Clinton County Natural Heritage Inventory

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Clinton County Natural Heritage Inventory CLINTON COUNTY NATURAL HERITAGE INVENTORY Updated 2002 Jeffrey D. Wagner, Natural Heritage Ecologist Paul G. Wiegman, Director, Natural Science and Stewardship Department Charles W. Bier, Associate Director, Natural Science and Stewardship Department Lisa L. Smith, Natural Heritage Ecologist Norma L. Kline, Natural Heritage Ecologist Chris J. Boget, Data Manager Bernice K. Beck, Data Handler Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 316 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 (412)288-2777 March 1993 Printed on CLINTON COUNTY NATURAL HERITAGE INVENTORY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was developed in part with financial assistance provided through the Recreational Improvement and Rehabilitation Act Program (RIRA Grant # RIRA-TAG-6-2), as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Recreation and Development. Financial assistance was also provided by the Clinton County Planning Commission, the Pennsylvania Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy would like to thank all those who contributed to this inventory. Special thanks to Jann Chapman and the staff at the Clinton County office of the USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) for the use of their aerial photographs; to Ellen Dietrich at the Clinton County office of the USDA Soil Conservation Service for the use of older series aerial photographs and for her consultation on local soils; to Sue Foust and the Clinton County Conservation District for their help in making contacts in the county; to Robert Davey, Rich Kugel, Jeff Prowant, Wayne Wynick and the staff at the Bureau of Forestry's Sproul District for the use of their facilities, their time and the field trips through District #10; to Dan Devlin and the staff at the Forest Advisory Services Office for maps and advice; to Tim Holladay, Ivan McElwain and Barb Criss at the Clinton County planning office for the many resources they furnished, including office space, and for their time and good advice; to John Hancock at the Pennsylvania Game Commission for providing access to Game Lands in the county; to Jack Paulhamas for the numerous and always productive field trips on the Appalachian Plateau; to Gary Hinkle and Jim Decapria for their skillful and calm flying; and to Bill and Vicki Smedley for their hospitality and contacts in the region. The cover design and graphics were created by John Blumen, Blumen and Associates. 1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................... 4 DEDICATED AREAS............................................................................................................................. 21 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 24 NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS CLASSIFICATION......................................................................... 25 COUNTY OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 33 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY................................................................................................... 33 SOILS.................................................................................................................................................... 36 VEGETATION ..................................................................................................................................... 37 PENNSYLVANIA NATURAL DIVERSITY INVENTORY ............................................................... 42 NATURAL HERITAGE INVENTORY METHODS........................................................................... 43 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS ..................................................................................................................................................... 45 LAND-USES AND POTENTIAL THREATS TO NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS........................ 47 BUFFERS.............................................................................................................................................. 54 RESULTS................................................................................................................................................. 55 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................................ 152 APPENDIX I: Status of Species........................................................................................................... 155 A. FEDERAL STATUS................................................................................................................. 155 B. PENNSYLVANIA STATUS.................................................................................................... 156 C. GLOBAL AND STATE RANKING: GLOBAL ELEMENT RANKS.................................... 160 APPENDIX II: County Significance Ranks ....................................................................................... 163 APPENDIX III: NHI Site Survey Form............................................................................................... 164 APPENDIX IV: NHI Site Recommendation Form.............................................................................. 166 APPENDIX V: Classification of Natural Communities in PA ......................................................... 167 LIST OF FIGURES Page Physiographic Provinces of Clinton County ..................................................................................................... 35 Clinton County NHI Summary Map..................................................................................................................56 2 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1: Summary of Natural Heritage Areas in order of relative county significance.................................... 4 Table 2: Summary of Natural Heritage Areas by Municipality ...................................................................... 14 Table 3: Important managed lands protecting biotic resources in Clinton County. ........................................ 21 Tables summarizing USGS quadrangles: BEECH CREEK………………………………………………………………………………………….115 CARROLL……………………………………………………………………………………………….145 FARRANDSVILLE…………………………………………………………………………….………..112 GLEN UNION………………………………………………………………………………….………..109 HAMMERSLEY FORK………………………………………………………………………..…………70 HOWARD NORTHWEST…………………………………………………………………………......….96 HOWARD………………………………………………………………………………………………....94 JERSEY MILLS………………………………………………………………………………………….131 JERSEY SHORE……………………………………………………………………………………....…134 KEATING………………………………………………………………………………………………....65 LINDEN…………………………………………………………………………………………….……149 LOCK HAVEN…………………………………………………………………………………………..129 LOGANTON……………………………………………………………………………………………..137 MADISONBURG...............................................................................................................................……....118 MILL HALL……………………………………………………………………………………………...122 MILLHEIM......................................................................................................................................…….......120 POTTERSDALE.................................................................................................................................……......61 RENOVO EAST.............................................………………………………...............................................100 RENOVO WEST......................................................................…………........................................................82 SINNEMAHONING………………………………………………………………………………………56 SLATE RUN…….................................................................................................…......................................107 SNOW SHOE NORTHEAST………..……………………………………………………………… …..86 SNOW SHOE NORTHWEST...........…..........................................................................................................63 SNOW SHOE SOUTHEAST……………………………………………………………………….…….92 TAMARACK………………………………….……………………………………………………. …..77 WOODWARD...................................................….........................................................................................143 YOUNG WOMAN’S CREEK…………………..…………...…………………………………………..104 3 ABSTRACT The natural heritage sites that have qualified for inclusion in this report are ranked according to their significance as areas of importance to the biological diversity and ecological integrity of the county. Also included in this evaluation is the level of state and/or global significance ("S" or "G" rank). The three county significance ranks are Exceptional, High, and Notable significance. The three county ranks have been used to prioritize all identified sites and suggest the relative attention that sites should receive for the amount, degree and rate of protection. The sites are in alphabetical order for each level. Designation as to type of natural heritage site (NA=Natural Area, BDA=Biological Diversity Area, DA=Dedicated Area, LCA=Landscape Conservation Area, OHA=Other Heritage Area) is included as part of the site name. Refer to the "Introduction" section for explanations of these site categories. Definitions of the three county significance ranks are given in Appendix II. * denotes sites added during 2002 NHI update. + denotes areas for which boundaries
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