-1999 F250,pov^ hoavy duiy. special truck Biroko, crow cob, block, drivefa so o l. Blown Insu- m otchlng Loor shall, one.!«■ lotion in Inlertof. 324-5617I t 4 cond. $29,900,676-0508. ^ ■ i ^ PLYMOUTH Grand voy FORD 1989. oxt. cob. /.a ogof, '9 1 . 117K ml., excJXC ^ diosol, tu ito . Gruol V\Bpo.'P®- cond., oil wheel drlvo, $6500. Cull 324-2873ovo $5000/ortor. 734-2078.B ~F5RO'ExpodmoJv57r~ PLYMOUTH OrondVoyaa Eddlo Bauor, asking„ or,'94.120 Kml..$5,500 M l $23,900/otfor. 734-8980Jr Now v a n w a s a mistake,I ' H||B|| I ovonlnoo- M uotsoo.B_ thia o n o r u n s g re a t Our FORD Exploror SporT,)rt, m latako is your gain, 1996, 5-sp.. Exc. shopo.ipo. C a ll7 3 4 -1 6 5 4 .B ...... IKIon pp 'j. 00 Ford ExpedH I : Hwy mllofi only. $10,500500 P L Y S S U T iT V O V ’XOEfl Call 735-1351.______'0 6 , G ra n d SE Mlni-vor FORD Explorer, 1B93, 9sx95k lo w b o o k $ 6 ,6 0 0 . callSb ' ^ mllos. All powor. $7000.00. oftor S ;3 0 P M 436-4358>8 ^ I___ 543-6115or 539-2427B■_ VWBUS, ’71 , Straight bod> F O R D F -1 5 0 . X L t. ’ BS:95. with minor rust. 25.00C 4X4, 27,500 ml,. $14,000-00- miles on robulll motor, /oHor. 837-4468 attor 7pm[pm $900/oftor. 536-2399^___ FORD F-350 XU 19947 cabin choBSis. 4x4, powor« r 4 r? 0 2 0 I Btroko, tuitM diosol, 5 I AUTOS FOR SALE | Bpd, m anual trans. Duol roor whoola. duol (uol— y . T l , tanks, low pkg, AC, now^ P lo a se c h o ck your ad (or tiros. 142 K m l,,$14,000•00 c o rro c tn o ss on tho first(stI L a y tmoiOAt SAVE $5,00100 and receivee0.8%APR.*^ or boat oHor. 934-5182. day th a t It m ns, o s Tho I RUPERT ■ FORD F 160. 1970, Bhort»ort T lm e s-N e w s is not ro- W M O e i M box. 390 4 spd., 33' tiros,ros, sp o n sib le tor orrors of- U.M.XIT 2J0jrjjJ»T4j* Bun roof. $2900/oflor.lor. tor th a t tim e, OOOdBhopo. 543-5233JI3-a - ' F 6 t tb f i3 5 0 - ‘96. crowcab.iat AUTOMATIC AC. AT. Cloan localcat TRANSMISSIONS • ownor. $17.500.077-4108108 S p o d a l $329.05, Most . F O R D . F -2 5 0 . '9 5 . 4X4^54e9 ev es*I__ ong. R uns. $2800. buick.2000F^eoai:eSih Call 731-.141S nBmlHflBifllti ' n r ; or. lo a d e d . $16,900, ColCo" IBUIIIIBI m JE E P ‘83 c !>-7, 258 StmisRi 324-45M or 324-2724.1i.m six, nicoly robullt & rewired. Full body roO bar, dan BHBHHlHmra greal tOf hunting 734-7S71CTI CAbiLLAc 90 Sedor i n I^Twmiin. 1— Doville. 109 K,vorygoo(iood Lowmilei. B B B ■Lowrmlw. B 7.25B i JEEP • '89 Cherokso La^ cond.$4905Cal S S I B i l?eadyt0AOrt( 87^iB tg.ismU(oge SZ ^«yM sa 'JU odo, fully loaded, well 676-S7S1______m aintalnod, $4SOO/offor. Call 734-5663.B ______CAMERO, 1066, mustBOii — 130 K m l.. T- top. AC. JEEP • '95 Grand Cho^ $4000/o«er, 637-6634.B4.B bHHIIHHI koo. limited, powor ovory- 1 99 9 8 thing, loather Inlorior. CHEVY 'B4 ^v ali^ c i) Soiling for ports, $500,0ffojffor $17,41IBS white. 6 cyl. 6 pock CD C hhevroletl^H w A i v a m- r a n t y player. $15.000.2800675.57^ 734-2797 aftor 4pm n s CHEVY - ’09 Cavollor. 4tdT: w JEEP • ChorakM Uredo B lla < se r ^ AC. AT,grootcar,27Kml« r o T W W i i M i ■88. 3 ' suspension Irtt. 4.0 $ 5 7 0 0 . Coli 731-2464i dl dir » K f f y p i W a B l M ong. AT. PW . PS, PB, AT. Loa whoote, $2,500.4234597597 c k E V Y e a v a lU r. 1991. — like n e w . re d . 2 dr.. 5 spd, JE E P W fonglor, '95. Exc 4 cylinder, $2,600. cond.. hard/soft lop.'■ Coll 734-7523. ■ Sloroo & Bpookors. custom ^ i I I whoolG, 36k ml. $11,000)00 CHEVY Suburban. 1995 934-8573 oftor Spm1 $ie,000/offor. Col — 208-733-2234,« JE E P . CJ5. 350 Chovy. nborglasa body. Iltl kM.?l' C H R Y SLER - '86 Lasof.JTS < ■ '"n;! otc. $5,500. 733-2323>3 cyl. 2 d r hatchback. $600SOO- \ or733-7051.fl 324-3940 or 731-2540. ------TO^V^TAr4.and-Cruts«T ______2000. ve. fully.loadodl $45K. Must BOll. 731-3645.Ss lnatde.$3700.'432-S286J itiSTi E-MAIL y o u r classlllod aa WILLYS J e e p , ’55. SlOtlOfi I8 B Autow/air j w agon, four whool drtvo,ivo . autc A^C 6 cyl.. green, now uphol-HM. twlnadOmlcron.not \ I Z B ,I 8 8 A uto.t*i n S S t f v im M p »n4* ' - j Slory. $3700. 734-9393.3, \ S ta te « A is a ?£Sji{*t* 4 ~ ’ 1010 I L v A N ^ B U S E ^ J\ GUARANTEEDD I Fuiyequipped B l l t t ADS i» * s e e * #1 CHEVY. 1986. ^*T„ Cargo \ 2 0 0 G r a n d j ^ m J von. Wort( truck. $2400. Also laddors. 24 ext.t.° 44'= The Times News k f ■rquls t s 128 / stop 6* atop alum.,,' 8'8* g u a ra n te e s to sell \ m n tjf / w ood lot $1S0.735^»27.tZT. merchandise, \ Leatiitherl R|H | I I D / CH^S/V. 1967. iullSlzV;Ize, automoth/e In 7 Conversion Van. $5260.260. days and real 324-4552 or 324-2724.LE ■ estate In 15 days $24,B: 6 h £ v V, 1093, high ‘®J>top or rerun the ad an RHPHH w fw r a f f ra i an iBSPHliSQII ¥BX* convotBlon ven, 305 V-8, additional 7 days,fB. M TV/VCR. AM/FNVcasBOtlo. Tow pkg.. & runningIno T h ere Is a $3 extra boards. $9000. Call 034-J34- fe e for th e guaran­ 6364 or 539-6456. ■ tee pacl __ S hop us ;; i l S E N bn th e w eb , , THE thm give us a cam - ■ wpaodemoton.com H orNDA wmnpniiii yoBnijmiUf s w . . . ; , : ; IH) " ■ ' •'» « ta Snnwl miifXi.'-'- I a yw

    H o rn r D A . Oct. as»K «^, . prttewewwperttnnn . I . tt*wmMaMne«M _ 7 3 3 --7 7 0 0 p i t u WK. - J■iatttusVeSiOtmmw^ ! B » : | I ** See dealer for tfettf e ta its :
