Age-Friendly City Safe and Diversified Care of Older People Plan for Safe and Diversified Care of Older People - CG Prop

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Age-Friendly City Safe and Diversified Care of Older People Plan for Safe and Diversified Care of Older People - CG Prop City Government Propositions 174/17 and 175/17 Action plans for: Age-friendly city Safe and diversified care of older people Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 An age-friendly city is an inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active and healthy ageing. Main focus areas and visions to make Oslo an age-friendly city: Social participation Transport All citizens have the opportunity to All citizens have access to the participate in society, engage in entire city, use public transport and public debate and be involved in feel safe while travelling. Senior influencing the developments of citizens maintain their mobility and the city. independence. Housing Familiar environments and Outdoor areas and adapted surroundings promote physical activity safety. Adapted housing offers a Urban spaces and green areas in foundation for enabling more seniors neighbourhoods are adapted for to master everyday life in their own use by all age groups. home. Communication and Health and care services participation Seniors receive good help and The senior population in comprehensive support when they Oslo has access to relevant, need it, and experience a sense understandable, up-to-date and of achievement and safety in their reliable information. lives. ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Foreword Boss of one’s own life Oslo will have 50,000 more seniors leading up to 2040. It’s not a problem, but an opportunity. Older people are a resource that Oslo has not been adept at making use of. Too many seniors are not treated as the value they actually represent in society. As a result, many experience loneliness and inactivity, and that Oslo does not benefit from the fantastic experience that older people possess. Although most are satisfied with Oslo’s care of older people, some family members find that they become coordinators in the municipality. Many people experience that the quality of services varies from district to district in the city. The standard of residential care homes and nursing homes also varies widely. An important goal for the City Government is to make care of older people more equal throughout the city. The “Action Plan for an Age-friendly City” and “Plan for Safe and Diversified Care of older people” will lay the foundation for taking Oslo from institutional and stopwatch-based care of older people to active ageing where seniors are in charge of their own lives. More will be able to live at home longer; seniors will experience active city life and be confident that the municipality will come to their aid when their health fails. In order to make it possible for more people to live at home longer, we are adding more home care employees, we are introducing activity time in the home care service in addition to home nursing care and practical assistance and we are establishing more meeting places for seniors. We are also taking new steps to make it easier to get around Oslo, including through new age-friendly transport solutions. Although more people will be able to live at home longer, it is equally important that those who need new housing will have options. That’s why we are now building more residential care homes (Care+) in Oslo specially adapted for those seeking safety and activities. The facilities will have 24-hour staffing, cafés, various health services and a variety of activities. The nursing homes will be upgraded to a new standard. In Oslo people will be allowed to be themselves regardless of age. Together, we will make Oslo an age-friendly city. Tone Tellevik Dahl Vice Mayor for Primary Health and Social Services in Oslo ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Table of contents Foreword 5 Action plan for an age-friendly city Introduction 9 Area 1 Social participation (work life, volunteering and culture) 13 Area 2 Transport 18 Area 3 Housing 23 Area 4 Outdoor areas and physical activity 28 Area 5 Communication and participation 33 Area 6 Health and care services 37 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people Introduction 38 The City Government’s ambitions 39 Recruitment to care of older people 39 Living safely 40 Citizens know best 40 Dare to speak up 41 Equalising differences in living conditions 42 Trust-based administration and management 42 Challenges 43 Knowledge of care of older people 43 Quality in care of older people 43 Population trends 44 Social inequalities 44 Priorities in care of older people 45 Family members 46 Older people with minority backgrounds 47 Morbidity trends 47 ~ 6 ~ ~ 7 ~ Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Plan for safe and diversified care of older people - CG prop. 174/17 Quality in care of older people 49 Management 49 Employees 49 Professional development and research 50 Improvement work 50 Quality and competence 51 Safe and diversified care of older people 54 Public health and age-friendly city 54 Volunteerism and low-threshold services in neighbourhoods 55 Home-based health and care services 57 Skilled nursing homes 61 Adapted housing 62 Long-term care homes 63 Connection between various services 65 Welfare technology and digitisation 68 Communication and participation 68 Communication and participation 69 Transfer of institutions from commercial operation 70 The financing system 70 Background document, insight reports, and references 72 City Government Propositions 174/17 and 175/17 were adopted by the City Council on 13 December 2017. ~ 6 ~ ~ 7 ~ Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 An age-friendly city is an inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active and healthy ageing. ~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 Action plan for an age-friendly city Introduction Oslo is to become a greener, warmer and creative city with room for everyone. The city will be a good place to grow up and grow old. It is a goal that citizens, regardless of age, will have an opportunity to live free and meaningful lives, where they experience a sense of belonging, independence and safety. An important step in achieving these goals is that Oslo, through cross-sectoral cooperation, will work to become an age-friendly city with an inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active ageing. The plan for an age-friendly city is largely the result of participatory activities such as conferences and public meetings where the city’s residents have given their input on challenges and solutions in the development of an age-friendly city. Participation will also be key when the action plan is implemented and refined. A pilot district was chosen to develop and test age-friendly measures. The pilot district Nordre Aker, which has been organised under the Oslo+ programme for service innovation, has contributed to a sound knowledge base and outlines the scope of possibility for a number of cross-sectoral measures that will help Oslo become an age-friendly city. Among other things, a focus has been placed on flexible transport solutions, development of age-friendly areas, mobilisation of local population, digital platforms for coordination of volunteering, and guidance and training of local businesses in age and dementia friendliness. The experiences from this pilot and the two “follow districts” Frogner and Sagene will form the basis for spreading several measures to other districts. ~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 Action plan for an age-friendly city - CG Prop. 175/17 The measures within the age-friendly city framework will facilitate more social participation. They entail good accessibility in the city all year round, inclusive urban spaces, surroundings and transport as well as facilitated housing, services and information. As the overall principle in the development of an age-friendly city, universal design will be crucial for attaining these goals. The City Government will work to develop a city with better transport services and inclusive urban areas, housing and services adapted for all ages. Citizens and the municipality’s employees will to a greater extent create future care solutions together, so that the content of services reflects what is important to each individual and provides greater quality of life. The aim is to facilitate good public health for all generations, and emphasise health promotion efforts, prevention, early intervention and accessible and equal services. An emphasis will be placed on comprehensive work that prevents loneliness and boosts citizens’ ability to master living at home safely, including when help and support are needed to safeguard the need for activity, care, rehabilitation and treatment. The Oslo+ programme for service innovation, subprogramme for welfare technology and programme for ICT and development of an age-friendly city have many synergies and are viewed in context. Oslo’s population is growing rapidly, with the highest growth expected in the oldest age groups going forward.
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