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Edited by Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff and Ines Steinke

Translated by Bryan Jenner

SAGE Publications London ● Thousand Oaks ● New Delhi Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page iv

Translation © 2004

This English edition first published 2004

Originally published in the series “rowohlts enzyklopädie” under the title QUALITATIVE FORSHCHUNG – Ein Handbuch

Copyright © 2000 Rowohlt Ttaschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg

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Notes on Editors and Contributors ix Preface xii


1 What is Qualitative Research? An Introduction to the Field 3 Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff and Ines Steinke


Introduction 15

2.1 17 Bruno Hildenbrand 2.2 24 Herbert Willems 2.3 Harold Garfinkel and 29 Jörg R. Bergmann 2.4 Paul Willis and the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 35 Rolf Lindner 2.5 Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler and Goldy Parin-Matthèy 40 Maya Nadig and Johannes Reichmayr 2.6 Clifford Geertz 47 Stephan Wolff 2.7 Norman K. Denzin: Life in Transit 53 Yvonna S. Lincoln 2.8 58 Christian Fleck


Introduction 65


3.1 Phenomenological Life-world Analysis 67 Ronald Hitzler and Thomas S. Eberle 3.2 72 Jörg R. Bergmann Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page vi


3.3 Symbolic 81 Norman K. Denzin 3.4 Constructivism 88 Uwe Flick 3.5 Social Scientific Hermeneutics 95 Hans-Georg Soeffner


3.6 Qualitative Biographical Research 101 Winfried Marotzki 3.7 Qualitative Generation Research 108 Heinz Bude 3.8 Life-world Analysis in Ethnography 113 Anne Honer 3.9 Cultural Studies 118 Rainer Winter 3.10 Gender Studies 123 Regine Gildemeister 3.11 Organizational Analysis 129 Lutz von Rosenstiel 3.12 Qualitative Evaluation Research 137 Ernst von Kardorff


Introduction 145

4.1 Design and Process in Qualitative Research 146 Uwe Flick 4.2 Hypotheses and Prior Knowledge in Qualitative Research 153 Werner Meinefeld 4.3 Abduction, Deduction and Induction in Qualitative Research 159 Jo Reichertz 4.4 Selection Procedures, Sampling, Case Construction 165 Hans Merkens 4.5 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Not in Opposition 172 Udo Kelle and Christian Erzberger 4.6 Triangulation in Qualitative Research 178 Uwe Flick 4.7 Quality Criteria in Qualitative Research 184 Ines Steinke


Introduction 193

5A: ENTERING THE FIELD 195 Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page vii


5.1 Ways into the Field and their Variants 195 Stephan Wolff


5.2 Qualitative Interviews: An Overview 203 Christel Hopf 5.3 Interviewing as an Activity 209 Harry Hermanns 5.4 Group Discussions and Focus Groups 214 Ralf Bohnsack


5.5 Field Observation and Ethnography 222 Christian Lüders 5.6 Photography as Social Science Data 231 Douglas Harper 5.7 Reading Film: Using Films and Videos as Empirical Social Science Material 237 Norman K. Denzin 5.8 Electronic Process Data and Analysis 243 Jörg R. Bergmann and Christoph Meier


5.9 The Transcription of Conversations 248 Sabine Kowal and Daniel C. O’Connell 5.10 The Analysis of Semi-structured Interviews 253 Christiane Schmidt 5.11 The Analysis of Narrative-biographical Interviews 259 and Wolfram Fischer-Rosenthal 5.12 Qualitative Content Analysis 266 Philipp Mayring 5.13 Theoretical Coding: Text Analysis in 270 Andreas Böhm 5.14 Computer-assisted Analysis of Qualitative Data 276 Udo Kelle 5.15 Analysis of Documents and Records 284 Stephan Wolff 5.16 Objective Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic of Knowledge 290 Jo Reichertz 5.17 296 Jörg R. Bergmann 5.18 Genre Analysis 303 Hubert Knoblauch and Thomas Luckmann Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page viii


5.19 Discourse analysis 308 Ian Parker 5.20 Deep-structure Hermeneutics 313 Hans-Dieter König 5.21 The Art of Interpretation 321 Heinz Bude 5.22 The Presentation of Qualitative Research 326 Eduard Matt


Introduction 333


6.1 Research Ethics and Qualitative Research 334 Christel Hopf 6.2 Teaching Qualitative Research 340 Uwe Flick and Martin Bauer 6.3 Utilization of Qualitative Research 349 Ernst von Kardorff


6.4 The Future Prospects of Qualitative Research 354 Hubert Knoblauch 6.5 The Challenges of Qualitative Research 359 Christian Lüders 6.6 The Art of Procedure, Methodological Innovation and Theory-formation in Qualitative Research 365 Alexandre Métraux


7.1 Resources for Qualitative Researchers 373 Heike Ohlbrecht

References 381

Author Index 421

Subject Index 428 Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page ix

Notes on Editors and Contributors


Uwe Flick, is Professor of Empirical Social and Nursing Research (Qualitative Methods) at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, and Adjunct Professor at the Memorial University of Newfoundland at St. John’s, Canada. Research interests are qualitative methods, social representations and health. He is author of several books and articles on qualitative research including An Introduction to Qualitative Research (Sage, Second edition, 2002) and The of the Social (Cambridge University Press, 1998).

Ernst von Kardorff, is Professor of the sociology of rehabilitation at Humboldt University in Berlin. Research interests are living and coping with chronic illness, the role of partners and volunteer organizations and quali- tative methods. Publications include, with C. Schönberger, Mit dem, kranken Partner leben (Living with a Chronically Ill Partner) (Opladen, 2003).

Ines Steinke, Dr. Phil. works in industry in areas such as market- and marketing psychology and usability and design-management research and teaching in qualitative research, general psychology and youth research. Publications include: Kriterien qualitativer Forschung. Ansätze zur Bewertung qualitativ-empirijscher Sozial- forschung (Criteria of Qualitative Research: Approaches for Assessing Qualitative-Empirical Social Research) (Weinheim, 1999).


Bauer, Martin, Ph.D., born 1959, Lecturer, Department of Social Psychology and Methodology Institute, London School of Economics. Research interests: New technologies, qualitative methods, social representa- tions, resistance in social processes.

Bergmann, Jörg R., Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., born 1946, University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology. Research interests: Qualitative methods, new media, communication in everyday life and in complex work situations.

Böhm, Andreas, Dr. phil., born 1955, Federal Office of Health, Brandenburg. Research interests: Epidemiology, children’s health, qualitative methods.

Bohnsack, Ralf, Prof. Dr. rer. soz., Dr. phil. habil, Dipl. Soz., born 1948, Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Education and Psychology. Research interests: Qualitative methods, , youth research, deviance.

Bude, Heinz, Prof. Dr. phil., born 1954, University of Kassel and Hamburg Institute of Social Research. Research interests: Research on generations, exclusion and entrepreneurs.

Denzin, Norman K., Prof., Ph.D., born 1941, College of Communications Scholar, Distinguished Research Professor of Communications, Sociology, Cinema Studies and Humanities, University of Illinois, Institute of Communications Research. Research interests: Cultural studies, interpretative research, media and ethnic groups.

Eberle, Thomas S., Prof. Dr., born 1950, Sociological Seminar, University of St Gallen (Switzerland). Research interests: Phenomenological sociology, sociology of knowledge, sociology of culture. Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page x


Erzberger, Christian, Dr. born 1956, Society for Innovative Social Research and Social Planning (GISS), Bremen. Research interests: Quantitative and qualitative methods in empirical social research, analysis of sequential patterns, evaluation.

Fischer-Rosenthal, Wolfram, Prof. Dr., born 1946, University of Kassel, Faculty of Social Work. Research interests: Qualitative case reconstruction (of biographical structures), sociology of knowledge, analyses of interactions (especially of professional activities).

Fleck, Christian, ao. Univ. Prof., Dr. phil., born 1954, University of Graz. Research interests: Sociology of science, history of empirical social research and of institutions of social sciences.

Gildemeister, Regine, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Dipl. Soz., born 1949, Institute of Sociology, Eberhard-Karls- University of Tübingen. Research interests: Mode of social construction of gender, sociology of professions, qualitative methods.

Harper, Douglas, Prof. Ph.D., born 1948, Duquesne University, Chair and Professor, Sociology Department; Co-Director: Center for Social and Public Policy. Research interests: Visual sociology, sociology of culture, .

Hermanns, Harry, Prof. Dr. rer. pol., born 1947, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Research interests: Study reform, especially multimedia-based learning, qualitative methods.

Hildenbrand, Bruno, Prof. Dr. rer. soc., born 1948, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller-University of Jena. Research interests: Structure of professional activities (in therapy and in children’s and adolescents’ ser- vices), change of structures in rural areas, case reconstructive methods in social sciences.

Hitzler, Ronald, Prof. Dr., born 1950, Chair of General Sociology, University of Dortmund. Research inter- ests: Phenomenology, dramatological anthropology, hermeneutic sociology of knowledge.

Honer, Anne, Dr., born 1951, Faculty of History and Sociology, University of Konstanz. Research interests: Sociology of knowledge and culture, phenomenology, ethnography/qualitative research.

Hopf, Christel, Prof. Dr., born 1942, Institute for Social Sciences, University of Hildesheim. Research interests: Methods of empirical research, especially qualitative methods, research on socialization, political sociology.

Kelle, Udo, Dr., born 1960, Institute of Interdisciplinary Gerontology, University of Vechta. Research interests: Methodology of empirical research, sociological theory of action, life course research, especially sociology of ageing.

Knoblauch, Hubert, Prof. Dr., born 1959, Institute for Sociology, Technical University of Berlin. Research interests: General sociology, sociology of religion and knowledge, qualitative methods.

König, Hans-Dieter, Prof. Dr. phil., born 1950, freelance psychoanalyst in Dortmund, teaches sociology and social psychology at the University of Frankfurt/Main. Research interests: Psychoanalytic research into culture and biography, theory of socialization, methods of hermeneutic research.

Kowal, Sabine, Prof. Dr., born 1944, Apl. Professor of General Linguistics, esp. Psycholinguistics, Technical University of Berlin, Institute for Linguistics. Research interests: Conversation analysis, transcription, rhetoric.

Lincoln, Yvonna S., Prof., born 1944, Program director of the Higher Education Program, Texas A&M University, Faculty of Educational Administration. Research interests: Higher education administration and leadership, qualitative research methods, program evaluation.

Lindner, Rolf, Prof. Dr. phil, Dipl. Soz., born 1945, Professor of European Ethnology, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin. Research interests: Ethnology of the city, science research, cultural studies. Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page xi


Luckmann, Thomas, Prof. Ph.D., born 1927, University of Konstanz, Research interests: Sociology of knowledge, phenomenology, communication.

Lüders, Christian, Dr., born 1953, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Director of the Department ‘Youth and Youth Support’. Research interests: Qualitative research, children’s and adolescents’ services, social pedagogy.

Marotzki, Winfried, Prof. Dr. habil., born 1950, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Research inter- ests: Qualitative research, theory of education (philosophy of education), Internet research.

Matt, Eduard, Dr. rer. soc., born 1955, lives and works in Bremen. Research interests: Sociology of youth, criminology, sociology of knowledge and culture.

Mayring, Philipp, Prof. Dr., born 1952, Institute of Psychology, University of Klagenfurt/. Research interests: Qualitative methods (content analysis, evaluation), developmental psychology (gerontology), educa- tional psychology (emotion and learning, virtual media), mixed methodologies.

Meier, Christoph, born 1963, Fraunhofer Institute of Work Economics and Organisation, Stuttgart. Research interests: Tele-cooperation, team development in distributed organizations, analysis of (technically mediated) processes of communications, qualitative methods (ethnography, conversation analysis).

Meinefeld, Werner, apl. Prof. Dr., born 1948, Institute of Sociology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Research interests: Epistemology, methods of empirical research, university research.

Merkens, Hans, Prof. Dr., born 1937, Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute for General Education. Research interests: Youth research, organizational learning and development of orga- nizational cultures, educational institutions.

Métraux, Alexandre, Dr. phil., born 1945, Member of the Otto Selz Institute at the . Research interests: History of sciences, especially brain and nerves research between 1750 and 1950, epistemology, research on scientific media.

Nadig, Maya, Prof. Dr. phil., born 1946, Professor of Ethnology, Bremen Institute for Cultural Research, Faculty of Cultural Sciences at the University of Bremen. Research interests: Ethnopsychoanalysis, gender rela- tions, cultural identity and transcultural processes.

O’Connell, Daniel C., Prof., born 1928, Prof. of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Loyola . Research interests: Temporal organization of speaking, transcription, dialogue.

Ohlbrecht, Heike, Dipl. Soz., born 1970, Institute for Rehabilitation, Humboldt-University of Berlin. Research interests: Qualitative methods, family sociology, coping with chronic illness in adolescence.

Parker, Ian, Prof., Ph.D., BA (Hons.), born 1956, Professor of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Discourse Unit, Department of Psychology and Speech Pathology. Research interests: Marxism, language, psychoanalysis.

Reichertz, Jo, Prof. Dr., born 1949, Professor of Communication, University of Essen. Research interests: Qualitative research, sociology of knowledge in the context of text and image hermeneutics, sociology of culture.

Reichmayr, Johannes, Prof. Dr. phil., born 1947, Lecturer in Psychology, esp. Psychoanalysis. Institute for Psychology, Department of Social Psychology at Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the University of Klagenfurt. Research interests: Ethnopsychoanalysis, history of the psychoanalytic movement..

Rosenstiel, Lutz von, Prof. Dr. Dr. hc., born 1938, Institute for Psychology, University of . Research interests: Leadership, socialization in organizations, motivation and volition. Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page xii


Rosenthal, Gabriele, Prof. Dr., born 1954, Professor of Qualitative Methods at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Center for Methods in Social Sciences. Research interests: Interpretative sociology, biographical research, sociology of families.

Schmidt, Christiane, Dr. phil., born 1951, University of Hildesheim, Institute for Applied Linguistics. Research interests: Subjective coping with experiences with (networks of) computers, evaluation of Internet- based seminars, qualitative methods of observation and interviewing.

Soeffner, Hans-Georg, Prof. Dr., born 1939, University of Konstanz, Chair of General Sociology. Research interests: Sociology of culture, anthropology of culture (communication, knowledge, media, religion, law).

Willems, Herbert, PD Dr. phil., M.A., Dipl. Päd., born 1956, currently Professor of the Sociology of Culture at the Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen. Research interests: Sociological theories and methods, everyday culture, mass media.

Winter, Rainer, Prof. Dr., born 1960, psychologist (Diplom) and sociologist (M.A., Dr. phil., Dr. habil.), Professor of Media- and Culture Theories, University of Klagenfurt. Research interests: Sociological theories, sociology of globalization, qualitative methods, media and culture analysis.

Wolff, Stephan, Prof. Dr., born 1947, University of Hildesheim, Institute for Social Pedagogy. Research interests: Applied organization research, qualitative methods, cultural anthropology. Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page xiii


Qualitative research is a growing and ever more diverse field. The continuous development of new approaches, new methods and new techniques results in a wider and wider diversity in the literature – in books, in journals and on the Internet. Students, as well as experienced researchers, will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with these developments and with the range of methodological alternatives available for doing their own research projects. The Companion to Qualitative Research seeks to highlight and illustrate connections, common ground and differences in the heterogeneous developments of qualitative research. It intends to give readers a representative overview of the current landscape of qualitative research with its epistemological roots, its main theoretical principles, its methodological bases and the development of its procedures, and also to offer an impression of trends for further development. To achieve this, themes from current debates in the German- and English-speaking worlds have been brought together, so that the Companion takes a wider, international perspective on qualitative research with authors from Continental Europe, Britain and North America. At the outset, the Companion presents examples of how qualitative research operates in action, using descriptions of the research style of various scholars who have had major impacts on this field or are particularly instructive in their way of doing research. This first part of the book is intended to explain the unique contribution that qualitative research has made to the acquisition of achieving knowledge in the social sciences, to theory construction and to methodology. The theory of qualitative research is explained by presenting the most important background theories, which are illustrated using examples from selected areas of interest for qualitative research. Issues of methodology and qualitative research are central to the next part of the Companion, where issues of research design, epistemology and evaluation of methodological procedures and results are outlined. The major part of this Companion is devoted to the presentation of the most important methods currently used for doing qualitative research. Practice in the collection and interpretation of qualitative research data therefore occupies a central place in the book. The concluding part looks at qualitative research in context. Contributions are included on research ethics, on teaching and on the application of qualitative research, as well as critical reflections on the status and future prospects of qualitative research. This Companion is intended for students of a variety of disciplines where qualitative research is applied. For this reason, we have appended a separate part on resources which includes recommendations for further reading from introductory works and classic textbooks of qualitative research, and also offers lists of journals and current Internet sources. The Companion is also intended for those Flick-Prelims.qxd 3/23/04 2:25 PM Page xiv


who teach social sciences and, finally, should also be a useful reference work for qualitative researchers in universities and in professional practice. It is not intended to replace a course book of qualitative research. Nor should it be seen as a ‘recipe book’ to be used as the sole aid in setting up a concrete piece of research. It seeks, rather, to provide orientation, background knowledge and reflection and to give information about current trends and developments. Each contribution offers suggestions for further reading.


We wish to express our warmest thanks to all the authors for their contributions and for their willingness to rewrite and revise them. Also, we would like to thank the people who have supported the development of this book over the years, especially Michael Carmichael and Patrick Brindle at Sage and Burghard König at Rowohlt.

Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff and Ines Steinke Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 1

Part 1

Introduction Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 2 Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 3

1 What is Qualitative Research? An Introduction to the Field

Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff and Ines Steinke

1 Invitation to qualitative research 3 2 Why qualitative research? 5 3 Research perspectives in qualitative research 5 4 Basic assumptions and features of qualitative research 6 5 Relationship with quantitative-standardized research 8 6 The history and development of qualitative research 9 7 Aims and structure of the book 10

In recent years qualitative research has developed 1 INVITATION TO QUALITATIVE into a broad and sometimes almost confusing RESEARCH field of study. It has become part of the training in empirical research methods in a variety of subjects and disciplines. This broad palette of Qualitative research claims to describe life- subjects extends from sociology, via psychology, worlds ‘from the inside out’, from the point of to cultural studies, education and economics, to view of the people who participate. By so doing name but a few. Alongside the traditional com- it seeks to contribute to a better understanding partmentalized subjects it is receiving growing of social realities and to draw attention to attention in the rather more applied disciplines, processes, meaning patterns and structural fea- such as social work, nursing or public health. tures. Those remain closed to non-participants, Qualitative research has always had a strongly but are also, as a rule, not consciously known by applied orientation in the questions it addresses actors caught up in their unquestioned daily and in its methods of procedure, and it now routine. Qualitative research, with its precise occupies an important place in these areas. In and ‘thick’ descriptions, does not simply depict the realm of social sciences there is, in the reality, nor does it practise exoticism for its own broadest sense, hardly any area of research in sake. It rather makes use of the unusual or the which it is not at least partially used – particularly deviant and unexpected as a source of insight if one considers the international dimension. and a mirror whose reflection makes the Even though there is no shortage of criticism, unknown perceptible in the known, and the preconceptions and prejudice about qualitative known perceptible in the unknown, thereby research, one may still claim that it is now opening up further possibilities for (self-) established and consolidated, and that, in recognition. The theory and practice of obtaining the way suggested by Thomas Kuhn (1970), these perspectives will be briefly illustrated here it has now achieved the status of a paradigmatic by looking at four questions that are addressed ‘normal science’. in classic qualitative studies. Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 4


1 How do young migrants affect a local culture? structural features of what he called the ‘total How do they view their life and their institution’: when confronted with such deper- prospects? How do they react to their envi- sonalizing modes of behaviour as institutional ronment and what form of social organization clothing, the lack of privacy, constant surveil- does their group life engender? lance, a regimented daily timetable and so on, 2 What are the consequences of living as a inmates reacted with irony, play-acting, exag- patient in a psychiatric clinic, and how can gerated adaptation, secret pacts with the staff, patients preserve their identity under the rebellion and the like. Through this construc- conditions that prevail there? tion of a ‘sub-life’ in the institution, they safe- 3 What are the bases for the possibility of com- guard their survival as subjects. This study may munication and joint action in quite differ- be regarded as one of the great studies of orga- ent social situations? nizational sociology using qualitative research 4 What are the concrete results of unemploy- methods. Moreover, it set in train a public ment, and how are they processed individu- debate about the situation of psychiatric patients ally and in a local community? and prisoners, and provided a stimulus for reform in the appropriate quarters. Even today it These are a few topic areas from the infinite still provides the motivation for a plethora of variety of possible questions that, with the aid similar studies in other areas, such as old of qualitative methods, may be handled particu- people’s homes (e.g. Koch-Straube 1997). larly well and in a theoretically productive and 3 From a basic theoretical perspective, Harold practically relevant form. Garfinkel (1967a), using so-called crisis experi- 1 William F. Whyte’s (1955) classic ethno- ments, was able to demonstrate the implicit pre- graphic study of a street gang in a major city in conditions and rules that govern the production the eastern in the 1940s offers, on of everyday processes of understanding. This the basis of individual observations, personal made it possible to describe social integration as notes and other sources, a comprehensive a consistent fabric of constructs which partici- picture of a dynamic local culture. Through the pants adapt to situations: if, in an everyday mediation of a key figure Whyte had gained encounter, a person replies to the cliché enquiry access to a group of young second-generation ‘How are you?’ with the counter-enquiry ‘Do you Italian migrants. As a result of a two-year period mean physically, mentally or spiritually?’, this of he was able to obtain leads to a breakdown in the expected sequence of information about the motives, values and life- events. From this it becomes clear that utterances awareness and also about the social organiza- can only be understood in relation to some con- tion, friendship relations and loyalties of this text and that there is no ‘pure’ meaning. Shared local culture. These were condensed in theoreti- everyday human activities are more strongly cally important statements such as: marked by a competent situational application of interactional and communicative rules (‘ethno- Whyte’s gangs can be seen simply as an example methods’) than by abstract norms, and in these of a temporary non-adjustment of young people. rules knowledge and cultural experience is con- They withdraw from the norms of the parental stantly being produced and activated. home … and at the same time see themselves as 4 In a study that is still regularly quoted in excluded from the predominant norms of unemployment research, Jahoda, Lazarsfeld and American society. Deviant behaviour is to be Zeisel (1933/1971) investigated the consequences noted both towards the norms of the parental of unemployment in a small Austrian industrial home and towards the prevailing norms of the country of immigration. Deviant behaviour, even village at the time of the world economic crisis in as far as criminality, may be seen as a transient the 1930s. Using an imaginative combination of faulty adaptation that bears within itself both the quantitative (for example, measurement of walk- option of adaptation and of permanent non- ing speed, income statistics) and qualitative adaptation. (Atteslander 1996: XIII) methods (for example, interviews, housekeeping books, diary entries, young people’s essays about 2 From an exact description of the strategies their view of the future, document analysis and used by inmates to secure their identities, Erving so on) and also some historical materials Goffman (1961b), in his studies of psychiatric they developed, with the basic concept (Leitformel, clinics and prisons, was able to capture general see Jahoda 1992) of a ‘tired society’, a concise Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 5


characterization of the life-feelings and the subjective and social constructs (see 3.4) of their everyday course of events in a community world. Even if postmodernity age is perhaps affected by unemployment. At the same time already over, the processes of pluralization and they were able to identify a variety of individual dissolution, the new confusions that are referred ‘behavioural types’ in reaction to unemployment, to by this concept, continue to exist. Standardized such as ‘unbroken’, ‘resigned’, ‘desperate’ and methods need for the design of their data- ‘apathetic’ – a result that has proved to be of collection instruments (for example, a question- heuristic value in contemporary research (see 2.8). naire), some fixed idea about the subject of the Whyte represents a successful example of an investigation, whereas qualitative research can be ethnographic study (see 3.8, 5.5 below), and it is open to what is new in the material being studied, in this tradition that community and subculture to the unknown in the apparently familiar. In research, investigations of deviant behaviour this way perceptions of strangeness in the mod- and ‘cultural studies’ (see 3.9) have developed. ern everyday world, where ‘adventure is just Goffman (see 2.2) provided the stimulus for many around the corner’ (Bruckner and Finkielkraut institutional analyses, investigations of interac- 1981), can be described and their meaning tions between professionals and their clients or located. This very openness to the world of expe- patients, and also drew attention to strategies for rience, its internal design and the principles of its situational presentation of an individual identity construction are, for qualitative research, not in the face of others. Garfinkel’s study represents a only an end in themselves giving a panorama of development in qualitative research that seeks to ‘cultural snapshots’ of small life-worlds, but also identify formal rules and structures for the con- the main starting point for the construction of a struction of everyday action (see 2.3). And the grounded theoretical basis (see 2.1, 6.6). complex sociography of Jahoda et al. shows the practical value and socio-politically relevance qualitative research may have (see 2.8). 3 RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH

2 WHY QUALITATIVE RESEARCH? The label ‘qualitative research’ is a generic term for a range of different research approaches. What is it, in general terms, that constitutes the These differ in their theoretical assumptions, particular attractiveness and relevance of quali- their understanding of their object of investiga- tative research? In its approach to the phenom- tion and their methodological focus. But they ena under investigation it is frequently more may be summarized under three broad headings: open and thereby ‘more involved’ than other theoretical reference points may be sought, first, research strategies that work with large quanti- in the traditions of (see 3.3) ties and strictly standardized, and therefore and phenomenology (see 3.1), which tend to pur- more objective, methods and normative con- sue subjective meanings and individual sense cepts (Wilson 1970). In replies to questions in a attributions; second, in ethnomethodology (see 3.2) guided interview (see 5.2), in biographical nar- and constructivism (see 3.4), which are interested ratives (see 5.11), in ethnographic descriptions in everyday routine and the construction of (see 5.5, 5.22) of everyday life or of processes in social reality. A third point of reference is found institutions, a fundamentally more concrete in structuralist or psychoanalytical (see 2.5, 5.20) and plastic image often emerges of what it is positions, which proceed from an assumption of like, from the point of view of the person con- latent social configurations and of unconscious cerned, to live, for example, with a chronic psychic structures and mechanisms. illness, than could be achieved using a stan- These approaches also differ in their research dardized questionnaire. In an age when fixed goals and in the methods they apply. We may social life-worlds and lifestyles are disintegrating contrast those approaches in which the ‘view of and social life is being restructured out of an the subject’ (Bergold and Flick 1987) is in the ever-increasing number of new modes and foreground with a second group whose goal is forms of living, research strategies are required rather to describe the processes involved in the that can deliver, in the first instance, precise and construction of existing (everyday, institutional substantial descriptions. They must also take or simply ‘social’) situations, milieux (e.g. account of the views of those involved, and the Hildenbrand 1983) and social order (such as Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 6


Table 1.1 Research perspectives in qualitative research

Research perspective

Modes of access Description of processes of Hermeneutic analysis to subjective viewpoints creation of social situations of underlying structures

Theoretical positions Symbolic interactionism Ethnomethodology Psychoanalysis Phenomenology Constructivism Genetic structuralism Methods of data Semistructured interviews Focus groups ethnography Recording of interactions collection Narrative interviews Participant observation Photography Recording of interactions Films Collection of documents Methods of Theoretical coding Conversation analysis Objective hermeneutics interpretation Qualitative content Discourse analysis Deep structure analysis Genre analysis hermeneutics Narrative analyses Document analysis Hermeneutic sociology Hermeneutic procedures of knowledge Fields of application Biographical research Analysis of life-worlds Family research Analysis of everyday and organizations Biographical research knowledge Evaluation research Generation research Cultural studies Gender research

ethnomethodological linguistic analysis: see 4 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS AND 5.17). The (largely) hermeneutic reconstruction FEATURES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH of ‘action and meaning-generating deep struc- tures’, according to psychoanalytic (see 5.20) or In all the heterogeneity of the approaches that objective-hermeneutic (see 5.16) ideas (Lüders may be characterized as ‘qualitative research’, and Reichertz 1986), is characteristic of the third there are certain basic assumptions and features type of research perspective. that are common to them all (cf. also, in this The methods of data collection and processing context, Flick 2002, chs 1 and 2; von Kardorff that are dealt with fully in Part 5 of this book 2000; Steinke 1999, ch. 2). may be allocated to these research perspectives as follows. In the first group, guided and narrative Basic assumptions of qualitative interviews (see 5.2) and related processes of cod- research ing (see 5.13) or content analysis (see 5.12) are in the foreground. In the second research perspec- First, social reality may be understood as the tive, data tend to be collected in focus groups (see result of meanings and contexts that are jointly 5.4), by ethnographic methods or (participant) created in social interaction. Both are inter- observation and through media recording of preted by the participants in concrete situations interactions so that they may then be evaluated within the framework of their subjective rele- by means of discourse or conversation analysis vance horizons (Schütz 1962, see 3.1) and there- (see 5.19, 5.17). Here we may also include appro- fore constitute the basis of shared meanings that aches to genre and document analysis (see 5.18, they attribute to objects, events, situations and 5.15). Representatives of the third perspective people (Blumer 1969). These meanings they collect data mainly through the recording of constantly modify and ‘frame’ (Goffman 1974, interactions and the use of photos (see 5.6) and see 2.2) according to context in reaction to the films (see 5.7), which are then always allocated to meanings of others. In this sense social realities one of the various forms of hermeneutic analysis appear as a result of constantly developing (cf. Hitzler and Honer 1997). processes of social construction (Berger and Table 1.1 summarizes these subdivisions and Luckmann 1966, see 3.4). For the methodology gives examples of research fields that are char- of qualitative research, the first implication of acteristic of the three perspectives. this is a concentration on the forms and Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 7


contents of such everyday processes of construc- Fourthly, background assumptions of a range tion more than on reconstructing the subjective of qualitative research approaches are that reality views and meaning patterns of the social actors. is created interactively and becomes meaningful Secondly, from the assumption about the con- subjectively, and that it is transmitted and stant everyday creation of a shared world there becomes effective by collective and individual emerge the character of the process, and the instances of interpretation. Accordingly, in quali- reflexivity and recursivity of social reality. For tative research communication takes on a pre- qualitative research methodology a second dominant role. In methodological terms this implication of this is the analysis of communi- means that strategies of data collection them- cation and interaction sequences with the help selves have a communicative dialogic character. of observation procedures (see 5.5) and the sub- For this reason the formation of theories, con- sequent sequential text analyses (see 5.16, 5.17). cepts and types in qualitative research itself is Thirdly, human beings live in a variety of life explicitly seen as the result of a perspective- situations that may be ‘objectively’ characterized influenced reconstruction of the social construc- by indicators such as income, education, profes- tion of reality (see 3.4). In the methodology of sion, age, residence and so on. They show their qualitative research two fundamentally different physical circumstances meaningfully in a total, reconstruction perspectives may be distinguished: synthesized and contextualized manner and it is only this that endows such indicators with an • the attempt to describe fundamental general interpretable meaning and thereby renders them mechanisms that actors use in their daily life effective. Statements obtained from subjects and to ‘create’ social reality, as is assumed, for statements classified according to methodologi- instance, in ethnomethodology (see 3.2); cal rules may, for example, be described using • ‘thick description’ (Geertz 1973b, see 2.6) of the concept ‘life-world’ (see 3.8). Here subjective the various subjective constructions of real- or collective meaning patterns (such as ‘lay ity (theories of everyday life, biographies, theories’, ‘world-views’, shared norms and events and so on) and their anchoring in values), social relationships and associated inci- self-evident cultural phenomena and prac- dental life circumstances may be related to indi- tices in places and organization-specific vidual biographical designs, past life history and environments. perceived possibilities for future action. This process renders subjectively significant personal and local life-attitudes and lifestyles both recog- Investigations of the first type provide infor- nizable and intelligible. From a methodological mation about the methods used by everyday point of view this leads to a third implication: to actors to conduct conversations, overcome situ- a hermeneutic interpretation of subjectively ations, structure biographies and so on. intended meaning that becomes intelligible Investigations of the second type provide within the framework of a pre-existing, intuitive object-related knowledge about subjectively sig- everyday prior understanding that exists in nificant connections between experience and every society of meanings which may be objec- action, about views on such themes as health, tivized and described in terms of ideal types. education, politics, social relationships; respon- This in turn makes it possible to explain individ- sibility, destiny, guilt; or about life-plans, inner ual and collective attitudes and actions. experiences and feelings.


1 Social reality is understood as a shared product and attribution of meanings. 2 Processual nature and reflexivity of social reality are assumed. 3 ‘Objective’ life circumstances are made relevant to a life-world through subjective meanings. 4 The communicative nature of social reality permits the reconstruction of constructions of social reality to become the starting point for research. Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 8


Characteristics of qualitative by isolation of a single relationship, such as research practice ‘cause-and-effect’. Understanding is oriented, in the sense of ‘methodically controlled under- The practice of qualitative research is generally standing of otherness’, towards comprehension characterized by the fact that there is (1) no sin- of the perspective of the other party. gle method, but a spectrum of methods belong- To allow this perspective as much freedom of ing to different approaches that may be selected movement as possible and to get as close to it as according to the research questions and the possible, data collection in qualitative research research tradition. is characterized, above all, by the principle of A central feature of qualitative research that is openness (8) (Hoffmann-Riem 1980): questions related to this is (2) the appropriateness of have an open formulation, and in ethnography methods: for almost every procedure it is poss- observations are not carried out according to ible to ascertain for which particular research- some rigid observational grid but also in an object it was developed. The starting point was open fashion. normally that the previously available methods Qualitative studies frequently begin (9) with were not suited to this specific purpose. For the analysis or reconstruction of (individual) example, the narrative interview (see 5.2, 5.11) cases (Gerhardt 1995), and then only proceed, was originally developed for the analysis of as a second step, to summarizing or contrasting communal power processes, and objective these cases from a comparative or generalizing hermeneutics (see 5.16) for studies of socializing viewpoint. interaction. It is typical of qualitative research Furthermore, qualitative research assumes the that the object of investigation and the ques- construction of reality (10) – the subjective con- tions that are brought to bear represent the structions of those under investigation and the point of reference for the selection and evalua- research process as a constructive act (see 3.4). tion of methods, and not – as often still gener- Finally, despite the growing importance of ally happens in psychology with its emphasis visual data sources such as photos or films, qual- on experiments – that everything that cannot itative research is predominantly a text-based be investigated by particular methods is discipline (11). It produces data in the form of excluded from the research. texts – for example, transcribed interviews or Qualitative research (3) has a strong orienta- ethnographic fieldwork notes – and concen- tion to everyday events and/or the everyday trates, in the majority of its (hermeneutic) inter- knowledge of those under investigation. Action pretative procedures, on the textual medium as processes – for instance, the development of a basis for its work. advisory conversations – are situated in their In its objectives qualitative research is still a everyday context. discipline of discovery, which is why concepts Accordingly, qualitative data collection, ana- from epistemology – such as abduction (see 4.3) – lytical and interpretative procedures are bound, enjoy growing attention. The discovery of new to a considerable extent, to the notion of con- phenomena in its data is frequently linked, in textuality (4): data are collected in their natural qualitative research, to an overall aim of devel- context, and statements are analysed in the con- oping theories on the basis of empirical study. text of an extended answer or a narrative, or the total course of an interview, or even in the biog- raphy of the interview partner. 5 RELATIONSHIP WITH QUANTITATIVE- In the process (5), attention is paid to the STANDARDIZED RESEARCH diversity of perspectives of the participants. A further feature of qualitative research is that the Qualitative and quantitative-standardized research reflective capability of the researcher about his have developed in parallel as two independent or her actions and observations in the field of spheres of empirical social research. Where investigation is taken to be an essential part of research questions correspond they may also be the discovery and not a source of disturbance used in combination (see 4.5). But here it should that needs to be monitored or eliminated (6). not be forgotten that they also differ from each Moreover, the epistemological principle of other on essential points. For example, differ- qualitative research is the understanding (7) of ences between the two research approaches are complex relationships rather than explanation seen in the forms of experience that are Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 9



1 Spectrum of methods rather than a single method 2 Appropriateness of methods 3 Orientation to everyday events and/or everyday knowledge 4 Contextuality as a guiding principle 5 Perspectives of participants 6 Reflective capability of the investigator 7 Understanding as a discovery principle 8 Principle of openness 9 Case analysis as a starting point 10 Construction of reality as a basis 11 Qualitative research as a textual discipline 12 Discovery and theory formation as a goal

considered to be subject to methodical verification that has long been under-researched with and, consequently, admissible as acceptable the help of some ‘sensitizing concepts’ (Blumer experience. This impinges in essential ways on 1969). By using such ‘naturalistic’ methods as the role of the investigator and on the degree of participant observation, open interviews or procedural standardization (see 4.1). diaries, the first batch of information may be obtained to permit the formulation of hypothe- 1 In quantitative research a central value is ses for subsequent standardized and representa- attached to the observer’s independence of tive data collection (for example, on the role of the object of research. Qualitative research, family members in rehabilitation; on the life- on the other hand, relies on the investigator’s world of mentally ill people). Here qualitative (methodically controlled) subjective percep- studies are, if not a precondition, then a sensible tion as one component of the evidence. follow-up to quantitative studies. 2 Quantitative research relies, for its comparative- Qualitative research can complement so-called statistical evaluation, on a high degree of ‘hard data’ on patients (for example, socio- standardization in its data collection. This demographic data, the distribution of diagnoses leads, for example, to a situation where in a over a population) with their more subjective questionnaire the ordering of questions and views – such as perceptions of their professional the possible responses are strictly prescribed future in the face of illness, or their degree of in advance, and where – ideally – the condi- satisfaction with the results of particular types tions under which the questions are of treatment. answered should be held constant for all par- Qualitative (case-)studies can complement ticipants in the research. Qualitative inter- representative quantitative studies through dif- views are more flexible in this respect, and ferentiation and intensification, and can offer may be adapted more clearly to the course of explanations to help in the interpretation of sta- events in individual cases. tistical relationships.

Apart from debates in which both research directions deny each other any scientific legiti- 6 THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT macy, we may ask more soberly under what cir- OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH cumstances – that is, for what questions and what objects of research – qualitative or quanti- Qualitative research can look back on a long tra- tative research respectively may be indicated. dition that, in most of the social sciences, goes Qualitative research may always be recom- back to their origins. Since the 1960s in the mended in cases where there is an interest in United States and since the 1970s in the resolving an aspect of reality (‘field exploration’) German-speaking world it has experienced a Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 10


renaissance, and since then has become still 3.3, 5.5, 5.22.) Here too, however, there has more widely disseminated (cf. Flick 2002: 10, for been in recent years an increased desire to the phases in this development). To date, there present the canonization of the procedure in is no monograph that describes the history of textbooks, with at least partial reference to the qualitative research. self-critical debates (e.g. Gubrium and Holstein Its development has always been character- 1997; see part 7). ized by the fact that it has been conducted in very different subdisciplines that were each characterized by a specific theoretical back- 7 AIMS AND STRUCTURE OF ground, an independent understanding of real- THE BOOK ity and an individual programme of methods. One example of this is ethnomethodology, The Companion will provide a survey, with which has distinguished itself by a specific appropriate ‘map-references’, of the different research style (see 2.3) and theoretical back- versions of qualitative research and a state-of- ground (see 3.2), with conversation analysis as the-art overview of new trends in the spheres of its research programme (see 5.17) that has itself theoretical and methodological development. been differentiated into several newer In addition, it will endeavour to establish con- approaches (see 5.18, 5.19), and which is alto- nections and to show common ground and gether characterized by a broad empirical differences in the (sometimes) extremely hetero- research activity. Corresponding to such devel- geneous developments in the basic assumptions opments, we find today that a whole range of in epistemology, the types of classification spe- qualitative research fields and approaches have cific to particular theories, the underlying been established which are developing inde- methodological positions and the way methods pendently and which have relatively little con- have developed in qualitative research. These nection with discussions and research in the aims will be met in the following stages. Part 2, other fields. In addition to ethnomethodology, Qualitative Research in Action, will give the reader these fields of qualitative research may be some insight into the research practice of a exemplified by objective hermeneutics (see number of leading figures in qualitative 5.17), biographical research (see 3.6, 3.7, 5.11), research. By means of one or more studies we ethnography (see 3.8, 5.5), cultural studies (see will show how such research personalities as 3.3, 3.9) or (ethno-)psychoanalytic research Anselm Strauss, Erving Goffman, Norman and deep structure hermeneutics (see 2.5, 5.20). Denzin or Marie Jahoda arrive at their research This differentiation within qualitative research questions, and what characterizes their typical is reinforced by the fact that the German- and research designs, their selection of methods, English-language academic debates are, to their approach to their field and their proce- some extent, concerned with very different dures for data collection, evaluation and final themes and methods and there is only a very interpretation. The selected representatives will modest degree of interchange between the then be classified according to whether they two areas. occupy an important place in either the history In conclusion, we should refer again to the or the current practice of qualitative research. fact that discussions on method in the German Part 3, The Theory of Qualitative Research, first literature, after a period in the 1970s where the introduces the essential theoretical bases main focus was on debates about matters of fun- of qualitative research. In the first sections damental methodological theory, have now (3.1–3.5) the various background theories (such as entered a phase of increasing methodical con- phenomenology, ethnomethodology, symbolic solidation and the broad application of methods interactionism) are examined to ascertain their in empirical projects. In the Anglo-American influence on the design of qualitative investiga- debate, on the other hand, the 1980s and 1990s tions, their implications for matters of method were marked by a new kind of reflection and by in general, and for the selection of specific the questioning of certain methodical certain- methods and interpretations. In the later sections ties. (The key issue here is the crisis of represen- (3.6–3.12) outlines are given of various object- tation and legitimization brought about by the related qualitative research programmes (such as debates on writing in ethnography: cf. contribu- biographical, organizational or evaluation tions in Denzin and Lincoln 2000; see also 2.7, research). Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 11


Part 4, Methodology and Qualitative Research, subsections. In ‘The Use of Qualitative Research’, deals with questions of epistemology – from issues of research ethics and data protection, abduction and the role of hypotheses, to quality and of how qualitative research is to be incor- control in qualitative research. In addition, this porated in teaching, and questions of the uti- part is concerned with more general questions lization of findings are considered. The second of set-up in qualitative research – from the fram- half of Part 6 focuses on ‘The Future and ing of the research design, to possibilities and Challenges of Qualitative Research’, with refer- limitations in linking qualitative and quantita- ence to its development: what has happened in tive research, or in the sampling procedure. the past, what is perhaps problematic, what is Part 5, Doing Qualitative Research, introduces desirable and what may be expected in the the essential methods of qualitative research future. Finally, Part 7 presents a selection of with reference to the sequencing of the qualita- Resources for the qualitative researcher, which tive research process. The chapters are organized provides information about such matters as rele- in four subsections. ‘Entering the Field’ outlines vant journals, the classic literature and manuals, ways into the field and obstacles researchers databases, computer programs and Internet might meet on their way. In ‘Collecting Verbal sources. Data’ the most important methods of collecting verbal material – interviews and focus groups – are characterized. ‘Observing Processes and Activities’ introduces approaches to audiovisual FURTHER READING data (observation and the use of film and pho- tographic materials). ‘Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation’ includes chapters on methods Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative for the elaboration (transcription of verbal data) Research, 2nd edn. London, Sage. and analysis of interview data, on computer- assisted analyses, content analyses and the most Gubrium, J. F. and Holstein, J. A. (1997) The New important methods of data interpretation. The Language of Qualitative Method. : final chapters in this subsection deal with ques- Oxford University Press. tions of the presentation of results and research procedures in qualitative investigations. Strauss, A. L. (1987) Qualitative Analysis In Part 6 we consider Qualitative Research in for Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge Context from several points of view, again in two University Press. Flick-01.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 12 Flick-02.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 13

Part 2

Qualitative Research in Action: Paradigmatic Research Styles Flick-02.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 14 Flick-02.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 15


In this part of the Companion a number of turn readers into ‘pure’ ‘Goffmanians’ or scientists are introduced who have made a lasting ‘Geertzians’. We may find different ‘schools’, impact on the present landscape of qualitative factions or personal disciples of famous research. Their impact results not only from researchers in the field of qualitative research, their ground-breaking theoretical ideas, metho- with implications of academic control in ‘invis- dological assumptions or methodical innova- ible colleges’, but the lines of development in tions. These researchers have also left a very the field tend to transgress paradigms, combine personal imprint through their mode of work. It methods and research styles to come to a better is this very personal approach to the field, the understanding of the social realities and the way of dealing with the people being investi- realities of the social. The description of per- gated in their particular environments, the orig- sonal ways of doing qualitative research is inal and searching way of developing methods, intended to inspire the reader and inform courage in theory-building – often cutting students about the different ways of doing qual- directly across established routes – which plays itative research, from which stimulation can be such an important role in qualitative research. drawn for developing one’s own way of Many attempts have been made to standardize researching. and codify qualitative research and to develop With a number of examples selected from the traditions of teaching (see 6.2). However, there work of very distinguished qualitative resear- is still an immovable ‘remnant’ that is deter- chers, we want to show ‘qualitative research in mined by the persona of the investigator, his or action’. Our selection is oriented to representa- her originality, obstinacy, temperament and tives of qualitative research who, even today, preferences – in other words, by an unmistak- still characterize the mainstreams of qualitative able individual style. The individual character of research: they founded their own research para- the researchers introduced in Part 2 – their digms and produced classic studies in their own inventiveness (see also 6.6), their powers of field; or they achieved results in their work that observation, sensitivity to utterances, sense of transcended their own discipline or back- situation and ‘art of interpretation’ (see also ground; or they made a substantial contribution 5.21) – is the key to what makes their works into to the further development of qualitative classics in the field. Such features turn these research in general. Our selection, however, is researchers into giants on whose shoulders not intended as a definitive and/or comprehen- we stand, to use the formulation of Robert sive canon of ‘classics’. Therefore personalities K. Merton. Seen from this perspective, it may be such as Howard S. Becker, , evident that our selection of examples of para- Dorothy K. Smith, Arlie R. Hochschild or digmatic theorizing and good research practice William F. Whyte, and many others who should not be taken for invariable recipes, but as undoubtedly belong in such a hall of fame, may guidelines to be developed and adapted for fur- perhaps forgive us for not including them here. ther research. The presentation of different par- The first contribution is devoted to Anselm adigmatic perspectives and research styles in the Strauss (see 2.1). With , he is the field of qualitative research will give the reader founder of grounded theory in the tradition of the chance to compare the specific features and symbolic interactionism (see 3.3). Apart from qualities of discovery of the various approaches. his major theoretical works and landmark We do not want to suggest, however, that studies in the field of the sociology of medi- students in the field of qualitative research, who cine, Strauss still exercises a major influence, decide to follow one of the research styles, are particularly through his textbooks on concrete forced to exclude the others. Nor do we want to procedures – from data selection and collection Flick-02.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 16


to evaluation, coding, interpretation and with the investigations of Georges Devereux, presentation. belong to the classics of ethno-psychoanalysis, Erving Goffman (see 2.2) is perhaps better and provide insights into alien worlds, but known to the general public for his books where familiar and unconscious patterns are Asylums (1961b) and The Presentation of Self in still found, concerning in particular the rela- Everyday Life (1959). Even today, his original and tionship between the individual and society. individual ideas still influence studies of face-to- With Clifford Geertz (see 2.6) and Norman K. face interaction, identity-formation, the day-to- Denzin (see 2.7) we choose two researchers who day presentation of self, and the ways in which come from very different scientific backgrounds social interaction is bound up with situations and are now among the great innovators and and determined by its organizational features. critical voices in qualitative research. Indeed, on Harold Garfinkel is looked upon as the the basis of their extensive experience of the founder of ethnomethodology (see 3.2). Harvey field and their comprehensive empirical work, Sacks is the founder of conversation analysis they believe that there is a crisis of representa- (see 5.17). They both (see 2.3) opened up new tion, to which they respond in considered, perspectives for social research by means of their although different, ways. radical questioning about the foundations of Finally, Marie Jahoda (see 2.8) represents in social order and their innovative development many of her numerous studies on unemploy- of new instruments of investigation, such as ment and prejudice a productive type of quali- sequential text analysis: all of this opened the tative action research and advocacy, inspired by way for a deep structure grammar of sociality. political motives for social change, justice, equal Paul Willis (2.4), co-founder of the Centre for opportunities and anti-discrimination. Further- Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham, more, her work stands for a pragmatic and made a great contribution to the development problem-driven combination of qualitative and of cultural studies with his studies of the popu- quantitative methods beyond ideological lar culture of youth groups, and of the tensions debates; at least, in emphasizing the biographi- between traditional and new media. cal method in analysing social problems she The studies by Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler opened the way to bridge the gap between and Goldy Parin-Matthèy (see 2.5), together psychological and sociological perspectives. Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 17

2.1 Anselm Strauss

Bruno Hildenbrand

1 Pragmatism and symbolic interactionism as theoretical foundations of Strauss’s methodology 17 2 The characteristics of the research process 17 3 Illustration of the research process: a study of the chronically ill using grounded theory 20 4 The place of grounded theory in the context of qualitative social research 22

1 PRAGMATISM AND SYMBOLIC and scientific works, from the point of view of INTERACTIONISM AS THEORETICAL how artists or scientists deal with their material FOUNDATIONS OF STRAUSS’S (such as the subject of a painting or the theme METHODOLOGY of a research project). There is an intensive interchange in dealing with a research theme, In one of their overviews of grounded theory, which changes both participants and results in Corbin and Strauss (1990) cite two key themes that ‘[a]n order they did not first possess’ (Dewey 1934: guided the development of this methodology, 65, cited in Strauss 1987: 10). Underlying this is which was first established by Barney Glaser and the view of pragmatism (like other philosophical Anselm Strauss. The first theme is to do with the traditions, such as phenomenology): not to accept concept of change, that is to say, it is a matter of a division between recognizer and what is recog- discovering certain basic processes that result in nized, between subject and object, but simply an change. These processes affect social entities from interaction between the two. Objectivity is not the individual to the organization; these are influ- denied by this. It is ultimately the material that enced by change and, in turn, themselves influ- drives the research process, and the creativity of ence change: in fact they bring it about. The the investigator that reveals the structuredness of second theme concerns the relationship of the material: ‘The research process itself guides the grounded theory to determinism. The existence of researcher to examine all the possibly rewarding structural conditions of some action is recognized avenues toward understanding’ (Corbin and (cf. Strauss 1993a: 60–65; Corbin and Strauss 1988: Strauss 1990: 420). 135ff.). But the actors are not powerless in the face of these conditions – they perceive possibilities of choice and on this basis they make their choices. 2 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF To put this differently, one could speak of four THE RESEARCH PROCESS basic concepts that are derived from pragmatism and guide Anselm Strauss’s research: ‘To analyze Grounded theory as a triadic social processes within the frame of a theory of and circular process action, means that one has to think automati- cally interactionally, temporally, processually, In his research Anselm Strauss does not take as and structurally’ (Soeffner 1995: 30). his starting point a set of prior theoretical As an additional foundation concept we assumptions that have to be tested. Of course, should also mention the closeness of artistic an exact knowledge of existing theories is Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 18


Data collection types of inference and refrains from substantiating his views on this with any reference to Peirce. In Strauss’s work these views only appear ‘between the lines’. If he had made this link explicit, it would have been necessary to include abductive Coding Writing of memos inference as the first stage in the inferencing process (see 4.3). Figure 2.1.1 Grounded theory as a triadic and The whole process looks like this: abductive circular process inferences are used to formulate an explanatory hypothesis in such a way that a consequence can be derived from what went before. indispensable, but his way of dealing with them Conclusions of this sort are a fundamental prin- is rather lacking in respect (Star 1997: 2). ciple of conscious recognition in general, and Theoretical concepts which are developed therefore occur in everyday life. At the same during an investigation are discovered in the data time they constitute the main research strategy and have to prove themselves in the data: there in the recognition of new phenomena (Grathoff are no other criteria. Even at the end of the 1989: 281). research process the researcher always returns to Discoveries on the basis of abductive infer- the data, and so the analytical process is at the ence come, as Peirce says, like lightning – law same time triadic and circular (in the sense of and application are recognized simultaneously. the hermeneutic circle) (Figure 2.1.1). A precondition for this is a willingness to free Corresponding to this there is also the process oneself from any preconceptions and to look of inference. This idea derives originally from the at the data impartially (see 4.3). An example pragmatist Charles S. Peirce. Strauss himself of this (from Hildenbrand 1999: 52ff.) is the speaks of a link between inductive and deductive following.

In a particular study, data from the history of a family – the Dittrich family – were being analysed. The father, as a travelling salesman, was often away from home. Mr Dittrich, the second son, had broken off his further education and gone back to his mother’s farm; his elder brother, however, continued at school. Later, after many years of travelling and after the war, Mr Dittrich returned to the farm for a second time, and now, in spite of considerable disputes about the inheritance, he was able to take over the farm. He therefore never detached himself from the farm (nor from his mother), to whom he was an intimate confidant. If we put this information and related suppositions together, it signifies the following: a close relationship grew up between Mr Dittrich and his mother in the earliest years of his life, from which the father was excluded. It was so close that it restricted the development within Mr Dittrich of any capability to adopt another perspective.

At the second stage of the research, the stage conclude deductively that, from his childhood, of deduction, the hypotheses that have been Mr Dittrich had a problem with the regulation of gained abductively are transferred to a typolo- proximity and distance that is manifest as gizing schema, which is formulated in the nature ambivalence. We can sketch in a diagram (see of a diagram; that is, an ‘“Icon”, or Sign that rep- Figure 2.1.2) what results we expect for the pre- resents the Object in resembling it’ (Peirce sent pairings and family relationships. 1960a: 6.471: 321). Here there is an investigation At the third stage in the research, the stage of of ‘what effects that hypothesis, if embraced, induction, the investigator’s final task is ‘that must have in modifying our expectations of ascertaining how those concepts accord with in regard to future experience’ (Peirce 1960b: experience’ (Peirce 1960a: 6.472: 322). Now 7.115: 67). To continue our example: from the the research, at the end of the research process, abductively formulated hypothesis about the has returned to the data. To return to our limitations on taking another perspective, we example: Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 19



Separated Related

Environmental Interaction-structural Family relationship Husband inhibited to their social surroundings in his perspective, Outsiders in the village, but resulting from this is a dependent on the village tense relationship with his wife

Time stands still or Structural transformation

Figure 2.1.2 Expected results

Limited takeover of perspectives shows its subversive power most forcibly when there has been no development in the person concerned. It is for this reason that ‘Time stands still’ or ‘Structural transformation’ is included in the diagram. Therefore the life of the family is being investigated both from environmental (e.g. position of the family in the village) and from interaction-structural viewpoints, focusing on the complex of hypotheses that are sketched in the diagram. This is done after data suited to the purpose have been collected. The ques- tion of development is analysed separately: How was it at the beginning of the marriage? What has changed? When and how? And what has remained the same?

Steps in the research process actors, strategies and tactics, consequences (see 5.13). The process of analysis begins with the investi- • During the process of coding the investigator gator collecting a small amount of data and develops concepts, which are hypotheses cap- questioning this material. That means, ‘[i]nci- tured in ideas, and establishes connections dents, events, and happenings are taken as, ana- between these concepts. Repeated coding of lyzed as, potential indicators of phenomena, data leads to denser concept-based relation- which are given conceptual labels’ (Corbin and ships and hence to a theory (see 4.2). Strauss 1990: 420). What is decisive is not to • This emerging theory is constantly checked separate the phase of collecting material from by means of making contrasts: in a procedure that of analysing it, but to bond them together which Strauss calls ‘theoretical sampling’ and and to collect only as much material as is neces- which is driven by the developing theory, sary for the analytical process. Only if this is examples are referred to that are suitable for done can the material drive the analysis. The checking previous conclusions. individual steps are as follows (cf. Strauss 1987: • New data are constantly being coded. 27–33). • The successive integration of concepts leads to one or more key categories and thereby to • The investigator asks questions of the material the core of the emerging theory. (Strauss calls this process ‘coding’), and in • The individual components of the develop- this he or she is supported by the coding para- ing theory are processed into theory-memos, digm (Strauss 1987: 27): questions are asked are put into a relationship and are, in the about conditions/interactions among the process, extended. Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 20


• Even in the final phase of theory-development generative questions, that is, questions oriented it may seem advisable to collect and code to processes and structures; new data – it is always the empirical dimen- • suggest, as an option, stepping outside this sion in which a theory has to prove itself and framework and trying out alternatives, when to which the theory always returns in the last this seems to be advisable; instance. • finally, treat as a touchstone for any advice • This also extends to the framing of the the question whether this advice provides an emerging theory. In addition, aesthetic answer to the problem of the person seeking requirements are made of the final report: the advice. here the scientist should write creatively. These guidelines are compatible with a theory of Grounded theory in professional practice in consultancy and ther- teaching and research apy; or – to put it the other way around – from them a theory of this kind could be developed No presentation of the research style of Anselm (cf. Welter-Enderlin and Hildenbrand 1996). Strauss would be complete if it did not include This demonstrates how close, for Strauss, is the the aspects of research consultancy and teach- link between theory, methodology and practice. ing. For Strauss ‘learning, teaching, working and playing are inextricably combined’ (Star 1997: 1; see 6.2). 3 ILLUSTRATION OF THE RESEARCH Strauss is a good example of the school of PROCESS: A STUDY OF THE thought of the Humboldtian university, and CHRONICALLY ILL USING until his death in 1996, shortly before his 80th GROUNDED THEORY birthday, he continued to be an embodiment of this type of scholar. The questions Just as Strauss insisted on the technical detail of the analytical process and resisted every form of Anselm Strauss moved to the University of intuitive procedure, he also established guidelines California Medical Center in San Francisco at for the process of research consultancy, although the end of the 1950s. After a few months of without publishing these as a form of dogma. observation in hospitals, he decided it would be In any case, this would not have accorded appropriate to investigate how the processes with Strauss’s image of humanity. Essentially, involved in the death of patients were handled. this is characterized by a great respect for the other party, whose perspective (in the sense of This was a logical choice for several reasons: dying G. H. Mead) Strauss saw as a priority. If, in this was a clinical, managerial and professional problem for hospital personnel; it was significant respect, the consultant, or supervisor, of a piece of sociologically as well as professionally; also it fit scientific work also has to take on the responsibil- my interests in the sociology of work, occupa- ity for the process of consultancy of supervision, tions, and organizations. (Strauss 1993a: 21) one option consists of formulating guidelines which the recipients of the advice can use on their This was followed by further investigations in own responsibility. Again, Strauss is guided by the the field of , for example, on fundamental principles of pragmatism when he coming to terms with chronic illness. requires that the consultant should: Conduct of the investigation • incorporate the perspective of the person seeking advice not only in the research Field research (Schatzman and Strauss 1973), process but also in the process of the life- conducted on the continuum from participa- history, as far as this is necessary in the interest tion as observation to observation as participa- of the research; tion, is central to data collection; interviewing, • become involved in the research process of on the other hand, takes on a subordinate role the person seeking advice, above all remain and is carried out only where it is indispensable. within the frame of reference established by From the beginning of data collection, con- that person, and from this position ask cepts are being developed and tested. In this a Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 21


significant part is played by ‘microscopic • Principle 2: The most important instrument examination’ (Strauss 1995a), which can be to start a creative process is what Strauss calls illustrated by the following example. In their ‘microscopic analysis’ (1995a). The members textbook of 1990, Strauss and Corbin present a of the group are asked to express their every- seminar discussion of a comment from a young day understanding of the first word in the handicapped man, which contained the phrase text to be analysed. In doing so, they will dis- ‘Once I’m in the shower’. (This may also exem- cover a variety of different meanings for this plify the analytical process within a research word and compare them to each other. This project, since Strauss preferred to conduct procedure will agitate the naive everyday research in a team.) The expression ‘once’ is understanding of the word and thus will analysed thus. enable the participants to take an analytical attitude towards the research issue. Analysis I = Instructor is not only interested in the semantic profile S = Student (any student) of a word but concentrates on the analysis of the ‘how’ as well, that is, how the word has I Knowing the context of the interviewee’s been placed, spelled out, etc. This procedure action, what might once mean? allows analysis of the relations between mean- S The man felt independent once he was in the shower. A consequence. ings and thus provides a basis for reaching a I Where else might he feel independent, once structural level. This leads to he was there? • Principle 3: The ‘microscopic analysis’ aims S In bed and in the wheelchair at discovering the meaning between the lines I Where might he feel dependent once he was and thus at uncovering the structure of the there? Another consequence, but related to a social object represented in a text. In his pre- variation in activity. viously mentioned work, Strauss (1995a) S When faced with a flight of stairs. characterizes this procedure by using the I What else could once mean? metaphor ‘to mine the data’ in order to dig S A condition for what might come next in the ‘nuggets’. interviewee’s activity. • Principle 4: When the structure has been I The end of one action and the beginning of the next. The idea of phasing or sequence of action. identified in the way just described, the next Let’s take another situation where the word step is to express this structure by using ‘in once might be said and compare it to this one. vivo codes’, which means by using the lan- Perhaps by making this comparison it will guage of the case itself. generate other potential meanings of the • Principle 5: The developed structure is word. The situation is a track race. The speaker further elaborated in a systematic comparison says: ‘Once the gun went off, I forgot all about in order to identify variations of the revealed the months of gruelling training.’ structure. S Rates of movement through each phase of • Principle 6: The process of ‘microscopic action. Property of time and idea of Process. analysis’ follows the principle of extensive (Strauss and Corbin 1990: 82) interpretation of meanings. Practically speak- ing, this means that analysing the first word In this example it may be seen how – using the in a text may take an hour. Analysing mate- coding paradigm (in this case conditions and con- rials according to the style of grounded sequences) and intellectual variation in the con- theory is to reveal a maximum of meaning trast-process of theoretical sampling – conceptual from a minimum of data and to avoid horizons are developed and the formation of detaching oneself from the text too quickly concepts and theories is advanced. This allows and developing theoretical considerations us to see the specific qualities and features of the that are not grounded in the data. way in which Anselm Strauss did his research. Results • Principle 1: Data are analysed in a research group. The main task of the group’s leader is Admittedly this example does not tell us any- ‘to further a creative process by creative thing about the concept to which this analysis minds’ (Strauss 1987: 287). makes a contribution. But if one were to consider Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 22


the study of the chronically ill within the family, Strauss increasingly had abandoned grounded the actual study from which this example is theory’s claim to be a creative alternative to the taken (Corbin and Strauss 1988), a number of established methodologies. Glaser associates things become clear. Two central concepts are this tendency mainly with the book Basics of used: the first is the trajectory, and the second is Qualitative Research published in 1990 by work. Trajectories are categorized according to Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin (Strauss and their direction: there are stable, unstable, ascend- Corbin 1990). He criticizes the advancing codi- ing and descending curves. Each of these direc- fication of the coding process, aimed at a vali- tions indicates a phase, and each of these phases dation of theories and which is linked to an requires of the actors (the sick person and the intolerable approximation to those methodo- family members) different types of work in the logies from which a clear distinction was origi- different lines of work. This is why, in the exam- nally intended in The Discovery of Grounded ple above, there was the focus on action (as Theory (Glaser and Strauss 1967). Glaser’s cri- work), and the question about dependence or tique is mainly directed at Juliet Corbin and independence: according to the phase, the degrees Anselm Strauss’s intention to make grounded of autonomy of the sick person and the family theory fit for practical use in applied sciences members are greater or smaller, or rather the con- such as nursing research and to make it con- ditions imposed by the phase require different nectable to the mainstream of social science. kinds of activity on the part of the participants. Adele E. Clarke has dealt with the further The italicized words were developed and development of grounded theory within the tested in the study that we have taken as an framework of new developments in the human- example, using the procedures of sequential ities (cf. Clarke: forthcoming). In her opinion, analysis mentioned above. The result is a sub- grounded theory should be reformulated in the stantive theory about coping with chronic ill- context of the ‘postmodern turn’. Starting from ness, but this can equally be used as the starting G. H. Mead’s concept of perspective and from point for a formal theory (Glaser and Strauss Strauss’s writings on social worlds and arenas 1967: 79–99), and in this particular case, for a (1991: ch. V), she emphazises the concept of the theory of action (cf. Strauss 1993a; on the gen- ‘map’. eral theoretical status of the notion of trajectory, However, it might be doubted that there is a see Soeffner 1991). direct or necessary link from concepts like perspective and social world to the basic assumptions of ‘postmodern’ theories. Eagleton, 4 THE PLACE OF GROUNDED for example, criticizes postmodern theories THEORY IN THE CONTEXT OF for their reduction of history to change, or in QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH other words, of structure to interaction (Eagleton 1996). In my view, grounded theory Grounded theory is part of the established needs development, but not further concep- canon of qualitative social research. This is tual dissolution in the area of analysing struc- demonstrated by the fact that the three authors tures. Instead, it would be important to most closely associated with grounded theory, develop concepts for mediating structure and Glaser, Strauss and Corbin, have the highest action. number of entries in the list of authors in one of What role does grounded theory actually play the leading manuals of qualitative data analysis in the methodological canon of qualitative (Miles and Hubermann 1994). In other social research? Grounded theory was developed important textbooks in the fields of symbolic by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in the con- interactionism and phenomenological socio- text of a research project on the death of logy, grounded theory also has an established patients in hospital (Glaser and Strauss 1965b). position. From this starting point, grounded theory has During Anselm Strauss’s lifetime, processes of begun to play an influential role in research in differentiation in grounded theory began. the fields of nursing, education and social work. Barney Glaser, who had published the principles A methodology that aims at developing middle of grounded theory together with Strauss range theories (Merton 1967) is especially attrac- (Glaser and Strauss 1967), criticizes in his Basics tive for these disciplines of applied sciences. of Grounded Theory Analysis (Glaser 1992) that Beyond this, however, grounded theory today Flick 2.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 23


plays a significant role in all fields of social forward, that is, with a minimum investment in science. Since a growing number of researchers data collection to achieve a maximum of data in the grounded theory tradition deal with basic analysis and subsequent theory formation. This research, the approach is increasingly exposed is guaranteed by the use of analysis from the to competition with the classical research very beginning, by theoretical sampling and by paradigms. constantly returning to the data. A different question is how close to or how distant from the various efforts of working with grounded theory remain to the original ideas in FURTHER READING The Discovery of Grounded Theory. A journey through the Internet gives the impression of creative variety, but also of disillusionment. A Charmaz, K. (2000) ‘Grounded Theory: split between a faction of adherents of Strauss Objectivist and Constuctivist Methods’, in on the one hand and those of Glaser on the N. K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (eds), Handbook other cannot be overlooked. My impression is of Qualitative Research, 2nd edn. Thousand that the former has stronger ties to academia Oaks, CA: Sage. pp. 509–536. than the latter. As a consequence, members of the Glaser faction are not compelled to compete Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967) The as much as those of the Strauss faction, who Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for hold positions in the academic world. Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldine. What are the remaining characteristics of grounded theory beyond such internal differ- Strauss, A. L. (1987) Qualitative Analysis for ences? Chiefly it seems to promise primarily not Social Scientists. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge to reflect the research process but to push it University Press. Flick 2.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 24

2.2 Erving Goffman

Herbert Willems

1 Naturalistic observation 24 2 Metaphors, models, theoretical perspectives 25 3 From abnormality to normality 25 4 Deconstructions 26 5 Material classifications, ideal typologies, differentiations 26 6 Sequential analysis 26 7 Double hermeneutics 27 8 Concept constructions 27

Goffman’s methods are determined by his is to investigate the processes of interaction central object, face-to-face interaction. In this ‘naturalistically’, that is, first to discover and Goffman sees predominantly – and the whole of document them in their ‘natural milieu’. In a his method is marked by this – a world of implicit posthumously published lecture on fieldwork, knowledge that actors can barely articulate or Goffman (1989) stresses that it is a matter of get- ‘say’ because of its habitual nature. The kind of ting as close as possible to the objects of knowledge he means is manifest, for example, in research, and of subjecting oneself as authenti- the equally unconsidered and subtly adapted cally as possible to the circumstances of their behaviours of looking, smiling, tactful avoidance life. Only in this way can the decisive goal be or repartee. A result of the ‘unconscious’ nature reached, that of a high degree of familiarity with of this kind of behaviour (Giddens speaks of the practice in question and its actors. In this ‘practical consciousness’ as opposed to ‘discur- familiarity Goffman sees a preliminary stage of sive consciousness’) is the limited nature of sociological information which is then arranged methods that depend on explanations and self- at a first level when the investigator succeeds in descriptions from the actors under investigation discovering natural behaviour patterns in appar- (for example, interviews, or personal biographi- ently unordered streams of behaviour. cal evidence). In Goffman’s view, laboratory In his early works Goffman uses naturalistic experiments are even more limited in value observation primarily to mean ‘participant obser- because they eliminate precisely what ought to vation’ (see 5.5). Working, in this sense, as an be investigated first, the ‘social’ nature of (inter- ‘ethnologist of his own culture’ (Dahrendorf’s active) behaviour. term), he observes, on the one hand, normal The set of methods that Goffman used in place ‘everyday life’. On the other hand he invokes of what he called ‘traditional investigative proce- particular, remarkable and separate worlds dures’ (Goffman 1971: XVI) will be listed below. beyond the layman’s everyday world. A remote community of peasant farmers, a gaming casino and a psychiatric institution are the best-known 1 NATURALISTIC OBSERVATION examples. Goffman’s studies of these (cf. 1959, 1961a, 1961b) show the systematic possibilities Goffman developed interaction ethology (1971: X). that sociological observers have of using their The aim of this methodological framework own ‘alienness’ as a generator of information. Flick 2.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 25


By becoming familiar, as an ‘outsider’, with the interpretative tools which, like the theatre or society and meanings under investigation, the games, have their own world of meaning and researcher may experience their peculiarities as reality which, however, resembles that of the a set of differences from what he/she has taken object of investigation. This is the basis of for granted. Goffman’s ‘comparative analysis’ which leads – In his later work Goffman sees a special and in a systematic and empirically valid manner – especially important option for naturalistic to the determination of identities, relationships observation in the use of audio-visual recording and also differences. equipment (see 5.6, 5.7). With ‘recorded’ data, Goffman practises this strategy in a number of they produce, in his opinion, a qualitatively studies which, in terms of the ‘interaction order’ new basis for ‘microfunctional study, that is an (Goffman 1983), have the same object of inter- examination of the role of a bit of behaviour in est, but which are framed from different per- the stream which precedes co-occurs and spectives. This corresponds to his idea that there follows’ (Goffman 1979: 24). From his belief that is both an unbridgeable gulf between sociologi- the ‘coincidence of a subject matter and record- cal objects and methods of interpretation and ing technology … places the student in an also that the different methods of interpretation entirely novel relation to his data, (Goffman each have their own relativity. Goffman coun- 1979: 24), he does not draw the conclusion, ters this relativity – that is, the specific blindness however, that media recordings should be privi- attached to every individual perspective in an leged or allowed to play the only central role. investigation – with a pluralization of his own Goffman’s basic position on the question of perspectives. data tends to be ‘pluralistic’. He makes use of a range of materials in order to obtain alternative and complementary access routes to his research 3 FROM ABNORMALITY objects and alternative bases for comparison. It TO NORMALITY is also important that Goffman relies on the richness of his own primary experience and on One of Goffman’s most important research newspaper ‘stories’. strategies has been called by Hans Oswald (1984: 212) ‘the method of extreme contrast’ and by Paul Drew and Anthony Wootton (1988: 7) 2 METAPHORS, MODELS, ‘the investigation of the normal through the THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES abnormal’. This refers to the fact that Goffman uses extremes, deviations, crises, instances of From the very beginning Goffman’s ‘naturalism’ anomie and other ‘abnormalities’ as bridges to means more than simply ‘empiricism’. In the understanding of normal forms. Goffman we are dealing rather with a ‘theoreti- Ultimately, therefore, Goffman’s analyses of cally oriented empiricist’ (Collins 1980: 174). strategic interaction aim to shed light on the Goffman’s full observational, analytical and structural principles of everyday interaction. descriptive strategy therefore consists of using Similarly, Goffman elaborates the ‘negative metaphors, concepts and models. For example, experience’ (1974: 378) in which normality col- Goffman uses theatrical metaphors (1959), a rit- lapses, is broken or never exists. Extreme experi- ual model (1967, 1971, 1979) and the game- ences, such as those of psychiatric inmates, theory (1969). On the one hand he is concerned provide Goffman (1961b, 1963a) with a way with the generation of conceptual and meaning into what ultimately ‘holds normality together’. devices that are applicable, in the sense of a Apart from his reliance on ‘natural’ con- ‘strategy of analogies’ (Lenz 1991: 57), to the trasts or deviations, Goffman’s way of using widest range of social practices. On the other ‘artificial’ deviations and irritations is totally in hand Goffman aims at sociological information accord with other approaches within qualitative by means of relative alienation from social real- social research. There is a kind of ‘crisis experi- ity, that is, the familiar reality of everyday life. ment’ (see 3.2) in his investigation of gender Many of Goffman’s ‘discoveries’ are a result of representation in advertising photographs the reflective and distancing perspective of his (1979). There he recommends that the gender of ‘frames’ that give new significance to the obvi- the subjects displayed should be mentally inter- ous and the well-known (cf. Williams 1988: 73). changed to reveal implicit expectations of nor- Here it is important that Goffman relies on certain mal forms. This ‘technique’ could rely on the Flick 2.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 26


‘vast social competence of the eye and the contextual differences in the materials somehow impressive consensus sustained by viewers’ convey, according to Goffman, ‘a sense of struc- (1979: 25). Here, as everywhere else, Goffman ture, a sense of a single organization underlying assumes that social scientists may make analyti- mere surface differences’ (1979: 25). cal use of their intuitive (habitus-)knowledge The logic of this procedure corresponds to because they share this with other members of ’s notion of ideal types to which society. Goffman explicitly refers in Asylums as his ‘method’ (1961b: 5). Concepts such as that of the ‘total institution’ are therefore abstract 4 DECONSTRUCTIONS constructs, incorporating a large number of different phenomena (cf. Manning 1992: 21). Goffman also pursues his goal of unveiling Accordingly, Goffman strives to show how the social ‘meaning mechanisms’ and ‘mental elaboration of significant differences follows machination’ with a kind of sociological deep- from the identification of common features structure hermeneutics that ‘deconstructs’ such (1961b: 5). For example, when he brings daily-life constructs as that of the speaker and together social structures such as monasteries, such distinctions as that between truth and concentration camps, psychiatric institutions, falsehood (see, for example, 1959, 1961a, 1971, barracks and merchant ships and identifies 1981). Goffman’s first monograph, The Presen- them as ‘total institutions’, he then – in the next tation of Self in Everyday Life, which deconstructs step – deals with the limitations of this frame, the ‘individual’ into various dramaturgical func- deriving from the structural peculiarities of the tions and elements, was already conceived phenomena in question. Goffman handles along these lines and may therefore be under- every kind of data according to the same princi- stood programmatically. ple. For him the search for apparent or real dis- The systematic high point in Goffman’s crepancies of facts and ‘exceptions to the rule’ is ‘deconstructivist’ perspective is, without doubt, as important, in terms of research strategy, as his Frame Analysis (1974). Goffman’s strategy of the procedure of sorting in the search for an frame analysis, used to reveal ‘unconscious’ (ideal) typology. meaning complexity, corresponds to a complex system of concepts that permits the identifica- tion of different classes of frames and the 6 SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS description of logical transformational relation- ships between different frames. Transcending Another of Goffman’s range of research strate- the level of interaction (and thereby the bound- gies is ‘sequential analysis’, the aim of which is aries of microsociology), Goffman analyses and to reconstruct the sequence of events in the deconstructs the reflexivity and stratification of process of interaction (cf. 1971, 1981). The pro- various kinds of social meaning. cedure of sequential analysis, which ethno- methodological conversation analysis (see 5.17) and structural hermeneutics (see 5.16) see as 5 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATIONS, IDEAL their core, relates to a notion of (interaction-) TYPOLOGIES, DIFFERENTIATIONS order that does not only consist of the serial adjacency of two utterances. ‘Sequence’ rather One variant of Goffman’s way of handling phe- refers to the specific linking of elements of nomena and data may be labelled ‘subsumption – behaviour to a ‘genuine sequential pattern. An logical’. In Gender Advertisements he pursues his utterance, such as a “question”, can have analytical goal on the basis of arranging and “sequential” implications to the extent that it rearranging a variety of pictorial material. He establishes, in respect of the following “turn(s)”, makes the subsumption of ‘superficially’ diverse by what speaker, through what activity, by what data which, on the principle of ‘trial and error’, kind of utterance, and so on, it is to be realised’ he locates hypothetically in one and the same (Bergmann 1991: 310). In the sense of this inter- frame (1979: 25). The classification of the mate- pretation, and relating explicitly to ethno- rials reveals a kind of form, namely a structural methodological conversation analysis, Goffman identity, that emerges from the recorded differ- also requires the investigator to uncover the ential contexts. The depth and breadth of the sequencing: ‘We deal with the sequencing of Flick 2.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 27


action in which the move of one participant is to which they are subject’ (Goffman 1961b: IXf.). followed by that of another, the first move In addition to participant observation (see 5.5), establishing the environment for the second Goffman also relies on a reflexive knowledge of and the second confirming the meaning of the particular classes of actors. As we have already first’ (1971: 149). said, Goffman is assuming that the knowledge Admittedly the sequential analysis postulated of ‘life-practitioners’ is of a predominantly and practised by conversation analysts, as a pure intuitive-unconscious nature (and therefore not ‘systemic analysis’, where ‘the process of com- testable), but he also believes that extreme or munication [is] more or less conceptualized as borderline cases, such as stigmatized people, an independently organized system’ (Bergmann adulterers, spies, kings, or concentration camp 1991: 311), was considered by Goffman to be inmates, acquire, through their deviation from inadequate. What Goffman objects to here is normality, a kind of discursive knowledge the detachment or denial of the moral-ritual about normality. Goffman separates this ‘para- dimension of social practice, defined in culture- sociological’ knowledge, for example, from specific terms. It is in this dimension that cleverness as a type, and uses it simultaneously Goffman discovers a distinctive and distinctively to make inner social perspectives transparent. In sequential ordering (cf., for example, 1967, this way, from ‘asylums’ one can also learn the 1971). ‘meaning’ of how the social world of the clinic is ‘subjectively experienced’ by the inmates (1961b: IX, cf. von Kardorff 1991: 337). 7 DOUBLE HERMENEUTICS

One of Goffman’s most important research 8 CONCEPT CONSTRUCTIONS strategies seeks to discover implicit meaning patterns and ‘world-views’ in the practice of For Goffman the development of a conceptual everyday life, whether they be common to all reference system ‘into which a continuously members of society or limited to particular larger number of facts can be placed’ (1971: social groups. ‘One must’, he says in Frame XVI) is a major task for his discipline. Goffman Analysis, ‘try to form an image of the group’s set himself this task in the context of an inter- framework of frameworks – its belief system, its play of theoretical and empirical work. Instead “cosmoslogy” – even though this is a domain of forming ‘top-down’ theories he first imported that close students of contemporary social life conceptualization techniques into empirical have usually been happy to give over to others’ work. This procedure pursues two principal (Goffman 1974: 27). Frederic Jameson (1976), goals: first, he is concerned with perspectives referring to this essential idea of Goffman’s ‘that reorder our view of social activity’ (1971: research programme, spoke of his ‘theory of XVI); secondly it is a matter of organizing, or theories’. Anthony Giddens (cf. 1984: 12ff.) reorganizing, large and diverse quantities of called Goffman’s approach ‘double hermeneu- data. What is decisive is that the starting point tics’ – ‘double’ because it is to do with the art of of Goffman’s approach always lies in empirical interpreting everyone’s ‘art of interpretation’ work, and from its varying particularity he then (see 5.21). decides on a guiding analytical perspective, such This does not only refer to meaning structures as the theatre model. Goffman achieves the sep- and skills of judgement at the level of interac- aration of the different guiding perspectives tion. Goffman is also rather more concerned from conceptual systems of relationships by set- with practical constituents of knowledge or ting up hierarchies of ‘partial constructs’. The types of ‘hermeneutics’ that more or less corre- development of these is carried out in terms of spond to complex life-forms and identities. In more or less abstract basic conceptual distinc- this he assumes ‘that any group of persons – tions, for example the distinction between ‘key- prisoners, primitives, pilots or patients – develop a ing’ and ‘fabrication’ (cf. 1974: 40ff.). To this is life of their own that becomes meaningful, rea- always attached a network of further distinc- sonable and normal once you get close to it, and tions in differing layers of abstraction that come that a good way to learn about any of these worlds increasingly close to the empirical. All of this is to submit oneself in the company of the always takes place during the processing of, and members to the daily round of petty contingencies confrontation with, materials on which the Flick 2.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:21 PM Page 28


concepts have to prove themselves. (cf. normally associated with Parsons. And even Williams 1988: 71). The final objective of this Parsons’s formalism finds, in Goffman’s both inductive and deductive procedure is a sociology, not an opponent but rather an formal analytical language that will make it emulation. possible to describe the field of face-to-face interaction. Goffman achieves the highest level of for- FURTHER READING malization in his ‘frame analysis’. There he suc- ceeded in developing a ‘meta-schema’ for the analytical description of the interaction order Burns, T. (1992) Erving Goffman. London: which also substantially incorporated his Routledge. earlier conceptual apparatus. This meta-schema and its precursors in Goffman’s work are, as a Manning, Ph. (1992) Erving Goffman and Modern sociological ‘map’ and as a theoretical-analytical Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. programme, rather closer to Parsons’s sociology than is generally believed. Goffman’s critical Williams, R. (1988) ‘Understanding Goffman’s distance and even opposition to Parsons methods’, in P. Drew and A. Wootton (eds), cannot hide the fact that his approach deserves Erving Goffman – Exploring the Interaction the title of ‘structural-functionalism’ that is Order. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp. 64–88. Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 29

2.3 Harold Garfinkel and Harvey Sacks

Jörg R. Bergmann

1 Scientific and historical background 29 2 Development of the research programme 30 3 Research practice 32 4 Garfinkel, Sacks and qualitative social research 34

Harold Garfinkel (b. 1917) is widely known importance. For reasons that will be explained today as the founder of ethnomethodology. He below, both Garfinkel and Sacks were very gave this research approach its name, and in his reserved in explaining and setting out the meth- early work, which appeared in his 1967 collec- ods of their procedure. It will therefore be all the tion Studies in Ethnomethodology, he created the more revealing to examine the research style of theoretical, conceptual and methodological these two scientists more closely. foundations of the approach. The subject of eth- nomethodology, according to Garfinkel, is prac- tical everyday action in situations. Its goal is to 1 SCIENTIFIC AND determine the practices and procedures (or HISTORICAL BACKGROUND methods) that are taken for granted, and by means of which members of a society (or eth- Garfinkel’s decision to place everyday action at nos), in their actions, make their own behaviour the centre of social scientific interest was not perceptible and recognizable, and structure and due to a fascination with the exotic nature of order meaningfully the reality that surrounds trivial matters. It is based, rather, on a theoreti- them. Unlike the work of Erving Goffman (see cal consideration with many underlying assump- 2.2), which dates from about the same period, tions. Garfinkel’s starting point is a theme that Garfinkel’s works are much more cumbersome is known in sociology as the Hobbesian and inaccessible: they are basic in their Problem, and relates to the question of how demands, thoroughly programmatic in charac- social order is possible when human beings ter, and for these reasons are often very opaque. pursue egoistical goals and are therefore In spite of this, or perhaps even because of this, constantly in conflict with one another. Garfinkel has attracted a large number of fol- Garfinkel began with the reflections of Talcott lowers who made ‘ethnomethodology’ into a Parsons (1937), his doctoral supervisor, who had school of its own. In the 1960s and 1970s con- set out in his theory of social action a general versation analysis (see 5.17) developed out of framework for sociology, and who dominated ethnomethodology, as an independent research international sociological debate at that time. orientation that concentrates on identifying the Parsons saw the solution of the problem of structural mechanisms of linguistic and non- social order not in utilitarian models of society, linguistic interaction. In conversation analysis but in a way already landmarked by Durkheim the work of Harvey Sacks (1935–1975), in parti- and Freud: social order, he claimed, results from cular his Lectures (1992), was of fundamental the collective adoption and internalization of Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 30


commonly shared values and norms, and this these characteristics a sharp and sometimes not only restrains the egotistical tendencies of polemical confrontation with conventional individuals but also exerts cultural control over ‘formal analysis’ (Garfinkel 1996) was added in the objects of their desires. Garfinkel, however, Garfinkel’s later work. in his dissertation The Perception of the Other: A In the mid-1950s, Harold Garfinkel and Study in Social Order, made this kind of solution Harvey Sacks met for the first time (at a seminar the target of a theoretically developed critique, led by Parsons at Harvard). At that time Sacks supported by an empirical interview-based was studying law at Yale University, but he was study. (On the relationship between Parsons and less interested in practising law as an attorney Garfinkel cf., in particular, Heritage 1984.) than in discovering how law functioned as an In his criticism of Parsons, Garfinkel relies institution (Schegloff, in Sacks 1992). For Sacks’s essentially on the works of Alfred Schütz, who further intellectual development the first thing was already – in the course of a correspondence that was of decisive significance was the contin- with Parsons (Schütz 1978) in the early 1940s – uing interchange with Garfinkel, and the expressing reservations about Parsons’s failure second was the environment in the University in his work to clarify the subjective perspective. of California at Berkeley, where he moved at the This is where Garfinkel also begins. His criticism end of the 1950s. It was here that, in the fol- is that the specific adaptations, interpretations, lowing years, Erving Goffman in particular had translations and decisions made by actors are a strong influence on Sacks and on other later glossed over as irrelevant or neutralized by the ethnomethodologists (David Sudnow) and con- model of scientific-rational action. He argues versation analysts (). that the solution to the problem of social order Goffman’s first book (The Presentation of Self in can only be found in the elementary processes Everyday Life) appeared in 1959 and turned the of the everyday constitution of meaning, that is, investigation of face-to-face communication by investigating how actors, in their day-to-day into an independent area of study. From the activities, transmit cultural norms and values to Lectures that Sacks began to give from 1964, and a situation, agree with others and make them which he had recorded, transcribed and circu- relevant to their actions. Because the interest of lated, we may conclude that, in addition to the ethnomethodology is based, from a theoretical development of his research interests, he point of view, only in the situational practices of attached great significance to the late work of everyday life, it is not surprising that Garfinkel Wittgenstein, classical philosophy and logic, the (1991: 11) – in one of his later texts on Parsons’s ethnographies of the Chicago School and cul- (1937) Structure of Social Action – claims that tural anthropology, generative grammar and the ‘Ethnomethodology has its origins in this won- work of Freud. But he used all of these works derful book. Its earliest initiatives were taken rather as thought-stimuli and resources and – from these texts.’ without being particularly faithful to the origi- Although in preparing his dissertation nal – turned them to his own interests. On the Garfinkel was looking primarily at Parsons’s other hand, what remained of central impor- theory of action and the subsequent develop- tance to him was Garfinkel’s attempt to make ment of ethnomethodology was not yet in the methodical nature of everyday action in its sight, we already find, in this early work, at least situational practices into the primary subject of the germ of many concepts and aspects that investigation. characterize the style of his later work: the sharp distinction he draws between scientific and everyday rationality; the transfer of meaning 2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE constitution from a transcendental or psycho- RESEARCH PROGRAMME logical frame of reference to the social events of everyday life; the idea of social order not as a Nowhere is a more accessible and convincing fixable, almost material fact, but as a continuous representation of the ethnomethodological creation over time; the centring of research research programme to be found than in one interest on the adaptable situational practices of episode reported by Garfinkel himself under the actors; the uncompromising refusal to accept title ‘Shils’ complaint’ (Garfinkel et al. 1981: general schemata to explain social action; the 133). In 1954, Fred Strodtbeck of the University bold ‘empirical’ readings of theoretical texts. To of Chicago Law School was appointed to analyse Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 31


tape-recordings that had been secretly made of suicide and to construct, for a discovered body, the deliberations of jurors. When Strodtbeck an ‘account of how a death really-for-all-practical- suggested using Bales’s categories of interaction purposes-happened’, using particular identifi- process analysis for this analysis, Edward Shils able clues. warned that ‘By using Bales’ Interaction Process Since ethnomethodology makes into its Analysis I’m sure we’ll learn what about a jury’s object of investigation whatever was used in tra- deliberations makes them a small group. But we ditional sociology and social research as an want to know what about their deliberations unquestioned resource and precondition, its makes them a jury.’ The fact that Strodtbeck procedures could not simply rely on the estab- countered this by claiming that Shils would ask lished methods of data collection, data process- the wrong question and Shils then agreed with ing and theory construction. In the first place, this claim, was seen by Garfinkel as part of the the object of ethnomethodology – the situa- moral of this story: Garfinkel was convinced tional practices for generating reality – would be that Shils had in fact asked the right question, eliminated if social events are methodically but that the social sciences are not equipped processed by coding and numerical-statistical with appropriate concepts and methods transformation. And in the second place, these to translate Shils’s criticism into investigable practices cannot simply be accessed through an phenomena. Shils’s question is an exemplary interview. They are, in Garfinkel’s words, ‘seen formulation of what ethnomethodology is try- but unnoticed’ in everyday life. Judgements as ing to achieve in its research programme: not to to whether everyday actors’ statements or decla- subsume a social phenomenon under a familiar rations are appropriate, relevant, meaningful sociological category, but to work out by and so on are always practical judgements, what practical methods ‘something’ becomes because they are assessed and accepted with the ‘something’. help of situational procedures in respect of prac- Garfinkel prescribes for ethnomethodology a tical goals and needs. For this reason, constitutive-analytical programme and criticizes ethnomethodology adopts an attitude of ‘indif- traditional sociology and social research for ference’ towards them (Garfinkel and Sacks ignoring the question of how a social phenom- 1970: 344ff.). This implies that ethnomethodo- enon is constituted in the situational practices logy, in realizing its constitutional-analytical of actors, and for using – without further clarifi- programme, cannot simply depend on inter- cation – everyday knowledge and common- view responses (unless there is some enquiry sense practices as resources, instead of making into what, in the behaviour of parties con- these into its subject of study. In the early phase cerned, makes an interview into an interview). of ethnomethodology this was a recurrent With its focus on the local practices and theme that Garfinkel reflects in his papers on a unvarnished details that constitute a social range of different phenomena. An example of phenomenon, ethnomethodology seeks, in its this is the subject of ‘suicide’, which is suitable own investigations, to collect data in which the as an illustration of the new-style ethnomethodo- events it is looking at are conserved. This obliges logical way of looking at things because the discipline to use a conserving mode of data Durkheim had contributed a classical study to recording (Bergmann 1985), where social events this topic that was important for the establish- are preserved in their raw form, irrespective of ment of sociology as a discipline. In Durkheim’s plausibility or expectations of behaviour. This is work, the ethnomethodologists argue, we find the background for the interest of ethno- everyday knowledge about ‘suicide’ and the use methodologists, which started in the 1960s, in of this category without any more precise clarifi- tape- and video-recordings of social interactions cation. What Sacks holds against this practice in ‘natural’ or unmanaged contexts, and in the (1963: 8) is that ‘till we have described the cate- development of transcription conventions that gory, suicide, i.e. produced a description of the made it possible to fix a conversation in writing procedure employed for assembling cases of the without either orthographic ‘normalization’ or class, the category is not even potentially part of reduction. Of course, this creation of a method the sociological apparatus’. Garfinkel (1967a: out of an ethnomethodological perspective is 11–18) himself also subsequently showed, in not without problems. By its own admissions, a participant observation, the situational practi- general non-object-dependent categories and cal procedures used by a coroner to ‘confirm’ a rules – and methods are in principle nothing Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 32


more than this – should not be used in the also rely on process-generated data – such as investigation of a social phenomenon, because tape-recordings of telephone conversations with otherwise there is a risk that the specific genera- a ‘Suicide Prevention Center’. What is decisive is tive procedures and ‘identifying features’ that social events are documented in their (Garfinkel) of this phenomenon will be lost or ‘natural’ context and in their real chronological prejudiced. It is therefore only consistent that sequence. Garfinkel, in the ‘studies of work’ that Garfinkel’s study of a transsexual person, or the he inaugurated (see 3.2), required the researcher practice in conversation analysis of processing to become familiar with the specific compe- and presenting data by means of transcripts, tences of the workplace being investigated – an should themselves be ethnomethodologically extreme requirement that can only be met in deconstructed (cf. Anderson and Sharrock 1984; exceptional cases. Conversation analysis, on the Rogers 1992). other hand, was frequently satisfied with data In the formative years of ethnomethodology consisting of simple tape-recordings of conver- and conversation analysis, Garfinkel and Sacks, sations, without any requirement for a when dealing with the objectives that character- more profound knowledge of the conversational ized Garfinkel’s texts in particular, firmly context. refused every request to make the procedural In accordance with their constitutional- rules of their approach explicit and to make analytical approach, Garfinkel and Sacks viewed them binding in the sense of a school of questions merely as a global theoretical tool; method. (This is perhaps one of the reasons why they only take on their particular relevance Garfinkel and Sacks published comparatively little when they are faced with the material that has and had more influence through oral forms been collected. In interpreting data both ethno- of academic communication – and here one methodology and conversation analysis normally might also think of Wittgenstein.) For methods begin with familiar social scenes and intuitively of investigation Garfinkel postulated a ‘unique intelligible communicative utterances, and adequacy requirement’, which means that attempt to discover analytically from these the methods must be so fashioned that they are formal procedures by means of which the struc- uniquely suited to their object – but this can tures and events of the social world are consti- only be decided after information about the tuted in the behaviour of the actors. It is object of investigation has successfully been mastery of such procedures that makes up the obtained, which therefore makes any formaliza- interpretative and interactive competences of tion impossible. Prescriptions and canoniza- the actors, and it is only through them that they tions of particular methods were subsequently become members of a society. Since these com- developed – particularly in conversation analysis – petences are largely a matter of routine, how- and even today these still attract criticism from ever, they do not normally attract attention and many ethnomethodologists. The representatives are difficult for the researcher to access. But in of the two positions are, however, united in the order to make visible the products of social real- conviction that methods should never come ity that are concealed in the same social reality, before the object of study and in doubtful cases Garfinkel, Sacks and other ethnomethodologists must even be sacrificed. and conversation analysts have always employed certain tricks that are designed to assist in exposing the opaque nature of the everyday 3 RESEARCH PRACTICE world. Three of these tricks will now be outlined: If one wishes to characterize ethnomethodology and conversation analysis as qualitative 1 In his dissertation (Garfinkel 1963: 187) approaches, on the basis of the work of Garfinkel Garfinkel already followed the strategy of ask- and Sacks, and in addition to describe the meth- ing, on the basis of a stable system of action, ods in a systematic way, then on the basis of the what one would need to do to create disorder. properties of these approaches that we have out- The motivation behind this was that the same lined, a very diffuse picture emerges. In data col- operations that are necessary to evoke anomie lection ethnographic methods (see 5.5) are and disorganization could also provide the key used, and in particular methods of data record- to understanding how social structures are ing; Sacks and other researchers frequently maintained. The crisis experiments carried out Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 33


by Garfinkel and his students indeed managed replace the recorded utterances and behavioural to bring about confusion and annoyance in the sequences with condensing and interpretative parties concerned. Ultimately, however, they paraphrases, and they admit knowledge of the were not very significant from an analytical or context of a social interaction into an analysis revelatory viewpoint, and served rather as a way only in a highly controlled and measured form. of demonstrating to non-ethnomethodologists The point of this attitude of conversation analysis, that the everyday world contains hidden struc- simultaneously approaching and distancing tural features that had previously been taken for itself from its object of investigation, is to focus granted. It should be noted that Garfinkel never the analysts’ attention completely on the inter- abandoned the idea of making heuristic use of action order of social behaviour and its creation critical occurrences where social order breaks by the participants. The aim is to reconstruct down. In his ‘studies of work’, for example, he the constructive achievements of the interact- therefore examines the presence and effect of ing partners, and also to observe their observa- ‘procedural troublemakers’, that is, persons who tions, to interpret their interpretations and to are blind, confined to wheelchairs, or who suf- find the methods in their (ethno-)methods. fer from other handicaps, because ‘with these 3 Both ethnomethodologists and conversa- “troublemakers”, work’s incarnate social organi- tion analysts are committed to using, in their zational details are revealed by overcoming their research work, procedures and methods the transparency’ (Garfinkel 1996: 12). A further analysis of which they have selected as the example is provided by Garfinkel’s student theme of their investigation. In the interpreta- Robillard (1999), who made use of his own dis- tion of an action or an utterance they have no ability – he suffers from progressive paralysis other choice than to make continual use of their and is dependent on technological support competence as members of society and to to enable him to communicate – to gain employ their intuitive understanding. But ethno- insight into the practices that enable us to methodology and conversation analysis both perceive everyday phenomena as normal and seek not simply to use intuition but to take a natural (cf. further examples in Schwartz and step back from the analyst’s own intuition and Jacobs 1979). to analyse the underlying generative mecha- 2 An opposing and apparently paradoxical nisms of this intuition. In this way Harvey Sacks movement is characteristic of the methods of (1972), in a paper that has now become well ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. known, analyses a story told by a three-year-old This consists of approaching as closely as poss- girl: ‘The baby cried. The mommy picked it up.’ ible the social event being investigated during First he presents his own intuitive understand- the research process but at the same time dis- ing of this story, that the mother who picks up tancing oneself from it. In conversation analysis the baby is the mother of this particular baby, this approaching consists of overcoming the even though there is no explicit personal pro- fleeting nature of the observed social events by noun to mark this kind of relationship. His making audiovisual recordings. These are then paper then turns to the problem of reconstruct- fixed by precise transcription (see 5.9) in a writ- ing that led him – and presumably most other ten form in their smallest and apparently most people who hear this story – to the intuitive insignificant details, and the representation understanding that he describes. (For another becomes progressively more fine-grained and ethnomethodological study of the same kind, richer in nuance through repeated listening and with a paradigmatic character, cf. Smith 1978.) viewing of the social events being investigated. To make easier this rather difficult distancing Conversation analysts therefore put a social from one’s own intuitive understanding, Sacks object under the microscope and examine it in made use of a trick. One sees a person and intu- a way that is not possible in the normal haste of itively notes that this person is ‘angry’. But everyday life and which is alien to current prac- what is it in the behaviour of this person that tice in the social sciences. At the same time, evokes the intuition of ‘angry’? Sacks directs however, they distance themselves from attention to these fundamental production the social object of their investigation by avoid- practices by placing before the intuitively per- ing the normal everyday practice of making ceived marker of person the phrase ‘doing being’. social events intelligible by hurriedly attribut- So ‘angry’ becomes ‘[doing being] angry’, and a ing motives to them. In addition they do not person intuitively perceived as being a policeman Flick 2.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 34


becomes a ‘[doing being] a policeman’. Now the timescale in which life takes place; they there is a possibility of breaking down indivi- demonstrate the enormous gain that can be dual intuition into observable production made for sociology in considering apparently practices (Sacks 1984). insignificant details; and they encourage mis- This recourse to individual intuitive under- trust both towards individual common-sense standing is by no means a rule for Garfinkel and interpretations and towards the scientific cate- Sacks. On the contrary, for both of them it is not gories that scientists all too gladly use in han- intuition and spontaneous understanding but dling data. Helmuth Plessner (1974: 146) once observation that is of fundamental methodolog- wrote of Husserl’s phenomenology that it was ical importance. For Garfinkel and Sacks intu- characterized by ‘the tendency to abolish philo- itive understanding does not play the role of the sophical theories and “-isms”, viewpoints and final piece of evidence; it is not explanatory but principles, to dispense with the systematic unit rather, as something created, has to be as opposed to the surging wealth of concrete explained. For this reason those observable states themes, by the will to work and openness to the of order in social behaviour that go against intu- public, respect for the small, patience with the ition must also be investigated to establish the partial, modesty in face of the immeasurable’. It meaningful nature of their production. is this attitude which – mediated by Alfred Schütz – also characterizes the research style of Garfinkel and Sacks. Their unconditional orientation 4 GARFINKEL, SACKS AND towards the matter in hand and the secondary QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH role of method are perhaps the most important – if rather ambivalent – contribution that ethno- Garfinkel and Sacks have made no explicit pro- methodology and conversation analysis, by their nouncements on questions of qualitative social own example, will make to a more general research. But from their criticism of quantitative methodology of qualitative social research. research and from their own research practice – their interpretative approach, their orientation towards the subjective perspective of actors, the FURTHER READING tendency to use case studies, and so on – it is absolutely clear that in their own minds they associated themselves with qualitative social Garfinkel, H. (1967) Studies in Ethno- research, because it gives a better guarantee of methodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice preserving the integrity of data. From this it also Hall. becomes clear what their specific contribution to qualitative social research consists of. Their Heritage, J. C. (1984) Garfinkel and Ethno- work shows that the construction of social real- methodology. Cambridge: Polity Press. ity can be observed in the communicative processes and situational practices of everyday Sacks, H. (1992) Lectures on Conversation, vols I life; they draw attention to the fact that and II (edited by G. Jefferson with introduc- research must analyse its social objects within tions by E. A. Schegloff). Oxford: Blackwell. Flick 2.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 35

2.4 Paul Willis and the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies

Rolf Lindner

1 Paul Willis and the CCCS 35 2 Willis’s study Profane Culture as a research paradigm for cultural studies 36 3 Learning to Labour: the view of actors as a scientific and cultural challenge 36 4 On the ethnographic research practice of cultural studies 38

Paul Willis is considered to be the most with cultural studies becoming a trademark for important exponent of ethnographic research interdisciplinary teaching and research (see 3.9). in the context of the Centre for Contemporary The early Hoggart phase of the CCCS empha- Cultural Studies (CCCS) in Birmingham. His sized the enlargement of the discipline of liter- study Learning to Labour – How Working Class ary criticism to include the products of popular Kids Get Working Class Jobs (1977) is a fieldwork- and mass culture such as low-grade literature, based investigation of the transition from soap operas, film, advertising and others. In this school to the world of work. Using the example it was not a matter of merely changing objective of an informal group of secondary school labels (from highbrow to mass literature, from students he traces the processes whereby school- opera to pop music, and so on) but a change of leavers see the decision to opt for unqualified perspective in literary studies which found jobs in the area of material production as expression in the title ‘cultural studies’. From the a conscious choice deriving from cultural very beginning, the interests of cultural studies factors. Learning to Labour is now regarded as a went beyond basic textual analysis. The central classic and equated in importance with such object of interest was rather the relationship works as William F. Whyte’s (1955) Street Corner between the ‘text’ in question (book, film, music Society. and so on) and the ‘reader’ (consumer, recipi- ent). The basic assumption was that this rela- tionship was determined by the ‘reader’s’ way of 1 PAUL WILLIS AND THE CCCS life. In this context cultural studies came to be understood as a discipline, or rather as a Willis’s ethnographic work came out of the perspective that undertakes the analysis of CCCS. The CCCS was set up in 1964, on the culture ‘as a way of life’ (Raymond Williams). initiative of Richard Hoggart, at the University This anthropological turn in literary studies also of Birmingham Department of English as a post- brought the ethnographic approach closer to the graduate course and was led by him, unofficially, field. Only by analysing the elements of an from 1964 and officially from 1972. His succes- entire way of life is it possible to understand the sor was Stuart Hall, under whose leadership meaning that is attributed by subjects to partic- the Centre has won international acclaim, ular cultural forms and categories. Flick 2.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 36


2 WILLIS’S STUDY PROFANE CULTURE culture, in which nothing – neither the rockers’ AS A RESEARCH PARADIGM FOR preference for singles, nor the hippies’ prefer- CULTURAL STUDIES ence for concert albums – is a matter of chance. In a fascinating and impressively concentrated Paul Willis’s ethnographic studies Learning to way Willis elaborates the homologies that exist, Labour (1977) and Profane Culture (1978) come in the case of the rockers in their dealings with under the aegis of Stuart Hall, who was director the motor-bike – the core element of group of the CCCS until 1979. In this period the socio- culture – and the rituals of rock’n’roll, and in the analytical and anti-authoritarian accent of the case of the hippies in the use of mind-expanding Centre’s intellectual activity was further strength- drugs, progressive rock music and aesthetic self- ened, with the result that the relationship of presentation. In an illuminating manner the cultural hegemony and subordinate cultures reader is shown that particular objects in the became the main object of investigation. Willis’s environment of a social group have close paral- study Profane Culture, which was based on his lels in their views, values and feeling-structures. doctoral dissertation, can be seen in many But these are also decisively marked by the respects as a showpiece for the contemporary original background. Ultimately both cultural understanding of cultural studies outlined subsets are shown to be generation-specific above. The title already shows a breach with one modifications of their background culture. Paul concept of culture, which sees it merely as Willis’s study may, in this sense, be seen as a an assemblage of canonical (or ‘sacred’) works. classic example of the analysis of subcultures From the viewpoint of classical literary studies, at CCCS which took youth subcultures to be ‘profane culture’ is a contradiction in terms, and generation-specific subsystems of class-specific that is precisely the intention of this term: it ‘parent cultures’ (Clarke et al. 1979). resists the claims to exclusivity of the ‘sacred culture’. This ‘resistance’ that is already embod- ied in the title points to a further dimension of 3 LEARNING TO LABOUR: THE VIEW OF Profane Culture: a perspective that is directed ACTORS AS A SCIENTIFIC AND towards the everyday creativity of the subjects. CULTURAL CHALLENGE In order to avoid the image prevalent in mani- pulation theory of the consumer/recipient as a When Willis is spoken of as a ‘minor classic’, the passive victim of the culture industry, there has reference is to Willis’s second ethnographic grown up in cultural studies a way of inter- study, Learning to Labour – How Working Class preting the consumption of mass culture as a Kids Get Working Class Jobs (1977). Although it creative or even subversive act: today this is appeared earlier than Profane Culture, the period increasingly criticized as being ‘populist’. But when the research took place was later, between this is precisely the theme of Profane Culture: 1973 and 1975. This study grew out of a research ‘that oppressed, subordinate or minority groups project funded by the Social Science Research can have a hand in the construction of their Council (SSRC), entitled The Transition from own vibrant cultures and are not merely dupes’ School to Work. As may be seen from the final (1978: 1) Furthermore, the study is a good report, published as a ‘stencilled paper’, the aim example of the methodological principle under- of this project was to overcome the restriction of lying cultural studies: to reveal the inner rela- the research activities of the CCCS to the leisure tionship between the object and the lifestyle of activities of young people and give greater atten- a group. This inner relationship is described by tion to work-related orientations concerning Paul Willis, analogously to Claude Lévi-Strauss, values and activities. The original title of the pro- as cultural homology. ject makes clear in what perspective this was to Two youth subcultures that were paradig- take place; for Willis it was important to analyse matic for the late 1960s constitute the object of the inner dynamics of the process of transition investigation of Willis’s study: ‘rockers’ (or bike- from school to the world of work from the point boys) on the one hand, and ‘hippies’ on the of view of the actors. Paul Willis’s grant applica- other. On the basis of general observation of tion was based on two working hypotheses: ‘scenes’, participation in group events and indi- vidual and group conversations, Willis is able to 1 Working class school leavers develop their give a coherent picture of the respective group definition of the situation (evidently a reference Flick 2.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 37


to the Thomas theorem) in the first instance those types of behaviour, with which we were not from official sources, but rather from the most concerned’ (Willis 1977: 8). On the other ‘informal culture of work’. hand, a clear siding with the ‘lads’ could have 2 The transition from school to work is under- been interpreted as a disturbing act and led to stood from the perspective of the ‘subjective the shutting out of the researcher. Willis opted meaning’ of the actors rather than from the for a ‘pronounced lean towards the kids in the adoption of the institutional viewpoint situation coupled with a strategy of making (cf. Willis 1975: 3). clear explanations to staff in private’ (1978: 9). Willis’s siding with the ‘lads’ was subjected to The research project included a main study fierce criticism, particularly from feminists. It and five small comparative investigations. The was not only that he apparently took no steps to latter, with one exception, played only a very counter the macho-talk in conversation. He was minor role in Learning to Labour. Willis’s interest criticized especially for celebrating the cult of is clearly focused on a friendship group of 12 boys manliness as a kind of resistance, without refer- aged 15 and 16, who all attend a secondary ring systematically in his analysis to its violent, school in the Midlands industrial area. This sexist and racist elements that were a major group, known as ‘lads’ in the study, were theme of his work (McRobbie 1980). From selected by Willis because in their rebellious Willis’s final report it emerges that, on the basis behaviour they expressed their negative, ‘oppo- of his sympathetic approach to the young sitional’ attitude to the school as an institution, people, he won a kind of ‘intermediate’ status, its representatives and its supporters. On the neither group member nor teacher, someone basis of this selective focusing it also becomes who was ‘easy to talk to, and most of all (a clear why the only relevant comparative study is person) who would not “shop” them’ (1978: 9). based on a group of pupils with a positive Perhaps this status, because of its sympathetic orientation towards school. These school- elements, is best described as an older ‘mate’. conformists, who form the opposite pole in the The procedure and the narrative are strongly cultural school landscape, were described by reminiscent of Whyte’s contact with ‘Doc’s the ‘lads’ (with an unambiguous allusion) as Gang’ in Street Corner Society. One important but ‘ear’oles’, or swots. In this opposition it seems rarely mentioned component of fieldwork in clear, moreover, that we find a repetition of the youth subcultures seems to consist of investiga- contrast between ‘corner boys’ and ‘college tor and investigated (as with Whyte and Willis boys’ in Whyte’s (1955) Street Corner Society. in Profane Culture) belonging to one and the Willis followed this school class during its same age and gender-group, or at least (as with final 18 months in school. He sat in on lessons, Willis in Learning to Labour) not being too far monitored the careers advice, accompanied the apart in respect of age. ‘lads’ in their free time (and continued this in The accusation that he implicitly shared in their first few weeks in the workplace), con- the machismo of the ‘lads’ strikes particularly ducted individual and group interviews with hard, as Willis sees, in the masculinity and pupils, teachers and parents, and in addition to toughness of the rebellious school group, the all this analysed other materials such as diaries essential elements of cultural self-assertion. To and careers advice brochures. question this would imply disavowing those The special problems of participant observa- aspects of working class culture that are critical tion in a structured context, such as school as an of the system. In the last resort Willis sees the institution, are manifest not least in the conflict critical attitude of his protagonists towards cap- of loyalties – towards the pupils on the one italism in their distinguishing mental and phys- hand and the teachers on the other – in which ical work, in their rejection of the former and the researcher is caught up. The power differ- their very enthusiastic defence of the latter as ences between these two groups made it impos- the core of a male-oriented ethos. It is the pride sible to maintain a close relationship with both in physical work, transmitted from father to teachers and pupils: ‘Any tendency towards the son, that becomes, in school, the hallmark of staff would have been identified by the lads … cultural distinction and of the class-cultural as complicity with the school and its authority. alternative to education and mobility-opti- You were taken, simply, as staff. That cut off mism. ‘Thus physical labouring comes to stand exactly those information flows, and inhibited for and express, most importantly, a kind of Flick 2.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 38


masculinity and also an opposition to authority – at research does indeed belong to the basic principles least as it is learned in school. It expresses of cultural studies, with personal experience aggressiveness; a degree of sharpness and wit; being given a privileged place (as, for example, an irreverence that cannot be found in words; in subculture research or in ‘women’s studies’). an obvious kind of solidarity’ (Willis 1977: But, as far as I can determine, no one apart from 104). But in this we may also see the paradoxi- Willis spent very long on research activities. cal result of this study, combining adjustment For both Profane Culture and Learning to Labour to and rebellion against circumstances in one Willis spent more than a year on fieldwork and the same act. and so fulfilled the classical criteria. Here the The answer to the initial question about ‘how spectrum of methods extends from (often working class kids get working class jobs’ can underrated) ‘hanging about’ in the setting to only be: by means of cultural practices. The participant observation in the strict sense of the cultural self-assertion, which sets the informal word (see 5.5), supplemented and extended culture of a group against the illusive (because it with informal conversations, group interviews affects only a few) chance of advancement in the and diary analysis. form of education, leads ultimately to the social The methodological focal point of the disintegration that can even be interpreted as a Birmingham School was the sociological ‘natu- kind of self-condemnation to a (sub-)proletarian ralism’ of the ‘Chicago School’, deriving from existence. Paradoxically this self-condemnation William F. Whyte, Howard S. Becker and others is understood by the ‘lads’ as an act of rebellion, (Roberts 1975). Willis also bases himself in this as opposition to the (school) authorities and tradition, but at the same time criticizes its ‘creeps’ or ‘ear’oles’. This encapsulates both the covert positivism, which consists of ‘objectiviz- logic and the tragedy of cultural reproduction. ing’ the subject of investigation: this is manifest With this diagnosis of a mechanism for self- in an insistence on the passivity of the partici- integration built into the cultural practice of pant observer as a fundamental methodological subjects, Willis succeeds – as Mahnkopf (1985: principle that is intended to guarantee objectiv- 239) sums it up – in thinking of processes of ity (Willis 1976). Willis’s criticism of traditional social reproduction without resorting to deter- fieldwork, of course, goes beyond this claim, ministic short cuts. As George Marcus (1986: which perhaps even then sounded banal. It 178) points out, it is rather that the structure of relates in particular to the inherent ‘humanism’ capitalism is reformulated in terms of human of ethnographic research which results in a ten- relationships. But at the same time there is, in dency to consider the culture under investiga- the thesis of self-integration via cultural prac- tion – normally a limited entity – as a world in tice, a danger of concealing one’s own kind itself ‘with centred human beings in some way of cultural determinism. In this respect Willis’s controlling their own forms’ (Willis 1997: 184). theory of cultural reproduction resembles the Ethnographic investigations often ‘lose’ them- thesis of the ‘Culture of Poverty’ (Lewis 1967). selves in the life-world of their protagonists, In both contexts we are dealing with forms of without considering the relationship between cultural self-assertion that are based on the this world and the predominant system (see transmission of ‘deviant’ value and behaviour 3.8). In the face of this, Willis insists on the norms between the generations. And in both need to involve in the investigation theoretical contexts the refusal to ‘play the (exposed) game’ knowledge that cannot be directly ‘extracted’ is central to these value norms. from the field of enquiry, so as to take account of the historically given circumstances within which the subjects are acting. Willis gave to 4 ON THE ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH this approach the acronym TIES: Theoretically PRACTICE OF CULTURAL STUDIES Informed Ethnographic Study. This type of theory- driven research already begins in the selection Although ethnographic research is central to the of the research field: ‘Why precisely are you in work of the CCCS, there are in fact few truly this locale rather than another?’ (Marcus 1986: ethnographic studies; Willis’s harsh judgement that 172). Learning to Labour displays this kind of the ‘CCCS hasn’t really had a genuinely ethno- strategic choice of scenario, but adapts itself graphic tradition’ (1997: 187) may seem exag- particularly well to the transition from school to gerated but has a core of truth. Experienced-based the world of work, in order to investigate questions Flick 2.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 39


of the reproduction of systems from the action The effects of Learning to Labour are still felt even perspective of the subjects. It is precisely in the today, and this is to be seen not least in ability to bring more order – whether we call it follow-up studies such as Learning Capitalist system or society – into the realm of ethno- Culture (Foley 1990), which pursue the method- graphy where the particular success of Willis’s ological procedures first established by Paul Willis. research methods is to be found. ‘Learning to Labour is thus the most compre- hensive meditation on a trend of experimenta- FURTHER READING tion that seeks to adapt the writing of ethnography to take into account larger issues of political economy and broader vistas of rep- Marcus, G. E. (1986) ‘Contemporary Problems of resentation’ (Marcus 1986: 177). In this way Ethnography in the Modern World System’, in ethnography succeeds, in its best moments, in J. Clifford and G. E. Marcus (eds), Writing allowing structure to be recognized as a result of Culture. The Poetics and Politics of Ethno- human activity, and in the case of the ‘lads’ as graphy. Berkeley, CA: University of California the unintended consequences of goal-directed Press. pp. 165–193. behaviour. Furthermore, beyond the ethno- grapher’s traditional search for the ‘native’s Willis, P. (1997) ‘TIES. Theoretically Informed point of view’, ethnography here becomes a Ethnographic Study’, in S. Nugent and C. Shore form of cultural criticism which, as Marcus (eds), Anthropology and Cultural Studies. (1986: 180) points out, is ‘embodied’ in the lives London and Chicago: University of Chicago of victims of macro-social systems. Press. pp. 182–192. Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 40

2.5 Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler and Goldy Parin-Matthèy

Maya Nadig and Johannes Reichmayr

1 The perspective of ethno-psychoanalytical questions 40 2 Field research in West Africa – development of techniques and theory construction 40 3 The researcher in ethno-psychoanalytical field research 42 4 Ethno-psychoanalysis in understanding cultures and societies 42 5 Overview of ethno-psychoanalysis today 43

1 THE PERSPECTIVE OF different social and cultural circumstances, for ETHNO-PSYCHOANALYTICAL example with West Africans who still live in QUESTIONS village communities and according to their own traditions, compared to Western Europeans. Paul Parin, Goldy Parin-Matthèy and Fritz Morgenthaler are looked upon as the founders of ethno-psychoanalysis. During their research 2 FIELD RESEARCH IN WEST visits to West Africa in the 1950s and 1960s they AFRICA – DEVELOPMENT OF succeeded, for the first time in the history of TECHNIQUES AND THEORY linking psychoanalysis with ethnology, in apply- CONSTRUCTION ing the methods and techniques of Freudian psychoanalysis to an ethnological investigation The first trip to West Africa, from December of members of tradition-directed cultures. The 1954 to April 1955, had no predetermined Freudian structural model of the psyche (id, ego, scientific goals. Curiosity and an interest in super-ego), the ego-psychology and its further understanding and conducting a psychoanalyt- developments, formed the theoretical basis and ical investigation of unfamiliar types of experi- starting point for the investigations of the ence and behaviour were aroused in the course Zürich research group. They examined the of this trip and became crucial for later research different attempts to apply psychoanalysis in activities. the social sciences. In the field of ethnology the The development of ethno-psychoanalysis and Zürich psychoanalysts used, in particular, the its methodological approach can be broken studies by Werner Muensterberger of Chinese down into three stages. On the first two journeys migrants in the United States (1970) and the through West Africa (1954–1955 and 1956–1957) investigations of the American ‘Culture and data on striking behaviour patterns were collected, Personality School’ (cf. Reichmayr 1995). Their systematized and psychoanalytically evaluated, special interest was in the investigation of struc- using techniques for interpreting character tural aspects of the organization of the inner- analyses with regard to the structure and dyna- psyche, which can be summarized in the mics of the psyche. The purpose of this was to question of whether different laws apply in arrive at some more general statements about the Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 41


personality of West Africans. After completion of on Dogon culture and society, the results of 25 the first trip intense ethnological studies began, psychiatric investigations and Goldy Parin- and henceforth these became a fixed component Matthèy’s Rorschach-table interpretations of of the ethno-psychoanalytical research activities. 100 subjects as a non-linguistic project collec- The interpretative techniques of comparative tion procedure. character analysis and the insights yielded by this From the experience of applying psychoana- constituted the first step in the development of a lytic methods with the Dogon it may be clearly new field of psychoanalytical research. concluded ‘that Western psychology only The use of the main instruments of psycho- describes a particular instance of the possible analysis, transference and dealing with resistance, compositions of the human mind’ (Parin et al. belonged to the next step, where psychoanaly- 1993: 534). tical technique was freed from its clinical setting The fifth research field trip to West Africa and applied to an area of ethnological investiga- began in December 1965 and lasted until 1966. tion as a research method. This was done for the Its aim was to carry out an ethno-psychoanalytical first time, in the course of conversations to field investigation with the Agni, who lived in introduce psychoanalyses, with the Dogon the tropical rainforest of Ivory Coast. The large people in the West African state of Mali during quantity of material that the researchers were able the third research trip (from December 1959 to to collect in the course of this investigation was May 1960). The Dogon were selected because a published in 1971 in the book Fürchte deinen sufficient number of them could speak a European Nächsten wie dich sellbst: Psychoanalyse und language and their ancient way of life, together Gesellschaft am Modell der Agni in Westafrika [Fear with their traditional and religious institutions, your Neighbour as much as Yourself: Psycho- had largely survived. The study, entitled Die analysis and Society on the Model of the Agni in Weissen denken zuviel: Psychoanalytische West Africa] (Parin et al. 1971). In relation to the Untersuchungen bei den Dogon in Westafrika [The research with the Agni there is also a series of White People Think too much: Psychoanalytical shorter publications dealing with questions (of Investigations with the Dogon People in West culture shift, psychoanalytic aggression theory Africa] (Parin, Morgenthaler and Parin-Matthèy, and culture-specific forms of the Oedipus 4th edition 1993) was first published in 1963. complex) for which ethno-psychoanalytical Unlike the investigations of the first and second experience with the Agni and Dogon peoples and trips, the research aim was now only to discover psychoanalyses within the writers’ own culture details about the inner life and the unconscious provided a basis (Parin 1992; Parin and Parin- mental structures of the persons being investi- Matthèy 1988). Unlike the investigation with gated, and ‘to test whether the technique of the Dogon, in which the idea of the psychic psychoanalysis was suitable for understanding structure of individuals was central, particular the inner life of people who live in a tradition- attention is paid, with the Agni, to the interplay directed West African social structure’ (Parin between individual and social structures, and 1965: 342), and also for acquiring knowledge of prominence is given to the study of the indivi- how the ego has developed from the id: ‘The pur- dual within the framework of a particular culture. pose of the investigation is to get Africans to Proceeding from the intentionally differently speak to us in this way about how they them- selected conditions with the Agni, compared to selves think and feel, and to enable us to under- the Dogon, the researchers came to the assump- stand them’ (Parin et al. 1993: 34). tion that there would also be far-reaching differ- For this purpose, Paul Parin and Fritz ences in the psychology of the Agni, and they Morgenthaler conducted series of psychoanaly- saw in this a ‘challenge to the direct application tical conversations with 13 Dogon people over a of psychoanalytic method: can it contribute to period of several months. Each individual took the understanding of matrilineally organized part in 20–40 sessions, making up a total of 350 societies, even though it grew out of the psy- hours. Shorthand transcripts of the sittings were chology of patrilineal organization and one of taken, and these recorded the ‘free associations’ its fundamental concepts – the real or assumed of the persons under analysis. To understand Oedipal conflict – derives exclusively from a this correctly, they considered, in addition to system of patriarchal family organization?’ information already available in the literature (Parin et al. 1971: 13). Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 42


This question was embedded in a superordinate conditions for a theoretical understanding of the research aim: with the help of ethno- relationship between the individual and society psychoanalysis with the Agni, it was intended to (see 5.20). make a contribution to the relationship between psychoanalysis and the social sciences, by show- ing the interlocking of individual and social 4 ETHNO-PSYCHOANALYSIS forces using the technical and methodological IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURES resources of psychoanalysis. The interrelation AND SOCIETIES between social and individual factors becomes clear if one can consider the historical dimen- The ethno-psychoanalytical observations and sion of mental experiences, establish the con- investigations that were made in West Africa nection between the type of economy and between 1954 and 1971 led to ‘insights about psychic structure or compare the nature of indi- previously unknown or undervalued connec- vidual relationships to social structure. tions between social institutions and uncon- scious processes’ which ‘forced themselves upon us’ (Parin 1989: 103). The result was that it 3 THE RESEARCHER IN became clear that, above all, the effects of social ETHNO-PSYCHOANALYTICAL forces are manifest and foregrounded in the FIELD RESEARCH individual, whereas biological aspects are less important than the cultural conditions. The One essential dimension of research is con- psychoanalysts’ experiences in this tradition- nected with the reflection of one’s own role as a directed culture were the reverse of psychoana- researcher, which is constantly required. lytical activity in their own society. The ethno-psychoanalytical ideas were If one wishes to give a theoretical description of the mental development and its product – the psychical makeup – of the Agni, which we inves- developed among the Africans and, simultane- tigated using the equipment and methods of psy- ously and subsequently, with our subjects in choanalysis, one cannot do this comparatively: Switzerland in the course of direct examinations ‘with us it is like this, and with them it is differ- of individuals. In this we first used, without ent’. The inevitable involvement of the observer modifications, the psychoanalytic theory – or in his/her own psychology, reliance on the values, metapsychology – of Sigmund Freud, his associ- judgments and prejudices of the home cultural ates and followers. Only when this theory was community and class ideology will distort and simply inadequate to explain our observations did mutilate what the investigator wanted to discover. we modify it, add something, omit or change It is only the abstract conceptual world of something else. We did not, of course, arrive at a metapsychology, with its theories, hypotheses new and watertight theory. But our hypotheses and conjectures that reduces this difficult and – in and assumptions had a reciprocal effect on our its individual and cultural properties – incompa- psychoanalytical attitudes, they influenced our rable mental structure to simple precepts. behaviour as analysts and could perhaps assist Structures, functions and developmental stages other analysts to understand better the problems sustain, to be measured against those of different of their subjects. (Parin 1980: 6) people in a different environment. (Parin et al. 1971: 505) This experience with the Dogon and Agni peoples sharpened awareness of relationships In the same way as with the Dogon, the need in the researchers’ own society. The ethno- also arose with the Agni of ascribing to the psychoanalytical investigations had made totally development of the ego and super-ego certain clear the effect of social forces on the individual. special functions that were tentatively presented These insights created the distance necessary in in the terms ‘group-ego’ and ‘clan-consciousness’. psychoanalytical work within one’s own culture Essential differences, compared to experience in to grasp complex social processes and to include European psychoanalytic practice, were also them in the theory and practice of psycho- found in the formation of Oedipal conflicts. All analysis. At the theoretical level they took modifications took account of the requirement account of these experiences with the model of that the research was intended to make use of the adaptation-mechanisms of the ego. The psychoanalytical theory in order to create better adaptation-mechanisms ‘relieved the ego of the Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 43


constant dispute with the external world … just 5 OVERVIEW OF as the defence-mechanisms do when confronted ETHNO-PSYCHOANALYSIS TODAY with the demands of rejected impulses’ (Parin 1977: 485). Now they examined the functioning It is interesting to note that the advances that of adaptation-mechanisms in their own culture, are being made today in epistemological discus- and this led to ‘identification with the ideology sion of constructivist (see 3.4) and post- of a role’ and brought the phenomena of power structuralist (see 3.3) concepts are, in scientific and dominance under scrutiny. This could be terms, very close to the theoretical and methodo- used to approach the social environment, but logical positions of ethno-psychoanalysis. This not as in the past (by Freud and on the model of relates, at the methodological level, to the tech- the psychoanalytic ego-psychology) as an niques of psychoanalysis, which attach great immutable mass. It was now possible to study importance to the unconscious, to subjectivity, different social and community-based circum- to the course of a relationship and to the spe- stances and structural relations affecting the cific context (frame/setting), which collect and functioning of the ego, and in this way to interpret material, using the method of free determine the achievements of the ego in an association, that is bound to sequences of con- environment that was constantly changing and flict or process, to circumstances specific to parti- affecting it. This ‘ethno-psychoanalytical’ exten- cular places and situations and to relationships. sion of psychoanalysis permitted a broader psy- The more unambiguously Parin, Morgenthaler choanalytical investigation of the individual in and Parin-Matthèy implemented this approach a society. The obstacles to working out the pro- in their ethno-psychoanalytical research, the cedure were not at the theoretical level or in the more precisely they were thereby anticipating a basic assumptions of psychoanalytic theory, statement of the research postulates of post- which had always taken account of the effect of structuralism. The systematic use of the techni- social forces in its work. They lay rather in the ques of psychoanalysis as a method of field circumstances under which psychoanalysis was research broke the social science taboo on con- carried out in the home culture: text, time and place-related interpretation.1 From a retrospective point of view, the metho- The psychoanalytical observer always belonged to dological integration of psychoanalysis into the same society and often to the same class as the ethnology developed rather slowly. It started in subject under investigation, and both parties had the United States with ‘culture-and-personality’ undergone more or less the same socialization research (1930–1960), when ethnologists first process. The necessary distance for the under- found a theoretical orientation in psychoanalysis standing of social processes could rarely be and organized their classic field studies around achieved. At least this one difficulty disappears if psychoanalytic concepts and essentialist cultural one applies the tool of psychoanalysis to members of a different people, especially if one theories. can put oneself beyond what has been called the Georges Devereux, in addition to his research ‘Western cultural circle’. Then the relationship of in different cultures (1951, 1961), developed a social institutions and processes to psychic struc- concept of ethnic defence mechanisms (1974) tures and functions emerges far more clearly. and a method theory to link ethnology and psy- (Parin 1976: 2) choanalysis. He focused on the role and fears of the researcher in the field and showed how The attempt to go beyond the adaptation- ‘objective’ methods could be used as a defence mechanisms of the ego to the psychoanalysis of against these fears of transfer (1967). Among his social processes distinguishes itself from other students in Paris were Tobie Nathan (1977, experiments of this sort in that it uses the tools 1988, 1995; Nathan and Stengers 1995) and of psychoanalysis itself, its methods and Marie Rose Moro (1994, 1998). theory, while maintaining the drive and conflict A first methodological approximation between model of psychoanalysis. The psychology of the psychoanalysis and ethnology was brought ego was so extended that the effect of social about in the period between the 1950s and processes could be explained in the place ‘where 1970s, particularly by a group of psychoanalysts they make themselves visible: in the inner life trained in the USA, with whom Paul Parin was of the individual’ (Parin and Parin-Matthèy in contact. Their methodological procedure 1992: 14). was a blend of ethnological observation, Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 44


Rorschach tests and systematic psychiatric and and navel-gazing, or ‘discovering the self in psychoanalytic interviews with members of an others’ (cf., for example, Kohl 1992). ‘alien’ culture (e.g. Boyer 1980, 1983). The In the history of psychoanalysis an important forum for many of these studies was The role has been played by the question of the Psychoanalytic Study of Society (Boyer and breadth and transferability of psychoanalytic Grolnik 1975) This interest in ethno- methodology and, more recently, its techniques. psychoanalysis has lasted until the present day There has been discussion of whether the (cf. Crapanzano 1973, 1983, 1985; Gehrie 1989; ‘method’ (= techniques) can be extended to Heald and Deluz 1994; Muensterberger 1970; diagnosis and therapy: many authors have rela- Obeyesekere 1990). tivized the metatheory and – albeit so far only In European ethno-psychoanalysis – mostly implicitly – have put the accent, in linking psy- inspired by the works of Parin, Morgenthaler choanalysis and social science, on the discovery and Parin-Matthèy – there were several mono- potential of psychoanalytic techniques. What graphs by psychoanalysts with an interest in they see as important are the uninhibited con- ethnology (Nadig 1986; Rodriguez-Rabanal centration, work with the setting (Morgenthaler 1990; Tripet 1990; Weilenmann 1992). At the 1978) in which encounters take place, and trans- same time ethno-psychoanalytical questions ference. Winnicott (1997) developed the con- were taken up by ethnologists who underwent cept of the ‘Übergangsraum’ (= ‘transitional analysis or collaborated with psychoanalysts to space’) and thereby opened up to psychoana- produce a range of empirical studies (e.g. lytic technique a dimension for the unspeak- Crapanzano 1973, 1983; Kayales 1998; Kubik able, the not-yet-language-capable, in the 1993, 1994; Roth 1998; Weidmann 1990; Weiss process of individuation and symbol formation; 1991; and others). According to the conditions and Bion, in his book Learning from Experience under which they lived in the field, they applied (1962), formulated the conditions which the the concepts and the methodological approach analyst (as enquirer/researcher) must set him/ of ‘classical’ psychoanalysis in very different herself to be able to provide a ‘container’ for the ways. The strictest possible monitoring of trans- sensations and experiences that cannot yet be ference, therefore, became an ever more impor- understood in the relationship. Roy Schafer tant requirement.2 (1981) criticized the historic fixedness and bare- Theoretical works on ethno-psychoanalysis ness of metatheoretical concepts as opposed to concern themselves with its history and theory the mobility and context-relatedness of psycho- (Adler 1993; Erdheim and Nadig 1983; analytical technique as an interpretative process. Hauschild 1981; Heinrichs 1993; Zinser 1984), Or else there is argument as to whether psycho- with the role of the subconscious in the rela- analysis and the social sciences can be unified at tionship between the individual and society all (Reiche 1995). The scientific application of (Erdheim 1982, 1988), and with methodological psychoanalytic techniques – the principle of questions (e.g. Leithäuser and Volmerg 1988; transference to objects, texts and works of art, Nadig 1992; Nadig and Erdheim 1980; Saller the analysis of the unfamiliar structures that 1993). A sound overview of the development of reside in cultural products – began with Lorenzer ethno-psychoanalysis and its most important (1981b; see 5.20). It was continued by Leithäuser literature is given in Reichmayr (1995, 2000). and Volmerg (1988) and extended to groups Extracts from the spectrum of more recent work and questions of social psychology (Keupp may be found in the series Ethnopsychoanalyse 1994; Menschik-Bendele and Ottomeyer 1998). (from 1990). Leuzinger (1998) supports the ‘packaging’ of Critical discussions of the relationship between quantifiable methods with psychoanalytic proce- psychoanalysis and ethnology focus on the dures in psychological research. These method- categorial aspects of psychoanalytic metapsy- ological links are very similar to the strategies of chology that is imposed on the living nature of ethno-psychoanalysis. the data (Reiche 1995), and on the question- At present psychoanalysts who have accumu- ability of such typological concepts as the image lated experience with migrants are moving in a of women, the notion of homosexuality, and so practice-related ethno-psychoanalytic or ethno- on. Methodology and technique are irritated by psychiatric direction. Techniques and settings the principle of self-reflection, which may be are being developed to accommodate the multi- misunderstood as ethnocentric self-reflection ple cultural and often unspeakably traumatic Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 45


experience of refugees and migrants that will (Dammann 1991), story-telling (Abu Lughod make possible a continuous shared observation 1991, 1993), thick description and self-reflection of its significance (Bazzi 1996; Möhring and (Geertz, 1972, 1973a; Clifford and Marcus 1986; Apsel 1995; Moro 1994, 1998; Nathan 1988, Clifford 1986a,b, 1988a; see 3.3). 1995; Ottomeyer 1997; Pedrina 1999; Peltzer With the post-structuralist paradigm shift, 1995). An impressive collection of innovative certain principles gained weight in ethnology, psychoanalytical and ethnological concepts is literary and cultural studies that ethno- to be found in the book Überlebenskunst in Über- psychoanalytic methodology had already devel- gangswelten [The Art of Survival in Worlds in oped and differentiated long before. The Transition] (Ninck Gbeassor 1999). methodological viewpoints and the technical The convergence between the social sciences tools that other disciplines have benefited from and ethno-psychoanalysis began with the so- had been developed in psychoanalysis or ethno- called postmodernist change of epistemological psychoanalysis in a process lasting some 10 paradigms in philosophy (e.g Kuhn 1970; years. Among these are: Lyotard 1993; Toulmin 1990), which questioned the dualist and objectivist concepts of science • Predominantly qualitative work in which the and opened the way to dynamic, process-based representation of case histories and ‘story- and relational concepts. The social and literary- telling’ play an important role. critical awareness of the problems of generaliz- • Transparency of the research relationship by ing statements and classifications and of the means of the reflection of transference context-relatedness of every discovery was phenomena and the context-relatedness of sharpened; the status of qualitative social relationships. research was greatly enhanced (cf. Flick 2002). • Interpretation of situation-specific, subjective In the context of the debate on ‘writing culture’ or emotional materials, i.e. contextualization that was carried out in ethnology and cultural and specification instead of categorization. sciences it was equally a question of the relati- • Consideration of sequences, i.e. research and vity of ethnographic work, and the fact that research-relationship are seen as processes. ethnologists are only ever able to describe a relationship – the relationship between the With the increasing concentration on the researcher, with his/her own provenance, and structure of the discovery process and on trans- the alien environment. In the post-colonial parency of method, so that it can accommodate crisis in ethnology it was realized that a conse- complexity of culture, a congenial kind of rela- quence of a de-territorialized, globalized and tionship has developed between post-structuralist interlocking world was a change in the theory social science, post-colonial ethnology, and and practice of the science. (e.g. Berg and Fuchs ethno-psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis, 1993; Hall 1994, 1997; Hannerz 1992, 1995; which has so far attracted little attention or Kuper 1973; and others). Examples of this are discussion. the breakdown of the traditional territorial and unified concept of culture in favour of a process- based concept, or the move to analysing the NOTES construction of discourses from a variety of per- spectives and in a range of contexts rather than 1 This claim, that ethno-psychoanalytical research is ‘realities’. close to post-structuralist positions on knowledge, This may be summed up in the following relates in particular to its methodological proce- key-words: abandoning the requirement for dure. But this does not exclude the possibility that objectivity, premature generalizations and cate- in the secondary interpretation of conversational gorizations; a more dynamic basic concept of data reference may be made to essentialist cultural culture and ethnicity, and of the essentialist models, and this would again reduce or remove the process-vitality of the primary data. We are dealing concept is of sex and gender; a critique of dual- here with two different levels and two different ist thinking that divided up the world in terms stages in the interpretation (cf. Signer 1994). of binary oppositions; acceptance of the con- 2 Apart from the necessary adjustment to the parti- text-relatedness of every scientific statement; cular field situation (individual or team-research upgrading of qualitative research and the with mutual supervision), what is also important is methodological principle of dialogic practice the fact that by no means all researchers have Flick 2.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:22 PM Page 46


training in psychoanalysis or experience of the FURTHER READING psychoanalytic approach to perception, or of its methodology. What will be of decisive value for the further development of ethno-psychoanalysis Boyer, L. B. and Grolnik, S. A. (eds) (1988) Essays as method and practice will be how training in this in Honor of George Devereux (The discipline can be improved. It is very demanding: Psychoanalytic Study of Society, Volume 12). ethnological and psychoanalytical competence Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. need to be linked together. Ethnologists rarely have any psychoanalytical competence and psychoana- lysts are rarely competent in ethnology. It is in the Boyer, L. B. and Grolnick, S. A. (eds) (1989) Essays interest of all three disciplines that there should be in Honor of Paul Parin (The Psychoanalytic intensive work to solve this problem. Study of Society, Volume 14). Hillsdale, NJ: The In this chapter ethno-psychoanalytical works are Analytic Press. mentioned which (1) see themselves as such in their own estimation, or (2) locate themselves in Parin, P. (1980) Fear the Neighbour as Thyself: the tradition of the debate between psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and Society among the Anyi of and ethnology; and (3) which show the most fully West Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago developed application that could really be called Press. ethno-psychoanalysis and makes use of the tech- niques of psychoanalysis (first found in Parin, Parin-Matthèy and Morgenthaler). Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 47

2.6 Clifford Geertz

Stephan Wolff

1 Clifford Geertz and his scientific background 47 2 The development of the research programme 48 3 Elements of ethnological understanding 49 4 Results and criticisms of Geertz’s programme 51

‘Thick Description’ is the most literate Harvard (PhD 1956), which was then completely theater in town! Organizational under the influence of ’s Mission: ... For us theater is our thick attempts at interdisciplinary integration. Geertz description of the world around us. himself emphasizes the enormous influence Target audience: ‘crossover audi- that Parsons had on him – not least because he ence’. (From the website of the introduced him to Weber and Durkheim. Other theatre with the same name in San Francisco) colleagues who impressed him at this time were Allport, Bruner, Kluckhohn, Krech and Murray. Coming to understand qualitative research by A legacy of this time – despite all later empha- contrasting different research styles is a particu- sis on the aspect of action – consists of a clear larly good description of Clifford Geertz’s preference for a systematic rather than a person- understanding of science. What is fascinating centred approach. Geertz adopted from Kroeber about his work is not the originality of the and Parsons (1958) the definitive thesis they put methods that he used in his fieldwork in Java, forward of a dichotomy between culture and Bali and Morocco, but his research attitude that society. This held that culture relates to values, finds expression in this work. It is manifest in a ideas and symbols and relates to social interac- specific way of writing up and describing eth- tion only through them. As with Weber, nological facts that he calls ‘thick description’. Durkheim and Parsons, Geertz’s individuals In work on and with descriptions Geertz sees remain collective and anonymous. With him the decisive options for interpretative work in there is always in the foreground the question ethnology, a thought that was taken up with of how culture directs and determines actions, great interest by a range of social sciences and rather than how members of society actively, humanities. and on their own initiative, integrate cultural forms of expression into meaningful patterns of experience or apply them for practical goals. 1 CLIFFORD GEERTZ AND HIS Geertz also follows Parsons in saying that he SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND views culture as holding a position equal to, or perhaps higher than or even superordinate to, Geertz (b. 1923) first studied English literature other social function-systems. and philosophy and only turned to anthropo- At the beginning of the 1970s Geertz formu- slogy after his BA. He carried out his graduate lated his research position in three program- studies in the Department of Social Relations at matic articles (1972, 1973b, 1984b) that have Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 48


become ethnological ‘classics’. These works gave discredited, the problem of conceptualizing the an essential impulse to the shift in the focus of ‘native’s point of view’ in some new way has to interest in (not only) his discipline towards be formulated and solved. As Geertz tries to interpretative approaches (Ortner 1984). They argue in a series of critical commentaries of other resulted in Geertz becoming probably the most prominent ethnological theories (cf. Geertz frequently quoted ethnologist of modern times. 1988), this problem cannot be naturalistically This popularity is admittedly often associated glossed over nor psychoanalytically evaded; it with simplifications and misunderstandings. cannot be solved by structuralism nor materially Problematic attempts at reception are, for example, trivialized. The job of ethnologists is rather to those which try to do one of the following with grasp the meaning of social events and to do this the ‘thick description’ form of representation on the basis of the observation of simple actions. that Geertz developed: But a detailed observation would, in itself, not yield a meaningful picture of a situation. • to reduce it to a research technique and fit it Instead, it is necessary to unravel the multiple into the normal arsenal of methods; layers of local meanings, in order to arrive at a • to monopolize it as a patent recipe for a number comprehensive and insightful picture of the of quite different disciplines; or social circumstances under investigation. • to trivialize it by equating and confusing it with Geertz never tired of pointing out that an providing detail and colourful descriptions. ethnological analysis that can achieve this is a particular form of knowledge and not a question Moreover, such questionable tendencies have of methods or methodology. What really distin- not ceased, because Geertz has normally left guishes the enterprise is a particular mental both opponents and supporters to their own effort, a complicated act of intellectual daring. devices in their attempts at reconstruction. As a To characterize the risky effort, he used the dis- result of this he has become not only an object tinction proposed by Gilbert Ryle (1971) between of reverent admiration but also a popular target a ‘thin’ and a ‘thick’ description of a fact. This for some very varied types of criticism. Some difference may be clarified with Ryle’s own attack him as an ‘anything-goes-relativist’ who example of describing the winking of two boys has gambled carelessly with the status of ethno- in the presence of a third: winking is described logy as an objective discipline, while others ‘thinly’ if it is reduced to noting a rapid attack him as a latent but therefore all the more movement of the eyelids. Conversely a ‘thick stubborn realist. Geertz, who, in the 1970s and description’ of this specific winking may 1980s represented the ethnographic avant- amount to stating that the winker was only pre- garde, is today seen almost as a conservative by tending to wink to make an uninitiated third many of his postmodernist followers. Even party believe that there was some kind of secret among his opponents there was hardly one who agreement. would dispute his contribution to moving ethno- The ‘thickness’ of a description is apparently logy from an exotic and highly specialized not confined to its wealth of detail or its credi- marginal position to the centre of intellectual bility. It should relate to the conceptual system debate. Almost no one can escape his influence, of what is being investigated (‘emic analysis’). and not only in his own discipline; as head of Thick descriptions are, in the first place, our (re-) the School of Science, Institute of Advanced constructions of what the participants construct Studies in Princeton he also occupies one of the at the time. Producing them is therefore like the most prominent positions of leadership in the task of an arts critic who has to comment on a field of international scholarship. performance or interpret a painting. The fact that, precisely for scientific reasons, a procedure of this nature is not only required but also reali- 2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF zable is – in Geertz’s opinion – entirely consis- THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME tent with his understanding of culture:

The basis for his views on ethnological under- The concept of culture I espouse … is essentially a standing is the thesis that after empathy, naïve semiotic one. Believing, with Max Weber, that realism and other supposedly immediate access man is an animal suspended in webs of signifi- points to the problem or to reality have been cance he himself has spun, I take culture to be Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 49


those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore sociology, folklore, literary criticism, history) not an experimental science in search of law but and from other orientations (such as classical an interpretative one in search of meaning. It is ethnography or phenomenology) in its specific explication I am after, construing social expres- form of ethnographic representation: by its thick sions on their surface enigmatical. (1973b: 5) description. Its special quality consists of its microscopic approach, which implies that it con- Geertz conceives of cultures as systems of centrates on individual, comparatively small symbolic forms. In so far as social action con- social phenomena.1 Geertz seeks to isolate those sists of the constant interchange of significant symbolic elements of a culture that express in symbols, these symbols are at the same time exemplary fashion the basic modes of experi- both the product and the medium of processes of ence and orientation of that culture: in his own social action and comprehension (see 3.3). On words this is a process that can scarcely be the one hand they impart decisive information planned, and which is highly dependent about life in the particular social setting – world- on chance but also on disciplined intuition view – and, on the other, indicators as to how a (cf. Ostrow 1990: 67). Geertz reads these central member should live, feel and act there – ethos. symbols as ‘metasocial comments’ on the parti- Together with the meanings with which they cular culture. are bound up, they form part of a cultural totality As a rule these are elaborated situational con- of relationships whose components are bound stellations or rituals (like cock-fights and burial together and refer to each other. ceremonies in Bali, Javanese neighbourhood fes- The ‘closeness’ of this binding can, of course, tivals or Moroccan markets). But these may also vary. Geertz (1980) describes an extreme example be different terms and their respective semantic of coherence in the Balinese Theatre-State of the fields, such as the concepts of justice in the nineteenth century, where he finds correspon- Malay, Islamic or Hindu cultural circles (Geertz dences between the arrangement of major state 1966), or even particular paradigmatic persons rituals, the layout of the buildings in the ruler’s who are introduced and used as metaphors for a palace, the geography of Balinese principalities, particular culture. (In these cases, for the special the relative importance of different status groups kind of spirituality of Islam in Java or Morocco; and their historical changes, the structure of Geertz 1968.) foreign trade dealings and the settings of dates The basis and the first step for a thick descrip- for the irrigation of fields. In this way the tion is a brief portrayal of what happened as it Balinese state is crystallized as a gigantic multidi- appeared immediately to the observers of the mensional work of art in which all the available occurrences involved. Geertz begins with the levels of signs point to the example of the centre. native’s understanding of reality (for instance, by using terms for its portrayal that are as close as possible to the experience), but in his subse- 3 ELEMENTS OF ETHNOLOGICAL quent analysis he goes significantly beyond this. UNDERSTANDING Interpretation, in his words, ‘consists in trying to rescue the “said” of … discourse from its Ethnological understanding follows a specific perishing occasions and fix it in pursuable thought movement: Geertz talks of a constant terms’ (Geertz 1973b: 20). In view of the situa- fluctuation between locally specific details and tional contingencies of social action the task of surrounding structures, of a progressive spiral of the ethnologist is ‘like trying to read … a general observations and detailed commentaries manuscript – foreign, faded, full of ellipses, (1984b: 134). Culture presents itself to its eth- incoherences, suspicious emendations, and ten- nological observers as a publicly performed and, dentious commentaries, but written not in con- in that sense, readable document. They produce ventionalized graphs of sound but in transient different and, if possible, more profound and examples of shaped behavior’ (Geertz 1973b: 10). complex interpretations of these ‘performances’ Geertz seeks this key to the ‘said’ not in any (for example, of their interpretations by the causes, conditions or correlations with other members of the culture being investigated) than variables external to the phenomenon itself but are available to these members themselves. in or by means of the description of the pheno- Geertz’s procedure differs from that of other menon. For this purpose he demonstrates, in a disciplines concerned with culture (such as second step, the other descriptions which lie Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 50


beyond the level of the obvious or which can be supported by the interpretations of ‘natives’, additionally developed on the basis of field against the background of prior knowledge, and observations and other knowledge of the culture must in this way attribute meaning to them. In in question or analogous phenomena in other this sense thick descriptions inevitably represent cultures. In this way, a large number of quite fictions (‘something produced’) for which the different interpretative documents are accumu- ethnologist must accept responsibility – without lated which can allow the particular pheno- ultimately being able to appeal to some base of menon to become transparent from a series of incontrovertible fact. This affects all the inter- different perspectives. For this assembling of pretations made by ethnologists in the light of levels of meaning there is no cut-off point: thick theoretical assumptions, and these assumptions description remains open-ended in principle. influence the process of ethnological discovery Geertz notes that the research must leap from down to the level of direct experience. Although one meaning-level to another in order to unify key symbols (Ortner 1972) or total social facts (in the different representations in a single fabric the sense of Marcel Mauss) seem particularly and again to be able to recognize and make suited to Geertz’s kind of description, it is in fact transparent a conceptual pattern in this. The only the ‘thickness’ of an ethnographic descrip- result of this interpretation should then be tion that gives objects their ‘depth’. applied interpretatively to the components to The mode of representation in interpretative produce, ultimately, a completely new reading of ethnology is, however, not limited to thick the original text. A description gains in ‘thick- descriptions. The third step consists of drawing ness’ to the extent to which the different levels analytically substantial conclusions from indi- of representation link together and complement vidual thickly described objects. To create a one another from an interpretative point of deeper ‘reading’ of a cultural phenomenon it is view. ‘Thickness’ must not be confused with necessary to add its theoretical specification. This inductive generalization, triangulation or even specification, in the context of the interpreta- logical conclusion. The levels of description are tive procedure, corresponds to what classical not in a derivative relationship with each other approaches called ‘explanation’. Here it is a but in a relationship of juxtaposition. This means matter of establishing what knowledge acquired that two or more areas of cultural meaning or in this way has to tell us about the specific levels of description can be juxtaposed in text society in which it was obtained. What is also and argument in such a way that they can be interesting is what may be concluded in respect simultaneously linked and contrasted with each of answering more general questions of social other. The elaborate nature of these juxtaposi- theory that are completely independent of the tions becomes clear when Geertz, to give his particular research topic. readers a feeling for the particular form of the These were to be the themes of a collection of cultural organization of person-awareness in essays published in 1983: the figurative nature Bali, combines personal names, patronymics, of , the reciprocal moral effect of kinship titles, technonyms, status titles and contrasting mentalities, the practical difficulties public titles. In a further step he then projects in attempting to see facts as others see them, the on to these the Balinese concepts of time as epistemological status of common sense, the these are manifest in the different calendar revealing power of art, the symbolic construc- systems in use there or in an interplay between tion of authority, ‘the clattering variousness of them. In this way the text gives the impression modern intellectual life and the relationship that the different modes of symbolic structuring between what people take as a fact and what of experience in Bali interlock in complex ways, they regard as justice’ (cf. Geertz 1983c: 5). repeat themselves and mutually strengthen one In this way such different ‘art-forms’ as another. On all these social ‘stages’ and meaning Balinese cock-fighting, King Lear and Crime and levels the same drama is constantly being Punishment may profitably be related to one performed – namely, the ethos of Balinese culture. another: namely, in so far as, in their different If we are to capture the significance of social ways, they thematize existential challenges – forms of expression, the data obtained in inter- and here Geertz lists death, masculinity, anger, views and on-the-spot observation will not be pride, loss, mercy and happiness – and examine sufficient. The ethnologist must become person- their implications. Unlike the traditional under- ally active, must read these meanings, possibly standing, specifications do not aim at the Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 51


formation of ethnological theories or the testing Today culture must clearly be conceptualized, of hypotheses. On the contrary, for Geertz it is located and investigated in different ways: rather a question of ethnographically informed reflection on themes of more general intellectual • as fragmented between different groups but significance. He attempts to make a virtue out of also as a construct that is inconsistent in its the proverbial provinciality of ethnographers, manifestations: as a subject of disagreement who have only ‘their’ respective culture in view. between meaning-relations in regional, By bringing together, in a state of dynamic social and ideological border-areas; tension, the various ‘local knowledges’ that are • as a public performance with its own textual accessible to him through his fieldwork, he coherence, but one that is constantly being allows the reader to conceive of a bridging dis- produced and reinterpreted in situ; course community between cultures. Geertz thereby • as a fragile and continuously developing net- locates the real ethnological object neither in work of meanings which the most diverse the events that were observed in some remote actors join, sometimes in competition with villages, nor in thick descriptions of these, but, each other; as it were, between these two. In essence he is • as a tool-kit that members of society (can) interested in understanding culture as a whole use to shape and interpret social action in situ using the contrastive description of local and with regard to their practical goals cultures. (cf. Ortner 1997).

All of this, however, would require a withdrawal 4 RESULTS AND CRITICISMS not only from the culture-as-variable view OF GEERTZ’S PROGRAMME (which Geertz has done) but also, partly, from the culture-as-context view (which he avoids), Geertz has had many admirers but almost no and above all a fuller consideration of the aspect disciples or followers (Ortner 1997). While of cultural practice. It is precisely this point that Geertz is still in vogue in the humanities and most critical commentaries of Geertz’s research cultural studies, his influence within his own programme have attacked. discipline has clearly diminished. This can only On the one hand he is accused of disregarding be explained to a limited extent by the fact that the level of the ‘native’. Because he regards all his empirical claims have met with increasingly attempts to participate in indigenous discourse critical questioning (e.g. Wikan 1990). What as predestined to failure, Geertz prefers to adopt seem to be more important are the following the position of a distant and distinguished observer. two considerations. It is not only that his texts contain practically no first-order interpretations: there are almost 1 The ‘interpretative turn’ has turned increas- no second-order interpretations of the sort that ingly against itself and this has led to a observe the observations of natives. As an sometimes crippling and self-centred con- ethnographer he conducts a kind of ‘monologic centration on and preoccupation with epis- discourse’. By the elimination of concrete dis- temological and political questions of covery conditions and, in particular, all commu- ethnographic representation. (Geertz him- nicative and interactive instances, the ‘native’s’ self wrote the first ironically critical com- view is largely excluded from the ethnographic mentary along these lines in 1988.) text. Crapanzano (1986) criticizes the handicap 2 As a consequence of scientific developments that results from this: it leads to an aura of arbi- inside and outside of ethnology (such as trariness that diminishes what is convincing in those in cognitive anthropology, cultural his portrayals and stimulates doubts about the sociology, discursive psychology or eth- basis of his data. Moerman (1988) complains nomethodology), but also as a result of that Geertz’s interpretations are almost totally changes in world politics (where the global independent of what the subjects of his investiga- village increasingly seems to be a ‘world in tions actually said and did. Although Geertz pieces’ looking for some order in its differ- argues for the microscopic nature of thick ences), the question of an adequate under- descriptions and a notion of culture that is both standing of culture has become distinctly scenic and based on action theory, he does not more complex. look for culture in communicative action but Flick 2.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 52


primarily in words, symbols and rituals. And so scientific criteria. If, as Greenblatt (1997) Geertz stops at the gateway to interaction. In supposes, the ‘seductive power’ (Roseberry 1982) methodological terms this leads to a one-sided of Geertz’s work for non-ethnologists lies mainly concentration on ‘fine data’ and ‘interesting in the fact that, apart from their literary- cases’: in other words, to a problematic devalua- aesthetic qualities, they promise ‘contact with tion of the analytic scope of ‘thin’ descriptions the factual’, then this quasi-referential style of and of the cultural content-value or methodo- Geertz’s represents a variant of ‘genre blurring’ logical usefulness of social phenomena that are (Geertz 1983a) that is not without danger: presumed to be less ‘profound’ (cf. Sacks 1992 what is gained in imagination could easily be for an example of an opposing view). offset by a loss of confidence in the ‘empirical On the other hand, Geertz’s preference for set- foundation’. ting up elaborate relationships between various Geertz sees himself as a master of ‘unabsolute meaning levels, or between what is there and truths’ (Berreby 1995), as one who provides how it is there, has led to accusations of rela- curative irritations and prevents us from finding tivism (cf. Shankman 1984). This is unjustified easy answers: a highly potent medicine, and not in so far as Geertz looks upon relativism primar- a household remedy for the everyday work of ily as a methodological strategy and does not qualitative research. therefore see it in the same way as critics of rel- ativism, as an epistemological position. Even if he might therefore be considered rather as an NOTE anti anti-relativist (cf. Geertz 1984a), his plura- lism, his predilection for cultural differences, 1 Microscopic does not mean microanalytical. contrasts, conflicts and nuances, are neverthe- Microanalytical approaches (such as context analy- less very strongly characteristic of his work. sis, ethnography of communication or conversa- Unlike most of his colleagues, he compares not tion analysis) are concerned with how everyday processes of interaction are organized, whereas for only what is there with how it is there, but even Geertz it is important to explore the meaning con- different cultures with each other. Taken tent of a small section of culture. He aims not at together with the reflexivity he emphasizes, this more exact viewing (such as that obtained sometimes leads him to an ironic and coquet- with video recordings) but at more profound tish nonchalance about the standards of empir- interpretations. ical work (e.g. Geertz 1995: 17f.). What is daring but also fascinating about this way of presenting ethnographic information is FURTHER READING that when we read it, the borders between here and there, between reality and imagination, between science and poetry begin – if not to dis- Geertz, C. (2000) Available Light. Anthro- appear – at least to become blurred. A feeling of pological Reflexions on Philosophical Topics. ambivalence grows in the reader: is what Geertz Princeton, NJ: Press. states really a reconstruction of the meaning that this kind of social action has for the native, Inglies, F. (2000) Clifford Geertz. Culture, Custom or is it only what Geertz induces or reads into it? and Ethics. Cambridge: Polity Press. For the claims that he makes, an empirical foun- dation is signalled as given (‘ethnographically Ostrow, J. M. (1990) ‘The Availability of Difference: informed’). But Geertz is notorious for omitting Clifford Geertz on Problems of Ethnographic more detailed indicators about their justifica- Research and Interpretation’, Qualitative tion or even justifiability according to normal Studies in Education, 3: 61–69. Flick 2.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 53

2.7 Norman K. Denzin: Life in Transit

Yvonna S. Lincoln

1 Introduction 53 2 The transit of disciplines: blurring genres 54 3 The transition through method: from classical sociology to postmodern performance 55

1 INTRODUCTION and narrative practices in ‘theor[ies] of the social’ (1996b), and consequently, theories of Perhaps no one has made such profound shifts, the social and linguistic codes and symbols or contributed to as many genres – or to the which both mark and create culture. Indeed, blurring of so many genres – as Norman one of the most stable themes of his writing has K. Denzin. In the course of his career, he has been the attempt to merge or find important embraced two major courses of intellectual overlaps between symbolic interactionism and action: the ongoing exploration of sociology in other methods, perspectives and currents of everyday life, particularly the cinema’s role in thought (cf. interactionism and ethnomethodo- shaping contemporary culture (see 5.7), and the logy 1969; the sociology of emotion and inter- shaping of interpretive method and paradigm actionism 1983; semiotics and interactionism for the social sciences. Each of those intellectual 1987; interactionism and cultural studies 1992; ‘transits’ crosses disciplines, sociological tradi- and interactionism and the postmodern impulse tions and methodology in the social sciences 1989b). In trying to make the connections conceived broadly. between interactionism and other traditions Although it is nearly impossible to sort out and methods, Denzin has drawn on a variety the transformations that characterize Denzin’s of disciplines, artifacts (primarily contemporary methodological shifts (from classical symbolic cinema), material practices (primarily ethno- interactionist perspectives to postmodern narra- graphy as a written product of research on tives and performance texts) from the discipli- social life), and social critiques (Baudrillard, nary boundaries he has crossed, some idea of Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida, among others). the matrices that intersect in his work will help And even though he crosses and re-crosses bor- to sort the evolutionary stages in his thinking. It ders and boundaries, like the Buddhist in the would be wrong to suggest, however, nor should epigram, he never steps into the same stream the reader infer, that Denzin has left behind twice. symbolic interactionist work. Quite the oppo- Consequently, ‘sorting’, as I shall shortly do, site. Influenced heavily by both Blumer and the is at once a technique to simplify a rich and pro- Chicago School of symbolic interactionism (see lific intellectual life and a complex body of 3.3), he still anchors much of his writing in the work, and at the same time, a shorthand, and search for codes and cultural symbols that act accordingly misleading, way of dealing with the beyond the propositional level to shape com- intricate interrelationships between intellectual munication and meaning in contemporary influences which mark his work. The reader is American life. He still grounds method, writing cautioned to read the subsequent sections as Flick 2.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 54


they were intended: for flavor, for some notion disciplines to abandon the project of assigning of the profound activity of this work, for the to any given discipline the rights to any ‘length and the breadth and the sweep’ of method, philosophy, or analytic strategy, and thought. instead to become bricoleurs – jacks-of-all-trades willing to confiscate methods and materials as each was deemed useful, constructive or pro- 2 THE TRANSIT OF DISCIPLINES: fitable. ‘Traditions’ developed within specific BLURRING GENRES academic disciplines were no longer to be con- sidered the property of those disciplines, but Clifford Geertz (1983) may have prophesied its rather tools, scraps and raw material from which coming, but he could not himself blur genres as might be constructed new methods, new ana- well as Norman K. Denzin. In the course of lytic strategies, and new understandings of some 30 years or more, Denzin has traversed the social life. ‘Traditions’ passed into methodologi- social sciences – including sociology and cal ‘bone-yards’, where pieces and structures anthropology (1971, 1989a, 1990a); the old film might be reassembled into more serviceable and cinema studies and the new film criticism objects, even while the parts and pieces might (1986, 1988, 1991b, 1992a, 1993); deviance in be recognizable to other handymen, generalists, social life; alcohol – its social organization, per- or specialists. sonal destruction and the associated ‘industries’ In abandoning strict adherence to method, and social organizations of recovery (1977); fic- Denzin concomitantly not only proposed move- tion, ethnographic fiction and ethnopoetics ment across the social sciences, he projected (1997); children and families (1985b, 1997); the (with others) a movement away from the phenomenology of emotion (1983, 1985a); sex sciences qua science, and a blurring of the bound- and sexuality in the postmodern era (1985b); aries between the human sciences and the arts, cultural studies (1991b, 1992, 1997); and method fiction, poetry, oral traditions such as story- in the social sciences (1971, 1979; Denzin and telling, film and performance texts. Like others Lincoln 1994b, 2000). in cultural studies (see 2.4, 3.9), Denzin specifi- In a more general sense, the blurring of genres cally proposed that virtually any material refers to the crossing over between disciplines, project – whether art, film, television, advertise- borrowing intellectual traditions and illumi- ments, newspapers, or other media forms – native insights from one discipline which might become the subject of study in the modern inform the study of another. It also means, in a West. His project is not to create an abstruse much narrower sense, the disappearance of body of sociological knowledge; rather it is to strict and rigid boundaries between academic create ‘ethnograph[ies] which refuse abstrac- disciplines, and even the eventual collapse of tions and high theory’ (Denzin 1999), to ‘return such disciplinary boundaries. Blurring also to narrative as a political act’ (1999), and to pro- refers to the creation of new disciplines, for vide the means to create understanding, empa- example cultural studies (see 2.4, 3.9) or commu- thy and solidarity. nications studies, which are hybrids of intellec- Central to this review is the question of to tual concerns and issues, frequently with which fields, subjects and methods Denzin borrowed, appropriated, adapted, and bricoleur- turned his fertile intellect and productive analy- style methods crafted on the spot for particular ses, but additionally, how did he move from analytic tasks. ‘there’ – the beginning of his career – to where his In seeking, proposing and explicating cross- work points today? Are there hallmarks of the over intellectual concerns, Denzin has provided transit through intellectual stages and periods? Is the intellectual ammunition for young scholars it possible, as it might be with Picasso, for (and those wishing to open new intellectual instance, to see ‘periods’, sequences, influences, avenues of study for themselves and others) by initiations, closures, in this work? Although a demonstrating how it might be done. His most work this brief cannot possibly trace the elements important call for crossover method was proba- of influence, the books, films, articles and per- bly the Handbook of Qualitative Research, which sonal that led to where his work is we edited together (Denzin and Lincoln, 1st today, some sense of the history of these ideas can edition 1994b). In this work, Denzin explicitly be gleaned from a few representative works. It is calls for qualitative researchers in dozens of to that set of transitions I wish to turn now. Flick 2.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 55


3 THE TRANSITION THROUGH self is a ‘a social production’, and that objects METHOD: FROM CLASSICAL and sites provide interactional stimuli and the SOCIOLOGY TO POSTMODERN ‘behavioral locus of all joint acts’ (p. 172). Conse- PERFORMANCE quently, the self is constantly being defined by the language it chooses to use, the ‘others’ and A signal shift in the passage from a solely objects with whom/which it interacts (or symbolic interactionist perspective to a form of chooses not to interact), and the arenas in interpretivism can be found in ‘The logic of nat- which it engages in the production of self. Later, uralistic inquiry’ (Denzin 1971). Many of the these categories would include reflection on the early ideas found in this work are repeated, with researcher as a producer of one or more selves in increasing elaboration and theoretical sophisti- the field. cation, in later works. While he labelled ‘this Ruminating on Wittgenstein’s ideas that version of the research act naturalistic behavior- ‘what we cannot speak about we must pass over ism’, terminology that he would later abandon, in silence’, Denzin moved next to considering nevertheless he begins to create an image of notions of time and mind (1982), transversing the sociologist’s new work and new role. He the distance then again between mind and emo- argues that tion, emotion and feeling, feeling and the embodied self (1983, 1984, 1985a,b; Charmaz Naturalistic behaviorism places the sociological 1985). In ‘On time and mind’, he specifically observer squarely in the center of the research act. and directly calls sociologists to ‘set aside … the It recognizes the observer for what he or she is tenets of logical positivism … as the interpretive and takes note of the fact that all sociological social scientist moves forward in the construc- work somehow reflects the unique stance of the tion of a viable, authentic depiction of meaning observer …. The naturalistic behaviorist thus stands over and against the broader sociological and human interaction’ (Denzin 1982: 43). It is community and takes himself or herself seriously. here, too, that he begins a call that extends to (1971: 167) work in press today: the plea for a social science enlarged and refurbished by cross-disciplinary In these three sentences, Denzin set the stage for and literary and artistic work. later enrichment and refinement of his ideas It is a signal pentimento that he would, in this concerning the centrality of the researcher in cry to leave behind logical positivism, look for a the research and later, writing processes; the piv- way to construct ‘a viable, authentic depiction otal role of a standpoint epistemology; and the of meaning and human interaction’ (p. 43), role of the sociologist as social critic, advocate, then, in 1990, conclude that it is not possible to public intellectual and constructor of com- ‘ever get to the personal troubles and epiphanic pelling social images. experiences that fundamentally alter people’s It is clear, however, that even as this work lives’ (1990a: 2); that we risk the possibility that foreshadows many of the larger concerns that the ‘beliefs, attitudes and experiences, like the will occupy centre stage today, he is still subjects who supposedly hold them, are only grounded in the contemporary sociological cultural, textural creations …[who] have no norms of the early 1970s. His ‘programmatic autonomy outside the texts we (or they) write’ statement’ of what it will take for symbolic (p. 14). The answer, he concludes first, is in interactionists and other sociologists to make ‘minimalist theoretical preconceptions’ (p. 14), their cases persuasive includes, for instance, which ‘study and write the stories of personal assessment of the naturalistic ‘indicators by the trouble that ordinary people tell one another. usual canons of reliability, repeatability, and We give a voice to these people’ (p. 15). But he validity’ (1971: 167), generalizability (p. 174) would later propose (1996a, 1999, 2000a) an and causal analyses (p. 179). Yet even while he ethnography that is ‘simultaneously minimal, suggests for the naturalistic behaviourist the existential, autoethnographic, vulnerable, perfor- canons of scientific method as a route to scien- mative and critical’, a ‘sociologist’s tale [which] is tific respectability, he begins the process of loos- always allegorical, a symbolic tale, a parable that ening the bonds of that same scientific method. is not just a record of human experience … [but He begins with Garfinkel’s dictum of language also] a utopian tale of redemption, a story that as a social production (see 2.3, 3.2); he greatly brings a moral compass back into the readers’ extends this idea, however, by arguing that the (and the writer’s) lives’ (1996b: 748; emphases Flick 2.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 56


added). The dialectic is between writing stories These two works represent a shift in Denzin’s of minimalist theoretical preoccupation, and thinking which will characterize all the works to understanding that writing itself is a political follow, including the Handbook of Qualitative and theoretical act (cf. 2000), and that those Research, (Denzin and Lincoln 1994b), and the ‘who write culture also write theory’ (Denzin second edition of the same volume (2000). 1997: xii). One understanding of this dialectic is Comprehension of what this postmodern the growing understanding that minimalist the- moment means is accomplished via the analytic oretical preoccupation may mean minimalist technique of Derridan deconstructive reading, a preoccupation with a priori theory, but the con- form of close textual analysis which ‘examines struction of new social theories from accounts of how a text creates its own sense of logic, order lived experience (inductively reasoned theories and presence … [and] examines how a text cre- of social life). An alternative understanding of ates its particular images of society, culture, the the dialectic may simply be as a reaction to the other, the subject, structures, and their centers, elaborate, sometimes overblown, theories of oppositions, hierarchies, order, rationality and social life constructed by a generation of mod- reason’ (Denzin 1991b: 35). ernist social scientists in their attempts to create Undertaking deconstruction on cultural texts grande theories of social phenomena. Whatever (particularly film) permits an analysis of what is the source of the dialectic, the ongoing ability to normally ‘hidden’ from the reader: rhetorical see and label contradictions, tensions, opposing structures that support or deny racism, sexism, and paradoxical elements within cultural arti- classism, or other oppressive structures, forms of facts (especially film – see, for instance, 1988; control, and cultural hierarchies. Engaging in see 5.7) was to become a hallmark characteristic deconstructive practices (and reading others of Denzin’s work after 1990. who do so also) engages the reader in cultural In any event, the natural next step was the critique and examination of the assumptions postmodern and deconstructive turns. In two undergirding Western, colonial and modernist review essays in the Journal of Contemporary ideas. Ethnography, scarcely one year apart, Denzin Such deconstructive intellectual activities makes the case for an emerging postmodern have led, finally, to the space Denzin occupies ethnography. In 1989, he argues that today: where he views the possibilities of ‘quali- tative research and interpretive ethnography as My thesis is simple. Contemporary sociological forms of radical democratic practice’ (Denzin ethnography must embrace the postmodern 2000). No longer is qualitative method merely a impulse in anthropology. It must let go of its pre- set of tools of choice for interpretive practices. occupation with scientific method, qualitative Rather, qualitative methods are the framework data collection and analysis, writing about writing for enacting a new sociology and a new ethnography, the search for generic principles of social life, and the problems of institutionalized social science, one which will provide the ‘way journals. It must become seriously existential. to undo traditional sociology’ (1996b). In a re- (1989a: 89) imagined sociology, the old epistemologies and axiologies have given way to a new, ‘postprag- In 1990, he again defined what he believed to be matist, feminist, communitarian, moral ethic’, the central point of ethnographic work: one possibility of which is ‘changing the world’ (Denzin 2000). The new social science texts are Written with a minimum of theory, interpretive connected, in Denzin’s mind, with what he ethnography erases the conventional boundaries labels an ‘intimate, civic journalism’ (2000: 899), between an objective observer and the worlds he performance ethnography, critical race and or she has studied. Inscribed in the first person, ethnic studies, and the humanities (see 2000). these accounts use the researcher as a window A social science for the new millennium will be into the worlds entered. The writer becomes the ‘an existential, interpretive ethnography, an subject of the text. In such works traditional ethnography that offers a blueprint for cultural ethnographic problems fall by the wayside, including reliability, validity, theoretical con- criticism’ (Denzin 2000), following Marcus and structs, distinctions between fact and fiction, and Fischer’s (1986) advocacy for a social science that the judgment, or evaluation of experiences … in provides not only cultural description, but also terms of Western categories of reason, logic, and cultural critique. Quietly, but with great urgency, science. (1990b: 231) Denzin now seeks a future that embodies both a Flick 2.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 57


criticism of the ‘critical elements of the cultural FURTHER READING logics of late capitalism’ (1991: 408), and a loving and respectful ‘politics of hope’ (2000). It is an enriched standpoint from which to seek and see Denzin, N. K. (1989) Interpretive Interactionism the possibilities for qualitative research and (Applied Social Research Methods series, Vol. 16). ethnographic writing (see 5.22). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Denzin, N. K. (1989) The Research Act: A Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods, 3rd edn. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Denzin, N. K. (1997) Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 2.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 58

2.8 Marie Jahoda

Christian Fleck

1 Socio-cultural background 58 2 Marienthal 59 3 Field research and exile politics 60 4 Politically relevant social research 60 5 Jahoda’s research style 61

There exist at least two ways of contributing to parents did not object to higher education for the development of social research: (1) someone her nor for her three siblings, a clear indication writes programmatic statements and provides of a progressive parental attitude towards methodological considerations about how gender equality. research should be done appropriately or The parents’ admiration both for the legen- (2) someone does research, seldom explaining dary literary critic Karl Kraus, who favoured rig- how, why and whose footsteps he or she is orous attentiveness towards the proper use of following. Marie Jahoda belongs to the second language, and for the author of comprehensive camp. Saying this does not imply that she practical utopian pamphlets, Joseph Popper- was unaware of methodological problems, but Lynkeus, a relative of the philosopher Karl Jahoda always was convinced that enlarging our Popper, was transferred to and adopted by the knowledge about the social life is more impor- young Marie Jahoda. The of Jahoda’s tant than debating the fine-graining of proce- youth was also the place where psychology rose dures and techniques. One could call this to popularity due to the fame but unobtrusive attitude instrumentalistic. In Jahoda’s case this presence of Sigmund Freud and the much approach came to life very early in her career, higher visibility of his admirers on the one hand and is rooted in the social, political and schol- and Alfred Adler and his devotees on the other arly micro-environment in which she grew up. hand. Finally, after the collapse of the old regime, the Austro-Marxists took over power in the municipality of Vienna and established 1 SOCIO-CULTURAL BACKGROUND there virtually a laboratory for social reform. Marie Jahoda and her peers joined the move- Marie Jahoda was born in 1907 in Vienna at a ment and there she started her first career as an time when the city, for some ten more years, aspiring politician. Later in her life she would was the metropolitan centre of the increasingly explain the choice of psychology as her major disintegrating Austro-Hungarian Empire of the by saying that she had been completely sure Hapsburg dynasty. Her family was of middle that after the revolution she would become class background, living there for generations. Minister of Education in the first Socialist gov- Her parents were assimilated Jews but did not ernment, and psychology seemed to her then dissolve their relationship to the Jewish com- the best preparation for this dream ( Jahoda munity by converting to Christianity. Jahoda’s 1983: 345). She did not succeed with her political Flick 2.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 59


aspirations but at the university she familiarized this theme instead of the one Lazarsfeld herself with the tools of research. She acquired preferred. Bauer too pointed the group to the her sociological frame of reference, however, tiny workers’ village some 20 kilometres outside not in university courses. Jahoda never attended Vienna where the only factory had closed its a sociology class and took only few in psycho- doors recently. logy; she received most of her professional edu- Marienthal is exemplary in three aspects: cation as a participant of several discussion methodologically because of the combined use groups in Vienna’s then lively intellectual envi- of a wide range of research strategies; politically ronment. Besides Austro-Marxism and academic because the authors detected, to their own sur- psychology she took part in debates of reform prise, that economic deprivation caused apathy pedagogues, school reformers and neo-positivist instead of an uprising mood and finally because philosophers. of the group of investigators’ devotion not only Since neither Freud nor his early-collaborator- to produce a sociologically interesting piece of turned-opponent Alfred Adler taught at the research but to be instrumental to the people of Jahoda had to study psy- Marienthal themselves during their stay in the chology under the Bühler couple. Karl Bühler, field. Today one would call the last aim action who was the only full professor there, had research and the first triangulation (see 4.6). developed his own version of psychology before Given the fact that the group of researchers was he was called to a chair at the University of inexperienced and very young the quality of the Vienna. He combined insights from Gestalt with study, a product of only some weeks of investi- developmental psychology, creating an early gations, is amazing. Perhaps lack of a research version of psychology of thought and language. tradition and the non-existence of a school-like His wife, Charlotte, the first woman to receive a dependence of the novices made this success habilitation in psychology in Vienna and subse- possible. In Marienthal one finds a huge number quently promoted to associate professor, of different research techniques, both obtrusive directed a large group of PhD students. Financial and unobtrusive, quantitative oriented and support came from the Rockefeller Foundation. qualitative, and numerical as well as verbal data The students observed not only the behaviour of providing ‘sociographic’ information and life- children in a foster clinic but, under the leader- cycle narratives to the point. Some of the tech- ship of Charlotte Bühler, they founded a niques were invented on the spot: for example, life-span-oriented theory of psychological matu- when someone from the research team had the ration. Jahoda wrote her PhD about the bio- impression that men and women walked at a graphical narratives of elderly men living in an different pace over the village’s central square, asylum. She finished it the very year her first Hans Zeisel took a watch, placed himself at an major contribution to social research appeared apartment window and started measuring in print. Marienthal: The Sociography of an Un- people’s velocity. Together with other data this employed Community, co-authored with Hans was one of the earliest contributions to the then Zeisel and conducted under the guidance of non-existent speciality ‘sociology of time’. Jahoda’s first husband, Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Not being part of a distinct scholarly tradi- became a classic in qualitative social research. It tion, the Marienthal team was free to find its appeared in print in spring of 1933, the worst own way through the field and afterwards time for a study inspired by Marxism and through the data (see 5.1). Fortunately, they written by Jews. succeeded in both endeavours. Before Jahoda et al. entered Marienthal for the first time they were thinking about their project in the terms, 2 MARIENTHAL concepts and premises of their university teachers Charlotte and Karl Bühler. Since, however, this The topic for this study (see Fleck 2002), which research was only loosely connected to the started in 1931, seems to be no surprise, given Bühlers, the investigators were independent the fact that the Great Depression of 1929 enough to go beyond the frame of reference of caused mass unemployment world wide. their teachers. They abandoned some of Nevertheless, it was the leading Austro-Marxist Charlotte Bühler’s follies and were looking for theoretician Otto Bauer, with whom the group new keys to make sense out of their field experi- around Lazarsfeld met regularly, who proposed ences. Not being trained as social anthropologists Flick 2.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 60


eased their commitment to the expected length struggled with herself whether the publication of staying in the field. (Here one should add might hurt some of the surviving Quakers that all members of the research team were in (Jahoda 1938/1987). the field at large – the Austrian labour move- During her stay in England Jahoda did some ment – for a much longer period of time, and more field research, for instance when she therefore they did not experience the shocks of investigated the experiences of young women cultural newcomers.) during the status passage from school to work. Politics hindered the continuation of the Anthropologists usually go through a period group’s research in Austria. Because of her acti- where the deliberate unfamiliarity of the field vities in the socialist underground movement offers them insights into the world-view of the Jahoda was imprisoned in 1936. After half a year subjects. Jahoda acted similarly during her early in jail she was freed only under the condition years in exile but did not make use of this tech- that she left the country immediately. She nique afterwards. It seems that she was not moved from Vienna to London, less than a year inclined to follow anthropologists’ textbook before the Nazis took over power in Austria. advice.


During the Second World War Jahoda lived in Near the end of the Second World War Jahoda England, active in the exiled group of Social migrated to New York, where she spent the Democrats, as a radio broadcaster for the next 12 years. Her first job was with Max Foreign Office, and in refugee aid organizations. Horkheimer’s group of mainly European refugee Besides these she continued her research efforts. scholars who started studying prejudice in Immediately after her arrival she started a field America under a grant from the American study in an unemployed miners’ community in Jewish Committee. Jahoda not only contributed South Wales where she investigated a self-help a study of her own to the ‘Studies in Prejudice’ scheme, proposed by Quakers. Completely on series but acted as a research assistant for the her own, she tried to use similar research proce- whole project. Together with a New Yorker psy- dures as in Marienthal, but also adopted choanalyst, Nathan W. Ackerman, she exam- techniques of field research from the social ined protocols of therapeutic sessions to detect anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowksi. Jahoda anti-Semitic attitudes expressed by average spent weeks in the area, lived with the families clients (Ackerman and Jahoda 1950). Later on of the unemployed miners, ate their meagre she edited, together with Richard Christie, a meals, and observed the behaviour of those who critical examination of the main study of the participated in the subsistence scheme where Horkheimer group, the still well-known old-fashioned miners had to do work they Authoritarian Personality (Christie and Jahoda thought morally inappropriate for them. 1954). Theodor W. Adorno and Horkheimer The harsh experiences of doing field research were not pleased with the criticism expressed in became irrelevant when Jahoda heard that the the contributions to this volume. Nazis had taken over Austria. She interrupted Psychoanalysis played a major role in Jahoda’s her research to help family members and life and research. She herself went through a rig- friends to get out of Austria. One of the orous analysis with Heinz Hartmann, and later Quakers offered her his help, and thanks to the in her career she made studies of the emigration collaborative effort all Jahoda’s relatives of psychoanalysis to the United States and the escaped. She herself returned to her research contribution of Freud to academic psychology site, finished the study and submitted a copy of ( Jahoda 1977). her manuscript to the very man who had Jahoda left the Horkheimer group, which helped her family in the weeks before. When later became well known as the Frankfurt School he declared to Jahoda that her findings would of critical theory, to join the newly created destroy his life’s work she decided to bury her Bureau of Applied Social Research at manuscript in her desk. This study appeared in Columbia University under Lazarsfeld and print only decades later, and Jahoda then still Robert K. Merton, notorious for its leading role Flick 2.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:23 PM Page 61


in developing and establishing mainstream workers; latent consequences of being employed quantitative methodology in social research (see can be seen in the fact that it ‘imposes a time Lautman and Lécuyer 1998). There she collabo- structure on the waking day. Secondly, employ- rated primarily with Merton in a huge study ment implies regularly shared experiences and about human relations of ethnically and contacts with people outside the nuclear family. socially mixed residents in housing projects. In Thirdly, employment links an individual to the still unpublished study she examined the goals and purposes which transcend his own. differences between statistical averages and Fourthly, employment defines aspects of per- what she called ‘fit’. The group of people which sonal status and identity. Finally, employment fits best in a community is not always the enforces activity’ ( Jahoda 1979: 313). majority or the average. To identify the fitting Jahoda died in April 2001 at the age of 94 at subset one is forced to use methods other than her home in Sussex. those ordinary sample surveys offer. Identifying patterns of normative and cultural integration is possible only if the researcher looks at real inter- 5 JAHODA’S RESEARCH STYLE relations and pays less attention to statistically produced correlation ( Jahoda 1961). In several studies Jahoda demonstrated her own Two years after coming to Manhattan, Jahoda style of doing social research. As she explained was called to a chair at New York University, later in her life, she always tried to start from where she also became director of a newly estab- real problems instead of those elaborated in lished Research Center for Human Relations, a university seminars or psychological laboratories topic then very much in vogue in different parts (Fryer 1986). The topics of some of her articles of the social sciences. The following decade was illustrate this point of view impressively: preju- the most productive period of her career. She dices, not only those directed against Jews, not only published a textbook on research interracial and inter-ethnic relations, problems methods but did a lot of research on different of female students adapting to the mores of a topics, mostly in collaboration with other liberal arts college, and others. When the hyste- psychologists and sociologists. ria of the so-called McCarthy era reached its The two-volume textbook Research Methods in peak Jahoda started several investigations about Social Relations, with Especial Reference to Prejudice, the consequences of this climate for those who edited with her long-time affiliates Morton never were targets but feared to be implicated Deutsch and Stuart W. Cook (New York 1951, ( Jahoda and Cook 1952). Later on she studied second, one-volume edition 1959), is intended blacklisting in the entertainment industry. to inform different types of users of social When other social scientists started downgrad- research instead of addressing academic appren- ing their public profile, eliminating references tices about new procedures. This commitment to suspected authors, and choosing research foreshadows the ‘public understanding of topics according to the zeitgeist, Jahoda took the science’ approach of more recent days. The text- opposite route, using what she had learned to book, one of the earliest of its kind, was widely find out something that might help others to used in undergraduate courses, reissued four understand the contemporary world. times, and translated into several languages. A second aspect of her style of doing social Jahoda later left the United States and resett- research could be seen in the complete absence led for private reasons in England, where she of narrow-mindedness with regard to the selec- lived for the rest of her long life. She started tion of research procedures. The question under there at Brunel University and was later awarded investigation directed her decision as to which a chair in social psychology at the newly estab- research procedure might be of value and which lished University of Sussex. During the 1960s not. Therefore she sometimes used conventional she did some more empirical research and later questionnaires, made use of projective tests, and in her life she returned to her first research invented tests of her own. Jahoda never believed topic, the socio-psychological consequences of in any research practice as a silver bullet. An unemployment. Her main contribution to this agnostic in religious affairs, she acted similarly field could be seen in her attempt to identify with regard to scholarly holy texts and routines. latent consequences of employment. Manifestly Furthermore, Jahoda was never committed to paid work contributes to the well-being of the defend convictions or theoretical orientations Flick 2.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:24 PM Page 62


against empirical evidence. Her roots in Vienna’s There exist more than one mode of learning and intellectual micro-environment where explana- those who commit themselves to a qualitative tion and critical examination were favoured approach in the social sciences should not seek over ‘school’ thinking and defence of unde- for an algorithm to solve our research problems, pendable claims saved her from being a member but perhaps make use of a more complex model, of a dogmatic sect of any conviction. In her and therefore stick to basic qualitative insight. autobiography, available only in a German There is some agreement that one successful translation, she remembers an episode from her way of learning is by looking closely at role early days, when she tried to defend her Marxist models. Marie Jahoda is certainly one. convictions against the facts and an exiled Hungarian Marxist made the audience laugh at her. As a corollary of this attitude she labelled FURTHER READING most of her research papers ‘explorative’, ‘preli- minary’, ‘case study’, etc., and did not think of herself as someone who did work that others For biographical and bibliographical infor- could not achieve. mation see: http://agso.uni-graz.at/lexikon/ Jahoda’s instrumentalistic approach with klassiker/jahoda/24bio.htm. regard to research techniques offered her the advantage of using insights from several schol- Fleck, Christian (2002) ‘Introduction to the arly fields freely. Since she never thought of Transaction edition’, in M. Jahoda, P. F. Lazarsfeld herself as a member of a narrowly defined disci- and H. Zeisel, Marienthal: The Sociography of pline, she assembled in her work findings and an Unemployed Community. New Brunswick, concepts from psychology, psychoanalysis and NJ: Transaction Books. pp. vii–xxx. sociology. The most astonishing feature of Jahoda’s Fryer, D. (In press) ‘Marie Jahoda: Community work, spanning a period of nearly seven and Applied Social Psychologist’, Special Issue decades, can be seen in the continuities she was (guest edited by D. Fryer), Journal of able to preserve. She never abandoned her basic Community and Applied Social Psychology (in convictions, neither those that are rooted in a press). scholarly ethos nor those that are more closely related to political or moral principles. Jahoda, M., Lazarsfeld, P. F. and Zeisel, H. (1971) What we can learn from Jahoda’s life and Marienthal: The Sociology of an Unemployed work is that the main obligation of social scien- Community. Chicago: Aldine–Atherton. tists lies in the explanation of hidden patterns, developments not visible to untrained observers. Flick-03.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 63

Part 3

The Theory of Qualitative Research Flick-03.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 64 Flick-03.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 65


Qualitative research cannot be reduced to data for specific issues: biographical (see 3.6) and collection and interpretation procedures, methodo- generation research (see 3.7), approaches like logical principles or detailed and exotic descrip- ethnography (see 3.8), cultural studies (see 3.9), tions of life-worlds. Methods and methodologies or gender studies (see 3.10) have developed are not, for this kind of research, an end in their own theoretical discourse. Research in themselves. They are based on theoretical con- organizations (see 3.11) and qualitative evalua- siderations and should, in turn, serve in the for- tion research (see 3.12) confronts the empirical mulation of theories. The precise description of work with specific theoretical demands. life-worlds ought to contribute to a better under- standing of specific cultural phenomena and forms of action, to assist in the recognition of BACKGROUND THEORIES (PART 3A) structures and patterns of their social reproduc- tion and their particular rationale. The first chapter (see 3.1) gives an overview of A common starting point for the different phenomenological life-world analysis as devel- individual theoretical traditions within qualita- oped by Alfred Schütz following the ideas of tive research is the day-to-day action of members Edmund Husserl. Here the bases of the constitu- of society in differing situations and under vary- tion of meaning for social science analysis are ing cultural conditions. But what is important developed. In this theoretical perspective we see in the detailed descriptions of these is not a the existing social reality, which we take for duplication or a ‘portrait’ of reality. It is rather granted, as a preconditional ‘social construc- that their character itself is a central theme of tion’ (Berger and Luckmann 1966) of members theoretical endeavour in qualitative research. To of a given society (see 3.4). capture social reality in a theoretical form it is Ethnomethodology represents an indepen- first necessary to make a reconstruction and dent theoretical development within qualitative analysis using a variety of ethnographic proce- research (see 3.2). It shares with phenomeno- dures, derived from interviews and documents. logical analysis the question of the routine Secondly, the knowledge gained in this way has foundations of everyday action and its formal then to be incorporated into a set of general the- mechanisms. Within the tradition of sociology oretical relationships – perhaps as a contribu- it picks up the question first posed by Durkheim tion to the basis of a constitution of sociality, a concerning the preconditions of social order theory of social order, or a theory of culture or and directs its attention to the ‘productive regional cultures. achievements’ of members of society that bring Part 3 consists of two subsections: the first about social order as an arrangement of com- focuses on the most important background munication and interaction. theories of qualitative research, whereas the Symbolic interactionism (see 3.3) has its roots in second subsection addresses examples of quali- pragmatism and is governed by a humanist per- tative research programmes with specific theo- spective. In its basic assumptions it stresses the retical frameworks. importance of the subject in the creation of social The first group of contributions includes: reality, it indicates the processes of joint situational phenomenological life-world analysis (see 3.1), negotiation of lines of action and the role of settled ethnomethodology (see 3.2) and symbolic cultural and symbolically transmitted norms, interactionism (see 3.3), as well as the construc- which only become a concrete action-reality for tivist (see 3.4) and hermeneutic (see 3.5) theo- participants in the course of an interaction. In its retical perspectives. The second group addresses most recent developments under the conditions of research programmes and theoretical developments postmodernism and the influence of the crisis of Flick-03.qxd 3/19/04 2:16 PM Page 66


representation, the constructivist aspects of the world that new perspectives in qualitative approach have been more fully elaborated. theory provide scope for new discoveries. We are concerned here (see 3.4) with certain Life-world analysis reconstructs the inner approaches to a constructivist perspective that view of the actor in a variety of local environ- belong not only to qualitative research but ments, ‘meaning-provinces’ and special worlds, which have led to particularly intensive discus- in order to achieve a better overall understand- sion and further developments in this area. ing of participants and their life-world(s) (see Here, in addition to methodological considera- 3.8). The investigation of these is not only man- tions, there is also some treatment of epistemo- ifest in the diversity of modern forms of life. In logical questions concerning the character of its methodological perspective on the artificial social reality; this involves discussion of the alienation of the habitual and apparently familiar links with a theory of science deriving, on the it opens up, as a reflection, a view of general one hand, from system-theory and, on the other principles and processes in the social construc- hand, from literary studies, with regard to their tion of life-worlds. Cultural studies (see 3.9) – an importance for theory construction in qualita- interdisciplinary field between sociology, ethno- tive research. graphy, media science and literary studies – is Hermeneutic approaches constitute, after interested in the following questions: how are phenomenology and symbolic interactionism, cultural symbols and traditions used and altered the third major tradition within qualitative in the context of social change, under specific research (see 3.5). Qualitative data such as pro- power relations and in states of social conflict tocols, memos, interview transcripts, photo- between participants? To what extent are actors graphs or films do not speak for themselves; in this process marked by the traditions, fash- in qualitative research they are viewed as texts ions and temporal misalignments of (popular) that have to be read (in the sense of interpreted) culture? and related to available research results. In the Theoretical aspects of qualitative research different hermeneutic approaches there is a have also made an impact on modern gender broad tradition of transforming these inter- research (see 3.10). This is concerned both with pretative endeavours into theory-driven the processes involved in the social construction methodologies. of gender and with the qualitative analysis of communication and interaction within and between the genders. It is a particular theoreti- RESEARCH PROGRAMMES AND cal challenge to analyse, for example, pieces of THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES interaction analysis as an expression of the FOR SPECIFIC ISSUES (PART 3B) socially unequal treatment of the genders. Organization analysis and development (see Qualitative biographical research (see 3.6) and 3.11) and evaluation research (see 3.12) are qualitative generation research (see 3.7) are examples of two central applications of qualita- closely related: how are individual interpreta- tive research. They are of theoretical interest in tions interrelated, which also always means the that the application of qualitative procedures to creation of new or reconstructed personal organizational development and evaluation biographies in the light of historical constella- makes visible both the necessary and the tions and events, which members of a given obstructive mechanisms in changing and generation have both undertaken and suffered, redefining social constructions. This enables and how do new configurations and lifestyles qualitative research to provide insights into the emerge from these constellations? It is also in the microstructures and preconditions of social context of an everyday history of the modern change. Flick 3.01 Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 7:11 PM Page 67

Part 3A Background Theories of Qualitative Research

3.1 Phenomenological Life-world Analysis

Ronald Hitzler and Thomas S. Eberle

1 The idea of a life-world phenomenology 67 2 From meaning-constitution to understanding the other 68 3 On the sociological relevance of life-world analysis 69

1 THE IDEA OF A LIFE-WORLD to achieve an ‘adequate’ methodological PHENOMENOLOGY self-awareness. Life-world, in Edmund Husserl’s sense, is the The variant of life-world phenomenology, original domain, the obvious and unquestioned which was developed by Alfred Schütz on the foundation both of all types of everyday acting basis of ideas derived from Husserl and re- and thinking and of all scientific theorizing and imported to Europe from the USA by Thomas philosophizing (cf. also Welz 1996). In its con- Luckmann, is today without question one of the crete manifestations it exists in all its countless most important background theories of qualita- varieties as the only real world of every indivi- tive research (cf. also Brauner as early as 1978). dual person, of every ego. These variations are The main objective of this mundane phenome- built on general immutable structures, the nology is to reconstruct the formal structures of ‘realm of immediate evidence’. the life-world. Alfred Schütz adopted this idea of Husserl’s and From a historical point of view, Husserl’s diag- attempted to discover the most general essential nosis (1936) of the crisis in European scholar- features of the life-world, in respect of the parti- ship forms the scientific background to this cular problems of social as opposed to natural focus on the life-world. For him, the crisis con- sciences (cf. Schütz and Luckmann 1973, 1989). sisted of the fact that the scientific protagonists The general aim of life-world analysis, ori- have (or at least had) forgotten that all science ented to the epistemological problems of the is rooted in the life-world. For Husserl, the social sciences, is therefore to analyse the under- explanation of the life-world essence of science standing of meaning-comprehension by means therefore provided the only way to overcome of a formal description of invariable basic struc- the crisis in science. For when the ‘meaning- tures of the constitution of meaning in the basis’ of the life-world is (again) revealed, scien- subjective consciousness of actors. tific idealizations will – in Husserl’s opinion – no Unlike the normal objective and inductive longer be reified, and science will be able understanding of science, phenomenology Flick 3.01 Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 7:11 PM Page 68


begins with experience of the individual and actors relate to their actions. Consequently, develops this in a reflexive form. The mundane Schütz recognizes the principal problem of a phenomenology of Schütz and his followers, methodological basis for the social sciences in therefore, is not a sociological approach in the analysing the processes of meaning-creation strict sense of the word, but a proto-sociological and meaning-interpretation together with the enterprise that underlies actual sociological incremental constitution of human knowledge. work (cf. Hitzler and Honer 1984; Knoblauch In other words: mundane phenomenology, in 1996a; Luckmann 1993). It is therefore inter- the methodological sense, is ‘constitution analy- ested in the epistemological explanation of the sis’. All meaning configurations – according ‘foundation’ of the life-world, which is on the to Schütz’s main thesis (1932) – are constituted one hand a point of reference and on the other in processes of meaning-creation and under- hand an implicit basis for research work in the standing. To explain social phenomena from social sciences. the actions of participating individuals therefore Nevertheless both ‘normal’ science and mun- implies referring back to the subjective meaning dane phenomenology – in the extended sense of which these actions have for the actors the term – proceed empirically (cf. Luckmann themselves. 1979). Of course, the specific ‘difference’ in In this process of reconstruction, Schütz phenomenological empiricism consists of the builds on the transcendental phenomenology of researcher beginning with his/her own subjec- Edmund Husserl: the meaning of experiences tive experiences. Whatever phenomenological is determined by acts of consciousness. A ‘operations’, and on the basis of whatever epis- meaning-relation arises when (individual) expe- temological interests, are then carried out, it is riences are brought together to form a unit by the personal subjective experiences that are and syntheses of a higher order. The total coherence remain the only source of data, because they of the experience then forms the quintessence alone are evident. On the basis of this ‘special’ of all subjective meaning-relations, and the type of data, phenomenology advances towards specific meaning of an experience arises from controlled abstraction formulations of the basic the way in which it is classified within this total layers of the processes of consciousness and coherence of experience. reveals the universal structures in subjective Actions are experiences of a particular kind: constitution-behaviour. their meaning is constituted by the design that But Schütz not only analyses the life-world in anticipates the resulting action. For this reason respect of how it is constituted meaningfully in Schütz keeps acting and action strictly apart. the subjective consciousness: he also sees it as The meaning of acting is determined by the produced by the actions of people (cf. also Srubar meaning of the projected action. The goal of an 1988). This also explains the high level of com- action is the ‘in-order-to’ motive of the action, patibility of phenomenological life-world analy- while the stimulus or the reasons for the action- sis with many of the problems of interpretative design form the ‘because’ motive. Weber’s ‘sub- sociology in general and with the theoretical jectively intended meaning’ is, in this respect, perspective of American pragmatism (cf. partic- nothing more than a self-explanation on the ularly Schütz 1962, 1964). part of the actor of his/her own action-design. This self-explanation always derives from a process of ‘now and in this way’, and therefore 2 FROM MEANING-CONSTITUTION TO necessarily remains ‘relative’: interpretations of UNDERSTANDING THE OTHER meaning vary, according to the time when they occur, according to the momentary situational Throughout his life Schütz worked on the interest in the explanation, and also according problem of a sound philosophical basis for to the underlying reservoir of knowledge spe- interpretative sociology. As his starting point he cific to a particular biography and marked by selected Max Weber’s definition of sociology as typological and relevance structures. a ‘science that seeks to interpret social action In analysing the understanding of the other and thereby provides a causal explanation for its Schütz departs from the level of transcendental sequencing and its effects’ (Weber 1972: 1). phenomenology: with his (everyday) ‘general According to Weber, what has to be understood thesis of the alter ego’ (Schütz 1962) he presup- is the ‘subjectively intended meaning’ that poses the existence of the fellow human and Flick 3.01 Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 7:11 PM Page 69


analyses the way we understand the other from As Schütz has shown, however, the perspective a quasi-natural perspective. His basic question of another actor can only be captured approxi- is: how can other human beings be understood mately. Complete adequacy therefore remains if there is no direct access to their conscious- an unachievable ideal for interpretative social ness? His analysis shows that the alter ego can sciences. only be understood in a ‘signitive’ way, that is, through he signs and indications. The act of understanding therefore always consists of a 3 ON THE SOCIOLOGICAL RELEVANCE self-explanation on the part of the interpreter OF LIFE-WORLD ANALYSIS on the basis of a biographically determined reservoir of knowledge, adapted to his/her situ- If one sees phenomenological life-world analysis ational relevance system. In consequence of as both proto- and para-sociological epistemology, this, no more than fragmentary excerpts of the it then appears to be of immediate relevance to other’s subjective context are ever accessible to any kind of sociology based on the notion that the interpreter. Every meaning-interpretation our experience rather than ‘objective’ factual con- can therefore be no more than an approxima- tent is decisive in the way we define situations: tion, the quality of which depends on the degree we are, to use Schütz’s (1962) term, ‘activity cen- of familiarity with, and the ‘temporal proximity’ tres’ of our respective situations and thereby also of, the particular alter ego in the consciousness of capable of subjective definition – and, in our rela- the interpreter. tion to one another, alternating between high- Unlike (transcendental) phenomenology, the level agreement and crass opposition. social sciences are therefore obliged to take Accordingly, if our everyday world consists account, in methodological terms, of the seman- not simply of ‘brute facts’ but of (manifold) tic pre-constitution of the social world. This meanings, then the essential task of sociology is means that the theories and methods of social to understand, in a reconstructive way, how science are ‘second order’ constructs which meanings arise and continue, when and why (must) derive from ‘first order’ everyday con- they may be described as ‘objective’, and how structs. Schütz expresses this in the form of two human beings adapt interpretatively these methodological postulates: the postulate of sub- socially ‘objectivized’ meanings and recover jective interpretation, and the postulate of from them, as if from a quarry, their ‘subjective’ adequacy. significations, thereby collaborating in the further The postulate of subjective interpretation construction of ‘objective reality’ (cf. Berger and requires social scientific explanations to relate Luckmann 1966). The empirical programme of to the subjective meaning of an action. From phenomenology therefore includes, from the the point of view of theory-construction this point of view of research practice, the systematic means that on the basis of typical patterns of an reconstruction of multiple qualities of experience observed sequence of actions a model of an (see 3.8). actor is constructed to whom an awareness of In this sense the life-world is in no way a mar- typical in-order-to and because motives is attrib- ginal theme in the social sciences, but their sys- uted. The postulate of adequacy requires that the tematic central problem: since perception, social scientist’s constructs be consistent with experience and action constitute an original the constructs of the everyday actor. They must sphere that is only ‘really’ accessible to the per- therefore be comprehensible and give an accu- ceiving, experiencing or acting subject, the so- rate explanation of acting. Complete adequacy called factual realities are only truly evident as is achieved when the concrete meaning- phenomena of the subjective consciousness. Of orientation of actors is captured accurately. In this course this experience can always ‘deceive’ in way we explain the subjective perspective of the the face of an ‘objectively’ defined factual con- individual actors at truly the ultimate reference tent. Nevertheless, it may be said to determine point for social science analyses, because ‘hold- our behaviour ‘objectively’. For not only is our ing on to the subjective perspective’ offers, consciousness necessarily intentional (‘about according to Schütz (e.g. 1978), the only really something’), but also the correlates of this sufficient guarantee that social reality is not intentionality – at least in everyday experience – replaced by a fictitious non-existent world are meaningful (cf. Schütz 1967 for further constructed by some scientific observer. discussion). Flick 3.01 Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 7:11 PM Page 70


Because the life-world reveals at every moment from individual worlds by virtue of the fact that fundamentally more experiential possibilities the former are pre-determined and not inten- than an individual can truly bring into any the- tionally constituted, whereas the latter are goal- matic focus, the individual is constantly and directed (for example, the world of the employed inevitably selecting from the total of possible person, of the family member, of the citizen, experiences available at any given moment (cf. and so on). Every immediate experience, every Esser 1996). It is not generally important to us present world, according to Marx (1987: 129), that, in consequence, our experience and action has ‘the content of an individual world’. is always the result of elective procedures, because For a variety of reasons, Hitzler and Honer we are constantly concerned with completing (e.g. 1984, 1988, 1991), following Benita our actual experience meaningfully or with cre- Luckmann (1970), prefer the term ‘small social ating a structure for every selected perception. life-worlds’, but in a broad sense are referring to This means that in respect of the meaningfulness the same phenomenon: a small social life-world of experiences we distinguish, according to our or an individual world is a fragment of the life- respective subjective relevances, between the world, with its own structure, within which important and the unimportant, or between the experiences occur in relation to a special inter- relevant and the irrelevant. subjective reservoir of knowledge that is obliga- This meaningfulness can be distinctly tory and pre-existent. A small social life-world situation-specific and short-term, but it can also is the correlate of the subjective experience of be (almost) completely independent of situation reality in a partial or temporally restricted and permanent; it can be of purely subjective or culture. This kind of world is ‘small’, therefore, of general social ‘validity’ (to an extent that not because it is concerned only with small always has to be determined). This is because all spaces or consists of very few members. A small individual human beings live in their own life- social life-world is described as ‘small’ rather world as the sum total of their concrete world of because the complexity of possible social rele- experience. However, all concrete manifesta- vances is reduced within it to a particular system tions of life-world structures also have inter- of relevance. And a small social life-world is subjective features. To come to terms with our called ‘social’ because this relevance system is normal everyday life we make use of a large obligatory for successful participations. Empiri- number of shared meaning schemata, and our cal examples of the analysis of small social life- various subjective relevance systems overlap at worlds may be found in Honer (e.g. 1994a), many points. Hitzler (1993, 1995), Hitzler et al. (1996), Hitzler Shared beliefs first of all facilitate and deter- and Pfadenhauer (1998) Knoblauch (e.g. 1988, mine our everyday life, which is always a matter 1997) and Soeffner (e.g. 1997). of living together. To a certain extent the subject Therefore, while, in principle, every person is ‘shares’ his/her respective concrete life-world indeed given his/her own and unique life-world, with others. To put this more precisely: the cor- from an empirical point of view the individual relates of an individual’s experience correspond subjective life-worlds seem only relatively origi- to the correlates of the experience of others in nal, because human beings typically refer back ways that may be typologized. From this, mean- to socio-historically ‘valid’ meaning schemata ing schemata may be created, which are shared and concepts of action in the process of orienta- by different subjects and are therefore inter- tion within their own world. subjectively valid, and these correlate to a greater Particularly in modern societies, small social or lesser extent with individual, biographically life-worlds are therefore the subjective corre- conditioned, meaning structures. To put this spondences to cultural objectivizations of reality rather differently: human social practice is – showing multiple social diversity, as is mani- inevitably – a practice of interpretation, of decod- fested, for example, in divergent language and ing signs and symbols, and essentially of speaking environments (cf. Luckmann 1989; communication (cf. Luckmann 1986, 1989). Knoblauch 1995, 1996b). The most important In this sense, writers such as Werner Marx result of this is that the relevance structures of (1987) understand the life-world as a plurality different members of society can only be the of sometimes clearly defined, and sometimes same in a very conditional and ‘provisional’ way. undetermined, purposive individual worlds. Marx Moreover, in connection with the developing argues that Husserl distinguishes the life-world division of labour, the proportions of generally Flick 3.01 Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 7:11 PM Page 71


known meanings and those of factual contents epistemologically relevant antagonism in social currently known ‘only’ to experts are diverging: research is not between qualitative and quanti- the quantities of specialist knowledge are tative, nor even between standardized and non- increasing; they are becoming ever more standardized, investigations, but between specialized and are increasingly remote from hermeneutic and scientistic methodologies and general knowledge (cf. Hitzler et al. 1994). It fol- methods. lows from this that contexts can be divided between what everyone knows and what is known by relatively few people. If, however, as NOTE Schütz and Luckmann (1973: 318) affirm, ‘in a borderline case, the province of common knowl- 1 In contrast, the testing of hypotheses in the edge and common relevances shrinks beyond a deductive-nomological explanatory model presup- critical point, communication within the poses – quasi-implicitly – that human beings under the same conditions will act in the same way. In society is barely possible. There emerge “societies societies with a predominantly traditional orienta- within the society”.’ tion this is indeed often the case, but in modern This is again a very significant insight in societies, only in the area of routine actions. As respect of the repeatedly postulated need for an modern societies are marked by de-traditionalization, ethnological attitude on the part of the socio- an increase in options and individualization (Gross logist towards his/her own culture; for it means 1994, 1999), and actors frequently re-interpret their that under such conditions, for every type of situations, so their knowledge and behaviour grouping, for every collective, even within a becomes more contingent, the prognostic capability society, different kinds of knowledge and, above of ‘if–then’ statements becomes more disturbed and all, different hierarchies of knowledge types are exploratory-interpretative research design becomes more necessary (cf. also Hitzler 1997, 1999b). or at least might be relevant.1 And as the mani- fold life-worlds and the small social life-worlds of other people become the object of scientific FURTHER READING interest, the problem of how and how far one can succeed in seeing the world through the eyes of these other people (cf. Plessner 1983), Knoblauch, H. (2002) ‘Communication, Contexts and in reconstructing the subjectively intended and Culture. A Communicative Constructivist meaning of their experiences, becomes virulent Approach to Intercultural Communication’, in not ‘only’ from a methodological viewpoint but A. di Luzio, S. Günthner and F. Orletti (eds), also, and more particularly, in terms of method. Culture in Communication. Analyses of Admittedly Schütz himself was never con- Intercultural Situations. Amsterdam: John cerned with the methods of empirical social Benjamins, pp. 3–33. research. Such implications of life-world analysis are already to be seen, however, in the works of Maso, I. (2001) ‘Phenomenology and Ethno- Harold Garfinkel in particular (1967a; see 2.3) graphy’, in P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, and Aaron V. Cicourel (1964). In Germany, J. Lofland and L. Lofland (eds), Handbook of Schütz’s matrix is most often used for the system- Ethnography. London: Sage. pp. 136–144. atic analysis of the way social scientific data come about (cf. Luckmann and Gross 1977), for the Psathas, G. (1989) Phenomenology and analysis of communicative genres (see 5.18), for Sociology: Theory and Research. Washington, the explanation of hermeneutic reconstruction DC: Center for Advanced Research in Pheno- procedures (see 3.5, 5.16) and to provide a theo- menology and University Press of America. retical base for ethnographic sociology (see 3.8). Against the background of the above outline it becomes increasingly evident that the Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 72

3.2 Ethnomethodology

Jörg R. Bergmann

1 Scientific and historical background 72 2 The reality model of ethnomethodology 73 3 Central concepts and programmatic statements 75 4 Developments and perspectives: ‘studies of work’ 77 5 Critical evaluation and prospects 79

1 SCIENTIFIC AND General rules, in Garfinkel’s opinion, must HISTORICAL BACKGROUND necessarily be transmitted into the current inter- active process; they must be situated, in order to Ethnomethodology (EM) is the name of a be relevant to an action. This transmission, sociological approach to investigation that sees however, must be achieved by actors through social order, in all the ramifications of everyday interpretation of the rules and the situation; situations, as a methodically generated product rules, values and situation can only be harmo- of members of a society. It is the goal of EM to niously related by means of meaning attribu- determine the principles and mechanisms by tion and interpretation. means of which actors, in their action, produce In coining the term ethnomethodology the meaningful structure and ordering of what Garfinkel (1974) relied on the concept of is happening around them and what they ‘ethnoscience’ developed in North American express and do in social interaction with others. cultural anthropology. The research orientation The name and programme of EM derive from of ‘ethnoscience’, which subsequently devel- Harold Garfinkel (1967a), who, in the 1950s and oped into a ‘cognitive anthropology’ (D’Andrade 1960s, examined the work of Talcott Parsons 1995), was concerned with ‘the ordering of (1937) and Alfred Schütz (1932), and applied things in the heads of people’ (Goodenough himself to the old and, for sociology, key ques- 1964). Its goal, using special techniques of tion of how social order is possible (Hilbert semantic analysis, is to determine individual 1992). In Talcott Parsons’s structural functional- cultural orientation schemata from the ism the problem of social order was considered vocabulary used in a language community. to be solved by referring to a normative consen- ‘Ethnomedicine’ therefore refers to the recon- sus; with the existence of socially identical structed system of knowledge and ideas in a internalized cultural value systems the solution single language community about sickness, causes to the problem of social order was seen as guar- of sickness and curative procedures. Garfinkel anteed. Harold Garfinkel countered this with was also interested in what members of a society the argument that between, on the one hand, know, think and do in dealing with everyday rules and values that could only be formulated circumstances; in the term ‘ethnomethodology’ generally and, on the other hand, the inevitably this is expressed in the prefix ‘ethno-’. But particular situation of current action, there is an unlike the cognitive anthropologists, Garfinkel’s epistemological hiatus (Heritage 1984, 1987). aim was not to determine the structure of patterns Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 73


of orientation and experience specific to particular enterprise was secured through the success of domains. The problems he addressed were of a Aaron Cicourel’s (1964) book. It was realized more fundamental nature. His interest was in only with some delay that EM also had its own the operational basis of that meaningful order- research programme. ing that is taken for granted in everyday action, that is to say, in the techniques and mecha- nisms – or ethno-methods – of its production. 2 THE REALITY MODEL OF Compared to the ‘cognitive consensus’ pro- ETHNOMETHODOLOGY posed in Parsons’s theory (cf. Wilson 1970), Garfinkel advances the idea that members of a It is characteristic of EM that it operates with a society are not passively subject to their social- model of reality that differs sharply from the ‘real ized need-systems, internalized norms, social knowledge’ idea, deriving from Durkheim, that pressures and so on, but rather that they are social facts as an objective reality are the object continuously producing and actively develop- and legitimization of sociology. In the introduc- ing social reality in interaction with others as a tion to his book Studies in Ethnomethodology, meaningful action-context. This actor-model which rapidly became the foundation text of EM, was not ‘politically’ motivated, but it did have Garfinkel writes (1967a: VII) great affinity to the social emancipation move- ments of the 1960s. While the normative- In contrast to certain versions of Durkheim, that consensual character of Parsons’s system of teach that the objective reality of social facts is categories was increasingly felt to be inade- sociology’s fundamental principle, the lesson is quate, if not unreal, against the background of taken instead, and used as a study policy, that the objective reality of social facts as an ongoing political, social and generation conflicts in accomplishment of the concerted activities of American society, approaches that emphasized daily life, with the ordinary, artful ways of that the constructive and negotiational character of accomplishment being by members known, used, social reality were much more in keeping with and taken for granted, is, for members doing socio- the spirit of the age (Gouldner 1971). This is a logy, a fundamental phenomenon. significant – if extra-scientific – reason for success, from the 1960s onwards, of EM, symbolic Garfinkel does not deny that social facts are interactionism, the treatise of Berger and experienced as an objectively determined reality, Luckmann (1966), or the works of Erving but he decisively rejects the idea of making this Goffman (Widmer 1991), which fed on sources experience of certainty in everyday life the basis with, in some respects, a different conceptual of a science of social phenomena. Instead he history but which united in emphasizing the proposes observing ‘the objective reality of social active, creative role of the individual in social facts as an ongoing accomplishment of the con- interaction (Arbeitsgruppe Bielefelder Soziologen certed activities of daily life’, which means not 1973). Garfinkel himself points out in many proceeding from the existence of social facts, but places that explanatory approaches that ignore rather conceiving their objective reality as an the interpretative and constructional accom- ongoing accomplishment or product that is plishments of actors are, in his opinion, work- accomplished in and through the activities of ing with an actor-model in which actors appear everyday life. In this reality model the following as judgmental dopes. conditions are of particular importance. The developmental history of EM was first determined by the fact that it was perceived 1 For EM what actors observe and deal with in almost exclusively as a critique of the predomi- their everyday activity as given social facts, nant structural-functional theoretical model as a reality existing without their being and as a critique of the accepted methodical involved, is only created as such in their canon of empirical social research. This was actions and observations. Social deeds particularly true in the German-speaking world, acquire their character of reality exclusively where Jürgen Habermas (1970) very quickly through interactions that take place between drew attention to the ethnomethodologists’ people. It is only in social interaction that criticism of the unconsidered preconditions of the objectivity of ‘objectively’ perceived social science research practice, and where the events, the factual nature of ‘factually’ valid reputation of EM as a methodologically critical phenomena, is created. Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 74


2 This process of creating reality is, in principle, was influenced by the phenomenological not completed at any given moment: it is technique of epoché described by Husserl – the continuously carried out in the finely bracketing of belief in the existence of the world matched social actions of actors. Social real- (Eberle 1984; Filmer et al. 1972). Garfinkel also ity is understood by Garfinkel as an ‘ongoing pursues an interest in constitutive analysis, accomplishment’, as a reality that is created although it is not his aim to appropriate the ‘locally’ by interactants at every moment stream of consciousness with its cogitations and and in every situation (Mehan and Woods intentional objects, and he is not interested in 1975). Unlike social science theories with a the transcendental status of this operation of resolutely normative and objectivist view of bracketing and reduction in phenomenological reality, EM proceeds on the basis that the philosophy (see 3.1). Garfinkel suspends his nature of reality in social facts is not a prop- belief in the given nature of social facts in order erty inherent to them; social facts acquire to gain some insight into how social facts their type of reality exclusively in inter- become social facts in the acts of members of a actions between people; it is only in every- society. This transfer of a constitutive-analytical day practical action that social reality is perspective from the world of philosophy into real-ized. the world of social sciences is undoubtedly 3 In the continuous process of creating reality, problematic, and for that reason it has often everyday knowledge, routines and interpre- been criticized (Eickelpasch and Lehmann 1983; tations play an important part. And yet the List 1983); but it is an original achievement of ethnomethodological representation of the Garfinkel and has set in train a high degree of genesis of meaningful order in everyday innovation and creativity amongst generations practice cannot be ‘cognitively’ curtailed and of social scientists. restricted to the question of how the mean- To illustrate and explain the ethnomethodo- ing of an action is produced in the subjective logical model of reality nothing is more appro- perception of participants. In the accom- priate than a case study by Garfinkel (1967a) of plishments of order that EM sees as its the transsexual ‘Agnes’. Just as the distinction object of investigation it is rather a matter of between man and woman in the everyday world meaning-indications and revelations that is taken for granted as a social fact, in sociology actors, in their utterances, give to their part- and social research membership of one gender is ners in interaction as clues along the way. presupposed as a unit of description that is 4 EM is guided by the idea that everyday taken as a variable in every kind of data collec- actions are, in their performance, made tion. Using the example of ‘Agnes’, Garfinkel recognizable as ‘evidences-of-a-social-order’ demonstrates that gender distinction and its (Garfinkel): two people who are walking natural self-evidence quality is in no way a nat- together make it clear to others that here ‘two ural fact. Agnes was born with male sexual char- people are walking together’ (Ryave and acteristics, was first raised as a boy, changed her Schenkein 1974). Because it is shared by all own appearance, lived as a young woman, and competent members of society, this process of at the age of 19 underwent an operation to creating a meaning-related reality cannot take change her gender. She taught Garfinkel that to place in a subjectively random fashion: it is, be a woman meant to be perceived and treated on the contrary, methodical (Weingarten by others as a ‘woman’, which again requires et al. 1976), which implies that it displays making oneself perceptible to others, by individual, formal and, therefore, describable various methods, as a ‘normal, natural woman’. structural features. For everyday actors this In this way the fact of gender-membership process of the methodical production of real- becomes a continually self-fulfilling and con- ity is uninteresting, and is taken for granted. tinually presented accomplishment that is For EM, however, this generative process is of interactive and perceptive (cf. also the investi- central importance: what is taken for granted gations of Kessler and McKenna 1978 and in everyday life becomes, for EM, a problem Hirschauer 1993 that complement Garfinkel’s (Wolff 1976). Agnes study). In the view of EM a concrete immutable fact becomes an event that takes From this characterization it may be recognized place over time and that can change and develop that the ethnomethodological model of reality in an unexpected way. Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 75


3 CENTRAL CONCEPTS AND 1 The place where for EM the meaningful PROGRAMMATIC STATEMENTS construction of reality takes place is the social event, because actors, in carrying out their Since Garfinkel does not see the problem of actions, employ techniques and procedures to how meaningful social order arises between make these actions recognizable, understand- people as being solved by reference to uniform able, describable and accountable. ‘Account’ in internalized value systems, for him the ques- this context means more than ‘understand’: it tion of the ‘how’ in the constitution of mean- means the observable forms and representations ing takes centre-stage. ‘This thesis’, begins in which a perception, an interpretation or an Garfinkel’s PhD dissertation (1952: 1) – super- explanation materialize. This externalized char- vised by Talcott Parsons – ‘is concerned with acter of accounts is shown with particular clarity the conditions under which a person makes where Garfinkel (1967a: 1) writes ‘When I speak continued sense of the world around him’. This of “accountable” …, I mean … observable-and- concern with the question of meaning consti- reportable, i.e. available to members as situated tution permeates EM from its beginnings down practices of looking-and-telling.’ Other para- to its most recent past. But Garfinkel gives this phrases of the term accountable that are scattered question a new direction that marks the special through Garfinkel’s work include recordable, character of EM compared to other interpreta- countable, picturable, tellable, storyable, tive research approaches. For him, the process representable. of meaning endowment in everyday life is not 2 Garfinkel’s definitive description of EM something that can be separated from the also shows that these accounts should not be action itself and removed into the heads of understood as discrete linguistic events that are people. Instead, he assumes that ‘meaningful produced or perceived outside the current events are entirely and exclusively events in a event; they are, rather, an integral component person’s behavioral environment. … Hence of the social event to which they relate. For there is no reason to look under the skull, for example, in the particular way in which two nothing of interest is to be found there but people speak together, we may recognize that in brains’ (1963: 190). This decision of Garfinkel’s this talk we are dealing with a conversation to conceptualize, for the purposes of investi- between a doctor and a patient; and at the same gation, the process of subjective allocation time their utterances are only understandable if of meaning not as an inner ‘private’ act one hears them as utterances in a doctor– of consciousness, but from the outset as a patient conversation. Accounts therefore possess social, ‘public’ event, is of central importance a fundamental reflexivity: while on the one hand for EM and has far-reaching consequences they serve to create and make recognizable the for its research practice. (For an ethno- order and meaning of a social event, on the methodological discussion and critique of other hand they are themselves a part of mental concepts and cognitive theories, cf. this event and obtain their meaning and intelli- Coulter 1989.) gible content only with reference to this social EM is not concerned with the reconstruction of order. a silent internal understanding in the sense of 3 This reflexivity of accounts is manifest pri- reconstructive hermeneutics, but with observing marily in the fact that utterances and actions and describing the structural principles of the constantly relate to the context in which they process of understanding and making oneself occur and thereby inevitably take on an indexi- understood that is documented in action itself. cal character. They point continually to the situ- Garfinkel (1967a: VII) incorporated this aim in a ation and the context in which they are definitive description of EM in which various produced, and to understand their content and concepts appear that are of crucial importance for meaning recipients must continually take the understanding of EM: ‘Ethnomethodological account of the environment of the event. But studies analyze everyday activities as members’ since in the course of an event the situational methods for making those same activities visibly- and contextual circumstances are constantly rational-and-reportable-for-all-practical-purposes, changing, every social encounter possesses i.e. “accountable”, as organizations of common- something unique and particular. The indexical- place everyday activities.’ The concepts contained particular character of all social events is an incon- in this definition may be set out as follows. venience for scientific observation, which looks Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 76


for typology, formalization and generalization. in stressing the special rationality of everyday Attempts to overcome this inconvenience by action as opposed to scientific rationality. de-indexicalizing – by replacing indexical expressions by objective expressions – will only For EM the sense of linguistic utterances in lead to unreal solutions, since indications of socially organized action contexts is structurally context cannot be avoided even in scientific dis- uncertain. The vagueness and the elliptical char- course. But if, in view of this situation, one pro- acter of statements are not seen in everyday life ceeds to represent social interaction simply by as ‘errors’; they are, rather, sanctioned as situa- actualization and invoking abstract describable tionally appropriate behaviour. The partners in behaviour patterns (roles and so on), one is communication, guided by pragmatic action denying exactly its essentially context-dependent motives, rely on the fact that the other will quality. Garfinkel therefore decided to dedicate always understand what was meant by a partic- the investigative programme of EM totally to ular utterance, and that what was not immedi- the question of how social order can possibly ately understood has a meaning that will be arise out of inevitably indexical utterances and clarified in the further course of the conversa- actions that are dependent on situation and tion. To put this more pointedly: EM assumes context. ‘I use the term “ethnomethodology” to that the structural uncertainty of meaning in refer to the investigation of the rational proper- everyday interactive events is a constitutive con- ties of indexical expressions and other practical dition for certainty of meaning, that is to say, actions as contingent ongoing accomplish- for meaningful experience and action. In this ments of organized artful practices of everyday way EM, in respect of the character of everyday life’ (Garfinkel 1967a: 11). What does Garfinkel rationality, arrives at a similar assessment to that mean by saying that indexical expressions have of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1958: 63), who – coming rational properties? from a totally different theoretical tradition – 4 It is a premise of EM that the reflexive formulated this paradox as follows. context-dependency of meaning-generation and the indexicality of everyday utterances and On the one hand it is clear that every sentence of actions cannot, in principle, be removed our language is ‘in order, as it is’ means that we (Garfinkel and Sacks 1970). This means, how- are not looking for an ideal: as if our normal vague sentences had as yet no completely ever, that the conditions under which people unflawed meaning and we still have to construct act in everyday life, develop projects for action a complete language. On the other hand it seems or take decisions are always unclear and can clear: where there is meaning there must be com- only be explained in advance to a very limited plete order. … The most perfect order must also be extent. But under such conditions, how is hidden, therefore, in the vaguest sentence. appropriate and efficient behaviour, communi- cation and cooperation at all possible? For Everyday discourses are characterized, for EM, Garfinkel, however, this question is already by their provisional nature, vagueness, incom- wrongly worded because it proceeds from the pleteness or ambiguity, but these characteriza- model of scientific-rational communication, tions, which suggest some deficiency, cannot according to which everyday communication hide the fact that communication and under- must appear defective. And yet in everyday standing in the everyday world can only be life – and this is what the remark about the achieved in this way. It is only in comparison rationality of indexical expressions relates to – with the scientific model of understanding that communication can only take place because of relies on unambiguity, completeness and objec- the fact that terms are not clearly defined in an tivity of statements that these features of every- interaction, but are defined vaguely; meanings day communication have to be seen as are not fixed once and for all, but are used flui- deficiencies. At this point it becomes clear that dly; themes and meaning-contents are not for- EM as a critique of the scientistic procedure of malized and freed from contradictions, but are the traditional social sciences, and EM as a pro- kept open and ambiguous. ‘What a stir it would gramme for investigating the special rationality cause in the world if the names of things were of the world of everyday life, are two sides of turned into definitions!’ observed Lichtenberg one and the same undertaking. (On the rela- (1983: 450) once in his Sudelbücher, and it is in tionship of EM to canonical social sciences and precisely this sense that Garfinkel is interested humanities, cf. Button 1991.) Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 77


4 DEVELOPMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES: specific types of professional activity. In the first ‘STUDIES OF WORK’ instance this is a matter of tracing the unique quality of a particular professional activity that In the initial phase of EM the works of Garfinkel cannot be subsumed under a general category. (1967a) were totally directed to the task of prov- Here a focus is provided by the analysis of (nat- ing that in the everyday world an unknown ural) scientific work (Lynch et al. 1983) in field of research lay before the eyes of the social which it becomes clear why the ethnomethodo- scientist, and that this was worthy of investiga- logical ‘studies of work’ of previous years tion. Garfinkel did this, in the first place, by received and discussed primarily in the sociol- showing how – for example, in coding a ques- ogy of science (Knorr-Cetina and Mulkay 1983; tionnaire – social science research practice was Lynch 1993). continually but unknowingly influenced by The formulation and definition of the ‘studies everyday elements that needed urgently to be of work’ approach (Garfinkel 1991, 1996; clarified in accordance with the methodological Garfinkel and Wieder 1992) should be under- and statistical requirements of empirical social stood to a certain extent as a reaction to the research (see also Cicourel 1964). Alternatively, development and success of conversation analy- he showed that medical records from a psychi- sis, which also has its roots in the original pro- atric clinic, which seemed, to an external social gramme of EM and was able to consolidate itself scientific observer, to be defective sources of to a large extent as an independent research data, immediately lost their ‘deficits’ when put approach (see 5.17). ‘Studies of work’ as the lat- into the context of their clinical application; est version of ethnomethodological research, on there are, therefore, as Garfinkel pointed out, the other hand, do not offer such a clear picture, ‘good organizational reasons for bad clinic and this is not least a result of the complexity of records’. Garfinkel has become best known for the area of ‘work’ (Heritage 1987). While con- his unconventional crisis experiments, in which versation analysis had restricted itself to the individual features of the everyday world – such limited aspect of linguistic and non-linguistic as its characteristic vagueness – can be made interaction, ‘studies of work’ include everything clear and a matter of conscious awareness if they to do with the carrying out of working activities – are confronted systematically, for instance if the even over an extended period of time – and this use of indexical expressions is criticized or the included not only episodes of linguistic interac- clear meaning of a term is demanded. tion, but also matters of the technical handling The collapse of normal communication makes of instruments, the manipulation and spatial visible its everyday world foundation. organization of objects, or the pictorial and Inspired by the works of Garfinkel, many written documents that were produced in the studies, in the early days of EM, dealt with the course of work. question of how ‘facts’ are produced in various A central theorem of early EM claims that organizations. In a law court how is a clear order actors, in carrying out actions, employ numer- of events reconstructed in the face of contradic- ous techniques and procedures to make these tory information (Pollner 1987)? In a clinic how actions portrayable and accountable, and that does a patient who has died become a dead in this way they produce the reality of social person in the actions of the staff of the clinic facts. In this respect ‘studies of work’ go a step (Sudnow 1967)? In a corrective institution how further and, in their own estimation, radicalize is the difference between inmates and supervi- the idea of the meaningful creation of reality. sors created and maintained (Wieder 1974)? In a They reject the division implicit in this concep- social welfare office how is it decided whether a tion between description, portrayal and expla- client has a legitimate claim (Zimmerman nation on the one hand and objects, facts and 1974)?1 circumstances on the other. Instead they insist Garfinkel himself has been concerned, since on the indivisibility and irreducibility of the the mid-1970s, with a particular development of local production of social order in, and as the EM that has become known under the label embodied practices of, the actors. The meaning ‘studies of work’ (Garfinkel 1986). This will be and reality of social objects are no longer viewed described briefly below. Research done in this as the result of the application of distinguish- area concentrates on describing the practical able representation practices: instead object and competences that underlie the performance of representation are understood as a unit, as a totality Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 78


that realizes itself in the performance of sensory (Garfinkel et al. 1981), with the laboratory and bodily activities. activity of neurobiologists (Lynch 1985), with Here it becomes clear that the ‘studies of mathematicians’ performance of proofs work’ approach was formulated under the influ- (Livingston 1986), with concealed educational ence of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s investigations activity of introductory scientific texts (Morrison of the phenomenology of the human body. By 1981), with improvisation activity while play- analysing work performance, the ‘studies of ing the piano (Sudnow 1978) or keyboard work’ attempt, from a sociological perspective, work (Sudnow 1979). In these studies it is to continue his endeavours to overcome the dis- demonstrated that even producing the ‘demon- tinction between the body as a self-contained strability’ of a mathematical proof, which is mechanism and consciousness as the essence normally assumed to be independent of con- for itself. Their focus of interest is the embodied text, is anchored in the local situational knowledge that is materialized in the natural sequences of actions of the mathematician per- mastery of skilful practices and that is constitu- forming with chalk on the blackboard. tive for the successful execution of a particular Moreover, a pulsar is defined as a ‘cultural piece of work. With this they aim to provide an object’ in that it is shown that it only begins to empirical analysis of competence systems that exist because of a series of embodied work- are characteristic of a particular type of work activities by the astronomer during a sequence and give it its identity. of sets of observations. These competences cannot be depicted in More recent investigations in the ‘studies of handbooks or training manuals, and are ignored work’ tradition are concerned, on the one hand, by traditional occupational and professional with the local situational practices of profes- sociology. Between the training manual repre- sionalized work (cf. for example Travers 1997 for sentations – the official rules for a particular a study of the work of lawyers and defence kind of work which can provide only model counsels), and on the other hand – and this versions of the working process – and the factual, applies to the majority of current research in practical performance of work at a particular sit- this area – with situational work practices in uational moment, there is a fundamental gap, dealing with technology, and in particular infor- which everyday experience sees as the differ- mation technology. ‘Studies of work’ are indeed ence between theory and practice. In spite of aiming not at developing general schemata for fundamental theoretical training, every type of the description of the use of machines and com- work – from driving a tractor, to playing the puters, but at determining the ‘identifying piano, right down to carrying out a mathemati- features’ (Garfinkel) of this work from the situa- cal proof – must first be learned as a practical tional details of the use of objects and informa- activity. In this process the practitioner acquires tion (for example, on a computer screen). This the ability to recognize and adjust to contingen- precise attention to local practices in the use of cies, to take decisions about the course of work, objects and in the execution of work-tasks not schematically but moment by moment, makes ‘studies of work’ attractive and applicable and, in association with situational imponder- to research in the field of human–computer ables and local constellations, somehow to interaction (HCI) and computer-supported manage the observable adequacy and efficiency cooperative work (CSCW), as the work of Lucy of his or her activity. This ‘somehow’ had long Suchman (1987), in particular, has impressively been omitted in the descriptions of both practi- shown. tioners and sociologists. ‘Studies of work’ make The programme of ‘studies of work’ has also precisely this ‘somehow’ their primary focus, by had a strong influence on the development of asking ‘how exactly’ the specific nature of a par- the so-called ‘workplace studies’ (Knoblauch ticular type of work is constituted in the skilled 1996c), which are concerned with the analysis physical performance of practical activities, in of complex work-tasks, particularly in the area the details of their performance. of information technology (for an overview cf. For the ‘studies of work’ approach some of Button 1993). An important aspect of this type the investigations that started in the 1970s have of working context is that specialization, divi- a paradigmatic value. This applies to studies sion of work and concentration on a computer that concerned themselves with the discovery screen lead to the necessity for actors to apply activity of astronomers in an observatory particular skills of coordination and anticipation Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 79


with regard to the behaviour of their colleagues. confronts the fundamental problem of determining Checking, observing, thinking, recognizing and the level of generality at which pieces of qualita- so on often do not happen in these contexts as tive research should treat their respective social an impersonal psychic procedure, but are objects of investigation. imparted to colleagues as part of a person’s own However, insisting on the ‘haecceitas’ of all communicative behaviour in highly distinctive social objects, which should not be damaged in and implicit ways. Because ethnomethodologi- scientific observation, will ultimately handicap cal ‘studies of work’ have always made this every analytical endeavour and will lead, embodied, communicative form of knowledge through an ever-deepening multiplication of and recognition their special theme, fascinating detail, to a descriptive duplication of the object. new links to cognitive science have resulted that The term ‘haecceitas’ was originally coined by do not reduce the processes of cognition to the mediaeval scholasticist Johannes Duns cerebral physiological processes, but which Scotus to characterize the ‘here-and-now’ nature localize them as ‘distributed cognition’, mani- of things. What he meant, in the formulation of fest in the communicative ecology of working Heidegger, who studied Duns Scotus’s early and learning contexts (cf. Engeström and works, was ‘what really exists is an individual Middleton 1996). thing. … All that really exists is a “such-here- now”’ (Safranski 1997: 84). But this miracle of the singularity of the real is a nominalist con- 5 CRITICAL EVALUATION struct, since human reason always operates in a AND PROSPECTS comparative, linking and ordering fashion between the respective unique individual mani- Tensions between conversation analysis and festations – and the social scientist does the ‘studies of work’ have permeated the discus- same with a systematic intent. However, sions of recent years and have frequently led to Garfinkel’s reference to the ‘haecceitas’ of every- marked differences of opinion. These differ- thing social should not be seen merely as a ences cannot be written off as an internal battle provocation of model-building social sciences, between two ethnomethodological camps, but as a warning that, in the course of all neces- since they concern a point of general relevance – sary formalization and generalization, the local, particularly for qualitative research. Conversation reflexive constitutive process of the social analysis pursues the goal of determining the should not be lost from sight. If ethnomethod- mechanisms that are principally relevant for ological ‘studies of work’ succeed, with a mea- the organization of ‘talk-in-interaction’. For sure of generalization, in gaining access to what many ethnomethodologists (cf., for example, situational demands, practical and embodied Pollner 1991), Garfinkel’s original programme knowledge contribute to professional work, is being diluted by this procedure to the point then its discoveries could have a lasting influ- where it is no longer recognizable. They fear ence in many areas. that in the formalization and linguisticization of conversation analysis the idea that interac- tion is always locally bound, that it inevitably NOTE has an indexical character, and is subject to a process of reflexive meaning-constitution, will 1 Information about further ethnomethodological become unimportant. Garfinkel himself (1991, studies on these and similar themes can be found see also Lynch 1993, ch. 7), in his program- in the collections of Douglas (1970), Turner (1974), matic works, has spoken consistently of the Psathas (1979), Helm et al. (1989), Coulter (1990) ‘haecceitas’ of the social world (see below) and Watson and Seiler (1992), Have and Psathas (1995), has singled this out as the focus of ethno- Psathas (1995). An extensive bibliography on methodological interest. This term (whose ori- ethnomethodology up to 1990 may be found in Fehr et al. (1990). Surveys and critical discussions gin Garfinkel does not indicate) is intended to of the further development of ethnomethodology express that everything social only exists as a since its foundation by Harold Garfinkel are in unique, individual manifestation – a feature Attewell (1974), Sharrock and Anderson (1986), that is eliminated if the social is described in Atkinson (1988) and Maynard and Clayman general terms and subsumed under predeter- (1991). Further presentations are in Fengler and mined theoretically derived categories. This Fengler (1980) and Patzelt (1987). Flick 3.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:13 PM Page 80



Fehr, B. J., Stetson, J. and Mizukawa, Y. (1990) ‘A Bibliography for Ethnomethodology’, in J. Coulter (ed.), Ethnomethodological Sociology. Brookfield: Edward Elgar. pp. 473–559.

Heritage, J. C. (1984) Garfinkel and Ethnometho- dology. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Hilbert, R. A. (1992) The Classical Roots of Ethno- methodology: Durkheim, Weber, and Garfinkel. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Sacks, H. (1992) Lectures on Conversation, Volume I and II (edited by G. Jefferson with introductions by E. A. Schegloff). Oxford: Blackwell.

Turner, R. (ed.) (1974) Ethnomethodology: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 81

3.3 Symbolic Interactionism

Norman K. Denzin

1 Basic principles of symbolic interactionism 81 2 Theories of agency and action 82 3 Root assumptions 82 4 Race and gender 83 5 Epistemological and conceptual assumptions 83 6 Origins: Cooley, James, Mead, Dewey, Blumer 83 7 Varieties of interactionist thought 84 8 Recent developments: the narrative turn 85 9 Experience and its representations 85 10 Assessing interpretations 85 11 Disputes over truth 86 12 Conclusion 86

Symbolic interactionism is that unique American that connects the symbolic interactionist tradition sociological and social psychological perspec- with science studies, cultural psychology and tive that traces its roots to the early American the Soviet tradition represented by the works of pragmatists, James, Dewey, Peirce and Mead. It Vygotsky and others. The journal Symbolic has been called the loyal opposition in Interaction and the research annual Studies in American sociology, the most sociological of Symbolic Interaction routinely publish work by social psychologies. Only recently has this per- symbolic interactionists, and members of the spective entered the discourses of the other Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. social sciences, including anthropology, psy- Interactionism has had a tortured history in chology and science studies, where the works of American sociology (see Fine 1993). Many times Mead have been joined with the theories of its death has been announced, and its practi- Wittgenstein, Vygotsky and Bakhtin (1989). tioners maligned, but the perspective refuses to Harré, for example, places ‘symbolic inter- die. Today it is alive and well, thriving in its jour- actions’ at the heart of psychology, showing nals and at its annual meetings and symposia. how selves, attitudes, motives, genders and emotions are ‘discursive productions, attributes of conversations rather than mental entities’ 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF (Harré 1992: 526). SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM Other social scientists are adopting an inter- actionist informed approach to the study of The term symbolic in the phrase symbolic inter- lives, identities and social relationships (see action refers to the underlying linguistic foun- Dunn 1998; Holstein and Gubrium 2000; dations of human group life, just as the word Musolf 1998; Wiley 1994). A relatively new jour- interaction refers to the fact that people do not nal, Mind, Culture, and Activity, publishes work act toward one another, but interact with each Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 82


other. By using the term interaction symbolic 3 ROOT ASSUMPTIONS interactionists commit themselves to the study and analysis of the developmental course of In its canonical form symbolic interactionism action that occurs when two or more persons (or rests on the following root assumptions (see agents) with agency (reflexivity) join their indi- Blumer 1981). vidual lines of action together into joint action. 1 ‘Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have 2 THEORIES OF AGENCY AND ACTION for them’ (Blumer 1969: 2). 2 The meanings of things arise out of the The concepts of action and agency are central to process of social interaction. interactionist theories of the self and the inter- 3 Meanings are modified through an interpre- action process. Action references experiences tive process which involves self-reflective that are reflexively meaningful to the person. individuals symbolically interacting with Agency describes the locus of action, whether in one another (Blumer 1969: 2). the person, in language, or in some other struc- 4 Human beings create the worlds of experi- ture or process. At issue is the place of an ence in which they live. autonomous, reflexive individual in the con- 5 The meanings of these worlds come from struction of meaningful action. That is, do interaction, and they are shaped by the self- persons, as agents, create their own experience? reflections persons bring to their situations. Or, is experience created by a larger entity, or 6 Such self-interaction is ‘interwoven with agent? Are agency, meaning and intention in social interaction and influences that social the actor, in the experience, or in the social interaction’ (Blumer 1981: 53). structure? Do persons, as Karl Marx argued, 7 Joint acts, their formation, dissolution, con- make history, but not under conditions of their flict and merger constitute what Blumer calls own making? If history goes on behind people‘s the ‘social life of a human society’. A society backs, then structures, not persons as agents, consists of the joint or social acts ‘which are make history. If this is the case, then the formed and carried out by [its] members’ real object of interactionist enquiry is not (Blumer 1981: 153). the person, or a single individual. Rather, exter- 8 A complex interpretive process shapes the nal systems and discursive practices create par- meanings things have for human beings. ticular subjectivities, and particular subjective This process is anchored in the cultural experiences for the individual. Interactionists world, in the ‘circuit of culture’ (du Gay reject this interpretation, arguing that experi- et al. 1997: 3) where meanings are defined by ence, structure and subjectivity are dialogical the mass media, including advertising, processes. cinema and television, and identities are rep- Following Giddens’s theory of structuration, resented in terms of salient cultural categories. and his concept of the duality of structure, it can be argued that ‘the structured properties of social The basic task of the mass media is to make systems are simultaneously the medium and out- the second-hand world we all live in appear to be come of social acts’ (Giddens 1981: 19; emphasis natural and invisible. Barthes (1957/1972: 11) in original). Further, ‘all social action consists of elaborates, noting that the media dress up real- social practices, situated in time-space, and orga- ity, giving it a sense of naturalness, so that nized in a skilled and knowledgeable fashion by ‘Nature and History [are] confused at every human agents’ (1981: 19). Thus does Giddens’s turn.’ The prime goals of the mass media com- interactionist model overcome the false opposi- plex are to create audience members who: tion between action, agency, meaning and struc- (1) become consumers of the products advertised ture. Giddens’s formulation is consistent with in the media; while (2) engaging in consump- symbolic interactionist assumptions. Every indi- tion practices that conform to the norms of pos- vidual is a practical social agent, but human sessive individualism endorsed by the capitalist agents are constrained by structural rules, by political system; and (3) adhering to a public material resources, and by the structural opinion that is supportive of the strategic processes connected to class, gender, race, ethni- polices of the state (Smythe 1994: 285). The city, nation and community. audience is primarily a commodity that the Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 83


information technologies produce (Smythe 1 Interpretative (and symbolic) interactionists 1994: 268). A final goal of the media is clear: to do not think general theories are useful. do everything it can to make consumers as audi- 2 Interactionists reject totalizing, grand ence members think they are not commodities. theories of the social; interactionists, like Herein lies the importance of cultural narra- many post-structural (Foucault) and post- tives and stories that reinforce the epiphanal modern (Lyotard) theorists, believe in writ- nature of human existence under late twentieth- ing local narratives about how people do century capitalism. These stories give members things together. the illusion of a soul, of structural freedom and 3 Interactionists do not like theories that free will. Thus do the circuits of culture (pro- objectify and quantify human experience. duction, distribution, representation) implement They prefer to write texts that remain close this system of commodification. to the actual experiences of the people they are writing about. 4 Interactionists do not like theories that are 4 RACE AND GENDER imported from other disciplines, like the natural sciences or economics (for example, All human experience is racially gendered; that chaos or rational choice theories). is, filtered through the socially constructed cate- 5 Interactionists do not like theories that ignore gories of male and female. This system privileges history, but they are not historical determi- whiteness over blackness. It reproduces negative nists. They believe that persons, not inexorable racial and ethnic stereotypes about dark-skinned forces, make history, but they understand persons. It regulates interracial, inter-ethnic sex- that the histories that individuals make may ual relationships. The gendered categories (male not always be of their own making. and female) of the racial self are enacted in daily 6 Interactionists do not like theories that ritual performances, in the conversations ignore the biographies and lived experiences between males and females, and in media repre- of interacting individuals. sentations (see 3.10). 7 Interactionists do not believe in asking ‘why’ These gender categories are performative, questions. They ask, instead, ‘how’ questions. established in and through the interaction How, for example, is a given strip of experi- process. This process of performing gender pro- ence structured, lived and given meaning? duces a gendered social order. In these perfor- mances there are no originals against which a These are the things that interactionists do not particular gendered performance can be judged. like to do. This means they are often criticized Butler argues that each person constitutes for not doing what other people think they through their interactional performances a should do, like doing macro-studies of power situated version of a heterosexual, or non- structures, or not having clearly defined con- heterosexual identity. Every performance is a cepts and terms, or being overly cognitive, or masquerade, a copy of the real thing, an imita- having emergent theories, or being ahistorical tion of an imitation. Butler elaborates, ‘If het- and astructural (see Musolf 1998). Too often erosexuality is an impossible imitation of itself, these criticisms reflect either a failure to under- an imitation that performatively constitutes stand what the interactionist agenda is, or the itself as the original, then the imitative parody fact that the critics have not read what interac- of “heterosexuality” … is always and only an tionists have written. imitation of an imitation, a copy of a copy, for which there is no original’ (1993: 644). 6 ORIGINS: COOLEY, JAMES, MEAD, DEWEY, BLUMER 5 EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ASSUMPTIONS I now turn to a brief discussion of the origins of this perspective in American social theory (see also The symbolic interactionist perspective may be Musolf 1998: 20–92; also Holstein and Gubrium clarified by outlining the empirical and theore- 2000: 17–37; Wiley 1994). Interactionists are cul- tical practices interactionists value and do not tural romantics. Often tragic and ironic, their value. vision of self and society stands in a direct line Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 84


with the Left romanticism of Ralph Waldo Mead’s picture of the social act, he introduced Emerson, Karl Marx and William James. From the the concepts of joint action and acting unit to beginning, interactionists have been haunted by a describe the interactions that extend from dyads Janus-faced spectre. On the one hand, the found- to complex institutions. His self is an inter- ing theorists argued for the interpretative, subjec- pretative process, and his society (after Park and tive study of human experience. On the other Thomas) is one built on the play of power, inter- hand, they sought to build an objective science of est, group position, collective action and social human conduct, a science that would conform to protest. He applied Mead and Park to the study criteria borrowed from the natural sciences. of fashion, film, racial prejudice, collective behav- Pragmatism, as a theory of knowing, truth, iour and the industrialization process. science and meaning, is central to the interaction- With Mead, and Blumer’s extension of Mead, ist heritage. For Mead, James, Peirce and Dewey, the interaction tradition decisively moves away truth is defined in terms of its consequences for from the interpretative and phenomenological action. What is true is what works. Pragmatism suggestions of Cooley and James. It enters a con- became a form of cultural criticism for Dewey and fused phase, as noted above, which attempts, James. Dewey’s pragmatism celebrated critical though unsuccessfully, to become naturalistic, intelligence, implemented through the scientific subjective and scientific. (In 1974 in Frame method, as the proper mode of scientific enquiry. Analysis Goffman attempted to reclaim and then This pragmatic tradition, in its several forms, con- refute the neglected James and phenomenologi- tinues to the present day (see Denzin 1992: 131; cal tradition; see 2.2.) Strauss 1993b). It remains one of the most viable interpretative philosophical positions now operat- ing in the human disciplines. 7 VARIETIES OF INTERACTIONIST Cooley contended that the self of the person THOUGHT arises out of experiences in primary groups, especially the family. Modern societies are Symbolic interactionism comes in multiple vari- shaped by the media. Governmentally regulated eties. These include: pragmatic, feminist, pheno- competition is the best mechanism for main- menological and constructionist varieties. taining the democratic values of a society like Diversity is not just theoretical. At the methodo- the United States. logical level, interactionists employ a variety of James argued that the state of consciousness, interpretative, qualitative approaches, including or stream of consciousness, is all that the field of autoethnographies, narratives of the self, struc- psychology needed to posit. The self, in its prin- tural, articulative, semiotic and practical ethno- cipal form of knower or subject (the ‘I’), is at the graphies, grounded theory, the biographical, life centre of the person’s state of consciousness. In history method, performance and feminist experience the ‘I’ interacts with the ‘me’, or the ethnographies, more traditional interviewing self as object. For James the person has as many and participant observation practices, creative selves as he or she has social relationships. interviewing, the interpretative practices hinted Mead turns Cooley and James on their heads. at by Blumer, conversation analysis, ethnographic For him the self is not mentalistic. Self and mind and laboratory searches for generic principles of are social and cognitive processes, lodged in the social life, and historical studies of civilizational ongoing social world. Self is a social object which processes. lies in the field of experience. It is structured by Substantively, interactionists have made major the principle of sociality, or the taking of the contributions to many areas of social science. An attitude of the other in a social situation. The self incomplete list would include the fields of can be scientifically studied, like an object in the deviance, social problems, collective behaviour, physical sciences. Rejecting because medical sociology, the emotions, the arts, social it is not scientific, he argued for a view of the self organization, race relations and industrializa- and society which joins these two terms in a reci- tion, childhood socialization, fashion, film, the procal process of interaction. His key term was mass media, family violence and small groups. ‘the act’, which replaces James’s concept of In short, there are many styles and versions of stream of experience. symbolic interactionism and these variations are Blumer (1969) turns Mead into a sociologist. displayed across the fields of sociology and social Offering a view of society that derives from psychology. Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 85


8 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: stories, rituals, myths), represents experience. THE NARRATIVE TURN These representational practices are narrative constructions. The meanings and forms of Contemporary symbolic interactionists emphasize everyday experience are always given in narra- the reflexive, gendered, situated nature of tive representations. These representations are human experience. They examine the place of texts that are performed, stories told to others. language and multiple meanings in interactional Bruner is explicit on this point: representations contexts (see Holstein and Gubrium 2000). This must ‘be performed to be experienced’ (1984: 7). reflexive, or narrative concern is also evidenced Hence symbolic interactionists study performed in other points of view, from phenomenology texts, rituals, stories told, songs sung, novels (see 3.1), to hermeneutics (see 3.5), semiotics, read, dramas performed. Paraphrasing Bruner psychoanalysis (see 5.20), feminism (see 3.10), (1984: 7), experience is a performance, and real- narratology (see 5.11), cultural, discursive and ity is a social construction. dialogical psychology (see 5.19), interpretive The politics of representation is basic to the sociology and cultural studies (see 3.9). study of experience. How a thing is represented This narrative turn moves in two directions at involves a struggle over power and meaning. the same time. First, symbolic interactionists While social scientists have traditionally privi- (and other theorists) formulate and offer various leged experience itself, it is now understood that narrative versions, or stories about how the no life, no experience can be lived outside of social world operates. This form of narrative is some system of representation (Hall 1996d: usually called a theory, for example Freud‘s 473). Indeed, ‘there is no escaping … the politics theory of psychosexual development (see 5.20). of representation’ (Hall 1996d: 473; see 5.22). On this, Charles Lemert reminds us that socio- Symbolic interactionists are constantly con- logy is an act of the imagination, that the various structing interpretations about the world. All sociologies are ‘stories people tell about what accounts, ‘however carefully tested and sup- they have figured out about their experiences in ported are, in the end‚ authored’ (Hall, 1996a: social life’ (Lemert 1997: 14). This is how inter- 14). Interactionist explanations reflect the point actionism is best understood: various stories of view of the author. They do not carry the about the social world, stories people tell them- guarantee of truth and objectivity. For example, selves about their lives and the worlds they live feminist scholars have repeatedly argued in, stories that may or may not work. (rightly we believe) that the methods and aims Second, symbolic interactionists study narra- of positivistic social psychology are gender- tives and systems of discourse, suggesting that biased, that they reflect patriarchal beliefs and these structures give coherence and meaning to practices (see 3.10). In addition, the traditional everyday life. (A system of discourse is a way of experimental methods of social psychological representing the world.) Systems of discourse enquiry reproduce these biases. both summarize and produce knowledge about the world (Foucault 1980: 27). These discursive systems are seldom just true or false. In the 10 ASSESSING INTERPRETATIONS world of human affairs truth and facts are con- structed in different ways. Their meanings are The narrative turn and the feminist critique lead embedded in competing discourses. As such interactionists to be very tentative in terms of they are connected to struggles over power, or the arguments and positions they put forward. regimes of truth; that is, to who has the power It is now understood that there is no final, or to determine what is true and what is not true authorized version of the truth. Still, there are (Hall 1996c: 205). criteria of assessment that should be used. Interactionists are ‘committed to providing sys- tematic, rigorous, coherent, comprehensive, 9 EXPERIENCE AND ITS conceptually clear, well-evidenced accounts, REPRESENTATIONS which make their underlying theoretical struc- ture and value assumptions clear to readers … It is not possible to study experience directly, so [still] we cannot deny the ultimately interpre- symbolic interactionists study how narratives, tive character of the social science enterprise’ connected to systems of discourse (interviews, (Hall 1996a: 14). Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 86


Interpretive interactionists (see Denzin 2000) 11 DISPUTES OVER TRUTH seek an existential, interpretive social science that offers a blueprint for cultural criticism. This There are many in the interactionist community criticism is grounded in the specific worlds who reject the narrative turn (as outlined above) made visible in the research process. It under- and what it implies for interpretive work. These stands that all enquiry is theory- and value- critics base their arguments on six beliefs: laden. There can be no objective account of a culture and its ways. The ethnographic, the 1 The new writing is not scientific, therefore it aesthetic and the political can never be neatly cannot be part of the ethnographic project. separated. Qualitative enquiry, like art, is always 2 The new writers are moralists; moral judge- political. ments are not part of science. A critical, civic, literary form of qualitative 3 The new writers have a faulty epistemology; enquiry is one that should meet four criteria. It they do not believe in disinterested observers must evidence a mastery of literary craftsman- who study a reality that is independent of ship, the art of good writing. It should present a human action. well-plotted, compelling, but minimalist narra- 4 The new writing uses fiction; this is not tive. This narrative will be based on realistic, nat- science, it is art. ural conversation, with a focus on memorable, 5 The new writers do not study lived experi- recognizable characters. These characters will be ence which is the true province of ethnogra- located in well-described, ‘unforgettable scenes’ phy. Hence, the new writers are not (Ford 1998: 1112). Second, the work should pre- participant observers sent clearly identifiable cultural and political 6 The new writers are postmodernists, and issues, including injustices based on the struc- this is irrational, because postmodernism is tures and meanings of race, class, gender and fatalistic, nativistic, radical, absurd and sexual orientation. Third, the work should articu- nihilistic. late a politics of hope. It should criticize how things are and imagine how they could be differ- These six beliefs constitute complex discursive ent. Finally, it will do these things through direct systems; separate literatures are attached to and indirect symbolic and rhetorical means. each. Taken together, they represent a formi- Writers who do these things are fully immersed dable, yet dubious critique of the new inter- in the oppressions and injustices of their time. actionist project. They make it clear that there They direct their ethnographic energies to higher, are no problems with the old ways of doing utopian, morally sacred goals. research. Indeed, the new ways create more The truth of these new texts is determined problems then they solve. These beliefs serve pragmatically, by their truth effects, by the crit- to place the new work outside science, perhaps ical, moral discourse they produce, by the in the humanities, or the arts. Some would ‘empathy they generate, the exchange of experi- ban these persons from academia altogether. ence they enable, and the social bonds they Others would merely exclude them from mediate’ (Jackson 1998: 180). The power of certain theory groups, that is from symbolic these texts is not a question of whether ‘they interactionism. mirror the world as it “really” is’ (Jackson 1998: 180). The world is always already constructed through narrative texts. Rorty (1979) is firm on 12 CONCLUSION this point. There is no mirror of nature. The world as it is known is constructed through acts To summarize, symbolic interactionism offers a of representation and interpretation. generic theory of action, meaning, motives, Finally, this performative ethnography emotion, gender, the person and social struc- searches for new ways to locate and represent ture. This theory has relevance for all of the the gendered, sacred self in its ethical relation- human disciplines, from psychology, to socio- ships to nature. An exploration of other forms logy, history, anthropology and political of writing is sought, including personal diaries, science. Thus do interactionists study the inter- nature writing and performance texts anchored sections of interaction, biography and social in the natural world. structure in particular historical moments. Flick 3.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:25 PM Page 87



Holstein, J. A. and Gubrium, J. F. (2000) The Self We Live By: Narrative Identity in a Postmodern World. New York: Oxford University Press.

Musolf, G. R. (1998) Structure and Agency in Everyday Life: An Introduction to Social Psychology. Dix Hills, NY: General Hall, Inc.

Strauss, A. (l993) Continual Permutations of Action. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 88

3.4 Constructivism

Uwe Flick

1 Introduction 88 2 What is constructivism? 88 3 Epistemological assumptions on the nature of social reality 89 4 Construction of knowledge 89 5 Social scientific knowledge as a social construction 90 6 Mimesis and world-making in texts 91 7 Constructivism and qualitative research 93

1 INTRODUCTION ‘Constructivism’. What is common to all constructivist approaches is that they examine The construction of social reality is booming as the relationship to reality by dealing with con- a topic. For almost all areas of social scientific structive processes in approaching it. Examples research there are monographs or collections in of constructions are to be found at different levels. which a constructivist approach is selected: on socialization (Grundmann 1999), health and ill- 1 In the tradition of Jean Piaget (1937), cogni- ness (Gawatz and Nowak 1993; Lachmund and tion, perception of the world and knowledge Stollberg 1992); on technological change (Flick about it are seen as constructs. Radical con- 1996); or transsexuality (Hirschauer 1993) to structivism (Glasersfeld 1995) takes this name but a few. Scientific findings are also gen- thought to the point where every form of erally treated as social construction (e.g. Latour cognition, because of the neurobiological and Woolgar 1979), which has led to bitter con- process involved, has direct access only to troversies (cf. the debates resulting from Sokal images of the world and of reality, but not of 1996). Hacking (1999) desperately asks ‘the both. Luhmann (1990a) relates these ideas to social construction of What?’. With regard to systemic perspectives in order to use them as qualitative research, constructivist ideas (such as the basis for a social theory (1997). Schütz 1962 or Berger and Luckmann 1966) 2 Social constructivism in the tradition of have been the basis for a variety of methods. Schütz (1962), Berger and Luckmann (1966) Over the course of time, however, little atten- and Gergen (1985, 1999) enquires after the tion has been paid to these ideas in qualitative social conventionalizations, perception and research. At present interest in constructivist knowledge in everyday life. ideas is again on the increase (e.g. Flick 2002: 3 Constructivist sociology of science in the tra- ch. 4; T. Sutter 1997). dition of Fleck (1935/1979), the present-day ‘laboratory-constructivist’ research (Knorr- Cetina 1981; Latour and Woolgar 1979), 2 WHAT IS CONSTRUCTIVISM? seeks to establish how social, historical, local, pragmatic and other factors influence A number of programmes with different scientific discovery in such a way that scientific departure points are subsumed under the label facts may be regarded as social constructs Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 89


(‘local products’). (On the distinctions between that we use and construct. Perception is seen these different variants of constructivism not as a passive-receptive process of representa- cf. Knorr-Cetina 1989.) tion but as an active-constructive process of production. This has consequences for the Constructivism is not a unified programme, question whether a representation (of reality, a but is developing in parallel fashion in a process or an object) can be verified for its number of disciplines: psychology, sociology, correctness against the ‘original’. This form of philosophy, neurobiology, psychiatry and infor- verifiability, however, is questioned by con- mation science. In what follows we shall deal structivism, since an original is only accessible briefly with the first two of the three levels we through different representations or construc- have presented here from the point of view of tions. And so the different representations or what is relevant to qualitative research. The empir- constructions can only be compared with one ical programme of (laboratory)-constructivism another. For constructivist epistemology, and has not so far been applied to qualitative empirical research based on it, knowledge and research. The following sections are guided by the constructions it contains become the rele- the idea that constructivism is concerned with vant means of access to the objects with which how knowledge arises, what concept of knowl- they are concerned. edge is appropriate and what criteria can be invoked in the evaluation of knowledge. For qualitative research this is doubly relevant since, 4 CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE like all research, it engenders knowledge and therefore (at least very often) looks empirically Taking three main authors we may clarify how at specific forms of knowledge – for example, the genesis of knowledge and its functions may biographical, expert or everyday knowledge. be described from a constructivist viewpoint. 1 Schütz (1962: 5) begins with this premise: ‘All our knowledge of the world, in common- 3 EPISTEMOLOGICAL ASSUMPTIONS sense as well as in scientific thinking, involves ON THE NATURE OF SOCIAL REALITY constructs, i.e. a set of abstractions, generaliza- tions, formalizations and idealizations, specific Alfred Schütz has already claimed that facts only to the relevant level of thought organization.’ become relevant through their meanings and For Schütz, every form of knowledge is con- interpretations: structed by selection and structuring. The indi- vidual forms differ according to the degree of Strictly speaking there are no such things as facts structuring and idealization, and this depends pure and simple. All facts are from the outset on their functions – more concrete as the basis selected from a universal context by the activities of everyday action or more abstract as a model of our mind. There are, therefore, always inter- in the construction of scientific theories. preted facts, either facts looked at as detached Schütz enumerates different processes which from their context by an artificial abstraction or have in common that the formation of knowl- facts considered in their particular setting. In either case, they carry along their interpretational edge of the world is not to be understood as the inner and outer horizon. (Schütz 1962: 5) simple portrayal of given facts, but that the contents are constructed in a process of active A considerable part of the criticism of construc- production. tivism is devoted to the questions of the 2 This interpretation is developed further in approach to reality, and it is for this reason that radical constructivism, whose ‘core theses’ are Mitterer (1999: 486) insists ‘no kind of con- formulated by Glasersfeld (1992: 30) as follows. structivism is of the opinion that “everything is constructed”’. Glasersfeld (1992: 30) underlines 1 What we call ‘knowledge’ in no sense repre- the point: ‘radical constructivism in no way sents a world that presumably exists beyond denies an external reality’. On the other hand, our contact with it. … Constructivism, like the various types of constructivism, from pragmatism, leads to a modified concept of Schütz to Glasersfeld, do question whether cognition/knowledge. Accordingly knowl- external reality is directly accessible – that is to edge is related to the way in which we orga- say, independent of perceptions and concepts nize our experiential world. Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 90


2 Radical constructivism in no sense denies an Construction external reality. … of concepts and knowledge 3 Radical constructivism agrees with Berkeley that it would be unreasonable to confirm the existence of something that can/could not at some point be perceived. … World of Interpretation 4 Radical constructivism adopts Vico’s funda- experience mental idea that human knowledge is a Natural and social Understanding human construct. … environment Attribution of 5 Constructivism abandons the claim that cog- Events meaning nition is ‘true’ in the sense that it reflects Activities objective reality. Instead it only requires that knowledge must be viable, in the sense that Figure 3.4.1 Construction and interpretation as means of access to the world of experience it should fit into the experiential world of the one who knows … . in such relationships, and it has above all social Seen in this way, knowledge organizes experi- functions. The eventualities of the social ences that first permit cognition of the world processes involved have an influence on what beyond the experiencing subject or organism. will survive as a valid or useful explanation. Experiences are structured and understood In accordance with these three constructivist through concepts and contexts that are con- positions, our access to the world of experience – structed by this subject. Whether the picture the natural and social environment and the that is formed in this way is true or correct can- experiences and activities it contains – operates not be determined. But its quality may be through the concepts constructed by the per- assessed through its viability, that is, the extent ceiving subject and the knowledge deriving to which the picture or model permits the sub- from these. These are then used to interpret ject to find its way and to act in the world. Here experiences, or to understand and attribute an important point of orientation is the ques- meanings (see Figure 3.4.1). tion of how the ‘construction of concepts’ func- The ideas of radical and social constructivism tions (Glasersfeld 1995: 76–88). relate to cognition and knowledge in general 3 For the processes of but not (or only in specific ways) to scientific social interchange in the genesis of knowledge cognition. In particular, for radical construc- take on a special significance, and in particular tivism there is as yet no translation of the basic the concepts that are used. In this sense Gergen ideas into a conceptualization of empirical formulates the following ‘assumptions for a research (the first guidelines were presented by social constructionism’. Schmidt 1998). Here the focus should be on the importance of constructivism for research, and The terms by which we account for the world and especially qualitative research. What remains ourselves are not dictated by the stipulated objects of such accounts … . The terms and forms to be clarified is the relationship between by which we achieve understanding of the world knowledge and research (see section 5) and the and ourselves are social artefacts, products of his- links between the world of experience and con- torically and culturally situated interchanges structs, between constructs and interpretations, among people … . The degree to which a given and between interpretations and the world of account of the world or self is sustained across experience (see section 6). time is not dependent on the objective validity of the account but on the vicissitudes of social processes … . Language derives its significance in 5 SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE human affairs from the way in which it functions AS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION within patterns of relationship … . To appraise existing forms of discourse is to evaluate patterns of cultural life; such evaluations give voice to For the social sciences Schütz assumes that their other cultural enclaves. (Gergen 1994: 49ff.) knowledge starts from everyday understanding: ‘The thought objects constructed by social Knowledge is constructed in processes of social scientists refer to, and are founded upon, thought interchange; it is based on the role of language objects constructed by the common-sense Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 91


thought of man living in his everyday life Gergen 1989). A similar direction is taken by among his fellow men‘ (1962: 6). Social scien- ideas that there is no fundamental difference, at tific knowledge is developed on the basis of pre- the level of modes of experience, between inter- existing everyday knowledge and socially pretations of texts, persons and artefacts constructed through this developmental (Dennett 1991), or that cognitive processes process. The main idea is the distinction that should first be analysed through the analysis of Schütz makes between constructs of the first discourses, rather than memory and experiment and second degree: ‘the constructs of social (Edwards and Potter 1992; see 5.19). In all these science are, so to speak, constructs of the second approaches the contexts being investigated and degree, that is, constructs of the constructs the modes of action and experience are pre- made by the actors on the social scene’. sumed to be in texts or are investigated in them. Accordingly Schütz holds that ‘the exploration Social scientific constructs therefore often of the general principles according to which become textual constructs, linked in part to the man in daily life organises his experiences, and idea that everyday constructs are textual con- especially those of the social world, is the first structs. This approach has found particular task of the methodology of the social sciences’ favour in the context of the postmodernist (1962: 59). For Schütz, everyday knowledge and debate and is related to the most recent devel- cognition become the basis on which the social opments of symbolic interactionism (see 3.3) scientist develops a more strongly formalized and the work of Denzin (see 2.7, 5.7). If this and generalized ‘version of the world’ thought is pursued further, it may be asked what (Goodman 1978). Schütz (1962: 208ff.), there- processes of construction (Schütz’s first or fore, assumes ‘multiple realities’, of which the second degree) or of world-making (Goodman) world of science represents only one, which is, are going on in the transformation of modes of in part, organized according to different princi- action and experience into texts or at least text- ples compared to the everyday world. Social sci- like constructions. To answer this question entific research becomes a kind of research that, we shall refer to the concept of mimesis on the basis of pre-existing everyday constructs, (cf. Gebauer and Wulf 1995), which will also give constructs another version of the world. Its pointers for a social science working with texts. results – the knowledge and objective meanings that it produces – are social constructs in the everyday world that is under investigation and, 6 MIMESIS AND by extension, constructs in scientific analyses. WORLD-MAKING IN TEXTS Schütz’s ideas were further developed for sociol- ogy by Berger and Luckmann (1966) and have Mimesis is concerned with the representation of subsequently exerted a strong influence, partic- worlds – and in Aristotle this originally meant ularly on biographical research (see 3.6, 3.7, natural worlds – in symbolic worlds. In 5.11) and on the development of ethnomethod- Blumenberg (1981) this is discussed as ‘the imi- ology (see 2.3, 3.2, 5.17). tation of nature’. In the critical theory of Horkheimer and Adorno (1972) and Adorno (1973), the term was used as a counter-idea to Scientific knowledge as text the rationality of conceptual thinking in the context of an increasingly scientized world-view Social scientific analyses are increasingly using (cf. also Wellmer 1985). At present growing the medium of text for their constructs: data are interest may be detected in a broader under- collected as text (for example, in the form of standing of mimesis: ‘Mimesis can therefore be interviews, see 5.2), and processed and inter- used in a comprehensive way to mean represen- preted as such (see 5.10, 5.21). Ultimately, all tation’ (Reck 1991: 65). As an example, the rep- discoveries are presented in textual form resentation of natural or social contexts in (see 5.22). In concrete terms text is already par- literary or dramatic texts or stage performances tially used as a metaphor or a concept: from the is often discussed: ‘in this interpretation mime- ‘world as a text’ in general terms (Garz and sis characterizes the act of producting a sym- Kraimer 1994a) to the city as a text (Darnton bolic world, which encompasses both practical 1989); life as a story (Bruner 1990) to people and and theoretical elements’ (Gebauer and Wulf identities as texts (Gergen 1988; Shotter and 1995: 3). Current interest also focuses on this Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 92


concept outside literature and the theatre. The authors, and readers. … It will appear as a corollary debate thematizes mimesis as a general principle at the end of this analysis, that the reader is that that can be used to demonstrate understanding operator par excellence who takes up through of the world and texts: ‘the individual assimi- doing something – the act of reading – the unity of the travel from mimesis to mimesis by way of lates himself or herself to the world via mimetic 1 3 mimesis . (Ricoeur 1984: 53) processes. Mimesis makes it possible for indivi- 2 duals to step out of themselves, to draw the outer The understanding of texts – and by extension world into their inner world, and to lend expres- of social reality – becomes an active process of sion to their interiority. It produces an other- producing reality in which not only the author wise unattainable proximity to objects and is of texts, or versions of the world, is involved but thus a necessary condition of understanding’ also the person for whom these are produced (Gebauer and Wulf 1995: 2–3). and who ‘reads’ or understands them. For In applying these considerations to the pro- Ricoeur the three forms of mimesis are distin- duction and functioning of social science and its guished as follows. texts mimetic components can be identified in The mimetic transformation in the ‘process- the following places: in the translation of expe- ing’ of experiences from the social or natural riences into narratives, reports and so on by 1 environment into textual constructs – into con- those under investigation, in the construction cepts, knowledge or everyday stories to others, of texts on this basis on the part of researchers, into particular types of document during the in their interpretation of such constructs and, production of texts for research purposes – is finally, in the reflux of such interpretations into always to be understood as a process of con- everyday contexts. This reflux of science into struction. According to Ricoeur, mimesis2 is everyday life is discussed more fully in the taking place here: theory of social representations (Moscovici 1984) or Matthes (1985). This means that social science Such is the realm of mimesis2 between the ante- has already contributed to determining and con- cedance and the descendance of the text. At this structing the world it is investigating by means level mimesis may be defined as the configuration of its results – so long as these, as individual of action. This configuration is governed by a results, can attract to themselves the attention of schematization which is historically structured in a broader public (cf. also Gergen 1973 for further a tradition or traditions, and it is expressed in discussion of this). In this way its interpretations individual works that stand in varying relation- and modes of understanding again feed back ships to the constraints generated by this schema- into the modes of everyday experience. The fact tism. (Ricoeur 1984: 53) that in this process such interpretations are not accepted one-for-one but are transformed in The mimetic transformation of such texts in accordance with the rationalities of the everyday modes of understanding by transformation world has been shown by Moscovici (1961), on takes place in processes of the everyday under- the reception of psychoanalysis, and utilization standing of narratives, documents, books, research (cf. Beck and Bonß 1989, see 6.3) in a newspapers and so on, and in the scientific inter- number of different case studies. pretation of such narratives, research docu- ments or texts. Ricoeur refers to this as mimesis . It ‘marks the intersection of the world Mimesis as a process 3 of text and the world of the hearer or reader’ (1981a: 26). A fruitful starting point to illustrate mimetic Finally, in the reflux of such everyday and/or transformation processes in the production and scientific interpretations into modes of action via reception of social scientific texts may be found prior understanding of human action and social in the ideas of Ricoeur (1981a, 1984). He breaks or natural phenomena, mimesis plays a role: down the mimetic process, ‘playfully yet seri- 1 ously’, into the steps of mimesis1, mimesis2 and Whatever may be the status of these stories which mimesis3: somehow are prior to the narration we may give them, our mere use of the word story (taken in Hermeneutics, however, is concerned with recon- this pre-narrative sense) testifies to our pre- structing the entire arc of operations by which understanding that action is human to the extent practical experience provides itself with works, that it characterises a life story that deserves to be Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 93


Construction knowledge, in texts and generally – and can of concepts and knowledge complement the conceptions of radical con- texts as versions of the world structivism and social constructionism.

Mimesis Mimesis 3 3 7 CONSTRUCTIVISM AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Mimesis 1 From this point of view, mimesis may be used to provide a conception of understanding in the World of Interpretation experience Understanding social sciences that takes account of the fact that Natural and social Attribution of material to be understood should be dealt with environment meaning at various levels as something that is con- Events structed and presented: mimetic processes can Activities be found in the processing of experiences in everyday practice. They also take place in inter- Figure 3.4.2 Process of mimesis views and thereby in every construction of tex- tualized and textualizable versions of the world which are thus rendered accessible to social told. Mimesis1 is that pre-understanding of what human action is, of its semantics, its symbolism, science. Finally, they also play a role in the pro- its temporality. From this pre-understanding, duction of texts for research purposes – for which is common to poets and their readers, example, transcripts, reports or interpretations. arises fiction, and with fiction comes the second This idea of the mimetic process can also be form of mimesis which is textual and literary. applied to a type of design (see 4.1) that is wide- (Ricoeur 1981a: 20) spread in qualitative research – the reconstruction of life-histories or biographies (see 3.6, 3.7) in According to this view, which Ricoeur formu- interviews (see 5.2). In this, narratives (see 5.11) lated to handle literary texts, mimetic processes are considered to be the appropriate form for the can be found at the following points in social representation of biographical experiences. scientific understanding as an interplay of con- Ricoeur (1981a: 20) supports the ‘thesis of the struction and the interpretation of experiences narrative or pre-narrative quality of experience’. (see Figure 3.4.2). With regard to the mimetic relationship between Gebauer and Wulf (1995) explain that under- life-histories and narratives Bruner explains: standing as a constructive process, by involving the person who understands, extends to under- that the mimesis between life so-called and narra- standing as a whole in social scientific research. tive is a two-way affair: … Narrative imitates life, They base this on Goodman’s (1978) theory of life imitates narrative. ‘Life’ in this sense is the same different modes of world-making and the ver- kind of construction of the human imagination as sions of the world that derive from this as a ‘a narrative’ is. It is constructed by human beings result of cognition: ‘knowing in terms of this through active ratiocination, by the same kind of model is a matter of invention: modes of orga- ratiocination through which we construct narra- nization “are not found in the world but built tives. When someone tells you his life … it is always a cognitive achievement rather than a through the into the world”’ (Gebauer and Wulf 1995: 28). clear-crystal recital of something univocally given. Gebauer and Wulf discuss mimesis in processes In the end, it is a narrative achievement. There is no of cognition in general terms. Ricoeur develops such thing psychologically as ‘life itself’. At very this concept for processes of understanding in least, it is a selective achievement of memory recall; relation to literature in a manner that emerges beyond that, recounting one’s life is an interpretive without the narrow and strict idea of the por- feat. (Bruner 1987: 12–13) trayal of a given reality, and without the corre- sponding narrow concept of reality and truth: Seen in this way the biographical narration of ‘Mimesis in this sense is ahead of our concepts one’s own life is not a portrayal of factual of reference, the real and truth. It engenders a sequences. It becomes a mimetic representation need as yet unfilled to think more’ (1981a: 31). of experiences that are constructed more generally This interpretation of mimesis can extend the in one’s knowledge and more specifically for process of the social construction of reality – in this purpose – in the interview – in the form of Flick 3.04.qxd 3/19/04 7:15 PM Page 94


a narrative. On the other hand, the narrative In more general terms we may ask, in the sense provides a general framework within which of social scientific constructivism, what processes experiences are ordered, represented, evaluated of decision-making belong to the qualitative and so on – in short, within which they are research process (see 4.1) and how they influence experienced. The object that qualitative research the process of cognition and the desired results is investigating (here) already has, in everyday (cf. Flick 1995, 2002 for further discussion). life, the form in which it seeks to investigate, Finally, constructivist assumptions may be used construct and interpret it. In the interview situ- as a starting point for the debate on the question ation these everyday modes of interpretation of justifying the validity of qualitative research and construction are used to allocate these expe- (cf. Steinke 1999, and 4.7) – in particular, because riences to a symbolic world – that of science and the validity of knowledge and its determination its texts. The experiences are then interpreted are a major problem for radical constructivism from within this world. which has to be dealt with under the key-word of Through reconstructing life by means of parti- the viability2 of knowledge, models, theories or cular questions a version of the particular expe- discoveries (cf. Glasersfeld 1995). riences is constructed and interpreted. The extent to which the life and experiences actually occurred in the form reported cannot be checked, NOTES but it can be established what construction of both the narrating subject is presenting, and also 1 Here the understanding of mimesis which Bruner which version arises in the research situation. develops, with reference to Aristotle and Ricoeur, These experiences and the world in which they becomes relevant: ‘mimesis was the capturing of happened should ultimately be presented and “life in action”, an elaboration and amelioration of what happened’ (Bruner, 1990: 46). ‘Mimesis is a seen in the representation of the results of this kind of metaphor of reality. … It refers to reality reconstruction in a specific way – perhaps in the not in order to copy it but in order to give it a new form of a (new) theory (see 2.1, 5.13, 6.6) with reading’ (Ricoeur 1981b: 292–293). Mimetic processes claims of validity. Mimetic processes create ver- can then be understood as a principle of the repre- sions of the world which can then be understood sentation in everyday language of modes of action, and interpreted through qualitative research. events and situations, ‘brought’ by the latter into a Ricoeur’s different forms of mimesis and Schütz’s communicable and intelligible version – for the distinction between everyday and scientific con- subject and for others. structs provide further content for the frame- 2 Viability means that knowledge or other constructions work that was set up by Goodman with his must show themselves to be useful and sustainable (capable of life) in the particular context of use – they assumption of different versions of the world must fit and allow the individual to act and survive created by everyday, artistic and scientific modes in the particular environment. This does not mean of construction. that constructions must be true or contain correct For qualitative research constructivist assump- depictions: neither of these can be checked since they tions become relevant for the understanding of cannot be directly compared with the original. collected data – for example, biographies as con- structs (cf. Bude 1984 for discussion). Here we must ask whether qualitative research succeeds FURTHER READING in gaining access to the constructs of the inter- view partner or the members of a research area. As may be shown in the case of objective Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative hermeneutics (see 5.16), constructivist assump- Research, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. tions also become relevant for the critical analysis of procedure and methodological requirements Gergen, K. J. (1994) Realities and Relationships. (cf. Flick 2000a for an application to this process Soundings in Social Construction. Cambridge, of the idea of mimesis outlined here), or in the MA: Press. sense of some further development (cf. T. Sutter 1997 on the linking of this approach or conver- Glasersfeld, E. von (1995) Radical Constructivism. sation analysis (see 5.17) to constructivism in the A Way of Knowing and Learning. London: The sense given in Luhmann 1990a). Falmer Press. Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 95

3.5 Social Scientific Hermeneutics

Hans-Georg Soeffner

1 Phenomenology of understanding 95 2 Particular features of social scientific understanding 96 3 Hermeneutics as a self-reflective enterprise 97 4 Problems of methodologically controlled understanding 99

In the course of its history the teaching of the 1 PHENOMENOLOGY OF interpretative procedure known as hermeneu- UNDERSTANDING tics has undergone many changes, seen many extensions and – as a self-reflective mode of dis- We can give the name understanding to the covery – has contributed critically to its own process that gives meaning to an experience. modification. From a historical and systematic The name understanding the other we can give to viewpoint it is bound up with the principle of the process by means of which we give meaning the written nature of phenomena, then with the to an experience in such a way that it relates to recording of language (or texts), but then – by some event in the world which has already been logical extension – with the recorded nature of given a meaning by the alter ego. ‘data’ in general, that is to say, with the fixed- Understanding, as a process related to the ness and implicit tendency to infinitely achievements of my own consciousness, is on repeated recursivity (or ‘discursivity’) of both the one hand logically at the root of the under- linguistic and non-linguistic documents: these standing of the alter ego, and on the other hand include human utterances, actions and produc- self-understanding is empirically a product what, tions, or human objectivizations of every kind. in the tradition of symbolic interactionism (see The general questions with which hermeneu- 3.3) since Charles H. Cooley (1902), has been tics is concerned, however, have also been sub- called the ‘looking-glass self’: a transference of ject to supplementation and change. Whereas the understanding of others to my own con- in the past it was concerned exclusively with sciousness. Self-understanding is, in principle, the ‘value’ of understanding, today – particu- continuously and fully possible, since experi- larly in those procedures that may collectively ences have no immediate meaning in them- be referred to as social scientific hermeneutics – selves. It is, rather, the subjective consciousness it is interested to an ever-growing extent in the which constitutes meaning by relating an ‘how’. It is therefore interested in the under- experience to other phenomena. This act of standing of understanding itself, in procedures, meaning-making contains in essence what is ‘rules’, ‘patterns’, implicit premises, modes of meant by understanding as self-understanding. meaning and understanding that are communi- Conversely, other-understanding – and this is cated as part of the socializing processes of crucial for the problems of understanding in gen- adaptation, instruction and the passing on of eral – takes place according to perspectives of inter- traditions. pretation. This means that other-understanding Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 96


is only possible in a discontinuous and partial constitute the human interpretative horizon manner. Self-understanding is, in principle, an (Wundt 1928; Bühler 1934; Mead 1934). Here unquestionable act; other-understanding is, in the different types of signs and their varying principle, a questionable act. semantics and associations also correspond to Other-understanding is based on my experi- different interpretative procedures (cf. Schütz ences of the alter ego. Every meaning that I and Luckmann 1989: 131–147). ascribe to it can deviate from the meaning that Understanding is therefore not at all an the alter ego itself gives to its experiences. I invention of the human and social sciences. always grasp only fragments of its actual experi- Furthermore, it does not initially happen in a ence. And I always understand possibly only its particular theoretical perspective, but is a con- actual subjectively intended meaning. The con- stantly practised everyday routine for human sciousness of alter ego is available to me only beings. The permanent problem of hermeneutic through signs and tokens. These demonstrate scientists therefore consists of giving a plausible three layers of meaning (cf. Eberle 1984): (1) an explanation of what makes their activity into a objectivized, inter-subjectively valid meaning; scientific undertaking, even though it is based (2) a subjective meaning; and (3) an occasional explicitly on a completely everyday competence meaning. If I wish to understand the alter ego, that is common to all human beings. then, hypothetically, I have to display its sub- jective motives and reconstruct the objective, subjective and occasional meaning of its deno- 2 PARTICULAR FEATURES OF tations. In this way it becomes plausible that SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING understanding of the meaning of the ‘other’ can only be achieved in an approximate way. Every social scientist, before he or she dares to Unquestionably, the ego does not have a make prognoses, is concerned with the descrip- monopoly on the interpretation of the world in tion and analysis of those constructs that relate everyday life but empirically is always to be to the actions and plans of members of society found in a world that has been pre-interpreted in an everyday, pragmatic perspective: con- by others. In the everyday world the maxim structs of the ‘first degree’ (Schütz 1962: 3–47) of applies that the viewpoints of the one and the everyday socio-historically based types, models, other are, in the main, interchangeable, and routines, plausibilities, forms of knowledge, that what is valid for the one would also be contents of knowledge and (often implicit) relevant for the other, if he were in the same place, inferences. This means above all that the ‘data and that this is and always will be the case. This of the social scientist, unlike those of the nat- means that other-understanding in everyday life ural scientist, are pre-interpreted, that his con- is not difficult in itself but a matter of unques- structs are constructs of constructs. The social tionable routine. While, from an epistemological scientist develops constructs “of the second point of view, the problem of other-understanding degree”. These are controlled methodically also consists of explaining how this is at all tested and testable, interpretative reconstruc- possible, in everyday opinion it represents a tions of constructs “of the first degree”’. rather banal achievement of the consciousness: The scientific interpreter is doing, in prin- for human beings it is ‘normally’ so normal that ciple, nothing different from what humans do it is not a matter of everyday interest. in their daily life: he or she is interpreting per- Human behaviour, as an observable form of ceptions as evidence of a meaning that underlies human action – be it linguistic or non-linguistic – them. But unlike the ordinary person, the scien- is interpretable by and for human beings tific interpreter seeks to create clarity through because, in addition to many other properties, it the preconditions and methods of his or her always displays that of being (proto-)symbolic. understanding. For it is in this way, and only in From the gesture to the ‘significant’ symbol, this way, that interpretation becomes a scien- from the token and symptom to the constructed tific method. And it is only through this that and unambiguously defined mathematical sign, interpretation becomes systematically teachable from the body and facial expression to clothing, and learnable. from the natural impression to the human pro- Between constructs of the ‘first degree’ and of duct, we attribute to ourselves and our environ- the ‘second degree’ there is therefore a logical dif- ment the qualities of signs, and with these we ference (cf. also Carnap 1928), and also more than Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 97


this alone. The action to which reconstructions Social scientific understanding, therefore, relate is, by the time these begin, long past, is always essentially an understanding of gone for ever and unrepeatable. If it can still be understanding, an understanding ‘of the second at all accessible to understanding, it must be degree’. represented in particular ‘data’ (or traces), and it ‘presents’ itself in the data as a completed action. Because they are concerned with testable, that is, 3 HERMENEUTICS AS A intersubjectively and rationally feasible, recon- SELF-REFLECTIVE ENTERPRISE structions, social scientists cannot hope either to replicate these actions congenially, or to enter Most human interpretative achievements are empathetically into the souls and minds, the carried out, as we have already said, in a manner thoughts and feelings of the (original) actors: that is not methodically controlled, but is rather instead they are subject to ‘reconstructive- unquestioning – and perhaps incidentally – hermeneutic’ models of possibility for the against the background of an implicit knowl- courses of action and the actors. edge of the ‘here and now’ and of what has to The understanding of the social scientist, there- be done. To what is implicitly known, always fore, takes place according to a special rather than indicated and involved in the interpretation of an everyday perspective, which Schütz calls a the- actions, we must add what, in phenomenologi- oretical sub-world of meaning. This is a perspec- cally oriented social-philosophy or ‘proto- tive of fundamental doubt in a taken for granted sociology’, is known as the ‘daily life-world’ social reality. It is characterized by the fact that it (Luckmann 1983, 1990), and in social research discounts concern about one’s own existence and as the ‘milieu’ (Grathoff 1989) or ‘small social is only interested in seeing reality clearly and in life-world’ (e.g. Hitzler and Honer 1984, 1988; recognizing the ‘truth’ (that is, the make-up) of Luckmann 1970; see 3.8): the human being’s social reality. In this perspective there is no pres- concrete environment, the totality of all that ence of the social world, no being-in-situation, no humans experience as having an effect on them, living people, but only idealized models of social irrespective of the question of what affects them phenomena and artificial beings constructed by ‘objectively’ (Gurwitsch 1977/1979: 60). the social scientist. Social scientific understanding For a social science of the forms of social differs from everyday understanding in that inter- orientation, action, production and knowledge pretative achievements do not happen here with the same is true as for phenomenological phi- reference to everyday understanding but with ref- losophy: ‘environment’ is a concept that ‘has erence to extensively activated knowledge and in its place exclusively in the spiritual sphere’ reliance on a reservoir of specialist professional (Husserl 1936/1978: 272), that is, a concept that knowledge. This kind of understanding is, unlike represents the specifically human forms of everyday knowledge, not related to the pragmatic denotation, symbolically organized perception, needs of daily living but to the relevance system interpretation and action, ‘behind’ which of a pragmatically disinterested observer (Schütz human beings cannot look. Accordingly, it is 1932/1967: 220–241). unreal to describe the natural environment or Social scientific understanding has as its goal the non-spiritual world as something alien to the discovery of the constitutive conditions of the spirit and ‘to buttress humanistic science ‘reality’ and the demystification of social con- with natural science so as to make it supposedly structs. It has to reconstruct phenomena on exact’ (Husserl 1936/1978: 272). which the scientist is focusing in a manner that The human environment, or life-world, there- corresponds to the meaning, is adequate to the fore cannot be described either by a model of problem and logically consistent. It must also ‘external/internal’ or ‘subject/object’ or with the make it possible to explain them in a way that is aid of spatial measurements and territorial ‘adequate to meaning’ and also ‘causally ade- demarcations. For us it is not something opposed, quate’, in the sense of Weber (1949a). The prac- it is neither a cage nor an unlimited space but, tical social value of this enterprise lies in making rather, a horizon of perception, orientation and human beings aware of the circumstances, con- action. It moves with us, when we move, it texts and rules that are not normally prominent changes us – and our action – when we change in everyday understanding but within which it. It does not exist without us, and we do not their life is conducted (cf. Luckmann 1983). exist without it. But we are not our environment: Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 98


we have it. Our relationship to it and to becomes visible; this is, in other words, the ourselves – if we agree with Plessner (1970: 41f.) – problem of context, of the embedding of the is determined by our ‘eccentric positionality’, by meaning horizon of signifier, meaning and the ‘ambiguous character’ of our existence, which objects of meaning (see also Bühler 1934). From represents two distinct but overlapping orders. this it follows that (1) hermeneutics is, in terms Empirical milieu-analysis, or life-world analysis, of this claim, universal, as an interpretative represents an attempt to describe the concrete human approach to the world and human exis- forms of orientation, action and organization of tence within it which is carried out in everyday individuals in and with their environment, and to life (and which is therefore also scientifically interpret concrete action against this background. reconstructable and capable of methodological Descriptions of milieux or ‘small life-worlds’ definition); (2) because signifier, interpretation therefore document – in addition to spoken and and objects of meaning, however, are indepen- transcribed texts – the modes of orientation of a dent of their respective embedding in milieux, human being in space, in the concrete environ- history, narratives and meaning-communities, ment, in the time lived in, to the personal phys- the various results of hermeneutic interpreta- ical essence and to other human beings: in this tion are relative. They exist in relation to a given sense they document the largely non-linguistic socio-historical context of meaning and acquire production and reproduction of a social interac- their validity relative to this. tive structure, the singularity of which is trans- This relativity is not in any sense arbitrary, lated into the collective semantic types of for – in scientific hermeneutics – it does not language and which must therefore also be inter- exclude rigorous processes of checking: these preted.1 At the same time, however, there arises checking processes focus on the relationship the fundamental problem of recording and between interpretation and its specific sur- describing milieux and/or situations: putting rounding conditions, and this relationship can non-linguistic phenomena into language. be made plausible intersubjectively. By taking Beyond the sensually perceptible world – to conscious account of the principle and the order, classify and interpret it – a separate world actual instance of relativity, the claim to inter- of collective signs and symbols is constructed subjectivity of the procedure and of the results (Cassirer 1953–1996; Langer 1957), both in lan- is maintained and implemented: arbitrariness is guage and in action and orientation (see Berger excluded by linking relativity and intersubjecti- and Luckmann 1966: 97–146). Small life-worlds, vity to each other in a controlled way. milieux and the actions which take place within From a perspective of milieu theory and life- them and which form them are constituted world analysis, which makes visible an objec- symbolically: life in social order and in milieux tively operating layer of meaning of subjective as components of this order means life in orientation prior to the historical perspective, symbols and symbolically organized referential the whole scope of what is perceptible is deter- contexts. To this extent linguistic and milieu- mined by the cultural relevances of the observer. analysis are also the analysis of symbols, and to The approach to intersubjectively possible this extent the symbolic context as a whole understanding must therefore fulfil the follow- also determines the forms and typology of ing (Scheler 1923; Srubar 1981): human action. Accordingly, science as the analysis of symbols consists of the attempt to 1 conscious and controlled abstraction on the reconstruct the symbolic total context of the part of the interpreter from his or her own forms of human action, orientation and cultural certainties and historical perspective knowledge. (Concrete examples of this are in (reflection of personal prejudice); Soeffner 1997.) 2 reconstruction (as far as possible) of the Beyond (linguistic) texts and, in scientific structure of the ‘alien’ milieu and the histor- hermeneutics, often underlying them, the uni- ical linking of a transmitted document or versal interpretative claim of hermeneutics ‘record’, and of the ‘other’ life-world of the becomes recognizable together with this change producer (getting the ‘other’ to speak); of focus to the milieu or everyday life-world: for 3 allocation of one’s own and the other’s expe- hermeneutics there are no materia nuda, no riential structure and interpretation, and the ‘brute facts’. Instead, the problem of the delimi- object of meaning, to a scientific ‘universe of tation of texts and/or meaning objects now discourse’ of objectively possible (that is, Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 99


intersubjectively realizable) milieux, contexts and reconstruction of case-transcending and meanings (location in semantic space). patterns, to the description and reconstruction of case-transcending and, at the same time, case- generating structures. The type that is recon- 4 PROBLEMS OF METHODOLOGICALLY structed in this way encompasses and illuminates CONTROLLED UNDERSTANDING the structural difference of evolutionary and historically changing structural formations, on Social scientific interpretations are essentially the one hand, and their concrete historically sample case studies. They are carried out at two and culturally specific defining characteristics, levels: (1) in seeking, testing and fixing the rules on the other.2 of interpretation and procedures; (2) in recon- In this way single-case analyses assist in the structing a particular case-structure in which gradual discovery of general structures in social they make visible the conditions and constitu- action, while the single case itself is interpreted tive rules of social phenomena and objects in as an historically concrete response to a concrete their concrete manifestation, their concrete historical (problem-)situation and formation of effect and their mutability. In this process, on structure: with the individual phenomena the the one hand, the case in its particularity and development of structure is advanced, and with the conditions of its individualization should be the single-case analyses the development of made visible (see, for example, Soeffner 1997: theory is updated. ch. 1). And on the other hand, this typicality The route from interpretative understanding and comparability should be developed and to ‘causal’ explanation of the sequence and the ‘explained’ from the analysis of the forms effects of social action therefore passes through and structures involved in the development and a construct of a conceptually pure type of the actor changing of types. or actors thought to be acting as a type and the The interpretation of a case requires objecti- meaning subjectively intended by them (Weber vity in two directions: (1) with regard to verifia- 1972/1978: 1–10), that is to say, a construction bility, that is, clarification of the interpretative of the ‘second degree’ (Schütz 1962). Then and procedure and the prior knowledge that informs only in the world of these ideal-typical, purposive- it, as well as the related obligation to verify rational constructs can it be decided how the which interpreters impose on themselves and actors would have behaved and acted in a case other scientific interpreters; (2) with regard to of ‘ideal purposive-rationality’ (Esser 1999). the direction and goal of the procedure: the Only with the assistance of these ideal-typical analysis of what is from a social viewpoint constructs, which achieve their terminological, ‘objectively’ effective – to the social institutions classificatory and heuristic purpose better the and their historically valid meaning as determi- more ‘alien’ they are, can comparisons be made nants of an action, and to the meaning-structure with the action that has been documented. And of the action, which is possibly hidden, or only then is it possible to give a ‘causal’ expla- ‘latent’, for the actor (Oevermann et al. 1979). nation of the ‘distance’ between action in this The goal of analysis is the concise reconstruc- ideal-typical purposive rationality, on the one tion of an objectivized type of social action from hand, and the documented action, on the other its concrete, case-specific manifestations. This hand, so that one can name the elements that, objectivized type is an ‘ideal type’ in so far as it in the case being studied, have interfered in the is constructed on the one hand with the aim of ‘pure purposive-rationality’ and infiltrated these falsifying empiricism to the extent that it gives with other features. an unreliable reproduction of what is specific in The concrete single case is therefore causally a particular case; and on the other hand to help explained exclusively with regard to its distance justify the individual case precisely because it and difference from the conceptually ‘pure’ and highlights what is historically particular against purposive-rational ideal type. The single case is the background of structural generality (Schütz not interpretatively understood through this and Luckmann 1973: 229–241; Weber 1949b: causal explanation of difference, but rather the 89–101). reverse: through interpretative understanding of The reconstruction of an objectivized type of social action one arrives at a construct of ideal social action is built up from (extensive) single- types which for their part make the single case case studies via case comparison, description visible and help it achieve its goal. In so far as Flick 3.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:26 PM Page 100


they clarify its difference from the ideal type, 2 As a ‘famous’ example we may refer here to the they assist in the understanding of its singular- hospital studies of Barney Glaser and Anselm ity and concrete manifestation. Strauss, in the context of which the so-called Interpretative social science is, in this sense, ‘grounded theory’ – the principle of abstracting a the progressive reconstruction, the progressive theory step by step on the basis of single-case studies – was developed (Glaser and Strauss 1965b, interpretative understanding of social action 1967, 1968; Strauss 1987; see 2.1, 5.13, 6.6). which takes seriously the single case and thereby human beings, their norms and their history. Scientific ‘constructs of the second degree’, the historical-genetic ideal-types, are FURTHER READING seeking precisely this historical understanding of the single case and, equally, the understand- ing of history. Denzin, N. K. (1989) Interpretive Interactionism. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

NOTES Dewey, J. (1934) Art as Experience. New York: Menton, Balch & Co. 1 At a clear distance in time from the related research activities in the USA, an everyday ethnography, in Psathas, G. (ed.) (1973) Phenomenological the sense given here, has developed in the German- Sociology. New York: Wiley. speaking world since the 1980s (see 3.8). Examples of this are to be found in studies of the agricultural Soeffner, H.-G. (1997) The Order of Rituals. The milieu (Hildenbrand 1983), of the small life-world Interpretation of Everyday Life. New Brunswick, of the body-builder (Honer 1985) and the water- diviner (Knoblauch 1991a), of the labour situation NJ: Transaction Books. (Knorr-Cetina 1981, 1989), of punk culture (Lau 1992), of police work (Reichertz 1991a) and of the Strauss, A. (1991) Creating Sociological Awareness. making of donations (Voß 1992). See also the rele- Collective Images and Symbolic Representa- vant contributions in Soeffner (1988). tions. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 101

Part 3B Qualitative Research Programmes

3.6 Qualitative Biographical Research

Winfried Marotzki

1 Biography and the history of education in a time of social change 101 2 Processes of sense- and meaning-making 102 3 Processes of self-creation and world-making 104 4 Final remarks 106

1 BIOGRAPHY AND THE HISTORY (see also 3.7). Human development is approached, OF EDUCATION IN A TIME OF from the perspective of this research direction, SOCIAL CHANGE as a lifelong process of learning and education, so the question ‘What can we know about a The questions how human beings learn and human being today?’ (Sartre 1981: 7) can in what education means should also be considered essence be handled through the study of pat- with reference to the intellectual situation of the terns of learning and educational profiles in time. What is characteristic of contemporary their biographical dimensions. social development is the rapid introduction of Although in the tradition of educational stud- new information processing technologies. If one ies the theme of biography can also display a also considers the areas of genetic research and tradition as autobiography – for example, in research into artificial intelligence together with Wilhelm Dilthey’s pertinent reflections – the the public discussions they have unleashed, true motivation for the development of a then the question of the place of human beings research programme comes from the develop- within the whole structure of modern socio- ment of the so-called interpretative or qualita- technical systems becomes ever more urgent. We tive paradigm (Hoffmann-Riem 1980) in the are obliged to rethink our understanding of social sciences. With this, in addition to a pre- mankind to be able to give information about dominantly quantitative approach to educa- the significance of learning and education in tional and biographical research (Leschinsky highly complex societies. To deal with this ques- 1988), a type of biographical research has arisen tion it is helpful to make use of a research direc- that is oriented to the standards of qualitative tion that has grown in popularity both in the social research (Marotzki 1995a; see 3.7). social sciences and in education over the past Its bases consist of assumptions that have been 15–20 years: qualitative biographical research elaborated in such differing disciplines as the Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 102


sociology of knowledge, symbolic interactionism or not happen at all. The contingency of facts is (see 3.3), ethno-theory, ethnomethodology no longer captured by an intuitively comprehen- (see 3.2) and conversation analysis (see 5.17). sible order of being. (Peukert 1984: 130) One central methodological assumption consists of establishing social facts according to the Accordingly, it becomes increasingly difficult to meaning attribution of the actors. Here we apply describe or predict normal biographies. It becomes the ‘premise of the interactional conditionality increasingly questionable to describe and expect of individual meaning attributions’ (Hoffmann- any development as normal. Human forms of Riem 1980: 342) that has been particularly reaction and processing are diverse. The developed in symbolic interactionism (Blumer increased distinctions between worlds of social 1969). The interplay between the individual and meaning are accompanied by an increasing society is seen as an interpretative process which diversity of individual lifestyles and values. is played out in the medium of significant sym- Discovery movements and experimental forms bols (such as language). The human being of existence seem for many people not to be becomes acquainted with the world and restricted merely to crisis situations in their lives him/herself primarily in interpretations that are but to be taking on the nature of a permanent mediated by, and bound to, interaction. way of living. In other words, the question Qualitative biographical research accepts that the about subjective meaning content implies that biography of an individual can always be under- it means something different from merely what stood as a construct, but not only as that. The an individual is offered in the way of social main focus of its observation lies in studying models. In this perspective subjectivity is not individual forms of the processing of social and understood just as the simple result of social milieu-specific experience. Individual forms can, intersubjectivity, but as its condition. Qualita- of course, be those that are projected on to indi- tive biographical research sees its opportunity in viduals during socialization and which they the fact that it confronts the complexity of the accept. But not every case can be treated as an individual case. Two aspects of this, which are acceptance. Individual variation or even the cre- decisive for the constitution of biographies, will ation of new structures of experience processing, be developed below: processes of meaning- as an emerging and in part also a contingent production, and processes of the creation of process, cannot be derived from social models. self-images and world-images. Individuality and the problems of emergence and contingence are interrelated. Emergence, in this context, means that human 2 PROCESSES OF SENSE- decisions are never completely programmable AND MEANING-MAKING by environmental factors. Biographical deci- sions, which always contain an element of free- Wilhelm Dilthey (1852–1911), in his Founda- dom, cannot be reconstructed as an ethical tions of the Humanities (1968b), opened a way of algorithm. Contingence means the existential understanding the course of human life that has experience of the finite and the coincidental, hitherto scarcely been used. He opposes mecha- which cause humans to be thrown back on nistic, technocratic and reductionist concepts of themselves. If it was said at the outset that the mankind and, on the basis of the now famous question of how humans learn must always be dictum ‘we explain nature; we understand viewed within a temporal diagnostic framework, mankind’, he developed a concept to make it then we must also point out here that an possible to understand mankind through its increase in contingence is indeed a feature of manifestations. By human manifestations he the development of modern society. In this means both artistic products and every kind of sense Peukert writes: ordered activity and behaviour in social con- texts. He sees the methodological starting-point for this kind of concept of understanding in that What is characteristic of the new age is a matter of debate. The least controversial claim is that it is internal experience in which reality is presented based on a radicalized experience of the finiteness to us. For him understanding is closely linked to and coincidental nature of everything that hap- the tradition of hermeneutics, which concerns pens: it is coincidental and finite, that is ‘contin- itself with the interpretation of texts and com- gent’, to the extent that it could also be different municative situations. From a methodological Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 103


point of view human objectivizations and which constantly produces links between parts manifestations are conceived in the broadest and the totality and then checks or modifies sense as text (see Blankertz 1982: 219), which has them in new biographical situations. In this way to be interpreted in the process of understanding. life-history shows itself to be a construct pro- For Dilthey the task of the humanities consists duced by the subject and which, as a unit, orga- of understanding socially interrelated individual nizes the wealth of experiences and events in the life units, that is ‘to re-experience them and cap- course of a life into some coherence. The cre- ture them in thought’ (Dilthey 1968b: 340). These ation of this kind of coherence of experiences is life units are first described as individual persons achieved through an act of meaning attribution. and as their forms of expression, their words and From the present meaning is given to past actions. These single individuals, however, are events. The memories that a person can call up of not understood as isolated atomized subjects but, his or her life are those that seem globally mean- as we would put it today, as mediated by social- ingful and through which that person structures ization. This means that they are embedded in his or her life. It is only when these meaning- social units such as families, groups, society, coherences set up by the subject are available that humanity. On the one hand they are character- development is possible (cf. Dilthey 1968a: 218). ized by these in a particular historical situation; In summary, therefore, it must be said that the and on the other hand the individuals influence concept of biographization characterizes that these units to a greater or lesser extent. No con- form of meaning-ordering, sense-creating behav- cept, in Dilthey’s opinion, can capture all of the iour of the subject in conscious awareness of his content of these individual units: or her own past life. A meaning-giving biogra- phization is only possible when the subject is in Rather the multiplicity of what is apparently con- a position to produce retrospective coherences tained in them can only be experienced, under- that allow him or her to organize events and stood and described. And their enmeshing in the experiences within them and to create relation- course of history is a singular event that is inex- haustible for human thought. (1968b: 341) ships between them and also to a totality. In this way we are constantly working at making our Conceptual thinking therefore, if we pursue life consistent, at drawing lines in the material of Dilthey’s idea, is only conditionally capable of our past, which will order it and create coher- understanding humans in their individual ence. Lines separate, make prominent, show incarnations. It is an essential element of the contours and give directions. They represent process of understanding, but not a sufficient indications of relationship and orientation. If we one. fail to enter lines into our biography then we say, in colloquial terms: ‘I can’t work it out’. If this kind of line-drawing and coherence-creation Sense-making as the fails, we may legitimately speak of a crisis, an production of coherences existential crisis of sense. Human plans bear the mark of the individual and are only generaliz- Sense is produced, in Dilthey’s opinion, with able under certain conditions: the aid of the mechanisms of coherence-cre- ation. The category of coherence, for him, is a Every life has its own meaning. It is to be found central category of life. in a meaning context in which every memorable present has a counter-value, but at the same time, The course of a life consists of parts, consists of in the context of memory, it has a relation to a experiences that are related together in some meaning of the whole. This meaning of the indi- internal coherence. Every individual experience vidual being is completely singular, inseparable relates to a self of which it is a part; it is bound in from recognition, and yet, in its way, it represents – coherence through its structure with other parts. like Leibniz’s monad – the historical universe. Everything intellectual contains coherence; there- (Dilthey 1968c: 199) fore coherence is a category that arises from life. We understand coherence by virtue of the unity The perspective of individual sense and meaning- of consciousness. (1968c: 195) making leads directly to the approach of modern biographical research. An approach to under- The creation of coherence, in Dilthey’s work, is standing that sees itself as concerned exclusively therefore seen as an achievement of consciousness with the realm of social interaction does not Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 104


meet the target. The problems of subjectivity An understanding of learning and education cannot be replaced by the problems of intersub- cannot ignore this, but becomes possible only jectivity. In no way does this mean that inter- when one comes to understand processes of subjectivity should be excluded; it means, learning and education as specific ways of inter- rather, that intersubjectivity is an essential but preting oneself and the world. This viewpoint will not a sufficient condition of understanding. In be developed in the next step in the argument. this it is not only the question of the intersub- jective conditions of subjectivity that are of interest, but also that of the subjective condi- 3 PROCESSES OF SELF-CREATION tions of intersubjectivity. The consistent per- AND WORLD-MAKING spective of the individual leads to the category of biography. Here it is appropriate to refer back to Alfred This position of modern biographical research Schütz’s position on the sociology of knowl- may be further illuminated by certain thoughts edge, which is in the tradition of phenomeno- of Jean-Paul Sartre. In his critique of Marxism, logically oriented theory-building. His name is he required that the attention of hermeneutics associated with the endeavour to base the social be directed to the individual. Contemporary sciences essentially on the ideas of Edmund Marxism, he claimed, has driven the exile of Husserl through explaining the processes of man from human knowledge. Sartre opposed meaning-constitution in the life-world (see 3.1, this with his famous definition: ‘The object of 3.8). In Schütz’s work questions are dealt with existentialism – because of the failure of the which seek to clarify how the social world is Marxists – is the individual in the social field’ meaningfully constituted and how a scientific (1983: 106). Sartre demands that individuals be analysis of these processes of meaning-creation understood by studying the forms they use to is possible. Schütz developed his field of enquiry process reality. Against any kind of finiteness of in the course of his debate with Georg Simmel knowledge, against unambiguity in the under- and, in particular, Max Weber. In this the ques- standing of meaning, he sets up multiplicity tion of how one can understand the subjective and multi-dimensionality: ‘It is necessary to meaning of the behaviour of others came to be insist on the ambiguity of past facts’ (1983: 100). a central theme of his thinking. He assumes that Marxism displays a degree of anaemia; it has humans can construct different internal atti- driven the exile of man from knowledge. The tudes to themselves and to the world. He pro- rediscovery of a knowledge of the individual is vides a polymorphy of such approaches. These Sartre’s goal. For this reason, biography is consis- are not reducible to one another. A human tently a central category for him. With being cannot be understood from a single form hermeneutic intention he follows the traces of (cf. Srubar 1988: 49, for discussion), but only from the individual. In a number of existential and an ensemble of varied forms of the approach to hermeneutically designed extensive interpreta- himself and the world. This is the central tions of particular cases (for instance on nucleus of Schütz’s position. Flaubert, Genet, Baudelaire) he showed – from a From 1928 onwards Schütz began the philosophical perspective – the way of modern preparatory work on The Phenomenology of the biographical research, which sees itself as the Social World, which appeared in 1932. In this qualitative interpretation of individual cases. work he establishes an essential link between The reflections on Dilthey in this section have meaning constitution and social action and its essentially brought forth the idea that the mak- sociality. After his emigration to the United ing of sense and meaning are characteristic of States he worked, from 1939, on a synthesis of human existence. The processes of biographiza- action theory and life-world theory, which he tion are an immediate expression of these described as pragmatic life-world theory. To char- dimensions. In this way the thesis of the inter- acterize it he used the term cosmion, which pretative paradigm that we reviewed at the refers to the symbolic self-interpretation of a outset, with mankind as an interpreting, world- society. When a human being interprets the designing and reality-creating creature, has been world meaningfully he or she makes it into his clarified from a particular point of view. or her life-world, or cosmion. In this cosmion The production of sense and meaning rep- there are different realms of reality. The assump- resent the creative centre of human existence. tion of the multiplicity of levels of reality was Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 105


developed by Schütz in his Theory of Multiple into question what is taken for granted in the Realities (1962), in which he attempts to justify the everyday world, threaten it directly or indi- inter- and intra-cultural multiplicity of human rectly, and therefore frequently create anxiety. reality. The recognition of the life-world basis of Communities, therefore, develop forms (tradi- human action leads him to the conception of a tions, conventions) to allow for other worlds, plurality of finite areas of meaning, and this marks and for calling-into-question the everyday the broad boundary of his so-called life-world. The world. Any calling-into-question or exceeding pluralization of areas of meaning corresponds to a the boundaries of the everyday world may often pluralization of areas of rationality, since every bring about a crisis which leads, as a rule, to area of meaning is characterized by a particular specific processes of biographization: attitude towards the world and oneself. It was William James who, in his Principles of If his life [the life of a human being] (or what he Psychology (1890), drew attention to the fact considers to the meaning of his life) seems threat- that such worlds are in principle created subjec- ened, he must then ask himself whether what just tively. Schütz develops this idea, for example in seemed so urgent and important is still so urgent his work Don Quixote and the Problem of Reality: and important. The relevancies that had previ- ously operated so matter-of-factly are then sub- jected to an explicit interpretation in the light The whole distinction between real and unreal, that the present crisis casts on his previous life the whole psychology of belief, disbelief, and and on his future life (which has been put into doubt, is, always according to William James, question). What results from his interpretation is grounded on two mental facts: first that we are another matter: the relevances can, as the case liable to think differently of the same object; and may be, turn out to be void or still remain valid. secondly, that when we have done so, we can The person can hold on to the results of his reflec- choose which way of thinking to adhere to and tions as a memento mori for his further course in which to disregard. The origin and fountainhead life, or else forget them as quickly as possible of all reality, whether from the absolute or the (especially after the crisis has faded away). (Schütz practical point of view is thus subjective, is our- and Luckmann 1989: 128) selves. Consequently, there exist several, probably an infinite number of various orders of reality, each with its own special and separate style Humans then begin to ask questions of them- of existence, called by James ‘subuniverses’. selves and the world. This can result in a restruc- (Schütz 1964: 135) turing of subjective relevances and thereby in a transformation of the behaviour of oneself and The spectrum of possible worlds extends from the world. Humans then see both themselves the everyday world and the world of science, to and their world differently. It is just these the world of dreams and fantasy, the insane processes that are of interest in biographical world of psychosis, and the world of intoxica- research: can we understand such migrations tion with hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD; from a single case? Can we make statements finally, we must also include today the world of about conditions and consequences? Therefore, virtual reality in which many computer freaks although the everyday world takes on a prag- operate. Each of these worlds has its own limits matic character, the other worlds are not and is real in its own way (see 3.8). In every area rejected: they represent an internal enrichment. of reality there are meaning patterns that do not The individual is deprived if, as a world-migrant, need to be mutually compatible with each other. he or she settles in only a single world. For cross- But we have the ability to switch between them. ing borders means that everyday life loses the It is perhaps constitutive for humans that they focus of its reality in favour of another. On the are world-migrants, that they can reside in a variety other hand human beings see themselves of worlds and then return to their own everyday exposed to the danger of dissociation if the world. This last-named ability is both an essen- everyday world, as the Archimedic point of the tial and a sensitive criterion of the ability to live existence as organization, is put out of action. communally: the everyday world is the indis- From this viewpoint human life is a constant pensable referential framework for such migra- process of creation and maintenance of worlds. tions. Migrating into other worlds is a diversion We are world-migrants, frontier-crossers, aliens from daily life, in confidence that it will be pos- and home-comers. A fragility of identity is the sible to return there. These other worlds call hallmark of our existence. Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 106


From the Schützian position further links to life-world and system. Nor is it therefore a matter modern biographical research can be set up: it is of finding systemic bridging designs of the life- a matter of becoming acquainted with a large world to protect them from one another. number of the forms of human beings’ Biographical research in the phenomenological approach to themselves and to the external tradition (see 3.1) should not, therefore, be social reality. Knowledge of a broad phenome- equated with a lyric of affliction or a new subjec- nology of such approaches ought to be a funda- tivism. This must be emphasized because it is mental component of social-scientific thinking. only in this way that the accusation of turning It might be said that a typical feature of modern the processes of learning and education into a biographical research is that it has moved from therapy can be avoided. Qualitative biographical the question of what and why to consider how. research, which concentrates on the interpreta- The question of how is concerned with forms tion of single cases, can be associated with the and performances; it could be called a morpho- tradition of micro-logical analysis (Benjamin, logical question. The analysis of the biography- Adorno) and in this sense does not see itself as making processes documented in the form of a necessarily being in opposition to social theory narrative interview serves the purpose of clarify- approaches, of which it has often been accused. ing the forms of these attitudes to self and the At the beginning of this chapter we enquired world. The results of such analyses are often about the place of mankind within the scenario micro-logically exact descriptions of the forma- of socio-technical systems. Technical systems, tion process, which represent a morphology, particularly new technologies, relieve us of rou- and – to a certain extent – a genealogy of the tine activities. As a rule these are carried out more empirical educational profiles. Biographical rapidly and reliably with the help of technical sys- research in this sense is concerned with deter- tems. Mankind can now devote more attention to mining figures of education. It carries out what its creative, innovative and expressive ways of W. Benjamin and T. W. Adorno have called problem-solving. Because of problematic social micro-logical analysis (Marotzki 1997a). The situations these are more in demand than ever. To interest in possible forms of attitudes to self and release this potential, to develop and promote it, the world works on the premise that these are requires suitable scenarios for learning and educa- produced by individual people in interactive tion. The decisive insight consists of not only contexts, but that they cannot be derived from understanding the problem-solving potential as a these. The making of sense and meaning means, cognitive capacity. There are, in particular, bio- above all, that a person’s behaviour to self graphical resources that represent, in a compre- and the world is being developed. Worlds are hensive way, a potential for order. One of the not pre-determined, but have to be created and main tasks of qualitative biographical research is maintained by action, communication and to explore these. It is therefore concerned with biography-making. We are constantly develop- exchanging new-style perspectives and meaning ing ourselves and the world in processes of contexts, with learning how human beings per- biography-making from the viewpoint of a par- ceive and process unambiguous facts differently, ticular way of being that is unique to ourselves. and what meaning they attribute to them. In this It is legitimate to use the term ‘education’ to there are no right and wrong ways of looking at approach this behaviour to self and the world. things. It is rather a matter of systematically con- Modern qualitative biographical research (with sidering and recording the concrete experiential educational intent) is therefore interested in world of humans as an independent sense and concrete educational profiles, their origin and meaning-context for processes of creativity and their transformations (Marotzki 1997b). problem-solving. The flexibility needed for this cannot be achieved through a similar flexibility in definition of self and the world. 4 FINAL REMARKS

In this chapter the phenomenological aspect has FURTHER READING been stressed because the everyday life-world is understood here as a fundamental dimension. Here it is not – as, for example, in the tradition of Alheit, P. and Bergamini, S. (1995) ‘Biographical Habermas – a matter of an opposition between and Life History Research as a New Qualitative Flick 3.06 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 107


Approach in Social Sciences and Education. An Introduction’, in S. Papaioannou et al. (eds), Education, Culture and Modernisation. Roskilde: RUC. pp. 203–228.

Chamberlayne, P., Bornat, J. and Wengraf, T. (eds) (2000) The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science. Comparative Issues and Examples. London: Routledge.

Yin, R. K. (1994) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 3.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 108

3.7 Qualitative Generation Research

Heinz Bude

1 An expression of the modern experience of temporalization 108 2 The concept of generation rather than cohort 109 3 Principles of reconstruction 110 4 Research perspectives 111

With the loss of a society of large groups the 1 AN EXPRESSION OF THE concept of generation today offers one of MODERN EXPERIENCE OF the last reference points for a we-concept of the TEMPORALIZATION individual (Bude 1997). Now that ‘class’ and ‘nation’ are no longer automatically available as The present popularity of the concept of obvious collectivization entities, ‘generation’ is generation in social and sociological self- coming to be preferred as a category of social description can indeed lead one to ignore the embedding, and this seems to be unencumbered fact that the problem of generations has occu- either by political ideology or by national pied sociology since its beginnings and that the history. The generational community of experi- concept of generation belongs to the funda- ence and memory emphasizes a horizontal mental historical concepts of the modern expe- identity of seeing and coming to terms with the rience of temporalization of social relationships world beyond the vertical solidarities of feelings (see Koselleck 1978). Admittedly the method- of provenance and willingness to associate ological use of the term is relatively under- (Nora 1996). What makes proximity of year of developed. Despite the classical reference to Karl birth into a generation is a feeling of being iden- Mannheim’s article (1952b), there is no agree- tically affected by a unique historical and social ment on questions of how generations are situation. In this way reactions of completion formed, how they are to be identified and what and thematic merging in everyday conversa- socializing effect they have on the lives of their tions create a unique proximity between people members. A structural weakness in the concept who in other respects are alien to one another has been postulated, and although this does (cf. Bahrdt 1996). The generational coherence permit a reformulation of retrievable obvious that is, in this way, becoming thematic is the facts of everyday life, it does not allow for a con- focus of comparison between the life of an indi- trolled structuring of anonymous data. vidual and others of the same age, and in this Alternatively, one can refer back to method- the experience of contingence of biography is ologically tighter concepts, but with these anchored in relationships of collective experi- the essential informative content of the concept ence. Individual life-history is judged in respect of generation is lost. It is therefore essential, for of the life-course of members of the same gene- a justification of interpretative generation ration: what can be expected, what constituted research, to make a number of conceptual state- happiness and where there was failure. ments and methodological clarifications, so Flick 3.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 109


that it is not always necessary to start again at structure encountered by same-age groups in the beginning when one could long since have the transition from education to employment made progress. (Müller 1978). It is simply that the constituted generational situation needs a context of genera- tion which constitutes it, and which creates – 2 THE CONCEPT OF GENERATION from diverse effects – a socially attributable unity. RATHER THAN COHORT Here we may see the methodologically demand- ing implication of the concept of generation: the The move from cross-sectional to linear descrip- fact that it makes intelligible the gradual defini- tions that was so vital for the understanding of tion of a generation entity which is only the social change, and the related insight that well- initial framework for the aggregation of individual founded statements of trends can only be birth cohorts into the totality of people of the derived from the systematic comparison of the same age. Without this interpretative element life-situations and life-balances of different birth generation research would lose itself in a process cohorts (cf. Mayer 1990 for an outline), has inci- of random distinction and comparison that dentally led to a replacement of the historical would miss the phenomenon of a society that concept of generation by a chronological con- renews itself with every generation. cept of cohort. Although cohorts, according to The concept of generation does not embrace Norman B. Ryder’s (1965) open definition, refer the simple variation in living circumstances to an aggregate of individuals who have shared within the simultaneity of that which is non- the same experience in the same time-frame, in simultaneous, but the constant new application research the concept normally denotes a year- of predominant formations which give expres- group (on the genesis and application of the sion to a new approach to facts and new kinds term cohort, see Sackmann 1998: 29–63). Birth of distancing from tradition. The way in which cohorts, however, do not in themselves consti- generations act, either as desired by themselves tute a generation: it is rather a matter of the pos- or expected by others, cannot be captured by sible relation to a common experience that the concept of cohort. With all necessary cau- marks and influences, and from which there tion in the face of a corresponding reduction- arises evidence of something shared, despite dif- ism, one cannot ignore the truth that the ferences of provenance, religion or ethnic affili- periodic emergence of generations is based on ation. Where this evidence is missing, then we the biological facts of our limited existence. are not dealing with a generation, even when Nothing sociological can be derived from this years of birth coincide. But where this feeling of biological basis, but the phenomenon is missed participation in a common way of experiencing if no account is taken of this relationship and reacting does exist, it cannot be countered between the fact of a limited life-span and the by a contradictory chronology. For generations projects of generational self-assertion. It there- are collective formations and it is only they which fore makes a decisive difference in the mode of make possible a meaningful adding together procedure, whether one is looking at social of individual year-cohorts. We are beginning alterations in the sequence of cohorts or at the at the wrong end, as Richard Alewyn (1929: 522) vital moments in the change of generations. saw long ago, if we compare the courses of Here the theorists of generation and cohorts individual lives and seek to harmonize them. are pulling in the same direction, when it is a From this, instead of constructions of genera- question of abandoning assumptions of con- tions, we shall achieve only catalogues of stancy and slowness in their observation of social cohorts, which always make too many concep- development. Modern generations are character- tual promises and always contain too little ized not by smooth transitions but abrupt muta- information about forms of behaviour and tions, as may particularly be seen in the political meaning-patterns. history of the twentieth century. The generation It is not a matter of contesting the argument of youth movement at the beginning of the advanced by representatives of the cohort- century, the generation of political youth of the approach to demography and, by extension, to inter-war years, the sceptical generation of mobility and socialization research, that objective the post-war period, or the protest generation life-chances are determined solely by year-group of the welfare society (Schelsky 1981) demon- strength (Easterlin 1980), or by the chance strate about-turns and new beginnings in social Flick 3.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 110


self-understanding, and these can hardly be particular, contradictory consequences are drawn made to fit a process of collective learning or from the shared experience of the same situa- gradual audience development. The genealogical tion. For this reason Mannheim (1952b) distin- concept of the family generation, in particular, guishes between the ‘generation-situation’, presupposes links with tradition in which some which requires interpretation, the horizon- new access to accumulated culture is sought. The forming ‘generation-relationship’ and the polari- processes whereby the social status of the family zed ‘generation-units’. In the ‘auxiliary-generation’1 of origin is inherited from one generation to the of German reconstruction after the Second next must also be distinguished from the changes World War (Bude 1987), for example, an influ- between generations in collective behaviour, pas- ential critical fraction of protest and rejection sions and memories. Generation is not a concept stood in opposition to a dominant passive fac- of updating but one of interruption (see Riedel tion of ‘communicative keeping quiet’ (Lübbe 1969 on the history of the concept). 1983). The polarity of Luhmann and Habermas, or of Walser and Grass, is constitutive of the social and intellectual physiognomy of this gen- 3 PRINCIPLES OF RECONSTRUCTION eration. The systematic consideration of such polar forms of dispute over the same social and Self-determination from the historical involvement may be taken as a second setting of differences methodological principle of generation research.

From this follows the first principle of an inter- Avant-garde and pretative method of generation research: gener- receptive groups ations define themselves by their difference from other generations. One cannot always This involves a third principle of reconstruction immediately say which generation one belongs which concerns the interplay of avant-garde to, but one can definitely state the generation and receptive groups in the formation of a one is not associated with. From this form of shared meaning-horizon. It is always a few self-determination by difference, spontaneous people who set the tone for the totality of their generational attributions can be both extracted contemporaries and who coin the keywords. In and also reconstructed. Here, as always, help is Germany, the active core of the movement of available from the structuralist doctrine of rela- 1968 consisted of about 10,000 people who pro- tionism, according to which the individual vided the majority of what was subsequently thing can only be defined through its relation- known as the 68-generation with their atmos- ship to some other. Colloquial patterns of iden- phere and their material (see Bude 1995: 40f.). It tification can then be related to public formulae is possible to trace the process of retrospective in order to measure the degree to which the multiplication of the 68-generation through the meaning of some term has been adopted (see 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, which presents itself as Bude 2000). For example, there is the expression a paradoxical case of intensification of experi- the ‘89 Generation’ (Leggewie 1995), and this ence through dissipation of the experience. It comprises a multiplicity of meanings and attri- becomes ever less relevant what actions one butions which first of all need to be checked for really took part in: what is most important is the their place in our lives before they can be used we-feeling of common origins and shared to give an informative description of society. motives. The generational narrative community is open to alternative versions and histories that go further back, and becomes ultimately only a Polar unit resonance chamber for matching associations. A generation is indeed a problem unit and not a unit of solutions (Jaeger 1977). Generations Leading, suppressed and reproduce themselves in both external and inter- redirected types nal opposition. Not only are there always differ- ent patterns of individuality (see Popitz 1972: 15 Finally the adaptive relationship of biography on this term) within one generation, but, in and history is changed with the history shifts of Flick 3.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 111


emphasis in the context of generation. Julius contemporaries. It is this basis, in the non-reflexive Petersen (1926) coined the distinction between and the unavailable, which brings about the ‘leading’, ‘redirected’ and ‘suppressed types of historical-social unit of a generation. It is encoun- generation’, to account for the different forms tered when the question has been found to of establishment and development of the con- which the reconstructed form of a generation is stitutive basic intentions and formative tenden- the answer. cies of a generation (cf. Mannheim 1952b). While the ‘leading type’ of generation accepts the opportunities and demands of a social and 4 RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES historical situation as a realization of disposi- tions and tendencies contained within itself, the Measured against these interpretative principles ‘redirected type’ feels itself obliged by a certain qualitative generation research is comparatively existential indecisiveness to cling to dominant underdeveloped. The mixing of the concepts of themes and styles. The ‘suppressed’, on the cohort and generation is responsible for the pro- other hand, sees itself as pushed into a position liferation of methodologically uncontrolled def- where it can either surrender to the spirit of the initions of generation that are attached partly to age or can confront its age in isolation. the fashions of popular culture (Diederichsen How in 1989 the balance was distributed 1993) and partly to the changes in lifestyle or between the heroes of the civic movement, the value-orientations of the younger generations sceptics from the official opposition and the ( Jugendwerk der Deutschen Shell 1985). To this ‘people’ of the change, cannot yet be said. But it must be added the dominance of a genealogical is beyond question that the age of ‘leading gen- concept, relatively unconnected with cycles of eration types’, like Bärbel Bohley or Sascha public thematization, which is used to deter- Anderson,2 is over. Now other forms of self- mine a succession of generations who are cop- fulfilment are required in which the members of ing with the past: according to this we have now a generation can see their opportunities and reached the Third Generation – the grand- measure their risks. For generations there exists, children – of the victims and agents of National therefore, the experience of the historical Socialism (Kohlstruck 1997). A new generation moment where decisions are made between that would make its claim for a definition of forerunners, pathfinders, distinctive figures of reality is, according to this research, nowhere to the age, independent talents with no major be found. significance, dependent fellow-travellers, lone One may view this situation as an expression runners and fashionable talents. But then, in of some modality of historical time that pro- the very next moment the original ‘leading motes an exhausted blurring rather than a sharp type’ may turn out to be an exaggerated and differentiation between young and old. But extravagant figure full of self-deception and wherever possible we are experiencing a phase false attitudes, and the formerly ‘suppressed of groundbreaking changes in the educational types’ are remembered, who have anticipated, processes and developmental dynamics of in their resistance and obstinacy, what is now generations. It is no longer wars and their con- required. The fourth methodological principle sequences, but the welfare state and its trans- of generation research is connected with these formations that characterize the life-chances alternating relationships between biography and life-views of neighbouring year-groups and history through which the generation (Leisering 1992). Nowadays politically mobile becomes a reality of constant re-interpretation generation conflicts are breaking out in the and re-modelling. Every total reconstruction interpretation of the ‘Generation Contract’ in must therefore become aware of its own posi- the provision of pensions (Stiftung für die tion in respect of the ageing of a generation, so Rechte zukünftiger Generationen 1998). How that what actually counts as a primary experi- these kinds of institutionally created relation- ence is not simply repeated. ships between generations relate to ideas of his- At any event, with all the reflexivity in the torical generations is, of course, recognized as a life-long self-formation of a generation there research problem (Kaufmann 1993). So far, how- remains an ‘a-problematic life-source’ which ever, it has not been solved, either conceptually causes the feeling of fateful closeness amongst or methodologically, by generation research. Flick 3.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 112



1 ‘Auxiliary-Generation’ = the male cohorts born between 1926 and 1929 that were drawn as anti- Elder Jr, G. H. (1974) Children of the Great aircraft fighters from the highschools in the last Depression. Chicago: University of Chicago months of the Second World War. Press. 2. Bärbel Bohley was a leading figure in the critical civil movement of the former GDR, Sascha Mannheim, K. (1952) ‘The Problem of Anderson a then well-known poet. Generations’, in K. Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 276–320.

Nora, P. (1996) ‘Generation’, in P. Nora (ed.), Realms of Memory – The Construction of the French Past. Volume 1: Conflicts and Divisions. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 499–531. Flick 3.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 113

3.8 Life-world Analysis in Ethnography

Anne Honer

1 The native’s point of view 114 2 Existential commitment 115 3 Reconstruction of social constructs 116

If we make the experiential correlates of other reflexive reconstruction of his (or her) own people into the object of our scientific interest modes of experience and consciousness proce- we are faced with a methodologically crucial dures – in the study (by whatever means) of the problem of how and how far it is possible to see particular (sociological) object of research (see the world – approximately – through the eyes of 3.1; cf. also Eberle 1999; Hitzler 1999b). these other people (cf. Plessner 1983), which In general terms, this research approach may means to reconstruct what is typically called the therefore be characterized as ‘ethnographic subjective meaning of their experiences. life-world analysis’ or ‘life-world analysis in Alfred Schütz (1962: 138, footnote 20) relied ethnography’. Its purpose is the interpretative on the fact that the scientist ‘constructs (obvi- description of small social life-worlds, of socially ously, according to quite definite structural (co-)organized extracts of individual world laws) the pertinent ideal personality types with experiences, since – according to Thomas which he peoples the segment of the social Luckmann (1989: 34) – ‘the primary task of world he has selected as an object of his scien- social scientific methodology is the systematic tific research’. However, this concerns only the reconstruction of “meaning’’’ (cf. also Honer theoretical reflection of data already analysed, 1999). Seen in this way, ethnographic life-world but in no sense the collection of data. Data col- analysis complements in a relatively unprob- lection, in the first place, rather requires the use lematic way other ethnographic research pro- of methods whose quality criterion is whether, grammes, such as that of ‘thick description’ and to what extent, they are suitable for discov- (see 2.6, 5.5). ering and reconstructing the relevances of the In simpler terms ‘thick description’ as a other. And the analysis of the data requires, in research programme means discovering and turn, careful and hermeneutically reflected developing the meaning schemata of the cul- interpretative work in order to understand, tural fields being studied, or particles of such beyond the idiosyncrasies of both the other and fields, which constitute a kind of ‘meaning-web’ the researcher, the ideal types of world experi- of more or less hierarchically ordered ‘semantic ence (cf. Honer 1993; 89–116; Reichertz 1991a; fields’. From these access may then be gained to see 3.5, 5.16). the culture, knowledge and habitual behaviour Relying on phenomenology, therefore, in the of the people under investigation. ‘Thick sense of Alfred Schütz, will clarify in the context description’ aims at the explanation of ‘expla- of this area of research interest the social scien- nations’ (in a cultural field) in relation to the tist’s own approach to reality – in the sense of a totality of this cultural field. Flick 3.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 114


1 THE NATIVE’S POINT OF VIEW typical situations it was acquired, so that it can then be modified or suspended for methodolog- With this orientation, the ethnologist Clifford ical reasons. It is not a matter, therefore, of for- Geertz (see 2.6) gave an essential impetus to the getting one’s own knowledge but of recognizing placement in the ethnological tradition of the its relativity and taking this into account in an ethnographic interest in the (small) cultures of interpretation. It is a matter of looking for modern societies, which is outlined below. This the ‘strange’, as opposed to the certainties of was due, in particular, to his plea for the recon- ‘thinking-as-usual’, or ‘and-the-like’, or ‘the inter- struction of ‘the native’s point of view’ (1984b) – changeability of viewpoints’ to which general using, as it were, all available means. To this everyday understanding (including that of extent the approach shows many links with the many sociologists) normally allocates everything kind of journalistic tradition that finds its classi- that appears to be reasonably familiar or even cal expression in Robert E. Parks’s method of simply known (cf. Adler and Adler 1987a; ‘nosing around’ (cf. Lindner 1990). These kinds Soeffner 1985: 111). of reportage-style studies (cf. also Hartmann Ethnography, therefore – like every non- 1988) are in most cases not only highly enter- standardized type of social research, if it wishes taining and instructive but also extremely pro- to meet the conditions of unequivocal basis ductive from a sociological point of view. At the research – must now and, above all, in the longer same time we need to clarify the technical con- term be marked by a fundamental scepticism sequences for research that are or should be pro- about the quality of data provided by others. At duced by the general ‘embellishing’ claim of this the very least it seems questionable whether kind of reportage that it is reconstructing information received from others about social extracts from life ‘as it is lived’. phenomena should count as data of the phe- Unlike what happens in the ethnography of nomena themselves. In the first place, and without foreign peoples, the ethnographer in his ‘own’ question, they are simply data of communication, society must first rediscover the strangeness of data about how a fact (whoever it comes from) is what is well known and familiar by an artificial represented situationally (cf. Bergmann 1985; change of attitude (see 5.5). From very close Reichertz 1988). This basic dilemma – that the proximity he has to discover that strangeness subjective knowledge of other people is not which the ethnological ethnographer generally ‘really’ directly accessible, but is nevertheless the experiences almost ‘existentially’ because, and most important data-base of social scientific by virtue of the fact that, his everyday routines research – cannot of course be solved. Ideally, in the field are often rather violently disturbed. however, it can be compensated for by the fact He must learn that he cannot assume ‘that his that the researcher in the field is trying to acquire interpretation of the new cultural pattern coin- a high degree of familiarity with the world being cides with that current with the members of the investigated. Ideally this is done by becoming in-group. On the contrary, he has to reckon ‘immediately involved in practice’ (Garz and with fundamental discrepancies in seeing things Kraimer 1991: 13), which implies acquiring and handling situations’ (Schütz 1964: 16). The something like a temporary membership; and sociological ethnographer, deliberately rejecting under less ideal circumstances it is achieved the unquestionable ‘reciprocity of perspectives’, through a very flexible and sensitive use of must therefore always reckon with the possibi- exploratory and interpretative procedures. lity that – in the sense of Pascal Bruckner and ‘Life-world analysis’ therefore means a Alain Finkielkraut (1981) – ‘the adventure methodological attempt to reconstruct the begins just around the corner’, and that ‘just world seen, as it were, through the eyes of an around the corner’ it is indeed the adventure that ideal type of (some) normality. Because: begins (cf. Hirschauer and Amann 1997; Knoblauch 1991a, 1995). only this methodological principle gives us the It is only through a ‘stranger’s view’ of the necessary guarantee that we are dealing in fact phenomenon that is of interest that the socio- with the real social life-world of us all, which, logical ethnographer can be in a position to even as an object of theoretical research, remains make explicit his own unquestionable (back- a system of reciprocal social relations, all of them ground) knowledge and, if necessary, to clarify built up by mutual subjective interpretations of where this knowledge comes from, in what the actors within it. (Schütz 1964: 16) Flick 3.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 115


Normality, in the general sense of the term, from a pragmatic viewpoint, and from a purely however, can only be recognized abstractly – if theoretical perspective. This is, admittedly, at all – in modern societies: perhaps in such often misinterpreted, to the effect that not only phenomena as a ‘bricolage existence’ (cf. Hitzler data analysis but equally also field data collection 1994; Hitzler and Honer 1994). From an empiri- could or perhaps even should take place from a cal viewpoint, however, only thematically ‘worldless position’. This sort of idea, however, limited, goal-directed normalities, specific to a is in direct opposition to Schütz’s dictum that sub-culture, milieu or group (i.e. relative), can, the scientist is never in a social environment, as a rule, be identified. that he is never concerned with real living other The implications of this insight for research people but rather with homunculi in a model- technique are that we, as ‘vital’ ethnographers world which he constructs, in a secondary fash- (Geertz 1988) of the world ‘around us’, must ion, out of pre-interpreted data from previous shut out most of the usual questions that are and parallel worlds (cf. Schütz 1964: 3–54). This normally considered to be significant in socio- means that social scientists, so long as they are logical research, and must ask instead what is of working empirically and collecting data them- importance to the object being investigated – as selves, can never lay claim to a higher or – in a type – or what he (or she) experiences as ‘his any sense – ‘objective’ perspective (cf. also world’. Only on the basis of the things that he Hitzler 1999a). finds important do we go on to ask for the most Field researchers act in a practical way in a exact information possible about what is impor- social environment. They must, therefore – and tant, and perhaps we also ask how it comes more explicitly than Geertz – also reflect their about that other things are unimportant to him, concrete viewpoint as participants in social phe- because ‘before one explains phenomena from nomena and give an account of where and how factors or interprets them according to pur- they are to be located in the network of social poses, an attempt ought to be made in every relationships. But because the relationship case to understand them in their original world between the social scientist and the object of of experience’ (Plessner 1982: 229). study is a ‘special case of the link between cog- nition and action, between symbolic mastery and practical operation, between the logical (i.e. 2 EXISTENTIAL COMMITMENT equipped with all the accumulated instruments of objectivization) and the universally pre-logical While ‘thick descriptions’ in this way serve logic of practice’ (Bourdieu 1982: 40f.), it is in fact essentially the reconstruction of the typical advisable, in the longer term, to develop a forms of understanding of a given culture and ‘theory of the meaning of nativeness’. society, its ethno-hermeneutics, life-world In the short term the fact that explanatory analysis aims ultimately at the translation of the knowledge is of a different quality than action ‘historically objectivized meaning-structures knowledge has two consequences for ethno- of a culture and society … into a “universal” graphic work: on the one hand, in research prac- human hermeneutics that bridges all compo- tice one must make a clear distinction between nent cultures, all complete cultures and all his- the process of data collection in the field of torical epochs’ (Luckmann 1989: 35). This everyday action and the process of data inter- means that the significance of life-world analy- pretation from the theoretical viewpoint. On sis consists above all of the fact that we can use the other hand, in dealing with data constituted it to increase the chance of at least approxi- in everyday practice a clear distinction must be mately reconstructing a world (or worlds) as made between action data (obtained by means experienced by people, rather than the world as of active participation and observation) and it appears in the opinion of sociologists. The self-presentation data (obtained in conversa- world of sociologists can, of course, also be of tions or interviews), which ideally represent interest, but then precisely as the world of socio- action-directing knowledge (cf. Honer 1994b). logists – not an apparently ‘objective’ world. Bourdieu agrees that the social researcher has Alfred Schütz’s postulate for life-world analy- better chances of understanding the perspective sis recommended that the scientist should make of his object of investigation the more he or she a cognitive move out of existential worries and is in command of not only the symbolic logic of reflect in isolation and complete disinterest, scientific theory but also the logic of everyday Flick 3.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 116


practice (as it applies in his particular field of symptomatic) objectivizations and representations research). The person who, in this sense, has of what was really experienced there. For an developed a particular set of procedures but can inside experience can only be had, at least in the also put them at a distance – through the ‘objec- strictly phenomenological sense, if one is (also) tivization instruments of science’ or controlled personally involved in a subject. scientific reflection – will gain access to a partic- In the framework of this sort of membership a ular kind of data that is hard to obtain in any variety of ‘natural’ observations can then be other way. And in this we find the phenomeno- made. Communications from other people can logical contribution to the accessing and recon- be better evoked and organized, on the basis of struction of the object of research that is an intimate knowledge of the field, and com- essential to life-world analysis. municated data can be more reliably evaluated. In life-world analysis it is not a matter of using the phenomenological method in place of the canon of field-adequate modes of data 3 RECONSTRUCTION OF collection, as defined, in particular, in the frame- SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS work of the so-called ‘interpretative paradigm’. Nor is it in any sense a question of using ‘intro- Ethnographic life-world analysis, the connec- spection’ (and, in consequence ‘picture-book tion between participation and observation, phenomenology’) rather than practical field between hermeneutics and phenomenology, research – that is, looking at people, looking essentially consists in the first place of capturing over one’s shoulder, talking to people and study- and making interpretatively available as many, ing their ‘documentation’. The only important and as varied, as possible current and sedi- thing is that what phenomenology does, mented forms of utterance and behaviour from namely reflect its own experiences, should be some (partial) reality that is to be reconstructed. more strongly integrated into empirical social Secondly, it consists of understanding and research. According to this interpretation ‘life- reproducing, at least approximately, the ‘inside world analysis in the ethnography’ therefore view’ of the normal participant in some cultural implies a research procedure that seeks to inte- phenomenon (cf. in this connection Geertz grate different possible methods of data collec- 1984b). For ‘[s]afeguarding the subjective point tion and to apply methods each specifically of view is the only, but sufficient guarantee that adapted to its task. The ideal basis for this is to social reality will not be replaced by a fictional acquire practical membership in the phenome- non-existing world constructed by some scien- non to be investigated and thereby to obtain an tific observer’ (Schütz 1978: 50). existential inner view (cf. Douglas 1976: 197ff., To reach the life-world as the basis for socio- Schütz 1962: 17). logical reconstructions of social constructs of What seems to be indispensable, if we are to realities implies neither a folkloristic kind of be able to speak of an ethnography oriented to explanation nor the combination of research life-world analysis, is that we describe pheno- and practical interests. To penetrate into the mena from the perspective of a (typical) partici- ‘jungle of the life-world’ (cf. Matthiesen 1983) pant, check our comments for what kind of means describing the correlates of our action, relevance systems they relate to, and reflect our our experience and our suffering and translating analyses as products of a theoretical standpoint. into second-degree constructs the postulates But since one can only reflect on experiences formulated by Alfred Schütz (1964: 49ff.) of that one has had, one must always consider logical consistency, adequacy and subjective what (kinds of) experience – in relation to a par- interpretability. ticular theme – one has really had. It is precisely from this ‘professional schizo- With many subjects it is only possible in a phrenia, from this deliberate “leaping” from the very limited sense, or even completely impossible, sub-worlds of meaning, that we arrive at the to reach the ‘inner view’ of a participant. It is there- position of the “marginal man”’ (Stonequist 1961) fore only possible to become truly acquainted with that is analytically so useful. the world in question from the outside, from some different perspective, and this means, The objectivity of the marginal man that leads to above all, that it is only mediated through the multiple viewpoints is neither a result of indiffer- representations, through the (symbolic and ence (in the sense of a position above party interests) Flick 3.08.qxd 3/19/04 2:27 PM Page 117


nor is it born of an attitude of self-criticism that than that of a ‘thick description’. But it is not in leads him to doubt the apparently obvious. The the least ‘postmodern’, if postmodern ethnogra- more profound reason for the objectivity of mar- phy really means: ‘such writing goes against the ginal man is rather … in recognizing the limits of grain of induction, deduction, hypothesis-testing, ‘thinking as usual’. He has become alienated and analytic schemes, generic principles, grounded because of this socio-cultural alienation he has the theory, coding schemes and well-kept field- opportunity for clear vision. (Lindner 1990: 206) notes … . Gone are terms like data, reliability, This ‘marginal man’ is capable of insights that and validity. … Interpretations are eschewed’ are closed to the ‘native’, who neither knows nor (Denzin 1989a: 91). The genuinely sociological sees, nor is ready to countenance, any alterna- quality in handling field material does not con- tives (cf. Park 1950; Schütz 1962: 53–69). Here it sist of leaving it as it ‘grew’, nor of spreading the is important to stress that the marginal man has researcher’s idiosyncrasies in dealing with it, but the opportunity for clear visions and that he is of examining the theoretical interest of this not compelled ‘to reflect on cultural differences material during the interpretative phases and and cultural change’ (Stagl 1986, cited in ‘putting into words’ its scientifically relevant Lindner 1990: 203). The ‘perspective of the implications. In the course of this ‘transforma- stranger’ is a complex ‘heuristical trick’ in tion’ from one level of typology to another the research into one’s own culture. ‘The field inherent interpretative operations are made researcher is, accordingly, an experimental explicit – in the sense of social scientific marginal man’ (Lindner 1990: 210). hermeneutics (cf. Hitzler and Honer 1997; For a sociological ethnography this experi- Schröer 1994; Soeffner 1989; see 3.5, 5.16). mental basis is indispensable as a knowledge- Even life-world analysis is ultimately nothing generating attitude at the theoretical level; for more than a method of supplementing the ‘there may be people who are so completely canon of proven methods of recording human committed to being professional sociologists ethnomethods, described as ‘thickly’ as possible, that they can never escape the thought that they together with their intended and unintended are sociologists. If so, they shouldn’t be field sediments and consequences, in order to under- researchers’ (Douglas 1976: 120). From the point stand the meaningfulness of concrete phenom- of view of research ethics, therefore, this means, ena, processes and events in their typical for ethnographers oriented to life-world analysis, manifestations. that they must be ready for unexpected experi- ences and must be prepared to allow themselves to be confused, to experience shocks, to shut FURTHER READING out (at least temporarily) their moral convictions, to acknowledge and give up their prejudices: in short, they must be maximally prepared to Denzin, N. K. (1997) Interpretive Ethnography: understand the other meaning in the way in Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century. which it was intended. To put this more ambi- Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. tiously: in the reflected interchange of frames of reference, relevance systems and world-views, Douglas, J. D. and Johnson, J. M. (eds) (1978) the fundamental duality (in the sense of Plessner Existential Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge 1985) of humans comes into effect from a University Press. methodological point of view. The problem here is that with this attitude one never emerges, Duneier, M. (1999) Sidewalk. New York: Farrar even ‘privately’, from any field exactly as one Straus & Giroux. entered it (cf. Lévi-Strauss 1978: 400). From a programmatic point of view the epis- Gubrium, J. and Holstein, J. (1997) The New temological interest inherent in an ethno- Language of Qualitative Method. New York: graphic life-world analysis is more ‘existential’ Oxford University Press. Flick 3.09.qxd 3/19/04 2:28 PM Page 118

3.9 Cultural Studies

Rainer Winter

1 The cultural studies project 118 2 Scientific and historical background 118 3 Basic propositions of cultural studies analysis 119 4 An example for qualitative research: the analysis of the ‘popular’ 120 5 New trends and perspectives 121 6 The significance of cultural studies for qualitative research 121

1 THE CULTURAL STUDIES PROJECT methods are selected, combined and applied from a range of fields of science according to Cultural studies is an interdisciplinary project pragmatic and strategic points of view. If the which uses qualitative methods to subject the research question so requires, new theories and cultural forms, practices and processes of con- methods are ‘put together’ or developed from temporary societies to critical investigation and what is available (see 2.4). analysis. There is not a single version of cultural Cultural studies relates not only to such dif- studies; different variants have come about in a ferent theories as culturalist or (post)-structural- range of academic disciplines, in different coun- ist approaches. Even in the methods there is a tries at different times. Although the various great diversity, ranging from semiotic text context-specific expressions of the project make analysis to participant observation (see 5.5), it difficult to define cultural studies in a precise narrative interview (see 5.2) and focus groups and uniform way, it is possible to identify in its (see 5.4). In this, as Stuart Hall – for many years history a number of common questions, a spe- director of the CCCS – claims, cultural studies cific approach to social reality and an intellec- always seeks ‘to enable people to understand tual centre. At the Birmingham Centre for what [was] going on, and especially to provide Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) this con- ways of thinking, strategies for survival, and cept was first used in the 1960s, and the charac- resources for assistance’ (Hall 1990: 22). teristic features of theoretical and empirical research were developed that are today still defin- itive for the project all over the world. The ‘inven- 2 SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL tion’ of cultural studies depends on the BACKGROUND recognition that culture is of central importance in the present day and that it can only be appro- The CCCS was founded in 1964 by the literary priately analysed in the context of power and pol- scholar Richard Hoggart. His aim, building on itics. The stimuli for research projects are often, the synthesis of literary-critical and sociological therefore, social and political problems or ques- approaches, was to analyse popular culture. The tions. The methodological procedure of cultural stimulus for this orientation was provided by a studies can best be described as ‘do-it-yourself’. number of different publications and ensuing For a particular research project theories and debates within the British New Left after the Flick 3.09.qxd 3/19/04 2:28 PM Page 119


end of the 1950s. Hoggart himself, in his book “experience” could not, by definition, be the The Uses of Literacy, which appeared in 1957, ground of anything, since one could only “live” analysed the influence of social change, particu- and experience one’s conditions in and through larly the negative influence of commercial mass the categories, classifications and frameworks of culture, on working class cultures in his exhaus- the culture’ (Hall 1996e: 41). tive descriptions of their daily practices and Finally, an intensive preoccupation with cultural forms. Raymond Williams, in his book Gramsci’s hegemony theory (1991), and subse- Culture and Society 1780–1950, which appeared quently with Foucault’s analysis of power the following year (Williams 1958), provided a (1978), led to culture being defined as a field of full discussion of English literature and literary social inequality where battles and struggles for criticism from the eighteenth century on, and power are played out. identified, compared and systematized the dif- Against this theoretical background, a variety ferent meanings of the word ‘culture’. On the of research projects was carried out, proceeding one hand reactions to and criticisms of moder- from social problem situations (such as the ero- nity intensified under this label, and on the sion of the working class, the spread of a con- other hand a holistic concept of culture in the sumer lifestyle) and present-day questions (such English context was developed which views it as media definitions of social disagreements as a ‘whole way of life’. Culture is not defined and problems). The studies of youth sub-cultures as an area shut off from everyday life but ‘as (Hall and Jefferson 1976; Hebdige 1979; Willis ordinary’. In his critique of Williams, the his- 1977, see 2.4) and on the analysis and reception torian Edward P. Thompson (1961) stressed the of media (Hall 1980; Morley 1980) have become importance of noting that in every ‘complete very well known. Since the 1980s, as a result of way of life’ there are contradictions, social the activities of students and migrants, there conflicts and disagreements. In The Making of has been a process of international growth in the English Working Class (1963), he demon- cultural studies, which was pursued first in strated that the working class had taken an Australia, Canada and the United States, but active part in the cultural process of their own today on a world-wide scale. origins. These were the starting points for the work in Birmingham, which may initially be described 3 BASIC PROPOSITIONS as a search movement. Particularly under the OF CULTURAL STUDIES leadership of Stuart Hall, questions of sociology ANALYSIS and cultural theory were of central importance. In a move away from the structural functional- The difficulty of defining cultural studies should ism and its integrationist concept of culture that not lead to a situation where every analysis of was dominant at the time, the members of the culture, in particular popular culture, is equated CCCS were concerned with alternative theories with cultural studies. For example, a semiotic which themselves were intensively concerned analysis of a Hollywood film or the ethno- with the productive role of culture. For example, graphic investigation of cultural worlds with no the German tradition of cultural sociology mention of the relation between culture and (M. Weber, G. Simmel), with its interpretative power do not belong to cultural studies. approach to social reality, symbolic interaction- Cultural studies has as its goal the investigation sism (H. Becker, see 3.3), sociology of knowledge of cultural processes in their contextual link to (P. L. Berger and T. Luckmann) and French struc- power relations. The determining and character- turalism (R. Barthes, C. Lévi-Strauss, L. Althusser) istic influence of these on cultural practices has all helped to provide the resources to push to be established. For this purpose, in the tradi- ahead the cultural studies project. Looking back tion of Williams, a comprehensive concept of at this time, Hall pointed out that cultural stud- culture is employed which includes both cul- ies in Birmingham developed in the interface tural texts and experience and practices. The tra- and debate between the culturalist and the ditional distinction between high and popular structuralist paradigms: ‘Whereas, in “cultural- culture is itself understood as an expression of ism” experience was the ground – the terrain of social power relationships. The true object the “lived” – where consciousness and condi- of cultural studies does not consist, therefore, of tions intersected, structuralism insisted that discrete cultural forms observed in isolation Flick 3.09.qxd 3/19/04 2:28 PM Page 120


from their social or political context. On the learned in the everyday world by different contrary, proceeding from concrete questions, persons and social groups. In the reception and cultural processes in their varying forms are learning of symbols and media, in the making analysed in contexts limited in space and time. of styles of self-presentation out of pre-existing As Lawrence Grossberg (1995: 13) writes, a hall- resources, or in the efforts to create and main- mark of cultural studies is a radical contextual- tain a resilient identity in institutions, cultural ism: ‘To put it succinctly, for cultural studies, studies demonstrates the creativity and produc- context is everything and everything is contex- tivity of cultural processes. This art of obstinacy, tual.’ For this context is not merely a framework which is displayed in everyday contexts, may that influences and determines social practices be interpreted as a critique of power (Winter that take place within its borders. It is rather that 2001). This has been very clearly elaborated by the practices and identities first constitute John Fiske. the context within which they are practices and identities. For analysis this means that ‘understanding a practice involves theoretically 4 AN EXAMPLE FOR QUALITATIVE and historically (re-)constructing its context’ RESEARCH: THE ANALYSIS (Grossberg 1992: 55). Theory and context, in OF THE ‘POPULAR’ the framework of cultural studies, therefore con- dition each other reciprocally: any knowledge In his analyses of the popular in the present day, gained is always context-specific, and in this Fiske follows closely Foucault’s (1978) distinc- contexts are never fully represented but can tion between power and resistance. In specific only be constructed under differing perspec- historical situations ‘resistance’ can arise in the tives. It is the goal of cultural studies to under- relation of discursive structures, cultural prac- stand economic processes better, using whatever tice and subjective experiences. Fiske under- theoretical resources and empirical investiga- stands the everyday as a continual struggle tions are available, and then, as a second step, to between the strategies of the ‘strong’ and the contribute to a change in their contexts. This guerrilla tactics of the ‘weak’ (cf. 1989: 32–47). implies setting up symbolic disagreements, the In using the ‘resources’ that the system makes struggle for meanings and forms of ‘resistance’, available in the form of media texts and other and making ‘knowledge’ available so that par- consumer objects, everyday actors try to define ticipants can understand these processes better. their own living conditions and to express their Cultures, for cultural studies, only exist in the own interests. Fiske is not interested in the plural. In contrast to monolithic and essentialist processes of learning that contribute to social notions of culture it emphasizes the multiplicity reproduction, but in the secret and hidden con- of cultures and values that are determined in sumption that is, in the sense of Michel de the course of ongoing changes in contemporary Certeau (1984), a fabrication, a product of societies – cultures of class, gender, ethnic meanings and pleasures, in which consumers groups, sexual and political subcultures, fringe become more aware of their own circumstances, cultures, special cultures transmitted by the and which can (perhaps) make a contribution media. Against the background of the de- to gradual cultural and social transformation traditionalizing and dissolution of stable identi- (Fiske 1993). ties, cultural studies proposes that culture is a In his analyses Fiske deconstructs in a clear- battle for meanings, a never-ending conflict sighted and original way a wide variety of pop- about the sense and value of cultural traditions, ular texts, ranging from Madonna to ‘Die Hard’ practices and experiences. Particularly in ethno- to ‘Married with Children’ with the aim of show- graphic studies, it shows that alongside the ing their range of meaning potential, which is dominant ideas of mainstream culture created differently received and transformed by onlook- by the culture industries there are also ‘deviant’, ers according to their own social and historical residual and emergent ideas and values situation. He demonstrates the inconsistencies, (Williams 1977). Here one of the central insights the vagueness, the contradictory structure or is that one cannot determine, on the basis of the the polyphony of media texts, and shows from most erudite and refined interpretation of a cul- this how closely popular texts relate to social tural text, ideology or discourse, how the cul- reality and articulate social differences. The tural forms will actually be interpreted, used or reception and the learning of texts becomes a Flick 3.09.qxd 3/19/04 2:28 PM Page 121


contextually anchored social practice in which and on the other hand the migration of ethnic texts are not predetermined as objects but are groups. One central question is the related trans- produced on the basis of social experience. In formation of cultural identities and the fashioning this way Fiske shows the uniqueness and signifi- of new forms of ethnicity (Hall 1992). A first cance of cultural practices which are realized in ethnographically based investigation of this con- a particular place and at a particular time. He text was carried out by Marie Gillespie (1995). She sees culture, which he understands as a ‘whole shows how television and video are used as com- way of life’, as practice, as a series of sense- municative resources by families from the Punjab patterns and meanings that change and compete (Hindus and Sikhs) and by young people in with each other and which are in conflict: ‘I Southall in West London, to negotiate new identi- understand culture, then, to encompass the ties in the diaspora. Taking the example of Coca- struggle to control and contribute to the social Cola advertisements and the way young people circulation and uses of meanings, knowledges, address them locally, Gillespie (1995: 191–197) is pleasures and values. Culture always has both able to show that a transnational product can sense-making and power-bearing functions’ open up an imaginary space in which one’s own (Fiske 1993: 13). culture can be redefined: ‘media are being used by productive consumers to maintain and strengthen boundaries, but also to create new, shared spaces 5 NEW TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES in which syncretic cultural forms, such as “new ethnicities”, can emerge’ (Gillispie 1995: 208). Apart from Fiske’s work, the tradition of cultural In reaction to the growing criticism of their studies offers a wealth of qualitative studies intensive preoccupation with the ‘consumption’ investigating the processes of reception and of media texts, that have led to an accusation of learning in everyday life, not forgetting the ‘cultural populism’, the adherents of cultural power relations that shape them. David Morley studies have devoted more attention to investi- (1980), in a trend-setting investigation, was the gating the processes of ‘production’, for example, first to show how complex the reactions to to the analysis of its cultural dimension (Du Gay media texts can be. They are dependent on the 1997; McRobbie 1998), or to the production of interplay of social, cultural and discursive posi- ‘media events’ (Fiske 1994b). To be able to tions (such as class, ethnic affinity, age or gender) analyse a cultural text or an artefact appropri- which point to the unequal distribution of ately, the cultural processes of representation, power in society and in the cultural coding production, consumption and regulation should of texts. This was followed by a large number of be investigated together (Du Gay et al. 1997). ethnographically oriented studies of everyday Only in this way can the ‘circuit of culture’ be contexts of media reception (Nightingale 1996). understood and, from this, the central role of For instance, Mary E. Brown (1994) discovered, culture in the postmodern period. in an ethnographic study of conversations between women on the subject of soap operas, that the series are used to express critical atti- 6 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF tudes towards the dominance exercised by men. CULTURAL STUDIES FOR Even though most of these series are designed QUALITATIVE RESEARCH from a masculine perspective, this is used sub- versively by women in their conversations, for Cultural studies is distinguished by the qualita- example, when they laugh together about the tive analysis of cultural processes in a range of behaviour of men in the series. Talking about social contexts that are marked by power rela- soap operas becomes a rebellious pleasure. This tions, change and conflict. Both in its youth was supplemented by studies of ‘fans’, which studies and its media research it has been inno- showed that they use media products in a pro- vative in resisting the dominance of quantita- ductive and creative way and that they read tive procedures and developing new theoretical them ‘against the grain’ (Winter 1995). and methodological alternatives. For example, its The context that has become topical in many original linking of semiotic text analysis with more recent projects in cultural studies is, on the ethnographic reception analysis was taken up in one hand, globalization, involving Western con- other research traditions, such as the ‘benefits- sumer goods and media texts (cf. Morley 1991), and-gratifications approach’ (= ‘Nutzen- und Flick 3.09.qxd 3/19/04 2:28 PM Page 122


Belohnungsansatz’), with its communication cultural studies has a constructivist orientation, science orientation (Liebes and Katz 1990). (see 3.4) in the creation of contexts, and a criti- Cultural studies carries out qualitative research cal orientation, in its analysis of power relation- within the framework of comprehensive analy- ships. Its critical constructivism is capable of ses of culture and society. Its strength is there- giving a further innovative impulse to qualita- fore in the production of connections that tive research. A distinct emphasis on the con- transcend the locations of individual experi- structivist character of the research process and, ences, and this demonstrates that culture is ‘a in particular, of the role of the researcher may whole way of life’ in the sense of Williams also highlight and augment the reflexivity and (cf. Fiske 1994a). Its theories and methods, and interpretative character of both cultural studies also its questions, are not universally valid or and qualitative research. constant: they are developed, rather, in response to the social problems and questions of specific contexts. FURTHER READING With all the required pragmatism and eclecti- cism of methodological procedure which make it clear that qualitative social research is brico- Denzin, N. K. (ed.) (1996) Cultural Studies. lage (Denzin and Lincoln 1994a), it would also A Research Volume. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press be sensible for cultural studies to develop crite- (has appeared annually since 1996). ria for the evaluation and analysis of its own work, in terms of both its data collection and Du Gay, P., Hall, S., Mackay, H. and Negus, K. ‘the art and politics of interpretation’ (Denzin (1997) Doing Cultural Studies. The Story of the 1993; see 2.7, 3.3, 5.21). Of course, it would not Sony Walkman. London: Sage. be sensible to borrow and apply positivist and post-positivist criteria (see 4.7), as critics have Storey, J. (Ed.) (1996) What is Cultural Studies? A tried to do (Ferguson and Golding 1997), since Reader. London: Arnold. Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 123

3.10 Gender Studies

Regine Gildemeister

1 Scientific and historical background 123 2 Logical and epistemological assumptions 123 3 Basic propositions of gender studies 124 4 Differentiations in the theoretical positions 125 5 New trends and perspectives 126 6 Critical evaluation 127

1 SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL defining characteristics and abilities were not BACKGROUND adequately recognized or valued. Gender studies developed partly in parallel Gender studies developed against the but partly also with a clear critical rejection of background of women’s studies, which, as a the concepts of identity-politics and the rooted 1970s women’s movement, made a scandal in tendency to positivize and essentialize the dif- the scientific world concerning the centuries- ference of genders (Knapp 1988). Equally, how- old exclusion of women from science and ever, ‘gender studies’ is not linked to any unified research. One consequence of this close link theoretical approach, and there is no clear dis- between research and political movement was tinction from women’s studies, so that reference that women’s studies always aimed primarily at is often made to ‘gender and women’s studies’. making a practical contribution to reducing dis- Unlike the case with distinction theory appro- crimination against women, so that forms of aches, it is consistently pointed out here that mobilizing social research (see 3.12) were highly gender is a social category, and that it is always, valued. But even when it saw itself as ‘partisan’, in some fundamental way, a question of social women’s studies was essentially heterogeneous: relationships. For this reason the focus is no there was neither a unified theoretical approach longer made to deal with difference as a matter nor an agreed methodological foundation. In of substance or essence, but on analysing gender the public debate, however, what was increas- relationships under aspects of their hierarchical ingly important were attempts to define arrangement and social inequality. ‘womanhood’ and to see ‘women’s studies’ as a perspective specific to women derived from this ‘womanhood’. This made increasing reference 2 LOGICAL AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL to presumed substantive differences between ASSUMPTIONS the sexes or generally to concepts of ‘difference’ (e.g. Irigaray 1987). What emerged as a problem The division of human beings into men and for research was that it took as its starting point women is normally viewed as an ‘extra-social’ what was actually the result of its analyses: that fact derived from the world of ‘nature’. At the women and men were different in physical, psy- same time, however, a brief glance at the history chical and social respects, and that women’s of science will show ‘a human being’ or rather Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 124


‘human beings in general’ constitute the basis its position is defined it also becomes clear that for all discipline-specific observations and that rejecting the natural-science ideal of knowledge (bi-)sexuality is not a matter of importance. It does not mean that a common epistemological only receives specific attention when in dealing position has to be formulated. The spectrum with a topic like reproduction sexuality currently stretches from the dialectic theory of inevitably has to be addressed – and in particular society to radical constructionism (see 3.4). with some consideration of ‘woman’. In whole What is common to the various approaches, areas of the history of science one gets the however, is the fact that they are increasingly impression that only women are sexual beings, less concerned with simply adding research on but that ‘general humanity’ is apparently supe- women or (increasingly) on men (cf. Meuser rior to gender-membership. In this there is nor- 1998) to a body of science that is otherwise still mally an unquestioning equation of the ‘general blind to questions of gender. Instead of naively human’ to the ‘masculine’ (de Beauvoir 1993). postulating the existence of a naturally deter- At the same time, this equation – as Georg mined (bi-)sexuality, we find much more fre- Simmel pointed out as early as 1902 – is not quently that the scientific constitution of made explicit. The question of what conse- gender as an object of research, informed by quences this identification of the general with social scientific theories, is viewed as a funda- the masculine has had in science and research is, mental category of social order. from the outset, one of the basic questions for women’s studies and gender studies. In the feminist critique of science the 3 BASIC PROPOSITIONS OF disagreement with the claim to rationality, GENDER STUDIES objectivity and universality of the traditional understanding of science came to occupy a At present two poles seem to have become central position. Initially it was ‘only’ a matter of engraved in gender studies in the way in which demonstrating the multiple breaches of the uni- the object of research is constituted: gender as a versality and objectivity requirement in the structural category and gender as a social construct. topic areas of women, femininity, gender differ- Both positions are engaged in a struggle to argue ence and so on, and of showing that science, by their case. excluding women, was fulfilling functions of Particularly in the context of research in social legitimizing dominance. Many research results inequality gender is seen as a ‘social structural that were accepted as ‘gender-neutral’ were also category’, comparable to such other categories shown to be ideologically suspect (Hausen and of social structuring as class/level, ethnicity or Nowotny 1986). During a second phase it was age (e.g. Frerichs and Steinrücke 1993). What is much more fundamentally a matter of question- of central theoretical importance is the question ing the principles of rationality, objectivity and of the social organization of the gender relation- universality themselves. They came under the ship: this term is concerned with the totality of suspicion not only of being capable of abuse by institutionalized arrangements by means of indirectly reinforcing dominance but of which women and men confront each other embodying in themselves an intrinsic claim to as ‘social groups’ (Becker-Schmidt and Knapp dominance (Klinger 1990: 28). In some sectors of 1995). The demarcation between the genders, women’s studies this led to a rejection of the for this line of argument, derives from the his- methodical approach and to attempts to break it torically created dominance of the area of pro- down into such areas as involvement, encounter duction over that of private reproduction. It is and sensory experience (e.g. Modelmog 1991). only from this imbalance that hierarchies have This step was not followed by gender studies. developed in the gender relationship, and men Here there was more emphasis on the assertion have been able to dominate in both areas, that feminist approaches both to cultural cri- because their professional work also determines tique and to the radical questioning of the the circumstances of life in the ‘private’ area. understanding of science did not stand alone, Women, on the other hand, are the principal but could align themselves with a range of criti- actors in private reproduction, and their profes- cal traditions within science. In gender studies sional work is not rewarded in the same way. references of this kind (cf. section 4) have mean- The much-quoted ‘problem of combining while become more explicit. In the way in which profession and family’ essentially consists, for Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 125


women, of their ‘double socialization’, as (cf. for example Honegger 1991 and Laqueur Becker-Schmidt calls it: they commute between 1990 on the historical dimension; and on the two social spheres and are confronted with con- comparative cultural dimension, Douglas 1973; tradictory behavioural demands. Kessler and McKenna 1978; de Valle 1993). In another variant ‘gender’ is presented as a The physical body is only social relevant when ‘social construct’, which means that it is investi- perceived. gated in strict opposition to any kind of natu- ralization that looks socially at the production of precisely the kind of order that we only 4 DIFFERENTIATIONS IN THE encounter in the result as ‘gender difference’, as THEORETICAL POSITIONS ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’. It is precisely this assumption, that there are two and only two Within this broad field of gender studies there genders, that has become the object of these are extensive controversies and differences in analyses. Unlike ‘gender as a structural cate- terms of theory, methodology and, not least, the gory’, this is not concerned with social struc- relationship between science and politics. tural effects but with the question of how the On the one hand these are the result of the binary mutually exclusive classification into tension between the ‘group rights’ of women two genders comes into being, and which then that result from practices of social attribution takes effect as the ubiquitously relevant back- and allocation, and on the other they derive ground assumption in all social situations and from the desire to make ‘bi-sexuality’ itself into implies the formation of a hierarchy. In this a topic and thereby to stimulate thought gender is understood as a generative pattern for models which transcend simple binary opposi- the production of social order (Gildemeister and tions. Furthermore, there are serious differences Wetterer 1992). In this context the analysis of between the respective scientific traditions with interaction processes takes on a core value. For regard to both their epistemological bases and gender-membership from this point of view is their view of their subject. For example, very dif- not only a ‘feature’ borne by an individual, but ferent starting points are adopted by social- something that is perpetually recreated in inter- historical reconstructions of the meaning change actions, and in which the partners in an inter- in the term gender (Frevert 1995), and episte- action are jointly involved (‘doing gender’, mological and historiographical studies which cf. West and Zimmermann 1991). show how the various images of a two-gender In this argument the normal English language social order were transferred to the analysis of distinction between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ is essen- ‘nature’ (e.g. Haraway 1995; Schiebinger 1993). tial: ‘sex’ normally refers to the biological or Even the approach to the term ‘gender’, with physiological features of gender, while ‘gender’ the increasing differentiation in research, pro- itself refers to the social and cultural attributes. vides less and less of an unquestioning frame- In this distinction an implicit line of separation work within which the design of research is drawn between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’, where questions and perspectives would develop ‘auto- ‘nature’ counts as the ‘basis’ of the characteriza- matically’. Instead, different stances on theoreti- tion at the level of ‘culture’. The implicit biolo- cal traditions developed in the 1990s, and out of gism that becomes visible here in the these research questions were generated. Very ‘sex–gender’ configuration has become, in the widespread attention was also given to analyses various theories of ‘social constructs’, the start- of the ‘double socialization’ of women which ing point for criticism (e.g. Nicholson 1994). relate to the tradition of ‘critical social theory’ From this perspective what is important is not and which often incorporated psychoanalytic to start from a single point, but to shed light on approaches (e.g. Becker-Schmidt and Knapp the interface between multidimensional, mutu- 1995). Bourdieu’s sociology has had great influ- ally interdependent frames of reference. ence on gender studies as it opens up the possi- The background for these kinds of theory con- bility both of making connections with social sists of historical and comparative cultural inves- theory and, at the micro-level, of working with tigations. They demonstrate impressively that the notion of ‘play’ or ‘construct’ (e.g. Dölling images and concepts of the biological body are and Krais 1997). The idea of construct is also not ‘naturally given’, but that they are the pro- central to approaches inspired by system theory ducts of historical, socio-cultural interpretation (e.g. Pasero 1995) and by discourse theory, in Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 126


the latter case related to the political requirement attached to the categories of gender are produced for ‘deconstruction’ as a scientific strategy (e.g. (‘institutional reflexivity’; cf. Goffman 1977; Butler 1990). In the complex of analyses belong- see 2.2). ing to the sociology of knowledge (including If gender as a ‘generative model of the ethnomethodology, e.g. Hirschauer 1994; Meuser production of social order’ is becoming a 1998; see 3.2), the idea of ‘social construct’ also research area, then the focus of empirical analy- plays an important role, although here it is not sis is tending to shift from the individual actor related to the requirement for ‘deconstruc- to the interactive practice of ‘doing gender’ that tion’, but to the demand for a methodologi- is typical in particular situations. The question cally driven reconstruction of social sequences of ‘gender’ or ‘gender-membership’ is thereby (Hirschauer 1995). displaced a little from the individual and From this brief list it is already clear that the his/her psycho-physical ‘sexuality’. The per- term ‘construct’ is given different meanings spective shifts from the concern with indivi- according to theoretical context and that the duals to the analysis of social patterns (of label ‘constructivist gender studies’ is more con- interaction, communication, interpretation and fusing than illuminating. This label assumes a meaning-structure). common epistemological base to the various This does not mean abandoning the investi- approaches, which does not exist. It is rather gation of ‘inner representation’, gender identity, that the division into multiple ‘variants of con- biographical history or the development of structivism’ (Knorr-Cetina 1989) occupies a very habitus-formations. Such work is not done, different position in respect of the core question however, under a normative precondition (for as to the status of ‘reality’ in knowledge, as a example, ‘complete’, ‘correct’, ‘mature’ identity), precondition and as a consequence. but makes forms and types of learning into an However, all of the approaches mentioned empirical question (on biographical history cf. here do have one common basis: they have Dausien 1996). marked themselves off from the mainstream of The interactional deep structure in the social the natural science ideal of discovery, which construction of gender has been particularly proceeds on the basis of a clear distinction well illustrated by trans-sexual research (for an between ‘subject’ and ‘object’, between the dis- overview see Hirschauer 1993; Lindemann coverer and what is discovered, and in which 1993). This type of research investigates, at the the object area is removed from its historical breakdown point of normality, how bi-sexuality context. In this sense we may also understand is constructed in everyday practice and methodo- the high value that is placed, or has always been logically, because in the change from one gender placed, on qualitative procedures, compared to to the other the processes involved in ‘doing other types of social science research. gender’ can be analysed as if in slow motion. The research results make it clear that by postu- lating a binary gender classification in practi- 5 NEW TRENDS AND cally any interaction one can rely on a reaction PERSPECTIVES potential that still has to deal with irritations. The extension of this basic research to present- It is particularly in approaches based on con- day contexts brings with it a range of problems. structionist theory, and above all the sociology In ‘normal’ empirical work we still find men and of knowledge, that the structural-generative women – social reality is bi-sexually structured meaning of the category of gender is empha- (Goffman 1977). In the research field investiga- sized. Here there is a central focus on the fact tors and those investigated always have one that social situations are produced in this way gender; they are recognizable as men and and not some other way, and because we start women and as such are always present in the out from a world with two (and only two) research-related interpretations and analyses. To genders, a ‘culture of bi-sexuality’ can develop this extent the use, in the sociology of knowl- which has become fixed and objectivized on the edge, of a ‘social construct of gender’ is very basis of institutionalization. The modes of remote from experience. It is based on the fact this institutionalization do not reflect and elab- that one must systematically ‘act stupid’ in con- orate a pre-existing gender difference: rather, it fronting the content of one’s own knowledge is only through them that the specific meanings (see 3.1, 3.8). One adopts a perspective of artificial Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 127


alienation, or ‘alienates’ one’s own culture. what Giddens called ‘double hermeneutics’ in Moreover, in this research stance one is relieved, the social sciences: on the one hand the object in a purposive way, of all pressure to act in the area itself is constituted by social actors, and the research field. What is stressed is the difference social sciences reconstruct and reinterpret its between science and life practice, rather than frame of reference with their own theoretical any applicability (see 3.8). concepts. On the other hand, there is a progres- From a positive point of view this means sive ‘sliding’ of the terms created in sociology developing a research culture that systemati- into the language of those whose actions and cally avoids only reproducing (and therefore behaviour are ‘actually’ supposed to be analysed reifying) familiar figures (and stereotypes) of with those very terms. This ‘sliding’ could lead gender difference. In this it is helpful: to a situation where these terms define essential features of the behaviour that is to be analysed • to avoid comparing ‘men’ and ‘women’ with (Giddens 1993: 199). This has happened with each other as blocks in an essentialist manner concepts from women’s studies and is at present or using ‘gender’ as an unquestioned research particularly happening with an almost infla- resource; tionary use of the term ‘construction’. It is being • to check everyday knowledge concerning increasingly detached from its theoretical con- the difference in developing questions, for texts and prefaced with the adjective ‘mere’ to example by sometimes making it explicit and indicate a freedom from all social pressures, sometimes hiding it in a targeted way; which are then no longer analysed. This process • to space out research phases in time and, at reflects, on the one hand, important aspects of a certain stages in the analysis, to ‘de-sexualize’ general social change in gender relationships. It the material; in other words to delete indica- cannot, for example, be overlooked that with or tions of the gender-membership of speakers in the categories of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ it in a text, so that forms classified as ‘male’ or is no longer possible to create a singularity of ‘female’ are (or must be) based on the state- meaning – the codings have become brittle. One ments and not on the persons; indicator of this is the pluralization of ‘femi- • to investigate ‘cross-gender activities’ and ninities’ and ‘masculinities’ in the literature. spaces, to open one’s mind to variety, con- And on the other hand, the ‘nature of bi-sexuality’ tradictions and ambiguities of everyday prac- has not given up its ‘self-evident’ and unques- tice and analyse for oneself the practice of tionable nature. In the research findings of distinction. recent years it has become abundantly clear that the social inequality of the genders, in spite of If premature polarizing gender categories can be the topicalization, is still reproducing itself avoided, and research as a discovery procedure locally, and that topicalization is by no means can be emphasized, then gender studies set up followed by habitualization. in this way will come very close to qualitative Gender studies will therefore not be able to and, more particularly, hermeneutic methods rid itself quickly of either its object of study (dif- (see 3.5, 5.16). It does not involve any exclusion ferentiation according to gender) or the rele- of quantifying procedures, but – in the first vance of this to inequality (Gildemeister and instance – only the requirement of openness in Robert 1999). And so the perspective of gender the research findings against the background of studies is of importance in practically every field a scientific (and theory-driven) constitution of of action. It becomes all the more important to the object of research. develop procedures where the interactive cre- ation of gender is linked to the analysis of orders of gender in modern society. Hitherto there has 6 CRITICAL EVALUATION been little effort to link structural and process analyses to each other, or – to put it another Gender and women’s studies have recently way – to analyse social inequality with a focus been confronted to a considerable extent by the on ‘social construction’. This, however, clearly effects of their own work on science and society, remains one of the fundamental and largely for example in the contribution they have made unsolved questions in the general discussion of to a comprehensive topicalization of gender methods within qualitative social research. relationships. What is particularly important is From this it follows that there neither is nor can Flick 3.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 128


be, in gender studies, an ideal way, an outstanding FURTHER READING single method. At the same time, it also follows that it may contribute significantly to the development of methods. Kessler, S. J. and McKenna, W. (1978) Gender. An Ethnomethodological Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Thorne, B. (1993) Gender Play. Girls and Boys in School. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Warren, C. A. B. and Hackney, J. K. (2000) Gender Issues in Ethnography. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 129

3.11 Organizational Analysis

Lutz von Rosenstiel

1 On the concept of the organization 129 2 The organization as culture 130 3 The organization as a social process 131 4 Methods of obtaining knowledge 132 5 Conclusion 136

Social sciences that have examined the claim to completeness or even representativeness, phenomenon of the organization, and in parti- we shall discuss a number of basic considera- cular employment in organizations, have almost tions and present some sample strategies of always – as disciplines oriented to applications – qualitative types of research. started with the complexity of the object of their investigation, namely the human beings in a complex they have themselves created. For 1 ON THE CONCEPT OF this reason the degree of openness to different THE ORGANIZATION methodological approaches was greater here, as a rule, than in basic social scientific research. Organizations to be described, explained, pre- We have therefore always found – not only in dicted and controlled by social science (Zimbardo the social sciences of the organization in the 1988) are often located in commerce and admin- narrow sense, or the psychology of work and istration. These are often defined, in relation to organizations, and in industrial sociology, but their environment, as open systems that exist also in related fields such as economic or politi- over a period of time, pursue specific goals, are cal science – not only quantitative but also quali- composed of individuals or groups, and have a tatively oriented methods that focused on a particular structure to coordinate the individual differential description of the phenomenon and activities which – as a rule – are characterized by sought to interpret it from the viewpoint of the the division of labour and a hierarchy of respon- acting subjects. Single case studies were accepted sibility (Gebert 1978; von Rosenstiel 2000). as a source of information, and often there was The experience and action of people in orga- no attempt to formulate generalizable or math- nizations is extremely diverse. Members of orga- ematically expressed rules. In history and nizations play political games there (Neuberger ethnology, insofar as these disciplines addressed 1995b), they tell jokes about them (Neuberger the phenomenon of the organization, qualita- 1988b), form friendships (Refisch 1997), fall in tive research methods have dominated. Today, love with colleagues and live out an open or in the social scientific treatment of organiza- secret erotic relationship (Mainiero 1994), or tions, quantitative and qualitative methods else plague one another in a form of mobbing are found side by side, and in this the some- (Leymann 1993). Depending on their work times lesser weight of qualitative research situation, they torment their partners and approaches has again increased. Without any bring up their children in a particular way Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 130


(Grüneisen and Hoff 1977); in an extreme case necessary. If one takes this sort of view of an their intelligence is reduced (Greif 1978). But organization, it is clear that strict assumptions organizational scientists have only taken a mar- of causality will apply, the attempt to find ginal interest in all of this. The aspect of human general regularities and their expression in action within organizations that is of primary mathematical formulae will predominate, and interest is their work (Gebert and von Rosenstiel the science will be determined by research 1996; Ulich 1994). Accordingly, within psycho- methods based on procedures with quantita- logy this particular specialist area, with its tive goals. applied focus, is normally characterized as the There are, of course, a number of quite different psychology of work and the organization (Greif metaphors of an organization, different specta- et al. 1989). In industrial sociology (Lutz et al. cles through which it is observed. For instance, 1996) or in organizational sociology (Türk 1992) the owner of a moderate-sized concern will the structures within which work is carried out often regard it as a family, an ambitious man- are also of central interest. ager as a political theatre where the important thing is to gain influence, a climber who values importance will see it as an arena for ‘impres- Images and observational sion management’. Others again will interpret perspectives the organization – focusing on the analogy of a living being – in terms of evolution theory and Organizations are phenomena created by view it as a garden in which different plants humans and are therefore components of a compete with one another, where some plants culture. Their existence depends on people, they flower beautifully in the shadow of others, fulfil particular functions in human life, are while others wither there. But the image of therefore subject to social change and should, the organization as a plant that opens in accor- accordingly, be observed historically. Organiza- dance with inherent laws, and is subject to self- tions can only be observed from without in a regulation, is also frequently encountered. limited way, if the research results are to have Social scientists often view the organization as a any claim to relevance. It must therefore also be network of self-stabilizing interpersonal rela- made clear what significance they have for the tionships. The range of images could be conti- individual, how they are interpreted and what nued, many other metaphors could be cited, but image people have of the organization. only one more, which has recently found high Organizations, as extremely complex entities favour in the science, will be discussed here: the within which people, tasks and technologies are metaphor of culture. coordinated within the framework of particular structures in a goal-directed and purposeful way, are well-suited to the selective and focused scientific analysis of a number of quite different 2 THE ORGANIZATION AS scientific disciplines – and, as multifaceted objects, CULTURE are predestined for interdisciplinary research. But those who, as members of an organization, In 1951 Jaques had already referred, in a very spend part of their lives within it or are affected modern-sounding way, to the culture of a fac- by it in some other way, will also have their tory, but it was only in the early 1980s that the images of the organization (Neuberger 1989b; culture-specific study of the organization won Morgan 1986). Here, in the classical organiza- broad general interest through the much- tional sciences – and in no sense only in those quoted and controversial work In Search of with a basis in engineering – the metaphor of Excellence by Peters and Waterman (1982). The the machine is dominant. One cog interlocks authors believed that in their comparative stud- with another; if the whole thing revolves slowly, ies of companies they had discovered that the this leads to a considerable acceleration of so-called soft factors, such as the social qualifi- the small parts; if one component becomes cation of managers, manner of filling vacancies, unserviceable it must be either repaired or style of leadership or company atmosphere, completely replaced. Since a machine of this kind were more important than such hard factors as also wears out, sometimes a completely new con- strategy, organizational structure or systems of struction – ‘business re-engineering’ – becomes direction and control. Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 131


The culture of an organization can here be • Artefacts, which on the one hand have a defined in the following way, using the schema clear function in terms of purposive rational- of Schreyögg (1992), which builds on the work ity, but at the same time may be interpreted of Allaire and Firsirotu (1984). as an expression of the predominant basic assumptions in the enterprise, which applies • It is an implicit phenomenon, which charac- to everything visible and observable within terizes the organization’s own image and the organization (Kaschube 1993). definition of itself. • It is ‘taken for granted’ and, as a rule, is not reflected. 3 THE ORGANIZATION AS • It relates to shared value-orientations, makes A SOCIAL PROCESS organizational activity unified and coherent. • It is the result of a learning process in dealing If someone is attempting to gain a rapid under- with conditions that exist within and beyond standing of a specific organization, he/she will the enterprise. normally enquire as to its purpose and ask to • It gives meaning and orientation in a com- see some representation of its structure – its plex world and thereby unifies the interpre- organogram. It is all too easy, in such cases, to tation of it and contains action-programmes. confuse this graphic representation with the • It is the result of a process of socialization actual structure. In reality, what can be observed that leads to the practice of acting from a in the organization does not correspond to the cultural tradition, which means that it does organogram. This may be interpreted as a plan, not have to be consciously learned. as an idea of ‘what-should-be’, which may or may not correspond to observable reality. In the In this sense it is not a matter of seeing some- widely discussed distinction between the formal thing in the individual elements of the organi- and the informal organization (Roethlisberger zation that has to be interpreted as a cultural and Dickson 1939), this emerges in a way that component (‘the organization has culture’), but may be misunderstood (Irle 1963). The social rather that the organization as a whole is seen as scientific study of the organization has paid par- a culture (‘the organization is culture’ – Smircich ticular attention to these relationships, which 1983; Neuberger and Kompa 1987). may be interpreted as interpersonal relation- Seen in this way, everything that can be ships. In this sense Kahn (1977) sees the struc- observed in the organization may be interpreted ture of an organization as residing in the as an expression of specific underlying convic- stabilized relationships between its members. tions and values. This is true of verbal utter- Now if relations between members of the orga- ances, interpersonal interactions and artefacts, nization constitute both the structure and oper- such as the technology used in the organization, ation of the organization, any permanent the architecture of the headquarters, or the change in them will also be an organizational porters’ uniforms. In every case it may be asked change. On this rests the concept of organiza- what these mean as a symbol of the underlying tional development, which is clearly inspired by cultural values. social sciences. It goes back to Lewin (1947), and In this way one point of view is true of almost all its development is presented in French and descriptions of organizational culture: that it ought Bell (1977). to be represented with reference to different levels. The Society for Organizational Development Schein (1984) distinguishes three such levels. (= Gesellschaft für Organisationsentwicklung, GOE 1980) defines organizational development ‘as a • Basic assumptions, which are mostly uncon- longer-term whole-organizational process for scious, such as fundamental beliefs about the the development and change of organizations environment, truth, human nature or inter- and the people working in them. Its goal is a personal relationships. simultaneous improvement in the achievement • Norms, standards and value orientations, potential of the organization (efficiency) and which are quite capable of being conscious the quality of the work-climate (humanity).’ and which are used as behavioural guidelines These are some normatively defined features for members of the organization. of the process of organizational development. Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 132


• Assistance with self-help: this means that If knowledge is the primary goal, then use will external experts do not implement the process be made of both falsification strategies, mostly but enable those concerned to initiate the used in quantitative methods, and exploratory process of change themselves. strategies, where a qualitative procedure is more • Involved parties become stakeholders: this important (Müller-Böling 1992). This predomi- means those concerned formulate and nance of qualitative approaches is also true in the develop further the organizational regula- case of construction strategies, which assist in the tions that affect them. This also involves: development of scientifically based ideas for • Democratization of life in organizations: this change. Here there are frequently concrete means that those affected implement the single case studies, or else one may analyse organi- measures themselves, rather than higher zational projects whose findings are then genera- levels in the hierarchy or external experts. lized (Szyperski and Müller-Böling 1981). The techniques of data collection used in all of these It is clear that behind a concept of this sort cases correspond to the methods generally used there is a quite different metaphor from that of in empirical social research. Questions are asked, the machine. Within the organization a self- orally or in writing, standardized or non-stan- regulating social system is ultimately to be seen dardized, observation is carried out, covert or (Jung 1987). overt, participatory or non-participatory, system- atically or unsystematically (see 5.5), or the procedures of content analysis (see 5.12) are 4 METHODS OF OBTAINING employed, and in these the data collection can be KNOWLEDGE carried out in case studies or comparative field studies, but also in the context of experiments or If one perceives, in a given branch of science, a within action research (Müller-Böling 1992). system of knowledge from a particular object Within this broad spectrum qualitative methods area, the question may be asked how this knowl- also play a considerable role, and especially edge is obtained and how it may then be related if one thinks of specific social scientific modes to the system. Organization as an object is not of procedure (Brandstätter 1978; Bungard et al. independent of the observer, but is always a 1996; Büssing 1995; Kühlmann and Franke result of his/her observational perspective. 1989). Examples of all the qualitative methods Whoever approaches an organization with the and techniques listed in Lamnek (1995) can be machine metaphor in mind will prefer different found within the framework of organizational methods of data collection and different theo- analyses, and in some cases in a very central and retical ideas for organizing knowledge compared prominent fashion. to someone who sees in an organization a self- One often comes across single case studies or organizing social system, or someone who sees it comparative presentations of cases in the field. as a culture. But the question whether, from a Examples of this are analyses of company com- general point of view, it is more a matter of diag- munication in a Bavarian bank, which is inter- nosis or intervention, or specifically of organiza- preted as a condition of success (Wever and Besig tional analysis or construction, is important for 1995), or the presentation of the value-oriented the choice of adequate methods. The juxtaposi- personnel work of a Bavarian car producer that tion of quite different methods of organizational was developed from a theoretical base (Bihl 1995). analysis is therefore crucial from this point of What has become very widespread is the use view, and in particular the fact that both quanti- of different forms of qualitative interviews (see tative and qualitative procedures may be used. 5.2), which is sometimes also carried out in writ- If one considers, in a piece of research oriented ten form with open questions. An early example to application, that the goals are to describe, of this was the questioning of about 8,000 workers explain or understand the object area, to formu- by Levenstein (1912). His accompanying letter late prognoses and introduce design measures to those questioned included the following: (Zimbardo 1988), then one can accordingly dis- pense with epistemological approaches, devoted Dear Friend, to the description, explanation and comprehen- sion of the object area – even in empirical organi- We make an important request of you. I would zational research (Kieser and Kubicek 1977). like to know something of your feelings and Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 133


thoughts, what effect work has on you, what the effects of organizational leadership training hopes and wishes you have … I address the same (Schönhammer 1985), in the description of request to your wife. Write direct from your heart. enterprise culture (Schein 1985) and in many No name will be mentioned … other component areas. Less frequently, one comes across group dis- These are examples of some of the questions: cussions (see 5.4) in the context of organiza- tional analysis, where specifically selected 18 Do you think during your work – and what members of an organization, advisers or cus- do you think of – or is it completely impossi- tomers of the organization discuss freely topics ble for you to think there? relevant to the organization. The discussions are 20 What affects you more, the small salary, or often recorded on tape or videotape, and if nec- the fact that you are so dependent on your employer, that you have so few prospects of essary transcribed (see 5.9). On the basis of these advancing in life, that you can offer your transcripts categories are developed, and then children nothing at all? the analysis takes place, usually in an interpre- 25 Do you often walk in the forest? What do you tative manner. Group discussions of this kind think of when you lie on the forest floor, have considerable importance for procedures surrounded by complete solitude? focusing on structure in the framework of orga- nizational development processes, particularly The breakthrough, however, came with the when the data are reported back to those con- qualitative interview in the Hawthorne studies cerned, are analysed together with them and (Roethlisberger and Dickson 1939), and here it transferred to the planning of measures to be was particularly within the so-called interview taken (Gebert 1995). programme. The aim of this was to ascertain Content analyses (see 5.12) are also encoun- how the employees perceived their situation, in tered fairly frequently in empirical research, order to derive from this, on the one hand, sug- when, for instance, there is an analysis of the gestions for improvement and, on the other guidelines for a company, the principles of hand, to create a basis for leadership training. management or other documents specific to the For this, 21,000 people were questioned and in organization (see 5.15) (Dierkes and Hähner the course of method developments it was pos- 1993). This is also true when the contents of pre- sible to move from a directive type of procedure service, in-service and further training are being to qualitatively oriented methods of question- studied (Pawlowsky and Bäumer 1993) or when ing and analysis. In this the limitations and the one is trying to draw conclusions about the risks of falsification in the context of structured culture of an organization from in-house jokes written questionnaires were highlighted. Within (Neuberger 1988b). the selected indirect approach those questioned Participant observation (see 5.5) is occasion- were expected, in the framework of the ques- ally applied to varying extents within organiza- tions, to select the topic of conversation them- tional analysis. One piece of work that became selves and the interviewer was expected to well known in this context was that of Zavala, adjust to the subjects chosen by the interview Locke, Van Cott and Fleishmann (1965), who – partner. The interviewer was required to listen in setting out to study the flying of helicopters – amiably and patiently, not to give advice or acquired this skill themselves and documented instruction, not to contradict and to ask direct their experiences of this in a work analysis. Even questions only in exceptional cases. As a basis more highly regarded was the much-quoted for the subsequent analysis it was necessary to study by Mintzberg (1973) on the analysis of the record, if possible, the entire conversation. The everyday action of managers in organizations. transcripts were then the basis for the develop- Admittedly this did not fulfil all the criteria for ment of relevant categories for the analysis. participant observation. Mintzberg had five Qualitative interviews – although in this case high-ranking managers of different functional structured written mass-questionnaire surveys – areas monitored for several days, and the are also used in the measurement of job satis- observers recorded all the activities of these faction (Neuberger 1985), in the analyses of managers. organizational practices, in the investigation of The biographical method is only rarely the selection and induction of new employees encountered in organizational research, although (von Rosenstiel et al. 1991), in the analysis of a number of approaches of this kind – particularly Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 134


with a psychoanalytical orientation – may be duration (Trice and Beyer 1985). To an increasing found (Mertens and Lang 1991). One example extent organizational or company myths are of such a biographical orientation was suggested being sought (Westerlund and Sjöstrand 1981); by Kets de Vries and Miller (1986), who postu- in this, stories handed down about the com- lated five different biographically conditioned pany’s founder or other central personalities in forms of neurotic personality structure and out- the company are particularly suitable for the lined their possible effects on an organization. creation of myths that symbolize values They found, for example, that obsessive person- (Kubicek 1984; Neuberger and Kompa 1987). alities in positions of leadership tend to have Taboos are also a feature of particular organi- control-fantasies and erect a distinctly auto- zations. There are, therefore, words that can cratic organization around themselves that never be spoken, or subjects that can never be seeks to prescribe and monitor every action of discussed, such as salary in many commercial their subordinates. Without explicitly invoking organizations: there is, indeed, said to be a ‘salary concepts of depth psychology, Klein (1991) taboo’ (Neuberger and Kompa 1987). sought to derive the structures and practices of In addition, tribalism, which in ethnology enterprises from the value orientations and atti- refers to the tendency to prefer contacts with tudes of employers. members of one’s own cultural group, is also Qualitative methods are therefore to be found – used in organizational research for purposes of and this must be made absolutely clear – in analogy, such as in the analysis of social net- practically all areas of empirical organizational works, and this is extended to questions research, but this is particularly marked in those of coalition-formation within micropolitics dealing with organization-culture and organiza- (Neuberger 1995a) or – with negative evaluation – tional development. Both of these will be illus- in analysing sets of ‘followers’. Here it is charac- trated with examples. teristic of cultural research – including the investigation of organization-culture – that the observable facts cannot be described objectively, Methods of organization-culture but that they have already been selected and research interpreted. This kind of research is therefore to be seen as systematic interpretation. If the scientist looks upon an organization as a The attempt that has occasionally been made, culture, then it seems appropriate also to use in research into the organization-culture of those methods that are conventionally applied business management, to record the facts ‘objec- in cultural research, particularly in ethnology tively’ and free from any context (Hoffmann (Helmers 1993). This is especially true if the 1989; Taubitz 1990) has not proved to be partic- investigator identifies with the metaphorical ularly successful. If one chooses the perspective approach (‘the organization is a culture’) and of culture, this means understanding the tends accordingly to interpretative explanatory observable facts in the sense of a surface struc- approaches. It is less true if he/she adheres to ture and deriving interpretatively the deep the variables approach (‘the organization has a structure of the programmes to be created culture’) and explains organization-culture from (Neuberger 1995b). Here it is scarcely possible to a functionalist perspective, for example with embark upon the interpretation with pre- reference to successful organizational approaches existing rules: these must again be developed in to the solution of problems in the past (Schein context-specific ways and possibly also together 1990). In the first of these senses, Turner (1977) with members of the organization, and they proposed looking at complex organizations like must be communicatively validated (see 4.7). ‘indigenous tribes’ and to use structuralist inter- Neuberger (1995b) shows that this was attempted pretative approaches – as recommended by Lévi- with toilet graffiti, conversations in work-breaks Strauss (1981) – to investigate them. There are a or company logos. For many of these utterances number of attempts, therefore, to discover and or objectivizations, which may be interpreted as analyse ceremonies in an organization, such as symptoms of a culture, there have been investi- Christmas parties or works outings (Kieser 1988; gations into stories, myths and legends, lan- Rosen 1988), or to interpret rituals within the guage rules, jokes, company reports and organization, such as workshops in a quite principles of leadership, community events, dress specific framework with a fixed place, time and regulations, status symbols or the architecture Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 135


Table 3.11.1 Symptoms of organizational culture

Verbal Interactional Artificial (objectivized)

Stories Rites, ceremonies, traditions Status symbols Myths Parties, banquets, jubilees Insignia, emblems Anecdotes Conventions Gifts, banners Parables Conferences, meetings Logos Legends, sagas, fairy tales Visits of the boss, or auditor Prizes, certificates, incentive-trips Slogans, mottos, maxims, Organizational development Idols, totems, fetishes Principles Selection and induction of new Dress, external appearance Linguistic rulings employees Architecture, conditions of work Jargon, slang, taboos Promotion Posters, brochures, company Songs, hymns Downgrading, dismissal, voluntary newspaper resignation, retirement, death Systems fixed in writing (e.g. wage Complaints agreement), ranking, promotion Magic actions (selection of employees, strategic planning, etc.) Taboos

of the company headquarters. Neuberger theatre sketches reflecting the relationships (1989b) shows the sorts of symptoms of an within the organization, and so on. The sum- enterprise culture – verbal, interactive, artificial – marized results of this data collection, mostly that may come to mind in this context in an appropriately visualized form, are then (see Table 3.11.1). played back to those concerned, and not exclu- sively to the upper management or external advisers (feedback). The findings are discussed Methods of organizational and diagnosed, using methods that involve development moderation. In this interactive process attention can be drawn to the social relationships between Those types of research that are interested in participants that become visible. The discussion formation deal with processes of organizational leader, in the role of process-adviser, can inter- development. They have transferred the classical vene supportively, while avoiding any allusion subject–object relationship of traditional social to ideas of content. It is exclusively the partici- research into a subject–subject relationship in pants who, at the practical level, work out the sense of action research (Lewin 1947, 1948; strengths and weaknesses, and then – in the Sievers 1977). In simple terms it may be said context of action plans from individual partici- that organizational development is an applica- pants or members of the project team – an tion of action research in organizations. ‘Deed- attempt is made to implement the proposals for research’ (Lewin 1947) is at the core of all improvement that have been elaborated jointly. organizational development processes in opera- In addition to the survey–feedback approach tion today, in the sense of the survey-feedback there is a range of further methods of organi- approach which may be traced back to Lewin. In zational development (Gebert 1995; von this, after informing all involved members of Rosenstiel et al. 1987). In the sense of goals for- the organization about goals and methods of mulated by the involved parties themselves, procedure, data are first collected. This can be what seems to be particularly successful is a pro- done on the basis of structured or unstructured cedure where, on the one hand, a survey– questionnaires, through qualitative interviews, feedback method is combined with process-advice in the context of group discussions with the (Friedlander and Brown 1974; Gebert 1995), support of moderating procedures or on the and, on the other hand, particular framing basis of spontaneous depictions of one’s own conditions are defined (von Rosenstiel 2000), situation (Comelli 1985, 1994), impromptu particularly support for the process by the upper Flick 3.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:29 PM Page 136


management: a culture within which open FURTHER READING communication and a modicum of trust are guaranteed, as well as a willingness not to think in terms of short-term results, but to be open to Argyris, C. (1993) Knowledge for Action: A Guide longer-term processes. to Overcoming Barriers of Organizational Change. San Francisco: Jossey–Bass.

Dierkes, M., Berthoin Antal, A., Child, J. and 5 CONCLUSION Nonaka, I. (2001) Handbook of Organiza- tional Learning and Knowledge. Oxford: Organizations are systems created by people Oxford University Press. which gain significance for their members by virtue of their perception and interpretation. If Schein, E. H. (1985) Organizational Culture and one desires to comprehend this scientifically, Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco: qualitative procedures are particularly well Jossey–Bass. suited to the task. It is therefore not surprising that such procedures play an important role Weick, K. L. (1995) Sensemaking in Organiza- within empirical organizational analysis. tions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 137

3.12 Qualitative Evaluation Research

Ernst von Kardorff

1 Tasks of evaluation research in the social context 137 2 Evaluation as applied social research 137 3 Towards qualitative evaluation research 138 4 Features of qualitative evaluation research 139 5 Variants of qualitatively oriented approaches in evaluation research 141 6 Prospects 142

1 TASKS OF EVALUATION improved quality of products, and to pro- RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL CONTEXT vide arguments for a legitimate pursuit of goals and interests (von Kardorff 1998a; In modern scientific communities (Stehr 1991, Madaus et al. 1983; Rossi and Freeman 1993; 1994) there is a growing need for scientifically Weiss 1998; see 6.3). underpinned proof of the effectiveness, effi- 3 Evaluation is intended to promote, docu- ciency, quality and acceptance of political pro- ment and monitor desired social and intra- grammes and measures in all areas of society. organizational changes and learning The demand is increasing for information rele- processes (Torres et al. 1996). vant to decision-making, aids to planning and 4 Finally, in the sense of exploratory social evaluations because of a need for social change research, evaluation should lead to a deeper conditioned by modernization, because of the understanding of the areas under investiga- scarce resources of public budgets which lead to tion (cf. Chelimsky and Shadish 1997). intensified monitoring of efficiency and costs, and because of an increased awareness of qual- ity on the part of a critical public. 2 EVALUATION AS APPLIED SOCIAL Evaluation may be understood as a scientific RESEARCH response to the following requirements. Evaluation (research) is applied social research. 1 It checks the effectiveness, efficiency and goal- And applied social research is, to a large extent, attainment of political, social and ecological evaluation. Because of its area of application it programmes, measures, models and laws, of has a number of features that affect both exper- pedagogic and therapeutic types of interven- imentally oriented approaches to evaluation tion, of social, cultural and technical innova- that aim at quantification (e.g. Bortz and Döring tions and organizational changes in complex 1995; Wottawa and Thierau 1998), and equally and constantly self-regenerating environments. qualitative approaches (e.g. Guba and Lincoln 2 Its results are expected to provide support in 1989; Shaw 1999). For instance: decision-making and planning, and – from the point of view of the client – to assist in • It is a commissioned type of task-research better monitoring, higher rationality and that happens mostly outside universities. It Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 138


can only select its research questions to a Wittmann 1985), and with the safeguarding of very limited extent, and it is tied to strict standards (Cronbach 1983). The practice of eval- temporal prescriptions. uation research, however, is marked by a high • It operates in fields that are characterized by degree of pragmatism, an eclectic combination power-constellations and various interest- of quantitative and qualitative methods (see groups; and so it is inevitably confronted 4.5) and by a culture – or lack of it – of opera- with, and involved in, problematic social sit- tion, little described and often overlooked, at uations, trends, policies and their effects. the interface between clients, actors affected by the evaluation, the demand for scientific seri- This also means: evaluation research does not ousness and the expectations of the general deal with a ‘silent’ object. On the contrary, its public (cf. also Freundlieb and Wolff 1999). particular ‘object’ – be it organizations (such as hospitals, schools, authorities), political pro- grammes (such as health promotion, urban 3 TOWARDS QUALITATIVE development, resocialization), or human EVALUATION RESEARCH behaviour (such as performance in school or profession, deviant behaviour, change of atti- Guba and Lincoln (1989) who, with Patton tude) – shows a high reactivity to the process of (1990, 1997), are among the most prominent evaluation itself. In this way evaluation research exponents of qualitative evaluation research in the itself becomes generally a stimulus of change, United States, view the development of evalua- rather than in the targeted way found in action tion research as consisting of three phases or research or in more recent empowerment ‘generations’, to which they oppose a ‘fourth’ approaches (Fetterman et al. 1996; Stark 1996). generation. This is – or should be – characterized And here the fact and the processes of evaluation by a constructivist paradigm, a naturalistic research are often of greater significance than the results methodology, and a consistent practice of nego- (see 6.3). Evaluation comes up against con- tiating goals, by means of strategies of consen- stantly changing interpretations on the part of sual validation (House 1993; Kvale 1995a; the individuals and collective actors (e.g. associ- see 4.7), by means of openness, transparency ations) who are affected by programmes, mea- and fairness towards participants, and a plural- sures and their evaluation. And in this it is often ism of values within a democratic society (Guba confronted with conflicting reactions to its and Lincoln 1989; House 1993). implementation and its results. This reflexive In the first phase of measurement, from the reactivity on the part of the ‘object’ means that, developmental scales and intelligence tests of for evaluation, interpretative and process- Binet at the beginning of the twentieth century oriented approaches sensitive to this fact become until approximately the mid 1930s, questions of extremely important. They not only have to take quantification, such as school achievement, account of the ‘social construction of reality’ were in the foreground. In the second phase of (Berger and Luckmann 1966) and its character as description, which lasted until the late 1950s, a process, but must also make visible the double the main concern was with the design and effect social construct which arises in the course of the of programmes (programme-evaluation), after evaluation and which the evaluation itself cre- which differences of individual achievement ates (Guba and Lincoln 1989; Patton 1997). could be measured statistically. In the third The majority of the conflicting theoretical phase of assessment, that was bound up with debates in evaluation research are to do with political programmes of social and educational paradigms (e.g. Cronbach 1982; House 1994; reform in the United States, evaluation became Lincoln 1994; Stufflebeam 1994), with the role a scientifically supported source of political con- of the evaluation researcher and the participa- sultancy. Not only results, but even goals now tion of those concerned in the evaluation had to be evaluated, sequences had to be judged process (Bryk 1983; Fetterman 1994), with according to foreordained standards, and effects the social preconditions and consequences of assessed not only with reference to the pro- evaluation (House 1993), with appropriate grammes themselves but also with reference to research design (e.g. from a qualitative view- the relevant environments. point, Guba and Lincoln 1989, and from a From this outline of developments it becomes (quasi-)experimental-quantitative perspective, clear that qualitative process-oriented procedures, Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 139


and those oriented to communication and 4 FEATURES OF QUALITATIVE participation, in addition to quantifying and EVALUATION RESEARCH summative evaluation studies, are growing in significance. This is used by evaluation research,1 Background assumptions, principles which in all modern societies, and particularly and theoretical perspectives in the United States, has developed into an independent research industry, to react to crises If one takes as a guideline Guba and Lincoln’s and deficits. In this the following critical points Fourth Generation Evaluation (1989), as the most are of relevance. broadly developed characterization of qualita- tive evaluation research, the following norma- • Clients and participants frequently criticize tive and conceptual principles may be defined. the limited practical value and often legalis- tic use of results (cf. Legge 1984). 1 Under normative aspects, evaluation research • The organizations and people affected by is value-bound research, if for example it is evaluation and measures for quality assur- looking at increases in the performances of ance are dissatisfied, from ethical and politi- employees, or more health-conscious behav- cal standpoints, with the lack of attention to iour among patients, or crime prevention. the concerns, opinions and demands of According to Guba and Lincoln, it should ‘stakeholders’ and their limited opportuni- embrace such democratic values as trans- ties for influence and participation. parency, participation, the emphasis on free • Scientific critics have raised an objection – will, social responsibility, rectitude and a now corrected – to the so-called summative humanistic perspective. At any rate it should evaluation that relates only to results rather declare and publish the values that underlie than the ‘formative’ evaluation that follows its work. sequences of events. From the point of view 2 If one understands social reality as a social of concepts they complain about the lack construct, the ‘addressees’ of measures are of a systematic involvement of subjective not only ‘objects’ reacting to interventions, theories, discourses and practices of those but acting subjects who incorporate inter- concerned with or addressed by the mea- ventions in their environment into their sures under evaluation, because in these everyday theories, interpret them in particu- the good and bad reasons for resistance and lar ways and develop meaningful strategies for unforeseen developments might find (creative reinterpretations, resistance, ironic expression. Another group of critics point submission, counter-proposals, and so on) in to the lack of communicative responsive- dealing with them. ness of the procedures (Stake 1997), to the 3 For this reason, evaluation research – and strategies used by those being investigated in practice it has no alternative – must be in dealing with programmes and measures, carried out as a process of communicative or to the distanced perspective of accompany- debate. It does not only fulfil service func- ing research. This seems to give an objective tions and is not merely an aid to implemen- description and to demonstrate how pro- tation and/or an agent of acceptance or grammes fail, only giving reasons for this legitimization for the client; it is also after the event, rather than intervening in indebted to the programmes and those the role of guide (cf. von Kardorff 1988) and affected by measures, since their interests, instigating learning processes (Patton areas of activity and quality of life are 1998). A further objection concerns a lack impinged upon by the measure under evalu- of independent discovery questions which ation. Evaluation research itself inevitably would contribute to social scientific under- plays an active role in changes; it therefore standing and theory (Chelimsky and acts as a ‘change-agent’ – even though its Shadish 1997). real influence should not be exaggerated (Freundlieb and Wolff 1999). From this it fol- Qualitative evaluation claims to respond to lows that evaluation should see itself less as several of these criticisms and thereby to open a scientific authority in socio-technical con- up a new general perspective for evaluation cerns, but should rather cooperate openly research. in the resolution of conflicts of interest and Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 140


prospects of action, in negotiating goals and differing patterns of justification and action forms of implementation. This it can do by strategies. And instead of testing model assump- taking on moderating functions and provid- tions using prescribed categories it is interested in ing scientific expertise (such as drawing the communicative negotiation of purposive and attention to consequences unforeseen by mutually accepted criteria for success on the basis participants), by seeking a consensus that of project experiences. clarification of goals be included in the for- Secondly, process-orientation (‘formative’) mulation of the programme and measures takes precedence over outcome-orientation during implementation, and that this is (‘summative’) because it provides important approached flexibly, but also by bringing to guidelines – about the learning processes of light irreconcilable differences and disagree- implementation, about gaining acceptance and ments. The results of evaluation then tend to the analysis of failures and objections – for assess- take on the character of reflexive and orien- ment and also for the further development of the tational, rather than technical and instru- measures that are being investigated. Patton mental, information. (1998) has spoken aptly in this context of the dis- 4 The way in which evaluation research under- covery of ‘process use’. In this sense narrations of stands reality is basically constructivist (see particular events, or observations and feelings, 3.4). Social reality is understood as the result take precedence over generalizable properties, of communicatively and interactively negoti- because they are a more sensitive indicator of ated structures that are realized in meaning relevant project developments, of unexpected patterns, discourses, social representations results and side-effects, and because they reveal and action patterns. The reflexive and ongo- patterns of observation and interpretation. These ing nature of reality is demonstrated in quali- may then be checked for their dominance in the tative evaluation research from the point of context of the investigation and, furthermore, view of the different roles and positions of for generalizable elements that transcend the participants. Here the scientific interpretation particular project. itself becomes part of the reconstructive dis- Thirdly, qualitative evaluation research aims covery and creation of that social reality at specificity and not necessarily at generaliz- which is the object of the change brought ability; and so in the research design an impor- about by the measure being evaluated. In tant role is played by local historical aspects, the short – qualitative evaluation research pursues various professional environments and net- the ‘interpretative paradigm’ (Wilson 1970). works of the project team and the target groups, local power cartels, particular features of local history and traditions, the influence of local dig- Methodological principles nitaries, and so on. This does not exclude a transferability of the measures in question, but Unlike the kind of evaluation research based on does bind them to the particular special condi- the normative paradigm, a qualitative perspective tions for implementation. For qualitative evalu- is concerned not with statistical representativity, ation research, therefore, it is not primarily but rather with a selection of units of investiga- a matter of developing general theories, but of tion that can generate some theory: for example, producing project-related, often locally restricted, those that are guided by hypotheses (see 4.2) in but scientifically well-founded statements and accordance with principles of ‘theoretical sam- responses to questions of practical common- pling’ (see 4.4). Instead of foreordained times for sense in situations that are negotiable, but also measurement it is concerned with observed structurally bound, asymmetric, power-driven turning-points, crises and objections in the course and determined by interests. of the project, and these are taken as meaningful Finally, the research design (see 4.1), as a recur- and significant data. Instead of comparisons with sive learning and teaching process (Guba and control groups it is concerned with the systematic Lincoln 1989), is provided with many feedback comparison of contrasting cases (Stake 1995), loops, for example, using group discussions (see whose characteristics are examined in detail. In 5.4), moderated discussions of goals and results, place of a summary observation of reactions external audits, and so on. Unlike basic scientific to standardized data-collection instruments research, evaluation research is only open to a and tests, the focus is on the reconstruction of limited extent. It is determined by the goals and Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 141


framework conditions set by the client, and is Criteria for Programme Evaluations’ (cf. House under both pressure to achieve results and pres- 1980 and Sanders 1999) are still a useful orienta- sure of time. This means that the programmatic tion for the quality control of evaluation studies. postulates can only be implemented approxi- mately and that the need for very time-consuming Presentation of results evaluation of interviews, for example (see 5.2), or for participant observation in evaluation groups, A particular problem for evaluation research is with peer-reviewing, can rarely be met. In prac- the presentation of results, which, in commis- tice, therefore, many ‘short-cut strategies’ (see sioned research, are legally the property of the 4.1) and pragmatic compromises have to be used. client. Because their results impinge upon socially and politically controversial fields (such Methods as drug distribution, the confinement of mentally ill criminals, risk prevention, government Qualitative evaluation research prefers a ‘respon- reform, and the like) clients often have an inter- sive’ procedure (e.g. Stake 1995) that incorporates est in a particular presentation of results, where, the reactions of subjects of the investigation. It for example, mistakes are expected to be therefore relies on the whole range of procedures exposed or kept quiet, small successes glorified used in other types of qualitative research: differ- or acceptance taken for granted. Apart from the ent forms of interview (see 5.2), problem-based obligation to scientific integrity and replicabi- group discussions (see 5.4), participant observa- lity, data protection, agreement to participation tion (see 5.5), network maps, sequence-docu- and responsibility to subjects (see 6.1), we are mentation, document analysis (see 5.15), field concerned here with questions of fairness, open- research methods (see 5.5), as well as personal ness and the obligation to the public, but also records made by the investigator, and so on. with aspects of advocacy of interests in the pro- Quantitative methods of data collection are also gramme that were not considered, among sub- used, and in particular descriptive statistics. In jects with little negotiating power (such as those the context of evaluations that focus on shared on social assistance, the unemployed, the hand- learning and organizational development, use is icapped, the under-employed and so on). In this also made of innovative methods from citizens’ respect the role of the participant researcher movements (such as future workshops, workplace becomes a difficult balancing act, which begins conversations, simulations) and from organi- when he or she first enters the field and attempts zational consultancy (such as map-questioning, to build up an accepted relationship of trust, mind-mapping, or Delphi-techniques). and which only ends with negotiations about the content and form of the presentation. The presentation of results from evaluation Interpretation and validation studies can and should be understood (House 1993) as a process of argumentation with partici- Here a decisive role belongs to the process of pants (normally only with the clients) about the communication with participants: checking that ‘issues’ in the investigated field. Useful guidance their views have been correctly recorded, evalu- about forms of presentation, which allow the ating the course of the project, possibly chang- presentation of results to become an opportunity ing the project goals and initiating further for ‘reflexive application’ (see 6.6) and thence a learning processes. These processes of commu- stimulus for further learning processes, are to be nicative validation (Kvale 1995a) are supple- found in Torres et al. (1996). mented by external ‘audits’ by experts, in order to obtain a multi-faceted picture of the measure being monitored and to develop it further as an orientation for action with the stakeholders 5 VARIANTS OF QUALITATIVELY and clients. Because of the complexity and the ORIENTED APPROACHES IN dynamics of evaluating measures and pro- EVALUATION RESEARCH grammes the possibilities offered by a triangula- tion (Flick 1992b; see 4.6) of the results should Evaluation research is closely related to social be used to achieve a multi-perspective validation change. To this fact there have been reactions (see 4.7). Cronbach’s (1983) ‘95 Theses and from action research (for an overview see Flick 3.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:30 PM Page 142


Gstettner 1995; Moser 1995), user-oriented expressed. In this way greater importance will concepts based on ‘empowerment’ in citizens’ be attached to a problem-related practical type of movements and clients (Fetterman 1994; reasoning (Chelimsky and Shadish 1997; Guba Fetterman et al. 1996) and consultative and and Lincoln 1989; House 1993; Shaw 1999). In communicative approaches to ‘better practice’ pedagogy, in social work, in psycho-social care (Everitt and Hardiker 1996) under the label of and public health as well as in local ecological practice research (Heiner 1988a; von Kardorff projects where more attention is given to the 1988). Under the term self-evaluation (Heiner meaning of subjective theories (cf. Flick 1998b) 1988b) or practitioner research (Fuller and Petch and to the reinforcement of private initiative, 1995) concepts focusing on aspects of a ‘learn- responsibility and self-determination – in all of ing organization’ (Heiner 1998; Torres et al. these areas developments will continue to be 1996) have developed, especially in the psycho- characterized by empowerment approaches social area and in the field of social work (Shaw (Fetterman 1994; Stark 1996), supportive con- and Lishman 1999). sultancy and monitoring. In summary, we may claim the following as both description and challenge: qualitative eval- 6 PROSPECTS uation sees itself as a joint enterprise or type of social research that seeks to discover social real- The developmental opportunities for an inde- ity, to probe its capacity for change and to test pendent qualitative type of evaluation research its boundaries, and on that seeks to change and are very difficult to assess. The political and create social reality. For this it must also come to administrative demand – particularly in the cri- terms with its social accountability. sis confronting the welfare state – is mostly for answers to pre-defined questions and, as far as possible, for quantifiable ‘hard’ data (that is, NOTE data capable of numerical presentation) for proof of effects and for quality and cost control. 1 This is illustrated by the number of specialist jour- Furthermore, there is a demand for quality nals, such as Evaluation Review, Evaluation Studies, assessment using criteria and standards defined Evaluation Quarterly, Evaluation Practice, etc., as well by experts and for reports agreed with experts as a vast number of large and small private research institutes. before publication that seem more suited to pur- poses of legitimization than a type of evaluation which is open-ended, critical, participatory, FURTHER READING determined by conflict-ridden negotiation processes and focused on socio-communicative learning processes. On the other hand, the crises Chelimsky, E. and Shadish, W. R. (eds) (1997) in application (see 6.3), in acceptance and the Evaluation for the 21st Century. A Handbook. significance of evaluation (Kraus 1995; Legge Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 1984) have increased willingness to see evalua- tion more as a research accompaniment and Guba, E. G. and Lincoln, Y. S. (1989) Fourth development, or as a process of experiencing Generation Evaluation. London: Sage. and learning that goes with social change. In general, this means that there is a desire to reach Shaw, I. F. (1999) Qualitative Evaluation. more satisfactory models of practice, where sub- London: Sage. jective views and interests, or popular and expert theories and practices, are more strongly Flick-04.qxd 3/19/04 2:17 PM Page 143

Part 4

Methodology and Qualitative Research Flick-04.qxd 3/19/04 2:17 PM Page 144 Flick-04.qxd 3/19/04 2:17 PM Page 145


Qualitative research is balanced between a Beyond these problems, which tend (also) to variety of theoretical approaches (see 3.1–3.12) be relatively technical matters related to the and a broad spectrum of concrete methodologi- execution of qualitative research projects, this cal procedures (see 5.1–5.22). The methodology part also includes questions that rather belong of qualitative research is concerned with theory, in the field of epistemology. In recent years the method and conceptualization of procedures in role and application of hypotheses (see 4.2)in empirical studies, beyond the concrete details of qualitative research has again attracted more methods and data collection or analysis. The attention. Accordingly, for various methods the resulting methodological questions are, in vary- relationship between theory and empirical data ing degrees but also in general terms, relevant to is treated with reference to the concept of each of the methodological alternatives and ‘abduction’. That is to say, in a particular con- theoretical backgrounds. crete case it is ultimately a flash of intuition on The discussion in the various chapters of this the part of the investigator that leads to some part revolves around questions of research design recognition and theoretical development, and and planning (see 4.1), the relationship between not necessarily systematic work in the sense of qualitative and quantitative methods (see 4.5) or induction and deduction (see 4.3). One problem between different qualitative methods (triangula- for qualitative research that remains unsolved is tion, see 4.6). The question of the selection of the matter of quality criteria that are appropriate cases or case-groups is generally treated under the to its procedures (see 4.7). heading of ‘sampling’ (see 4.4). Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 146

4.1 Design and Process in Qualitative Research

Uwe Flick

1 On the role of design in qualitative research 146 2 Basic designs in qualitative research 147 3 Processual decisions in the realization of designs 148 4 Short-cut strategies 152 5 Summary 152

1 ON THE ROLE OF DESIGN Research design is a plan for collecting and IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH analyzing evidence that will make it possible for the investigator to answer whatever questions he In quantitative research there is a comprehensive or she has posed. The design of an investigation touches almost all aspects of the research, from literature on various forms of research the minute details of data collection to the selec- design, such as cross-sectional and longitudinal tion of the techniques of data analysis. designs, experimental versus non-experimental research, on the use of control groups or so- The (not very comprehensive) literature on called double-blind trials in pharmaceutical research design in qualitative research (cf. studies. ‘Data collection designs are a means to LeCompte and Preissle 1993; Marshall and the end of collecting meaningful data’ Rossmann 1995; Miles and Huberman 1994; (Diekmann 1995: 274). The decision to use one and see Flick 2002: chs 5–7) deals with the sub- of the types of design mentioned is often ject in two ways: either particular basic models intended to control, minimize or exclude the of qualitative research are contrasted, and the influence of the research or the researcher on the researcher may choose between for his or her data-collecting situation. In qualitative research concrete study (e.g. Creswell 1998), or else the little importance is attached to this aspect, components from which a concrete research which leads Miles and Huberman (1994: 16) to design is put together are listed and discussed point out that ‘Contrary to what you might have (e.g. Maxwell 1996). heard, qualitative research designs do exist.’ The components that play a role in the con- In more general terms, in both areas the ques- struction of a research design and must there- tion of the planning of an investigation is fore be considered are: addressed with the keyword of research design: how should the data collection and analysis be set up, and how is the selection of empirical • the goals of the study ‘material’ (situations, cases, persons) to be • the theoretical framework made, so that the research questions can be • its concrete questions answered and this can be achieved within the • the selection of empirical material time available, using the available means? • the methodological procedures This is in agreement with the definition given • the degree of standardization and control by Ragin (1994: 191): • the generalization goals and Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 147


• the temporal, personal and material resources all questions to do with the selection of cases in that are available (cf. section 3 below). the groups to be compared. A further problem is what degree of standardization or constancy is felt to be necessary in the remaining conditions 2 BASIC DESIGNS IN that are not the subject of the comparison: to be QUALITATIVE RESEARCH able to show cultural differences in the views of health among Portuguese and German women, The following basic designs in qualitative research interview partners from both cultures were may be distinguished (cf. also Creswell 1998): selected who live in as many respects as possible (big city life, comparable professions, income and • case studies level of education) under at least very similar con- • comparative studies ditions, in order to be able to relate differences to • retrospective studies the comparative dimension of ‘culture’ (cf. Flick • snapshots: analyses of state and process at et al. 1998; Flick 2000c). the time of the research, and The dimension of single case–comparative • longitudinal studies. study represents one axis according to which the basic design of qualitative research may be classi- fied. An interim stage consists of the interrelation Case studies of a number of case analyses which can initially be carried out as such and then compared or con- The aim of case studies is the precise descrip- trasted with each other. A second axis for the tion or reconstruction of a case (for more detail categorization of qualitative design follows the cf. Ragin and Becker 1992). Case is rather dimension of time, from retrospective analyses to broadly understood here – in addition to snapshots and then to longitudinal studies. persons, social communities (e.g. families), organizations and institutions (e.g. a nursing Retrospective studies home) could become the subject of a case analysis. In this the decisive problem is the The principle of case reconstruction is charac- identification of a case that would be signifi- teristic of a great number of biographical inves- cant for the research question, and the clarifi- tigations which operate with a series of case cation of what else belongs to the case and analyses in a comparative, typologizing or con- what methodological approaches its reconstruc- trastive manner (see below). Biographical tion requires (on this cf. Hildenbrand 1999). If research (see 3.6, 3.7, 5.11) is an example of a a case analysis is concerned with school prob- retrospective research design in which, retro- lems of a child it must, for instance, be made spectively from the point in time when the clear whether it is enough to observe the child research is carried out, certain events and in the school environment, whether the teachers processes are analysed in respect of their mean- and/or fellow pupils should be questioned and ing for individual or collective life-histories. to what extent the family and their everyday Design questions in relation to retrospective life should be observed as part of the analysis. research involve the selection of informants Finally, it needs to be made clear what this case who will be meaningful for the process to be represents (cf. Flick 2002: 89ff.). investigated (‘biography bearers’ – Schütze 1983). They also involve defining appropriate Comparative studies groups for comparison, justifying the bound- aries of the time to be investigated, checking the In comparative studies, on the other hand, the research question, deciding which (historical) case is not observed in its totality and complex- sources and documents (see 5.15) should be used ity, but rather a multiplicity of cases with regard in addition to interviews with the biography- to particular excerpts: the specific content of the bearers (on this form of triangulation cf. expert knowledge of a number of people or Marotzki 1995b, and 4.6), and how the influ- biographies in respect of a concrete experience ences of modern views on the perception and of sickness and the subsequent course of life are evaluation of earlier experiences should be compared with each other. Here there arise above considered (cf. Bruner 1987). Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 148


Snapshots: the analysis of later, and the study by Ulich et al. (1985) on the state and process at the processing of unemployment among teachers, time of the investigation where the subjects were interviewed seven times in the course of a year. In most qualitative meth- In contrast to this, a large part of qualitative ods there is little guidance on how they could be research focuses on snapshots: different mani- applied in longitudinal studies with several festations of the expertise that exists in a parti- periods of data collection (see 6.5). Implicitly, a cular field at the time of the research are longitudinal perspective within a temporally collected in interviews (see 5.2, 5.3) and com- limited framework is realized in ethnography pared to one another. Even if certain examples (see 5.5) by virtue of the researcher’s extended from earlier periods of time affect the inter- participation in the field of study, and also – views, the research does not aim primarily at the with a retrospective focus – in biographical retrospective reconstruction of a process. It is research (see 3.6, 3.7, 5.11), which considers an concerned rather with giving a description of extended section of a life-history. The great circumstances at the time of the research. strength of a longitudinal study – of being able A range of process-oriented procedures are also to document changes of view or action through strongly related to the present and are therefore repeated collection-cycles, where the initial not interested in the reconstruction of past state of a process of change can be recorded events from the point of view of (any of) the par- without any influence from its final state – cannot ticipants (cf. Bergmann 1985; see 5.5), but in the therefore be fully realized. course of currents from a parallel temporal per- Figure 4.1.1 arranges the basic designs in quali- spective. In ethnographic studies researchers par- tative research that we have discussed according ticipate in the development of some event over to two dimensions. an extended period in order to record and analyse this in parallel to its actual occurrence. In conversation analyses (see 5.17) a conversa- 3 PROCESSUAL DECISIONS IN THE tion is recorded and then analysed in terms of its REALIZATION OF DESIGNS sequencing, while in objective hermeneutics (see 5.16) a protocol is interpreted in a strictly The process of qualitative research may be sequential manner ‘from beginning to end’. described as a sequence of decisions (Flick 1995, In these approaches, from the design point of 2002). Here researchers, in realizing their pro- view, there arises the question of how to limit jects, can make a choice between a number of the empirical material. How can the selection guar- alternatives at various points in the process – antee that the phenomenon that is relevant to the from questions to data collection and analysis research question is actually contained in empiri- and ultimately to presentation of results. In cally documented extracts from conversations and these decisions researchers realize the design of processes? Where should the beginning and end of their study in a dual sense – a design planned in a (conversational or observational) sequence be advance is translated into concrete procedures located? According to what criteria should mater- or else, while in process, the design is consti- ial for comparison be selected and contrasted: tuted and modified by virtue of the decisions in what conversations or conversational extracts, and favour of particular alternatives. what observational protocols ought, in concrete terms, to be compared? Goals of the study

Longitudinal studies A qualitative study may be used to pursue a number of different goals. The model is often The final variant of a basic design in qualitative the approach of grounded theory development research consists of longitudinal studies, which in accordance with the model of Glaser and also analyse an interesting process or state at Strauss (1967; see 2.1, 5.13, 6.6). The form of later times of data collection. This strategy has openness essential for this goal has long been a rarely been used, at least explicitly, in qualita- feature of the debate about qualitative research tive research. Exceptions are Gerhardt’s (1986) in general (e.g. Hoffmann-Riem 1980) and lies investigation of patients’ careers, where an behind a number of methodological approaches interview partner was questioned again a year (e.g. theoretical sampling as a principle of case Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 149


Case analysis

Snapshots: Retrospective description of state/ Longitudinal study process analysis study

Comparative study

Figure 4.1.1 Basic designs in qualitative research

selection, see 4.4). In this context, it must be programme or product functions) and those that borne in mind that the requirement of theory pursue research goals (and are more concerned development is an excessive burden for many with developing general knowledge of a particu- types of qualitative studies: to force this goal on lar subject). graduation theses is as unrealistic as it is incom- patible with the intentions of many of those who commission qualitative research projects (see 6.5). Formulation of the Here what is required are detailed descriptions or research questions evaluations of current practice. In the case of a stage that seeks to provide an exact description The research question of a qualitative investiga- of sequences of events in institutional or every- tion is one of the decisive factors in its success or day practice, some of the methodological tools failure. The way in which it is formulated exerts of Glaser and Strauss (for example, theoretical a strong influence on the design of the study. On sampling) may be applicable, but do not neces- the one hand, questions must be formulated as sarily have to be. The question of the extent to clearly and unambiguously as possible, and this which a hypothesis-driven or hypothesis-testing must happen as early as possible in the life of the study can be realized by qualitative methods (see project. But on the other hand, in the course of 4.2) has not yet been adequately answered, but the project questions become more and more will be of practical relevance in a number of dif- concrete, more focused, and they are also nar- ferent contexts: for example, in objective rowed and revised (cf. Flick 2002: 64). Maxwell hermeneutics hypotheses will be set up in the (1996: 49) is representative of the viewpoint that course of the interpretation, and these will be questions should be less the starting point and tested and falsified during the analysis of further rather the result of the formulation of a research material (see 4.7, 5.16). These examples will design. Consequently questions may be viewed demonstrate that there are different types of or classified according to the extent to which objectives for qualitative studies: description, they are suited to the confirmation of existing testing of hypotheses, theory development. At assumptions (for instance in the sense of the level of objectives, Maxwell (1996: 16) makes hypotheses) or whether they aim at new discov- a further distinction between studies that pursue eries or permit this. Strauss (1987: 22) character- primarily personal goals (for example, a gradua- izes the latter as ‘generative questions’. By this tion thesis or dissertation), those that pursue prac- he means: ‘Questions that stimulate the line of tical goals (discovering if and how a particular investigation in profitable directions; they lead to Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 150


hypotheses, useful comparisons, the collection of are not only easier to manage but also, as a rule, certain classes of data, even to general lines of more meaningful (for an example of this, cf. attack on potentially important problems.’ Hildenbrand 1983). Research questions may on the one hand be In qualitative research a distinction must be kept too broad, which means that they would made between numerical and theoretical gener- then provide almost no guidance in the plan- alization. A very small number of projects claim ning and implementation of a study. But they either to want or to be able to draw conclusions may also be kept too narrow and thereby miss from the cases investigated about a particular the target of investigation or block rather than population. What is more informative is the promote new discoveries. Questions should be question of the theoretical generalizability of formulated in such a way that (in the context of the results obtained. Here the number of indivi- the planned study and using the available duals or situations studied is less decisive than resources) they are capable of being answered. the differences between cases involved (maxi- There have been a number of attempts to estab- mal variation) or the theoretical scope of the lish a typology of research questions (cf. for case interpretations. To increase the theoretical example, Flick 2002; Lofland and Lofland generalizability, the use of different methods 1984). Maxwell (1996), with an eye on research (triangulation, see 4.5, 4.6, 4.7) for the investi- design, distinguishes between generalizing and gation of a small number of cases is often more particularizing questions, together with ques- informative than the use of one method for the tions that focus on distinctions, and those that largest possible number of cases. Here it must be focus on the description of processes. decided whether the triangulation of methods can or should be applied to the case or to the set of data. Generalization goals and For the development of a typology, for exam- representational goals ple, it is necessary not only to use the target selection of cases, but to include counter- In setting up a research design it is advisable to examples and to undertake case-contrasts in take into account what generalization goals are addition to case-comparisons (cf. Kelle and Kluge bound up with the study: is the target a detailed 1999: 40ff.). analysis of as many facets as possible, or is it a Under aspects of generalization it is also comparison or a typology of different cases, situ- necessary to attend to the question of what ations and individuals, and so on? In compara- additional gain may be expected from triangula- tive studies there is the question of the principal tion with qualitative (see 4.6) or with quantita- dimensions according to which particular phe- tive methods (see 4.5), and how this may be nomena are to be compared. If the study is reconciled with the available resources. restricted to one or very few comparative dimen- Finally, it needs to be considered what presen- sions, based on some theory or on the research tation goals (see 5.22) are involved in a qualita- questions, this will avoid the possible compul- tive study: is the empirical material the basis for sion to consider all possible dimensions and the writing of an essay (Bude 1989), or rather for include cases from a large number of groups and a narrative presentation that would give it more contexts. Here it is important to check critically of an illustrative function? Or is it a matter of the extent to which classic demographic dimen- providing a systematization of the variation sions need to be considered in every study: do found in the cases investigated? the phenomena being studied and the research question really require a comparison according Degree of standardization to gender, age, town or country, East or West, and control and so on? If all these dimensions have to be considered, then a number of cases have to be Miles and Huberman (1994: 16ff.) distinguish included for each of the manifestations. Then between tight and loose research design and such a large number of cases rapidly becomes see indications for both variations in concrete necessary that it can no longer be handled cases according to the research question and within a project that is limited in time and per- conditions: tight research designs are deter- sonnel. It is therefore preferable to clarify which mined by narrowly restricted questions and of these dimensions is the decisive one. Studies strictly determined selection procedures, where with a sensibly limited claim to generalization the degree of openness in the field of investigation Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 151


and the empirical material is relatively limited. example the suggestions in Patton 1990), if the These designs are seen by the authors as appro- goal is not to do with theory development priate when researchers lack experience of but rather with the evaluation of institutional qualitative research, when the research oper- practice. ates on the basis of narrowly defined con- One essential component of the decision structs, and when it is restricted to the about data selection (in comparative investi- investigation of particular relationships in gations) is the formation of groups for com- familiar contexts. In such cases they see loose parison. Here it must be clarified at what level designs as a roundabout route to the desired the comparisons are to be made: between result. Tighter designs make it easier to decide individuals, situations, institutions or pheno- what data or extracts from the data are relevant mena? Accordingly, the selection should to the investigation and what is not relevant, be made in such a way that several cases and they also make it easier, for example, to are always included in a single group for compare and summarize data from different comparison (see 4.4). interviews or observations. Loose designs are characterized by somewhat broadly defined concepts and have, in the first Resources instance, little in the way of fixed methodologi- cal procedures. Miles and Huberman see this One factor that is frequently undervalued in the type of design as appropriate when a large development of a research design is the avail- measure of experience is available of research in able resources (time, personnel, technical sup- different fields, when new fields are being inves- port, competences, experience and so on). In tigated and the theoretical constructs and con- research, proposals are frequently based on an cepts are relatively undeveloped. This second unrealistic relationship between the planned variant is clearly oriented to the methodological tasks and the personnel resources that can (reali- suggestions of Glaser and Strauss (1967; see 2.1, stically) be asked for. 5.13), which are characterized, for example in For realistic project planning it is advisable to their handling of theoretical sampling, by great make a calculation of the activities involved, openness and flexibility. which assumes, for example, that an interview Even though qualitative research often sees of around 90 minutes will need as much time itself as indebted to the principle of openness again for locating interview-partners, organizing (Hoffmann-Riem 1980), it is sensible for many appointments, and travel. With regard to the questions and projects to consider what degree calculation of time for transcribing interviews of control is necessary: to what extent must (see 5.9), the estimates will diverge widely – there be constancy in the contextual conditions depending on the precision of the system of in which the comparative differences between transcription to be used. Morse (1994: 232f.) two groups are manifested (see above)? What suggests that, for fast-writing transcribers, the degree of control or comparability should be pro- length of the tape containing the interview vided in the conditions under which the various recording be multiplied by a factor of 4. If interviews in a study are carried out? checking the finished transcript against the tape is also included, the length of the tape should be multiplied by a total of 6. For the complete cal- Selection: sampling and formation culation of the project she advises that the time of groups for comparison allowed be doubled to allow for unforeseen difficulties and ‘catastrophes’. In planning a Selection decisions in qualitative research project that will work with transcribed inter- focus, on the one hand, on persons or situations views, a high-quality tape recorder should from which data are collected, and, on the always be used for the recordings, and a special other hand, on extracts from the material instrument with a foot-operated switch is essen- collected, from which novel interpretations tial for transcription. Sample plans of how to are made or results are presented as examples calculate the time parameters of empirical pro- (cf. Flick 2002: 65–72). In this, theoretical jects are to be found in Marshall and Rossman sampling is considered to be the royal way for (1995: 123ff.). The time needed for data inter- qualitative studies. Frequently, however, other pretation is difficult to calculate. If a decision is selection strategies are more appropriate (cf. for taken to use computers and programs such as Flick 4.01.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 152


ATLAS.ti and NUD*IST (see 5.14; Part 7) for data interpretation, then it is essential to include in Goals Questions Selection the plan sufficient time for technical prepara- tion (installation, removal of errors, induction of team-members in the use of the program, and Generalization Research Presentation so on). goal design goal In the process of approving a project the equipment asked for is sometimes reduced and additional methodological stages, such as an Theoretical additional group for comparison or phase of Methods Resources framework data collection, may be required. At this stage, if not before, it becomes essential to check the relationship between tasks and resources, and Figure 4.1.2 Components of qualitative research short-cut strategies in the methodological pro- design cedures should, if necessary, be considered.

4 SHORT-CUT STRATEGIES proved useful to draw up lists of priorities related to the research questions that make it possible to Many of the qualitative methods in current use select and reduce the categories. The same may are connected with a high degree of precision be said of the selection of textual contexts, based and an equally high investment of time – in data on the research question, which are required to collection (here we might mention the narrative undergo a process of intensive interpretation. interview, see 5.2), in transcription (see 5.9), and in interpretation (for example, the procedures of objective hermeneutics and theoretical coding 5 SUMMARY both require a great deal of time, see 5.16, 5.13). In externally funded projects and commissioned Research designs may ultimately be described research, but also in graduate theses, this need as the means of achieving the goals of the for time is confronted with a very tight deadline research. They link theoretical frameworks, ques- within which the research questions have to be tions, research, generalization and presentational answered (see 6.5). Under the label ‘short-cut goals with the methods used and resources avail- strategies’ (justifiable) deviations from the maxi- able under the focus of goal-achievement. Their mum requirements of precision and complete- realization is the result of decisions reached in ness are discussed. For instance, the suggestions the research process. Figure 4.1.2 summarizes of Meuser and Nagel (1991) on the setting up of again the influential factors and decisions that interviews with experts provide guidance that determine the concrete formulation of the deserves to be taken seriously on the framing of research design. qualitative interviews with interview partners who are under great pressure of time. The same is true of the suggestions made by Strauss (1987: FURTHER READING 266), O’Connell and Kowal (1995a, see 5.9) and others that only parts of interviews be tran- scribed, and only as precisely as is actually Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative required by the questions of the particular inves- Research, 2nd. edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. tigation. The non-transcribed sections of inter- esp. chs 5–7. views can be kept within the research process, for instance by means of summaries or lists of Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. B. (1995) Designing topics, to be transcribed if necessary. After phases Qualitative Research, 2nd edn. Thousand of open coding (see 5.13) there is often an exces- Oaks, CA: Sage. sive quantity of codes or categories. In addition to simplifying the administration and ordering Maxwell, J. A. (1996) Qualitative Research of such categories through computer programs Design – An Interactive Approach. Thousand such as ATLAS.ti (see Part 7; 5.14), it has often Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 153

4.2 Hypotheses and Prior Knowledge in Qualitative Research

Werner Meinefeld

1 Hypotheses in quantitative and qualitative methodology: an opposition 153 2 Doing without hypotheses as a result of the profiling of methodological position 154 3 Recent discussion 155 4 Starting points for a re-orientation of methodological positions 156 5 Conclusion 157

Methodological justifications of the particular and the unavoidable selectivity of every kind perspective of qualitative research often insist of research. In the first place it is considered that it is developed in strict separation from obligatory to reveal the researcher’s prior the rules of a methodology that aims at knowledge and thereby to control it. Secondly, standardization and quantification. In view of an explicit link is made to the state of available the dominance and the fully developed state of knowledge and a contribution is made to the research in quantitative methods this is not integration and cumulation of this knowledge. surprising: if this kind of presentation is not And thirdly, the time-sequencing, and the sep- merely a question of didactics, but also concerns aration of data collection and data analysis, positioning as to content, then there will also require a prior elaboration of the theoretical arise out of this negatively based self-definition framework, since this defines and restricts the problems in the realization of specifically qual- stages in the research and also means that no itative research goals. Both self-location by correction of operational procedures is possible means of exclusion and latent negative results during the data collection, because of the strict can be seen particularly distinctively by the phasing of the research process. way hypotheses are handled in qualitative Although in qualitative methodology the fact methodology. of theory-driven observation is also unques- tioned, there is a predominant rejection of hypotheses formulated in advance: precisely because there is an awareness that knowledge 1 HYPOTHESES IN QUANTITATIVE influences observation and action, researchers AND QUALITATIVE METHODOLOGY: wish to avoid being ‘fixed’ by the hypotheses on AN OPPOSITION particular aspects that they can only obtain ‘in advance’ from their own area of (scientific and For quantitatively oriented methodologists the everyday) relevance, but whose ‘fit’ with the formulation of hypotheses at the beginning of meaning patterns of the individuals being an investigation is an indispensable means of investigated cannot be guaranteed in advance. subjecting to systematic control the inevitable In place of the requirement to reveal prior theoretical loading of every kind of observation knowledge in the form of hypotheses, therefore, Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 154


in qualitative methodology there arises a be shown that a formulation including specified requirement for a suspension of this prior hypotheses at the beginning of such studies knowledge in favour of the greatest possible would often have been completely impossible; openness to the particular meanings and rele- Whyte and Blanche Geer, for instance, point vances of actors – an openness that is seen as out explicitly how completely their research being endangered by the prior formulation of question changed after the ‘first days in the hypotheses. field’, and how they had to adapt it to the The basic problem – the influence of prior peculiarities and possibilities of their object of knowledge on observation – is therefore seen investigation (Whyte 1955: 317ff., 320ff.; Geer from both sides, but the chosen strategy for 1964: 340). solving it is aiming in a different direction, With regard to making this prior knowledge since the implications associated with it are explicit in the form of hypotheses, in the course constantly being given a different weighting. of working out these two methodological posi- If, in quantitative methodology, the need for tions – which see themselves as alternatives – control of the researcher and the conscious struc- during subsequent decades a growing process of turing of research activity are in the foreground contrast and reciprocal delimitation may be (while the agreement of the theoretical cate- distinguished in the methodological procedures gories with the meaning patterns of actors is that are felt to be necessary and sensible. These seen as relatively unproblematic), qualitative then resulted in the opposing research strate- methodologists require primarily a guarantee gies which we sketched in the first section. On of the appropriateness of the categories used by the side of qualitative methodology the pro- the researcher and an openness to the potential grammatic work of Barney G. Glaser and ‘other’ of the research field (and see control of Anselm L. Strauss (1967), The Discovery of the investigator by means of methodological Grounded Theory, is of particular significance. rules as a false ‘solution’). Here the authors expressly require that researchers free themselves voluntarily of all prior knowledge and even dispense with prior 2 DOING WITHOUT HYPOTHESES reading of theoretical and empirical studies in AS A RESULT OF THE PROFILING their subject area, in order to embark upon the OF METHODOLOGICAL POSITION research field in as unprejudiced a way as poss- ible. According to this approach, the task of The programmatic opposition that we have empirical research is not (or at least not primar- sketched of these two responses to the funda- ily) to subject to empirical testing the hypothe- mental epistemological problem appears, from a ses that are systematically derived from ‘grand’ historical viewpoint, to be less ‘naturally given’ (armchair) theories, since such theses often did than a result of the growing competition not ‘fit’ the situations that were to be investi- between two methodological approaches. gated in concrete cases; empirically based gen- In the classic studies of empirical social eral theories are rather only to be expected research we find no explicit treatment of the when researchers personally derive their cate- problem of checking prior knowledge nor gories from the data (see 2.1). The formulation even of the problem of prior formulation of of a sociological theory, therefore, should take hypotheses (cf., for example, the studies of place not at the beginning of the research William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki, process but at the end: the overriding goal William F. Whyte, Howard S. Becker or Paul F. of social research is not the testing but the Lazarsfeld).1 As far as practice in dealing with generation of theories (1967: 1–18). ‘prior knowledge’ and ‘hypotheses’ is con- The position developed by Glaser and Strauss cerned, it is clear to what a great extent the in deliberate rejection of the ‘mainstream’ in research activity was oriented particularly to empirical social research (see 2.1) showed itself the theoretical but also to the everyday knowl- in the reception of qualitative methodology – edge of the researchers, and how greatly these over and above the grounded theory approach – ideas determined the results of their work, by as extremely influential: a number of authors first making possible the collection and struc- saw the requirement for doing without hypo- turing of the data material. Conversely, it may theses as a precondition for an interpretative Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 155


type of social research and elevated the debate is determined by concerns about ‘openness’ of its methodology to a core belief in demarcation which are of subordinate interest qualitative research (e.g. Hoffmann-Riem 1980: for the practice of qualitative social research’ 345f., Lamnek 1995: 22f., 139f.). With this shift (1995: 94). And in a case study in the sociology of attention from ex-ante hypotheses to those of science, Jean Converse demonstrates the arising during the research process, the funda- mixing of methodological and research-policy mental epistemological problem of checking the arguments in the conflict about open and stan- prior knowledge which the researcher brings to dardized interviews in the United States during the job was relegated to a background position. the Second World War (1984). It was believed that this aspect could be over- looked, not least because the very openness of the methods made possible a correction ‘by the 3 RECENT DISCUSSION field’: ‘unsuitable’ prior knowledge would be exposed as such in the course of the study. But The impetus for a critical methodological dis- even if one concedes the different degree of cussion, free from the commitment against openness of the various methods, this argument ex-ante hypotheses, was provided by Christel overlooks the fact that even the first setting up Hopf (1983, 1996). Using two empirical studies of data is already an active undertaking on the as examples, she sought to demonstrate that, part of the researcher and is based on the indi- on the one hand, the question to be investi- vidual’s research interest and prior understand- gated could indeed require a qualitative proce- ing. The requirement for as ‘unconditional as dure, but on the other hand, because of the possible’ an entry into the field conceals pre- availability of previous studies, there was a cisely this basic setting up of the field in focus on content that made the formulation of accordance with the researcher’s ‘available ex-ante hypotheses unavoidable. prior knowledge’ at this particular moment. Dis- If hypotheses are rejected in principle, then coveries about social phenomena do not on the one hand there is no consideration of ‘emerge’ on their own: they are from the outset the very different aims of the hypotheses, and constructs of the researcher. The idealization of these differ sharply – in terms of their claim to the ‘unprejudiced nature’ of the researcher that validity and object – in their suitability for quali- is sometimes to be found in qualitative methodo- tative questions. (For example, do they relate to logy, and the idea of a ‘direct’ record of social universal laws or to singular facts; do they reality, are therefore untenable from an episte- make claims about the relationship between mological viewpoint (cf. Meinefeld 1995: variables, or are they interested in social 287–294). processes and meaning patterns? Hopf 1983: If we consider this from a distance, it is strik- 48–50; 1996: 11f.). On the other hand, experi- ing that this methodological idealization is ence from research practice would speak both in contradiction to one of the core theo- against an unconditional openness in data col- retical principles of qualitative research (‘the lection: the pressure – resulting from the interpretation of a situation depends on knowl- absence of selection criteria – to extensive explo- edge’) and also not a true reflection of research ration of all aspects that are possibly of interest practice. Glaser and Strauss, in their study conflicts with the intensive meaning-discovery Awareness of Dying, which appeared in 1965, that is characteristic of interpretative research, openly acknowledge their reliance on prior and in this situation overburdens the investi- knowledge of this subject area (1965b: 286ff.).2 gator (1983: 50–52). A general rejection of One explanation for this discrepancy between ex-ante hypotheses would therefore endanger theoretical insight, practical research and the realization of genuinely qualitative methodological norm might be sought in the research goals: it is ‘dogmatic and not open to concern to establish as sharply defined an alter- discussion’ (1983: 49). native as possible to the prevailing standardiz- Other authors, in their plea for an unpreju- ing methodology. Horst Weishaupt, for diced approach to both the need and the possi- example, offers the following as a result of his bility to reflect prior knowledge in qualitative analysis of qualitative research reports: ‘The social research, draw attention to the identical impression emerges that the methodological effects (from an epistemological viewpoint) of Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 156


hypotheses and prior knowledge in relation to the actions of others as belonging to a particular the structuring of subsequent research activity, meaning pattern available in the knowledge and therefore demand that this ‘gap’ in qualita- of the social group in question and subsuming tive methodology be closed. Here we see, in the them in this meaning pattern in the way in first place, the simple necessity of accepting the which, and to the extent that, it is familiar to general state of epistemological discussion and the person understanding (on this cf. Meinefeld not laying oneself open to the accusation of 1995, ch. 1). We have to accept the funda- requiring an epistemological special status for mental restriction that every observation only qualitative methods, with this demand for takes on meaning in respect of one’s own ‘unprejudiced’ observation; and secondly this meaning schemata, and so prior knowledge question, which every form of social research inevitably gives structure to our observations must confront, opens up the possibility of and must therefore be seen as the foundation reconsidering the relationship between quali- of all research. In this way, however, the oppo- tative and quantitative methodology and sition of categories is transformed into a dif- redefining both the differences and the com- ference of degree, and the fundamental mon ground (Böttger 1998; Meinefeld 1997; problem exists for all researchers in the same Strobl 1998). way. A second step towards the resolution of this opposition might be found in distinguishing 4 STARTING POINTS FOR research questions according to the nature and A RE-ORIENTATION OF extent of the knowledge already available of METHODOLOGICAL POSITIONS the area under investigation. If we consider the situation of the classic studies mentioned How could these apparently contradictory above, it becomes clear that in these cases a expectations be resolved? On the one hand we pre-formulation of content-based hypotheses is have to meet the epistemological requirement out of the question. On the other hand, if any- to include prior knowledge in methodological one wished to investigate interaction with the control, and on the other we should not aban- dying today they would scarcely be able to don the sociological a priori of allowing the avoid taking note of the prior work of Glaser sociological analysis to proceed from the gen- and Strauss and setting up their own research uine meaning attributions of actors and under consideration of the events reported should not, in the act of interpretation, there. impose the categories of the investigator on This does not necessarily mean, however, the actions. that one should no longer be open to new One precondition for the solution of this observations. If we can learn to distinguish dilemma is, first and foremost, a recognition between the principled methodological open- of the fact that the latter requirement can ness and the explicitness with which prior only be met in an approximate way. It cannot knowledge is reflected and expressed, it will be simply be a question of opposing a ‘pure’ possible to reconcile the formulation of reconstruction of the view of the actors to a hypotheses with the reconstruction of object- recording of social reality in the categories of specific meaning contents. The openness to the investigator: it is only possible, in all new matters does not depend on our not taking cases, to understand the categories of others account, at the level of content, of the old and on the basis of one’s own categories (on this the familiar, but on the how, in methodo- point see also Schütz’s thoughts on the obser- logical terms, we set up the search for the new. vation of one’s fellows, 1932: 287ff.). Here is Logically, these two levels are independent of precisely the misunderstanding of a sociologi- one another – the question of putting prior cal idea of understanding, for example on the knowledge into concrete terms and selecting part of Theodore Abel (1948) or Hans Albert the methods to be used to obtain new knowl- (1985), who saw (and therefore rejected) edge are only related (at the concrete practical ‘understanding’ as a direct recording of sub- level) when, for example, a standardized ques- jective meaning on the basis of individual sen- tionnaire is unable to provide information sibility, whereas it can only mean identifying from beyond the dimensions the researcher Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 157


considers important because there was no to a corpus of general theoretical concepts room for it in the chosen instrument. In the which similarly contribute to the first place, however, this does not mean that researcher’s basic definition of the object. the result has been predetermined, as critics Although these are to a large extent con- sometimes claim: it is only the framework of scious, they too cannot be made fully the dimensions involved in the investigation explicit, but the requirement for a conscious that has been fixed, but not their concrete reflection may be made with a greater manifestations of content. We could indeed prospect of success. find surprising results as to content using this 3 Finally, there are a range of object-related con- route (Opp 1984: 65f.). In the second place, it cepts which permit the researcher to focus does not mean that the choice of (more) open on particular aspects of content in the methods (such as participant observation, see research area under investigation, and 5.5, or interviews, see 5.2) will per se guarantee which, even in the context of qualitative an openness of content: prior knowledge that research, can therefore facilitate and per- remains implicit, even using these methods, haps require the formulation of ex-ante will lead to selective observation and interpre- hypotheses. tation, because the recognition of whether something is new or not lies with the With regard to measuring the effects of this researcher and not with the individuals under prior knowledge on the research process, it investigation. The openness required in quali- should be remembered that this does not begin tative methodology to the potentially special only when hypotheses are formulated or when nature of the field of investigation is therefore one ‘enters the field’ without hypotheses. If the not helped by failing to make prior knowledge total research process is to be reflected explicit, but by a conscious use of methods that methodologically, then a fixation on the for- permit the recognition and recording of a mulation of ex-ante hypotheses (positive in ‘deviation’ in the field of study from what quantitative and negative in qualitative was expected. This does not mean, however, methodology) is not tenable: the development that there is a conscious awareness of such an of the researcher’s attention begins earlier and expectation. in a more fundamental way. In any case, in As far as the possibility of reflecting thinking about the control of this pre-structuring prior knowledge is concerned, it should of limitation, one should be aware that this be noted that this can take a number of differ- reflection – at least at the present time – can ent forms. scarcely be standardized. How it is to be dealt with in the future should be tested in empirical 1 In every case we have at our disposal an research practice, before any methodological everyday prior knowledge on which, however pronouncement is made. vague and uncertain it may be, we are forced to rely in the absence of better infor- mation in order to be able to carry out any 5 CONCLUSION kind of initial orientation in the research field. This prior knowledge can only par- In the process of self-assurance of having an tially be made explicit, because ultimately independent methodology, the decision an infinite regress is possible here. But it is against ex-ante hypotheses has indeed led to a at precisely this level that the basic but not consolidation of the qualitative position as dis- otherwise reflected nature of the research tinct from quantitative methodology, but it has object is decided, and what may be taken also led to a claim that is epistemologically for granted from a cultural viewpoint untenable, and has restricted the applicability of remains fixed, so that its reflection becomes qualitative research. Experience in research a (frequently irredeemable) desideratum practice, however, has shown, on the one (for an example cf. Bourdieu et al. hand, that the majority of quantitative 1991: 44ff.). research studies also fail to follow the norm of 2 Furthermore, every researcher, in his or her testing hypotheses (cf. Meinefeld 1997: 23f.), approach to the research field, has recourse and on the other hand the examples from Hopf Flick 4.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:31 PM Page 158


cited above support the view that in a qualitative 2 It is of course true that in later publications (1987: research programme the testing of hypotheses 10f. and passim; Strauss and Corbin 1990: 48–56) may also occupy a legitimate place. The decid- Strauss recognizes prior knowledge as an impor- ing line about how and to what extent prior tant source of theoretical sensitivity; but since knowledge should be made concrete does not Strauss (and Corbin) insist on ‘discovery’ as a pri- mary goal of qualitative research, they hedge this follow the ‘quantitative–qualitative’ boundary, direction with a renewed warning of the risk of but is clearly dependent on other factors. It ‘constraint’ that affects the openness to new mat- would be highly desirable if this fact could be ters (1990: 32f.) because of categories known in ratified methodologically and if an uninhibited advance – and in this way they essentially adhere way of dealing with the problem of structuring to the normative demand of the position formu- research activity could be achieved in both lated earlier. Even more explicitly, Glaser insists qualitative and quantitative social research. upon dispensing with all prior knowledge (cf. Kelle 1994: 334f., and also the excellent presenta- tions of the positions of Glaser and Strauss in Kelle NOTES 1994: 283ff.).

1 The actual methodological procedure at this phase of justifying modern empirical research may be FURTHER READING captured very aptly in an observation, where Marie Jahoda relocates the retrospective over- emphasis of methodological reflectiveness that Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J. C. and Passeron, characterized the preface to the new edition of J. C. (1991) Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Lazarsfeld’s The Unemployed of Marienthal, pub- Preliminaries. Berlin: de Gruyter. Pt III and lished 27 years after the first edition – a study ch. 2. which even today is seen as a model of exemplary empirical research: ‘If [this explanation] should Chalmers, A. F. (1982) What is This Thing Called give the impression that these principles were Science? Queensland: University of Queensland available to us during the study, this would be mis- Press. ch. 3. leading. We had no clear plan, in terms either of content or method. … The methods grew out of concentration on the problem, not for their own Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967) The sake’ (Jahoda 1980/81: 139). Furthermore – to com- Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strategies for plete the picture – it seemed legitimate to use, as a Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldine. esp. research strategy and method, whatever procedure pp. 1–43. promised to make it possible to obtain interesting data for the research question (see 2.8). Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 159

4.3 Abduction, Deduction and Induction in Qualitative Research

Jo Reichertz

1 Abduction – a rule-governed way to new knowledge? 159 2 Deduction, quantitative and qualitative induction, abduction 160 3 Two strategies for producing abductions 162 4 Research results – reconstruction or construction? 163

1 ABDUCTION – A RULE-GOVERNED in artificial intelligence and, of course, also WAY TO NEW KNOWLEDGE? sociologists announce in their research reports that their new discoveries are due to abduction. Social researchers who take an interest in the The great success of abduction, in my opinion, fluctuation of their own professional vocabulary may be traced back to two particular features: have been able, for more than a decade, to first to its indefiniteness and secondly to the witness the flourishing of a concept that is misjudgement of the achievements of abductions around 400 years old: it is a matter of the term that derive from this. For frequently the use of abduction. The boom has been so vast that we the idea of abduction has led in many of its users sometimes hear talk of an ‘abductive turn’ to one particular hope, that of a rule-governed and (Bonfantini 1988; Wirth 1995). replicable production of new and valid knowl- First introduced in 1597 by Julius Pacius to edge. This hope is found, above all, in artificial translate the Aristotelian apagoge, abduction intelligence research and in a number of variants remained quite unnoticed for almost three cen- of qualitative social research. turies. It was C. S. Peirce (1839–1914) who first All these approaches have in common that took it up and used it to denote the only truly they stress both the logical and also the innova- knowledge-extending means of inferencing (so he tive character of abduction. For abduction is no claimed) that would be categorically distinct longer treated as a traditional, classical means of from the normal types of logical conclusion, drawing conclusions, but as a new method that namely deduction and induction (1976, 1986, is not yet incorporated into formal logic. 1973, 1992). But several decades were to pass However, it is, in every sense, a means of infer- before Peirce’s ideas were systematically received encing. It is precisely in this quality of being a and also adopted (Anderson 1995; Apel 1967; ‘means-of-inferencing’ that we find the secret Fann 1970; Hanson 1965; Reichertz 1991b; charm of abduction. On the one hand it is a Tursman 1987; Wartenburg 1971). logical inference (and thereby reasonable and Today the term ‘abduction’ has become some- scientific), and on the other hand it extends thing of a password within social research (but into the realm of profound insight (and there- not only there): educationists, linguists, psycho- fore generates new knowledge). This sort of con- logists, psychoanalysts, semioticists, theatre- cept of abduction associates its critique of with scientists, theologians, criminologists, researchers a kind of positivism capable only of tautology, Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 160


with the hope of a new kind of social research is constantly changing and is, moreover, which will understand sociality more reasonably ‘sub-culturally fragmented’. The different and therefore better. Abduction is intended to order(s) therefore possess only a localized valid- help social research, or rather social researchers, ity and are continually, and – since the advent to be able to make new discoveries in a logically of the ‘modern’ – with increasing rapidity, being and methodologically ordered way. changed by these human beings who previously This hope is directed against Reichenbach (up to a point) adhered to them. Moreover, it is (1938) and Popper (1934), who, by separating a fact that both the form and the validity of this the logic of discovery from the logic of justifi- order are bound to the meaning attributions cation, ‘drove’ the first into the realm of psycho- and interpretations of the acting subjects. Social logy, and allowed only the second into the science explanations of actions aim at the realm of serious science. This separation should (re-)construction of the order that is relevant to be reversed: the unfortunate disjunction of con- the acting subjects. Admittedly this kind of texts of discovery and justification should be order can no longer be derived from proven removed by means of abduction. A rethinking grand theories, first because these are, as a rule, of this kind promises a great deal: liberation not sufficiently ‘local’, and secondly because from the ‘chance of a good idea’ (Habermas they have frequently already been overtaken by 1971: 147), and (it is hoped) ‘synthetic infer- constant social change. Because this is the case, ences a posteriori’ (cf. Oevermann 1987). ‘fitting’ new views of the make-up of social Because of this hope, many social scientists order must constantly be generated. For this have treated, and still do treat, abduction as a reason it is highly sensible to examine as closely magic formula – always applicable when the as possible the life practice that is to be under- cognitive basis of the process of scientific inter- stood, and – on the basis of these data – to pretation is being investigated. In my opinion, (re-)construct the new orders. however, this hope is the result of a widespread If we are now to make a serious attempt, in misunderstanding of Peirce’s position, namely (qualitative and quantitative) research, to evalu- the misunderstanding that there are no differ- ate collected data, in other words to typologize ences between ‘hypothesis’ and ‘abduction’ as them according to particular features and orders forms of inference. From the modern point of of features, the question very soon arises of how view it is beyond question that up to about 1898 we may bring a little order into the chaos of the Peirce combined two very different forms of data. This is only to a very small extent a matter inference under the name of ‘hypothesis’. When of work organization (sorting of data) and much he became aware of this unclear use of the term more a question of how the unmanageable ‘hypothesis’, he elaborated a clear distinction in variety of the data may be related to theories – his later philosophy between the two proce- either pre-existing or still to be discovered. dures, and called the one operation ‘qualitative In this undertaking (if one pursues the ideas of induction’ and the other ‘abduction’ (for more Peirce) we may, in ideal terms, distinguish three detail see Reichertz 1991b, and also Eco 1981). procedures, and in what follows I shall subdivide Many social scientists, with reference to the the second procedure into two subgroups – but achievements of abduction, refer to Peirce’s later not because there are fundamental differences work (in my view wrongly), but with reference between the two, but rather because in this way to its form and validity, and to his work on the difference we have already spoken of bet- hypothesis. It is only on the basis of this ‘hybrid ween abduction and hypothesis or qualitative meaning’ that they succeed in designing a logi- induction can be made clearer (for fuller discus- cal operation that produces new knowledge in a sion of this see Reichertz 1991b). rule-governed way. 1 One type of data analysis consists of the procedure of subsumption. Subsumption 2 DEDUCTION, QUANTITATIVE proceeds from an already known context of AND QUALITATIVE INDUCTION, features, that is from a familiar rule (for exam- ABDUCTION ple, all burglars who steal from a medicine chest are drug addicts), and seeks to find this The social order on which humans (often but general context in the data (for example, the not always) orient themselves in their actions unknown burglar has robbed the medicine Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 161


chest) in order to obtain knowledge about Mr Jones. Conclusion: Jones is responsible the individual case (for example, the for the clues.) The observed case (token) is unknown burglar is a drug addict). The an instance of a known order (type). logical form of this intellectual operation is In brief: if quantitative induction makes that of deduction: the single case in question inferences about a totality from the quanti- is subordinated to an already known rule. tative properties of a sample, qualitative Here a tried and trusted order is applied to induction – in contrast – supplements the the new case. New facts (concerning the observed features of a sample with others ordering of the world) are not experienced that are not perceived. It is only in this in this way – merely that the unknown bur- sense that this form of induction tran- glar is a drug addict (knowledge that may scends the borders of experience – that is, be quite useful to the police – if the rule is only the experience of the sample in ques- true). Deductions are therefore tautological, tion. This inference only extends knowl- they tell us nothing new. But deductions edge to the extent that it proceeds from a are not only tautological but also truth- limited selection to a larger totality. conveying: if the rule offered for application Qualitative induction is not a valid but only is valid, then the result of the application of a probable form of inference – although it the rule is also valid. does have the advantage of being capable 2.1 A second form of analysis consists of of operationalization (albeit with diffi- extending, or generalizing, into an order or culty). Qualitative induction is the basis rule the combinations of features that are of all scientific procedures that find, in found in the data material. Proceeding collected data, only new versions of what is from the observation that ‘in the case of already known. burglaries a, b and c the medicine chest 3 The third type of data processing (appar- was robbed’, and the case-knowledge that ently similar, but in fact totally different) ‘Mr Jones committed burglaries a, b and c’, consists of assembling or discovering, on the inference is drawn that ‘Mr Jones the basis of an interpretation of collected always robs the medicine chest when he data, such combinations of features for breaks in’. The logical form of this intellec- which there is no appropriate explanation tual operation is that of quantitative induc- or rule in the store of knowledge that tion. It transfers the quantitative properties already exists. This causes surprise. Real of a sample to a totality, it ‘extends’ the surprise causes a genuine shock (and not single case into a rule. Quantitative inductions only in Peirce’s opinion) – and the search therefore (strictly speaking) are equally for the (new) explanation. Since no suit- tautological but not truth-conveying. The able ‘type’ can be found, a new one must results of this form of inferencing are be invented or discovered by means of a merely probable. mental process. Sometimes one achieves a 2.2 One particular variant of the inductive pro- new discovery of this sort as a result of cessing of data consists of assembling cer- an intellectual process, and if this happens, tain qualitative features of the investigated it takes place ‘like lightning’, and the sample in such a way that this combina- thought process ‘is very little hampered tion of features resembles another (that by logical rules’ (Peirce 1931–35, vol. 5: 117, is already available in the repertoire of CP 5, 188). knowledge of the interacting community) in essential points. In this case one can use An order, or a rule, in this procedure must the term that already exists for this combi- therefore first be discovered or invented – and nation to characterize one’s ‘own’ form. this has to happen with the aid of intellectual The logical form of this operation is that of effort. Something unintelligible is discovered in qualitative induction. From the existence of the data, and on the basis of the mental design certain qualitative features in a sample it of a new rule the rule is discovered or invented infers the presence of other features. (For and, at the same time, it also becomes clear example, at the scene of a crime I see a what the case is. The logical form of this opera- particular set of clues. In very many respects tion is that of abduction. Here one has decided these agree with the pattern of clues of (with whatever degree of awareness and for Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 162


whatever reasons) no longer to adhere to the about his talents as an amateur detective (Peirce conventional view of things. 1929). In this Peirce tells how, during a voyage This way of creating a new ‘type’, that is the at sea, his overcoat and his valuable watch were relationship of a typical new combination of stolen. He was very alarmed, because the watch features, is a creative outcome which engenders was not his own property. He therefore decided a new idea. This kind of association is not oblig- to recover the watch, by any means and as atory, and is indeed rather risky. Abduction ‘pro- quickly as possible. He had all the crew called ceeds’, therefore, from a known quantity (= result) together and asked them to form up in a line. to two unknowns (= rule and case). Abduction Then he walked along the line and addressed a is therefore a cerebral process, an intellectual few apparently inconsequential words to each act, a mental leap, that brings together of them. things one had never associated with one another. When I had gone through the row, I turned and walked from them, though not away, and said to myself: ‘Not the least scintilla of light have I got 3 TWO STRATEGIES FOR to go upon’. But thereupon my other self (for our PRODUCING ABDUCTIONS own communings are always in dialogues) said to me, ‘But you simply must put your finger on the man. No matter if you have no reason, you must If one is to take seriously what has been out- say whom you think to be the thief.’ I made a lined above, one would have to come to the little loop in my walk, which had not taken a conclusion (pessimistic though it might be for minute, and I turned toward them, all shadow of everyday scientific practice) that abductive dis- doubt had vanished. (Peirce 1929: 271) covery of new things is dependent on pure chance, a benevolent God, a favourable evolu- Peirce named one person as the culprit and sub- tion, or a particularly well-endowed brain. sequently, after a great deal of confusion (see Science as a systematic endeavour would, accord- Sebeok and Umiker-Sebeok 1985 for a full ing to this definition, seem doomed to failure. description), it emerged that the man suspected ‘Anything goes.’ by Peirce was indeed the thief. However – even if one cannot force lightning The stimulus for this individual initiative in to strike in an algorithmically rule-governed matters of ‘detection’ was therefore provided by way – could there perhaps be ways of proceed- fear – and not the fear of losing 350 dollars, ing and precautions that would make it easier which was the value of the watch, but the fear for the (intellectual) lightning to strike? Because of an expected ‘life-long professional disgrace’ even lightning is not entirely unexpected. To (Peirce 1929: 270). The body went into a state of extend the metaphor, it happens only as a con- alarm, but clearly this was not enough. When, sequence of a particular meteorological situa- after the first conversations with the crew, he tion. In a storm one can look for the oak tree or could not name a suspect, he increased, by an seek out the beeches or even go to the top of the act of will, his pressure to do something. In this church tower. None of these steps will make it partially self-induced emergency situation the likely that lightning will come and strike; but abductive lightning struck. the likelihood is none the less very much greater Of course, abductions cannot be forced by a than with someone who only loves the sun- specific procedural programme, but one can light, who always takes refuge in a cellar during induce situations (and this is the moral of this a storm and who – if they do happen to find episode) in which abductions fit. According to themselves in a storm – always tries to find out Peirce, the presence of genuine doubt or uncer- where the nearest lightning conductor is. In tainty or fear or great pressure to act is a favourable short, if discovery is truly related to accidents, ‘weather situation’ for abductive lightning to then one can either give accidents a chance or strike. deny the possibility. Peirce, however, develops another possible way Peirce himself cites two macro-strategies that of creating situations in which new knowledge are particularly well-suited to ‘enticing’ abduc- may more frequently be obtained. For this to tive processes or at least to creating a favourable work the investigators – as Peirce advises – should climate for their appearance. One can be derived let their mind wander with no specific goal. This from the story where Peirce talks retrospectively mental game without rules he calls ‘musement’, Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 163


a game of meditation, or day-dreaming. How one solves the practical problems that arise from achieves the condition of day-dreaming may be these. seen in the following formulation of Peirce: The refuge for this selective attention (which targets a new order) is not the greatest possible Enter your skiff of musement, push off into the closeness to reality or the highest possible ration- lake of thought, and leave the breath of heaven to ality. The refuge is, above all, the usefulness swell your sail. With your eyes open, awake to which the ‘type’ that is developed brings to the what is about or within you, and open conversa- question of interest. On the one hand it brings tion with yourself: for such is all meditation! … It order and the means of linguistic representa- is, however, not a conversation in words alone, but is illustrated, like a lecture, with diagrams and tion, and on the other hand these new ‘types’ with experiments. (Peirce 1931–35, vol. 6: CP, 315) are indispensable tools if it is necessary to be able to make predictions about the future on the To do this requires leisure; that is to say, free- basis of a past that is hypothetically understood dom from an immediate pressure to act is a because it is ordered. In other words, they are fundamental condition, without which the skiff indispensable when it is a matter of producing will not be able to embark. This apparently con- answers to the question of ‘What to do next?’. tradicts quite vehemently the preconditions for New orders, therefore, are also always oriented successful abductions which Peirce sets out in towards future action. his detection example. An abductive discovered order, therefore, is Admittedly, the contradiction is resolved not a (pure) reflection of reality, nor does it if one looks for what is typical in the two reduce reality to its most important compo- ‘abduction-friendly’ settings. For in both cases nents. Instead, the orders obtained are mental the procedures mean that the consciously working constructs with which one can live comfortably mind, relying on logical rules, is outmanoeu- or less comfortably. For many purposes particu- vred. Peirce-the-detective allows no time for the lar constructs are of use, and for other purposes calculating mind to busy itself with the solution different constructs are helpful. For this reason of his problem, and Peirce-the-daydreamer the search for order is never definitively com- switches off his power of logical judgement by plete and is always undertaken provisionally. So entrusting himself to the ‘breath of heaven’. long as the new order is helpful in the comple- All measures designed to create favourable tion of a task it is allowed to remain in force; if conditions for abductions, therefore, always aim its value is limited, distinctions must be made; if at one thing: the achievement of an attitude of it shows itself to be useless, it is abandoned. In preparedness to abandon old convictions and to this sense abductively discovered orders are nei- seek new ones. Abductive inferencing is not, ther (preferred) constructions nor (valid) recon- therefore, a mode of reasoning that delivers new structions, but usable (re-)constructions. knowledge, and neither is it an exact method Abduction (as we have already said a number that assists in the generation of logically ordered of times), when faced with surprising facts, (and therefore operationalizable) hypotheses or looks for meaning-creating rules, for a possibly some new theory. Abductive inferencing is, valid or fitting explanation that removes what rather, an attitude towards data and towards is surprising about the facts. The end-point of one’s own knowledge: data are to be taken seri- this search is a (linguistic) hypothesis. Once ously, and the validity of previously developed this is found, a multi-stage process of checking knowledge is to be queried. begins. If the first step in the process of scientific dis- covery consists of the finding of a hypothesis by means of abduction, then the second step 4 RESEARCH RESULTS – consists of the derivation of predictions from the RECONSTRUCTION OR hypothesis, that is, of a deduction, and the third CONSTRUCTION? step consists of the search for facts that will ‘ver- ify’ the assumptions, which is an induction. If Abductive efforts seek some (new) order, but the facts cannot be found the process begins they do not aim at the construction of any again, and this is repeated as often as necessary order, but at the discovery of an order that fits until ‘fitting’ facts are reached. With this defini- the surprising facts; or, more precisely, one that tion Peirce designed a three-stage discovery Flick 4.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 164


procedure consisting of abduction, deduction even those who were born after us, the process and induction. of checking can in principle never be com- Finding and checking are, in Peirce’s opinion, pleted. For Peirce, absolute certainly, therefore, two distinct parts of a single process of discovery, can never be achieved, and so ‘infallibility in or research. If the finding stage is largely a result scientific matters seems to me irresistibly comic’ of a conscious and systematic approach, check- (Peirce 1931–35, vol. 1: X 1.9). ing takes place according to operationalizable and rule-governed standards that are controlled by reason. FURTHER READING Certainty about the validity of abductive infer- ences, however, cannot be achieved even if one subjects an abductively developed hypothesis to Eco, U. and Sebeok, T. (eds) (1985) The Sign of extensive testing, that is to say, deduces it from Three. Dupin, Holmes, Peirce. Bloomington, its consequences, then seeks to determine these IN: Indiana University Press. inductively, and then repeats these three steps many times. Verification in the strict sense of Ketner, K. L. (ed.) (1995) Peirce and Contem- the word cannot be done in this way. All that porary Thought. New York: Fordham University one can achieve, using this procedure, is an Press. intersubjectively constructed and shared ‘truth’. In Peirce’s opinion even this is only reached if Ochs, P. (1998) Peirce, Pragmatism, and the Logic all members of a society have come to the same of Scripture. Cambridge: Cambridge University conviction. Since, in Peirce’s work, ‘all’ includes Press. Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 165

4.4 Selection Procedures, Sampling, Case Construction

Hans Merkens

1 Case selection 165 2 Sampling 167 3 Case construction 170

According to Flick (2002: 62), decisions about are interested in what is special. In that sense no selection in the research process are taken at special attention was paid to selection proce- three different levels: dure, because what was special about a parti- cular case was already determined by the choice • during data collection (case selection, case- of object. This seems to hold true, for example, group selection), in ethnology, when a particular tribe is being • during interpretation (selection of material investigated. But even here there is a need for a and selection within material), and research question, as, for instance, Mead (1958) • during the presentation of results (presenta- formulated it, which seeks an answer to the tion of material). problem of whether the distribution of gender roles between man and woman has biological or To ensure the intersubjectivity of research, crite- social causes. ria are essential that guide the decisions, so that Selection procedures are also needed if one other researchers using the same procedure can wishes to investigate a problem such as the arrive at a similar result or so that the outcome psychic consequences of unemployment: the of case construction can be subjected to rational consequences of unemployment will most criticism. For this reason what follows is probably be different among the long-term devoted above all to a discussion of the relevant unemployed than among people who have criteria. Between the three levels there is a high recently become unemployed. One must there- degree of interdependency, which is also an fore determine, in respect of unemployment, important focus in some selection procedures. what features the unemployed in the sample are In the first section we shall consider selection expected to have: the case of the psychic conse- problems concerned with the case or the case- quences is constructed before the investigation group. The second section focuses on aspects of is started. Problems that arise in this initial con- the selection of material, and the final section struction have been demonstrated by Merkens deals with aspects of case interpretation. (1986) in the re-analysis of a field study that was carried out on the subject of ‘Turks going shop- 1 CASE SELECTION ping’. The difficulty consisted of identifying Turks as Turks, because Turks encountered in Selection procedure the field were supposed to be observed shop- ping. This required that indicators be set up to A first decision concerns the selection of the identify, amongst the shopping population, particular case: classical qualitative investigations those who were Turkish. Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 166


Dilthey (1968a,b, 1996) had also formulated element of self-interest with their willingness to criteria for the pre-construction of cases for the open one or more doors. humanities, when he declared that, in order to Morse (1994) has divided the importance of understand a particular era, it was a sound method accessibility into primary selection – where the to use analyses of the biographies of prominent cases in the investigation are selected in a tar- people. This approach was guided by the idea geted way – and secondary selection from some that historical epochs are shaped by culture and other perspective. The latter occurs when, in a that culture is shaped by its leading repre- particular investigation, the ‘cases’ are invited to sentatives. Here there was a need to identify apply by means of an advertisement or some witnesses. other appeal. In the second case accessibility is subject to certain restrictions: the participants in the investigation must activate themselves. The Accessibility first type always occurs when individuals, events or activities are deliberately included in a In the same way as in quantitative studies, sample. Since the researchers must often choose significance is attached to the accessibility of a personal means of access to the field, some the events, activities or individuals that form aspects of the secondary type of selection will the object of the investigation (Burgess 1991; frequently play a role. see 5.1). With individuals this problem can be In qualitative studies attention is often characterized by their willingness to be directed to another point that tends to be of reached: it is often the case that groups of interest as a validity problem (see 4.7): by virtue people who are to be investigated, or individ- of the fact that the investigator is the reporter of ual members of these groups, refuse to cooper- events, activities or individuals, his information ate. If this aspect is not dealt with – was it seems to be authentic. Authenticity is therefore possible to include all the desired events, activ- claimed as a feature of such studies. This has a ities or individuals in the investigation? – it tradition that may be traced back to Dilthey becomes impossible for an outsider to judge (1968a), who claimed that it was an essential the extent to which the case has been investi- feature of the humanities that they were based gated. Refusals or obstacles become important on experience. Experience, however, is authen- because they are often of a systematic nature. If tic for the one who experiences. The claim to this should be the case, then not including authenticity allows one to overlook the fact that them distorts the results in a particular direc- the selection of events, activities or individuals tion in relation to the totality of the case. In must meet certain criteria if it is to succeed in qualitative studies the stimulus for empirical producing findings that are not only true for the data collection often consists of guaranteeing case being investigated. accessibility to a particular case or a particular These problems may be illustrated with a fic- group or institution. Then it is not particular titious example: in the social sciences at present selection procedures that are in the fore- investigations of right-wing extremism are a ground, but rather that the selection is popular subject. For qualitative investigations at constituted by accessibility. least three problems arise in this connection. In this context gatekeepers play a particular role in qualitative studies. In the investigation 1 Are the persons involved in the present of organizations (see 3.11) there is often no refer- study right-wing extremists? ence to who the gatekeeper was and what 2 Is the spectrum of right-wing extremism additional gatekeepers within the organization appropriately depicted, or are there types of had to be or could be won over. Normally, for right-wing extremist of which those being instance, in the investigation of an enterprise investigated are not typical? one of the top managers has to be won over as a 3 Are the activities, events and persons that gatekeeper. But in addition the company board may be encountered in right-wing extrem- also plays a central role when it comes to selec- ism appropriately represented by the indi- tion of more interview partners. Information viduals included in the investigation? about the gatekeepers is important for evaluat- ing the results achieved and the question of Here a circle suggests itself: the selection of transferability, because gatekeepers often link an the group takes place according to the aspect Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 167


of accessibility and is not independent of the a particular sample (cf., for example, Denzin prejudices of the investigator. The conduct of the and Lincoln 1994c: 200). investigation remains influenced, within certain In quantitative methods the totality is known, limits, by the investigator’s prior knowledge and if findings are to be made there about the distri- the accessibility of the case. Case construction bution of features. The sample is normally made takes place within the limits fixed in this way. before data collection begins, or else it is com- An extension would require a larger sample, but pleted during the collection process using this – on the basis of the particular investigation – identical criteria. With qualitative methods the would yield no great advantage, because similar totality, represented by the case or case-group members of the group would be included. For under investigation, can often only be described this reason a study set up in this way can only at the end of the investigation. From this differ- give glimpses of the attitudes and activities of ence there derive differing goals to be pursued right-wing extremists. It requires supplementa- both in the investigation and also in the sampling tion by means of further investigations, but procedure. Whereas in many quantitative stud- these would probably be under similar restric- ies it is statistical representativity that is sought, tions. Comparability of results cannot be the with qualitative studies generalizability of object of studies of this sort. It is rather the case results is frequently the target, and this can be that further studies must be selected like supple- achieved when the sample, in terms of content, ments to a puzzle: a sample of investigations is represents the case being investigated (Merkens needed. The case is expanded into a case-group. 1997: 200). It is not a question of representing the distribution of features in totalities, but rather of determining what is typical of the Case-groups object under investigation and thereby ensuring its transferability to other, similar objects Case-groups may be composed and selected for (Hartley 1994: 225). at least two different reasons. In the first place, What is a problem with quantitative investi- it may be a matter of attempting to supplement gations – sampling – is transformed in qualita- or complete one’s knowledge in the way just tive investigations into a problem of content described. And in the second place, it may be a and interpretation: the definition of the totality question of an attempt at replication (Bourgeois for the case. With this, criteria for sampling and Eisenhart 1988: 818). This type requires a become visible (Merkens 1997: 102): it must be certain homogeneity of cases on which the gen- guaranteed that the case is represented with as eral applicability of the evidence obtained may many facets as possible. Patton (1990) proposes be tested. The selection criteria are characterized for this particular techniques covering sampling by assumptions about the similarity of the cases of extreme cases (169f.), sampling of typical cases under investigation. (173f.) and sampling of critical cases (174ff.). For example, in organizations not all of those interviewed should come from the same level in 2 SAMPLING the hierarchy or belong to a single department, if the culture of an organization is being investi- Sampling techniques gated (Morgan 1988: 42). In addition, the inves- tigation should involve not only favourable To achieve a systematic approach to data in cases that confirm the existing state of our qualitative studies, two conditions must be ful- knowledge, but also unfavourable or critical cases, filled: first there must be a clear idea of the case and apart from the management perhaps also to be investigated, and secondly there must be the board, or the parents and pupils as well as documentation of feasible techniques in the the teachers in a school, to give but two exam- taking of samples of individuals, events or acti- ples. In sampling the maximal possible varia- vities. Patton (1990: 169ff.) provides an overview tion should be sought (Patton 1990: 172f.). of this. It is surprising that even the most recent In sampling there are two different modes of handbooks on qualitative methods include no procedure: on the one hand the sample, before articles on this problem, but merely contain the the start of the investigation, can be set up with observation that little value is attached, in quali- reference to particular features, that is to say, tative studies, to determining the framework of every element in the sample is included on the Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 168


basis of a set of criteria. On the other hand the of triangulation (see 4.6), which has hitherto samples can be extended and supplemented on rarely been presented in this way. In the sense of the basis of the particular level of knowledge research economy and the validation of results achieved (theoretical sampling). The concrete such combinations of samples are desirable. technique of sampling in the latter case may Huberman and Miles (1994: 440) require that, in therefore be modified during the investigation addition, processes, events, locations and times in line with considerations of relevance (Flick are adequately represented in the sample. From 2002; Wiedemann 1995). a technical point of view we are dealing in such Johnson (1990: 21ff.) undertakes, for the first cases with stratified samples. case, an assessment of the advantages and dis- Apart from features that help in the descrip- advantages of particular methods of sampling tion of the sample, procedures and criteria can by comparing random sampling – even with also be formulated which guide the taking of a qualitative methods he sees the possibility of sample and describe the quality of the content representative sampling – with sampling where of the sample. For the taking of the sample different criteria have been applied, such as the itself, in many cases where, at the outset of the fact that informants in ethnographic studies investigation, there is no fixed sampling plan, should occupy key positions in social networks there is a procedure based on the snowball (cf. Bernard 1988). Samples of this sort are often method (Burgess 1982; Hornby and Symon taken purposefully and not according to the 1994: 169f.; Patton 1990: 176f.): those who have principle of randomness (Miles and Huberman been interviewed are asked who else they could 1994: 36). Flick (1996), in an investigation of recommend for an interview (cf. also Herwartz- the social representation of technological Emden 1986). This procedure leads to clustered change, took a stratified sample in which pro- samples, because nominations take place, as a fession, gender and nationality were used as rule, within a circle of acquaintances. defining features of the layers. Similarly, Blank At different hierarchical levels in the field of (1997: 37f.), with 60 selected interviewees, ini- investigation a decision has to be taken, accord- tially used the demographic variables of ‘gen- ing to what is possible, for either a ‘bottom-up’ der’, ‘age’ and ‘old versus new (German) federal or a ‘top-down’ procedure. In the last few years states’, and for 22 subjects interviewed later he studies of this type have been carried out with used the additional variable of ‘social commit- the aim of describing organizational cultures. ment’. Samples can also be differently stratified Here, in the first phase of the investigations, the according to functions, when investigations process has been limited to the involvement of within organizations are involved. ‘top management’ in the research. It was clearly In the investigation of an organization at least a leading assumption that cultures are influ- different samples must be taken: one of employees enced by managers. In small and medium-sized and one of events, because in organizations companies it was possible to include all the employees take part in events. Meetings are managers. More precise investigations of enter- examples of such events. For this reason a dif- prise culture also had to incorporate employees ferent rationale applies in the taking of samples: from lower levels in the hierarchy. To achieve the researcher asks about events and expects this two different procedures are available: on from this that the relevant information about a the one hand it must be guaranteed that the suitable selection of events can be obtained different areas within the organization are (Hornby and Symon 1994). Here the different represented. For this purpose a sample is taken activities that are to be encountered in an orga- according to the organigram (Johnson 1990: nization should be included. The differentiation 40ff.). On the other hand it must be guaranteed according to activities, events and individuals that different viewpoints are represented and should not be understood in an either/or sense: that the informants show themselves to be well it is rather a matter of different aspects that informed (Bergs-Winkels 1998). With the tech- must be borne in mind in taking the sample. If, niques outlined above the question must be in respect of events, one were to combine par- asked, ‘When is a sample large enough?’ Kvale ticipant observation (event sample) and interro- (1996: 102) proposes a rule whereby one can gation of participants (sample of individuals), cease to conduct further interviews when no then there would be an intersection between new information would be obtained from new the two varieties of sample. This is a special case interview partners (theoretical saturation). Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 169


In taking a sample other criteria may also play events (Kirchhöfer 1998). It is through selected a part, such as the quality of informants sections and segments that we can construct (Spradley 1979). Hornby and Symon (1994), for what is typical in a particular case. In this way it example, concentrate on key informants in becomes apparent that there must be some basic their investigations of information flows in understanding of the case before the events are organizations. In Morse (1994: 228) we find a selected. Here a kind of circle becomes clear that characterization of this kind of informant: is typical of this sort of sampling. The selection of events for description takes place on the basis of • they have available the knowledge and expe- prior knowledge. Then the case is reconstructed. rience that the investigators need; • they are capable of reflection; • they are articulate; Theoretical sampling • they have time to be interviewed; • they are willing to take part in the At this point a further distinction must be investigation. added. According to Blumer (1969), a distinc- tion can be made, in empirical investigations, In addition, selection takes place according to between the phases of inspection and explo- one further criterion: on the one hand informa- ration. In principle only procedures for investi- tion is related to function and the knowledge gations with the goal of inspection have so far associated with it; and on the other hand it may been outlined. With these a certain level of be obtained in a particular dense fashion from knowledge of the case is already present, and individuals who occupy a key position in net- this makes it possible to undertake a provisional works. The requirement to select particularly construction at the start of the investigation. those informants who are especially knowledge- Many qualitative studies are carried out in this able presupposes that the researcher has some tradition. But when sampling has been reported, prior knowledge of the case to be investigated. in principle only a single method has been presented, which is oriented, in Blumer’s (1969) sense, to an exploratory procedure, because it Single-case has only been established in the course of the investigation what individuals, events and The single-case may be an individual, a group activities are to be included in the investigation. or an organization. In a single-case study, with Compared to the procedure so far described, the regard to selection, there must be a justification order has been inverted. of why this particular case was chosen. Here a Exploratory studies are a special case, because valid reason might be either the special case – what is characteristic of them is that the case is the artist whose life-story is being prepared not yet known but is only constructed in the because it seems to contain something typical – course of the investigation. A procedure is or the general case – the steel-worker whose recommended that is oriented to the premises daily routine is being pursued to present what it of grounded theory (Glaser and Strauss 1967; contains that is typical of a situation. Frequently see 2.1, 5.13, 6.6). Johnson (1990) describes this a series of single-cases are presented, such as type as having a framework that only emerges in those of the Shell Studies (Jugendwerk der the course of the investigation. Schatzmann and Deutschen Shell 1981, 1985, 1991, 1997). The Strauss (1973: 38f.) had called it ‘selective aim here is to look at what is typical of a life- sampling’ and justified this description on the situation of the youth in Germany. For this grounds that choices have to be made during reason criteria for the selection must be set up. the taking of samples. These choices are made in With a single-case, in addition to selecting the the tradition described here in the sense of deliber- case, a framework of criteria for the selection of ate selection. They have distinguished between events must also be developed, which will guide the dimensions of time, place, individuals, events the collection of data and the description of the and activities, and have thereby pointed to a case. If, for example, a daily routine is to be multi-perspectivity that should be borne in represented it would not be possible, either mind in sampling in this tradition. Strauss through outsider-observation or by means of a (1987: 16ff.) refers to this method as theoretical self-report, to achieve a complete account of the sampling (cf. Glaser and Strauss 1967). In this he Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 170


distinguished three stages: data collection, importance is attached to these aspects, an exact coding and the formulation of theoretical description of all the additional parts of the memos. On the basis of both coding and the sampling procedure, and of the expectations formulation of memos it may become necessary associated with this expansion, becomes very to collect new data. On the one hand this can be important. caused by the fact that one needs confirmation With theoretical sampling one of the decisive of what has been discovered, and on the other differences compared to other sampling tech- hand it can assist the researcher to check what niques lies in the fact that the ideas about the has already been discovered by means of a case at the beginning of the investigation are broadening of the database with reference to the still vague and only crystallize in the course of general applicability of the result. In theoretical the investigation. In that sense no case can be sampling a decision is taken on the basis of pre- constructed at the beginning: the construction vious analysis as to what groups or subgroups of of the case is shifted to the research process populations, events and activities should next itself. be included in the investigation. Strauss and Corbin (1990: 181) even go so far as to say that only events should be selected; in other words 3 CASE CONSTRUCTION individuals should be included in relation to events. Events are what constitute the basis of Ragin and Becker (1992) ask provocatively in the investigations. the title of their book: ‘What is a Case?’ In the Eisenhardt (1995: 72) points out, in addition, course of the above, some indication has already that the selection of individual cases in the been given of what a case is, but some addi- tradition of this theory might well be possible tional clarification is needed. A first variant is according to the principle of chance, but that provided by the example already mentioned, of this would make no sense. Here, with reference the investigation of right-wing extremists – to a further aspect, he again underlines the sig- cases are simply found (Harper 1992). The case nificance attached to the goal-directed selection is discovered as a particular empirical entity that must be applied not only in sampling but (Ragin 1992: 9). From this we must distinguish also in the selection of cases. other empirical examples in which this natural On this basis we find another type of quality cannot be assumed. Cases may also be sequence in an investigation: after a first phase seen as objects; they are discovered on the basis of data collection hypotheses are formulated, of studies of the literature (Vaughan 1992). In which are then tested with the aid of further this variant we are dealing with empirical data, and further cycles may follow this. With entities that represent general concepts (Ragin each of the interim stages it must be considered 1992: 9f.). In a third variant cases are construc- what a supplementary sample would have to tions (Wieviorka 1992). Theoretical constructions look like, given the present state of our knowl- are produced on the basis of these cases (Ragin edge, in order to check or support the level of 1992: 10). With a fourth type cases are related to knowledge so far attained. It must therefore be conventions (Platt 1992). General assumptions decided in every case what new or supplemen- about the cases are constructed in this fashion tary sample would be of greatest value. Schwartz (Ragin 1992: 10f.). In spite of these differences and Jacobs (1979) add that a promising way for- general rules may be formulated, except in the ward would be to include in the investigation fourth type. At the end of an investigation the totally different groups, who go through the case in question must be constructed. As a first same process, in order to test what is right or step in this process there must be a formulation wrong in respect of ideas about structural uni- of preliminary assumptions that led to the selec- formity. In a similar vein, Miles and Huberman tion of the particular case and guided the (1994: 37) describe the research process in qual- sampling during the investigation. Through the itative studies as contrast, compare, repeat, cat- preliminary assumptions and these criteria alogue and classify. This makes it clear that with intersubjectivity can be established in respect of theoretical sampling the critical testing of the case these steps. As a second step there should be a is already part of its construction. This is an description of whether the samples were based essential difference from the other techniques of on primary or secondary selection. Thirdly, the sampling described here. But because such great role of the gatekeepers should be assessed; and Flick 4.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 171


fourthly, the quality of the samples should be intersubjectivity of scientific knowledge. On the described. At the same time – if the sampling other hand it makes it possible to verify the case criteria were established before the start of the in further investigations. By means of describing investigation – a distinction should be made the framework that has been set up in this fash- between representative, stratified and clustered ion the generalizability of the results can also be samples. If only occasional sampling is used, ensured, because the setting of the case or case- this should also be characterized. group, and from these the case context, become In the further course of the investigation clear. But we can only generalize within the there must be a description of the stages where particular context. the case took on a particular form and of the particular methods of sampling used in response to this. Here it is a matter of including cases that FURTHER READING support the currently held view, in the sense of a replication of individual cases, but it also con- cerns the search for critical cases that might Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative serve to contradict this view. Lastly, the database Research, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. of the investigation must be described, and it must be shown how this relates to the results Patton, M. Q. (1990) Qualitative Evaluation and that have been achieved. In this way both the Research Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. particular and the general features of the case can be elaborated. On the one hand this process Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (1990) Basics of exposes the verifiability of the case construc- Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: tion, which is an important precondition for the Sage. Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 172

4.5 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Not in Opposition

Udo Kelle and Christian Erzberger

1 Introduction 172 2 Models of the integration of methods 172 3 The integration of qualitative and quantitative research results 174 4 Strategies for the integration of methods 176

1 INTRODUCTION 1995, Roller et al. 1995), but as a rule qualitative and quantitative stages of data collection and There is a strong tendency to locate qualitative analysis are carried out in parallel in a research and quantitative methods in two different project, each having their own data sets, and methodological paradigms and, in so doing, to the resultant research outcomes are then related draw attention to their different philosophical to one another (cf. Erzberger 1998; Erzberger roots. Already the use of the term paradigm and Prein 1997; Prein et al. 1993). allows one to think that we are dealing with In what follows we shall discuss questions of fundamentally incompatible ways of thinking the integration of qualitative and quantitative and looking at the world. research results and shall draw attention not However, the frontier between qualitative and only to the advantages of an integration of quantitative research does not need to be quite so methods, but also to possible incompatibilities, impenetrable. There have long been a number of difficulties and problems. studies which have attempted to develop a basis in both technical methods and methodology for integrating the two approaches (cf. Barton and 2 MODELS OF THE Lazarsfeld 1955; Denzin 1978; Fielding and INTEGRATION OF METHODS Fielding 1986; Flick 1992b; Erzberger and Kelle 2001; Kelle 2001). Independently of this, in In methodological discussions of the integra- research practice interpretative ‘qualitative’ pro- tion of methods two different concepts may cedures (such as focus groups, see 5.4, or non- be distinguished: on the one hand quantitative standardized interviews, see 5.2) are more and methodologists frequently speak of a phase- more frequently being linked with standardized model, in which qualitative methods would ‘quantitative’ methods for the purpose of joint be used to generate hypotheses and quantitative research designs (cf. Freter et al. 1991; Nickel methods for hypothesis testing. Qualitatively et al. 1995). oriented writers, on the other hand, often sup- In this process, admittedly, methods them- port an approach in which the union of quali- selves are rarely combined (for example, by first tative and quantitative methods would shed analysing textual data interpretatively and then light on the same object from direct perspec- with the aid of statistical methods, cf. Kuckartz tives and in different ways, thereby giving a Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 173


more comprehensive and valid picture: for this arbitrary hypotheses, and why they do not kind of procedure the term triangulation (see 4.6) rather simply sit at their desks waiting for intui- is often used. tions or pulling hypotheses out of a tombola. The weak point, from a theoretical point of view, of a one-sided hypothetical deductive The phase-model approach lies in the fact that it does not deal with the question of whether the context of In their approach, which has now become a discovery can be (at least partially) rationalized or classic, Barton and Lazarsfeld (1955) propose the incorporated into a method. If the researcher use of qualitative studies for the generation of does not have available any procedural rules hypotheses that will subsequently be tested in for the generation of hypotheses any strategies quantitative investigations. The authors see as developed for the testing of hypotheses will the main virtue of qualitative procedures the also fail. Ultimately these can only use such possibility of exploring relationships that have hypotheses as derived from what the researcher in the past received little theoretical attention. already knows. All other facts remain obscure Because the results of qualitative studies were and, accordingly, cannot appear in the hypothe- normally based only on small numbers of cases, ses. ‘They are therefore not tested and are con- often following an unsystematic procedure, the sequently missing from the scientific picture of qualitatively developed hypotheses and theories this area of reality. If such facts are constitutive (see 2.1, 6.6) had to be tested, using procedures of the area under investigation, the scientific that allowed a precise measurement of variables representation remains disconnected from real- defined in advance. Although in the understand- ity – even when it can rely on empirically ing of the two authors quantitative research is confirmed hypotheses’ (Gerdes 1979: 5). clearly superior to qualitative research in respect The methodological one-sidedness of many of the validity of the results, qualitative methods methodologists who are otherwise oriented to still have a more than marginal significance in the natural sciences is also surprising in view of the research process: they can provide the inves- the fact that it is precisely the natural sciences tigator with hypotheses that could not have that give examples of how a methodically con- been arrived at in any other way. trolled discovery of relevant phenomena in a The approach of Barton and Lazarsfeld differs quantitatively measured field of investigation in this respect from the hypothetical-deductive must, of necessity, take account of certain concepts that constitute the standard view in aspects of these phenomena. For example, in many textbooks of methods (e.g. Diekmann analytical chemistry the quantitative analysis of 1995; Schnell et al. 1999). The idea that hypo- certain substances regularly has, as its pre- theses should be developed on the basis of an condition, a qualitative analysis of these sub- empirical foundation is alien to such concepts – stances. Moreover, the current theory of science the development of hypotheses is understood as debate, with its critical–rational character, in a creative rather than a methodological under- which questions of the methodological and taking. So long as textbooks of methods in rational character of the context of discovery and the social sciences adhere to such views and, at the value of ‘rational heuristics’ have been vig- the same time, a phase-model of integration of orously discussed for the past 30 years (for an methods, they are arguing inconsistently: on the overview of this debate see Kelle 1994), has been one hand they recommend, in the context of given insufficient attention in the literature of discovery, the carrying out of qualitative prelimi- quantitatively oriented methodology. Barton nary studies, but on the other hand they claim and Lazarsfeld take account, at least implicitly, that it is impossible to methodologize these, and of the existence of such a rational heuristics, that, for this reason, they have no confidence in because ultimately it can only be sensible the results of such studies (e.g. Friedrichs to carry out a qualitative preliminary study to 1973/1983: 52ff.; Mayntz et al. 1969: 93). From generate hypotheses if this at least helps to the point of view of research pragmatics, how- narrow the spectrum of possible hypotheses in ever, it remains unclear why researchers should some reasonable way, that is, if in principle the take the trouble to carry out field observation hypotheses generated in this way are better than and interviews, if the only result of this is just ‘any hypotheses’. Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 174


The triangulation metaphor different aspects of the same object, or even with different objects, then of course different In the use of the term ‘triangulation’ (see 4.6), results are to be expected without this being which is borrowed from navigation and land- able to provide the key to their lack of validity. surveying and in those disciplines refers to the We have, therefore, two readings of the trian- determination of a location by measuring from gulation metaphor: triangulation as a cumulative two known points, we see an expression of the validation of research results, and triangulation idea that although qualitative and quantitative as an enlargement of perspectives that permit a procedures are different, in certain respects they fuller treatment, description and explanation of are of equal methodological value. The concept the subject area. Here, in more recent literature, was originally developed in the context of the aspect of complementarity, or the enlarge- quantitative methods, where the use of differing ment of perspectives as opposed to the valida- instruments of measurement (Campbell and tion aspect, is emphasized: ‘Triangulation is less Fiske 1959) or of different methods (Webb et al. a strategy for validating results and procedures 1966) was believed to increase the validity of the than an alternative to validation … which results of an investigation. When Denzin took increases scope, depth and consistency in up this term in 1970, to justify a methodologi- methodological proceedings’ (Flick 2002: 227). cal integration of qualitative and quantitative procedures, he initially used it to refer to a pro- cedure for the reciprocal validation of methods 3 THE INTEGRATION OF QUALITATIVE and research results: ‘methodological triangula- AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH tion involves a complex process of playing each RESULTS method off against the other so as to maximize the validity of field efforts’ (Denzin 1978: 304). General models for the integration of methods Starting with the idea that qualitative and are mostly developed at an abstract method- quantitative procedures bring premises from ological level. If one confronts them with expe- different theoretical traditions to the research rience from research practice (Erzberger and process, a number of authors set this view against Kelle 2001; Erzberger and Prein 1997; Kelle another concept of triangulation, according to 2001; Prein et al. 1993; Tashakkori and Teddlie which qualitative and quantitative methods are 1998) it becomes clear that the relationship less suited to reciprocal validation than to between qualitative and quantitative research complementing each other (e.g. Fielding and results cannot be determined on the basis of a Fielding 1986: 33; Flick 1992b). These debates single model. One can assume neither that the reveal the limits of the concept of triangulation results of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as its systematic ambiguity: the term are fundamentally convergent and may there- ‘location of a place’, readily intelligible in the fore be used for reciprocal validation, nor that context of land-surveying, is not precisely defined qualitative and quantitative results achieved in empirical social research. Here the ‘calcula- under different conditions can be combined to tion of the location of a place by measuring give an appropriate general picture. The parallel from different points’ may mean that: use of qualitative and quantitative procedures in a common research design may lead, rather, to 1 the same social phenomenon is treated by dif- three types of outcome. Qualitative and quanti- ferent methods, or tative research results may: 2 it is used to treat different aspects of the same phenomenon or even different phenomena, the 1 converge, that is, tend to agree; representations of which may add up to a 2 constitute a complementary relationship, unified picture. that is, reciprocally supplement each other; or 3 diverge, that is, contradict each other. This distinction is in no sense a linguistic trick, since it is only when different methods are Convergence applied to the same object that they may be used for reciprocal validation of their findings. The fact that qualitative and quantitative proce- If, in contrast, different methods deal with dures for data collection and analysis may relate Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 175


to the same object may be used not only for the In biographical research statistically demonstrable application of the classical phase-model, that is, differences between particular professional for the validation of qualitative results by quan- groups may only be explained on the basis of titative studies, but also for the validation of additional qualitative material: it was shown, for quantitative instruments. This latter process example, in a quantitative study of the occupa- may take place, for example, in pre-test studies tional history of young skilled workers at the (using, perhaps, test questions or by means of beginning of the 1990s (cf. Kelle and Zinn 1998), ‘thinking aloud’) if the investigator is checking that young fitters had the greatest interest in fur- the extent to which interviewees understand ther professional training irrespective of school- test items in the way intended by the construc- leaving age, compared to other professional tors of a questionnaire. In this process qualita- groups. The analyses of structural variables gave tive material is used to establish how far the no indication of any connections with the labour items in question actually ‘measure what they market, because the tendency for members of this are supposed to measure’, that is to say, to what professional group to leave the professional field extent they are valid. To achieve this the quali- and seek further formal qualifications in the edu- tative and quantitative data cannot, of course, cational system could not be accounted for as a be in a complementary relationship, which reaction to poor job opportunities in the profes- means that they cannot reflect different facts sion for which they had trained. This statistical that would together produce an appropriate fact, which at first sight was not easy to under- overall picture. Instead they must relate to the stand, could only be explained by means of quali- same phenomena, such as the evaluation of a tative guided interviews which gave information particular fact by the interviewee. about professional cultures: the fitters who were A convergence of qualitative and quantitative interviewed had, on the one hand, developed a results, however, may also be used in the con- pronounced specialist consciousness in the course text of qualitative questioning. Qualitative of their training, and on the other hand their guided interviews used in biographical studies aspirations to further qualified specialist employ- may, for instance – if in the same sample bio- ment in their training place after qualification graphical data are collected by means of stan- had, as a rule, met with disappointment. Before dardized instruments – be structured with the accepting the offer of employment requiring a help of information from the quantitative part lower level of qualification, these young special- of the investigation. An example of this would ists often preferred to devote themselves to be when the qualitative interviews are carried further (often expensive) training. out using graphic material that portrays the Qualitative procedures can therefore often stages in a biography (Erzberger 1998: 183f.). help to fill gaps in explanations using ‘sociological variables’ where statistical rela- tionships are explained by additional assump- Complementarity tions after the event. Quantitative procedures are able to show super-individual structural Using qualitative investigations subjective inter- relationships which are not consciously pretations of ‘relevance limits’ and the action- observed by the individuals and which there- orientations of actors may be discovered in the fore cannot easily be obtained with qualitative empirical material about which the investigator interviews. In both cases the procedures had no prior theoretically based assumptions, and complement one another and give a more which therefore cannot be taken into account in comprehensive picture of the object under constructing the data-collection instruments. investigation. A precondition for this comple- Qualitative investigations, therefore, often yield mentarity is, of course, that there is a theoretical this type of information, which could not easily framework within which the individual results have been obtained using a quantitative research can be meaningfully related to one another. design (cf. Kelle 1994: 44ff.). Qualitative results, in this sense, often lead to Divergence (sociologically) profitable explanations where quantitative studies can, at best, describe relation- From these considerations we cannot derive ships on the basis of socio-demographic variables. a general ‘complementarity model’ for the Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 176


integration of qualitative and quantitative action orientations and meaning patterns are methods, because contradictions between the influenced by social structures, the linking of results of quantitative and qualitative partial qualitative and quantitative methods may serve investigations are not an uncommon pheno- to illuminate different aspects of social pheno- menon: in qualitative interviews the interviewees mena. Using quantitative methods the meaning frequently interpret their biographies differently of social-structural factors of context can then from the way they appear to the empirical social be investigated, and qualitative methods may be researcher in an aggregate statistical observation. used to study the way in which these contextual Whilst, for example, in a quantitative study of factors are interpreted by the actors. female employment biographies the first occu- Unlike many quantitatively oriented methodo- pation for which women have trained may logists, Barton and Lazarsfeld (1955) do stress appear as the decisive variable in the explana- the need for qualitative research in the process tion of differences between the careers of the of social scientific investigation, but ultimately interviewees, in qualitative interviews subjects attribute a marginal role to qualitative proce- often explain their own professional biographies dures. The concept of triangulation comprises largely in terms of events or influences from the many possibilities for the integration of qualita- family domain (cf. Born et al. 1996). Such con- tive and quantitative methods, and the different tradictions can, in principle, be explained in two functions of methodological integration in the ways: as a consequence of methodological errors, research process are even better. Of course, tri- or as an indication of the inadequacy of angulation can be understood in different ways, the theoretical concepts employed. In the case in depending on the research questions, research question it was only after all the possibilities of design and research results: the reciprocal vali- (qualitative and quantitative) methodological dation of results on the one hand, or the sup- artefacts had been excluded that a modification plementing of different viewpoints to form a to the theoretical framework was able to reveal unified picture of the object of investigation on the divergences: here processes of inter-partner the other hand. A unified concept of methodo- negotiation (that is, family influences) on the logical integration, which allots a particular basis of professional resources (first profession) logical or theoretical status to qualitative and were identified as the decisive causal factor for quantitative research results on an a priori basis – differences in the occupational biographies. perhaps in the sense that qualitative and quan- Divergences between qualitative and quanti- titative results would have to complement each tative results, therefore, can motivate the revi- other – cannot therefore be derived from these sion and modification of initial theoretical different functions and applications of methodo- assumptions or even stimulate the development logical integration. The results of qualitative of new theoretical concepts. In a procedure of and quantitative studies may converge, comple- this sort, however, care must be taken not to ment or contradict one another, and each of immunize existing theoretical assumptions by these possibilities can be beneficial to the means of supplementary assumptions that are research process: for example, a divergence of introduced ad hoc. This means that concepts results enforces the formulation of more power- newly developed on the basis of the divergences ful theoretical models, with greater explanatory between qualitative and quantitative results can power and validity, which would never have only be trusted when they have been subjected been developed if the investigators had relied to additional empirical verification. on only one of the two methodological strands. It is a fundamental shortcoming of general models of methodological integration that they 4 STRATEGIES FOR THE frequently attempt to formulate methodological INTEGRATION OF METHODS rules for methodological integration without formulating a relation to any theoretical ideas The use of qualitative procedures is particularly about the nature of the subject area under inves- indispensable when investigators have no a tigation. The right ‘mix of methods’, however, is priori access to the typical meaning patterns and always dependent on the nature of the subject action orientations in the subject area being area under investigation and the theoretical investigated. Depending on how much these concepts employed. Flick 4.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:32 PM Page 177



Alexander, J. C., Giesen, B., Münch, R. and Smelser, N. J. (eds) (1987) The Micro–Macro Link. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Kelle, Udo (2001) ‘Sociological Explanations between Micro and Macro and the Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods’, Forum: Qualitative Social Research (on-line journal), 2 (1). Available at: http://qualitative- research.net/fqs/fqs-eng.htm

Tashakkori, A. and Teddlie, C. (1998) Mixed Methodology. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (Applied Social Research Methods Series, Volume 46). London: Sage. Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 178

4.6 Triangulation in Qualitative Research

Uwe Flick

1 Triangulation as a validation strategy 178 2 Criticisms of triangulation 179 3 Forms of application 179 4 Systematic triangulation of perspectives 181 5 Practical problems of triangulation 181 6 Perspectives: triangulation between convergence and divergence 182

In social research the term ‘triangulation’ is has little in common with the way it is used in used to refer to the observation of the research surveying. The debate about non-reactive mea- issue from (at least) two different points. surement procedures (Webb et al. 1966) and the This is most often realized by means of apply- ‘multi-trait multi-method matrix’ approach of ing different methodological approaches. As a Campbell and Fiske (1959) constitute the starting strategy for the validation (see 4.7) of the proce- point for the general methodological discussion dures and results of empirical social research tri- of the concept. Greater attention within qualita- angulation has been given special attention, tive research has been given – even in the present particularly in the more recent publications day – to the suggestions of Denzin (1978), who on qualitative methods (cf. Marotzki 1995a; initially understood triangulation as a validation Schründer-Lenzen 1997). Triangulation is cur- strategy and distinguished the following four rently also being used in the debate about the different forms. relationship between qualitative and quantita- tive research (Jick 1983; see 4.5). In this chapter, • Triangulation of data combines data drawn however, we are primarily concerned with trian- from different sources and at different times, gulation within qualitative research, which has in different places or from different people. been the subject of serious discussion in recent • Investigator triangulation is characterized by literature (e.g. Flick 1998c; Seale 1999a,b; the use of different observers or interviewers, Steinke 1999). to balance out the subjective influences of individuals. • Triangulation of theories means ‘approaching 1 TRIANGULATION AS data with multiple perspectives and hypo- A VALIDATION STRATEGY theses in mind … . Various theoretical points of view could be placed side by side to assess The idea of triangulation was imported from their utility and power’ (Denzin 1978: 297). land surveying into the methodological litera- • Denzin’s central concept is methodological ture of the social sciences – admittedly in a rather triangulation ‘within-method’ (for example, metaphorical sense. Blaikie (1991) explains, for the use of different subscales within a ques- example, that its original use in the social sciences tionnaire) and ‘between-method’. Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 179


The goal of this last strategy is described by 3 FORMS OF APPLICATION Denzin as follows: ‘To summarize, methodo- logical triangulation involves a complex process The four forms of triangulation suggested by of playing each method off against the other so Denzin may be used – even bearing in mind the as to maximize the validity of field efforts’ criticisms we have listed – as starting points for (1978: 304). the realization of this strategy.

Triangulation of data 2 CRITICISMS OF TRIANGULATION In addition to verbal data – interviews (see 5.2) In a number of contexts there have been critical and group discussions (see 5.4) – visual data are discussions of triangulation as a strategy for currently receiving considerable attention in validation in the sense which we have outlined: qualitative research. Apart from the emphasis on too little attention is paid to the fact that every (not only participant) observation (see 5.5), different method constitutes the issue it seeks video-recordings and photos (Becker 1986a; see to investigate in a specific way (e.g. Bloor 1997: 5.6) are being used with increasing frequency, 39). If this aspect is neglected, triangulation and also the analysis of cinema films (Denzin is faced with the accusation of ‘extreme 1989c; see 5.7). As a result of this, new perspec- eclecticism’ (Fielding and Fielding 1986: 33). tives in the triangulation of data are emerging: Silvermann (1985: 21) feels that ‘This casts apart from their use in interviews (cf. Flick 2002, great doubt on the argument that multiple chs 8–9; Fuhs 1997), visual data may be triangu- research methods should be employed in a vari- lated with verbal data as an independent source ety of settings in order to gain a “total” picture of information (Harper, in 5.6, gives an example of some phenomenon … . Putting the picture of the linking of photos and interviews). together is more problematic than such propo- Completely new types of data, such as electronic nents of triangulation would imply. What goes data (see 5.8), are opening up further possibilities on in one setting is not a simple corrective to of triangulation with traditional types of data. what happens elsewhere – each must be under- stood in its own terms.’ Fielding and Fielding Investigator triangulation (1986: 33) sum up their criticism of Denzin’s ideas in the following terms: ‘We should Current implementations may be found in the combine theories and methods carefully and proposals that interpretations of collected data purposefully with the intention of adding should only be carried out in groups, so as to breadth or depth to our analysis but not for the expand, correct or check the subjective views purpose of pursuing “objective” truth.’ Blaikie of interpreters. In the context of objective (1991) complains that the combination of hermeneutics (Oevermann et al. 1979; see 5.16), different methods pays too little attention to this has long been required. Different ideas the respective theoretical backgrounds of the about research workshops (either in the sense of individual methods. Strauss 1987 or as they are used in biographical In his more recent work (e.g. Denzin 1989c: research and objective hermeneutics, see 6.2) 246; Denzin and Lincoln 1994a: 5), Denzin has are also indebted to this idea. taken up these criticisms and now understands triangulation as strategy leading to a deeper understanding of the issue under investigation, Within-method triangulation and thereby as a step on the road to greater knowledge, and less towards validity and objec- This principle may be clarified using the exam- tivity of interpretation. Triangulation is now ple of episodic interviews (Flick 1996, 2000b): seen less as a validation strategy within qualita- there some research issue (for example, technical tive research and more as a strategy for justify- change in everyday life) is explored by means of ing and underpinning knowledge by gaining invitations to narrate, focusing on experiences additional knowledge (Denzin and Lincoln in concrete situations. These are combined with 1994a: 5; cf. Flick 1992a,b). questions that focus more on definitions and Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 180


general answers. In this, questions are asked, for investigators are part of the research situation, example, about the concept of a computer, and non-reactive procedures (analysis of avail- which the interview partner has developed over able materials such as documents, photos, a long period of time (‘What do you associate diaries and the like, see 5.15), that is to say, today with the term “computer”? What types of data that were not set up for the investigation. equipment does it include?’). Before this the In this process, the boundaries of both methodo- interview partner is asked to talk about the situ- logical approaches are transcended. Moreover ation in which he or she was confronted with a the triangulation of different approaches makes computer for the first time (‘Could you describe it possible to capture different aspects of the for me the situation in which you first got an research issue – such as concrete examples of idea of what a computer is?’ or ‘Under what cir- professional activity and knowledge of one’s cumstances did you first come into contact with own modes of action and routines. a computer? Could you tell me about that situa- In a study of trust in counselling relationships tion?’) or situations in which the computer has (Flick 1989), subjective theories of consultants a special influence today in everyday life. In this about confidence were collected in semi- way, an attempt is made in such an interview standardized interviews and triangulated with systematically to unite the methodological conversation analyses of consultation talks approaches of the semi-structured interview and which the interviewees had had with their clients the narrative, using their respective strengths. in their everyday professional life. While the first On the one hand, this is intended to open up approach shed light on more general experiences complementary perspectives on the research and ideas on the part of the consultants about issue through the interviewees’ mode of experi- preconditions and essential prerequisites for the ence: as for the particular process-perspective creation of confidence, the second approach that becomes clear in (situational) narratives made it possible to show how these ideas could (‘When I first encountered a computer … ’), the successfully be translated into concrete action, or abstract description of a state (‘a computer for how and why this failed to happen. me is … ’) works in a complementary way. On Methodological triangulation is of particular the other hand, it is intended to clarify the dif- current interest in ethnography. In Lüders’s ferent facets of the subjective approach to the opinion (1995: 321), ‘ethnography is turning research issue. For example, a female French into a research strategy which embraces every information technologist, at an abstract level of conceivable and ethically tenable option for more general concepts, regularly talked of the collecting data’. Here the methodological gender-specific obstacles that generally make it approaches necessary to realize such options more difficult for women to handle computers are triangulated with each other, even when or technology. In the particular situations that the term is not always mentioned explicitly. The she recounted, on the other hand, what became end-result is less a reciprocal validation of the clear was a consistent success story of over- discoveries made using the individual methods coming difficult equipment and situations (cf. but an extension of the possibilities of discovery Flick 1996). about the aspect of life under investigation. Since different methods, such as observation or interviewing, tend to be combined in a rather Between-method triangulation ad hoc way in a situation of extended participation (see 5.5), it is also possible to speak of implicit Its is the combination of different methods, triangulation in ethnography (Flick 1998c). however, that is most strongly associated with Explicit triangulation occurs when ethno- the keyword triangulation, and in this different graphic methods of extended participation and emphases are given: on the one hand this refers field observation are deliberately combined with to the linking of qualitative and quantitative the use of (career-biographical or episodic) inter- methods (cf. Engler 1997; Flick 2002, ch. 21; see views with individual actors at individually 4.5) in different research designs. On the other agreed times. For example, in an ongoing pro- hand, Marotzki (1995b) proposes the combina- ject (cf. Gebauer and Flick 1998), regular ethno- tion of reactive procedures (for example, narra- graphic observations in fields where such new tive interviews, see 5.2, 5.11), in which the sports as inline-skating are practised are being Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 181


triangulated with episodic interviews conducted 4 SYSTEMATIC TRIANGULATION separately with individual athletes. The first OF PERSPECTIVES approach makes it possible to analyse the modes of action and communication, whilst the The proposal of ‘systematic triangulation of second clarifies the meaning of the sport and perspectives’ (Flick 1992a,b) leads in a similar the ‘scene’ for the participants. direction. Here different research perspectives If the concept of triangulation is taken seri- within qualitative research are combined with ously, it is characteristic of all of these variants one another in a targeted way, to complement that they see the procedures they combine as their strong points and to illustrate their respective being of equal value and that they do not begin limitations. This approach can be related to the by regarding one procedure as central and the four types of application discussed above, but others as preliminary or illustrative. will be outlined here as an example of the inter- relating of different methods, using the example already cited where consultants’ subjective Triangulation of theories theories of trust in relation to clients are recon- structed with interviews and communicative In combining different methods it must be validation (using the ideas of Scheele and borne in mind that each of them was developed Groeben 1988 and Kvale 1995a; see 4.7), and tri- against a different theoretical background. In angulated with conversation analyses and coun- concrete situations of triangulation the partially selling conversations. Here a number of different incompatible epistemological assumptions research perspectives are applied: the first about the research issue, or about (qualitative) approach focuses on subjective views (of the research in these different theoretical back- consultant), whereas the second approach targets grounds, are carried over by the methods. descriptions of everyday routines. This problem may be clarified with reference to In this way it was possible to realize two of the one of the examples mentioned above. The research perspectives of qualitative research that reconstruction of subjective theories proceeds were distinguished by Lüders and Reichertz from an explicitly subject-oriented understanding (1986). Using a different set of terminology of knowledge and action (summed up by the (Bergmann 1985), in the first approach a recon- keyword of the reflexive subject, Groeben 1990). structive procedure is applied and, in the second Conversation analysis, on the other hand, rests approach, combined with an interpretative on a more situation-oriented view of action procedure (for examples see Flick 1992b). This (summed up by the keyword of the conversational approach explicitly combines triangulation of machine) that largely dictates to the individual methods and data with a triangulation of theo- participant how he or she can or should react to retical perspectives. particular utterances of their interlocutor (see 5.17). This becomes a problem if such differences are not taken into account in the way the research 5 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS issue is understood. As a solution, a number of OF TRIANGULATION alternatives have been discussed: Blaikie (1991: 129), for instance, suggests only combining meth- Case triangulation ods within a single research approach, and points to the example of Cicourel (1975) who combined The most consistent variant is to apply the different methods with one another (‘indefinite triangulated methods to the same cases: coun- triangulation’) within an ethnomethodological seling conversations by the consultants who are approach. As an alternative to this, Fielding and being interviewed are collected and analysed, Fielding (1986) require that these theoretical per- and the persons being observed in a particular spectives be included in the analysis of the data field are (all) interviewed. This procedure makes obtained, of the convergence and divergences possible a case-related analysis of both types which the methods produce. Finally, Denzin of data and also makes it possible to compare (1989c) feels it is important to look at data from and interrelate, in the context of a single-case, different theoretical angles, in order to uncover the different perspectives opened up by the new facets of the theories in the data. methodological approaches. In addition, these Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 182


Data sets

Method I Triangulation Method II


Figure 4.6.1 Starting points for triangulation of methods

comparisons and interrelationships can also be both analyses and puts them in relation to each undertaken at a higher level: systems that other. As a practical problem the question arises emerge from a comparison of one type of data here of how comparability of the samples, where (for example, sequential patterns in counselling the different methods have been applied, can be conversations) can be set against patterns guaranteed. In addition it must be clarified from the comparison of other types of data whether the different methods can be applied at (emphases and blind spots that may be deter- the same time or whether, because of project mined in respect of all subjective theories or planning and resources, the empirical steps have specifically for particular professional groups). to be conducted sequentially – first the observa- Sampling decisions (see 4.4) are only taken tional data are collected and analysed and then once, because the same selection of cases is used the interviews are conducted and analysed. In for both types of data. this case possible influences of the different The disadvantages are, first, that the load for times on content should not be forgotten. an individual participant in an investigation is often unreasonably large: to be ready for an interview and in addition to provide a coun- 6 PERSPECTIVES: TRIANGULATION selling conversation is, if measured against the BETWEEN CONVERGENCE AND normal requirement of taking part in a study, a DIVERGENCE comparatively heavy burden. Secondly, the danger of dropout rises markedly. Everyone who The aim of the triangulation of different refuses to provide either an interview or a coun- approaches and perspectives at both levels (cf. selling conversation is ‘lost’ to the entire inves- Figure 4.6.1) should be less a matter of obtaining tigation that seeks to triangulate on the basis of convergence in the sense of confirmation of the particular case. what has already been discovered. The triangu- lation of methods and perspectives is particu- Triangulation of data sets larly useful for theory-development, when it can elucidate divergent perspectives, when – to take up Finally, in observations on open spaces (such as the above example again – the action of the sport ‘scenes’) there is a problem that so many consultant is different from what his or her sub- people have to be observed that not all of them jective theory about confidence would lead us can be interviewed. For that reason, case trian- to expect. gulation is not possible, and so it should be Then we have a new perspective that requires implemented at the level of data sets. theoretical explanations. From this kind of The individual methods are initially applied understanding of triangulation we may make independently of each other, which produces a connections to the idea of ‘theoretical sampling’ set of observations and a series of interviews. and the theoretical saturation of Glaser and Both are analysed to assess what they have in Strauss (1967). In accordance with this, Glaser common and where they differ. Triangulation and Strauss (1967: 68) maintain that ‘a theory then relates in practical terms to the results of generated from just one kind of data never fits, Flick 4.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 183


or works as well, as a theory generated from FURTHER READING diverse slices of data on the same category’. In the process of theoretical sampling (see 4.4), further methods are also consistently used if the Denzin, N. K. (1978) The Research Act, 2nd edn. level of knowledge can thereby be increased. If Chicago: Aldine. (3rd edn. Englewood Cliffs, the inclusion of new data no longer delivers new NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.) knowledge then theoretical saturation has been reached. Where the use of further methods can Flick, U. (1992) ‘Triangulation Revisited – Strategy ‘only’ confirm knowledge that we already have, of or Alternative to Validation of Qualitative in the sense of validating it, then triangulation Data’, Journal for the Theory of Social comes up against the border of theoretical satu- Behavior, 22: 175–197. ration. Accordingly, triangulation should be understood as a means of extending our knowl- Seale, C. (1999) ‘Quality in Qualitative Research’, edge of the research issue. Qualitative Inquiry, 5: 465–478. We therefore have three modes of application for triangulation: as a validation strategy, as an approach to the generalization of discoveries, and as a route to additional knowledge. Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 184

4.7 Quality Criteria in Qualitative Research

Ines Steinke

1 Basic positions for the evaluation of qualitative research 184 2 Starting points for the formulation of core criteria 185 3 Core criteria for qualitative research 186

How can the quality of qualitative research be qualitative research. The main criteria are determined? What criteria should it satisfy? The objectivity, reliability and validity from question of what criteria can be used to measure experimental–statistical and hypothesis-testing the scholarly value, quality and validity of research and from psychometrics (tests, ques- qualitative research is frequently asked, but the tionnaires, scales and so on). Behind these is the responses in the corresponding articles, text- widely used concept of ‘unity-criteria’ according books and manuals are either very general to which all research has to be evaluated. or unsystematic. The further establishment of Criteria from quantitative research are adapted qualitative research in the overall landscape of here to qualitative research by being reformu- empirical social research will depend essentially lated and operationalized (such as ‘inter-coder upon defining appropriate criteria for its evalu- reliability’, suggested by Kelle et al. 1993; Kirk ation. In this chapter a critical overview is given and Miller 1986; Lincoln and Guba 1985; of the heterogeneous literature on quality crite- Mayring 2000b). Here we must also include the ria for qualitative research, and this is summed proposal of Miles and Huberman to incorporate up under three basic positions. Then core crite- qualitative criteria (such as credibility) into the ria are formulated for the evaluation of qualita- well-known schema of quantitative criteria tive research together with ways of safeguarding (objectivity, reliability, validity): and testing it. • Objectivity/confirmability of qualitative investigations 1 BASIC POSITIONS FOR THE • Reliability/dependability/auditability EVALUATION OF QUALITATIVE • Internal validity/credibility/authenticity RESEARCH • External validity/transferability/fittingness • Utilization/application/action orientation. In discussions of quality criteria for qualitative (1994: 278–280) research three positions may be distinguished. Independent criteria of Quantitative criteria for qualitative research qualitative research Adherents of the second position have funda- It is characteristic of this first position that criteria mental doubts about the transferability of quan- from quantitative research are transferred to titative criteria to qualitative research. Unlike the Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 185


representatives of the first position, they take the Postmodern rejection of criteria particular theoretical, methodological and pro- cedural character of qualitative research as Those who hold this third position generally a starting point for the formulation of approp- argue against the possibility of formulating riate criteria. The following aspects are often criteria for qualitative research. discussed. 1 From a postmodern perspective it is postu- 1 Communicative validation (Kvale 1995b; lated that it is impossible to relate criteria to Terhart 1981, 1995): data or events from the a fixed referential system (e.g. Richardson research are presented to the subjects of the 1994: 552; J. K. Smith 1984: 383). investigation with the aim that they assess them 2 Shotter (1990: 69) argues, from a social- in respect of their validity. In the English- constructivist viewpoint (see 3.4), that the language literature this is referred to as ‘member assumption that the world is socially con- check’. structed is incompatible with standards for 2 Triangulation: the use of complementary the evaluation of epistemological claims, methods, theories, data or investigators in the because this would involve abandoning the research is intended to compensate for any basis of social constructivism. one-sidedness or distortion that may result from 3 Denzin (1990b: 231) defines postmodern an individual method, theory, database or ethnography as being characterized in part researcher. Triangulation was initially regarded by the fact that researchers write their texts as an instrument of validation (Denzin 1978), in the first person singular, thereby over- but today it is discussed as a methodological coming the division between the observer technique that leads to a broader and deeper and observed reality and no longer asking understanding of the research issue (Denzin themselves questions about reliability and 2000b; Flick 2002; see 4.5, 4.6). validity (see 2.7, 5.22). 3 Validation of the interview-situation: inter- views and their sequencing (see 5.2, 5.3) are analysed with regard to whether the inter- 2 STARTING POINTS FOR THE viewees are talking ‘truthfully’ or sincerely. In FORMULATION OF CORE CRITERIA concrete terms, what is being checked is whether there are indications that a working In contrast to this we shall suggest in section 3 relationship between researcher and intervie- core criteria for the evaluation of qualitative wee has not been established (Groeben et al. research against the background of the follow- 1988; Kvale 1996; cf. Legewie 1987). This rela- ing considerations. tionship should be characterized by openness, trust, willingness to collaborate and the lowest 1 Qualitative research cannot exist without possible power-difference between researcher evaluation criteria. The rejection of criteria in and informant. accordance with the third position conceals the 4 Authenticity (Guba and Lincoln 1989: risk of randomness and arbitrariness in qualita- 254ff. Manning 1997). This criterion for qualita- tive research. This can result, not least, in prob- tive evaluation research relates to domains such lems for the further recognition of qualitative as the following. Was sufficient care taken with research beyond its own narrow scientific com- the statements of interviewees and the underly- munity (see 6.5). On the very basis of con- ing value-structures during the research process? structivist assumptions it is not obligatory to Were the multiple constructs of informants col- dispense with criteria. Postmodern and con- lected appropriately during the research process, structivist social researchers are confronted, were they related systematically to one another, rather, with the problem of convincing others of and were they tested for their validity, by ‘mem- the value and quality of their investigations and ber check’ with the informants? Are any new results (cf. Lincoln and Guba 1985: 290). orientations for the informants being initiated Furthermore, the increasing tendency to treat during the research process? Is the research for qualitative research more as a Kunstlehre (art) decision-making purposes or as a stimulus for (cf. Denzin and Lincoln 1994b) or a ‘research style’ action? (Strauss 1987, 1995b), and less as a procedure Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 186


capable of formalization, does not exempt the meaning of these words: reliability, for instance, researcher from the use of evaluation criteria. is equated with trustworthiness or dependability Indeed, these should be able to cope with such and predictability. The deliberate omission of developments in qualitative research. In partic- the terms ‘objectivity’, ‘reliability’ and ‘validity’ ular, constructivist approaches are a suitable is intended to guarantee that meanings in the platform for the formulation of a consistent following proposed core criteria will have their epistemological and methodological framework own profile. Secondly, many forms of objectivity, for the development of quality criteria for qual- reliability and validity were developed for stan- itative research. (cf., for more detailed discus- dardized research and are therefore only trans- sion, Steinke 1999: 81ff.) The results of ferable to qualitative research under certain qualitative studies are treated and evaluated as conditions. The use of these terms could result products of different decisions and construc- in different and partially unjustified expecta- tions within the research process (cf. also tions in respect of the criteria discussed below. Terhart 1995: 375). 2 Quantitative criteria are not suited to the eval- uation of qualitative research. Quantitative criteria 3 CORE CRITERIA FOR were developed for completely different methods QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (such as tests or experiments), which are based, in turn, on corresponding methodologies and A conclusive discussion of criteria can only be scientific and epistemological theories. Since conducted with reference to the respective their basic assumptions are hardly compatible research questions, method, specific features of with qualitative research, it is unjustified to the research field and the object of the investi- expect that the latter can or should conform to gation. The object-, situation- and milieu- the criteria of quantitative research. In particular, dependent nature of qualitative research (cf. quantitative criteria cannot be directly trans- Lüders 1995: 319f.), the many different types of ferred to qualitative research, because of its com- qualitative research programmes and the paratively low formalizability or standardizability. severely restricted standardizability of method- There are, however, many incentives to formulate ological procedures in this area are in contradic- evaluation criteria coming out of the debate about tion with the idea of formulating a universal quantitative criteria (cf. Steinke 1999: 131ff.). and generally binding catalogue of criteria. This 3 For qualitative research criteria must be contradiction may be presented as a two-stage developed that take account of its own profile, procedure. that is to say, its particular features, goals, scien- First, the following formulation of central and tific and methodological starting points (see broadly conceived core criteria for qualitative Part 1). It is therefore less a matter of formulat- research and of procedures for checking them ing individual criteria, as has often been done, defines a catalogue of criteria according to but rather more the case that a system of crite- which qualitative research may be oriented. ria is needed that covers as many as possible of Secondly, the criteria and checking procedures the necessary aspects for the evaluation of qual- to be used need to be specified, modified and, if itative research. This must also include ways of necessary, supplemented by other criteria, in a operationalizing criteria so as to make it possible way that is specific to the investigation, that is, actually to check them. according to the research question, the issue and the method being used. For the criteria of qualitative research, the terms ‘objectivity’, ‘reliability’ and ‘validity’ are not used here for two reasons. First, these Inter-subject comprehensibility criteria have differing definitions. Validity in particular is rather differently understood in For qualitative research, unlike quantitative qualitative research than in the discussion of studies, the requirement of inter-subject verifia- quantitative research (cf. Steinke 1999: 203). bility cannot be applied. An identical replication Literature from the English-speaking world on of an investigation is impossible, if only because qualitative criteria (Kvale 1989: 73; e.g. Lincoln of the limited standardizability of procedures and Guba 1985: 292) sometimes interprets relia- in qualitative research. What is appropriate in bility and validity with reference to the everyday qualitative research is the requirement to produce Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 187


an inter-subjective comprehensibility of the research should (not) be transcribed, how unified the process on the basis of which an evaluation of transcription is and also whether the pre- results can take place. The guaranteeing and scribed rules have been followed. checking of comprehensibility may be carried • One use of documentation of data is to deter- out in three ways. mine whether a particular type of interview Documentation of the research process is the has been correctly carried out. principal technique. With this an external • Documentation of methods of analysis and public is given the opportunity to follow the of texts (verbal statements of those inves- investigation step by step and to evaluate the tigated and sometimes also documents) research process and the results which derive permit an evaluation of the interpretation from it. With this technique account can be and a check as to whether procedural taken of the unique dynamic that obtains in guidelines have been adhered to (Scheff every qualitative study between the issue, the 1994: 8). research questions and the methodological plan • A precise documentation of information (cf. also Mayring 1999: 104; Terhart 1995: 383). sources (Bryman 1988: 77; Kirk and Miller One advantage of the requirement for docu- 1986: 57f.; Silverman 1993: 146f.; Spradley mentation of the research processes lies in the 1980: 69f.) includes precise specification of fact that readers wishing to evaluate an investi- the sources from which information was gation are not tied to criteria that are either pre- obtained: determined or already applied in the particular – Verbal statements of interviewees study, but are free to assess the study in the light – Record of the meanings of interviewees’ of their own criteria. The creation of inter- statements subjective comprehensibility by means of docu- – The context in which the statement mentation may therefore be regarded as the occurred principal criterion or as a precondition for the – The investigator’s observations testing of other criteria. But what, in concrete – Hypotheses and interpretations on the terms, should be documented (see 6.5)? part of the investigator • The necessity of documenting the researcher’s • On the basis of these indications it becomes prior understanding, his or her explicit and clear what data underlie the interpretations. implicit expectations, results from the fact that They are a help to a reader who is seeking these influence perception (for example, in to reconstruct the perspectives of those observations), the choice or development of investigated. the methods used, and thereby the data col- • Documentation of decisions and problems lected and the understanding of the issue. The includes considerations of sampling and presentation of prior understanding makes it choice of method, and documentation of possible to decide whether the study really did contradictions that appeared in the analysis lead to any new discovery – that is, whether it and have not been solved. was only seeking to confirm ex-ante hypothe- • Finally, the criteria that the study should ses (see 4.2) or whether there was also some satisfy should also be documented. attempt to upset this prior knowledge. • Documentation of the collection method and Secondly, interpretations in groups are a discur- the collection-context includes precise specifi- sive way of producing inter-subjectivity and com- cation of the particular procedure used (such prehensibility by dealing explicitly with data and as the semi-structured interview) as well as their interpretation. Such interpretations are rec- information about how it was developed. ommended, for example, in objective hermeneu- Information about the context in which the tics (Garz and Kraimer 1994b: 13; Oevermann interview takes place makes it possible to et al. 1979: 393; see 5.16) and by Strauss (1987) assess the credibility of interview statements, within grounded theory (see 5.13; see also Kvale which, perhaps because of a lack of openness 1989; Mishler 1986). An approach that goes one or trust on the part of the interviewee, might step further is ‘peer de-briefing’ (Lincoln and be limited. Guba 1985: 308), where a project is discussed • Documentation of transcription rules (see 5.9) with colleagues who are not working on the same allows one to determine what information project. Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 188


Thirdly, the use of codified procedures derives important to know the areas of application from traditional ways of creating inter-subjectivity: and the limits of qualitative methods the unification of the methodological process. (for a typology cf. Flick 2002). If use can- Although qualitative research is difficult to stan- not be made of pre-existing methods for dardize it seeks, nevertheless, to find rule- the issue in question, then methods governed strategies and codification of research appropriate to the particular issue must techniques, which means explanation and sys- be developed. tematic analysis of the process with the aim of a • Is there sufficient room for the statements logical formulation of methods (Barton and and meanings of interviewees in view of Lazarsfeld 1955: 321, 359; Bohnsack 1999). the research issue? Are the informants’ Nowadays, for example, various codified proce- subjective perspectives, everyday modes dures are available in the form of the narrative of action and meanings shown to best interview (see 5.2), in objective hermeneutics advantage, with reference to the research (see 5.16), in the methods of grounded theory issue, and are they not too severely con- (see 5.13) and so on. If codified procedures are strained or pre-structured by methodo- used, the reader of a given publication has logical rules? Are the issues being access to information that facilitates checking or investigated in everyday contexts of the replication of the investigation. If no codified informants? procedures are adopted, it is essential to give • Do the procedures in use make it possible explicit information and detailed documenta- to immitate prior knowledge? The proce- tion about the steps in the analysis. dures for collection and analysis should be set up in such a way that invitations to the investigator’s prior knowledge are Indication of the research process possible. For this an abductive stance is required (see 2.1, 4.3, 5.21). Appropriateness to the research issue not only is • Did the investigator spend a long time in a feature of qualitative research (see Part 1), but the field (see 5.5)? In particular, if the can also be taken as a criterion as to whether investigator is unfamiliar with the life- this requirement has been met. The criterion of world of the informants, his or her presence indication has wider implications than the in the field should extend over a lengthy requirement of appropriateness to the issue, period of time. since it is not only the appropriateness of the methods of data collection and evaluation but 3 Indication of transcription rules. How precise the whole research process that is being judged should the transcriptions be? As a current in respect of its appropriateness (indication). consensus in the social sciences on the matter Here we must make a number of distinctions. of appropriate transcriptions of spoken dis- course Bruce (1992: 145, cited in O’Connell and Kowal 1995a: 96) proposes the following 1 Indication of the qualitative procedure in view features: of the research questions (see 4.1). Do these suggest a qualitative approach, or would other • manageability, that is, easy to write (for procedures be appropriate? For example, if the the transcriber) goal of the investigation is representativity or • readability, easy to learn and interpret distribution of the phenomenon over the (for the people, or computer, responsible population or if it is merely to test hypotheses, for processing; see 5.9). then use should be made of the appropriate 4 Indication of sampling strategy. To what quantitative methods. extent is there an indication of such things as 2 Indication of the choice of method(s). Are the the cases and situations being investigated? methods of collection and analysis appropri- Morse (1994: 228) gives guidance on who ate to the research issue? In more detail: makes a good informant. Is the sampling • Are the methods appropriate to the issue? goal-directed, and have informative cases Does the particular research issue corre- been selected? (For an overview of this, with spond to those for which the selected 15 different sampling strategies, cf. Patton method was designed? For this it is 1990: 169ff.) (see 4.4). Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 189


5 Indication of individual methodological is established; every negative case calls for decisions in the context of the whole investiga- a redefinition or reformulation’ (Bühler- tion. Do the methods of collection and Niederberger 1985: 478). analysis fit with one another? To what extent 4 From the theory generated prognoses may be is the research design indicated with regard derived and tested with regard to their occur- to the available resources (time, size of rence in the text (interviews, observations, project team? (See 4.1). etc.) (see 5.16). 6 Indication of evaluation criteria. Are the qual- 5 Communicative validation (see above) makes ity criteria applied to the study appropriate it possible to relate the theory developed in to the particular issue, the methods and the the research process back to the informants. research question(s)? Communicative validation is inappropriate if the generated theory is beyond the infor- mants’ ability to agree. This latter is particu- Empirical foundation larly true in objective hermeneutics, which reconstructs objective meanings beyond a The formation and testing of hypotheses or subjective-intentional level (see 5.16). theories in qualitative research should have an empirical foundation (or grounding), that is, it should be based on the data. Theory-formation Limitation should happen in such a way that there is a possibility of making new discoveries, and ques- This criterion serves the purpose, in the sense of tioning or modifying the investigator’s prior ‘testing the limits’, of determining and testing theoretical assumptions. Theories should be the area of application, or generalizability, of a developed close to the data (for example, the theory developed during the research process. informants’ subjective views and modes of For this purpose there must be an analysis of the action) and on the basis of a systematic data further conditions (contexts, cases, investigated analysis. For theory-testing implications or prog- groups, phenomena, situations and so on) noses are derived deductively from the theories, where the research results – developed under and these are verified or falsified on empirical specific research conditions – may apply. If all of data. While verification looks for confirmation the (very specific) conditions of the investiga- of the theory with the data, falsification – as a tion must be fulfilled for the results to be trans- tougher criterion – tests the theory by attempt- ferable, then the results can hardly be claimed ing to reject it (on the latter, cf. Seale 1999a: to be transferable. There must also be a clarifica- 73ff.). The following are suitable ways of testing tion of what conditions must be fulfilled, as a the empirical foundation. minimum, for the phenomenon described in the theory to occur. At the same time, aspects 1 The use of codified methods, such as objective that are incidental, and – from the point of view hermeneutics (see 5.16) or grounded of the theory – irrelevant, are filtered out. This theory (see 5.13), is a guarantee of empirical can be discovered particularly through the foundation. introduction, omission and varying of condi- 2 Is there sufficient textual evidence for the tions, contexts, phenomena and so on that are theory that has been developed? How were relevant to the creation or influencing of the contradictions and deviant or negative cases, research issue. For this, the following techniques situations and settings handled? are useful. 3 Analytic induction (Bühler-Niederberger 1985, 1991) is a method of theory genera- 1 In contrasting of cases maximally and mini- tion that simultaneously permits falsifica- mally different cases are identified and tions. A theory developed as fully as possible analysed in relation to the theory. This con- will be tested on a case. If the theory does trastive comparison of cases makes it poss- not work, then the phenomenon will be ible to identify elements, causes, conditions redefined or the case will be excluded from and so on, shared by similar cases and essen- the theory. ‘Cases are studied until the tial to the theoretical phenomenon. phenomenon is redefined or the hypothesis 2 Explicitly seeking out and analysing deviant, reformulated, until a universal relationship negative and extreme cases follows the idea of Flick 4.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:33 PM Page 190


finding evidence about the meaning of the that he or she is investigating, is incorporated varied concepts by keeping constant as many into formation of the theory in a way that is as aspects as possible and maximally varying far as possible reflected in the methods. Here individual aspects in a concept-driven way. there should be a consideration of the following questions. Coherence 1 Is the research process accompanied by self-observation? This will help determine The theory developed during the research process whether any disturbing facts lead to barriers should be internally consistent. Accordingly, to understanding or to the elimination of the following two points need to be checked. such aspects from the theory. Is the generated theory coherent? Have any con- 2 Are personal preconditions for the exploration tradictions in the data and interpretations been of the issue reflected? Is the personal processed? Unsolved questions and contradic- methodological behaviour of the researcher tions should be disclosed. appropriate? A researcher who is not happy with open situations, for example, is not Relevance really suited to a narrative interview. 3 Is a relationship of trust between the The judging of theories with regard to their researcher and the informant a precondition pragmatic usefulness is particularly important for the collection of data appropriate to the in qualitative research, which is located outside culture and the research issue? action or evaluation research (see 3.12). For this 4 Are there any reflections during entry into the purpose the following questions may be asked field (see 5.1)? The unpleasantness and irrita- of the research process and the theory generated tion that may arise provide important clues within it: about what is peculiar to this field.

1 Is the research question relevant? For the evaluation of a study the use of one or 2 What contribution is made by the theory two of the criteria suggested here is not suffi- developed? cient. On the basis of several of these criteria it 3 Does it make new interpretations available? should be possible to decide whether the ‘best Does it contain any explanations concerning possible’ result has been achieved. the phenomenon in question? 4 Does the theory facilitate the solution of problems? FURTHER READING 5 Can the results be generalized? 6 Is the presentation of the theory comprehensible? Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative Research, 2nd edn. London: Sage. chs 18 and 22. Reflected subjectivity Kvale, S. (1995) ‘The Social Construction of Validity’, Qualitative Inquiry, 1: 19–40. This criterion tests the extent to which the constituting role of the researcher as a subject (with his or her research interests, assumptions, Seale, C. (1999) The Quality of Qualitative Research. London: Sage. communicative styles and biographical back- ground), and as a component of the social world Flick-05.qxd 3/19/04 7:17 PM Page 191

Part 5

Doing Qualitative Research Flick-05.qxd 3/19/04 7:17 PM Page 192 Flick-05.qxd 3/19/04 7:17 PM Page 193


The researcher embarking on doing qualitative area between semi-structured and open forms, research is confronted by a wide proliferation of as the narrative interviews. This expansion is a available alternative methods. Whilst this vari- result of the recognition that for different ety of methods gives researchers more options research questions, mixed forms might be as to how to do their research, it also confronts appropriate or particular types of collection pro- them with a need to decide on the appropriate cedure are necessary. In any case interviewing method. The spectrum of qualitative research confronts the researcher with an uncommon methods has expanded considerably in the past social situation with which he or she has to few decades. In the search for explanations for cope professionally (see 5.3).The group discus- this proliferation, there are various reasons, or sion, or ‘focus group’, has recently flourished at at least a series of trends, that we may refer to, the international level (see 5.4), especially in these being: the areas of market and media research and in ‘cultural studies’ (see 3.9). • New debates on the theoretical status of Observing processes and activities (Part 5C) is qualitative research within the social still and once again a prominent way of doing sciences qualitative research. Participant observation as a • Differentiation of methodological procedures method has increasingly been accepted as part • Inclusion of new types of data of the more general strategy of ethnography (see • Different developments in the discussions in 5.5, 3.8) and has thereby become part of a com- German- and English-speaking countries, plex procedure that is strongly determined by which are now paying increasing attention questions of access (see 5.1), and the presenta- to one another. tion of results (see 5.22). Apart from data collec- tion oriented to the spoken word and the textual To structure the field of qualitative research medium, and beyond observation in the field, methods as presented in this part of the new media are becoming increasingly important Companion, we can allocate the individual as data: photos (see 5.6) and films (see 5.7) have methods to four larger subsections. for some time played a growing role, particularly Entering the field (Part 5A) and the different in the international debate. The new forms of ways into the field the researcher may take have electronic communication via email and the quite an impact on which methodological steps Internet make possible completely new forms of the researcher may take next, so that they are analysing communicative processes, character- already part of the methodology applied in a ized above all by the particular quality of the project. Access to the field (see 5.1) is often not data (electronic traces) (see 5.8). only a technical problem. The difficulties and Analysis, interpretation and presentation (Part obstacles that researchers encounter here are 5D) are often seen as the core activity of the frequently already suggestive of a considerable qualitative researcher. In this context, transcrip- part of the discoveries that may be made about tion (see 5.9) has long ceased to be looked upon the particular field and the actors concerned, purely as a burdensome technical stage, where and also touch on the specific role of the tape-recordings are transformed into readable researcher in the field. texts. Today there is increasing recognition of Collecting verbal data (Part 5B) becomes the constructive contribution of this procedure increasingly important in the day-to-day prac- and its rules to the representation of processes, tices of qualitative research. The spectrum of which may then be interpreted. Similarly, the interview procedures (see 5.2) has continuously constitutive part played by the production of expanded, but it is still located in the controversial field notes in participant observation and Flick-05.qxd 3/19/04 7:17 PM Page 194


ethnography will also be discussed in the understanding of data. Similarly, out of respective chapter (see 5.22). With regard to conversation analysis has grown discourse the analysis of data, a number of developments analysis (see 5.19), which has attracted particular may be discerned. In general, we may distinguish attention in Anglo-American psychology. between procedures that use coding and The role played by the presentation of results develop categories, either in the tradition of (see 5.22) and procedures in qualitative research Anselm Strauss (see 5.13) or of content analysis has recently been treated as a decisive step, in (see 5.12), from those that are in the hermeneu- particular in Anglo-American discussion in the tic tradition (see 5.16, 5.18, 5.20, 5.21). These field of ethnography. This has led at the very procedures stand alone and may – with certain least to growing awareness of the importance of differences – be applied to all types of data. modes of presentation of the results. Ultimately In the case of interview studies we may ask the making of discoveries in empirical science is how the available analytical procedures may be often not only the result of a consistent and used for the data obtained. Concrete proposals rule-governed application of methods. The art have been made for semi-structured interviews of interpretation (see 5.21) sometimes also (see 5.10) and narrative-biographical interviews involves the use of chance and openness to the (see 5.11), the former being more strongly ori- unexpected as well as methodologically trans- ented to a coding-categorizing procedure and parent and controlled theoretical speculation. the latter more to hermeneutic understanding. In general terms, the individual chapters con- The use of computers in the analysis of tained in Part 5 of the Companion are ordered qualitative data (see 5.14) has become more and following the steps a researcher runs through in more widespread, and at present they are used the process of doing research – from entry into particularly frequently in coding types of the field, to data collection and transcription analysis. and ultimately to analysis and writing. On the In German-speaking countries there is a grow- other hand, there are an increasing number of ing differentiation among hermeneutic meth- integrated methods – for example, ethnography, ods (see 3.5): from objective and sociological film analysis or genre analysis – that cannot be hermeneutics, hermeneutic theoretical socio- unambiguously assigned either to collection or logy (see 5.16) has developed. Out of conversa- to analysis. In cases such as these, the collection tion analysis (see 5.17) has come genre analysis and interpretation of data will be treated (see 5.18). In this latter case, the term ‘commu- together in a single chapter. nicative genres’ again comprises a broader Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 195

Part 5A Entering the Field

5.1 Ways into the Field and their Variants

Stephan Wolff

1 Field access – terminology and objectives 195 2 The way into the field and its thematization in the social sciences 196 3 Structural problems of access 197

1 FIELD ACCESS – TERMINOLOGY research is to become in any sense a social AND OBJECTIVES event, the involved representatives of the field should be ready, of their own volition, It would be an error in dealing with the ‘way not only to take account of unfamiliar into the field’ to think in terms of a fixed demands, which might include: boundary, the crossing of which provides the researcher with an open and unrestricted view • making available time for conversations; of the interior of the field. For that reason, in • partially giving up control of physical what follows we shall speak not of ‘entry’ but space; ‘access’ to the field. This term not only makes • enduring embarrassment; more prominent the activity or process quality • facing up to communicative pressures of the event in question, it also succeeds in (such as those that arise in narrative avoiding a strict inside–outside distinction. By interviews); ‘research field’ we understand here naturally • limiting one’s own communicative occurring social fields of action, as opposed to needs (if they are subordinate to a semi- artificial situational arrangements deliberately structured regime); and engineered for research purposes. • accepting the questioning of what has Research fields may be public places, groups, always been taken for granted; social milieux (‘scenes’) but also organizations But also display a wide range of their own activ- or tribal groups. For each of these research fields ities, such as: there are, from the researcher’s point of view, two fundamental questions. • putting themselves in the researcher’s position (in order to be able to provide 1 How can the researcher succeed in making data interesting to him or her); contact with the chosen research field and in • informing the researcher about situational stimulating the informants to cooperate? If relevancies; Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 196


• smoothing the researcher’s path and which he or she aspires. The decisive moment of suggesting competent interview partners; arrival in the field often takes on a particular • answering questions they have never put stylization: perhaps an abrupt (positive) change to themselves, the meaning of which is in relations with the ‘natives’, an overpowering initially obscure; emotional feeling of arrival or a sudden revela- • trusting the researcher without guarantees; tion, as with the overturning of familiar ways of • explaining to themselves and others what looking at things. This also defines simultane- the researcher and the project are aiming ously the precise moment at which the actual at; and research can begin (particularly elegantly • signalling that they are not disturbed, expressed in Geertz 1972; see 2.6). even though they know they are under The problem of access is first discussed as a scrutiny, and so on. problem of the researcher who desires access and who has to cope, in the process, with the resis- 2 How can the researcher position himself or tance of the field, but also with his or her own herself in respect of the field so as to secure psychic defence mechanisms in the face of the factual, temporal and social conditions uncertainties and irritations associated with to carry out appropriately the planned access to a particular situation (cf. Lindner research, or at least not significantly inhibit 1981). Proven interactive and/or psychological relevant freedom of action? strategies are looked for that will put the inves- tigator in a position to recognize and effectively There are no patent recipes as to how a way neutralize all such problems (as an example of a into the field should be sought and found. collection of such recommendations, cf. Gans Furthermore, it is not wise either to invoke the 1982). The posthumous (1967) publication of illusion that everything can be planned or to the research diary of Malinowski, the celebrated complain about the unpredictability of the situ- pioneer of participant observation (see 5.5), ation. It would also be a mistake to trivialize the dealing with his time with the Trobriand people, question of access as a technical or psychological led to a permanent lowering of expectations ground-clearing problem, with the real research in respect of how far the field-researcher beginning after it has been dealt with. For this could substantiate ‘being-there’, and made it reason one should look upon (and set up) the unavoidable that the problems of access way into the field as a task that is never com- should henceforth always be more thoroughly pleted and which must be handled coopera- confronted – and not only in ethnology. tively, that is jointly with the intended ‘objects’ As a next step, the problem of access is refor- of the research. A preoccupation with the way mulated as a problem of relations. Here the rela- into the field serves not only methodological or tion to key informants and their particular research-pragmatic purposes, it also yields characteristics is brought into the foreground insights into structures and sequences in the (Casagrande 1960). research as a social event, and into the field of Many of these key informants have achieved action that is under investigation. The trial real fame in ethnographic research: among these paths, detours and false trails that researchers we find ‘Doc’, who not only provided William F. often complain about and feel to be burden- Whyte with contacts in the Street Corner Society, some, and even the failed attempts at gaining but also accompanied him as a sort of coach; access – which are normally carefully suppressed – ‘Don Juan’, who apparently initiated Carlos all then become ‘critical events’, the analysis of Castaneda in the teachings of Yaqui magic; or which opens up chances of making discoveries. Ogotomméli, who functioned as Marcel Griaule’s wise conversation partner amongst the Dogon. 2 THE WAY INTO THE FIELD A strikingly large number of these key persons AND ITS THEMATIZATION IN occupy the position of social outsiders in their THE SOCIAL SCIENCES own community, for example because of earlier intensive experience with outsiders or fre- Classic descriptions of access read like epics of quently also because of some particular personal heroism in which, after a phase of struggles and quirk of fate. The problems for field access that irritation, the researcher ultimate attains the might be found in the relation to such ‘marginal ‘Heart of Darkness’ (à la Joseph Conrad) to men’ was either treated as a transient problem Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 197


(which would solve itself when the research to keep curious third parties at a distance, to took on greater depth) or used positively by generate information about themselves, to influ- referring to the particular sensitivity of such ence it and control its utilization. Even those persons and their competence as observers. organizations that are more open to research One further difficulty on the way into the field needs rarely fail to set up obstacles to access or at results from the fact that the delimitation of least to develop access routines. The investigator, research fields in the areas of both ethnology and therefore, has not only to persuade informal sociology seems increasingly questionable. For a ‘gatekeepers’, but also to follow official channels – long time field researchers proceeded on the basis in an extreme case extending to a highly official that they could relate to isolated social entities on contract management via a research access mon- the periphery of (world) society or to clearly itoring agency set up precisely for this purpose. defined urban scenes, groups and organizations; Many such agencies and procedural routes actu- that is, that the field to which they sought access ally function as research preventers. could not only be identified without difficulty, but The question of access takes on a new dimen- also be reconstructed as an independent cultural sion in view of the fact that the objects of an context. If we look at the true interrelations investigation increasingly have prior knowledge between these only apparently isolated entities about social research, and are sometimes even and their environment we see, however, that it is equipped with sociological models and educa- impossible to draw unambiguous borders between tion. Occasionally this may contribute to greater them. The ethnographic view is also blurred by understanding and receptiveness towards the the fact that field research has increasingly to do research. Such knowledge may also, however, be with its own culture, and with phenomena that ‘utilized paradoxically’, that is, to resist attempts tend to be situated in the area of social normality at access, resulting in extreme cases in the (see 3.8). The growing lack of strangeness, together researcher’s being sued on the grounds of inade- with an increased awareness of the way in which quate research standards (see 6.3). ethnographic exoticism functions, makes the use In view of developments of this sort, the clas- of the strategy of ‘methodological alienation’ sical model of the invisible field researcher, slipping (Hirschauer and Amann 1997), which is typical of unnoticed into the field as if invisible under a ethnographic studies, appear to be simultaneously magic coat and conducting observations totally both acceptable and questionable. From this there unnoticed, is no longer plausible even as an develops an awareness of the fact that with the ideal. The fear of reactivity, which sees the inter- autonomy and identifiability of a culture we are active aspects of field access only as disturbing dealing with a constructive research activity. The variables that have to be neutralized, is increas- issue to which one seeks access is only constituted ingly giving way to the view that such effects as such in the course of the research – and this should essentially be evaluated as evidence of already begins with the classifications of groups to the ‘naturalness’ of an investigation, and that be investigated (cf. Moerman 1974) that are incor- they should be reflected and, in certain cases, porated in the scientific questions. If one relates even used as sources of information. Field access this consideration to the idea of ethnographic must be viewed, analysed and designed as an authority (Clifford 1983), then it may be con- independent social phenomenon. If this is done, cluded that to a certain extent researchers are seek- a range of fundamental work problems become ing access to their own fiction. clear which all parties (and not only the investi- The discussion of access takes on a new quality gators) have to deal with on their common path if – on the basis of their social status and social into and in the field, regardless of whether or capital – one considers more powerful groups not they make this an explicit issue. (such as supervisory boards, the nobility or senior doctors; cf. Hertz and Imber 1997; Saffir et al. 1980) and organizations as research fields, 3 STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS that is to say ‘objects’ who want and are able OF ACCESS actively to control access to their domains. This is particularly true of organizations (see 3.11), The field as a social system which are increasingly becoming the principal point of address for requests for access. They Like every outsider, the researcher, from the have at their disposal a wide range of practices point of view of the field, is initially a person Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 198


without history who can only adapt with difficulty researcher personally resolves the difference to the categories that are normal there and between him- or herself and the field (‘going whose loyalty remains dubious. If there arise native’). further fundamental difficulties of understand- One form of breaking down distance that is ing at the verbal and non-verbal level (vocabu- complementary to ‘going native’ consists of lary, communication style, behavioural types), undercover research, where the researcher sets up then it will rarely be possible to integrate this access to a harmless membership role, but can outsider and his or her request without difficulty no longer appear as a researcher. Apart from eth- into the normal communicative contexts. In ical and political objections (see 6.1), what is order to answer the question of whether one against this form of access is that the necessary should ‘let in’ the outsider, what is decisive is if adaptations that ensue can limit considerably and how his or her person and request can be not only the social form but also the quality of identified as ‘acceptable’ or can be made ‘accept- data collection. able’. In the process of access, what is crucial, Much the same is true in the case of access to therefore, is not the attempt to achieve a cogni- simple social systems (Luhmann 1972). Even tive and social placement of the researcher and when this is a matter of events in public and the request, but simultaneously to establish the apparently freely accessible settings, the way in experience, dramatization and establishment of which the presence of the researcher is set up a boundary between the particular social unit can become a problem. Simply looking in pass- and its environment. ing at a social encounter may constitute a As a rule the social placement takes place in problem of access, that is to say, a social situa- two stages: first, the basic acceptability is tested. tion that demands attention. At that moment This is to do with the question of whether the when those present become mutually aware of recognizable features of the person (gender, age, each other’s presence and address each other, a ethnic group) and his or her request, together simple social system inevitably comes into with aspects of the organizational world to being, even if this is only of short duration. which the researcher belongs, are compatible Accordingly, under conditions of mutual per- with local world-views, interests and events. It is ceptibility, a mere absence of involvement is not only at the second stage that the allocation or sufficient to avoid causing disturbance. What is agreement of particular participant roles is required is rather a socially acceptable form of agreed (cf. Lau and Wolff 1983). This two-stage making oneself invisible, in the active develop- process is mostly described in the literature with ment of which both the observer and those reference to an opposition between ‘getting in’ observed can have a share, perhaps by control- (physically) and ‘getting on’ (in terms of social ling their facial expressions, gestures, spatial access), although what is overlooked is that ‘get- locations and so on. Goffman (1971) points out ting in’ already implies some social placement. that outsiders, in order to retain this status, In the process of field access the field consti- would need to display ‘polite indifference’. tutes itself and is simultaneously experienced by If this cannot be achieved, the integrity of the both the actors and the observers as a social unit, person in question, and sometimes even of the that is, as a communicative context distinct from interaction system concerned, becomes prob- its environment, where participants are distin- lematic. The disturbance has to be considered as guished from outsiders. In the case of organiza- a question of access in an independent interaction tions, participation requires the taking on of a system and worked on there – perhaps by means membership role and the acceptance of the of allocating an acceptable observer role. Many expectations that are attached to it. One of the social settings have institutionalized observer implications of this fundamental importance of roles that may be adopted by researchers for the the maintenance of boundaries and the member- purpose of making undercover observations. ship role is that the researcher qua researcher can- Classic examples may be found in investiga- not become a member of the organization in tions of deviant ‘scenes’, such as in the investi- question. This would only be conceivable if he gation of the porno-scene around Times Square or she is given a particular functional status for in New York by Karp (1980), or Humphreys’s particular purposes within the organization (1970) controversial observations of homosexual (‘our researcher’, perhaps in the role of a consul- ‘toilet-dealings’. As with undercover observation tant or legitimizing authority) or when the in organizations a number of quite delicate Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 199


circumstances come to light here, where there is and tested patterns for neutralizing disturbance always a risk of loss of contact or discovery, and dealing with unpleasant or unusual where there is an acute need for information requests. The following are some of the strate- control and impression management, and gies that may be found in the relevant repertoire where there are few opportunities for direct of organizations. communication. • Pass upstairs: the request is first passed to a Dealing with ‘gatekeepers’ higher level with a request for examination. • Cross-question: the researcher is repeatedly asked for new presentations of the research To take care of their border relationships organi- goal and procedures. zations and many groups have ‘gatekeepers’ (or • Wait and see: the matter is referred for re- ‘stranger-handlers’) of their own (cf. Agar 1996). submission, because experience shows that Astute dealing with such gatekeepers therefore many enquiries sort themselves out. takes on strategic importance within the process • Make an offer: the request is basically accepted, of gaining access. Of course, in individual cases it but the organization offers its own data or is not always possible to say definitely who it is agrees to a mode of collection that was not who has to agree to a request for access or whose originally foreseen. agreement actually counts. In respect of organiza- • Allocate: times, roles and research opportuni- tions as research fields the following rules of ties are provided which the organization, thumb may be formulated (cf. Morrill et al. 1999). from its own standpoint, considers suitable In comparatively monocratic organizations it and appropriate. is only the agreement of the senior management • Incorporate: the organization makes the that counts, whereas in decentralized organiza- research and the results into an affair of its tions there may be a variety of addresses that own, and attempts to integrate the researcher have to be contacted. It is difficult to decide into organizational matters or disputes with upon an orientation if there is a high degree of other organizations, or to give him or her politicization of decision-making policy within some kind of indirect task. an organization. Then the researcher has to seek the agreement of a coalition of decision-makers, and in the worst case of a number of mutually Because researchers, for their part, can and do hostile coalitions. Here experience teaches that adjust to such strategies, there are in practice there are sensitive phases for attempts at access: many types of interaction effect that result from one should therefore reckon with difficulties, this. The specific dynamic of these derives from for example, if there has just been a change of the degree of unity in the particular field in the management, if the organization is just recover- face of research endeavours and the trans- ing from a scandal, or if fellow-researchers have parency of the research intentions (Hornsby- recently been there. In organizations with a Smith 1993). Particularly difficult constellations range of loosely coupled power centres ambigu- may arise in the case of ‘upward’ research, in the ous situations may arise in which the researcher sense that elites contrast their high visibility finds him- or herself between two stools, and with a high degree of inaccessibility, and also where, conversely, no one can rightly say what because it is part of the social status of such is valid and who one should refer to. In particu- people to control their accessibility and to set lar, in cases of high political dynamics in the up a functioning management of their (non-) field of investigation, the question of identify- availability. ing the current gatekeepers remains a task of constant importance (for a classic example Ambivalence cf. Gouldner 1954). In cases of doubt, it is advis- able to follow official channels. There is a notorious ambivalence on the part of the researcher which corresponds to these ‘Immune reactions’ immune reactions. This quite often takes the form of aggressively expressed fantasies of The fields in question react to attempts at omnipotence or inferiority in respect of the access, as far as possible, by relying on familiar field. A researcher then oscillates between a feeling Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 200


of irritation at not being given more than bare the closing of the communicative frontiers of a facades and a conviction that he or she basically social group or association than in the selective understands the field and its problems better opening to third parties (as with institutional- than the informants. What is characteristic of ized confessional or Hippocratic secrets, or jour- the state of mind of many researchers on their nalistic protection of sources of information) of way into the field is the almost unavoidable idea a communicative opportunity that would other- that behind the facades there is a ‘true’ but mali- wise not exist. ciously concealed reality. The field research Becoming aware of these distinctions allows situation – apparently so open – encourages a one not only to avoid hasty subjectivist inter- pervasive willingness to suspect motives or the pretations and rationalizations of motives (that notorious suspicion that the real show is being is, not confusing secrecy with confidentiality), played out ‘behind the scenes’. Interestingly but also to gain a perspective on the paradox of enough, this feeling is repeatedly encountered the ‘risk’ to the researcher that can derive from in all participants, that is, not only the infor- initiation into the secrets of a particular field. In mants. Practically all ethnographers, at some so far as a secret constitutes a difference from point in their careers, must have been looked the uninitiated, anyone who has been initiated upon as some kind of spy. into secrets is in a quandary. Gaining informa- tion about insiders can become a problem for the researcher, which confronts him or her with Secrecy and confidentiality the alternatives of betrayal or self-censure. Goffman (1989: 129) is therefore quite justified Lee (1993), referring to such ambivalences, descri- in warning the researcher against believing that bes access to the field as an exercise in the ‘poli- it is a sign of really being ‘in’ if one is admitted, tics of distrust’. How this politics of distrust is without asking, into strategic secrets. carried out depends to a large extent on how secrecy and confidentiality are viewed. Alois Hahn (1997) provides some useful clari- Structural opacity fications on this subject: if there is regulation of access to knowledge or to the content of con- One remarkable feature of the process of access scious awareness that is not yet shared knowl- that has regularly been reported is the fact that edge (‘How wonderful that nobody knows my informants rarely ask about the content of the name is Rumpelstiltskin’), then we are dealing research project or what is said about it in the with secrecy, or the attempt to remove informa- various papers and introductory talks. From tion from a particular piece of information. A the viewpoint of the field, the researcher must more relevant case for field research is that of succeed, in the manner of his or her presentation, confidentiality. Here there is a restriction on the in giving proof that: number of people permitted to talk and write about a particular subject, or who – as hearers or • the research project is serious; readers – may share in the knowledge of a par- • the relevant institutions and groups are not ticular communication. Confidentiality relates threatened with any harm; to what has already been shared, in the sense • one can, within certain limits, rely on the that, within a group of people who are in com- researcher’s willingness to cooperate, on munication with each other, something is sub- their solidarity and discretion; sequently and expressly declared to be a secret, • the researcher will only disturb normal daily with the result that the group is thereby closed business in an acceptably limited way; to the outside. For this reason confidentiality • one will again be rid of the researcher in the may truly be used as a productive mechanism, foreseeable future. for the purpose of creating an identity for the partic- ular field and its members. But it may also happen These questions are not susceptible to any direct that a guarantee of confidentiality precedes a par- testing by the informants; even the researcher ticular communication, which means that the has no final answer to them! It is not so much information in question is only being passed on the weight of the research goal or the elaborate under an explicit ‘cloak of silence’. In this case nature of the methodological arsenal – the con- the sociological meaning of the secret lies less in tent aspects – but rather the appropriateness of Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 201


the presentation, the credible signalling of a and observation. What is helpful here are reputable organizational environment, the nature agreements about: of the personal approach, or the willingness to accept annoyances and sensitivities pointed out • the allocation of an acceptable observer role by the field which therefore prove to be the (such as that of some practitioners); decisive indicators of the acceptability of a • the possibility of a temporary withdrawal request and of the researcher as a person (cf. Lau from the field (‘short-term ethnography’); and Wolff 1983). Apart from this, experienced • the researcher’s asking ‘naive’ questions gatekeepers believe that presentations that about matters that are actually self-evident. appear to be scientifically neutral are produced, polished and beautified, that is to say, ‘non- Informants must not only be prepared to agree impartial presentations’ – which corresponds to to these ‘alienations’, which appear at times to their own handling of information (for be quite artificial (Hirschauer and Amann 1997). instance, if they have to produce or read annual They should also be capable of accepting that reports, job advertisements or applications). what they take for granted may be ‘question- Frequently additional information is only able’. To be able to engage in any kind of con- requested in order to be able to draw conclu- versation with one another, both parties will sions from possible gaps in particular presenta- feel that it is necessary, to a certain extent, to tions (cf. Feldman and March 1981). distance themselves consciously from their In the sense that they do not deal with these social and cognitive reference system. Both par- ambiguities, strict codes of ethics and radical ties are moving in a border area between their demands for ‘informed consent’ imply an unre- respective reference cultures. Through their alistic picture of research practice. The process working association they constitute, for a par- of field access can, in fact, only be set in motion ticular period of time, a hybrid system, the exis- when any possible demands have been met: tence and feasibility of which depends not least work can therefore begin in spite of any remain- on the maintenance of these differences. ing lack of clarity. This type of work consensus Often it is the informants who gamble with implies a situation-related dialectic of honesty, in the recognition and maintenance of differ- the light of which the rule of thumb formulated ences. Excessively well-adjusted researchers are by Taylor and Bogdan (1984), ‘be trustful, but commonly faced with as much scepticism as vague and imprecise’, seems a sensible recom- those who announce their solidarity or make mendation. In contrast, any attempt, from helpful suggestions without being asked. whatever viewpoint, to provide complete trans- Conversely, caution is also advised if there is an parency (such as handing over full research over-enthusiastic reception by the field, applications) or to insist upon it (for instance, because this may often relate to secret hopes by requiring information about every detail of a and expectations in advance of what the research proposal) is a guaranteed way of not researcher may wish to set up. getting a piece of research off the ground. Within this hybrid system there will also develop particular role-relationships, time hori- zons, forms of communication, rationality crite- Field research as an ria and obligations, and these may again have independent action system important consequences for the discovery potential of the project: this may influence, for The goal of access work consists only to a example, the situational acceptability of parti- limited extent of removing the distance cular methods (interviews – yes; observation – between the researcher and the field, or the dif- no), or the problem of what topics are legitimate ferences of interest, information and perspective subjects for questioning, what events the of the two parties. It would appear to be of at researcher can participate in, and where limits least equal importance to recognize these have to be respected. Experienced field resear- mutual differences as resources for the episte- chers will orient themselves according to the mological process, to cultivate them and even options that arise in the framework of this exploit them. For the researcher this means action-system and, in the light of the particular above all that there is a need always to remain practical circumstances, will reformulate their aware of the difference between participation questions and the steps in their investigation Flick 5.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 202


accordingly. What seems sensible is a progressive achievements in return, then caution is advised, field-access strategy, which begins with relatively not only because this may require more than diffuse questioning and does not insist upon the researcher’s competence can deliver. What is immediate use of the most demanding collec- more problematic is that this may lead to the tion procedures. With this kind of strategy what diffusion of roles between the participants, and is, at least initially, in the foreground is not the above all the self-limitations and compromises accomplishment of the research plan but the for which the researcher must be prepared in securing and setting up of an appropriate situa- this kind of situation, to balance out the differ- tional context for the research process. ent expectations of representatives of the field and the interests of the researcher (see 3.12, 6.3). What conflicts with this insight, however, The researcher can offer is the uncertainty of the researcher about nothing to the field whether he or she will really be taken seriously by the field if he of she is unable to display a Field research relationships are fragile entities. modicum of expertise. Participants tend to come together by chance, In view of the temptations, expectations and they are linked by only a brief history, and a fantasies that swamp the researcher in the access common future seems unlikely. They embark on situation, he or she can easily run the risk of a complex process of cooperation, for which being or wishing to appear too wise too quickly. there are almost no routines and whose devel- To counter this risk, it is advisable to exaggerate opment cannot be foreseen in any detail. Both one’s naivety, not only to the field but also to parties have to adjust to one another, with no oneself, to be able to exploit methodologically, proper bases and certainties for trust. In view of and for as long as possible, the researcher’s (real this kind of constellation, it may well be under- or imagined) ignorance. standable if researchers seek to buy their way in with problematic announcements or even promises concerning the expected uses of the FURTHER READING project for the field that is under investigation. This sort of bargaining model, however, not only implies an unacceptable simplification of Johnson, J. M. (1975) Doing Field Research. the relationship between science and the field. New York: Free Press. It also represents, in view of the triviality of what the researcher is actually able to offer, a Morrill, C., Buller, D. B., Buller, M. K. and Larley, form of bragging. Behind this the true value for L. L. (1999) ‘Toward an Organizational the field is in most cases limited to a short-term Perspective on Identifying and Managing interruption of the daily boredom, an opportu- Formal Gatekeepers’, Qualitative Sociology, nity to bring one’s cares and complaints to 22: 51–72. someone, or the chance of doing a good piece of work. Only rarely are representatives of the field Saffir, W. B., Stebbins, R. A. and Turowetz, A. willing and able to do something with the (eds) (1980) Fieldwork Experience – Quali- results of an investigation. If gatekeepers really tative Approaches to Social Research. do offer the researcher the role of an evaluator, New York: St Martins Press. critic or consultant, and therefore require Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 203

Part 5B Collecting Verbal Data

5.2 Qualitative Interviews: An Overview

Christel Hopf

1 Introduction 203 2 Variants of qualitative interviews 204 3 Selected questions on the conduct of qualitative interviews 207

1 INTRODUCTION Compared to other research procedures in the social sciences, qualitative interviews are parti- In social research, qualitative interviews – semi- cularly closely related to the approaches of standardized or open interviews – are very widely interpretative sociology. Because of the possibi- used. In the context of quantitative research pro- lity of enquiring openly about situational mean- jects they are used predominantly in the prepa- ings or motives for action, or collecting ration of standardized data collection and the everyday theories and self-interpretations in a development of data collection tools. In qualita- differentiated and open way, and also because of tive research there are many more opportunities the possibility of discursive understanding for their use. In the first place qualitative inter- through interpretations, open or semi-standardized views play an important role in ethnographic interviews provide important opportunities for research projects based on participant observa- an empirical application of action- theory ideas tion (see 5.5). One of their uses here is the in sociology and psychology. Together with the imparting of expert knowledge about the establishment of qualitative procedures in social research field in question, the recording and research, this has repeatedly been emphasized analysis of the informants’ subjective perspec- as a particular achievement of qualitative tive, or the collection of data relating to their interviews – compared to the more restricted biography (see 3.6). More usual – at least in possibilities of standardized questioning – fre- Germany – are qualitative interviews in research quently relying on the theoretical traditions projects for which they are the main empirical of phenomenological sociology (see 3.1). base. These include: projects in the area of bio- Reference has also been made to Max Weber’s graphical research, studies on gender-related idea of an interpretative sociology or to the questions (see 3.10), studies of the social and traditions of symbolic interactionism (see 3.3). political orientations of different population Nevertheless, the link between interpretative groups, or studies of access to professions and of sociology and qualitative interviews is not professional socialization. obligatory, as can be explained, for example, Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 204


with reference to the more limited function of and questions should be addressed in the historical or organization-related (see 3.11) interviews. qualitative questioning. 3 The question of whether the requirement to narrate is most important in the conduct of an interview – as in the narrative interview – 2 VARIANTS OF QUALITATIVE or whether the primary interest is in the INTERVIEWS collection of more general meanings, political orientations or complex types of argumenta- There are an enormous number of different tion. While in the first case the requirements types and procedures of qualitative interviews to tell a story and listen actively are domi- (for a summary cf. Flick 2002: 76ff.; Friebertshäuser nant, in the other cases active questioning 1997; Lamnek 1995: 35ff.; Spöhring 1989: and probing, careful argumentation and the 147ff.; and for a discussion of analysis, see 5.10). construction of possible counter-arguments After a preliminary survey of the different vari- are more relevant. ants of interviews in the next section, I shall then present two of these variants in more In what follows a brief characterization will be detail: focused and narrative interviews. These given of some of the variants of qualitative are given particular prominence because, in my interviews that are more commonly used in opinion, they are particularly successful com- sociological and psychological research. promises between the different demands that Structure or dilemma-interviews, in comparison are made of qualitative interviews, demands to other semi-standardized interviews, are that are difficult to reconcile with one another. relatively strictly regulated as to their question They unite a high degree of openness and non- guidelines and the sequencing of questions (for directivity with a high level of concreteness and discussion of this and the following, cf. Colby the recording of detailed information: they are and Kohlberg 1987 I: 151ff., and Oser and Althoff therefore superior to other interview variants. 1992: 171ff.). They developed as interview vari- ants in the Piaget–Kohlberg tradition and are An overview used particularly to record the different stages in the making of moral judgements. In dilemma- Important questions that serve to distinguish interviews an attempt is made to record the struc- between the different variants of qualitative ture of judgements on the basis of reactions to interviews are the following. narrative guidelines. In such guidelines problems of decision-making are presented – a particularly 1 The question of whether, in conducting an well-known example of this is the so-called interview, one is oriented by pre-formulated Heinz-dilemma, which is concerned with the questions, the sequencing of which in the theft of medicines in an emergency situation – interview may also be prescribed, or whether and informants are asked to react to these. Using the interview is conducted on the basis of a a set catalogue of standardized questions and number of less rigidly pre-formulated ques- follow-up questions (cf. Oser and Althoff 1992: tions or guidelines. The variants of qualitative 172f.), the particular explanations of the infor- interviews that are used particularly frequently mants are elicited in a sufficiently explicit and are between these extremes and may be distinctive way for the individual explanations to described as relatively flexibly applied semi- be allocated, in the process of interview-analysis, standardized interviews: researchers orient to different levels of moral judgement. themselves according to an interview guide, Clinical interviews originated in clinical and but one that gives plenty of freedom of move- therapeutic practice, where they are used – with ment in the formulation of questions, follow- varying degrees of structural regularity – in the up strategies and sequencing. diagnosis of illnesses (on the subject of clinical 2 The question of whether one should concen- interviews at the beginning of psychoanalytic trate in conducting interviews on quite spe- treatment, cf. Argelander 1970). But in non- cific constellations, texts, films and the like, therapeutic and primarily research-oriented and put the discussion of these in the centre – contexts the concept of the clinical interview – in an extreme case in focused interviews – or or the in-depth interview (cf. Lamnek 1995: 81) – whether a broad spectrum of themes, situations is also quite frequently used. Particularly for Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 205


psychologists, the idea of the ‘clinical interview’ conversational themes – albeit flexibly used – they is a collective term for semi-standardized or could be looked on as a special form of the semi- non-standardized modes of data collection, as standardized interview. But in their design they opposed to procedures such as testing. are freer and more open to associative reactions Biographical interviews seek to gain access to to the subjects of conversation than, for exam- life-histories. As Fuchs (1984: 179ff.) explains, ple, structure interviews. It is indeed one of the biographical interviews can take the form of goals of the focused interview to maximize the semi-standardized or narrative interviews. Fuchs scope of the topics and to give interviewees an recommends that these different interview types opportunity to invoke points of view that had should be combined with one another. Other not been anticipated. authors also suggest a combination of different In their book on focused interviews, which types of interview. In particular there is a desire summarizes their experiences with this inter- for compromise forms between the semi- view type on the basis of comprehensive inter- standardized and the narrative interview. view transcripts, Merton et al. develop the Examples of this are the problem-centred inter- following four quality criteria for focused inter- view (Witzel 1985) or the episodic interview views (cf. Merton et al. 1956: 12 et passim): (Flick 2002: 104–110). In addition to this list of types of more or less 1 Scope: the spectrum of problems addressed in structured semi-standardized interviews, there is the interview should not be too narrow. This a range of further variants of qualitative inter- means that interviewees should have maxi- views. Among these we may cite the expert mal opportunity to react to the ‘stimulus- interview (cf. Vogel 1995) or the ethnographic situation’ (the film, the text, the picture or interview (cf. Spradley 1979). But this will per- whatever). This concerns both theoretically haps suffice as an overview of the many types anticipated and non-anticipated reactions and applications of the qualitative interview, (cf. Merton et al. 1956: 41ff.). particularly since it should be remembered that 2 Specificity: the topics and questions that the different variants of qualitative interviews occur in the interview should be dealt with are – in the practice of empirical social research – in a specified way. For example, after watch- frequently used in combinations and sometimes ing a film interviewees should not simply without explicitly being named. express global assessments and evaluations, but more concrete memories and feelings that relate to particular scenes. Focused interviews 3 Depth: in the interview the dimension of depth should be appropriately represented. The form of the focused interview was devel- Interviewees should be supported in present- oped in the 1940s, in relation to communica- ing the affective, cognitive and value-related tion research and propaganda analysis, by meaning which particular situations have for Robert Merton, Patricia Kendall and others them. (cf. Merton and Kendall 1945/6; Merton et al. 4 Personal context: the personal context in 1956). What is central to these interviews is the which the analysed meanings and reactions focusing on a subject or topic of conversation are located must be adequately recorded. determined in advance – such as a film that the Knowledge of this is a precondition for the informants have seen, an article they have read, interpretation of any non-anticipated reac- a particular social situation they participated in tions to the communicative contents that and which is also known to the interviewers, formed the basis of the interview (cf. Merton and so on – and the attempt to collect reactions et al. 1956: 117f.). and interpretations in an interview with a rela- tively open form. A more recent variant of the focused interview Focused interviews in their original form are may be seen in those interviews where descrip- group interviews, but they are not necessarily tion of a daily routine or more complex personal bound to a group situation. In their focus on documents become a topic of conversation pre-determined subjects of conversation they (cf. Zeiher and Zeiher 1998: 207ff.), or interviews resemble the structure or dilemma-interview that are carried out in the context of participant (cf. above) and because they are characterized by observation (see 5.5), where specific jointly Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 206


experienced situations – like education – are partners are not subject to too much dealt with (cf. Hargreaves et al. 1981: 59ff.). spoon-feeding and, at the same time, are Focused interview can also be an important aid helped to mobilize their memories and to in the stimulation of personal recollections that narrate freely. are not always easy to represent. It has proved 2 The independently produced main narrative, possible to trace this in a research project on the or – in the case of a biographical-narrative ‘subjective meaning to young people of acts of interview – the biographical self-presentation. violence represented in films’. Young vocational 3 Narrative-generating enquiries: school students were shown a film (Romper (a) using the key points noted in phase 2; Stomper) about a right-wing violence-oriented (b) external enquiries. group of skinheads in Australia. In their reac- 4 Interview conclusion. tions to the film the young informants often talked spontaneously about their own experi- ence of violence. The film served to activate It is an important principle in narrative inter- memories that would have been more difficult views that the main narrative is produced to access in an interview without the stimulus independently by the interviewees, even if in potential of the film. particular cases it is framed rather in the style Focused interviews as described above have a of a brief report or a piece of argumentation. number of advantages, including the possibility Initially there should be no intervention, but of combining a reserved, non-directive manage- during the main narrative the interviewers ment of a conversation with an interest in very should primarily adopt the role of attentive specific information and the opportunity for listener and contribute to the maintenance of the an object-related explanation of meanings. It is narrative through supportive gestures and non- admittedly true that in focused interviews there directive brief comments. Only in the follow-up is also still a gap between interview practice and section do researchers have the opportunity for theoretical claims, and this was discussed by a more active contribution. Here the first stage Merton and Kendall (1945/6) in a comprehen- consists of taking up any open questions that sive and instructive analysis of individual inter- result from the narrative. In this there are cer- view sequences. tain important principles: the questions should be formulated in as open a manner as possible and should stimulate the interviewees to further Narrative interviews narratives. Fischer-Rosenthal and Rosenthal (1997b: 418), in respect of the biographical- This form of interviewing was developed by Fritz narrative interview, distinguish between three Schütze in the course of a study of communal types of narrative follow-up question: power structures (cf. 1976, 1977; on narrative interviews cf. also Hermanns 1995 or Fischer- 1 Steering towards a particular life-phase: Rosenthal and Rosenthal 1997b: 412ff.; see also Could you tell me a little more about this 5.11), and it is used particularly often in the time (e.g. childhood)? context of life-history-related questions. Here the 2 Steering towards a situation mentioned in term ‘narrative interview’ is defined very broadly the main narrative: You mentioned earlier in research practice and is sometimes used as an (the relevant situation) …. Could you give abbreviation for semi-standardized biographical me a little more detail about this situation? interviews. In its original form, however, 3 Steering a sample narrative towards an argu- this was not intended: the core element of the ment: Can you still remember a situation (in narrative interview consisted of a free developed which your father was authoritarian, in impromptu narrative, stimulated by an opening which you lost all belief in being able to question – the ‘narrative-generating question’. succeed, and so on)? The individual phases of the narrative inter- view were characterized by Fischer-Rosenthal The follow-up questions that relate to the narra- and Rosenthal (1997b: 414ff.) as follows. tive already have the function of a cautious test- ing of assumptions that have shown up in the 1 The invitation to narrate, which must be for- interviewees’ narrative, but which they them- mulated in such a way that the conversation selves cannot clarify (cf. Fischer-Rosenthal and Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 207


Rosenthal 1997b: 416f.). This is even more true unproblematic component in the qualifications of ‘external’ follow-up questions that arise pri- of social scientists. There is almost certainly a marily out of interviewers’ decisions about rele- relatively broad consensus that such interviews vance. They should be asked as near to the end should only be conducted by interviewers who of the interview as possible. The final section of have official responsibilities within a given the interview may be relatively brief and refer research project or who are at least sufficiently particularly to the evaluation of the interview well-acquainted with the theoretical approach, and the interview situation. It may, however, be the questions and the pilot studies to be capable more extensive. Fritz Schütze, with regard to of conducting interviews independently. One biographical-narrative interviews, speaks of a implication of this is that they must be capable balancing section (cf. 1983). Here the intervie- of assessing when it is appropriate, in terms of wees are addressed more as experts and theo- content, to depart from the question guidelines, reticians, and are asked at an abstract level for when it is essential to ask more intensive follow- generalizations and self-interpretations, in so far up questions and when it is of particular signifi- as these more abstract self-interpretations have cance, for the research interests of the project, to occurred in the narrative section. ask only very unspecific questions and to In general terms the form of the narrative arrange for interviewees to have broad opportu- interview is related to the idea that narratives nities for self-expression. are more strongly oriented to concrete action In addition to the requirement for theoretical sequences and less to the ideologies and ratio- competence as to content, there are very few nalizations of the interviewees. Interviewees more precise ideas concerning the qualifications who narrate freely may, in particular instances, for interviewers in qualitative interviews. Some reveal thoughts and memories that they would people insist on everyday competence, while not and could not express in response to direct others give the impression that competence questioning. This is explained by means of the problems resolve themselves in the course of ‘constraints’ to narrate. With reference to this, the narrative (in this general direction, cf., for Schütze makes particular mention of the prin- example, Hoffmann-Riem 1980: 357ff.). This, ciples of the compulsion for completion and however, is not the case. In the first place there the compulsion for detail (cf. 1977: 10; for are also a number of badly conducted narratives, an overview of these and other compulsions and in the second place not all sociological in narrating, cf. Kallmeyer and Schütze questions can be tackled by means of narrative 1977: 188ff.). techniques of data collection. In social research practice we are still advised to include semi- standardized interviews and to look for ways of 3 SELECTED QUESTIONS ON THE improving the relevant interview practice. CONDUCT OF QUALITATIVE Some time ago I criticized this interview prac- INTERVIEWS tice on the basis of my own interview experi- ence and that of colleagues (cf. Hopf 1978), and In the following section a number of problematic I believe that despite the growth in experience or contentious aspects of qualitative interviews of qualitative research many of the problems and will be discussed, although the presentation makes ‘performance errors’ I highlighted then are still no claim to completeness (see 5.3). Matters that to be found today. In part these are faults in will not be dealt with include questions of writ- planning: faulty assessments of the relationship ing protocols (see 5.9, 6.4) and the question of between interested information sources and the extent to which the technical possibilities should available time. In many projects there are still be exhaustively applied in every case. Nor shall problems with over-extensive guidelines and, in we discuss problems relating to the cooperation relation to this, a tendency towards a superficial of two interviewers in a single interview, or the ticking-off of questions (‘Interview guide- practical difficulties of finding interview part- bureaucracy’) . ners. We shall focus rather on aspects of the plan- The performance errors in qualitative inter- ning and execution of qualitative interviews with views are partly connected, however, with short- respect to professional training (see 6.2). comings in training, and these could basically The ability to conduct qualitative interviews is be removed by means of an improvement in generally viewed as an independent and relatively training practice in universities and by intensifying Flick 5.02 Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:34 PM Page 208


the amount of consultancy and supervision quoted and verbatim published interview with a within individual research projects. Here are distance-learner (cf. Heinze et al. 1980: part V). some of the typical problems caused by faulty Oevermann et al. (1980: 18f.) express the opinion training and lack of experience, or ‘beginners’ that in this interview ‘more or less all the “rules errors’, in carrying out qualitative interviews. of the art of unstructured interviewing” were They are due, at least in part, to fear of the unfa- broken by an inexperienced interviewer’, miliar situation of intensive communication whereas the publishers of the book containing with strangers. this interview and a range of interview inter- pretations promote this interview as one of • The tendency to a domineering communica- the more successful – and less schematic and tion style: the frequency of suggestive strongly narrative – interviews in their study on questions and suggestive guidelines and the ‘Life-world Analysis of Distance Learners’ interpretations (on this cf. Richardson et al. (Heinze et al. 1980: 7f.). In view of the theoreti- 1965: 171–197), or the frequency of evalua- cal complexity of the content and social aspects tive statements and comments, mostly of interviewing it is not surprising that there are intended to be supportive, but in practice differences of assessment and evaluation. It is distracting and sometimes disturbing. therefore vital to discuss these in relation to the • Problems with the passive-receptive aspects text of individual interview passages, and this of interviewing: difficulties and lack of should always be part of the education and patience in listening and in picking up stimuli training of social scientists who conduct inter- for supplementary questions. views in qualitative research projects. • An inflexibility in dealing with an interview- guide that results from fear and uncertainty: the guide is called to mind in a strident fashion FURTHER READING (‘We had this question before’, or ‘That com- pletes this section’, and so on ), it is used as an instrument of discipline (‘If we can all be Gubrium, J. F. and Holstein, J. (eds) (2001) a little briefer, we can finish our questions Handbook of Interviewing Research. today’, and so on), or it can divert attention Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. from interesting and non-anticipated aspects (cf. Merton and Kendall 1945/46). Merton, R. K. and Kendall, P. L. (1945/46) ‘The Focussed Interview’, American Journal of It is certainly helpful to analyse and discuss Sociology, 51: 541–557. these and similar communication problems and ‘performance errors’ in interviewing, either Riemann, G. and Schütze, F. (1987) ‘Trajectory as during training or later in the context of a Basic Theoretical Concept for Analyzing project-internal discussions, using the examples Suffering and Disorderly Social Processes’, in of concrete interview-protocols, even if this D. Maines (ed.), Social Organization and Social sometimes leads to discrepancies of assessment, Process – Essays in Honor of Anselm Strauss. as has happened with the assessment of a widely New York: Aldine de Gruyter. pp. 333–357. Flick 5.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 209

5.3 Interviewing as an Activity

Harry Hermanns

1 The shaping of the ‘interview-drama’: tasks, fears, pitfalls 209 2 The ‘drama’ is prepared 209 3 The ‘drama’ creates its performers 210 4 The development of the ‘drama’: an obstacle course 211 5 Stage directions for conducting interviews 212

The basic principles of the technique of of the ‘interpersonal drama’ of an interview are interviewing have often been described (see 5.2). therefore manifold, and there are many possible Here our principal focus will be on the activity pitfalls. of the interviewer in the creation of a social Particularly for beginners who dare to take on interaction (‘How it is done’). ‘Every interview this medium, the activity of the interviewer may (besides being an information-gathering occa- be seen as a sequence of tasks that can bring sion) is an interpersonal drama with a developing about uncertainties in the interviewer. These plot’ (de Sola Pool 1957: 193, cited from Holstein uncertainties are related first to the dilemma of and Gubrium 1995: 14). This impromptu-drama vagueness: on the one hand the recommenda- is actively produced by both participants, tions for the conduct of interviews are often although the interviewer also has a special task extremely vague, but on the other hand there is of shaping it. This will be examined more a requirement that the interview should make a closely here. significant contribution to the research ques- tion. A second difficulty may be characterized as the fairness dilemma: the task and the inter- 1 THE SHAPING OF THE viewer’s interest in learning, in terms of content, ‘INTERVIEW-DRAMA’: as much and as many personal details as possible TASKS, FEARS, PITFALLS from the interviewee must be set against the interviewee’s need for respectful treatment. In an interview specific tasks must be carried Finally, from the interviewer’s point of view, a out. In the first place the interviewees have to dilemma of self-presentation may arise: in order to be found and the place, time and theme of the carry out an interview well, the interviewer must interview must be fixed; a productive atmos- refrain from appearing to be as wise and omni- phere for the conversation must be created and scient as he or she believes him- or herself to be. agreement obtained to the use of a recorder. It must be explained to the interview partner in what capacity he or she will be addressed, and 2 THE ‘DRAMA’ IS PREPARED the task to be achieved in the interview and the expectation of the interviewer must be clarified. The approach to the field (see 5.1) by key Finally, the interview must be carried out persons and the choice of interview partners methodically and the encounter concluded at a is comprehensively described in the methodo- particular point. The demands on the creation logical literature (cf. Flick 2002: ch. 6). One Flick 5.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 210


aspect that needs to be pointed out, especially to task resulting from the particular method used beginners in the business of interviewing, is how in the interview, but also to create a climate for to approach arrangements about the setting for the conversation in which the desired mode of pre- interview. Particularly if, in a particular field, sentation is already part of the ‘atmosphere’. interview subjects are hard to find, beginners are inclined to leave the arrangements as vague as possible so as not to turn anyone down. This 3 THE ‘DRAMA’ CREATES leads to a set of unfavourable conditions, ITS PERFORMERS because, for example, the subjects are short of time and the interviewer comes under pressure ‘The first minutes of an interview are decisive. of time in the course of the conversation. The subjects will want to have a grasp of the A further factor that interviewers often forget interviewer before they allow themselves to talk to use in a satisfactory way is the recording freely, exposing their experiences and feelings to equipment, that is, the audio- or video-recorder. a stranger’ (Kvale 1996: 128). In the first few Taking the example of the recorder, we may minutes the interviewer has to create a situation clearly present a central problem: the obligation that is so relaxed and open that the people in it on the interviewer to stage the interview. can lay bare, without fear, a great variety of For inexperienced interviewers the recorder is aspects of their personality and their life-world. a problem from many points of view. Such inter- The interviewer’s main task in the opening viewers often dislike hearing their own voice on minutes of an interview is to set the stage so the tape because they are afraid of sounding unpro- people involved can find their roles. fessional. This fear on the part of the interviewer But who is the interviewee for the interviewer is often transferred to the interview partner, who and how should he or she be addressed? As a is assumed to have some objections to being resident in a home? As a member of a particular recorded. The interviewer then asks whether he age group? As a man/woman? And does the or she may use a recorder, but in such a way that interviewer represent to the subject someone a refusal to be recorded is anticipated: from the area of social work, who can perhaps have some influence on living conditions? ‘I’ve brought a recorder, one of these cassette- Someone who ‘knows Sister Eva well’? Or a recorders with me, but if you have any objection, young person who, in any case, knows nothing I mean, I could understand, you know if you’d rather not, I mean …’ about being old? The interviewer must take account of these Another way of coping with one’s own fear attributions and cultivate a sense of what of the recorder is that the interviewer only aspects of the interviewee are addressed by the switches on the machine at the moment when interviewer’s contributions, and in what role, the interviewee is about to talk. This means that capacity and function he or she is encountering not only is the right to speak transferred to the the subject. The interviewer must also create interviewee, but also this person alone is given space for the subject to reveal different aspects the task, in the interview-drama, of coping with of personality: a subject must be able to show the ‘fear of the recorder’, which can result in herself as a refined elderly lady, but also as a contributions that are inhibited or reserved. It is cunning old woman trying to avoid being com- therefore the duty of the interviewer to accept mitted to a home. Such changes of role must be responsibility, in the interview-drama, for manag- made possible interactively in the impromptu- ing the feeling of ‘recorder-discomfort’, by demon- drama of the interview, often prompted merely strating – with the machine running – that, by small remarks or gestures. A male interviewer irrespective of the fact that a recording is being can show a female subject that he understands made, it is possible to speak in a relaxed and her perspective as a woman, an older, well- open way, with all the imperfections of the spo- dressed interviewer can show a young person ken language (cf. Hochschild 1992). This has a that he can imagine himself in that person’s rather more convincing effect on the inter- youthful crazes. This requirement that the inter- viewee than if the interviewer – in brief and viewer shows understanding conceals many abrupt terms – urges the interviewee to be dangers. As an interviewer one must keep the ‘explicit’. It is the responsibility of the inter- correct balance in all of this: be interested and viewer not only to give the interviewee a clear attentive, understand, show respect and at the Flick 5.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 211


same time avoid giving oneself away by reacting subject and would like to offer some protection. personally to the interview-content (‘I used to This protective behaviour may have a variety of be like that’), because this constitutes the offer causes. In what follows we shall examine two of an ‘alliance’, which in some sense binds the of these: the fear of embarrassments in the course interviewee. of the conversation, and the fear of injuring inti- One essential skill of the interviewer consists macy or of personality crises. of understanding roles, of understanding ‘as who’ Both the course of the interaction and also the he or she is being seen, and ‘as who’ the coun- facts presented may be a cause of embarrassment. terpart is acting and speaking. A second skill During an interaction silence is often experi- consists of making it possible for the subject to enced as embarrassing (for a discussion cf. espe- take on other roles: the progression of the action cially Gubrium and Holstein 1997: 127ff., and must be so ‘stage managed’ that the interviewee Lueger and Schmitz 1984: 103ff.). If the silence is really able to be sincere in the aspect of self- follows a turn handover on the part of the inter- presentation (cf. Legewie 1987: 141) and to show viewer, then interviewers generally interpret a other aspects of his or her personality and life- ‘non-response’ as a defect in their question and world. This stage managing is often achieved by often tend to correct or complete the lack of the interviewer ‘proving’, through a follow-up clarity in their speech which they suppose to be question, that he or she can really identify with there. For the interviewee, however, silence after the perspective of the subject and is truly in a a transfer of turn can have a very different mean- position to ‘accept the truth as presented’. ing: it is to focus his or her thoughts, or else it is While the subject is speaking the interviewer a piece of ‘dramatic staging’. has two tasks to cope with which often seem to Another type of embarrassment that may be be contradictory. The dual role of the interviewer experienced by an interviewer is to do with may be characterized thus: on the one hand embarrassment at the content of the presentation on the interviewer shows empathy by attempting to the past of the interviewees. This may consist of become part of the interviewee’s presentation, breaches of morality and convention, their own in order to understand how he or she perceives incompetence, some disgrace, matters they find and interprets the world. At the same time, disgusting or terminal illnesses. But interviewers however, the interviewer must develop a differ- often also engage in protective behaviour if ent approach to the subject which shows that, follow-up questions would bring about some although the words are heard, the interviewer is injury to the image of the subject, for example by uncertain of the meaning horizon of the terms casting doubt on the self-image that the inter- for the interviewee. The interviewer does not viewee has developed. Protective behaviour is know what are the given pre-conditions which also shown when the interviewer has entered the interviewee relates to the terms used, and into an open or secret alliance with the intervie- must remain aware of the alien nature of the wee (such as a bond of solidarity in face of a interviewee’s presentation. The interviewer common enemy), and this could also be endan- must project an attitude of deliberate naiveté gered by more detailed follow-up questioning. (Kvale 1996: 33) and ask the subject about his or A further reason for protective behaviour may her view of things which the interviewer ‘actu- be the fear that an interviewee would be over- ally’ knows. At the same time the interviewer exposed or that if the interviewer pursues the must also project in to the conversation an questioning it could even lead to a personal impression of listening in an interested and crisis. This fear is found particularly in the case relaxed manner. of subjects who have personal problems. But even with people who abandon themselves completely to the dynamics of the interview, 4 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE without wishing to, the interviewer may justifi- ‘DRAMA’: AN OBSTACLE COURSE ably be afraid of infringing the limits of intimacy, and counter this by interrupting the interviewee It has been said that interviewers should be and embarking on a different topic. empathetic and this very feature can be the This behaviour on the part of the interviewer source of a wide range of problems. Interviewers seems at first glance to be very responsible. frequently have an intuitive idea of what points There is, however, another factor that plays a in a conversation will be problematic for the role in this, and that is the relationship of the Flick 5.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 212


interviewer to his or her own interview activity. interview, what he or she means by ‘street-work’ With interviews that probe deeply into the per- or ‘relationship-work’, is liable to be suspected of sonal experience of the interviewee, one may being professionally incompetent. This dilemma broadly distinguish two types of attitude on the between the interviewer’s self-presentation and part of the interviewer towards the activity of the requirements of the interview often leads to interviewing. The first attitude may be described a situation where interviewers engage in protec- as a feeling of exploitation. This is characterized tive behaviour towards themselves, and dispense by a latent guilty conscience: for one’s own per- with follow-up questions that are necessary sonal benefit (a thesis, dissertation or research to reveal the life-world and knowledge of the project) one is asking someone to reveal inti- interviewee, in order to prevent damage to mate matters to a stranger. The interviewer is their own personal image in the course of the afraid of using too much pressure, of coming interview. too close to the interviewee, of shamelessly An interview is therefore truly a drama, the exploiting this person’s friendly agreement to be production of which contains many pitfalls, of assistance. The second attitude derives from and which requires social skills of its partici- the idea that there is a fortunate coincidence of pants – and not merely the interviewer’s ability two different facts: the benevolent curiosity of to ask clever questions. the interviewer and the pleasant feeling the interviewee has when he or she can fully explain a personal view of the world in the course of an 5 STAGE DIRECTIONS FOR interesting conversation. This attitude could be CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS called a feeling of happy coincidence. The inter- viewer has an experience of being someone 1 Explain the framework to your subject in who is able to offer an enriching experience to good time. In a ‘briefing’, the following another person that is otherwise rarely found. points have to be made clear: The interviewer is making a present: he or she is • showing interest – often for hours at a time – in What is the issue (what they will be talk- the other person, and is a good listener. It is evi- ing about and why, what the information dent that an interviewer who inclines to the first will be used for, what is behind it). • attitude (fear of exploitation) is at much greater How it will be done (who will conduct the risk of engaging in protective behaviour than an interview, who should or can be present interviewer of the second type. The problem of during the interview, where it will take being protective, therefore, is not only, and place, how long it will last). perhaps not even mainly, a problem of the subject but rather of the interviewer: frequently an inter- 2 Create a good atmosphere in the interview: viewer is protecting not the interviewee but him- • Be relaxed (or at least give that impres- or herself. An interviewer relates not only to the sion), and radiate this feeling, even when interviewee or the required research results, but you switch on the recorder. to his or her own person. • Try to understand the ‘message’ of your This also becomes clear when interviewers counterpart: he or she is communicating have to interview members of a group to which more than pure ‘information’. they themselves belong. In this case there may be problems of putting themselves into the role 3 Give your counterpart room to open up: of an outsider. For example, if students in social work interview social workers, then the subjects • Do not attempt to explain your own posi- will assume that they are dealing with col- tion, and especially not your agreement leagues who are familiar with the world of social with your counterpart (‘I’m like that work. Situations such as these are problematic too!’). You should retain an ‘independent’ for the interviewer, because if he or she asks for interest, whatever the counterpart says. clarification of some facts that are taken for • Give your subject the possibility of dis- granted in social work, then that interviewer playing a range of personality traits (the will no longer count as a group member. An hero should be able to express his help- interviewer who is also a student of social work lessness, and the philanthropist his capacity and who asks a social worker, in the course of an for hatred). Flick 5.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 213


• Do not protect your subject from something if you ask about things that seem obvious: that could be embarrassing, but show, ‘What is street-work?’ ‘What do you mean through your own attitude, that you are by problems in a relationship?’ ‘What capable of getting at the truth. happened?’ • Try, through the interview, to understand 4 Give the ‘drama’ an opportunity to develop: your counterpart’s life-world so well that you could write a film-script for scenes • Ask short and easily intelligible questions from this world and could direct a pro- that may stimulate your counterpart to duction. Keep the questions going until it give more detail. is clear to you what happens or happened • Research questions are not the same as there. interview questions: do not ask for theo- retical categories (‘What kind of motiva- tion influenced your choice of study?’), but ask for concrete facts from your coun- FURTHER READING terpart’s life-world. • Speak your own language, and do not imitate the language of the environment. Gubrium, J. F. and Holstein, J. A. (1997) The New But use the concrete names and terms that Language of Qualitative Method. New York: your counterpart uses. If her boyfriend is Oxford University Press. called Paul, then refer to Paul, rather than to ‘your relationship’. Holstein, J. A. and Gubrium, J. F. (1995) The Active Interview (Qualitative Research 5 In the interview do not attempt to discover Methods Series 37). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. theoretical ideas but the life-world of your counterpart: Kvale, S. (1996) InterViews. An Introduction to • Be naive. Let the subject explain concepts, Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand procedures, situations. Do not feel guilty Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 214

5.4 Group Discussion and Focus Groups

Ralf Bohnsack

1 The model of the individual in public debate 214 2 The model of informal group opinion 214 3 The model of the interpretative negotiation of meanings 215 4 Focus groups and group discussions: on the Anglo-Saxon debate 215 5 The model of collective orientation patterns 216 6 Validity and reliability: standardized, open and reconstructive procedures 217 7 Communicative and conjunctive experience 218 8 Socio-linguistic conversation analysis and the reconstruction of collective orientations 218 9 Reflexive principles for the conduct of group discussions 219 10 Formulating interpretation, reflective interpretation, formation of types 220

The changing history of the group discussion of the individual isolation of interviewees in procedure is closely linked, in general terms, to questionnaire research. At the Frankfurt Institute the phases in the modern development of (quali- of Social Research, under the direction of tative) empirical research. For instance, the first Horkheimer and Adorno, an attempt was made large-scale investigation of political awareness to reproduce the public conversational situation in post-war Germany, at the beginning of the of a meeting of strangers (for example, in a rail- 1950s, was based essentially on group discus- way compartment) that were considered typical sion. More recently, in both Germany and the for the discussion of political questions. For English-speaking world, there has been a lively ‘deeper’ or ‘latent’ opinions only ‘become clear, interest in this method, which has resulted in a if the individual – for instance in a conversation – variety of research practices. Admittedly, how- feels himself compelled to state and emphasize ever, it still has to be tested very precisely to his viewpoint’ (Pollock 1955: 34). In the psy- determine whether such procedures can meet choanalytically coloured type of empiricism the quality criteria of empirical social research. found in the Frankfurt School the aim was to If procedures in empirical social research are look behind ‘defence mechanisms and rational- to merit the name ‘method’ they need to be izations’. Regardless of the criticism of the isola- anchored and justified in sociological traditions tion of individual opinions in questionnaire with their various theoretical models and con- research, in the (quantitative) empirical analysis ceptualizations. In what follows we shall first the individual speech turns were none the less identify these kinds of theoretical model for the analysed in isolation from one another. group discussion procedure.


When the group discussion procedure first This very problem was taken up by Werner began to develop in Germany there was criticism Mangold (1960) in a dissertation he wrote at the Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 215


same institute in the course of a re-analysis of practical research with group discussions available material. Unlike the earlier focus on Nießen (1977: 67ff.), in view of the constantly individual opinion, he developed the concept of changing processes of negotiation, came to the ‘group opinion’. This was ‘not a “sum” of indi- conclusion ‘that the assumptions made, on the vidual opinions but the product of collective basis of discussion results, about action in a real interactions’ (1960: 49). These group opinions – situation are not accurate’. For these reasons and this is the other decisive change that Volmerg called into question the validity of the Mangold brought about in the methodology – procedure: ‘if, as a consequence of the use of the are not first produced in the discussion situa- “group discussion” research tool, opinions are tion, but only actualized there. ‘In reality they changed or only then formed, the results are in have already been formed among the members principle not replicable’ (1977: 205). The replic- of the particular collective’ (1973: 240). These ability of results, however, is an essential pre- ‘collectives’, in Mangold’s understanding, condition for the reliability of any method. should be considered as ‘large groups’, or – one This implies that the group discussion method might also say – as milieux (for example, of will only meet the exactitude criteria of empir- miners or farmers, or even refugees). ical research if the same opinions or orienta- Mangold recognized the empirical evidence of tions within a group can be observed in a a collective as that of a voluntary or even different research situation. This is also one of euphoric integration of the individual into the the main methodological problems in the discourse that develops through mutual refer- present-day debate about focus groups within ence. In contrast, the theoretical concept of group the Anglo-Saxon debate. In their overview arti- opinions is based on the (still prevalent) under- cle, Lunt and Livingstone deal with the accusa- standing of a collective in terms of the ‘faits soci- tion of a lack of ‘test–retest reliability’: ‘Focus aux’, in Durkheim’s sense, that are external to groups are unreliable because different conver- the actors and vested with power, as Horkheimer sations would occur if groups were repeated’ and Adorno suggested in their foreword to (1996: 92). Mangold’s study (1960: 7). This incompatibility of empirical evidence and theoretical framework was one of the major causes of the difficulty in accepting Mangold’s work in the following stage 4 FOCUS GROUPS AND of theoretical modelling of the concept of group GROUP DISCUSSIONS: ON discussion. THE ANGLO-SAXON DEBATE In the Anglo-Saxon debate there are two differ- ent strands or traditions in the use of group 3 THE MODEL OF THE discussions. Only one of these two strands is INTERPRETATIVE NEGOTIATION closely linked to the term ‘focus group’. This OF MEANINGS was first coined by Merton et al. (1956; cf. also Merton 1987) in the course of developing a Under the influence of the increasing signi- new procedure for research on the reception of ficance of the ‘interpretative paradigm’ (cf. propaganda broadcasts during the Second Wilson 1970), the interactional dependency and World War. Later use of focus groups in market the process character of opinions and meaning research largely followed Merton’s view, accord- patterns was recognized, and methods were ing to which this procedure only seems appro- sought that were capable of taking account of priate for the generation of new research this paradigm in some valid way. However, as is questions and hypotheses and for pre-tests. The often the case with the interpretative paradigm – groups are set up by the investigators by random that is, interpretative sociology in the tradition selection among participants who are not of symbolic interactionism (see 3.3) and phe- known to one another. nomenology (see 3.1) – it now seemed difficult In examining this practice in market research still to find structures in what are essentially Morgan (1988) and Krueger (1988) in particular processes. The process character of interactions attempted to make the procedure useful for and conversations was reduced to the single sociological research and to enhance its status. aspect of local and situational negotiation, that is, Because, however, there was no comprehensive to the emergence of meanings. On the basis of methodological foundation, the procedure was Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 216


and continues to be essentially limited to the groups as representative of broader (macro-social) generation of hypotheses (cf. Morgan 1988: 11, entities, particularly ‘classes’. Discussion groups 21); and to Morgan and Krueger (1993: 9) it are made up homogeneously according to demo- seems less suited to the production of generaliz- graphic criteria (profession, education, age), but able results. In the work of Morgan and Krueger, were not in fact really existing groups. They rep- and in that of their followers, more ‘rules of resent class and milieu-specific ‘discursive thumb’ (particularly in relation to interview formations’ whose structural expression is the techniques) than methodological or theoretical ‘interpretative codes’ (1996: 112ff.): they are bases (cf. Lunt and Livingstone 1996: 82) are therefore homologous patterns for milieu- provided. What is missing, therefore, is a gen- specific sense attributions and orientations (see eral theoretical base, and only this could make it below). Such ‘codes’ are not initially produced possible to cope with the problems of validity in the discussion groups; they do not emerge in and reliability.1 Above all, however, the conver- situations. It is rather that they are represented sational nature of this kind of data production and updated in discourse, and thereby con- was not considered, and this was Kitzinger’s stantly reproduced, for as long as those people criticism in a survey of 40 published studies come together who belong to the same milieu using focus groups: ‘I could not find a single one or the same ‘interpretative community’ (on concentrating on the conversation between the this cf. the critical discussion with Morley in participants’ (1994: 104). Schröder 1994). This model is not therefore one In her survey Kitzinger does not examine the of emergence, as in the interpretative paradigm, second, quite different, Anglo-Saxon strand in but one of representation (cf. also Loos and the development of the group discussion proce- Schäffer 2000). In this way it is possible to pro- dure, which has its roots in the Birmingham vide a methodological foundation for the replic- Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies – on ability of results and thereby also the reliability the one hand in Paul Willis’s analysis of youth of the method. styles (see 2.4), and on the other hand in David The empirical procedures for the analysis of Morley’s analysis of the use and reception of such ‘codes’ or deeper meaning patterns have the media. The groundbreaking work of Willis only been approximately worked out in the (1977) in style and milieu analysis is, like his methodology of cultural studies (see 3.9). later work (1978, 1990), essentially based on Broader possibilities were only opened up by group discussions: ‘the basic method we’ve used more recent procedures for text interpretation to get inside the words and to spell them out has which transcend the ‘literal’ meaning of single been a loose and general form of ethnography utterances, and advance to those deeper collec- utilizing, in particular, the recorded group tive orientation-structures or orientation-patterns discussion’ (Willis 1990; see 2.4). (cf. Bohnsack 1998a for discussion of this term) Admittedly Willis was not particularly inter- that are only manifested in the interplay of ested in a methodological reconstruction of the single utterances. group discussion procedure. Even the funda- mental theoretical importance of his work was only made explicit in the subsequent re-analysis – 5 THE MODEL OF COLLECTIVE particularly that of Giddens (1984) with refer- ORIENTATION PATTERNS ence to the category of ‘practical consciousness’. Morley (1980, 1992, 1996) deals more fully Discourses often seem disconnected or relatively with the methodological foundation of group random in their sequencing, which means with- discussion, the significance of which he places out structure and therefore also non-reproducible if at two levels: in the first place account should be we only look at what is ‘literally’ communicated taken of the process nature and the interactive in the individual speech turns, or their imma- character of sense attribution and the constitu- nent meaning, as Karl Mannheim (1982) called it. tion of meaning in the course of media recep- We may illustrate this with an example from a tion. Accordingly, ‘the basic units for an analysis research project on youth migrants of Turkish of utilization behaviour should be (a) interactions origin (cf. Bohnsack and Nohl 1998): rather than individual action and (b) interactions in their social context’ (1996: 41). In the second Stimulated by a question from the discussion place, Morley – like Willis – views discussion leader as to whether they currently live with their Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 217


parents, the (male) young people first embark on people then include in the passage about their a range of stories in which they explain that peer-group, no mediation between the spheres because of ‘respect’ for their father it is impossible is achieved there either, which was not the to smoke in his presence. They next describe, sup- case in other groups that we investigated. The plementing each other’s account, how they deal peer-group orients itself according to the con- with one another in the male peer-group. Finally ventional (that is, inner sphere) mode of rela- one of them describes the situation of a visit to a restaurant with his German girlfriend. There are tionships between young men. In other differences of opinion with her as to who is passages from the same group discussion (for allowed to pay. example, in those where young people report their experiences of ethnic discrimination) the Although the topics diverge from those given by orientation structure or pattern is expressed, in the discussion leader and apparently jump homologous fashion, with a strict drawing of about, the young people evidently understand boundaries between the two spheres: the orien- one another, without themselves actually ‘inter- tation structure is therefore reproduced here. preting’ the leader’s request, which means being Since the passage cited here is characterized conceptually or theoretically explicit about the by a relatively detailed representation (‘metaphori- pattern of orientation that underlies the pas- cal density’) and by a relatively involved rela- sage, or being able themselves to define it ‘liter- tionship between the parties (‘interactive ally’. Their orientation structure is unveiled density’), we may suppose that a well-focused rather in descriptions and narratives, that is, problem of orientation is being voiced here. In metaphorically. When the researcher interprets passages such as this we refer to focusing the orientation structure on behalf of the metaphors. informants, he or she is carrying out what In this example a number of central compo- Mannheim (1952a; see also Bohnsack 1997, nents of the documentary interpretation of collec- 1999) has called documentary interpretation, that tive orientation patterns are addressed. is, the conceptual and theoretical explication of the subjects’ mutual (intuitive) understanding • The documentary meaning content must be (cf. also the term ‘practical consciousness’ in distinguished from the inherent literal Giddens 1984). meaning. Seen in this way, beyond the apparently • The documentary meaning content is only rather disjointed discourse process, there opens revealed if account is taken of the discourse up a collective meaning pattern that is common process. to all the individual turns (narratives, descrip- • This kind of process analysis presupposes, on tions): in the example cited above what is at the one hand, a very precise reconstruction issue is a separation of spheres that is relevant to that can be made of the way the individual the young people’s everyday practice. Because speech turns relate to one another (‘discourse the convention of respect towards one’s father organization’). and family of origin requires that essential areas • On the other hand, process analysis means of the outer sphere (that is, actions of young taking account of the of the dis- people in public and in social institutions) course, its high points – that is, identifying should be kept out of the inner sphere (family, the focusing metaphors. relatives and ethnic group) in a controlled fash- ion, there comes about a strict separation of spheres that does not permit any ‘open’ dealing 6 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY: with parents about problems of young people STANDARDIZED, OPEN AND relevant to their identity. Both spheres, with RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES their different moral codes (the ‘German’ and the ‘Turkish’), exist without interconnection. Against this background the problem of replica- This is also true of the relationship with the bility of results, or of orientation structures, takes German girlfriend. In case of conflict between on a new meaning: they are process structures that the two moral codes there is not a (meta-) are reproduced in the discourse process in a communicative negotiation of the problem but homologous fashion, in relative independence of rather a strategic circumvention. As is also the specific topics. What is constantly reproduced shown in the descriptions that the young in the course of a discourse is now recognized as Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 218


constituting the ‘structure of the case’. In the communication with one another. Of course, sense of reconstructive methodology researchers mutual experience will be most comprehen- have to create the right conditions to make it sively articulated when those who share it are in possible for the structure of the case to unfold one another’s presence. The group, then, is not according to its own typical rules. Unlike stan- the social location of the genesis and emergence of dardized procedures, where replicability of results experience, but is the articulation and representa- and therefore also their reliability – by analogy tion of a generation-specific or, in more general with experiments in the natural sciences – have terms, a collective stratification of experience. to be guaranteed by the researcher’s standardiza- Here it must be clarified in an individual case tion of the sequencing of the procedure, recon- what collective or milieu-specific shared features structive procedures are based on the structures of the stratification of experience are repre- or – rather casually expressed – ‘standards’ of sented in the discourse or group, and on the everyday communication, on ‘natural standards basis of what common features it has consti- and routines of communication’ (Soeffner and tuted itself. We therefore make distinctions, in Hitzler 1994a: 41). In contrast, open procedures analysing group discussions, between different (for example, in both Nießen and Volmerg, see experiential spaces or milieux, in particular those above) dispense with any standardization or that are specific to generations, genders or edu- structuring on the part of the investigator, and cation (cf. Bohnsack 1989), which are described cannot achieve any systematic structuring by the as types (see below). Although the group thereby informants themselves through process struc- becomes merely an ‘epi-phenomenon’ for the tures and ‘everyday methods’. analysis of different experiential spaces, it gives a valid empirical access to the articulation of collective meaning-contexts. These are articu- 7 COMMUNICATIVE AND lated in ‘ceremonial’ or habitualized – in the CONJUNCTIVE EXPERIENCE sense of repeatedly reproduced and basically mimetically appropriate – action practices. According to the ‘interpretative paradigm’, The primordial meaning of this social process sociality is ‘produced’ as ‘intersubjectivity’ by in its process-structure is the subject of socio- subjects who mutually interpret one another. genetic or documentary interpretation. This Ethnomethodology (Garfinkel 1961; see 3.2) method seeks to analyse meaning structures and Habermas’s theory of communicative beyond the literal or referential meaning- action also proceed on the basis of this kind of content, but also beyond the communicative model of constant mutual interpretation. intentions of the interlocutors (cf. Bohnsack From this we must distinguish another, more 1992, 1997). In this there are differences from, fundamental type of sociality, where partici- but also points of agreement with, socio-linguistic pants in discourse are connected to one another conversation analysis (cf. Bohnsack 1999: 72ff.). by ‘understanding each other through the medium of what is obvious’ (Gurwitsch 1976: 178). This is based on what is shared in their 8 SOCIO-LINGUISTIC CONVERSATION action practice, in their biographical experience, ANALYSIS AND THE RECONSTRUCTION their destiny, or – in general terms – their social- OF COLLECTIVE ORIENTATIONS ization history. If this form of sociality as ‘belonging’ (Gurwitsch) remains largely bound John Gumperz and Jenny Cook-Gumperz, in up with a direct experience of living together in work of great significance for socio-linguistic concrete groups, Mannheim (1982) is able to sep- conversation analysis, distinguish two basic arate analytically the form of collectivity that he levels of meaning: one of literal or ‘referential’ calls ‘conjunctive space of experience’ from the meaning, and the other that can only be uncov- concept of the group. Mannheim (1952b) devel- ered by ‘interpretation’ (cf. Gumperz 1982: 207). oped this using the example of the ‘generational Interpretation, in Gumperz’s sense, on the connection’ as a conjunctive experiential space. one hand targets the communicative intent of Those who are bound to one another through a the individual speakers. On the other hand, common, generation-specific stratification of Gumperz points out that ‘what is to be inter- experience, and therefore belong to the preted must first be created through interaction, same generation, are in most cases not in direct before interpretation can begin’ (1982: 206). Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 219


The emphasis on the interactive and cooperative principle is followed, according to which the nature of the meaning-content, which is the investigator must create the right conditions object of interpretations, has a close relation- for the particular case – that is, the group – to ship with the category of the communicative unfold its own structural identity as part of a intent of a particular speaker. The empirical process. This implies, above all, giving a dis- studies conducted by Gumperz and Cook- course the opportunity of focusing on those Gumperz look not only at the individual and experience centres that represent the focused intentional self-representations, as was the case experiential basis for the group’s collective ori- with Goffman (1974; see 2.2), but also – and entation framework. In this way the group can predominantly – at the collective identities. The determine its own topics. However, a (thematic) communicative styles which they investigated, comparability of discourses – as a precondition especially the ‘contextualization cues’, have the for a comparative analysis – requires a certain function of signalling and negotiating not only degree of standardization, at least in the open- individual self-presentations but also member- ing questions. Initially, follow-up questions are ship of groups, collectives or milieux. Particularly only permitted if the discourse grinds to a halt in the area of identifying ethnic group member- and they are used primarily to re-establish the ship, Gumperz and Cook-Gumperz observed momentum. Only in a later stage will themes ‘participants probe for common experiences or that have not occurred be initiated by an out- some evidence of shared perception … . The sider. What is also revealing for an analysis is ability to establish a common rhythm is a func- what does not belong to the focused centres of tion, among other factors, of similarity of ethnic experience, what topics or areas of experience background’ (1981: 436). In this kind of ‘com- are alien or avoided and why. mon rhythm’ or ‘frame attunement’ (Gumperz On the basis of a reconstruction of the 1992: 42) there is represented, to use the words author’s personal research practice, the follow- of Mannheim (1982), a shared or ‘conjunctive’ ing principles for the conduct of group discus- space of experience. sions may be proposed. The nature of the interactive reference in which a collective meaning-pattern is constituted 1 The entire group is the addressee of inter- is also reconstructed, in our own analyses, in its ventions. The interventions and questions of formal structure. We then refer to discourse organi- the discussion leader are addressed not to zation (see 5.19). This depends, at least in part, on individuals but to the whole group. This is to whether one is dealing with shared or merely avoid the researchers exerting any direct structurally identical experience, or whether there influence on the distribution of turns. is no context of shared experience, and there- 2 Suggestion of topics, rather than prescription of fore no ‘group’. The momentum initiated and propositions. The opening questions and the encouraged by the discussion leader makes it pos- follow-up questions of the leader are only to sible to home in on centres of experience where initiate topics, not to prescribe propositions,2 the focus of collective orientations can be found. which means that there should be avoidance The representations that unfold in this kind of of any prescription as to how, in what direc- augmented metaphorical and interactive density tion or within what framework of orienta- may be described as focusing metaphors. This tion the topic should be handled. dramaturgy, together with the formal discourse 3 Demonstrative vagueness. The questioning on organization and the descriptions and narratives the part of the discussion leader is deliber- that permeate it, is reconstructed sequentially, in ately and ‘demonstratively’ kept vague. In a more exact textual interpretation, according to this way a (milieu-specific) alienness and the two interpretative stages of ‘formulating’ and ignorance is shown, which corresponds to ‘reflective interpretation’. the basic methodological requirement for alienness in the sociology of knowledge, phenomenological sociology and ethnogra- 9 REFLEXIVE PRINCIPLES FOR THE phy (see 3.8, 5.5). This shows respect for the CONDUCT OF GROUP DISCUSSIONS system of relevance and the experiential world of the subjects; at the same time, these In conducting group discussions, as with all factors become responsible for alleviating reconstructive procedures, a basic methodological the ignorance of the investigator by means Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 220


of thorough and detailed representations 6 Inherent follow-up questions. Inherent follow-up (cf. also principle 5 below). This demonstra- questions, which are directed at a given topic tion of vagueness, together with the genera- and a given framework of orientation, have tion of detailed representations, may be priority over ‘exherent’ questions, which achieved by ‘imprecise’ or open questions, aim at initiating new topics. but also by the sequencing of questions (for 7 The phase of exherent follow-up questions. example, ‘How was it then with the change Once the dramatic high point of the dis- from school to work? How was it for you at cussion has (in the intuitive opinion of the that time?’). The author’s experience with leader) been passed and the topics most sequencing of questions corresponds to important to the group itself (the focusing observations that have been made within metaphors) have been worked over, the top- the framework of conversation analysis ics that are most relevant to the researchers, (cf. Sacks 1992: 561, and Bergmann 1981a: and which have so far not been treated, are 133ff.; see 5.17). introduced by exherent questioning. For this 4 No intervention in the allocation of turns. purpose, a list of topical focuses for follow- Ideally follow-up questions only happen up questions should have been drawn up in after group members have not noticed an advance in accordance with the epistemo- opportunity to take over a ‘turn’. In the logical interest of the project and the desired sense of conversation analysis (cf. Sacks et al. formation of types (see section 10). Principle 6 1974: 25ff.), this means that a follow-up above is therefore now put out of action, but question should only occur when a ‘lapse’ in all other principles remain valid. the discourse has been reached – rather than 8 The directive phase. Towards the end of the a ‘gap’ or ‘pause’. The investigators, there- discussion the fieldworkers refer back to fore, do not observe their rights as partici- those sequences in the discourse which – in pants within the ‘turn-taking system’ and terms of their intuitive impression – seemed demonstrate that they have no intention of so to be contradictory or striking in some other doing. They do not take on, therefore, the way. By relating inherently to these sequences, function of participants in an everyday these contradictions and other striking fea- conversation, nor that of discussion leader in tures are made topical. In this process princi- meetings – that of ‘moderator’, which would ples 2 and 3 become invalid, while all others also include the allocation of turns. The reti- continue to operate. cence required of the leader in a group dis- cussion must give the participants, on the one hand, the opportunity of concluding a 10 FORMULATING INTERPRETATION, topic and, on the other hand, that of orga- REFLECTING INTERPRETATION, nizing for themselves the distribution and FORMATION OF TYPES allocation of turns. 5 Generation of detailed representations. The The distinctive methodological characteristic of questions and follow-up questions should the author’s own analytical procedure (Bohnsack be framed in such a way that they are capable 1989; Bohnsack et al. 1995) is that of inherent of generating detailed descriptions or narra- as opposed to documentary meaning content tives. With detailed representations it should (cf. Mannheim 1952a). This corresponds to be possible to access the (reconstructed) Luhmann’s (1990b) distinction between ‘cyber- action practice and the modus operandi that netics of the first and the second order’ (cf. also underlies it – the (collective) habitus. This is Bohnsack 1999: 207ff.). It is important to dis- achieved, in the first place, by asking for tinguish what is said, reported or discussed, that direct or explicit ‘narratives’ or ‘descriptions’ is, what becomes a topic, from what is docu- and/or ‘experiences’ (for example, ‘Could mented about the group in what is said. This is you just tell or describe what happened the question of how the topic is treated, which to you when …?). But the generation of means in what framework. In this process, com- detailed representations may also be parative analysis (cf. Glaser and Strauss 1967) achieved by sequencing of questions (cf. the takes on a fundamental significance from the remarks under principle 3), which may simul- outset, so long as the orientation framework is taneously also be used to show vagueness. only extracted from it in a clear and empirically Flick 5.04.qxd 3/19/04 2:35 PM Page 221


verifiable way through comparison with other particular case, and the more fully a type can be groups (how is the same topic or problem dealt fixed within a typology. with in other groups?). The basic structure of formulating interpretation NOTES is the thematic composition, that is, the thema- tization of themes, the decoding of the nor- 1 This is also true, in the main, of Lamnek’s (1998) mally implicit thematic structure of texts. monograph entitled Gruppendiskussion (group dis- Reflecting interpretation aims at the reconstruc- cussion), which otherwise relies essentially on the tion of the orientation pattern or framework. Its work of Morgan and Krueger. basic tool is the reconstruction of the formal 2 I use the term ‘proposition’ to relate to the work of structure of texts (beyond that of their thematic Harold Garfinkel (1961). In Garfinkel’s sense structure). In the case of group discussion this propositions, that is, ideas or realizations of orien- means reconstructing the discourse organization, tations and attitudes, are implicit in everyday that is, the manner in which the participants representations and ‘descriptions’. relate to each other. In the formation of types, on the basis of FURTHER READING common features of cases (for example, experience common to all students from the education milieu of dealing with the everyday world of Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M. and Robson, K. work), specific contrasts typical of a particular (2000) Focus Groups in Social Research. milieu for coping with these experiences are London: Sage. worked out (for example, between musical groups and hooligans; cf. Bohnsack et al. 1995). Kitzinger, J. (1994) ‘The Methodology of Focus The contrast in common features is a basic princi- Groups – The Importance of Interaction ple of the generation of individual types and between Research Participants’, Sociology of also of the structure that holds a whole typology Health and Illness, 16: 103–112. together. The unambiguity of a type depends on the extent to which it can be distinguished from Lunt, P. and Livingstone, S. (1996) ‘Rethinking the all other possible types. The formation of types Focus Group in Media and Communications is the more valid the more clearly other types Research’, Journal of Communication, can also be demonstrated with reference to a 46: 79–98. Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 222

Part 5C Observing Processes and Activities

5.5 Field Observation and Ethnography

Christian Lüders

1 From participant observation to ethnography 222 2 Participant observation 222 3 Ethnography 224 4 Challenges 229

1 FROM PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION 2 PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION TO ETHNOGRAPHY Participant observation has its historical roots in Anyone who wishes to make an empirical anthropology and ethnology on the one hand investigation of human beings, their everyday and in the social reform movements of the late practices and life-worlds has, in principle, two nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the possibilities. One can hold conversations with United States and Great Britain on the other. participants about their actions and collect Both ethnic conflicts and those related to distrib- appropriate documents in the hope of obtain- ution and migration in the urban industrial cen- ing, in this way, rich information about the tres, and the growth of new forms of poverty and particular practice in which one is interested. Or impoverishment in the slums of the large towns, else one looks for ways or strategies for taking mobilized not only social reformers, but also part, for as long as possible, in this everyday scientists and universities. In the 1920s and 1930s practice and becoming familiar with it, so as to there arose, especially in Chicago, a particular be able to observe its everyday performance. tradition of urban sociology on the basis of The second strategy – which is central to this extensive participant observation and reporting. chapter – is that which has long been described The studies of Thomas and Znaniecki, Park, in the specialist literature, particularly in Burgess and others (cf. Lindner 1990) became German-speaking countries, as participant obser- particularly well known. This tradition was vation; it is only recently that this has begun to further developed in the 1950s, above all by be replaced by the term ‘ethnography’, under William F. Whyte’s investigation of ‘Street Corner the influence of British and American scholar- Society’ (1955), which has since become a classic. ship. This change in the familiar term has also When participant observation again attracted been accompanied by changes in the concep- more attention in the United States at the tual emphasis. beginning of the 1960s, methodological interest Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 223


concentrated on the systematic rationalization phases that did not correspond in detail, different and the development of the procedure as an types of task and difficulty that the participant independent sociological research method observer had to face in the field were classified (cf. Lüders 1995). Participant observation was and reflected in the methodology. Among these understood by its protagonists at that time as an are the phases of problem-definition, of making important route to the sociological description contact, of entering the field, of establishing of reality. At the same time they saw themselves and maintaining a role in the field, of collecting as being obliged repeatedly to admit that they and reporting data, of exiting from the field, and had no clear methodological profile, especially finally the phases of analysis, theoretical pro- compared to the interview and to the primacy cessing and publication of results (cf., for exam- of quantifying social research. They sought, ple, Hammersley and Atkinson 1983; Jorgensen therefore, not only to formulate a set of methodo- 1989). Alongside this, distinctions are made logical rules analogous to those of established between the different phases of observation. sociological procedures, but to develop a plaus- Here one proceeds on the basis that after ible theoretical and methodological foundation a rather broadly designed descriptive phase, the for their research practice. This was the main research focuses more and more narrowly on focus of the reader by McCall and Simmons, the research issue (focused observation), in which appeared in 1969. order to investigate only a number of selected If one assesses these and similarly based aspects in greater detail (selective observation; attempts from a contemporary viewpoint, one cf. Spradley 1980). may perceive that the discussions concentrate It is characteristic of the debate in the English- on two aspects in particular: first, there were the speaking world that a predominantly heuristic participant observers and their relations in and research-pragmatic function is attributed to these to their field. For example, Bruyn’s ‘first axiom’ methodological concepts. This not only pre- runs as follows: ‘the participant observer shares vents a too far-reaching standardization and in the life activities and sentiments of people formalization; at the same time, this under- in face-to-face relationships’ (Bruyn 1966: 13). standing implies that not all methodological What this meant in methodological terms was approaches and concepts can claim validity normally spelled out with the help of role- without first proving themselves in research theory. What became clear in this way were the practice in the context of concrete questions. dilemmas, described in countless ways, of A consequence of this is that the academic participant observers who had to adhere to their literature – particularly in journals such as the scientific standards and tasks as distanced Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (formerly observers, but at the same time had to act in a Urban Life or Urban Life and Culture), Qualitative socially and culturally acceptable way in the Sociology, Qualitative Inquiry or Qualitative Studies particular situations. Bruyn therefore derives in Education, but also numerous readers and from the first axiom the following ‘corollary’: edited volumes (cf., for example, Aster et al. ‘the role of the participant observer requires 1989; Shaffir and Stebbins 1991; Shaffir et al. both detachment and personal involvement’ 1980) – is still, apart from research-oriented (Bruyn 1966: 14). In point of fact this conflict reports, characterized by methodological articles of roles could not be resolved (see 5.1). The in which the relevant project-specific experi- methodological debate focused, accordingly, on ences are appraised. Just some of the topics of listing the different types of possible constella- discussion include: tions in the field and their variables (overt versus covert observation, differing degrees of • How to build up relationships of trust participation, degree of standardization of • How to shape one’s own role while in the observation, and so on). It was hoped that this field would make it possible at least to describe a • How to report: whether open or (part-)stan- number of characteristic conflicts and to formu- dardized, whether to summarize results from late appropriate pragmatic recommendations. memory later or to make notes in the situa- In addition to the observer and role-conflicts tion to serve as a basis for more detailed in the field the methodological debate concen- reports trated, secondly, on the different stages in the • How and when it is best to withdraw from research process. On the basis of divisions into the field to produce reports Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 224


• How to behave in delicate and dangerous interesting and important research results, situations, and how to find informants researchers began, on the one hand, to live with • How to use technical equipment and avail- a degree of vagueness in methodological ques- able documents tions, and this was turned into a principle by • How to use different procedures in a particu- emphasizing the ‘primacy of research practice lar situation, such as interviews or group over “theory” about how to do it’ (Hammersley conversations 1990: 1). On the other hand, researchers began • How to prevent oneself from being over- to see participant observation in a broader sense whelmed by the volume of information and as a flexible, methodologically plural and context- data and losing track of the research question related strategy that could incorporate widely in the vastness or the fascination of everyday different procedures. For this view the term life (cf., for example, Fetterman 1985, Grills ethnography has now become established, and 1998, and the series Qualitative Research it therefore seems sensible to use it only in this Methods; see Part 7). sense. A further extension of the term to cover the whole area of qualitative or reconstructive The academic debate in German-speaking social research, as is currently fashionable in the countries long ignored such developments. United States (cf., for example, Denzin 1997), is Participant observation or field research, as it is rather unwise since it causes one to lose sight of sometimes known (Friebertshäuser 1996; Girtler the unique methodological features of the 1984, 1989), has led a shadowy existence, has approach. received little methodological discussion and is rarely used as a main research tool. Of course, it has often been used as a collection procedure 3 ETHNOGRAPHY together with interviews, group discussion and document analysis, but ultimately opinions have In recent years there has been a considerable been divided over the question of how to stan- increase, in German-speaking countries, in the dardize the procedure and over its apparently number of ethnographic studies, but also in dubious methodological status. For many schol- methodological and concept-focused work on ars participant observation was only accorded a the topic of ‘ethnography’. Terms such as supplementary, or sometimes exploratory, role in ‘ethnography’, ‘ethnographic procedure’ and research (cf. Bohnsack 1999: 146). Researchers ‘ethnographic writing’ are not yet a part of who relied almost exclusively on participant the established repertoire in qualitative research. observation were deemed to have a high enter- Here German-speaking countries, compared to tainment value but their work was not really the debate in the United States or Great Britain, accepted as serious research. Even the boom in are still in every respect in a developmental qualitative research since the late 1970s was long stage. However, with works such as the reader unable to bring about any major change. edited by Berg and Fuchs (1993) a start has A whole range of developments and factors at least been made on making available, in were needed before an attempt could be made German translation, a selection of specialist to promote aggressively the strengths of partici- theoretical texts. With the collections by pant observation. What helped here was Hirschauer and Amann (1997) and Knoblauch undoubtedly the insight that the original pro- (1996b), the whole spectrum of relevant topics gramme could not be fulfilled, because the large and studies is now accessible. Recently pub- number of settings where participant observation lished collections in ‘cultural studies’ (cf. was used were not subject to methodological Bromley et al. 1999; Engelmann 1999) have control. The effort to formulate methodological introduced to a wider audience not only a theo- rules independent of context was de facto retical perspective but also a field of research rejected, because clearly its was mainly the situ- where an ethnographic viewpoint is really ationally appropriate behaviour of the observer, essential (see 2.4, 3.8, 3.9). his or her trained view and ability to condense In a first approximation ethnographies may heterogeneous material into a plausible descrip- be understood as descriptions of an ethnos, or, to tion, that were decisive for the quality of a use a term from Honer (1993: 14ff.), as descrip- study. But precisely because countless studies tions of small life-worlds. Both the use of the insisted that this strategy could be used to produce term ethnos and the allusion to Husserl’s concept Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 225


of life-worlds in Honer’s formulation indicate hypotheses about the what, when, where and that ethnographies normally focus their atten- how of a standardized observation procedure tion on a particular culture and the nature and but are expected of a perceptible object’, and forms of knowledge embedded in it. Unlike tra- which begin with the ‘apparently trivial and ditional ethnology and social anthropology, “unmethodical” opening question “What the sociological ethnographies examine primarily hell is going on here?” (Geertz)’. their own culture, or – more precisely – the If one now seeks to describe, beyond the mul- cultures in their own society. Against the back- tiplicity of topics and approaches, the essential ground of a highly differentiated and pluralized characteristics of ethnographic research, three society where one’s own form of existence features come to the centre of our attention: increasingly seems to be merely one option extended participation, ethnography as a flex- among countless others and in which experiences ible research strategy, and ethnographic writing. of alienness in its many forms have become an everyday matter, not only transmitted through the media, there has been an increase in curiosity Extended participation and sometimes also a voyeuristic interest in other apparently remote and abstruse forms of exis- If ethnographers are convinced of anything, it is tence. But there has also been a demand for seri- of the assumption that situational practice and ous description and analysis of what is no longer local knowledge can only be made accessible so obvious and of what is new. The ethnography to any analysis by extended participation, ‘by of one’s own culture has thus become a medium the lasting co-presence of observer and events’ for social self-observation. (Amann and Hirschauer 1997: 21). No inter- It is therefore not so surprising that ethno- views or focus groups, no matter how thorough, graphic studies today cover a broad spectrum of and no detailed analysis of natural documents issues and topics (see 3.8). These studies investi- can replace this. It is precisely the interest in the gate in particular the perspectives of parti- insider’s perspective that forces the ethnogra- cipants, the nature and forms of their knowledge, phers to put aside all the situational orders and their interactions, practices and discourses. practices that they have ever experienced, to At the centre of ethnographic studies is the adapt and, in a certain sense, even to subordi- question – theoretically put – of how the partic- nate themselves. A formulation of Hammersley ular realities are ‘produced’ in practical terms; and Atkinson encapsulates this idea: ‘The they therefore look at the means employed in a ethnographer participates, overtly or covertly, in given situation for the production of social phe- people’s daily lives for an extended period of nomena from the perspective of participants. time, watching what happens, listening to what This kind of epistemological interest is not iden- is said, asking questions; in fact collecting what- tical with the everyday view of participants. ever data are available to throw light on the Whereas they are normally interested in solving issues with which he or she is concerned’ (1983: 2). their problems by practical action, the ethno- In reacting to memories, opinions and descrip- graphic view concentrates on those aspects of tions that informants provide in interviews, reality that participants, so to speak, take for conversations and discussions, that is, in react- granted, namely the practices of their ‘creation’; ing to reconstructions about experiences and it then asks how participants manage to create events, ethnography is relying on participation themselves and others in the face of social facts. and the sharing of contemporary cultural phe- It is therefore quite inevitable that ethnographic nomena or – to borrow a term from Goffman research ‘observes … what is largely familiar as if (1963b) – on co-presence. it were alien; it is not understood in an inter- One precondition for an extended and infor- pretative way but methodologicaly “alienated”: mative presence in the research field is that it is brought to the observer from a distance’ access is secured and that one of the participants (Amann and Hirschauer 1997: 12). takes on an accepted role in the field (see 5.1). Against this background, one may view ethno- In accordance with this a central role is played graphies – following Amann and Hirschauer in research reports by the presentation of how (1997: 20) – as ‘mimetic forms of empirical social one succeeded in gaining access to the field in research’, whose ‘selectivity and modality … question, what obstacles had to be overcome [are] not regulated by external prescriptions and in the process, how it was possible to build up Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 226


trust, and what gatekeepers were of particular in a position to adapt methodological procedures importance. Because normally the small life- and to maintain the balance between epistemo- worlds that become the subjects of ethnogra- logical interests and the requirements of the phies are alien worlds to ethnographers, and situation, for an all too rigid adherence to princi- also because the development of an outsider’s ples of methodological procedure could, sooner view is one of ethnography’s most important or later, close the access to important informa- tasks, one might describe immersion in research tion. Research practice therefore shows itself to fields as a process of partial acculturation be highly dependent on milieu and situation, (cf. Amann and Hirschauer 1997: 27). coloured by the participating informants, the Experience shows, in this connection, that forms and circumstances of their lives and the the manner in which one gains access in most imponderabilities of everyday life. Ultimately cases already reflects some of the main charac- one can only subordinate oneself to these teristics of the field. Even in those cases where factors: the technique consists of ‘getting data, it access (initially) fails, the experience gained seems to me, by subjecting yourself, your own from this is crucial because it can provide help- body and your own personality, and your own ful clues as to the structure of the object of social situation, to the set of contingencies that investigation (cf. Lau and Wolff 1983). At the play upon a set of individuals, so that you can same time the move into the research field is physically and ecologically penetrate their circle accompanied by a large number of pointers in of response to their social situation, or their respect of the researcher’s positioning in the work situation or their ethnic situation, or field. The ways in which one introduces and whatever’ (Goffman 1989: 125). Admittedly this presents oneself, and subsequently ‘joins in’ the implies that the methodological debate in this game, are stages and processes in terms of which case has to cope with an abstract multiplicity the ethnographer’s position in the field of avail- and complexity of data-collection and field situ- able relationships is negotiated and defined. ations, which cannot be controlled in advance, Research practice shows that there is a broad and which render pointless any attempts at spectrum of possibilities, extending from the standardization. role of an openly observing researcher, known What is characteristic of ethnographic research, and visible to all, to different forms of camou- therefore, is the flexible use of different flage membership (be it trainee, or interested methodological approaches in accordance with visitor, or supposed customer or colleague) with the particular situation and issue – and here it is fluid transitions between them and possibilities not only the utilization of procedures that has of a change in position during the research to be adapted to the situation, but also, under process (see 5.1). certain circumstances, the procedures them- Participation over an extended period is a selves. For example, biographical-narrative challenge for ethnographers, in that normally interviews, as strictly defined (see 5.2, 5.11), are they cannot just retreat into the role of dis- relatively infrequently used, because in the tanced and apparently neutral observer. On the everyday practice that is being investigated, sit- contrary: all productive ethnographies are based uations rarely arise in which informants can on the development of relationships of trust spend two hours talking in a relaxed fashion and the experience of participation, from which about their lives. In such circumstances it is will normally result a variety of relationships, more likely that biographies will be discussed produced by delicate balances between proxim- in a variety of situations and contexts, in a ity and distance, between immersion in practice fragmentary way, concentrated in countless and what Amann and Hirschauer (1997: 27) anecdotes, permeated by contradictions and have appositely described as the ‘strategic pri- present-day colouring. vate game of knowledge creation’. It follows from this principle that ethno- graphic procedure is open to all research meth- Flexible research strategy ods. In addition to participant observation in many contexts, a variety of types of interview This kind of extended participation is only can be conducted, quantitative data may be possible if the ethnographer is in a position to generated and collected, conversations arranged adapt to the particular situational circum- with naturally occurring groups, historical and stances. This also implies that he or she must be contemporary documents of every kind may be Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 227


gathered, everyday practice may be elicited in social world under investigation’ (Hammersley different forms of self-presentation, videos may and Atkinson 1983: 234). The basis of this is be made, series of photos produced (see 5.6) and the insight that the ethnographic researcher many kinds of enquiry set up. Much of this is must not only take part in the life of the field of reminiscent of journalistic techniques, and it is investigation, in order to gain experience of therefore understandable that – particularly in something, but that – as with all social the United States – the relationship between researchers – for data collection he or she can ethnography and ‘new journalism’ has regularly only use, in ethnomethodological terms, the been a topic of discussion (cf., for example, practices of everyday life. Denzin 1997: 126ff.). In the best case the researcher will succeed in Whilst others – as Knoblauch (1994b: 8) once refining these. ‘However distinctive the pur- put it polemically – have developed ‘almost poses of social science may be, the methods it police-controlled regulations for “a methodo- employs are merely refinements or develop- logically controlled hermeneutics”’, ethnogra- ments of those used in everyday life’ (Hammersley phers therefore speak of the ‘art of fieldwork’ and Atkinson 1983: 15). It is only the possibili- (Wolcott 1995), or of a Kunstlehre (art), and ties of making all aspects of this state of affairs describe ethnography as an opportunistic and reflexively into a topic, without the decision- field-specific variant of empirical social research pressures of everyday life, that distinguishes (Amann and Hirschauer 1997: 20). Whereas research (if one disregards its purposes and func- some people focus on procedures, others tions) from everyday action. The ability to pen- emphasize ‘the subtle manipulation of their etrate reflexively one’s own action, experience personal forms of contact’ (1997: 25) and the and observations in the field, and one’s own ‘seismographic abilities’ of the researchers (1997: individual, cultural, social and existential 25). It is therefore no longer a question of the assumptions, therefore becomes the ethnogra- (correct or incorrect) utilization of a single pher’s decisive competence (cf. Hammersley and method, but of the situationally relevant and Atkinson 1983). appropriate realization of a general methodo- A large number of ethical and legal questions logical pragmatism. This expression brings to our are bound up with this sort of ‘strategic private attention, first of all, the risk and the unplannable, game’. Seen from a purely formal perspective, situational, accidental and individual aspects of ethnographies are based on person-related data the research process. ‘The logic of participant and are therefore subject to the terms of the data observation is nonlinear, its practice requires the protection law and the conditions it defines for researcher to exercise a wide variety of skills, scientific research. This has a number of conse- make judgments, and be creative, and many quences: for instance, by law participants in the nonrational factors influence most aspects of field must expressly agree to an ethnographic actual study’ (Jorgensen 1989: 9). study and to the further use of data for scientific Secondly, the skilled action of the investigator purposes. Moreover, researchers are obliged to in a particular situation also becomes more render all data completely anonymous, to store important: ‘ethnography involves risk, uncer- them in a way that is safe and, in every respect, tainty and discomfort … . Not only do researchers inaccessible to unauthorized persons, and later to have to go into unknown territory, they must go destroy them in accordance with legal require- unarmed, with no questionnaires, interview ments, for example in a shredder. Irrespective of schedules, or observation protocols to stand this, decisions must be made case by case, and an between themselves and the cold winds of the ethical basis provided for the particular strategies raw real. They stand alone with their individual to be used in the field (see 6.1). selves. They themselves are the primary research tool with which they must find, identify, and collect data’ (Ball 1990: 394f.). This not only Ethnographic writing and reporting wards off all claims in respect of a formalization, standardization, and methodization of the Writing up and presenting what has been research procedure: it also takes account of the observed, heard and experienced is an essential fact – often forgotten by researchers and feature and, at the same time, a challenge in methodologists – ‘that the social researcher, and ethnographies (for concrete suggestions, cf. the research act itself, are part and parcel of the Emerson et al. 1995). In addition to the many Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 228


methodological approaches and the active conducted – summarize them into findings and participation of the researcher in the everyday then present these as the result of the observa- life of the field, it is characteristic of ethnogra- tions. Particularly in the United States there has phy that – like no other method of social been a series of studies that have made ethno- research – it is based on the subsequent report- graphic texts into a subject for analysis, using a ing of what has been observed and perceived, or, meta-theoretical perspective and the methods of more precisely, what is still remembered after- linguistic analysis (see 5.22). The aim of these wards. Unlike audiovisual recording techniques, studies was to reconstruct the patterns and which preserve in concrete form what has hap- structures, the linguistic formats and conven- pened interactively, observation protocols are tions and the ideographic markers which are concerned with the result of a ‘transformational characteristic of the text-type ‘ethnographic process which is substituted for a meaningfully report’ and to distinguish it from other forms of structured and contextually organized social representation – such as travel writing – or event by means of a post hoc typologizing, which are used by ethnographers to convince narrative, and interpretative representation’ their readers of the authenticity and credibility (Bergmann 1985: 308), that is, a ‘reconstructive of their presentation (cf. Van Maanen 1988, preservation’ (1985: 308; see 5.22). 1995). Atkinson (1990), for instance, is inter- Observation protocols, as the basis of ethno- ested in how ethnographers are able to project graphies, cannot therefore be treated as faithful authority in their texts and convince the reader reproductions or unproblematic summaries of that they are representing reality. The represen- what is experienced, but should be seen, rather, tation in textual form of actions (1990: 104ff.) for what they are: texts written by authors, and acting subjects is as much a subject for using their available linguistic resources, to give analysis as the various linguistic means and a meaningful summary of their observations formats for expression of such differences as and recollections after the event, to put them in distance and irony (1990: 157ff.). contexts and mould intelligible protocols in the The implications of this kind of analysis are form of texts. complex. Initially they provide a plethora of This insight draws attention to the problem of individual empirical observations, concerning the author, and here there is not always a clear the way in which ethnographers produce and distinction between the production of protocols shape their texts. But normally there is nothing as the actual database for ethnographies and the more than this reconstructive listing; the production of ethnographic reports on the basis methodological implications do not go beyond of such protocols (on the second of these points a general requirement that one should learn to see 5.22). While great attention has been paid, be aware of the linguistic means that are being particularly in Germany, to the question of eval- used. Beyond this, such analyses undeniably uating qualitative materials, that is the proto- make it clear that not only writing ethnographic cols, this aspect has so far played a secondary reports but research in general is primarily a role in the ethnographic debate in the English- ‘rhetorical activity’ (Atkinson 1990: 10), and speaking world. Instead, what is mostly dis- that the protocol writer and the author of the cussed here is the writing of ethnographies, and report are inseparably bound up with this acti- the associated thesis of the crisis of representa- vity. This insight into the rhetorical nature of tion has repeatedly been given wide attention, social research and the reality it describes (Wolff admittedly without achieving any practical 1980) leads immediately to the epistemological results for research practice. questions of the relation of text to ‘reality’ and The starting point in this discussion was the the unpopular debate about the differences or discovery of the author as the source of all similarities between everyday life, science, liter- ethnographies and the insight that even proto- ature, between fiction and reality, between cols cannot be taken as one-to-one repre- analysis and fantasy, or between the role of the sentations of observable reality, but that they author and his or her subjectivity. are rather the result of complex processes of Apart from a growth in self-reflection these meaning-creation. This is very true for the writ- debates yielded little in the way of tangible or ing of ethnographic reports, since these system- useful results for research practice. Ultimately atize and order the observations contained in every ethnographer confronts the dilemma the protocols on the basis of analyses – however between rhetorical construction and empiricism, Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 229


from which there is no reliable way out. In result is a readable ethnography, useful to particular, there are no recognizable answers to others. the burning question of how best to produce In more recent discussion in Germany this research protocols, what information they problem was systematically embodied in the should contain and what structure they should question of how the protocols of participant have in order to serve as a basis for analysis. So observation or field protocols could be analysed, even today it is still left to the individual ethno- and what could be learned from this. While grapher whether – depending on the particular Schneider makes a plea for treating field proto- research question – he or she should record cols, like interview transcripts, as structured action sequences or action contexts, individual texts to be analysed using the techniques of events and situations, verbatim speech or mean- sequential analysis (see 5.16) (Schneider 1987: ingful summaries, and whether he or she should 196ff.), Reichertz argues that ‘the presentation seek to document processes as far as possible in of results [is] always bound up with a single their spatio-temporal development or, in the form’ (Reichertz 1989: 99), so that initially the writing of the protocol, already begin to inter- field researcher’s form of presentation will pret the content. This openness sometimes goes inevitably be foregrounded. If one takes this so far that in some proposals the text-type ‘pro- argument to its logical conclusion, it would tocol’ threatens to become fuzzy. When, in the mean that one cannot read and interpret field context of postmodern notions of ethnography, protocols as protocols of events, but must there is talk of multiple voices, ‘performances’, understand them as pre-interpreted, more or ‘true fictions’ and ‘dialogic evocation’ less literary summaries of the experiences and (cf. Lüders 1995: 330ff. and 1996 for a summary), meaning-creations of the field researcher. this leads to forms of language and presentation Reichertz suggests a way out of this dilemma by where the terms ‘protocol’ and ‘report’ lose their opting for a comparative approach: with the traditional and familiar meaning. Those who help of field protocols ‘the scientific perspective wish to decipher protocols according to the of an event can very well be reconstructed … pattern of reflecting crystal balls (cf. Richardson and compared with others’ (1989: 102). 1994) are opening up the field to a variety of Here possibilities for comparison materialize text-types and realms of experience, and will, at in two respects: on the one hand a comparison the same time, let themselves in for new prob- may be made of data obtained using the same lems in their analysis. approach, that is data on the basis of field proto- cols from one or more field researchers (triangu- lation of data). In addition, comparison may also 4 CHALLENGES be made between the results of different approaches, such as interviews, focus groups, The growing number of ethnographic studies document analyses, field protocols and so on and methodological contributions to ethnogra- (triangulation of methods, see 4.6). One hopes phy should not distract us from the many criti- that this systematic bringing together of differ- cal questions and unsolved problems that have ent data and results will enable one not only to been noted. Apart from the familiar open ques- produce a fuller and ‘thicker’ description of a tions of qualitative research (for example, the particular life-world, but also to obtain a valida- problem of validity: see 4.7), particular mention tion instrument. The somewhat naive belief in should be made of the problem of analysing background means that if an action is described ethnographic material. The challenge here is in a very similar way from different perspectives, that current debate concentrates primarily on there is good reason to trust the descriptions, the aspect of field participation, but scarcely that is, the field protocols. The problem with this looks at the question of how an ethnography, is that one may indeed go a long way with such that is the description of an ethnos in the arguments at the level of everyday plausibility, form of a text or a research report, comes into but arguments of this kind cannot replace a cred- being. The widely promoted multi-perspective ible analytical strategy and a rationalization of it. approach, the parallel use of different collection In this sense we may hold to the idea that there procedures, undeniably provokes the question is still no agreement about how different data of how data gained in this way can be analysed, can be related to one another and how field pro- interrelated and summarized, so that the end tocols can be analysed. The problem has been Flick 5.05 Part-C.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 230


made more acute in recent discussion where favourably from the point of view of epistemology, ethnographers are seen as ‘personal recording theory of science and methodology. However, machines’ and field protocols as ‘inspective data’ rather than waiting in vain for favourable solu- (Amann and Hirschauer 1997: 21ff.). tions or – using powerful fundamental arguments – An alternative proposal for at least partially throwing out the baby with the bath-water (and avoiding these difficulties is to involve the that would ultimately mean hindering ethno- reader. In this way the accent is shifted from graphic research, because it simply cannot fulfil analysis and presentation to comprehension the strict methodological, theoretical and episte- while reading. What is now of central impor- mological conditions), there is a great deal to be tance is not the question of how data are indi- said for getting on with research and reflecting vidually analysed and compared. The decisive carefully. Ethnography thrives on participation quality criterion is whether the text that comes and the reports about this participation. What is out of this is comprehensible and plausible from needed now is an intensification of this research the reader’s point of view (Reichertz 1992). The and a discussion of the experience it yields. responsibility for deciding about the quality of a study is thus transferred to the reader, and under certain circumstances to the discourse of FURTHER READING the receivers. This may still be a possible route within the scientific system. For the receivers outside the system, within the general public, Atkinson, P., Coffey, S. D., Lofland, J. and the world of politics, administration and profes- Lofland, L. (eds) (2001) Handbook of sional practice and the whole area of practice- Ethnography. London: Sage. related research, this proposal does not offer a solution, because readers do not normally fulfil Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P. (1983) the necessary preconditions. Of course, if one Ethnography. Principles in Practice. London: considers the everyday actors under investiga- Tavistock. tion to be experts in their own reality, their judgement could be given a degree of impor- Jorgensen, D. L. (1989) Participant Observation. tance still to be determined. A Methodology for Human Studies (Applied One could easily lose one’s way with all of these Social Research Methods Series, Volume 15). questions, particularly if one wishes to solve them Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 231

5.6 Photography as Social Science Data

Douglas Harper

1 The nature of the image 231 2 Social construction of the image 233 3 The technical construction of the image 234 4 Becoming a visual sociologist 235

To write about photography in social science is 1 THE NATURE OF THE IMAGE deceptively difficult. We live in a world most of us see. Sociology is the study of the world we While visual sociology could and does use any live in. Therefore it would seem natural to kind of visual representation, here I am inter- record the world visually as part of how we ested in the photograph. Photographs are the study society. Yet sociologists rarely use photo- most common form of visual sociology, and graphy or even think seriously about the link they are the most peculiar because they have between visual information and sociological the dual qualities of recording the world seem- thinking. For anthropologists the record is only ingly without interpretation, and at the same slightly better. Only small academic movements time with profound subjectivity. There is no in visual sociology and anthropology balance other method for recording the world which has the otherwise dismal rejection of what one this ironic inconsistency, and everything I say would think to be a natural, creative and inter- about visual methods reflects on the tension esting way to do social research. between these competing qualities of the image. There are many ways to approach the subject A photographic image results when light of photography as data. For a companion to leaves its trace on an element that has a qualitative research my orientation is prag- ‘memory’. That element may be chemical, as in matic, focused on fieldwork rather than the the case of traditional photography, or electronic, semiotic analysis of visual texts. I would hope to as is the case of a light-sensitive computer chip. encourage others to develop experiments a few For the image to exist there had to be light researchers have begun. Like many aspects of reflected off a subject; thus the photograph is qualitative research, the visual dimension is best the record of the subject at a particular moment. understood through practice. It cannot be In this way the photograph is empirical; it described or taught as systematically as can records what our senses have perceived. So if a survey research or statistical analysis. It is the fieldworker wishes to record information such area of sociology where science is closest to art. as the houses people live in, or the density of I will describe how specific qualities of the traffic on a street, or what clothes people wear photograph influence how it may be used in who represent different statuses, it is reasonable social science fieldwork. I will also describe to take photographs to record that information. existing forms of visual sociology which will The adage the photograph is worth a thousand hopefully serve as guidelines for social scientists words is probably appropriate in this case. The hoping to expand their repertoire of methods. photograph gathers an extraordinary amount of Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 232


information; a photograph of a complex social crowding and other social problems. Riis’s event or a complicated material reality may be photographs examine an aspect of these condi- described only with several pages of text. tions beyond the historical, demographic and A text is never equivalent to the image, but structural conditions even to the point of sug- images by themselves do not communicate gesting, by recording people’s expressions and fully. The traditional bridge between these gestures, how people in those settings negoti- images and lengthy texts are captions, which are ated their realities. just short texts that specifically tie images to Sociologists still use photographs to study the other meanings. Many visual social sciences use empirical world. For example, I used aerial photo- captions to tie photos to texts, but captions graphs to study the structure of a dairy farm often are part of a process in which images neighbourhood (Harper 1997). Photographs I become simple redundancies of text. Other took from a small plane showed that types of models of word and image integration inspire farms I had determined through other analyses visual sociology. Two outstanding examples are looked different from the aerial perspective. In Agee and Evans’s portrait of sharecroppers in the this case the vantage point of the aerial photo- American Depression (1960) and Berger and graph showed things the normal perspective Mohr’s (1975) study of guest workers in Central would not. These included the layout of the Europe. Evans’s 31 photos (photo series without farmstead, building types and even the effect of captions of three families, and a short essay on certain cropping practices. I also found evidence a southern town) precede 460 pages of narrative of the evolution of dairy farms to several post- text on the three families by James Agee. In this farm uses in aerial photos of several farmsteads. extraordinary juxtaposition of words and While these images were not entirely unam- images, neither form repeats nor replaces each biguous, they easily led to a typology that could other. Rather they develop in tandem; here the be used to analyse structure and change in other expressiveness of the text seems to have been agricultural neighbourhoods. In this case the born from the spare energy of the images. In aerial portrait is a summary of an extraordinary Berger and Mohr’s masterpiece on the subject of amount of information about history and migrant labour during the 1960s in Europe, the change. balance is reversed: more than 200 images by These examples suggest that visual sociology Mohr develop the often ironic and implied consists of taking photographs of sociological meanings from Berger’s complex text. topics, sometimes fitting those images into tex- Using photography to gather information tual analysis of the same topic. As such, visual (data) was the first visual sociology and anthro- sociology would be relatively straightforward. In pology. The best example is still Bateson and fact this form of visual sociology has suffered a Mead’s Balinese Character (1942), in which the barrage of criticism, largely through its associa- researchers used 759 photographs (selected from tion with empirical sociology, and, to a lesser more than 25,000 taken during fieldwork) to extent, documentary photography. support and develop their ethnographic analy- The essence of the largely postmodern criti- sis. Sequences of photographs show how the cism (Bolton 1989; see especially Rosler’s 1989; Balinese perform social rituals or engage in rou- Solomon-Godeau 1991) is that empirical sociol- tine behaviour. These images are similar to short ogy and the photography done in the service of movie clips (and the researchers did complete empirical sociology assert the existence of an several short movies which worked like the objective reality and tools that measure that photo sequences). The researchers also used reality. In fact, argue the postmodernists, reality images to survey material culture such as houses is fundamentally ambiguous, and photographs, and agricultural techniques. like all records of life, are subjective statements Sociologists sometimes use images made by rather than objective documents (Clifford and documentary photographers to enlarge their Marcus 1986, among others). More darkly, socio- historical understanding. For example, sociolo- logy and especially documentary photography gists study Jacob Riis’s photographs (1971 [1890]) hide their own ideology behind the guise of to see the living conditions in early twentieth false objectivism. I believe that this criticism is century industrializing cities. These sociologists correct, although for some of the visual socio- begin with knowledge of how industrialization logy movement (myself included) the criticism and the lack of public transportation led to does not invalidate the premises of an empirical Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 233


sociology. Rather it completes it. If we are aware sponsorship of an American company, Standard of how the photograph is constructed, we can Oil of (SONJ), and directed by a well- use it more successfully. Thus I proceed with regarded photographic intellectual, Roy Stryker. discussion of how social and technical aspects My collection on dairy farming includes about influence the meaning of photographs, and 40 images made by a female photographer, how this might influence social sciences seeking Charlotte Brooks, and about 70 by several male a visual method. photographers. It was startling to compare the photographs on the basis of the gender of the photographers. For the men, the farmwomen’s 2 SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION work was largely invisible. They did not photo- OF THE IMAGE graph women as productive parts of the farm; nor did they photograph the work of maintain- The photograph is socially constructed in the ing and provisioning the house (and taking sense that the social positions of the photogra- care of children). Brooks’s photographs covered pher and the subject come into play when a many of these excluded topics. The significance photograph is made. It takes social power to of this is that if we regard the photographs as a make photographs (Tagg 1988), partly because document of farm life during the Second World making photographs defines identities, relation- War era, we will accept an incomplete portrait as ships and histories. A father may photograph a full record. Indeed the photos, in this case, are the children in ridiculous poses, but the a result of the social construction of ‘maleness’ children do not generally have the social power and ‘femaleness’ typical of 1940s America to photograph their parent’s arguing (or making (see 3.10). love) and to present those images as the ‘official’ Social scientists should be aware of the social family story (Chaflen 1986). Sociologists and construction of the image for several reasons. anthropologists have assumed that it is their We need to acknowledge that photography right to photograph the people they study, and embodies the unequal relationships that are thus to present them as academic subjects (and part of most research activities. I can enter into in ways in which the ideological bases of their the worlds of the poor by living temporarily relationships are disguised). Edwards’s (1992) on the street, and photograph the worlds I collection of essays on early British anthropo- encounter there; but a homeless person cannot logical photography shows us exactly this point: infilter and photograph the life of my univer- the images are not objective renderings of sity president. For many social scientists this objects of scientific study, as interpreted by early realization has led them to abandon photogra- twentieth century anthropologists. The images phy. For others it is a cautionary awareness are markers of colonial relationships: anthropo- which should help us overcome the inevitable logy was a science of the colonizer and the power differentials of subject and researcher. images made in the service of anthropology Some sociologists have confronted the issue by defined the native in a way that reified the rela- giving up their own photography in lieu of tionships of superiority and inferiority endemic teaching their subjects to use photography and to colonialism. There are no photographic writing to investigate their cultures and, per- records made by natives of colonialism (or colo- haps, to empower themselves. Wendy Ewald is nials) but in recent decades prior ‘natives’ have a leader in this field, for she takes on the asym- assumed the right to make their own images metry of adult/child as well as first world/third and tell their own visual story. This has, of world power differences. Her first published course, called the relationships of traditional project on Appalachian children (1985) is a anthropology into question. good introduction to this approach. The photo- The social construction of photography is graphs and writing of her students contradicted often more subtle than the illustrations noted the stereotypes long associated with the inter- above. For example, I am using about 110 docu- nal colony of Appalachia. In this method the mentary photographs made just after the camera (and often text which expands upon Second World War in a study of the evolution the images) are methods of inspired reflection; of dairy farming in the Northeastern United not social science in and of themselves, States. The photographs are part of a large col- but data that sociologists and others should lection which came into existence through the put to use. Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 234


3 THE TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION photo shows the shop on a rectangle of land OF THE IMAGE filled with objects. It contrasts remarkably with the fields that surround it. Examined closely, the No camera sees exactly as does the eye. The photograph shows old machinery used for parts optics of photographic lenses, for reasons which sitting randomly around the building. The go beyond this argument, are simply unable to building is a steel hut, a substantial and not put onto film what we naturally see (this has inexpensive setting for a rural fixer living well changed with virtual reality computer simula- below the poverty range. Other photos through- tions, see Boccia Atieri 1996). Thus making a out the book function like a low-power micro- photograph is deciding, whether consciously or scope, examining minute details of work, tools not, on one interpretation out of an infinite and broken parts being fixed. A photograph number of possibilities. Few people, sociologists with a telephoto macro lens magnifies the fin- or not, ever think about this. Most people, social gers of the hand on the chainsaw file, which scientists or not, use automatic cameras, which records the minute details of hand-work. The make photos through an unimaginative averag- framing in these two examples parallels analysis ing of technical choices. But visual sociologists from a wide framework (consistent with a struc- or anthropologists must confront the incredible tural perspective) and the close-up photographs possibilities the camera has to interpret reality document the micro-elements of the social in order to make self-conscious visual state- setting: the hand-knowledge embodied in tool ments. This means, first and foremost, relegat- use, which is the basis of technical expertise. It ing the automatic camera to the waste bin, and is all a matter of framing. learning simple rules about photography and The eye records information flowing past like the techniques through which cameras work. a movie. It is unusual to look for more than a More simply said, it involves becoming self- second or two at the same object. Our brain conscious photographers. integrates this information into meaningful Technical influences on the image can be visual narratives as we negotiate our way separated into three aspects. The first involves through various venues of life. Still photographs framing. capture some of that implied or real movement Humans have two eyes which are positioned through a creative application of shutter and horizontally on our heads. Our normal view is aperture. an oval made by our eyes working together. The camera shutter is a window that allows Probably because it is technically easier, photo- more or less light to reach the film surface. The graphs were initially made as squares and rec- lens aperture can be thought of as a means for tangles, and once this convention took hold, varying the size of the window, which is being few have questioned it. So photographic fram- opened and closed. The correct exposure on the ing from the beginning radically interpreted film is determined by adjusting the aperture and human sight. Different film formats and lenses shutter speed in relation to each other. The deci- expand the possible interpretations of sight sions as to what aperture and shutter speed to through framing. Panoramic cameras see more use, however, also affect the look of the image. approximately what the normal field of vision Shutter speed affects the ‘freezing’ of action records, but panoramic cameras can record (a photo taken at 1/500 of a second will stop most information beyond the normal range of eye- action; below 1/30 of a second even a person sight. Telephoto lenses allow the photographer walking will be blurred). The aperture setting to fill a film plane with a tiny part of reality, the determines the depth of focus (for example, at way we do with a telescope. f 1.4 an object is focused on a foot away and only Visual sociologists need to be conscious of objects a few inches on either side of it will also framing and how it lends to photographs that be in focus; if the aperture is set at f 64, objects address different kinds of sociological questions. from a couple of feet to as far as the eye can see In other words, we need to select lenses and will be in focus). These elements determine the cameras that facilitate recording information information the photograph will communicate. that will allow us to explore specific questions. I For example, I am currently working on a began my book about the before-mentioned ‘repeat photography’ (see Rieger 1996) project rural artisan with an aerial photo which frames in Bologna, Italy. My colleague and I hoped to his shop from 2,000 feet (700 metres). This see how parts of the city, photographed 80 or Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 235


more years ago, had changed in appearance. We on framing, aperture, shutter and light are all a were interested not only in what buildings had call to use the camera consciously in order to been built and torn down, but also in how the exact the fullest potential of visual sociology. ‘energy of the city’ had changed in intervening decades. The old photos we used for comparison were done with slow shutter speeds and small 4 BECOMING A VISUAL SOCIOLOGIST apertures, because cameras at that time did not have fast shutter speeds. To make images that So far I have suggested that photography has would compare to the old images we mounted two characteristics: one objective and the other our camera on a tripod (thus the buildings and subjective. The objectivity is based on the fact other still elements would be in focus) and used that cameras record light bouncing off the sur- slow shutter speeds (which show people blurred face of things; and the subjectivity is due to the in the foreground) and with small apertures social and technical constructions of the image. (which produce depths of focus from a few feet These are informing arguments rather than to several hundred metres). These decisions cre- lessons in how to proceed. How, then, does one ate photos that record reality similarly to the old become a visual sociologist? images we wish to study. It is a simple applica- Perhaps the most important idea is to photo- tion of technique to make a specific photo- graph with sociological consciousness. Howard graphic statement. Becker was the first to make this argument, in Thus, being a visual sociologist means using 1974, and this paper and others that develop the camera as a kind of editorial process. these ideas (gathered in Becker 1986a) should be Controlling technical factors in picture-making read by all aspiring visual sociologists. allows a photographer to analyse and to selec- Becker (1998) regards social science theory as tively present data, not unlike how a quantita- a practical way to order information, rather tive sociologist uses statistical tests and tables to than a complicated intellectual exercise. Yet he analyse and present numerical data. admonishes us to think theoretically when we The last element of technical construction in do photography. What does this mean exactly? photography addresses the manipulation and For Becker, all photography is done from a interpretation of light. Photography, after all, is theoretical perspective, but little of the theory is nothing but recording reflected light. But sociological. Our pre-existing theory (which recording surfaces like photographic films and Becker calls ‘lay’ theory) tells us where to point computer chips do not record light in the way the camera and how to use the camera (speaking the eye sees it. Film has the capability to reduce technically) to make an image. Thus, we photo- colour to black and white (and at different graph to recreate our unexamined perception. levels of contrast and graininess), and different But we also interpret sociological topics in our colour films emphasize different colours and unexamined theorizing, and when we photo- contrast levels. The light perceived by the eye is graph, we do so in a way that presents informa- seldom the light that will appear on a film plate, tion which is consistent with our theories of the and so photographers must add or subtract light world. If we are photojournalists (see Hagaman to create the desired photographic statement. 1996) we learn to present the theories of our Steiger (1995) outlined how the technical newspaper editors and the recent conventions choices in photography lend themselves to dif- of photojournalism in our work. We do this not ferent photographic statements, and how those only by choosing certain topics and specific statements tend to one theoretical perspective images of those topics, but also by using partic- or another. Much of her discussion involved ular lenses (frames), apertures and shutter using sophisticated lighting to make photo- speeds. If we are sociologists we presumably graphs that recreate the light one encounters in have theoretical knowledge of our subject, the a normal, daytime apartment. Her argument way Bateson and Mead knew the Balinese before reminds us that our reading of the photograph they began photographing. (Bateson and Mead is actually a reading of light, and it is not simple had already completed several books on their to recreate the light of a normal moment. subject.) This prior knowledge will tell the Steiger’s case is a rare exploration of the rela- researcher: ‘there is the enactment of a ritual my tionship between technical consciousness and subjects have described … it lasts 20 minutes visual sociology thinking. Indeed, my comments and has four stages … I will photograph it to Flick 5.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 236


highlight the transitions and interactions Dutch neighbourhood under the direction of among actors …’. From this perspective the five subjects. The researchers then interviewed work of visual sociology is straightforward: we their subjects with the images made on their bring it into the research process to extend our earlier ‘photo-tour’. Finally, the researchers did knowledge of our subject. subsequent interviews by showing each infor- But not all field researchers have the kind of mant the images made by their neighbours, pre-existing knowledge I describe in the case of who were of different age, gender and ethnic Bateson and Mead. There are at least two alter- background (van der Does et al. 1992). natives for visual sociologists. The first is to use In all examples of photo-elicitation, the photo- the camera as an information-gathering instru- graph loses its claim of objectivity; indeed, the ment to discover what Glaser and Strauss power of the photo is its ability to unlock the (1967) called ‘grounded theory’ (see 2.1, 6.6). subjectivity of those who see the image differ- Photographs made during the research experi- ently than does the researcher. ence concretize observations which fieldworkers The photo-elicitation interview achieves the use to continually redefine their theories. In this collaboration that the postmodern critic seeks in way photographs help build theory. In fact, the the research process. It is also a humbling means need to make photographs in the field requires through which the researcher becomes aware of that the fieldworker look at something; and these his or her limited knowledge of the subject’s beginning observations can be the starting worlds. When it works best, the photo-elicitation point in making theory. interview is a means through which the research A second alternative to using photographs to roles are reversed: the subject becomes the confirm and develop existing theory is perhaps teacher and the researcher the student. even more useful. ‘Photo elicitation’ is a method My suggestions for a visual sociology are in which researchers stimulate subjects’ inter- modest. Most visual sociologists want to find a pretations using photographs as a kind of ‘cul- way to integrate seeing into the research tural Rorschach test’. I used this method in a process. A sensitive fieldworker is already nearly study of a rural artisan/mechanic (Harper 1987). equipped to do visual sociology. It helps to My subject was the working knowledge of a understand how the camera records informa- ‘bricoleur’ in an industrial setting, and pho- tion and it is important to understand the tographs I made during the research of tools, impact of photography on the research process. machines and work in process stimulated inter- Finally, it is important to understand how views in which the subject explained his working various constructions (technical and social) knowledge, and the social relationships hidden influence how the photograph is made and behind the work, the machines and the objects interpreted. Beyond this, the only necessary of the work setting. ingredients are imagination and creativity. Researchers may use photos of events people experienced in the past to draw out a memory of their history. Margolis (1998) studied the politi- FURTHER READING cal consciousness of coal miners, using photos of mine work decades ago to interview elderly miners about events and their interpretations. Grady, J. (1996) ‘The Scope of Visual Sociology’, In this case one senses that the intervening Visual Sociology, 11 (2): 10–24. years between the photographs and their inter- pretation had led to deeper reflection than Prosser, J. (ed.) (1998) Image-based Research: A would normally be associated with the photo- Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers. elicitation process. London: Falmer Press. Other researchers modified the photo elicita- tion method by engaging subjects in the photo- Steiger, R. (1998) ‘On the Uses of Documentary: graphy as well as the interviews. Van Mierlo and The Photography of Ernst Brunner’, Visual her colleagues photographed a multi-ethnic Sociology, 13 (1): 25–48. Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 237

5.7 Reading Film: Using Films and Videos as Empirical Social Science Material

Norman K. Denzin

1 Prior uses of film 238 2 Cinema meets ethnography 238 3 Trinh’s ocular epistemology 239 4 Reading photographs and films 240 5 Exploring society with film and photography 241 6 The principles of critical visual research 241 7 Conclusions 242

We tend to privilege experience have no direct access to reality. They live in a itself, as if [black] life is lived experi- second-hand world of meanings, a world ence outside of representation … shaped by the meaning-making institutions of [but] there is no escape from the pol- the society (Mills 1963: 375). Daily life and its itics of representation … it is only realities are mediated by symbolic and visual through the way in which we repre- representations. These representations are not sent and imagine ourselves that we come to know how we are consti- objectively neutral cultural texts. They express tuted and who we are. (Stuart Hall, and are shaped by ideological, class, national, 1996d: 473) gender and racial biases. A critical sociology must learn how to read and analyse these In this chapter I explore the use of film and systems of representation and interpretation. photography by sociologists and students of Second, these visual representations are inter- cultural studies (Hall 1996a,b; see 3.9). A visual actional productions. ‘Pictures do not simply sociology, or a sociology that critically inter- make assertions … rather we interact with them prets visual representations, has recently come in order to arrive at conclusions’ (Becker l986a: into existence (see Flick 2002: 133–164). The 279; also 1998: 158–159). Accordingly, the visual empirical materials of a visual sociology include representations of a society are both methods of still photography, advertisements, audiovisual research, and resources, or topics to be studied recordings, narrative texts, television, documen- in their own right. These two assertions orga- tary films and Hollywood movies. As a method nize my discussion in this chapter. I will keep of research, a sociology of visual representation asking ‘How do these methods represent deals simultaneously with the grammars, society?’ and ‘How may sociologists read, inter- semantics and syntax of vision, perception and pret and use them?’ interpretation. I will begin by offering a brief review of the There is a two-part need for analysing the use of film and photography in the social visual representations of a culture. First, humans sciences. Next, using the work of the Vietnamese Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 238


filmmaker Trinh T. Mi-Ha (1989, 1991, 1992), I 1998: 26–27), the documentary film defines will compare and contrast the essential features itself against mainstream, Hollywood cinema. and visual epistemological assumptions of the Not tangled up in the star and studio system, classic documentary and postmodern approaches documentary ‘takes real people and real prob- to the visual text. Thirdly, a method of textual lems from the real world and deals with them. interpretation will be presented. Fourthly I will It sets a value on intimate observation, and briefly discuss how film and visual representa- assesses its worth according to how well it suc- tions as research tools can be used to explore ceeds in capturing reality on the run … . and critically examine society. I will conclude Powerful living stories, infinite authentic situa- with the principles of visual research. tions’ (Trinh 1991: 33; italics in original). Documentary film starts with the real world, it uses an aesthetic of objectivity, and a techno- 1 PRIOR USES OF FILM logical apparatus which produces truthful state- ments (images) about the world (1991: 33). The There is a long history of using film and photo- following elements are central to this apparatus graphy in the human disciplines (see Harper (1991: 33–36). 1994, 2000). Educational films have been used for instructional purposes in United States grade • The relentless pursuit of naturalism which schools since l9l8, in high schools since the requires a connection between the moving l930s, and in colleges since the 1960s. Visual image and the spoken word. sociology and anthroplogy are primarily sub- • Use of the directional microphone and the fields of their parent disciplines, and related, at portable tape-recorder. the same time, to qualitative and ethnographic • Lip-synchronous sound. research methods (Harper 1994: 403; see 5.6). • Authenticity – real people in real situations. Anthropologists, for example, have been pro- • Real time is more truthful than film time; ducing documentary films and using photo- hence the long-take. graphy at least since the l940s, when Gregory • Minimal editing, and no use of montage. Bateson and Margaret Mead (l942) produced • Few close-ups, emphasis on wide-angle shots. their famous photographic study of Balinese • Use of the hand-held, unobtrusive camera to character. ‘provoke people into uttering the “truth” However, as Harper notes, at the present time that they would not otherwise unveil in ordi- ethnography and documentary photography, nary situations’ (1991: 34). ‘the two sources for visual sociology, are • The filmmaker is an observer, not a person being questioned and recast’ (1994: 403). Inter- who creates what is photographed. pretative ethnography has turned away from • Only events, unaffected by the recording eye, classic forms of ethnographic representation, should be captured. where pictures were used to document a stable • The film captures objective reality. reality. Ethnographers now experiment with • Truth must be dramatized. first-person texts, photo collages and new forms • Actual facts should be presented in a credible of visual representation, weaving fact, fiction way, with people telling them. and autobiography together in the same visual • The film must convince the spectators that text, even using actors as real persons (see Trinh they should have confidence in the truth of 1992). The work of Trinh elaborates these what they see. changes in the field. • A focus on common experience, by which the ‘social’ is defined. • The presence of the filmmaker is masked, 2 CINEMA MEETS ETHNOGRAPHY hidden. • The use of various persuasive techniques, Trinh is a filmmaker first. She begins by decon- including personal testimony, and the talk of structing the classic documentary film, the plain folks. ethnographic film which enters the native’s • The film is made for the common, silent world and brings news from that world to the people; they are the film’s referent. world of the Western observer. Like ethnogra- • The film is shot with three cameras: the phy, which separated itself from fiction (Clough camera in the technical sense; the filmmaker’s Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 239


mind; and the generic patterns of documentary in fables, proverbs, where nothing is explained, film. The film’s facts are a product of these but everything is evoked (1991: 162). three cameras (1991: 39).

These aesthetic strategies define the documen- 3 TRINH’S OCULAR EPISTEMOLOGY tary style, allowing the filmmaker to create a text which gives the viewer the illusion of Trinh creates the space for a new ocular episte- having ‘unmediated access to reality’ (1991: 40). mology, a version of the cinematic apparatus Thus naturalized, the documentary style that challenges mainstream film, and tradi- has become part of the larger cinematic appa- tional ethnography and its use of realistic docu- ratus in American culture, including a perva- mentaries. Reflexive film questions the very sive presence in TV commercials and news notion of a stable, unbiased, middle class gaze (1991: 40). (1991: 97–98, 115). It focuses on the pensive Trinh brings a reflexive reading to these fea- image, on representations that do not turn tures of the documentary film, citing her own women into versions of the exotic, erotic, femi- texts as examples of documentaries that are sen- nine ethnic minority other (1991: 115). The sitive to the flow of fact and fiction, to nuances, pensive image ‘unsettles the male apparatus of to meanings as political constructions (1991: the gaze, in which men own, articulate, and cre- 41). Such texts reflexively understand that real- ate the look of woman as either being looked-at … ity is never neutral, or objective, that it is always [or as one who] holds the [male] look to signify socially constructed. Filmmaking thus becomes the master’s desire’ (1991: 115). This look makes a question of ‘framing’ reality. Self-reflexivity the camera’s gaze visible. It destablizes any sense does not translate into personal style, or a of verisimilitude that can be brought to this preoccupation with method. It rather centres visual world. In so doing it disrupts the specta- on the reflexive interval that defines representa- tor’s gaze, itself a creation of the unnoticed cam- tion, ‘the place in which the play within the tex- era, the camera which invokes the image of a tual frame is a play on this very frame, hence on perfect, natural world, a world with verisimili- the borderlines of the textual and the extra- tude (1991: 115). textual … a work that reflects back on itself This ocular epistemology creates the space for offers itself infinitely as nothing else but work … a subversive cinema, a cinema that creates new and void’ (1991: 48). In such works meaning is ways of encountering reality and its representa- not imposed. The film becomes a site for multi- tions. Thus in the film Surname Viet Given Name ple experiences. Nam Trinh deconstructs the interview and its A responsible, reflexive text embodies the basis in the documentary film. (The film, made following characteristics (1991: 188). in 1989, is a study of Vietnamese women, whose names change and remain constant, depending • It announces its own politics and evidences a on whether or not they marry a foreigner or a political consciousness. Vietnamese.) Trinh (1992: 49) has Vietnamese • It interrogates the realities it represents. women speak from five places representing lin- • It invokes the teller’s story in the history that eage, gender and age status, leadership position is told. and historical period. This creates a complex • It makes the audience responsible for picture of Vietnamese culture (1992: 144). The interpretation. film is multi-textual, layered with pensive • It resists the temptation to become an object images of women in various situations. Historical of consumption. moments overlap with age periods (childhood, • It resists all dichotomies (male/female, etc.). youth, adulthood, old age), ritual ceremonies • It foregrounds difference, not conflict. (weddings, funerals, war, the market, dance), • It uses multiple voices, emphasizing lan- and daily household work (cooking), while guage as silence, the grain of the voice, tone, interviewees talk to off-screen interviewers. inflection, pauses, silences, repetitions. There are two voice-overs in English, a third • It presents silence as a form of resistance. voice sings sayings, proverbs, and poetry in Vietnamese (with translations as texts on Reflexive films seek the truth of life’s fictions, the screen). There are also interviews with the spirit of truth that resides in life experiences, Vietnamese subtitled in English, and interviews Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 240


in English synchronized with the on-screen with the text viewers develop readings and image (Trinh 1992: 49). The interviews are interpretations that are uniquely their own. re-enacted in Trinh’s film by Vietnamese women, A film or a picture can be read as having who are then interviewed at the end of the film, meaning at two different levels. The first is the asked about their experiences of being performers literal, or ‘realist’, level. This is a picture of ‘X’. A in the film (1992: 146). literal reading takes a visual representation on In un-doing the interview as a form of gather- ‘face value’. It asks, ‘What does this representa- ing information about reality, Trinh takes up the tion say about X?’ The second level of meaning question of truth (1992: 145). Whose truth is is the one that is below the surface. It is the one she presenting, that of the original interviewer that suggests that there is more going on here (Mai 1983), that given in the on-screen inter- than just a representation of ‘X’. Readings at view situation, or that of the women-as- this level are called subversive. They challenge, actresses who are interviewed at the end of the go beneath, and go beyond the surface, literal film? The film allows the practice of doing inter- interpretations of a text. views (see 5.3) to enter into the construction of Realist readings: A realist reading of a visual the text itself, thus the true and the false (the document has four characteristics. First it treats actresses are not the women interviewed by Mai a visual text as a realistic, truthful depiction of Thu Van), the real and the staged, intermingle, some phenomenon. Realist readings assume indeed the early sections of the film unfold like that pictures are windows to the real world. a traditional, realist documentary film (Trinh Secondly, a text is viewed as establishing truth 1992: 145). The viewer does not know these are claims about the world and the events that go actresses re-enacting interviews. Nor does the on in it. That is, it tells the truth. Thirdly, the viewer know that the interviews were conducted meaning of a photo-visual text can be given in the United States, not Vietnam. (This only through a close reading of its contents, its atten- becomes apparent near the end of the film.) tion to detail, its depiction of characters, and its In using these interpretive strategies, Trinh dialogue. Fourthly, these readings will validate creates the space for the viewer to critically the truth claims the film or text makes about appraise the politics of representation that struc- reality. A traditional realist reading attempts to ture the documentary film. discover how visual texts speak to the ‘universal’ features of the human condition. Subversive readings: Subversive readings chal- 4 READING PHOTOGRAPHS AND FILMS lenge realist interpretations. They suggest that the realism in visual texts is always filtered A film or a photograph offers an image, or set of through preconceptions and biases. Hence a images, which are interpretations of the real. work’s claim to being a truthful reflection of The real, or the slice of reality that is captured, ‘reality-as-it-really-is’ must always be chal- can never be reproduced, for what is represented lenged. A subversive reading argues that the can only occur once. Visual documents are truth statements that a realist claims for a text records of events that have occurred in the past are always biased. They reflect, that is, the (Barthes 1981). viewer’s point of view. Film (and photographs) speak a language of A film, under a subversive reading, does not emotion, and meaning. They present a vocabu- speak to the universal features of the human lary and set of framing devices which mediate condition. It only speaks to limited versions of and define reality for the viewer. Four narrative human experience; that is, those captured by or meaning structures exist in any film, or set the photographer, or filmmaker. A close reading of photographs: (l) the visual text, (2) the audio of a film or photograph will reveal other fea- text, including what photographers say about tures that a realist reading ignores. It will focus their photographs, (3) the narrative that links on minor characters, not just major characters. the visual and audio text into a coherent story, It will contrast the positions of men, women or framework, and (4) the interpretations and and children in the narrative. It will look at how meanings the viewer (including the social scien- the film idealizes certain key cultural values, like tist) bring to the visual, audio and narrative family, work, religion and love. These features texts. No visual text evokes the same meanings will be the ones that will be highlighted in a for all viewers. In the process of interacting subversive reading. By illuminating them, the Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 241


critic then argues that the film’s dominant autonomous individual in the modern mass message presents only one view of reality. The society. goal of the subversive reading is to discover Films and other visual texts create emotional the multiple meanings that can be found in a experiences for viewers. Cinema creates viewer film’s text. identification with characters who embody A film creates its particular version of truth by the central cultural values, often presenting suppressing particular contradictions that exist idealized versions of the male–female, lover, within its text. These contradictions will appear husband–wife, intimate relationship. At the at those junctures in the narrative when the same time, visual texts provide interpretive film (or visual text) answers cause and effect structures for dealing with problematic everyday questions. By examining how a film answers life events. these causal questions a subversive reading In these several ways Hollywood films reveal, illuminates the underlying values the text is illuminate and explore society. The reading and attempting to promote. analysis of these films allows the sociologist to Of course, a subversive reading can be chal- see things about his or her society that might lenged by a realist reading. It should be clear not otherwise be seen. By studying these inter- that the second level of meaning in a visual text actional, processual representations, including can only be discovered after the surface, literal how they are made, distributed, and given levels of meaning have been interpreted. Any meaning by the viewing public, the sociologist text should be read both ways. There is never a is able to engage in a level of critical cultural correct reading of a visual text. There are only analysis that other sociological methods do multiple interpretations. It is erroneous to con- not allow. fine interpretations to just the realist, or sub- versive levels. To do so misses the other layers of meaning that are always present in a text. 6 THE PRINCIPLES OF CRITICAL VISUAL RESEARCH

5 EXPLORING SOCIETY WITH It is now necessary to state a number of princi- FILM AND PHOTOGRAPHY ples that organize visual research, including the critical analysis of visual documents. The fol- Visual representations reflect and define prob- lowing guidelines are provisional, and should be lematic cultural experiences, including war, fitted to the needs of the researcher (see Collier divorce, incest, alcoholism, drug abuse, political and Collier 1986: 178–179). corruption, love, birth and death. Hollywood films document key historical moments in the 1 Phase One: ‘Looking and Feeling’ life of a society. Films can expose problems and A Observe the visual documents as a corruption in key social institutions. Hollywood totality. films express and convey political ideology and B Look and listen to the materials. Let core cultural values. Frank Capra’s social them talk to you. Feel their effects on message films of the 1930s and 1940s (Mr Smith you. Record these feelings and Goes to Washington, It’s a Wonderful Life) recre- impressions. ated an imagined social past in the United States C Write down questions that occur to with comfortable homes, close-knit families, you. Note patterns of meaning. friendly neighbourhoods, prosperous communi- ties and bountiful farms located on the edges 2 Phase Two: ’What Question Are You of a benign wilderness. These films reproduce Asking?’ the gender, race, ethnic and class relations in society. They inevitably place white males in A State your research question. positions of power, locate women in the family, B What questions does the text claim cast racial and ethnic minorities in service, and to answer? servant positions, or attach violent, anti-social C How does it represent and define key attitudes and behaviours to them. In so cultural values? doing, these films create representations that D Inventory the evidence, note key structure reality. They keep alive the myth of the scenes, and images. Flick 5.07.qxd 3/19/04 2:36 PM Page 242


3 Phase Three: ‘Structured Microanalysis’ not your interpretations are naturalistically generalizable to their fields of experience. A Do a scene by scene, microanalysis, transcribe discourse, describe scenes, take quotes from the text. B Form and find patterns and 7 CONCLUSIONS sequences. C Write detailed descriptions. I have examined how social scientists may use D How does the text present objective film and photography as research methods. reality, handle facts, represent expe- Visual representations are simultaneously a rience, and dramatize truth? means of communication and a method of E Keep a focus on the research ques- enquiry. Films are cultural and symbolic forms tion. and they may be used to reveal and illuminate F Idenfity major moments in the important features of social life. Visually film/text when conflicts over values recorded documents are of use ‘so long as we are occur. aware of how and by what rules we choose G Detail how the film/text/image takes our subject matter, and so long as we are aware a position on these values. of and make explicit, how we organized the various units of film from which we do our 4 Phase Four: ‘Search for Patterns’ analysis’ (Worth 198l: 193–194). I have attempted to clarify some of these rules in this A Return to the complete record. chapter. B Lay out all the photographs, or view the film in its entirety. C Return to the research question. How FURTHER READING do these documents speak to and answer your question? D Contrast realist and subversive read- Bateson, G. and Mead, M (1942) Balinese ings of the text. Character: A Photographic Analysis. New York: E Write an interpretation, based on the New York Academy of Sciences. principles of interpretation discussed above. Harper, D. (2000) ‘Reimagining Visual Methods: Galileo to Neuromancer’, in N. Denzin and These steps will aid in the production and Y. S. Lincoln (eds), Handbook of Qualitative organization of a research statement based on Research, 2nd edn. London: Sage. pp. 717–732. visual documents. They will allow your reader to visually enter the visual situations you have Trinh, T. M. (1992) Framer Framed. New York: studied. He or she can then judge whether or Routledge. Flick 5.08.qxd 3/19/04 7:18 PM Page 243

5.8 Electronic Process Data and Analysis

Jörg R. Bergmann and Christoph Meier

1 Electronic process data 243 2 Documentation 245 3 Analysis 246 4 Presentation 246

The development of new information and their own activities, rather they should also communication technologies and their growth make them an issue for social scientific analyses in our life-world have led to the formation of (Garfinkel 1967a). The influences, procedures novel interactive situations and forms of com- for communication and maybe the content of munication which were largely unknown until these new media remain unclear but may lead recently and which, even today, are still to completely new forms and ways of socializa- comparatively unfamiliar to large population tion. For methodological and substantial rea- groups – particularly in the older generation. sons, it is the task of the social sciences to study Communities, organizations and businesses these new media with respect to their own appear on web pages with their services and dynamics and logic, to describe the interaction offers, and private individuals often engage in situations and communicative forms they gen- imaginative self-presentation on their home- erate and to demonstrate how processes of pages. Email is increasingly being used instead socialization are influenced, formed, produced of written communication, people more often or obstructed. meet one another through electronic contact If we take on this task it rapidly becomes clear exchanges such as ICQ (= ‘I seek you’) or con- that issue-related research cannot begin without verse through Internet Relay Chat (IRC). preparation. In the first place there are new And finally, using respective applications (like methodological challenges and problems that Microsoft’s NetMeeting) and a sufficiently fast cannot simply be overcome by a combination of connection to the internet makes collaborative established procedures in the sense of triangula- work on documents with simultaneous sound tion (see 4.6), as Williams et al. (1988: 51) sug- and image connections possible (see Filinski gested. In what follows we shall demonstrate 1998 for a description of different forms of this under four headings. internet-based communication). Social scientists have also discovered the ‘new media’ for themselves using email contact with 1 ELECTRONIC PROCESS DATA text exchanges and other materials via attach- ments, literature searches, data on the internet Even if electronically mediated communication and presentation of their own research interests processes appear to be especially fleeting and and publications on homepages. However, non-material, they do leave traces. These traces social scientists should not restrict themselves cannot, of course, be detected with the naked eye; these media as if they were natural resources for but they can more easily be read than perhaps Flick 5.08.qxd 3/19/04 7:18 PM Page 244


many participants would like, and for this reason purpose of scientific investigation – may seem they contain a quite threatening potential deficient from a research perspective (cf. for social control (cf. Dern 1997). Long before the Garfinkel 1967b and his analysis of ‘good’ rea- sociologists, other professions had discovered sons for ‘bad’ hospital documents). Therefore, these traces as important sources of information. in electronic process data the result of commu- It is now possible, for example, to record the nication and interactive processes is indeed search and access behaviour of members of a manifested, but the process itself is not reflected. company in the use of the World Wide Web. This will now be briefly illustrated, using the Emails are sent whose attachments contain car- example of emails and web pages. toons and which, after the attachment has been An email that reaches its addressee via the opened, give the observer the (faked) message Internet is the end result of prior activities. To that the network administrator has recorded understand and investigate how this result a ‘non-professional use of the Internet access’, comes about, what formulations are first and will pass this on to the appropriate location. selected and then rejected, and what resources In addition, the information resulting from surf- the author relies on in writing an email (for ing the Web which ends up on the user’s hard disc example, earlier mail from the recipient, the in the form of so-called ‘cookies’ is systematically automatic spell-check, and so on) other data are analysed for market research purposes and the needed. To investigate the factual operation of appropriate addition of promotional messages. electronic communication media, one needs an At the moment when communication takes ongoing documentation of what appears on the place in an electronic format, different types of computer screen. In addition, some documenta- process-engendered data are simultaneously tion of what is going on in the immediate work- created. In general, the term process data refers ing vicinity may be sensible. Only in this way to all those data that occur and are collected as can we observe whether muttering, groaning or records of public or private organizations in the laughing make the writing or reading of emails context of their activity (Müller 1977). By anal- appear to be a troublesome or pleasurable matter ogy, electronic process data is used to refer to to colleagues in the same office. all data that are generated in the course of Similar limitations on electronic process data computer-assisted communication processes are to be found with communication via web and work activities – either automatically or on pages. The page consulted may well be identified the basis of adjustments by the user. In this way from the files stored in the cache of the browser, our understanding of electronic process data is but the underlying communication process can narrower than the concept of ‘computer-moni- only be reconstructed in an imprecise fashion. tored data’ (Williams et al. 1988: 91f.), which Search movements with the mouse, going back also includes automatic collection of television rapidly over one or more links, scrolling viewing, for example, or the use of databases. through long pages, or pausing at particular Electronic process data are found in the form of points in a text cannot be captured in this way. files on local hard discs, or on the servers of The process data that arise in the course of computer centres, and they include such things electronically transmitted communication as logs of chat sessions, files with the content of have, in addition, properties of their own. This emails and html files (html = hypertext markup is particularly true in the case of recording visits language), and the related graphic elements. to different web pages. Such pages normally Electronic process data, of course, are not read- consist of a wide variety of elements: formatted ily accessible (and at present are in a grey area text, graphics, coloured background, animated legally), but they represent an important illustrations, embedded video-clips and possibly resource for the investigation of computer- background music merge here into a hybrid with assisted communication processes. different interpretation requirements than a text Admittedly, there are two important restrictions that is script-based or has a linear construction here. On the one hand such files usually have to (for discussion, cf. Kress and van Leeuwen 1996: be transformed and prepared for an investiga- 181–229; Nickl 1998: 391; Schmitz 1997: tion. (More on this in the next section.) And on 136–147). Since all these elements are integrated the other hand, it must be remembered that the into the structure, web pages must be understood files have a technical functionality of their own, as a separate communicative ‘genre’ (see 5.18) and – since they were not produced for the for which the amalgamation of a wide range Flick 5.08.qxd 3/19/04 7:18 PM Page 245


of representational elements is constitutive. A For a more detailed analysis of computer- procedure that limits itself to separating out and assisted processes of work and communication, describing individually some parts of the pro- what must be reflected, beyond the preservation cess data that were created in browsing (for of the wealth of detail and the nature of the example, the sequence of links followed, or the process data as separate components of a pre- textual or graphic structure of the pages visited) integrated hybrid, is the temporal structure of the would therefore inevitably result in the loss of event. This is not only true of cases where a video- the original object. In our view, this problem is medium interaction – such as a video-conference common to all sociological approaches, irre- on the basis of web-conferencing software (for spective of whether one is pursuing a quantify- example, Microsoft’s Netmeeting) – is being ing procedure or the particular research logic of investigated. It is generally true of the investiga- qualitative research. tion of PC-supported activities. For example, the cursor, depending on the screen area across which it is currently travelling, may take on a 2 DOCUMENTATION different shape. And in the course of particular inputs and activities, windows, dialogue boxes From what we have just argued, we may derive and commands appear, which then disappear in a requirement to develop forms of documenta- the course of subsequent actions. One possibil- tion that preserve for analysis the details of elec- ity for the documentation of these events con- tronically transmitted communication and sists of ‘filming’ the PC screen, using special interactive processes and the nature of process software (such as Lotus Screen-Cam). These data as technically separate components in a ‘films’ provide a real-time documentation of what hybrid that was integrated in advance. The is happening on the computer screen, and can strategies that we might pursue here will be be repeatedly viewed for the purposes of analy- illustrated briefly with the example of web page sis. The data generated in this way may, of documentation. course, become extremely voluminous, and here When web pages are stored as html documents the size of the film-files will depend upon the their text and formatting can indeed be docu- quantity of changes to the screen content and a mented. Embedded objects such as graphic ele- series of technical settings (screen resolution, ments, however, are omitted and are represented depth of colour, speed of picture, and settings simply as empty spaces. In a paper printout pro- for sound recording). Further information can duced in this way the highly contoured land- be found in sites such as . to a bare text. Even the production of ‘screen PC-supported communication processes may, shots’ is not a satisfactory solution. It is true that of course, be documented by means of an this does produce a copy of what is visible on the audio-visual recording with a camera. In this screen, but not all areas of web pages are docu- case it would be advisable to adapt the familiar mented in this way, since some of them can only practices for video-recording (see 5.7) to the be reached by scrolling downwards. More recent new environment. To avoid a disturbing versions of browsers, with inbuilt ‘offline func- ‘picture-roll’ while filming a computer screen, tions’, provide a good solution here. With them one needs a high-grade camera where the frame it is possible to produce copies of individual web speed may be adjusted to the signal from the PC pages and also complete websites with all the videocard. Alternatively, there is a possibility of pages that belong to them. But even here there installing in the PC a graphics card that simul- are limitations on the documentation. These taneously emits the picture information as a offline browsers only function without problems standard television signal (PAL). A video- if the web pages to be documented consist of recorder can then be connected to this graphics static html pages. On the other hand, dynamic card, so that what happens on the computer elements (such as password questions, Java screen can be recorded as a video-film. Finally, applets, sound playback or screen contents there is the possibility of installing a picture brought about through real-time mouse co-ordi- converter between a PC graphics card and the nates) still cause problems. An overview of PC monitor, and again of connecting a video- ‘offline browsers’ may be found in Gieseke (1998: recorder to this converter (more detail is given 75–197). in Meier 1998). Flick 5.08.qxd 3/19/04 7:18 PM Page 246



Web pages – as well as other types of electronic The development of computer-assisted work and process data – are multi-modal hybrids par excel- communication technologies not only leads to lence. Their special character must be considered the development of new interactive situations, not only in documentation but also in the new communication forms and thereby also to course of the analysis. What consequences new research issues. New forms for the presenta- this might have for the logic of interpretative tion of sociological research work have also procedures (see 5.16) cannot yet be predicted. developed. One example of this is specialist jour- At present there are no established qualitative nals that are published online. In addition, it methods for these kinds of data. It is important, may be argued that the World Wide Web is par- however, to adapt and modify the existing well- ticularly suited to the representation and explica- tried analytical procedures for the particular tion of issues in sociological research. This is character of electronic process data. A procedure primarily true of issues that are not based on of this kind may be found in works such as script – for example, collections of pictures, his- those of Englisch (1991) or Wolff (1995), who toric sound documents or audiovisual recordings. have adapted the procedures of objective Interactive situations may therefore be repre- hermeneutics or conversation analysis – which sented in a more intact way, with fewer losses, developed in dealing with conversation data – through excerpts from audiovisual documents for pictures or for texts created in written form. than would be possible, for example, by means of The adaptation of existing procedures to the transcripts (Slack 1998, sections 4.2 and 4.4). This investigation of electronic process is a task for means, on the one hand, that the Web can be future research. This cannot be done here, but used to make available primary materials on we would like to indicate briefly what problems which an investigation is based, and this this will produce for the concept of sequentiality increases substantially the verifiability of qualita- that is central to conversation analysis (see tive research results. On the other hand, presen- 5.17). Here one must indeed ask what role is tations of results and publications can be made in played by sequentiality in looking at web pages. a multi-modal form. One example of this would Can one speak at all of a sequentiality of action? be essays or books for which further materials Is it possible that elements that function to that would be difficult to present in textual form catch the eye, and elements that function as can be called up from web-servers. vectors and lead the eye on, can produces It may, with reasonable certainty, be expected sequences of activities and reading pathways that with these new presentation possibilities (cf. Kress and van Leeuwen 1996: 218–219)? Can there will be a substantial reduction in the the sequencing of activities such as the way the traditional pressure to record all empirical data in eye of the observer travels in any sense be docu- written form. Against this background we may mented (which is a basic precondition for sub- speculate about the long-term effect electronically sequent analysis)? Do hyperlinks to other web transmitted communication will have on the pages suggest particular pathways in the Net? Or processes of qualitative research. It is, for exam- does hypertext organization imply that one can ple, thinkable that the investment of time neces- no longer talk of the ‘conditional relevance’ of sary for the various phases in a piece of qualitative the ensuing steps in an action? research will change. In addition, we may expect It is not to be expected that the analytical some effects on the process of data analysis. concepts introduced in the course of this kind of Traditionally, for example, the time-consuming adaptation can be taken over and used in a one- transcriptions in the investigation of linguistic for-one way. Moreover, apart from the adapta- and non-linguistic communication were moti- tion of existing procedures, it will be necessary vated not only by their analytic uses but by the to combine and integrate a variety of proce- fact that they were necessary for any presentation dures. For the case of the multi-modal process of results. The declining pressure for textualiza- data discussed here, this means that in any tion will lead to a situation where interpretative research plan the investigator must be willing to work will be carried out less on the basis of tran- be inspired by composition analysis, picture scripts and more on the basis of the source mate- analysis, sequential analysis, content analysis or rials. This may lead to analyses being closer to even ethno-semantic procedures. their materials – a highly desirable result for Flick 5.08.qxd 3/19/04 7:18 PM Page 247


qualitative research. At the same time it also leads FURTHER READING to an increase in the risk that such things as audiovisual documentation will naively be treated as something ‘given’, that is as ‘data’, and Dochartaigh, N. O. (2001) The Internet Research its nature as a set of methodologically created con- Handbook. London: Sage. structs (cf. Bergmann 1985: 317) will be lost from view. Mann, C. and Stewart, F. (2002) Internet Communication and Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Williams, F., Rice, R. E. and Rogers, E. M. (1988) Research Methods and the New Media. New York: Free Press. Flick 5.09 Part-D.qxd 3/19/04 2:37 PM Page 248

Part 5D Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation

5.9 The Transcription of Conversations

Sabine Kowal and Daniel C. O’Connell

1 The definition of transcription 248 2 The development of transcription systems 249 3 Transcription as theory 249 4 The production of transcripts 250 5 Problems 251 6 Perspectives 251

1 THE DEFINITION OF result of this is to make visible the characteristics TRANSCRIPTION of a unique conversation. Transcripts should be understood as complementary to, rather than as Transcription is understood as the graphic a substitute for, electronic recordings. representation of selected aspects of the behavi- Transcription should be distinguished from our of individuals engaged in a conversation the description of conversational behaviour. For (for example, an interview or an everyday chat). example, an audible intake of breath by one Transcription involves transcribers, a system of participant may be transcribed as ‘.hhh’ or notation, the product in the form of a transcript, described as ‘BREATHING’. The letter ‘h’, it is and the transcript readers. Transcripts are needed assumed, represents in written form the act of to make fleeting conversational behaviour breathing, and the number of letters gives an permanently available on paper for scientific impression of the duration of this breathing. In analysis. The aim of producing a transcript is to a transcription, therefore, an attempt is made to represent on paper as accurately as possible the reproduce in written form features of the con- strings of words uttered (verbal features), but versational behaviour in such a way that there is frequently also their acoustic form, for example, a relationship of similarity between the behav- in the shape of pitch height or loudness iour and its notation on paper. Conversely, in (prosodic features) and any accompanying non- description there is no relationship of similarity linguistic behaviour (whether it be vocal, such between the behaviour and its notation. as laughing or throat-clearing – paralinguistic Transcript readers learn from the description features – or non-vocal, such as gestures or ‘BREATHING’ only that somebody breathed, eye movements – extralinguistic features). The but not how this was done. Flick 5.09 Part-D.qxd 3/19/04 2:37 PM Page 249


Transcription must also be distinguished from and in German-speaking countries the semi- coding of verbal utterances, that is, from their interpretative working transcription (HIAT = classification according to fixed categories. Halbinterpretativen Arbeitstranskriptionen) of Ehlich Transcription systems have been developed in a and Rehbein (1976). Since the early 1990s there variety of disciplines. Among these are anthro- has been a more intensive interest in transcription pology (e.g. Duranti 1997), linguistics (e.g. Ehlich and the development of new systems, but also in 1993), sociology (e.g. Atkinson and Heritage critical considerations about their theoretical 1984) and psychology (e.g. MacWhinney 1995). foundations (e.g. Edwards and Lampert 1993, Kowal and O’Connell 2003b). 2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSCRIPTION SYSTEMS 3 TRANSCRIPTION AS THEORY

The following basic decisions contribute to the For many years the production of transcripts was development of a transcription system. considered to be a theoretically neutral process that proceeded from primary data (the original 1 The selection of the features of behaviour to conversation) via secondary data (the audio or be transcribed (verbal, prosodic, paralinguis- video recording of the conversation) to the ter- tic, extralinguistic); this selection is always tiary data (the transcript of the conversation on determined by the goals and questions of a the basis of the audio and video recordings): specific research project. transcribers simply put onto paper what was said 2 The selection of a system of notation (e.g. and done in the conversation, and the readers of the notation of syllable lengthening as ‘da’, transcripts knew from this how the conversation ‘da’ or ‘da=’); this is determined by the avail- ran. What was overlooked here was the fact that ability of an appropriate repertoire of symbols the creation and use of transcripts are theory- and by assumptions about the readability of loaded constructive processes. Transcripts are the transcripts. actually characterized by a considerable reduc- 3 The selection of the transcription format for tion of the almost infinitely rich primary and spatially ordering, on paper or on a com- secondary data (Cook 1990) as well as by the fact puter screen, the temporal sequence of con- that time-restricted conversational behaviour is versational turns (for example, as a score or transformed into a time-free visual product. in lines). Transcripts, therefore, are always selective con- 4 Determining the abilities required of tran- structions, and this selectivity has an impact on scribers for the reliable and valid use of the the analysis and interpretation of transcripts notation system. (Ochs 1979). This theory-loaded nature affects 5 Determining the abilities assumed for the each of the aspects of transcription mentioned at reading of transcripts by different reader- the outset, since the production and use of tran- ships (for example, lay people, linguists, scripts always involves people with their particu- anthropologists or computers). lar goals, capabilities and limitations. In more recent transcription systems an Whilst putting verbal utterances into written increasing awareness of this theoretical depen- form has historically always played a role, it is dency is seen in the fact that the selection of only in the past few decades that different notation symbols is fixed and justified and that systems have been developed (cf. Ehlich and explicit bases are formulated for developing the Switalla 1976). This increased interest may be systems that affect the production and use of traced back, on the one hand, to technological transcripts. Ehlich, for example, stresses that the developments (audio and video equipment as well HIAT system has ‘(a) simplicity and validity, as computers), and on the other hand to the (b) good readability and correctability and (c) min- creation of data-banks that are networked world- imum of transcriber and user training’ (1993: wide for the exchange of transcripts (Leech et al. 125). Selting et al. (1998) add that their con- 1995). The oldest transcription systems include, versation analysis transcription system (GAT = in the English-speaking world, Jefferson’s Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssytem) should transcription notation for conversation analysis also include ‘extendability and refinability of ( Jefferson 1972; Psathas and Anderson 1990), the notation’ (the so-called ‘onion principle’). Flick 5.09 Part-D.qxd 3/19/04 2:37 PM Page 250


4 THE PRODUCTION OF turn, which begins at the same time as B’s turn, TRANSCRIPTS however, is shifted horizontally to the right, and the simultaneity of speaking is indicated with As a rule transcribing begins with secondary square brackets. Instances of listener feedback, data, such as a tape recording. In every tran- such as ‘hm’, are also shifted horizontally and script the first thing to be put into written form marked with square brackets. Another transcrip- is the words that the participants have uttered. tion format is the ‘score format’ used in HIAT For this four different forms of written represen- (Ehlich and Rehbein 1976). tation are possible: (a) standard orthography, (b) literary transcription, (c) eye dialect and (d) pho- Example 2: netic transcription. A representation in standard orthography is based on the norms of the writ- A: [have you seen him oh sure he ten language and makes the tasks of the tran- B: no why did you scribers easier. But at the same time it fails to A: ΄was already there take account of peculiarities of the spoken B: hm language, such as the omission of individual sounds (elision) or reciprocal effect of adjacent Score writing differs from the linear format in its sounds (assimilation). This is particularly true so-called simultaneous axis that is indicated on where speakers deviate from the standard lan- the left hand edge of the transcript by a square guage. These deviations are taken into account bracket of variable size (depending on the num- in a literary transcription as, for instance, in the ber of speakers) that goes across a number of elision of ‘o’ in ‘don’t’ for ‘donot’ or in the assim- lines. Within the simultaneous axis the hori- ilation of ‘ain’t’ for ‘is not’. The so-called eye zontal arrangement of turns shows whether dialect, which is used particularly in English- these turns follow one another or occur simul- language transcripts for ethnomethodological taneously. On the vertical axis one line is pro- conversation analysis (see 5.17), deviates still vided for each speaker, and this is retained even farther from standard orthography in order to after a change of speaker. represent colloquial language as faithfully as Most notation symbols that are not letters possible in terms of sounds, as, for example, in are used to represent prosodic features. ‘askedche’ for ‘asked you’. Phonetic transcription Among the frequently recorded prosodic using the International Phonetic Alphabet features we find: pauses, emphasis, intona- (IPA) represents verbal utterances in phonetic- tion, lengthening and volume. In fictitious phonological categories, for example ‘[ge:n]’ for example 3 we contrast the transcription of ‘gehn’. In conversational research phonetic transcrip- such prosodic features in the HIAT system tion is seldom used, because it contains too much (Ehlich 1993) with that found in GAT (Selting information and is difficult to use and to read. et al. 1998) The sequencing of turns on the axes of the transcript is represented differently in the indi- Example 3: vidual systems. One transcription format that is frequently used is the linear writing mode (cf., HIAT GAT for example, GAT in Selting et al. 1998: 97ff.), A: have you . seen him A: have !YOU! (.) seen which may be demonstrated with the following him? fictitious example: <<<<< B: no: why B: no: <why). Example 1: In both HIAT and GAT short pauses are A: have you seen him represented by ‘.’ or by ‘(.)’; emphasis is shown B: no why did [you by underlining or by capital letters between A: [oh sure he was [already there exclamation marks; rising intonation by ‘'’ or B: [hm by ‘?’, falling intonation by ‘`’ or by ‘.’. Syllable Immediately following turns always begin here lengthening is shown in both systems by ‘:’; and with a new line in the transcript, so that where volume by ‘<<<<<<<’ as a superscript or ‘<>’. lines appear below one another this represents Paralinguistic features, to which belong non- turns which follow each other. A’s follow-up linguistic vocal phenomena such as laughter, Flick 5.09 Part-D.qxd 3/19/04 2:37 PM Page 251


sighing or breathing (but cf. Selting 2000), are transcribers sometimes have to make perceptual either transcribed or described in most current distinctions that exceed their capabilities. This is transcription systems. In HIAT, for example, true of both the length of speech pauses and for laughter is described by ‘((Laughter))’ (Ehlich and the stressing of individual syllables. Rehbein 1976: 31), whereas in GAT it is either Most transcription systems demand good described with ‘((laughs))’ or transcribed as readability of transcripts as a fundamental prin- ‘hahaha’ (Selting et al. 1998: 100). ciple. In practice, however, readability has so far Extralinguistic features include numerous never been empirically checked. It is therefore visible (for example, direction of gaze, gestures) questionable whether the following transcrip- and audible non-vocal (for example, applause) tion of the word ‘grandmother’, uttered while forms of behaviour, which occur as accompani- laughing, is intelligible to transcript readers, ments to speech. In some systems they are given because the word shape here is broken up by no attention at all (e.g. Du Bois 1991), whereas additional symbols: ‘^gra@ ndmo@the@r’ (Du HIAT (Ehlich 1993: 135–140) and GAT (Selting Bois 1991: 87). Similar doubts arise in the case of et al. 1998: 109–113) deal with them extensively. our example 3 (above). Selting (2000) draws attention to a whole range of further problems. In view of these problems we wish to formu- 5 PROBLEMS late (following O’Connell and Kowal 1995a: 98ff.) a number of basic recommendations for The decisions mentioned above, which deal with the transcription of conversations. the development of a transcription system and its use, are all interrelated, and with each of 1 Only those features of conversational behav- them there are problems that have so far not iour should be transcribed which will actu- been solved. The selection of the transcribed cate- ally be analysed. gories (in particular prosodic features) is fre- 2 To ensure the unambiguity of notations quently not motivated by any research, which symbols, letters should only be used to repre- means that considerable effort is devoted to sent the verbal features of utterances, and transcribing much more material than will be punctuation marks should be used only for analysed. In practice, the availability of a com- their conventional function. prehensive transcription system seems to suggest 3 The internal shape of a word should not be to users that they have to use the complete broken up by additional symbols. system, without limitation, in every single 4 Subjective perceptions and/or categorizations research project. on the part of the transcribers should not be Within the same system as well as between dif- noted as objective measurements. ferent systems the same symbol is sometimes 5 A given notation symbol should only be found for the notation of different phenomena (cf. used in a particular transcript for a single the symbol ‘.’ in example 3, which in HIAT marks feature of conversational behaviour, and no a brief pause and in GAT low falling into nation), feature of conversational behaviour should and, conversely, different symbols are used for be represented by different notation marking the same phenomenon. The problem symbols. here is that notation symbols, and what they rep- 6 In a transcript clear distinctions should be resent, cannot be allocated unambiguously. made between descriptions, explanations, The most fundamental problems, however, are comments and interpretations. less at the level of the system itself than at the 7 In the analysis of transcripts it should be level of behaviour in the use of the system. For borne in mind that transcribers, as language- example, in transcribing conversations, the tran- users, frequently transcribe unreliably (cf. scribers, therefore, have to put on paper verbal Lindsay and O’Connell 1995; O’Connell and phenomena which – as participants in conversa- Kowal 1994). tions – they have learned to ignore. Among these are slips of the tongue, incomplete words and hes- itations such as repetitions (‘the … the’) or fillers 6 PERSPECTIVES (‘er…’). The notation of these phenomena is therefore particularly susceptible to errors. In In two publications (O’Connell and Kowal respect of the transcription of prosodic features, 1995a,b) we have provided an overview of the Flick 5.09 Part-D.qxd 3/19/04 2:37 PM Page 252


present state of transcription in the social • Where do deviations typically occur between sciences. Where the strong interest in trans- different transcribers working on the same cription, the development of new transcription transcript? systems and the critical discussion of these will • To what extent do the perceptions of tran- lead is currently still uncertain. Some perspec- scribers differ from instrumental analyses tive, however, is beginning to emerge: the (for example, in the analysis of speech pauses contribution of modern technologies to trans- or other prosodic features with oscillographic cription will continue to grow (Kallmeyer 1997). recordings)? This concerns both the production of transcripts • How must transcripts be fashioned in order using computer programs (cf., for example, to be readable, that is, give readers an appro- Ehlich 1993: 141ff., MacWhinney 1995: vii) and priate representations of the course of a the publication of collections of transcripts conversation? This also includes the question in connection with electronic data-bases (e.g. of how the density of signs in a transcript Redder and Ehlich 1994). In the literature on affects its readability through cognitive over- transcription reference is often made to the load, and also the question of whether parti- need for a standardization of systems. cular transcription symbols, such as ‘eh…’, Paradoxically, standardization presupposes a arouse uncontrollable (negative) attitudes willingness to abandon the development of a towards the participants in the readers of a system of one’s own. As is shown by the multi- transcript. plicity of available systems, this willingness would so far appear to be missing. And in view Only when these (and other) questions have of the multiplicity of possible research goals, it been empirically checked will it be possible to is questionable whether any kind of standardi- determine more precisely the potential and the zation is a desirable objective. limitations of transcription as a scientific Whilst transcription has long been used in method. various disciplines in a relatively non-reflective way, in recent years an increase in methodological awareness has become noticeable. Smith ACKNOWLEDGEMENT et al., for example, consider transcription to be an essential methodological basis for the ‘new We are grateful to the Alexander von Humboldt paradigm in psychology’ (1995: 3), and in more Foundation for their support in the preparation of recent handbooks of socio-linguistics (Richter this chapter within the framework of a Transcoop 1988) and psycho-linguistics (Kowal and Project for the period 1995–1998. O’Connell 2003a) transcription is given a chapter of its own. We believe that the most important perspectives FURTHER READING consist of making the production and the use of transcripts – as special cases of the use of symbols, or as types of human behaviour – a Edwards, J. A. and Lampert, M. D. (eds) (1993) subject of empirical investigation. Such a Talking Data: Transcription and Coding in research programme would include (a) semiotic Discourse Research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. analysis of the options tenable in terms of sign- O’Connell, D. C. and Kowal, S. (1995a) ‘Basic theory for the development of notation systems, Principles of Transcription’, in J. A. Smith, R. and (b) the psychological investigation of lan- Harré and L. Van Langenhove (eds), Rethinking guage users’ behaviour types in the production Methods in Psychology. London: Sage. and use of transcripts. These include questions pp. 93–105. such as the following. O’Connell, D. C. and Kowal, S. (1995b) • What abilities and skills must transcribers ‘Transcription Systems for Spoken Discourse’, have to produce transcripts that reflect tape in J. Verschueren, J.-O. Oestman and or video recordings as accurately as possible J. Blommaert (eds), Handbook of Pragmatics. rather than the perceptual limitations of the Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 646–656. transcribers? Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 253

5.10 The Analysis of Semi-structured Interviews

Christiane Schmidt

1 Introduction 253 2 Procedure and methodological background 253

1 INTRODUCTION together different analytical techniques that are suited to the analysis of semi-structured inter- The analytical categories and instruments for a views. The short description offered here, which semi-structured interview, designed and carried is oriented to the sequence of practical research, out in the spirit of qualitative research, are is intended to encourage readers to develop their developed in response to the demands of the own appropriate modes of analysis. material collected. An analysis appropriate to the technique of open questioning (see 5.2, 5.3) cannot interpret and summarize the material 2 PROCEDURE AND according to a pre-determined catalogue of METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND topics; this can only be partially designed before the data are collected. The analytical strategy selected may be presented There are a range of analytical techniques for in five stages: first – in response to the material – the analysis of qualitative interviews (surveys categories for the analysis are set up. As a second of these may be found, for example, in Flick stage, these are brought together in an analytical 2002, chs 15–17; Kuckartz 1997; Lamnek 1995: guide, tested and revised. Thirdly, using this 107–125; Mayring 1999: 76–101; Mayring analytical and coding guide, all the interviews are 2000b: 51–54; Witzel 1982: 53–65). The analyti- coded according to the analytical categories. cal techniques that are selected for semi- Fourthly, on the basis of this coding, case overviews structured interviews within the framework of can be produced; these form the basis, in the fifth an investigation will depend on the goals, the and final analytical stage, for the selection of indi- questions and the methodological approach – vidual cases for in-depth single-case analyses. and, not least, on how much time, research The guiding principle in this analytical strat- equipment and human resources are available. egy is the interchange between material and In what follows an analytical strategy will be theoretical prior knowledge. This interchange presented which has proved itself in the context process begins not only when the data are avail- of research approaches that postulate an open able in a transcribed form, but at the beginning kind of theoretical prior understanding but do of the data collection – as a kind of interplay not reject explicit pre-assumptions (see 4.2) and between, on the one hand, theoretical consider- the relationship with theoretical traditions (on ations in reaction to literature and theoretical such ‘theory-oriented approaches’ cf. Hopf traditions, and on the other hand experience 1996; on the widespread rejection of explicit and observation during exploration of the pre-assumptions, cf. Glaser and Strauss, e.g. research field. In the course of this interchange 1965a; cf. also Fuchs 1984: 281ff.; Kelle 1996). process the theoretical pre-assumptions may Analytical strategy is here taken to mean bringing also be refined, questioned and altered. Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 254


First stage: material-oriented the context of the research question(s). For any formation of analytical categories one text passage it is possible, in this process, to note more than one topic or aspect. To take The determination of the analytical categories account of the openness of the interviews, it is begins with an intensive and repeated reading important not simply to take over the formula- of the material. The term ‘material’ is used here tions from the questions that were asked, but to to refer particularly to fully and literally tran- consider whether the interviewees actually take scribed interviews (see 5.9; on the inclusion up these terms, what the terms mean to them, of field notes and research diaries, cf. Schmidt which aspects they supplement, which they 1997: 546f.). It is presupposed that the inter- omit and what new topics, which were not fore- views have been transcribed with the required seen in the guide, actually turn up in the col- degree of ‘accuracy’ (cf. Flick 2002: 176–220) lected data. The aim is not to find the same and cleansed from transfer errors by ‘corrective topics in all interview texts; in this first approach listening’ (cf. Hopf and Schmidt 1993, appendix to the material the interviews should not be con- C: 1–3). It is advisable (at all stages of the analy- sidered comparatively. It is, however, useful for sis) to work with computer support (see 5.14). the following stages in the analysis to note any The reading of individual transcripts is similar marked similarities and differences between the to study-reading of academic texts (on this, cf., interviews; if this is done, it will then normally for example, Stary and Kretschmer 1994). The be easier to concentrate again on a single case. researcher’s own theoretical prior knowledge The following example is taken – like all other and the research questions guide his/her atten- examples used below – from the (theory-oriented) tion in the reading of the transcripts. The aim is investigation on ‘family and right-wing extrem- to note, for every single interview transcript, the ism’ (Hopf et al. 1995), in which the questions topics that occur and individual aspects of these and theoretical assumptions relate to traditions of which can be related – in a very broad sense – to research into authoritarianism and relationships.

BOX 5.10.1 EXAMPLE FOR CODING Topics and individual aspects

[Context: Volker is talking about a young (Notes of one of the investigators on reading person whom he does not like, and in the transcript) response to follow-up questions he tells how • A young man who does not conform is he and his friends dealt with him in a disco. rejected and attacked Citation from the transcript: ‘... in any case, • Physical force the way he spoke, the way he walked, I • Trivializing way of talking couldn’t stand anything about him. • Group force Particularly the way he danced. And then I kicked him downstairs a few times and so on, we just made a mess of it, he was beaten up all the time.’]

Kontext: Volker spricht von einem Jugendlichen, den er nicht mag, und erzählt auf Nachfragen, wie er und seine Freunde in der Disko mit ihm umgegangen sind. Zitat aus dem Transkript: ‘... auf jeden Fall die Art zu sprechen, die Art zu gehen, ich konnte alles an dem nicht ab. Die Art zu tanzen vor allem nicht. Und dann hab ich ihn ein paar mal die Treppe runtergekickt und so, haben wir nur Mist gemacht, der wurde andauernd zusammengeprügelt.’ (S. 69) Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 255


An exact and repeated reading of individual (cf. Becker-Schmidt et al. 1982: 109ff.); some interview transcripts is very time-consuming, categories may also relate to the linguistic form of but it is essential so as not to relate text passages the responses (cf. ‘trivializing way of talking’ in too hastily to the researcher’s own questions the example above). Alternative procedures for the and not to overlook text passages in which one formation of categories are described by Mayring does not initially see the connection to the (1999, 2000b) in the context of ‘summarizing con- question. In an open semi-structured interview tent analysis’ (see 5.12), by Witzel (1996) as a par- the important text passages are not always tial stage in the evaluation of problem-focused found in the direct context of the question that interviews, and by Glaser and Strauss (1967) as an was asked; the aspects that the interviewer element in ‘theoretical coding’ (see 5.13). introduces are frequently only taken up later in more explicit form, or else they turn up (again) Second stage: assembly in response to a different question within a of the analytical categories quite different context. What is important, in into a guide for coding reading and note-taking, is not to tailor the material to one’s own theoretical assumptions by The draft analytical categories are now assem- reducing the analysis to a search for locations in bled into a guide of analysis and coding (for the text that are suitable as a proof or illustration further discussion cf. also Crabtree and Miller of these assumptions. On first reading one often 1992: 95; Lewin 1986: 284). This contains finds ‘neat and fitting quotations’ that seem to detailed descriptions of the individual cate- be ideal for a presentation in a final report, gories, and for each category different versions thereby overlooking parts of the text that fit less are formulated. With the aid of this guide, the well with the researcher’s own expectations. material collected will be coded. Coding – as will Repeated reading of the texts and, in particular, be explained more fully in the next section – conscious and open dealing with these assump- means relating particular passages in the text of tions helps the investigator to notice not only an interview to one category, in the version that parts of the text that correspond to these prior best fits these textual passages. The usability of beliefs, but also those parts that accord less well the analytical categories is first tested and eval- (on this, cf. Hopf et al. 1995: 24). uated on a number of interviews – optimally in On the basis of the topics and aspects discov- the form of discourse within the research team. ered the analytical categories are now formu- In the process, the categories and their variants lated. Depending on the number of interviews, may be refined, made more distinctive or com- the available human resources and personal pletely omitted from the coding guide. work-style, it is sensible to begin this to some Here is an example of the development of ana- extent in parallel with the reading of the inter- lytical categories in an interchange process views. In response to existing theoretical and between theoretical assumptions, field experi- empirical concepts, and against the background ence and the material collected: of theoretical traditions, a number of (initially rather vague) categories will arise out of discus- ‘In the course of our questioning of young people sions within the research team or with (special- we began to have more and more doubts about ist) colleagues. These will be corrected and whether the concept of authoritarianism, and the supplemented, in the course of data collection link it seeks to make between authoritarian subor- and during the preparation of the analysis, on dination and aggression, was at all appropriate for us as a central analytical concept’. (Hopf et al. the basis of observations and experience in the 1995: 70) field. The interchange is now continued by con- trasting the topics and individual aspects in the For instance, our first experience in the field interviews with the ideas for categories previ- increased our scepticism towards the assumption ously developed. The terms or combinations of that young people with right-wing extremist ten- dencies could be made to fit the classical image of terms that develop in this way I shall call the authoritarian as a cyclist who bows upwards analytical categories. and treads downwards … . During the interviews or What form these analytical categories take again while thinking about them afterwards we often did depends largely on the questions; it may be a have the impression of ‘treading on weaker parties’, matter of content topics and aspects, such as but we did not often find suggestions of authoritar- argumentation or argument configurations ian subordination. From this a number of ideas Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 256


developed for a systematic review of the aspects of important in this process of categorization that ‘authoritarian aggression’ and ‘authoritarian the descriptive labels are formulated very obsequiousness’. (Hopf and Schmidt 1993: 58) distinctively, so that there is no overlap. As laid down in the coding guide, all categories are In addition to a number of other analytical cate- applied in succession to one interview at a time. gories related to these aspects, an analytical The coding under one category will thereby category of ‘cyclist-variants’ was developed for remain, as far as possible, uninfluenced by the the coding guide, and ‘tested and further devel- codings under other categories. If, in any one oped on the basis of the material’ (Rieker 1997: interview, there is no material for a particular 49). After a description of the classical authori- category, or too little to be able to decide on a tarian as a ‘cyclist’, a number of different vari- descriptive label, the label ‘unclassifiable’ is given. ants of this type were described in the coding If this happens regularly with a particular category, guide as five different versions: this may suggest that the formulation of this analytical category and its descriptive labels was 1 tendency to classical cyclist: bowing and inadequate and that it should be deleted or treading revised. 2 tendency only to tread, related to a tendency to rather rebellious or pseudo-rebellious behav- What has proved helpful in coding – in iour in the face of authoritarians/stronger the above-mentioned study of right-wing people extremism – is the process of entering in a copy 3 tendency only to tread, no rebellious … of the coding guide the assessments and classi- 4 tendency only to bow fications per interview, and also noting as ‘evi- 5 neither bowing nor treading dence’, in the form of page and line numbers, 6 non-applicable, not asked, and so on. Relation the textual locations to which the assessment to one of the categories, despite available relates. information, was not possible. One variant of coding that may be recom- mended is consensual coding. In this, at least Third stage: coding of the material two members of the research team take part in the coding of a particular case. Initially Using the coding guide, each interview is now they work independently of each other on assessed and classified, by means of classifying the same interview. Only when they have the material according to the analytic cate- coded the interview according to all the cate- gories. Every interview is coded according to all gories do they compare and discuss their the categories in the coding guide. The analyti- classifications. If there are discrepancies in cal categories that were established from the their classification they cooperate in attempt- material in the previous stage of the analysis are ing to negotiate a consensual solution by now applied to the material. In order to be able means of a thorough discussion. New tech- to compare the cases with regard to dominant niques for asynchronic communication and tendencies, the quantity of information has to cooperation – such as CSCW systems (Computer be reduced at this stage of the analysis. This Supported Cooperative Working), Internet- involves accepting a loss of information, but based discussion fora or email (cf. Scholl et al. this is correspondingly less the more differenti- 1996: 31f. and Diepold 1996: 14 for discussion) – ated the analytical categories and their content are useful ways of supporting a research team features can be in their formulation. The special in this work. features and details of individual interviews are The coding described here is similar to the considered again in the next stage in the analy- content analysis technique of scaled structures sis – the detailed case interpretation (cf. Schmidt (cf. Mayring 2000b: 85ff.) and the coding 1997: 557). of questionnaire data (cf., for example, Initially, from each interview those passages are Benninghaus 1994: 30; Bortz and Döring 1995: identified which – in the broadest sense – can be 305). It must be distinguished from the allotted to an analytical category, and then one ‘theoretical coding’ of Glaser and Strauss. description is given to all of these textual loca- They use the term coding to describe tions (such as that given above as number 4: ‘ten- the process of material-based theory develop- dency only to bow’). If more than one description ment, or ‘grounded theory’ (cf. Wiedemann fits, the dominant one will be chosen. It is very 1995: 443f.). Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 257


Table 5.10.1 Quantifying survey presented as a table

Subjection to norms: Tends not to be authoritarian Subjection to norms prescribed or between subordination/ tends to be prescribed instrumental-strategic authoritarian (more or less clearly orientation and aggression manifest) subjection to norms Total

Subordination in relation – 6 6 to aggression Mostly only aggression – 5 5 ………… Total 10 15 25

Extract from the table ‘“Cyclist”-Mentality and subjection to Norms and Conscience’ (Hopf et al. 1995: 72)

Fourth stage: quantifying the results of the individual analytical categories surveys of material (cf. Heppner et al. 1990: 45f.; Hopf et al. 1995: 194ff.). The next stage in the analytical strategy described here involves the compilation of Fifth stage: detailed case quantifying surveys of the results of coding. interpretations From a technical point of view this entails clear presentation of results in the form of tables. This Detailed case interpretations are the last stage kind of overview of material consists of indica- in the strategy presented here. The goals of tions of frequencies in individual analytical this stage of analysis might be: to discover new categories. The indications of frequency give a hypotheses, to test a hypothesis on a single preliminary overview of distributions within the case, to distinguish between conceptual terms, material (see Table 5.10.1). They do not yet to arrive at new theoretical considerations or constitute the result, but merely give informa- to revise existing theoretical frameworks. tion on the ‘database’. From the overview of the Using the constellations derived from the cod- material individual analytical categories may be ings, a motivated selection of cases may be selected and related to one another in the form made for more detailed analysis. The selected of cross-reference tables (Brosius 1988: 211ff.). transcripts are repeatedly read and interpreted But even these ‘combined indications of fre- precisely with reference to a particular ques- quency’ do not yet, if considered in isolation, tion. The result of the interpretation, which constitute a result. relates to this single case in all its particulars, Quantifying surveys of material are of partic- is recorded in written form. What particular ular value in the preparation of further analy- techniques are used in the interpretation will sis; they point to possible relationships that depend on the design of the investigation, and can be pursued in a qualitative analysis. The this is normally based on the particular inter- assumptions relate to individual cases and pretative tradition that is preferred by the must be checked for every single case (cf. Hopf investigator – for example, a hermeneutic 1996). For this, however, total overviews (see 3.5, 5.16) or a psychoanalytic (see 5.20) may be helpful, for instance, in the ‘targeted tradition. search for exceptions’ (Bühler-Niederberger 1995: 448). To contribute to the transparency and verifia- FURTHER READING bility of a qualitative study, it is also sensible to present, for the main analytical categories, a general overview of the results of the coding Crabtree, B. F. and Miller, W. L. (1992) ‘A process for all the individual cases – for exam- Template Approach to Text Analysis: ple, in the form of a table where each case is pre- Developing and Using Codebooks’, in sented in a single line, and each column gives B. F. Crabtree and W. L. Miller (eds), Doing Flick 5.10.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 258


Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Ryan, G. W. and Bernard, H. R. (2000) ‘Data pp. 93–109. Management and Analysis Methods’, in N. K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (eds), Hopf, C. (1998) ‘Attachment Experiences and Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2nd edn. Aggressions Against Minorities’, Social Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. pp. 769–802. Thought and Research, 21 (1–2): 133–149. Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 259

5.11 The Analysis of Narrative-biographical Interviews

Gabriele Rosenthal and Wolfram Fischer-Rosenthal

1 The narrative and mutually shared reality 259 2 The narrative interview as a research instrument, and its critics 260 3 The narrativist methodology of biographical case reconstruction 261 4 An example of case reconstruction 261

1 THE NARRATIVE AND MUTUALLY understand them. The we-reality that is initially SHARED REALITY created in this way makes provisionally possible a harmonious joint orientation, and yet it remains How are people who experience things differently precarious in principle. It cannot be separated from a as individuals still able to cooperate? If it is quite permanently ongoing process of interpretation normal for members of a society constantly to because it must be constantly sustained: this is for have to deal with the experiences of others that the reason that shared reality exists only ‘now’. one has not witnessed or shared, how is any cer- The production of a shared view of events, of the tainty of expectation produced in our dealings world that ‘we’ possess and that matters to ‘us’, can with one another? How is it possible to create a fail at any point in the process of its creation. For shared world in which one can move about in both the narrator and the listener there are situa- an oriented way, and of which one can assume tionally variable possibilities of arrangement and that it is, for all practical purposes, sufficiently checking that may lead to a divergent view on ‘real’ for everyone in the same way? both sides and thereby to a falsification of the As absurd as these questions may sound to the story. Whether this means an ‘untrue story’, or person in the street who takes for granted the whether the ‘real’ narrative experience is not world and the possibility of social interaction, accepted by the listener because it would consti- the answers are equally difficult. If one wishes tute too great a threat to the listener’s own world, to understand how, in practical terms people amounts to the same thing, in the sense that it produce and continuously sustain this ‘obvious’ leads to the non-constitution of a shared world. condition. While looking for a theoretical And possibly it has similarly negative conse- answer to the question of how sociality and quences in terms of social recognition, credibility society are constituted, one of the factors that and the narrator’s self-esteem. Even when there is researchers encountered was the social function shared verification, reality is not guaranteed once of linguistic communication in general and of and for all, nor is it immune to interpretation, narrative in particular. because the mutually accepted experience can – The narration of an experience seems to be a from a different observational perspective or at suitable vehicle for imparting one’s own experi- some later time – be rejected as ‘not real’. In view ences to others, as a result and a process, in such a of these ambivalent circumstances, how was it pos- way that both they and the narrator can sible for story-telling to become not only an object reconstruct these experiences and thereby jointly but also a technique for a scientific methodology? Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 260


2 THE NARRATIVE INTERVIEW In the debate – apparently specifically linguistic – AS A RESEARCH INSTRUMENT, about the capacity of structuralism, what is at AND ITS CRITICS issue is whether the continuity of social interac- tions can be adequately explained with reference Within the social sciences there was, on the one to the concept of structure and its bi-polar fea- hand, a need for an ongoing process of criticism tures (deep and surface structure, manifest and of objectivistic approaches that seek to observe latent meaning, and so on). Within the broadly and represent social reality independently of compartmentalized criticism, one extreme pole symbolic-linguistic internal structures, and on is the general rejection of the idea of a covertly the other hand for a methodologically refined operating generative structure and therefore also understanding of structures and speech perfor- of the associated scientific programme for the mance as resources for social interaction and reconstruction of its unfolding. On the other the construction of society. Only then – side of the spectrum we may indeed find a perhaps from the mid-1960s – was it possible to far-reaching acceptance of the basic structural analyse something so obvious but so compli- assumptions; but the instrumental use of narra- cated a means of communication as narrative, tion becomes problematic if its setting is not at and then to develop it further as a research the same time made a subject of study. This instrument. latter may be found, for example, in ethno- The epoch-making article of Labov and methodological conversation analysis (cf. Waletzki (1967/1997), ‘Narrative Analysis: Oral Schegloff 1997; see 5.17) which, on the other Versions of Personal Experience’, offered a theo- hand, provides important methodological com- retical rationale and the first practical pointers ponents for analysing of narrative texts. The for the development of the ‘narrative interview’, interactive production of text by speakers and which gradually became a prominent data- hearers, to ‘do something particular here and collection tool in qualitative research. The ques- now’ by means of communication, is neglected tion of how the experience of reality is created by in a one-sided concentration of the interviewee, means of communication among members of just as it is quite wrongly presupposed that there society, and how it may be scientifically recon- is a ready-made pre-existing story in this structed, seemed to be solved not only from a person’s head which needs only to be delivered theoretical viewpoint but also in terms of in the course of communication in a situation- research practice. In German-speaking countries ally appropriate way (Schegloff 1997: 99f.). it was Fritz Schütze in the 1970s (cf. Schütze Here we come to the second, predominantly 1983, 1987) in particular who – in the context of epistemological problem that is expressed in the such approaches as ‘symbolic interactionism’ criticism of a presumption of consciousness and (see 3.3), phenomenologically inspired sociology memory (as internal storage and monitoring (see 3.1) and the sociology of language – devel- media) as opposed to an external world inde- oped a theoretical base and a model for the ‘evo- pendent of these. This accusation of a Cartesian cation’ of narrative texts within an interview (see division of the social world into a cognitive and 5.2) and also procedures for their analysis. an objective sphere also turns up in different The expansion of the ‘narrative interview’ variants of an opposition to narrativist proce- was accompanied by fundamental critical ques- dures. The narrativist distinction between an tions concerning the relationship between real- ‘experienced event’ and the symbolic interpreta- ity and text (see 5.22) as well as the further tion in the ‘narrated event’ (Hopper 1997: 78f.) development of research practice. With the is seen as being as problematic as the concept of growth in its use there arose the problem of memory as a reservoir from which the narrative multiple variants, not all of which stand up to simply has to be selected (Rosenthal 1995; ‘quality control’ according to narrativist criteria Smith 1981). In place of this, proposals are either in the data collection or in the analysis. made for monistic or dialectical models of real- At this point we need to outline two more time linguistic narrative creation at the moment fundamental bases for criticism (Bamberg 1997; of communication. In this connection it is gen- Baugh et al. 1997). They concern first the prac- erally impossible to refrain from reference to a tice and model of structuralism, and secondly layering of experience in life-as-lived and the the more fundamental question of a Cartesian embedding of this in dimensions of past and approach within the social sciences. present that are predominantly only linguistic Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 261



1 Analysis of biographical data (data of events) 2 Text and thematic field analysis (sequential analysis of textual segments from the self- presentation in the interview) 3 Reconstruction of the case history (life as lived) 4 Detailed analysis of individual textual locations 5 Contrasting the life-story as narrated with life as lived 6 Formation of types

resources. The indiscriminate accusation of role to play in the reconstruction. The separate Cartesianism in the distinction between social stages in the work (see box above) make use of reality and semantics is as unproductive as equat- both sides of the distinction and relate to one ing narration with reality. Results without per- another in a process-oriented way. This explic- ception are not socially relevant, nor can there be itly includes the considered use of further data- any narrations without perception and observa- sources (archive material, medical reports, tion of something. And so we may adhere to the documents from professional ‘client processing’, distinction between events and narrations and so on). (as further communicative text types) and to The formulations of results are always of a the same extent see for ourselves the reality- provisional character; they are only valid ‘until constituting unity of what is distinguished in the further information is available’. They are there- process of real-time linguistic communication. fore hypothetical, both with regard to the The modifications to narrative analysis that sequential progress of the material and its have developed in the past few years may be various technically produced textualizations interpreted as a reaction to the discourse that has and also in respect of the development of struc- been critical of narration. In particular, the rela- tures in the real course of the subsequent life. tion to the procedures of structural hermeneutics This latter is of particular importance for thera- (e.g. Oevermann et al. 1979; see 5.16) that has peutic and social-therapeutic reconstructions, as been made by a number of sociologists (cf., for well as those processed in the context of social example, Hildenbrand 1995; Wohlrab-Sahr 1992) work, all of which take account of potential for has expanded the theoretical–technical ‘reading- change and instances of restructuring. Finally tools’ of narrative texts. The reconstruction model the hypothetical nature of the results also takes presented in box 5.11.1 was developed in a vari- account of the fact that the rather narrow scien- ety of research contexts (Rosenthal 1993, 1995, tific audience can and, sooner or later, will 1998) and links hermeneutic (e.g. Oevermann et undertake modifications. In other words: the al. 1980) and text analysis procedures (Schütze result produced by analytical reconstruction sets 1983, 1994) with thematic field analysis (Fischer up concrete expectations and possibilities in the 1982, inspired by Gurwitsch 1964). framework of the structure, but these do not necessarily come about; it could also turn out differently. 3 THE NARRATIVIST METHODOLOGY OF BIOGRAPHICAL CASE RECONSTRUCTION 4 AN EXAMPLE OF CASE RECONSTRUCTION In very general terms this concerns a kind of analysis which observes the difference between The method of narrative analysis as biographical narration and life in the unity of a real-time case reconstruction will be explained below with linguistic self-presentation (in a sociological inter- the help of an example. The example is presented view). That is to say, the distinction between life as a problem and a result, against the background as narrated and life as lived has an important of the analytical schema described above. Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 262


Elisabeth Liebig (a pseudonym), born in 1921, • at the level of the narrated life-story, a was asked to tell the story of her family and her meaning-reconstructing ordering of this own life.1 She begins with an opening biograph- opening sequence in the sequential form of ical evaluation: ‘Nothing is as you imagined it. the main narrative. Everything turned out differently’ and then imme- diately embarks on the following report: ‘The What is decisive for the method of biographical great love of my youth, met my husband at 15 and case reconstruction is the basic difference was engaged at 18 and married at 20 and at 21 had between the two levels of the story of her life as my son (laughing) that was already in ’42, when lived and her life as narrated, which we shall there was already war then.’ attempt to cope with in different stages in the How can the beginning of this self-presentation analysis within the unity of the case. The be interpreted? The meaning of a biographical sequential form of what is narrated as well as statement can be explained, in principle, at two what was actually experienced will be recon- different levels of time – the time in one’s life structed. In analysing the story of her life as and the time of the narration. On the one hand lived, the temporal sequence of the biographical it is a matter of the biographical meaning of the experiences, and also the meaning these experi- experiences described or of a phase in one’s life – ences had for the autobiographer at that time, here, therefore, the course of the marriage and will – as far as possible – be reconstructed. This the start of the family – in the sequential con- reconstruction of meaning can take account not text of life as lived. In this particular case, with only of the layering of the past, but also of reference to the date, to the fact that her hus- expectations – for example, a happy marriage – band is seven years older and at the time they or schemata of a ‘life unlived’, which in turn met was a competitor in the 1936 Olympic may change with the stream of events and expe- Games, we could perhaps formulate the hypoth- riences, and which form the essential future esis that Elisabeth was happy then to have won aspect in the constitution of biographical mean- the great love of her youth, but that it subse- ing. In order to prepare the reconstruction of the quently turned out differently than she had case history, a sequential analysis of biographical hoped. data (cf. Oevermann et al. 1980) is carried out. On the other hand, we could switch to the Initially, the data that barely relate to the bio- level of the narrated life story and interpret the grapher’s interpretation are analysed in the tem- manner of presentation of biographical experi- poral sequence of events in the life-story. The ences and phases of life. For the present exam- individual data, taken one at a time, retrospec- ple it must be asked what function it has for the tively and prospectively, within the chronology self-presentation that the topic of ‘young love’ of the particular life, become a starting point for comes first. For what reason does she seek to setting up hypotheses on the structure of the life present herself in this way and not in some as lived and testing them in a process-oriented other way in the present communication? Here way. This involves excluding any knowledge a number of different hypotheses are possible, about the further course of the biography and such as that marriage for her is of the highest initially without reference to the knowledge that biographical significance, precisely because later the interpreters have from the narrated life-story. in the interview she will be involved in report- Here are some further biographical data on ing her divorce in 1949. Or we might assume Elisabeth Liebig before her 15th birthday. She that her life before the age of 15 seems unpleas- was born in 1921 as her parents’ first child. Her ant to her and therefore she does not speak of it mother married a second time; her son from at the beginning. this marriage died as a small child. Independent To check this and other possible hypotheses at of Elisabeth’s self-interpretations a number of the two levels of analysis we need: assumptions may be made in respect of these data. She may, for instance, have been over- • at the level of the story of life as lived, a shadowed in childhood by her dead half- meaning-reconstructing ordering of the story brother. A derivative hypothesis might be that of her marriage and the birth of her son in Elisabeth would try to gain her mother’s atten- the sequential form of her biography, that is tion through particular types of behaviour. All to say including her life-story before the age derivative hypotheses should be checked against of 15; further data from her life-story. Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 263


Further biographical data are as follows. The In our sample case the first sequence in the mother developed multiple sclerosis; Elisabeth self-presentation cited above was annotated as was about 6 years old when the symptoms of follows: this disease first appeared. At the age of 9 she joined a gymnastics club. After several unsuc- 1/13 Evaluation ‘Nothing is as you cessful attempts her mother committed suicide imagined it …’ in February 1933. Here, too, we may set up 1/14 REPORT – The great love of my hypotheses and derivative hypotheses on the youth, met my husband at 15 effect of this distressing biographical constella- – 18 engagement; 20 marriage tion on the further course of her life. One poss- 1/19 – 21 birth of son ible reading might be: Elisabeth views her – ‘42, when there was already war mother’s suicide as disease-related, she develops then.’ a great fear of illnesses and engages in sport as a preventive measure. The development of hypotheses is oriented to Before the hypotheses on these data are con- the following questions. trasted with Mrs Liebig’s statements, the analy- sis of the narrated life-story, the thematic field 1 Why is this topic – dates of marriage and analysis, must be carried out. With the recon- start of family – introduced at this point? struction of the presentation perspective that What other possibilities might the intervie- was valid at the time of the interview we obtain wee have had to respond to the request for a critical view of the sources that helps to dis- presentation of her family and personal life- tinguish the biographical significance of events story? Why is the whole period before her in the past from the present-day perspective. 15th birthday not mentioned? The analysis of biographical data that is carried 2 Which topics are addressed and which are out before this stage in the analysis serves as a not? point of reference that permits answers as to 3 Why is this topic presented as extensively or what events have been enhanced in the narra- as briefly in this text type (here a report)? tion, what events cannot, or only with diffi- Why are the years from 1936 to 1942 dealt culty, be made subjects of interest and what with in only four lines? kind of sequencing that is at variance with 4 What are the possible thematic fields that this chronology may be set up. In this way the topic fits into? Does Mrs Liebig embed this beginning of Mrs Liebig’s opening narrative – topic, for instance, into the thematic field: using the knowledge of her mother’s suicide, ‘everything that did not happen in my life as three years before she met her husband – may be I had imagined it’, and do the listeners then read in a completely different way from the ear- get to hear about such disappointments? lier reading. But it is just these kinds of reading that the biographer did not want to produce: Here the nature and function of self-presenta- otherwise she would have put her mother’s tion in the interview are at issue, and not her suicide first. biographical experience at other points in her In the thematic field analysis the self- life. The interviewee is therefore not asked what presentation is reconstructed by means of com- significance it had at the time of her marriage in plexes of topics, that is to say, by expanding 1941 that she married the love of her youth. thematic fields in the order of their treatment. What is of greater interest is what function the The analysis proceeds on the basis that self- opening of this presentation has for her ‘today’, presentation cannot – or only occasionally – be at the time of the interview. In every segment of intentionally controlled and that the story of the text, what is of interest are the inherent experience is manifest in a piece of text pro- pointers to possible thematic fields and the duction that corresponds to the uninterrupted design of potentially related further segments. In opening narrative. the course of the analysis it becomes clear what In preparation for the analysis the interview thematic fields are being developed by the inter- text is sequenced in accordance with the viewee, what aspects of these fields are not chronology of the time of narration. Criteria for developed, are only suggested, or are avoided. It determining the segmentation are: speaker- also becomes clear what topics are not high- change, text type and change of topic. lighted, even though they are co-present – and Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 264


indeed independent of the interviewee’s present this so explicitly. In particular, she self-interpretations. was not able to embed it in her initial self- After this first segment Mrs Liebig continues presentation, which was not structured by with a mixture between report and argumenta- means of follow-up questions. It becomes clear tion about her marriage, the return of her that it is important for the interviewee to report husband from captivity and her marital diffi- on her life in a detached manner, and that culties. In terms of argumentation she presents several interventions are needed to help her draw the reasons why she sued for divorce in 1949. closer to the traumatic experiences she has suf- After a short report about her own professional fered in the present communicative situation. career she then reaches right into the Let us now turn to the third analytical stage in present day. After a quarter of an hour she the reconstruction of a case history. Again at the finishes the opening section of the interview, level of the story of life as lived, the biographi- in which she has not told any story. cal significance of the individual experiences is The whole of the opening section, concen- explored, while the hypotheses concerning the trated on a brief presentation of the course of individual biographical data and the course of her marriage and divorce, may be recon- the life-story are contrasted with the relevant structed as the thematic field ‘my broken statements of the interviewee. According to the marriage’. The style of report and argumenta- logic of data analysis the biographical experi- tion gives little insight into Mrs Liebig’s experi- ences are reconstructed in the chronology of the ence; she remains distanced and oriented to life-story as actually experienced. The preceding single dates. thematic field analysis provides important indi- It is only on the basis of four further interview cators in this stage of the analysis as to the inter- questions that the traumatic circumstances of viewee’s present perspective and the functional her mother’s death come to be talked about. significance of her narratives for the present-day First one of the two interviewers asks Mrs Liebig presentation of her life-story. This preceding to tell more of her family history. The resulting stage in the analysis has given us a critical pers- text, with many descriptions, is already longer pective as to data-sources, and has helped us in than the first main sequence. One of the conse- a number of ways, including: quences of this is that we may abandon the hypothesis that Mrs Liebig was unwilling to talk 1 Not naively to take the dominance of the about the time before she met her husband. marital history presented as the decisive What is indicated is rather that for her the story determining life-experience in the bio- of her marriage is not thematically related to her graphy, but rather to look for the hidden lay- family history. ers below it. At the beginning of this report Mrs Liebig 2 To recognize the separation made in the pre- states that her mother had multiple sclerosis, sentation between the family-history of the that she attempted suicide on several occasions family of origin and the history of the family and ‘in 1933 she succeeded, and I was 12 years old she created as a strategy for the avoidance of then’. Here, too, it is significant what topic suffering with equivalent time-allocation to follows this. Mrs Liebig immediately continues: the presentation of a ‘substitute suffering ‘but I often spent my holidays down with topic’. my aunt’, and from the sequencing we find a 3 Not to interpret the detached presentation 13-line description of happy memories of these simply as an adequate form of presentation holidays. of a life presumably not greatly affected by In the opening narrative it is already clear in suffering. how detached a manner Mrs Liebig speaks about difficult situations in her life. In response to This stage in the analysis should be clarified requests to tell something of her mother’s with the biographical detail concerning her illness and the suicide attempts, Mrs Liebig does mother’s suicide. Mrs Liebig tells that on that then produce a detailed 30-line narrative about particular day she ‘came home late’. She immedi- the day her mother died. The textual structure ately smelt gas, found her mother dead in the makes clear the considerable biographical kitchen, turned off the gas and fetched her significance of her mother’s illness and death father from work. A detailed analysis of this for the life she has lived, but the narrator cannot textual location, which will not be presented Flick 5.11.qxd 3/19/04 2:38 PM Page 265


here, shows that Mrs Liebig is presenting herself, NOTE at the overt level, as a competent girl, but at the latent level of meaning there is a rejected feeling 1 The interview was conducted by Gabriele of guilt. The 12-year-old girl felt guilty about her Rosenthal and Bettina Völter (for discussion of mother’s death because she did not come home embedding in family history, cf. Völter 1998). from school in time, and she felt guilty because of her detached relationship to her mother after FURTHER READING her death. If one contrasts the analysis of the narrated life-story with that of the life as it was experi- Fischer-Rosenthal, W. (2000) ‘Biographical Work enced, one may formulate the hypothesis that and Biographical Structuring in Present- the interviewee is processing the loss of her day Societies’, in P. Chamberlayne, J. Bornat mother and her unconscious feelings of guilt as and T. Wengraf (eds), The Turn to Biographi- a substitute for her broken marriage (and that is cal Methods in Social Science. Comparative why such a large part of the argumentation in Issues and Examples. London: Routledge. her opening narrative is devoted to the reasons pp. 109–125. for her divorce). The procedure for reconstruction that we Rosenthal, G. (1993) ‘Reconstruction of Life have presented seeks to trace the process of for- Stories. Principles of Selection in Generating mation of both the narrated and the actual life, Stories for Narrative Biographical Interviews’, without losing sight of their reciprocal relation- The Narrative Study of Lives, 1 (1): 59–91. ship and their unity in the case. In separate stages of the analysis there is a sharper focus Rosenthal, G. (2004) ‘Biographical Research‘, in first on one side, and then on the other, so C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium and that ultimately the results may be related to D. Silverman (eds), Qualitative Research each other. Practice. London: Sage. pp. 48–64. Flick 5.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 266

5.12 Qualitative Content Analysis

Philipp Mayring

1 Goals of qualitative content analysis 266 2 History and development 266 3 Theoretical background 267 4 Techniques 267 5 Achievements and limitations 269 6 Recent perspectives 269

1 GOALS OF QUALITATIVE the United States (cf. Lissman 1997; Merten CONTENT ANALYSIS 1983). The principal focus then was the system- atic analysis of large quantities of textual data The goal of content analysis is the systematic from the growing mass media (radio and news- examination of communicative material (origi- papers). Initially only quantitative procedures nally from the mass media in particular). This were developed for this: frequency analyses, in does not have to consist exclusively of texts: which particular textual components were musical, pictorial, plastic or other similar mate- counted (for example, how often particular polit- rial may also be treated. What is essential, how- ical parties were mentioned in one newspaper); ever, is that the communicative material should analyses of indicators, where the frequency of be fixed or recorded in some form. particular textual components was defined as an Content analysis is, of course, a technique that indicator of a superordinate variable on the basis derives from the communication sciences. Today, of theoretical considerations (for example, words however, it claims to be able to serve for system- such as ‘must’, ‘never’, ‘is’ as an indicator of the atic analysis in a wide range of scientific domains. degree of dogmatism of a particular text); analy- Modern content analysis, moreover, no longer ses of valency and intensity that assessed the targets only the content of verbal material. Both material according to predefined scales (for formal aspects and latent meaning content can be example, how strongly the commentaries in a also objects of study. The basic idea of a qualitative particular newspaper expressed the positions of content analysis, then, consists of maintaining the current parties in the government); contin- the systematic nature of content analysis for the gency analyses, in which interrelations between various stages of qualitative analysis, without different textual components were analysed (for undertaking over-hasty quantifications. example, how often, in a newspaper, particular politicians were mentioned in a direct context with positive attributes). Very soon, however, 2 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT these quantitative procedures attracted criticism:

Content analysis in its present form was devel- • The procedures were limited to foregrounded oped, in its essentials, at the beginning of the textual content, and neglected latent meaning twentieth century (particularly in the 1920s) in structures (Kracauer 1952). Flick 5.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 267


• The analysis ignored the textual content that the motifs of an ideological syndrome were defined and modified the particular textual reconstructed. In this way a ‘Führer-loyalty units. myth’, characterized by ‘father-officers’ and the • The logic of the analysis had too little lin- ‘comradeship of the front’, was crystallized as guistic foundation (Fühlau 1982). the ideological core content: ‘an amazingly • The claim it made to being systematic and veri- intact reproduction of the old Führer-loyalty fiable could not be substantiated (Rühl mania of fascist provenance’ (Ritsert 1972: 76). 1976).

Subsequently there were repeated attempts to 3 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND develop a qualitative form of content analysis as an alternative. Jürgen Ritsert (1972) developed a The following fundamentals determine the ana- procedure for tracing latent meaning contents, lytical procedures of qualitative content analysis. particularly ideological contents, that consists of a step-by-step application and modification • The material to be analysed is understood as of ideology-related theoretical prior understand- embedded in its context of communication ing – including the use of certain quantitative (Gerbner et al. 1969): who is the transmitter stages in the analysis (cf. also Vorderer and (author), what is the subject and its socio- Groeben 1987). Mühlfeld et al. (1981) proposed cultural background (sources), what are the a technique of gradual extraction and summa- textual characteristics (e.g. lexis, syntax, rizing for the analysis of open interviews. Rust semantics, pragmatics, non-verbal context), (1980) attempted to justify, on cultural- who is the recipient, who is the target sociological lines, a qualitative content analysis group? preparatory to quantification. Mostyn (1985) • The particular systematic nature of content developed a qualitative approach to content analysis consists of its rule-governedness analysis that was strictly directed by hypotheses. (proceeding from pre-formulated procedural And the approach to the coding of interview models), its theory-dependency (following material described by Wittkowski (1994) is simi- theoretically underpinned questions and lar to what is presented here. coding rules), and of its gradual procedure, The qualitative content analysis of popular breaking down the text into single units of literature (‘Landserhefte’) about the Second analysis, and oriented to a system of cate- World War which was critical of ideology gories (cf. Krippendorf 1980). (Ritsert 1964, 1972) has, in many respects, • Qualitative content analysis also claims to remained exemplary even today. Ritsert joined measure itself against quality criteria (see in the public discussion of a possible danger to 4.7) and inter-coder reliability. The require- young people in such cheap war stories at the ments are admittedly set somewhat lower beginning of the 1960s, and proved that the (kappa-coefficients of 0.70 are normally accusations made (of brutalizing jargon, Wild sufficient), but the goal remains that a num- West style, playing down of war) were superfi- ber of content analysts should be able to cial and therefore played down the problem achieve demonstrably similar results on themselves. Against the background of Freud’s extracts from materials. theory of mass psychology and ego-analysis, he • In this, qualitative analysis does not seek to derives four dimensions: shut itself off from quantitative analytical procedures, but attempts to incorporate them • Mechanisms of defence against guilt into the analytical process in a justified way. • Rationalization of defeat • Expressions of a sick collective narcissism (nationalism) 4 TECHNIQUES • Relics of authoritarian dependency. In what follows a number of concrete proce- In accordance with these dimensions, material dural methods will be presented that were orig- was filtered out of the stories in 33 randomly inally developed in the context of a research selected wartime storybooks, the frequency of project on the subjective coping with unem- these topics in the stories was determined, and ployment (Ulich et al. 1985; Mayring 2000b). Flick 5.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 268


Issue, research questions

General definition of categories, fixing the selection criterion and level of abstraction for category formation

Gradual category formation from the material with reference to definition and level of abstraction; subsumption under old categories or formation of new categories

Revision of categories after about 10–50% Check of formative of the material processed reliability

Final processing of material Check of summative reliability

Analysis, eventually quantitative analyses (e.g. frequencies)

Figure 5.12.1 Flow-chart of procedures for qualitative content analysis with the example of inductive category formation (cf. Mayring 1999)

Here we may distinguish, in principle, four in the GDR period (Mayring et al. 1996). The types of procedure. most frequent inductively formed categories Summarizing content analysis seeks to reduce here were the following: the material in such a way that the essential contents are preserved, but a manageable short • Pleasure in being a teacher text is produced. Some use was also made of the • Fulfilling particular functions in the school’s psychology of text processing (Ballstaedt et al. organization 1981; van Dijk 1980), in which a number of indi- • Positive collective experiences vidual summarizing (or ‘reductive’) processes are • Interest in the subject distinguished (omission, generalization, con- • Recognition, respect struction, integration, selection, bundling). • Implementation of party goals (solidarity, Summarizing content analyses are always suit- friendship). able if one is only interested in the content level of the material and is required to condense the These were summarized into two umbrella material into a manageable short text. categories (teachers out of professional pleasure; The basic idea behind inductive category forma- teachers out of commitment to socialism) and it tion is that the procedures of summarizing was further investigated whether these different content analysis are used to develop categories orientations had any influence on dealing with gradually from some material. The flow-chart in the experience of unemployment. Figure 5.12.1 clarifies this procedure. Explicating content analysis seeks to do the This procedure was used, for example, to opposite of summarizing content analysis: for analyse open biographical questionnaires from individual unclear textual components (terms, unemployed teachers in the new (i.e. former sentences, etc.) additional material has to be Eastern) states in the Federal Republic of collected to make these textual locations intelli- Germany in order to determine what view of gible. The basic idea in this is the systematic and their profession the probationers had developed controlled collection of explanatory material. Flick 5.12.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 269


This makes it possible to distinguish between a Some restrictions and limitations of qualitative narrow contextual analysis that only involves content analysis must, however, be mentioned: the direct textual environment and a broad con- if the research question is very open, or the textual analysis that collects additional material study is of a markedly exploratory character and beyond the text (information about the com- would also be hampered by an inductive forma- municators, subject, socio-cultural background, tion of categories or incapable of conclusive target group). theoretical justification, then more open proce- Structuring content analysis seeks to filter out dures would be more appropriate, such as those particular aspects of the material and to make found, for example, in grounded theory (see a cross-section of the material under ordering 5.13). In any case, it is also possible here to criteria that are strictly determined in advance, think of combinations that bring together, in or to assess the material according to particular individual stages of research, both more open criteria. This involves formal, content-focused, and content analytical procedures. The criterion typologizing and scaling procedures, depending should in no case be simply methodological on the type of structuring dimensions that feasibility, but the suitability of the method to have been developed in accordance with the material and the research question. some theory, and these are then subdivided into individual categories. The basic idea in this is the exact formulation of definitions, 6 RECENT PERSPECTIVES typical textual passages (‘key examples’) and coding rules which will result in a coding Because of its systematic character, qualitative guide that makes the task of structuring very content analysis is especially suitable for precise. computer-supported research (Huber 1992; Weitzman and Miles 1995; see 5.14). This is not a matter of automatized analysis (as in quantita- 5 ACHIEVEMENTS AND LIMITATIONS tive computerized content analysis), but rather of support and documentation of the individual The procedures of qualitative content analysis research steps as well as support functions in have been utilized in many areas of psycho- searching, ordering and preparing for quantita- logical, pedagogic and sociological research. In tive analyses. In this connection the ATLAS.ti this the following have proved to be particular program, developed for the purpose of qualita- strengths. tive content analysis at the Technical University in Berlin, has proved to be of particular value • The systematic nature of qualitative content (cf. Mayring et al. 1996). analysis follows, as a rule, established sequen- tial models. This renders the procedure trans- FURTHER READING parent, intelligible, easy to learn and readily transferable to new research questions. • There is normally a system of categories at Mayring, P. (2000) ‘Qualitative Content the centre of the analysis (as with quantita- Analysis’, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, tive content analysis), but this is revised in 1 (2). http://qualitative-research.net/fqs the course of the analysis by means of feed- back loops and is adapted flexibly to the Mayring, P. (2002a) ‘Qualitative Content material. Analysis – Research Instrument or Mode of • Its rule-governed procedure also allows for Interpretation?’, in M. Kiegelmann (ed.), The the better implementation of quality criteria Role of the Researcher in Qualitative and inter-coder reliability. Psychology. Tübingen: Verlag Ingeborg Huber. pp. 139–148. With qualitative content analysis fairly large quantities of data can normally be processed. Mayring, P. (2002b) ‘Qualitative Approaches in Quantitative stages may readily be built into the Research on Learning and Instruction’, in analysis, and this can make it possible to B. Ralle and I. Eilks (eds), Research in Chemical counter the frequently criticized dichotomy Education – What Does it Mean? Aachen: between ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’. Shaker Verlag. pp. 111–118. Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 270

5.13 Theoretical Coding: Text Analysis in Grounded Theory

Andreas Böhm

1 Procedure according to grounded theory 270 2 Limitations of the method 274 3 Developments and perspectives 274

Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967) data collection is oriented to theoretical created in their grounded theory a comprehensive sampling (see 4.4): in the early stages as many idea of the epistemological and research process different people, situations and documents as in the social sciences (see 2.1, 6.6). It extends possible are selected to obtain data covering the from the first ideas of a research question to the complete spectrum of the research question. production of the report on results (see 5.22). Subsequently data are sought that will confirm Data collection, analysis and formulation of or modify the (provisional) categories of the theory are closely interrelated. The label grounded theory that have already been developed. theory is often used to refer to both the method ‘Sensitizing concepts’ as guiding principles are and also the research result that is sought through the starting point of the research and have the the use of this theory. On the basis of empirical character of open questions (‘what happens research in a particular object area it makes it pos- and how?’). The researchers’ own questions, sible to formulate a valid theory for this area con- their prior understanding and, related to this, sisting of interrelated concepts and suitable for their own prejudices concerning the research the production of a description and an explana- issue can be worked out by means of brain- tion of the social phenomena investigated. storming and group discussions. The reading of relevant literature also belongs to this (special- ist publications, but also journalistic work, 1 PROCEDURE ACCORDING novels and stories). The most important intel- TO GROUNDED THEORY lectual activity in the analytical process consists of comparison. This refers less to the search for Grounded theory is a Kunstlehre (art), and so its identical contents than to the search for simi- procedure cannot be learned in the form of larities and differences (Busse 1994). Coding prescriptions. A clear example of the use of the may be described as the deciphering or interpre- procedure may be found in the chapter by tation of data and includes the naming of con- Hildenbrand about Anselm Strauss (see 2.1). cepts and also explaining and discussing them The following summary of the procedure relies in more detail. The explanations are reflected in in particular on the presentations of Glaser coding notes. The result of coding is then a list (1978), Strauss (1987) and Strauss and Corbin of terms as well as an explanatory text. Three (1990). The data material here is text in the types of coding may be distinguished that may broader sense of the term (transcribed interviews, be partially considered as phases in the research field notes, observation reports, and so on). The process – open, axial and selective coding (see Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 271


below). ‘Code’ is a technical term from the • Why? What reasons are given or may be analytical procedure and signifies a named con- deduced? cept. In the data indicators are sought of the • For what reason? With what intention, and phenomenon being studied. The target of the for what purpose? first analyses is the production of codes that • By what means? What methods, tactics and relate directly to the data. Initially, concepts strategies are used to achieve the goal? always have a provisional character, and in the course of the analysis they become more differ- In coding researchers use their background entiated, numerous and abstract. The differenti- knowledge about the context of the textual pas- ated concepts are known as categories. sage being investigated and, in general terms, their knowledge about the area of investigation. Writing of memos The result of the work is an interpretative text which adheres to analytical thinking about the Theoretical memos are based on the coding phenomenon and which often contains ques- notes mentioned above and on broad interrela- tions about how the phenomenon might be tions that are gradually revealed by the investi- further investigated (see 2.1 for an example). gator. The writing of theoretical memos requires Theoretical codes in the sense of terms from sci- researchers to distance themselves from the data, entific theories should initially be avoided. and also helps them to go beyond purely More profitable are in-vivo codes, which, as col- descriptive work (motto ‘Stop and memo!’). In loquial interpretations of the phenomena, are the course of the analysis memos can become taken directly from the language of the field of starting points for the formulation of the final investigation. In-vivo codes are components of manuscript. Exactly as with theoretical memos, ‘theories’ formulated personally by the produc- there is a constant process of writing and revi- ers of the text in question. Traditional categories sion (theoretical sorting). Working in a team of such as age, gender, level, and so on, should only colleagues prevents one-sidedness and can speed be used after a thorough scrutiny of their rele- up the epistemological process, for which reason vance. The text and the researcher’s background working in a team of investigators and (research) knowledge make it possible to specify different supervision have proved to be of value. aspects or properties of the phenomenon being investigated. Mental comparisons (including false and extreme instances) provide some indi- Open coding cation of the possible variation in these aspects or in their characteristics. If a particular aspect or In open coding data are ‘broken down’ analyti- property may be plotted on a continuum, then cally, and in this the principle of grounded we are dealing with a dimension. theory shows itself: from the data, that is from Open coding is an expanding procedure in the the text, a succession of concepts is developed sense that considerable quantities of interpreta- that may ultimately be used as building blocks tive text can be added to a small segment of an for the model. As a first step it is advisable to original text. To retain an overview, the investi- analyse single short textual passages (line by gator should continually write memos, and sort line). Subsequently larger paragraphs or even and weigh up the results of the work. In order- whole texts may be coded. In order to avoid ing the interim results it will become clear what simple paraphrasing, the following ‘theory- concepts are important for the researcher’s own generating’ questions are asked of the text. question and therefore require deeper analysis, and what results should be discarded and not • What? What is at issue here? What phenom- pursued in greater depth. enon is being addressed? • Who? What persons or actors are involved? What roles do they play? How do they Axial coding interact? • How? What aspects of the phenomenon are This step serves to refine and differentiate con- addressed (or not addressed)? cepts that are already available and lends them • When? How long? Where? How much? How the status of categories. One category is located strongly? at the centre and a network of relationships is Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 272


Context and intervening conditions

Causal Phenomenon Consequences conditions

Action strategies

Figure 5.13.1 Coding paradigm for social science research questions

developed around it. Typically, axial coding is development of the phenomenon, for instance, used particularly in the middle and later stages a broken leg (= cause) leads to pain (= phenome- of an analysis. In the same way as open coding, non). It is important here to clarify the proper- axial coding is applied to very short textual seg- ties of the cause. For the example given, this ments (in the sense of a detailed analysis), to would mean asking: What kind of fracture? larger extracts or to the entire text. For theory- Simple or compound? And so on. With causes a formation what is of particular importance is distinction must sometimes be made between the development of relationships between the the subjective view, as it may be presented, for axial categories and the concepts that are related example, as a speaker’s perspective in an inter- to them in terms of their formal and content view text, and the view of the researcher. Causes aspects. The axial category is developed in its are normally only valid in a particular set of con- temporal and spatial relationships, in relation- ditions, and here what is of particular importance ships of cause and effect, in means–ends rela- for the formation of an action-related theory tionships and in terms of argumentative and are the conditions that promote or restrict the motivational connections. The hypothetical possibilities for action or interaction. Under relationships in axial coding must be repeatedly contextual conditions are included particularly checked in a deductive procedure, using new time, place and duration. And among intervening data material. To explain the relationships conditions we find the social, political and cul- between categories that relate to partial aspects tural environment and the individual biography. of social action, Strauss’s coding paradigm has Actions and interactions have two properties. proved to be of value (Figure 5.13.1). (1) They are processes and have a sequence, and The following example, in which ‘pain’ has it is therefore appropriate to ask about sequences been selected as the axial category, will illustrate and temporal course of action. (2) They are goal- the coding paradigm: ‘If I’ve drunk too much oriented and are often performed for particular (context), I get (condition) a headache (phenom- and specifiable reasons, for which reason one enon/axial category). Then I take an aspirin may refer to (interactional) strategies or tactics. (strategy). After a while it’s better (consequence)’ ‘Goal-oriented’ should not be confused with (taken from Strauss and Corbin 1990: 98). (conscious) intention. For the purposes of the The phenomenon denoted by the axial category analysis a functional mode of observation is is, for example, an event or a fact. The actions of preferred that disregards intentions. Strauss and an individual as well as interactions between dif- Corbin (1990: 104) offer the following example. ferent people revolve around the phenomenon. In an investigation into the self-consciousness The following questions make easier the choice of children a field observation was analysed. A of axial category: What do my data refer to? child throws a glass of milk onto the floor and is With what are the actions and interactions in rebuked by its mother in the presence of other the data actually concerned? Causes or causal children. It was not a conscious intention of the conditions contribute to the occurrence or mother that the child’s self-consciousness Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 273


Table 5.13.1 Coding families (adapted from Glaser 1978: 75–82)

Coding families Concepts Examples

The Six Cs Causes, contexts, contingencies, … of pain suffering consequences, conditions Process Stages, phases, phasings, transitions, Career of a patient with chronic pain passages, careers, chains, sequences The Degree Family Extent, level, intensity, range, amount, Extent of pain suffering continuum, statistical average, standard deviation Type Family Types, classes, genres, prototypes, Kinds of pain – sharp, piercing, throbbing, styles, kinds shooting, sting, gnawing, burning The Strategy Family Strategies, tactics, techniques, mechanisms, Coping with pain management Interactive Family Interaction, mutual effects, interdependence, Interaction of pain experience and coping reciprocity, symmetries, rituals Identity-Self Family Identity, self-image, self-concept, self-evaluation, Self-concepts of pain patients social worth, transformations of self Cutting-Point Family Boundary, critical juncture, cutting point, Start of chronification in the medical turning point, tolerance levels, point career of pain patient of no return Cultural Family Social norms, social values, social beliefs Social norms about tolerating pain, ‘feeling rules’ Consensus Family Contracts, agreements, definitions of the Compliance situation, uniformity, conformity, conflict

should suffer from the rebuke (here the interac- far developed. As a starting point for establishing tional strategy), but rebuking can be coded here the main phenomenon of the analysis it is as a strategy. advisable to look at coding lists, summarizing Actions and interactions lead to particular memos and representations of networks. The consequences. Strauss (1987: 57) recommmends main phenomenon is described as the core cate- that care be exercised in applying the coding gory and is possibly already present in the paradigm to linguistic peculiarities in the data: formulation of the research question of the researchers should regard keywords such as particular investigation. Admittedly it must ‘because’, ‘since’, or ‘owing to’ as indicators of sometimes occur in the research process that causal conditions. Consequences of actions are a different phenomenon than originally often indicated by means of expressions such as assumed will take on central importance for the ‘as a result of’, ‘and so’, ‘with the result that’, issue in question. There are indeed such shifts ‘the consequence was’, ‘consequently’. in a research perspective in the course of data As a further stimulus in axial coding, an collection and interpretation, which lead to new overview of theoretical framing concepts may and surprising discoveries. For this reason be used, or so-called coding families. The C-family grounded theory recommends asking repeatedly, (causes, contexts, consequences, conditions, in the course of an investigation, which pheno- etc.) corresponds to the coding paradigm mena are central and formulating appropriate described above. For Glaser (1978: 74) this cod- theory-memos. ing family is central to the analysis of social If a number of well-worked-out axial cate- events (the ‘bread and butter theoretical code of gories are available we may assume that the sociology’) (see Table 5.13.1). central phenomenon has been captured in its essential aspects – otherwise it is necessary to Selective coding return to earlier phases in the research process. In the practice of research there are two possi- In this phase the researcher is particularly active bilities. (1) One of the axial categories includes as an author on the basis of the categories, the central phenomenon and is therefore suit- coding notes, memos, networks and diagrams so able as the core category. The candidate for the Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 274


core category is characterized by its formal atic procedure, be discovered, reviewed and ulti- relationships with all the other important cate- mately eliminated. gories and occupies a central position in the net- The degree of generalizability of a theory work of terms. (2) It often proves to be sensible developed in this way depends, at least in part, to give a central location to a phenomenon to upon a process of abstraction that permeates the which more than a single axial category relates. entire research procedure. The more abstract the In such a case it is necessary to detach oneself formulation of the developed categories – in from the axial categories, and to formulate a particular the core category – the more widely new category which comes about by means of the theory may be applied. But, in addition, the summarizing or reformulating one of the exist- time and energy invested in its development ing categories. will also increase, because ultimately the route Frequently investigators experience difficul- from the data to the relatively abstract cate- ties in sticking to the central proposition of the gories must be documented in every detail. A investigation because of the ‘surfeit of important grounded-theory is testable by again confronting details’. Here one should ask what ‘story’ the the theoretical propositions, as hypotheses, data tell. The researcher will summarize in a few with reality. For social and, in particular, histor- sentences the results of the investigation for an ical phenomena there are limits to this, because interested reader. Guiding questions for this the social conditions cannot be reproduced at kind of record are: What is the issue here? What will nor very precisely. have I learned from the investigation? What is central? What relationships exist? The main story revolves around a core category, unfolds 2 LIMITATIONS OF THE METHOD this in a concise way and shows relationships with other important categories. After determin- The character of grounded theory as a Kunstlehre ing the core category, its properties and dimen- (art) renders its learnability more difficult, and sions, other relevant categories are related, makes particular demands of investigators in res- systematically and in a schematically oriented pect of their creativity. The requirement – which manner (for example, in the sense of the coding seems initially to be liberating – that one should paradigm), to the core category. Once the rela- distance oneself from existing theories and allow tionships to the main categories have been the theory to grow out of the data, often causes formulated, their particular properties and insecurity among students. Particularly in respect dimensions may be compared with regard to of decisions about the transition points between regularities and patterns. the different phases of coding, there are scarcely any fixed rules (Flick 2002: 185). The pragmatic An example of selective coding direction, in terms of which data collection and analysis is complete when theoretical saturation In an investigation of the psychological reaction is reached (that is, no new aspects can be incor- to the nuclear accident at Chernobyl (Legewie porated into the theory), is hardly adequate for et al. 1989), it was possible to discover the fol- beginners. From this it again becomes clear how lowing pattern: in experiencing a threat to one’s important teamwork and research supervision are own physical health and life expectancy what in the context of this method. was decisive was whether age was an important constituent in a person’s self-image. ‘Young’ people (not in the sense of biological age, but in 3 DEVELOPMENTS AND the sense of a self-attributed property, or ‘sub- PERSPECTIVES jective age’) saw themselves in this respect as far more threatened than ‘old’ people. This state- While Barney Glaser withdrew from active ment could only be made after a systematic research in the 1980s, Strauss developed the comparison of combinations found no evidence approach further and devoted himself in partic- of the combinations ‘young’ + ‘no threat’ and ular to a didactic orientation in order to make ‘old’ + ‘severe threat’. The example demon- the method teachable and learnable (Strauss strates how gaps within a theory (such as defec- 1987; Strauss and Corbin 1990). Glaser (1992) tive specification, or defective grounding of the accuses Strauss in this respect of having aban- statements in the data) may, through a system- doned the original idea of allowing the theory Flick 5.13.qxd 3/19/04 2:39 PM Page 275


to ‘emerge’ in favour of ‘forcing’ theoretical A further development of grounded theory is structures. His criticism was particularly directed also to be seen in the improvement in practical at the axial coding paradigm. In the first com- analysis through the use of specific computer prehensive publication on grounded theory it was programs (see 5.14). Programs such as ATLAS.ti vitally important to Glaser and Strauss (1967) (Muhr 1997) support the task of analysis and that the method be adapted to particular make quality control possible by ensuring that questions and circumstances. Adaptations or the analytical process of individual researchers systematic further developments in the proce- or complete teams can be documented and dure are to be found in Breuer (1996), Flick reproduced in every detail. (1996) and Charmaz (1990). Breuer supple- ments the grounded theory approach for his own questions by the use of transference and FURTHER READING counter-transference in the psychoanalytical sense (see 5.20). Flick (1996), in his investiga- tion of psychology and technology, proceeds on Glaser, B. G. (1978) Theoretical Sensitivity. Mill the basis of Moscovici’s (1984) concept of social Valley, CA: The Sociology Press. representations. On the assumption that in dif- ferent groups different views of technology will Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. (1967) The Discovery be found, groups are pre-selected for investiga- of Grounded Theory. Strategies for Qualitative tion. In that way sampling is limited to the selec- Research. Chicago: Aldine. tion of cases that differ between the groups. Charmaz (1990) takes ‘thick’ presentation of Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (1990) Basics of cases as a starting point for theory development. Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 276

5.14 Computer-assisted Analysis of Qualitative Data

Udo Kelle

1 The significance of IT-supported methods for qualitative research 276 2 Methodological and technological bases 277 3 Techniques of computer-supported qualitative analysis and sample applications 278 4 Limits and scope of computer-supported methods in qualitative research 282

1 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF programs dedicated to qualitative research are IT-SUPPORTED METHODS FOR available, and fierce competition has brought QUALITATIVE RESEARCH new versions, with a constantly increasing range of functions, onto the market in rapid The relationship between qualitative researchers succession (see Part 7). and the computer was long characterized less by The question that is often asked by interested enthusiasm than by reluctance: IT facilities were parties and potential users as to ‘the best software looked upon as calculators – necessary for statis- for qualitative research’ will, admittedly, have to tical analyses, but of little use for the hermeneu- remain unanswered here; nor can we offer any tic analysis of texts. Programs for the analysis comparison of the range of functions and of text data that have been available since strengths or weaknesses of particular software the 1960s, such as The General Inquirer, only packages. Because of the rapid technological attracted attention in the area of quantitative development in this area, any such comparisons content analysis. It was only the introduction of (such as those in Tesch 1990, or Weitzman and PC-supported text processing that clearly Miles 1995) are often out-of-date before they go showed the technological potential of IT for the to press. In addition, the well-known programs processing, storage, manipulation and archiving (such as MAXqda, ATLAS.ti or N-Vivo) differ very of texts. In the 1980s qualitative researchers and little in terms of the availability of methodologi- research groups – at first independent of one cally important basic functions (such as coding another and for specific research projects – and retrieval, see section 3 below). Differences began to develop IT-supported text database relate in particular to the levels of user- systems, and some of these (for example, The friendliness and support from the developer. Ethnograph, TAP, AQUAD and NUD•IST) were Developments in recent years have also shown ultimately put on the market. A number of that the different software packages are increas- these programs were initially very simple and ingly coming to resemble each other in respect of were cumbersome to use, but they have been their range of functions. The question about the developed in successive stages into very com- program best suited to a particular analytical prehensive software packages (such as ATLAS.ti, strategy is therefore very similar to the question MAXqda and, as one of the most recent as to which table-calculation program is best developments, N-Vivo) which meet the require- suited to particular types of calculation (for ments of software ergonomics, graphic display example, commercial or scientific/technological). and user-friendliness. Currently more than 20 A user who has experience of a number of such Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 277


programs will tend to answer this question by the structuring and organization of text data. The saying that most of the available software pack- possibilities for data organization which they ages are suitable for dealing with the kind of provide do have considerable methodological problems that normally arise, even though some implications for setting up the analytical process of the tasks can only be performed in a rather and for the validity of the results obtained. cumbersome way with some of the programs. In what follows we shall present, with exam- What is important here is not only the adap- ples, a number of strategies for the use of IT and tation of the software to a particular task but discuss their significance for qualitative data also to the (frequently very idiosyncratic) work- analysis, their problems and limitations: coding ing style of the individual user – the software and retrieval techniques for a synoptic analysis of developers have frequently used different con- textual passages, schemata of categories and their ceptual ideas, metaphors and models for the dimensionalization, together with possibilities for same tasks and techniques. (In some of the pro- computer-assisted ‘testing of hypotheses’ and grams a schema of categories is understood as a the integration of qualitative and quantitative hierarchical tree with superordinate and subor- analytical strategies. dinate categories, whereas other developers prefer network metaphors, cf. section 3.) Users who have decided on an IT-supported 2 METHODOLOGICAL AND strategy for the preparation and management of TECHNOLOGICAL BASES their qualitative data would therefore be well advised not to rely too greatly on the sugges- Critical information scientists, linguists and tions and recommendations of colleagues or on linguistic philosophers (such as Dreyfus and comparisons in the literature. They should Dreyfus 1986; Winograd and Flores 1986) have rather assess critically the demonstration ver- drawn attention to the fact that there are strict sions of the various programs with regard to limits to an algorithmic interpretation of texts their usability for the problem in hand and to using automatic data-processing technology. One their own modes of thinking and working. could therefore advance justifiable methodo- What might be very helpful here is the logical objections to the use of the computer in information to be found on the website of the qualitative research. Admittedly in hermeneutic ‘CAQDAS-Networking project’ at the University textual interpretation there are a whole range of of Surrey (http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/caqdas). mechanical tasks, particularly when large quanti- From this site demonstration versions of a number ties of text have to be processed. For example, a of different packages may be downloaded on to research project in which more than 30 qualita- the investigator’s PC, and there are links to various tive interviews are carried out, each lasting one mailing lists and Internet discussion forums where hour, will produce at least 800 and perhaps 1000 problems of IT-supported qualitative data analysis pages of textual data. To this must be added written are discussed, and which the potential user may interpretations, theoretical commentaries and join in order to obtain help from colleagues expe- researchers’ ‘memos’ (Glaser and Strauss 1967: rienced in the selection and use of software. But 108; see 5.13) which are often scattered in note- here, too, global questions such as ‘What is the books, on countless manuscript pages and index best of the available programs?’ will receive no cards. Dealing with such quantities of text can other answer than ‘That depends on the problem, rapidly become a mammoth exercise of organiza- the goal of the analysis and, most of all, on the tion, and neglecting it will have serious method- investigator’s own style of work.’ ological consequences: the very existence of such In the present discussion of IT-supported quantities of badly organized textual data procedures in qualitative research the term increases the risk that theoretical conclusions computer-assisted qualitative data analysis has will be supported by a very small number of become established (cf. Kelle 1995, 1997a; Fielding (perhaps hastily selected) citations and that and Lee 1998). The choice of this term is not counter-evidence in the data will be overlooked. without problems since it leads to the mistaken The tool that makes it possible to maintain an idea that computer programs such as MAXqda, overview of large quantities of text was developed ATLAS.ti or NUD•IST could be used like SPSS in hermeneutically oriented disciplines, such statistics software is to carry out statistical analysis. as theology, philology or history, and has But unlike such statistics program packages, these already been tested there for centuries. It incor- programs are not tools for analysis, but rather for porates the construction of indexes, registers and Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 278


concordances, the introduction of cross-references, which the individual search for text locations to proceed, for example, from one textual loca- can be controlled tion to another. In qualitative research such 5 Facilities for searching for textual passages techniques have also been in use for a consider- between which there are particular formal able time in the organization and management relations of textual data (cf. Glaser and Strauss 1967: 6 Statistical functions for carrying out quanti- 105ff.; Lofland and Lofland 1984: 134; Taylor tative content analyses. and Bogdan 1984: 136). The construction and use of registers and indices of discovery locations The next section, using examples from practical using manual methods is admittedly a very time- research, will demonstrate how techniques such consuming exercise; the cut-and-paste techniques as these can be used and combined together. frequently used for organizing textual passages into card indexes also have another significant 3 TECHNIQUES OF COMPUTER- methodological drawback, namely that textual SUPPORTED QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS passages are thereby permanently removed from AND SAMPLE APPLICATIONS their context. If the necessary attention is to be paid, in constructing an index of textual loca- Computer-supported qualitative data analysis is tions, to the hermeneutic circle – that textual not an independent qualitative method, but extracts only acquire their full meaning from rather includes a number of data organization their context and are therefore only inter- techniques whose utilization will depend on the pretable in their context – then time-consuming particular research issue, the research goals and manual work will again be necessary. For this an the methodological orientation of the investigator. intact additional copy of the texts has to be pre- These techniques may be integrated into a vari- served so that the location of every piece of text ety of models for hermeneutic work with texts. can be noted on the relevant index card. The use of appropriate software programs may The construction of an IT-supported organiza- be valuable in: tional system for continuous text may, of course, be achieved with quite simple algorithms and data 1 the analysis of differences, similarities and structures, but these are not normally included in relationships between passages of text; PC standard applications such as text processing 2 the development of typologies and theories; programs or conventional database systems. The 3 the testing of theoretical assumptions using development of format-free text database systems qualitative data material and the integration specifically for the requirements of qualitative of qualitative and quantitative methods. research, with which one can store the ‘addresses’ of textual passages together with code words, was the decisive innovation here. Almost all of the Below we shall discuss the possibilities of IT currently available software packages for the sup- support in each of these three areas. port of qualitative data analysis are based on this principle. They therefore permit the indexing of The analysis of differences, textual passages and the search for indexed pas- similarities and relationships sages. Moreover, many of the programs contain a between passages of text variety of additional functions (admittedly with varying scope and configuration – details may The comparative analysis of texts using so- be found on the web page of the CAQDAS- called synopses (textual locations that relate to Networking Project, cf. section 1). Examples are: the same topic are kept together and analysed comparatively) is a technique that has long 1 Functions for the introduction of electronic been used, and its methodological significance cross-references (or ‘hyperlinks’) into the becomes clear as soon as one looks at the history textual data of biblical commentary. Synopses have been 2 Functions for the storage and management used, since the age of enlightenment, to reveal of theoretical commentaries and memos contradictions between different biblical con- 3 Functions for the construction and graphic texts in order to undermine the dominance of a depiction of networks of coding categories purely dogmatic interpretation of scripture. 4 Facilities for defining variables which can be For the area of qualitative research the synoptic allocated to individual documents and with analysis often actually used by investigators was Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 279


Retrieval of text segments coded Category A Text 1

Text 2 Text 1

A Text 2

A Text 3

Text 3



Figure 5.14.1 Coding and retrieval

first explicitly described and discussed by Glaser the use of electronic cross-referencing, or and Strauss. In the method of constant comparison hyperlinks, with which textual passages may be (Glaser and Strauss 1967: 101–116) basic patterns directly interrelated, that is, with prior coding. in the text are discovered by a careful and inten- In view of the rapid developments in this area, sive comparison of textual passages. As a precon- it may be assumed that in future an increasing dition of this the data must be coded, that is to say, number of the available software packages will textual passages must be allocated to categories contain a function of this sort (at present this that either are already available in the form of a applies particular to ATLAS.ti). schema of categories or are developed ad hoc in the course of the data analysis (see 5.13). The development of Almost all of the currently available software typologies and theories packages that support qualitative data analysis will support the indexing and comparison of If the comparison of text passages is intended to textual passages, in that they contain coding and serve as a basis for empirically based formation of retrieval functions (Kelle 1995: 4ff.) which make typologies and theory construction (Kelle 1997a,b), possible the allocation of categories to text seg- the schema of categories may assume a central ments (= ‘coding’) and the search for text seg- role. So as not to limit the formation of types ments that have been allocated to the same and construction of theory on the basis of con- category (= ‘retrieval’) (cf. Figure 5.14.1.). The cepts and hypotheses developed ex ante, the function of selective retrieval offered by most coding categories initially used should restrict programs also makes it possible to limit the the observation of empirical phenomena as little search for text passages by means of filters, with as possible. Two forms of coding categories the result that, for example, the search for text (see 5.13) fulfil this condition particularly well: passages from interviews can be restricted to interviewees with particular characteristics. 1 abstract theoretical concepts, or examples of The heavy emphasis on coding and retrieval ‘theoretical coding’ (Glaser 1978), such as techniques has led to the long-term neglect of role, status, meaning pattern, and so on. other techniques that also support the compari- 2 concepts from the everyday world (for exam- son of passages of text (cf. Coffey et al. 1996): ple, school, profession, education, etc.) such as Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 280


illustrated with a further example from the 1 Work and Profession same research project. 2 Work and Profession/Aspirations As a first step, in order to investigate the inter- 3 Work and Profession/Realizations viewees’ orientation to the topics ‘marriage’ and 4 Work and Profession/Balancing ‘family’, textual passages were coded where these two topics were addressed. In a second stage, (…) using selective retrieval, the coded text segments 5 Partnership were extracted and interpreted comparatively by 5.1 Partnership/Aspirations interviewees who viewed starting a family as 5.2 Partnership/Realizations their main life goal, and here three dimensions 5.3 Partnership/Balancing of the category ‘marriage’ were identified:

Figure 5.14.2 Extract From a schema of categories 1 some of the interviewees considered marriage as the only acceptable form of cohab- itation between man and woman; terms used by the interviewees themselves 2 others viewed marriage as an essential pre- (so-called in-vivo codes, cf. Glaser 1978: 70). condition for starting a child-focused family; 3 others again viewed marriage particularly as Through the comparative analysis of textual a safeguard. Interviewees with this orienta- passages both abstract theoretical concepts and tion quoted (with varying combinations and also everyday coding categories can progres- emphases) three different arguments for sively be given empirical content. An example marriage, concerning (1) its function as will serve to illustrate this process. a financial safeguard, (2) its significance as a In a research project that sought to investigate morally binding agreement to a lifelong the transition from school and professional bond, or (3) marriage as a means of fulfilling training to the labour market, qualitative semi- the expectations of the social (and especially structured interviews were carried out, which family) environment. were used to reconstruct the decision-making processes of young people faced with a choice of The comparison of textual passages made it profession (cf. Heinz et al. 1998). In order to sys- possible to distinguish three different hierarchi- tematize the young people’s separate stages of cally structured levels (cf. Figure 5.14.3). action in choosing their profession the follow- This kind of hierarchical schema of concepts ing three theoretical categories were used: aspi- may be described in terms of IT as a network or rations included the young people’s action goals, graph, and it may be translated into a complex realizations represented concrete steps taken to data structure which makes it possible not only implement these, and the category balancing to show graphically the relationships between related to the assessment of the relationship coding categories or the emerging typology, but between action goals and action conditions. also to carry out complex retrieval processes, In order to code aspirations, realizations and in which the user can take a long pathway balancing in respect of concrete areas of life, the along the ‘nodes’ (that is, the categories in theoretical categories (‘aspirations’, ‘realizations’, Figure 5.14.3) of the graph or network. Graphs ‘balancing’) were combined with everyday cate- of this kind may be structured in very different gories (‘work and profession’, ‘partnership’, etc.) ways. ATLAS.ti, for example, allows the user to to form a schema of categories (cf. Figure 5.14.2). organize networks with almost random relation- • This schema of categories represents a theoreti- ships, while other programs (such as NUD IST) cal axis (Strauss and Corbin 1990: 96ff.), or an only permit hierarchical ‘tree’-structures. heuristic framework (Kelle 1997a,b), the empiri- cal content of which is supplied by informa- The testing of hypotheses tion from the data material. By means of a and the integration of careful comparative analysis of textual passages quantitative techniques aspects or dimensions may be identified that will lead to a modification of the schema and The strengths of IT-supported data management to its supplementation through further can be seen when theoretical assumptions devel- categories and subcategories, and also to the oped in the course of the data analysis need to be construction of a typology. This process may be tested. If the data material has already been Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 281



Not concerned As a crucial goal in life Ambiguous

Marriage as the only Marriage as a safeguard Marriage as a prerequisite acceptable form of for child-centred family cohabitation formation

Marriage as financial Marriage as a support for Marriage as a means to protection bonding between partners fulfil the expectations of the social environment

Figure 5.14.3 A hierarchical category scheme as a result of ‘dimensionalization’

adequately and exhaustively coded with the 1 It can be used to indicate in which location in relevant categories, it is relatively simple to use the text corpus relevant information about poss- IT-support in the search for the text material ible links between emotional overload and criti- necessary to test the particular assumption. For cal life events may be found (giving the example, the hypothesis developed in the course appropriate command normally makes it poss- of a qualitative study of occupation-biographical ible to find these locations without difficulty). orientations – that gender-specific relationships 2 It may be considered as empirical evidence exist between professional and family orienta- that the phenomena critical life events and emo- tions – may be followed up by looking for text tional overload do co-occur or correlate (for passages (separate for male and female intervie- example, in the sense that in the life of the first wees) that were simultaneously coded under the interviewee a critical life event did once occur categories ‘work-orientation’ and ‘family orien- which led to emotional overload, whereas in tations’. This kind of assumption-testing is the life of the second interviewee it was poss- supported in most available software packages ible to find this kind of link five times). by complex retrieval functions for the search for co-occurring codings, and these make it possible, The first strategy pursues an essentially heuris- for example, to find text segments that were tic goal, whereas the second strategy corresponds coded with particular coding categories and to the normal understanding of hypothesis test- which show a reciprocal overlap or a particular ing within quantitative approaches, although proximity to one another within the text. here it must be verified that the relevant coding Figure 5.14.4 presents the results of a search for categories represent unambiguously and reliably the co-occurring codings ‘emo’ (= emotional over- the procedures, facts and events (for example, load) and ‘cle’ (= critical life events) in a sample the fact that an interviewee has indeed experi- data set, conducted using the AQUAD program. enced a critical life event). For this purpose, the The program yielded as a search result the categories must be precisely defined before the ‘addresses’ (in the form of line numbers) for text coding of the data material (perhaps using key locations where the text segments coded as ‘cle’ examples), and their reliability would need to be and ‘emo’ occur together. From this printout checked by means of a comparison of text pas- from the program it may be seen that in the sages coded by independent coders. Admittedly, interview ‘bioss1’ the codings ‘cle’ and ‘emo’ the coding categories used in qualitative studies occur together only once (between line 100 and frequently cannot meet these conditions for line 104), whereas in the interview ‘bioss2’ they obvious reasons: if texts have to be structured appear five times. and interpreted through coding for a synoptically It is vitally important here not to overlook the comparative analysis, it is normally not the fact that information about the co-occurrence of representational function of the coding categories codings can be used in quite different ways. (that is, the fact that the coding categories depict Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 282


relevant data material and can therefore fulfil hypothesis 1/codefile bioss1.cod some heuristic purpose rather than assist in hypo- thesis testing in the traditional sense. 100 102 cle –102104emo The methodologically appropriate use of func- hypothesis 1/codefile bioss2.cod tions for quantitative data analysis which are included in many software packages is depen- 24 28 cle –2630emo dent on whether the representational or the 65 70 cle –7282emo indexical function of the categories used is fore- 110 112 cle –111115emo grounded. For example, the MAXqda program 220 228 cle – 212 224 emo 450 452 cle – 456 476 emo also contains, apart from comprehensive coding and retrieval functions, possibilities for the further development of coding categories for case- Figure 5.14.4 Results of a search for co-occurring related variables and variable-values. The result codings of this process is a quantitative data matrix which can be analysed with the assistance of standard statistical packages. Of course, the a particular event) that is highlighted, but rather transition this involves from indexical to repre- its indexical function. The categories used, there- sentational categories requires particular care. fore, are not intended to represent facts that are The original goal of coding frequently did not defined precisely and ex ante in the data material, consist of producing a quantitative data matrix but to demonstrate that information about a par- but of ascertaining that all the relevant data on ticular kind of more or less precisely defined fact a particular fact could be assembled. can be found at a particular location in the data on this difference (cf. also Seidel and Kelle 1995). Unlike coding categories which represent clearly 4 LIMITS AND SCOPE OF defined events or facts, these categories are often COMPUTER-SUPPORTED METHODS kept as general as possible so that they may cap- IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ture a large class of possible facts and events. With an open, theory-generating procedure, Since the development of computer programs to therefore, it is the indexical function of the coding support qualitative data analysis began, there categories used that is foregrounded, at least in has been a discussion about their potential the early stages of qualitative analysis: the cod- methodological benefits, but also about the ing of a passage of text with the category ‘cle’ methodological risks involved. In this great does not then represent the fact that a critical life optimism has been expressed (Conrad and event took place, but rather that the coded pas- Reinarz 1984; Richards and Richards 1991, sage of text is in some way related to critical life 1994), but also notes of caution (Agar 1991; events. For the application of a classical strategy Coffey et al. 1996; Seidel and Kelle 1995). of ‘hypothesis testing’, such categories are unus- The following have been emphasized as advan- able. Admittedly the categories that a qualitative tages of the use of IT in qualitative research. investigator develops are often not specific and concrete statements about empirical facts, but 1 Higher efficiency in data organization econo- are provisional, imprecise and sometimes quite mizes on time and human resources and vague suppositions about possible relationships. makes it possible to process larger quantities of The testing of such assumptions or ‘hypotheses’ data and therefore to take larger samples (Kelle can hardly be compared with a statistically based and Laurie 1995). Of course, it should not be test of a hypothesis: no use is made of an algo- forgotten here that it is not ‘sample size’ that rithm that would facilitate a decision about the is the main criterion in qualitative sampling applicability of a particular theoretical statement – but ‘case contrast’ (1995: 22f.), in other it is rather a matter of collecting textual material, words, the possibility of identifying patterns the interpretative analysis of which will help the by means of multiple comparisons between investigator to support or reject the provisional deliberately chosen individual cases. A large and initially perhaps general and vague assump- sample, therefore, does not per se result in a tions, and also to modify them and develop higher validity of results, if the desired case them further. The computer-supported search selection does not lead to an expansion of for co-occurring codings can assist this search for the area of interest and an extension of the Flick 5.14.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 283


analyses. Here, too, there is a danger that the they would determine analytical practice, find investigator will be overwhelmed by the vast little support in actual research practice: users are quantity of data that are made available by more inclined to avoid the use of a particular soft- IT-supported data processing. The amount of ware package (or even the use of a computer) time needed to structure textual data by cod- than to adopt an analytical strategy that would ing should not be underestimated, particu- conflict with their methodological orientations. larly since this will grow with any increase in Further critical warnings in the literature con- the scope of the data corresponding to the cern the danger that the use of IT will force tex- extra size of the sample. The increase in the tual interpretation out of the centre of the volume of data achieved through larger sam- analytical process and that it will be replaced by ples should always therefore be set against a preoccupation with coding categories (Agar the additional costs of data organization in 1991; Seidel and Kelle 1995). In fact, there are terms of time and effort. considerable risks of producing artefacts, parti- 2 IT-supported techniques require the system- cularly if the user does not attend to the difference atization of many research techniques which between the indexical and the representational would otherwise be used in a rather unsys- functions of coding categories. This is particularly tematic fashion, and they therefore support true of the techniques of ‘hypothesis testing’ and a transparent process of analysis, driven as the integration of qualitative and quantitative far as possible by explicit rules. analytical stages that were discussed in section 3: 3 Researchers are freed from burdensome the move from an indexing of texts to a descrip- mechanical tasks, and are motivated, on the tion and summary of facts is not free from one hand, to study more carefully the rela- methodological hazards and requires the tionships between categories, and, on the researcher to give constant attention to the other hand, to experiment with the data and meaning of the complex algorithms which can to ‘play’, resulting in more space for creative sometimes be carried out with a single gesture. In and investigative aspects of the data analysis this there is a very good parallel with statistical (Fielding and Lee 1998). software: here, too, investigators who use, with- out thinking, the software that is now so easy to Concern has been voiced in the discussion, handle, and which requires no prior knowledge however, that the methodological assumptions of mathematical principles, can easily produce that underlie the individual software packages artefacts and false interpretations. But when they unwittingly influence the analytical process with are used with methodological awareness the the result that investigators adopt analytical modern techniques for IT-supported organiza- strategies that do not correspond to their own tion and structuring of data open up many possi- theoretical and methodological orientations. A bilities for a more intensive and systematic further criticism is also directed to the software analysis of data, frequently also making the tasks producers to the effect that they do not take suf- a good deal more enjoyable. ficient account in the development of their pro- grams of the pluralism of qualitative approaches. Lonkila (1995), for example, and Coffey et al. FURTHER READING (1996) draw attention to the fact that many soft- ware packages have a strong link to the grounded theory of Glaser and Strauss (see 5.13, 2.1, 6.6), Fielding, N. G. and Lee, R. M. (1998) Computer whilst other methods (for example, procedures Analysis and Qualitative Research. London: more strongly rooted in hermeneutics or dis- Sage. course analysis) are neglected. In response to this, Lee and Fielding use an analysis of the literature Kelle, U. (ed.) (1995) Computer-aided to show that more than two-thirds of qualitative Qualitative Data Analysis. Theory, Methods studies that use IT support have no connection to and Practice. London: Sage. grounded theory (Lee and Fielding 1996). On the basis of one of their own empirical studies of soft- Kelle, U. (1997) ‘Theory Building in Qualitative ware users, these two authors come to the con- Research and Computer Programs for the clusion that fears that computer programs would Management of Textual Data’, Sociological develop a life of their own in contradiction of the Research Online, 2 (2). http:www.socresonline. methodological intentions of the users, and that org.uk/socresonlione/2/2/1.html Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 284

5.15 Analysis of Documents and Records

Stephan Wolff

1 Documentary reality 284 2 Documents in the history of qualitative research 285 3 Document analysis as conversation analysis 286 4 Recommendations for practical work 288

1 DOCUMENTARY REALITY reference point for the assessment of what was and what was not the case in the main legal Documents, understood here as written texts proceedings. The formulation ‘what is not in that serve as a record or piece of evidence of an the records is not in the world’ was already event or fact, occupy a prominent position in a fundamental principle of the courts of the modern societies. A major part of the reality Inquisition. In clear contrast to this there is that is relevant to members of modern societies the principle of orality that obtains during the is accessible to them in the form of documents proceedings; according to this, at least in crim- (Smith 1974, 1978). The increase in their sig- inal proceedings, only what was negotiated nificance is due to the secular trend towards the orally can be used as the basis of a decision legalization and organization of all areas of life, (which implies, for example, that written and in particular to the development of a mod- evidence must, as a matter of principle, be ern type of administration characterized essen- read aloud). tially by the principle of documentation. Literacy, Documents are standardized artefacts, in on the one hand, increases the scope of com- so far as they typically occur in particular for- munication, in that it makes it independent of mats: as notes, case reports, contracts, drafts, the time and place of the message (cf. Ong death certificates, remarks, diaries, statistics, 1982). But at the same time it puts its success annual reports, certificates, judgments, letters at risk, since situational pointers for under- or expert opinions. A major part of official standing and immediate opportunities for documents, and most private documents, clarification are lost. The insistence on written are intended only for a defined circle of legiti- documents that is typical of organizations as mate or involved recipients. Official docu- the preferred form for the representation of ments also function as institutionalized traces, reality can lead to painful experiences of differ- which means that they may legitimately ence, particularly when people are confronted be used to draw conclusions about the activi- with official records of events that they have ties, intentions and ideas of their creators or participated in. the organizations they represented. In view of An example of this is a legal appeal. In the elaborate and, on the part of the partici- order to judge a breach of law in a court judg- pants, fully reflective art involved in the pro- ment it is only the text of the basis of the judg- duction of such records, the element of fiction, ment that is relevant. This alone, but not the which is true of all such records, becomes recollections of participants, functions as a particularly clear. Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 285


2 DOCUMENTS IN THE HISTORY OF was a result of the labelling approach, whose QUALITATIVE RESEARCH representatives pointed out that it was only the reaction of society that bestowed the attribute Qualitative social research developed (in ethno- ‘deviant’ on particular actions or individuals. logy) in the context of investigating oral cultures, They therefore tried consistently to look over that is, those that were not mediated by texts, or the shoulders of the relevant agencies in the (in the so-called Chicago School) in dealing production of deviant actions. In this way they with phenomena outside, or on the fringe of, an removed from such data as the statistics of crim- organization-based society. Because of this a inality and suicide the image of supposedly particular ‘bias’ developed in favour of verbal natural social facts (in Durkheim’s sense) by communication or verbal data in simple social making visible the processes of definition and systems (cf. Atkinson and Coffey 1997). If one documentation necessary for their production does not completely limit oneself to reducing (Douglas 1967; Gephardt 1988). Particular documents to the information they contain, importance attaches to the work of Aaron even today any work with them has a predomi- Cicourel, who studied the processes of evalua- nantly exegetic character, which means that they tion and categorization in education and in the are seen as sources (Hodder 1994; Scott 1990) way officialdom dealt with youth crime that point to other underlying phenomena and (cf. Cicourel 1968; Cicourel and Kitsuse 1963; intentions. Since a close relation is presupposed Cicourel and Jennings 1974; Kitsuse and Cicourel between the ‘declarative force’ of a document 1963). Cicourel was particularly interested in and its authenticity and credibility, there is, fur- the question of how the translation of details thermore, a preference on the part of qualitative about people and events, derived from inter- researchers for private records (such as letters of views or pre-existing records, into ‘official cases’ biographical records; cf. the classic study of comes about. He discovered that decisions Thomas and Zaniecki 1918). about the allocation to categories are taken in Anyone who reads documents as a basic rep- respect of established organizational ‘normal resentation of something else is looking at them cases’ and establishment patterns (such as ‘bro- as a ‘window-pane’ (Gusfield 1976) through ken home’) within the framework of informal which one is looking at a person, an action or a or institutionalized processes of negotiation fact. This window-pane only becomes impor- (cf. Scheff 1966; Sudnow 1965). The documen- tant when unfortunate or inappropriate formu- tary (case) reality, once established, takes on a lations distort the ‘view’, and then one starts on dynamic of its own, and from this the person the basis that such obscurities can fundamen- categorized – but also the bodies subsequently tally be eliminated (by means of a more trans- involved – can escape only with difficulty. parent representation or more profound Typically the circumstances or the back- interpretation). This leads to a paradox, how- ground against which they were produced are ever, that a document-analysis that begins in no longer visible in the documents themselves. this way takes place, in an ideal case, without The focus in labelling research was therefore any analysis of the document itself. However, it on demonstrating the rhetorical character of seems to correspond much better to the basic documents (Gusfield 1976). Documents were idea of qualitative research if we recognize doc- unveiled as examples of institutional display uments as independent methodological and situa- (Goffman 1961b) or even as a form of bureau- tionally embedded creations of their producers cratic propaganda (Altheide and Johnson 1980), (and, in terms of reception, of their readers) and whose purpose was primarily to engender an to make them as such the object of an investiga- appearance of legitimacy, rationality and effi- tion. Accordingly, the term document analysis is ciency in the eyes of relevant organizational used not only to characterize a research method environments (Bogdan and Ksander 1980; but also to denote a specific mode of access to Meyer and Rowan 1977). What is characteristic written records (which, of course, implies a pref- of these studies, apart from their revelatory and erence for particular methods). ironical attitude and their concentration on the A more sustained preoccupation with docu- aspect of opportunistic information manage- ments as texts that have the independent logic ment, is a certain half-heartedness, in that of a textually mediated documentary reality only the ideal of a ‘correct’ portrayal was not really developed in the 1960s. The crucial motivation abandoned (Pollner 1987). Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 286


A radical change of perspective was then there is, in Garfinkel’s opinion, such a thing as a brought about by ethnomethodological research in standard reading – at least for the authorized and that it consistently dispensed with treating competent reader. Such a person can always read documents as resources – however deficient – in such a way as to gain a reasoned impression as and instead made them, or more precisely the to whether and how the work was completed in socially organized practices of their production respect of what might be expected as normal and and reception, into the real object of investiga- sensible under the prevailing circumstances. tion. The classic example of an ethnomethod- ologically set up document analysis comes from The various items of the clinic folders are tokens – Harold Garfinkel (1967b). In the context of a like pieces that will permit the assembly of an study of patient careers he was struck by the fact indefinitely large number of mosaics – gathered that the relevant forms were filled in incom- together not to describe a relationship between clinical personnel and the patient, but to permit a pletely and inaccurately. This instance of ‘miss- clinic member to formulate a relationship ing data’, which was annoying to him as an between patient and clinic as a normal course of investigator, strangely caused almost no offence clinic affairs when and if the question of normaliz- among the staff of the clinic. Since Garfinkel did ing should arise as a matter of some clinic mem- not wish to attribute this finding to incompe- ber’s practical concerns. In this sense, we say that tence on the part of the staff, he asked himself a folder’s contents serve the uses of contract rather whether there were not perhaps ‘good reasons’ than description …. (Garfinkel 1967b: 202f.) for such ‘bad’ clinical records. Conducting an information-gathering exercise from the point of The ‘early’ ethnomethodology (see 3.2) repre- view of the staff proves that the situation is, in sented by Garfinkel’s investigation did achieve a fact, quite sensible, if account is taken of the basic clarification of the way documents are time available. In general, this means that one socially produced and situationally readable – has to be satisfied with doing the job as concisely although this was without coming to terms in as possible. Moreover, bearing in mind that any concrete way with the documents as texts. records can be used to check on the activity or Because of the limited scope of ethnographic efficiency of the staff, a certain degree of vague- methods (see 5.5) there were no attempts at ness in the representation of information is systematic reconstruction of the phenomena desirable, because in cases of doubt it allows the contained in the records until the 1980s. possibility of an explanation and justification Admittedly Garfinkel (1967b: 200f.) himself with reference to the practical circumstances. provided an important starting point by setting Finally, every competent insider will take up the thesis that documents resembled utter- account of a principled discrepancy between the ances in a conversation where the participants conditions and factual necessities of the docu- did not know one another but were none the mented activity on the one hand, and the spe- less in a position to understand allusions and cific requirements for correct fulfilment of indirect pointers, since they already knew what professional obligations on the other. The inves- was being talked about. What also favours a tigator’s ‘annoyance’ therefore becomes, for the conversation analysis procedure is the fact that participants, a quite rational and comprehens- the ability to read and write texts develops onto- ible way of producing documents (cf. Feldman genetically on the basis of interactional and and March 1981). The meaning of the entries in conversational competence. It is therefore rea- the patient records can only be measured by sonable to suppose that the methodological those who have insight into the typical course of practices that play a role in the production and patient contact, the circumstances under which interpretation of texts also correspond to, or are the entries were made, the expected readership, derived from, those that are used in the produc- and the relations between them and the produc- tion and interpretation of verbal interaction. ers. Instead of assuming that the patient records would reflect (or conceal) the order of the inter- action between participants, it would be more 3 DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AS appropriate to say that an understanding of this CONVERSATION ANALYSIS order is a precondition for a correct reading. Although in principle different interpretations These stimuli were taken up by ethnomethodo- of the content of such records are always possible, logists working in conversation analysis who, in Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 287


the course of the 1980s, increasingly began to descriptive category simultaneously implies turn to institutional communication and such cross-referring to other suitable categories, and interactive constellations as jokes, lectures or together these constitute a ‘collection’ (in this stories that have a lower degree of ‘interactive particular example: ‘family members’). The cat- density’. From this it was only a small step to egorization transcends mere labelling in the working with interactions in the written mode sense that particular modes of action that may (such as exchanges of letters, cf. Mulkay 1985) be socially expected are also bound up with a and ultimately to documents produced in an particular category (‘category bound activities’). institutional communicative context, such as For example, because one would normally scientific articles (Knorr-Cetina 1981; Woolgar expect of mothers that they take care of small 1980), psychiatric reports (Knauth and Wolff children, the sentences ‘The baby cried. The 1990) or legal opinions (Wolff and Müller 1997). mother watched.’ may be heard not only as a Of central importance to document analysis description but as descriptive of a piece of with a conversation or discourse analysis1 frame deviant behaviour. Through the mode of catego- of reference are the writings of Harvey Sacks rization selected, the person undertaking it may (1972) on the methodological character of adopt a particular relationship to what is being descriptions and Dorothy Smith’s idea of the categorized and thereby alter the character of ‘active text’ (1978, 1986). In her study ‘K is the report: one might imagine that the woman Mentally Ill: the Anatomy of a Factual Account’ is categorized not as a mother but as a ‘patient’ (1978) she illustrates the fact that written texts or an ‘accused’. Analogous effects, such as those are not passive interpretations of reality handed deriving from differential identification of indi- over, so to speak, to its interpreters but that they viduals (and as implied here: accusations), may actively structure its social readability. The par- also be achieved through the use of conven- ticular achievement of a factual report consists tional implications in the formulation of partic- of evoking in the reader the impression of an ular locations (cf. Drew 1978). active and stable reality, but at the same time of Since, in principle, an infinite number of making the fact and the mechanisms of its tex- formally correct versions of a fact are conceivable, tual mediation invisible. What must first be clar- the concrete form of the description has to be ified, therefore, is the procedures that can be decided. The selectivity involved in this is not a employed in making documents in any sense problem of information that could, for instance, readable as descriptions of reality. be removed by means of precision, but one that Sacks (1972) developed the methodological sets up an inevitable requirement as to formula- toolkit that members of society use in the tion. A whole range of structural problems may production and identification of descriptions, be postulated with which authors of descrip- using the example of the two sentences ‘The tions are confronted, but whose solution also baby cried. The mommy picked it up.’ Without opens up specific possible modes of expression knowing anything about the concrete circum- (cf. Wolff 1995). stances, any competent member of society can Descriptions of any kind relate to a specific understand these two sentences as a story about (even if only imaginary) audience or may be a crying baby and its mother, who picks it up read as such. To be able to tailor their utterances because it is crying. Alternative readings (such in a recipient-oriented way, producers of as ‘baby’ is actually an adult who is addressed by descriptions must take account of conventional a pet name; the mommy is not the baby’s assumptions about the identity and prior mother; she is picking up some object, and so knowledge of their recipients. They must ask on) are quite possible, but only if the preferred themselves: how can I write a text that can be variant is expressly discounted. experienced and understood by my readers as According to Sacks the fact that readers inter- directed at them? pret such sentences in largely similar ways The producers of descriptions also rely on the depends on the application of particular institu- fact that the appropriateness and validity of tionalized rules of categorization and deduction their claims is pre-supposed. They then have the which he brings together under the heading of problems of factuality and of authorization. In membership categorization device. The effect of respect of these one may ask: how do I indicate this ‘device’ becomes clear if one takes account through my text the extent to which my repre- of the fact that the selection of a particular sentations relate to reality? In addition, it is also Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 288


important to come to terms with conflicting or addressed within them. Documents represent conceivable alternative versions of the factual an independent level of data. For that reason it is content. In this implicit descriptive conflicts problematic to use statements in documents as (when reporting extremely improbable circum- opposed to other analytic results (perhaps from stances; cf. Wooffitt 1992) should be distin- interviews or observation) concerning relevant guished from explicit descriptive conflicts (for facts that were obtained at other data levels (for example, when a supervisor has to express an example, judgment texts compared to court opinion on the work of his or her colleagues; cf. observation; cf. Wolff and Müller 1997). The Knauth and Wolff 1991). current practice of using documents, as it were, These configurations can only partially be as a second front after observational and verbal achieved by means of explicit formulations, jus- data should be avoided. tifications and explanations: it is better if they Documents, even those that expressly operate are carried reflexively, that is to say, through the as factual reports, should not be reduced to the manner of text formulation, or, so to speak, inci- function of information containers, but should dentally. The trick consists of not leaving the basically be treated and analysed as methodologi- interpretation entirely to the reader (in the cally created communicative features. Content sense of the reader-response theory), nor of her- analysis techniques of paraphrase and reduc- metically sealing the text off with instructions tion, which target only the intended informa- against attempts at interpretation. This means tion content, do not grasp this ‘independence making a virtue out of the need for an inevitable of meaning’ which documents have. Nor is it vagueness in descriptions. What works to the found in approaches that address the docu- advantage of text-producers here is the fact ments with a basic (ideologically) critical or that this vagueness is socially sanctioned, that evaluative attitude (such as ‘critical discourse recipients actually expect to be presented with analysis’; cf. Titscher et al. 2000. See 5.19). appropriately ‘open’ texts that require some It is also advisable, in analysing documents, to interpretation. On the other hand, the conven- adopt the conversation analysis maxim of order tional postulates of the membership categorization all points. Even apparent externals (such as lay- device are also used. By means of cleverly out, line-spacing, colour, quality of paper, order selected categorizations, attributions, contrasts, of the various points) or formulations that seem orderings and so on, meaning gaps and interpre- quite obvious (such as modes of address, catego- tative puzzles may be induced, and of these one rizations or descriptions of sequencing) should may assume that a competent reader from the not therefore be treated as coincidental or ana- relevant ‘interpretative community’ (Fish 1980) lytically insignificant until the opposite has will decode or solve them in a particular way. been proved. Transcriptions of the material (for The structuring effect of ‘active texts’ is there- example, so that they may be processed using fore found particularly as a result of leading text analysis software) should therefore be readers in the direction of a particular conven- viewed as problematic, in so far as the nature of tional mode of reading (McHoul 1982), that the document as a phenomenon is altered. This requires of them an activity of implication (for is unfortunately true of anonymizations, which analyses in this vein cf. Silvermann 1993, 1998; frequently, since they render invisible the rele- Smith 1986; Watson 1997). vant forms of referencing, eliminate analytically important material. Whatever the case, there should always be the possibility of checking 4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR findings against the original material. PRACTICAL WORK The analysis of conversations is known to be made easier when participants constantly signal For practical research work, the following rec- mutual understanding or correct supposed ommendations are offered with regard to the errors. In textual communication this resource analysis of documentary realities and their is available to a greatly reduced extent. In docu- mode of production. ment analysis there is, therefore, a great tempta- In view of the way they are produced, docu- tion to invoke contextual information to help ments may only be used in an extremely limited with clarification in cases of doubt. However, way as evidence or indications of factual this should be avoided for as long as is possible. content or decision-making processes that are In support of this we should remember that the Flick 5.15.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 289


producers or readers of documents are confronted Qualitative document analysis aims at the with the same problem. But they can only rely investigation of structural problems and at the to a limited extent on the necessary contextual methodological toolkit that document produc- information being supplemented by the readers, ers and their recipients have to come to terms and are therefore largely compelled to use the with, and it seeks to make explicit the implica- internal sequencing and ordering of the text. tions of various formulations and presentation For this reason the analysis should proceed, in strategies. It is inappropriate to expect of it the first instance, from the self-sufficiency of the any guidance for the ‘correct’ formulation of text and should exhaust the inherent analytical texts. possibilities. Whenever this is possible, in view of the nature of the material, there should also be an analysis of the ‘conversation’ between the NOTE document being investigated and the subse- quent or proceeding texts (for example, contra- 1 In view of the rapid approximation of empirical dictions, reactions, challenges, cautions). discourse analysts to the ideas and methods of Since one of the important ‘achievements’ of conversation analysis (cf. Antaki and Widdicombe documents consists of making the circum- 1998; Edwards and Potter 1992; Potter 1996; see 5.17), we shall not undertake, in this chapter, any stances of their production invisible, the analyst contrastive presentation of discourse analysis. must sometimes have recourse to techniques of (Here we follow the advice of Silverman 1998: 193; alienating the object of investigation (Amann for a different emphasis see 5.19.) and Hirschauer 1997), in order to get to such structural problems as the local practices of text production. The following have shown them- FURTHER READING selves to be valuable in this respect.

• The technique of ‘reading aloud’ the docu- Lepper, G. (2000) Categories in Text and Talk. ment in question. A Practical Introduction to Categorization • Ethnographic observations of, or narrative Analysis. London: Sage. interviews about, concrete cases of document production (looking perhaps at the critical Potter, J. (1996) Representing Reality – incident technique, cf. Chell 1998). Discourse, Rhetoric and Social Construction. • Comparisons between different groups of London: Sage. text producers (such as psychiatric, psycho- logical and social-pedagogic reports on the Watson, R. (1997) ‘Ethnomethodology and same person). Textual Analysis’, in D. Silverman (ed.), Quali- • Contrasting the texts of documents with tative Research. Theory, Method and Practice. their oral presentation. London: Sage. pp. 80–98. Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 290

5.16 Objective Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Sociology of Knowledge

Jo Reichertz

1 Objective hermeneutics 290 2 Hermeneutic sociology of knowledge 293

1 OBJECTIVE HERMENEUTICS requirement that they should, with the assistance of the procedure, achieve an objectivity of The term ‘objective hermeneutics’ refers to a results. complex theoretical, methodological and opera- tional concept that derives essentially from the Since objective hermeneutics, irrespective of what work of Ulrich Oevermann. In the interim the concrete object it has to analyse, is always pri- labels ‘structural hermeneutics’ and ‘genetic marily directed at the reconstruction of the latent structuralism’ have also come into use. sense structures or objective meaning structures of those expressive forms in which the object of Objective hermeneutics, which looks upon investigation or the question under study is itself as a Kunstlehre (art), claims to be the fun- authentically embodied, one can require the same damental method of investigation for every kind degree of objectivity of its findings or the assess- of sociological research. Consistently with this, ment of their applicability as that which is taken it no longer only interprets protocols of every- for granted in the natural sciences. This is simply day interaction but, in principle, also texts, and because the meaning structures which are to be here painting, architecture, clues of criminal reconstructed can be ascertained by means of fun- activity and the like are also understood as texts. damentally definable rules and mechanisms of a The procedure consists of first conceiving and basic algorithmic structure in a precisely testable fixing the social action in question as a text, in and complete way in a protocol that is accessible at all times. (Oevermann 1996: 4) order subsequently to interpret it hermeneuti- cally with regard to action-generating latent The validity of analyses must be ensured meaning structures. through a strict application of the hermeneutic Initially, the concern was only with the Kunstlehre (art). An objective reconstruction of ‘reconstruction of objective meaning structures’ objective structures is understood as a limit that is of texts: what the text producers thought, reached through constant application of the wished, hoped, believed in the creation of their canonical directives of objective hermeneutics. text, that is, what subjective intentions they had, was – and is – unimportant for objective hermeneutics. The only thing that counts is the History of objective hermeneutics objective meaning structure of the text in a particular linguistic and interactive community. The development of the procedure of objective Later the attribute ‘objective’ came to relate not hermeneutics derives in essence from the only to the area of study: the validity of the ‘parental home and school’ major research pro- findings obtained was also subject to the ject directed by Oevermann, Krappmann and Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 291


Kreppner. This was concerned, from 1968 countries, including Austria and Switzerland, onwards, with the significance of the restricted and it figures in all of the more recent methodo- and elaborated language codes for school logical handbooks on qualitative research achievement. The investigations were carried (e.g. Bohnsack 1999; Hitzler and Honer 1997; out in a purely quantitative way at the begin- Lamnek 1995). ning of the research process. The inadequacy of the results thus achieved led to a fundamental reappraisal of the methods and to an examina- Strategies for empirical procedure tion of the Chomskyan competence-performance model, Piaget’s learning theory and Freud’s Contrary to the erroneous widespread belief, concept of traumatization. there is not one single procedure for objective Oevermann and the colleagues then working hermeneutic interpretation of texts. There is with him (in particular T. Allert, Y. Schütze, merely a kind of basic common understanding H. Gripp and E. Konau) worked on the develop- that manifests itself in differing and sometimes ment of qualitative data collection procedures mutually exclusive variants. What is, of course, until the beginning of 1970, and subsequently common to all variants is the belief that the also on hermeneutic analytical procedures. The three major obstacles to an unobscured exposi- focus of this type of hermeneutics was not the tion of meaning must be overcome before the long-standing German discussion of philosoph- analysis begins. ical hermeneutics, but the criticism that had In the first place it is necessary to remove the become especially vocal in the United States of pressure to act which universally dominates the quantitatively focused form of sociological everyday life and which always prematurely measurement. The new approach was set up, as interrupts the process of explaining meaning: in far as methodology is concerned, with reference a word, it is vital to spend a great deal of time on to Mead’s theory of language, Searle’s concept the analysis. Then it is necessary to make sure of rules and Peirce’s abductive research logic that the interpreters are not subject to any neu- (see 4.3). rotic and/or ideological blind spots – although Oevermann’s work since 1980 has been con- how this is to be done, Oevermann does not cerned less with the further methodological make clear. Finally, one should ensure that the justification of the method and more with interpreters are competent members of the lin- theoretical concepts, practical consultancy and guistic and interactive community being inves- current political topics, such as the theory of tigated, and so children are normally excluded. professions, the concept of structure, the organiza- In looking for the procedure of objective tion of the police crime reporting service, media criti- hermeneutics one will admittedly find in the cism, the meaning of religion, the development of relevant literature that there are to date three innovation, and repeatedly with problems in the variants of text explanation, or more precisely, interpretation of paintings. What is methodo- three forms for the presentation of one’s own logically new is Oevermann’s attempt to use ‘fic- research practice. tional data’ (dramas and novels) to reconstruct the structural logic of real actions (Oevermann 1 The detailed analysis of a text at eight differ- 1997; see also the interesting debate in König ent levels, in which the knowledge and the 1996b). external context, and also the pragmatics Other authors who associate themselves of a type of interaction, are explained in with objective hermeneutics are, on the other advance and are borne in mind in the analy- hand, concerned primarily with further case sis (e.g. Oevermann et al. 1979). analyses and discussion of the methodological 2 The sequential analysis of each individual and theoretical implications of the hermeneu- contribution to an interaction, step by step, tic approach (cf. the collections of papers by without clarifying in advance the internal Aufenanger and Lenssen 1986 and Garz and or external context of the utterance (e.g. Kraimer 1994a, and the discussion of these in Oevermann et al. 1979: 412–429). This is Schröer 1994 and T. Sutter 1997). the most demanding variant of objective The concept of objective hermeneutics is hermeneutics, since it is very strongly ori- currently one of the most prominent approaches ented towards the methodological premises in qualitative research in German-speaking of the overall concept. Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 292


3 The full interpretation of the objective social approximately like this: in the course of text data from all those who participated in an analysis there is a reconstruction of what struc- interaction, before any approach is made to ture is to be found in the text under investiga- the text to be interpreted (e.g. Oevermann tion. This description should be as precise and et al. 1980). This variant handles the funda- distinctive as possible. If, in the course of the mentals of a theory of hermeneutics inter- analysis of the text, a location can be found pretation very flexibly and uses them in a which contradicts the structural description somewhat metaphorical way. previously spelled out, then the hypothesis may be said to be falsified. The first variant initially found many adherents The goal of structural generalization is always within qualitative research, not only because in the discovery and description of both general and its most important elements it is formalized and single-case specific instances of rule-governedness, therefore easy to learn. The second variant now the so-called generative rules which, according to constitutes the real core of objective hermeneu- Oevermann (1999a), have a status comparable to tics – texts are interpreted in detail step by step natural laws and natural facts. With the aid of without using any knowledge of the case. A clear this positive knowledge of the general and the distinction must be made here between this and single case soft prognoses for the future of an the third variant, which places the explanation action system should be set up. Precise determin- of the objective case data before the text analy- istic statements are, however, impossible: one sis. This version is particularly used when one can only indicate the scope for transformations. seeks to economize the application of objective hermeneutics. On actuality

On research logic The procedure of objective hermeneutics is currently viewed as one of the most widespread In general objective hermeneutics conducts and reflective approaches in German qualita- only single-case analyses. Standardized and tive research. There is, however, no ‘school’ of large-scale data collections are rejected on objective hermeneutics, but only a range of sci- methodological grounds, since only the collec- entists who have recourse to the procedure of tion of non-standardized data and their objec- objective hermeneutics in their own research. tive hermeneutic analysis would guarantee valid The Kunstlehre (art) of objective hermeneutics results. The validity of the analysis derives in can be learned, above all, from Oevermann particular from the correct application of the himself in Frankfurt am Main. He offers regular hermeneutic Kunstlehre (art). The separation courses for students and also for practitioners in between ‘logic of discovery’ and ‘logic of verifi- which one can learn his technique for data cation’ (Reichenbach, Popper) is thereby explic- analysis (see Part 7). As yet – in spite of all the itly renounced: ‘truth’ results from the correct efforts that have been made – there is no intro- epistemological procedure, since the correct duction authorized by Oevermann into the treatment of a text causes ‘the thing to speak for principles of objective hermeneutics. Apart itself’ (Oevermann 1984: 11). from Germany, there are a number of researchers, Objective hermeneutics proceeds from the particularly in Austria and Switzerland, who are singular (reconstruction of the structure of exploring the possibilities of objective single cases) to the general statement (generali- hermeneutics. zation of structure) by means of the principle of Major debates on the concept of objective falsification; reconstruction of structure and hermeneutics have so far been confined to generalization of structure are conceived of as Germany. Reichertz (1986), for example, investi- the outer poles of a targeted research process in gated a whole range of Oevermann’s texts using which the results of a number of single-case a procedure that relied on objective hermeneu- structural reconstructions are condensed into a tics and thereby reconstructed the development more general structure. A case structure, once of the approach from a ‘distanced inside view’. reconstructed, may be used in the interpre- Liebau (1987), in his study of the socialization tation of further examples of the same type as a theories of Oevermann and Bourdieu, analysed heuristic to be falsified. The argument goes in particular their concept of subject and its Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 293


effect on a theory of pedagogic action. H. Sutter the ‘egological perspective’, can legitimately be (1997) brings together, from an insider’s view, attributed to the protagonist (cf. Reichertz Oevermann’s scattered writings into a unified 1991a). What is central here is admittedly not theory and practice of objective hermeneutics. the reconstruction of the singular perspective that is known to the individuals in question. What is sought, therefore, is the rational recon- 2 HERMENEUTIC SOCIOLOGY struction of types of egological perspective OF KNOWLEDGE (cf. Hitzler 1991; Schröer 1997).

The term ‘hermeneutic sociology of knowledge’ History of hermeneutic refers to a complex theoretical, methodological sociology of knowledge and operational concept that derives in its essen- tials from the work of Hans-Georg Soeffner. ‘Anyone who knows nothing about the act of Initially the name ‘sociological hermeneutics’ interpretation and who does not feel obliged to (see 3.5) was more frequently used. Hermeneutic take account of its premises and sequential sociology of knowledge in this form developed structures, will – from the viewpoint of the out of this, on the one hand as a result of a crit- scientific obligation to check – be interpreting icism of the ‘metaphysics of structures’ in objec- in a simple way, that is on the basis of implicit tive hermeneutics (cf. Reichertz 1986) and on everyday interpretative routines and plausibility the other hand as a result of a debate with the criteria’ (Soeffner 1989: 53). Accordingly, the socio-phenomenological research tradition ‘understanding of something’ naturally also (Schütz, Luckmann; see 3.1). includes the ‘description and the understanding of This perspective is knowledge-sociological in understanding’ (1989: 53). These statements of that, beyond constructivism and realism, it Soeffner’s not only are, in my opinion, essential investigated the major question of how action constituents of any sociological hermeneutics, subjects on the one hand (have to) locate and but they can also (from a historical point of adapt themselves in an apposite and socialized view) be taken as starting points for this way in the historically and socially developed research strategy. routines and meanings of a particular field of In precise terms, these requirements mean action, and how, on the other hand, they (must) that the investigator who wishes to understand constantly re-interpret and thereby also invent his or her observation must also observe his or themselves ‘individually’. The new (that is, con- her own action of ‘understanding’ (that is, his or stituted in accordance with the relevances of the her ‘everyday world of hermeneutics’). Because action subject) re-interpretations of socially pre- of this requirement of ‘application to oneself’, interpreted knowledge, for their part, are then sociological hermeneutics from the outset (and (again as knowledge) fed back into the social for some time before the arrival of ‘radical con- action field (cf. Berger and Luckmann 1966; structivism’; see 3.4) was put into the precarious Soeffner 1989). position of having to come to terms with the This perspective is hermeneutic in that, in its ‘constructivist character’ of observation and method-driven analysis of data, it follows the interpretation. This situation is ‘precarious’ premises of ‘sociological hermeneutics’ (Soeffner because the self-application of sociology to the 1989; Soeffner and Hitzler 1994a). writings of sociologists brings to light the fact The perspective is structural-analytical because that the constructs of scientists may differ in the behaviour of individuals is only considered terms of content but not in structure from those to be understood if the interpreter is in a posi- constructs which people create in their normal tion both to put the observed behaviour into everyday life and which are observed and inter- some relation with the frame of reference that is preted by sociologists. prescribed and is relevant to the particular type of action, and in this way also to demonstrate that it is meaningful. Strategy of empirical procedure Subsequently it is concerned, in reconstruct- ing the action, with making visible (as stored Hermeneutic sociology of knowledge wins knowledge) the structural and pre-stated problems recognition exclusively from empirical research. It and possibilities of action which, in working out investigates every kind of social interaction and Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 294


all types of cultural phenomena. Since its the entry phase, would lead to a blunting of the research strategy is not directed towards the data whetstone on which subsequent theories discovery of general laws to explain human ought to prove themselves and develop. If inves- behaviour but rather the (re-)construction of tigators apply these two principles in the collec- procedures and typologies that humans use to tion of standardized data, then this will at least familiarize themselves with and gain access to a open up the possibility that the data will ‘set constantly changing world, the systematic ‘dis- them thinking’ and cause them to question ‘old’ covery’ of what is new is of particular interest. beliefs (cf. Reichertz 1997). This is made easier by means of a series of methodological precautions. For example, in the first phase of a piece of The logic of research research the investigator should focus on build- ing up an ‘abductive attitude’ (cf. Reichertz 1991b; An interpretation of data with the assistance of see 4.3). This means that he or she should design sociological hermeneutics of knowledge does his or her research in such a way that ‘old’ beliefs not stop at the appropriate description of obser- are seriously tested and, in certain cases, ‘new’ vations or the depiction of subjectively devel- and more workable beliefs can be developed. oped and intended meaning. It aims, rather, at This ‘programme’, however, can only be mean- the discovery of the intersubjective meaning of ingfully implemented if the collected data are so actions. But ‘intersubjective’ in no way corre- constituted that their accountability in terms of sponds to ‘true’ or ‘real’, but merely that it is a the existing beliefs is not a foregone conclusion. question of the meaning that is engendered by The data must have the properties of a whet- means of a (linguistic) action within a particular stone, and the interpreter must be forced abduc- interaction community. The meaning of an tively to grind down, or re-sharpen, his or her action is thereby (partly) equated with the will- existing prejudices. ingness to react that may be anticipated and The most resistant data, in my opinion, are which is set up by the action within an inter- those that are collected in a non-standardized action community. way, that is to say, audiovisual recordings and The interpretation theory therefore relates to tape-recorded protocols (cf. Reichertz 1991a). the imaginative power of a typologized and typi- Since such data are not produced by informants cal user of a symbol who has been socialized in response to any particular research question within a particular interaction community. It and the collection is not marked by any subjec- does not, however, relate to the concrete tive observation schemata, there is a high prob- content of his or her consciousness. ability that they cannot automatically be To put this in brief and placating terms: the accounted for by the pre-existing beliefs. meaning of symbolic action does not lie buried If the collection of non-standardized data is in the consciousness of the user of a sign, nei- not possible or does not make sense, researchers ther does it manifest itself in some codified are obliged to produce the data themselves: they reference (that is, it is not to be found in the past). must create observation protocols and conduct It is rather the case that the meaning of a sign interviews – and it would be advisable to do this consists of the willingness to react that may be according to scientifically binding standards. anticipated and of the realized reactions that the This will then lead to the production of data symbol stimulates in the interpreting group which, for their part, bear the hallmark of (that is, it is to be found in the future). (scientific) standards. In methodological terms sociological hermen- In this the following two collection principles eutics pursues the following route: in the entry should be observed. (1) Researchers, in respect phase the data protocol is subjected to ‘open (only) of the facts to be investigated, should coding’ (Strauss 1987; see 5.13), which means enter the field as naively as possible and collect that the document in question is analysed data (cf. Hitzler 1991). (2) Particularly in the sequentially, extensively and in detail, and entry phase it should be ensured that the data indeed line by line or even word by word. What collection will be as unstructured as possible. The is decisive in this phase is that no (pre-existing) reason for this is that a premature analytical and readings are applied to the text, but rather that theoretical permeation of the material, and a the investigator constructs as many readings as data-collection process that focuses on this in possible that are compatible with the text. This Flick 5.16.qxd 3/19/04 2:40 PM Page 295


type of interpretation requires the interpreter ‘school’ of hermeneutic sociology of knowledge. repeatedly to break down both the data and the Admittedly a whole range of German, Swiss and (theoretical) prejudices and assessments, and Austrian scholars from different sociological dis- this creates a healthy climate for the discovery ciplines refer explicitly to this research strategy. of new readings. There is still no ‘official’ introduction into the If, in the phase of ‘open coding’, one is look- procedures of hermeneutic sociology of knowl- ing for meaning units (which naturally always edge, but Soeffner (1989) and Soeffner and already contain theoretical concepts or play Hitzler (1994a) are considered to be the basic with and refer to these), then in the second texts. In addition, Schröer (1994) provides a phase of the interpretation one is looking for source in which research methods in particular more highly aggregated meaning units and con- are presented and discussed, while the work of cepts that bind together the individual partial Hitzler et al. (1999) gives special attention to an units. In addition, one may now define good outline of the theory and the methodology. reasons as to why certain data should be col- A first systematic description of hermeneutic lected again or in greater detail. And so in the sociology of knowledge may be found in third phase new data protocols are produced in Schröer (1997), while Reichertz (1991a) and a more targeted way. In this way the interpreta- Knoblauch (1995) present two methodologi- tion controls the data collection, but at the cally well-founded approaches to research. T. same time – and this is more important – the Sutter (1997) offers a basic examination of interpretation is falsified, modified and extended hermeneutic sociology of knowledge. by means of the later data collection. The process is complete when a highly aggre- gated concept or meaning configuration has FURTHER READING been found or constructed, into which all the investigated elements can be integrated in a meaningful whole, and when this whole has Knoblauch, H. (2002) ‘Communication, Contexts been made intelligible (that is to say, meaning- and Culture. A Communicative Constructivist ful) in the context of a particular interaction Approach to Intercultural Communication’, in community. The question of whether the inter- A. di Luzio, S. Günthner and F. Orletti (eds), pretation achieved in this way actually corre- Culture in Communication. Analyses of sponds to the ‘reality in the text’ is meaningless, Intercultural Situations. Amsterdam: John because sociological research is always con- Benjamins. pp. 3–33. cerned only with ‘social reality’ (examples are in Soeffner 1997). Soeffner, H.-G. (1997) The Order of Rituals: The Interpretation of Everyday Life. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. Current perspectives Titscher, S., Meyer, M., Wodak, R. and Vetter, E. Hermeneutic sociology of knowledge is cur- (2000) ‘Objective Hermeneutics’, in Methods rently taught and practised mainly in German- of Text and Discourse Analysis. London: Sage. speaking universities (Konstanz, Dortmund, pp. 198–212. Essen, St Gallen, Vienna), and yet there is no Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 296

5.17 Conversation Analysis

Jörg R. Bergmann

1 Objective and goals 296 2 History of its development and impact 296 3 Theoretical background 297 4 Methodological procedure 298 5 Scope and limitations 300 6 Recent developments and perspectives 301

1 OBJECTIVE AND GOALS 2 HISTORY OF ITS DEVELOPMENT AND IMPACT Conversation analysis (or CA) denotes a research approach dedicated to the investiga- The beginnings of CA as an independent tion, along strictly empirical lines, of social sociological research direction are to be found interaction as a continuing process of producing in the 1960s and 1970s. Of crucial importance and securing meaningful social order. CA pro- in this were the works of Harvey Sacks (1967), in ceeds on the basis that in all forms of linguistic particular the Lectures which he gave at various and non-linguistic, direct and indirect commu- universities in California from 1964 until his nication, actors are occupied with the business death in 1974. These were devoted to the mech- of analysing the situation and the context of anisms of story-telling, turn-taking in conversa- their actions, interpreting the utterances of tions, procedures for the categorization their interlocutors, producing situational appro- of people, sequencing of utterances, listeners’ priateness, intelligibility and effectiveness in maxims, the functions of pronouns and a wealth their own utterances and coordinating their of other topics. For decades these Lectures circu- own actions with the actions of others. The goal lated in the form of recording transcripts before of this approach is to determine the constitutive they became available in an edited form (Sacks principles and mechanisms by means of which 1992). In addition to the paradigmatically actors, in the situational completion of their important work of Sacks (cf. Silvermann 1998), actions and in reciprocal reaction to their inter- it was the studies of Emanuel Schegloff (1968) locutors, create the meaningful structures and and (1972) that gave CA its order of a sequence of events and of the activi- particular profiles in the early years. ties that constitute these events. In terms of From a historical point of view, the theory of method, CA begins with the richest possible CA is rooted in Harold Garfinkel’s (see 2.3) eth- documentation – with audiovisual recording nomethodology (see 3.2), and even today its and subsequent transcription – of real and theoretical and methodological self-image bears authentic social events, and breaks these down, the essential hallmarks of ethnomethodology by a comparative-systematic process of analysis, (Heritage 1984). In addition, Erving Goffmann’s into individual structural principles of social work in interaction analysis (cf. Bergmann 1991), interaction as well as the practices used to the ethnography of speaking, cognitive anthro- manage them by participants in an interaction. pology and the late philosophy of Wittgenstein Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 297


(e.g. 1958) have all had a recognizable influence 3 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND on the development and programme of CA. Since the beginning of the 1970s, when Ethnomethodology resulted from criticisms of the first collections containing relevant papers sociological theories with a view of reality that were published (Sudnow 1972; Turner 1974; was excessively normative and objectivist. In Schenkein 1978; Psathas 1979), CA has emerged the 1950s and 1960s Harold Garfinkel (1967a), from its initially rather narrow sphere of influ- in a number of studies, was able to demonstrate ence. It was increasingly accepted beyond the both theoretically and empirically that one can- United States (cf. Kallmeyer and Schütze 1976 not do justice to the specific character of human on its impact in German-speaking countries), sociality if one imagines social reality as some- and found considerable resonance in a number thing concrete which lies behind or beyond the of related disciplines. This is particularly true of everyday, observable and perceptible actions linguistics, which had already begun to deal that actually determine it. Garfinkel sets against with sociolinguistic questions in the 1960s and this the idea that actors are engaged in the had turned to qualitative research methods active creation of the realities in which they under the influence of the ethnography of live, and that what they perceive and deal with communication (cf. Gumperz and Hymes as facts that exist objectively and independent 1972). Today the concepts and the methodo- of their involvement are only constructed and logical principles of CA have a fixed place in produced as such by their actions and percep- a branch of linguistics that deals with prag- tions. If one assumes that social facts gain their matic questions (Levinson 1983) and focuses reality only by virtue of interactions between on the dialogical nature of language (Linell people, the investigation of the structures and 1998). properties of these interactions becomes a In contrast, the place of CA within its parent central theme of the social sciences. It is pre- discipline, sociology, was more contentious cisely this to which CA devotes its attention. from the outset. Because of its concentration on For ethnomethodology social reality only the structural level of interaction and its decid- ‘real-izes’ itself in everyday practical action, and edly empirical orientation, it is frequently criti- it sees social order as the ongoing production of cized as empiricist or formalistic, or else it is meaning attributions and interpretations. This deemed to be sociologically irrelevant. However, creation of reality transmitted by meaning is the continuing publication of empirical studies not merely a cognitive process, it is not purely from many different areas of society and the and arbitrarily subjective in nature. It takes cumulative effect of these studies have made place, rather, in a perceptible and ‘methodical’ clear to the outsider the epistemological poten- fashion, since all competent members of society tial of the subject of CA. Today CA is viewed, take part in it: it is this to which the idea alongside the ‘studies of work’ (see 3.2), as the of ethno-‘methodology’ relates (Weingarten second distinct analytical direction to have et al. 1976). And because the production of reality emerged from the ethnomethodological by action is methodical in nature, it is also char- research programme. It is recognized, moreover, acterized by individual formal and structural as an important micro-sociological approach to features that may be described as such. analysing the structures of symbolically medi- In general terms, the interest of CA is in the ated interaction. generative principles and procedures by means Classic and more recent work resulting from of which participants in a conversation produce, this research approach may be found in a series in and with their utterances and actions, the of collections (e.g. Atkinson and Heritage 1984; characteristic structural features and the ‘lived Button and Lee 1987; Boden and Zimmerman orderliness’ (Garfinkel) of the interactive events 1991; Have and Psathas 1995) and in special in which they are involved. The area on which numbers of particular journals (e.g. Beach 1989; CA initially concentrates, and which also gave it Button et al. 1986; Maynard 1988; Pomerantz its name, consists of conversation of an every- 1993). There are also a number of introductory day, normal and self-evident variety, rather than monographs, with explanations of the method- the sort that is determined by conventions and ology of CA (e.g. Bergmann 1988; Deppermann other formal requirements: in other words, 1999; Have 1999; Hutchby and Wooffitt 1998), simply conversation or chatting. This kind of as well as bibliographies (e.g. Fehr et al. 1990). conversation may be seen as a basic form of Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 298


interaction – not of course in the sense of a and constantly demonstrate their reciprocal quasi-natural form of social interaction, since contextual orientations (Auer 1986). But it is the forms of trivial everyday talk also have generally difficult, however, to determine unam- historical and cultural features (Burke 1993). They biguously the momentary relevance of situa- serve, however, as the communicative base from tional circumstances or of individual personal which one enters other perhaps ceremonially or features of the interactants; it is always one spe- institutionally marked forms of communication cific context that has a predominant impor- (religious service, school lessons and the like), tance for the interactants in the course of a and to which one then returns, for example after social interaction – the sequential context. a court hearing. From the perspective of CA, Every utterance produces a contextual environ- institutionally specific types of conversation take ment for the utterance that sequentially follows on their authentic character by virtue of the fact it, and this is significant for the interpretation of that the structure of the trivial, everyday, extra- this following utterance and is therefore con- institutional type of communication is trans- stantly referred to by the interactants in the formed in specific ways. These other forms of interpretation and production of utterances. conversation, too, have always been of interest Sequential analysis is therefore the typical form to CA, and it is therefore in no way thematically of contextual analysis for CA; it is, to a certain restricted to the investigation of ‘conversation’. extent, modelled on the ‘contextual analysis’ of For this reason, Schegloff (1988) suggested that the actors themselves. ‘talk-in-interaction’ would be a more appropriate Beyond sequential analysis CA is also con- description of its area of interest. cerned with other principles of the contextual Compared to earlier approaches to interaction orientation of interactants, such as the principle analysis (such as that of Bales), CA is character- of ‘recipient design’, which implies that actors ized by its efforts not to subsume interactive endeavour to tailor their utterances specifically processes under external pre-ordained cate- to their particular action partners – and their gories. It is not satisfied with identifying an prior knowledge. The goal of this kind of con- utterance as a rebuke, a compliment and so on, textual analysis is to identify the context of the or with finding a plausible motive for an utter- conversation as a context within the conversa- ance. Its epistemological goal is rather to cap- tion. CA therefore has an ethnographic poten- ture social forms and the processes of their tial to the extent that one of its themes is how internal logic, and to determine the method- the context of an utterance is reproduced in the ological resources that are needed to make an utterances of the participants. utterance recognizable in its meaning content, to tie it into the sequence of a conversation, to match it to a situation, to contextualize and 4 METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURE observe it, and reply to it. One critical point on which discussion repeat- It is a postulate of qualitative research that edly flares (Hopper 1990/91) concerns the rela- methods must be appropriate to the particular tionship between a linguistic utterance and the issue. But the appropriateness of a methodolog- context of the utterance. In the view of CA it is ical procedure cannot truly be determined in not sufficient merely to relate these two entities advance, since at this point too little is known to one another correlatively, in the sense of about the issue – indeed, that is why it is being adding together utterance analysis and ethnog- investigated. In principle, it can only be decided raphy, and then to construct a plausible con- retrospectively, when the analysis of a particular nection. At every moment in an interaction, phenomenon has led to some factual result, that which might potentially be relevant as an whether a particular method was suitable for interaction context contains an infinite variety, the analysis of this phenomenon. Considerations and it is therefore the task of the analysis to of this kind were central to the criticism of eth- show that a specific contextual fact was relevant nomethodology in traditional social research to the action for the actors themselves. CA and they constitute the reason why for a long therefore views interactants as context-sensitive time ethnomethodology and CA were very actors who analyse the context of their action, reluctant to give their procedures a formulation interpret with the assistance of their everyday in general methodological rules. Methods knowledge, match their utterances to this context that can be applied in an isolated, generalized, Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 299


canonized and mechanical way to any kind of recording equipment. Imagined examples often phenomena are subject to the great danger that constitute idealized and – because they are cen- they can at best be used to ‘discover’ features sored for their plausibility – impoverished ver- that are already well-known. New phenomena sions of social events. Social researchers are require new methods – but of course these can- therefore obliged to deal, in their observations, not be constructed in advance (see 5.8). with the factual – and frequently improbable – With this warning in mind, we shall describe, sequence of events, with the possibility that in what follows, a number of methodological they will be irritated by this. principles which may be distilled from the avail- The attempt to preserve social phenomena as able studies in CA. When Sacks, Schegloff and fully as possible for analysis is also characteristic their colleagues began to take an interest in of the following step in the processing of data: everyday conversations, they had at their dis- the transcription of the recorded interactive posal no methods that could be applied easily. events. In the course of transcription no attempt In the light of a large number of theoretical should be made to purge the recorded raw mate- considerations they developed these methods rial of apparently irrelevant components, nor to while dealing with sound and video recordings normalize spelling. It should, on the contrary, be of everyday actions which were left in their raw preserved in all its details, that is to say, with all form; that is, not yet cut or produced from any the hesitations, slips of the tongue, pauses, utter- didactic or aesthetic point of view for instruc- ance overlaps, dialectal colouring, intonation tional or documentary purposes. To accord contours and so on. Otherwise the information to materials of this kind the status of socio- gain that is possible with audio and video logically relevant ‘data’ was very unusual at recording would immediately be lost. (For an that time. overview of the transcription symbols normally Data of this type were novel in the sense that used in English CA, see Atkinson and Heritage they preserved, in the form of a recording, a 1984. A new integrated transcription system is social event taking place at a particular proposed in Selting et al. 1998; see 5.9.) moment, whereas a reconstructive mode of The attempt to preserve the original events conservation – such as numerical–statistical analy- as authentically as possible in the course of data sis, interview findings or an observer’s protocols – processing is one of the central analytical was characteristic of traditional types of data. maxims of CA. In accordance with its ethno- In this kind of reconstruction an irretrievable methodological origins CA is guided in its pro- past social event is captured by means of cedures by a premise of order which says that no description, narration or categorization, but in textual element that turns up in a transcript the process the event, in its original sequence, is should be viewed a priori as a chance product largely lost: in principle it is already buried by and therefore excluded as a possible object of subsequent interpretations, in part highly com- investigation. Every textual element is observed pressed, and now only available in a symboli- initially – even when common-sense suggests cally transformed version (Bergmann 1985). It is otherwise – as a component of a self-reproducing only the recording type of conservation, which order and is included in the circle of possible fixes a social event with all the details of its real and relevant phenomena for investigation. This sequence, that can allow the social researcher to ‘order-at-all-points’ maxim (Sacks 1984) is to investigate the ‘local’ production of social order, ensure that social researchers do not identify or to analyse how interactants meaningfully ori- possible phenomena for investigation according ent themselves to one another in their utter- to a list of preordained questions, but rather ances, and how they cooperate to achieve, in a deal openly with the investigation material and fixed time and place, intersubjectively deter- rely on their observations. mined constructions of reality. To put this briefly, the methodological proce- As the material for its analyses CA does not dure of CA consists of reconstructing for an take recollections, imagined examples or exper- observable and uniform phenomenon the gen- imentally induced behaviour, but rather audio- erative principles – or ‘the machinery’ (Sacks). visual recordings or real interactions, which In detail, this proceeds in such a way that, as may be viewed as ‘natural’ in that they are left a first step, in the recording or transcript of in their original habitat and took place without some interactive event one object is isolated as a any stimulus from the social researcher and possible element of order. The nature of this Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 300


element – be it a particular interaction sequence, orientation dimensions. Here an essential task an utterance, a formulation, a story, an inter- of the analysis consists of showing in the data jection, throat-clearing or a head movement – is material how the interactants take account of not defined in advance. The subsequent proce- these formal principles in their utterances and dure is guided by the assumption that this is a actions. And since the interactants move in the component of some order that is methodically most varied contextual conditions, these princi- produced by the interactants. Sooner or later, ples must also be seen as formal trans-situational therefore, one will look for other manifestations mechanisms, which leave the interactants of this element and thereby assemble, from the room, however, for the context-sensitive pro- data material, a collection of cases in which this duction of their utterances. (What methods object reveals itself – in whatever version that actors use to achieve this particularization of may be. their utterances is itself a topic of investigation For the next stage one consideration is for CA.) central, which is found in both hermeneutic Finally, we should look at the question of interpretation and in functionalist explana- validity-checking that is generally so difficult tions: the object identified, and its ordering, for qualitative research. CA practitioners seek to are understood as a result of the methodical demonstrate the validity of their analyses by solution of a structural problem – in this case bringing together functionally similar phenom- a problem of the social organization of inter- ena from their data. What underlies this is the action. Here the nature of this problem is not to belief that these kinds of co-occurrence are be found in a set catalogue, but is instead a found because actors have available not only a matter for investigation. For what ‘problem’ is single ‘method’ but an arsenal of formal proce- the normal self-announcement at the beginning dures for the solution of an interactional of a telephone conversation a ‘solution’? What problem, and therefore they frequently use ‘problem’ does the common form of introduc- several of these procedures simultaneously tion to a story refer to, when the narrator makes (Schegloff and Sacks 1973). A more rigorous, but it known that something funny, awful, and so often inapplicable, procedure for checking valid- on, happened to him or her? And what kind of ity consists of looking for ‘deviant cases’ in the problem could be solved by a speaker interrupt- data and using them to prove that the actors ing his utterance and starting again at the begin- themselves look on and treat these cases as ning? With questions of this nature CA seeks to breeches of the expected normative orientation reconstruct the practical methods that actors pattern, in that they mark them as dispreferred use as solutions to interactive problems, the use actions or apply corrective measures (Pomerantz of which generates the observable orderliness of 1984). Finally, there is the possibility of check- an interactive event. ing the validity of an interpretation by referring In a procedure of this kind social researchers to a subsequent utterance from one of the par- are inevitably thrown back on their intuition ticipants to the interaction. In this it will be and competence as members of society. But they manifested how a recipient understood an ear- should not stop at intuition or they will never lier utterance, and this demonstration of under- proceed into the analysis. They must attempt to standing may be taken up by the social methodologize this intuitive understanding researcher as evidence of the validity of his or (that is, work out the formal mechanisms) her interpretation. This is a further expression which makes it possible for them – and the of the fact that the methodological principles interactants – to interpret meaningfully the of CA are directly related to practical documented action sequence. everyday methods, that is, to the object of their These formal mechanisms, the reconstruction investigation. of which is the goal of CA, have to contain a generative principle that is capable both of reproducing the initial data of the analysis and 5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS also of creating new cases and similar phenom- ena. It is not the description of behavioural The topic areas that CA research work con- uniformities that is the goal of CA but the cerned itself with from the outset, and which identification of principles which, in terms are still of interest today, may be grouped as of their status, represent to the actors the real follows. Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 301


1 At the centre of attention are the constitutive the task of developing routines and methods for mechanisms that are responsible for the dealing with this kind of material much easier, ordered sequencing and the rule-governed but of course human beings do not conduct ordering of utterances in a conversation. their lives on the telephone – or at least not con- This is especially true of the organization of tinuously. On the one hand, there were studies ‘turn-taking’ in conversations (and here the which, in their analyses of non-verbal aspects of work of Sacks et al. 1974 is of paradigmatic communication (Heath 1986; Streeck and Hartge importance) and the sequential organization 1992), overcame the limitations of this tele- of speech exchanges that has been deter- phone perspective. And on the other hand, there mined for many different interaction types – has been a growth in the number of CA studies requests, invitations, compliments, refusals, that take account of the extra-linguistic context complaints, reproaches, accusations, dis- of action and – more particularly – of work in agreements, argumentation, story-telling their analyses (Drew and Heritage 1992). Studies and so on. of this sort have dominated the literature of 2 Since the early work of Sacks on the mecha- CA for a number of years, and it is now almost nisms of story-telling in conversations, com- impossible to gain an overview of the many municative macro-forms that include more studies that deal with interaction in legal, med- than simple sequences of utterances have ical and psychiatric institutions, or with police been a major topic in CA. (Examples of interrogations, emergency telephone calls, coun- this are Jefferson’s (1988) study of ‘troubles selling, psychotherapy sessions, sales talk and talk’, or Bergmann’s investigation (1993) political events (for examples cf. Beach 1996; of gossip.) Peräkylä 1995; and for German-speaking contexts 3 CA is also interested in the mechanisms that Meier 1997; Wolff and Müller 1997). constitute a singular conversation as a social unit, examples of which are the organization of the conversational opening and closure 6 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS and also the organization of thematic focus- AND PERSPECTIVES ing and continuation. 4 The practices of describing and categoriza- CA has heightened the awareness within quali- tion of individuals were one of the early top- tative research of the linguistic constitution of ics of CA that has been neglected for many social reality and of the interactive phenomena years and has only recently been taken up within which social structural relations repro- again (Hester and Eglin 1997) – for example, duce themselves. Keeping completely to the in the analysis of the images of foreigners sociological tradition of Georg Simmel, it has and social stereotypes (Czyzewski et al. opened up unimaginably small and microscopi- 1995). cally molecular forms of socialization as a field 5 A lasting interest of CA has been in the ques- of empirical investigation and has made poss- tion of how participants in an interaction ible a strictly formal qualitative analysis. In this produce and secure understanding – or at respect it is, of all the ‘soft’ qualitative method- least a belief in understanding – between ologies, in some sense the ‘hardest’. Its basic themselves, and how the ‘repair organiza- analytical and methodological significance tion’ functions which the interactants acti- derives, indeed, from this rigorous attention to vate in cases of comprehension problems. detail, but in the future it will also have to devote greater attention to establishing some In its initial phase CA was still totally restricted relation between the many analyses of single to investigating the constitutive mechanisms of phenomena (for examples, cf. Bergmann and linguistic interaction. One of the justifications for Luckmann 1999; Kallmeyer 1994). this was that the data material mostly consisted The potential and the vigour of the CA of recordings of telephone conversations. Here – research approach may be found both in the without any intervention from the researchers – opening up of new research fields and in its the physical presence of the other party and all promotion of new theoretical endeavours. Over visual communication are removed, and this the years many authors have demonstrated that brings about an essential reduction in the com- CA, which at first sight appears to be so empiri- plexity of the communicative event. This made cist, minimalist and purist, can also be used, to Flick 5.17.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 302


a large extent, as a methodology for objective and methodology (Button 1993; Suchman hermeneutic case analyses (Schmitt 1992; see 1987). In this area, in particular, it may be 5.16) and also for highly abstract sociological expected that the proposed combination of theory formation according to system theory ethnography and CA will lead to results that (Hausendorf 1992; Schneider 1994). Within lin- will be of great practical relevance. guistics, CA concepts have facilitated a new way of looking at the relationship between interac- tion and prosody (Couper-Kuhlen and Selting FURTHER READING 1996) or grammar (Ochs et al. 1997), and have given an important impetus in the expanding field of the investigation of cultural communi- Have, P. ten (1999) Doing Conversation Analysis: cation (Günthner 1993). Recent attempts to A Practical Guide. London: Sage. correct the neglect of communication within psychology and to establish a ‘discursive psy- Hutchby, I. and Wooffitt, R. (1998) Conversation chology’ (Antaki and Widdicombe 1998; Analysis: Principles, Practice and Applications. Edwards and Potter 1992) are essentially depen- Cambridge: Polity Press. dent on CA (see 5.19). And finally, CA has also played an influential role in recent work Sacks, H. (1992) Lectures on Conversation. devoted to investigating communication Volumes I and II (edited by G. Jefferson with through the media: there are studies which fol- introductions by E. A. Schegloff). Oxford: low the procedural logic of CA in the analysis of Blackwell. texts constituted in the written mode (Wolff 1995; see 5.15) or produced by the mass media Journal (Ayaß 1997). In the same way recent research on human–computer interaction (HCI) and Research on Language and Social Interaction computer-mediated communication (CMC) are (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum). closely related to CA in terms of their concepts Flick 5.18.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 303

5.18 Genre Analysis

Hubert Knoblauch and Thomas Luckmann

1 Background and aims of genre analysis 303 2 On the methodology of genre analysis 304 3 The internal structure of communicative genres 305 4 Features of the situational realization of communicative genres 305 5 The external structure of communicative genres and the communicative economy 306

1 BACKGROUND AND AIMS These developments provide the methodo- OF GENRE ANALYSIS logical background for sociological genre analy- sis, which is related to phenomenologically Communicative genres have long been an oriented action theory (Luckmann 1992). object of interest in rhetoric and poetics, in the- Communicative actions reveal the basic struc- ology and literary studies, in folklore and lin- tures of a social action that is characterized by guistics. In sociology and social psychology reciprocity and the use of signs. Like all other methods for analysing communicative genres forms of action, communicative action is also have only been made possible by a certain subject to becoming routine and institutional- number of fundamental changes of approach in ized (processes that arise particularly when recent times. Using the analogy of the linguistic actions are repeated and are of great individual turn in philosophy, scholars now speak of a or sociological relevance; Berger and Luckmann change to a communicative paradigm within 1966). Communicative actions of this sort form modern sociology. Whilst this change has some- typical patterns which actors can use as orienta- times been restricted to the choice of the gov- tion. Communicative genres are considered to erning vocabulary, there have, on the other be those communicative phenomena that have hand, also been empirical approaches that con- become socially rooted. Communicative pat- cern themselves with the analysis of commu- terns and genres may then equally well be nicative events. Among these are the ethnography viewed as institutions of communication. Their of communication (see 3.8, 5.5), conversation basic social function consists of alleviating the analysis (see 5.17) and hermeneutic sociology of burden of subordinate (communicative) action knowledge (see 3.5, 5.16), whose methods also problems. They facilitate communication by provide a starting point for genre analysis. steering the synchronization of actors and the Finally, technological developments have also coordination of stages of action, by means of played an important role in the development of fixed patterns, into relatively reliable and famil- genre analysis, particularly the availability of iar pathways. Genres are therefore an orienta- rapidly improving audiovisual recording tech- tion framework for the production and niques, that is, initially techniques of tape- reception of communicative actions. recording and then of video-recording. The Genres differ in terms of their form from considered use of these devices has made ‘spontaneous’ communicative phenomena in accessible communicative processes that were that individuals are guided in a predictably typical previously fluid (Bergmann 1985). way by pre-ordained patterns. This may have Flick 5.18.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 304


the character of a canonical designation of access it may be necessary to carry out complete action complexes. The pre-ordained conversation-like interviews. qualities, however, may be limited to particular 2 The recordings are then transcribed. For this aspects of the action, such as the order of turns a number of different transcription systems (for example, in interviews) or the topics (in are available (see 5.9) that extend from the conversations about planning). Genre analysis, standard written language to linguistic- therefore, does not target only those commu- phonetic and video-analytical systems. The nicative forms which are fixed as prototypical exactness of the transcription depends on genres in every respect, and which have a clearly the structural level that is central to the determined structure in terms of situation, func- analysis (see below). With large data quanti- tion and procedure, as in the laments sung by ties it is advisable to undertake a rough cata- Georgian women or the genealogical recitations loguing of the data, including the thematic, of Bantu kingdoms. Because it is basically inter- social-interactive, contextual and temporal ested in the determination of communicative parameters. forms and patterns, it also deals with commu- 3 The data ‘fixed’ in this way are then nicative forms that are less fixed and less canon- hermeneutically interpreted and subjected ically determined, such as quarrels, instructions to a sequential analysis. This means that an and advisory broadcasts on the radio. initial attempt is made to clarify the every- day understanding of the texts at the level of the word, sentence and speech-turn. At this 2 ON THE METHODOLOGY OF level the ethnographic contextual knowl- GENRE ANALYSIS edge is essential since it can help in the clar- ification of context-dependent semantic Unlike otherwise related methodological references of utterances. procedures – with a similar emphasis on the 4 In the next step a conversation analysis ori- ‘naturalness’ of data and a sequential analytical ented assessment is conducted (see 5.17), procedure – genre analysis is not restricted to which reconstructs the detailed sequencing single illustrative case analyses. It is rather com- and the rule-governed succession of turns parative in its organization: it compares commu- and sequences of turns (Bergmann 1981b). nicative actions which have been transcribed The interpretations resulting from the and which can, in principle, always be recalled, hermeneutic and sequential analyses should, because of the ‘frozen’ oral nature of a tape- if possible, be carried out according to groups recording. It attempts to discover typical simi- that are not too homogeneous in terms of larities and differences in the ‘illustrations’. The age, gender, region or social level, in order to texts are interpreted in the context of knowl- be able to refer to the diversity of everyday edge of the social and interactively significant knowledge, which is the first resource in an background to the communicative actions that interpretation. Varying interpretations should are recorded in them. In the same way that this be formulated under the strict obligation that knowledge is a prerequisite for the ‘text’- they are based exclusively on the evidence in producing actors, it must also be made explicit the texts. Unlike most other hermeneutic in the text interpretation. methods, particular attention is paid in the In detail the procedure of genre analysis may analysis to those aspects of the transcribed be subdivided into a number of steps. texts that are anchored in their oral nature (prosody and the like; see 5.9). 1 First comes the recording of communicative 5 In this way structural models are set up that events in natural situations. This may be a are then tested for their appropriateness with matter of chats between neighbours, job further cases. By looking at comparable or interviews, club meetings or party-political contrasting cases the structural model is sup- gatherings, oral examinations of Internet ported or modified, until the point where chats. What is essential is that the data col- the analysis of further cases brings no further lection concerns itself with the acquisition development in understanding. of ethnographic knowledge about the con- 6 Finally, structural variants are considered texts of these types of communication. In which come about as a result of modaliza- borderline cases of topics that are difficult to tion (irony, pejorative forms and so on). Flick 5.18.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 305


Here it is vital to consider the context of data in a very condensed form, is followed by a collection: what is the ‘place in life’ of the conversion phenomenon that is very extended particular communicative form? Does the and, above all, paralinguistically prominent. In dialogic genre of the conversion narrative the light of this the post-conversion biography take on a different structure if it is reported is then presented. as a monologue, if it is reported in the media In the analysis of communicative genres or if it is collected in the course of a group the special features of the medium have to interview? Do emergency calls to the fire be considered. For example, Keppler (1985) brigade take on a different form if they are demonstrates that media genres, such as news dealt with by a voluntary village fire brigade broadcasts, are marked by the relationship or by the professional fire brigade in a large between verbal, musical and pictorial con- city? The contextual boundaries of structural stituents, ‘on-’ and ‘off-text’, cartoons and com- variation or fulfilment are, in themselves, puter animation, colours and lighting. Camera one part of the empirical question concerning placement, editing, dramaturgy, figures and set- communicative form. The answers consti- ting also play an important role in this medium, tute a significant aspect of the results. as Ayaß (1997) demonstrated with the example of the religious television programme Wort zum Sonntag (see 5.7). 3 THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF COMMUNICATIVE GENRES 4 FEATURES OF THE SITUATIONAL The degree of fixedness of ‘whole’ communica- REALIZATION OF COMMUNICATIVE tive structures is established in stages, beginning GENRES with the analysis of individual structural fea- tures. Because these features vary in their scope Apart from securing the level of internal struc- they are allocated to structural levels which are ture, we also give prominence at this level of analytically rather than ‘really’ distinct. structure to those features that relate to the The internal structure contains textual fea- coordination of the communicative actions and tures in the narrower sense. Among these are their situational context. the following. At the level of situational realization we also find, for example, rituals of establishing and • Prosody: intonation, volume, speech tempo, ending contact, of greeting and leave-taking, of pauses, rhythm, accentuation, voice quality. thanking and wishing, of apologizing, of invita- • Language variety: standard language, jargon, tion and acceptance or refusal, of assessment dialect, sociolect. and counter-assessment, and so on. In addition • Linguistic register: formal, informal or to these ‘ritual’ aspects the level of situational intimate. realization also embraces those features which • Stylistic and rhetorical figures: alliteration, concern the interactive organization of commu- metaphor, rhythm and so on. nicative actions. These may be described with • ‘Small’ and ‘minimal forms’: verbal stereo- reference to models for turn-sequences and types, idiomatic expressions, platitudes, adjacency pairs, such as questions and answers, proverbs, categorical formulations, tradi- request and compliance with request. tional historical formulae, inscriptions and Here we also include strategies of more long- puzzles. term conversational organization, for example, • Motifs, topoi and structural markers. the announcement of a take-over of a more extended section of a conversation by means of The embedding of such features in superordi- a ‘ticket’. As Bergmann’s (1993) analysis of gossip nate genres is a complex feature of internal showed, the beginning of a gossip-interaction structure. Ulmer (1988) provides examples of is marked by a pre-sequence in which the actors this in his analysis of conversion narratives. The check whether the appropriate conditions exist methods he mentions create a detachment of for a gossip-conversation: on the one hand the time narrated from the time of the narra- these relate to the question whether and in tion: a pre-conversion biographical phase, what way the person to be gossiped about is which is presented increasingly negatively and known to the participants and can therefore be Flick 5.18.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 306


made into an object of gossip; on the other contexts not only are particular genres preferred, hand it is important to ensure that the ‘socially but they may actually be defined through the use respected practice of gossiping is shared by all of such genres. One example of this may be seen the participants. For only in this way can the in religious communication. The specific features gossip-producer avoid the personally unpleasant of the religious are defined, in essence, by the situation of being looked upon as a solitary many frequently very strongly canonized genres gossip-monger’ (1993: 110). such as prayers, sermons, ‘sacred words’ and The conversational features of the level of sacred texts fixed in written form, but also visual situational realization also include, in addition forms (icons, votive images, statues), rituals and to insertion, pre- and post-sequences, particular liturgically organized social events (Knoblauch preference structures. Studies of argumentative 1998). A similar close relation between what is conversations, therefore, demonstrate that in specific to an institution and certain genres is also such communicative events the usual prefer- found in the areas of law, science or politics ence for agreement is inverted into a preference (Günther and Knoblauch 1996). for non-agreeing utterances in which the polar- Genre analyses are increasingly being con- ity to the preceding statement is actually given ducted in the mass communication media and prominence. In addition, the specific commu- in electronic communication. For technologi- nicative role of the participants is constituted by cally supported communication not only shows means of preference structures: proponents or particular features at the level of internal opponents, teacher and taught, speaker and structure (such as news as opposed to films, talk- audience are examples of such roles that are shows as opposed to homepages) and media- formed through particular preference organiza- specific interaction structures (for example, tions (Keppler 1994; Knoblauch 1991b). advice programmes on the television as opposed Finally, the level of situational realization of to chat rooms, or interactive radio as opposed to communicative patterns includes the non- cinema films), but it is also marked by features linguistic social context. This embraces the spatial of external structure. Between the dissemina- and temporal social ordering of participants as tion, accessibility and utilization of the different well as the patterns of action that complement media and their particular genres and specific speech. The temporally and spatially limited social categories and milieux there may be a dom- social situations, which are characterized on the inant close relationship. An example of this is one hand by typical communicative patterns the fact that types of advertising break in which and accumulations and on the other hand by the product is foregrounded mostly correspond a set of people, constitute social events. Social to the aesthetic taste of the people to whom the events may be informal family mealtimes or milieu of harmony is attributed, whereas the groups who meet for pre-arranged activities economically relatively well-off and more (Bible-study groups, women’s groups and so on), highly educated sector of the public – to which and also those ‘key situations’ that are crucial the ‘self-fulfilment milieu’ is attributed – favours for people’s careers or for organizationally rele- the so-called ‘artistic spots’. The ‘presentation vant decisions: meetings, office hours, job inter- spot’, in which the product is tied into an views (Knoblauch 1995). These are frequently everyday presentation, has to comply with the marked by particular utterance formats and a entertainment milieu. particular choice of communicative patterns. The parallelism between particular types within the advertising break genre and the social milieux makes it clear that communica- 5 THE EXTERNAL STRUCTURE OF tive genres are indicators of social categories. COMMUNICATIVE GENRES AND But it should also be remembered that institu- THE COMMUNICATIVE ECONOMY tions, like social milieux, are constituted by means of such forms. This is true not only of The fact that communicative genres are, so to locally organized milieux or those framed on speak, islands in the stream of communicative the basis of income or education, but also of action may readily be shown if one considers gender-specific or ethnic milieux, which differ face-to-face situations. They are also related, how- on the basis of varying manifestations of ever, to large-scale social structures. It is evident, communicative genres (argumentation, job for example, that in a variety of institutional interviews and consultations). Flick 5.18.qxd 3/19/04 2:41 PM Page 307


To gain an overview of continuity and change FURTHER READING of communicative forms and events within a society and to be able to carry out intercultural comparisons, the term ‘communicative economy’ Günthner, S. and Knoblauch, H. (1994) ‘Forms is proposed as an overall category: the commu- Are the Food of Faith: Gattungen als Muster nicative economy of a society includes all those kommunikativen Handelns’, Kölner Zeitschrift communicative events that exert an influence für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 46 (4): on survival and change within a society. It 693–723. includes genres as well as those ‘spontaneous’ communicative events that have become Knoblauch, H. and Günthner, S. (1995) ‘Culturally important, and both linguistic and non-verbal Patterned Speaking Practices – The Analysis of forms of communication. It is arranged accord- Communicative Genres’, Pragmatics, 5: 1–32. ing to situations, institutions and milieux. The communicative economy is the core of what Luckmann, T. (1995) ‘Interaction Planning and is known as culture. The communicative genres Intersubjective Adjustment of Perspectives by and the more loosely fixed communicative Communicative Genres’, in E. N. Goody (ed.), patterns constitute, as it were, the meaning- Social Intelligence and Interaction. Expressions creating and action-guiding internal architec- and Implications of the Social Bias in Human ture of a society. In this sense genre analysis may Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 175–189. be viewed as an ‘inductive’ methodology for the empirical analysis of culture and society. Flick 5.19.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 308

5.19 Discourse Analysis

Ian Parker

1 Discourse analysis in psychology 308 2 Discourse analysis in critical psychology 309 3 A pedagogical example 311

Discourse analysts study the way texts are here understand ‘discourse’. This version of constructed, the functions they serve in differ- discourse analysis has been acceptable to ent contexts and the contradictions that psychologists partly because of the promise of run through them. The term ‘discourse’ is used an alternative ‘discursive action model’ for because our conception of language is much the discipline (see Edwards and Potter 1993), wider than a simple psycho-linguistic or socio- which functions to relativize categories linguistic one. that psychology likes to see as essential and Some of the work from socio-linguistics which unchanging – a positive point, but which has explored the semantics and pragmatics – the (1) contains the work of discourse analysis meaning and doing – of spoken and written within traditional psychological categories, texts has been useful in drawing attention to (2) evades reference to politics or power, and the ways in which a seemingly smooth text can (3) restricts its analysis to a particular text be taken apart, and to the different implications rather than locating it in wider discursive prac- of different types of statement within it tices that regulate and police people’s under- (Halliday 1978). However, researchers new to standing of themselves. We then lose sight of discourse analysis often face problems because the distinctive critical contribution of a discur- many ‘introductions to discourse analysis’ sive approach to psychology. describe discourse only from a linguistic or socio- In this version of discursive psychology the logical point of view. The following sections ‘quantitative–qualitative’ debate has tended to describe the form discourse analysis takes in mark the point where conversation analysis psychology and critical psychology before turn- (see 5.17) and ethnomethodology (see 3.2) part ing to an example to illustrate some concerns company. Ethnomethodology is vehemently of analysts in the critical strand of this new opposed to the abstraction of accomplishments tradition. that quantification indulges in and it looks to a phenomenological mode of enquiry (Smith 1978; see 3.1). Conversation analysis, on the 1 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN other hand, has been happier to play by what it PSYCHOLOGY thinks are the rules of the scientific game (Antaki and Widdicombe 1998). Both aspects of The version of discourse analysis outlined by discourse analysis here carry the danger of Potter and Wetherell (1987, 1998) has been ‘essentialism’ from mainstream psychology into influential among qualitative researchers in alternative qualitative methodologies. psychology in Britain, and has been respons- Essentialism can be found in contemporary ible for defining how many social psychologists discursive accounts in at least four ways. Flick 5.19.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 309


The first is where the discourse user is seen that have been influenced by structuralist and as intentionally using certain ‘interpretative post-structuralist theories. These approaches repertoires’ or deliberately bringing about have been explicitly aligned recently to the certain rhetorical effects (see Edwards 1995). development of ‘critical psychology’ (Parker Given psychology’s individualistic focus, we 1997). should not be surprised if an intentionalist rhetoric creeps into much discourse-analytic description, and the ‘functions’ of discourse are 2 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN then traced to the individual speaker. It is all CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY the more important to be aware of individual- ism, then, in critical work on language. The The linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1974) second is where worry over the determinist lan- suggested a new science called ‘semiology’, guage of some discourse-analytic descriptions which would study the life of signs in society, leads to an attempt to re-introduce some notion and the exploration of semiological patterns of of the ‘self’ (Burr 1994). The third is where meaning has sometimes been carried out under claims about the discursive capabilities of that heading, and sometimes under the related human beings are rendered into an account of (US American) heading of ‘semiotics’ (Hawkes necessary characteristics of thought, as being 1977). Although discourse analysts in psycho- ‘dilemmatic’ for example (Billig 1991). The logy have tended to focus on spoken and written fourth is where an attempt is made to warrant texts, a critical ‘reading’ of psychology as part of discursive explanations to a psychological audi- culture should encompass the study of all the ence by referring to models of quasi-cognition, kinds of symbolic material that we use to repre- or even to neurophysiology (Harré and Gillett sent ourselves to each other (Parker and The 1994). Bolton Discourse Network 1999). All of this This version of discourse analysis has symbolic material is organized, and it is that provided a pole of attraction for writers from organization that makes it possible for it to pro- 1970s ‘new paradigm’ social psychology (Harré duce for us, its users, a sense of human commu- and Secord 1972), and has helped legitimate nity and identity. Semiology in general, and qualitative research in psychology depart- discourse analysis in particular, leads us to ques- ments in the past decade. This has then led to tion the way subjectivity (the experience the argument that it is possible to yoke the of being and feeling in particular discursive ‘turn-to-discourse’ to a ‘second cognitive revo- contexts) is constituted inside and outside lution’ in which most of the mental machin- psychology. ery will now be seen to have been out in the Psychology imagines that it is ‘realist’, but this public sphere all along (Harré and Gillett is actually often the case only in the empiricist 1994). Some critical writers in social psycho- sense of the term. Discourse analysts, on the logy who had been tempted to turn to the other hand, challenge the way the discipline study of rhetoric as an alternative to labora- studies ‘the real’ through text. It is possible to tory experimentation (Billig 1987) and to the analyse the particular qualities of a ‘realist’ text study of the way that people handle dilemmas as something that constructs a sense of the in everyday talk (Billig et al. 1988) would now world outside as taken-for-granted without con- see their work as ‘discursive’, and would also cluding that claims about the world can never make claims, based on that research, that they be explored and assessed. Some of the analyses now know more about the nature of human of visual texts in film theory (see 5.7), for exam- thinking (Billig 1991). It should be noted that ple, have been useful in showing how ideology these various elaborations of discourse analysis works through re-presenting something on the have also contributed to critical perspectives screen as if it were a transparent window onto in psychology, and Wetherell and Potter’s the world (McCabe 1974). Psychological reports (1992; see also Potter and Wetherell 1998) play the same type of trick when they pretend to analysis of racism, for example, connects with provide a transparent window on the mind, and more radical foucauldian forms of discourse- a critical discourse approach links analyses of analytic research. these written forms with the visual texts that This chapter focuses on the contribution of surround us and make the reports seem reason- foucauldian approaches to discourse analysis able and commonsensical. Flick 5.19.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 310


The organization of discourse through a cognitivist notion of individuals as having patterns and structures fixes the meaning of some sort of interpretative paraphernalia inside symbolic material, and this makes it possible for their heads that helps them to decode what is discourse analysts to take those texts, unpick happening around them. It also presupposes them and show how they work. The process of that there could be a position for a reader that focusing on specific texts might lead us to prag- was free of discourse, and that this independent matically treat these as abstracted from culture reader would be able to analyse what was going when we carry out our analysis, and so we have on in the text from an objective standpoint to be aware of the ways in which the meanings (Eagleton 1983). Discourse analysts looking to we study are produced in their relationship to literary theory are more impressed with some of other texts, the way they are ‘intertextual’. When the other descriptions in Barthes’s work of we take a ready-made text or select some mater- ‘readerly’ and ‘writerly’ texts, of different ial to create a text, we are able to trace connec- kinds of discourse that either seem closed and tions between signs and to identify regularities only able to be read or seem open to be written that produce certain circumscribed positions for as well as read, open to be changed (Barthes readers. We can then study the ideological force 1977). Readerly texts – psychology textbooks, of language by displaying the patterns and struc- for example – only allow the reader to reproduce tures of meaning. That is, we can identify distinct them. Writerly texts are open to the reader to ‘discourses’ that define entities that we see in the participate and transform the meanings that world and in relationships, and as things we feel are offered. There are problems of reading and are psychologically real in ourselves. interpretation here that cannot be addressed by Saussure made a crucial distinction between quantitative approaches in psychology. individual ‘speech acts’ (Austin 1962) on the If we connect our work with the foucauldian one hand and the ‘language system’ which tradition in this way, the approach can function determined how they may be produced and as a bridge to a critical understanding of contra- what sense they would be able to have on the diction, the constitution of the modern psycho- other. Barthes (1957/1972) extended this analy- logical subject and its place in regimes of sis to look at the way terms in language not only knowledge and power. It is then possible for the seem to refer directly to things outside language, researcher to break completely from mainstream through ‘denotation’, but also evoke a network psychology and to view it as a series of practices of associations, through ‘connotation’, and that can be ‘deconstructed’. operate as part of an ideological ‘second-order Although researchers in the field of discourse sign system’ which he called ‘myth’. Myth nat- analysis warn against systematizing their uralizes cultural meanings and makes it seem as approach, because it should be thought of more if language not only refers to the world, but also correctly as a sensitivity to language rather than reflects an unchanging and universal order of as a ‘method’, it is possible to indicate stages things. Because it does not make a direct claim that might usefully be passed through in order to represent the way the world should be, but to identify contradictions, construction and insinuates itself into taken-for-granted frames of functions of language. Parker (1992) outlines a reference, myth is one of the effective ways that number of ‘steps’, for example, of which seven ideology works. will be mentioned here. The researcher is Foucault (1980) was suspicious of the term encouraged to (1) turn the text into written ‘ideology’ because it may prompt people to find form, if it is not already; (2) free associate to an essential underlying ‘truth’ that could be varieties of meaning as a way of accessing counterposed to it, but foucauldian discourse cultural networks, and note these down; (3) sys- analysis in psychology is now more sympathetic tematically itemize the objects, usually marked to the ways in which radical literary theorists by nouns, in the text or selected portion of text; have struggled with the term and have tried to (4) maintain a distance from the text by treating save it for a reading of texts (Eagleton 1991). the text itself as the object of the study rather This does not mean that discourse analysts than what it seems to ‘refer’ to; (5) systematically would want to take up the position of itemize the ‘subjects’ – characters, persona, ‘reader reception theorists’ in literary theory role positions – specified in the text; (6) recon- however (e.g. Iser 1978). This is because the struct presupposed rights and responsibilities of notion of ‘reader reception’ invites us back into ‘subjects’ specified in the text; (7) map the Flick 5.19.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 311


networks of relationships into patterns. These then, be an analysis of how individuals creatively patterns in language are ‘discourses’, and can engage with those rules, what forms of power then be located in relations of ideology, power they reconstruct as they participate in them and and institutions. what forms of resistance it is possible for them to display. The macro-level, then, is something that pervades, constructs and draws sustenance from 3 A PEDAGOGICAL EXAMPLE the micro-level. Walkerdine does not follow a set procedure or We will take one outstanding example of critical work her way through ‘steps’ in the analysis, research to illustrate the importance of critical and those examples of discourse analysis that methodological and theoretical debates in follow steps usually do so for purely pedagogical discourse analysis. purposes (e.g. Parker 1994). However, she does Walkerdine (1991) analysed the interaction identify, for example, the ‘subjects’ (the particu- between a female teacher and a little boy in lar character of the ‘woman’, ‘boy’, ‘teacher’ and class. The theoretical context for the analysis is ‘child’) in the text as objects constituted in elaborated in Henriques et al. (1998). In the the discourse and specify the rights, responsibil- brief piece of transcript, the teacher was able to ities and patterns of power that they are control the boy until he responded with a implicated in. stream of sexist abuse. She withdrew, and was The woman teacher in Walkerdine’s study was then unable to reassert her authority. as much at the mercy of psychology, through Psychologists who study power, of course, will her pedagogical training, as of sexism. usually be tempted to treat it as the deliberate Psychology itself operates as a kind of ‘myth’ in exercise of authority over another who ‘con- commonsense, and it runs alongside a range of forms’ or ‘obeys’. However, power in discourse is exclusionary and pathologizing practices that more complicated, and the notions of ‘subject commonsense justifies as being natural and position’ and ‘interpellation’ have been useful unquestionable. This is why an analysis of psy- in capturing the way in which the ‘powerful’ chological phenomena needs to be undertaken and ‘powerless’ are addressed and recruited. alongside an analysis of practices of psychology Foucauldians would then look at how the orga- in Western culture, and then that analysis must nization of language in a culture provides places extend its scope to the way in which psychology for the phenomenon to make sense, and at the relays images of the ‘self’ through its own prac- ‘surfaces of emergence’, for certain representa- tices as part of the ‘psy-complex’ (Rose 1985). It tions and practices of the self. is difficult, then, to appeal to commonsense Walkerdine explored the way that competing as an always trustworthy resource to challenge discourses of devalued female sexuality and lib- psychology. eral education theory framed the way the partic- Those who are comfortable with the positions ipants in the interaction could relate to one language offers them in culture, or who are another. The boy was able to position the teacher unconfident about mobilizing their critical as a woman, and so silence her, and the woman awareness of power to focus on what psychol- who had been trained to value the free expres- ogy does to them, on the other hand, will trail sion of children positioned herself as a good through handbooks of discourse analysis, and teacher, and was then unable to silence the boy. be unable to see the point; for language seems to History in discourse analysis, then, should not be them to do no more than represent the world as seen as something that pulls the strings of indi- it is and as they think it should be. vidual actors: rather, it lays out a field of action in There are a number of paradoxes here, for which individuals understand themselves and both conservative and critical psychology are others. These discourses could only work here, of part of everyday knowledge outside universities course, because of the wider systems of power in and clinics. It is easier to grasp how this paradox male–female relationships (see 3.10) and systems is played out if we focus on the notion of con- of ideology in education. Power was played out tradiction in discourse, and the way contradic- in this classroom in such a way that the woman tory meanings constitute objects that reinforce participated in, and reproduced, her own oppres- or challenge power. sion. An analysis of the rules of discourse that There is no simple line that we could trace govern any particular social formation must also, through discourse analysis using, for example, Flick 5.19.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 312


the work of Foucault, which would ensure that FURTHER READING we would assemble a reliable critical perspec- tive. There is always a struggle over the mean- ing of terms and what effects they have within Henriques, J., Hollway, W., Urwin, C., Venn, C. regimes of truth (Parker and Burman 1993). We and Walkerdine, V. (1998) Changing the could, for example, see ‘discursive psychology’ Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation and as part of a counter discourse which embeds Subjectivity (reissued edition). London: psychological processes in culture and politics, Routledge. but it could also be taken and absorbed by mainstream psychology to make the discipline Parker, I. (1997) ‘Discursive Psychology’, in D. Fox all the more resilient and adept at deflecting and I. Prilleltensky (eds), Critical Psychology: critique. An Introduction. London: Sage. pp. 284–298. The stuff of mental life lies in discourse, and it then makes sense to say that we are elaborating Parker, I. and Burman, E. (1993) ‘Against an alternative ‘discursive psychology’, but this Discursive Imperialism, Empiricism and Con- needs to be argued through theoretically more structionism: Thirty-two Problems with than methodologically if discourse analysis is to Discourse Analysis’, in E. Burman and I. Parker become more than just another method and (eds), Discourse Analytic Research: Repertoires contribute to the development of critical and Readings of Texts in Action. London: psychology (Parker 1999). Routledge. pp. 155–172. Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 313

5.20 Deep-structure Hermeneutics

Hans-Dieter König

1 Text as a staging of life-plans 313 2 The developmental history of psychoanalytic social psychology 315 3 Lorenzer’s understanding of psychoanalysis as a social science 315 4 Rules to be observed in implementation of the method 316 5 Developmental opportunities for a deep-structure hermeneutic type of social research 319

1 TEXTS AS A STAGING meaning of a text or film may be illustrated with OF LIFE-PLANS the example of Lorenzer’s (1990) interpretation of a poem by R. A. Schröder, taken from his cycle The deep-structure hermeneutics developed by Wintertrost – für S. Stegmann 1941 [Winter com- Lorenzer (1981b, 1986) on the basis of a literary fort – for S. Stegman 1941]. This is the text: interpretation is a sociological method of psy- choanalytic cultural research which investigates Wenn dich die Nähe quält, Denk an die Ferne, the narrative content of texts and pictures by Wenn dir die Sonne fehlt, means of their effect on the experience of the Blick in die Sterne. interpreter. This may involve both natural pro- tocols such as interviews and group discussions Einer ist nah und weit, and also artificial protocols such as literary texts Nah wie dein Wille, or films. The analysis focuses on the conscious Fern wie die Ewigkeit, Denk’s und werd stille. and subconscious life-plans that are staged in the social interactions transported via the [If what is near torments you text or film. An ambiguity of social action Think of far away, sequences is presupposed, according to which If you miss the sun, the meaning of interactions is revealed at the Look at the stars. interface between a manifest and a latent mean- One is close and far, ing (cf. Figure 5.20.1: Interaction level I). Close as your will, Whereas the manifest meaning of the inter- Far as eternity, action is determined by conscious life-plans Think of this and be calm.] (expectations, intentions, worries), at the latent level of meaning (wishes, dreams, fears) life- At the level of the manifest meaning of the plans express themselves in a way that has poem, this is a matter of ‘practical life-consolation’ hitherto not become conscious or which has (Lorenzer 1990: 263): the reader is asked to dis- been repressed under the pressure of social tance him- or herself from a painful reality (the dominance, so as to have an affect on behaviour ‘quälende Nähe’ = ‘tormenting nearness’) and behind the back of the subject. to go beyond that by relying on a ‘safe The goal of a deep-structure hermeneutic world-order’ (‘einer ist nah und weit’ = ‘one is reconstruction of the manifest and latent close and far’). It is irritating that this approach Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 314


Research levels of Scenic case reconstruction scenic interpretations as group interpretation

(I) Scenes from text or film Text or film

Interaction Manifest (accepted life-plans) = ͮ inconsistencies scene Latent (scorned life-plans)

Staging of life-plans

(II) Scenes between Effect of text text and interpreters on interpreters (scenic participation)

Scenic interpretation of text by interpreters

Group of interpreters

(III) Scenes in the group Construction of interpretations (readings)

Interaction Manifest (intellectual understanding) = ͮ readings scene Latent (affective understanding)

Irritations Associations

Experience of text

Figure 5.20.1 Levels of interpretation. Deep-structure hermeneutics investigates the ambiguity of the interaction practice arranged in the text or film – a structure of interactive scenes whose meaning is revealed at the interface between a manifest and a latent sense (I). Discovery of the latent meaning, which is accessed through key scenes that prove to be inconsistent, is achieved by means of the interpreter allowing the text or film to affect his or her own experience (‘scenic participation’) (II). The interpreters, by following the associations and irritations that occur to them in an attitude of impartial attentiveness, gain access to readings that are missed by routine modes of textual understanding. These readings that aim at the discovery of novelty are discussed in a group (III) to grasp the latent meaning that is concealed behind the manifest meaning of the scenically unfolding text or film (I)

to the reader happens in multiple ways: the The dialogue with the reader is interrupted, reader is expected to distance him- or herself moreover, by the preoccupation with the ‘one’ from sensory experience (to move from the and by a command (‘think of this and be calm’). experience of the ‘close’ to ‘thinking’ of ‘far The overlapping of the manifest and the latent away’, from experiencing the warmth of the sun meaning makes it clear how the poem has a to a remote look at the cold light of the stars). discouraging effect on the reader: whilst the Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 315


manifest meaning aims at ‘self-liberation, freedom National Socialism had grown out of civil of thought and self-assurance in agreement society was subjected to a social–psychological with another, the latent meaning asks for “self- investigation. The most significant social– assessment” and “abondonment of subjecti- psychological contribution from this institute vity”’ (Lorenzer 1990: 272). Just where the was the study by Adorno and his co-workers reader’s resistance to the Third Reich was sup- (1950) of the authoritarian personality which is posed to be strengthened, his or her subjectivity susceptible to anti–democratic propaganda. is taken away because ‘abstinence from sensory The dispute on positivism that took place in experience … relates to the silent isolation of the 1960s gave the methodological discussion a generally refraining from action’ (1990: 272). new impetus. In the context of an examination And so it becomes clear what kind of socializa- of analytical–empirical and quantitative social tion effect the poem can unleash: whilst the sciences, Adorno developed his method (1969a) manifest meaning which calls for freedom and of critical social research which decodes individ- autonomy may appeal to the reader’s reason, ual experience by means of an interpretative fix- the latent meaning takes over, awakening a ing of clues and investigates examples of social quite specific emotional reaction behind the generalization by means of a reconstruction of back as it were of the reader’s conscious aware- single cases. This became the foundation of a ness: the request to be silent, to withdraw into theoretical scientific appraisal of psychoanalysis. an internal world and relate to a divinity, invites Following Habermas’s (1971) critique of Freud’s the reader to abandon the symbolic action scientistic self-misunderstanding, Lorenzer (1970) that creates subjectivity and to regress to a pre- reconstructed a way of understanding psycho- linguistic narcissistic level of experience where analysis as a social science that uses hermeneutic the oceanic feeling of an infinite fusion with the procedures. universe may be enjoyed.

3 LORENZER’S UNDERSTANDING 2 THE DEVELOPMENTAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS AS HISTORY OF PSYCHOANALYTIC A SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY On the basis he had outlined, Lorenzer devel- Freud (1905) created awareness of the drama of oped a sociological understanding of psycho- child sexual development, which he understood analysis in terms of three stages in the research as ‘the nuclear complex of the neuroses’ (1905/ process. 1958: 205), with reference to Sophocles’s drama First, in a broader sense the term ‘deep-structure Oedipus Rex. Here it becomes clear how psycho- hermeneutics’, which is used with reference to a analysis developed at the interface between characterization by Habermas (1971: 267ff.), therapeutic practice and cultural analysis (cf. denotes Lorenzer’s interest (1974: 153ff.) in König 1996c), although initially it was system- understanding psychoanalysis as an interpreta- atically developed only as a method and theory tive social science that aims at the ‘reconstruc- of therapeutic practice. In his works of cultural tion of a patient’s inner life-history’ (p. 154). criticism Freud saw neurotic suffering as a con- The psychoanalyst is to use what Lorenzer (1970) sequence of a dominant ‘discontent’ within called a ‘scenic understanding’, and with the civilization (cf. Freud 1930), which he traced help of this the communications, dreams and back to the fact that human beings are suffering memories of the patient may be understood as from a cultural development that is based on the staging of conscious and subconscious life- the ‘suppression of instincts’ and its only par- plans. The scenic understanding can bring tially successful ‘sublimation’ (Freud 1908/ about conscious awareness of suppressed life- 1959: 186f.). plans, because the analyst decodes the commu- Important stimuli for the involvement of nications of the patient on the basis of the psychoanalysis in the social sciences came in the relationship that is scenically established 1930s and 1940s from the Frankfurt Institute between them, as it unfolds in the interplay of of Social Research which had resettled in the transference and counter-transference. United States. For example, under the direction Second, in order to decode the metaphors of of Horkheimer (1932), the problem of how psychoanalytic metapsychology and to remove Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 316


the blindness to history and society of Freudian form of applying the subsumption logic of conceptualizations, Lorenzer (1971, 1972, 1974) psychoanalysis to culture, which merely illus- reformulated psychoanalysis as a theory of trates clinical diagnoses with cultural phenom- interaction and socialization. Together with ena and so leads to the psychologizing and symbolic interactionism (see 3.3), the psycho- pathologizing of the sociological research issue. analytical interaction theory that he developed This also ignores the methodological problem takes the view that actors add a subjective that is connected with the application of psy- meaning to social interactions and communi- choanalysis to culture. The psychoanalytic ter- cate in a tentative way, using the medium of the minology, which was developed in therapeutic collective symbolic system of language, about practice and designed for it, cannot simply be their individual needs, social expectations and transferred to culture, since here we are dealing norms (cf. Turner 1962). Unlike symbolic inter- with a research field that has quite different and actionsism, however, which reduces the actors’ distinct characteristics of its own. motifs to linguistically articulated conscious rea- If one wishes systematically to develop sons for action (cf. Strauss 1968), psychoanalysis Freudian theory as a social science, without is also concerned with subconscious motifs that directly subsuming, under fragments of psycho- are hidden behind the linguistically articulated analytic theory, the interaction drama manifest motifs. in a text protocol, then the methodological Lorenzer seeks to clarify the interaction part- problem is to modify the method of psycho- ners’ qualifications for action on the basis of a analytic hermeneutics that was developed in psychoanalytic socialization theory which refor- therapeutic practice – Lorenzer’s ‘scenic under- mulates Freudian personality theory in terms of standing’ (1970) – in such a way that it assists interaction theory. In this the individual, in the sociological research to discover new things in course of the early process of family socializa- the context of an independent theory of culture tion, passes through two different develop- that is still to be developed. mental levels of action-plans, which basically correspond to the two forms of social behaviour that Mead (1934) diagnosed in the context of his 4 RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN anthropologically based communication theory: IMPLEMENTATION OF the animal behaviour regulated by an exchange THE METHOD of gestures, and the self-reflexive action of human beings who exchange significant ges- In the context of this chapter we cannot fully tures on the basis of their mastery of language. explain how deep-structure hermeneutic analy- The id, which is identified with the structure of sis of culture developed from the therapeutic affects and drives, forms a structure of subcon- procedure of scenic understanding (cf. König scious forms of interaction. These amount to an 1996c; Lorenzer 1986). Nor can we explain here intra-psychic expression of a sensorimotor inter- all the rules of deep-structure hermeneutic inter- action, regulated by an exchange of gestures, pretation (cf. König 1997c). We shall therefore between infant and primary adult model, in the explain only the most important rules of the course of which stimulus–response complexes method. To give an overview of the procedure, mesh together. The ego, in contrast, shows itself the application of these rules will be illustrated to be a structure of forms of symbolic interac- using the example of a research project on tion, which manifest themselves as an intrapsy- the media presentation of right-wing extremism chic expression of an interaction regulated by in which the Bonengel film Beruf Neonazi the exchange of significant gestures and which [=Neonazi by Profession] was scenically make thinking possible. reconstructed. Third, in a narrower sense the term deep- structure hermeneutics is used for the project 1 The interactive practice arranged in a text developed by Lorenzer (1986) of a psychoanalytic or film is conceived as a drama in which differ- analysis of culture (cf. Belgrad 1997; Belgrad ent people appear on a stage, equipped with par- et al. 1987; König 1996a,b,c, 1998), which inves- ticular scenery and props, in order to represent tigates the narrative content of texts and films concrete life-plans by means of an exchange of in a methodologically reflected way. In this way gestures and language (cf. Figure 5.20.1, Inter- deep-structure hermeneutics differs from a naive action level I). A first understanding takes place Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 317


as soon as the events on the stage are so vividly that the audience reacted to Althans’s shocking retold in colloquial language that one can imag- behaviour not only with a feeling of rejection, ine them pictorially: when the Munich Neonazi but also – in spite of their ideals and moral Althans strolls through the Auschwitz memor- beliefs – with fascination. ial, cheerfully whistling under his breath, to 5 Understanding the film proceeds on the find the crematorium, he portrays himself as a basis of one’s own experience but is normally curious tourist turning the former death camp incorporated, nevertheless, into a group inter- into an amusing destination for an excursion pretation (cf. König 1993). This defers the intel- (cf. König 1995c). lectual understanding that was subsequently 2 The interpreters, like a theatre audience, used to interpret Althans’s ideology – an ortho- allow the drama offered by the text or film to dox National Socialist attempts to recruit young have an effect on their own experience. people to the anti-semitically based world view Irrespective of whether they react with enthusi- of fascism. In contrast, in group interpretation asm or boredom, emotions are transferred to the one should proceed on the basis of an affective text or film on the basis of which one may trace understanding and experiencing of the text or the secret life-plans which the actors on the film. Since very personal experiences of the text stage conceal behind the intentions, wishes and or film are exchanged, a lively difference of worries they openly express, and which they opinion develops about different readings. By unintentionally express in their interaction. discussing whether the Serbian woman is over- 3 The affective understanding that is reali- come by pain or simply ‘moaning’, and whether zed on the basis of this emotional participation Althans is an evil and cynical anti-semite or a in the text or film can be made productive if one smart and good-looking young man whose follows Freud’s advice for psychoanalytic under- right-wing extremism is somehow ‘chic’, a vio- standing. This consists, on the one hand, ‘in not lent disagreement took place in the group about directing one’s notice to anything in particular the most appropriate reading. The conflict and in maintaining the same “evenly- stimulated by the clash between competing suspended attention” in respect of the text’ (1912/ readings may be understood as a scene develop- 1958: 111). On the other hand, one adheres to ing between the interpreters (cf. Figure 5.20.1, Freud’s rule of free association and leaves it Interaction level III), which allows inferences to to one’s own imagination to decide the scenes be made about the scenic structure of the film. to which this ‘evenly-suspended attention’ will For it is the text and the images which release be directed and what one wishes to understand: these kinds of different emotional reactions. since participants in the seminar were particu- The group discussions were recorded and larly shocked by the two sequences in which transcribed. Althans reviled a Serbian holocaust-survivor and 6 Since understanding of the text or film is attempted to destruct Auschwitz, the scenic accessible by means of the effect on one’s own interpretation began with these two film experience, it is necessary that interpreters keep sequences. a research diary in which they regularly record 4 Of particular interest are those associations their own reactions, questions and access to with the text that begin with irritating inter- comprehension. In this way one will produce a action sequences. The term irritation highlights protocol that captures the different readings the fact that particular interaction sequences are that have been used to create one’s own access disturbing because they contradict readings that to the text or film. arise in the course of a routine textual under- 7 If the seminar participants are guided by standing: in the course of interpreting that film their subjective experiences, the attempts at sequence where Althans mocks a Serbian interpretation may be generalized by the fact holocaust-survivor (cf. König 1995b), the group that they serve the scenic interpretation of the discussed the fact that the old woman who text or film which may be understood as a com- bursts into tears arouses not sympathy but plex structure of sensori-pictorial scenes. Scenic anger, because she moans as if to order, and understanding begins with an interactive scene someone else added that Althans basically reacts that attracts an ‘evenly-suspended attention’ to in a ‘cool’ and ‘intelligent’ way. A number of vari- itself on the basis of associations and irritations. ant readings then emerged, which gave access to Interpreters may then explain what is disturbing a latent level of meaning. It then became clear in this scene with reference to other scenes Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 318


that are close by, or are in a totally different Munich Neonazi is able to fascinate by presenting action-context of the text or film, but have a himself as a ‘Yuppie-Nazi’ who is able simulta- similarly irritant effect. Such scenes, which on neously to adjust to authoritarian, consumer deeper analysis reveal an identical or similar sit- and mass-media modes of social conformity. uational structure, may be assembled into dif- In the course of a theoretical comprehension ferent sequences of scenes: the scenes of the of case structure, social and historical references Auschwitz sequences are assembled into a series were also established. The analysis showed, for of scenes which is then linked to the film instance, that the director, Bonengel, had cre- sequence where Althans mocks a holocaust- ated a film which, by virtue of the fact that it survivor. The various sequences of scenes, which tells the story of a Nazi dancing on a volcano, are compared and combined with one another comes close to the spirit of the postmodern age. until they come together in a scenic configura- And finally the project was able to demonstrate tion that illuminates the whole, constitute the that the staging of Althans owed its particular different themes of the film which are fre- effect to a political climate in which former fed- quently intertwined in a variety of ways: the eral Chancellor Helmut Kohl, using a new jargon rebellion of an angry young man against the of authenticity, attempted to write off the holo- older generation; his initiation by the male caust as a ‘bitter experience of history’: after community of Neonazis visualized in the film Kohl had ensured that one could ‘freeze the feel- sequences with the German–Canadian Zündel ings of shame and guilt … with which, as a (cf. König 1997a); the ordeal by fire of present- German, one reacts to Auschwitz’, a Neonazi like ing himself in public as a fanatical Nazi who Althans was able ‘to evoke quite different feel- hates Jews; and his successes as a political orator ings in respect of Auschwitz’ (König 1995c: 412). in front of young people (cf. König 1997b). 10 Writing may be seen as the third hermen- 8 The process of scenic interpretation is the eutic domain of deep-structure hermeneutic first domain of the process of hermeneutic under- analysis. In dealing with a text or a film, a text standing in which one makes use of everyday is produced for the readings produced in the language. In this a scenic interpretation unfolds group (and these are available by virtue of the at the interface between three levels of inter- reports of group meetings), for the researchers’ pretation (cf. Figure 5.20.1): the scenic structure diaries and for the subsequent thoughts on of the text or film (I), which is marked with the theoretical treatment of case structure, and Althans’s self-staging, is exposed through the this text seeks to convince the reader and pro- effect it makes on the interpreters; the feelings vides a self-critical reflection on the research of powerlessness, anger and fascination with process. which seminar participants reacted to Althans document the emotional reaction to the drama Between the wide-ranging group interpreta- presented in the text or film; and a scenic par- tion and the concise presentation of the results ticipation in a pictorial world (II), which is intel- of the interpretation in a publication, there is ligible through the scenes that come into the following particular difference: in the con- existence because of the controversy about dif- text of a group interpretation it is only towards ferent readings (III). the end, as soon as the text or film material has 9 The second domain in the process of been scenically set out and is accessible in its hermeneutic understanding is constituted deep structure, that the question can be answered through theoretical comprehension of the case of which meaning contexts should be character- reconstruction. In the same way as the theoreti- ized as manifest and which as latent, and how cal question which underlay the research pro- the relationship between them is to be deter- ject was developed on the basis of knowledge of mined. In contrast to this, the presentation of sociological and psychoanalytical theory, refer- the interpretation results, which seeks to con- ence is now made to these insights in order to vince the reader, begins with the easily compre- typologize the new discoveries that have been hensible manifest meaning and then, step by made through the scenic case reconstruction step, provides access to the hidden meaning and to bring them under an appropriate con- facets of the latent meaning which can only ceptual heading. For example, following the appear plausible to readers in the course of scenic interpretation of the Auschwitz sequence, increasing familiarity with the scenic structure the project conceptualized the way in which the of the text or film. Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 319


5 DEVELOPMENTAL OPPORTUNITIES to social–psychological interpretation. According FOR A DEEP-STRUCTURE to Bourdieu, habitus is produced, in the sociali- HERMENEUTIC TYPE OF zation processes of early childhood, as a system SOCIAL RESEARCH of dispositions by incorporating the external class-specific and social–structural conditions of Deep-structure hermeneutics has been applied life. As a kind of second nature, habitus subcon- in many different ways to aesthetic productions sciously directs precisely that action-practice such as literature (cf. König 1996d; Würker which meets the requirements of a social domain. 1993), music (Schmid Noerr 1987), film (cf. Just as habitus may be understood from a socio- König 1995a, 1996a), religious and profane ritu- logical viewpoint, in Bourdieu’s way, as a ‘social als (cf. Lorenzer 1981a; Schmid Noerr and Eggert instinct’ which depends on an internalization of 1986), life-world action contexts (Horn et al. the objective social situation and determines 1983; Leithäuser and Volmerg 1988) and peda- the choice of an appropriate life-style, so from a gogic, commercial and political interventions in psychoanalytical perspective it may be deter- such contexts (cf. Graf-Deserno and Deserno mined as the matrix of drives. In Lorenzer’s 1998; König 1990; Trescher 1985. Cf. also König opinion, habitus is that structure of subcon- 1997c for a summary of these.) The question of scious interaction forms which are formed as an how capable the method is of development internal expression of interactions in early may be outlined with reference to the problem childhood and which correspond to a system that Lorenzer (1972) worked out in his action- of behavioural plans that structures interactions theory interpretation of Freudian theory in the in later life. context of a materialistic theory of socialization, How this new bridge between psychoanalysis in the course of which he developed a criticism and sociology may be translated in a deep- of the bourgeois science of psychoanalysis in structure hermeneutic type of social research parallel to the Marxist criticism of political eco- has been developed here using the example of nomics. Lorenzer indeed made a link with the biographical research (cf. König 1996a,b. See insights of symbolic interactionism through his 3.6, 3.7): in order to investigate the social and interpretation of Freudian theory as a theory of psychical constitutive conditions of life-histo- interaction; but his attempt to mediate between ries, narrative interviews (cf. Schütze 1983) are psychoanalysis and sociology remains unsatis- conducted, and these are then analysed using factory, because he was content merely to relate deep-structure hermeneutics and narrative Freudian theory to historical materialism. Social analysis. By means of the triangulation (see 4.6) action, however, should not only be understood of two methods of textual interpretation, the psychoanalytically as an intra-subjective realiza- case structure may be reconstructed from two tion of life-plans and, from a structural–analytical different epistemic standpoints: it becomes viewpoint, not only as the realization of clear how biographies develop, on the one economic pressures or as the consequence of hand through dealing with intra-subjective objective systemic imperatives. It is rather the conflicts, and on the other hand through sym- case that social action, as symbolic interaction, bolic interaction with others, through the adap- develops, in the context of a life-world, a dynamic tation of specific prior knowledge, and through of its own which functions as an intermediary integration into particular socio-cultural milieux. between the spiritual life and the social system. This example shows how deep-structure Using insights from interpretative sociology and hermeneutics can develop as a psychoanalyti- symbolic interactionism (see 3.3), Lorenzer’s cally oriented method of qualitative research psychoanalytic theory of socialization may be and how it may be combined with other linked, for example, to Bourdieu’s (2000) social– sociological methods. structural theory. From this perspective the sub- jective suffering of individuals may be seen not only as an expression of unresolved FURTHER READING intra-subjective experiences, but also as the result of a struggle for power within a social domain. This mediation of sociology and psy- König, H. D. (2001) ‘A Neo-Nazi in Auschwitz. choanalysis is made possible, in particular, by A Psychoanalytic Reconstruction of a Bourdieu’s (2000) habitus theory which is open Documentary Film on Right-Wing Extremism’ Flick 5.20.qxd 3/19/04 7:29 PM Page 320


[58 paragraphs], Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 2(3). Available at: http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/ fqs-eng.htm

Lorenzer, A. and Würker, A. (1989) ‘Depth- Hermeneutical Interpretation of Literature’, in D. Meutsch and R. Viehoff (eds), Results and Problems of Interdisciplinary Approaches. Berlin: de Gruyter. pp. 56–73. Flick 5.21.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 321

5.21 The Art of Interpretation

Heinz Bude

1 An experience of truth 321 2 Using chance and tolerating what cannot be decided 321 3 The ‘abductive inference’ 322 4 The interview as an ‘objective chance’ 322 5 Surrender to the object and the inspiration of the concept 323 6 An open form of the complex, the temporal and the unstable 324 7 Singularity and specificity 325

What Robert Merton (1968), in opposition to sociological theorizing when it provides us with the Hempel–Oppenheim schema for scientific ideas, categories and formulae for obscure social explanations, referred to, at the end of the facts and unconsidered social relationships 1940s, as the ‘serendipity pattern’ in empirical which can then be subjected to further theoret- research is essential today for the understanding ical processing and conceptual testing. But this of post-positivist social research. Empirical ‘serendipity-effect’ does not happen automati- research is by no means limited to the testing or cally. An investigator is always needed to con- verification of hypotheses, but has its own prac- front the facts and thus overcome the routines tice of experimental theorizing, which results in of paradigmatic complexity reduction and make models for the explanation and terminology for interpretation into an art. The term art refers the understanding of everyday social reality. here to dealing with ambiguities, handling lim- ‘Serendipity’ means the discovery of unforeseen, itations and mixing separate components (for non-normal and unspecific data which require a discussion of this idea of ‘art in science’ which novel view of interpersonal action and embody is inspired by the aesthetics of classical mod- a different concept of the social universe. Leon ernism, cf. Clifford 1988b). Of course this is not Festinger’s (1957) concept of cognitive disso- meant as a mere game or piece of subjective nance, Sigmund Freud’s (1920–22/1955) concept behaviour, but rather as the expression of an of the unconscious or Harold Garfinkel’s (1967a) experience of truth which exceeds the area of idea of suppositions of normality all have their control of methodological legitimization (as basis in such discoveries. formulated by Gadamer 1975: XXVII).

1 AN EXPERIENCE OF TRUTH 2 USING CHANCE AND TOLERATING WHAT CANNOT BE DECIDED In response to a remarkable or superfluous piece of data the hermeneutic dialectic of truth and The question about the relationship between art method becomes effective, making it clear that and science serves initially to determine the particular thought habits are taken for granted borders between the forms of artistic intuition and particular modes of observation have been and those of scientific scepticism. Even the idea forgotten. Empirical research contributes to of sociology as a ‘third culture’ between literature Flick 5.21.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 322


and science (Lepenies 1988) depends on the beyond inductive security of generalization and existing distinction between scientific and liter- deductive certainty of derivation: deduction ary orientations. The question about the rela- proves that, for logical reasons, something must tionship between art and science is not only be the case; induction demonstrates that there is asked externally with regard to institutional empirical evidence that something is truly so; separations but also, for science, from the inside abduction, by contrast, merely supposes that out, if one considers the genesis and validity of something might be the case. It therefore aban- scientific knowledge. Here one cannot avoid dons the solid ground of prediction and testing two fundamental insights: on the one hand the in order to introduce a new idea or to under- fact that for any discovery quite specific coinci- stand a new phenomenon (see 4.3). dences have to come together to open up the Peirce was concerned with the procedure for domain of what is ‘known’ to that of what is forming a hypothesis, and this for him was ‘recognizable’; and on the other hand, the fact more than merely a cognitive act: it was rather that the substantiation of ideas contains some an instance of the design of a world. reference to plausibilities that can no longer be substantiated in the context of the same system The abductive suggestion comes to us like a flash. of ideas. In the first case we are concerned with It is an act of insight, although of extremely falli- the scientific–historical insight into the chance ble insight. It is true that the different elements of nature of discoveries, and in the second case the hypothesis were in our minds before; but it is the idea of putting together what we had never with the philosophical insight into the incom- before dreamed of putting together which flashes plete nature of explanations. Science is as little the new suggestion before our contemplation. capable of capturing the originality of the (Peirce 1960a: 113) unknown as the paradoxes of self-explanation. It is therefore part of the art of science to make The ‘abductive inference’ therefore depends on use of chance and to tolerate what cannot be a double movement: on the one hand one must decided. Those who expect from science only allow the different components of a hypothesis security of method and certainty of explanation to rotate before the inner eye, and on the other are denying themselves in advance the attrac- hand one must sum them all up at the right tion of research, which begins where obedience moment in an interpretation. There is therefore to method and idealism about explanation are such a thing as ‘timing’ in the interpretative no longer productive. process, according to which one might be too Art, therefore, makes an impact on science early but also too late: too early because the rel- because of the impossibility of methodologizing evant reference contexts have not yet all been some research attitude and the circularity of self- traced, and too late because the associations reflective consciousness. Because the nature of a disperse in a useless infinity (see 2.1, 4.3). case cannot be derived from theories nor gener- alized from single cases, it requires the practised experience and the purposeful involvement of 4 THE INTERVIEW AS an investigator who makes him- or herself into AN ‘OBJECTIVE CHANCE’ the instrument of research. Interpretation is not only an act of self-denial, in the sense that there What is the significance of these considerations is always someone who interprets. It is also an for the various stages in the interpretative act of self-fulfilment, in which there is always research process? What does the art of collect- some emotion. Where scientific theory presumes ing, analysing and presenting qualitative data a subject of consciousness, in research practice consist of? In terms of the naturalistic doctrine a human being lives. The will for knowledge in interpretative social research one may be (Foucault) is therefore an indispensable condi- inclined to prefer the preserving instrument of tion for scientific reality research. participant observation (see 5.5) to the inter- ventionist one of interviewing (see 5.2). But as far as the encounter with reality is concerned, 3 THE ‘ABDUCTIVE INFERENCE’ there is no very decisive difference between these two procedures. Charles Sanders Peirce, in his famous methodo- In the introductory self-interview in his logy of ‘abductive inferencing’, saw a way New York Conversations, Sylvère Lotringer explores Flick 5.21.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 323


the difference between a written work and a From the philosopher Georg Simmel we have recorded interview: the image of a plumb-line that can be sent, from any point on the surface of our existence, into In writing disappearing is never definitive. the depths of the soul (1984: 195). The Writing means creating a work, or erecting a mon- Surrealists spoke of the ‘objective chance’ of a ument. In addition the trust in one’s own immor- momentous meeting. It is therefore vitally tality or survival is becoming, in my opinion, important for the social investigator who col- more and more doubtful in our civilization. The lects data in the form of an ‘open interview’ to interview, in contrast, is a form which is more fleeting, nomadic and transient. We do not build develop significance out of contingency. We are pyramids but we occupy a corner. We lay no foun- talking to somebody and suddenly we have an dations but put up a tent for the night. (1983: 21) entire world in our hands. To remain with Lotringer’s image cited above: the interviewer The interviewer resembles a fellow traveller on a allows the interviewee to occupy a particular train journey to whom one tells one’s entire life- corner from where one can glimpse a totality. history. The limited nature of the contact seems Where we find ourselves then is a question of to be a condition for the extraordinary truthful- provisional suppositions that always remain ness of this relationship. As Georg Simmel uncertain and require further scrutiny. (1984) put it, we trust the ‘passing stranger’ – which the interviewer appears to be – with things one would perhaps never say to a close 5 SURRENDER TO THE OBJECT AND acquaintance. In this way finiteness and dis- THE INSPIRATION OF THE CONCEPT tance become structural features of a ‘social rela- tionship of a particular kind’ (Scheuch 1973: The problem is repeated in the analysis of mate- 66), in which the individual emerges for a brief rial in protocols and documents. Where does moment out of the anonymous mass as an one begin, and how does one read what is in the unmistakable face. Here we are dealing with a transcripts? No research process can begin with- chance but extraordinary encounter in which out the decision of an interpreter who selects a the interviewee can see him- or herself as the location and understands what he or she reads singular subject of a statement but at the same there. These chance and casual everyday texts time as a categorial representative of some col- can only be talked about as a result of the lective consciousness. involvement of a reader who stumbles on some The asymmetry of role-distribution between formulation or takes seriously the declarative interviewer and interviewee should not, how- content of some utterance. ever, conceal what unites the two partners: the One condition for this kind of reading is the reciprocal dealing with the present and the bracketing of one’s own judgemental structures ongoing search for meaning, about which which underlie self-preservation motifs. Training Cicourel (1964) spoke very forcefully. From the in ‘methodological stupidity’ can transform an very first moments of an interview, when the acting and experiencing everyday subject into partners exchange greetings, take their seats and an objective reader who abandons him- or her- devote a few words to what is to come, the self to the pleasure of the text. For Roland constellation of a relationship is negotiated Barthes (1976: 19), we can then choose between between interviewer and interviewee (see 5.3) two alternative forms of reading: one goes which determines the whole of the ensuing straight to the expression of the biographical conversation. Both parties must quickly develop narrative, it looks at the extent of the text and an image of who they are dealing with and how ignores the linguistic games. The other reading they will get on with one another in the next omits nothing, it is cumbersome and sticks to one or two hours. In this respect every interview the text; it reads, as it were, meticulously and is a unique and fleeting encounter that is obsessively. Where the first one proceeds extracted from the infinite, open and multi- rapidly, the other makes no headway. In the first voiced stream of everyday communication. case the pleasure focuses on the worked-out Where is the ‘real location’ of this talk? What ‘total biographical construction’, while in does this chance phenomenon tell us about the the second it is the reconstructed intervals of social universe of its occurrence? Who does it sensuality. Although Barthes is decidedly of the concern and who is speaking? opinion that only this second cumbersome Flick 5.21.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 324


form of reading is appropriate for modern sociological poetics (Brown 1977; Edmondson texts, one would have to say that the type of 1984; Nisbet 1976; or Clifford and Marcus reading one chooses will show what kind of 1986), there are few prescripts to which one person one is. could turn for guidance. For this reason writers The use of ‘methodological stupidity’ quickly take refuge in the concept of style requires the reader to restrain the affective (Gumbrecht and Pfeiffer 1986), which, of reactions: these must be transformed into read- course, completely obliterates the border ings that can be tried out and then rejected. between art and science because of its implica- But affective reactions cannot be completely tions of aesthetic genius. For qualitative research switched off, and the testing of readings can- a certain formal consciousness of the art of writ- not be infinitely pursued. K. H. Wolff (1976) ing is important since the plausibility of characterized the tension that leads to an inter- research and the generalizability of its results pretation with the two expressions ‘surrender’ are only manifest through the manner of and ‘catch’. One must surrender oneself to the presentation (see 5.22). material in order to be able to recognize struc- In addition one must take account of the dif- tures within it. But how does the inspiration of ferent purposes of generalization in the social the concept arise out of this surrender to the sciences. In its single-case studies qualitative object? All interpretation depends on the research is concerned with aggregated phenom- involvement of a self-understanding individ- ena from personal life-worlds, organizational ual. In the act of interpretation the distanced developments or social changes, and these can- reader, buried in the text, turns into an not be traced back to single aspects of the behav- engaged ego concerned with him- or herself. iour of individuals. For this reason the process of Hermeneutic philosophy speaks of a draft qual- generalization is concerned with the analysis of ity of understanding in which the futurity relationships between isolated indicators, but of a self-understanding ego may be found. aims rather at the logical reconstruction of the Ultimately no one can be freed from the respon- sequential dynamic and the creative logic of sibility for an interpretation, and an investigator social ‘formations’ and historic ‘structures’ who does not dare to make this leap will never (Mayntz 1985). The results of qualitative be able to grasp a concept. research, therefore, are not general theories with a claim to universal validity, universal applica- bility and universal relevance, but contextual- 6 AN OPEN FORM OF THE COMPLEX, ized explanations which are of limited validity, THE TEMPORAL AND THE UNSTABLE local applicability and focused relevance (Jahoda 1989 makes this distinction between We have not only the art of the interview and apodictic theories and casuistic explanations). the art of interpretation, but also the art of What corresponds to this, in terms of presen- presentation. To this, particularly as a result of tation, is an openness of form that works with stimuli from ethnology, an increasing amount meticulously detailed interpretations, economy of attention has recently been devoted in the of statement and provisional concepts. The discussion of sociological methodology. (Good author is then no longer a ‘generalized other’ overviews of this may be found in Clifford and (Mead 1934) who observes matters from a rov- Marcus 1986 and in Berg and Fuchs 1993.) In ing position and looks over people’s shoulders, principle, there is a choice between the system- but rather a ‘specific other’ who is touched by atic form of presentation, based on linear or cir- social fault-lines and moved by historical events cular conceptual derivations, the essayistic form (cf. Bude 1988 for a discussion of this change of devoted to detailed illumination of the essence perspective). Because he/she cannot hide behind (Bude 1989), and the narrative form, which a theory, every explanation of his/her research follows a historical sequence (Bude 1993). object is also a self-explanation which reserves Although in qualitative research narrative pre- for the reader a place in the text. Contextualistic sentations are preferred (such as ethnological methodology therefore realizes itself in a strat- mystery stories, or a clinical story in the sense of egy for text-production in which the temporal the Chicago School, or a sociological portrait), fixedness of the research object, the participa- every presentation requires an author. For writ- tory perspective of the author, and the reader’s ing, despite one or two attempts to develop a share in the reception of the text are not merely Flick 5.21.qxd 3/19/04 2:42 PM Page 325


mentioned as constitutive conditions but are them. The decisive interpretative step consists presented as factual aspects. of the construction of a category that represents It is a question of a form which steers atten- the concrete richness of a case. The feeling that tion to the complex, the temporal and the a particular reconstruction provides evidence unstable in the social universe, and which that defines a form or illuminates a structure moves away from the Cartesian ideal of separa- derives from this (see 2.1). Paul Veyne (1984) tion towards the Heraclidean ideal of transfor- speaks of a transition from the inexpressible sin- mation (for discussion of this, cf. Thompson gularity to the captured specificity of a case. 1979; see also 5.11). Freud had the following to Science is not concerned with the mere unique- say about this ‘analytic mentality’ (see 5.20): ness of individuals and events, but with what is simultaneously both general and particular Psychoanalysis is not, like philosophies, a system about them. Its goal is the exposure of a starting out from a few sharply defined basic con- case, not the recollection of an individual or cepts, seeking to grasp the whole universe with an event. the help of these and, once it is completed, hav- In this way a social research with literary ing no room for fresh discoveries or better under- ambitions is not a rival but ultimately an enemy standing. On the contrary, it keeps close to the facts in its field of study, seeks to solve the inter- of literature. Art is indeed subject to the attrac- mediate problems of observation, gropes its way tion of the ideal-typical, but nothing is more forward by the help of experience, is always damaging to the aesthetic validity of a work of incomplete and always ready to correct or modify art than the proof that it was entirely congruent its theories. There is no incongruity (any more with the atmosphere and spirit of an age. There than is the case of physics or chemistry) if its most must be some insoluble difference that relates to general concepts lack clarity and if its postulates the non-substitutable characteristics of the are provisional; it leaves their more precise defini- work. For literary presentation, unlike sociolog- tion to the results of future work. (1893–95/1955, ical presentation, seeks to express not what is vol. XVIII: 253–254) specific but what is singular in a person or an event. The secret of the non-identical is missing in science. Roland Barthes (1969: 13) saw the 7 SINGULARITY AND SPECIFICITY particularity of a work of literature in the fact that it is always more than the sum of its Freud was so aware that this process makes sources, influences and models. It forms an irre- science resemble art that he was afraid his ducible core in the undecided mass of events, accounts of sickness, which could be read as conditions and mentalities. short stories, would lack the serious stamp of being scientific. But only a thorough presenta- tion of the spiritual events of single cases FURTHER READING seemed to him to allow any advance in our understanding of the internal relations between a history of suffering and the symptoms of ill- Clifford, J. (1988) The Predicament of Culture – ness (1920–22/1955, vol. II: 160–161). Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, Here is the real difference between art and and Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University science: the art-form of the short story changes Press. nothing in the scientific form of a case-history of illness. This is because it is not concerned Clifford, J. and Marcus, G. E. (eds) (1986) Writing with the case in itself, but with the insight Culture – The Poetics and Politics of into the operation of the psycho-pathological Ethnography. Berkeley, CA: University of mechanism. California Press. In the same way, qualitative research is always concerned with individual cases that do not Wolff, K. H. (1976) Surrender and Catch: occur twice; but it is not interested in their indi- Experience and Inquiry Today. Dordrecht: viduality as such, but rather seeks to understand D. Reidel. Flick 5.22.qxd 3/19/04 2:43 PM Page 326

5.22 The Presentation of Qualitative Research

Eduard Matt

1 History of the debate 326 2 Theoretical backgrounds 327 3 Limitations and scope of the debate 328 4 Different ways of presentation 328

One essential activity for a social scientist is the under the heading ‘the crisis in ethnographic writing of texts: proposals are written, research representation’. The works of Clifford Geertz in results and theories are presented, publications particular (see 2.6; Fröhlich and Mörth 1998; are prepared. For these purposes data and analy- Wolff 1992) demand a reconsideration and ses have to be ‘translated’ for the reader into an re-formulation of the relationship between appropriate form or mode of representation. observation, interpretation and textual repre- This (re-)construction of the subject is accom- sentation. The crisis arose out of discussions plished by means of the presentation of results about the validity of studies and about post- (Redfield 1948). For the textual representation colonialism. The unveiling of falsifications, of reality there is no one procedure that may be plagiarisms, ‘pure fiction’, the admission that absolutely canonized. very different results were achieved in replica- It is possible to distinguish a number of inter- tions of studies, stimulated doubts about the related aspects of writing and textual discussion: authenticity and reliability of individual obser- the concrete writing difficulties of the scientist; vations and complete studies, and about the the manner in which the research subjects are authority of ethnography (cf. Duerr 1987). put in words in the scientist’s texts and the ques- There was additional criticism of ‘cultural tion of how one can avoid objectivizing the imperialism’, which takes the meaning patterns other; writing for a particular purpose and for a and life-forms of the Western world as being specific audience. Writing shows itself to be an valid, exemplary and standard for the whole interaction between theoretical assumptions, the world. (re-)construction of the research issue, rhetorical For sociologists the description of one’s own strategies and the recipients. At the same time culture is not without problems (Hollander scientific texts themselves may be analysed in 1965). In qualitative research there is also an respect of their construction. The presentations attempt no longer to subordinate the reality of of data, explanations and theories indicate both others to theoretically derived categories but epistemological assumptions and strategies for to take account of the historical milieu-specific the production of credibility and plausibility. and/or gender-specific features of particular situations. The attempt to understand the ‘other’, to do justice to the particular structure 1 HISTORY OF THE DEBATE of a case and to (re-)present this with appro- priate textual constructions presents the The problems of presentation are a subject of various disciplines, in different ways, with a current discussion in anthropology and ethnology common task. Flick 5.22.qxd 3/19/04 2:43 PM Page 327


2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDS of capturing the constitution of an object refer to one another (cf. Pollner 1991). What is central to qualitative research is the This confronts the investigator with a practi- concept of ‘reality as text’. The result of the cal problem of how to analyse data and present objectivization of meaning, the fixed represen- results with, or on the basis of, these data. In tational patterns of reality, are themselves this different foci may be distinguished, such as characterized as text (Latin textus = fabric). The single-case orientation, description of milieu, an particular quality of social interaction, its fleet- emphasis on typical structures or a generaliza- ingness accompanied by meaning production, tion of structures. Each of these emphases leads can only be subjected to analysis if it is first put to a different analysis, interpretation and pre- into the form of a text. The written text is con- sentation of the data; they may be used as sidered to be the inscription of a meaning struc- documentation of authenticity, as evidence or ture that has to be reconstructed. Fixing it in merely as an illustration. The route that is this way also frees it from the specific action selected depends on the epistemological interest context. In this way action gains autonomy, and of the investigator, but equally on the data can only then be interpreted beyond the specific themselves: what problems, constitutive fea- individual interpretation and intention of the tures or structures do they document? The vari- participants (Ricoeur 1981b). To reconstruct the ability of analyses is not an argument for modes of producing reality, the resources and randomness in qualitative research but an strategies that are socially, culturally and histor- expression of a recognition of the unique struc- ically applied in varying ways, means that the tural nature of the research field and of the social scientist has to abandon objectivist different epistemological interests. assumptions and adopt a hermeneutic position The presentation of reality is always a simul- (Geertz 1973b; Soeffner 1989). taneous construction of reality. The way in Of course, cultural action is fixed in the form which data, evidence and results are organized of objectivizations, but a text of this sort cannot also sets up a corresponding interpretation of be read easily: reality should not be thought of the world. The appropriateness and authority of as a homologous structure but should be char- the descriptions are simultaneously expressed in acterized with reference to its ambiguity, com- specific textual forms. The freedom of move- plexity and inconsistency (Geertz 1973a,b). ment in a presentation, however, is not arbitrary. Reading means ‘decoding, developing a read- The ‘construction of reality’ by sociologists has ing’, that is to say, the production and prepara- its effects and its limitations in socio-historical tion of a toolkit of concepts and categories with knowledge. which the available ‘texts’ acquire a meaningful Todorov (1989) discusses the question of the interpretation. To create this interpretative success of descriptions in relation to ‘truth and framework, to construct the relevance of an fiction’ using the example of how America got event, is the task of the researcher. The descrip- its name. It was not the discoverer, Columbus, tion of an event takes place from this perspec- but his navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, who tive, and thereby determines which data, and became the patron of the New World. Todorov how much of the data, are presented. Every relates this to their different descriptions of the explanation is selective, and represents a selec- discovery. Columbus preferred a rather scien- tion from an infinite number of descriptive tific, documentary and factual style that was possibilities (Sacks 1963). Every narrative ‘as it characteristic of medieval thinking (emphasis really was’ is a construction for specific purposes on the wealth discovered, character of paradise, and for a specific audience, and never a mere presence of spirits and monsters). His addressee reproduction (Bergmann 1985). To construct was the Spanish royal household, and his aim means neither to depict nor to reproduce a real- was to obtain money for further expeditions. ity, but to discover how a meaning (and what Amerigo Vespucci, on the other hand, cultivated kind of meaning) is established and created on a literary style; he wrote for a broad public the basis of what resources, and how reality (and whom he sought to entertain. For him it was a what kind of reality) is produced in and through matter of fame rather than truth. Corres- situations, symbols and objectivizations. At the pondingly in his work there are many exagge- same time we have the principle of reflexivity: rations, and the curious is highlighted. His questions of constituting an object and questions explanations are an expression of the Flick 5.22.qxd 3/19/04 2:43 PM Page 328


contemporary European conception of the 4 DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRESENTATION others as savages (cannibalism, sexual perver- sion, heathenism). Columbus, in his illustra- The act of writing is problematic for the majority tions, is rooted in traditional drawings. of sociologists. Here everyone has developed Vespucci, in contrast, also attempts to reproduce individual rituals, styles and procedures. What in his drawings what is specifically ‘American’, is troublesome are the two basic considerations: in other words, to translate into pictures his not being able to structure an event appropri- imaginings. The success of his mode of presen- ately, and fear that what is presented could be tation played a role in linking his name to the untrue. Nevertheless, many sociologists adhere newly discovered continent. to an objective description of facts, and they find it difficult to accept that there is not a sin- gle correct and ultimately valid text, but that 3 LIMITATIONS AND different texts have to be produced for different SCOPE OF THE DEBATE purposes (Becker 1986b). En route from experi- ence to textual presentation it is even permiss- With the recognition of the constructive ible to write different versions of a plausible text. activity of the subject, the style of realism Van Maanen (1988) distinguishes three main (naturalism), with its assumption of a ‘real, true’ forms of textual presentation. Realistic presenta- world beyond our recognition and repre- tion is factual, written in the third person and sentation, loses conviction. In competition with dominated by a documentary style – the this, two continuing discourses have developed: language of facts. The level of experience is played postmodernism and social constructivism down. What is typical is foregrounded in the (see 3.4). description, creating an objective reality. The According to the ‘postmodern’ (cf. Clifford researcher as author plays no role here: he or she and Marcus 1986; Marcus and Fischer 1986; functions as an impartial observer. Even self- Clifford 1988a; kea 4/1992; Berg and Fuchs interpretations of what is observed are avoided. 1993; Bachmann-Medick 1996) it is no longer What is produced is a single unambiguous possible to find any overall meaning in the description on the part of the researcher. world. Texts can no longer create unity or order; Confessional description has to do with a very only fragments, incomplete discourses, or differ- personal style: the investigator is narrating from ent versions can be represented. Since every- the field, with practical fieldwork experiences thing is interpretation, the representatives of concerning access, experiences, feelings and, postmodernism dispute the possibility of cap- beyond that, how he or she was changed by the turing reality. They concentrate on the analysis field. This is written in the first person, personal of aesthetic dimensions, such as stylistic analy- assumptions and prejudices are admitted, and a sis which can succeed without reference to the possible version – that of the investigator – is truth content of what is represented. It is no produced. longer necessary to test (or validate) the relation Impressionistic description is also highly per- of a text to reality, its theoretical force, its new sonal. Here the researcher attempts to transport discoveries about the world, but rather its writ- the audience into the world of what was inves- ten style, its production of authority and tigated and to tell a gripping and extraordinary authenticity (see 3.3). story from the field. What the investigator In contrast to this, in the social constructivist recalls as valuable in his or her activity is high- debate (see 3.4), which is of greater conse- lighted. The focus is on reliving the story, not quence in qualitative research, what is of inter- on the interpretation or analysis. Only a very est is precisely the modes of construction, the small part of the research issue is presented. The socio-cultural knowledge, the interpretations of preferred textual form for this is the essay (Bude the world and the power relations that under- 1989). The frontier with literature is breached pin this ‘reality of constructions’ in a society. (see 3.3, 5.21). But even here it is not a matter of the truth con- We may observe the development that dis- tent of statements but of their social creation satisfaction with the traditional realistic presen- and location. The reconstruction and analysis tation – dryly reporting results, but with no of these is one of the goals of qualitative reference to the experiential side of research – research. the multiple experiences of the data-collection Flick 5.22.qxd 3/19/04 2:43 PM Page 329


process, the vitality and colourfulness of the data already constitutes an interpretation of the research issue, the symbolic worlds, everyday significance of what is reported. In theoretical action and meaning-worlds of others, has led to works quotations and literary references fulfil a the development of new modes of presentation: similar function. Moreover, diagrams, charts or diaries (Malinowski 1967), the ethnological illustrations for the visualization of theoretical novel (e.g. Bowen 1964), poems (or ethnopo- relationships also convey the impression of etry), literary presentations of experience in the rationality and may be analysed as strategies for fieldwork situation (Barley 1986). This has led to persuasion. an enormous variety of such ‘experiments’ Even if all of these requirements are met, (Hirschauer and Amann 1997; Richardson there is still the problem of justifying the appro- 1994). The traditional medium of the written priateness of constructions. Geertz claims (1988: text offers only very limited possibilities of 140) that ‘the burden of authorship cannot be describing milieux or cultures which are author- evaded’ (see 2.6). The scientist is personally itatively defined in such other forms as dance responsible for the quality of his or her work and music. Other means and media of expres- and bears the moral responsibility for taking sion are sought, such as audio reproduction and care. The goal of this requirement is to make film presentation. The documentation of data or one’s own authorship visible in a text, and to of analysis is achieved with the inclusion of a make clear one’s own ideas, perspectives and cassette or a CD-ROM. A more recent develop- competences. One cannot escape this burden by ment, the production of ‘hypertexts’ on the referring to methodological disagreements. Internet, also gives rise to new questions of writ- Texts are written for an audience who have to ing: these are not characterized by classic inter- be convinced with the aid of credibly expressed nally closed content, but by their ‘links’ to other arguments and analyses. The acceptability of a texts, or to involvement in many discussion scientific text is dependent above all on the threads (see 5.8). rules for research and text production that are The different modes of presentation are also recognized in the particular scientific commu- an expression of a variety of methodologies. The nity. Especially in the social sciences there is a textuality of scientific texts is thereby made into clear bond to a specific audience. The relation- an object of analysis. Such texts may be ship of the author to his or her scientific com- analysed, in respect of their rhetoric, for their munity functions, therefore, as a production creation of authority and credibility (e.g. factor and as a validation criterion for a scien- Atkinson 1990; Knauth and Wolff 1990). tific text (Reichertz 1992; see 4.7). And so the Bazerman (1987), for example – using the exam- reference to the context of the study, to its ple of rules for writing up psychological studies embedding in the specific practical circum- for publication in specialist journals – was able stances and institutional frameworks where it to demonstrate how the basic behaviourist was carried out, tells the reader why the text has assumptions of the discipline or of a particular this particular form (analysis, textual presenta- school were documented in the modes of pre- tion). Validity is measured according to the rel- sentation. The relationship between theoretical evance and appropriateness of the analysis in concepts, textual presentation and argument respect of knowledge of the area of study. In therefore becomes an object of analysis (for other words, we may ask: To what extent does example, using a range of authors: Geertz 1988; this author’s work contribute to an expansion of using Goffman’s work: Atkinson 1989; further the framework for the discussion and inter- examples: Sociological Theory 1990). pretation of social reality? If the ‘reality of a description’ is constituted Validation strategies through an interactive act, if both parties belong to the process – the rhetoric of the Essential textual strategies for validation in qual- author and the inference of the reader/hearer – itative research are the disclosure of the proce- if it is not only the author’s voice but also the dure and the process of interpretation (its recipient’s ear that require understanding and transparency), the presentation of the relevant explanation, then all attempts to justify or guar- data material, the reproduction of transcripts, antee the validity, relevance or force of a field notes and so on (see 4.7). The emphasis on description or an analysis – by the use of appro- transparency is important since the choice of priate literary expressions, persuasive strategies Flick 5.22.qxd 3/19/04 2:43 PM Page 330


or appealing to methodological premises – are FURTHER READING ultimately doomed to failure. The ‘success’ of a work is seen as an achievement of the milieu in which it is competently received and discussed. Becker, H. S. (1986) Writing for the Social On this process the author – as an author – has Scientist: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, only a small influence. Book or Article. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Clifford, J. and Marcus, G. E. (eds) (1986) Writing Culture. The Poetics and Politics of Ethno- graphy. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Van Maanen, J. (ed.) (1995) Representation in Ethnography. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Flick-06.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 331

Part 6

Qualitative Research in Context Flick-06.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 332 Flick-06.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 333


The theoretical and methodological possibilities successful teaching methods for qualitative and alternative forms of qualitative research research can be found. General problems and that have been treated in the earlier parts of this examples of methods of teaching qualitative book provide a comprehensive and well-tried research will be dealt with in the relevant resource which the researcher may use for issue- chapter (see 6.2). related, theory-driven and relevant studies. The Communicating the results of qualitative practice of qualitative research not only takes research in contexts of social practice consti- place in different areas of reality; it must also tutes a third domain (see 6.3), where it can itself react to contextual conditions of its own prac- exert only limited influence, but which – for tice, to ethical questions, to problems of teach- this very reason – it must think about very ing and instruction and to the problems of its intensively. The great proximity to everyday life social application. and the ‘thickness’ of its procedures and results The contributions to this part again have makes qualitative research particularly vulner- been divided into subsections. The first (Part able to external trivialization and downgrading 6A) focuses on ‘the use of qualitative research’ to the non-committal anecdote. in several respects. The use of qualitative The second subsection of this part addresses research can be embedded in contexts of qualitative research in the context of its future research ethics, of teaching and of utilization of development (Part 6B). Three chapters discuss result for practical purposes. ‘the future and challenges of qualitative Dealing with matters of research ethics research’. From different positions, their authors (see 6.1) requires particular sensitivity in quali- look critically at the present, past and expected tative research. Through ethnographic proce- future development of qualitative research. The dures, it obtains profound insights into aspects future and the prospects for qualitative research of society that are otherwise relatively inacces- are also discussed in the context of interna- sible. It has to deal with sensitive documents tional trends and in the relationship of tension and materials, which can be used and abused for that exists between techniques and herme- social control, and on occasions its subject- neutics (see 6.4). The challenges of qualitative related procedures impinge upon the dignity, research include the development of method- informational self-determination and interests ological procedures that are easy to use in prac- of the person. tical contexts and commissioned research where Qualitative research has always been particu- time is at a premium (see 6.5). In both chapters, larly resistant to all attempts to reduce it to attention is paid to the need to deal with the methodological directives and rules. One reason question of appropriate quality criteria (see 4.7). for this is that good studies always ‘live’ to a In view of the large numbers of methods that great extent on the basis of the researchers’ per- have been developed and projects that have sonalities and the methods they use (cf. Part 2 been completed, this part ends with a consider- of this book). This does not make it easy to ation of the role of theory development in pre- translate research competence and attitudes sent-day research, which, for Anselm Strauss, into teaching. Nevertheless, the future of quali- (see 2.1) was a goal – if not the only one – of tative research will also depend on whether qualitative research (see 6.6). Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 334

Part 6A The Use of Qualitative Research

6.1 Research Ethics and Qualitative Research

Christel Hopf

1 Introduction – normative and legal bases 334 2 The principle of informed consent 335 3 The principle of damage avoidance 337

1 INTRODUCTION – NORMATIVE organization, agreed on a code of ethics AND LEGAL BASES (cf. Ethik-Kodex 1993) in which – apart from questions of teaching, reviewing and the like – Under the keyword ‘research ethics’ it is usual central questions of research ethics were also in social sciences to group together all those dealt with. ethical principles and rules in which it is deter- It is not, however, only professionally agreed mined – in a more or less binding and more or principles and requirements that have to be less consensual way – how the relationships considered in dealing with the norms govern- between researchers on the one hand and those ing one’s own research practice: there are also involved in sociological research on the other the legal requirements. In Germany the state hand are to be handled. Typical questions, which and federal data protection laws (for an overview are also regularly asked in qualitative research, cf. Gola and Schomerus 1997), governing the include the following: the question of how vol- collection, storage, transmission and publica- untary was participation in the investigations, tion of sociological data, contain principles and the question of guaranteeing anonymity and regulations that are immediately relevant from confidentiality, or the question of the admissibil- the point of view of research ethics. What is ity of undercover forms of observation. fundamental here is the requirement to pre- Whereas in American sociology a start was serve the right to privacy, or to preserve ‘the already made in the 1960s with establishing individual’s right to determine personal infor- principles and rules of research ethics in the mation’ (Gola and Schomerus 1997: 113), form of a comprehensive ‘code of ethics’,1 which has led to the many regulations dealing in German sociology this only happened at with the collection and analysis of sociological the beginning of the 1990s. The members of the data. For example, the principle of informed German Society for Sociology (DGS) and the consent not only derives from discussions of Professional Association of German Sociologists, research ethics within sociology or psychology, after comprehensive discussions within the but is also set down in law (cf. in this connection Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 335


particularly §4 and §40 of the Federal Data implementation of the principle of informed Protection Act of 1990-BDS9). consent and also for the guaranteeing of confi- In the United States, the UK and other coun- dentiality and anonymity. For example, popula- tries, comparable ethical regulations for research tion surveys that are based on representative exist. These are defined in the different codes of samples should not in general cause too much ethics of the specific professional and scientific concern, even when they touch upon delicate organizations. Often they are also defined in a matters. In subsequent research reports promises juridical form, on the basis of either laws or of of confidentiality and anonymity may easily be administrative regulations. kept, whereas the research reports on individual In the context of the questions of research cases, communities or organizations – even ethics that are discussed in the social scientific when all the names involved are made anony- disciplines in different countries, philosophical mous and additional strategies for guaranteeing problems play a role, too. The distinction of a anonymity are used – can more easily lead to deontological and a utilitarian ethic known ethical problems and conflicts with the individ- from the philosophical discussion of ethics uals involved in investigations (on this cf. is taken up (see for an overview, for example, Section 3; see also 5.1). Beauchamp 1982) in order to position one’s own research ethical options in this framework (see, for example, Kvale 1996: 121–123 or Birch 2 THE PRINCIPLE OF et al. 2002: 5–9). It is asked: How far are one’s INFORMED CONSENT own research ethical claims compulsory in the sense of Kant’s ethics? Do utilitarian aspects In the Code of Ethics of the German Society for play a decisive role in defining research ethic Sociology and the Professional Association of regulations or is it possible to argue for single German Sociologists this is described as follows: deviations from the rules in a utilitarian way, for example with respect to the gain of knowl- A general rule for participation in sociological edge? A closer look at different codes of ethics in investigations is that it is voluntary and that it takes the area of social sciences reveals that in the place on the basis of the fullest possible informa- reality of research ethical regulations, mostly tion about the goals and methods of the particu- models of compromise are formulated. The lar piece of research. The principle of informed consent cannot always be applied in practice, for compulsory character of specific regulations is instance if comprehensive pre-information would highlighted, but deviations from the regulations distort the results of the research in an unjustifi- are accepted in certain cases, if these serve the able way. In such cases an attempt must be made progress of knowledge and thus are founded in to use other possible modes of informed consent. utility. One example for this can be found in the (Ethik-Kodex 1993: I B 2) ‘Code of Ethics’ of the American Sociological Association (ASA) of 1997. In this code, the The group who developed the German Code of ‘informed consent’ as ‘a basic ethical tenet of Ethics2 related this formulation of the principle scientific research on human populations’ (see of informed consent to the requirement that Section 12) is acknowledged, but exceptions are the right to privacy of individuals involved in accepted. These exceptions are only acceptable sociological investigations should always be under certain conditions, but are defined in a protected. At the same time the possibility of utilitarian way, if ‘the research could not practi- some short-term deception, which might some- cably be carried out were informed consent to times be necessary in social–psychological be required’ (see section 2 of this chapter; see experiments, should not be barred from the out- also 5.5). set. In such cases, as the above citation makes In what follows a selection of ethical and legal clear, other possibilities for informed consent requirements will be presented, discussed and should be used. What was intended here, in par- explored as to their research significance in ticular, was that temporarily deceived partici- the area of qualitative investigations. This will pants should be given the possibility, after make it clear that questions of research ethics in subsequent explanation of the true purpose of qualitative research – in comparison to quanti- the study, to withdraw the data collected – a tative research – are more radical and also more possibility, incidentally, which is prescribed in difficult to solve. This is true both for the German law (cf. BDSG 1990 §4). Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 336


The principle of voluntary participation in an In presenting one’s own research plan one investigation, and the requirement to inform must therefore also allow for the perceptual, potential participants as fully as possible in interpretative and value horizons of the groups advance to enable them to decide appropriately under investigation (cf. Thorne 1980, and also about participation, exclude the possibility that the Ethik-Kodex 1993: I B4). The essential groups or organizations could be deceived for adjustment to the population under investiga- an extended period about the identity and goals tion can, however, be taken too far and lead to of social researchers who are observing ‘under- the suppression of offensive information which cover’. In such cases the principle of voluntary could endanger willingness to participate. For participation would be infringed in a serious example, in a research group dealing with right- manner that would be very hard to justify. extremist orientations in young women we However, it should be noticed that ‘under- avoided using the term ‘right-extremist’ in the cover’ research is less massively rejected in the information on the planned study that we pro- ‘Code of Ethics’ of the ASA, even in the latest vided for experts and participants (cf. version of 1997. Paragraph 12.05(d) states: ‘On Projektgruppe 1996: 89ff.). Our impression was rare occasions, sociologists may need to conceal that the term ‘right-extremist’ led to strong their identity in order to undertake research that defensive reactions, which we wished to avoid, could not practicably be carried out were they thereby probably going to the limits of what was to be known as researchers.’ In the 1960s and acceptable in terms of research ethics: indeed, 1970s, the problems and risks linked to this we may well have exceeded those limits. issue were discussed very intensely within The fact that the principle of informed con- American sociology (see also Ryen 2004). The sent is in no sense easy to implement in qualita- exception cited above is a consequence of these tive research is also made clear in an article by discussions. Thus one might not abandon at the Herbert Gans (1982) on the problems of partici- outset, for example, a project to make an pant observation. In this, he describes the fears empirical study of organized crime (see, for with which fieldworkers are confronted. These example, Lofland 1961: 366). From the point of also include the fear and uncertainty that relate view of a deontological ethics (see also section 1 to dishonesty toward the persons under investi- of this chapter), the exception accepted by the gation (cf. Gans 1982: 59f.). Even when those in ‘Code of Ethics’ of the ASA can definitely not be the research field are informed appropriately and justified. How can it be justified that the personal truthfully about the role of the researcher, ele- rights of a criminal should be less respected in ments of deception remain. The researcher ‘pre- sociology than those of an average citizen? tends to participate emotionally when he does According to utilitarian principles, however, one not; he observes even when he does not appear might be more liberal here. But the researcher to be doing so, and like the formal interviewer, has also to justify in this case why the study he he asks questions with covert purposes of which or she wants to run is so valuable that it war- his respondents are likely to be unaware. In rants breaking the rules (see also section 1 short, psychologically, the participant observer is above). acting dishonestly; he is deceiving people about Even when there is broad agreement in socio- his feelings, and in observing when they do not logy on the rejection of undercover participant know it, he is spying on them’ (Gans 1982: 59). observation, the questions related to the prin- In the opinion of Herbert Gans, a consequence ciple of informed participation are still uncer- of this is that participant observers are con- tain. In qualitative research – and particularly in fronted with feelings of guilt that they seek to primarily exploratory projects – it is therefore diminish by over-identification with the infor- not always easy to give convincing and accurate mants (see 5.5). Whatever, in detail, the psychic information in advance about one’s own research consequences for the researchers might be, the goals and research planning (on this and the problem of partial deception in participant following points, cf. Roth 1962; see also 5.1). In observation is highly relevant. Here the limits addition, it is conceivable that, even when com- that have to be set to the principle of informed prehensive information is given about research consent become clear. At the same time, the goals and procedures, the information given problem of partial deception should sharpen our will not be fully understood or will be wrongly awareness of the social and psychological risks interpreted by interviewees or participants. for the investigators that are associated with Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 337


participant observation, and which make American court. He had on several occasions supervision and counselling essential elements ignored legal summonses and refused to make of the research process. his field research notes available to the court (cf. Weingarten 1986: 220 for discussion of this and the following points). The background was 3 THE PRINCIPLE OF that the sociologist in question – Mario Brajuha – DAMAGE AVOIDANCE was working on his doctoral dissertation, which was based on a workplace investigation in a In the debates on research ethics there is no dis- restaurant. For this purpose – in the sense of the sent on the requirement not to inflict damage normal procedure for participant observation – on those involved in investigations. As with the he worked as a cook and a waiter in the restau- principle of informed consent, the difficulties rant in question and, in accordance with normal here are in the practical implementation and in practice, had kept field notes on his experience. the borderline cases. Towards the end of his employment the restau- In the Code of Ethics of the German Society rant went up in flames and the police suspected for Sociology and the Professional Association arson – hence the interest in his records, which of German Sociologists the principle of damage he refused to hand over. The trial ended in a set- avoidance is described as follows: tlement: the court did not insist that Brajuha hand over his notes, but he was required to pay Persons who are observed, questioned or who are a fine and costs amounting to several thousand involved in some other way in investigations, for example in connection with the analysis of dollars. personal documents, shall not be subject to any In principle, a case of this sort could also hap- disadvantages or dangers as a result of the research. pen elsewhere. Sociologists in Germany – unlike All risks that exceed what is normal in everyday life priests or doctors, for example – have no right to must be explained to the parties concerned. The withhold evidence and could therefore come anonymity of interviewees or informants must be under similar pressure from the police and the protected. (Ethik-Kodex 1993: I B 5) courts to hand over data. This is particularly relevant for sociologists working with deviant Similar rules apply in many countries, either behaviour and criminality. In the German Code in codes of ethics in the realm of the social of Ethics that was cited above, consideration is sciences or in laws or administrative regulations. given to this possibility and an attempt is made In calculating possible impairment or damage to give at least a moral justification of the right resulting from social research, it is normal to to withhold evidence: ‘Sociologists, with refer- proceed on the basis that those involved in socio- ence to corresponding regulations for other logical investigations – unlike those, for professions, should be subject to the obligation instance, in some kinds of medical research – are to remain silent if there is reason to fear that, on endangered less by the investigation itself than the basis of information obtained in the course by the possible consequences of participation, of sociological research, informants could be at particularly through breach of promises of con- risk of sanctions of whatever kind, including fidentiality (cf. Tropp 1982: 399ff. for discussion legal sanctions’ (Ethik-Kodex 1993: I B 8). of this). The obligation to keep promises of con- Damage to informants through the release of fidentiality belongs, to this extent, to the nor- information is possible not only in these striking mative essentials of research ethics in sociology. ways but also in less drastic cases. Causes of this Breaches of this obligation, as will be made clear might be: inadequate security in the handling of in the following sections, may arise because original data (including sound recordings, or of the release of personal data or as a result of unencoded field notes), discussion of individual sociological publications in which the infor- cases outside the work of the project, and neglect mants, regions or institutions were not made of the obligation to confidentiality, inadequate sufficiently anonymous. guaranteeing of anonymity in published docu- ments and negligence in the electronic storage Release of personal data of unencoded data (for a collection of examples of this cf. Sieber 1992: 52ff.). Elmar Weingarten describes the case of a socio- One of the results of modern data protection logist who was convicted in the 1980s by an laws and recent debates on research ethics is Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 338


that social research is much more intensively Problems of publication concerned today with guaranteeing promises of confidentiality and anonymity than was the It is possible to harm informants not only by case in the 1960s. In general terms, this has exposing information about individuals, but increased the volume of work in empirical also by talking about them as a group, in publi- research projects. In planning qualitative cations, in a way which they find harmful or research projects it must also be considered that which actually leads to some disadvantage for here it is more difficult to make data anony- them. mous than in quantitative projects: large inter- A famous example of this is the so-called view transcripts or observation reports that ‘Springdale case’ which will be described here contain many more or less overt clues as to the briefly. In 1958 Arthur Vidich and Joseph identity of informants and the context of the Bensman published the results of a predomi- investigation have to be made anonymous in nantly qualitative study of a small town in such a way that no possible conclusions can be New York State (Small Town in Mass Society) – made drawn about the persons, organizations and anonymous under the name of ‘Springdale’. The regions in the context of which the data collec- data on which the book was based had been tion took place, and at the same time in such collected by Vidich in the context of a research a way that the information content is not project at Cornell University, where, by the time so diminished that any analysis becomes of publication, he was no longer employed. pointless. In terms of research ethics what Vidich and If one particular trend that can be observed Bensman did was problematic from a number today should continue, then in future even of different points of view (cf. the discussion in more care will have to be taken to make anony- the journal Human Organization, vols 17–19, mous and to encode qualitative data. The 1958–60). One of the problems was that requirement to pass on data for use in other anonymization was only partially successful. research contexts and for central archiving, The individuals who were reported on in the with which quantitative research has long had study had indeed been given imaginary names. to deal, has in recent years also been increas- They were recognizable, however, on the basis ingly directed at qualitative research (cf. Sieber of the particular descriptions of their functions 1992: 62f. for general discussion, and for quali- (such as mayor, chief executive, and so on). tative research Kluge and Opitz 1999a). This has In general, people in ‘Springdale’ were upset thrown up a large number of new organiza- and very annoyed – although this was not only tional and ethical questions. Of these, the prob- because of the inadequate safeguarding of their lems in the area of technology are of least anonymity but also because of the interpreta- importance, since in qualitative research tions. It was the ideas on power structure in the anonymized reports of interviews and observa- community that seemed to cause particular tions are often stored electronically. What is annoyance, and also the claim that there was in more difficult, on the other hand, is dealing Springdale a kind of ‘invisible government’ in with questions of research ethics and data pro- which influential people who held no public tection law related to the dissemination of data. office none the less determined the destiny of Informants must be asked for their agreement; the small town (cf. Becker 1969: 260). this is given on the principle of informed This incident unleashed a considerable consent and on the basis of the right to control controversy in the profession, which found its personal information. There must also be a expression particularly in the journal Human guarantee that the data truly contain no clue as Organization. Vidich and Bensman (1958, 1959) to the organizational or regional context of justified their conduct to their critics – for exam- the study. With qualitative projects that relate ple William F. Whyte, who had voiced criticism to particular organizations or regions this may in the journal’s editorial – by pointing out that well be difficult to realize, and may even in investigations of organizations and commu- be impossible. For this reason, in qualitative nities negative reactions are to be expected if research one should approach with caution powerful groups and persons of respect figure in and scepticism the requirement to make the research results. In the context of officially text files available for central archiving and organized research and under the influence dissemination. of public research funding these kinds of Flick 6.01.Part-A.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 339


negative reactions have, unfortunately, become to committees of research ethics, as is partly the increasingly problematic. Here the following case in the United States (cf. Sieber 1992: 75ff.). maxim applies: avoid annoyance and conflicts In view of the fact that in assessing the contri- so that future funding will be available. But if bution that a sociological project has made to one wishes, in sociology, to contribute to scien- scientific progress political factors also play a tific progress and to address fundamental socio- role, there would be a danger that an ethical logical problems, then one should not bow to scrutiny of a piece of research would become a this pressure but should preserve sufficient inde- matter of political discipline. pendence to be able to risk negative reactions and conflicts. However illuminating the arguments of NOTES Vidich and Bensman may be from a scientific and political viewpoint, they ignore the legiti- 1 Cf. The Code of Ethics of the American mate demand of the individuals and institu- Sociological Association (ASA 1969) Toward a Code tions being investigated not to be harmed by of Ethics, which has been modified several times the research process and research results. and voted on repeatedly – the last occasion being in 1997. Pointing to scientific progress is of no further 2 The group was made up as follows. From the help in this, because it is rarely possible in German Society for Sociology: the then president the social sciences to reach agreement on Bernhard Schäfers, Dirk Käsler, who played an which investigation will contribute to scientific important role in initiating the debate on the Code progress and which will not. This depends both of Ethics, and myself (at that time a member of the on the multiplicity of different paradigms in board and leader of the working party); from the sociology – in theoretical and methodological Association of German Sociologists: the then pres- approaches – and also on the fact that consider- ident Siegfried Lamnek; and from the then still ations of relevance and value always play a role existing (East German) Society for Sociology: in judging the contribution made by particular Hansgünter Meyer (until 1992 president of the society). investigations to scientific progress. An investi- gation that is considered brilliant from a methodological viewpoint may none the less be FURTHER READING considered unproductive, because the questions it deals with are felt to be irrelevant. At a general level it is therefore impossible, in Becker, H. S. (1969) ‘Problems in the Publication my opinion, to strike a rational balance between of Field Studies’, in G. J. McCall and the contribution that a piece of research makes J. L. Simmsons (eds), Issues in Participant to scientific progress and its possible harmful Observation: A Text and Reader. New York: effect, and, on the basis of this, to come to a Random House. pp. 260–270 (originally decision whether to publish or not. One solu- published 1964). tion to this problem, which is difficult to imple- ment in practice, might consist of giving those Ryen, A. (2004) ‘Ethical Issues’, in C. Seale, involved in the investigation the opportunity – G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium and D. Silverman (eds), as a matter of principle – of expressing their Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage. opinion on the planned content before any pp. 230–247. publication. What is not acceptable, in my opin- ion, is that questions of balancing costs against Sieber, J. E. (1992) Planning Ethically Responsible benefits – that is, weighing up possible damage Research. A Guide for Students and Internal against relevant knowledge-gain – should be left Review Boards. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 340

6.2 Teaching Qualitative Research

Uwe Flick and Martin Bauer

1 Objectives of teaching qualitative methods 340 2 Special problems in teaching qualitative research 341 3 Education in qualitative research in the Methodology Institute of the London School of Economics 342 4 Example of a teaching-research project 344 5 Levels and contexts in the teaching of qualitative research 344

Qualitative research is taught today in a variety into concrete techniques. In the few publications of contexts. In many places it has been accepted explicitly devoted to this topic (e.g. Glesne and into the basic courses in methodological train- Webb 1993; Strauss 1987, 1988; Webb and ing, is sometimes taught as a subject in its own Glesne 1992), emphasis is given to the fact that right as a supplement to such basic courses, and courses in qualitative research differ sharply special courses are available as part of a higher from other methods courses. The rationale for qualification in qualitative research techniques this, first and foremost, is that qualitative for graduates in social sciences. There have research can only be understood if it is taught in hitherto been few explicit descriptions of how it a way that includes practical procedures and should be taught, and few reports of experience source material. Here keywords such as ‘learning which set out an individual approach or a range by doing’, ‘learning in the field’, ‘learning with of ideas and practices in the teaching of qualita- source material’ take on a special significance. tive research that could offer guidance to those Since different qualitative methods (still) have who wish to design a course of this nature. The something of the character of a Kunstlehre (art) – purpose of this chapter is to provide an outline this is true of objective hermeneutics (see 5.16) of objectives and procedures for the teaching of and also of Strauss’s procedure (see 2.1, 5.13) – qualitative research (methods) in these differing what is important in teaching is to strike the contexts. Section 3 offers a presentation of the right balance between technique, attitude and approach of the London School of Economics, the art of applying the method. Accordingly, while section 4 uses an example from the a number of authors (e.g. Strauss 1988: 92) Technical University of Berlin. have recommended that seminars be designed as workshops that should be conducted with (sometimes significantly) fewer than 1 OBJECTIVES OF TEACHING 20 students (Glesne and Webb 1993: 260). Both QUALITATIVE METHODS types of goal – overview and practical ‘hands on’ experience – may best be achieved with a A variety of goals may be associated with the combination of different courses and types of teaching of qualitative research – perhaps pro- courses. viding an overview of the increasingly hetero- geneous field of qualitative approaches and • Survey courses (e.g. ‘Introduction to qualitative procedures, or giving a detailed introduction research’) Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 341


• Experience-oriented seminars (e.g. ‘Methods cf. Jahoda 1995) of the unemployed in of text-interpretation’) Marienthal. With the story of this film the • Work-related courses (e.g. ‘Setting up and essential steps, conflicts and problems of a quali- carrying out interviews’); methods of inter- tative study may readily be illustrated and viewing and interpreting are best taught and discussed. In parallel, or as a supplement to learned in combination with practical appli- this, the reading of the original study may be cations and joint analysis of experience and recommended (see 2.8). problems. One way to achieve this is through systematic interview training. • Seminars on the epistemological foundations 2 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN of qualitative research (e.g. ‘Constructivism – TEACHING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Variants and their implications for qualita- tive research’, ‘The justification of qualitative In designing a teaching programme one ques- research’). tion that arises is what literature should be used • Issue-related teaching-research projects (study for basic orientation – for the teacher in design- projects) that make it possible to work over ing the seminars, and for the students for fur- an extended period, using one or more meth- ther reading and private study. There is now a ods, on a particular question. Projects of this range of textbooks of differing levels offering an sort provide the framework for gaining prac- introduction into qualitative research (e.g. Flick tical experience which facilitates understand- 2002; Lamnek 1995; Mayring 1999; Silverman ing of the possibilities and limitations of 2000; Strauss 1987; see Part 7 for an overview). qualitative methods. For some approaches there has long been a need for systematic monographs suitable as introduc- Webb and Glesne (1992: 786ff.) distinguish, tions or textbooks. This is true of objective by analogy, between introductory, research- hermeneutics and also of cultural studies, which design, theory-based and field-based research has recently become very influential in the area courses. The aim of this kind of teaching is to of mass media. It is also true of ethnography in put students in the position the German-speaking world, although an English introduction is available in Hammersley • to make a justified choice of methods; and Atkinson (1983). Equally, for research • to understand the underlying principles of involving narrative interviews there have different procedures; hitherto been only a few good but rather short • to evaluate data in respect of their potential introductory articles (Fischer-Rosenthal and to provide evidence for particular questions; Rosenthal 1997a; Hermanns 1995), but there • to interpret either pre-existing or the are no basic monographs that can be recom- student’s own research results; and finally mended. For introductory seminars the reading • to design and carry out one’s own empirical list has to be made up of articles, most of which investigations, in the framework of a gradu- deal with problems that are too specialized for ate thesis and subsequent professional the beginner. Up-to-date introductions, with activity. detailed action-descriptions of procedure, are available for case-reconstruction research There are two basic ways to achieve these (Hildenbrand 1999) and conversation analysis objectives. A rather detailed approach, which (Deppermann 1999). tends to put the analysis of available material in For other approaches, however, many text- the foreground and focus on appropriate meth- books are available – as, for example, in ods, should be distinguished from a process- grounded theory (Glaser 1978, 1992; Glaser and oriented way which proceeds from the finding Strauss 1967; Strauss 1987; Strauss and Corbin and framing of research questions, via case 1990). Here students sometimes encounter a selection, data collection, transcription and problem in differentiating between the various analysis, to preparation of research reports. As terminologies and procedural variants that are a first venture with this second variant one to be found in textbooks that appeared at differ- might use, for example, a film such as Karin ent stages in the development of the approach. Brandauer’s Einstweilen wird es Mittag, which is Webb and Glesne (1992) deal with a general based on the study by Jahoda et al. (1933/1971, problem encountered by students on courses Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 342


involving qualitative research. The question is lectures are supplemented by workshops often asked: ‘How many interviews do I have to (introduction to computer programs such as conduct for them to be sufficient for a piece of ATLAS.ti NUD•IST and so on; see 5.14), courses scholarly research using qualitative methods?’ on interview techniques and the ‘advanced Experience shows that this question can only be qualitative analysis’ seminar. The working phi- given a relative answer, ‘It all depends …’ – losophy of the course is based on a structural depending on the research question, the data, view of research and distinguishes four dimen- the evidence needed, the level of generalization sions of research activity: design (for example, and finally the available resources. The impres- single case or comparative study, person or sion that may arise of the arbitrariness of such time sampling), data types (for example, single decisions may be countered by appropriate interview, audiovisual data or observations), examples. These should make it clear that, for analytical procedures (coding, semiotic or con- example, in a comparative study what is deci- tent analysis), and epistemological interest (con- sive is less the number of interviews carried out trol and prognosis or emancipatory research). than the dimensions under consideration (in Each of the four dimensions includes a decision the sense of theoretical sampling; see 4.4), and problem where elements can be combined and the fact that from every group to be compared, actually discovered beyond the dimensions. more than a single case should be recorded. Every real research project therefore proceeds What is also relevant are the difficulties from a combination of elements: design princi- encountered by many students (and researchers) ples are applied, one or more types of data are in clarifying their own procedures and the generated, these are analysed with particular sequence of steps that they followed. In addi- procedures, pursuing a more general epistemo- tion to more general problems of scientific writ- logical interest. A great deal of the unproductive ing (cf. Becker 1986b; Narr and Stary 1999; polemic about qualitative versus quantitative Rückriem and Stary 1997), a particular problem methods is based on a confusion of these four that should be dealt with is how to present dimensions of research activity: often, when qualitative results and procedures (see 5.22) and one wants ‘formalization’, one looks in the how to achieve credibility and authenticity drawer labelled ‘data type’. In-depth interviews (Flick 2002: ch. 19). or ethnography are too hastily identified with In the following section two examples of the an emancipatory epistemological interest, and teaching of qualitative research skills will be the context of application is ignored, and so presented in more detail. good intentions have the opposite effect (Bauer et al. 2000). As the title ‘Text, image, sound …’ already 3 EDUCATION IN QUALITATIVE suggests, the course programme includes a range RESEARCH IN THE METHODOLOGY of data types. The methodological focus is INSTITUTE OF THE LONDON broad, extending from interview procedures (see SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS 5.2, 5.3) to textual materials, photography (see 5.6), video and film materials (see 5.7) and also At the London School of Economics and Political sound and music as social data. For the analysis Science education and research on social science of all these types of data a range of analytical research methods are concentrated in the gener- approaches is introduced: semiotics, rhetoric, ously equipped Methodology Institute (LSE-Mi; discourse theory, narratology, classical content Internet address: www.lse.ac.uk). The LSE-Mi was analysis and interpretation. The weekly cycle founded in 1994 as an interdisciplinary estab- includes lectures and seminars, where active lishment to coordinate and strengthen, in the researchers and experts are sometimes also long term, postgraduate methodological training involved. In each of the weekly seminars one (research planning and design-construction, data or two research papers that illustrate the lecture collection, qualitative and quantitative statistical content are presented and discussed. analysis) for doctoral students in all social science In spite of the many publications on qualita- disciplines at the LSE. tive methods in recent years there is still no One 15-week course entitled ‘Text, image and textbook or handbook covering this particular sound in social research’ forms the core of the programme with regard to data types, analytical training in qualitative methodology. Weekly methods and didactically processed examples. Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 343


The book that comes closest to the ideas of the systematic gaps, and, on the other hand, will course is that by Flick (2002), and this is describe personal experiences in data collection required reading for all course participants. A in the form of an unvarnished report of this ‘home-grown’ textbook that builds on the work- field experience (borrowing the concept of ing philosophy of the LSE-Mi has also recently ‘confessional tales’, Van Maanen 1995). As an appeared (Bauer and Gaskell 2000). The lecture end result there is every year a wealth of obser- and seminar programme is as follows vations on large and small errors, realistic time demands and problems of research interaction, A Foundations and these are discussed, in summary form, with all participants. This task increases problem- 1 Overview of the course awareness and shows the relevance of research 2 Social research and epistemological interest planning, self-reflection and self-monitoring on 3 Corpus construction as a principle of the part of the investigator. qualitative selection

B Data types The discursive essay 4 Field observation Mid-way through the lecture cycle all partici- 5 Forms of interview pants select a problem and work on this in a 6 Group interviews short essay of no more than 2,500 words. What 7 Sound and music as data is expected here is an argument supported by 8 Photography and video/film literary references, with main thesis, development C Analytical procedures and summary, on such themes as the function of numbers in research, the problem of engage- 9 Semiotics ment in social research, the contribution of 10 Classical content analysis: coding and design to the research process, a comparison of indexing individual and group interviews as research 11 Rhetorical analysis methods. 12 Narratology

D Problems Report to the final symposium

13 Problems of interpretation A further step is the symposium at the end of 14 Quality criteria for research: beyond the course. Participants divide into four groups, sampling, reliability and validity each of which concentrates on one data type: 15 Final symposium observation and video/film, interview, textual materials, sound/music. In short reports aspects All course participants are assessed on the of these data types and analytical procedures are basis of the following five tasks. presented with a research example. In this three questions must be addressed: The data portfolio 1 Under what conditions is the particular data In the first weeks of the course lectures are inter- type or analytical method indicated? rupted, and before the academic discussion of 2 What are the criteria of ‘good research data types and analytical procedures begins, practice’? every participant is required to produce his or 3 What is ‘good’ about the particular research her own portfolio with different types of data, if example? possible in the same subject area. One student who is interested in unemployment, for Following the oral treatment of these three instance, may conduct several interviews, col- questions in the plenary session, participants lect newspaper articles on the subject and put their reports on paper in a further short perhaps carry out observations in a job centre. essay. The aim of this task is to make students The report on what has been achieved will, on aware of the question of indication and the one hand, describe the material from the contraindication of method, and to avoid point of view of how it was collected and of any any monism of methods which would allow Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 344


only one methodological approach for every cf. Weidenmann 1995). The essential problems conceivable research problem. Equally it is of carrying out an interview-study (field access, intended to raise the level of demand on quali- see 5.1; data protection, see 6.1; interview vari- tative methodology. Qualitative research can no ants, see 5.2; conducting the interview, see 5.3; longer persist in a negative attitude to ‘positivis- coding and interpreting data, see 5.13, 5.16; tic research’. The mass of research practice now presentation and generalization of results, see available requires the development of quality 5.22) are covered in the form of short inputs criteria analogous to sampling, reliability and with lists of further readings. The methods validity in the research process (Flick 2002; used in this example are the episodic interview Gaskell and Bauer 2000; Seale 1999a,b; see 4.7). (Flick 2002, 2000b) and the theoretical coding of Strauss (1987; see 5.13). Practical tasks on the conduct of interviews take the form of role- Written examination plays and video-supported interview training sessions. This interview guide is further devel- Every course ends with a final examination. oped in an alternation between small group After nine months, the course participants sit a and whole group activities. Participants are three-hour written examination in which three given materials to structure this (cf. Figure 6.2.1 questions out of ten have to be answered. For the for an example). first question an empirical research article from In the first part of the course every participant a leading international journal is prescribed. conducts and transcribes (at least) one inter- Participants are required to read the article in view. The analysis of the collected data takes advance and then to write a methodological place in working groups in the second part. In critique during the examination. The other two addition to comparative interpretations students questions deal with themes similar to those of also prepare a short case description for each the discursive essay. interview. As literature for an introduction to the content of this area a number of chapters Empirical research project from Flick (1998b) were used, and for method- ology Flick (2002), Glaser and Strauss (1967) and Every participant completes the year with a Strauss (1987) served as a basis. Figure 6.2.2 short empirical research project, located and provides an overview of the sequencing in assessed in one of the related disciplines (for the course. example, in social statistics, social policy, socio- The project is completed with an individual logy, gender studies or social psychology), assignment which includes data and case analy- where knowledge from the methodological ses from the students’ own interviews. training is applied to a practical task.


The following illustration is of a two-semester Courses in qualitative research are given in a course carried out in four-hour blocks with number of different contexts, in each of which some 20 participants at the Technical University there may be specific problems in providing a of Berlin. To provide a practical introduction well-founded type of training in the appropriate into methods of data collection and analysis, methods. the course includes a short research project that deals with the ideas on health of professionals Qualitative research as a component in the field (doctors, nursing staff) in all its of general methodological training essential stages from determining and limiting the research questions to data collection and Frequently, in certain basic disciplines (socio- analysis. The didactic methods used include logy, education, psychology), one or more ses- moderation techniques (mind mapping, small sions on qualitative methods of data collection group work with working materials, and and analysis are planned into a general training presentation of results to a plenary session; programme in methods of empirical social Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 345


Interview Planning for an Episodic Interview

Interview planning includes suggestions for formulation (1) for the conduct of the interview (getting into the subject, question areas, questions, etc.) and (2) for the interview framework (data protection, general guidelines on questions and on the length and type of the conversation).

Working stages in the conduct of interviews 1 Choose moderator and rapporteur. 2 Overview of subjects of interest for the interview. 3 What themes are of central interest (1 up to a maximum of 4)? 4 What area of, for example, professional everyday life can provide information about the central theme(s)? 5 For every area formulate a narrative stimulus that could motivate the informant as clearly and unam- biguously as possible to tell, for every topic under point 4, one or more stories related to the main themes (e.g. if you look back, what was your first experience or disagreement with …? Could you tell me about this situation?). 6 For every area (max. 2–3) formulate questions about relationships etc. that could stimulate the informant as clearly and unambiguously as possible to fomulate his or her view of these relationships or concepts (e.g. What is … for you? What do you associate with this term?). 7 Formulate keywords (max. 4) for important probing, i.e. on central aspects to which you would like to return if the informant does not deal with them.

Working stages in the interview framework 1 Consider what the interviewee should know in advance, to be well adjusted to the interview and to under- stand what it is about and what his or her role should be. Start with what the interviewee has perhaps already experienced when agreeing the time of the interview. 2 Formulate in keywords an appropriate introduction to the interview on the following aspects: purpose of the interview; tape-recording and data protection (after agreement, switch on the recorder at this point!); explanation of what the interview is about, e.g. a very personal view; explanation of how the conversa- tion will proceed and how long it will probably last (the actual interview begins here). 3 Formulate in keywords the conclusion of the interview, e.g. Was anything important not dealt with? Feedback from interview partner.

Figure 6.2.1 Working material for developing a theme

research. The same may also be said of various methods, where they can gain some experience textbooks in empirical social research (e.g. Bortz of fieldwork and materials. and Döring 1995; Diekmann 1995) insofar as they include chapters on this topic, but without Special provision within building the methods into the overall logic of an area of application their presentation. One problem with this kind of approach to qualitative research is that in the A second variant of training in qualitative course of two or three sessions there is no time research ties it to particular areas of application to put across a deeper understanding of the within the students’ main study (such as clinical methods and attitudes of qualitative research, psychology, organizational psychology, and so let alone work on the relevant material. A on), as a kind of supplement or alternative to second difficulty is that the teachers are often the methodological training provided in their qualified in standardized procedures or specifi- main study. Here the problem often arises that cally in statistics and have been appointed the relevant courses are provided by teachers because of this qualification, the assumption who are actually qualified and employed for being that they will also ‘fit in’ the qualitative other subjects (such as psychotherapists), and methods. Sometimes students do at least within a very restricted time-allocation, perhaps have an opportunity to take supplementary as a preparatory course for graduation theses in ‘empirical practical courses’ using qualitative the field in question. Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 346


Teaching-Research Project: Professionals’ Ideas on Health

Part I: Conduct of Interviews

1 Preliminary discussion: introduction Orientation: Expectations and fears concerning the seminar Small-group work: Use of a questionnaire and an interview outline Input: Research process in qualitative research Small-group work: Brainstorming on the research topic Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Short introduction concerning ‘ideas on health’ Formation of working groups

2 Introduction into the research topic Short presentation of selected studies Discussion on questions, procedures and results Small-group work: Development and delimitation of the research questions Comparison and bundling of research results Input: On the role of research questions in qualitative research Discussion Input: Questions of access

3 Interview types and their indication Input: Focused interview, narrative interview, episodic interview Discussion of suitable procedures and selection Small-group work: Interview planning Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Data protection

4 Conduct of interviews I Small-group work: Expectations and fears concerning the interview Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Familiar problems in conducting interviews Small-group work: Development of components of the guidelines Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Sampling strategies in qualitative research

5 Conduct of interviews II Interview training I (role-play with video, analysis in a plenary session) Re-working and final editing of the guidelines Interview partner: forming a pool, selection and allocation Input: Interview documentation, recording and transcribing the interviews

6 Interview experiences Report and analysis of the conduct of interviews in individual cases Demonstration of extracts and feedback Clarification of questions on transcription Putting together first ideas and questions on interpretation Looking toward the continuation programme in the following semester Open questions Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 347


Part II: Interpretation of Interviews

7 Foundations and strategies of text interpretation Stocktaking of available/transcribed interviews Analysis of interview experiences Small-group work: Introductory practice of text interpretation Input: Foundations and strategies of text interpretation Input: Rough structuring of the analysis Small-group work: Production of a short description of every interview Comparison and bundling of results of work: Continuing if necessary into the eighth session

8 Text analysis according to Strauss I Input: Presentation of the study ‘Awareness of dying’ (Glaser and Strauss 1965b) Input:Text analysis according to Strauss (1987 – grounded theory) I: open coding Small-group work: Application to students’ own interviews Comparison and bundling of results of work

9 Text analysis according to Strauss II Presentation of selected short descriptions Input:Text analysis according to Strauss (grounded theory) II: axial coding Small-group work: Application of the coding paradigm to students’ own interviews Comparison and bundling of results of work

10 Text analysis according to Strauss III Small-group work: Application to students’ own interviews Comparison and bundling of results of work Input:Text analysis according to Strauss (grounded theory) III: selective coding Small-group work: Continuation of application to students’ own interviews

11 Continuation and methodological alternative I: qualitative content analysis Small-group work: Application of the coding paradigm to students’ own interviews Aim: Designation of the central phenomenon for students’ own interviews Linking to the coding paradigm Stating the dimensions of the main concept Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Methodological alternative I: qualitative content analysis

12 Continuation and methodological alternative II: hermeneutic procedures Stock-taking of working results with students’ own interviews Small-group work: Application of the coding paradigm to case groups, e.g. professional groups (possibly differentiated according to gender) Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Methodological alternative II: hermeneutic procedures

13 Quality criteria, generalization, presentation in qualitative research Small-group work: Continuation of selective coding: formulation of a central category, related back to individual interviews Comparison and bundling of results of work Input: Quality criteria, generalization in qualitative research Input: Modes of presentation for the results of qualitative research Clarification of questions for the production of students’ own assignment (case analyses)

Figure 6.2.2 Sequence of a teaching-research project Flick 6.02.qxd 3/19/04 7:36 PM Page 348


Postgraduate provision guidance and supervision of their teachers (cf. Bohnsack 1998b). In accordance with this situation many students Postgraduate courses of this type are so in German-speaking countries – and Webb and arranged that they bring together a range of Glesne (1992) report a similar situation in the courses that provide introductions and exten- United States – are confronted with the problem sions of different theories and methods and that they are inadequately prepared to write a combine these with practical materials analyses dissertation using qualitative methodology and in regular research colloquia and workshops, to undertake the work in the related research thereby helping to eliminate the shortcomings project. In view of this shortcoming there have of the basic courses of study. Similar goals are been in recent years a large number of opportu- pursued in larger-scale research bodies through nities for further education in the area of quali- the setting up of methodological consultancy tative research – ranging from commercial projects that also use qualitative methods (in summer schools in objective hermeneutics to the area of Public Health Research cf. Flick 2002: research workshops in biographical research, or 276–277). doctoral lecture-programmes (for example, ‘Biographical risks and new professional demands’ at the Universities of Halle and FURTHER READING Madgeburg: for an overview and further details see Part 7), to a new self-contained course of study on ‘Qualitative methods in the social Bauer, M. and Gaskell, G. (eds) (2000) sciences’ at the Free University of Berlin. Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and In this latter study programme, over three Sound – a Handbook. London: Sage. semesters a combination is offered of theoretical courses – such as a lecture cycle, a guided read- Glesne, C. and Webb, R. (1993) ‘Teaching ing programme on symbolic interactionism (see Qualitative Research – Who Does What?‘, 3.3) or ethnography (see 5.5) – project seminars Qualitative Studies in Education, 6 (3): 253–266. and research workshops, which make possible theoretically reflected work on empirical mater- Strauss, A. (1988) ‘Teaching Qualitative Research ial. Project seminars involve participants in the Methods Courses: A Conversation with ongoing research work of their teachers. In Anselm Strauss’, Qualitative Studies in research workshops participants join forces to Education, 1 (1): 91–99. undertake their own research projects under the Flick 6.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 349

6.3 Utilization of Qualitative Research

Ernst von Kardorff

1 Social-scientific knowledge and its utilization 349 2 Modes of utilization of qualitative research 349 3 Problems in the utilization of qualitative research 351 4 The contribution of qualitative research to utilization research 351 5 The utilization of qualitative research as consultancy – consultancy as a utilization of qualitative research 352

1 SOCIAL-SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE knowledge cannot always be automatically AND ITS UTILIZATION transferred into practice, there was talk of a crisis of utilization. In detail this is manifested in The distinctiveness of qualitative research, its the fact that social-scientific knowledge is either establishment within the social sciences as an not applied or is applied differently from the independent and recognized domain of theory way its creators intended, that it is trivialized, and methodology, and its broad spectrum of used paradoxically and ‘transformed’, or else methodological and interpretative procedures just ‘disappears’ in practice. Its direct effects in for understanding social reality have not only the direction of higher rationality in political come about because of the inherent dynamism decision-making are rather small in scale and of scientific development. Qualitative research difficult to prove (Wingens 1988; Wingens and has benefited generally from a secular develop- Weyman 1988). Finally, its value is often judged ment in modern societies in consequence of by practitioners to be slight or ambivalent. This a ‘social scientification’ (Beck and Bonß 1989) is equally true of both qualitative and quantita- of social knowledge and forms of social life tive research. What then are the particular types (cf. Max Weber’s hypothesis on the way to a of utilization of qualitative research? What are methodical way of life). This extends from pop- the problems that arise? What contribution can ular syntheses in the everyday world to ‘correct’ qualitative research make to utilization research education and the setting up of relationships to and to its own utilization? curricula for in-service education of profession- als and planning and decision-making in poli- tics, administration and business (see 3.12). The 2 MODES OF UTILIZATION OF seepage of sociological knowledge into society is QUALITATIVE RESEARCH discussed from various points of view under the keyword ‘utilization’ and is studied in ‘Utilization’ of qualitative research relates (1) to what Weiss (1983) called ‘utilization research’ theories, concepts and views that have been (cf. Beck and Bonß 1984, 1989; Bonß and accepted in various fields of use, (2) to research Hartmann 1985; Bosch et al. 1999; Wingens 1988). results that have led to reforms in particular After the loss of illusions about socio- fields and (3) to methods and procedures that technical control and the discovery that academic have come to be used in different fields. Flick 6.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 350


On the utilization of theories, and for the first time the situation of patients concepts and views was considered worthy of discussion (apart from René Spitz’s psychological idea of hospitalism). A range of concepts from qualitative research What was most important for its broad recep- have made a considerable career for themselves tion – from the point of view of its uniquely beyond the academic discipline in such fields qualitative approach – were the aspects of a of practice as social work, education, in-service reversal of perspective: the institution is seen professional education, medical care, psychiatry, through the eyes of the inmates and its effect on the prison service and organizational reform. them, and is not described with reference to a These includes such terms as ‘social identity’ normative understanding of its function or (Mead 1934 and classical studies of the profes- from the viewpoint of professional coding. In sional socialization of future doctors – Becker et al. this way all those involved in attempting to 1961) or Goffman’s concept of role-distance adopt the alien perspective of the observer, who (1961b). A further example is the idea developed described the patients and the interactions by Howard S. Becker (1963) and others of the between them and the staff in a reconstructive ‘deviant career’ and ‘labelling-theory’, which fashion, were able to look anew at familiar ele- has gained practical acceptance, for example, in ments (on the sociological and political aspects juvenile court proceedings and expert reports, of Goffman’s reception, cf. von Kardorff 1991). in teacher education, but also in the public The acceptance of Goffman’s analysis and his debate about the causes of deviance. In this con- main concepts of ‘total institution’ and the text we may also include the concept of stigma, ‘moral career of the mentally ill’ seem to be treated by Erving Goffman (1963a; see 2.2) attributable to a kind of ‘merging’ and unplanned under its interactive-strategic aspects, or his practical utilization, since Goffman’s aim in concept of the ‘total institution’ (1961a). These these studies was theoretical. His studies had notions belong today to the standard language an influence on the debate about reforms in of specialist argument in the practice of peda- psychiatry and today are largely taken for gogy, social work, criminology or psychiatry, granted in the inventory of (social-)psychiatric and in the fields of organizational analysis and argumentation. the in-service education of professionals. On the utilization of On the utilization of qualitative methods in qualitative research results different fields of practice

The complex utilization of qualitative research Here four fields of practice should, in particular, results in fields of social practice may best be be mentioned: evaluation (see 3.12), organiza- illustrated with an example. tional analysis and development (see 3.11), In the investigations he carried out between aspects of market research and the area of 1954 and 1957 into psychiatric clinics, monas- initial, further and in-service education (cf. also teries, prisons and merchant ships – published Dewe and Radtke 1989). under the title Asylums – Erving Goffman (see The following example of the utilization of 2.2) was concerned with developing a sociolog- sociological knowledge, taken from the further ical representation of the structure of the self education of geriatric nurses (see Kondratowitz (1961a: 11). Using inside views gained by means 1993), represents one type of primarily reflexive of observer participation he was able to show to utilization of qualitative research. And it shows, what extent the features of the ‘total institu- in an exemplary way, how qualitative methods tion’, as a regulated daily routine with supervi- and views may be used in initial and further sion and the absence of opportunity for privacy, education. determined the self-image and interaction In a longitudinal investigation of the further patterns of the inmates of the respective institu- education of geriatric nurses – which aimed to tions. The success and broad influence of these promote the planning of patient-related nursing studies, which were intended as a contribution (von Kardorff 1987) – it became clear that using to sociological theory, can hardly be over- typical standard narratives about the daily estimated, particularly in psychiatric care and – routine of the home that were obtained by to a lesser degree – in prison reform movements, qualitative methods offered a possibility of Flick 6.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 351


breaking down resistance to changes in familiar it is especially vulnerable to misunderstandings, action-routines. This breaking down occurred since its results can be read not as an analysis through a sociological reinterpretation of the but simply as a portrayal or, more negatively, as metaphors of everyday professional burdens a ‘genre picture’ of social customs. This carries that were concealed in these standard narra- the risk that its results will not be taken seri- tives, such as the washing of inmates who were ously because they do not conform to lay opin- in need of attention. By contrasting the actors’ ions about science and its usual forms of model with its sociologically reconstructive presentation in tables and columns of figures. analysis, practitioners can recognize alternative Secondly, the research results about inter- new modes of action and can recontextualize views, case studies and processes are sometimes these for their everyday situation (cf. also very comprehensive and are seldom read in full section 5 below). by those who commission the assignment (see 6.5). This experience forces one into a results- based type of presentation (see 5.22) which 3 PROBLEMS IN THE UTILIZATION makes invisible the course of social construction OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH processes. The effect of qualitatively gained insights, however, reveals itself precisely in the The nature of knowledge course of (documented) feedback loops and from qualitative research focus groups (see 3.12). Thirdly, even if qualitative research feels itself Even in research that is predominantly quanti- to be indebted programmatically to humanist tative in its foundation and utilization-related, and democratic ideals or to the disadvantaged qualitative procedures have now won firm (from William F. Whyte to Herbert Blumer, recognition for exploratory purposes, or for Howard Becker, Norman K. Denzin, and then to supplementation, reinforcement and differen- Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln – to mention tiation. The use of the results of qualitative only a few of its prominent protagonists), its research, however, cannot be separated from its results are in no sense humanist per se. Detailed approach and from the research process itself. knowledge of the investigated life-worlds of This depends upon the character of the knowl- local (sub-)cultures, organizational milieux and edge generated by qualitative research: it tends commercial environments, and the biographies to be hermeneutically circular rather than lin- of quite normal people in their professional and ear, horizontal rather than hierarchical, plural private routines, do indeed contribute to a and specific rather than normative and univer- better understanding; but they can also be used for sal, fragmentary, branching and interlocking increased social control, disciplinary measures, rather than closed, open to alternative views clever integration into organizational targets rather than bound to results, and reflexive and even for manipulation. This again relates to rather than dogmatic. This description does not, ethical aspects of research practice (see 6.1) and of course, imply that qualitative research is to its social responsibility. random or abandons its scientific and epistemo- logical claims because of this openness: it demonstrates, with reference to the issues it 4 THE CONTRIBUTION OF investigates. To borrow a formulation of the QUALITATIVE RESEARCH sociologist Helga Nowotny (1999), which was TO UTILIZATION RESEARCH actually applied to the relationship between science and society – ‘It is like this. It could also In general terms the conversion of scientific be different.’ research results into practice or the utilization of scientific knowledge in a profession does not Problems of utilization function according to the model of a deductive derivation schema for simply converting First, on account of its great proximity to the ‘pure’ scientifically obtained results to ‘impure’ life-worlds of the areas it investigates, qualita- utilization-related problem areas or fields of tive research has shown itself to be highly acces- practice. This affects, to varying degrees, such sible in the sense that it has an element of different disciplines as the engineering sciences, familiarity and also of surprise. At the same time meteorology and medicine, and also the social Flick 6.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 352


sciences and pedagogy. Here there is no primary type of sociological consultancy based on difference in principle between whether one is qualitative research (and this in turn would dealing with experimentally obtained research have to be monitored). In this a reference point results, whether they depend on quantitative is provided in the shape of ideas on a ‘clinical collection and assessment procedures or whether sociology’, such as that proposed by Dewe and they were obtained qualitatively. Utilization Radtke (1989; cf. also Dewe 1985 and 1991). In takes place in relation to a context and a situation, their view the task of this, using case studies and relates to professional traditions, individual from everyday professional life, would be to experiential knowledge and communicative generalize or consolidate into a ‘structural inter- routines: in this it does not generate an idio- pretation’ what is typical about them: syncratic type of knowledge. Kroner and Wolff (1989) criticize traditional ‘Clinical sociology’ is interested neither in occu- utilization research for thinking about the utiliza- pying only temporarily the situation of the actors, tion of sociological knowledge rather than dealing nor in bringing ‘new’ issue-related knowledge to with the utilization of this knowledge by the interpretation of a situation; its deliberate goal is rather to transfer the implicit knowledge members of society in concrete action situa- available in a situation of professional activity to tions. It is precisely the ethnomethodological an explanation by the actors. (Dewe and Radtke approaches, especially the ‘studies of work’ 1989: 54) initiated by Harold Garfinkel (see 3.2) and the various types of conversation analysis (see 5.17), In the first instance, this means that the task which have shown themselves to be productive of this kind of consultant sociologist lies not in here. They are able to demonstrate in what way giving result-bound information about research sociological knowledge is ‘built in’ to the prac- findings – however these are dressed up didacti- tice of actors (see 3.2) in practical contexts of cally – but in providing assistance in the recon- action, such as their professional activity. Here it struction and reflection of action routines by is a question of procedures for the social con- the practitioners themselves, perhaps in a clinic. struction of scientifically supported professional The alienating perspective of a qualitatively activity which generate the ‘utilization’ of designed case study may serve as a mirror for scientific elements (images, methods, knowledge) practitioners which turns them into observers of in their ongoing execution. Here we may speak their own everyday routines from the perspec- in a dual sense of reflexive utilization: sociological tive of observers momentarily liberated from the knowledge is consciously applied as guiding, burden of activity and no longer from that of legitimizing or supporting knowledge as an ele- participants trapped by their own involvement; ment of construction in professional activity; the difference between their familiar self- and it is simultaneously used as reflexive knowl- interpretation, generally confirmed by everyday edge for analysis and further development. This practice and therefore seen as ‘protected’, and perspective of qualitative research on the uti- the image which is (ironically) broken by sur- lization of scientific knowledge, through its dis- prise or some defence-mechanism, or which is coveries, then provides reference points for the in any case reflexive, creates in itself a ‘sociolog- role of the social scientist in the reflexive ical view’. This change of perspective can then utilization of this knowledge. open up new areas of knowledge which evoke further interpretations on the part of the consultant/monitoring sociologist and elicit 5 THE UTILIZATION OF QUALITATIVE further reactions from the practitioners. The RESEARCH AS CONSULTANCY – qualitative researcher then becomes, in the best CONSULTANCY AS A UTILIZATION case, a stimulus and catalyst for a learning OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH organization (see 3.11; Heiner 1998), by using qualitative analysis to guide the practitioners in Kroner and Wolff rightly see utilization as an the direction of a constant ‘return to the data’ ‘independent social fact’ (1989: 73). If knowl- (see 2.1) as a source of knowledge. Utilization edge of the professional execution of utilization from this point of view becomes a common by professionals, perhaps in the context of eval- process of learning at the concrete interface uation studies (see 3.12), is allowed to feed back between science and practice. More precisely, into practice, this could constitute a basis for a communication between the two separate Flick 6.03.qxd 3/19/04 2:44 PM Page 353


‘cultures’ of science and everyday life, with their potential’ (Lepenies 1997) – precisely on structurally different forms of knowledge, account of the form of qualitative practice in becomes a practical requirement. The scientific consultancy and utilization. experts (in this case qualitative researchers) become consultants and monitors of the profes- sional experts. Expert knowledge, which has FURTHER READING now also become a subject of qualitative inves- tigations (cf. Hitzler et al. 1994), is not simply translated, but makes itself accessible to practice Brown, R. H. (1989) Social Science as Civic by means of the process of consultancy outlined Discourse. Essays on the Invention, here. ‘Intercultural communication’ between Legitimation, and Uses of Social Theory. expert knowledge, practice knowledge and lay Chicago: University of Chicago Press. knowledge is therefore not primarily a problem of didactic translation or scientific correction of Morse, J., Swanson, J. M. and Kunzel, A. J. (eds) the activity of practitioners, but much more an (2001) The Nature of Qualitative Evidence. independent work of construction based on dia- Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. esp. Part V. logue (von Kardorff 1998b). The utilization of (qualitative) research could then become, as a Torres, R. T., Preskill, S. H. and Piontek, M. E. form of practice, an ‘applied (self-)enlighten- (1996) Evaluation Strategies for Communi- ment’ by consultancy (Schmitz et al. 1989). The cating and Reporting. Enhancing Learning in social sciences would then become ‘sciences of Organizations. London: Sage. Flick 6.04.Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 354

Part 6B The Future and Challenges of Qualitative Research

6.4 The Future Prospects of Qualitative Research

Hubert Knoblauch

1 Introduction 354 2 Expansion, acceptance and the hermeneutic inclination of qualitative research 354 3 Technique, quality criteria and reflexive methodology 356 4 After postmodernity 357

1 INTRODUCTION standards it will only have a future if it restricts itself to the exploratory clarification that pre- Even though it is highly risky to make statements cedes quantitative studies. about the future, in sociology we at least have In order to be able to assess the future develop- the freedom to make statements about those ment of qualitative research it would certainly be who dare to make such predictions. Among helpful to consider its development so far. On the these is Denzin (1997), for instance, who pre- basis of this previous development it will then be dicts that after the end of postmodernism possible to list a number of tendencies and qualitative research will contribute to a new desiderata for the future of qualitative research. ‘scientific spirituality’ and will thereby leave its mark on the morals of the society of the future. Traces of the religious prophesying that has 2 EXPANSION, ACCEPTANCE AND entered many areas of society in North America THE HERMENEUTIC INCLINATION are clearly visible in this statement. In Europe OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH the predictions are much more modest and limit themselves to the future contribution of Even though qualitative research goes back to qualitative research to the canon of sociological the beginnings of sociology, its present rise is methodologies. Optimists predict nothing less due to a narrow sociological relationship with than a replacement of quantitative research the breakdown of the supposed ‘normative’ which, in their eyes, is methodologically defec- consensus of the ‘standardized middle-class tive by reflexive social research. However, ‘apo- society’. The rapid change in traditional com- calyptic’ voices can also be heard: qualitative munity structures, the so-called pluralization of research, they claim, is a transitory fashion life-worlds and the increasing individualization that will be superseded and replaced by the of Western societies can no longer easily be next wave of fashion. Since it really has no clear represented with standardized methodologies. Flick 6.04.Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 355


One might say, in fact, that qualitative research the notion of communication, a number of is actually predestined to deal with the special independent hermeneutic methodologies have features of late-modern society that are also developed – so far largely unnoticed at the characterized by such terms as privatization, international level – among which objective de-traditionalization and reflexivization. hermeneutics (see 5.16), sociological hermeneu- The reception of developments in qualitative tics (see 3.5) and pictorial hermeneutics enjoy research in Anglo-Saxon countries gave an impor- particular prominence (for an overview cf. Hitzler tant boost to their consequent later development and Honer 1997). in German-speaking countries. In the latter, great This hermeneutic inclination in German- significance must be attached to the collections speaking countries had admittedly been at the published by the group of Bielefeld sociologists expense of what is seen elsewhere as the main which familiarized German readers with ethno- focus of qualitative research. In the Anglo-Saxon methodology (see 2.3, 3.2) and recent ethno- world it is associated primarily with ethnogra- graphic approaches (see 5.5). During the 1980s phy (see 3.8, 5.5), and indeed the two are often qualitative research grew gradually and may be equated (cf., for example, Vidich and Lyman regarded as having become accepted during the 1994). In contrast, ethnography has played a course of the 1990s at both institutional and per- subordinate role in German-speaking countries. sonal levels and by the scientific system. Ethnographic studies have been carried out or The acceptance of qualitative research is also systematically discussed by very few authors due to the fact that it has permeated an increas- (e.g. Girtler 1980, 1984; Hildenbrand 1983), ing number of areas within and also beyond and it is only in the past few years that they sociology. It is certainly no exaggeration to have become more extensive (Hirschauer and claim that today almost every special discipline Amann 1997; Knoblauch 1996b). within sociology has its ‘classical’ qualitative In order to be able to relate to international studies, and that also in the neighbouring disci- research, the development and recognition of plines of social, cultural and humanitarian ethnography should be a central concern of studies these not only have been received, but social research in the German-speaking world. have left their mark on a major part of the spec- Here there are good reasons for the assumption trum of social science. Moreover qualitative that ethnography developing in this way has research has also been taken up in other scien- great potential. In the first place, it is within the tific disciplines such as psychology or linguis- tradition of a theoretically and methodologi- tics. It may be a matter of surprise that it has cally highly reflexive action-hermeneutics of also made inroads in the more strongly practical a predominantly phenomenological prove- and applied disciplines such as economics, nance (see 3.1). And secondly, it focuses administrative studies, education, nursing and on a prominence of communication which is social work. These application-related disci- specific to German social theory. The natural plines offer promising opportunities for future relationship with independently developed development. We should make special mention hermeneutic methods also opens up the possi- of the areas of training and organizational bility of an innovative type of communicative development, but also the engineering sciences, social research, which would link together which are today already making at least partial ethnographic methods and textual hermene- use of qualitative and, in particular, ethno- utic approaches in such a way that it could graphic methods. do justice to the increasing significance of Unlike in the Anglo-Saxon world, qualitative communication. research in the German-speaking countries has a From a technical point of view the emphasis strong hermeneutic inclination in the process- on communication in qualitative research is ing of texts as raw data, which take the form accompanied and supported by the increasing either of interviews (see 5.2), natural language use of audiovisual recording technologies, that texts or documents produced by actors. This is recorded tapes, cassette recorders and – to tendency was aptly described by Soeffner (1982) an increasing extent – video equipment. in the formulation ‘social science as textual Admittedly the methodology of video analysis is science’. Against the background of an indepen- still in its infancy (Heath 1997), and is there- dent tradition of hermeneutic text analysis fore an important desideratum for qualitative and the theoretical sociological debate about research (see 5.7). Flick 6.04.Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 356


Looking at audiovisual data, we may distinguish code-based theory development (see 5.13). between recordings of ‘natural situations’ and Thereby they lead to a standardization of analy- those that work with visual material created by sis that cannot easily be understood from out- the actors and produced out of aesthetic, politi- side. Because the coding processes are carried cal or economic interest (Ball and Smith 1992). out automatically, these programs systemati- Because this last-named type of data is often cally miss the hermeneutic and classificatory dealt with in the communication sciences, there requirements imposed on researchers, the dis- are useful reciprocal influences between media closure and reflection of which make an impor- research and qualitative research which could tant contribution to the analysis. lead to the foundation of a timely methodology However problematic the use of this software for empirical cultural analysis, and this would may be, the increasing technologization of quali- pay particular attention to popular culture and tative research has lead to a systematization of its marked visuality, or even multi-mediality the research process that is summed up under (see 2.4, 3.9). the heading of data management. Even today computerization makes it possible to assemble visual and acoustic data in central locations, to 3 TECHNIQUE, QUALITY CRITERIA record or exchange the data systematically. These AND REFLEXIVE METHODOLOGY technologies not only lead to the development of new types of cooperation between investiga- The spread of qualitative research in the past tors. The use of new types of data, such as visual 20 years was initially legitimized by its harsh materials, also raises the question of appropriate criticism of quantitative research. Of course, forms for the presentation of scientific results. more recently this confrontation has been Without favouring the random selection of increasingly downplayed, and indeed the two postmodern genres, visual and filmed modes approaches are sometimes considered as comple- will develop (see 5.22) for the presentation of mentary. The question remains, however, what data and research results (ranging from the pub- form this complementarity might take: whereas lication of visual and acoustic data on the some people see the two approaches as being of Internet to video publications). This visualiza- equal value, for others qualitative research serves tion of the presentation of scientific results and merely to explore or extend the findings of quan- the increasing automation of data processing titative research. More recently, however, hybrid (for example, transcription, see 5.9) will pre- or ‘mixed’ methodologies have emerged which sumably also have implications for the approach combine both types of procedure (see 4.5). to analysis, which may well move away from its Within qualitative methodology the develop- written-logical base. ment of a hybrid methodology may also be One of the fundamental problems of qualita- expected, often concealed by the methodologi- tive research is the evaluation of its results. cally misleading concept of triangulation (see Traditionally it has been thought that they tend 4.6). Here we are rarely concerned with correc- to be ‘impressionistic’ and that intersubjective tive methods but rather with supplementary verification is rather cumbersome. To counter methods that deal with a range of research this, the idea is now advanced that traditional issues or aspects of issues. Ethnography in quality criteria (see 4.7) such as reliability and particular is predestined for such hybrid method- validity are ill-suited to the evaluation of quali- ologies. Here it should also be borne in mind tative research. Instead, new quality criteria that ethnographies are fully compatible with should be developed that permit a more appro- formal and quantitative methods. Hybridization priate evaluation of this type of research. of methodologies is favoured by modern tech- Among these we find communicative valida- nology, which is accompanied by many types of tion, that is, obtaining the agreement of inter- formalization, standardization and automation viewees to research findings, procedural validity, that were previously only known from quanti- which has to be guaranteed in the course of the tative social research. Automation today research process, and such ethical criteria as focuses on the electronic analysis and interpre- trustworthiness, credibility and dependability tation of data. Software programs (see 5.14; (Flick 2002: 218–238). Other authors, however, Part 7) are available not only for textual searches are of the opinion that traditional quality criteria and administration but also for coding and are indeed suited to the evaluation of qualitative Flick 6.04.Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 357


methods and that it is only a question of defin- directly bound to the practices of existing ing reliability and validity in an appropriate scientific groups. This reflection on one’s own fashion (Peräkylä 1997). research practice amounts to a further aspect of The adaptation of quality criteria to standard- reflexive methodology. For this, apart from the ized social research may lead, however, to a processes of scientific politics that operate at loss of the specific contribution of qualitative the level of micro-politics, the institutional research. It is therefore necessary for qualitative backgrounds must also be taken into account. It research to develop its own quality criteria. One is a fact that in the area of qualitative research indispensable precondition for this is the particular tendencies to institutionalization are continuation of a qualitative methodology, found, which have an impact on the formation related in particular to the so-called grounded of study units, scientific and extra-scientific theory (see 2.1, 5.13, 6.6) that was developed by research institutes and other bodies (see Part 7). Strauss and Glaser. This counts among the few Because this institutionalization is normally approaches to a scientific procedure which have related to a preference for particular methods made scientifically well-founded proposals and methodologies, one might also speak of using analytical induction, triangulation and ‘schools’ which – in parallel to the institution- comparative methodology and which have alization – seek to implement a particular incorporated these proposals into a set of tech- canon coloured by their own organization (that niques, elaborated in detail, that make it poss- is, fixing of rules, orientation to ‘foundation ible to conduct a measure of methodological texts’, methodological ideas; see 6.2). Because checking of their overt procedures. of their loosely formed common public (in Apart from this methodology there is also a terms of journals, series of books, lectures), they more specific development towards what has all tend to take on the character of ‘invisible been called ‘praxeological’ (Bohnsack 1999) or colleges’ rather than that of a more public reflexive methodology. This is because a piece of forum. Because of their social invisibility, these research (no matter whether it is ‘subjective’ or various groups, schools and traditions are to a ‘structural/objective’) directed at meaningfully great extent confused and unorganized. Against acting or communicating individuals must take this background three possibilities may be dis- account, first, of their meaning orientations, tinguished: (a) if the degree of transparency knowledge and communicative procedures, and cannot be increased it will prove to be difficult secondly of the relevance of what is being for qualitative research to maintain its level of scientifically investigated from the point of view acceptance; (b) one or more approaches will of the informants. A reflexive methodology there- show themselves to be acceptable to the scien- fore justifies the scientific relevance of the aspects tific establishment and will therefore be able to being investigated against the background of the impose their standards; (c) so that particular relevance system of the informants. binding standards for qualitative research may As has been demonstrated by research in the be developed extending beyond individual qualitative sociology of science (admittedly schools, a common public will be created that mostly with reference to the natural sciences), will bring about one precondition: there will scientific practice is also largely determined by have to be a methodological pluralism which the methods of everyday action. Against this not only reluctantly approves of other appro- background it is, however, very surprising that aches, but also recognizes that different qualitative methodology still follows the model approaches relate to different aspects of the of the scientist researching and discovering in research issues. isolation. We must therefore require of reflexive methodology that it makes the actual processes of qualitative research a subject of analysis and, 4 AFTER POSTMODERNITY at the same time, a research resource. In sociological terms, however, it would The postmodern debate that was mentioned be extremely naive to hope that any metho- at the outset brings to light two problems of dology could be determined, in a fluctuating social research: under the heading of a crisis of social space, solely on the basis of abstract and legitimization there is doubt as to whether the ideal categories. The very attempt to develop findings of scientific observers can have any methodologically controlled procedures is particular claims to generality, intersubjectivity Flick 6.04.Part-B.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 358


or objectivity. Qualitative researchers and their speaks of a ‘current exhaustion with the explicit findings, it is claimed, are bound to a particular rhetoric of postmodern debates’, which some- historical and social context. The fact that in the times leads to a paralysing form of relativism system of science there is a predominance of and a fear of analytical distinctions and logical middle-class men from the Western cultural arguments that is alien to science. And Lincoln context is seen as an indication that even and Denzin (1998: 583) claim that the post- science can only deliver ethnocentric and modern era has expired: ‘we are already in particularist cultural findings whose claims the post-“post” period – post-structuralism, to validity depend solely on their cultural post-postmodernism’. hegemony. Because postmodernism in Germany was Secondly, under the heading of a crisis of never closely associated with qualitative representation, doubts are expressed about research, the rapid demise of this ‘epoch’ will whether in fact the observed culture can be por- not have such profound effects. Among German trayed in texts. This criticism relates, on the one scholars qualitative research will rather con- hand, to a positivism which it detects in many tinue to be related to traditional and basic qualitative approaches as an unvoiced assump- sociological concepts such as meaning, under- tion. In addition, it is directed at the claim that standing or communication. However, precisely texts are able to reconstruct the social reality because even these terms are no longer uncon- under investigation. Because the claim to repre- tested, it will have to mark out its own position sentativity of scientific texts is called into ques- more clearly and promote its own theoretical tion, their rhetorical, aesthetic and sometimes foundation. In this way it could liberate itself even fictional qualities become more prominent. from the role of being a mere aid to scientific Undoubtedly this postmodern criticism in the discovery and make independent theoretical Anglo-Saxon debate has made important contri- contributions to an empirically well-founded butions which have also had an impact among and interpretative analysis of modern society. German scholars: it has led, for instance, to a recognition of female points of view (Ribbens and Edwards 1998; Warren 1988); the positions FURTHER READING of widely differing ethnic groups are given increasing attention; and finally there is also a demand to experiment with new forms for the Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative presentation of scientific research (Denzin 1997; Research, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. see 3.3, 5.22). Admittedly, in German-language qualitative Lincoln, Y. S. and Denzin, N. K. (1998) ‘The Fifth research the feminist position (see 3.10) has Moment’, in Y. S. Lincoln and N. K. Denzin hitherto received little attention – not to mention (eds), The Landscape of Qualitative Research. the position of ethnic groups. It is to be Theories and Issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. expected, however, that these positions will pp. 407–429. become more important in the course of time, but it can hardly be expected today that this Marcus, G. E. (1994) ‘What Comes after “post”. development will continue to be related to what The Case of Ethnography’, in N. K. Denzin is characterized as ‘postmodern’. For even in the and Y. S. Lincoln (eds), Handbook of United States a degree of weariness may already Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: be detected. Marcus (1994: 573), for example, Sage. pp. 563–574. Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 359

6.5 The Challenges of Qualitative Research

Christian Lüders

1 Internal problems 359 2 External expectations of qualitative research 361

Qualitative social research and reconstructive 1 INTERNAL PROBLEMS methodologies have gained a remarkable degree of acceptance and recognition in the past 30 The value of standards years. The reason for this growth is a large for qualitative research number of excellent empirical studies, which have not only established criteria from a methodo- Even in 1991, the editors of the German logical point of view but also had an important Handbook of Qualitative Social Research (Flick impact on the relevant disciplinary discourses. et al. 1995/1991) were still demanding that A significant contribution has been made by a qualitative research should succeed ‘according series of publications on the methodology of to its own (sometimes still undeveloped) stan- qualitative research. dards’ (see Kardorff 1995: 4). Anyone who looks In spite of such uncontentious progress this today at the specialist methodological literature degree of success remains surprising, since on is forced to admit that this demand has been close inspection it must be admitted that from met only too well. In general surveys today a the point of view of practical research and whole range of criteria are proposed. To name methodology a number of problems are still but a few: intersubjective replicability, open- unsolved and the future development of the ness, explication, transparency, flexibility, issue- field is in no sense clearly defined. Here two sets relatedness, theoretical saturation, exactness, of problems may immediately be identified: reliability (see 4.7). These criteria are further unsolved internal problems and outside expec- developed and put into concrete terms in the tations. Amongst the internal problems the various schools and methodological approaches most important are the lack of clarity about the (for example, the methodology of documentary value of standards in research practice, unan- interpretation: Bohnsack 1999). swered methodological questions, and gaps in For the vast majority of these proposals, how- the research issues. With regard to outside ever, it is true to say that mostly they remain expectations it must be remembered that out- general and that where they are made more side the universities and academic circles quali- concrete, the differences quickly become clear. tative research has grown into an independent This leads to the irritating state of affairs that epistemological approach in many research and although the list of standards for qualitative professional contexts. So far, however, the expe- research has now become very long, there is as rience gathered there and the challenges of yet no binding consensus about what minimal ‘mainstream’ publications in the methodologi- standards must be adhered to in research prac- cal debate have gone largely unnoticed – at least tice. We may clarify this with an example: no in the German-speaking countries. one would seriously disagree with the idea that Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 360


intersubjective transparency is an essential has done no apparent damage to the development quality criterion in qualitative research. It is, of qualitative research. Against this it might be however, impossible, both in the literature on said this only appears to be so from a limited the methodology of qualitative research and internal perspective. Anyone who wished to using available research reports, to determine in ‘sell’ qualitative research and its results beyond any binding way what this criterion relates to in the cartel of citation in university circles would concrete terms, and what this would imply for encounter considerable resistance. This is nour- the conduct and representation of qualitative ished in part by prejudice against small numbers research. In this it is not only the heterogeneity of cases, but it also represents a reaction to of the proposals and the multiplicity of types of unsolved problems concerning its own stan- research practice that are an obstacle, but the dards and the experience that apparently almost fact that frequently one cannot avoid the anything is still methodologically possible under impression that criteria of this sort are not taken the label of qualitative research. particularly seriously. If we remain with the example of intersubjective in very many research reports one finds that data collected on Open methodological questions the basis of the ‘grounded theory’ approach (see 2.1, 5.13) have been coded and typologized in In many areas of its practice qualitative research order to draw theoretical conclusions in the can point to tried and tested strategies. concluding chapter. If one were to take seriously Examples of this may be seen in the now very the criterion of intersubjective it might be well-developed methodologies of biographical expected that at least somewhere in these stud- research (see 3.6, 5.11), of documentary inter- ies there would be a description or exemplifica- pretation (see 5.4), objective hermeneutics (see tion from a single case study of how, in concrete 5.16), content analysis (see 5.12) and others. terms, the coding was done, what codes and What is characteristic of these methodologies is sub-codes were developed on the basis of what their use in a variety of practical research data, and how these were ultimately consoli- contexts and a well-documented methodological dated and given dimensions (for a detailed dis- confrontation with the requirements, stages cussion cf. Kluge 1999; Kelle and Kluge 1999). and implications of the procedure in question. This is missing, however, in the vast majority of At the same time, however, there is one type of cases. Much the same may be found in respect research practice in which so far there has been of most of their criteria (and a similar state of almost no methodological reflection. Two very affairs may also be found in quantitative different examples will serve here to illustrate research). this kind of methodological gap. In qualitative research meanwhile, instead of Qualitative longitudinal studies have so far not precision and replicability, a culture has devel- been very numerous but have occasionally been oped of making research results appear plaus- carried out. If one wishes to reconstruct long- ible, which aims at establishing the author as a term processes such studies represent an indis- credible authority, in order to give the reader pensable tool-kit that is of great practical value the feeling that the results could be plausible. In in, for example, follow-up studies. Surprisingly, this way a rather unsatisfactory situation has however, the methodological debate has not arisen: at the level of research reports every become involved in this topic. There are no author seeks to give an impression of internal, answers to the simple question of how such context-related plausibility. This occurs in most studies should be structured (but cf. Strehmel cases by means of assertions or through some- 2000 on this point), from the matter of the what literary devices, so that external checking methodological approaches down to the episte- is rarely possible. If there are no outstanding mological problem of whether a different case

contradictions or inconsistencies the leap of structure at time t2 indicates a change in struc- faith is normally sufficient. Of course, if one ture or whether it should rather be seen as a were to read these studies from the perspective falsification of the reconstruction of the case

of the criteria listed in the handbooks, they at time t1. would all be seen as more or less deficient from The following is a further example: any a methodological viewpoint. researcher who has been required to complete One might now argue that this kind of inter- an empirical research project against a deadline nal plausibility is sufficient and that hitherto it knows about the time pressure associated with Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 361


this and about the many problems of having to data protection (Gläser 1999), the practice of process large quantities of sometimes heteroge- which in many projects should immediately neous qualitative data. The interpretative or involve those responsible for data protection: reconstructive strategies recommended in the interview transcripts, for example, are fre- textbooks are extremely time-consuming, so quently stored on a hard disk with no security that in this form one can normally only analyse of access. In many projects there is no lockable fully and in all their details a small number of safe where person-related data – and these cases that are strategically central to the project. are involved in most interviews – could be pro- For the remainder of the material short cut strate- tected from break-in. In addition, research prac- gies (see 4.1) have to be applied. But with regard tice in the area of delinquency research, for to the related methodological questions one can example, demonstrates that researchers are reg- only say that all participants are aware of the ularly hearing events that are relevant under problem and that the methodological discus- criminal law, so that it would be worth dis- sion is again elegantly silenced. There is no cussing how such information should be han- approved set of abbreviation strategies, nor are dled, particularly since researchers have no legal there any appropriate reference texts to which right to withhold evidence (see 6.1). one could turn with a clear conscience. In most project reports one looks in vain for successful examples, and if one asks one’s colleagues the Gaps in the areas information obtained is of limited value. of investigation Even in those projects that rely on informa- tion technology to administer and code their As with the methodological gaps outlined data (cf. Kelle 1995, see 5.14) using a database above, these areas of research that remain rela- system suited to qualitative materials (e.g. tively unexplored are also, to a great extent, MAXqda, ATLAS.ti, NUD•IST, Hyper Research, dependent on the researchers’ own interests and The Ethnograph; see Part 7), the guidelines are the research contexts. Two areas in particular quite often limited to rudimentary forms of a seem to have been insufficiently developed in simple enumeration of allocated codes and con- German-speaking countries, and their impor- tents to be found in the material. Any abbrevia- tance should be uncontestable since for both tion of the analysis in these projects comes there has been a vast amount of discussion in down to attempts at least superficially to ‘come English-speaking countries, with countless pub- to grips’ with the large quantities of data. Not lications, independent journals and institutions. infrequently this leads to a situation where We refer to the areas of qualitative organizational quasi-quantifying procedures replace interpreta- research (see 3.11) and qualitative evaluation tive approaches. This situation becomes even research (see 3.12). more critical in the particular case of commis- In both of these areas there are empirical stud- sioned projects, because many people who ies and ongoing projects in German-speaking undertake projects see themselves as obliged to countries, but a cursory glance at the relevant be able to present a reasonably acceptable handbooks and publishers’ lists will immedi- number of cases as the basis of their study. ately show that whereas the English literature This list of methodological gaps could be con- offers a considerable number of methodological siderably extended. Apart from the now almost and theoretical texts (e.g. Clegg et al. 1996; routinely cited open questions of quality criteria Guba and Lincoln 1989; Patton 1990; Shaw (see 4.7), the design of qualitative projects (see 1999), in Germany there are almost no works of 4.1) and the manifold problems of research this sort (but cf. Heiner 1998). ethics (see 6.1), there is still a lack of agreed concepts and procedures for the production and analysis of ethnographic protocols, for strategies 2 EXTERNAL EXPECTATIONS of qualitative secondary analyses (but cf. Kluge OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH and Opitz 1999b on this), on the sensible inter- relationship of qualitative and quantitative data In German-speaking countries qualitative (Erzberger 1998; Kelle and Erzberger 1999, see research has shown itself to be essentially – at 4.5), and on the triangulation of data resulting least in its dominant self-justificatory discourse – from different methodological approaches (see a university, not to say academic, matter, with 4.6). Even less widely discussed are trust and the result that only scarce consideration is given Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 362


to many topics and challenges which are dealt under certain circumstances also conceptual with in journals, book series and manuals in the knowledge, or the answer to the question of English-speaking world. At the same time, in how something might be better done. In view of many fields of research outside the universities, these expectations qualitative research would qualitative strategies have developed into an continue to have good prospects if the feeling essential feature of research practice. In this one were to develop that quantitative procedures should think not only of the major extra- only gloss over the surface. This is particularly university research institutes and training estab- true as virulent new problem situations arise. lishments but also of the many types of knowledge For this it is not necessary to have large numbers generation in such professional fields as adult of affected parties. But in the case of questions education, child care and youth-work, health focusing less on the investigation of new management organizational development and problem situations of addressees than with the so on. If one disregards the fact that the unan- responsible institutions and the processes taking swered internal methodological questions place within them (whether they be hospitals, inevitably still give external encouragement to youth services, schools, psychiatric clinics, pris- the unchecked growth of strategies and a bar- ons, offices, political parties, and so on), for rage of labels, so that one frequently has major these in particular qualitative methods are problems in distinguishing what was research required. In such cases qualitative research and what is better described as non-committal promises a deeper and more precise type of discussion which led the author to some idea knowledge, with more detail about the complex or other, the official tasks for qualitative processes. What is essential here, however, is research projects imply, in most cases, a set of con- that this knowledge is seen to be workable in crete methodological requirements. Qualitative the medium term, particularly for the consumer research in these areas is currently moving on but also, under certain circumstances, for those very thin – and slippery – ice, because there is a who commissioned the research. That is to say, lack of convincing methodological responses to it must provide an apposite and, from the par- the expectations of those who commission ticipants’ point of view, transparent description particular projects. (In most cases these are of such matters as the current situation as a basis organizations and political bodies at national, for the planning of infrastructure in a city regional and local levels.) district, the reorganization of a company or a reorientation of youth services (cf. Permien and Zink 1998). Reliable descriptions This requirement, however, has many conse- quences particularly from the methodological If one looks through qualitative research reports viewpoint. and methodological textbooks, what seems to First, this interest in detailed descriptive be the primary task of qualitative research is to knowledge has implications for the methods make contributions to the creation of an empir- and methodological approaches. A clear interest ically supported theory. This may explain the in descriptive knowledge suggests, depending high level of interest in such ideas as ‘grounded on the particular research question, particular theory’. Mere description, on the other hand, is strategies and renders others less plausible; the- seen rather as a debased or at best transient pre- oretically well-founded designs are of less inter- liminary stage. Of course this orientation proves est than empirically based contrasts that reveal to be a pure illusion for most university projects, the available spectrum and the options it con- since the majority of such projects in no sense tains. By analogy, it would make little sense to meet this demand; what is perhaps more impor- propose to funding agencies and consumers of tant is that it would be extremely helpful, both results a rigid constructivist type of methodol- for scientific work and theory-development, ogy when reconstructivist positions would cor- and also for politics, administration and profes- respond better to their requirements and sional work, to determine what something is expectations. like, why something develops the way it does, Second, the interest in descriptive knowledge and what occurs where under particular circum- regularly has to confront the problem of an stances. What would be needed, therefore, ‘appropriate’ number of cases. It is, for example, would primarily be valid descriptive knowledge, completely inconceivable to try to ‘sell’ to a Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 363


ministry the dysfunctional effects of a particular advisory bodies, method workshops and other legal framework for professional practice on the types of quality assurance by colleagues. basis of a detailed analysis of only four cases – Experience shows that structures of this sort of however valid the analyses may be. In addition, collective consultancy can make important con- the heterogeneity of institutional contexts, the tributions to the validation, systematization and pluralization of life-situations, frequently theoretical categorization of results. requires not only a degree of regional scattering In view of the growing shortage of financial but also, depending on the research questions, resources, it is increasingly the case that addi- as systematic as possible a treatment of the dif- tional arguments are needed for funding groups fering conditions (for example, at least a consid- of research assistants. The funding for a project eration of different geographical locations, advisory council is quickly exhausted, and the urban–rural differences, and different institu- purchase of a new computer with software for tional structures). To comply with such expecta- coding and analysis would be preferred to tions, even in relatively small projects something an additional research assistant’s position. in the order of 40 to 60 cases, depending on the Interpretation groups or research workshops particular question, will be the norm. (and not only for training purposes), and At the same time, it is true to say that the making these a precondition for a quality circle in results will be conditioned by particular dead- research practice, would be an important topic for lines: the scope for extensions is normally very methodological debate. precisely determined. In particular this must be seen against the background that the normal two to three year duration of a piece of research Knowledge transmission is already barely acceptable from the point of view of the client or user. A further problem area relevant to methodology Third, the expectation that the research will arises from the specific context of utilization produce detailed descriptive knowledge often (see 6.3). It is not only that the political admin- leads to the problem of the applicability and istration and specialist practitioners would validity of the results (see 4.7). Here the interest- always prefer to have their results by yesterday. ing question is how, at an average level of Every client is interested in having their abstraction and against the background of research activities widely known. They are part heterogeneous contexts, one can first of all vali- of symbolic politics and as such are of major date and then legitimately generalize the data importance. This implies the rapid presentation obtained. The most recent publications on even of interim findings, the quickest possible typologizing have suggested important key- publication of the results of a project, the hold- words in relation to this (cf. Kelle and Kluge ing of workshops, appearance at hearings, assis- 1999). A great deal of work is required, however, tance with inquiries, giving expert opinions, before the strategies suggested there can be and much more besides. Inductively or abduc- applied in such a way that they can serve as a tively designed research strategies (see 4.3), basis for outsiders to answer the simple ques- which are normal in qualitative projects, are in tion: ‘Can we trust these data, and for what a relationship of considerable tension with areas are they important?’ these requirements. Fourth, in relation to these problems it has At the same time it should not be forgotten hitherto always been siginificant to point to the that the client’s time for reading is limited. A fact that the collection, processing and analysis methodological consequence of this is that of data is always under the control of the research comprehensive results must quickly be made team. In addition to allowing reference to the more concise. Exhaustive case studies, which are likely investment of time because of the amount based on the idea that a wealth of detail both of data to be processed, this also provides justi- enhances credibility and also renders the pro- fication for the fact that the projects in question posed typologies and theoretical conclusions always involve full-time academic positions for more plausible, are at best only possible for illus- at least two staff and that appropriate amounts trative purposes. But how can case analyses of time have to be included in the planning. In be generalized and compressed in such a addition, this argument facilitates access to way that, on the one hand, they still meet further staffing resources, for instance scientific scientific standards, and on the other hand are Flick 6.05.qxd 3/19/04 2:45 PM Page 364


relevant to the contexts of utilization of political FURTHER READING administration and professional practice? Behind this lies a more general problem of qualitative research: in view of its voluminous Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative research reports, it runs the risk of being Research, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. received only by tiny minorities. This can also be expressed differently: the Morse, J., Swanson, J. M. and Kunzel, A. J. (eds) image of qualitative research depends essen- (2001) The Nature of Qualitative Evidence. tially upon whether it can succeed in finding Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. satisfactory answers to the external expectations and its internal open questions. If the success of Seale, C. (1999) The Quality of Qualitative recent years is to be consolidated, it will have to Research. London: Sage. face these challenges. Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 365

6.6 The Art of Procedure, Methodological Innovation and Theory-formation in Qualitative Research

Alexandre Métraux

1 Introduction 365 2 Theoretical deficits and qualitative methods 365 3 The art of procedure and theory-formation 367 4 The actors’ perspective 368

1 INTRODUCTION of hypothesis-generation and theory-formation. Two opposing views of hypothesis-generation In this chapter I shall develop a number of were immediately noted in the opening section sometimes critical arguments on particular of the book: first the New York functionalism of aspects of qualitative research. The key to the Robert Merton and and then the argument is in the approach of Anselm Strauss Chicago-based research tradition represented (see 2.1, 5.13), who, of course, should not be by scholars such as William Thomas, Florian seen as a mirror of qualitative research in its Znaniecki, George H. Mead and Herbert Blumer entirety but who may, nevertheless, assume the (cf. Fisher and Strauss 1979 for discussion). For role of paradigm. I am making no systematic Glaser and Strauss this latter tradition was ‘asso- claim, for the simple reason that the self- ciated with down-to-earth qualitative research, imposed brevity could not deliver the kind of a less than rigorous methodology, and an unin- order required by the needs of a system. This is tegrated presentation of theory’ (Glaser and reason enough to make statements about func- Strauss 1967: vii) – all matters that must have tion, goals and limits of qualitative methods in seemed abominable to functionalists and which social research in a case-related way, that is to prospective academics had to avoid if they were say, in accordance with the paradigm associated to protect their future careers. The opposition with the name of Strauss. between the two schools, however, was not overstated because it had to do with the diag- nosis of a general shortcoming: according to ‘our 2 THEORETICAL DEFICITS conviction … neither of these traditions – nor AND QUALITATIVE METHODS any other in post-war sociology – has been suc- cessful at closing the embarrassing gap between When The Discovery of Grounded Theory: theory and empirical research’ (Glaser and Strategies for Qualitative Research by Barney Strauss 1967: vii). With the new start signalled Glaser and Anselm Strauss appeared in 1967, by this book, however, the two authors exposed it diagnosed in formal terms a substantial themselves to the (gentle) pressure to demon- methodological opposition between procedures strate the feasibility of a research style at for theory-formation. This had initially less to the level of theory and also at the level of data do with the battle about the value and signifi- collection by means of convincing results. cance of qualitative and quantitative methods One further historical event must be men- than with the plausibility of the different forms tioned: according to the view predominant Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 366


at that time in US sociology, only a single human knowledge, the discovery context shows wide-ranging thought-structure could be con- itself as no more than a side issue. Who sidered as a ‘theory’, whereas smaller-scale is likely to be interested in how a hypothesis thought-structures – whatever they were – did came about if it has not been proved? But if it not count as theories. A proponent of this view has been proved, then intuitions, thought- was Talcott Parsons, who devoted the whole of experiments and data collection are of little his life, following Max Weber, to the pursuit of consequence – except perhaps as an anecdotal a whole-society grand theory (cf., for example, flourish – compared to the fact that the research Parsons 1937, and Parsons and Shils 1951). This has produced something that is demonstrably apparently arbitrary convention became estab- ‘true’. lished as an academic diktat: since smaller-scale It may be the case, however, that this idea of investigations apparently had (and could have) the discovery context is short-sighted. Instead no theoretical value, the only possibility open of the accidental intuition or a cognitively to researchers was to distinguish themselves by unquantifiable chance, the generation of improving the means of collecting and hypotheses might be the result of some pre- analysing data or by collecting new data, even structuring insight into reality. This is related to without a theoretical compass (cf. Glaser and the fact that there are forms of experience- Strauss 1967: vii–viii and 1–2). processing which may be evaluated for hypothesis- Apparently, therefore, the stimulus for the generation and therefore also for theory design. foundation of qualitative research did not This collecting and evaluating, with reference to derive from the antagonistic relationship into earlier developments in science, may be looked which methods were forced – the quantitative upon as an ‘art’: it might also remind us that ones here and the qualitative there – but from chemistry was referred to as the ‘art of separa- a general disquiet about the general state of tion’ and that medicine is even today known as social research. If one considers the applica- a ‘healing art’. It was precisely this artistically tion of qualitative procedures in the different formed, learnable and teachable exposition of branches of social research,1 and then recon- sociological knowledge that an approach such structs their history from the point of view of as that of Strauss and Glaser was looking for. If a redefinition of what might be called their one interprets this approach in the sense that ‘theoretical worth’, the rhetoric of the opposi- the testing of grammatically well-formed state- tions with their connotative loading (qualita- ments about social facts does not take place in a tive versus quantitative, explain versus describe) vacuum but on the basis of systematically col- may be seen as a way of talking used from the lected data, then any justification of so-called sidelines, perhaps to gain the advantage over grounded theory or any other sociological theory competing disciplines or to promote a particu- is, of course, a trivial exercise. But if one bases an lar project. What is true of Strauss, at least, is interpretation on the guiding principle that the that he developed qualitative methods not collecting of innovative data happens both before out of any principled opposition to quantita- and after the formulation of a set of hypotheses tively operating social research but out of an that claim to be new (cf. Glaser and Strauss interest in the development of a rigorous 1967: 5, 21–26 and 31–43), this constitutes a theory. It would therefore be advisable not landmark that is not trivial either historically or to confuse the social ritual of methods with methodologically. sociological methodology when the critical After these retrospective explanations I come evaluation of qualitative methods is under to the conclusion that one can point to at least consideration. three sufficiently comprehensible reasons for A third aspect merits brief discussion. The the development of grounded theory. traditional distinction between the discovery and the justification context implies that the 1 Dissatisfaction with the style of sociological generation of hypotheses – where these are not research, particularly in the time after 1945. derived from pre-existing superordinate material – 2 The desire to get back to theoretical creativ- may be related to individual psychic notions. ity by reinterpreting the concept of theory Compared to the justification context, however, that was dominant at that time. where we are concerned with falsification, 3 The use of sociological experience in the verification and other such noble aspects of construction of theories of whatever scope.2 Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 367


3 THE ART OF PROCEDURE The first strategy centres on method; it is AND THEORY-FORMATION conceived out of methodological purism and rooted in the expectation that the unknown is As we have indicated, every proposal for a new so structured that it will not resist the use of the method leads consistently to its being tried out. tested methods. In metaphorical terms we could This testing puts the researcher into a situation say: a method-centred strategy assumes that a in which ready-made rules are initially only of given key will open a lock that has so far proved conditional value. With any claim to a proce- to be obstinate, if only one turns the key at the dural innovation there arises a set of circum- right moment. stances in which errors cannot be excluded, This kind of expectation is often detrimental heresies are probable and revisions are desirable. to the research process: the available key will In competing with traditional approaches, how- damage rather than open the lock. There now ever, untried innovations inevitably lose out. remains only the possibility of trying a problem- In view of the structure of the research process oriented strategy. But problem-oriented strate- (see 4.1), however, one might ask whether the gies lead to bricolage, whereby – in the same way competitive disadvantage is real or only appar- as in a medical clinic – all possibilities are tried ent. To explain this a brief digression is required. on the basis of considerations of opportunity, Research is carried out in order to examine, until a plausible result is achieved. understand and explain unknown phenomena. A brief glance at qualitative methods in social The unknown, or an unsolved problem for infor- research will show that thoughts on the justifi- mants in the research process (for example, the cation and qualification of methodological human genome – to cite a topical research modelling are heterogeneous. The phenomeno- object), or some fact that is partially contentious logical approach proposed by Graumann and and therefore leads to considerable debate: all of Métraux (1977) contains no indication as to these can have a disturbing effect on an experi- how, for example, one might set up a field ment. A classic example from the history of medi- study, how to conduct observations or analyse cine may help to illustrate the last of these data. The approach rather spells out four possibilities. As Ludwik Fleck demonstrated, structural–analytical categories (physicality, adherents of the old theory of infection regarded environmentality, sociality and historicity) as a microscopically small pathogens as the cause conceptual quadruplet which, because it seems of diseases. When it was shown that these to determine the situations of human behav- pathogens were also found in healthy people, the iour and action, imposes an absolute limit on original explanation was no longer sufficient: the expression of the smallest analytical unit in that one could make no further theoretical the field of social research (cf. Graumann and progress with the uncontested fact that the pres- Métraux 1977: 47–49). According to this ence of these pathogens did not lead to an infec- approach, the reflex mechanism (irrespective of tious disease. This did not mean that the first the nervous system in which it is activated or theory was abandoned. It was simply that atten- the equipment used to objectivize it) is the tion had been drawn to an unknown mechanism object of neither qualitative nor quantitative which would probably never have been noticed social research, precisely because the above- if it had appeared without any prior work, that is, mentioned limit for the formation of analytical outside the theoretical framework of the original units is transgressed. From this, of course, it theory of pathogens (cf. Fleck 1935/1979). does not follow that reflex mechanisms are The unknown, therefore, puts the machinery unimportant manifestations of human behav- of research into action again or contributes to iour and action, nor that they should not be some acceleration. This sort of situation opens considered in the social and behavioural up a choice of strategic alternatives: sciences. But if reflex mechanisms are to be analysed, this should be done in the framework 1 one can make an attempt to deal with of those disciplines which, as it is sometimes the unknown with older already available expressed, play the role of ancillary sciences. methods; or The approach of Graumann and Métraux is 2 one can make a counter-attempt to cope therefore concerned with the way of thinking with the unknown by means of some new in social research and the cognitive preconditions methodological tool. for sociological concept-formation, while it Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 368


reserves its position as far as concrete research view of the actors under investigation, with the activities are concerned. result that the objectivity requirement which is The very detailed introduction to qualitative indispensable in any science is damaged by research produced by Strauss (1987) on the basis smuggling in a heterogeneous point of view. of many years of experience, particularly in This accusation is based on a misunderstanding. medical sociology, proceeds somewhat differ- Let us assume that we need to explain in the ently. If one compares this introduction with most informative possible way certain interre- the methodological programme for grounded lated sequences of actions in which a number of theory which appeared 20 years earlier, it actors participate with various kinds of coopera- becomes clear that the more recent publication tion (as may be the case in universities, local uses a range of examples to show how one authorities, hospitals and so on). In this process should proceed at different points in a research the collecting of information about the actors’ project, whereas the 1967 book, although it motives, drives, expectations and the like proves does not comprise a plea for a particular socio- to be an indispensable component of the logical mode of thought, indulges in an almost research. It may then be assumed that a particu- excessive inductivism, where sufficiently com- lar circumstance (such as a chronic illness) that prehensive quantities of data would make vis- is at the actors’ focus of attention leads to ible the high frequencies and intersections that different patterns of action and different are presumably usable in theory-forming. (If behavioural strategies. A doctor, because of her individuals almost always behave in the same professional type of socialization when con- way in a particular environment, it may be fronted with a patient’s illness that has been assumed that we are dealing with a socially diagnosed as chronic, will behave differently binding pattern; the accumulation of such compared to the patient himself, and the observational data is then used, as suggested patient will behave differently compared to his above, in the pre-structuring of a hypothesis or relatives, the nursing staff or the members of the partial theory.) psychotherapeutic team. A description of the The case is again different with introductions work-processes that take place (hospital care, to content analysis (see 5.12) using data from organization of the patient’s return home, home focus groups, from which it becomes clear what nursing) cannot be achieved without taking rules are used by different readers to limit the account (in the broadest sense) of the mental semantic bandwidth of sentences (cf., for exam- processes and conditions of the actors (cf. ple, Lisch and Kriz 1978). Introductions of this Fagerhaugh and Strauss 1977). But the descrip- type, however, are data-specific and in principle tion and the analytical dissection of events is not applicable to all possible data. therefore no less relevant than the description From this it follows that uncertainties, short- of, for instance, the morphology of the tulip or term methodological lapses and imponderabili- the anatomical dissection of the lung of a whale. ties in work with qualitative methods cannot be It is an untenable idea that the anatomy of a ignored in the research process. The kind of whale’s lung or the morphology of a tulip are methodological purism (that is, whatever does objective simply because neither of the two not satisfy a finite quantity of statistical criteria is research-objects has any autonomous mental life, not a finished scientific product) that is particu- and that the description of social events, in con- larly popular among those with a markedly trast, must be rejected as subjective because the statistical way of thinking provokes a defence ‘research-objects’ have a particular world-view, mechanism that inhibits innovation, irrespective are differently motivated or pursue different of the fact that even the simplest measurements interests. are dependent on the formation of units that are We know, however, that explicit motives are in no way self-defining: before the formal arith- not necessarily the ultimate reasons for action metical system for measuring entities there lies and that overt interests without knowledge on the path of interpretation (cf. Ellis 1968: 22–23). the part of actors may depend on covert drives. So long as social research does not accept with- out question the explanations the actors who 4 THE ACTORS’ PERSPECTIVE are being investigated offer for their actions, the danger of subjectivism does not arise. If, for Qualitative research has sometimes been example, we do not take account of particular accused of attributing too much weight to the actors’ views in the reconstruction of actions Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 369


which these actors engage in after the diagnosis is no less attractive than other aspects of social of a chronic illness, then it is precisely this social life. It might therefore be rewarding to make process that will prove difficult to understand qualitative research itself an object of investiga- (cf. Strauss 1978). tion, with some explanatory and critical inten- How far we extend the ‘deep’ analysis of tion, and this would imply some modelling of actors’ mental representations depends again on methods to explain the unknown. It was for this (a) the research question, (b) the requirements kind of meta-social research that Anselm Strauss of the theory, and (c) the artistic production (or was ultimately also arguing. modelling) of adequate analytical procedures. Moreover it is precisely in dealing with the deep-structure analysis considered to be neces- NOTES sary that qualitative research must establish the crucial and the irrelevant factors. Some investi- 1 Apart from that contained in the present volume, gators believe that the analysis of linguistic a presentation of different approaches to qualita- utterances can also achieve everything that tive research may be found in Flick et al. (1995). others believe can only be explained by partici- 2 Similar constellations of motives were always pant observation. Others again believe that ver- important for other authors, such as Cicourel bal data constitute too slender a basis and that (1964), Garfinkel (1967a) and Goffman (1961b) (to paralinguistic, gestural, iconic and other types mention only a small number of sociologists of the of data should also be included. But what was same generation as Strauss). said above about the competition between qualitative and quantitative approaches is equally true of competition between rival FURTHER READING approaches within qualitative research. Qualitative research is not helped if the social ritual of methods is equated or confused with Goffman, E. (1961) Asylums. Essays on the Social sociological methodology. Ultimately nobody Situation of Mental Patients and Other in research has a monopoly of any particular Inmates. New York: Doubleday Anchor. magic method. Groups of outsiders, gender-specific phenom- Maines, D. R. (ed.) (1991) Social Organization ena, power-constellations and compelling insti- and Social Process. New York: Aldine de tutional forces all have – and incidentally quite Gruyter. legitimately – a certain appeal for qualitative research. In the institutions in which researchers Strauss, A. (1987) Qualitative Analysis for Social pursue their work social processes are inevitably Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University also taking place, and the investigation of these Press. Flick 6.06.qxd 3/19/04 2:46 PM Page 370 Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 371

Part 7

Resources Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 372 Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 373

7.1 Resources for Qualitative Researchers

Heike Ohlbrecht

1 Textbooks and handbooks 373 2 Journals and book series 375 3 Classic studies and articles 375 4 Internet sources 377 5 Software programs for computer-assisted processing of qualitative data 379 6 University teaching and postgraduate education 380

There is ample evidence, in the form of the large and questions of the presentation of results and quantity of new specialist literature or develop- criteria for justifying validity are discussed. In ments in the World Wide Web, to suggest there the chapter on text interpretation, the proce- is currently a great deal of movement in the dures of text analysis are presented, including world of qualitative research. This chapter will coding, categorization and sequential analysis. give a brief presentation of a selection of text- This book is particularly suitable as an introduc- books and manuals which provide an introduc- tory text. tion to the themes of qualitative research or which are suitable for the extension of existing Mason, J. (2002) Qualitative Researching, knowledge. Then, after a presentation of jour- 2nd edition nals and book series, as well as a number of clas- Jennifer Mason is aiming in this book at inter- sic texts, we shall consider the explosive ested students and scientists. There is a clear development of qualitative research on the presentation of methodological problems, fol- Internet. Here one must expect constant lowed by the research process and different change; many Internet sources are developing, types of qualitative data. A special didactic fea- some of which have only recently come into ture of this book is the set of ‘difficult questions’ existence. that are intended to give an introduction into the thought processes and the tradition of quali- tative research. Different strategies and proce- 1 TEXTBOOKS AND HANDBOOKS dures are presented, making clear the diversity of qualitative research. Textbooks Kvale, S. (1996) InterViews: An Introduction to Flick, U. (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative Qualitative Research Interviewing (2nd edition Research, 2nd edition 2004) This textbook provides a survey of theoretical This book is devoted to a thorough consider- positions and the most important methods of ation of the qualitative interview – one of the collecting and interpreting verbal and visual central research procedures. The author pro- data. The research process, questions of qualita- vides both theoretical underpinnings and prac- tive research and field access are presented, tical aspects of the interviewing process. After Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 374


examining the importance of the interview in such procedures as observation, document the context of qualitative research a number of analysis and qualitative interviews, and the use different theoretical backgrounds are discussed of computers in the qualitative research process. (phenomenology, hermeneutics, etc.). The The book concludes with a consideration of the author delivers practical insight with the ‘seven future prospects of qualitative research. stages of the interviewing process’, from research design to conducting the interview, Bauer, M. W. and Gaskell, G. (eds) (2000) analysis and presentation of research results. Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound. A Practical Handbook Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (1990) Basics of Quali- In four complex sections, this practical tative Research. Techniques and Procedures for handbook gives an overview of the current state Developing Grounded Theory (2nd edition 1998) of qualitative research. Part I is on the ‘Con- The formation of grounded theory is one of struction of a Research Corpus’, part II addresses the most widely used procedures of qualitative ‘Analytic Approaches for Text, Image and research, and is presented here in a very clear Sound’, part III focuses on ‘Computer Assis- and practical fashion, with many examples from tance’, and part IV deals with ‘Issues of Good different research fields. This book owes its Practice’. The book claims to provide essential particular attraction to its didactic step-by-step reading for students and researchers across the introduction, which also makes it readily acces- social sciences. sible for beginners. For more advanced students additional new techniques are presented. The Gubrium, J. F. and Holstein, J. (eds) (2001) book is divided into three sections: section 1 Handbook of Interviewing Research provides a survey of the thoughts that underlie Interviewing is the predominant mode of grounded theory; in section 2 special techniques research in the social sciences. The handbook and procedures (e.g. types of coding) are pre- offers a comprehensive examination of inter- sented in more detail; and in section 3 addi- viewing at the cutting edge of information tech- tional procedures are explained and evaluation nology. From interview theory to the nuts-and- criteria are introduced. bolts of the interview process, the coverage of this area is very broad and authoritative. Silverman, D. (1997) Qualitative Research. Theory, Method and Practice Atkinson, P., Coffey, A., Lofland, J. and Lofland, L. This book assembles well-known interna- (2001) Handbook of Ethnography tional qualitative researchers. The contributors This handbook gives in essays an overview of reflect on the analysis of each of the kinds of some of the intellectual contexts within which data – observation, texts, talk and interviews – ethnographic research has been fostered, devel- and using particular examples of data analysis to oped and debated. Ethnographic research in dif- advance analytic arguments. Illuminating both ferent fields is discussed and also ethnography the theory and the practice of qualitative analy- as work, its reality and its implications, both for sis, this book is a helpful resource for academics the doing of research and institutional support, and students involved in qualitative research. are debated. This handbook establishes the central and complex place ethnography now Handbooks occupies in the human disciplines.

Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S. (eds) (2000) Flick, U., Kardorff, E. von, Keupp, H., Rosenstiel, L. Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2nd edition von and Wolff, S. (eds) (1995) Handbuch This complex manual embraces primary theo- Qualitative Sozialforschung retical considerations, paradigms of qualitative This handbook provides a thorough survey of research, strategies and stages in the research qualitative research beginning with perspectives process, as well as techniques for collection, and traditions, and continuing to theories and analysis, interpretation and presentation. It examples of classical studies, followed by stages includes a summary of the different research in the research process and a summary presen- strategies, such as ethnography, pheno- tation of a range of methods. This leads to a menology, grounded, biographical research, discussion of some of the more important appli- clinical research, and also an introduction to cations of qualitative research. The book ends Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 375


with a section on questions of generalization and Introducing Qualitative Methods is a series the validation of qualitative research. edited by David Silverman since 1998. Qualitative Research in Information Systems (Myers and Avison 2002), Categories in Text and Talk 2 JOURNALS AND BOOK SERIES (Lepper 2000) or Doing Conversation Analysis (ten Have 1999) are topics of this particular In the area of qualitative research the following series, as well as books on the quality of quali- journals and book series are of particular tative research (Seale 1999a) or the use of interest. documents (Prior 2003). A complete list of previous volumes in these three series published by Sage may be found at: Journals http://www.sagepub.co.uk/. The series Understanding Social Research edited Journal of Narrative and Life History (editors McCabe, A. and Bamberg, M.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates by Alan Bryman, from Open University Press, The International Yearbook of Oral History and Life deals with various aspects of qualitative Stories (editors Thompson, P., Bertaux, D. and research, for example Ethnography (Brewer Passerini, L.), Oxford University Press 2000), Qualitative Data Analysis – Explorations Quality and Quantity. International Journal of with Nvivo (Gibbs 2002), Biographical Research Methodology (editor Capecchi, V.), Kluwer Academic (Roberts 2002). Publishers Qualitative Sociology (editor Zussmann, R.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 3 CLASSIC STUDIES AND ARTICLES Qualitative Inquiry (editors Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S.), Sage Some examples of classic studies and articles in International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education the qualitative research tradition are presented (editors Scheurich, J. and Foley, D.), Taylor & Francis here. The examples chosen constitute produc- Qualitative Research (editors Atkinson, P. A. and Delamont, S.), Sage tive stimuli for further studies and reveal Qualitative Health Research (editor Morse, J. M.), Sage a rich epistemological potential, so that one Research on Language and Social Interaction (editor may justifiably speak of the establishment of a Zimmerman, D. H.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates paradigm. Qualitative Social Work (editors Ruckdeschel, R. and Shaw, I.), Sage Symbolic interactionism Qualitative Research in Psychology (editors Giles, D., Gough, B. and Packer, M.), Gower Ethnography (editors Wacquant, L. and Willis, P.), Sage According to the theory of symbolic inter- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (editor Maddox, G.), actionism, individuals act by displaying to Sage themselves and to others the symbolic meaning Field Methods (editor Bernard, R. H.), Sage of their action. One central idea is the under- Narrative Inquiry (editors Bamberg, M. G. W. and standing of meaning, and the clarification of McCabe, A.), John Benjamins the term ‘meaning’ goes back to George Herbert Mead’s main work Mind, Self and Society (1934). Book series Becker, H. S. (1963) Outsiders. Studies in the Sociology of Deviance The Qualitative Research Methods Series from Sage Goffman, E. (1959) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life publishers has been appearing since 1986 with contributions on various aspects of qualitative research, such as Reliability and Validity in Participant observation Qualitative Research (Kirk and Miller 1986), Interpretive Biography (Denzin 1989d), Under- A particular feature of this approach is the standing Ethnographic Texts (Atkinson 1992), Focus researcher’s ‘diving into’ the field of investiga- Groups as Qualitative Research (Morgan 1988) and tion (Herbert Blumer) by participating in the Discourse Analysis (Phillips and Hardy 2002). contexts of everyday life (Goffman). The series The Narrative Study of Lives, edited Park, R. (1939) An Outline of the Principles of Society by Josselson and Lieblich, has approved in six Whyte, W. F. (1955) Street Corner Society. The Social volumes since 1993. Structure of an Italian Slum Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 376


Ethnomethodology Thomas, W. I. and Znaniecki, F. (1918) The Polish Peasant in Europe and America According to ethnomethodology, social reality unfolds in everyday practical action, which Sociography implies that social order is to be seen as an ongoing result of meaning attribution and acts According to Jahoda (1989), the main task of of interpretation. sociography is to account for the social, local Garfinkel, H. (1967a) Studies in Ethnomethodology and temporal conditions of a given situation. One study of the effect of long-term unemploy- ment on a village community, first published in Conversation analysis 1933, became the basic text for sociographic research. Conversation analysis was founded in the mid 1960s as a result of the work of Harvey Sacks. Jahoda, M., Lazarsfeld, P. F. and Zeisel, H. (1971) Sacks applied to conversations the ethno- Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed methodological question concerning the meth- Community ods actors use continuously to create social order. Ethnography Sacks, H. (1967) ‘The Search for Help. No One to Turn To’ In the second decade of the twentieth century, Harvey Sacks’s lectures, which provide a rich ethnology moved from extensive data collec- source of analyses, reflections and ideas, are tion to the intensive investigation of local con- now available to a broad public after long being texts. The roots of ethnographic methods are in available only to a small circle of insiders. the anthropological and ethnological works of Sacks, H. (1992) Lectures on Conversation, Volumes I and Bronislaw Malinowski and Franz Boas, and in II (ed. G. Jefferson) the linguistic studies of Edward Sapir. The fol- lowing text is representative of these: Objective hermeneutics Malinowski, B. (1935) Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of the Methods of Tilling the Soil and Agricultural Objective hermeneutics is concerned with the Rites in the Trobriand Islands reconstruction of the objective meaning- structure of a text. The specific approach repre- Ethnopsychoanalysis sented by Oevermann (1999a,b) is characterized by him as a structuralist position that is obliga- The empirical basis of ethnopsychoanalysis is torily linked to a methodology based on the the ethnopsychoanalytical conversation rather logic of reconstruction. than the therapeutic setting of psychoanalysis. The core is the processing and analysis of sub- Oevermann, U. (1993) ‘Die objektive Hermeneutik als unverzichtbare methodologische Grundlage für die conscious transfer and counter-transfer relation- Analyse von Subjektivität’ ships in the research field. A classic study of a psychoanalytically oriented type of social research is: Community sociology Parin, P. (1980b) Fear Thy Neighbour as Thyself. The study by William Isaac Thomas and Florian Psychoanalysis and Society among the Anyi of West Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and Africa America (1918), is considered to be a landmark. It heralded the blossoming of empirical–theoretical Biographical research, research at the Department of Sociology in analysis of narratives Chicago, which subsequently – as the Chicago School – exerted an enormous influence upon The above-mentioned study by Thomas and sociology. The sociological problem of migra- Znaniecki is also important in biographical tion is investigated here on the basis of the surge research as one of the earliest attempts to make in immigration by Polish peasants in the first biographical material accessible for sociological decade of the twentieth century. analysis. There was still a long route from the Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 377


instrumental and illustrative use of biographical statements can be made. By the time this book material to modern sociological biographical is published some sources may already be out- research. In Germany, Fritz Schütze, with the dated, some may have been supplemented or development of the narrative interview, was replaced and others may have appeared. What able to introduce a text-analytical method of follows here therefore is a selection of Internet biographical research that relates to the tradi- resources. Since every Internet source has its tions of the Chicago School. own specific possibilities and limitations, a net- worked use of the various links and sources is Riemann, G. and Schütze, F. (1987) ‘Trajectory as a Basic Theoretical Concept for Analyzing Suffering recommended. and Disorderly Social Processes’ Rosenthal, G. (1993) ‘Reconstruction of Life Stories. Bibliography, citation Principles of Selection in Generating Stories for of Internet sources Narrative Biographical Interviews’ Because of its richness and density of informa- Interpretations of film tion, its speed, international character, flexibi- or photos and pictures lity and interactivity, the Internet offers new perspectives to scientific research. The use of Film and television are exerting an increasingly completely new communication media, such as strong influence on everyday life. Denzin analy- mailing lists, online journals, chat rooms, Web ses Hollywood films since these also regularly rings and so on, makes it increasingly necessary include a social reflection of societal experi- to refer to these. As with the citation of printed ences, values, norms, institutions or historical literature, information about the author, title, events. place (Internet address = URL, or uniform resource locator) and date of publication has to Denzin, N. K. (1995) The Cinematic Society. The Voyeur’s be given with digital documents. The date of Gaze access is important to the extent that here, Harper, D. (1987) Working Knowledge. Skill and Community in a Small Shop unlike printed media, one is dealing with a doc- Denzin, N. K. (2002) Reading Race: Hollywood and the ument that can include different versions at dif- Cinema of Racial Violence ferent times. For a reference as a citation or for inclusion in a list of literature there are a num- ber of possibilities. At the time of writing there Medical sociology are no agreed standards. Recommendations for modes of formal citation of Internet sources In the early 1960s Glaser and Strauss investi- may be found at Electronic Reference Formats: gated the interaction between clinical personnel Recommended by the American Psychological and dying patients. These empirical studies Association (APA Style Guide) proved to be exemplary, and particularly for the http://www.apastyle.org/elecgeneral.html methodological reception of grounded theory (see 2.1). Links and online journals Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. L. (1965b) Awareness of Dying Sources of general information Corbin, J. M. and Strauss, A. L. (1988) Unending Work and Care The American Sociological Association http://www.asanet.org

4 INTERNET SOURCES The British Sociological Association http://www.britsoc.org.uk The following selection contains an overview – with no claim to completeness – of the infor- Qualpage (resources for qualitative researchers) mation available on the World Wide Web in the http://www.qualitativeresearch.uga.edu/QualPage/ area of sociological qualitative research. The This offers a wide range of information in the rapid development of the Internet makes any field of qualitative research, such as lists of attempt to provide a complete overview impos- discussion fora, online journals, organizations sible and, moreover, only temporarily valid and software. There is a detailed presentation of Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 378


different methods of qualitative research, such The Qualitative Report as biographical methods, ethnomethodology http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/index.html and conversation analysis, grounded theory, Designed as an online journal of qualitative narrative inquiry and phenomenology. research and critical discussion, it sees itself as a forum for scientists, students and any others International Institute for Qualitative who are interested in qualitative research. It is Methodology. open to different schools, critical commentaries http://ualberta.ca/~iiqm/ and remarks, as well as new developments in This address leads to the homepage of the the area of qualitative methods. It has been pro- International Institute for Qualitative Research duced since 1990 by Ronald Chenail. at the University of Alberta, giving information on workshops, conferences, publications and Qualitative Inquiry (QI) = software programs for computer-assisted analy- http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals.aspx?pid sis of qualitative data, and more besides. 105751 Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Qualitative Research in Information Systems Lincoln and offering online journal information http://www.auckland.ac.nz/msis/isworld/ on the Internet. Here there is an overview compiled by Sociological Research Online (SRO) Michael D. Myers of various methods (grounded http://www.socresonline.org.uk theory, hermeneutics, narration analysis, semi- This is edited by Liz Stanley and Larry Ray. It otics), techniques for data analysis, software is designed as a forum for theoretical, empirical programs, calls for papers and other topics. The and methodological questions of sociology references and links to qualitative research are related to current developments in politics, comprehensive and informative. society and science. Abstracts and articles since 1996 are freely available. Qualitative Research Resources on the Internet http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/qualres.html Social Research UPDATE (SRU) This was compiled by Ronald Chenail and http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/sru/sru.htm provides a detailed survey of Web pages, texts, This electronic journal is produced by the workshops and other information on qualitative Department of Sociology of the University of research. Surrey, UK, and gives information about the latest developments in the area of qualitative The Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG) research. Information and articles are freely http://www.coe.uga.edu/quig/ available. Available here is an interesting and high- frequency mailing list and papers from the Ethnographic Journal International Qualitative Research in Education http://www.pscw.uva.nl/emca/Journals.htm# Conference. ETHNOGRAPHIC An online journal of ethnographic research. The Qualitative Research Webring ETHNO/CA News http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring? http://www2.fmg.uva.nl/emca/ ring=qualres;list ETHNO/CA News offer information on Focuses on qualitative research and is of par- ethnomethodology and conversation analysis ticular interest to graduate students and faculty International Journal of Qualitative Studies in who are interested in all aspects of qualitative Education research. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/online/ 0951-8398.asp Online journals Edited by J. Scheurich and D. Foley, the jour- There is a growing tendency for specialist peri- nal provides information and abstracts since odicals and journals to have, in addition to their 1997. It is freely available online. printed version, a (frequently shorter) online version. But recently there have appeared a Social Scientific Research Methodology in Cyberspace range of dedicated online journals that promote http://www.socio.demon.co.uk/research- specialist interactive exchange. methodology.html Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 379


Forum: Qualitative Social Research (FQS) is a may be downloaded from the Internet at the multilingual online journal for qualitative URLs given below. research. The main aim of FQS is to promote dis- cussion and cooperation between qualitative The Ethnograph researchers from different nations and social http://www.qualisresearch.com/ science disciplines. First developed by John Seidel and published in http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/ 1985, The Ethnograph was one of the first pro- fqs.htm grams for computer-assisted analysis of qualita- tive data. The program has been continuously Computer-assisted analysis developed since then and is now in widespread of qualitative data use in many scientific disciplines. It is a classic QUALNET is a mailing list for the area of cut-and-paste program and is therefore highly computer-assisted analysis of qualitative data. suitable for functions of selection, search, cod- Its email address is: ing and processing of text-based data and for [email protected] the production of memos.

A project is running at the University of Surrey Hyper Research with the goal of contributing to the dissemina- http://www.researchware.com tion of software for computer-assisted analysis This is a software program for the coding of dif- of qualitative data, establishing training courses ferent data types and large data sets. It was devel- and investigating this field. Information con- oped in 1990 by S. Hess-Biber, T. S. Kinder and cerning this may be found at: P. Dupuis. The main emphasis is on a deductive http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/caqdas and case-oriented analytical procedure. It is a multi-media program which supports the analy- sis of qualitative data and facilitates networking/ 5 SOFTWARE PROGRAMS FOR data-transfer to statistical programs. COMPUTER-ASSISTED PROCESSING • OF QUALITATIVE DATA NUD IST http://www.qsr-software.com Software programs in the field of qualitative This program supports the process of searching research are not only used for text searches and for and organizing data, to facilitate theory- management but also – in the sense of a system- building. QSR, like ATLAS.ti, relates explicitly to atic text processing which includes a codified pro- grounded theory and supports its methods. A cedure – they may be used for theory-building. In particular feature is the presentation of the this way, they surpass anything that conven- system of categories in a hierarchical tree- tional text-processing packages can achieve. We structure that branches downward. Within this should, of course, point out that the software system relationships can be established. The does not analyse data (this remains the task of the program was developed by T. and L. Richards. investigator) but provides support in the form of a tool. To describe IT programs for computer- Code-a-Text assisted analysis of qualitative data, the label http://www.code-a-text.co.uk ‘QDA-software’ (= qualitative data analysis) has This came about in the context of analysing con- been generally accepted (cf. Kuckartz 1999). The versations from therapy encounters and was available programs have developed with amazing developed by A. Cartwright. Code-a-Text is now speed in recent years, and a fuller treatment is used for the analysis of a range of text types. The available in the surveys of Kuckartz (1999) and multi-media version makes possible the analysis Kelle (1995). of videos and pictures. The publisher Sage/Scolari Before opting for a particular program (and has specialized in the marketing and promotion, currently around 25 are available), and therefore and detailed information on QDA software may also a type of program,1 one ought to consider be obtained from the following address: the particular features and functions that are http://www.scolari.com of value. An overview of the most important As examples of the great variety of QDA programs can readily be constructed from the software, two programs will be examined more Internet. Demo-versions of current programs closely: MAXqda and ATLAS.ti. Flick-07.qxd 3/19/04 2:18 PM Page 380


MAXqda Both programs, MAXqda and ATLAS.ti, offer a http://www.maxqda.de range of functions which are present on the MAXqda, the new program from the develop- screen and which, in addition to the search and ers (Kuckartz) of WinMAX, is a powerful tool for code-allocation, do not allow the reference to the analysis of text-based qualitative data that is the particular textual locations to be lost. The PC also setting new standards in user-friendliness. acquires a reference system of textual locations, MAXqda is available in German, English and categories, generic categories and codes which Spanish. The program supports those researchers support the processes of analysis and interpreta- who are concerned with the analysis of non- tion of qualitative data. The programs both offer numerical and unstructured data. Its fields of interfaces with other programs, such as SPSS application range from the analysis of qualitative (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). There interviews, sociological fieldwork and media are differences in respect of coding levels, coding analyses to the analysis of open questions in the word-length, media types, visualization and the context of surveys. MAXqda is used in many production of hierarchical links (see 5.14). scientific and practical fields: in sociology, political science, psychology and psychoanalysis, educa- tion, ethnology, criminology, social work, mar- 6 UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND keting and social planning. MAXqda supports POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION the processes of text interpretation and theory- building. In texts it is possible to search, catego- At the Methodology Institute of the London rize, classify, code, evaluate and typologize School of Economics and Political Science (LSE-Mi) without losing the typical complexity of the data. education and research concentrate on sociolog- The Internet address given above gives details ical research methods. A 15-week course on of workshops in the UK and Germany that pro- ‘Text, Image and Sound in Social Research’ has vide an introduction to the software program. its primary focus on training in qualitative methods (see 6.2). The homepage of the LSE is: http://www.lse.ac.uk ATLAS.ti In Germany, the only course is for graduates at http://www.atlasti.de/ the Free University of Berlin in the form of a three- What is fundamental for ATLAS.ti is the semester further study programme on ‘Qualitative grounded theory approach and therefore the Methods in the Social Sciences’, which can lead to coding paradigm of Strauss (1987). The software a certificate. This course, which is only in German, program developed by Muhr is available in includes teaching units on the main emphases, English and offers processing possibilities at theoretical bases and classical studies of qualitative both the textual and the conceptual level. From research, together with a treatment of the many the initial text, for example an interview to be ways of collecting and analysing data. Practical interpreted and the interpretations or codings knowledge of research methods is developed in that belong to it, a ‘hermeneutic’ unit is formed project seminars and research workshops. on the screen. The principal strategy of the Information about the content of the study program can be characterized as ‘VISE’: programme, application procedure and other Visualization, Integration, Serendipity and details may be found at: Exploration. Textual locations can be marked, http://www.fu-berlin.de/qlmethoden/ ordered, commented or related to one another for a better overview, and in this way form semantic networks. ATLAS.ti makes it possible NOTES to work with textual data and to analyse further media types such as graphics, audio and video. 1 For example, the following program types may be ATLAS.ti has also been widely adopted in a distinguished: code-and-retrieve programs/coding and search programs, code-based theory-builders, range of scientific disciplines. There is a mailing 2 terminological and conceptual network-builders, list in English which permits users to exchange rule-based theory-building systems, and so on. experiences. The homepage of ATLAS.ti lists 2 The mailing list may be reached at ATLAS- dates for introductory workshops into the pro- [email protected]. The following message should be gram, which take place, for example, in the sent to [email protected]: SUB ATLAS-TI, giving USA, Canada, the UK and Germany. first name, last name and institution. Flick References 8.02.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 381


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Author Index

Abel, Theodore 156 Bergmann, Jörg R. 26, 27, 31, 181, 228, 299, Abu Lughod, Janet L. 45 301, 303, 305, 327 Ackerman, Nathan W. 60 Bergold, Jarg B. 5 Adler, Matthias 44 Bergs-Winkels, Dagmar 168 Adorno, Theodor W. 60, 91, 106, 214, 215, 315 Berreby, D. 52 Agar, Michael 282, 283 Besig, Hans-Michael 132 Agee, James 232 Beyer, Janice 134 Albert, Hans 156 Bihl, Gerhard 132 Alewyn, Richard 109 Billig, Michael 309 Allaire, Yvan 131 Bion, Wilfred R. 44 Allert, Tilman 291 Blaikie, Norman W. 178, 179, 181 Allum, Nick C. 342 Blankertz, Herwig 103 Altheide, David L. 285 Blank, R. 168 Amann, Klaus 197, 201, 224, 225, 226, 227, Bloor, Michael 179 230, 329, 355 Blumenberg, Hans 91 Anderson, Robert J. 32 Blumer, Herbert 6, 9, 53, 82, 84, 102, 169, 365, 375 Anderson, T. 249 Boas, Franz 376 Antaki, Charles 302, 308 Boccia Artieri, Giovanni 234 Apsel, Reinhard 45 Bogdan, Robert 201, 285 Atkinson, John M. 299 Bohnsack, Ralf 188, 217, 220, 291, 357, 359 Atkinson, Paul 225, 227, 228, 329, 341, 374 Bolton, Richard 232 Auer, Peter 298 Bonß, Wolfgang 349 Austin, John L. 310 Bonfantini, Mario 159 Ayaß, Ruth 302, 305 Bortz, Jürgen 137, 345 Böttger, Andreas 156 Ball, S. J. 227, 356 Bourdieu, Pierre 115–16, 125, 319 Ballstaedt, Steffen-Peter 268 Bourgeois, L. J. III 167 Bamberg, Michael G. 260 Bowen, Eleonore S. 329 Barley, Nigel 329 Boyer, Lucien B. 44 Barthes, Roland 82, 240, 310, 323–4, 325 Brajuha, Mario 337 Barton, Alan H. 173, 176, 188 Breuer, Franz 274–5 Bateson, Gregory 232, 236, 238 Brooks, Charlotte 233 Bauer, Michael W. 342, 343, 344, 374 Brosius, Georg 257 Bauer, Otto 59 Brown, L. D. 135 Baugh, J. 260 Brown, Mary E. 121 Bäumer, J. 133 Bruckner, Pascal 5, 114 Bazerman, Charles 329 Bruner, Jerome 91, 93 Bazzi, Danielle 45 Bruyn, Severyn T. 223 Beauchamp, Tom L. 335 Bryk, Antony 138 Beauvoir, Simone de 124 Bryman, Alan 187 Becker, Howard S. 38, 170, 179, 235, 237, 328, 350 Bude, Heinz 108, 110, 150, 324, 328 Becker-Schmidt, Regina 124, 125 Bühler, Charlotte 59 Beck, Ulrich 349 Bühler, Karl 59, 96, 98 Bell, Cecil 131 Bühler-Niederberger, Doris 189, 257 Benjamin, Walter 106 Burgess, Richard G. 166, 168 Bensman, Joseph 338–9 Burke, Peter 298 Berg, Eberhard 45, 224, 324 Burman, Erica 312 Berger, John 232 Burr, Victor 309 Berger, Peter L. 6, 65, 73, 88, 91, 98, 138, 303 Busse, Dietrich 270 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 422


Butler, Judith 83, 126 Dreyfus, Hubert L. 277 Button, Graham 302 Dreyfus, Stephen E. 277 du Bois, James W. 251 Campbell, Donald T. 174 du Gay, Paul 82, 121 Capra, Frank 241 Duns Scotus, Johannes 79 Casagrande, Joseph B. 196 Durkheim, Emile 31, 65, 73, 215 Cassirer, Ernst 98 Chaflen, Richard 233 Eagleton, Terry 22, 310 Charmaz, Kathy 55, 274, 275 Easterlin, Richard A. 109 Chelimsky, Eleanor 139, 142 Eberle, Thomas S. 74 Christie, Richard 60 Eco, Umberto 160 Cicourel, Aaron V. 71, 73, 77, 181, 285, 323 Edwards, Derek 91, 302, 308, 309 Clarke, Adele E. 22 Edwards, Elisabeth 233 Clarke, John 36 Edwards, Jane A. 249 Clegg, Stewart 361 Edwards, Rosalind 358 Clifford, James 45, 197, 232, 324 Eglin, Peter 301 Clough, Patricia T. 238 Ehlich, Konrad 248, 250–2 Coffey, Amanda 282, 283, 374 Eickelpasch, Ralf 74 Collier, John Jr 241 Eisenhardt, Kathleen 167, 170 Collier, Michael 241 Englisch, Felicitas 246 Collins, R. 25 Erdheim, Mario 44 Comelli, Gerhard 135 Erzberger, Christian 175, 361 Conrad, P. 282 Esser, Helmut 99 Converse, Jean 155 Evans, Walter 232 Cook, G. 249 Ewald, Wendy 233 Cook, Stuart W. 61 Cook-Gumperz, Jenny 218–19 Ferguson, Majorie 122 Cooley, Charles H. 84, 95 Festinger, Leon 321 Corbin, Juliet M. 17, 19, 21–2, 170, 270, 272, Fetterman, David M. 138, 142 274, 280, 341, 374 Fielding, Jane L. 174, 179, 181 Couper-Kuhlen, Elisabeth 302 Fielding, Nigel G. 174, 179, 181, 283 Crapanzano, Victor 44, 51 Filmer, Paul 74 Creswell, James W. 146 Fine, Gary A. 81 Cronbach, Leo J. 138, 141 Finkielkraut, Alain 5, 114 Czyzewski, Markus 301 Firsirotu, Mihaela E. 131 Fischer, Michael M. 56, 261 Dahrendorf, Ralf 24 Fischer-Rosental, Wolfram 206, 341 Dammann, Rüdiger 45 Fiske, Donald W. 174, 175 D’Andrade, Roy 72 Fiske, John 120–1 Darnton, Robert 91 Fleck, Ludwik 88, 367 de Certeau, Michel 120 Fleishman, Edwin A. 133 Dennett, Daniel C. 91 Flick, Uwe 5, 10, 141, 148, 165, 168, 174, Denzin, Norman K. 10, 16, 53–7, 84, 86, 91, 179–80, 181, 185, 205, 237, 274, 275, 341, 117, 122, 174, 178–9, 181, 185, 354, 358, 342, 343, 344, 356, 359, 373, 374–5 374, 377 Flores, Fernando 277 Deppermann, Arnulf 341 Foley, Douglas E. 39 Deutsch, Morton 61 Ford, N. A. 86 Devereux, Georges 16, 43 Foucault, Michel 85, 120, 310, 312 Dewe, Bernd 352 Freeman, Howard E. 137 Dewey, James 84 French, Wendel L. 131 Dickson, William J. 131, 133 Frerichs, Petra 124 Diederichsen, Diedrich 111 Freud, Sigmund 40, 60, 267, 315, 316, 317, 319, Diekmann, Andreas 146, 173, 345 321, 325 Dierkes, Meinolf 133 Freundlieb, Andreas 139 Dilthey, Wilhelm 101, 102–3, 166 Frevert, Ute 125 Dölling, Irene 125 Friebertshäuser, Barbara 224 Döring, Nicola 137, 345 Friedlander, Friedrich 135 Douglas, James D. 117, 285 Friedrichs, Jürgen 173 Drew, Paul 25, 301 Fröhlich, Gerhard 326 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 423


Fryer, David 61 Hähner, Katrin 133 Fuchs, Martin 45, 205, 224, 324 Halliday, Michael A. 308 Fühlau, Ingelunde 267 Hall, Stuart 35, 36, 45, 85, 118, 119, 121, 237 Hammersley, Martyn 224, 225, 227, 341 Gadamer, Hans G. 321 Hannerz, Ute 45 Gans, Herbert 336 Haraway, Donna 125 Garfinkel, Harold 4, 5, 16, 29–34, 55, 71, 72–9, Harper, Douglas 170, 179, 232, 234, 236, 238 218, 286, 297, 321, 352, 376 Harré, Rom 81, 309 Garz, Detlef 91, 114 Hartge, Ulrich 301 Gaskell, George 342, 343, 344, 374 Hartley, Janet F. 167 Gebauer, Gunter 91–2, 93 Hartmann, Heinz 60 Gebert, Dieter 129, 130, 133, 135 Hauschild, Thomas 44 Geer, Blanche 154 Hausendorf, Heiko 302 Geertz, Clifford 7, 16, 45, 47–52, 54, 114, 115, Hausen, Karin 124 196, 225, 326, 327, 329 Hawkes, Terence 309 Gephardt, Robert P. Jr 285 Heath, Christian 301, 355 Gerbner, George 267 Hebdige, Don 119 Gerdes, Klaus 173 Heiner, Maja 352 Gergen, Ken J. 88, 90, 91 Heinrichs, H. J. 44 Gerhardt, Uta 8, 148 Heinze, Thomas 208 Giddens, Anthony 24, 27, 82, 127, 216 Helmers, Sabine 134 Gieseke, Wolfram 245 Henriques, Julian 311 Gildemeister, Regine 125, 127 Heritage, John 30, 72, 77, 296, 299, 301 Gillespie, Mary 121 Hermanns, Harry 341 Gillett, Grant 309 Hester, Stephen 301 Girtler, Roland 224, 355 Hilbert, Richard A. 72 Glaser, Barney G. 15, 17, 22, 23, 148–9, 151, 154, Hildenbrand, Bruno 5, 18, 20, 22, 341, 355 155, 156, 169, 182, 236, 255, 256, 270, 273, 274, Hirschauer, Stefan 126, 197, 201, 224, 225, 226, 277, 279–80, 283, 341, 344, 357, 361, 365–6, 377 227, 230, 329, 355 Glasersfeld, Ernst von 88, 89–90 Hitzler, Ronald 70, 97, 218, 291, 293, 295 Glesne, Charles 340–2, 348 Hoff, Ernst 130 Goffman, Erving 4, 5, 6, 16, 24–8, 73, 84, 126, 198, Hoffmann, F. 134 200, 225, 226, 285, 296, 329, 350, 375 Hoffmann-Riem, Christa 8, 101, 102, 148, 151, 155 Gola, Peter 334 Hoggart, Richard 35, 118–19 Golding, Peter 122 Hollander, A. N. den 326 Goodenough, Ward H. 72 Holstein, James A. 10, 83, 85, 209, 374 Goodman, Nelson 91, 93, 94 Honer, Anne 70, 97, 224–5, 291 Gouldner, Alvin W. 73 Hopf, Christel 155, 157–8, 254, 255 Grathoff, Richard 97 Hopper, P. J. 260 Graumann, Carl F. 367–8 Hopper, R. 298 Greenblatt, Stephen 52 Horkheimer, Max 60, 91, 214, 215, 315 Greif, Siegfried 130 Hornby, P. 168, 169 Gripp, Helga 291 Hornsby-Smith, Michael 199 Groeben, Norbert 181, 185 House, Ernest 138, 141, 142 Grolnik, Simon A. 44 Huber, Günter L. 269 Grossberg, Lawrence 120 Huberman, A. Michael 22, 146, 150–1, 168, 170 Grüneisen, Viktor 130 Humphreys, Laud 198 Guba, Egon G. 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 184, 185, Husserl, Edmund 65, 67, 68, 70, 97, 104, 224–5 186, 187, 361 Gubrium, Jaber F. 10, 83, 85, 209, 374 Irigaray, Lucie 123 Gumbrecht, Ulrich 324 Irle, Martin 131 Gumperz, John 218–19 Iser, Wolfgang 310 Günthner, Sabine 302, 306 Gurwitsch, Aaron 97, 218, 261 Jackson, Michael 86 Gusfield, Joseph 285 Jacobs, Jerry 33, 170 Jaeger, H. 110 Habermas, Jürgen 73, 160, 315 Jahoda, Marie 4–5, 16, 58–62, 324, 341, 376 Hagaman, Dianne 235 Jameson, Frederic 27 Hahn, Alois 200 James, William 84, 105 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 424


Jaques, Elliot 130 Langer, Susanne K. 98 Jefferson, Gail 119, 249, 296, 301 Lang, Hermann-J. 134 Johnson, Jeffrey C. 168, 169 Latour, Bruno 88 Johnson, John M. 285 Laurie, H. 282 Jorgensen, Danny L. 227 Lautman, J. 61 Jung, P. 132 Lazarsfeld, Paul F. 4–5, 59, 60, 173, 176, 188, 365 Lechinsky, A. 101 Kahn, R. L. 131 Lécuyer, B.-P. 61 Kallmeyer, Werner 251 Lee, Richard M. 200, 283 Kardorff, Ernst von 137, 350, 353, 359, 374–5 Legewie, Heiner 274 Karp, David A. 198 Legge, Karen 142 Kaschube, Jochen 131 Leggewie, Claus 110 Katz, Elihu 122 Lehmann, Burkhardt 74 Kaufmann, Franz-X. 111 Leisering, Lutz 111 Kayales, Christina 44 Leithäuser, Thomas 44 Kelle, Udo 173, 184, 279, 280, 282, 283, 361, 379 Lemert, Charles 85 Kendall, Patricia 205, 206 Lenz, Klaus 25 Keppler, Angelika 305, 306 Lepenies, Wolf 322, 353 Kets de Vries, Manfred F. 134 Leuzinger, Marianne 44 Keupp, Heiner 44, 374–5 Levenstein, Adolf 132–3 Kieser, Alfred 132, 134 Levinson, Stephen C. 297 Kirchhöfer, Dietrich 169 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 134 Kirk, Jerome 184, 187 Lewin, Kurt 131, 135 Kitzinger, Jenny 216 Leymann, Heinz 129 Klein, Sabine 134 Lichtenberg, Gottfried C. 76 Klinger, C. 124 Liebau, Eckart 292–3 Kluge, Susann 338 Liebes, Tamar 122 Knapp, Gudrun-A. 123, 124, 125 Lincoln, Yvonna S. 10, 54, 56, 122, 137, 138, 139, Knauth, Bettina 287, 329 140, 142, 179, 184, 185, 186, 187, 358, 361, 374 Knoblauch, Hubert 70, 78, 224, 227, 295, 306, 355 Lindemann, Gesa 126 Knorr-Cetina, Karin 77, 88–9, 126, 287 Lindner, Rolf 117 Kohlstruck, Martin 111 Linell, Per 297 Kompa, Ain 131, 134 List, Elisabeth 74 Konau, Elisabeth 291 Livingston, Eric 78 Kondratowitz, Hans-J. von 350 Livingstone, Sonja 215 König, Hans D. 291, 316–19 Locke, E. A. 133 Koselleck, Reinhart 108 Lofland, John 374 Kowal, Sabine 152, 249, 251–2 Lofland, Lyn 374 Kracauer, Siegfried 266 Lonkila, M. 283 Kraimer, Klaus 91, 114 Lorenzer, Alfred 44, 313, 315–16, 319 Krais, Beate 125 Lotringer, Sylvère 322–3 Kraus, Wolfgang 142 Lübbe, Hermann 110 Kroeber, Alfred L. 47 Luckmann, Benita 70 Kroner, Wolfgang 352 Luckmann, Thomas 6, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 88, 91, Krueger, Richard A. 215–16 97, 98, 99, 105, 113, 115, 138, 303 Krüger, Heinz H. 267 Lüders, Christian 6, 180, 181 Ksander, M. 285 Luhmann, Niklas 88, 94, 198, 220 Kubicek, Herbert 132, 134 Lunt, Peter 215 Kubik, Gerhard 44 Lutz, Burkart 130 Kuckartz, Udo 379 Lynch, Michael 77, 78, 79 Kuhn, Thomas 3, 45 Lyotard, Jean-F. 45 Kuper, Adam 45 Kvale, Steinar 138, 141, 168, 181, 185, 186, 210, McCabe, Colin 309 211, 335, 373–4 McCall, George J. 223 MacHoul, Alec W. 288 Labov, William 260 McRobbie, Angela 37, 121 Lamnek, Siegried 132, 155, 291, 341 MacWhinney, Brian 252 Lampert, Martin D. 249 Madaus, L. George F. 137 Lampert, Norbert 267 Mahnkopf, Brigitte 38 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 425


Mainiero, Lisa A. 129 Müller, Walter 109 Malinowski, Bronislaw 60, 196, 329, 376 Musolf, Gil R. 83 Mangold, Werner 214–15 Mannheim, Karl 108, 110, 216–17, 218, 219 Nadig, Maja 44 Manning, Kenneth 185 Nagel, Ulrike 152 Manning, Peter 26 Nathan, Toby 45 Marcus, George E. 38, 39, 45, 56, 232, 324, 358 Neuberger, Oswald 129, 130, 131, 133, 134–5 Margolis, E. 236 Nicholson, Linda 125 Marotzki, Winifried 101, 106, 180 Nießen, Manfred 215, 218 Marshall, Catherine 151 Nightingale, V. 121 Marx, Karl 82, 104 Ninck Gbeassor, Dorothee 45 Marx, Werner 70 Nora, Pierre 108 Mason, Jennifer 373 Nowotny, Helga 124, 351 Matthes, Jochen 92 Mauss, Marcel 50 Ochs, Elinor 248, 302 Maxwell, James A. 146, 149, 150 O’Connell, Donald C. 152, 249–52 Mayntz, Renate 173, 324 Oevermann, Ulrich 99, 179, 208, 261, 290–3, 376 Mayring, Philipp 184, 255, 267, 268, 341 Opitz, Diane 338 Mead, George Herbert 20, 22, 31, 96, 316, 324, Opp, Klaus-D. 157 350, 365, 375 Ortner, Sherry B. 48, 50, 51 Mead, Margaret 165, 232, 236, 238 Oswald, Hans 25 Mehan, Hugh 74 Ottomeyer, Klaus 44, 45 Meinefeld, Werner 156 Menschik-Bendele, Jutta 44 Parin-Matthèy, Goldy 16, 40–6 Merkens, Hans 165, 167 Parin, Paul 16, 40–6, 376 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 78 Parker, Ian 309, 310, 311, 312 Mertens, Wolfgang 134 Park, Robert 84, 114 Merton, Robert K. 15, 22, 60–1, 205, 206, 215, Parsons, Talcott 28, 29–30, 47, 72, 73, 75, 366 321, 365 Pasero, Ursula 125 Métraux, Alexandre 367–8 Patton, Michael 138, 139, 140, 151, 167, 168, Meunsterberger, Werner 40 188, 361 Meuser, Michael 126, 152 Pawlowsky, P. 133 Meyer, M. W. 285 Pedrina, Fernanda 45 Miles, Matthew B. 22, 146, 150–1, 168, 170, Peirce, Charles S. 18, 84, 159, 160–4, 322 269, 276 Peltzer, Kurt 45 Miller, D. 134 Peräkylä, Anssi 357 Miller, Mark L. 184, 187 Petersen, Julius 111 Mills, Charles W. 237 Peters, Thomas J. 130 Mintzberg, Henry 133 Peukert, Hans 102 Mitterer, Josef 89 Pfadenhauer, Michaela 70 Modelmog, Ilse 124 Pfeiffer, Karl L. 324 Moerman, Michael 51 Piaget, Jean 88 Möhring, Peter 45 Piontek, Mary E. 141 Mohr, Jean 232 Platt, James 170 Morgan, David L. 167, 215–16 Plessner, Helmuth 34, 98, 115, 117 Morgan, Gareth 130 Pollner, Marvin 77, 285 Morgenthaler, Fritz 16, 40–6 Popitz, Heinrich 110 Morley, David 119, 121, 216 Popper, Karl 160 Moro, Maarie R. 45 Potter, Jonathan 91, 302, 308, 309 Morse, Janice M. 151, 166, 169, 188 Preskill, Hallie S. 141 Morth, I. 326 Psathas, George 249, 297 Moscovici, Serge 92, 275 Mostyn, Barbar 267 Radtke, Frank-O. 352 Mühlfeld, Christian 267 Ragin, Charles C. 146, 170 Muhr, Thomas 275 Reck, Ulrich 91 Mulkay, Michael 77 Redder, Angelika 252 Müller-Böling, D. 132 Redfield, R. 326 Müller, Herrmann 287 Refisch, Hermann 129 Müller, Paul J. 244 Rehbein, Jochen 249, 250–1 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 426


Reichenbach, Hans 160 Schneider, Wolfgang L. 302 Reiche, Reimut 44 Schnell, Rainer 173 Reichertz, Jo 6, 160, 181, 229, 230, 292, 295, 329 Schomerus, R. 334 Reichmayr, Johannes 40, 44 Schönhammer, Rainer 133 Reinarz, S. 282 Schreyögg, G. 131 Ribbens, Jane 358 Schröder, R. A. 313 Richards, Lyn 282 Schröer, Norbert 295 Richards, Tom 282 Schütz, Alfred 6, 30, 65, 67–71, 72, 88, 89, 90–1, Richardson, Laurel 185, 329 94, 96, 97, 99, 104–5, 113, 114, 115, 116, 156 Richter, H. 252 Schütze, Fritz 147, 206, 207, 260, 261, 377 Ricoeur, Paul 92, 93, 94, 327 Schütze, Yvonne 291 Riedel, Manfred 110 Schwartz, Howard 33, 170 Rieger, Jean 234 Seale, Clive 344 Rieker, Peter 256 Sebeok, Thomas 162 Riis, Jacob 232 Secord, Paul F. 309 Ritsert, Jürgen 267 Seidel, Jim 282, 283 Robert, Günter 127 Selting, M. 249, 250, 251, 299, 302 Roberts, Brian 38 Shadish, William R. 139, 142 Robillard, Albert B. 33 Sharrock, Wes W. 32 Rodriguez-Rabanal, Cesar 44 Shaw, Ian F. 142 Roethlisberger, Frank J. 131, 133 Shils, Edward 30–1, 366 Rorty, Richard 86 Shotter, John 91, 185 Rosen, M. 134 Sievers, Burkhard 135 Rosenstiel, Lutz von 129, 130, 133, 135, 374–5 Silverman, David 187, 341, 374 Rosenthal, Gabriele 206–7, 260, 261, 341 Simmel, Georg 104, 124, 301, 323 Rosler, M. 232 Simmons, J. L. 223 Rossi, Peter H. 137 Sjöstrand, Sven-Erik 134 Rossman, Gretchen B. 151 Slack, R. S. 246 Roth, C. 44 Smircich, L. 131 Rowan, B. 285 Smith, B. H. 260 Rühl, M. 267 Smith, Dorothy E. 33, 284, 287 Rust, Holger 267 Smith, G. W. 356 Ryave, A. L. 74 Smith, J. K. 185 Ryder, Norman B. 109 Smythe, D. 82–3 Ryen, A. 336 Soeffner, Hans-Georg 17, 22, 70, 98, 99, 218, Ryle, Gilbert 48 293, 295, 327, 355 Sola Pool, Ithiel de 209 Sackmann, Reinhold 109 Solomon-Godeau, Abigail 232 Sacks, Harvey 16, 29–34, 76, 287, 296, 299, 300, Spitz, René 350 301, 327, 376 Spradley, James P. 169, 187 Safranski, Rüdiger 79 Srubar, Ilja 98 Saller, V. 44 Stagl, Justin 117 Sapir, Edward 376 Stake, Richard E. 139, 140, 141 Sartre, Jean-Paul 101, 104 Stark, Wolfgang 138, 142 Saussure, Ferdinand de 309, 310 Star, S. L. 18, 20 Schafer, Roy 44 Stegman, S. 313 Schatzman, Leonard 20, 169 Stehr, Nico 137 Scheele, Brigitte 181 Steiger, R. 235 Schegloff, Emanuel 30, 296, 298, 299, 300 Steinke, Ines 186 Schein, Edgar H. 131, 133, 134 Steinrücke, M. 124 Scheler, Max 98 Stonequist, Everett V. 116–17 Schelsky, Helmut 109 Strauss, Anselm L. 15–16, 17–23, 84, 148–50, 151, Schenkein, Jim 74, 297 152, 154, 155, 156, 169–70, 182, 185, 236, 255, Scheuch, Erwin K. 323 256, 270, 272, 274, 277, 279, 280, 283, 294, Schiebinger, Londa 125 340, 341, 344, 357, 365–6, 368, 374, 377 Schmidt, Siegfried J. 90 Streeck, Jürgen 301 Schmitt, Reinhold 302 Strobl, Rainer 156 Schmitz, Enno 353 Strodtbeck, Fred 30–1 Schneider, Gerald 229 Stryker, Roy 233 Flick Autho-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:19 PM Page 427


Stufflebeam, Daniel 138 Weishaupt, Horst 155 Suchman, Lucy 78, 302 Weiss, Carol H. 137 Sudnow, David 30, 77, 78, 297 Weiss, Florence 44 Sutter, Helmut 293 Weitzman, Eben A. 269, 276 Sutter, Tilman 295 Welter-Enderlin, Renate 20 Symon, G. 168, 169 Westerlund, Gunnar 134 Szyperski, N. 132 Wetherell, Margaret 308, 309 Wetterer, Angelika 125 Tagg, John 233 Wever, Ulrich 132 Taubitz, Hans-Peter 134 Weyman, Ansgar 349 Taylor, Steven J. 201 Whyte, William F. 4, 5, 37, 38, 154, 196, 222, 338 Terhart, Ewald 185 Widdicombe, Sue 302, 308 Tesch, Renata 276 Widmer, Jens 73 Thierau, Heike 137 Wiedemann, Peter 168 Thomas, William 365, 376 Wieder, Don L. 77 Thompson, Edward P. 119 Wieviorka, Michel 170 Todorov, Thomas 327 Wikan, Unni 51 Torres, Rosalie T. 137, 141 Wiley, Norbert 83 Toulmin, Stephen 45 Williams, Frederick 244, 245 Trice, H. M. 134 Williams, Raymond 25, 35, 119, 120, 122 Trinh, T. Mi-Ha 238, 239–40 Willis, Paul 16, 35–9, 119, 216 Tripet, Lise 44 Wilson, Thomas P. 5, 140 Türk, Klaus 130 Windolf, Paul 267 Turner, Roy 297 Wingens, Michael 349 Turner, Stephen 134 Winnicott, Donald W. 44 Winograd, Terry 277 Ulich, Dieter 148, 267 Winter, Rainer 120, 121 Ulich, Eberhard 130 Wirth, U. 159 Ulmer, B. 305 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 55, 76, 296–7 Umiker-Sebeok, Jean 162 Wittkowski, J. 267 Wittmann, H. H. 138 van Cott, H. P. 133 Witzel, Andreas 205, 255 van der Does, S. 236 Wolcott, Harry F. 227 van Dijk, Teun 268 Wolff, Kurt H. 74, 324 Van Maanen, John 328, 343 Wolff, Stephan 139, 228, 246, 287, 302, 326, van Mierlo, M. 236 329, 352, 374–5 Vaughan, D. 170 Woods, H. 74 Veyne, Paul 325 Woolgar, Steve 88, 287 Vidich, Arthur 338–9 Wootton, Anthony 25 Volmerg, Birgit 44, 215, 218 Worth, S. 242 Wottawa, Harald 137 Waletzky, J. 260 Wulf, Christoph 91–2, 93 Walkerdine, Valerie 311 Wundt, Wilhelm 96 Warren, Caroll A. 358 Waterman, Robert H. 130 Zavala, A. 133 Webb, Eugene J. 174, 178 Zeisel, Hans 4–5, 59 Webb, R. 340–2, 348 Zimbardo, Paul G. 129, 132 Weber, Max 26, 68, 97, 99, 104, 203, 349, 366 Zimmerman, Donald H. 77 Weidmann, Reiner 44 Zinser, Hartmut 44 Weilenmann, M. 44 Znaniecki, Florian 365, 376 Weingarten, Elmar 74, 297, 337 Flick Subject-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:20 PM Page 428

Subject Index

abduction 8, 145, 159–64 collective orientations 216–17, 218–19 abductive inference 18, 322 colonialism 233 abnormalities 25–6 communication studies 54 access 166–7, 195–202, 351 communicative experience 218 action processes 8 communicative validation 141, 185, 189 action research 59, 135, 141–2 community sociology 376 active texts 287, 288 comparative analysis 25, 147, 220–1 alter ego 68–9, 95, 96 complementarity 175 ambivalence 199–200 computer-assisted analysis 276–83, 379–80 Anglo-Saxon debate 215–16, 358 confessional description 328 ATLAS.ti 152, 269, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 361, 380 confidentiality 200 authenticity 166, 185 conjunctive experience 218, 219 avant-garde 110 constructivism 5, 66, 88–94, 140 axial coding 271–3 constructs abduction 163 between-method triangulation 178–9, 180–1 first/second degree 96–7, 100 bibliographies 377 gender 125–6, 127 biographical interviews 205, 206–7, 226, 259–65 see also social constructs biographical research 10, 66, 101–7, 147 consultancy 352–3 classic studies 376–7 content analysis 132, 133, 194, 266–9, 288 mimesis 93–4 context 8 organizations 133–4 cultural studies 120, 121 bi-sexuality 125, 126 documents 288–9 bottom-up procedures 168 genre analysis 305 bricoleurs 54 contingence 102 convergence 174–5, 182–3 Cartesianism 260, 261 conversation analysis 10, 29–34, 77, 79, case construction 165–71 296–302, 308 case-groups 167 classic studies 376 case selection 165–7 document analysis 286–8 case studies 9, 99, 129, 132, 147, 169, 324 genre analysis 304 case triangulation 181–2 socio-linguistic 218–19 Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies transcription 247–52, 299 (CCCS) 35–9, 118–19, 216 triangulation 181 Chicago School 38, 53 conversion narratives 305 clinical interviews 204–5 cosmion 104 clinical sociology 352 credibility 184 clustered samples 168 crisis experiments 4, 32–3, 77 Code-a-Text 379 cultural reproduction 38 codified methods 188, 189 cultural studies 10, 35–9, 54, 66, 118–22, 224 coding 19–22, 152, 360, 361 culture computer-assisted analysis 279–82 Geertz 47, 48–51 grounded theory 270–5 organizational analysis 130–1, 134–6 interpretative 216 programs 356 damage avoidance 337–9 semi-structured interviews 253, 254, 255–6 data analysis 193 transcription distinction 249 documentation 187 coherence 103, 190 electronic process data 246–7 cohorts 109, 111 semi-structured interviews 253–8 Flick Subject-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:20 PM Page 429


data portfolio 343 explicit descriptive conflicts 288 data protection 361 explicit triangulation 180–1 deconstruction 26, 56 exploratory studies 169 deduction 18, 159–64 eye dialect 250 deep structure hermeneutics 10, 313–20 design 146–52 fairness dilemma 209 determinism 17 the field 193 dilemma interviews 204 ways into 195–202 discourse, systems of 85 see also ethnography discourse analysis 308–12 films 53, 54, 56, 179, 237–42 discourse theory 125–6 hermeneutics 313–14, 316–19 discursive essay 343 interpretation 377 discursive psychology 312 focused interviews 204, 205–6 divergence 175–6, 182–3 focus groups 193, 214–21 documentary film 238–9 focusing metaphors 217, 219 documents 187 formal organizations 131 analysis 284–9 formative evaluation 139, 140 electronic process data 245–6 frame analysis 26, 27, 28 double hermeneutics 27, 127 Frankfurt Institute 60, 214, 315 double socialization 125 game theory 25 ego 40, 41, 42–3, 316 GAT 248, 250–1 electronic process data/analysis 244–7 gatekeepers 166, 170–1, 199, 226 emails 244, 245 gender embarrassment 211 cultural studies 121 emergence 102 photography 233 empathy, interviews 211 symbolic interactionism 83 epistemology 8, 11, 366 gender studies 66, 123–8 constructivism 89 generalization 161, 324 gender studies 123–4 generalization goals 150 ocular 239–40 generation research 66, 108–12 essentialism 308–9 generative model 126 ethics 117, 201, 227, 334–9, 351 generative questions 149–50 The Ethnograph 361, 379 generative rules 292 ethnography 4, 5, 10, 222–30, 355, 356 genre analysis 303–7 classic studies 376 grand theory 366 cultural studies 121 grounded theory 15, 17–23, 148, 256, 357, Denzin 54, 55–7 360, 365–7 field access 196–7 computer-assisted analysis 283 life-world analysis 113–17 description 362 openness 8 sampling 169 photography 238 text analysis 270–5 postmodernism 185 group discussions 133, 214–21 samples 168 group opinion 215 snapshots 148 triangulation 180–1 habitus 26, 319 Willis 35–9 haecceitas 79 ethnology 45, 49–51, 324 hermeneutics 6, 7, 66, 95–100, 102, 194, 355 ethnomedicine 72 deep structure 10, 313–20 ethnomethodology 5, 10, 29–34, 65, 72–80, 308 double 27, 127 classic studies 376 life-worlds 115 documents 286 see also objective hermeneutics ethnomethods 4 hermeneutic sociology 290–5 ethnopsychoanalysis 10, 40–6, 376 heuristic framework 280 ethnoscience 72 HIAT system 249, 250–1 evaluation criteria 185–6, 189 Hobbesian Problem 29 evaluation research 66, 137–42, 361 Hyper Research 361, 379 examinations 344 hypertexts 329 explicating content analysis 268–9 hypotheses 149, 153–8, 365–6 Flick Subject-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:20 PM Page 430


id 40, 41, 316 leading generation types 110–11 immune reactions 199 life-plans 313–15 implicit descriptive conflicts 288 life-worlds 3, 7, 65, 66, 67–71, 97–8, 104–5 implicit knowledge 24 ethnography 113–17 impressionistic description 328 small 5, 70, 71, 98, 224–5 independence 184–5 utilization research 351 independent action systems 201–2 longitudinal studies 148, 360 induction 18, 159–64, 189 looking-glass self 95 inductive category formation 268 informal organizations 131 macro-strategies 162 information sources 187 MAXqda 276, 277, 282, 361, 380 informed consent 201, 334–7 meaning-making 103–4, 106 institutionalization 357 media 82, 121, 305, 306 interaction ethology 24 medical sociology 377 interaction process analysis 31 membership categorization device 287, 288 interpretation 193 metaphors 25 art of 321–5 meta-schema 28 case 257 methodological stupidity 323, 324 conversation analysis 218–19 methodological triangulation 178–81 evaluation research 141 methodology 6–7 films 240–1, 377 micro-logical analysis 106 group discussion 220–1 microscopic analysis 21 interviews 347 milieu theory 98 interpretative paradigm 116, 215, 218 mimesis 91–4 interpretivism 55 missing data 286 inter-subject comprehensibility 186–8 myths 134, 310 intersubjectivity biographies 104 narrative interviews 8, 204, 206–7, 226, 259–65 focus groups 218 narratives 376–7 objective hermeneutics 294 mimesis 93–4 replicability 360 narrative turn 85 interviews 194 naturalistic behaviorism 55 as an activity 209–13 naturalistic observation 24–5 conduct 346 NUD•IST 152, 277, 280, 361, 379 episodic 345 N-Vivo 276 interpretation 347 narrative 8, 204, 206–7, 226, 259–65 objective hermeneutics 6, 8, 10, 148, 149, objective chance 322–3 290–5, 376 organizational analysis 132–3 objectivity 184, 186 overview 203–8 observation 193 semi-structured 253–8 field 222–30 situation validation 185 naturalistic 24–5 stage directions 212–13 see also participant observation transcription 152, 254 Oedipal conflict 41, 42 investigator triangulation 178, 179 onion principle 248 in-vivo codes 271, 280 open coding 271, 294–5 open questions 8, 132–3, 253, 360–1 journals 375, 377–9 open texts 288 organizational analysis 66, 129–36, 168, 361 knowledge other-understanding 95–6 construction 89–90 descriptive 362–3 participant observation 193, 222–4 hermeneutic sociology 290–5 classic studies 375 implicit 24 cultural studies 37 nature of 351 Malinowski 196 obtaining 132–6 organizational analysis 133 prior 153–8, 197, 235–6 see also ethnography social science 90–1 peer de-briefing 187 as text 91 personal crises 211–12 transmission 363–4 phase-model 172, 173–4 Flick Subject-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:20 PM Page 431


phenomenology 5 reflexivity cont. life-worlds 67–71, 116 ethnomethodology 75–6 understanding 95–6 film 239 phonetic transcription 250 focus groups 219–20 photo elicitation method 236 methodology 357 photography 179, 231–6, 237–42 presentation 327 pluralism, Goffman 25 relativism 48, 52 polar unit 110 relevance 190 postgraduates 348, 380 reliability 184, 186, 217–18 postmodernism 22, 45, 185, 357–8 replicability Denzin 56 focus groups 215, 217–18 photography 232 intersubjectivity 360 presentation 328 representation pragmatism 17, 84, 227 crisis 358 presentation 193, 194, 326–30, 356 document analysis 287–8 electronic process data 246 politics of 85 essayistic form 324 representational goals 150 systematic form 324 research project 344, 347 prior knowledge 153–8, 197, 235–6 research questions 149–50 prior understanding 187 resistance 41, 120 process use 140 resources 151–2, 373–80 protective behaviour 211, 212 retrospective studies 147 psychoanalysis 5, 6, 60, 325 ritual model 25 deep-structure hermeneutics 315–16, roles 317, 319 distribution 323 ethnopsychoanalysis 10, 40–6, 376 interviews 211, 212 psychology, discourse analysis 309, 311, 312 participant observation 223

quality criteria 184–90, 356–7 sampling 165–71 quantitative induction 161 grounded theory 275 quantitative methods 4, 8–9, 184 induction 161 computer-assisted 280–2 strategy 188 content analysis 269 theoretical 21, 168, 169–70, 182 qualitative integration 172–7 score format 250 see also triangulation selective coding 273–4 questionnaires 132–3 selective sampling 169 self-creation 104–6 race self-determination 110 cultural studies 121 self-presentation dilemma 209 symbolic interactionism 83 self-reflexivity 97–9 radical constructivism 89–90 self-understanding 95–6 random sampling 168 semiology 309 reader reception 310 semi-structured interviews 253–8 realistic presentation 328 sense-making 102–4, 106 realist readings 240, 241 sequential analysis 26–7, 291 reality 105, 327 sequentiality 246–7 receptive groups 110 short-cut strategies 152, 361 reconstruction 94 situational realization, genres 305–6 case 261–5 small life-worlds 5, 70, 71, 98, 224–5 principles 110–11 snapshots 148 social constructs 116–17 snowball sampling 168 recording 151, 355–6 social constructs 90, 185, 328 ethnomethodology 31, 32 evaluation research 138 fear of 210 gender 124, 125, 126–7 genre analysis 304 photography 233 naturalistic observation 25 reconstruction 116–17 redirected generation types 110–11 social milieux 306 reflexive utilization 352 social order 29–30, 160 reflexivity social processes, organization as 131–2 ethnography 227 social reality 6, 7, 88–9, 92, 139 Flick Subject-index.qxd 3/19/04 2:20 PM Page 432


social systems, the field as 197–9 theoretical codes 255, 256, 270–5, 279 sociography, classic studies 376 theoretical memos 271 standardization 150–1, 218, 356, 359–60 theoretical sampling 21, 168, 169–70, 182 stratified samples 168 theory formation 365–8 structural category 124–5 thick description 3, 7, 47–52, 113, 115, 117 structural functionalism 28, 72 top-down procedures 168 structuralism 5, 260 total institutions 4, 26, 350 structural opacity 200–1 trajectories 22 structuration 82 transcription 151 structure interviews 204 conversation analysis 248–52, 299 structuring content analysis 269 documents 288 studies of work 77–9, 352 genre analysis 304 subjectivity 69, 104, 190 interviews 152, 254 subsumption 160–1 rules 187, 188 subsumption-logical 26 transference 41, 274–5 subversive readings 240–1 triangulation 59, 173, 174, 178–83, 185 summarizing content analysis 268 of data 178, 179 summative evaluation 139, 140 of data sets 182 super-ego 40, 42 evaluation research 141 suppressed generation types 110–11 generalization 150 survey-feedback approach 135 sampling 168 surveys, quantifying 257 of theories 178, 181 symbolic interactionism 5, 17, 65–6, 81–7, 102, 316 tribalism 134 classic studies 375 turn-taking 220, 301 Denzin 53, 55 typologies 279–80 symposium 343–4 synoptic analysis 278–9, 281 uses-and-gratifications approach 121–2 systematic triangulation 181 utilization of research 349–53 system theory, gender 125 vagueness 209, 219–20 taboos 134 validation teaching qualitative research 340–8, 380 communicative 141, 185, 189 technology presentation 329–30 coding programs 356 triangulation 178–9 computer-assisted analysis 276–83, 379–80 validity 166, 184, 186, 363 electronic process data/analysis 244–7 abduction 164 genre analysis 306 conversation analysis 300 Internet sources 377–9 document analysis 287 presentation 329 focus groups 215, 217–18 text analysis 270–5 objective hermeneutics 290 texts 8, 102–3 video 237–42 cultural studies 35 visual sociology 231–6, 237–42 document analysis 284–9 life-plans 313–15 within-method triangulation 178, 179–80 mimesis 91–4 workplace studies 78–9 presentation 326–9 world-making 91–2, 93, 104–6 reading 323–4 world-migrants 105 reality as 327 world-view 27, 49 scientific knowledge 91 writing world-making 91–2, 93 ethnography 227–9 see also individual methods presentation 328 thematic field analysis 263

Indexes by Caroline Eley