Miocene Low-Angle Normal Faulting and Dike Emplacement, Homer Mountain and Surrounding Areas, Southeastern California and Southernmost Nevada
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Miocene low-angle normal faulting and dike emplacement, Homer Mountain and surrounding areas, southeastern California and southernmost Nevada JON E. SPENCER* U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefleld Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 ABSTRACT tions, differed radically from the state of that collectively accommodated as much as 50% stress in the upper plate, as inferred from to 100% extension of upper-plate rocks (Ander- Homer Mountain and surrounding regions fault geometry. Low-angle faulting and east- son, 1971). In many areas, normal faults within are within, or adjacent to, the western part of northeast-west-southwest distension of up- upper-plate rocks merge with, or are truncated a broad region of low-angle normal faults ex- per-plate rocks reflect regional reduction of by, a basal, subhorizontal fault often referred to posed within the lower Colorado River compression in the east-northeast-west- as a "detachment fault" (for example, see Davis trough. During middle Miocene time, upper- southwest direction and associated large- and others, 1980). The term "detachment fault" plate rocks in the Homer, Sacramento, Dead, scale east-northeast-west-southwest crustal is used here to indicate a low-angle normal fault and Newberry Mountains moved eastward or extension. In contrast, concave-upward flex- that formed at a low angle (for example, Wer- northeastward, relative to the lower plate, ure of the lower plate, in response to tectonic nicke and others, 1984; Reynolds and Spsncer, above single or multiple low-angle normal denudation and resultant isostatic uplift, is in- 1985). The interpretation that detachment faults faults. Deposition of coarse clastic sedimen- ferred to have produced local subhorizontal are rooted faults that accommodate crustal ex- tary rocks occurred during extensional fault- compression at shallow crustal levels in the tension (Wernicke, 1981; Howard and John, ing and was accompanied by, and closely lower plate that overwhelmed the regional 1983; Davis and others, 1983; Allmendinger followed by, eruption of basaltic volcanics. extensional stress and prevented emplace- and others, 1983) is accepted here. Upper-plate fault blocks of Miocene volcanic ment of dikes oriented perpendicular to the Within areas of low-angle normal faulting, and sedimentary irocks and older, underlying direction of regional extension. North-south upper-plate rocks are generally tilted in one crystalline rocks sire tilted gently to steeply to crustal extension during dike emplacement dominant direction over areas that range from the west or southwest. Low-angle normal appears to have resulted from minor diver- hundreds to thousands of square kilometres. The faults have complex, sinuous traces due to the gence of lower-plate crustal blocks as they transport direction of upper-plate rocks, relative irregular form of fault surfaces. Antiformal were displaced in a west-southwest direction to lower-plate rocks, was usually in the direction warping and uplifnt of the lower plate about a away from the Colorado Plateau. opposite to the tilt direction of upper-plate fault north-south trending axis, due to tectonic blocks. On the basis of tilt directions and other denudation and isostatic rebound, divided the INTRODUCTION criteria, upper-plate rocks are inferred to have regionally east-thickening extensional alloch- moved in an east-northeast direction, relative to thon into separate synformal and wedge- The northern part of the Colorado River the lower plate, in all areas of the northern Colo- shaped components. The Homer Mountain trough, extending for -200 km from the Eldo- rado River trough except the northern Eldorado area lies within, c>r adjacent to, the synformal rado and northern Black Mountains southward and northern Black Mountains where tilt direc- component. through the Whipple, Buckskin, and Rawhide tions suggest westward displacement of lpper- Lower-plate rocks are intruded by numer- Mountains, is a zone of major middle Tertiary plate rocks. ous, middle Miocene, east-west-trending low-angle normal faulting. Low-angle faults, ex- The origin of large-scale warps of detachment dikes, which are in turn intruded by subhori- posed in every range along the west side of the fault surfaces is not completely understood. In zontal dikes. Both sets of dikes are cut and Colorado River in the northern Colorado River the northern Colorado River trough, the : rregu- displaced by low-angle normal faults except trough, place moderately to steeply tilted, mid- lar, undulatory shape of detachment fault sur- on the west flank of the Newberry Mountains dle Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks and faces reflects interference between two sets of where an east-west-trending dike cuts the Mesozoic and Precambrian crystalline rocks approximately perpendicular folds or warps basal low-angle normal fault. K-Ar geochro- over Phanerozoic and Proterozoic plutonic and (Davis and others, 1980; Frost, 1981; Cameron nologic and field data establish the approxi- metamorphic rocks. These faults are inferred to and Frost, 1981) and/or original irregularities of mate synchroneiity of dike emplacement and be normal faults because they juxtapose upper- fault surfaces (John, 1984). Large, broad warps low-angle faulting. The state of stress in the crustal rocks (including, in many cases, syntec- with axes perpendicular to fault-movement di- lower plate, as inferred from dike orienta- tonic clastic sedimentary rocks) with underlying rection appear to be primarily the proc.uct of igneous and metamorphic rocks that evidently isostatic rebound accompanying and imme- acquired some of their characteristics at middle- diately following tectonic denudation (Rehrig *Present address: Arizona Bureau of Geology and crustal depths. Upper-plate rocks may be cut by Mineral Technolog]', 845 North Park Avenue, Tuc- and Reynolds, 1980; Howard and others, son, Arizona 85719. numerous listric and/or planar normal faults 1982a, 1982b; Spencer, 1982, 1984). Shorter Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 1140-1155, 12 figs., 1 table, September 1985. 1140 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/96/9/1140/3419452/i0016-7606-96-9-1140.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 FAULTING AND DIKE EMPLACEMENT, CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA 1141 Figure 1. Simplified geologic map of the Homer Mountain area. Dashed line indicates approximate location of breakaway fault beneath Quaternary alluvium. wavelength (3-12 km), foldlike irregularities stress remains perpendicular to the walls of the are potential indicators of the orientation of of uncertain age and origin have axes parallel dikes. Rehrig and Heidrick (1976) used the principal stresses responsible for warping of de- to the east-northeast direction of upper-plate geometry of intrusive bodies in Arizona to infer tachment faults. displacement. the direction of least compressive stress during This paper results from a field and K-Ar Study of dikes and dike swarms is a relatively both the late Mesozoic-early Tertiary Laramide geochronologic study of the Homer Mountain simple method of constraining the orientations orogeny and middle Tertiary crustal extension. area in the western part of the northern Colo- of the principal stresses at the time of dike em- Their results are consistent with stress orienta- rado River trough that was directed at under- placement. Field, experimental, and theoretical tions inferred from the geometry of faults that standing the temporal and mechanical relation- studies all indicate that dikes adjust their course formed during Laramide and middle Tertiary ships between detachment faulting, fault-surface of propagation so that the minimum principal tectonism. Dikes in areas of detachment faulting irregularities, and dike swarms. The study area Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/96/9/1140/3419452/i0016-7606-96-9-1140.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 1142 J. E. SPENCER Figure 2. Simplified geologic map of the southern end of the Piute Range. See Figure 1 for location. Geology from Spencer and Turner (1985). includes Homer Mountain, the southern end of pioneering study by Longwell (1945). Recon- distribution of rock types and faults in the south- the Piute Range, the northern Sacramento naissance mapping by geologists of the Southern ern Eldorado, Newberry, and northern Dead Mountains, and parts of the Dead and Newberry Pacific Land Company in the late 1950s re- Mountains. Mountains (Fig. 1). All of these ranges have vealed the great extent and the complex, irregu- Davis and others (1980) documented, many been strongly affected by middle Miocene de- lar form of detachment faults along the west side of the distinctive characteristics of detachment tachment faulting and/or dike emplacement. of the northern Colorado River trough. The faults in their study of the Whipple-Buekskin- This study outlines the lithologies and structures Southern Pacific geologists recognized most of Rawhide Mountains area, and they compiled of the Homer Mountain area and presents K-Ar the geologic relationships and the distribution of and simplified the mapping of the Southern Pa- geochronologic data that constrain the timing of rock types in the Homer Mountain area. Unfor- cific geologists and their own mapping of areas faulting, sedimer.tation, volcanism, and dike tunately, they did not publish the results of their of detachment faulting along the northern Colo- emplacement. Mechanical analysis of processes investigation, and although their maps were rado River trough. This