The OCE Lamron, 1955-04-22
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• • SENIORS TAKE OVER Mosl Typical Siudenis To Be Revealed al Dance Campus Preview Starts Tonight by George Ing Approximately 200 seniors from high schools throughout the state will invade the campus starting this evening for the 1955 version of "Operation Sen- ior Week-end" slated to continue through Sunday. Theme of Senior Campus Preview, under the general direction of Harry Pease and his co-workers, is "Through the Looking Glass." Program for the events, which is sponsored by the adnunistratton in cooperation. with student council to give pro- Students spective students a typical view of the campus, are built around the theme. Upon arriving, the visitors will Endorse immediately become immersed in activity. They register in Todd hall this evening at 7 o'clock and will receive a name tag and Lieuallen Lamron. Immediately thereafter A petition to endorse Dr. Roy at 8:15 all are invited to attend Two of this group will be presented as the "most typica!" aCE students, Betty Coed and Joe E. Lieua'llen, for the presidency "Lo and Behold," a three-act College, at the senior preview dance Saturday night during intermission. The choice was made by a of OCE has been initiated by comedy, to be presented in CH auditorium by the. OCE drama student body vote in the recent spring election. Back row (I. to r.} - Ted Forbes, Joe Roberts, Dar. students with the sponsorship of department. Visiting seniors will rei Lunda, Bill Dayton, Jeanette Spinney, Pa~ Holman; second row - Audrey Nierhoff, Phyllis Seid, the ASOCE student counciL Barbara Makinster; inset - Dee Ann Larimer, Harry Pease, Elmer Summerfield, Dale Harp and Originated by Elmer Summer- be admitted free. Darlene Finney. field and Dale Harp, and written After the play, the evening will wind up at 11 with firesides by Harry E. Pease. all ASOCE sponsored by Todd hall, Arnold officers, the petition received the Arms and West house for visitors unanimous approval of the coun- and dorm residents. Student cil Monday night chairmen are Harold Wilson and The petition, after signatures of a majority of students, was Jerry Clark who will direct actrv- presented today to the faculty ities for the boys in Maple hall advisory committee who will and 'Ruby Taylor, head of the Todd program for the girls. make recommendations to the 9 a.m. Assembly in CH Vol. 32 - State Board of Higher Educa- Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, Friday, April 22, 1955 No. 24 tion. The state board may make Registration will continue at its decision of presidential ap- Todd ball Saturday morning. Af- ter being greeted by Dr. Roy E. pointment at its meeting on April Prom Princess Lieuallen, the administrator in To Edit Grove To Be Measured 29. charge. and Dale Harp. student Opal Bradshaw was appointed Measurement for caps and A great number of applications Choices Revealed body president, at a 9 a.m, as- 1955-56 editor of the OCE an- gowns for graduating students are being considered for the or- sembly in CH' auditorium, the Edie Nielson, senior; Mae nual, the Grove, by student will continue daily, Monday flee, left vacant in February by visitors will be presented with a Nag.oshi, iunior; JoAnn King, council Monday night. Recom- through Friday, April 29,· be- the death of Robin J. Maaske, program covering traditions, his- sophomore; and Sandy Owen, mended by this year's editors, tween 4 and 5 p.m. in Ad. 117. OCE president since 1950. tory, education offerings, intra- freshman, are the princesses Opal has had' two years exper- Students who cannot be meas- Dr. Floyd R Albin. Mr. Oscar mural and intercollegiate ath- from which will be chosen the ience on the Grove staff. She is ured at this time must make a C. Christensen, Dr. James Cur- a sophomore from West Linn. letics, and extra-curricular activ- queen who will reign over the special appointment with Miss tin, Dr. Jane Dale, and Miss Mar- junior·senior prom, May 14. Appointment of Lamron edi- garet Perry, make up, the advis- ities by faculty and students of Hill in the president's office. OCE. Julius Moen's ban d will tor was postponed until the next ory and, screening committee meeting of the council. Russell Students may still sign up (Continued on page three> play for the dance to be held for announcements and for the which was selected by the facul- in the gym, according to Don Bagtien applied for the position, ty on the request of Chancellor but was ruled ineligible. He has senior breakfast on the' CH Maple Manager Needed McCrac;ken, chairman. bulletin board. Breakfast will Charles D. Byrne. since been proved eligible after Dr. Lieuallen was appointed Mr. Ellis A. Stebbins, OCE The queen will be chosen by a closer check. He served on the not be held if enough people a student body vote. do not sign up. acting administrator in charge of 'business manager, is accepting Lamron sports staff in 1949-50. aCE by Chancellor Byrne soon applications for 1955·56 assist .. after Dr. Maaske's death. On ant manager of Maple hall, . (Oontdnued on page four> wh_ich is a paid position. Commissioner Elections Spooks, Lovers and Crook Will Start Wednesday In the commissioner race for hara. Publicity commrssroner seheid, Marge Kronser, Pat Me- nine positions on the ASOCE nominees are Sally Edgar , Jack Manus and Ruby Taylor. student council are candidates Graves, Shirley Plummer, Lila Sophomore class commission- nominated at the last student Mae Rice, Charlotte Sakamoto, er candidates are B eve r 1y council meeting. Nomination pe- and Ray Zweigart, On the ticket Bluhm, Harrison Bryant, Neva titions could be turned in up to for clubs commistsoner are M""yr~Goeldner, Clark Lund, Ramona Friday at 4 p.m, Late bulletins na Little. Carolyn Jones, Sherry Powers and Marcia Yoder. will give candidates up to 9 a.m. Ripple and Merle Soults. Polls will be open on Wed· Friday. Women's athletic commission- nesday and Thursday, April 27 Dee Ann Larimer is the sole er candidates are Ruth Cox, and 28, from 9 a.m, to noon and nominee for social commissioner Glenda Hamar, Kaye LeFrancq, 1 to 5 p.m. in SPO and during as her opponents all declined. Frances Moser and Mar g i e the noon hour and from 7:30 to Up for assembly commission- White. 10 p.m, in Maple hall. er are Glenn Brostrom, John In the race for men's athletic The only post left on the coun- Carpenter, Darrel Lunda, Au- commissioner are Bill Dayton, cil to fill next year is that of the drey Nierhoff and June Yesu- Russ Curnutt, Jim Hall and Bob freshman sctass commissioners - Wilson. who will be elected by the new Senior c I ass comrmssroner freshman class. Section 34.66, P.L.&R. nominees are Keith Jensen, Don The commissioners, with the U. S. POSTAGE McCracken, Loren Scott, Don- executive committee previously This davenport scene depicts Darlene Trineer, Pat Sax, Keith nale Smith and John Sutton, elected, will make up the ASOCE Jensen, Elvera Kurtz, and John Carpenter, (I. to r), with Edie Niel- PAID On the ballot for junior class Permit No. 12 joint council which will adminiS-1son and Harold Stephens seated together. The comedy, "Lo and Monmouth, Oregon commissioners are Bar bar a ter student body activities next Behold," will be in its second performance tonight at 8:15 o'clock Graves, George Ing, Liz Kraut- year. in. CH auditorium. ...... Two The aCE "Lamron, Monmouth, Oregon Frid.y, April 22, 1955 Prexy Extends Welcome St. Helens' FTA Hears Dr. Lieuallen Always it is a pleasure to welcome the seniors to. Rings 'n our campus. We recognize the fact that a great share of you will be members of our next year's freshman class. As a result, this is our introduction to you as Things well as your introduction to this campus. by Georg. Ing Join in on the friendliness and the activities and THE CAMPUS WILL BE feel a part of our campus - we wish to make this packed with visitors from high your week-end and hope that it meets your desires. schools throughout Oregon this Once again, welcome to Oregon College, and _ week-end and we like to see itl . First of all, they supply material above all, enjoy yourself! . for future student bodies at this • . DALE, HARP, school and furthermore some of ASQCE President them will, undoubtedly, supply information for a column such as this sort some time during their stay in school (mercenary To The High School Seniors likes we have, r'ight.) Dr. Roy E. Lieuallen, aCE administr:'etor in charge, was talking You're here, so what! So, we're glad to have you HEARD SO M EON E HAD to a group of Future Teacher members who visited the campus here and hope your stay is a pleasant one. - been having a snake for the bi- _f_ro_m_S_t_._H_e_le_n_S_h_i_9_h_s_C_h_o...,01_on_M_o_n_d_._y_,_A_p_r_il_l_l_,_ ology demonstrations next week You are here to see our campus and learn a bit and it got loose in Nelson hall. member how to pronounce -wn. Schuster To Perform about college life and we are ready and waiting to Haven't heard if it was caught lamette." It rhym,:s with darn- At Corvallis. Concert • do a sales job. As you go through the week-end, you yet. mit and not With cigarette. AND DR. BARROWS IN BI. Jo~eph Schuster, world famous will have ample opportunity to hear propaganda THE SWIMMING POOL HAS celloist, Will appear In GIll coli- from all sides.