![Imok ^Ey ] Beai R Toe Ecti^](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
32 12/17/2000 www.magicvalliilley.com fcS 3 0 fa 3 ; SMI PARl^EE P.b27 E VAANDEUL 79q?03 EL PABO 1 _ m 5 0 c e n t s T hurscsday, October 19, 2C2 0 0 0 ___________ ____ AT w in Falls. Idahlaho/95th year, N o.. -: 2 9 3 G C X )P MORTRNING W e a t h e r 3 c f f < ecti^vc? — imok^ey ]Beair toe Today: MMi ostly s f 1910 covered about 3 big fires of 19 X dear todi cres by comparison, ByN-S-Noktokl^ntved :es m ore blazes.5S, fire ecologistt s a y s rtrandersald. tonight,t, highll 68, Tln»»N«wiW » ^ t f _________ __ Improper fireefighting create ■ low 40. lightly and other areasIS did not The Clearear Creek fire near Leon Neuenschwandersr le ft the ered aboutt 6.S6 million acres. The Salmon wasras iestimated at about b o i s ei - The primary cause of bum ot all. Page A2 Wednesday meeting of■ tth e Idaho 10-year avenerage is about 3 million 3-es, but only about 40 forest firere ii firefighting, says one th e low Is about 1.5 mil- The result is what fon>rest man- 200.000 acres Environmental Forum in a review acres, and thi agers call o mosaic patterem, a nat- percent off ththat actually burned. M a g i c V a l lI ik y fire expertiTv: L lion acres, hhe e said. .5,000-acre Bergdorf fire ‘ T h e •xtentex t of the sum m er s of the recent fire season. ural fire pattem that hehelps pro- And the 6S,0C "It’s certainly been, oan active But thosec numi bers arc only the e forest. »n central IdaIdaho bumed moslly In He'll be missed: A po]p opular wildfires5 inldaho ir were e3alMe^a^ under said. fire perunetcBter - not the amount of mote ^versity within the 1 ltion forest that beneflt- . the benefits all but fire year,” Neuenschwan In Idaho, fires this yearar covered hi^ elevanoi TVvin F a lls resident wlwho has ed and t “We’re going to have menore in the lund burne<led. Only a few areas in the media. ic perimeter burned about 1.3 million ocreses and in Please see FIRES. Page A2 pliQ^ed S a n ta C laus1 every.ev igno^fa future." within th c acres. The was the message i West cov- intensely. some areas burned Montana about 900.000 ai Christmas for 15 year:arsdied ity pf Idaho fire ecologist This year fires in th e ^ : T\iesday. Page Cl nd sw^ap Dairy regs: T he state th eC SAILOF irironmental ^ YE TO D e p a rtm e n t of Envirt ifOODB^ on guide- ^ h:;;ps with Quality is working on lin es to h e lp controlj1 oodors at ^ l i r »nton honors d a irie s a n d o th er live:ivestock A^park operations. ^M new Page C l V i c tims, i l warns C o n g rress e : O K s deal O u T D O O R S ' attacickers f o r C i tcy y of R ocks, ComMnadnX report*_______ ___ H a g e mrm an preserve FOLK, Va.- - Under m o u rn fu:ul l gray skies, with their By Hamptonton Stepheris w oundeded crewmates and heart- State* New«Bw« Semlce ___________ HBSPB broken1 familiesfi gathered on a Navy pierier here, the 17 victims of KINGTON - Outdoor w S r a B tlie USSS (Cole bombing were hon- on enthusiasts In south- o r e d WVednesday e morning by cm Idaho10 will soon havc access U|^Si£wW President:nt Clinton and other lead- to land for rock climbing. ■JV V idr .a ^ h oJ ppaid tribute even as they camping; amund hiking. , which cleared its final 1- .i^u • vow ed to avenge thc deaths. A bill, wl Hard ride: T he Orego•gon Gulch - I n t hthe . names and faces of congre.ssioisional hurdle Tuesday, ' Loop in the Smoky/M W o u n tain s th o s e wc lost and mourn, the ^ clears thehe 'way to crcatc a new rk just north of the City is a to u g h end-of-seaseason moun- world setsees our nation’s,greatest state park j strength,'h ,” Clinton told the thou- IgB\ of Rockss NNational Reserve, and tain bike ride. A-ho filled the largest p ier attem pts:s t(to resolve other long- Page El largest Navy base in th e ■n|w il standingg Ulland use issues in the w orld. ““P People in imiform, rooted H B tX u . area. It excexecutes a complex land ivolving a conservation M o n e y in ev e ryry race, creed and region sw ap Invol face of the Earth, ' group; thethc state of Idaho, the Tarry not: T he TVvinn IFalls Area those who attacked-them, Interiorr D<Department and area C h j ^ b e r of Commejnerce wants we say,‘j'1 you will not find a safe .7^ ranchers. land uansfer is an cxcel- I th e d t y to m ove quicuicklyonits harbor,”,” Clinton added. ‘*We will “Tills lan mxmication find youou and justice will pre- cxamiample of how stato and new r ^ e s for commxi federal ageagencies and local stake- tow ers. vail.” cun work logether to cre­ PatfA Pd I n Ade.den, Yemen, meanwhile, I H U B L holders can lo ca l invnvestigQtors looking into atti'M ilutiuations to benefit public e ® ’s"6x?!5J!foTrfijamt'ttrc*^ and the conservation of • i a s t v « a tf the most spectacular vehicle2 aand trailer that earn ed a.I. 1 ^ 1 sonic of boat used in the bombing, land In thetho counlry,” Sen. Uirry • . TH sm all boi R-Idaho, said In a state- ■ Y e m e nn’s ’s president announced MM ^K |fl||B Craig, R-I< W ednesd Castle Rock Ranch lamilordh of a dwelling T h c Ce tfhere bomb-making eqm p- K V ' l H I Acqulsitloiition Act. backed by the h e r e wh« lelegalion. was introduced m entwvas a: found earlier this w eek f l i J t L Idaho delei taken into custody in the SenSenate more than a year w a s i passed the Hou-se unani- Wednes<Bsday by police investigat- ■ .W .' ,j ago and pa !t week’sV attack on th e U.S. flT'.tJFw'' mouslyTu*Tuesday. ip, Yemeni officials said, .lisSti' Tlie billall! autliorizes the Inicnor w arship. Departmerment to buy 1,240 acres of Investi•stigators found explosives I k — ________ ^ iving equipment Innde the fl land northjrth of City of Rocks from an d Uivi ice* for hl» 17 dead thlpmate*'• Wedneiday The Consc;nscrvation Fund, a nation- e, the Yemeni dally news- the USS Cote gtlevei with his8 vwife during memorlel #ervlcei Heading out: TheTV^TWin Falls r Al Ayyam re p o rte dj A woundeti uilor from thi osplUI bed rolled to the senlceE». ul conservlervaiion group. The pur- n In Norfolk, Va. The Mller attettended the eeTvlce In hi* hoep price has been projected H ig h S chool boys’’ scsoccer leam W e d n esesday. The landlord saidJ at Notfoik Naval Station 1 chase pric veiling had been rented for n whose son'Kenneth WJwas killed In aboutIt S>S700.000. _ , is p a c ld n g its bags f<for Boise. th e dwel b Chelsea, spoke privIvatcly with medicalll leave for surgery in in the crowd T h atI la:land, known as Castle nth to at least one Arab k when the ship wasIS thc blast, stood up In Page B l a m o n tl e sailors injured in :hetht bombing Norfolk and appealed to ClinttIton that the Rock Ranclanch, would then be irad- fro m oioutside of Yemen, the he victims. bombed. )aper reported, and policee and the families of the ly Cole and its victims nolot be forgot- ud to thithe state of Idaho in n ew sp at t For Jesse Abram s,, tht c ceremo- “ T heyy all came through my Ige for state-owned land h a d dletermined et that a tenant ne,” Abrams said, “so I ten. exchange O p i n i o n i- ny was a way to payly tribute to chow line Clinton salutedI him, and withinI HiHagerman Fossil Beds ., gave theJie landlord forged identifi- o well, and a knew justist about all of them.” Sock with cationI dldocuments. , the CTew he knew so im , the signal moment ofof appeared to mouth, “T‘Thank you.” Nationalal NMonument- Veterans affairs; Sd d , time to once again realizer how For him said, “said a - | the College------------ T h et-prctident^ccompffnied ^ emonv happened Ot thele •■That,” Abrams sa: Please see SWAP. Page A2 ------ familiai^faces-in-the g veiy lucky liu !?>• H e; is ‘ a -cook-on-----the-ceren r;------airto n » e;»-------------- 0 trustee’s by sev«/eral Cabinet members and V, b u t was on end, w/hen h' John Qlodtelter, of S o u th e m Idaho I] ife Hillary and daughterr the Cole’s mess crew, election, today’s edieditorial says. h is wif< / Page A6 ------------------------^ S e c t i o n b y''SECTION s T h e vwriting5 on the^ wall ' ■' Section A SeiSection D D ut officer d o u b3 tts gang influencn e e ■Weattier ....2 Conr:omunldad .
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