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PUBLISHED BY THE CRYONICS INSTITUTE ISSUE 03 | 2017 Cryonics insights and information for members and friends of the Cryonics Institute NEWSLETTER cryonics.org • [email protected] • 1 (866) 288-2796 CI BULLETIN With that in mind, I encourage everyone to make your reservations today at the ConCorde Inn to ensure you get a room on-site for the meeting. www.concordeinns. com. I also would like to extend a personal invitation to our non-member readers to join us on September 10. If you’re intereted in Cryonics, but not yet a member, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about CI, tour the facility, meet our leadership team and make new friends in the cryonics community. This issue also features our roster of 2017 Board of Directors candidates. This year we have four incum- bents running for re-election (including myself) as well Dennis Kowalski - CI President as two new candidates. One of the great strengths of CI Hello all, has always been the involvment and enthusiasm of our members, and i think this is reflected in the dedication of Summer is winding down, which means it’s almost time our member-elected Board of Directors leadership team for our 2017 Annual General Meeting. I’m especially and the individuals who choose to run for the opportu- looking forward to this year’s event, as it will be our first nity to serve CI as Board Members. As funded and con- time conducting the meeting off-site at a brand-new tracted members ourselves, each of our Directors has location. It’s also a great sign of CI’s growth and momen- tum that we have effectively outgrown our current a vested interest in making sure Ci remains a growing, facility both in terms of patient storage and the number successful and stable organization for both ourselves of attendees we can accommodate for the Annual and generations to come. Meeting. We’re growing in patients, members and atten- I’m looking forward to seeing everyone September 10. dance numbers for the AGM,, and I view these all as positive signs we’re headed in the right direction. I’m Respectfully yours, confident this new location will be a welcome change and the beginning of a new tradition at CI. Dennis Kowalski CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS The digital newsletter of the Cryonics Institute Cryonics Institute or cryonics-related articles are 24355 Sorrentino Ct. welcome. Submissions: [email protected] Clinton Township, MI 48035-3239 Phone: 1 (586) 791-5961 Toll-free: 1 (866) 288-2796 (North America) E-SUBSCRIPTIONS FAX: 1 (586) 792-7062 * As a CI member, you are automatically added Email: [email protected] to our email reminder list. To unsubscribe, please use the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom © 2017 Cryonics Institute of your email. 2 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute A roundup of what’s new at CI and in the world of cryonics! Professor Adam Higgins Announced as AGM Speaker Associate Professor Adam Z. Higgins, who is currently conducting research for CI on organ perfusion techniques, will be a featured guest speaker at the 2017 AGM. Professor Higgins’ talk will focus on research results to date and strategies moving forward. “Development of organ perfusion strategies to reduce CPA toxicity” We previously developed a mathematical optimization strategy for designing mini- mally toxic CPA equilibration procedures and demonstrated its effectiveness for cryo- preservation of endothelial cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Current efforts focus on extending this optimization approach to 3D tissues and organs. In particular, we are exploring the effects of the tonicity of the CPA carrier solution during kidney perfusion. Our results show that the response of kidneys is analogous to that of iso- lated cells, suggesting that toxicity minimization strategies developed for isolated cells can be adapted to organs. Adam Z. Higgins, Associate Professor School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Oregon State University For a detailed report on this research, please see this article in CI Magazine (page 18.) 3 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute CI-Sponsored Research Featured at Cryo2017 in Hefei, China Ross Warner presented the organ preservation work CI helped support at the annual meeting of the International Society for Cryobiology in China July 21-23. Warner was also selected as the Society’s 2017 Critser Award winner for his submission “Examination of Toxicity Reduction During Organ Cryopreservation by Manipulating the Composition of the CPA Loading Solution” based on this research. Warner, a PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University, is a member of Professor Adam Higgins’ team of researchers who are working with CI to study improved preservation techniques. This research was also presented by Professor Higgins at the Organ Banking Summit held in Boston August 3-6. The Critser Award is sponsored by the family of late cryobiologist and former President of the Society for Cryobiology, John K. Critser. The award recognizes the best extended abstract submission by a student and carries an honorarium of $1500 USD to attend the Society’s annual meeting. CI will be conducting our Second Silent Auction at the 2017 AGM, allowing attendees to bid on a number of items. All mon- ies raised will be donated to the Cryonics Institute, so we’re hoping this will be a fun and rewarding addition to our Annual Meeting as well as a great way to raise donations. The success of this project will depend in large part on the items received, so we’re actively looking for nice items for this auction. Interested individuals, companies or other sponsors who would like to participate by donating items or by helping to solicit donors can contact: [email protected] Stephan is also looking for positive volunteers who will be attending the AGM to help with the event. * Please see CI Magazine, Issue 1 - 2017 for the complete auction rules. 4 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute New French Organ Donations Law Will Impact Cryonicists: Take Action Now! The French Parliament passed the new law on April 14th 2016, effective beginning January 1st, 2017. According to this law, all French citizens over 18 years of age are now considered consenting donors. At the time of death, before considering organ & tissue removal, medical teams will be required to check whether the deceased has claimed an opposition to the donation of organs & tissues during his or her lifetime. First of all, the medical team will ask for the consultation of the National Register of the refusals to know if the deceased is registered on it. If not, they will be required to consult surviving relatives to confirm the deceased’s prior consent. This law could have serious ramifications for CI Members in France, so it is important they take action to help prevent an automatic, and unwanted donation. French cryonicists will need to complete the registration form of the National Register of refusals, making sure it is on record that they don’t want to donate their organs & tissues after their death. Send the completed form to 1, avenue du Stade de France, 93212 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex. Nouvelle Loi en France sur le Don d’Organe. La loi votée le 14 avril 2016 par le Parlement Français sur le don d’organes est applicable depuis le 1er Janvier 2017. Elle fait de tous les Français majeurs des donneurs présumés consentants. Au moment du décès, avant d’envisager un prélèvement d’organes & de tissus, les équipes médicales vérifieront si la personne décédée a fait valoir de son vivant une opposition au prélèvement de ses organes & tissus. En premier lieu, l’équipe médicale demandera la con- sultation du Registre National des refus pour savoir si le défunt y est inscrit. Dans la négative, on vérifiera auprès des proches si le défunt n’a pas fait valoir de son vivant son opposition aux prélèvements de ses tissus & de ses organes à son décès. Bref, que doivent faire les cryonicistes français(e)s ? Et bien ils doivent remplir le formulaire d’inscription du Registre National des refus, ce qui signifie qu’ils ne souhaitent pas donner leurs organes & tissus après leur mort et envoyer par la poste (Courrier Recommandé) le formulaire à 1 avenue du Stade de France, 93212 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex. (J.R.M.) 5 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Get the world’s premier publication on prolonging youth & longevity for one year absolutely FREE! MKAQAV170207 Packed with the latest medical findings, research results, and innovative treatment protocols, Life Extension Magazine® is the ultimate resource on staying healthy and living longer. Call now and get a one year subscription (12 issues) absolutely FREE ... $ that’s a whopping 59.88 off the newsstand price! And it’s brought to you by the PROD CODE: global leader in the field of preventing age-related disease for over 35 years. SUBCOMP Stay healthy with the highest-quality supplements money can buy. 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