Music 0, ' ) In this issue this In ... New FacesNew New Releases Releases New New Voices New APRIL • 1955 APRIL ... EWS W IE V from

CAPITOL Jumps In Johannesburg on the òtand There are those who say that Music Views VICKI YOUNG the real origin of jazz (even prior Aprii, 1955 Voi. XIII, No. 4 Reno, Nevada 23 Mar., 5 Aprjl Las Vegas, Nevada 7, 20 April to its development in New Or­ NAT "KING” COLE leans) is Africa. They say that BILL O L O F S O N ...... Editor Washington, D.C. 21, 27 March its rhythmic forms came to this Kingston, Jamaica 29, 31 March country with the Negro slaves. Associato Editori: Merrilyn Hammond, Port of Spain, Trinidad 2 April St. Louis, Missouri 9, 22 April this is true, then the cycle is Lucy Meyer. Chicago, Illinois 13 May now complete . . . for American jazz has become very popular in WITH SAM DONAHUE South Africa. So much so in Hollywood, California 15 March GORDON R. FRASER . . . Publisher Portland, Oregon 8 April fact, that The Bop Shop, a record Corvallis, Oregon 11 April store in Johannesburg, Union of chats with Johannes­ Published Monthly By Olympia, Washington 13 April South Africa, specializes in jazz burg, South Africa, record store Pullman, Washington 15 April proprietor, Barry Gordon. Gordon's CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Logan, Utah 21 April records exclusively. Salt Lake City, Utah 22, 23 April "Bop Shop" specializes in jazz wax. Sunset and Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif. Casper, Wyoming 29 April The proprietor of the shop, Greeley, Colorado 30 April Barry Gordon, is currently tour­ Printed in U .S.A. Vermillion, So. Dakota 1 May ing in their taste but will buy Waterloo, Iowa 4 May ing the United States to learn most forms of jazz if they con­ Subscription $1.00 per year. South Bend, Indiana 6 May about American methods of mer­ sider it good’.” PEE WEE HUNT chandising. Gordon states that Barry Gordon is a 25-year-old Odessa, Texas 7 April American records, both popular San Antonio, Texas 9 April bachelor who took over the record Tulsa, Oklahoma 14 April and jazz, are easily the best sell­ store from his father. He re­ Dennison, Texas 20 April ing recordings in the' Union of Austin, Texas 22 April cently staged a jazz concert with Pavin, Texas 23 April South Africa. He has found that local musicians, all of whom show San Antonio, Texas 24 April the biggest market for jazz is the influence of their American Fort Hood, Texas 1 May among the teenagers and profes­ FOUR FRESHMEN counterparts. Although it was Hollywood, California 14 March sional people. They seem to like the first of its kind, the concert Waco, Texas 1 Aprii all types of jazz, he feels, from was very successful and Gordon Fort Worth, Texas 2 Aprii small combos to big bands and Luckland, Texas 3 Aprii plans to promote more concerts San Antonio, Texas 4 Aprii from to Dixieland. in the future. When asked about Dallas, Texas 11, 18 Aprii Gainesville, Florida 29 Aprii Gordon further states that, "My the effect of American music on Columbus, Ohio 5 May country’s interest in Jazz seems the people of other countries, Spring Valley, Indiana 7, 11 May quite scholastic. The people are Gordon stated, "Your music is THE FIVE KEYS interested in the music and the undoubtedly one of your best Hallandale, Florida 21, 27 March musicians. American musicians good-will ambassadors. It is very are top attractions when they hard to love a country’s music Tucson, Arizona 17» 18 March "I Got His Autograph.' Phoenix, Arizona 19 March visit South Africa. The people without feeling a similar regard Los Angeles, California 21 March are becoming quite discriminat- for the people who produced it.” 2 3 across the country

Stan Kenton and newcomer Bobby Al Belletto (right) talks with oper­ The three sets of pearly whites Vicki Young puts "everything" into Milano examine facilities of their ator of Blue Note night club in belong to Marguerite Piazza, Lib- her latest Capitol disk, "Live Fast, mutual recording company, Capitol. Chicago during Belletto group's re­ race (who else?), and the skater Love Hard, Die Young." Flip side Stan's musical life history, "The cent stand there. Al's quintet is Sonja Henie, proving that gets the same all-out treatment and Kenton Era," is now a big seller. on Cap's "Kenton Presents" series. has indeed recovered his health. goes by title "Zoom Zoom Zoom."

Red Norvo (right) shouts instruc­ In Accordionist Dick Contino and act­ Al Jarvis watches his "Make Believe tions to reporter Bill Kennedy who Capitol like "Did You Tell Her ress-singer Anna Maria Alberghetti Ballroom" audience dance to dulcet tries his hand at playing the Xylo­ About Me," is now a are one of the twosomes taking in melody of "Shtiggy Boom." DJ Jar­ phone while Red's trio holds forth regular performer on ABC-TV s new a recent floorshow at Ambassador vis penned the tune; it was waxed at the Castle Restaurant in L. A. country-style show, "Ozark Jubilee." Hotel's Cocoanut Grove, in L. A. for Cap by Nuggets vocal group.

4 5 A Typical Day In The Life Of , hotdog stand and retire to Coffee spacious quarters, a sixth floor, Dan’s where talented Hollywood rear, walk-up flat over the "Home Boy Satirist of Radio, TV, and meets talented Hollywood for the of the Bowling Ball Burger.” He rises at 7 a.m. and after a deadpan way. It is then 8 :07. exchange of inspirational ideas. This routine is normal for brisk walk over the Plains of Depending upon the freeway Freberg stays here until 5:17 Stan and his good agent Miles. Pasadena, breakfasts with his traffic they make it to Hollywood p. m., exchanging inspirational With the exception of Thursday agent, Miles Bohm Auer, (who by 8:09 — 8:10. The day then ideas. At this time, though late nights when Stan has a 3:08 a.m. has risen at 5 a.m. and driven officially begins. After a brief already, they dash over to Capitol stereophonic sound nightmare, the many miles through ice and smog argument over who’s to unlock Records, pausing only to holler, week is more or less static. Fre­ in order to be there by 7:12 a.m. the door to their office, Stan “In case of fire what do they do berg hopes that the poignancy for the scheduling of the day’s winning out, (a goodwill policy with you?” at the startled reper­ and beauty of his rich life will work and the eggs.) While Miles of Miles) they go to their desks toire men. (Actually they say, inspire young folks everywhere. paces the carpet with the lily and in the three foot by 108 foot "In case of fire what do they do roses pattern saying occasionally, luxuriously appointed office (they with you-all?”) Then leaning "Okay, Stan, pal, I see it this made it over from a war-surplus against each other in uncontrolla­ way . . Stan scans the funnies bowling alley) with white tile ble laughter they go to dinner at and attaches more strings to his walls and floors and the polished a fashionable Sunset Strip spot at collection of puppets. Finally bamboo bathroom at the rear. 6:03 p.m. At 6:17, dinner fin­ Miles gets Stan to the front door To relax and get his mind or­ ished they go back to Pasadena. after which the phone rings. They ganized Stan then showers, re­ On the days when there are tussel briefly rolling about on the appearing at 11:40 at which time no records to make, television carpet until finally Miles wins they go to lunch, leaving a tip guestings, movie productions, ra­ out, Stan giving up with a sharp with the waiter to page them dio appearances, magazine articles blow to Miles’ jaw and a terse periodically. It isn't uncommon to write or photo sessions to "Answer da phone!” to hear someone in Hollywood attend, they settle down quietly Miles answers with the stand­ say to their charming luncheon in the living room with the latest ard SUCCESS gimmick, "He’s not companion, "Stan Freberg’s name comic books, Stan's placid little here.” They get to the car but is on everyone’s lips lately, he records playing at full volume in almost immediately the phone in must be an extraordinary fel­ the background. For diversion, the car rings. Miles slides up to low, indeed, just listen now as his they write down the most hideous a red light, brakes screeching. To name echos and echos through things they’ve been thinking the man in the car next to them this ole’ building. He must be about people all day and file it at the light, Miles shouts out the that fellow over there with the under "Future Record Material." window, "It’s for you,” and they napkin tucked in his good-looking At 8 p.m. Stan yawns and Miles, drive off pleased, leaving the poor velvet smoking jacket and the in­ seeing his duty, carries him up­ fellow embroiled in conversa­ Micki Mario takes time out from telligent face.” stairs and tucks him into his singing to model a new Rose Marie tion with an utter stranger. "That’s right, Miles,” the com­ cradle. (It makes Freberg feel Reid bathing suit and we're glad "That’s a knee-slapper," Stan panion is apt to reply. small again.) Miles then wends she did. Newest disk on Capitol, hollers to Miles, in his usual At 2:00 they leave the outdoor his weary day home to his own "Prize of Gold" - "Foolish Notion." 6 7 New Faces • • • New Voices

The Gallahads (Left 2nd from bottom) Another new vocal group on Capitol, The Gallahads’ first waxing, "Ooh-Ah” is getting attention. Dakota Staton (Bottom left) Hailed as the vocal "find” of 1955, Miss Staton has proved to be one of the most versatile vocalists in the business. New Cap release, "For the Rest of My As can be seen from the new faces on this Life,” is causing a lot of excitement. page, Capitol Records has been going all out Bobby Milano to find and develop new talent. (Top right) 18-year-old Bobby Milano The Nuggets displays a big voice and lots of enthusiasm (Above) It was The Nuggets’ recording on his initial Capitol waxing of "King or of "Shtiggy Boom” which was recently the Slave,” which racked up impressive sales. subject of nationwide interest when two Bunny Paul New Orleans deejays went on a wild disk­ (Right, 2nd from top) Although a new­ spinning spree. The two jockeys, Bill comer to the Capitol label, Bunny Paul has Elliott and Bill Stanley, played the record­ enjoyed considerable success on various in­ ing on the air for over 60 consecutive dependent labels. The striking blond’s first hours, setting a new record for marathon release for Cap is "Please Have Mercy.” disk performance. Danny Capri The Paulette Sisters (Right, 2nd from bottom) Danny Capri (Top left) Three young beauties from New brings to Capitol a fine baritone voice and England, the Paulette Sisters made their first easy delivery which has made his first disk, bid for stardom with Capitol waxing of "Desirable,” a contender for hit honors. "Leave My Honey Be” and E)ream Boat. Lee Kane Annisteen Allen (Bottom right) A former model, beautiful (Left 2nd from top) Although Miss Allen Lee Kane is one of the most recent pactees was signed and recorded by Capitol’s rhythm on Capitol. Her first recording, "Every and department, her recording of Day,” should be released about the time "Fujiama Mama” is finding wide acceptance "Music Views” appears at your dealer’s. in the popular field as well.

- j t , * ’ * « - ONLY IN HOLLYWOOD Nashville disk jock Marie Blum, a shapely dark-eyed doll, recently visited Holly­ wood. While lunching in the

Marie Blum Peggy King's latest recording "Any Questions," was first heard when Paramount commissary, Cecil she sang it on Jack Webb's "Drag­ B. DeMille walked in with net" TV show. She played part of torch singer questioned by police. entourage, sat across from her. Maestro Dick Stabile has teamed up He smiled, she smiled back. with maestro on new When she prepared to exit Capitol disk, "Baby You" & "Horn- DeMille sent his associate pro­ blower's Serenade." They play alto ducer over to say they were sax and trumpet solos, respectively. interested in considering her for a part in a new produc­ • MORE JAZZ IN R. I. tion. With considerable dis­ belief she answered a potful Staid Newport, R.I., had such of questions about herself, a good time last summer when a said she’d send photos to him jazz festival was held there one when she arrived back in weekend that another one has Nashville. Needless to say, she been scheduled for July. shook all the way back to her George Wein who produced hotel, astonished her mother last year’s event will also master­ with the story. "That’s the mind the 1955 concerts. Duke There's a head shot of new Capitol way I heard things happened Ellington and his orchestra are In addition to his new album "BG artist Lee Kane on page 9, but we in Hollywood,” Marie ex­ slated for concert as well as such in Hi-Fi," Benny Goodman has new decided it wouldn't be cricket to claimed, "but I still don’t be­ other jazz greats as Louis Arm­ single on Capitol, brand new ver­ hold out on you so here's the rest lieve it.” strong, Count Basie and Dave sions of favorites, "Let's Dance" of her. Aren't we sports, though? Brubeck. and also "Jumpin' at the Woodside."

10 11 fortress those brave men had been WE REMEMBER DAVY besieged for twelve days. Then by one silent night when there was 'M FROM Tennessee myself, and a lull in the fighting, Davy de­ believe me, we’re proud of the cided it was time to make up his Davy Crockett legend. Davy was own . It’s a farewell song. Ia sometime farmer, sometime Farewell to the mountains and soldier, sometime hunter and all- the home and the people he time lover of freedom. A lot of loved. people were surprised when he But even over their terrible got elected to Congress, but his defeat at the Alamo, you can still constituents knew what they were sort of hear that proud Davy about. When he got to Wash­ Crockett Ballad: ington folks expected him to turn Tennessee Ernie Ford records song "He’s ahead of us all, out to be a joke, but it didn’t about one of his home state's na­ meetin’ the test, happen that way. Crockett could tive sons. Ernie's version of "The "Followin’ his legend into Each a member of a different race tell a tall tale when he had a Ballad of Davy Crockett" is big hit. the West— or religion, these members of Harry mind to and he could act the "Davy . . . Davy Crockett Salter's ork posed recently to exem­ clown, but he was serious about men like himself stood up to a "King of the Wild Frontier! plify spirit of "Brotherhood Week" standing up for the working general and his whole army. The on ABC-TV's "Stop the Music." settlers on the frontier against general was Santa Anna and he the big land speculators. And he was invading Texas. You might 55'ers stood up for rhe Indians when say that Santa Anna was a kind of Residents of Texas were They wanted the Texas folk to the whites broke their treaties. dictator, and that didn’t set startled recently into wonder­ know that "The Ballad of In other words that man was for well with Davy. ing if another pioneer rush Davy Crockett” and "The what’s right and good and just. It seems only right to me that from the East had descended Farewell Song,” was a new That’s why he became a legend. this man" who once played a big upon their state. Capitol release. Tennessee Crockett wasn’t finished when role in the beginnings of Amer­ A covered wagon with a Ernie Ford, who sings on the he left Washington. He was a ica should now be put on the team of horses and all the Old Cap disking, told the rest of rebel, maybe, but he was also a screen by Walt Disney in one of West atmosphere surrounding the nation about the wagon leader and folks rallied around the most stirring movies you’ll it was seen making its way him. You know why? He ruled ever see. You know, I think the cross-country from Dallas to crossing on his "Tennessee without terror. Oh, he was pictur­ folks in America, way down deep Fort Worth. Newsreel men, Ernie TV Show.” esque all right, and even poetic. in their hearts, are still seeking television cameras and radio Sales of the tunes from the But down deep he believed in the things Davy was after. Lib­ reporters were rushed out to Walt Disney production of certain freedoms. Enough to fight erty, freedom and the pursuit of cover the sight. Turned out "Davy Crockett” reportedly for them. happiness. that Capitol Records’ repre­ have zoomed in Texas as a T IKE OUT there at the Alamo. 'T* HERE’S one scene there I’ll sentatives were the "pioneers”. result of the stunt. ' Crockett and a handful of never forget. In that Alamo 12 13 and

"Plain and Fancy," newest of the musical productions to attain hit status on Broadway, Is now avail­ able In recorded form, with the original cast, on Capitol. Cast In­ cludes Richard Derr, Shlrl Conway, Barbara Cook, David Daniels and Gloria Marlowe singing the score written by Arnold Horwitt and Al­ bert Hague. Producers are Richard Kollmar and James W. Gardiner. (Above left) Gloria Marlowe and Barbara Cook duet as two Amish lasses, "Plain and Fancy" relates the ad­ Katie and Hilda. (Center) The entire Amish community makes a festival ventures of two sophisticated New of work and holds a "barnraising," to replace a barn which had burned. Yorkers visiting a farm near Blrd- (Right) Two brothers, played by David Daniels and Douglas Fletcher In-Hand, . Here they Rodgers are mutually antagonistic. One Is accused of "hexing" community. find a charming, picturesque and wholly admirable Amish community which eschews such modernisms as telephones, automobiles and Indoor (Below left) A near-by carnival with Its "grind show" provides a torrid plumbing. The complications, hu­ dance scene In the second act. (Center) Story ends with Hilda heeding morous and romantic, produced by the advice "Take Your Time and Take Your Pick" with the local swains, this meeting of city folk and coun­ while the two New Yorkers, played by Richard Derr and Shlrl Conway (at try Amish provides what one well- right) discover that they were In love all the time and didn't know it. known critic halls as "An evening of brightness, melody and charm." The melody portion of the above statement Is provided by such as "Young and Foolish," "You Can't Miss It," "It Wonders Me," "Why Not Katie," "Plenty of Penn­ sylvania," "This Is All Very New To Me" and many more. The charm­ ing book was written by Joseph Stein and Will Gllckman. Pictured at left are two of the principals, Gloria Marlowe and David Daniels. p o p u la r new r L B U M S c la s s ic a l PERCUSSION ! MARIAN McPARTLAND AT THE HICKORY HOUSE Concert Arts Orches­ Talented jazz pianist Marian McPartland leads a small, tra Conducted by swinging combo through a collection of moody, tasteful tunes. VERDI - Felix Slatkin I Hear Music Street Of Dreams Let’s Call The Whole “A MASKED BALL” w ith Hal Rees, Tickle-Toe How Long Has This Thing Off Percussionist I’ve Told Ev’ry Been Going On Lush Life Orchestra and Chorus Little Star Skylark of Radiotelevisione Thrilling high fidel­ Moon Song Ja-Da Love You Madly Italiana, Turin; ity performances, 45rpm Album No. 45rpm Album No. 45rpm Album No. capturing all the EAP-1-574 EAP-2-574 EAP-3-574 Angelo Questa, color, the rhythm, and dynamic power of Conductor three unique selections for percussion. 33y3rpm Album No. T-574 Milhaud: Concerto For Percussion and Another complete Small Orchestra ARTHUR MURRAY CHA CHA MAMBOS by Verdi, the Chavez: Toccata For Percussion Billy May’s Rico Mambo Orchestra master of Italian opera is now added to Bartók: Music For String Instruments, Exciting music for the new Latin dance sensation, specially se­ the distinguished Cetra library. Percussion and Celesta 33y3rpm Album No. P-8299 Frenesílected by Arthur Murray, The Cha imaginatively Cha Cha arranged Manana by Billy May 33y»rpm Album No. B-1249 Ain’t She Sweet Adiós Cha Cha Bamer Mama Inez The Peanut Vendor Undecided MARIA CALLAS Taboo Culiacan Ya Ya Ya. Cha Cha Cha SINGS BRAHMS -"A 45rpm Album No. 45rpm Album No. 45rpm Album No. GERMAN REQUIEM” Symphony Orchestra EAP-1-578 EAP-2-578 EAP-3-578 The Frankfurt Opera of Radiotelevisione 45rpm Album No. ECF-578 • 33y3rpm Album No. T-578 Chorus Italiana, Turin; The Frankfurt Opera SWING EASY & SONGS FOR YOUNG LOVERS Arturo Basile, And Museum Frank Sinatra with Orchestra Conducted by Conductor Now in one Album . . . all the tunes from two of Sinatra’s Lovely arias from Conducted by Justmost One popular Of Thosealbums. Things • I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And distinguished Georg Solti Write Myself A Letter • Sunday • Wrap Your Troubles In are sung by a great soprano, whose mag­ A handsome album of Brahms' greatest Dreams • Taking A Chance On Love • Jeepers Creepers • nificent voice and unusual versatility vocal work, expertly conducted by the Get Happy • All Of Me • My Funny Valentine • The Girl are internationally acclaimed by critics. renowned Georg Solti. Next Door • A Foggy Day • Like Someone In Love • I Get Bellini: I Puritani • Oh, rendetemi la 33’/3rpm Album No. PBR-8300 A Kick Out Of You • Little Girl Blue • They Can’t Take speme . . . Qui la voce sua soave • Vien That Away From Me • Violets For Your Furs diletto e in ciel la luna 33y3rpm Album No. W -587 Ponchielli: La Gioconda • Suicidio! DVORAK - HIGH FIDELITY POPULAR FAVORITES Wagner: Tristan And Isolde • Morte “CONCERTO IN B Vocals In Full Dimensional Sound di Isotta MINOR, op. 104 for Verdi: La Traviata • E strano . . . Ah. ’Cello and SixteenInstrumentals exciting In Full vocal Dimensional and instrumental Sound performances, espe­ fors’ e lui • Follie! Follie! Sempre Orchestra” cially chosen for their brilliance in high fidelity recording. libera • Teneste la promessa . . . Addio! Andre Navarra,’Cello Boxed with explanatory book. del passato w ith The New 40 Cups Of Coffee — Ella Mae Morse • Waltz To The Blues — 33y3rpm Album No. A-50175 Symphony Orchestra • Do You Ever Think Of Me — The Encores of London Conducted with Billy May • Chuncho — Yma Sumac • Vaya Con Dios — FAMOUS TENOR Les Paul & • Collegiate — Joe "Fingers” Carr • by Rudolf Schwarz Love Is Here To Stay — Nat "King” Cole • Adios — Gisele ARIAS One of the world’s most beautiful 'cello MacKenzie • Sound Off March — Ray Anthony • Orchids In Cesare Valletti with concertos,contemporary interpreted 'cellist. by Europe's finest The Moonlight — Symphony Orchestra • Doodle — the Orchestra 33y3rpm Album No. P-8301 Doo-Doo — Joe "Fingers” Carr • Top Hat. White Tie And Lirica Cetra; Tails — Billy May • Invention For Guitar And Trumpet — Arturo Basile, Stan Kenton • Oh! — Pee Wee Hunt • The Piccolino — Axel Conductor Stordahl • The Kangaroo - Les Paul RACHMANINOFF - 33y3rpm Album No. SAL-9029 operaBrilliant star Italian Cesare "SECOND CHILDRENS BOZO’S MERRY-GO- Valletti performs these memorable arias CONCERTO” ROUND (Ride 2) with exceptional talent. Leonard Pennario, WOODY WOODPECKER’S Pinto Colvig Massenet: Manon • Le Reve (The Piano FAIRY GODMOTHER Authentic band organ Dream) • Je suis seul . . . Ah! fuyez, The St. Louis music is introduced by douce image Symphony Orchestra After his fairy Capitol’s famous clown, Mozart: Don Giovanni • Il Mio tesoro Vladim ir Golschmann, godmother txcice grants Bozo, who describes the intanto • Dalla sua pace Conductor someoneWoody's wishelse, heto bedecides delightsgo-round of merry-riding. Massenet: Werther • O nature • Pour- The most loved of all piano concertos is that people are happiest The Thunderer quoi me reveiller given a superb performance by the gift­ just being themselves. Artist’s Life Donizetti: Lucia Di Lammermoor • Tu ofed pianist incomparable Leonard melody, Pennario. artistry An album and 78rpm Album No. CAS-3218 78rpm Album No. CAS-3174 che a Dio • Tombe degli avi miei high fidelity. 45rpm Album No. CASF-3218 45rpm Album No. CASF-3174 33y3rpm Album No. A-50176 33'/3rpm Album No. P-8302 TOMMY LEONETTI THE FOUR FRESHMEN Ever Since You Went Away It Never Occurred To Me Untied Malaya NEW CAPITOL RECOUDS No. 3065 No. 3070 RECORD NUMBER SHOWN IS FOR 78 RPM-FOR 45 RPM ADD PREFIX "F " BILLY MAY JIMMY HEAP VICKI YOUNG LES BAXTER and His Orch.— Vocal byThe Four Mayds and The M elody Masters His Chorus and Orchestra How Important Can It Be? w ith Perk Williams That's All I Want From You with Vocal Group & Orchestra Let It Happen Conducted by From Hall Bartlett Prod. "Unchained" No. 3066 Sebbin Come Elebbin Tears On My Pillow Released by Warner Bros. and the Melody Masters MARGARET WHITING No. 3071 with 's Music MEDIC with Chorus & Orchestra No. 3046 From Television Production "Medic" Conducted by Nelson Riddle WESLEY TUTTLE No. 3055 A Penny Love Affair STAN KENTON FARON YOUNG Stowaway and His Orchestra That Little Boy Of Mine Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young Allah Be Prais'd No. 3072 A-Ting-A-Ling No. 3067 Forgive Me, Dear Malaguena PAULETTE SISTERS BETTE ANNE STEELE No. 3056 Mama (He Treats Your N o .3047 Dream Boat ANNISTEEN ALLEN Daughter Mean) Make Yourself Comfortable Leave My Honey Be Take Me Away Fujiyama Mama Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So) No. 3068 No. 3073 Wheels Of Love No. 3057 RAY ANTHONY-DICK STABILE BUNNY PAUL No. 3048 "TENNESSEE" ERNIE FORD and Their Orchestras with Orch Conducted by Billy May Orchestra and Chorus Under the Baby You Please Have Mercy Echo Tango Direction of Cliffie Stone These Are The Things Ballad Of Davy Crockett* Hornblower's Serenade All Day Long No. 3069 We'll Share No. 3074 N o .3049 Farewell* *From Walt Disney's "Davy Crockett" FRANK SINATRA No. 3058 Orch. Conducted by Nelson Riddle DAKOTA STATON USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER COUPON Don't Change Your Mind For The Rest Of My Life About Me No Mama— No Papa PRICES No. 3059 Fill out and Mail to your Favorite Capitol Record Dealer Why Should I Cry Over You? below are usual prices No. 3050 THE GALLAHADS only, ncluding Federal Excise Tax, exclusive of state and local JEAN SHEPARD OOh Ah Gentlemen: taxes. Check your local dealer. Careless SINGLE RECORDS: Did You Tell Her About Me Please send me the Capitol Records or Albums listed below 78 rpm...... 98c No. 3060 45 rpm. (F) ...... 89c □ Check Enclosed □ Charge to my account You Sent Her An Orchid PEE WEE HUNT ALBUMS.* No. 3051 and His Orchestra Prefix Price Prefix Price Name______. T . . . 3.98 C . . . 14.94 THE NUGGETS The Bumpity Bump SAL . 6.75 DBX . . 3.66 Orch. Conducted by Van Alexander EBF . 2.98 EAXF . 2.35 Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On Address______EAP . 1.49 CAS . . 99 Shtiggy Boom No. 3061 STREET H . . . 2.98 CASF . .99 P . . . 4.98 DAS . . 1.15 Anxious Heart MICKI MARLO City______Zone______State______KASF . 1.10 No. 3052 Prize Of Gold Record Record or or BILL LOWERY Foolish Notion Album No. Title Album No. Title w ith The Sunshine Boys No. 3062 Rusty Old Halo SIMON CRUM I Dreamed Of A Hillbilly My Gallina Heaven Cuzz Yore So Sweet No. 3063 No. 3053 ROY ACUFF DANNY CAPRI and His Smoky Mountain Boys Desirable The Thief Upon The Tree I Do, I Do Don't Judge Your Neighbor Add (F) to single record numbers for 45 rpm. No. 3054 N o .3064 • SINATRA HONORED Frank Sinatra recently was an­ LULLABY nounced as the winner of the Soon after popular singer annual Award for became the the greatest contribution to pop­ proud mother of a baby boy, ular music during 1954. one of her radio programs Jerry Marshall, of WNEW, scheduled the following tunes, New York, creator of the award "Little Man You’ve Had A had this to say of the judges’ Busy Day,” "Close Your choice. "Three men representing Eyes,” and "All The Pretty different phases of the popular White Horses." We assume

music field indicated by their the baby was tuned in. Î votes a respect for taste, imagin­ ation and showmanship with which Sinatra provided the public during this past year.” Awarding the "gold mike,” symbol of the award, to Sinatra were judges, Paul Whiteman, Arthur Schwartz, lyricist, and Alec Wilder, .

• SET PIX TO MUSIC Formerly a singer, Dorothy Malone Musical interpretations of 12 now has top dramatic roles to her works of art by Degas, Dali and credit, including "Battle Cry" and other artists are being featured new Warner pic, "Tall Man Riding." in an RCA album, "Passion In Paints,” with the orchestra of • FROMAN HONORED Henri René. The twelve instru­ Jane Froman, popular Capitol mentals were first aired to the Records vocalist, received the an­ public on an NBC radio show nual award of the Advertising "Best of All.” Club of Baltimore as the "Out­ On that show the paintings standing Television Personality of represented in the album were 1954.” Miss Froman, star of the You don't hove to be beautiful to discussed in relation to the al­ CBS Television "Jane Froman become a recording artist, but it bum by representatives of the Margaret Whiting tosses a quip at Show,” received a handsome certainly doesn't do any harm, as Metropolitan Museum of Art and Nelson Riddle during recording of bronze plaque, marking the sec­ witness Rosalind Paige, hopeful new The New York Museum of Mod­ her latest record "Stow away." Flip ond time a woman has been so vocalist signed to MGM Records. ern Art. is cute novelty "Allah Be Praised." honored by the club. 20 21 'REQUIEM' ON CAPITOL One of the first of a series of Mr. Solti has been associated distinguished European artists re­ with major orchestras in Europe corded abroad in "full-dimension- and in North and South America. al sound” for Capitol Records He is a regular guest conductor is George Solti, conducting ”A of the Berlin and London Phil­ German Requiem” by Brahms. harmonic Orchestras. In Amer­ Particularly fitted to the relig­ ica his appearances have been ious feeling of the Easter Season, greeted with acclaim with the San "Requiem” will be released in Francisco and Chicago Symphony April, and features the voices Orchestras, the Hollywood Bowl of soprano, Lore Wissman and Symphony Orchestra and the Na­ baritone, Theo Adam, both na­ tional Symphony Orchestra of tives of Germany. Mexico City.

Les Paul and Mary Ford returned Steve Allen poses with the two from Europe recently to find that "regular" vocalists on his TV show, their recording of "Song In Blue" "Tonight." Gal is Eydie Gorme and had reached real hit proportions. at bottom is young Steve Lawrence.

RENIG? Dick Williams of the Los "that all you wanted to do was Angeles Mirror tells this anec­ to fulfill your ambition to be dote on : King of the Zulus in the One Mardi Gras eve, Mayor Mardi Gras parade and you’d (Chip) Morrison of New Or­ be ready to die. Is that true, leans was entertaining Louie as guest of honor and made Satchmo?” Ferlin Huskey plays “ Simon Crum" Martha Carson, whose spiritual wax a short speech bestowing on "Yes, Mr. Mayor,” replied on his new Capitol disk, titled "M y is well known in Country field, is him an honorary citizenship Louis. "But there ain’t no Gallina." "Simon" is a character also now recording for Capitol in and the keys to the city. "I sense of the Lord taking me created by Huskey and familiar to the "pop" field. Her first of this understand,” said the Mayor, literally.” listeners of the "Grand Ole O pry." type is scheduled for release soon.

22 23 • MUGGSY'S 35TH ANNI Beloved by jazz fans all over the nation, Muggsy Spanier cele­ brated his 35th anniversary in the music business in Chicago, a few weeks ago. The famous cor- netist launched his career in Chi­ cago with the Sig Meyer band just 35 years ago. Some of the musicians who played with Spanier at that time were present when Muggsy opened at the Pre­ view Lounge recently marking the career milestone. Mr. and Mrs. Spike Jones (she's also Fielen Grayco) showed mixed reactions to photographer at Cocoa- puts aside his trom­ nut Grove in L.A. Fler "Teach Me bone long enough to become a vo­ Tonight" disk was most recent hit. calist during recording of "Frank Rosolino "album in the "Kenton Pre­ sents Jazz" series of Capitol wax. Eleanor Parker and Glenn Ford go over script to MGM's "Interrupted Melody," in which Miss Parker por­ DORIS ? ? trays Marjorie Lawrence, operatic Doris Day, who for years singer crippled at height of career. has been considered the "all- American-girl-next-door” type, • COLE SINGS IN FLICK showed up so sexy in her role as Ruth Etting for MGM’s Nat "King” Cole will sing on "Love Me Or Leave Me,” that the main title track of "Kiss Me her Columbia Record bosses Deadly,” it was announced re­ turned down a picture of her cently by Capitol Records. which was to be used as an Nat "King” will sing the tune, album cover. "This photo," "I’d Rather Have The Blues,” said a Columbia exec, "is too Charlie Weaver (Cliff Arquette) has written especially for the picture Faron Young (right) is made "Hon­ sexy for an album cover.” recorded an album about the folks by Frank DeVol, who also com­ orary Citizen of Tennessee" by Gov. Oh well, still waters run... in Mt. Ida. Typical song titles: posed and conducted the back­ Frank G. Clement, while Hubert "Gomar, Come Out of the Sewer" ground score. The tune will be Long and Cap a&r producer Ken and "Fight For Subnormal U." released on the Capitol label. Nelson (right) offer congratulations. 24 25 • JUVES DIG CLASSICS People concerned with the "de­ clining taste of the younger gen­ eration” might be surprised to hear that today’s teenagers dig long-hair music as much as they do Tin-Pan Alley tunes. At any rate, that’s what a recent survey of Compact, the Young People’s Digest, reveals. In the second annual poll of high school editors conducted by the magazine, "The Voice of Firestone,” a program of classical Executives of MGM Records watch music heard over ABC Televi­ Looks like Tommy leonetti has him­ while Joni James peruses new con­ (R) attends the sion and Radio Networks tied for self a sizeable hit with new Cap­ tract before signing with the label Azalea Trail Festival in Mobile, Ala. first place in the "best musical itol release "Ever Since You Went for additional five years, latest with Trail President Gaines Betbeze program” category with "Your A w ay" and "Untied." Flipside was recording: "This Is My Confession." (L) and song publisher Mike Gould. Hit Parade." written by Cap artist Tommy Collins.

SWITCH An interesting situation has arisen in connection with Les Baxter’s waxing of "Medic,” the theme from the high rated TV show. Victor Young, who composed the melody, and also publishes it, has been helping promote the Baxter record via disk jockey appear­ ances, etc. Ordinarily this would not be strange, except that Young also has a disking Harry Bellafonte plugs own disks of the tune on Decca, so he and those of fellow waxer, Ella finds himself in the position Billy May, with his "Sorta-May" al­ Stewart "Rick" Rose poses for his Fitzgerald, for deejay Hugh Mc­ of plugging another artist’s bum selling like great wax should, last picture in uniform with label Pherson of WCHS, Charleston, W. record of a song he has re­ is once more invading the "singles" "X " musical director Buck Ram. He Va. Bellafonte was on tour with corded himself. scene with versions of "How Impor­ recorded "I Complained" just be­ company of "Three For Tonight." tant Can It Be" & "Let It Happen." fore receiving discharge from Army. 27 26 • DENNIS, ANYONE? JINGLE BELLE A novel recording gimmic was It is not every day that a initiated by Matt Dennis at the writer of singing commercials Encore Restaurant in Hollywood gets to hear his jingle played recently. Dennis and his Trio by an 87 piece symphony or­ recorded "Dennis, Anyone?’’, a chestra. That’s what happened new album amid the cocktail to Barbara Cameron when the conversation of invited friends. Symphony Orches­ RCA Victor moved their port­ tra recently recorded a jingle able recording equipment into a she wrote for the purpose of restaurant to record the artist promoting the Fine Arts drive under his actual working con­ in Cincinnati. The jingle was ditions. 58 seconds long and also used Betty Ann Grove receives "Brascar" Celebrities invited to attend award from Earl Wilson for "exqui­ 8 voices singing the lyric. included , Dinah Shore, site form on records" via Major wax, Who knows, maybe people Harry James, Tony Martin, Hoagy "I Had a Heart When I Came In." will start listening during the Carmichael, Mario Lanza, and commercials and talking dur­ many other prominent personal­ • SOUND NOW VISUAL ing the shows. ities. Their participation con­ sisted of supplying the back­ Introduced by the Revere Cam­ Les Baxter now has two records do­ ground conversation as Matt Den­ era Corporation at the third ing well, "Blue Mirage," released nis sang and played the tunes to annual Los Angeles Audio Fair a couple of months ago, and "U n­ was an electronic device which chained Melody" backed with theme be recorded. allows listeners to "see” as well from the "Medic" television show. as hear musical passages. As certain musical tones are • 'CLOCK' IN 'JUNGLE' played a color indicator displays The Bill Haley recording of lights of various colors. It is "Rock Around The Clock,” is thereby possible to see how mu­ being used throughout the MGM sic is constructed on basic fre­ movie, "The Blackboard Jungle,” quencies. In addition to this the a movie starring Glenn Ford, gadget can turn off and on such Louis Calhern and Anne Francis. appliances as stoves, irons, and The tune was a hit on Decca radios. Records earlier in the year. Jack Tucker, new Label "X" country It is thought that the instru­ Jerri Adorns, Columbia disk artist "Blackboard Jungle” is a movie artist, makes record debut with a ment has a potential for teach­ recently returned from Australia, concerned with the complexities song that takes a very positive ap­ ing the deaf to appreciate music where she performed with Frankie facing teachers dealing with prob­ proach: "Stark Staring Madly In by watching the color combina­ Laine on his tour "down under." lem teenagers. Love With You." No room for doubt. tions produced. 29 28 • KENTON SALUTED NBC Radio recently presented a "Salute to Stan Kenton” as YlftfS one of its Sunday afternoon series which lauds prominent men in various fields. Frank Sinatra acted as narrator and the program in­ cluded reports from various coun­ tries of the world. Others to be eulogized in the past weeks have been Eddy Arnold and Carl Sand­ burg. Kenton tribute follows on the heels of the release of the fabulous "Kenton Era” package by Capitol. To make sure you receive the very Currently tickling the funnybones • DIZZY SINGING of record buyers across the nation latest news of music and entertainment is a hilarious new disk by comic Dizzy Dean, not content to be Andy Griffith. It's his version of a celebrity in the baseball world regularly each month . . . send "Make Yourself Comfortable." is now a figure of some note in the western and country record­ a dollar bill (or check or money order) ing field. He was among the artists attending the third annual with your name and address —and National Day in * MUSIC VIEWS will be in your mail box Meridian, ., and entertained 1 with his version of the "Stream­ every month for a whole long year! line Cannonball.” • PAULS TO TOUR Tentative plans for Les Paul CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. and Mary Ford to tour Britain 6362 Hollywood Boulevard again in late summer were an­ Hollywood, California • Dept. M nounced by British agents, Lew Yes, 1 would like to have MUSIC VIEWS every month for and Leslie Grade. It is also ex­ one year! pected that they will schedule concert dates during their stay Enclosed $1.00 Q] Cash Q Check Q Money Order Marian McPartland, talented jazz abroad. Les and Mary appeared Name.______— pianist, can now be heard on her at the London Palladium in 1952, first Cap album, titled "Marian and recently returned from a Street ______- McPartland At The Hickory House." European pleasure trip in 1954. ritv Zone State 30 Sec. 34.66, P. L. & R. ★

★ Dealers with local 34.66 permit may use 1 Vj C pre-cancelled stamp (or meter) on mailings of 200 or more; otherwise use 2c uncancelled stamp (or meter). No envelope or sealing required. Mail at Post Office. When 2c stamp is used, place stamp so it covers up the words “ Sec. 34.66 P. L. & R."

Tommy Collins (left) and Cliffie Stone (right) give musical and moral support to a promising young country and hillbilly team on Capitol, the Farmer Boys. First release on the label, "You're a Humdinger" and "I'm Just Too Lazy," are already showing hit signs. Collins wrote the "Humdinger" side. Cliffie also has a hit going with "Melody of Love."