Flykimround Trip Tov'-^'SK^
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* THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. A-12 TtJESDAT, nminn t, iom New Model of DC-7 Elderly Woman Rescued MAH FROM 8008 LUCK »0»P 1$ *687 TO THE As Arlington Home Burns 0001! WillFly Non-Stop to Fire yesterday destroyed a two- story frame home In the 1200 European Capitals block of North Twelfth street, Arlington, Va., after a passerby By the Associated Press |W led an elderly woman from the SANTA MONICA. Calif- building. Sept. enlarged model 7.—A new fireman, Raymond Evans, high-speed 9ne of the DC-7 series of was overcome by smoke and was transport, * capable j commercial treated at Arlington Hospital and flying non-stop between of most released. cities of Europe and thfe United was Three Arlington engine com- States, into production went panies, two truck companies s-raj yesterday at Douglas Aircraft H K an ambulance were sent to the f i&jwkwML' Co. fmmmM scene. Designated the DC-7, it Is house, according to neigh- long-range version of the The a bors, was owned by • - brother four-engine airliner now flying and sister, Mabel and Gerald in record time across the United Peek. C. W. Becker, 39, of 1721 States. The new transport has North Twelfth street, Arlington, led Miss Peck from the house. been labeled the “Seven Seas” She was restrained from going ~ jtr /[Ww J& mr j to emphasise Its intercontinen- back into the dwelling to recover Jk -'V" Blltt tal capabilities . perapnal belongings. Her brother Compared with current DC-7 was gway at the time. models, the “Seven Seas'* has a wing span 10 feet greater, a fuselage longer Steam Roller Stripped j three feet and a vertical tall structure twg feet In Bristol, England, a steam taller. roller was left In an open space 5,000-Mile Range. for children to play on. Adults Fly KIM trip sawed off and stole 390 pounds round Nat Paschall, Douglas vice of brass and copper. tov'-^'SK^ president in charge of commer- AMSTERDAM.. >J9KV cial sales, said the new airliner’s operating range of more than Huge Salt Yield 5,000 miles will be greater than See BRUSSELS Hug 6 Lake Eyre in Australia never life,” that of any other commercial has been tested for salt content, “Ihad been sick in my says Harry W. bills without my Blue Cross-Blue Shield coverage” transport. This, he said, will Adelaide reports, and scientists of Road, Lanham, operators limerick Good Luck Mtf., “but, Perhaps you’ve never been sick in your life;but, enable trans-Atlantic estimate the area contains 500 goodness, I held my Blue Cross-Blue Just to cut from three to five hours million tons of common salt. thank onto Shield the same, the chance is owe tn three that you willhave LONDON t and from westbound schedules protection. Last December I went to the hospital for hospital your from one and one-half to three a bill in family within a year. Wouldn’t SHANNON carry up ry* My combmed h0S ltal and doctor bm hours eastbound. DC-7C will be able to ma3 °Lt,^ P you be safer, too, with the protection'that saved Because the new and larger to 62 passengers, plus baggage, ?689 *43 * Harry DUBLIN cargo mail a distance of Limerick $687? transport will be able to cruise and “Ipaid paid rest.” at 350 m.p.h. with a full pay- 5,000 miles, with adequate reserve $2.28. Blue Cross-Blue Shield the Find out how you get GLASGOW load, it will enable airlines to fuel. Mr. Limerick, father of five, adds: “Itwould have tection for hospital bills; AT NO EXTRA COST! *1 maintain faster long-range Thus the Douglas interconti- Blue Shield protection for transport taken me a long, long time to pay these your / From Now York J schedules tba&Amy other piston nental will be able to unexpected doctor bills. Call REpublic 7-5000 today! Seven dries for the ticket to onel or jet-pgwcfred , commercial fly nonstop over such routes as eVCAOO Stockholm to New York, a dis- ? Tour choke of First doss Service* ?# 30 transport in production or ex- pected to be available for the tance of 3,970 miles; New York In Washington there is only one Blue Cross® P rest of this decade, Douglas en- to Rome, 4,205 miles; Frankfurt or Air Tourist Service cCJCOOO gineers declared. to New York, 3,845 miles; Lisbon Round Trip Faro ?33© The new airliner is expetced to New York, 3,360 miles; and GROUP HOSPITALIZATION, INC. _JSL_ Tokyo to Seattle, 4,793 miles. ' to go into operation by the A wonderful travel bargain ... m summer of 1956. Pan-American World Airways and at the time of year when i. It has a wing-span of 127 feet, is the first operator to announce And only one Blue Shield® for doctor bills H§&£V Europe is its sparkling self! 6 inches, which raises the fuel purchase of the DC-7C. The first six of “Seven Seas” is the rush of tourists. capacity of the DC-78. 15 ® Gone span places ordered by PAA are scheduled to MEDICAL SERVICE of the District of " Greater Columbia Crisp, cool days usher in renewed social also the j engines propellers be delivered by next June. Theatres, and five feet activities. night clubs and concerts farther from the fuselage, which -i' 1 / are in full swing. Take advantage of results in a marked reduction in big M7 for 1”offer. Enjoy your trip of a cabin noise, Douglas engineers said. •raU-Unfth SUtpAir loon cfcrfr* The transport will be powered wUOtioml CMf. I by an advanced model of the NOW AT THE METROPOLITAN AND AMBASSADOR THEATERS...SEE HOW Wright turbo-compound engines irt.M / SB TOO* turn AGENT or ” \ ft which yield a total of 13,000 •owl Dutch AtrUnoo. 1001 Connecticut / % W take-off-horsepower. Are.. WMhlntton S, D. C.. KXecutlre I BMT ¦ MM Ui lit Feet Long. Extending the cabin 40 Inches forward of the wing makes the total fuselage length 112 feet, 3 Inches. The vertical stabiliser is 30 feet 7 inches from the ground. In the de luxe version, the Revere Tape Recorder Gracious *thank you* for hospitality... “Cracks” Murder Case in “DRAGNET” starring JACK WEBB as Sgt. F/iday BEN ALEXANDER as Officer Frank Smith • ANN ROBINSON '/ • Mark VII Production In Warner Color, presented by Warner Bros. / /'V'-'* .1 As depicted in the smash hit,/'DRAGNET/* police department of County t „< * the Los/Lngeles 1 M\ ¦ turned to a tape recorder officials needed ' l irrefutable evidence in the of a brutal Vwt J|'>. I ¦ crime. A Revere Tape Recorjcr was chosen for I this job iir the filmbecausoof Revere’s incom- M£ l parable fidelity, amazing dse of operation and * * ' FPS' rWs : {\j all round dependability, fee how it worked in -gfe? FffcV "Dragnet”—a truly outstanding picture! Speedy Mbecuky ' End the famoua Emblem. Camera • Chicago 16, : ’ Revere CoMrANy Illinois * 1 w< - , v /. .¦¦ , if i': w" pn '•<. r teat**. — Jla— 1 &ta.v Mimit »»« WkMs ; e*. J 1 VortW V.U«f.B.©.Hv*,» H.#..u«.*», D.»ol>. Mlg. HENRY ALT FLORIST FRIENDSHIP FLOWER SHOP GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. \ 1510 Wisconsin Av*. N.W. 3236 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 900 14th St. N.W. DUpont 7-1126 EM. 3-9713 NA. S-0106 BEN ALEXANDER, JACK WEBB and GEORGIA EDS in a scan* from “DRAGNET." This Is only ona of tba J / JfSSEjksSk&M & A ASTER FLORIST GUDE BROS. CO. J. H. SMALL SONS many gripping sennas In which tha REVERE TAPE RECORDER plays a vital and dadsiva rola. 4/. 1521 Connecticut Avo. N.W. 1212 F Street N.W. NA. 8-4276 Dupont Circle . f DUpont 7-0092 2812 S Rudolph, Arlington OV. 3-0700 DU. 7-7000 Silver Spring, Md. JU. 7-7100 SMITH, BLACKISTONE, INC. LOUISi nine f wnovVen npicr HOMER B. FLORIST 1407 H St. N.W. Dl. 7-1300 %«maynev„h.v.t. crane, 3SadzMC6l/S£m" V HH|M^^M 7331 Wisconsin Ave. OL 2-1300 7-4388 solve m but youll ' y^'r 2-3011 find dozens of usee for a §<C&lfG¥*G TAPE RECORDER CHACONAS FLORIST ALBERT KING, FLORIST YORK FLOWER SHOP °* ' 0 ‘ 2500 14th St. N.W. , gl7 12 W Columbia Rd. N.W. RAndolphT"*,**? 6-1700? n4» DU. 7-7121 DE 2-8465 Milton Chisloy Flower Shop BE L F o S MANNING'S FLORIST ‘; . Benning r J\ ‘l^ik 2503 Rd. N.E. 1701. KSt N.W. College"?!!*, Md. UN. 4-1300 U. 7-7892 RE. 7-7453 8201 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring. Md. w—mmmm _ mm—mmm JUnipCT 8-1300 M CLAIRE FLORIST MARTIN'S FOR FLOWERS ¦» V\ REVERE 7-700. Ezduave Pat»nted* Balanoed-Tone”; simplified 1243 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 3509 12th St. N.t LOWE'S FLORIST \\ I keyboard controls; attomatic index counter foreasy lodatioai of NOrth 7-8512 6 5656 5515 Wis. Ave. Bathasdt OL 4-7976 \ any portion ofrecoiled red; 2 hour play on V real. Complete *•** cord, two reals (cos with FLORIST | || with microphone, radio attachment GEORGE A. COMLEY *’* '**J *** MAYFLOWER.. ALEXANDRIA FLORAL CO. * * ‘**”*** 3209 M St. N.W. - 1611 FHncu Strutt ATHOME. Record children'. IN BUSINESS. The perfect INSTRUCTION. Sinners, ”'' W7-1981‘ sl69Ji(k AD. 2-0149 Alexondrie, Ve. King 9-2666 ?owes, home talent, concerts, "secretary” at conferences muaidans, language students, Otherßevere Models from radio and TV . eaay-to-op- your program*,home and meetings. An public speakers—hear *»*o p_. yv» * Pat% Noxr« " *>90u%»SSo ’23 F S movie continuity, sviaTUk- orate, low-cost dictation un*.