PR O T E C T I N G CO T T O N Amazing CE L E B R A T I N G i n A u s t r a l i a ME M O R I E S in Chinese Art

W W W . B A T C O N . O R G W I N T E R 2 0 0 4


ANCIENT ANCESTORS of Spotted Bats BATS Volume 22, No. 4, Winter 2004 P.O. Box 162603, Austin, Texas 78716 (512) 327-9721 • Fax (512) 327-9724 Publications Staff D i rector of Publications: Ro b e rt Locke FEATURES Photo Editor: Kristin Ha y Copyeditors: Angela England, Valerie Locke S welcomes queries from writers. Send your article pro- 1 Little Old Man posal with a brief outline and a description of any photos to A tale of frogs, fish and amazing memories the address above or via e-mail to: p u b s @ b a t c o n . o r g. by Rachel Pa g e M e m b e r s : Please send changes of address and all corre s p o n- dence to the address above or via email to m e m b e r s @ b a t- c o n . o r g. Please include your label, if possible, and allow six 5 Celebrating Bats weeks for the change of addre s s . Bats bring happiness in Chinese art Founder & Pre s i d e n t : Dr. Me rl i n D. Tu t t l e by Ro b e rt Locke B o a rd of Tru s t e e s : John D. Mitchell, C h a i r Ma rk Ad k i n s , Vice Chair 8 Return of the (Bat) Mummy Ve rn e R . Re a d , C h a i rman Emeritus A desert cave preserves a Peggy Phillips, Se c re t a ry 10,000-year-old spotted bat Je f f Acopian, Tre a s u re r Eugene L. Ames, Jr.; Charles C. Chester; Eu g e n i o by David G. Mikesic and Carol Chambers Clariond Re yes; Ro b e rt E. Gerrie; Nancy Ha rte; El i z a b e t h Ames Jones; Joan Kelleher; Travis Mathis; Scott Mc Va y ; Thomas M. Read; William Scanlan, Jr.; Lee J. Schmitt; 12 Protecting Cotton Pa t sy St e ves; Me r lin D. Tu tt l e; Ma rc We i n b e r g e r. Bats attack pests over Australian cotton farms Ad v i s o r y Tru s t e e s : Sh a ron R. Forsyth; Beth Ro b e rtson; Dr. by Rachael Long D.J. Si b l e y, Jr. Scientific Advisory Board : DEPARTMENTS Dr. Leslie S. Hall, Dr. Greg Richards, Bruce T h o m s o n , Au s t ra l i a ; Dr. Irina K. Rakhmatulina, Azerbaijan; Dr. Lu i s F. Aguirre, B o l i v i a; Dr. Wilson Uieda, Brazil; Dr. M. 14 News and Notes Brock Fenton, Ca n a d a; Dr. Ji ri Ga i s l e r, Czech Re p u b l i c ; Dr. Uwe Schmidt, Ge rm a n y ; Dr. Ganapathy Ma r i m u t h u , The Ultimate Bat Experience Dr. Sh a h roukh Mi s t ry, India; Dr. Rodrigo Medellín, Dr. Lighting the Way Arnulfo Mo reno, Mexico; Ir. Herman Limpens, Ne t h e rla nd s ; Dr. Armando Ro d r i g u ez - Duran, Pu e rto Rico; New Members’ Nights at Bracken Cave Dr. Ya - Fu Lee, Ta i w a n ; Dr. Paul A. Racey, Un i t e d The ‘Anthill’ in Iraq’ Kingdom; Dr. Denny G. Constantine, Ro b e rt Currie, Dr. T h e o d o re H. Fleming, Dr. Thomas H. Kunz, Dr. Ga ry F. Honors for a Friend of Bats Mc Cracken, Dr. Don E. Wilson, United States; Dr. Jo s é Bats & Mines in Reno R. Ochoa G., Ve n e z u e l a . Another ‘Call of the Wild’ Membership Manager: Amy Mc C a r t n e y Bat Facts for Brownsville BAT S (ISSN 1049-0043) is published quarterly by Bat C o n s e rvation International, Inc., a nonprofit corporation sup- BCI Member Snapshot p o rted by tax-deductible contributions used for public educa- The Wish List tion, re s e a rchand conservation of threatened and endangere d b a t s . © Bat Conservation International, 2004. All rights re s e rve d . Bat Conservation International is dedicated to conserving and restoring bat populations and habitats around the world. Using non-confrontational approaches, we educate people COVER PHOTO: Researchers in Arizona are studying mummies as old as 10,000 years about the ecological and economic values of bats, advance sci- – ancestors of today’s spotted bats, like the one on the cover. Remains of the bats entific knowledge about bats and the ecosystems that rely on them and pre s e rve critical bat habitats through win-win solu- were mummified by the dry conditions inside the cave where they died, and where tions that benefit both humans and bats. spotted bats may have been roosting continuously for millennia. A subscription to BAT S is included with BCI membership: Se n i o r, Student or Educator $30; Basic $35; Friends of B C I © MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI / 8482514 $45; Su p p o rting $60; Contributing $100; Pa t ron $250; Sustaining $500; Fo u n d e r’s Circle $1,000. T h i rd-class postage paid at Austin, Texas. Send address changes to Ba t C o n s e rvation International, P.O. Box 162603, Austin, TX 7 8 7 1 6 . BAT S is printed on a 50/20 chlorine-free re c ycled paper with a water-based coating on the cove r. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVID MIKESIC (SEE PAGE 8) LittleA tale of frogs, fish Old and amazing Man memories

HE TROPICAL NIGHT WAS FILLED WITH A CACOPHONY OF CHORUSING FROGS. Gathered by the hundreds in forest puddles and ponds, these males Tendlessly shout their desire for mates. Naturally, a bat has evolved to tap this cornucopia of noisy protein. And that brought me to the Panama Canal. I was exploring the cues, flexibility and learning that fringe-lipped bats (Trachops cirrhosus) use to hunt these frogs. What I found was an astonishing feat of learning and memory in a battered bat we called Little Old Man.

‘Little Old Man’ takes a fish from the hand of by Rachel Page researcher Rachel Page. PHOTO: ELISE APPLE SNIDER

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 1 B A T S © MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI / 7063500 This fringe-lipped bat is about to snatch a frog from its perch. The bats rely heavily on sound to locate their prey and even use the frogs’ mating calls to distinguish between poisonous and edible BCI Founder Merlin Tuttle and species. Fringe-lipped bats range from southern Mexico to Brazil. Michael J. Ryan (now a Professor of at the Un i versity of Texas at flight cage to conduct behavioral tests, for the feats of Little Old Ma n . Austin) found that the fringe-lipped bat measuring the bat’s responses to different The tale goes like this: I was nearly of Central and South America feeds on frog calls and other acoustic stimuli. finished with my fieldwork for the season, f rogs and uses their mating calls to find its After several days of testing, I marked when my field ass ist ants – Da n i e l l e p re y. As a graduate student at UT- Au s t i n , each bat with a small PIT tag (a passive Temple, Katy Klymus and Tida Beng – I went to Ba r ro Colorado Island in Lake microchip inserted under the skin, simi- caught three Tra c h o p s. We marked all Gatun, in the Panama Canal, to study the lar to those used to identify pet dogs and t h ree with PIT tags and I began testing behavior of this frog-eating bat. cats). Then I released the bat in the same the first bat in the flight cage. We put the I hiked through the wet, tropical spot where I caught it. other bats in a flight tent on the other side f o rests of Ba r ro Colorado to small Previous experience with these bats of the field station. One of these bats was streams and ponds and set mist nets each led me to suspect that they are extre m e l y notable – by far the oldest Tra c h o p s Ihad evening. Each time I caught a frog-eat- quick learners and ve ry flexible in their e ver seen. His teeth we re ye l l owed and ing bat, I would take it to an outdoor foraging behavior. But I was unpre p a re d b roken off, his wing and tail membranes

Working in a flight cage on an island in the Panama Canal, Un i versity of n o rmally pre fer frogs as their pri m a ry food, th ey learn to accept the fi s h , Texas gra d u a testudent Ra chel Pa ge trains the bats she studies to come w h i ch helps re s e a rchers provide for their needs in capt i v i t y. Te a ching a and ta ke food – a minnow – from her hand. Although fri n ge-lipped bats bat to eat from a human’s hand can ta ke seve ral hours.

B A T S 2 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 we re scarred and dry, he had a tear in his You need only to right ear, and his fur was a coarse, ye l l ow- add a small noise, like ish color. We named him Little Old Ma n . making a clicking sound While the bats we re awaiting their with your tongue, and tests, we took turns feeding them.T h e re soon the bat will learn to fly a re several ways to feed a Tra c h o p s in cap- to your outstretched hand and tivity: You can catch it and feed it by delicately take the fish. hand; you can catch a small army of katy- As I worked through my tests dids and release them into the flight tent with the first bat, the other bats in hopes that the bat will catch them on waited their turn in the flight tent. its own; or you can throw prey such as Danielle, Katy and Tida divided the k a t ydids against dried leaves to make a night into feeding sessions, each tak- rustling sound the bat will key in on and ing a few hours so the bats would attack. (Allowing the bats to feed on cap- re c e i ve enough food. Soon all the t u red frogs is not an option because fro g s bats would come quickly to our a re protected at the Ba r ro Colorado hands, including Little Old Ma n . Island field station run by the Sm i t h- Our flight tent had been sonian Tropical Re s e a rch In s t i t u t e . ) used previously to house The easiest approach is to teach the Jamaican fruit-eating bats, bat to come on call to snatch minnow s Artibeus jamaicensis, which pre- f romyour hand. This can take hours, but fer figs. Like Tra c h o p s t a k i n g once a bat learns the new taste and gets fish in lieu of frogs, this bat will over its fear, the result is well worth the readily eat e f f o rt. This allows me to precisely moni- b a n a n a s tor the bat’s food intake and the bat is when figs m o re likely to exhibit normal behavior. a re n’t a va i l- Plus, you don’t have to run all over the able, and island catching katydids all night long! some ba- We buy small bait fish that I fre eze , nanas had been thaw and feed to the bats. Once trained, left in the tent. the bats readily accept the fish. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , So that night in late June, we set to another rain-fore s t w o rk training the bats to come to our d e n i z en i s a ls o hands on call. You walk ve ry slowly and e x t remely fond quietly up to the bat, with a thawed min- of bananas – n ow in your hand. Us u a l l y, the bat flies the coati a w a y, so you approach again. And again. (Nasua narica). And again. But eve n t u a l l y, if you are Much like the l u c k y, the bat may take a small nibble of n o rthern raccoon, this food before flying away. Then yo u’re set. s c a venger made quick work of the flight tent, rip- ping large Fringe-lipped bat holes and (Trachops cirrhosus) extracting the f ruit. The bats we re unharmed and, amazingly, we re still in the flight tent the next morning, despite the coati-sized holes. We spent many hours mending the holes with needle and t h read – but apparently not well enough. A few days later, we we re ve ry fru s- trated to find that Little Old Man had d i s a p p e a red from the tent. Not only had we missed our chance to test him (and we we re ve ry interested in the foraging ability of such an old bat), but he would The feeding bat on this series (exc e pt at far ri g h t) is Little Old Man, a batte red but re m a r ka b l e h a ve to fly clear across the island to get f ri n ge-lipped bat that, after his ret u rnto the wild, was re c a pt u redand, without coaching, re m e m- back to his home. It’s a small island, but b e redthe lessons he’d learned a year earlier about how to collect food from Ra chel Pa ge’s hand. it still took us a good hour to hike fro m

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 3 B A T S the field station to his roost. Would he find his way home? The rest of the testing went well, all the bats we re returned, well-fed, to their homes, and I returned to Texasto analyze data and write up my results. A ye a r passed. The following spring, I re t u r n e d to Panama to continue my re s e a rch. I had new nets, new questions and a new set of experiments. The weeks passed in their usual sleep-deprived blur. One night tow a rdthe end of the sea- son, my field assistant, Clark Jones, came rushing into the flight cage. He had caught a bat that he thought was a Tra c h o p s, but was unsure of his identifi- cation. I lifted the bat from the carry i n g bag and found that it was, indeed, a Tra c h o p s – and a most peculiar-looking one at that. Its fur was bleached, its Roosting fringe-lipped bats membranes looked dry and scarred, its teeth we re in terrible shape. And it had a flight tent a year ago? re s e a rchers had anticipated. little tear on one ear. I scanned it with I took a minnow and held it betwe e n Taking Little Old Man back to his the PIT tag reader and, sure enough, it t hu m b an d f o r e f i n g e r. I d i d no t roost several days later, I released him was Little Old Ma n . a p p roach the bat at all. Instead, I stood with wonder. Would I catch this old bat Now this was exciting in itself. Clark in the center of the flight cage and held again? And what would he remember of had set his nets and caught this bat in out my hand. He watched me from his me in the meantime? As I study the for- the exact spot we had caught him the c o r n e r. Feeling a little foolish, and nearly aging behavior of this species, it is clear year before. After escaping so ingenious- c e rtain I was wasting my time, I made to me that learning is going in both ly the previous spring, Little Old Man the clicking noises. To my astonishment, d i rections: I learn from the bats just as had found his way right back to where Little Old Man took off from his perc h , they learn from me. he belonged. f l e w d i re c t l y t o w a rd m e an d d e ft l y K n owing his tricks, we made doubly plucked the minnow from my fingers. RACHEL PAGE is a Ph.D. candidate in , c e rtain that all screens we re secure, then He took no notice as I laughed, Evolution and Behavior at the University of Texas released him into the flight cage. I first delighted. He flew back to his perch and at Austin. Her first experience with bats came tested him on frog calls, playing a call p romptly ate the fish. As soon as he fin- while helping Barbara French of BCI and George and waiting to see if he would appro a c h ished, I got another minnow and tried Pollak of the University of Texas investigate social the speaker in search of a frog. T h e re was again. Again he took it. And again. I ran communication calls of Mexican free-tailed bats. no response. T h a t’s not unusual. Bats are to the field station and got my assistants. She is in her third year of doctoral studies and is often frightened during their first night; We watched in amazement as this wild returning to Panama this spring for another field they have just been caught in a net, car- bat, caught that ve ry evening, flew to our season working with fringe-lipped bats. ried through the forest in a bag and hands without fear. What had been released into a strange place. I try to tre a t learned 12 months before, over the TH E AU T H O R T H A N K S the fantastic field assistants them gently throughout the experi- course of just a few days, and with no who helped on this pro j e c t : D. B e t h e l , M . K . ments, but I am especially careful the s ubs equent re i n f o rcement, had b een C l a r k , N . C o o p e r, K . G i l l i e s , C . Jo n e s , K . K ly mu s , first night. If I can’t get them to eat in s t o red a nd re m e m b e re d . E .A .S n i d e r, D. M a r k s ,D.Temple and K. S h e l d o n . c a p t i v i t y, I must take them back to where This has impre s s i ve implications for I am grateful to my funding sourc e s :S m i t h s o n i a n Tropical Research Institute, the National they we re caught and let them go. the role of learning and memory in for- Little Old Man was hanging from a S c i en c e Fo u n d a t i o n , t he T h e o d o re Ro o s eve l t aging bats. Some re s e a rchers have specu- Memorial Fund of the American Museum of p e rch in the corner of the flight cage. I lated that Tra c h o p s must relearn the cor- Natural History and the University of Texas at tried the frog call again. No response. I rect responses to frog calls each wet sea- A u s t i n ; and to my advisors on this pro j e c t :M . J . sighed, anticipating a night of catching son, when the frogs become ava i l a b l e , R y a n , M . D. Tu t t l e , E . K . V. K a l ko a n d A . S . R a n d . k a t ydids for his dinner. Just as I was leav- because they forget them over the dry ing I had an idea. This bat had, after all, season. A single incident in a single bat I am always looking for volunteers to learned to approach our outstre t c h e d does not definitively prove anything help me in the field. If you are interest- hands for food the year before. Wo u l d about the foraging behavior of a species. ed, please contact me at this bat remember his feeding experi- Yet it is now clear that Tra c h o p s a re far [email protected] ences over the course of five nights in a m o re capable of long-term memory than

B A T S 4 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 Bats bring happiness in Chinese art

by Robert Locke

ats in history and legend were feared as sin- Bist er denizens of the night thro u g h o u t much of the world. But not in China. There, bats have long been celebrated as symbols of good luck and happiness. Their images abound in fine fab- rics, jewelry, furniture and tapestries. Stylized bats are carved of jade and ivory. They embellish the palaces, thrones and robes of emperors.

Top photos: BCI’s traditional logo (top left) is the Chinese “wu-fu” a symbol of happi- ness that features five stylized bats. The wu-fu is common in Chinese art, as seen in these images taken by BCI member Tatsuo Takehana of Japan at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

Left: This exquisitely embroidered bat is one of many displayed beneath cushions in an imperial resting chamber. Like the other photos for this story (except those at the top of this page), it is from a rare exhibit, Imperial Life in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), from the People’s Republic of China. It that was presented in Singapore.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 5 B A T S © MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI \ 2153507

That is exactly what BCI member Tatsuo Takehana of Japan dis- c ove red when she visited Beijing re c e n t l y. “I visited a place called the Summer Palace, a huge, beautiful garden – the Ga rden of Vi rtuous Harmony – made by the Em p ress of Qing,” she re p o r ts in a l e tt er to Ba t C o ns er va t io n In t e r n a t i o n a l . “T h e re I saw many figures and ornaments of bats.” She shared a number of photos (some of them shown here), including many versions of the “w u - f u” symbol that became BCI’s original logo. The Chinese w o rdfor bat is “fu,” which is pro n o u n c e d the same as the word for happiness. T h e popular wu-fu features five bats (“w u” means f i ve) encircling the symbol for pro s p e r i t y. The bats re p resent the five happinesses: health, wealth, long life, good luck and tranquility. This ancient design is often depicted in red, the color of joy. But bats of many designs and colors have a rich legacy t h roughout Chinese art. China, in fact, was the first nation know n to feature a bat on postage stamps – more than 100 years before the

Top: The ceiling of the emperor’s main sitting room is well-adorned with highly stylized bats. Bats were also featured on the wall above the emperor’s throne.

Above: Bats like this one were carved onto the face of stone building blocks used to construct a Qing Dynasty palace.

Above right: A wooden panel presenting the “Seven Buddhas” and Buddhist doctrines is also decorated with delicately carved bats.

Right: This intriguing depiction of a bat was stitched into each of many cushions around the emperor’s sitting room. As symbols of happiness and good fortune, bats were very common motifs in imperial chambers and clothing. © MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI / 2154117

B A T S 6 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 © MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI / 2155501 Pink bats surround a dragon in this elaborate embroidery on an emperor’s robe (top) from about two centuries ago.

United States got around to it in 2002. Two bats on the wrapping of a gift convey best wishes and good fort u n e . The bat pair often appears with two butterflies, a symbol of marital bliss, on gifts for new l y we d s . Bats also appear in Chinese art with peaches, which symbolize fert i l i t y. Peaches, in fact, we re first cultivated in China nearly 5,000 years ago, and b e f o re humans took control of the fruit, wild peaches depended on bats to dis- perse their seeds. Although other cultures of Asia share some of China’s delight in bats, no Western nation comes close. If more of us accepted the Chinese view of these i n valuable flying mammals, Bat Conservation International would have far less work to do.

© MERLIN D. TUTTLE, BCI \ 2155105 A green bat shares a stone column (right) with Chinese characters, and the carved jade jewelry (above) depicts a bat resting on a peach, the ubiquitous symbol of fertility.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 7 B A T S Return of the Mummy Mummy A desert cave preserves a 10,000-year-old spotted bat

very long time ago, a spotted bat poked his head into a crack in the limestone wall of northern AAArizona’s deepest known cave. The male bat, appar- ently looking for a day roost, found himself hope- lessly stuck. He died there, trying to extricate his head. The crack became his eternal roost, and there he stayed for more than 10,000 years. The cave’s by David G. Mikesic still, dry air mummified the small body. & Carol Chambers

B A T S 8 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 n 1994, two cavers came upon the b a t’s dried remains, still stuck in the Icrack. The mummy itself was easily identified by its unique coloration. Spotted bats (Eu d e rma maculatum) are among the most easily re c o g n i zed bats, with their large pink ears and striking black-and-white fur. But modern spotted bats are not k n own to roost in caves, choosing instead cracks and crevices in ve rt i c a l rock faces. Only two documented sight- ings of spotted bats in caves had been re p o rted before 1994: a single bat day- roosting at the entrance to a small The distinctive coloring of spotted bats makes them easy to identify, even in mummified animals like California cave in 1948, and four bats this one, which died in an Arizona cave about 300 years ago. The same dry cave yielded the natural- ly mummified remains of seven spotted bats, including the remarkable specimen on the opposite hibernating in a Utah cave in 1930. page, which has been dated to roughly 10,400 years ago. The re m a rkable discove ry of the A r i zona mummy is – directly and indi- and Fish De p a rtment, No rthern Arizo n a prising early hints that spotted bats do rectly – changing that and other assump- Un i v er s it y an d t he Na v ajo Na t i o n indeed use caves. We set mist nets at the tions about spotted-bat behavior. And De p a rtment of Fish and Wildlife accom- c a ve several times from 1995 to 1997 m o re surprises are likely. panied the two cavers back into the cave and documented the presence of six to The cavers who found the bat to search for any other mummified bats nine spotted bats. They we re roosting in mummy remained at the site for seve r a l and to determine the age of at least one the fissured and fragmented limestone days. Each night they heard echolocation of them. We also hoped to confirm ceiling, 100 feet (30 meters) above the calls emerging from the depths of the whether spotted bats we re day-ro o s t i n g c a ve floor. From May to Oc t o b e r, these c a ve – calls that, unlike those of most in the cave. bats came out of the cave just after sun- bats, we reaudible to the human ear. T h i s The mummified remains of seve n d own, emerging individually or in pairs, is one of few No rth American bat species spotted bats we re found in the cave , up to 10 minutes apart. They re t u r n e d with such low - f requency echolocation along with a few individuals of other just before dawn. calls. Could spotted bats be living in the local species. All we re on the cave floor Our original mummified bat was c a ve even today? and in various stages of decomposition. radiocarbon-dated, thanks to geology Scientists from the Arizona Ga m e Along the way, we confirmed the sur- Professor Jim Mead of No rthern Arizo n a

Spotted bats like this one are still using the cave in northern Arizona as a day roost.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 9 B A T S tracking their movements. We had theo- rized that these bats’ behavior might be similar to that of spotted bats studied in the Grand Canyon by Melissa Siders (formerly with the U.S. Forest Service), Mikele Painter (U.S. Fo rest Se rv i c e ) , El aine Leslie (formerly with Gr a n d Canyon National Park) and Mike Rabe and Tim Snow (Arizona Game and Fish Department). Bats in maternity roosts of the Grand Canyon and Kanab Creek area travel nearly 35 miles (56 kilome- ters) nightly from the depths of the Grand Canyon at an elevation of approximately 2,400 feet (730 meters), over the Grand Canyon rim (at 6,100 feet [1,859 meters]) and out to the North Kaibab Plateau (at 8,200 feet [2,499 meters]) to feed on moths at the high-elevation meadows. We collect ed th e s ix re m a i n i n g spotted-bat mummies from the cave under sterile conditions to avoid contam- Zoologist David Mikesic of the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife attaches a tiny radio- inating the samples. Small patches of skin tracking transmitter to a captured spotted bat. The researchers used the transmitters to learn more we re re m oved from each bat and sent for about the foraging habits of the species. radiocarbon dating. None of these bats was nearly as old as the original mummy. Un i ve r s i t y, to approximately 10,400 cal- re s e a rch team expanded with the addition The two oldest we re dated around 2,100 endar years ago. of U.S. Bu reau of Land Management and and 1,450 years old, while the re m a i n i n g (Radiocarbon dating is calculated U.S. Fo rest Se rvice biologists. We four samples we reless than 300 years old. from the decay of radioactive carbon iso- planned to calculate the topes that are present in all living things. age of the other six This very well-established dating tech- mummified bats in nique determines the time of a plant or hopes of determining animal’s death in what are called radio- whether all died togeth- carbon years, which differ from the reg- e r, perhaps in a cata- ular calendar years we are used to. A s t rophic event of some radiocarbon date can, however, be con- kind, or whether the verted to approximate calendar years. remaining bats might Our 10,400-year-old bat mummy had help to show continuous produced an age of 9,180 radiocarbon occupation of the cave years, ±50 years.) for thousands of ye a r s . The doomed spotted bat went searc h- At the same time, we ing for a roost at a time when Earth was hoped to learn more undergoing dramatic shifts in climate. about foraging habits of Vast glaciers we re receding and sea leve l s the cave’s current occu- rose more than 100 feet (30 meters). pants by attaching tiny Many large mammals – mammoths, radio transmitters to mastodons, saber-toothed cats and giant several spotted bats and sloths – we re disappearing. And the American So u t h west was becoming hab- Carol Chambers of Northern itable for the first time in many millen- Arizona University and nia. This likely was the first time the Jason Corbett (holding the spotted bat, and many other animals, antenna) track radio-tagged could surv i ve here . bats. They found that the spotted bats were foraging Our re s e a rch resumed in 2003, after a over the desert scrublands hiatus of several years, with a grant fro m on the floor of Marble No rthern Arizona Un i ve r s i t y, and the Canyon.

B A T S 10 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 The range of ages among all seve n dawn eve ry night for two we e k s . night roost in nearby piñon/juniper mummies strongly suggests a re m a rk a b l e Our results are still being analyze d , w o o d l a n d s . conclusion: This cave probably has been but one intriguing discove ry already has Yet these spotted bats we re covering a used by spotted bats, more or less contin- emerged from the data: Spotted bats similar distance – about 50 miles (80 kilo- u o u s l y, for 10, 000 ye a r s . f rom the cave routinely used alternate meters) – as the Grand Canyon females Moving from the distant past to the roosts in the ve rtical cliffs along the that forage on the No rth Kaibab. p resent, we netted four male spotted bats Colorado River in Marble Canyon. T h i s Remember: This is a 15- to 22-gram (0.5- as they emerged from the cave in Ju n e is a typical roosting habitat, long know n to 0.75-ounce) bat with a wingspan about 2003. Each of the bats was quickly tagged to bat biologists, that is rich in cracks and the same as an Am erican ro b i n’s . with a tiny transmitter weighing 0.67 c revices that provide protection fro m Tr a veling 50 miles each night, at times gram (just over one-fourth the weight of a p redators and the day’s heat. reaching 30 miles per hour (48 kph), in penny) and sent on its way. The transmit- We also quickly discove red that the s e a rchof food and water is quite a feat! t e r s’ batteries last about 14 days, so we , bats we re not flying to the top of No rt h We hope to conduct studies with hair along with several ve ry dedicated vo l u n- Kaibab Plateau as we expected. They we re and tissue samples collected from the four teers, tracked the four bats from dusk to foraging mostly over the desert scrub of c o n t e m p o r a r y b a ts . Ra di o iso to p e a na l ys is the valley floor and the will re veal aspects of their diet, and genet- c a n yon tributaries of ic analysis may determine whether our Marble Canyon. T h e y modern-day spotted bats are related to f l ew to slightly higher their mummified predecessors in the cave . e l e vations only to These ancient bats opened a tre a s u re chest of information and there almost The still, dry air of the c e rtainly are more surprises yet to come. cave often preserves the remains of bats that die there. The spotted bat DAVID G. MIKESIC is a zoologist with the mummy in the left photo Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife’s is only about 50 years Natural Heritage Program in Window Rock, old, while the bat at cen- Arizona. ter-left below (shown with a myotis mummy CAROL CHAMBERS is Associate Professor of found with it) is about Wildlife Ecology at the Northern Arizona 2,100 years old. University School of Forestry in Flagstaff.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 11 B A T S ProtectingBats attack pests over Australian Cotton Cotton cotton farms

Research in New South Wales, Australia, demon- strated that bats, such as the ye l l ow-bellied sheath- tail bat (a b ove), play a very active role in control- ling insects that damage cotton crops and that bat numbers and diversity are highest when cotton fields are planted like this one by Rachael Long near irrigation ponds and old-growth eucalyptus.

he battle commenced above ing. The areas around the lakes we re The Australian villain is the Ol d the cotton field one hot teeming with birds – and, we soon dis- World bollworm (He l i c overpa arm i g e ra) . Fe b ru a ry night. Cotton bollworm c ove red, with bats. It is ve ry similar in size, appearance and moths, whose larvae ravage cotton Soon after arriving, I joined col- agricultural devastation to its we s t e r n bolls, cut erratic paths across the leagues Greg Richards, an Australian bat h e m i s p h e re re l a t i ve,the New World boll- d a rk sky. Bats of up to half a biologist; Monika Rhodes, a Ph.D. stu- worm (He l i c overpa ze a). Both moths lay Td o zen species raced in hot pursuit, their dent from Au s t r a l i a’s Griffith Un i ve r s i t y ; their eggs – from about 500 to as many echolocation calls beeping wildly on our John We s t b rook, Re s e a rch Leader at the as 3,000 per female – on plants. T h e bat detectors. And that aerial combat is U.S. De p a rtment of Agriculture’s Are a- caterpillars (larvae) that emerge grow to exactly what I had come to Narrabri, in wide Pest Management Re s e a rchUnit in an inch (25 millimeters) or more long the cotton country of southeast College Station, Texas; and our host, and eat just about anything that grow s , Australia, to study. Ma rtin Dillon of the Australian Cotton including each other. Besides cotton, Narrabri, at the edge of the outback Re s e a rch Institute in Narrabri. Our pro- corn and tomatoes, they feed on food in New South Wales, reminded me of ject, with obvious implications for bat c rops from beans to watermelons and a home in California’s Sacramento Va l l e y. c o n s e rvation, was to study the role of variety of ornamental plants. Their com- Both areas are studded with vast cotton bats in controlling cotton pests. We we re m e rcial damage in the United St a t e s fields interspersed with rolling hills of funded in part by Bat Conserva t i o n alone exceeds $1 billion a ye a r. golden grass and tre e s . In t e r n a t i o n a l . In No rth America, insectivo rous bats A single rive r, the Namoi, flow s The major pest of cotton in Au s t r a l i a – especially Mexican free-tailed bats t h rough Narrabri, providing water for is the cotton bollworm. The eggs of this (Tadarida bra s i l i e n s i s) – are pro d i g i o u s farmers and others. Most of the cotton in night-flying moth hatch into larvae that p redators of cotton bollworm moths. the Namoi River Valley is produced on feed on developing cotton bolls, seve re l y Their presence in the cotton fields can family farms. Irrigation water is pumped reducing yield and fiber quality. Growe r s reduce the need for pesticides. We hoped f romthe river after rainstorms and store d n ow use various methods to control these to document a similar value of bats in lakes scattered around the fields. T h e s e pests, including insecticide sprays that against the Old World bollworm in lakes, which generally cover 3 to 5 acre s a re costly to the farmer and the enviro n- Au s t r a l i a . (1.2 to 2 hectares), are full of old-grow t h ment. Our goal was to document the Armed with Anabat echolocation eucalyptus trees that had been left stand- impact of bats in helping to control this detectors, night-vision goggles and ing when the land was cleared for farm- ve ry expensive pest. i n f r a red video cameras, we headed for

B A T S 12 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 the fields and spent many a night scour- b roadnosed bat (S c o t o repens gre y i i), little ing the sky for the sight and sound of f o rest bat (Vespadelus vulturn u s) and the bats on the hunt. The nights we re warm less common chocolate wattled bat and humid, for Fe b ru a ry is midsummer (Chalinolobus morio) and ye l l ow - b e l l i e d in Australia, and we we re ove rd ressed in sheathtail bat (Saccolaimus flavive n t r i s) . hats, gloves and long-sleeved shirts to All six are known to roost in old tre e deter mosquitoes, some of which carried h o l l ows and are listed as vulnerable to the the Ross River virus, a local disease that clearing of land for agriculture. T h e s e causes seve re flu-like symptoms. bats we re continuously active over the I also always wore boots for fear of cotton fields from dusk until we left the snakes. I had spotted a couple in the are a , fields well after midnight. including highly poisonous red- and In cotton fields that had been com- blue-bellied black snakes – which my pletely cleared of native vegetation for host insisted I was “lucky” to see. Du r i n g miles around, we spotted only two our midnight breaks for tea and biscuits, species of insectivo rous bats foraging I was extremely careful where I re s t e d . over the cotton: the white-striped fre e t a i l The cotton bollworm moth is one of the world’s We quickly found that night skies and the southern freetail bat. In these most damaging agricultural pests. In addition to a b ove the fields we re aswarm with flying large-scale, monoculture cotton fields, cotton, its larvae feed on corn, tomatoes and bats and insects. In cotton fields adjacent both species generally showed up after many other food crops. Bats eat huge quantities to irrigation ponds with old-growth tre e s , d a rk and activity was sporadic. Si n c e of these moths, greatly reducing farmers’ needs we re c o rded six species of insectivo ro u s these bats are fast flying and capable of for chemical pesticides. bats. These included the white-striped long-distance flight, we surmised that f reetail bat (Tadarida austra l i s), southern they roosted in remnant old eucalyptus and disrupting their mating and egg-lay- f reetail bat (Mo rm o p t e rus planiceps), little t rees in the foothills of the local moun- ing activity. Bollworms are among insects tains and along streambeds and ro a d s . that are biologically equipped to hear After many nights of observations in b a t s’ ultrasonic echolocation calls, and d i f f e rent fields, we clearly documented when they do, they obviously take eva- the importance of local roosting sites in s i ve action, attempting to avoid are a s o l d - g rowth eucalyptus trees for enhanc- w h e rebats are most active . ing the diversity and abundance of bats After many hours of monitoring bat that prey on cotton pests. activity and counting bollworm eggs on T h e reis no doubt that the bats we re cotton plants, howe ve r, we we re unable hunting the insects in the cotton fields. to document clear differences in the When foraging bats appeared over a number of eggs as a result of bat activity. field, insects promptly took eva s i ve A seve re drought in the region kept boll- action or fled. We observed moths spiral- worm pre s s u re too low to measure signif- ing into the cotton or suddenly incre a s- icant differences during our visit. Fu rt h e r ing their flight speed. i n vestigation is needed. We believe bats have an impact on We we re, howe ve r, able to demon- these moth pests by reducing numbers strate the great importance of old-grow t h eucalyptus trees in maintaining the dive r- Armed with bat sity and abundance of bats on cotton detectors, night- farms. This information is being dissemi- vision goggles and nated to cotton growers at local and infrared video cam- regional meetings, and farmers are begin- eras California researcher Rachael ning to re a l i zethe economic value of con- Long prepares for a s e rving trees on their farms to enhance night of monitoring bat activity for natural pest contro l. bat-foraging activi- ty over a cotton RACHAEL LONG is a Farm Advisor with the field in Australia. University of California Cooperative Extension The research team Service in Yolo County, California. also included Australian bat The author thanks Bat Conservation Inter- biologists. The s o u th e rn fre etail bat national for partially funding this study and (top left) is among Martin Dillon of the Commonwealth Scientific bats that feed on and Industrial Research Organization’s c ot t o n - d a m a g i n g Australian Cotton Research Institute in m oth s . Narrabri for hosting our team.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 13 B A T S NEWS AND NOTES

Wo r kshop participants monitor ro ck te mp e ra t u resin a cave at Cave Creek Canyo n in Ari z o n a . The Ultimate Bat Experience Sign up now for BCI’s 2005

© CARRIE ROBERTSON, BCI \ 0010211 f i e l d w o r k s h o p s xtraordinary successes have been achieved in bat conservation, public education, public health, nuisance issues and related topics. Eresearch and education by graduates of BCI’s field workshops. We’ll net, trap and release bats over trout streams and beaver Nearly 1,100 biologists, land managers, educators, animal-control ponds, see endangered Indiana myotis swarming at a mine entrance personnel and bat enthusiasts have attended these workshops. For and watch 20,000 little brown myotis in a spectacular dawn return many, the experience changed the course of their careers. to their restored roost in a church attic.We’ll visit both summer And while the workshops are invaluable for wildlife pro fe s s i o n- and winter sites as colonies are beginning to disperse, and we can a l s ,t h eyare also exciting, i n fo r m a t i ve experiences for anyone who’s expect to catch, study and release such striking, m i g r a t o ry species as serious about bat conservation and re s e a rc h .Learn about bats and re d ,h o a ry and silve r- h a i red bats. their needs, f i e l d - re s e a rch techniques and species identification. Length: six days, five nights. Limited to 15 people. Pe r s o n a l lycap t u re, examine and release a variety of bats. And see One session: beginning August 14, 2005. an arr ay of wildlife and spectacular scenery. BCI field workshops are Departure city: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. an unforgettable experience. But space is extremely limited, so sign Cost: $1,195. up early. (Fees include materials, meals, lodging and transportation from the departure city.) A limited number of full and partial scholarships for BCI Bat Conservation and ManagementWorkshops in Arizona or Pennsylvania are available for state and Bat Conservation and Management Workshop – A r i zo n a federal biologists, land managers and other professionals with special needs. Our field location at the re n owned Southwestern Research Sta- Acoustic Monitoring Workshop – Pennsylvania tion in the Chiricahua Mountains fe a t u res a range of habitats fro m l owland deserts to conife rous fo re s t s .The six-day sessions empha- This year, BCI is offering an Acoustic Monitoring Workshop in size bat identification and habitat assessment.You’ll catch and re l e a s e conjunction with our Bat Conservation and Management session in up to 18 bat species in a single eve n i n g , then watch endangere d Pennsylvania.This special workshop will cover bat-detector hard- long-nosed bats visit hummingbird feeders just outside your lodging. ware and software (including Anabat, Pettersson and SonoBat), call Workshop leader Janet Ty b u re c, along with Katy Hinman and identification, and strategies for developing a monitoring program. Arizona Game and Fish biologists, s h a re a wealth of knowledge on Joining BCI’s Janet Tyburec will be acoustic experts Sybill Amelon, species identification (including echolocation calls), bat conserv a t i o n , Joe Szewczak and Ted Weller.The session combines research discus- m a n a g e m e n t ,e d u c a t i o n ,public health and nuisance issues, a rt i f i c i a l sions with hands-on demonstrations and fieldwork. Each night, we habitats and much more. Each workshop fe a t u res radio-tracking a will be capturing bats and developing call libraries so participants fo rest bat back to its ro o s t ,watching an emergence of Mexican fre e - can return to their home study areas and begin their own projects. tailed bats from a local cave and learning bat-cap t u re techniques. BCI will have equipment on hand, but participants are encour- aged to bring their own systems.The Acoustic Monitoring Work- Length: six days, five nights. Limited to 15 people per session. shop is an advanced session designed for graduates of previous BCI Three sessions: beginning May 23, May 28 and June 2, 2005. workshops and/or experienced bat researchers. Departure city: Tucson,Arizona. Cost: $1,295. Length: six days, five nights. Limited to 15 people. One session: beginning August 8, 2005. B a t Co n ser v at io n a nd Ma nagem ent Wo r k s h o p – Pe n n s y l v a n i a Departure city: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The rolling hills and mixed agricultural fields of central Pe n n s y l- Cost: $1,195. vania provide a perfect place to see how easily bats and humans can c o e x i s t .M a ny thousands of little brown myotis live and raise their For workshop details and online applications, visit young in buildings, b a r n s ,attics and other structure s .N e a r bymines and caves offer ideal hibernation sites for at least six bat species. or contact Kari Gaukler, Bat Conservation International, PO Box Janet Tyburec and Cal Butchkoski of the Pennsylvania Game 1 6 2 6 0 3 ,A u s t i n ,TX 78716; (512) 327-9721; k g a u k l e r @ b a t c o n . o r g Commission provide in-depth information on eastern bat species,

B A T S 14 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 MEMBERS IN ACTION New Members’ Nights at Bracken Cave

any BCI members requested a little Mmore flexibility in our schedule of Members’ Nights to see the incredible evening emergences of 20 million Mexican free-tailed bats from Bracken Cave. So we’ve added some springtime and late- summer dates for 2005. N ow yo u c a n j oi n B at C o ns e r v a t i o n International staff and fe l l ow members on Boy Scout Corwin Ames (right) and Andrew M a rch 12,April 2 and April 9 (all McCalla of Austin’s Meridian Energy Systems celebrate completion of a solar-light system S a t u rd ay s ) , in addition to our summer (above right) at Bracken Cave. The solar panel s c h e d u l e.The earlier dates promise equally is mounted on the roof of the old shed. i m p re s s i ve flights by the wo r l d ’s largest bat c o l o ny, plus a chance to see the Texas Hill C o u n t ry awash in springtime wildflowe r s . Lighting the Way Summer dates (also all Saturd ays) are June 25, Ju ly 2 and 9, August 6 and xperiencing the awesome emer- the parking area after dark, Ames want- September 24.Whether spring or summer, gence of the world’s largest bat ed to light their way. mark your calendar for this popular mem- Ecolony just got a bit more conge- With his plan approved by the Eagle ber benefit at BCI’s Bracken Bat Cave and nial for BCI members, thanks to hard board at Scout Troop 809, he worked N a t u re R es e r ve n ea r S an A n t o n i o. w o rk by a San Antonio, Texas, Boy Scout with BCI’s Andy Moore on the details. Registration for all Members’ Nights and his friends. Subtle, solar-powe re d Andrew McCalla of Austin’s Meridian begins February 1 (and will not be lights now guide visitors back from the Energy Systems volunteered his exper- accepted earlier). Space is limited, so mouth of Bracken Cave . tise on electrical wiring and mounting a please don’t delay. Send BCI your name, C o rwin Ames says he was ove r- solar panel and battery. address, phone number, the number in whelmed the first time he saw the Ames, several Scout friends and your party and your first and second McCalla spent a day mounting the solar choices of dates. Bracken bats fly out of their cave a few On or after February 1, email the years ago. So, in search of a project for panel on the roof of a historic old shed, information to [email protected] or fax Eagle Scout honors, he decided on an installing a battery, burying electric it to (512) 327-9724,Attn: Members’ e n v i ronmentally friendly way to im- cables and placing the lights. Night Coordinator.You may also call (512) p rove the site. Since the bats spiral out of If you visit the cave on one of this 327-9721. the cave a round twilight and ye a r’s Me m b e r s’ Nights, enjoy the walk – We’ll send you a map and additional g u e s t s often walk back to and thank Corwin Ames and his friends. information with your confirmation.

The n the last issue of BAT S, we carried a picture H om e r H a ns e n of W i l l c ox , A r i z o n a , s ay s hi s (l e f t) of a peculiar clay, a n t h i l l - l i ke structure at b ro t h e r- i n - l aw, Jeff Fe rro, is stationed in Iraq and ‘Anthill’ Ithe U. S .A r my ’sV i c t o ry Base outside Baghdad. had this explanation:“This place used to be a Contractor Ron Ebert said it was home to a safari re f u g e / n a t u re pre s e rve/vacation home, s o number of bats and asked BCI’s help in identifying that termite mound-looking ‘thingie’ was a bird- in Iraq the bats and the “ a n t h i l l .” We offe red some house for exotic bird s .” possibilities on the bats, but we re no help at all John Bishop of Nashua, N ew Hampshire, s u g- on the structure. BCI members, h oweve r, o f fe re d g e s t s ,“I believe the large cone-shaped structure some ideas. might be a dovecote (a pigeon ro o s t ) .These we re Member Sue Payne of Council Bluffs, I ow a ,w h o ’s common throughout pre-modern Europe and a member of the U. S .A r my Corps of Engineers, e l s ew h e re,” as early as the 13th century.T h e w rote of “a friend who just got back from Camp pigeons we re a major source of meat and V i c t o ry. He says Saddam originally built it as a bat p rovided copious supplies of fe rt i l i z e r.These we re h o u s e . T h e are a a ro u nd i t h ad m ore t re es t he n. t y p i c a l lyro u n d , t owe r- l i ke structure s , but some- Since most of the trees have now been cut dow n , times we re built as squares or other shap e s .M a ny a lot of pigeons are living in the ‘anthill’ now, b u t a re today being care f u l lypre s e rve d . t h e re are still a huge number of bats living in it.” The suggestions make sense.You be the judge …

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 15 B A T S NEWS AND NOTES Honors for a Friend of Bats

ally Walker, an American who has devoted her life to wildlife conservation in India, and whose work has been Ssupported by Bat Conservation International, recently received high honors from the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. She was chosen for the Heini Hediger Award of 2004 for “excellent and unstinting service to the zoological park and aquarium community.” Walker first visited India in the early 1970s as a Sanskrit scholar and eventually became devoted to wildlife conserva- tion and to zoos throughout Asia. She was named to India’s national Zoo Advisory Board and founded the Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO) to work for conservation issues at zoos and in the field. The organization is active throughout South Asia and its impact has spread far beyond the region through monthly publications that Walker founded and edited. BCI’s Global Grassroots Conservation Fund has provided unprecedented conference that was vital in winning federal several grants to Walker and her organization for specific pro- protection for two critically endangered bat species – the first jects. Probably the most important was BCI’s support for an bats ever formally protected in India.

The Bat Conservation International Global Grassroots Conservation Fund provides small grants to support innovative bat- conservation projects by local organizations and individuals around the world.To help support Global Grassroots, contact BCI’s Emily Young: [email protected] or (512) 327-9721.

ON THE HORIZON Bats&MinesinRe n o at Conservation International is co-sponsor- ing a wide-ranging conference on managing Babandoned mines and the bats that use them. The session will be May 3-5, 2005, in Reno, Nevada. Topics range from the history of mining in the American West to detailed reports on the most up-to-date options for securing old mines without evicting bats. Bat gate at Mammon Mine in Arizona The symposium is aimed at wildlife and resource managers, students, researchers, mining Another ‘Call of the Wild’ personnel and archaeologists. Experts in the field he Houston Zoo announced its cell-phone recycling program for Bat will discuss the bat species that use abandoned TC o n s e rvation International a year ago (BAT S,Winter 2003),with plans to con- mines and how they use them; the latest strategies t i nue it through September 2004. But the response from BCI members has been for surveying bats’ use of mines; how to accurately so impre s s i ve that the program is being extended for another year – thro u g h gauge the success of bat-friendly mine closures; and September 2005. procedures for managing biological resources in old The zoo accepts old cell phones, chargers and batteries for delivery to The mines. Case studies will also be presented. Wireless Foundation, which pays the zoo.The equipment is refurbished and sold The conference – Past, Present & Fu t u re : or safely recycled. BCI is the sole recipient of all proceeds from the program, Management of Abandoned Mines and the Bats that dubbed:“Answer the Call of the Wild – Be a Bat Crusader.” So keep those worn-out cell phones coming. Depend on T h e m –issponsoredbyBCI, A phone-recycling bin is located at the zoo’s gift shop or cell phones may be Christopher New p o rt Un i versity and the Un i- mailed to: Houston Zoo Inc. • Cell Phone Recycle • 1513 North MacGregor • versity of New Mexico. Houston,TX 77030 For details as they develop, check BCI’s website:

B A T S 16 WINTER 2004 Volume 22, No. 4 NEWS AND NOTES Bat Facts for Brownsville TheWish List Your help with any of these special needs will direct- ly improve BCI’s ability to protect bats and bat habitats. To contribute or for more information, please contact Emily Young at (512) 327-9721 or [email protected]. H e l p t h e b a t s o f N e p a l The spectacularly beautiful Pokhara Valley of Nepal is home to many bats of 50 or more species – but almost nothing is known about their current status or needs. Conservation efforts, as a consequence, are virtually non- existent. A Nepalese student seeks a modest grant from BCI’s Global Grassroots Conservation Fund to begin a scientific survey of bats in the onna Berry (ri g h t) ,a tireless conserv a t i o n- valley. Sujas Prasd Phuyal plans to interview resi- Dist and bat booster in Brow n s v i l l e,Te x a s , dents and examine sparse records to initially was a big hit at her commu n i t y ’s Halloween fe s- identify bat habitats, then follow that with on- tival at the University of Texas at Brow n s v i l l e. site surveys to identify species, estimate numbers She set up her popular “bat cave ” and a video that clarifies ove r b l own fears about bats and and assess existing threats. After analyzing the rabies (a b ov e) and handed out more than 200 data, the student will issue a final report and copies of BCI’s pocket-sized Bat Facts c a rd s . conservation recommendations. This ground- “The kids loved the video,” she re p o rt s ,“and the breaking study can be financed for just $839. p a rents liked having a place to sit down and eat their pizza.The coolest visitors to the booth All-terrain wheels for Bracken Ca ve we re four teenage boys who kept asking us questions about the bats on the video. T h ey BCI is restoring 700 acres of Texas Hill ve ry care f u l lyplaced their Ba t Fa c t s in their wal- Country to its natural, pre-civilization state as a lets so they wouldn't lose them. Very cool!” critical part of creating the Bracken Bat Cave and Nature Reserve. But much of the land is rugged BCI Member Snapshots and broken in good weather and almost impass- able when it rains. Inspecting and repairing the four miles of fence that protect the cave and its AURA KAHANEK, a BCI Lmember in Pearland, 20 million bats is now done on foot. Staffers’ Texas, sewed this delightful vehicles used for land stewardship are simply not “tracing pad” of bats and up to the task. An All-terrain Vehicle would dra- BCI’s logo. An animal lover matically improve our ability to restore and care all her life, Laura says she for this important property. A Honda FourTrax was inspired by a visit to Rancher 4x4 with two helmets costs $4,950. Austin, where she watched the dramatic emergence of Fi n d i n g k e y b a t c a v e s i n M e x i c o the bats that live under the Congress Avenue Bridge. Working with Mexican scientists, Bat She works at the public Conservation International is discovering key bat library in Pasadena, Texas. caves in northern Mexico as the first major step in conserving countless migratory bats along the Sh a re a snapshot of your bat U.S.-Mexico border. To study these caves, the activities with your fellow Borderlands Project urgently needs $415 for members: Send it to Ro b e rt caver’s gear: Petzl Duo head lamp ($110); 50 Locke, Bat Conserva t i o n meters of climber’s rope ($105); and a complete In t e rnational, PO B ox GGG Frog Harness System ($200). 162603, Austin, TX, 78716.

Volume 22, No. 4 WINTER 2004 17 B A T S N u r t u r i n g a New Generation of Scientists n the past 14 years, 184 graduate students have relied on Bat Conservation International scholar- Iships to conduct bat conserv a t i o n - related re s e a rc h in 44 countries. In addition to their direct contribu- tions to conservation, these young people acquired the knowledge and advanced degrees needed to become leaders on behalf of bats worldwide. A panel of leading bat scientists reviews scholar- ship applications and guides the selection pro c e s s . A BCI scholarship allowed Nathan Muchhala (right, with a field assistant) demon- The scholarships provide seed money to attract strate the economic value of bats as pollinators in the rain forests of Ecuador. matching funds from other sources. Historically, BCI scholar- • Documenting the seasonal movements of To w n s e n d ’s ship awards have been matched at a ratio of 11 to 1, pro d u c- b i g - e a red bats between hibernation sites and summer ro o s t s ing millions of dollars in vital re s e a rch. Here ’s a sampling of in Washington to identify poorly understood patterns that the re s e a rch being undertaken with 2004 BCI scholarships: play important roles in conserv a t i o n . • Mapping the diversity of bats in the Mpumalanga This year’s 12 scholarship students are adding to our P rovince of South Africa to help establish conservation prior- understanding of bats and bat habitats in five countries. But ities and population monitoring and to guide future studies of we could do so much more. Limited re s o u rces force us to bat behavior and needs in these habitats. reject many excellent applicants with important projects. Yo u • Examining the responses of forest bats to varied timber- can help Bat Conservation International support these stu- h a rvesting strategies along streams, clearings and roadways in dents and make a real diff e rence far into the future . N o rth Carolina to improve bat-friendly timber management. • Identifying factors that affect bats’ choice of cave ro o s t s To support the BCI Student Scholarship Fund, contact Emily Yo u n g : in Madagascar to help limit the impact of cave tourism. e y o u n g @ b a t c o n . o r g or (512) 327-9721. 2004 Oracle Bat Research Scholars OR AC L E CO R P O R AT I O N of Redwood Shore s ,C a l i fo r n i a ,p rovided a generous grant to BCI’s scholarship pro g r a m ,a l l owing us to support key re s e a rc h by eight graduate students. H e re are the 2004 Oracle Scholars (with their university and re s e a rch country ) : Scott Cardiff, Columbia University (Madagascar) Eleni Papadatou, Leeds University (Greece) Gloriana Chaverri, University (Costa Rica) Daniel Riskin, Cornell University (Madagascar) Kathryn Durkee, Longwood University (Virginia) Patricia Ruback, Northern Illinois University (South Africa) Marcia Maslonek,WestVirginia University (Pennsylvania) Stu Tuttle, Northern Arizona University (Arizona)

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