Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-10-20
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, I . .- '. ·01 Servin The State Universit 0 Iowa Iowa Cit EStablished In 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP Leased, WJre and Photo Service Iowa City. Ia .• Saturday. October 20, 1& Future Miss , . ul ie btauty cutlinr IW&nt. rOIn f~etlolll ond etlon. , : :d , '"/ ' lr yellow n. 8y.. .. .'. .' ~-- , ....., --~------:-----:...~-' -- ------~....:-.::..-::-.:....;~....:.. ] Gas Fire, Blast Resc.ue at Sea 40,000 To See Kills Seven, Colorful Team Sears Six ' From Islands ., JIM NIY HERRIN, III. LfI - Seven per· Oall, I ...... 1I,.,h UI .., sons were dead Friday of Lhe Ie· thai effects of a propane gas flash Trying hard not to look ahead to fire that scared an entire neighbor· their important Big '10 road en· hood like a giant blowtorch. gagement wltil Purdue next week, Six others Were seriously burned the unbeaten Iowa Hawkeyes taD' . (D. I . I'hMO h1 ..III N.I... ) in the tire and explosions Thurs THE TEN FINALISTS in the Mill SUI contest cho.en Fridey night et the Iowa Memoria' Union are, day night that destroyed a gas gle with also undefeated Hawall In /rem left: Jo Rasmussen, D2, De, Moinel; Pet Pollack, Al, De. Moine.; Joan Suffern, A2, Oelwein; bottling plant warehouse, fi~ Iowa Stadium today at 1:30. /Uy St.rIe. AI, Muscatine; Judi McLlren, Nl. Des Moines; Miry Trom, N2. Wilmette. III.; Sandrl Lob· homes. three trucks and two auto· Iowa Is ranked as a t'bree to lour ~, A2. Sioux City; Sunny Swanson. Nl, East Moline, III.; Wendy Strief, A2, Del Molnl'; and Lou Ann mobiles. touchdown lavorlte to make the LeCocq, G, Pella. Three 01 the victims died Fri. Rah\bows its fourlh consecutive day or the effects of extensive victim of the season. But llttle ac. • burns. apan ussla Neighborhood residents. un. tually is known' of the strength 01 J , R aware of their peril, were watching the islanders and Iowa could nJld One of Ten Finalists workers trying to shut olf a leak- Ihemselvcs in troublc i( it takes ·ceally End ing line from a gas delivery the contest lightly. • truck when the gas was ig· CAP Wlrepbelo) Hawaii Hkes sItuations such as Off. nited. apparently from an open I YH& HULK of thl Pan Amerlcln World AlrwlY. StrltocrulMr ditched In the Plcifio TuesdlY rests in name in a nearby home. The fog. the water u pel.. ltglr. t.kl to rublter IiNbo... lu.t aftlr the pia,.. hit the watar. The pa.Mn,e .. and the Lne with the Hawks today. In Will Be Miss SUI like ga had spread knee deep crew w.rl Immedlat.ly picked up .nd rllcued by personnll of • COlit Guard cutter ,t.ndlng It, It the 1955 they came to Nebraska in the WorI Wa t.l1rough the area· IC,ne. The photo. wu tlk.n by a crewmln of the rucul Ihlp which reached San FranciICCI Frid.y. season ope~er. regarded aD easy By ELEANOR BENZ d r II didales with one candidate ciigible Th f h b lod foc for I.. .e Cornhuskc·rs. Two ho).ll's DIUy !twan Sodely Editor I for every 80 girls in the unit. CD one 0 t comes exp • I to (,fI - PIP MOSCOW Japan and tbc cd E SUI G I Ten finalists for the title "Miss 2. Candidates must have attend· . x- ,·r an e asse n er' s later Hawaii walked 0(( the field SUI" were chosen Friday night ed SUI for at least one semester Soviet Union Signed a declaraflon "The blast flashed back through 9 a stunning IHl wlnncr. as the 1956 Miss SUI Pageant got before they are eligible. Friday to end thclr u-ycar statc the gas In a depression to th The Rainbows definitely are 'Dot Ir 1 of d d f 1 truck. and the area was one bi M W· o to a co orful start with the l. Campaigning will be carried war an agree upon a ormu a (' " . be ho ay In T II f S R a team to be regarded lightly. presentation of· 26 candidates ' in on by the 10 finali~ts In men's hou· to boost trade between the two ~~~ngsa;~e%S:~Y.!O: r:~e~ed w.: , e 0 ea escue They have defeated their first the Iowa Memorial Union. sing units from 7·9 p.m. Tuesday countries. The candidates, representing wo- through Thursday. scene before the blast. M. R I three opponents easily this season. men's housing units, para. ded be· ,. Voting will be Friday from Russia promised to support "Pcop Ie ran ou t 0 f ' th c area . ov,e 0 e The laet thlt they havc not been ror~ students c:owded. mto the 8,..m. to 4:30 p.m. irt polling plac~~ Japan's application for member· screaming and with their hair and SAN FRANCISCO (,f) - A crush· much time would have to prepare scouted by any 01 the Iowa coac:b· ~!alO Lou~ge . while their spons~r- til be announced ne)(t weck. AU ship in the United Nations, pledg· clothing in flames. The beat was A former SUI student (for a short ing. happy bedlam Friday woJ· Cor ditching. ing staff makes their position eveD III" orgamzatlons presented skits ,. d •A t t' H bo I d intense. It was a terrible sccne." 'I . I'llale students now attending SUI e w rc urn my a ma an time) tl Id'd comed the 31 men, women and in. He deckled tirst to wait for day ~ bettcr cente~e4 ~round thel~ chosen;l, e eligible. rio cal1)paigning will Shikotan islands upon conclusion An attendant at Herrin Hospital may en Ie WOr -WI e light. He waited then another hour . so;t:~~J~::~hO will campaign b conducted pn ·Frlday. .' of a forP1al peace treaty and said of the six persont hel!pital- IICIt'Ch (or \al~nt conducted by Qtto lants who waited through nearly to burn off (uel. Ogg aid be had They have dcleated Pearl Bar· /orFlh title :next week are: { T~e queen and her. cou~ of agreed to resumpUon of diplomat. :f:~s,o~:e ~~~!~~:s !rn~~ . ~~~ Premlngcr. motion picture produc· five tense, prayerful hours belore decided against dumping gasoUne bor Navy, 59-7, Humboldt State Sandra Lohner A2 Sioux City lou. ~IU be presented Friday mght. I U 1 cr. the mid·Pacine ditching of their because the lowered damp chutes College 01 California, 33~ and Ha· " , t a free dane i th U iOn 0 ,IC re a ons. Mrs. Oscar Williams "seems to be Jean Sebcr~ 17 ' Marshalltown ' lane and the swift safe rescue of might cal!~ trouble on ditching wallan Rams. 32-7. GImUTla.: P:i tBeMta ' :I ~ sunny . Swza~: :ored by the Jni~n ;oar~. sp n- . In a trade protocol, each side gelting along fair." has "'~n sel"ec'tcd' as one of the' .all aboard Tuesday. impact. Their Une averages 211 pounds son,. ., N3. ""as OIOC, rll " <;.... d th "The others lire still critical," ~'" '1l1,li ~I~~ ' KB;y &tark" AI, Mus· ,' ..The five '\YiII ride in the Home- gra.nte Lhe 0 er tnost·favored· the attendant said. four finalists In competition (or the The 24 passengers and 7 crew There were the Instructions on and their backfield, 188. The Rain- caliqe, .. CUr~le; Judi 1'4c~<\ren, fommg parade Frl~ay, Nov. 2. and nation treatment· Under that for· The giant sheet of name touched . membe~ stepped off the rescue how to ride into the ditch lan<Ung. bow backfield appears potent .' It N3iDe~;:M!lrnes. Delta Gamma: .Jo Will. be pres~~ted 10 other Home· mula each will give the olher as orr 50 small tanks In the gas plant bUe role or a proposed movie ve~· ship, the Coast Guard cutler Pont- wllh arms clasped under the legs has 160 pound halfback, Skippy Dy· RaSmussen, 02, Des Moines, Delta commg actiVitIes. warehouse, rrom whl'ch C""kl'll' sion of George Bernard Shaw S chartrain into joyCul embraces 01 and heads cushJoned against the er, who has run the lOO·yard dash ""I I L h h r good treatment as it gives any YV "Saint Joan" to bo produced by wives husbands and lamilles seats I 97 ds H h d tn .,., ta De tao Miss a ner's t eme song or gas is distributed. P . ,~.. n . secon. e as race .. a nation in customs duties and regu· rem Inger. crowding the dock. "W U d th d·t hi 133 ya d t1 In 19 ca Ie thi Wen dy Strief. A2, Des Moines, "andy'sS S ide of the Street." ' Fifteen doctvrs attending a con. , e prac ce e 1 c ng pro· . r avera.e rr S 5 ~ppa Kappa Gamma; Joan sur· Against an elaborate backdrop of lations govornlng exports and 1m· fcrence in Herrin helped treat the The winner or the role will be When there was a chance in the eedure and we drank colfee," season. rern . A2. Oelwein. Currier: Lou a city street, six Gamma Phis ports. injured. who had third-degree burns announced Sunday. crush of welcome, they told of Strickler said. Fullback Ed Kawawald Is the Ann LeCocg, G, Pella. Commons; dressed in rormal black tails and IzvestIa. the Soviet government over 40 to 90 per cent of their Jelln was enrolled at SUI for cahpness ... of prayer ... and of Ogg ordered the cabin's rear workhorse of the team. He has Pat Pollock, A3. Des Moines, · Pi top hats - and shorts :..... danced rrewspaper.